Construction of Godown at PACS, Ambajipeta

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Construction of Godown at PACS, Ambajipeta

4.34 m 4.19 m 4.04 m 3.96 m

Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2
C1 C1 C1 C1 C1

3.81 m Beam B2 Beam B2

Beam B1 Beam B1 Beam B1

C2 C2
7.70 m
Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2

3.89 m Beam B2
Beam B2

C1 C1 C1
C1 Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2 C1

Columns and Beams Lay out

Column C1 - 0.23 x 0.45 m Main T-Beams Type B1 - C1-C1 - 0.23 x 0.60 m

Column C2 - 0.23 x 0.30 m Cross Beam and Allround Beams Type B2 - 0.23 x 0.30 m

Thickness of the Slab 125 mm

Design of Slab S : - ( Two Way Slab ) 4.34 m

Lx = 3.89 m 97.25
Ly = 4.34 m 126.25

Ly/Lx = 3.89/4.34 = 1.12 <2 3.89 m

Hence, the slab shall be designed as a two way slab
Asuume the thick ness of the slab as 125 mm

Dead load of slab = 0.150x25 = 3.75 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm
Weight of finishings = 0.75 KN/sqm
Total Load 8.50 KN/sqm
Total factored load = 1.5x7.50 = 12.75 KN/sqm

From IS:456-200, for Ly/Lx=1.12 ( Two adjacent edges discontinuous) ,

- ax = 0.054 -ay = 0.047
+ax = 0.041 +ay = 0.035

There fore, Maximum factored B.M.,Mux = (ax)(w)(lx)2

= 0.054x12.75x3.892
= 10.50 KN M
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(12.75*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 61.66654 mm
d provided = 125-25-5 = 95 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 125 mm is OK.

From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 160mm c/c , say 150 mm c/c
Maximum factored B.M.,Muy = (ay)(w)(lx)2
= 0.047x12.75x3.892
= 9.07 KN M
From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 190 mm c/c , say 175 mm c/c

Hence Provide 8mm dia steel at 150 mm c/c as Main Reinforcement and at 180 mm c/c
as distribution Reinforcement
Provide Torsion steel at corners - 8mm dia steel - 5 No. - 0.90 m long as a mat
Design of Beam B1 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 8.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 7.70 m
Length of slab on one side = 4.34 m
Length of slab on other side = 4.19 m
3.81 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x600mm S1 S2

3.89 m

4.34m 4.19m
Load from Slab S1 = 2x(1/2)x(3.89)(3.89/2)x8.50 = = 64.31 KN
Load from Slab S2 = 2x(1/2)x(3.81)(3.81/2)x8.50 = = 61.69 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.60x25x7.70 = 26.57 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x2.70x19x7.70 = 90.85 KN
Load on beam from Slab,Wall and self Weight = 243.42 KN
Load from Cross Beam = 143.42 KN
Total Load = 386.84
Facored Load = 1.50x396.94 = 580.26 KN
Clear Span= 7.70+0.23-0.45-0.45 7.03 m
Factored B.M.due to =WL/12 =1.50*253.52*7.03/12 = 213.91 KNm
Slab,Wall and self Weight

Factored B.M.due to Cross =WL/8 =1.50*143.42*7.03/8 = 126.03 KNm


Total Factored B.M. = 339.94 KNm

Effecive width of flange : bw = 230 mm

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x7.70/6)+0.23+(6x0.125)

= 1.88 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (4.34/2)+(4.19/2)+0.30 = 4.57 m
therefore, bf = 1.88 m
let the depth of the rib be 600mm, then over all depth = 600+125=725 mm
effective depth, d= 600+125-25-20-25-10 = 645.00 mm
Df/d = 125/645= 0.19 & bf/bw = 1880/230= 8.17
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.675
Mulim. = 0.675x230x645 x20/10 =
2 6
1291.76 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From chart14, for Mu/b = 339.94/0.23= 1478.00 KNm/m, & for d=645 mm
d'/d = 35/645 = 0.0543 Say 0.05 & Mu/bd2= 3.552671
From Table 50of SP16,100As/bd=1.20 1.20 Mu/bd2=
As = 1.20x230x645/100 = 1780.20 sqmm
No. of 20mm dia bars required = 5.67 No.s
Hence provide 6 No.s of 20mm dia bars. 1884

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 645 mm & % of steel, pt = 1.27
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2= 1.50x386.84*7.03/7.70/2 = 264.89 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =264.89x1000/(230x645) = 1.79 N/sqmm
< Tcmax (2.80N/sqmm)(from Table J)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.67 N/sqmm 0.67
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.67*230*645/1000
= 99.3945 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 264.89-99.39 = 165.49 KN
Vus/d = 165.49/645 = 2.57 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide10mm dia 2-L stirrups at 130mm c/c.

2-20mm dia 6- 20mm

125 mm 125 mm

10 mm
dia 2 - L
600mm at 130mm 600mm
6- 20mm c/c 2- 20mm

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span Beam B1 C/S at Support

Design of Cross Beam B2 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 8.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 4.34 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.89 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.81 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x300mm S1 S2 4.34m

3.89m 3.81m
Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.89)x(3.89/2)x8.50 = 39.60 KN
Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.81)x(3.81/2)x8.50 = 39.43 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x4.34 = 7.49 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x4.34 = 56.90 KN
Total load on beam = 143.42 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x143.42 = 215.13 KN

Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 215.13*4.11/12 = 73.68 KNm

Clear Span = 4.34 - 0.23 = 4.11
Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x4.34/6)+0.23+(6x0.0.125)

= 1.49 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (3.89/2)+(3.81/2)+0.23 = 4.08 m
therefore, bf = 1.49 m
let the depth of the rib be 300 mm, then over all depth = 300+125=425 mm
effective depth, d= 300+125-25-8 = 392.00 mm
Df/d = 125/392= 0.32 & bf/bw = 1490/230= 6.48
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.72636
Mulim. = 0.62583x230x3922x20/106 = 513.43 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From chart14, for Mu/b = 73.68/0.23= 320.35 KNm/m, & for d=392 mm
100 As/bd = 0.670 0.67 Mu/bd2=
As = 0.50x230x392/100 = 604.07 sqmm
No. of16mm dia bars required = 3.01 No.s 715.92
Hence provide 2 No.of 16mm dia bars and 2 No. of 12 mm dia bars.
Ast Provided = 628.00 sqmm pt= 0.696539 %
Shear reinforcement : -
d= 392 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.70
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=215.13*4.11/4.34/2 = 101.86 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =101.86x1000/(230x392) = 1.13 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table J)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.55 N/sqmm 0.55
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.55*230*392/1000
= 49.588 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 101.86-49.588 = 52.28 KN
Vus/d = 52.28/392 = 1.33 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide 8mm dia 2-L stirrups at 160mm c/c.

2-12mm dia 2- 16mm

+2-12 mm
125 mm 125 mm

8 mm dia
2 - L at
2- 16mm 300mm 160 mm 300mm
+2-12 mm c/c 2- 16mm
Crank dia

230 mm 230 mm
C/S at Mid Span Beam B2 C/S at Support
Design of Column : -


B4 B4

GF & 1st Floor 2nd Floor(with out wall load)

Load from Beam B1 =2*143.42/2= 143.42 KN =77.20/2= 38.60 KN
Load from Beam B2 =2*143.42/2= 143.42 KN =77.20/2= 38.60 KN
Load from Beam B3 =2*386.84/2= 386.84 KN =200.12/2= 100.06 KN
673.68 KN 115.31 KN
Assume the size of the column as 230x450mm
b= 230 mm D= 450 mm d= 400 mm
Self Weight of the column =10.00x0.23x0.45x25 = 25.88 KN
Load from plinth beam = 4.34x0.23x19x3.50+4.34x0.23x0.30x25 = 73.87 KN
Total Load on Column = 814.87 KN
Factored Load = 1.5x896.61 = 1222.30 KN
Assume uniaxial bending with Mu as 55.00 KNm 55.00 KNm
let the effective cover be 50mm on either side.
Mu/fckbD2 = 0.0886 d'/D = 0.111
Chart for d'/D = 0.15 will be used.
Pu/fck*b*D= 1344.91x1000/20x230x450 = 0.59
Referring chart 33 of SP16, p/fck = 0.11(or) p= 2.20
Ast required = 2.20*230*400/100 2277 sqmm 1256 1021
Hence Provide 8 No. of 20 mm dia 2512 sqmm
Total Area of Steel Provided Err:522 sqmm > 2277 sqmm

Also provide 8mm dia lateral ties at 200mm c/c.

8- 20 mm dia

8mm dia lateral ties at

200mm c/c
230 mm

450 mm

Column C1
Load from Slab = 6.50 KN/sqm
Effective Span = 4.34 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.89 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.81 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x300mm

Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.89)x(3.89/2)x6.50 = 30.28 KN

Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.81)x(3.81/2)x6.50 = 39.43 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x4.34 = 7.49 KN
Total load on beam = 77.20 KN

Load from Slab = 6.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 7.70 m

Length of slab on one side = 4.34 m
Length of slab on other side = 4.19 m

Load from Slab S1 = 2x(1/2)x(3.89)(3.89/2)x6.50 = = 49.18 KN

Load from Slab S2 = 2x(1/2)x(3.81)(3.81/2)x6.50 = = 47.18 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.60x25x7.70 = 26.57 KN
Load on beam from Slab,Wall and self Weight = Err:522 KN
Load from Cross Beam = 77.20 KN
Total Load = Err:522

1226666666.66667 7.3E+09

371717.171717172 948571 ###

0.219690294304695 0.560619

Design of Column : -


B4 B4

GF & 1st Floor 2nd Floor(with out wall load)

Load from Beam B1 =2*143.42/2= 143.42 KN =77.20/2= 38.60 KN
Load from Beam B2 =2*143.42/2= 143.42 KN =77.20/2= 38.60 KN
Load from Beam B3 =2*143.42/2= 143.42 KN =77.20/2= 38.60 KN
430.26 KN 115.31 KN
Assume the size of the column as 230x300mm
b= 230 mm D= 300 mm d= 250 mm
Self Weight of the column =10.00x0.23x0.30x25 = 17.25 KN
Load from plinth beam = 4.34x0.23x19x3.50+4.34x0.23x0.30x25 = 73.87 KN
Total Load on Column = 562.82 KN
Factored Load = 1.5x562.82 = 844.23 KN
Assume uniaxial bending with Mu as 11.80 KNm 11.80 KNm
let the effective cover be 50mm on either side.
Mu/fckbD2 = 0.0428 d'/D = 0.167
Chart for d'/D = 0.20 will be used.
Pu/fck*b*D= 844.23x1000/20x230x450 = 0.61
Referring chart 33 of SP16, p/fck = 0.10(or) p= 2.00
Ast required = 2.20*230*400/100 1380 sqmm 1205.76 174.24
Hence Provide 6 No. of 16mm dia 1205.76 sqmm 226.08
and 2 No. of 12mm dia 226.08 sqmm
Total Area of Steel Provided 1431.84 sqmm > 1380 sqmm

Also provide 8mm dia lateral ties at 200mm c/c.

6 - 16 mm dia 2 - 12 mm dia

8mm dia lateral ties at

200mm c/c
230 mm

300 mm

Column C2
Name of the Work : Road from Agarru ( Chittivanigaruvu Bridge ) to Agarthipalem in Palakol Mandal and Constituency, Rs. 150.00 Lakhs

Sub Work : Construction of Retaining Wall cum Revetment , Rs. 17.34 Lakhs

230mm x VRCC M20 wall of 230mm x

230 mm 230 mm thick 230 mm 4 - 10 mm dia
0.67 m VRCC VRCC
Column Column

8 mm dia
at 200
mm c/c

0.23 m VRCC M20 Plinth Beam 230 mm x 230 mm 250 mm dia SUR Pile

3- 10 mm dia

8 mm dia
3- 10 mm dia at 150
3.00 m mm c/c

Plinth Beam 230 mm x 230 mm

250 mm dia SUR
RCC M20 Piles
3.00 m depth

8 mm dia at 4 - 12 mm dia
200 mm c/c

2.40 m

Column 230 mm x 230 mm

Assistant Engineer , Deputy Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer ,

M.P.P. , Palakol PRI , Palakol. PRI , Narasapuram

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