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Academic Year: 2021 [change] Auto Logout in: 18:11
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Attendance Schedule Gradebook Grades Transportation My Profile

Student name :: 000574510 JOHNSON, TYLER

2021 Grades for Class 213103-5 Local, St & Nat Gv View Grading Scale for this class

This status report does not represent the student's official grades. The information
presented here is subject to corrections and revisions. Final grades will be published on the
student's official report card.
* - The score has not been entered for the assignment and is not included in the total.

Current Term Grade Weighted

Current Grade Period Weighted
38.59% Current Grade Period: 1

Period and Term Grade

Assessment Weight: 40.0%

Assignment Due Graded Points Possible Score Percent Grade Period Notes

Current Term Grade Total: 0.0 N/A

Current Grade Period Total: 0.0 N/A

Class Work Weight: 35.0%

Assignment Due Graded Points Possible Score Percent Grade Period Notes

1.4 Corroboration Activity 09/18/2020 Y 100.0 0.0 0.00 1

1.3 Contextualization Activity 09/16/2020 Y 100.0 0.0 0.00 1

1.1 Types of Citizens 09/03/2020 Y 100.0 100.0 100.00 1

1.2 What is a Citizen Notes 09/03/2020 Y 100.0 100.0 100.00 1

1.1 Flipgrid Introduction 09/01/2020 Y 100.0 100.0 100.00 1

0.0 Syllabus Google Forms 09/01/2020 Y 15.0 15.0 100.00 1

Current Term Grade Total: 515.0 315.0 61.17

Current Grade Period Total: 515.0 315.0 61.17

Independent Assignment Weight: 25.0%

Assignment Due Graded Points Possible Score Percent Grade Period Notes

VOCABULARY TERMS 1.1 09/11/2020 Y 50.0 0.0 0.00 1

SOURCING DOCUMENTS 09/11/2020 Y 100.0 0.0 0.00 1 NO WORK DONE

1.3 What is a Citizen? Journal Reflection 09/03/2020 Y 50.0 0.0 0.00 1

0.0 Flipgrid Permission Slip 09/01/2020 Y 15.0 15.0 100.00 1

Current Term Grade Total: 215.0 15.0 6.98

Current Grade Period Total: 215.0 15.0 6.98

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