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1. Modernist Cuisine, “Modernist Cuisine Trailer,” Vimeo, May 29, 2011, accessed
June 9, 2017,
2. Myhrvold, Young, and Bilet, Modernist Cuisine, 17–18.
3. Myhrvold, Young, and Bilet, Modernist Cuisine, 18–19.
4. Because food never went through a modernist phase, they argue, it would not
make sense to call their cuisine “postmodern.” Myhrvold, Young, and Bilet,
Cuisine, 57.
5. Myhrvold, Young, and Bilet, Modernist Cuisine, 52, 56.
6. Myhrvold, Young, and Bilet, Modernist Cuisine, 37.
7. “About,” Modernist Studies Association, accessed June 10, 2017,
8. Ruhlman, “Cook from It? First, Try Lifting It.”
9. Myhrvold, Young, and Bilet, Modernist Cuisine, 56.
10. Friedman, “Definitional Excursions,” 493.
11. Friedman, “Definitional Excursions,” 494.
12. Mao and Walkowitz, “The New Modernist Studies,” 738.
13. Mao and Walkowitz, “The New Modernist Studies,” 739.
14. Anderson, Brady, and Levoke, “Introduction—Toward an Interdisciplinary Food
Studies,” 17.
15. Carruth, Global Appetites, 5.
16. Coughlan, “Tasting Modernism,” 2.
17. Tigner and Carruth’s Literature and Food Studies, released just as this book
to press, contains a modernist chapter that posits that in texts from Marcel Proust
Monique Truong, food often “opens the floodgates of associative memory that
. . . modernist novels” (109).
18. Jameson, Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, ix.
19. Williams, The Country and the City; Marx, The Machine in the Garden.
20. Carruth, Global Appetites, 20.
21. Carruth, Global Appetites, 4.
22. La Via Campesina, an international farmer advocacy coalition founded in 1993,
paved the way for food sovereignty movements by “strongly opposing corporate driven
agriculture and transnational companies that are destroying people and nature.”
La Via Campesina, last modified Feb. 9, 2011,
23. Slocum and Saldanha, Geographies of Race and Food, 1.
24. Nally, “The Biopolitics of Food Provisioning,” 37.
25. Harvey, The New Imperialism.
26. Slocum and Saldanha, Geographies of Race and Food, 1.
27. Carruth, Global Appetites, 7.

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