STS Directory Accreditation Number: STS 0529

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Federal Department of Economic Affairs,

Education and Research EAER

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Swiss Accreditation Service SAS

STS Directory Accreditation number: STS 0529

International standard: ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Swiss standard: SN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018

Synthes GmbH Head: Dr. Aaldert Molenberg

Material Science and Testing
Responsible for MS: Jan Dirrigl
Eimattstrasse 3
4436 Oberdorf BL Telephone: +41 61 965 61 11
Initial accreditation: 05.02.2010
Current accreditation: 05.02.2020 to 04.02.2025
Scope of accreditation
see: (Accredited bodies)

Scope of accreditation as of 05.02.2020

Testing laboratory for materials, implants and types of packaging for osteosynthesis

Group of products or materials, Principle of measurement 2) Test methods, remarks

field of activity (characteristics, measuring (national, international
ranges, type of test) standards, in-house test
Materials Analysis
Standard Test Methods for Ten- ASTM E8 / E8M
sion Testing of Metallic Materials Method A + B
Prüfung metallischer Werkstoffe – DIN 50113
Viscometry ‐ Measurement of kin- DIN 51562-1
ematic viscosity by means of the
Ubbelohde viscometer ‐ Part 1:
Viscometer specification and
measurement procedure
Plastics – Determination of tensile ISO 527‐1
properties – Part 1: General princi-

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1) Scope of accreditation type A (fix)
2) Scope of accreditation type B (flexible) Definition of flexibilty see SAS Document 741
3) Scope of accreditation type C (flexible)
Federal Department of Economic Affairs,
Education and Research EAER
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Swiss Accreditation Service SAS

STS Directory Accreditation number: STS 0529

Group of products or materials, Principle of measurement 2) Test methods, remarks

field of activity (characteristics, measuring (national, international
ranges, type of test) standards, in-house test
Plastics – Determination of tensile ISO 527‐2
properties – Part 2: Test conditions
for moulding and extrusion plastics
Metallic materials – Rotating bar ISO 1143
bending fatigue testing
Plastics – Determination of the vis- ISO 1628-1
cosity of polymers in dilute solution
using capillary viscometer
Metallic materials – Vickers hard- ISO 6507
ness test
Metallic materials – Tensile testing ISO 6892-1
– Part 1: Method of test at room Method A + B
Metallic materials – Bend test ISO 7438
(supports/former and V-block)
Plastics – Determination of water ISO 15512
Structural examination
of metals
Standard Test Methods for Deter- ASTM E45
mining the Inclusion Content of Method A
Standard Test Methods for Deter- ASTM E112
mining Average Grain Size
Microstructural standards for ETTC-2
alpha+beta titanium alloy bars
Steels –Micrographic determina- ISO 643
tion of the apparent grainsize
Implants for surgery – Metallic ma- ISO 20160
terials – Classification of micro-
structures for alpha+beta titanium
alloy bars
Testing of osteosynthesis
Standard Specification and Test ASTM F382
Method for Metallic Bone Plates
Standard Specifications and Test ASTM F384
Methods for Metallic Angled Ortho-
pedic Fracture Fixation Devices

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1) Scope of accreditation type A (fix)
2) Scope of accreditation type B (flexible) Definition of flexibilty see SAS Document 741
3) Scope of accreditation type C (flexible)
Federal Department of Economic Affairs,
Education and Research EAER
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Swiss Accreditation Service SAS

STS Directory Accreditation number: STS 0529

Group of products or materials, Principle of measurement 2) Test methods, remarks

field of activity (characteristics, measuring (national, international
ranges, type of test) standards, in-house test
Standard Specification and Test ASTM F543
Methods for Metallic Medical Bone
Standard Specification and Test ASTM F1264
Methods for Intramedullary Fixa-
tion Devices
Standard Test Methods for Spinal ASTM F1717
Implant Constructs in a Vertebrec-
tomy Model
Standard Test Method for Evaluat- ASTM F1798
ing the Static and Fatigue Proper-
ties of Interconnection Mecha-
nisms and Subassemblies Used in
Spinal Arthrodesis Implants
Test Methods for Intervertebral ASTM F2077
Body Fusion Devices
Standard Test Method for Measur- ASTM F2267
ing Load Induced Subsidence of
Intervertebral Body Fusion Device
Under Static Axial Compression
Standard Specification and Test ASTM F2502
Methods for Absorbable Plates (Annexes 1 and 4)
and Screws for Internal Fixation
Implants for surgery – Metal bone ISO 6475
screws with asymmetrical thread
and spherical under-surface – Me-
chanical requirements and test
Implants for surgery – Determina- ISO 9585
tion of bending strength and stiff-
ness of bone plates
Testing of packaging for
osteosynthesis products
Standard Test Method for Seal ASTM F88/F88M
Strength of Flexible Barrier Materi-
Standard Test Method for Deter- ASTM F1886/F1886M
mining Integrity of Seals for Flexi-
ble Packaging by Visual Inspection

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1) Scope of accreditation type A (fix)
2) Scope of accreditation type B (flexible) Definition of flexibilty see SAS Document 741
3) Scope of accreditation type C (flexible)
Federal Department of Economic Affairs,
Education and Research EAER
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Swiss Accreditation Service SAS

STS Directory Accreditation number: STS 0529

Group of products or materials, Principle of measurement 2) Test methods, remarks

field of activity (characteristics, measuring (national, international
ranges, type of test) standards, in-house test
Standard Test Method for Detect- ASTM F1929 (Method A)
ing Seal Leaks in Porous Medical
Packaging by Dye Penetration
Standard Test Method for Detect- ASTM F3039 (Method A)
ing Leaks in Nonporous Packaging
or Flexible Barrier Materials by
Dye Penetration


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1) Scope of accreditation type A (fix)
2) Scope of accreditation type B (flexible) Definition of flexibilty see SAS Document 741
3) Scope of accreditation type C (flexible)

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