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4 Frictional forces 10 Thermodynamics Of Gases t

Limiting static friction Fr = Ps R 10.1 Heat Capacity CR
V = Vo e ; Io =
where P s = coefficient of static friction Specific heat capacity, c
Time constant 2 = CR
between the surface areas, R = normal
Molar heat capacity, C mx c
reaction m 14 Electric Current
(where m= mass of substance, c Current I = dQ = nAve
8 Deformation Of Solids = specific heat capacity, C = heat capacity) dt
8.1 Stress and Strain 10.2 Work Done by a Gas Current density, J = I/A
F e v2
Power P = VI = I2R = V
Stress =
(Nmï2), Strain =
(no unit) W ³
10.3 First Law of Thermodynamics RA
where F = force, A = cross-sectional area, 5HVLVWLYLW\ !
'Q 'U W "
e = extension, l 0 = original length (where 'Q = heat energy supplied, 'U
1 ne 2W
8.2 Force-Extension Graph and Stress-Strain = increase in internal energy, W = work done &RQGXFWLYLW\ 1 =
Graph by gas)
U m
F 10.4 Isothermal and Adiabatic Changes Temperature coefficient of resistance,
<RXQJ·V PRGXOXV Stress A Fl 0 C p.m D = (R ² R0)/R0T
Strain e Ae Cv,m CV ,m R J
CV ,m 15 Direct Current Circuits
f 2 f Emf E = I (R + r )
(unit:Nmï2, dimensions MLï1Tï2) C p ,m R CV ,m R
+RRN·V /DZ F = ke 2 2 E R r
Ratio of principal molar heat capacities =
8.3 Strain Energy V R
Work done, GW FGx C p ,m f 2 .LUFKKRII¶V /DZ ™, ™ ,5 ™(
Work done / Stress energy = 1 Fe C V ,m 2
2 16 Magnetic Fields
11 Heat Transfer Fm = qvB sin
9 Kinetic Theory Of Gases 11.1 Conduction = BI " sin
9.1 Ideal Gas Equation Magnetic field due to current
dQ dT
Gay- kA where P I
/XVVDF·V dt dx For a straight wire, B = o
%R\OH·V /DZ Law or k = thermal conductivity ( Wm 1 K 1 )
Law Po NI
Pressure A = cross-sectional area ( m 2 ) For a circular coil, B =
Law dT temperature gradient ( Km 1 ) 2r
For a solenoid, B onI
V1 V2 p1 p2 dx
p1V1 p2V2
T1 T2 T1 T2 Thermal resistance = l where For two parallel conductors, force per unit length
Ideal Gas Equation
l= length of rod = o12
k= thermal conductivity " 2Sd
pV nRT pV nkT A= cross-sectional area Torque on a coil = = IBAN
23 1 11.2 Convection / 11.3 Radiation / 11.4 Global BI
(k=Boltzmann constant, 1.38 x 10 JK Hall voltage VH =
warming nte
9.2 Pressure of a Gas Stefan ² Botzman law:
1 1 P = eVAT 4, Pnet = eVA(T 4 ² T0 4) 17 Electromagnetic Induction
p U c 2 or p nm c 2 Magnetic flux - %$FRV
3 3
12 Electrostatics Faraday Law, E = -
9.3 Molecular Kinetic Energy dt
Average translational kinetic energy of &RXORPE·V /DZ )e = Q1Q2 Induced emf, E = B"v straight conductor
the random motion 4SH 0 r 2 E ŒR2fB rotating disc
m c2 kT F
2 2 Electric field strength E = dI
Translational kinetic energy per mole on an q E=-L ; L = self inductance
ideal gas = RT *DXVV·V /DZ ™4 H0 · · ($ 1- = LI
Q PN 2 A
For a point charge Q, E= Self inductance for a solenoid , L =
9.4 The R.M.S. Speed of Gas Molecules 4SH0 r 2 Energy stored in an inductor , E = ½ LI2
3kT or
c r.m.s. c2 Q
m V = 18 Alternating Current Circuits
4SH 0 r Capacitor in ac circuit,
cr.m.s. c dV r V =Vosin Œft
m E =-
F 9 - ³fEdx I = Io cos Œft = Io sin Œft +
9.5 Degrees of Freedom and Law of 2
Equipartition of Energy 13 Capacitors Vo 1
Reactance Xc = =
Average total energy of a molecule with f Energy stored in capacitor, Io 2SfC
degrees of freedom = f ( kT )
1 E = ½ CV2 = ½QV = ½ Q2/C Inductor in ac circuit,
2 E I = Io sin 2Œft
Charging capacitor: Io =
9.6 Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas R S
ª 1 º f f V =Vo cos 2Œft = Vo sin(2Œft + )
U N A « f ( kT )» ( N A k )T RT t t t 2
¬ 2 ¼ 2 2 I I o e CR CR CR Vo
; Q = Qo(1- e ); V = E (1- e ) Reactance XL = ŒfL
v mp v av v rms and the ratio
v mp : v av : v rms Discharging capacitor : I = Ioe CR ; Q = Qo e
is 1.00 : 1.13 : 1.23 t
CR ;

TERM 3 20 Wave Motion 23 Wave Optics
19 Oscillations 1 x Interference O
For SHM, ïa = Z 2 x ( Z 2 = positive constant) Period, T v fO I 2S ( )
f O D
F = ï kx ( k = positive constant) O
2S where f = frequency, v = velocity, O= 6LQJOH VOLW GLIIUDFWLRQ VLQ
for 1st minimum
Angular frequency, Z wavelength, I = phase difference
T 'LIIUDFWLRQ JUDWLQJ G VLQ n Q ; highest order nmax
Period, T = 1/f Equation of progressive wave d

Displacement, x x0 sinZt x 2S O
y a sin(Zt r x) intensity of transmitted polarized wave I = Io cos2
dx O
Velocity, v Zx0 cos Zt (+) for negative Ox=direction and Speed of light c =
dt (-) for positive Ox-direction H o Po
Acceleration, a Z 2 x0 sin Zt Z 2t 1
Wave Intensity, I v a2 v 2 Interference O
2 2 r D
Velocity, v rZ x0 x (where I = intensity, a = amplitude, r =radius O
Total energy, E = U + K of sphere) a
1 Principle of Superposition: 'LIIUDFWLRQ JUDWLQJ G VLQ Q highest order nmax
mZ 2 ( x02 x 2 )
Kinetic Energy, K = Displacement of y at the point due to two
2 d
waves, y y1 y2 ”
1 O
Internal Energy, U = mZ 2 x 2 Standing wave equation intensity of transmitted polarized wave I = Io cos2
2 2S
1 y (2a cos x) sin Zt
Total energy, E = mZ 2 x02 O 24 Quantum Physics
dU 2 21 Sound Waves Energy of photon E = hf =
Force, F = ï = ï mZ x O
dx Fundamental frequency
Spring-mass system , Along a stretched spring
v 1 1 T (unit: Hz) hf = W + 1 mv max
2 where
m e f0 2
Period, T = 2S 2S 2l 2l 2l P work function W = hfo ; fo = threshold frequency
k g
v v 1 2 = eV ; V = stopping potential
Vibrating air column, f 0 mv max s s
l O0 4l 2
Simple pendulum, T 2S
g v v h h
Tube open at both ends, f 0 de Broglie wavelength: =
p mv
1 g O0 2l
Simple pendulum, f
2S l Intensity level, E
25 Nuclear Physics
10 log10 dB
(l = length of pendulum, I0 Work function, hf = Ef - Ei
g = acceleration due to gravity)
(where I = intensity of sound, hc
1 k Shortest wavelength, min =
Spring-mass system, f I0 1 u 10 12
Wm 2) eV
2S m %UDJJ¶V /DZ: 2d sin = n
(k = force constant, m = mass of load Beat Frequency, f ( f1 f2 ) E = mc2 ; m = mass defect
Torsional pendulum, T 2S I Doppler Effect: dN ln2
Radioactivity, - ON ; Half life T½ =
C Apparent frequency, v r u0 dt O
f' ( )f
v # us N = No e- W 1 n
= ( ) No where n = no of half life
22 Geometrical Optics Reaction energy, Q = [(Mx + mx) (My + my)]c2
refraction at curved surface,
n1 n2 n 2 - n1
u v r
1 n 1 1
OHQV PDNHU¶V IRUPXOD, ( 2 - 1 )( )
f n1 r1 r2
1 1 1
lens formula,
f u v

STPM Physics Syllabus


1 Physical Quantities And Units 12 Electrostatics 19 Oscillations
1.1 Base Units and SI Units / &RXORPE·V ODZ 19.1 Characteristics of simple harmonic
1.2 Dimensions of Physical Quantities 12.2 Electric field motion
1.3 Scalar and Vectors *DXVV·V ODZ 19.2 Kinematics of simple harmonic motion
1.4 Uncertainties in measurements 12.4 Electric potential 19.3 Energy in simple harmonic motion
19.4 Systems in simple harmonic motion
2 Kinematics And Dynamics 13 Capacitors 19.5 Damped oscillations
2.1 Linear motion 13.1 Capacitance 19.6 Forced oscillations and resonance
2.2 Projectile 13.2 Parallel plate capacitors
13.3 Dielectrics 20 Wave Motion
3 Dynamics 13.4 Capacitors in series and in parallel 20.1 Progressive waves
1HZWRQ·V ODZV RI PRWLRQ 13.5 Energy stored in a charged capacitor 20.2 Wave intensity
3.2 Linear momentum and its conservation 13.6 Charging and discharging of a capacitor 20.3 Principle of superposition
3.3 Elastic and Non-Elastic Collisions 20.4 Standing waves
3.4 Centre of mass 14 Electric Current 20.5 Electromagnetic waves
3.5 Frictional forces 14.1 Conduction of electricity
14.2 Drift velocity 21 Sound Waves
4 Work, Energy And Power 14.3 Current density 21.1 Propagation of sound waves
4.1 Work 14.4 Electric conductivity and resistivity 21.2 Sources of sound
4.2 Potential energy and kinetic energy 21.3 Intensity level of sound
4.3 Power 15 Direct Current Circuits 21.4 Beat
3.4 Efficiency 15.1 Internal resistance 21.5 Doppler effect
5 Circular Motion 15.3 Potential divider 22 Geometrical Optics
5.1 Angular displacement and angular 15.4 Potentiometer and Wheatstone bridge 22.1 Spherical mirrors
velocity 22.2 Refraction at spherical surfaces
5.2 Centripetal acceleration 16 Magnetic Fields 22.3 Thin lenses
5.3 Centripetal force 16.1 Concept of a magnetic field
16.2 Force on a moving charge 23 Wave Optics
6 Gravitation 16.3 Force on a current carrying conductor +X\JHQV·V SULQFLSOH
1HZWRQ·V ODZ RI XQLYHUVDO JUDYLWDWLRQ 16.4 Magnetic fields due to currents 23.2 Interference
6.2 Gravitational field 16.5 Force between two current-carrying 23.3 Two-slit interference pattern
6.3 Gravitational potential conductors 23.4 Interference in a thin film
6.4 Satellite motion in a circular orbit 16.6 Determination of the ratio e/m 23.5 Diffraction by a single slit
6.5 Escape velocity 16.7 Hall effect 23.6 Diffraction gratings
23.7 Polarisation
7 Statics 17 Electromagnetic Induction 23.8 Optical waveguides
7.1 Equilibrium of particles 17.1 Magnetic flux
7.2 Closed polygon )DUDGD\·V ODZ DQG /HQ]·V ODZ 24 Quantum Physics
7.3 Equilibrium of a rigid body 17.3 Self induction 24.1 Photons
7.4 Frictional forces 17.4 Energy stored in an inductor 24.2 Wave-particle duality
17.5 Mutual induction 24.3 Atomic structure
8 Deformation Of Solids 24.4 X-rays
8.1 Stress and Strain 18 Alternating Current Circuits 24.5 Nanoscience
8.2 Force-Extension Graph and Stress-Strain 18.1 Alternating current through a resistor
Graph 18.2 Alternating current through an inductor 25 Nuclear Physics
8.3 Strain Energy 18.3 Alternating current through a capacitor 25.1 Nucleus
18.4 R-C and R-L circuits in series 25.2 Radioactivity
9 Kinetic Theory Of Gases 25.3 Nuclear reactions
9.1 Ideal Gas Equation
9.2 Pressure of a Gas
9.3 Molecular Kinetic Energy
9.4 The R.M.S. Speed of Gas Molecules
9.5 Degrees of Freedom and Law of
Equipartition of Energy
9.6 Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas

10 Thermodynamics Of Gases
10.1 Heat Capacity
10.2 Work Done by a Gas
10.3 First Law of Thermodynamics
10.4 Isothermal and Adiabatic Changes

11 Heat Transfer
11.1 Conduction
11.2 Convection / 11.3 Radiation / 11.4 Global

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