Jose Paolo L Olan Bsed Iv Socsci Rizal Lesson 2 1

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1.1 Nationalism is a sense of loyalty or psychological attachment members of nation
share, based on a common language, history, culture and desire for independence.
At some point Nationalism can be also a negative in terms of how it drives the
people together. Example if all people believe in something that not even proven
the unity of them can destroy its society. There`s still a lot of mistake that can be
driven by this idea mostly in political issues.
1.2 Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and
equality before the law. ... Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of
Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists.
Liberalism is based on the philosophical argument that maintaining a person's right to
life , liberty and property is the ultimate objective of government. As a result, the
liberals emphasize the well-being of the citizen as the basic building block of a just
political system.
1.3 Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion,
especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of
other territories and peoples.
Its ultimately powered by great nation. Ruling the life they want and obtaining what
they think can improve their nation. Imperialism, in its simplest form, can be described
by the dictionary of human geography as 'the formation and maintenance of unequal
economic, cultural and territorial relations, typically between states and sometimes in
the form of empires, based on dominance and subordination.
1.4 Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization and innovation that took place
during the late 1700s and early 1800s. ... The American Industrial Revolution commonly
referred to as the second Industrial Revolution, started sometime between 1820 and 1870.
New production methods have been developed and, instead of anything being
handmade, products have been manufactured in factories. When more modern
machines were developed, production became faster and faster. With the advent of
science in the nineteenth century, the Industrial Revolution achieved one of two things:
it changed the way things were made and changed the way people lived.
1.5 Laissez-faire policy government 's non-interference in the conduct of trade and business
Form of style of leadership where the leader is non-existent. A leader who uses a laissez-
faire style of leadership distinguishes himself from the conventional image of a manager
or leader, and encourages workers to make choices or solve issues on their own.

2. The two revolution gave birth to the idea that an individual's loyalty to his nation
and not to the king.  The American revolution gave birth to the United States of
America, while the French revolution led to the overthrowing of the absolute rule of
the Bourbon Dynasty and the abolition of the feudal system.
3. First, nationalism has evolved from a real or imagined cultural unity, manifesting itself in a
common language, history and territory. Second, nationalists have usually sought to turn
this cultural unity into political reality so that the territory of each people coincides with is
state boundaries. Third, nationalists believed that every nation has the right to exist in
freedom and develop its character and spirit. At some point in can be also unjust in
specially in judgment of other people.

4. For the liberals, Laissez-faire policy or government 's non-interference in the conduct of
trade and business has to be sustained for continuous expansion of the economy.
Socialists assert that the government has to control vital industries and resources for
promoting equality of opportunity and people's welfare in society. Communist, suggest
that all factors of production be owned and controlled by the government. Catholic
Church calls for humane treatment of workers, respect for workers’ rights and social
justice for the poor.

a. extension of human rights to many people
b. promotion of higher education for men and women
c. education for nationalism in schools
d. investment in science to serve mankind
e. improvement of public health thru the establishment of numerous hospitals;
f. emergence of realistic literature, depicting the life of the time

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