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CT- 3

(Each Student will submit solution of a single problem. Problem number will be decided by his/her
ID number.

For example: ID number 191002084, where last digit is 4. Now we get, 4%3=1; so, this student will
solve problem no.1. )

0. Design a database for an airline. The database must keep track of customers and their
reservations, flights and their status, seat assignments on individual flights, and the
schedule and routing of future flights. Your design should include an E-R diagram, a set of
relational schemas, and a list of constraints, including primary-key and foreign-key

1. UVA registrar’s office: It maintains data about each class, including the instructor, students,
enrollment, time and place of the class meetings. For each student-class pair, a grade is
recorded. Your design should include an E-R diagram, a set of relational schemas, and a list
of constraints, including primary-key and foreign-key constraints.

2. Hospital: It maintains all patients visited, including age and address. It also keeps track of
the information about billing, visits, data, and reason for visit, and treatment. Your design
should include an E-R diagram, a set of relational schemas, and a list of constraints,
including primary-key and foreign-key constraints.

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