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Narayana Sutras for

Work Excellence and Leadership


Narayana Tattva Sutras for

Connection with Consciousness


Compiled and Edited by

Hasmukh Upadhyaya

Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras • Proof 15 • 2019 Dec 19

Sponsorship Courtesy
Flourish Purefoods Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad

Narayana Sutras for Work Excellence and Leadership

Narayana Tattva Sutras for Connection with

Narayana (

Edited and Compiled by

Hasmukh Upadhyaya

Edited and Corrected by

L. Rajagopalan

ISBN: 978-93-83215-90-4

Price: `160

First Published: December 2019

Published by
Ahmedabad Management Association
Core-AMA Management House
Torrent-AMA Management Centre
ATIRA Campus, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Marg
Ahmedabad 380 015, India
Phone: +91 79 2630 8601 • Fax: +91 79 2630 8606
Email: • Website:

Printed by
N.K. Printers, Rakhial, Ahmedabad 380 023

Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras • Proof 15 • 2019 Dec 19


Dedicated with utmost Reverence to

Revered Badarayana Maharshi –

Author of Uttara Mimamsa Sutras

Revered Jaimini Maharshi –

Author of Poorva Mimamsa Sutras

Revered Kanaada Maharshi –

Author of Vaisheshika Sutras

Revered Patanjali Maharshi –

Author of Yoga Sutras

Revered Kapila Maharshi –

Author of Sankya Sutras

With Pranams and Highest Gratitudes for their

Pathmaking Darshanas

Sujana + Narayana

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Sri Adi Shankaracharya
The first of Acharyas “Adi” is you
Incarnation of Shiva, “Shankara” is you
The exemplary practitioner “Acharya” is you
Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Salutations to you.

To Guru Vidya Prakasha Ananda Giri Swamiji

Giver of knowledge, “Vidya” source is you
Giver of light “Prakasha” is you
Giver of Gita bliss “Ananda” is you
Vidya Prakasha Anand, “Giri”, “Swami”, you.

To Masters
Salute! Sri Vallabha! With love in you me, in
Shuddhadwaita way
Salute! Sri Madhva! Admires you me, in dwaita way
Salute! Sri Ramanuja! Worships you in all me, in
Vishishtadwaita way
Salute! Sri Shankara! You are me, in adwaita way

To Parents, Teachers
To give of this life, Sita let me bow
To giver of courage, Rama let me bow
To parents of this birth, now let me bow
To givers of knowledge, teachers let me bow

To Life Partner
To life partner, Sujana graceful is you
To life improver, care, bliss is you
To ego-remover, sharp knife you
To joy sharer kind one is you.

To Supreme Self
Offering is this, to light in you
Offering is this, to bliss in me
Offering is this, to Supreme in you
Offering is this, to self in me.

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Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras • Proof 15 • 2019 Dec 19
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Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras • Proof 15 • 2019 Dec 19
From the President, AMA

“By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life.”

And, Guruji Narayana has given a beautiful shape to his
thoughts in the form of words conveying the know-how of
life in Narayana Sutras for Work Excellence and Narayana
Tattva Sutras for Connection and Consciousness. This
book presents a kaleidoscope of Guruji’s “thought-lines,”
“idea-lines,” life-lines” and “light-lines” drawn from his
vast works ranging from scriptures to management to
stories and sketches.

Guruji Narayana’s insights based on hard learnt facts and

truths about every aspect of life caters to quench the thirst
and provide excellent food for thought for one at the body,
mind, intellect and spirit levels; paths have been laid for
one to choose and tread on whether it is Bhakti marga,
Karma marga, Dyanamarga, Shakti marga, Yuktimarga or

The Sutras or maxims or aphorisms of Guruji Narayana

are quintessential statements based on his spectrum of
experiences, understandings, realisations, revelations and
enlightenments. It is indeed an exemplary treat appealing
to all our senses.

AMA is happy to present its readers with yet another

distinctive work of Guruji Narayana which reflects
candidly the various dimensions of life and its teachings.

Dr. Malay Mahadevia


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The Thinking River

Guruji Narayana is blessed with a source & flow of

thoughts, which help in connecting the dots of life, whether
personal or professional. He is like a Gangotri leading to a
Thinking River! I am certain that all those who are
committed to evolve themselves into Inspired &
Responsible world Citizens will gain immensely by reading
the Sutras, meditating on them, and practicing their spirit.
I am sure I am going to be one such person.

Guruji, you are a rare person who has been contributing to

this significant need in everyone i.e. providing direction
and light of life, for “Being and Becoming”. On behalf of
all, I bow down to you & thank you for this wonderful

My prayers for Guruji’s wellbeing and continued

contribution to everyone’s life.

December 18, 2019 Sushil Kumar Handa

Flourish Purefoods Pvt. Ltd.

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Wisdom of Ages

I receive with blessings of Guruji, his latest spiritual-literary

offering encompassing all his work up to date. This book
is 48 books in one!

I don’t know of any book that contains this volume and

depth of wisdom of the ages. There is essence of all Indian
and Eastern schools of thought – Vedic, Buddhist, Jain and

It took me a lifetime to understand a little of Guruji’s

insights and wisdom. However whatever little I could get,
was full of great value and of utmost utility.

This book is in a new format – Set of Sutras. Each set of

Sutras represents one theme and one book.

Sutras as Guruji explained, are:

• Alpakhsharam – Contains few alphabets, but with

words full of meaning
• Asandhigdham – Relevant in any situation – with
Universal application
• Astobham - Gives no cause for confusion
• Anavadyam – Does not attract criticism
• Saaravat – Contains the essence
• Vishwatomukham – Appealing to everyone

Each sutra is a short rule, like a theorem distilled into few

words or syllables, around which teachings are woven.


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They help teach and transmit ideas from one generation to
the next.

The first set of four Sutras present the real reality; one who
accepts and lives the real reality is always happy.

The second set (5-52) of Sutras establishes four fundamental

dimensions – physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual
of personal life. The invisible gods who direct our
behaviour in the four dimensions are time, love, clarity and
consciousness. One who respects and follows the four gods
becomes the master of internal management.

The third set (53 to 63) of sutras lay down the appropriate
strategies to deal with past, present and future.

The fourth set (64 to 73) of Sutras, take you beyond the
conventional management and offer three other
alternatives, which together cover all the situations.

The fifth set (74 to 299) of Sutras elaborates the four options,
management, nurturing, leadership and path making. They
link to the four outcomes, four mental states, four type of
yoga, etc.

The next set (300 to 496) of Sutras deal with the cyclical
order of trends or wave pattern or simple harmonic motion
that we witness in nature; but refuse to expect the same in
business and careers. The eternal cycle has four parts –
order, complexity, chaos and reorder. We humans expect
rising straight-linegrowth all through and invite grief when
it does not happen. Guruji has recommended appropriate
style to follow in all the four phases.


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The seventh set of Sutras (497to 544) describe the four
Gunas – Tamasik, Rajasik, Satwik and Seer; and
appropriatestrategies to deal with them. It covers all the
aspects of interpersonal relations.

The eighth set of Sutras (545 to 578) prove that man is but
mirror image of the universe; having same qualities of
world in our bodies, qualities of nature in our mind,
qualities of light in our intellect and qualities of god in our

The ninth set of Sutras (579 to 589) define excellence in every

field – Cleanliness, Correctness, Completeness, quality,
simplicity, effectiveness, clarity, brevity and appropriateness.

The tenth set of Sutras (590 to 606) prescribes appropriate

action for achieving excellence in every field.

The eleventh set of Sutras (607 to 673) is a prescription for

effective leadership by following the teachings of Lord
Krishna in Bhagwadgeeta.

The twelfth set of Sutras (674 to 686) is a prescription for

noble leadership by following the teachings of

The next two sets of Sutras (687 to 702) promote teamwork

at workplace.

The next four sets of Sutras (703 to 795) are practical tips
from Bhagwadgeeta, Tao and Japaji Sahib as sung by Guru
Nanak for smooth working in any organization.


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The nineteenth set of Sutras (796 to 895) contains useful
wise conclusions from 101 stories created by Guruji which
also make very interesting reading.

The next two sets of Sutras (896 to 933) contain gems of

wisdom from another creative exercise of Guruji; that is,
generating new ideas in order of alphabets on any given
subject. The results could be astonishing even for the first
time users (like in my case).

The twenty-second set of Sutras (934 to 989) takes off from

another master of Sutras, Chanakya; Chanakya too would
have admired the thought process of Guruji!

The twenty-third set of Sutras (990 o 1016) is very useful to

much married couples desirous of living in harmony.

The next set of Sutras (1017 to 1053) is for total mind control
and acquiring divine qualities.

The twenty-fifth set of Sutras (1054 to 1063) is meant for

top leadership of the organization in formulating vision
and mission.

The next set of Sutras (1064 to 1132) connects the leader to

the master, the team, and the book of wisdom.

The twenty-seventh set (1133 to 1148) reveals the secrets

of powerful personality.

The next set of Sutras (1149 to 1288) bring clarity on Karma

yoga – work as worship, customer satisfaction, all-round
health and prosperity as the outcome.


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The twenty-ninth set of Sutras (1289 to 1309) meant for
children of all ages can benefit youth, adults and elders of
all ages too!

The thirtieth and thirty-second sets of Sutras (1310 to 1406&

1520 to 1576) encourage voluntarism and volunteers. The
best results are obtained by volunteering.

The regular practice of thirty-first and thirty-third set of

Sutras (1407 to 1519 & 1577 to 1611) elevates management
practices to spiritual practices and makes management a
noble profession.

The next five sets of Sutras (1612 to 1694) bring clarity on

love, God, happiness and self-realisation.

The next four sets of Sutras (1695 to 1775) integrate actions,

thoughts, feelings and consciousness in a simple form
which anyone can follow.

The forty-third set of Sutras (1776 to 1848) deals with four

stages of our growth – child, youth, adult and elder and
appropriate conduct in each phase.

The forty-fourth set of Sutras (1849 to 1860) brings about

alignment between Karma-yoga, Bhakti-yoga, Jnan-yoga
and Dhyan-yoga.

The forty-fifth set of Sutras (1861 to 1895) specifically deal

with types of decision-making and their merits and
demerits; and goes well beyond the conventional models.

The forty-sixth set of Sutras (1896 to 1968) specifically deals

with time management in a most novel and enlightening


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The next set of four Sutras (1969 to 1972) simplifies
Kundalini and opens it to all.

The last set of Sutras (1973 to 2064) summarises all learning

and leave the learner fulfilled.

Well-designed Bibliography is very helpful in connecting

to the source.

Looking forward to more research and writings of Guruji.

10.10.2019 Suresh Pandit

Sri Suresh Pandit is a mentor and respected Guru in the field of Leadership
and Management Development based on ethics, values and principles. He
has contributed for the progress, growth, development and enrichment of
several individuals and organizations. He is a missionary for productivity
enhancement and is a trainer par-excellence. His way of living is an example
of integration of qualities of Gandhiji, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Peter Drucker.


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Valuable Guide for Daily Life

After writing several books on Hindu Philosophy and the

epics in his inimitable style including several illustrations,
the indefatigable Guruji has, for the first time, ventured
into the Sutra tradition. Narayanasutra is a collection of
aphorisms in the form of a manual designed to guide the
common man in his daily life. Unlike the various sutras
authored by the masters of the Hindu tradition which need
a companion bhashya to understand the intricacies of a
sutra, Narayansutra is easily understandable by the layman
without the help of a bhashya.

Shri Suresh Pandit’s Foreword explains the essence of

Narayanasutra and would form a valuable guide for the

15.10.2019 L. Rajagopalan

Sri L. Rajagopalan is respected as a master of English language with

enriched Vedic cultural background. He is the former Executive Director of
Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited and is now on the board of
recognised companies and advises quite a few organizations.


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The Bullet-like Sutras

It is great that Shri Narayana Guruji entered the hierarchy

of “Sutrakaaras”. The origin of this hierarchy goes back to
Kruta Yuga.

In Kruta Yuga, great sages used to listen to the vedic hymns

directly from the supreme, through their power of meditation,
as per the needs of the yagnas contemplated by them.

As days went on, the system of oral tradition of knowledge

transmission, Guru-Shishya-Parampara, started. As a result
of this, the necessity of teaching the utility of the mantras
surfaced up. To address this need, sages like Apastamba,
Bodhayana, Ashwalayana and others compiled “Sutra
Granthas” which describe the composition of the mantras
from different shakhaas of the vedaas, to perform a given
“yagna”. These Sutras are brief in nature, but not too short.

Subsequently other shastrakaras like Badarayana, Panini

and others chose the style of sutrakaaraas, but did not
follow them in toto. The new Sutrakaaraas gave maximum
importance to shortness because that suited their
requirement of byhearting the subject.

Thus Sutraas are, basically, of two types –

i) Those that resemble the bullet points of present day

Powerpoint presentations and
ii) Those that are written in telegraphic language and
require full commentary to explain their depth.


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The second type became more popular in the medieval
periods of history and hence all such works were invariably
followed by “Bhaashyaas”.

Being a Rishi by himself, Shri Guruji followed the first

category and generated bullet point type sutras, to reform
human life in three dimensional pattern and in angular
width of 360 degrees.

Strangely, in the case of Guruji, Bhaashyaas came first and

Sutras have been picked by his disciples.

The specialty of Guruji is that even his murmurings become

Mantras that penetrate instantaneously into the brains of
listeners (readers) so that they permeate hearts, ignite the
thoughts and illuminate the lives. The greatness is equally
distributed in the words that were carefully picked up and
content-tightly filled up in them.

It is surprisingly unique that a single person’s works

contain more than two thousand sutras, which are as
dazzling as the lightning and as straight as the arrows.

The analysis given by Shri Suresh Pandit, in his Foreword

deserves appreciation. I appeal to the readers to utilize this
Foreword as the first stepping stone, read the sutras, get
inspired, go back to the 48 volumes of Bhashyaas, get
enlightened and come back to the Sutras and settle down
in the Subject-Supreme.

The Adhikarana system made the book more wonderful,

worthy and great. This-that equations are simply superb.


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The alphabetical approach also has become purposeful and
useful now.
Namonamah once again Anna Garu.

Namo Gurubhyah.
Mysore K.V. Krishnamurty
14-10-2019 K.V.Krishna Murthy
Editor, Bhaktimala
Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda
Ashrama, Ooty Road
Datta Nagar, Mysore-570025

Professor Krishna Murty is a missionary for Indian spiritual values, highly

educated in Vedas, Upanishads, Epics, Vedic Maths, Indian Astronomy,
Scriptures of Indian science, wisdom and spirituality and also the modern
science, mathematics and administration.
Prof. Krishna Murty is the former Chairman of I-Serve (Institute of Scientific
Research on Vedas) which has made several contributions in correlating,
inter-connecting and integrating the views of science and Vedas. He has
committed himself to generate awareness about the richness of Indian
culture and heritage including Vedas, Upanishads, epics and shastras.
Presently he is Vidyadhikari of SGS Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysuru
and Editor, Bhaktimala, the monthly magazine of Datta Peetham.
He is closely associated with His Holiness Sri Ganapathi Sacchidananda
Swamiji contributing as ‘Seva’ in the areas of education, spiritual awareness
and yoga. He is awarded the title of “ Purna Vidya Nidhi” by H.H. Sri Ganapati
Sachchidananda Swamiji .
Sri Krishna Murty is an accomplished, admired and acclaimed author on
the subjects of science, astronomy, vedic mathematics, yoga, vedas and
He hails from revered and illustrious “Kuppa” family. His father Sri Kuppa
Laxmyavadhaani was a visionary and sage who was an excellent master in
vedas and shastras. He later took the sanyas as Sri Janardanananda
Saraswatiji who became mentor and guide to many masters and was a
path maker who established the system of Veda Sabhas in A.P.


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Sutras Speak Volumes

In Sanskrit, there is a saying, “Ardhamatra lagaven

putrotsavam manyante vaiyakaranaha” ( Even if they can make
their sentence brief by half-word, the great grammarians celebrate
that brevity like birth of a son.” Guruji is a spokesman of that
great tradition with the most modern outlook and

As we experienced, Guruji is a wonderful and blessed

communicator. The beauty of ancient wisdom emanates
from his maxims. Guruji unlocks big treasure for us in the
most lucid way. For example, Upnishads are greatest
treasure of wisdom expressed in Sutras. The Sanskrit
grammar, which is beautifully interwoven by sutras, flows
like a river in Ashtadhyayi composed by Panini, The Father
of Sanskrit grammar. Guruji, with this volume of sutras,
revives the great sutra tradition of Indian thought.

Guruji’s Narayanasutras are so lucid and deep that these

sutras become commanding key to unlock the secrets of
excellence and proficiency. Many corporate truths are seen
in a very articulated forms in our Shastras. Guruji, a life-
corporate trainer and visualiser, brings these pearls in most
executive-friendly through Sutras. The present volume of
Sutras flow in two streams. First stream, classified as
Narayana Sutras, speaks volumes about work-ecosystem.
Listen to the music of this sutra; Beyond Management is
integration of 4-way aspects. Vision-Mission-AIM-Goal
matrix is the full view (74/75).


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The second stream is spiritually sprinkled with common
sense. Guruji unlocks ‘meaning and pleasures of BEING’
in an age of confusion and complexities. See how a sutra
take you on a big journey with a blissful inward gaze; He
tells, “Be an ocean of oneness and divinity.” This is applied
Vedanta put up in the most simplified format.

The engineer within Guruji always brings out some

sparkling solution in every book. In this book, also, an
interconnected Architecture draws a kind of index to show
connection of every sutra with similar subject/content
somewhere in the book.

Guruji, at this stage of his sadhana, expresses the essence

of his teachings and findings. This book can be summarised
as “Shastra-Saar-sutra-chudamani” which will serve as a
reference book for many decades to come.

I offer my pranams to Guruji. Wish him very long and

healthy life so that he continue to illuminate our lives with
his Bhashyam on ancient scriptures and many untouched
subjects of our modern corporate life.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

Gandhinagar Bhagyesh Jha, IAS [Retd]

Sri Bhagyesh Jha is one of the finest bureaucrat Gujarat has seen. He is an
administrator by profession but a poet by heart and very popular public
speaker in Gujarat and abroad. His love for Gita and Sanskrit is well known.
He can be contacted at


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From the Compiler’s Core

We are blessed with a great treasure-chest of insightful and

inspiring prolific writings by Guruji Shri G. Narayna in
nearly seven hundred books and articles comprising of
innumerable phrases and prose, verses and poems,
sketches and diagrams, stories and anecdotes, freehand
word drawings and engineering drawings covering broad
spectrum of subject ranging from ‘ABCDs for Children to
Work Ethics in Gita’.

In his creations, Guruji’s wisdom-full intuition is matched

by his analytical depth. He is a masterly systems thinker
who creates appropriate and very clear conceptual models
and mental roadmaps which guide learners-seekers pass
through Saadhana, Shodhana, Sandarshana and Siddhi to
achieve complete transformation.

Guruji has presented his life philosophy as invaluable gems

and priceless pearls in his voluminous writings. His motto
‘Love and Light’ is deeply ingrained in every cell of Guruji’s

‘C [AUM(.)]’ with its four aspects is Guruji’s ultimate Mantra.

‘This is That – Tattvam, all pervasive connectedness with
the super consciousness is his ultimate Sutra, Four square
circle centre, a phenomenal mechanism is Guruji’s ultimate
Tantra and ‘Serve and Deserve’ in the framework of Time,
Love, Truth and Responsibility is his ultimate Yantra.

When asked by people, “Guruji, how is it possible for you

to create such wonderful, appropriate, concise and yet


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complete, most effective and excellent masterpieces?”
Guruji’s reply is, “While writing it is He who is writing,
not me!” Exactly in the yagna spirit of ‘Idam Gayatri, idam
na mam’. Guruji does not claim any sort of authorship. His
writings have no copyrights.

Guruji invariably concludes, each of his writing with most,

befitting sutra ‘This is That’, as an offering in ‘Iti Siddham

In this compilation an humble attempt has been made to

search for 2064 wisdom-pearls in the form of sutras and
501 connectivity-gems sutra-tattvas from the vast ocean of
Guruji’s rich writings.

Doubtless to say that many more varieties of sutras and

sutra-tattvas can be discovered through further search and
re-search hidden in the ocean of Akshar-Brahm of Guruji’s


Guru Poornima Day Hasmukh Upadhyaya


Hasmukh Upadhyaya, a Chemical Engineer from the Maharaja Sayajirao

University of Baroda and a Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety from
the Central Labour Institute, Mumbai, has worked in Excel Industries Limited
and contributed greatly in establishing industrial safety, housekeeping and
ISO systems in the company. Also as the head of Excel Institute of Technology
and Environment, he established training and human resource unfoldment
activities in the organization. He is assisting Guruji Shri Narayana since
1989 and has translated about 20 of Guruji's books into Gujarati, most of
them are available at Ahmedabad Management Association.


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Spirit of Sutras

This work “Narayana Sutras for Work Excellence and

Leadership Ethics” and “Narayana Tattva Sutras for
Connection with Consciousness” present you the
thoughtlines, idealines, lifelines and lightlines for right
conduct and right contribution in this life and also for the
experience of spirit and thatness which is beyond this
material world.

The thoughtlines, idealines, lifelines and lightlines are

called ‘Sutras’ – the threads.

The Sutra approach is the special system of our ancient

Indian writings and thought processes for our spirituality
and philosophy.

A sutra is a short, deep meaningful sentence containing a

message which is self-sufficient, full and which can be
explained and interpreted as per the context of the reader
and situation. In case of these sutras each sentence is with
sense, excellence and essence.

There are sutras for Vedic practices and applications called

Shrauta Sutras (Vedic practices), Grahya Sutras (Household
applications), Dharma Sutras (Ethical ways) and other
sutras by great sages Apastramba, Gautama, Bodhayana,
Ashwalayana and others which provided guidelines,
directions and rules for right conduct of life.

Our philosophy, which ultimately confirms A=B, Atman

= Brahman, which means that this life is the spirit of THAT


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ultimate, is mainly defined by ‘Shad Darshanas’ – six
darshanas, which means six approaches of visualizations
and realizations.

This Six Darshanas are:

1. Purva Mimamsa Sutras of Jaimini Maharshi based on

Vedic practices, containing 2644 sutras
2. Uttara Mimamsa Sutras of Badarayana Maharshi based
on Upanishads, containing 555 sutras
3. Nyaya Sutras of Gautama Maharshi based on logic and
intellectual debate, containing 528 sutras
4. Vaisheshika Sutras of Kanaada Maharshi based on
atomic elemental and material aspects of the world,
containing 370 sutras
5. Yoga Sutras of Patanjaji Maharshi based on yoga,
meditation, and stable mind,, containing 152 sutras
6. Samkhya Sutras of Kapila Maharshi based on inner
spirit, self knowledge and primal nature constituting
of three gunas containing 25 sutras

To know more about these Darshanas please refer to

Samagra Bhagavad Gita, published by Ahmedabad
Management Associaiton (2018) pages 364 to 461.

All these sutras are short statements pregnant with deep

and multiple meanings. Chanakya Sutras are famous for
their guidelines of governance and strategy.

A sutra is a powerful line, somewhat like modern bullet

points which state the intension and message with emphatic
force. They are more like bullet lines than bullet points.


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While one sutra is a thread, section of sutras are like a
picture woven by thread and a group of sections are like
ac carpet and all sutras put together are exhibition of carpets
presenting a full theme. They are also like, threads, parts
of garlands and garlands of many flowers.

Our Narayana Sutras are somewhat similar to Dharma

Sutras of Apastamba, Gautama, Jaimini Maharshi and
others, containing the guidelines and lightlines for work
excellence and leadership.

Narayana Tattva Sutras are somewhat similar to Brahma

Sutras of Badarayana Maharshi, indicating the way to
experience the spirituality in this life.

There are 2,064 Narayana Sutras culled by our dear

Hasmukhji Upadhyaya with great dedication and effort
from the 48 writings of Narayana, published by
Ahmedabad Management Association. These Sutras are
understandable, applicable, practicable and realizable.

Similarly there are 501 ‘Narayana Tattva Sutras’ which

connect with ‘This’ reality to ‘That’ eternity, thus showing
the way to experience spirit in our daily life.

The right conduct and realizable consciousness can be

attained through these guidelines.

Why these are called ‘Narayana Sutras’ and ‘Narayana

Tattva Sutras’? It does not refer to assumed authorship of
this G. Narayana (the writer) but to the spirit of THAT
Narayana. Narayana means the goal of all human beings,
which is the ultimate spirit.


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Narayana contains both Nara, the human and Narayana,
the divine. Both of these sutras help us for the journey of
Humanity to Divinity.

Narayana Sutras guide us to be an exemplary human being

and Narayana Tattva Sutras lead to knowledge towards
the enlightened Divine Spirit.

Narayana Sutras along with alphabetic arrangement of A

to Z Spirit of Attitudes to Zestful Life makes this book a
matrix book of three dimensional perspective of object,
subject and in-depth approaches presenting a creative
universal picture.

You are invited to go through these Sutras and inspire

yourself to invoke the Humanity (Nara) and Divinity
(Narayana) within you to serve and inspire the world and

With Salutations

19-10-2019 Narayana
Day of Spirit


Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras • Proof 15 • 2019 Dec 19


Narayana Sutras for Work Excellence 1

and Leadership Ethics

Narayana Tattva Sutras for Connection 107

with Consciousness

Narayana Sutras —A to Z Spirit of 131

Attitudes to Zestful Life


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¥ËТÿ¢Ú}¢ì ¥„ç‹Îx{}¢ì „¢Ú±¼ì ç±E¼¢ï }¢é¶}¢ì J
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— Vayu Purana

As per the knowers of Sutras, a sutra is that which
contains few letters, which gives clarity without any
doubt, which is the essence of intended message,
which is universal in its reach and application, which
does not create any confusion or tension and which
cannot be criticized or put off.


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Narayana Sutras for
Work Excellence and Leadership


Edited and Compiled by

Hasmukh Upadhyaya

Day of Amrut Manthan

Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras • Proof 15 • 2019 Dec 19

Collection of 2,064 sutras from
Guruji Shri G. Narayana’s writings

These sutras are meaningful phrases with intentions coded in

the vibrating words. Each of these sutras is simple and complex
at the same time, contains the complete understanding of the
complex thought and summarizes the whole understanding. By
simply putting attention on the sutra, one can experience and
understand the entire message and explanation contained
within it.

2 Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras

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Adhikaranas – Topics
No. Sutra Nos. Sutra Topic Page Nos.
1 1 to 4 (4) Real Reality 7
2 5 to 52 Four Fundamental Dimensions – 7 to 9
(48) physical, emotional, intellectual
and spiritual
3 53 to 63 Appropriate strategies to deal 9
(11) with past, present and future
4 64 to 73 Beyond the conventional 10
(10) management – three other
5 74 to 299 Four options: Management - 10 to 20
(226) nurturing, leadership and
pathmaking (Beyond
6 300 to 496 Cyclical order, wave patterns, 20 to 28
(197) simple harmonic motion of
nature (order-chaos-order)
7 497 to 544 Guna dynamics: Tamasik, 28 to 30
(48) Rajasik, Sattvikk and Seer –
Appropriate Ways to Deal
with them
8 545 to 578 Man is but mirror image of 30 to 32
(34) universe at Body, Mind,
Intellect and Spirit levels
9 579 to 589 Excellence in different fields 32
10 590 to 606 Appropriate actions for 33
(17) achieving excellence in
different fields
11 607 to 673 Prescription for effective 33 to 36
(67) leadership – Teachings of Lord
Krishna and Bhagavad Gita
12 674 to 686 Prescription for Noble 37
(13) Leadership: Teachings of
Buddha and Dhammapada

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No. Sutra Nos. Sutra Topic Page Nos.
13 687 to 694 Sparkles of Team Spirit 37 to 38
14 695 to 702 The Zen Way – Searching for 38
(8) Self
15 703 to 714 Inspirations from Lord Krishna – 38 to 39
(12) The Management Guru
16 715 to 767 Glimpses of Tao 39 to 41
17 768 to 773 Life Management in Spirit of 41
(6) Gita
18 774 to 795 Japjisab (As Sung by Guru 42
(22) Nanak Dev)
19 796 to 895 Useful wise conclusions from 43 to 47
(100) 101 stories created by Guruji
(Offerings I to IV)
20 896 to 909 ABCDs for Adults – Gems of 47 to 48
(14) Wisdom: Ideas Generated in
Alphabetical order
21 910 to 933 ABCDs for Elders and Youth 48 to 49
22 934 to 989 Strategic Leadership – 49 to 52
(56) Chanakya Sutras
23 990 to 1016 ABCDs for Lanugage and 52 to 53
(27) Life Partnership
24 1017 to Sixty Diamonds – Total mind 53 to 55
1053 (37) control and acquiring divine
25 1054 to Top Leadership for 55
1063 (10) formulating vision and mission
26 1064 to Connecting with Master, book, 56 to 58
1132 (69) team and self – Four jewels
from teachers
27 1133 to Upanishads – Secrets of 59
1148 (16) Powerful personality

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No. Sutra Nos. Sutra Topic Page Nos.
28 1149 to Work Ethics in Gita 59 to 66
1288 (141)
29 1289 to ABCDs for children 67
1309 (21)
30 1310 to Responsible and Inspired 68 to 72
1406 (97) Teacher
31 1407 to Sacred Ways to Spirituality 73 to 78
1519 (113) leaving ego love whole world
32 1520 to Responsible and Inspired 78 to 80
1576 (57) Volunteer – Serve and Deserve
33 1577 to Know and Become Grow – 81 to 82
1611 (35) Go – Know – Glow
34 1612 to Love – Being together to 82 to 83
1620 (9) Harmony
35 1621 to Windows of God Eyes to Self 83
36 1632 to Highways to Happiness 83 to 84
1654 (23) Positive to Joy
37 1655 to Fly the Kyte of Life – Sky is 84 to 85
1662 (8) not the Limit
38 1663 to Gateways to Self Realisation – 85 to 86
1694 (32) Self Start to Self Realisation
39 1695 to From Work to Realisation – 86 to 87
1715 (21) The Spirit of Jainism
40 1716 to Spirit of Social Responsibility 87 to 89
1762 (47) – Share, Care, Give and Receive
41 1763 to Four States of Tree, Traveller, 90
1766 (4) Human and Divine
42 1767 to Spirit of Life Mountain to 90
1775 (9) Ocean to Mountain
43 1776 to Growing to Knowing – Four 91 to 94
1848 (73) facets of Personality – child
to elder
44 1849 to Yoga Samanvaya – Alignment 94
1860 (12) of Karma, Bhakti, Gnaana,

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No. Sutra Nos. Sutra Topic Page Nos.
Dhyana Yogas
45 1861 to Imposing to Accepting – 95 to 97
1895 (35) Decision Process Options of
Process of Decision Making
46 1896 to Facets of Time – Past, Present, 97 to 100
1968 (73) Future, Eternal
47 1969 to Kundalini Simplified – Belly, 100
1972 (4) Heart, Face, Head
48 1973 to This is That – This (Amrut) 100 to 104
2064 (92) is That (Darshana)

6 Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
1. Real Reality
[1.1] 1. Right time is ‘now’
[1.2] 2. Right place is ‘here’
[1.3] 3. Right situation is ‘this’
[1.4] 4. Right person is ‘me’
— Four Presents, 2000

2. Four Fundamental Dimensions –

Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual
[2.1] 5. Appropriateness is Yoga
[2.2] 6. Appropriate Management is right
[2.3] 7. Physical space is the seat of work
[2.4] 8. Mind space is the seat of conflict
[2.5] 9. Thought space is the seat of solution
[2.6] 10. Instinct is the force in physical space
[2.7] 11. Intuition is the force in mind space
[2.8] 12. Intellect is the force in thought space
[2.9] 13. Instinct results in physical force
[2.10] 14. Intuition results in emotional force
[2.11] 15. Intellect results in rational force
[2.12] 16. Motion is the result in physical space
[2.13] 17. Emotion is the result in mind space
[2.14] 18. Vision is the result in thought space
[2.15] 19. Man moves in physical space
[2.16] 20. Man feels in mind space

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[2.17] 21. Man visualises in thought space
[2.18] 22. Love is the feeling of healing
[2.19] 23. Love is beyond language and speech
[2.20] 24. Love is surrendering
[2.21] 25. Love is caring and sharing
[2.22] 26. Love nourishes
[2.23] 27. Love supports
[2.24] 28. Love makes life
[2.25] 29. All feelings emerge from love
[2.26] 30. All feelings surge in love
[2.27] 31. All feelings merge in love
[2.28] 32. Love is supreme in mind space
[2.29] 33. Truth prevails
[2.30] 34. Purpose of all thought-fullness is truth
[2.31] 35. When Truth is seen all is light
[2.32] 36. Truth was, Truth is and Truth will ever be
[2.33] 37. Truth is Supreme in Thought Space
[2.34] 38. Enthusiasm is the expression of inner space
[2.35] 39. Be responsible
[2.36] 40. See truth
[2.37] 41. Extend love
[2.38] 42. Be in time
[2.39] 43. With responsibility one is all and all is one
[2.40] 44. Time is God

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[2.41] 45. Love is God
[2.42] 46. Truth is God
[2.43] 47. Responsibility is God
[2.44] 48. Synchronicity in time
[2.45] 49. Harmony with love
[2.46] 50. Clarity by truth
[2.47] 51. Unity of people through consciousness of
trust and responsibility
[2.48] 52. Be all to your people
— Appropriate Internal Management, 1990

3. Appropriate Strategies to Deal with

Past, Present and Future
[3.1] 53. For past learn and record - now!
[3.2] 54. For past forgive and forget - now!
[3.3] 55. For past review and evaluate - now!
[3.4] 56. For present work and contribute - now!
[3.5] 57. For present give and get - now!
[3.6] 58. For present think and innovate - now!
[3.7] 59. For future prepare and equip - now!
[3.8] 60. For future intend and extend - now!
[3.9] 61. For future predict and plan - now!
[3.10] 62. Be responsible to all, now!
[3.11] 63. Be responsible to self, now!
— Programme for Present, 1997

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
4. Beyond the Conventional Management –
Three Other Alternatives
[4.1] 64. You are all
[4.2] 65. Transform Small to Smiling - All
[4.3] 66. Offer devotion - Receive love
[4.4] 67. Offer love - Receive devotion
[4.5] 68. Offer work - Receive value
[4.6] 69. Offer value - Receive work
[4.7] 70. Offer learning - Receive knowledge
[4.8] 71. Offer knowledge - Receive learning
[4.9] 72. Offer responsibility - Receive trust
[4.10] 73. Offer trust - Receive responsibility
— All – Spirit and System – Four Yogas, 1991

5. Four Options: Management - Nurturing, Leadership and

Pathmaking (Beyond Management)
[5.1] 74. Beyond Management is integration of 4-
way aspects
[5.2] 75. Vision-Mission-Aim-Goal matrix is the full
[5.3] 76. Nurturing is developing for achievements
[5.4] 77. Management is getting thing done
[5.5] 78. Leading is showing the way to success
[5.6] 79. Path making is giving examples of
[5.7] 80. Nurturing is protecting the right to grow

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.8] 81. Managing is delegating the authority
[5.9] 82. Leading is showing responsibility
[5.10] 83. Path making is empowering freedom
[5.11] 84. Mother nurtures
[5.12] 85. Manager manages
[5.13] 86. Leader leads
[5.14] 87. Mentor makes the path
[5.15] 88. Nurture tenderness of dependence
[5.16] 89. Manage the force of independence
[5.17] 90. Lead through thread of interdependence
[5.18] 91. Make the path through supporting
[5.19] 92. Aim is for growing to achieve
[5.20] 93. Goal is for hitting to score
[5.21] 94. Mission is for fulfilling to establish standards
[5.22] 95. Vision is for illuminating to highlight the
[5.23] 96. Preparation is for child-like growth
[5.24] 97. Planning is for youthful action
[5.25] 98. Anticipation is for adult like options
[5.26] 99. Vision is for elder-like glimpses of future
[5.27] 100. Service is divine
[5.28] 101. Contribution is offering
[5.29] 102. Responsibility is supreme
[5.30] 103. Encouraging is emotional

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.31] 104. Motivation is external
[5.32] 105. Lifting is relational
[5.33] 106. Inspiring is internal
[5.34] 107. Learning is the key in nurturing
[5.35] 108. Training is the key in managing
[5.36] 109. Experimenting is the key in leading
[5.37] 110. Experiencing is the key in path making
[5.38] 111. Nurture love
[5.39] 112. Manage materials
[5.40] 113. Lead to results
[5.41] 114. Make path towards harmony
[5.42] 115. Nurture people
[5.43] 116. Manage things
[5.44] 117. Lead teams
[5.45] 118. Make paths for all
[5.46] 119. Nurture people with caring
[5.47] 120. Manage things with daring
[5.48] 121. Lead teams with sharing
[5.49] 122. Make paths with responsibility
[5.50] 123. Systematic planning
[5.51] 124. Scientific organisation
[5.52] 125. Efficient direction
[5.53] 126. Effective control
[5.54] 127. Faithful preparing

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.55] 128. Careful building
[5.56] 129. Helpful guiding
[5.57] 130. Watchful ensuring
[5.58] 131. Sensitive anticipating
[5.59] 132. Harmoniously relating
[5.60] 133. Mutually supporting
[5.61] 134. Totally assuring
[5.62] 135. Imaginative visualising
[5.63] 136. Helpful facilitating
[5.64] 137. Full backing
[5.65] 138. Complete trusting
[5.66] 139. Nurturing encourages endeavour
[5.67] 140. Management encourages work
[5.68] 141. Leading encourages contributions
[5.69] 142. Path making encourages excellence
[5.70] 143. Endeavouring is building strengths
[5.71] 144. Working is giving results
[5.72] 145. Contributing is offering achievements
[5.73] 146. Setting standards is establishing examples
[5.74] 147. Endeavouring is learning
[5.75] 148. Working is doing
[5.76] 149. Contributing is sharing
[5.77] 150. Setting standards is shining
[5.78] 151. Endeavour with force

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.79] 152. Work with effort
[5.80] 153. Contribute with power
[5.81] 154. Set standards with energy
[5.82] 155. Endeavour to create capability
[5.83] 156. Work to create quality
[5.84] 157. Contribute to create performance
[5.85] 158. Set standards to create improvements
[5.86] 159. Endeavour with ability
[5.87] 160. Work for quality
[5.88] 161. Contribute for value addition
[5.89] 162. Set standards for excellence
[5.90] 163. Economy in endeavour
[5.91] 164. Cost in work
[5.92] 165. Value in contribution
[5.93] 166. Enrichment in setting standards
[5.94] 167. Speed of endeavour
[5.95] 168. Time of work
[5.96] 169. Promptness of contribution
[5.97] 170. Timeliness of setting standards
[5.98] 171. Endeavour to attain aim
[5.99] 172. Work to reach the goal
[5.100] 173. Contribute to complete mission
[5.101] 174. Set standards to fulfil vision
[5.102] 175. Way to endeavour

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.103] 176. Method to work
[5.104] 177. Direction to mission
[5.105] 178. Path to vision
[5.106] 179. Endeavour with devotion
[5.107] 180. Work with determination
[5.108] 181. Lead with dynamism
[5.109] 182. Set standards with daring
[5.110] 183. Endeavour well
[5.111] 184. Work smart
[5.112] 185. Contribute full
[5.113] 186. Set standards high
[5.114] 187. Earnest endeavour
[5.115] 188. Efficient work
[5.116] 189. Effective contribution
[5.117] 190. Exemplary setting standards
[5.118] 191. Interest holders do endeavour
[5.119] 192. Job holders do work
[5.120] 193. ‘Share’ holders do contribution
[5.121] 194. Stake holders do set standards
[5.122] 195. Correct capability
[5.123] 196. Correct ability
[5.124] 197. Correct economy
[5.125] 198. Correct speed
[5.126] 199. Right Quantity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.127] 200. Right Quality
[5.128] 201. Right Cost
[5.129] 202. Right Time
[5.130] 203. Suitable Improvement
[5.131] 204. Suitable Refinement
[5.132] 205. Suitable Enrichment
[5.133] 206. Suitable Timeliness
[5.134] 207. Aptitude for endeavour is ‘Sadhana’
[5.135] 208. Skill in work is ‘Yoga’
[5.136] 209. Dexterity in contribution is ‘Samarpana’
[5.137] 210. Expertise in setting standards is ‘Siddhi’
[5.138] 211. Work with Sincerity
[5.139] 212. Endeavour with Dedication
[5.140] 213. Contribute with Honesty
[5.141] 214. Set standards with Nobility
[5.142] 215. Sincere works
[5.143] 216. Dedicated endeavours
[5.144] 217. Honest contribution
[5.145] 218. Noble examples of setting standards
[5.146] 219. Love the dedicated
[5.147] 220. Delegate to the sincere
[5.148] 221. Empower the honest
[5.149] 222. Trust the noble and excellent
[5.150] 223. Dedicated feelings

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.151] 224. Sincere actions
[5.152] 225. Honest thoughts
[5.153] 226. Noble soul
[5.154] 227. Faith in dedicated people
[5.155] 228. Confidence in sincere people
[5.156] 229. Belief in honest people
[5.157] 230. Trust for noble people
[5.158] 231. Dedicated surrender
[5.159] 232. Sincere agreement
[5.160] 233. Honest concern
[5.161] 234. Noble consent
[5.162] 235. Rely on dedicated
[5.163] 236. Relate with sincere
[5.164] 237. Respect honest
[5.165] 238. Reverence for noble
[5.166] 239. Dedicated ‘Shraddha Vaan’
[5.167] 240. Sincere ‘Karya Vaan’
[5.168] 241. Honest ‘Satya Vaan’
[5.169] 242. Noble ‘Atma Vaan’
[5.170] 243. Offer Love to Dedicated
[5.171] 244. Offer Delegation to Sincere
[5.172] 245. Offer Empowerment to Honest
[5.173] 246. Offer Trust to Excellent and Noble
[5.174] 247. Trust is relationship of total acceptance

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.175] 248. Love and give support
[5.176] 249. Delegate and give resources
[5.177] 250. Empower and give freedom
[5.178] 251. Trust and give respect
[5.179] 252. Love as per person
[5.180] 253. Delegation as per job
[5.181] 254. Empowerment as per role
[5.182] 255. Trust as per responsibility
[5.183] 256. Nurturing through love
[5.184] 257. Management through delegation
[5.185] 258. Leadership through empowerment
[5.186] 259. Path making through trust
[5.187] 260. Love streamlines feelings
[5.188] 261. Delegation streamlines actions
[5.189] 262. Empowerment streamlines initiatives
[5.190] 263. Trust streamlines responsibilities
[5.191] 264. Endeavour is enriched by love
[5.192] 265. Work is enriched by delegation
[5.193] 266. Contribution is enriched by empowerment
[5.194] 267. Setting standards is enriched by trust
[5.195] 268. Love improves interest holding
[5.196] 269. Delegation improves job holding
[5.197] 270. Empowerment improves ‘share’ holding
[5.198] 271. Trust improves responsibility holding

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.199] 272. Love gets dedication
[5.200] 273. Delegation gets sincerity
[5.201] 274. Empowerment gets honesty
[5.202] 275. Trust gets nobility
[5.203] 276. Dedication gets love
[5.204] 277. Sincerity gets delegation
[5.205] 278. Honesty gets empowerment
[5.206] 279. Nobility gets trust
[5.207] 280. Love accepts
[5.208] 281. Delegation authorises
[5.209] 282. Empowerment authenticates
[5.210] 283. Trust assures
[5.211] 284. Love the ‘Child’
[5.212] 285. Delegate to the ‘Youth’
[5.213] 286. Empower the ‘Adult’
[5.214] 287. Trust the ‘Elder’
[5.215] 288. Love accepts relations
[5.216] 289. Delegation expects results
[5.217] 290. Empowerment ensures improvements
[5.218] 291. Trust assures examples
[5.219] 292. Loving Nurturer is ‘Prema Vaan’
[5.220] 293. Delegating Manager is ‘Dhriti Maan’
[5.221] 294. Empowering leader is ‘Dhairya Vaan’

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[5.222] 295. Trusting Mentor is ‘Vishwaasa Vaan’
[5.223] 296. A - Attitudes - at Mind level
[5.224] 297. U - Usefulness - at Body level
[5.225] 298. M - Mastery - at Thought level
[5.226] 299. • - Spirit - at Conscious level
— Beyond Management, 1991

6. Cyclical Order, Wave Patterns, Simple Harmonic Motion

of Nature (order-chaos-order)
[6.1] 300. Order-Complexity-Chaos-Clearance is the
complete cycle
[6.2] 301. Systems work in order
[6.3] 302. Research works in complexity
[6.4] 303. Reflexes work in chaos
[6.5] 304. Renewals work in clearance
[6.6] 305. Controls ensure order
[6.7] 306. Deviations indicate complexity
[6.8] 307. Adjustments help in chaos
[6.9] 308. Adaptations help in clearance
[6.10] 309. Co-operation is key in order
[6.11] 310. Cognition is key in complexity
[6.12] 311. ‘Operation’ is key in Chaos
[6.13] 312. Co-ordination is key in clearing
[6.14] 313. Goals guide in order
[6.15] 314. Differences inform in complexity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[6.16] 315. Opportunities lead in chaos
[6.17] 316. Initiatives progress in clearing
[6.18] 317. Norms define order
[6.19] 318. Surprises describe complexity
[6.20] 319. ‘Risks’ are fine in chaos
[6.21] 320. Ventures are fine in clearing
[6.22] 321. Policies are suitable in order
[6.23] 322. Principles are suitable in complexity
[6.24] 323. Strategies are suitable in chaos
[6.25] 324. Practices are useful in clearing
[6.26] 325. Authority works in order
[6.27] 326. Reasonability works in complexity
[6.28] 327. Responsibility works in chaos
[6.29] 328. Accountability works in clearance
[6.30] 329. Efficiency optimises order
[6.31] 330. Deficiencies define complexity
[6.32] 331. Effectiveness minimises chaos
[6.33] 332. Effort regularises clearance
[6.34] 333. Planning is possible in order
[6.35] 334. Thinking is preferable in complexity
[6.36] 335. Innovation is probable in chaos
[6.37] 336. Anticipation is preferable in clearance
[6.38] 335. Organising is right in order
[6.39] 338. Think-Tanks are right in complexity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[6.40] 339. Task forces are right in chaos
[6.41] 340. Reorganising is right in clearance
[6.42] 341. Direction is lamp in order
[6.43] 342. Searching is spark in complexity
[6.44] 343. Self-motivation is light in chaos
[6.45] 344. Path making is illumination in clearance
[6.46] 345. Normal is meaningful in order
[6.47] 346. Sub-normal is meaningful in complexity
[6.48] 347. Abnormal is meaningful in chaos
[6.49] 348. Super normal is meaningful in clearing
[6.50] 349. Controls control in order
[6.51] 350. Uncontrollables appear in complexity
[6.52] 351. Freedom regulates chaos
[6.53] 352. Ensuring regularises clearing
[6.54] 353. Trends function in order
[6.55] 354. Changes function in complexity
[6.56] 355. Jumps occur in chaos
[6.57] 356. Step functions in clearance
[6.58] 357. Information is power in order
[6.59] 358. Lack of information is force in complexity
[6.60] 359. Indication is force in chaos
[6.61] 360. Formation is energy in clearing
[6.62] 361. Managers succeed in order
[6.63] 362. Thinkers succeed in complexity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[6.64] 363. Leaders succeed in chaos
[6.65] 364. Path makers succeed in clearing
[6.66] 365. Skill in order
[6.67] 366. Insight in complexity
[6.68] 367. Will in chaos
[6.69] 368. Foresight in clearing
[6.70] 369. Intellect in order
[6.71] 370. Inspiration in complexity
[6.72] 371. Instinct in chaos
[6.73] 372. Intuition in clearing
[6.74] 373. Rules in order
[6.75] 374. Guidelines in complexity
[6.76] 375. Roles in chaos
[6.77] 376. New paths in clearing
[6.78] 377. Experience in order
[6.79] 378. Examination in complexity
[6.80] 379. Experimentation in chaos
[6.81] 380. Exposure in clearing
[6.82] 381. Knowledge in order
[6.83] 382. Information in complexity
[6.84] 383. Ideas in chaos
[6.85] 384. Solutions in clearing
[6.86] 385. Motivation in order
[6.87] 386. Meditation in complexity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[6.88] 387. Inspiration in chaos
[6.89] 388. Initiative in clearing
[6.90] 389. Summarise in order
[6.91] 390. Separate in complexity
[6.92] 391. Segmentalise in chaos
[6.93] 392. Regroup in clearing
[6.94] 393. Integrate in order
[6.95] 394. Elementalise in complexity
[6.96] 395. Differentiate in chaos
[6.97] 396. Streamline in clearing
[6.98] 397. Attempt full in order
[6.99] 398. Attend gaps in complexity
[6.100] 399. Attack parts in chaos
[6.101] 400. Attain priorities in clearing
[6.102] 401. Be enthusiastic in order
[6.103] 402. Be contemplative in complexity
[6.104] 403. Be calm in chaos
[6.105] 404. Be optimistic in clearing
[6.106] 405. Steadiness in order
[6.107] 406. Studyness in complexity
[6.108] 407. Readiness in chaos
[6.109] 408. Sturdiness in clearing
[6.110] 409. Job holders in order
[6.111] 410. Thought holders in complexity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[6.112] 411. Stakeholders in chaos
[6.113] 412. ‘Role’ holders in clearing
[6.114] 413. Order is ‘Paradise’
[6.115] 414. Complexity is ‘Paradox’
[6.116] 415. Chaos is ‘Para normal’
[6.117] 416. Clearing is new ‘Paradigm’
[6.118] 417. Mission during order
[6.119] 418. Vision during complexity
[6.120] 419. Devotion during chaos
[6.121] 420. Action during clearing
[6.122] 421. Order is pleasure
[6.123] 422. Complexity is down the hill
[6.124] 423. Chaos is valley
[6.125] 424. Clearance is climbing the hill
[6.126] 425. Order is even
[6.127] 426. Complexity is uneven
[6.128] 427. Chaos is odd
[6.129] 428. Clearing is ‘odd man out’
[6.130] 429. Order is sequence
[6.131] 430. Complexity is unsequence
[6.132] 431. Chaos is no sequence
[6.133] 432. Clearance is consequence
[6.134] 433. Order is arrangement
[6.135] 434. Complexity is mis-arrangement

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[6.136] 435. Chaos is dis-arrangement
[6.137] 436. Clearing is re-arrangement
[6.138] 437. Stability in order
[6.139] 438. Contemplation in complexity
[6.140] 439. Dedication in chaos
[6.141] 440. Work in clearing
[6.142] 441. Be awake in order
[6.143] 442. Be conscious in complexity
[6.144] 443. Be aware in chaos
[6.145] 444. Be alert in clearing
[6.146] 445. In order to ‘share’
[6.147] 446. In complexity to ‘scare’
[6.148] 447. In chaos to ‘dare’
[6.149] 448. In clearance to ‘fare’
[6.150] 449. Letter in order
[6.151] 450. Letter and spirit in complexity
[6.152] 451. Spirit in chaos
[6.153] 452. Spirit and letter in clearing
[6.154] 453. Delegation in order
[6.155] 454. Trust in complexity
[6.156] 455. Love in chaos
[6.157] 456. Empowerment in clearing
[6.158] 457. Attention is order
[6.159] 458. Negligence is complexity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[6.160] 459. Grievance is chaos
[6.161] 460. Settlement is clearing
[6.162] 461. Smoothness is order
[6.163] 462. Irritation is complexity
[6.164] 463. Problem is chaos
[6.165] 464. Solution is clearing
[6.166] 465. Operation is order
[6.167] 466. Maintaining is complexity
[6.168] 467. Breakdown is chaos
[6.169] 468. Repairing is clearing
[6.170] 469. Running is order
[6.171] 470. Speeding is complexity
[6.172] 471. Accident is chaos
[6.173] 472. Correction is clearing
[6.174] 473. Production is order
[6.175] 474. Process is complexity
[6.176] 475. Pollution is chaos
[6.177] 476. Re-cycling is clearing
[6.178] 477. Quantity is order
[6.179] 478. Quality is complexity
[6.180] 479. Rejection is chaos
[6.181] 480. Reworking is clearing
[6.182] 481. Peace is order
[6.183] 482. Tension is complexity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[6.184] 483. No work is chaos
[6.185] 484. Treaty is clearance
[6.186] 485. Policies are for order
[6.187] 486. Procedures are complexity
[6.188] 487. Pit falls are chaos
[6.189] 488. Practices are clearing
[6.190] 489. Simpleness is order
[6.191] 490. Complication is complexity
[6.192] 491. Confusion is chaos
[6.193] 492. Clarity is clearing
[6.194] 493. Executives in order
[6.195] 494. Visionaries in complexity
[6.196] 495. Leaders in chaos
[6.197] 496. Guru in clearing
— Order-Chaos-Order, 1992

7. Guna Dynamics: Tamasik, Rajasik, Sattvikk and Seer –

Appropriate Ways to Deal with Them
[7.1] 497. Identify each person and treat him as he
[7.2] 498. There are Seer, Sattvik, Rajasik and Tamasik
[7.3] 499. Tamasik operates at body level
[7.4] 500. Rajasik operates at feeling level
[7.5] 501. Sattvik operates at intelligence level
[7.6] 502. Seer operates at conscious level

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[7.7] 503. Tamasik are forced and limited
[7.8] 504. Rajasik are forceful and excessive
[7.9] 505. Sattvik are measured and appropriate
[7.10] 506. Seer are perfect and useful
[7.11] 507. Tamasik sees little and does little
[7.12] 508. Rajasik does and moves
[7.13] 509. Sattvik sees and does
[7.14] 510. Seer witnesses and visualises
[7.15] 511. Tamasik directs improperly
[7.16] 512. Rajasik directs with bias
[7.17] 513. Sattvik directs with intelligence
[7.18] 514. Seer directs with consciousness
[7.19] 515. Tamasik is out of focus
[7.20] 516. Rajasik is with focus on interested subjects
[7.21] 517. Sattvik is with clear focus
[7.22] 518. Seer is with total focus
[7.23] 519. Tamasik observes less
[7.24] 520. Rajasik observes ‘partially’
[7.25] 521. Sattvik observes well
[7.26] 522. Seer observes full
[7.27] 523. Tamasik receives at gross level
[7.28] 524. Rajasik receives at interest level
[7.29] 525. Sattvik receives at subtle level
[7.30] 526. Seer receives at deep level

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[7.31] 527. Tamasik registers less
[7.32] 528. Rajasik registers high
[7.33] 529. Sattvik registers properly
[7.34] 530. Seer registers usefully
[7.35] 531. Tamasik grasps low
[7.36] 532. Rajasik grasps more of what is liked
[7.37] 533. Sattvik grasps appropriately
[7.38] 534. Seer grasps completely
[7.39] 535. Tamasik interprets for own convenience
[7.40] 536. Rajasik interprets for own benefit
[7.41] 537. Sattvik interprets as it is
[7.42] 538. Seer interprets for benefit of all
[7.43] 539. Tamasik’s memory forgets
[7.44] 540. Rajasik’s memory remembers
[7.45] 541. Sattvik’s memory recalls
[7.46] 542. Seer’s memory revisualises
[7.47] 543. Persuasion and rewards are like staple food
to be given regularly
[7.48] 544. Discrimination and punishment are like
medicines to be given judiciously
— Appropriate Integrated Management, 1986

8. Man is but Mirror Image of Universe at Body, Mind,

Intellect and Spirit Levels
[8.1] 545 Every man is universal man
[8.2] 546. Body is mirror image of World

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[8.3] 547. Mind is mirror image of Nature
[8.4] 548. Intellect is mirror image of Light
[8.5] 549. Self is mirror image of God
[8.6] 550. Work and reach the world
[8.7] 551. Love and feel the nature
[8.8] 552. Think and visualise the light
[8.9] 553. Be responsible, experience divinity
[8.10] 554. Body is world
[8.11] 555. Mind is nature
[8.12] 556. Intellect is light
[8.13] 557. Self is God
[8.14] 558. Motion and Contribution are guided by
physical laws
[8.15] 559. Emotion and Harmony are guided by
biological/relational laws
[8.16] 560. Vision and Clarity guided by quantum
physical laws
[8.17] 561. Inspiration and joy are with eternal truths
[8.18] 562. Love the creation
[8.19] 563. Work with devotion
[8.20] 564. Think with contemplation
[8.21] 565. Be responsive and enjoy the inspiration
[8.22] 566. Contribute, love, see and Be
[8.23] 567. Be yourself and experience universal self
[8.24] 568. Be in present

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[8.25] 569. Do not run to past or future
[8.26] 570. Be here and not there
[8.27] 571. Be natural and be own-self
[8.28] 572. Accept reality whatsoever it is
[8.29] 573. Accept people whosoever it is
[8.30] 574. Take responsibility without seeking power
[8.31] 575. Group is the greatest resource
[8.32] 576. Lead me from D.O.G. to G.O.D.
[8.33] 577. Positiveness is happiness
[8.34] 578. Helping others is divinity
— Universal Man, 1992

9. Excellence in Different Fields

[9.1] 579. Quality is a Sure Way to Excellence
[9.2] 580. Completeness Itself is a success
[9.3] 581. Correctness generates confidence
[9.4] 582. Cleanliness ensures healthy future
[9.5] 583. Effectiveness produces desired results
[9.6] 584. Simpleness is beauty
[9.7] 585. Non-reliability is liability
[9.8] 586. Be brief
[9.9] 587. Concentrate and conquer
[9.10] 588. Clarity is complete understanding
[9.11] 589. Appropriateness is being just right
— The Stairway to Excellence, 1989

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
10. Appropriate Actions for Achieving Excellence in
Different Fields
[10.1] 590. If you are there, there is time
[10.2] 591. Reliability is an asset
[10.3] 592. Labels are illusion
[10.4] 593. Health is wealth
[10.5] 594. Live with inter-dependence
[10.6] 595. Humour is the best medicine
[10.7] 596. Learn in failure
[10.8] 597. Life is worthy, if you can share
[10.9] 598. Segregate and succeed
[10.10] 599. Locate as per use
[10.11] 600. Be clean, be safe
[10.12] 601. Be in peace - not in pieces
[10.13] 602. Self-discipline enhances self esteem
[10.14] 603. Teach by examples of own practices
[10.15] 604. Support learners in their self-study
[10.16] 605. A place for each one
[10.17] 606. Each one in place
— Dimensions of Management, 1988

11. Prescription for Effective Leadership –

Teachings of Lord Krishna and Bhagavad Gita
[11.1] 607. Have sense of purpose
[11.2] 608. Think positive

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[11.3] 609. Act usefully
[11.4] 610. Intention-Extension-Attention - No Tension
[11.5] 611. Sangharsh - Sankalp - Sahakar - Samdhyan -
[11.6] 612. Know that you are excellent
[11.7] 613. Believe in yourself
[11.8] 614. Do odd things
[11.9] 615. Do enjoy the change
[11.10] 616. Keep your speech gentle, clear and clean
[11.11] 617. Accept noble thoughts
[11.12] 618. Generate noble thoughts
[11.13] 619. Be in noble thoughts
[11.14] 620. Smile with eyes
[11.15] 621. Communicate with eyes
[11.16] 622. Be Positive – Active-Timely-Effective –
[11.17] 623. Be awake, alert, aware and conscious
[11.18] 624. Choose the right Mission, Means,
Methods, Manners
[11.19] 625. Learning is growing
[11.20] 626. Learn and earn capability
[11.21] 627. Be clean
[11.22] 628. Cleanliness is Godliness
[11.23] 629. Leadership is taking responsibility
[11.24] 630. Accept, Accommodate, Adjust and Adapt all

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[11.25] 631. Give, give and give
[11.26] 632. Give examples by own conduct
[11.27] 633. Protect people from evil forces within and
[11.28] 634. Search for Gurus and be educated
[11.29] 635. Have noble feelings for every one
[11.30] 636. Be ready to receive all people
[11.31] 637. Nobility is being example
[11.32] 638. Nobility is doing right
[11.33] 639. Nobility is feeling love for every one
[11.34] 640. Nobility is thinking for well-being of people
[11.35] 641. Be noble
[11.36] 642. Measure all with the same yard stick
[11.37] 643. Enjoy the in-joy
[11.38] 644. Grow in height and grow in depth
[11.39] 645. Learning and extending skills is growing tall
[11.40] 646. Knowing self is growing deep
[11.41] 647. Bear all kinds of people
[11.42] 648. Be stable in all situations
[11.43] 649. Return in multi-fold of what you take
[11.44] 650. Be a mother to people
[11.45] 651. Give and be rich
[11.46] 652. Give love and be richest
[11.47] 653. Truth is easy, untruth is difficult

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[11.48] 654. Be truthful and travel on shortest route to
[11.49] 655. Seek for harmony
[11.50] 656. Work for harmony
[11.51] 657. Attain harmony
[11.52] 658. Be with harmony and experience eternalness
[11.53] 659. Transform work into a Saadhana
[11.54] 660. Transform job into a Seva
[11.55] 661. Be in harmony with environment
[11.56] 662. Be an enricher of environment
[11.57] 663. A Leader’s sign is his own work
[11.58] 664. With knowledge, know the words
[11.59] 665. With experience, know the meaning
[11.60] 666. With communication, attain communion
[11.61] 667. With offer and receive, enjoy liberation
[11.62] 668. Knowledgeable concentration leads to
[11.63] 669. Mind the mind and be your own friend
[11.64] 670. Equality is quality
[11.65] 671. Supervision is Super-Vision
[11.66] 672. Share and care for people’s welfare
[11.67] 673. With devotion, work is worship
— Responsible Leadership in Gita, 1993

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
12. Prescription for Noble Leadership:
Teachings of Buddha and Dhammapada
[12.1] 674. Improve yourself first
[12.2] 675. Help others to improve next
[12.3] 676. Positive mind + speech + actions = Holistic
[12.4] 677. One internal victory is superior to
thousand external victories
[12.5] 678. Practiced values appreciate with age
[12.6] 679. Let go and as own master glow
[12.7] 680. Man out of doubts is excellent
[12.8] 681. External utility + internal purity =
Conscious quality
[12.9] 682. Health is physical purity
[12.10] 683. Happiness is mental purity
[12.11] 684. Trust is thought purity
[12.12] 685. Nirvaana is self-purity
[12.13] 686. Self win-interpersonal win-society win-
overall win
— Noble Leader – A Journey through Dhammapada, 2000

13. Sparkles of Team Spirit

[13.1] 687. To serve is to accept, support, share, give
and offer
[13.2] 688. With solution there is no problem
[13.3] 689. Each is a link in the chain of team
[13.4] 690. Be trustworthy, win confidence

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[13.5] 691. Take responsibility, win respect
[13.6] 692. Be an expert, contribute to excellence
[13.7] 693. Anticipate and be ahead
[13.8] 694. Follow the norms, be an example
— Sparkles of Team Spirit, 1991

14. The Zen Way – Searching for Self

[14.1] 695. Start searching when way is lost
[14.2] 696. When solution sparks hold on a vision
[14.3] 697. Practice is the way to perfection
[14.4] 698. Make it a habit to be inspired
[14.5] 699. Your self is light
[14.6] 700. All-Universe - Me is reality
[14.7] 701. Cosmic source is force
[14.8] 702. Serve and deserve and serve
— Ox-herding (The Zen Way), 1991

15. Inspirations from Lord Krishna – The Management Guru

[15.1] 703. Improvements lead to enhanced value
[15.2] 704. Improvements renovate, ideas innovate
[15.3] 705. Useful actions + happy relations = joyful
[15.4] 706. Accept and get accepted
[15.5] 707. Stand under to understand
[15.6] 708. Understand simplicity behind every

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[15.7] 709. Share other’s grief and your success
[15.8] 710. Past facts + present reality + future
possibility + changing universe = Truth
[15.9] 711. Silence is licence for intuition
[15.10] 712. Stability makes ability strong
[15.11] 713. Equanimity is total self-fulfilment
[15.12] 714. Beyond skill and will be tranquil
— Inspirations from Lord Krishna – The Management Guru, 2010

16. Glimpses of Tao

[16.1] 715. Nothing is gateway to all things
[16.2] 716. High and low depend on each other
[16.3] 717. Master is learner
[16.4] 718. Emptying is the way to being full
[16.5] 719. Centre and distribute
[16.6] 720. Mother embraces other
[16.7] 721. Real leader is follower
[16.8] 722. Open mind and be close to the truth
[16.9] 723. Loving all is loving self
[16.10] 724. Be wise - not other wise
[16.11] 725. Reach heights by going to depths
[16.12] 726. Original source is great resource
[16.13] 727. Trust and Entrust
[16.14] 728. In order is chaos. In chaos is order
[16.15] 729. Throw and all will come

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[16.16] 730. Drift and discover
[16.17] 731. Let come the light
[16.18] 732. Be part to be whole
[16.19] 733. Open and accept
[16.20] 734. Do and do not claim
[16.21] 735. Disconnect from This to connect to That
[16.22] 736. Situation is station plus ‘i’ and ‘u’
[16.23] 737. Intelligence is knowing others
[16.24] 738. Wisdom is knowing yourself
[16.25] 739. Great are humble
[16.26] 740. Humble are great
[16.27] 741. It is useful to be of use
[16.28] 742. Transformation is moving out of set
[16.29] 732. Truly powerful is not trying to be powerful
[16.30] 744. Common is uncommon
[16.31] 745. Path into light seems dark
[16.32] 746. Gentle overcomes the hard
[16.33] 747. Accepting is harmony
[16.34] 748. True fullness seems empty
[16.35] 749. Lesser you drive, sooner you arrive
[16.36] 750. Knowing how to yield is strength
[16.37] 751. Best way is easy. Other way is difficult
[16.38] 752. Tender is powerful. Powerful is weak
[16.39] 753. Fare well for welfare

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[16.40] 754. Step-out and evil is out
[16.41] 755. Correcting mistakes is correct way
[16.42] 756. Large is small and small is large
[16.43] 757. Master minds people
[16.44] 758. Master reminds people
[16.45] 759. Be low and all will flow
[16.46] 760. Sense the sense in nonsense
[16.47] 761. Yield and win
[16.48] 762. Be at ease to disconnect disease
[16.49] 763. Hold every thing with nothing
[16.50] 764. Best governing is non-governing
[16.51] 765. Soft prevails, hard breaks
[16.52] 766. Mis take not. Mis give not
[16.53] 767. With young spirit enjoy old age
— Glimpses of Tao, 1991

17. Life Management in Spirit of Gita

[17.1] 768. Work leads to self-purity
[17.2] 769. Stable mind leads to Able self
[17.3] 770. Self is the root of all Glorious creations
[17.4] 771. ‘I’ness to ‘why’ness to ‘eye’ness to ‘high’ness
[17.5] 772. Ego to introspection to knowledge to
[17.6] 773. That which liberates is divinity
— Life Management in Spirit of Gita – Jivan Chaitnyam, 2000

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
18. Japjisab (As Sung by Guru Nanak Dev)
[18.1] 774. Guru is the graceful gate to God
[18.2] 775. Seek, Surrender and Find
[18.3] 776. Find Him in pure Joy
[18.4] 777. See God in Guru
[18.5] 778. Guru’s words are keys to open mind
[18.6] 779. With grace become an ace
[18.7] 780. Devotion leads to happiness
[18.8] 781. Faith is the fountain of bliss
[18.9] 782. Believe, Behave, Become and Be
[18.10] 783. Be humble and seek
[18.11] 784. Water cleans body. Devotion cleans mind
[18.12] 785. Devotee is king of kings
[18.13] 786. Illusion to illumination is possible through
[18.14] 787. Merge with God with complete devotion
[18.15] 788. Reap as you sow
[18.16] 789. To know is to glow
[18.17] 790. To grow is to flow
[18.18] 791. Inspired action is the way
[18.19] 792. Worship is workshop to become worthy
[18.20] 793. Good deeds lead to God
[18.21] 794. One to many to one
[18.22] 795. Impossible becomes possible by His grace
— Japaji Sahib (As Sung by Guru Nanakdev), 1991

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
19. Useful Wise Conclusions from 101 Stories Created by
Guruji (Offerings I to IV)
[19.1] 796. Offer and be joyful
[19.2] 797. Receive and be thankful
[19.3] 798. Anticipate and attain
[19.4] 799. Language is the link
[19.5] 800. Mother tongue is mother
[19.6] 801. Every best can be bettered
[19.7] 802. Love is holding hand, walking along in
[19.8] 803. All are equal
[19.9] 804. People in difficulty are more equal
[19.10] 805. Work hard. Work smart
[19.11] 806. Be Ganesh. Be Kartik
[19.12] 807. Innovate, instigate, initiate and inspire for
[19.13] 808. Teaching is limited. Learning is unlimited
[19.14] 809. No boundaries for human excellence
[19.15] 810. Anticipate and act. Think and rescue
[19.16] 811. Do not delay the decisions
[19.17] 812. Self-realisation is understanding what one
is not and experiencing what one is
[19.18] 813. Hurting is devility. Helping is divinity
[19.19] 814. Help those who harmed you

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[19.20] 815. Be compassionate to those who harmed you
[19.21] 816. Be kind to those who did not harm you
[19.22] 817. Be empathetic to those who helped you
[19.23] 818. Be expectation-less to those whom you
[19.24] 819. Whoever has come to you is divine
[19.25] 820. Receive, respond, respect, realise
[19.26] 821. Every question has an answer
[19.27] 822. Every answer has a question
[19.28] 823. Pessimists see what is not there
[19.29] 824. Optimists see what is there
[19.30] 825. Visionaries see what is possible
[19.31] 826. There are possibilities beyond ‘yes’ and ‘no’
[19.32] 827. Ask questions, receive answers
[19.33] 828. Be a right person by doing right things
[19.34] 829. Plan the goals with an intention to serve
[19.35] 830. Overcome obstructions, utilise opportunities
with full efforts
[19.36] 831. Serve and deserve better destiny
[19.37] 832. Right and just reward energises
[19.38] 833. Right and just reprimand corrects
[19.39] 834. Responsibility creates perfect perceptions
[19.40] 835. Approach your teacher
[19.41] 836. Request, surrender and invoke

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[19.42] 837. Teacher is the source of information,
knowledge and divinity
[19.43] 838. Real teacher punishes with silence
[19.44] 839. See the sea inside you
[19.45] 840. Every person is a flower
[19.46] 841. Every flower is universe
[19.47] 842. Seek to liberate yourself
[19.48] 843. Serve others to liberate themselves
[19.49] 844. Be a Buddha. Be a Bodhisattva
[19.50] 845. Old gold plus better new adds value
[19.51] 846. Wisdom plus innovation is development
[19.52] 847. The best technology is practicalogy
[19.53] 848. Trust is the rope to God
[19.54] 849. Truth is a magic beyond logic
[19.55] 850. Credit is to be given and shared
[19.56] 851. God is in beings
[19.57] 852. Beings are in God
[19.]58 853. Macro is in micro
[19.59] 854. Micro is in macro
[19.60] 855. You shall receive depending on how you ask
[19.61] 856. Ask. Share. Give. Avoid taking
[19.62] 857. Masters respect other masters
[19.63] 858. Seeing greatness of others is to be on the
way to divinity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[19.64] 859. Real prophets see all the prophets as
[19.65] 860. All questions lead to God
[19.66] 861. All answers lead to man
[19.67] 862. Joint family is garden of joy
[19.68] 863. Trust first. Agreement next
[19.69] 864. Keep trust, come to agreement
[19.70] 865. Protected virtue protects
[19.71] 866. Compassion is the greatest duty
[19.72] 867. Equality is the greatest conduct
[19.73] 868. Become immortal by complete offering
[19.74] 869. All in one, one in all
[19.75] 870. Devotion is greater than deity
[19.76] 871. Compassion makes anyone Divine
[19.77] 872. Contribution makes anyone Human
[19.78] 873. Say what you do. Do what you say
[19.79] 874. Feel what you do. Do what you feel
[19.80] 875. Think what you do. Do what you think
[19.81] 876. Do the right thing. Experience right
[19.82] 877. Fulfil the commitments that you make
[19.83] 878. Giving becomes offering with pure mind
[19.84] 879. Giving is always possible
[19.85] 880. The teacher should know more than the

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[19.86] 881. The leader should know more than the
[19.87] 882. Continuous learning is the secret of
[19.88] 883. A person has to develop on his own
[19.89] 884. Theory + Practice = Perfect Understanding
[19.90] 885. Learning from each other is excellent
[19.91] 886. Journey itself is a joy. Destination is only
one point
[19.92] 887. Send messages to yourself. Receive
messages from yourself
[19.93] 888. The future is in your hands
[19.94] 889. You can make or break your future now!
[19.95] 890. Present is the base for better future
[19.96] 891. Practise before you preach
[19.97] 892. If you think It is. It is
[19.98] 893. You become that what you think
[19.99] 894. When order is re-established chaos
[19.100] 895. Trust people. Do not believe situations
— Essence of 101 Stories (Offerings I to IV), 2001-2003

20. ABCDs for Adults – Gems of Wisdom: Ideas Generated

in Alphabetical order
[20.1] 896. Accept your responsibility
[20.2] 897. Collaborative efforts make impossible

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[20.3] 898. Empathy removes ‘other’-ness and creates
[20.4] 899. Humane-ness is ‘we’ and ‘us’
[20.5] 900. Integrity is path of truth
[20.6] 901. Kindness is serving with heart
[20.7] 902. Life to Lord through Learning, Love and Light
[20.8] 903. Quality is doing right all the time
[20.9] 904. Responsibility is consciousness
[20.10] 905. Service is offering
[20.11] 906. Togetherness is oneness
[20.12] 907. Understand to upgrade
[20.13] 908. Venture to add value
[20.14] 909. Zestful life is joyful life
— ABCDs for Adults, 2004

21. ABCDs for Elders and Youth

[21.1] 910. Awareness is deep perception of reality
[21.2] 911. Benevolence is showering benefits to all
[21.3] 912. Consciousness is spirit of love and seva
[21.4] 913. Divinity shines when you smile
[21.5] 914. Grand-parent is witness with wisdom
[21.6] 915. Inspiration is in-spirit-ation
[21.7] 916. Knowledge is light
[21.8] 917. Light and love are lyrics of Lord

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[21.9] 918. Mentor is grand gardener
[21.10] 919. Nurture with love, recognition,
empowerment and respect
[21.11] 920. Overall win is all-win
[21.12] 921. Pleasant elder is precious elder
[21.13] 922. Vision is seeing beyond
[21.14] 923. Welfare is when ‘we’ all are faring well
[21.15] 924. Be bold without being blunt
[21.16] 925. Dare, share, care and be aware
[21.17] 926. Integrity is honesty
[21.18] 927. Joy energises your being
[21.19] 928. Struggle, strive, stretch, succeed and shine
[21.20] 929. Task is a challenge and opportunity
[21.21] 930. Unity will make you universal
[21.22] 931. Wander not. Wonder lot
[21.23] 932. Explore and experience ecstasy
[21.24] 933. Zealfull service is zenith
— ABCDs for Elders & Youth, 2004

22. Strategic Leadership – Chanakya Sutras

[22.1] 934. Right attitude makes right person
[22.2] 935. Group, Organization, Direction is God
[22.3] 936. Learn from history and win geography
[22.4] 937. History is his-story - what will be your story?
[22.5] 938. In right time, right way, you do right

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[22.6] 939. Do right and be right
[22.7] 940. From point and counterpoint strategies come
[22.8] 941. Reliable friends are your wealth
[22.9] 942. Collaboration is important, make best of it
[22.10] 943. Competition is important, prepare worst
of it
[22.11] 944. From competition to collaboration find the
[22.12] 945. Collaboration is live and let live way
[22.13] 946. At level of par-excellence, competition
becomes collaboration
[22.14] 947. For your rise or fall you are the cause
[22.15] 948. Be prompt, do not procrastinate
[22.16] 949. Initiative and finishiative both are must
[22.17] 950. Fruits are sweet when work is in time
[22.18] 951. Efforts are keys for progress of work
[22.19] 952. Let people be first, second you be
[22.20] 953. Anger is fire, it can burn
[22.21] 954. Even one defect spoils excellence
[22.22] 955. Consider duty more than life
[22.23] 956. Be within limits, unlimited be
[22.24] 957. Be in company with quality men
[22.25] 958. Your deeds will stay even when you go
[22.26] 959. Value realization is management
[22.27] 960. For starting good work, right time is now!

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[22.28] 961. Argument with wise is not necessary
[22.29] 962. Argument with fools is not useful
[22.30] 963. Argument with teacher is not appropriate
[22.31] 964. Argument with friends is not fit
[22.32] 965. Argument with spouse is not safe!!
[22.33] 966. A leader as Guide, Organizer, Director is
[22.34] 967. With empty hands do not go to Guru, God
[22.35] 968. Truth is eternal and heaven it is
[22.36] 969. Truth is penance and best austerity
[22.37] 970. Truth is road to happiness and bliss
[22.38] 971. Truth is foundation, supporting is truth
[22.39] 972. Truth is fact, reality, ultimate is truth
[22.40] 973. Blessed is that one who is with truth
[22.41] 974. Humility is ornament, wear it well
[22.42] 975. Do what is good for all
[22.43] 976. When any one seeks avoid saying ‘No’
[22.44] 977. Giving is the best way to get anything
[22.45] 978. Invited guest is honourable, receive him well
[22.46] 979. Unexpected guest is divine, serve him well
[22.47] 980. Extol your leader whenever he is right
[22.48] 981. Non-violence is the essence of right path
[22.49] 982. Be kind to one and all
[22.50] 983. Learn continuously

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[22.51] 984. Money has value, honesty has worth
[22.52] 985. Patience wins
[22.53] 986. Study and be steady
[22.54] 987. Win-win, you win. Let others win
[22.55] 988. Excel in whatever you do
[22.56] 989. You are the light of lights
— Strategic Leadership – Essence of Chanakya Sutras, 1992

23. ABCDs for Lanugage and Life Partnership

[23.1] 990. Brevity is economy of language
[23.2] 991. Clarity is purity of language
[23.3] 992. Directness is arrow of language
[23.4] 993. Empathy is love in language
[23.5] 994. Facts enhance worth of language
[23.6] 995. God is the healing spirit of language
[23.7] 996. Harmony is the flow of language
[23.8] 997. Inspiration is touching effect of language
[23.9] 998. Joy is the divinity in language
[23.10] 999. Knowledge is power of language
[23.11] 1000. Letter is seed of language
[23.12] 1001 Meaning is consciousness in language
[23.13] 1002. Heal with your language
[23.14] 1003. Rhythm and rhyme are sense and essence
of language

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[23.15] 1004. We is the winning spirit of language
[23.16] 1005. Zen in zenith is silent language
[23.17] 1006. Offering good feelings is offering flowers
[23.18] 1007. Harmony is music of understanding
[23.19] 1008. Intimacy is acceptance expressed without
[23.20] 1009. Life partners are teachers to each other
[23.21] 1010. Renewal is new meaning in old ways
[23.22] 1011. Life partnership is place of pilgrimage
[23.23] 1012. Life partners complement each other
[23.24] 1013. Cleanliness should be made a way of life
[23.25] 1014. Invest in time. Do not spend time
[23.26] 1015. Use available time to learn, to do, to
achieve and to excel
[23.27] 1016. Come to the point. Be precise
— ABCDs for Language & Life Partners, 1992

24. Sixty Diamonds – Total Mind Control and

Acquiring Divine Qualities
[24.1] 1017. Seek not power, You will be a tower
[24.2] 1018. Avoid authority, Take responsibility
[24.3] 1019. Kill ego. Higher you go
[24.4] 1020. Remove anger, put it on hanger
[24.5] 1021. Expect not. Give out lot
[24.6] 1022. Needs fulfil, Make wants nil

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[24.7] 1023. Needs are seeds, wants are weeds
[24.8] 1024. Pending is ending
[24.9] 1025. Monkey is mind. Mind your mind
[24.10] 1026. Mind minds ‘I’. Look with intellect’s ‘eye’
[24.11] 1027. Controlled mind is ‘Hanuman’
[24.12] 1028. Mind your business
[24.13] 1029. Optimise busy-ness
[24.14] 1030. With time on hand, world is in your hand
[24.15] 1031. Risk is must. Recklessness worst
[24.16] 1032. When you run to past, present is lost
[24.17] 1033. Do not run to future. Now make future
[24.18] 1034. Knowledge is source, to be in course
[24.19] 1035. Quality first. Quantity next
[24.20] 1036. Insist on quality. Persist on equality
[24.21] 1037. Efficiency from skill. Success from will
[24.22] 1038. To attain the goal play your role
[24.23] 1039. Add two to two make it twenty two
[24.24] 1040. Read between lines. Read behind the lines
[24.25] 1041. Through seeing cross the sea
[24.26] 1042. Uncommon sense, is common sense
[24.27] 1043. Protect good seed. Remove the weed
[24.28] 1044. Nourish the good deed
[24.29] 1045. Flourish in good deed
[24.30] 1046. When you will, sure it will

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[24.31] 1047. Every trend has end, See end of the trend
[24.32] 1048. Knowledge has edge, Use knowledge edge
[24.33] 1049. Look before you leap, Look after you leap
[24.34] 1050. Leap before you look, Leap after you look
[24.35] 1051. Be now here; otherwise you are nowhere
[24.36] 1052. Management is Agriculture; Leadership is
[24.37] 1053. Self is best friend of self; Self is worst
enemy of self
— Sixty Diamonds, 2000

25. Top Leadership for Formulating Vision and Mission

[25.1] 1054. Vision creates future
[25.2] 1055. Faith creates trust
[25.3] 1056. Excellence creates value
[25.4] 1057. Solutions create solid future
[25.5] 1058. Connections create consciousness
[25.6] 1059. Technology creates flexibility
[25.7] 1060. Speed creates momentum
[25.8] 1061. Seva (serving) creates divine roles
[25.9] 1062. Work creates worthiness
[25.10] 1063. Achievements create success
— Vision-Mission-Vision, 1991

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
26. Connecting with Master, Book, Team and Self –
Four Jewels of Four Teachers
[26.1] 1064. Master is the jewel of guide light
[26.2] 1065. Book is the jewel of knowledge light
[26.3] 1066. Team is the jewel of common light
[26.4] 1067. Self is the jewel of own light
[26.5] 1068. Approach master with reverence
[26.6] 1069. Approach book with readiness
[26.7] 1070. Approach team with openness
[26.8] 1071. Approach self with closeness
[26.9] 1072. Interact with master
[26.10] 1073. Interest in book
[26.11] 1074. Interrelate with team
[26.12] 1075. Intimacy with self
[26.13] 1076. Look up to the master
[26.14] 1077. Look back with book
[26.15] 1078. Look forward with team
[26.16] 1079. Look deep into self
[26.17] 1080. Hold the hand of master
[26.18] 1081. Keep in hand the book
[26.19] 1082. Link the hands with team
[26.20] 1083. Give a hand to self
[26.21] 1084. Listen to the master
[26.22] 1085. Read the book
[26.23] 1086. Discuss with team

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[26.24] 1087. Talk with self
[26.25] 1088. Expertise of master
[26.26] 1089. Exploration of book
[26.27] 1090. Excellence of team
[26.28] 1091. Examination of self
[26.29] 1092. Master’s inspiration
[26.30] 1093. Book’s intelligence
[26.31] 1094. Team’s intuition
[26.32] 1095. Self’s instinct
[26.33] 1096. Remember the master
[26.34] 1097. Retain the book
[26.35] 1098. Relate with the team
[26.36] 1099. Realise the self
[26.37] 1100. Master’s guidelines
[26.38] 1101. Book’s rules
[26.39] 1102. Team’s norms
[26.40] 1103. Self’s promptings
[26.41] 1104. Walk along master
[26.42] 1105. Go by book
[26.43] 1106. Run along team
[26.44] 1107. Stay with self
[26.45] 1108. Master wisdom
[26.46] 1109. Book world
[26.47] 1110. Team work

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[26.48] 1111. Self-worth
[26.49] 1112. Master ideas
[26.50] 1113. Book knowledge
[26.51] 1114. Team information
[26.52] 1115. Self-solution
[26.53] 1116. Master direction
[26.54] 1117. Book details
[26.55] 1118. Team drill
[26.56] 1119. Practise self-discipline
[26.57] 1120. Serve the master
[26.58] 1121. Keep the book
[26.59] 1122. Help the team
[26.60] 1123. Reach the self
[26.61] 1124. Master is ocean, master is the way
[26.62] 1125. Book is river, follow its flow
[26.63] 1126. Team is lake, swim and share
[26.64] 1127. Self is deep well, drill and drill
[26.65] 1128. Learn from master with devotion
[26.66] 1129. Learn from books with deep study
[26.67] 1130. Learn from team with interdependence
[26.68] 1131. Learn from self through contribution and
[26.69] 1132. Know the self, be master of self
— Four Jewels – Four Teachers, 1992

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
27. Upanishads – Secrets of Powerful Personality
[27.1] 1133. Offer fearlessness, be blessed with
[27.2] 1134. Protect and be protected
[27.3] 1135. The In-light is Supreme light
[27.4] 1136. Spirit of all is Totality of everything
[27.5] 1137. Totality of everything is this universe
[27.6] 1138. That excellence is you!
[27.7] 1139. The one divinity is hidden in all beings
[27.8] 1140. Mind is the mud of material world
[27.9] 1141. Consciousness is That ultimate!
[27.10] 1142. You are That!
[27.11] 1143. That ultimate is me!
[27.12] 1144. That ultimate is this self!
[27.13] 1145. That truth consciousness bliss is me only
[27.14] 1146. No-thingness is egolessness
[27.15] 1147. Where eight directions meet, there divinity
[27.16] 1148. Purity will lead to unity with divinity
— Upanishads – Golden Secrets for a Powerful Personality, 2001

28. Work Ethics in Gita

[28.1] 1149. Right way ensures eternal joy
[28.2] 1150. Loving those who love you not is

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[28.3] 1151. Secret contributions are noble
[28.4] 1152. Give contributions discretely
[28.5] 1153. Secret contributions are spiritual
[28.6] 1154. Pray silently
[28.7] 1155. Forgive and be forgiven
[28.8] 1156. Eyes are reflection of your-self
[28.9] 1157. Let your looks be pure and compassionate
[28.10] 1158. See all others in your self, See yourself in
[28.11] 1159. When your looks are bright, your body is
[28.12] 1160. Do not judge about others
[28.13] 1161. Think and analysis yourself
[28.14] 1162. Ask and receive
[28.15] 1163. Seek and find
[28.16] 1164. Knock and enter
[28.17] 1165. Treat others as you aspire others to treat
[28.18] 1166. Good generates good. God is in Good
[28.19] 1167. Calm mind aligned to self leads to
ultimate peace
[28.20] 1168. Team work is more than working together
[28.21] 1169. Best discipline is self-discipline
[28.22] 1170. Constant improvement is the essence of

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[28.23] 1171. The team work is strengthened by sharing
[28.24] 1172. Briefness is excellence
[28.25] 1173. Harmonious feelings keep mind clean
[28.26] 1174. Positive thoughts keep intellect (buddhi)
[28.27] 1175. Responsibility keeps the spirit clean
[28.28] 1176. Being within limits is the secret of
[28.29] 1177. Protect existing and gain new wealth
[28.30] 1178. Care for people and enhance the wealth
[28.31] 1179. Purpose in life gives meaning to life
[28.32] 1180. Think of solution at the start of works
[28.33] 1181. Enthusiasm is divine expression in man
[28.34] 1182. Express your love through deeds
[28.35] 1183. Whoever helps is relative of you
[28.36] 1184. Enhance your ability to generate wealth
[28.37] 1185. Keep your respect with self-respect
[28.38] 1186. You must know what to do and what not to
[28.39] 1187. Knowledge is wealth. Get it and grow
[28.40] 1188. Controlling desires be winner of self
[28.41] 1189. Respect the divinity in all its forms
[28.42] 1190. Thoughtfulness is the divinity link
[28.43] 1191. Truth is last word
[28.44] 1192. Let truth be first

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[28.45] 1193. Duty is the cause to do excellent works
[28.46] 1194. Examine what, where, who, when, how,
why and proceed
[28.47] 1195. Wealth is the means to support the right
[28.48] 1196. Seek right knowledge from learned ones
[28.49] 1197. Carry out noble and useful deeds
[28.50] 1198. Let principles and business go hand in hand
[28.51] 1199. Fear is darkness, wisdom is light
[28.52] 1200. There is nothing permanent, all will change
[28.53] 1201. Develop vision, see unseen
[28.54] 1202. Be open, be approachable
[28.55] 1203. Be sensitive to people’s needs
[28.56] 1204. Attain special skills, be expert
[28.57] 1205. In life’s cyclones let character stand
[28.58] 1206. Values are essential for internal growth
[28.59] 1207. Skills are essential for external growth
[28.60] 1208. What you receive give better back
[28.61] 1209. Let your ideas be offerings to all
[28.62] 1210. Path of intellect is path of liberation
[28.63] 1211. Do your work, feel your work, think your
work, ‘Be your work’
[28.64] 1212. Contributing work without selfish interest
[28.65] 1213. Action is essential to do work
[28.66] 1214. Intellect is essential to do superior work

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[28.67] 1215. To err less and less is fine
[28.68] 1216. To work without errors is divine
[28.69] 1217. Work is the basic nature of man
[28.70] 1218. Actions of service add value
[28.71] 1219. Supreme being can be connected through
work as an offering
[28.72] 1220. Offering self to create universal well-being
is supreme offering
[28.73] 1221. Work realization is self-realization
[28.74] 1222. Be a volunteer by being a valuable
[28.75] 1223. Working for own success is achievement
[28.76] 1224. Working for others’ success is fulfilment
[28.77] 1225. Working for the world is working for the
[28.78] 1226. Dedication enhances energy
[28.79] 1227. Working without an ‘I’, eye for own
returns is non-work
[28.80] 1228. Noble work without selfish interest is non-
[28.81] 1229. With self-contentment works are done
without doing
[28.82] 1230. With non-attachment, works are done
without doing
[28.83] 1231. Egoless contribution liberates
[28.84] 1232. Works and knowledge renew each other

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[28.85] 1233. Work is doing, renunciation is becoming
[28.86] 1234. Serve and be pure
[28.87] 1235. Actions without attachment stabilizes
[28.88] 1236. Concentration consolidates attainments
[28.89] 1237. Appropriateness of work is yoga
[28.90] 1238. Spirited work is yogic work
[28.91] 1239. Work to realization is the journey of life
[28.92] 1240. Offer work results, receive worthy respect
[28.93] 1241. Your nature is your destiny
[28.94] 1242. Be beyond nature and be beyond works
[28.95] 1243. Transform yourself from workhorse to
worthy human
[28.96] 1244. Leaving works is renunciation
[28.97] 1245. Leaving self-interest in all works is
[28.98] 1246. Leaving work is not possible
[28.99] 1247. Leaving attachment to fruits is possible
[28.100] 1248. Transcending the doer-ship is freedom
[28.101] 1249. Noble doer does not do anything for own
[28.102] 1250. All his doings are offerings to humanity
and divine
[28.103] 1251. Noble seer loves and serves all
[28.104] 1252. Serving humanity is serving divinity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[28.105] 1253. Authority is illusion, responsibility is
[28.106] 1254. Ruling is death, serving is immortality
[28.107] 1255. Ask yourself. Answer yourself
[28.108] 1256. Opponents are opportunities to improve
[28.109] 1257. Respect your opponents
[28.110] 1258. Nature is mother. Do not abuse it. Revere it
[28.111] 1259. Your positive attitude is your friend
[28.112] 1260. Cultivate friendship with valuable attitudes
[28.113] 1261. Believe - Behave - Become and Be is the
process of inspiration
[28.114] 1262. Crisis is a boon to boost the capabilities
[28.115] 1263. Values enrich society
[28.116] 1264. Self is the ultimate source
[28.117] 1265. Self-start is the signal of self-energy
[28.118] 1266. Self-dedication is faith in self
[28.119] 1267. Self-confidence is your own companion
and best friend
[28.120] 1268. Self-evaluation facilitates self-improvement
[28.121] 1269. Self-evaluation is own mirror
[28.122] 1270. Self-reliance is the self-support
[28.123] 1271. Self-control is being own master
[28.124] 1272. Self-control gives you self-contentment
[28.125] 1273. Self-respect is the highest respect

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[28.126] 1274. Be no-body and shine
[28.127] 1275. Seek no-thing and flourish
[28.128] 1276. You are Arjuna, yourself is Krishna
[28.129] 1277. Be gentle, open and decent in all your
[28.130] 1278. In optimal solution all are winners and
there are no losers
[28.131] 1278. Optimal solution is a compound of
[28.132] 1279. For every situation, there is an optimal
[28.133] 1280. Think of roles rather than rules
[28.134] 1281. Become your role, be your role
[28.135] 1282. Work alone will lead to realisation and
[28.136] 1283. Realisation comes through by serving for
betterment of people
[28.137] 1284. Situations in life come, stay, and go
[28.138] 1285. Difficulties are opportunities only
[28.139] 1286. Stability is direction. Ability is process
[28.140] 1287. Direction and dynamism are light and
engine in life
[28.141] 1288. Direction + Dynamism = Harmonious
— Work Ethics in Gita, 1993 to 2013

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
29. ABCDs for Children
[29.1] 1289. Attitude takes you to altitude
[29.2] 1290. Courage is best friend in difficulties
[29.3] 1291. Care and dare, and become a responsible
[29.4] 1292. Be like a flower, pure, useful and friendly
[29.5] 1293. Let your imagination flower
[29.6] 1294. Intelligence is light of reason
[29.7] 1295. Justice is doing right thing right way
[29.8] 1296. Learn, learn and learn
[29.9] 1297. Learning is the way to add value
[29.10] 1298. Save money, money shall save you
[29.11] 1299. Look for new things
[29.12] 1300. Learn new skills
[29.13] 1301. Seek new knowledge
[29.14] 1302. There is only one law, all are equal
[29.15] 1303. Be patient and win in life
[29.16] 1304. Be like a river, sweet, useful, cool, and
[29.17] 1305. Team work multiplies the capabilities
[29.18] 1306. Unity is strength. Be united
[29.19] 1307. In union, we grow
[29.20] 1308. Double you for win
[29.21] 1309. Be zero! Be hero!!
— ABCDs for Children, 1992

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
30. Responsible and Inspired Teacher
[30.1] 1310. Dedication is foundation of Self
[30.2] 1311. Self confidence results in fearlessness
[30.3] 1312. The real companion and friend is self-
[30.4] 1313. Beware of what you are doing Right Now
[30.5] 1314. Self-reliance gives courageousness
[30.6] 1315. Be awake and see the things
[30.7] 1316. Be alert and feel the things
[30.8] 1317. Be aware and know the things
[30.9] 1318. Be conscious and be beyond the things
[30.10] 1319. Achieve excellence of own self, be in bliss
and fulfil self
[30.11] 1320. You are the SPIRIT!
[30.12] 1321. Be loving, useful, thoughtful and responsible
[30.13] 1322. When you help, divinity shines in and
around you
[30.14] 1323. Be positive, and be happy within yourself
[30.15] 1324. Being positive is accepting the joy of self
[30.16] 1325. Helping others is extending the light of self
[30.17] 1326. Love is universal beyond species
[30.18] 1327. Win-win adds value to all
[30.19] 1328. Appreciate good in others
[30.20] 1329. Recognize strength in you and people
around you

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[30.21] 1330. Be active, pre-active, pro-active, process-
active and post-active
[30.22] 1331. Move along with people in progress path
[30.23] 1332. Team-work multiplies results and relations
[30.24] 1333. Team means Tuning, Energy Adjustment
and Mission
[30.25] 1334. Work is the way
[30.26] 1335. Work is the medicine
[30.27] 1336. Work is the solution
[30.28] 1337. Work is value
[30.29] 1338. Work is worth
[30.30] 1339. Act and transform your potential into reality
[30.31] 1340. Act for right quantity and right quality
each time, every time and all the times
[30.32] 1341. Work efficiently and save time
[30.33] 1342. Work effectively and reap the time
[30.34] 1343. Be ahead of time with anticipation
[30.35] 1344. Combine ‘old gold with better new’
[30.36] 1345. Effectiveness plus efficiency is excellence
[30.37] 1346. Learning is unlimited and unbounded
[30.38] 1347. Be knowledgeable, experienced and be
with communication ability
[30.39] 1348. Be enthusiastic
[30.40] 1349. Happiness is the nature of God

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[30.41] 1350. Speak pleasantly
[30.42] 1351. Speak right
[30.43] 1352. Speak with friendship
[30.44] 1353. Smile, support, serve and complement
[30.45] 1354. Opposition melts away in the flow of your
[30.46] 1355. Be dependable by fulfilling commitments
[30.47] 1356. Let your actions speak
[30.48] 1357. Let your work speak
[30.49] 1358. Let your excellence speak
[30.50] 1359. Let your sharing speak
[30.51] 1360. Contribution is adding value
[30.52] 1361. Contributing more than what you receive
is offering
[30.53] 1362. Be a contributor
[30.54] 1363. Sharing is partnership
[30.55] 1364. Sharing is accepting
[30.56] 1365. Sharing is caring
[30.57] 1366. Anything shared becomes a ‘Prasad’
[30.58] 1367. Giving is gaining
[30.59] 1368. Always give through a medium, ‘Nimitta’
you be
[30.60] 1369. Readiness to do what is required to be
done, is the essence of love

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[30.61] 1370. Response with ability is responsibility
[30.62] 1371. Authority is assigned, responsibility is to
be assumed
[30.63] 1372. Connection is nectar
[30.64] 1373. Be connected
[30.65] 1374. Enjoy the liberation of connected
[30.66] 1375. Unity is oneness
[30.67] 1376. In union is strength
[30.68] 1377. To enjoy the world outside, experience in-
joy inside
[30.69] 1378. You choose to be happy or unhappy
[30.70] 1379. Stable intellect is effective one
[30.71] 1380. Knowledge and skill are sense and essence
of excellence
[30.72] 1381. Teaching is showing the way by own
[30.73] 1382. Inspiring is serving others to realise their
own light
[30.74] 1383. Love is great harmonizer
[30.75] 1384. Connect for collective splendour
[30.76] 1385. The visionary conceives impossible
[30.77] 1386. The missionaries make it possible
[30.78] 1387. Empowerment transforms dedicated
learners to responsible achievers

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[30.79] 1388. Attention dissolves tensions
[30.80] 1389. Giving full attention in service of all is
[30.81] 1390. What appears, what is felt, what is thought
and what is, is complete reality
[30.82] 1391. Time synchronises actions and results
[30.83] 1392. Love harmonises feelings and relations
[30.84] 1393. Truth streamlines thoughts and realities
[30.85] 1394. Responsibility unifies inspiration and
[30.86] 1395. Seva as meditation in action is supreme spirit
[30.87] 1396. When one thinks he can, he will
[30.88] 1397. When one thinks he is excellent he becomes
[30.89] 1398. Motivated person is fearless
[30.90] 1399. Challenge motivates
[30.91] 1400. Love motivates
[30.92] 1401. Empowerment motivates
[30.93] 1402. Insult motivates
[30.94] 1403. Commitment motivates
[30.95] 1404. Spirituality motivates
[30.96] 1405. Values motivate
[30.97] 1406. Self-respect motivates
— Responsible and Inspired Teacher, 2014

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
31. Sacred Ways to Spirituality –
Leaving Ego Love Whole World
[31.1] 1407. You are taller than what you think
[31.2] 1408. Problem is smaller than what it appears
[31.3] 1409. In doubt proceed, doubts will disappear
[31.4] 1410. Proceed and progress
[31.5] 1411. Be fearless and assure fearlessness
[31.6] 1412. Protect what is right
[31.7] 1413. Eradicate what is not right
[31.8] 1414. Being positive is being fearless
[31.9] 1415. Respond. Do not react
[31.10] 1416. Respond with thoughtfulness and reason
[31.11] 1417. Move from, ‘I’ to ‘you’ to ‘we’ to ‘all’
[31.12] 1418. Unexpectedly smile and give goodwill
[31.13] 1419. Offer yourself to the world
[31.14] 1420. Offer respect and goodwill continuously
[31.15] 1421. Let your giving be sharing
[31.16] 1422. Walk with gentleness and confidence
[31.17] 1423. Let your each trip be a pilgrimage
[31.18] 1424. Speak truth. Do not speak what is not truth
[31.19] 1425. Inculcate a peaceful harmonious mind
[31.20] 1426. Reason is the remedy for emotion
[31.21] 1427. Silence is the remedy for anger
[31.22] 1428. Love is the remedy for hate

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[31.23] 1429. Compassion is the remedy for aggression
[31.24] 1430. Thoughtfulness is the remedy for anger
[31.25] 1431. Relinquish power, transform it into energy
[31.26] 1432. Relinquish ego, gain the self
[31.27] 1433. Para-hitchintan, Paropkar, Promodhav, Pratigya
and Prashanti is the process of joyful peace
[31.28] 1434. Silence is peace
[31.29] 1435. Practice silence at least four times a day
[31.30] 1436. Prayer brings out inner peace
[31.31] 1437. Encourage togetherness of people
[31.32] 1438. Listen, listen, listen, listen first and speak
[31.33] 1439. Slandering is blunder. Admiring is wonder
[31.34] 1440. Do not blame
[31.35] 1441. Reach out to people in need
[31.36] 1442. Sharing is empathy in implementation
[31.37] 1443. Move away from pleasures and pressures
[31.38] 1444. Move towards measures and treasures
[31.39] 1445. Be a model of humbleness and gentleness
[31.40] 1446. Be like grass in actions, mountain in values
[31.41] 1447. Be right, be bright
[31.42] 1448. Forgiving is giving respect to others
[31.43] 1449. Be patient about people’s performances
[31.44] 1450. Give people time to grow and achieve

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[31.45] 1451. Clean actions, feelings, and thoughts are
elements of clean spirit
[31.46] 1452. Let our actions be clean by being useful to
[31.47] 1453. Let our feelings be harmonious without
dislike, hate and negativity
[31.48] 1454. Let our thoughts be clean without prejudice
to anyone
[31.49] 1455. Be a clear person without ego
[31.50] 1456. Let our appearance be the same as what
we are
[31.51] 1457. You can, We can, All can
[31.52] 1458. Know and work
[31.53] 1459. Work and know more
[31.54] 1460. Pustakam hasta bhooshanam
[31.55] 1461. Learn from elders, parents
[31.56] 1462. Offer with both hands
[31.57] 1463. Share and be blessed
[31.58] 1464. Share your shares
[31.59] 1465. Control food habits
[31.60] 1466. Be optimal avoiding excess-less
[31.61] 1467. Serve, harmonise, assure and unify
[31.62] 1468. Greet!!
[31.63] 1469. Assure and be assured
[31.64] 1470. Give solutions

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[31.65] 1471. Give ideas
[31.66] 1472. Give assurance
[31.67] 1473. Give support
[31.68] 1474. Learn from facts
[31.69] 1475. Understand reality
[31.70] 1476. Work for certainty
[31.71] 1477. Be inspired for eternity
[31.72] 1478. Working without craving is relinquishing
[31.73] 1479. Relinquish addictive habits, become pure
[31.74] 1480. Relinquish pleasures, become free
[31.75] 1481. Togetherness is peace
[31.76] 1482. Assure attention to people
[31.77] 1483. Think what contribution you can offer
[31.78] 1484. Ensure the optimality of being gentle and
[31.79] 1485. Be calm, even if when you disagree
[31.80] 1486. Patience is modesty
[31.81] 1487. Waiting is the key for modesty
[31.82] 1488. Waiting is practising patience
[31.83] 1489. Bending is a sign of respect, humbleness
and patience
[31.84] 1490. Wait and see
[31.85] 1491. See and think
[31.86] 1492. Think and understand

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[31.87] 1493. Understand and experience
[31.88] 1494. Experience and inculcate
[31.89] 1495. Inculcate and retain
[31.90] 1496. Retain and recall
[31.91] 1497. Recall and recharge
[31.92] 1498. Recharge and refresh the patience
[31.93] 1500. Let patience become dynamic peace
[31.94] 1501. Be prompt
[31.95] 1502. Read, learn, study and educate yourself
[31.96] 1503. Practice and improve what you have learnt
[31.97] 1504. Forgiving is continuing support by your
[31.98] 1505. Fortitude is stability, determination and
[31.99] 1506. Be stable in practising noble principles
[31.100] 1507. Be determined to serve living beings
[31.101] 1508. Talk in friendly, convincing manner
[31.102] 1509. Appreciate others’ excellence
[31.103] 1510. Recognise publicly, counsel privately
[31.104] 1511. Accept others, listen to people
[31.105] 1512. Responsibility inspires timeliness, love
and truth
[31.106] 1513. Responsibility is divinity and spirituality
[31.107] 1514. Be modest and win hearts of all

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[31.108] 1515. Forgiving is removing your anguish
[31.109] 1516. Non-betrayal is nobleness
[31.110] 1517. Take responsibility for wellbeing of all
[31.111] 1518. Be mother, father, teacher, grandfather of all
[31.112] 1519. Leaving ego, love whole world
— Sacred Ways to Spirituality, 2009

32. Responsible and Inspired Volunteer – Serve and Deserve

[32.1] 1520. Every person is a special person
[32.2] 1521. Trust people and win hearts
[32.3] 1522. Vision is the key to future
[32.4] 1523. Have a vision and win future
[32.5] 1524. Be cool and gain stability
[32.6] 1525. Get people to work with you, not just for
[32.7] 1526. Increase your value by your own
[32.8] 1527. Lift yourself through dedication, sincerity,
honesty and nobility
[32.9] 1528. Learning is more crucial than teaching
[32.10] 1529. Time is the resource
[32.11] 1530. Time and timeliness both are important
[32.12] 1531. Be on time every time, each time, all the time
[32.13] 1532. Love is the solution for all conflicts
[32.14] 1533. Whoever is responsible is a leader

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[32.15] 1534. Be awake in the physical world
[32.16] 1535. Be alert in the mind world
[32.17] 1536. Be aware in the thought world
[32.18] 1537. Be conscious in the spiritual world
[32.19] 1538. Be positive, offer happiness
[32.20] 1539. Be active, offer results
[32.21] 1540. Be timely, offer efficiency
[32.22] 1541. Be effective, offer self-sufficiency
[32.23] 1542. Be economic, offer value
[32.24] 1543. Be learning, offer dedication
[32.25] 1544. Be exploring, offer open mindedness
[32.26] 1545. Be enthusiastic, offer eagerness
[32.27] 1546. Be understanding, offer thoughtfulness
[32.28] 1547. Be contributing, offer value
[32.29] 1548. Be sharing, offer partnership
[32.30] 1549. Be giving, offer your best
[32.31] 1550. Be loving, offer your heart
[32.32] 1551. Be trusting, offer empowerment
[32.33] 1552. Be responsible, offer all abilities
[32.34] 1553. Be truthful, offer right conduct
[32.35] 1554. Be connecting, offer togetherness
[32.36] 1555. Be unifying, offer oneness
[32.37] 1556. Be enjoying, offer joy

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[32.38] 1557. Positive way is a happy way
[32.39] 1558. Volunteering work is divine work
[32.40] 1559. Egoless volunteer is enlightened Vaishnav
[32.41] 1560. Your name is Volunteer, your surname is
[32.42] 1561. Committed volunteer requires no invitation
[32.43] 1562. Economy is eliminating waste
[32.44] 1563. Economy is generating value
[32.45] 1564. Volunteership is worship
[32.46] 1565. Enquiry is the beginning of exploration
[32.47] 1566. Let enthusiasm be your identity
[32.48] 1567. Contribution is the way to become an
instant volunteer
[32.49] 1568. The whole world and humanity is one
[32.50] 1569. Smile and contribute to happiness
[32.51] 1570. Love is devotion, devotion is love
[32.52] 1571. Trust and win hearts
[32.53] 1572. Give your heart and be trusted
[32.54] 1573. Responsibility leads to realization
[32.55] 1574. Younite and younify
[32.56] 1575. Togetherness is unity
[32.57] 1576. Joy of the people is joy of the volunteer
— Responsible and Inspired Volunteer, 2014

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
33. Know and Become: Grow – Go – Know – Glow
[33.1] 1577. Your life is a flow of grow-go-know and
[33.2] 1578. You have immense powers within
[33.3] 1579. Beings are in divinity, seeds are in tree
[33.4] 1580. Divinity is in beings, tree is in seeds
[33.5] 1581. Responsible leader is self-created
[33.6] 1582. Purified spirit means stable spirit
[33.7] 1583. Thoughts are keys to self-control
[33.8] 1584. Not owning anything is liberation
[33.9] 1585. By sadhana eliminate vasanas
[33.10] 1586. By bhavana eliminate kamanas
[33.11] 1587. By chintana eliminate agnanam
[33.12] 1588. By chetana eliminate ahankaram
[33.13] 1589. Service is sadhana
[33.14] 1590. Love is bhavana
[33.15] 1591. Knowledge is chintana
[33.16] 1592. Responsibility is chetana
[33.17] 1593. Work excellence adds worth
[33.18] 1594. Job is what is assigned
[33.19] 1595. Role is what is required
[33.20] 1596. Relation is what is nurtured
[33.21] 1597. Peace is (not in holding but is) in offering
[33.22] 1598. The wise ones see with equality

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[33.23] 1599. Let one lift self by self
[33.24] 1600. Deter not from chosen path
[33.25] 1601. Meditate for enlightenment of all
[33.26] 1602. Balanced works are meritorious works
[33.27] 1603. Purpose and direction motivates
[33.28] 1604. Evolve new, innovate new, attain new
[33.29] 1605. Study on own and study your own-self
[33.30] 1606. Be straight, Do right
[33.31] 1607. With attention there is no tension
[33.32] 1608. Admiring is wonder
[33.33] 1609. ‘We’ are greater than ‘I’
[33.34] 1610. ‘Four stages’ is secret of life
[33.35] 1611. Guru guides, understands and uplifts
— Know and Become, 1994

34. Love – Being Together to Harmony

[34.1] 1612. Being together is beginning of love
[34.2] 1613. Friendship is foundation of love
[34.3] 1614. Acceptance is a must for love
[34.4] 1615. Communication is the cement of love
[34.5] 1616. Separation is the secret of love
[34.6] 1617. Sacrifice is the essence of love
[34.7] 1618. Faith is fountain of love
[34.8] 1619. Harmony is the result of love

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[34.9] 1620. Shared success with social consciousness is
sixth sense
— Love, 2003

35. Windows of God — Eyes to Self

[35.1] 1621. Eyes are windows of God
[35.2] 1622. Smile is the signal of God
[35.3] 1623. Enthusiasm is the spirit of God
[35.4] 1624. Dedication is the offering to God
[35.5] 1625. Work is worship of God
[35.6] 1626. Knowledge is the gate to God
[35.7] 1627. Silence is the language of God
[35.8] 1628. Love is the message of God
[35.9] 1629. Harmony is the seat of God
[35.10] 1630. Everybody is temple of God
[35.11] 1631. Self is supreme shining God
— Windows of God, 1997

36. Highways to Happiness — Positive to Joy

[36.1] 1632. Be positive, earn goodwill
[36.2] 1633. There is great strength in mutual help
[36.3] 1634. Always look how you can help
[36.4] 1635. With cooperation cross the hill
[36.5] 1636. Cooperation makes hurdles nil
[36.6] 1637. Love is the essence of life

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[36.7] 1638. Be in harmony, be in bliss
[36.8] 1639. Actions make a mission success
[36.9] 1640. From intention only action come
[36.10] 1641. Right actions give bright success
[36.11] 1643. See pros-cons, take calculated risk
[36.12] 1643. Advance thinking gains time
[36.13] 1644. Anticipation gives more time
[36.14] 1645. Efficient work saves time
[36.15] 1646. Effective work reaps time
[36.16] 1647. For coordination essence is time
[36.17] 1648. Save the second you be first
[36.18] 1649. Essential in life; continuity, change
[36.19] 1650. Ensure continuity, manage change
[36.20] 1651. Balance in life is effectiveness
[36.21] 1652. As per men use four ways
[36.22] 1653. Appropriate way is the effective way
[36.23] 1654. Be in harmony with your own self
— Highways to Happiness, 1988

37. Fly the Kyte of Life – Sky is Not the Limit

[37.1] 1655. This life is like flying the kite
[37.2] 1656. Let your body be healthy and fit
[37.3] 1657. Let your mind be crisp and tough
[37.4] 1658. To control the mind intellect is attached

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[37.5] 1659. With creative ideas let mind fly
[37.6] 1660. Always ensure that reason is not cut
[37.7] 1661. There is place for everyone in world
[37.8] 1662. In harmony let them enjoy the life
— Fly the Kite, 1992

38. Gateways to Self Realisation – Self Start to Self Realisation

[38.1] 1663. Accept situation as they are
[38.2] 1664. Being behind, ahead lead all
[38.3] 1665. Step back after doing your work
[38.4] 1666. Being nobody everybody you be
[38.5] 1667. Eternal essence is without a name
[38.6] 1668. Silent teacher is the greatest master
[38.7] 1669. Be unending source to serve
[38.8] 1670. Beyond appearance, clear light you see
[38.9] 1671. Let them say “we have done!”
[38.10] 1672. Be a responsible centre in witnessing way
[38.11] 1673. To be whole, the part you be
[38.12] 1674. To be full empty you be
[38.13] 1675. To be receiver, giver you be
[38.14] 1676. To be Master, serving you be
[38.15] 1677. Internal power gives inner glow
[38.16] 1678. Know the subject and objectively see
[38.17] 1679. Know the person and impersonally see

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[38.18] 1680. Be moving and stationed you be
[38.19] 1681. Be speaking and silent you be
[38.20] 1682. Be working and non-doing you be
[38.21] 1683. Mastering self is the supreme way
[38.22] 1684. Be with universe being alone
[38.23] 1685. Avoiding fear risk you see
[38.24] 1686. Avoiding defence, defiant be
[38.25] 1687. Avoiding enmity, opponent be
[38.26] 1688. Avoiding wrong, thoughtful be
[38.27] 1689. Hold people’s hearts, with love grip
[38.28] 1690. Be pointed but you pierce not
[38.29] 1691. With small steps, miles you reach
[38.30] 1692. Be an example with ordinary life
[38.31] 1693. Demonstrate simple journey of life
[38.32] 1694. Nothingness is sure real thing
— Gateways to Self Realisation, 1989-2002

39. From Work to Realisation – The Spirit of Jainism

[39.1] 1695. Winning the world is just beginning
[39.2] 1696. Winning the mind is really test
[39.3] 1697. Winning truth in life is a must
[39.4] 1698. Winning self is supreme, best
[39.5] 1699. To save own energy gentle you be
[39.6] 1700. Humility is knowing that all are great
[39.7] 1701. Self-control is the realisation way

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[39.8] 1702. Capability is the capacity inside
[39.9] 1703. Ability is to transfer it outside
[39.10] 1704. Stability is unwavering consistent state
[39.11] 1705. Being stable and able is perfect state
[39.12] 1706. Teach timeliness by practice
[39.13] 1707. Teach pure love by caring
[39.14] 1708. Teach reality truth by discussions
[39.15] 1709. Teach ultimate truth being in harmony
[39.16] 1710. With gentle food, intoxication you win
[39.17] 1711. With friendliness, aggression you win
[39.18] 1712. With detachment, desires you win
[39.19] 1713. With love and compassion, anger you win
[39.20] 1714. With giving and giving, meanness you
[39.21] 1715. With knowledge of your ignorance,
delusion you win
— From Work to Realisation – Spirit of Jainism, 1999

40. Spirit of Social Responsibility –

Share, Care, Give and Receive
[40.1] 1716. Pursue what is good and stop not
[40.2] 1717. Worrylessness is worth of the life
[40.3] 1718. Thoughtfulness is the improver of life
[40.4] 1719. First identify and improve own defects
[40.5] 1720. See others in yourself, in others see

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[40.6] 1721. Practice the noble principles and enrich
the life
[40.7] 1722. Be in unity in heart and mind
[40.8] 1723. Prayer is passport for grace and love
[40.9] 1724. Be happy and share happiness
[40.10] 1725. Be in faith, be in bliss
[40.11] 1726. Believing one is on way to salvation
[40.12] 1727. Becoming one is on way to unification
[40.13] 1728. Being one is already That One
[40.14] 1729. World dances when devotees sing
[40.15] 1730. Creator cares, created dares
[40.16] 1731. Intellect – insight – Awareness to
[40.17] 1732. Inspiration – Inlight- Alertness to
[40.18] 1733. Start the good works by yourself
[40.19] 1734. Initiative is the signal of self
[40.20] 1735. Inspire self with good cause
[40.21] 1736. Work is the expression of self
[40.22] 1737. Best corrector is your own self
[40.23] 1738. Your real master is your own self
[40.24] 1739. Ego is curtain between self and ye
[40.25] 1740. Share and experience joy of mutuality
[40.26] 1741. Care and experience joy of supporting
[40.27] 1742. Give and experience joy of being useful

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[40.28] 1743. Receive and experience joy of humbleness
[40.29] 1744. Be open and experience joy of freedom
[40.30] 1745. Seek and experience joy of discovering
[40.31] 1746. Think and experience joy of illumination
[40.32] 1747. Accept and experience joy of harmony
[40.33] 1748. Merge in elements and experience joy of
[40.34] 1749. Contribute and experience joy of working
[40.35] 1750. Look inside and experience joy of yourself
[40.36] 1751. Noble thoughts are seeds of harmony
[40.37] 1752. Noble actions are deeds of contribution
[40.38] 1753. Noble relations are network of happiness
[40.39] 1754. Noble determinations are pillars of
[40.40] 1755. Peace is the womb of creativity
[40.41] 1756. Noble peace is the ocean of supreme
[40.42] 1757. Noble peace is the source of noble
[40.43] 1758. Be simple
[40.44] 1759. Be gentle
[40.45] 1760. Be witness
[40.46] 1761. Be equanimous
[40.47] 1762. Be tranquil
— Spirit of Social Responsibility, 1992

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
41. Four States of Tree, Traveller, Human and Divine
[41.1] 1763. Be a tree, useful and contributive
[41.2] 1764. Be a traveller, when ‘That’ is reached all is
[41.3] 1765. Be human; loving, timely, truthful and
[41.4] 1766. Be divine; eternal, ego-less, pure,
harmonious self
— Four States, 1990

42. Spirit of Life — Mountain to Ocean to Mountain

[42.1] 1767. Be a river, grow and flow in life
[42.2] 1768. Be an ocean of oneness and divinity
[42.3] 1769. Be a cloud of compassion, consideration,
confidence and consciousness
[42.4] 1770. Be a mountain, reach the cosmos, the
source of life
[42.5] 1771. The supreme one is consciousness in all
[42.6] 1772. Consciousness in all is divinity shining
[42.7] 1773. You are zenith of this creation
[42.8] 1774. Every letter contains spirit
[42.9] 1775. Every person contains divinity
— Spirit of Life – Mountain to Ocean to Mountain, 2013

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
43. Growing to Knowing – Four Facets of Personality –
Child to Elder
[43.1] 1776. Every person has four personalities within
[43.2] 1777. Emerging Child
[43.3] 1778. Surging Youth
[43.4] 1779. Verging Adult
[43.5] 1780. Merging Elder
[43.6] 1781. Growing Child
[43.7] 1782. Flowing Youth
[43.8] 1783. Glowing Adult
[43.9] 1784. Knowing Elder
[43.10] 1785. Child Starts
[43.11] 1786. Youth Involves
[43.12] 1787. Adult Completes
[43.13] 1788. Elder Concludes
[43.14] 1789. Learning Child
[43.15] 1790. Churning Youth
[43.16] 1791. Earning Adult
[43.17] 1792. Discerning Elder
[43.18] 1793. A - Body-ness of Child
[43.19] 1794. Some - Body-ness of Youth
[43.20] 1795. Every - Body-ness of Adult
[43.21] 1796. No - Body-ness of Elder

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[43.22] 1797. Child - Care
[43.23] 1798. Youth - Dare
[43.24] 1799. Adult - Share
[43.25] 1800. Elder - Aware
[43.26] 1801. Walking Child
[43.27] 1802. Running Youth
[43.28] 1803. Striding Adult
[43.29] 1804. Staying Elder
[43.30] 1805. Tell the Child
[43.31] 1806. Sell to Youth
[43.32] 1807. Buy from Adult
[43.33] 1808. Listen to Elder
[43.34] 1809. Learner - Child
[43.35] 1810. Achiever - Youth
[43.36] 1811. Attainer - Adult
[43.37] 1812. Teacher - Elder
[43.38] 1813. Brindavan of Child
[43.39] 1814. Dandakarayana of Youth
[43.40] 1815. Nandanvan of Adult
[43.41] 1816. Tapovan of Elder
[43.42] 1817. Learning to win - Child
[43.43] 1818. Private win - Youth
[43.44] 1819. Public win - Adult

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[43.45] 1820. Teaching to win - Elder
[43.46] 1821. Guide for Child
[43.47] 1822. Teacher for Youth
[43.48] 1823. Friend for Adult
[43.49] 1824. Philosopher for Elder
[43.50] 1825. No engine - No light : Child
[43.51] 1826. Engine without light : Youth
[43.52] 1827. Engine with light : Adult
[43.53] 1828. Light without engine : Elder
[43.54] 1829. “You can” - to Child
[43.55] 1830. “I can” - Youth
[43.56] 1831. “We can” - Adult
[43.57] 1832. “All can” - Elder
[43.58] 1833. Holding hand - Child
[43.59] 1834. Free hand - Youth
[43.60] 1835. Joining hands - Adult
[43.61] 1836. Giving a hand - Elder
[43.62] 1837. Look before you leap - Child
[43.63] 1838. Leap before you look - Youth
[43.64] 1839. Leap after you look - Adult
[43.65] 1840. Look after you leap - Elder
[43.66] 1841. Know what - Child
[43.67] 1842. Know how - Youth

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[43.68] 1843. Know why - Adult
[43.69] 1844. Know whole - Elder
[43.70] 1845. Wondering Child
[43.71] 1846. Wandering Youth
[43.72] 1847. Winning Adult
[43.73] 1848. Wise Elder
— Growing to Knowing — Four Facets of Personality, 1987

44. Yoga Samanvaya – Alignment of Karma,

Bhakti, Gnaana, Dhyana Yogas
[44.1] 1849. Excellence of actions is quality, ‘Shuddhi’
[44.2] 1850. Excellence of feelings is purity, ‘Vriddhi’
[44.3] 1851. Excellence of thoughts is clarity, ‘Buddhi’
[44.4] 1852. Excellence of self is unity, ‘Samadhi’
[44.5] 1853. Solid and hard: Instinct – Unconscious
[44.6] 1854. Liquid and flexible: Intuition –
[44.7] 1855. Gaseous and open: Intellect – Conscious
[44.8] 1856. Energy spark: Inspiration – Super
[44.9] 1857. Physical world: Doing – Results
[44.10] 1858. Mind world: Feeling – Relations
[44.11] 1859. Thought world: Thinking – Reality
[44.12] 1860. Inner world: Being – Realisation
— Yoga Samanvaya, 1999

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
45. Imposing to Accepting – Decision Process Options of
Process of Decision Making
[45.1] 1861. Imposing to Accepting is the journey of
Decision Process
[45.2] 1862. Taking work and Targets is Transportation
[45.3] 1863. Getting Results and goals is Translation
[45.4] 1864. Receiving contribution and Mission is
[45.5] 1865. Accepting Excellence and vision is
[45.6] 1866. Imposing decisions is Slave Driver-Slaves
[45.7] 1867. Taking decisions is Superior-Subordinates
[45.8] 1868. Making decisions is Head-Followers
[45.9] 1869. Instructing decisions is Boss-Assistants
[45.10] 1870. Giving decisions is Chief-Implementers
[45.11] 1871. Informing decisions is Employer-
Employee relation
[45.12] 1872. Sharing decision is Senior-Colleagues
[45.13] 1873. Generating decisions is Developer-
Participants relation
[45.14] 1874. Encouraging decisions is Encourager-
Experimenters relation

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[45.15] 1875. Supporting decisions is Guide-
Endeavourers relation
[45.16] 1876. Facilitating decisions is Facilitator-
Contributors relation
[45.17] 1877. Appreciating decisions is Builder-
Innovators relation
[45.18] 1878. Backing decisions is Investors-
Entrepreneurs relation
[45.19] 1879. Inspiring decisions is Pathmaker-Leaders
[45.20] 1880. Admiring decisions is Mentor-Masters
[45.21] 1881. Accepting decisions is Partner-Partners
[45.22] 1882. Taking work – Tamasik Boss
[45.23] 1883. Getting results – Rajasik Manager
[45.24] 1884. Receiving contribution – Sattvik Leader
[45.25] 1885. Accepting excellence – Visionary
[45.26] 1886. Taking Work occurs at physical level
[45.27] 1887. Getting Results occurs at mind level
[45.28] 1888. Receiving Contributions occurs at thought
[45.29] 1889. Accepting Work Excellence occurs at spirit
[45.30] 1890. At ‘Accepting Excellence’ level people
offer their whole

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[45.31] 1891. Rise from transporting to translating to
transforming to transcending
[45.32] 1892. Dedication is the key for Initiation
[45.33] 1893. Determination is the key during Process
[45.34] 1894. Direction is the key for Completion
[45.35] 1895. Detachment is the key for Review
— Imposing to Accepting – Decision Process, 1993

46. Facets of Time – Past, Present, Future, Eternal

[46.1] 1896. Past, present and future and
[46.2] 1897. Knowledge is past
[46.3] 1898. Information is present
[46.4] 1899. Ideas are future
[46.5] 1900. Solutions are beyond
[46.6] 1901. Past is reflected in instinct
[46.7] 1902. Present is reflected in intuition
[46.8] 1903. Future is reflected in intellect
[46.9] 1904. Eternity is reflected in insight.
[46.10] 1905. Past is history
[46.11] 1906. Present is drama
[46.12] 1907. Future is scenario
[46.13] 1908. Eternity is truth
[46.14] 1909. Facts are past
[46.15] 1910. Opinions are present

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[46.16] 1911. Predictions are future
[46.17] 1912. Creations are eternity
[46.18] 1913. Past deeds
[46.19] 1914. Present actions
[46.20] 1915. Future plans
[46.21] 1916. Eternal principles
[46.22] 1917. Past prejudices
[46.23] 1918. Present biases
[46.24] 1919. Future trends
[46.25] 1920. Eternal destinies
[46.26] 1921. Past records
[46.27] 1922. Present situations
[46.28] 1923. Future possibilities
[46.29] 1924. Eternal opportunities
[46.30] 1925. Past has gone
[46.31] 1926. Present is moving
[46.32] 1927. Future will come
[46.33] 1928. Eternity remains
[46.34] 1929. Learn from past
[46.35] 1930. Work in present
[46.36] 1931. Prepare for future
[46.37] 1932. Be beyond
[46.38] 1933. Experience is past
[46.39] 1934. Experimentation is present

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[46.40] 1935. Expectation is future
[46.41] 1936. Excellence is eternal
[46.42] 1937. Body is past
[46.43] 1938. Mind is present
[46.44] 1939. Intellect is future
[46.45] 1940. Self is eternal
[46.46] 1941. Goodwill is past
[46.47] 1942. Greeting is present
[46.48] 1943. Best wish is future
[46.49] 1944. Harmony is eternal
[46.50] 1945. Judgement is past
[46.51] 1946. Decision is present
[46.52] 1947. Estimation is future
[46.53] 1948. Evaluation is eternal
[46.54] 1949. Retrospection is past
[46.55] 1950. Inspection is present
[46.56] 1951. Prospection is future
[46.57] 1952. Introspection is beyond
[46.58] 1953. Lessons of past
[46.59] 1954. Priorities of present
[46.60] 1955. Prospects of future
[46.61] 1956. Values for eternity
[46.62] 1957. Improvement on past
[46.63] 1958. Live in present

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[46.64] 1959. Move for future
[46.65] 1960. Love to be beyond
[46.66] 1961. “Emerge” is past
[46.67] 1962. “Surge” is present
[46.68] 1963. “Verge” is future
[46.69] 1964. “Merge” is final
[46.70] 1965. Creation is past
[46.71] 1966. Continuation is present
[46.72] 1967. Completion is future
[46.73] 1968. Conclusion is final
— Facets of Time, 1993

47. Kundalini Simplified – Belly, Heart, Face, Head

[47.1] 1969. Fire in the belly – Results
[47.2] 1970. Warmth in the heart – Relations
[47.3] 1971. Smile in the face – Realities
[47.4] 1972. Spark in the head – Realisation
— Kundalini Simplified, 2005

48. This is That – This (Amrut) is That (Darshana)

[48.1] 1973. Acceptance is Oneness
[48.2] 1974. Accuracy is Excellence
[48.3] 1975. All is whole
[48.4] 1976. Cell is cosmos
[48.5] 1977. Centre view is cosmic view

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[48.6] 1978. Change is unchanging
[48.7] 1979. Change is certainty
[48.8] 1980. Compassion is super consciousness
[48.9] 1981. Contribution is purpose of living
[48.10] 1982. Desirelessness is fulfilment realised
[48.11] 1983. Detachment is supreme connection
[48.12] 1984. Detachment is liberation
[48.13] 1985. Doing nothing is done everything
[48.14] 1986. Drifting is discovering
[48.15] 1987. Education is exhilarating empowerment
[48.16] 1988. Effortlessness is dynamic balance
[48.17] 1989. Ego-less-ness is self-full-ness
[48.18] 1990. Empathy is oneness
[48.19] 1991. Equanimity is elegance
[48.20] 1992. Experimenting is experiencing
[48.21] 1993. Eye-ness is high-ness
[48.22] 1994. Faith is fountain of spirituality
[48.23] 1995. Flute is empty fullness
[48.24] 1996. Force to source is untruth to truth
[48.25] 1997. Forgiving is grand giving
[48.26] 1998. Gentle is gorgeous
[48.27] 1999. Giving is living
[48.28] 2000. Greed to need is darkness to light

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[48.29] 2001. Harmony is highest happiness
[48.30] 2002. Harmony is universal rhythm
[48.31] 2003. Here is everywhere
[48.32] 2004. Humbleness is highest-ness
[48.33] 2005. Improving is proving
[48.34] 2006. Improving self is improving world
[48.35] 2007. Inspiration is conscious energy
[48.36] 2008. Instant is infinity
[48.37] 2009. In-telling is ingenious messages
[48.38] 2010. Intentions is ignition
[48.39] 2011. Interdependence is independence
[48.40] 2012. Intuition is inner tuition
[48.41] 2013. Leadership is hallmark of responsibility
[48.42] 2014. Letter is ‘Akshar’ Brahma
[48.43] 2015. Longing-less-ness is total tranquillity
[48.44] 2016. Master-learners is unification
[48.45] 2017. Meditation is supreme alignment
[48.46] 2018. Mentor is compassionate coach
[48.47] 2019. Microcosm is macrocosm
[48.48] 2020. Modesty is marvellous
[48.49] 2021. Nobody-ness is everybodyness
[48.50] 2022. Non-governance is best governance
[48.51] 2023. Now is eternity

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[48.52] 2024. Optimality is omnipresence
[48.53] 2025. Optimality is ultimate
[48.54] 2026. Pardoner is powerful
[48.55] 2027. Peacefulness is pathless path
[48.56] 2028. Pleasant person is precious person
[48.57] 2029. Pointed-ness is wholesome-ness
[48.58] 2030. Pride to humility is mortality to
[48.59] 2031. Quality is essence of excellence
[48.60] 2032. Question is quest for insight
[48.61] 2033. Ready-ness to give is joy
[48.62] 2034. Renunciation is re-union
[48.63] 2035. Responsibility is Dharma
[48.64] 2036. In a seed is, a whole jungle
[48.65] 2037. Seeing beyond is horizon reached
[48.66] 2038. Self is supreme
[48.67] 2039. Self-discipline is freedom
[48.68] 2040. Self-winner is world winner
[48.69] 2041. Self-sufficient is sovereign
[48.70] 2042. Seva is spirituality
[48.71] 2043. Sharing is conscious caring
[48.72] 2044. Sharing is law of nature
[48.73] 2045. Silence is source
[48.74] 2046. Shoonyam is Poornam

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Topic Sutra
No. No.
[48.75] 2047. Simple-ness is beauty
[48.76] 2048. Small is tall
[48.77] 2049. Smile is divine shine
[48.78] 2050. Solitude is soulitude
[48.79] 2051. Spontaneity is soulful energy
[48.80] 2052. Systems is symphony
[48.81] 2053. Tension is tonic
[48.82] 2054. Truthfulness is divinity
[48.83] 2055. Unholding is right holding
[48.84] 2056. Universe is one verse of God
[48.85] 2057. Value addition is excellence
[48.86] 2058. Work to realisation is journey of life
[48.87] 2059. Writing is meditation
X-ray of xlence is to be xperienced in
[48.88] 2060. You is Youniverse
[48.89] 2061. Zero is Hero
[48.90] 2062. A to Z is absolute zenith
[48.91] 2063. This is that
[48.92] 2064. That is this
— This is That – Amrut Darshanas, 2015 – 2016

This (Sutras) is That (Supreme)

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No. Sutra Source (Books/Articles authored Number
Numbers by Guruji Shri G. Narayana of Sutras
1 1 to 4 Four Presents (2000) 4
2 5 to 52 Appropriate Internal Management (1990) 48
3 53 to 63 Programme for Present (1997) 11
4 64 to 73 All - Spirit and System – Four Yogas (1991) 10
5 74 to 299 Beyond Management (1991) 226
6 300 to 496 Order-Chaos-Order (1992) 197
7 497 to 544 Appropriate Integrated Management (1986) 48
8 545 to 578 Universal Man (1992) 34
9 579 to 589 The Stairway to Excellence (1989) 11
10 590 to 606 Dimensions of Management (1988) 17
11 607 to 673 Responsible Leadership in Gita (1993) 67
12 674 to 686 Noble Leader – A Journey through 13
Dhammapada (2000)
13 687 to 694 Sparkles of Team Spirit (1991) 8
14 695 to 702 Ox-herding (The Zen Way) (1991) 8
15 703 to 714 Inspirations from Lord Krishna – 12
The Management Guru (2010)
16 715 to 767 Glimpses of Tao (1991) 53
17 768 to 773 Life Management in Spirit of Gita – 6
Jivan Chaitnyam (2000)
18 774 to 795 Japaji Sahib (As Sung by Guru 22
Nanakdev) (1991)
19 796 to 895 Essence of 101 Stories (Offerings I to IV) 100
20 896 to 909 ABCDs for Adults (2004) 14
21 910 to 933 ABCDs for Elders & Youth (2004) 24
22 934 to 989 Strategic Leadership – Essence of 56
Chanakya Sutras (1992)
23 990 to 1016 ABCDs for Language & Life Partners (1992) 27
24 1017 to 1053 Sixty Diamonds (2000) 37

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No. Sutra Source (Books/Articles authored Number
Numbers by Guruji Shri G. Narayana of Sutras
25 1054 to 1063 Vision-Mission-Vision (1991) 10
26 1064 to 1132 Four Jewels – Four Teachers (1992) 69
27 1133 to 1148 Upanishads – Golden Secrets for a 16
Powerful Personality (2001)
28 1149 to 1288 Work Ethics in Gita (1993 to 2013) 141
29 1289 to 1309 ABCDs for Children (1992) 21
30 1310 to 1406 Responsible and Inspired Volunteer (2014) 97
31 1407 to 1519 Sacred Ways to Spirituality (2009) 112
32 1520 to 1576 Responsible and Inspired Volunteer (2014) 57
33 1577 to 1611 Know and Become (1994) 35
34 1612 to 1620 Love (2003) 9
35 1621 to 1631 Windows of God (1997) 11
36 1632 to 1654 Highways to Happiness (1988) 23
37 1655 to 1662 Fly the Kite (1992) 8
38 1663 to 1694 Gateways to Self Realisation (1989-2002) 32
39 1695 to 1715 From Work to Realisation – Spirit of Jainism 21
40 1716 to 1762 Spirit of Social Responsibility (1992) 47
41 1763 to 1766 Four States (1990) 4
42 1767 to 1775 Spirit of Life – Mountain to Ocean to 9
Mountain (2013)
43 1776 to 1848 Growing to Knowing - Four Facets of 73
Personality (1987)
44 1849 to 1860 Yoga Samanvaya (1999) 12
45 1861 to 1895 Imposing to Accepting – Decision Process (1993) 35
46 1896 to 1968 Facets of Time (1993) 73
47 1969 to 1972 Kundalini Simplified (2005) 4
48 1973 to 2064 This is That – Amrut Darshanas (2015 – 2016) 92
Total 2064

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Narayana Tattva Sutras for
Connection with Consciousness
Amrut Darshanas


Edited and Compiled by

Hasmukh Upadhyaya

Day of Amrut Darshanas

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Compilation of 501 Humanity-Divinity Equations proving and
explaining Interconnectedness and Oneness of All This with
Whole That, which Guruji Shri G. Narayana invariably provides
at the conclusion of each of his writings.

This is This world

That is That Spirit

This is the present situation which is the representation

of That Eternity

We have to see and realize That Eternity through This

entity here.

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Interconnectedness and Oneness of This and THAT

1. This
Time, Hope, Intellect, Supreme That
Time: Succeed in physical world through time.
Hope: Succeed in mind world through hope.
Intellect: Succeed in thought world through intellect.

Supreme That : Succeeding in Physical, mind and

thought worlds through time, hope and intellect realise,
experience and be Supreme That.

Timelessness, Harmony, Almighty, Truth This

Timelessness: Experience timelessness by being in

present reality. Present reality is now, here, this and
me, and thus being beyond physical plane.

Harmony: Experience harmony by being with

equanimity, equality and love. Equanimity is being
master - (of) - mind by seeing, witnessing and observing
and giving love thus being beyond mind plane.

Almighty: Experience almightiness by thinking,

contemplating and filling the ‘within’ with positive
thoughts, ideas and intentions. Intention is the seed for
action, mission and vision. Intention, extension and
attention will ensure no tension-ness, which is tranquility.
Truth: Truth is what was, is and will ever be. Truth is

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eternity. History, reality and certainty are truth. By
aligning actions, feeling and thoughts to truth, one can
experience fulfillment of Time, Hope, Intellect and
Supreme That, which is This.


This That

Time Timelessness

Hope Harmony

Intellect Almighty

Supreme Truth

That This

That This


THAT (Supreme) is this (Reality) is THAT (Truth)

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Amrut Darshanas
This That
1. This Absolute is That Omnipotent
2. This Acceptance is That Oneness
3. This Accuracy is That Excellence
4. This Achievement is That Atainment
5. This Ahimsa is That Paramo Dharma
6. This All is That Whole
7. This All in One is That One in All
8. This Allah is That Aum
9. This Alone is That One without Second
10. This Answers is That Final Verdict
11. This Appropriateness is That Yoga
12. This Art is That Cosmic Creativity
13. This As It Is is That Ingenuous
14. This As It Is is That Ingenuous
15. This Aspirations is That Eternity
16. This Assurance is That Supreme Support
17. This Atma Nivedanam is That Supreme Surrendering
18. This Atom is That Universe
19. This Attention is That Meditation
20. This Attitude is That Divine Drive
21. This Attitude is That Altitude
22. This AUM is That Atma
23. This AUM is That All You and Me (.)

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24. This AUM is That All Universal Magnificence(.)
25. This Availability is That Ability
26. This Awareness is That Perfect Perception
27. This Awareness is That Consciousness
28. This Becoming is That Super Being
29. This Becoming Nil is That Being All
30. This Being Right is That Being Bright
31. This Being Right is That Becoming Supreme
32. This Benevolence is That Bountiful
33. This Bhakti is That Mukti
34. This Bliss is That Brahman
35. This Blissfulness is That Basic Human Nature
36. This Blissfulness is That Blessedness
37. This Cell is That Cosmos
38. This Center View is That Cosmic View
39. This Change is That Unchanging
40. This Change is That Certainty
41. This Cheerful is That Chief
42. This Chintana is That Chaitanya
43. This Clarity is That Unity
44. This Clarity is That Complete Understanding
45. This Clarity is That Light
46. This Cleanliness is That Godliness
47. This Cloth is That Universe
48. This Cloud is That Cosmos

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49. This Collaborative-ness is That Sahaviryam
50. This Commitment is That Dedication
51. This Communicating is That Contributing
52. This Communication is That Cosmic Dialogues
53. This Compassion is That Divinity
54. This Compassion is That Super Consciousness
55. This Compassion is That Greatest Duty
56. This Comprehension is That Universality
57. This Concluder is That Creator
58. This Conflict to Consciousness is That Life to Lord
through Love and Learning
59. This Connection is That Cosmic Networking
60 This Connection is That Life Line
61. This Consciousness is That Super Consciousness
62. This Consciousness is That Ultimate
63. This Constant Improvement is That Essence of
64. This Contentedness is That Centred Conscience
65. This Contribution is That Nobility
66. This Contribution is That Purpose of Living
67. This Correcting Mistakes is That Correct Way
68. This Craving-less-ness is That Calmness
69. This Craving-less-ness is That Samaadhi
70. This Creativity is That Divinity
71. This Creativity is That Creation
72. This Creativity is That Mine of Jewels

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73. This Creativity is That Consciousness
74. This Daivee Sampadaa is That Sacred Ways to
75. This Defectlessness is That Truth
76. This Desirelessness is That Fulfillment Realized
77. This Detachment is That Supreme Connection
78. This Detachment is That Liberation
79. This Determination is That Pure Potentiality
80. This Devotee is That King of Kings
81. This Devotion is That Divinity
82. This Devotion is That Oneness with Deity
83. This Devotion is That Worship
84. This Dharma is That Divinity
85. This Dharma is That Supporting and Protecting like
86. This Direction +Dynamism is That Harmonious
87. This Disconnecting is That Connecting
88. This Doing Nothing is That Done Everything
89. This Dormant is That Diligence
90. This Dream is That Darshana
91. This Drifting is That Discovering
92. This Duality is That Non Duality
93. This Dynamism is That Stability
94. This Eclipse-less-ness is That Eternity
95. This Ecology is That Excellence

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96. This Economy is That Contribution
97. This Economy is That Exuberance
98. This Ecstasy is That Omnipresent
99. This Education is That Exhilarating Empowerment
100. This Effortlessness is That Dynamic Balance
101. This Effortless-ness IS THAT Impactful-ness
102. This Ego-less-ness is That Liberation
103. This Ego-less-ness is That Self-full-ness
104. This Ego-less-ness is That Immortality
105. This Ego-less-ness is That One-ness
106. This Ekam is That Original One
107. This Empathy is That Oneness
108. This Emptiness is That Fulfillment
109. This Emptiness is That Empowerment
110. This Endeavouring is That Enlightenment
111. This Endevouring is That Virtuous Venture
112. This Enthusiasm is That Divine Expression
113. This Enthusiasm is That Spirit of Self
114. This Equality is That Supreme Quality
115. This Equality is That Greatest Conduct
116. This Equanimity is That Elegance
117. This Equation is That Equalizer
118. This Equations is That Explicitness
119. This Evenness of mind is That Yoga
120. This Experimenting is That Experiencing

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121. This Exploring is That Excelling
122. This External utility + Internal Purity is That
Conscious Quality
123. This Extolling is That Aligned Excellence
124. This Eye-ness is That High-ness
125. This Faith is That Fountain of Spirituality
126. This Family is That Divinity
127. This Farthest IS THAT Nearest
128. This Fearlessness is That Divinity
129. This Firmness is That Stability
130. This Five (Elements) is That First (Element)
131. This Flexible is That Firm
132. This Flower is That Universe
133. This Flower is That Fulfillment
134. This Flowing is That Flourishing
135 This Flute is That Empty Fullness
136. This Foam is That Ocean
137. This Followers is That Leader
138. This Forbearing is That Foremost Bearing
139. This Force to Source is That Untruth to Truth
140. This Forgiving is That Highest Offering
141. This Forgiving is That Grand giving
142. This Forms is That Ultimate Form
143. This Fortitude is That Spirituality
144. This Friendliness is That Compassion
145. This G.O.D.S. is That GODS

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146. This Ganesha is That Great
147. This Gayatri is That Gist of Vedas
148. This Gayatri is That Glory
149. This Gentle is That Gorgeous
150. This Gentleness is That Tempering
151. This Gentleness is That Excellence
152. This Gentleness is That Refinement Realized
153. This Giver is That Richest
145. This Giving is That God
155. This Giving is That Getting
156. This Giving is That Living
157. This Giving is That Spiritual Law for Life
158. This Gladness is That Godliness
159. This Glimpses is That Universal Vision
160. This Goodness is That God
161. This Goodwill is That God Will
162. This Grand-Parent is That Witness with Wisdom
163. This Gratefulness is That Gracefulness
164. This Greed to Need is That Darkness to Light
165. This Growing is That Glowing
166. This Guide Lights is That Glaring Greatest
167. This GURU is That God
168. This GURU is That Grandeur
169. This GURU is That Empowering Emperor
170. This GURU is That Solution Center

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171. This Happiness is That High Spirits
172. This Happiness is That Heaven
173. This Harmony is That Highest Happiness
174. This Harmony is That Universal Rhythm
175. This Helpful Deeds is That Devine Delight
176. This Here is That Everywhere
177. This Holy is That Whole
178. This Humbleness is That Highest-ness
179. This Humility is That Nectar
180. This Humanity to Divinity is That Nara
181. This Humour is That Heaven
182. This I and Mine-less-ness is That Inner Illumination
183. This I to We is That Individual to Universe
184. This I.R. is That U.R
185. This Illusion-less-ness is That Illumination
186. This Improvements is That Enhanced Value
187. This Improving is That Proving
188. This Improving Self is That Improving World
189. This i-ness is That High-ness
190. This In-light is That Supreme Light
191. This Inner Space is That Cosmic Space
192. This Innovation is That Excellence
193. This Insight is That Cosmic Vision
194. This Inspiration is That Conscious Energy
195. This Instant is That Infinity

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196. This Integrity is That Essential Ingredient for
197. This Integrity is That Wholeness
198. This Intellect is That Inner Reins
199. This Intellect is That Almighty
200. This Intelligence is That Inherent Brightness
201. This Intelligence is That Insight
202. This In-telling is That Ingenuous Messages
203. This Intention is That Accomplishment
204. This Intentions is That Ignition
205. This Interdependence is That Independence
206. This Introspection is That Inspiration
207. This Intuition is That Inner Tuition
208. This Irresponsible to Responsible is That Ego to Spirit
209. This Joint family is That Garden of Joy
210. This Journey is That Destination
211. This Journey is That Gateways to God
212. This Joy is That Bliss
213. This Joy of Giving is That Liberation
214. This Joy of Openness is That Freedom
215. This Just in Time is That Justice on Time
216. This Just Right is That Appropriateness
217. This Kama for Dharma is That Rama
218. This Karma is That Unfailing Companions
219. This Knowing is That Glowing
220. This Knowing Ownself is That Wisdom

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221. This Knowing Self is That Growing Deep
222. This Knowing-ness is That Peaceful-ness
223. This Knowing-ness is That Consciousness
224. This Knowing-ness IS THAT Blissful Calmness
225. This Knowledge is That Edgeways Resource
226. This Knowledge is That Light
227. This Knowledge is That Power
228. This Lamp is That Sun
229. This Language is That Light
230. This Last is That First
231. This Leader is That Path Maker
232. This Leader is That Highest Hope
233. This Leadership is That Hallmark of Responsibility
234. This Learner is That Guru
235. This Learning is That Growing
236. This Learning is That Adding Value
237. This Least is That Lasting
238. This Let Go is That Liberation
239. This Letter is That ‘Akshar’ Brahma
240. This Letter is That Spirit
241. This Life is That Lord
242. This Life Cycle is That Cosmic Cycle
243. This Life Journey is That Cosmic Configuration
244. This Life Sentence is That Immortal Spirit
245. This Light is That Lord

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246. This Longing-less-ness is That Total Tranquility
247. This Losing is That Finding
248. This Lotus is That Lord
249. This Lotus is That Sun
250. This Love is That Lord
251. This Love and Light is That Lyrics of God
252. This Loving is That Nature of the Heart
253. This Loving All is That Loving Self
254. This Lowest is That Highest
255. This Management is That Wisdom
256. This Management is That Magnificent
257. This Management is That Cosmic Arrangement
258. This Manifestations is That Unmenifest
259. This Master is That Mystic
260. This Master-Learner is That Unification
261. This Me is That Master
262. This Me is That Everybody
263. This Meditation is That Supreme Alignment
264. This Meditation is That Sure Cure Method
265. This Meditation is That All Pervasive Awareness
266. This Meek is That Mighty
267. This Mentor is That Grand Gardener
268. This Mentor is That Compassionate Coach
269. This Merciful is That Magnanimous
270. This Merger is That Oneness

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271. This Microcosm is That Macrocosm
272 This Modern Technology is That Ancient Wisdom
273. This Modesty is That Marvelous
274. This Motivation Power is That Majestic Power
275. This Mountain is That Magnificent
276. This Moving is That Unmoving
277. This Name-Form is That Non-Form
278. This Nara is That Narayana
279. This Networking is That Great Working
280. This Nobility is That Excellence
281. This Nobility is That Ultimate State
282. This Nobody-ness is That Everybody-ness
283. This Non Governance is That Best Governance
284. This Non-Anger is That Daivee Sampadaa
285. This Non-Betrayal is That Worthwhile Virtue
286. This Non-doership is That Freedom
287. This Non-doing is That Most Accomplishing
288. This Non-Hurting is That Best Weapon
289. This Nothing is That Gateway to Evertying
290. This No-thingness is That Nirvana
291. This No-thingness is That Ego-less-ness
292. This Nothing-ness is That Complete-ness
293. This Now is That Eternity
294. This Nowhere is That Everywhere
295. This Number is That Numberless

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296. This Ocean is That Unmoving and Full
297. This Offer and Receive is That Divinity
298. This Offering is That Receiving
299. This Offering Everything is That Becoming Immortal
300. This One is That Omnipresent
301. This One is That Ultimate
302. This One is That Essence
303. This Optimality IS THAT Omnipresence
304. This Optimality is That Ultimate
305. This Organization is That Universe
306. This Original is That One without Second
307. This Pardoner is That Powerful
308. This Partnership is That Harmony
309. This Path Showing is That Par Excellence
310. This Pathmaking is That Paramount
311. This Peacefulness is That Pathless Path
312. This Penance is That Purifying
313. This Person is That Paramaatma
314. This Person is That Perfection
315. This Pleasant Person is That Precious Person
316. This Pointed-ness is That Centred Consciousness
317. This Pointed-ness is That Wholesome-ness
318. This Practice is That Perfection
319. This Practicing Noble Principles is That Heavenly
320. This Prayer is That Path

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321. This Prayer is That Surrender
322. This Pride to Humility is That Mortality to Immortality
323. This Pride-less-ness is That Divine Glory
324. This Process is That Perennial
325. This Process is That Providence
326. This Pure One is That Supreme One
327. This Purity is That Beauty
328. This Purity is That Divinity
329. This Purity is That Unity
330. This Purpose in Life is That Meaning to Life
331. This Q.A. is That Upanishadic Truth
332. This Quality is That Unity
333. This Quality is That Essence of Excellence
334. This Quality is That Quantum Treasure
335. This Question is That Answer
336. This Question is That Quest for Insight
337. This Raas is That Radha-Krishna
338. This Randomness is That Synchronicity
339. This Ready-ness to Give is That Joy
340. This Realization is That Reality
341. This Receiving with Heart is That Highest Humility
342. This Relaxation is That Re-Creation
343. This Relinquishing is That Supreme Spirituality
344. This Renunciation is That Re-Union
345. This Responsibility is That Realization

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346. This Responsibility is That Consciousness
347. This Responsibility is That Transformation
348. This Responsibility is That Dharma
349. This Responsibility is That Regal Resort
350. This Responsibility is That Transcendence
351. This Responsibility is That Responding with Ability
352. This Responsible person is That Enriched Person
353. This Returning is That Reaching
354. This Right Way is That Eternal Joy
355. This Righteousness is That Brightness
356. This River is That Reality
357. This Samanata is That Samarasata
358. This Samarpan is That Supreme Offering
359. This Sampoornam is That Poornam
360. This Santosha Dhana is That Super Samridhi
361. This Search is That Solution
362. This Seed is That Jungle
363. This Seeing Beyond is That Horizon Reached
364. This Seeing Self and Universe is That Full Vision
365. This Seeing Unseen is That Supreme Vision
366. This Seeking is That Being
367. This Seeking is That Arriving
368. This Seeking is That Finding
369. This Self is That Supreme
370. This Self is That Supreme Solution

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371. This Self is That Sterling Solace
372. This Self confidence is That Fearlessness
373. This Self control is That Supreme Concord
374. This Self Discipline is That Super Realization
375. This Self Discipline is That Freedom
376. This Self Management is That Ultimate Management
377. This Self Reliance is That Realized Courageousness
378. This Self Respect is That Soulful-ness
379. This Self Winner is That World Winner
380. This Self-Referralness is That Perfect Knowingness
381. This Self-Sufficient is That Sovereign
382. This Self-Victory is That Paramount Peace
383. This Separation is That Secret of Friendship
384. This Serenity is That Blissfulness
385. This Service is That Offering
386. This Serving is That Deserving
387. This Seva is That Supreme
388. This Seva is That Spirituality
389. This Seva is That Divine Role
390. This Seven is That Heaven
391. This Sharing is That Conscious Caring
392. This Sharing is That Law of Nature
393. This Sharing is That Offer and Receive
394. This Shoonyam is That Poornam
395. This Silence is That Zen in Zenith

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396. This Silence is That Language of God
397. This Silence is That Source
398. This Silence is That Profound Peace
399. This Silence is That Supreme Secret
400. This Silence is That Serenity
401. This Simple-ness is That Beauty
402. This Situation is That Supreme Reality
403. This Small is That Tall
404. This Smile is That Sun
405. This Smile is That Signal of God
406. This Smile is That Divine Shine
407. This Soft is That Strong
408. This Solitude is That Soulitude
409. This Spontaneity is That Soulful synergy
410. This Standard is That Supreme
411. This Standing Under is That Super Understanding
412. This Star is That Light
413. This State is That Statelessness
414. This Stories is That Stars
415. This Strategy is That Streamlined Sparks
416. This Supervision is That Super Vision
417. This Surrendering is That Supreme Seva
418. This Surrendering is That Salvation
419. This System is That Supreme
420. This Systems is That Symphony

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421. This Taking Responsibility is That Gaining Reverence
422. This Tango is That Togetherness
423. This Tapasyaa is That Topmost Conduct
424. This Teacher is That Learner
425. This Teaching by Own Example is That State of
426. This Team is That Spirit
427. This Team is That Universe
428. This Team is That Unity
429. This Team Learning is That Best Learning
430. This Technique is That Wisdom
431. This Tender is That Powerful
432. This Tension is That Tonic
433. This That is That This
434. This Theory + Practice is That Perfect Understanding
435. This Thought Flowers is That Elegant Offering
436. This Thoughtfulness is That Divine Link
437. This Time is That God
438. This Time is That Flowing Infinity
449. This Time is That Timelessness
450. This Timeliness is That Sychrodestiny
451. This Timid is That Titanic
452. This Togetherness is That Oneness
453. This Transformation is That Transcendence
454. This Trinity is That Eternity
455. This Trust is That Responsibility

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456. This Truth is That God
457. This Truthfulness is That Divinity
458. This Umbrella is That Sky
459. This Understanding is That Upgrading
460. This Understanding is That Inspiration
461. This Unfoldment is That Ultimate Understanding
462. This Unholding is That Right Holding
463. This Unification is That Universe
464. This Universe is That One Verse of God
465. This Upanishads is That Ultimate
466. This Useful Actions + Happy Relations is That
Joyful Contributions
467. This Value Addition is That Excellence
468. This Victory Chariot is That Win-win Consciousness
469. This Vigour is That Vital Dynamism
470. This Vision is That Oneness
471. This Vision is That Vishnu
472. This We is That Wisdom
473. This We and Us is That Humane-ness
474. This Wheel is That Whole
475. This Why-ness is That High-ness
476. This Windows is That Doors to Wisdom
477. This Winner of Self is That Overall Winner
478. This Win-win-win-win is That Total win
479. This Wisdom is That Wonderful We-ness
480. This Wisdom is That Aatma Vidya

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481. This Witnessing is That Perfect Participation
482. This Words is That Worlds
483. This Work is That Worship
485. This Work is That Worthiness
486. This Work is That Supreme Rescuer
487. This Work is That Yoga
488. This Work to Realization is That Journey of Life
489. This Writing is That Living
490. This Writing is That Meditation
491. This ‘X’ is That Excellence
492. This Yielding is That Winning
493. This You is That Lord
494. This You is That Youniverse
495. This You is That Tat
496. This You is That Spirit Personified
497. This Your Unique contribution is That Your Dharma
498. This Zeal is That Zest
499. This Zenith is That Consciousness
500. This Zero is That Hero
501. This Zero is That Zenith

This (A to Z) is That (Absolute Zenith)

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Narayana Sutras A to Z
This is alphabetic arrangement of 2064 Narayana Sutras
presented in the dictionary form which will help to locate
the sutras related to a given subject.

This will also get multi-angled view of a topic. The

frequency (number of times of appearance in sutras) varies
from 1 writing to 2033 in A to Z index to 146 (Be – 122 to
267 in A to Z index).

The frequent important topics are as given below:

1. Be 146 (from 122 to 267)

2. Work 42 (from 1988 to 2029)
3. Love 36 (from 1058 to 1093)
4. Self 35 (from 1537 to 1570)
5. You 24 (from 2035 to 2058)
6. Let 24 (from 1003 to 1026)
7. Learning 23 (from 973 to 995)
8. With 23 (from 1964 to 1986)
9. Knowledge 23 (from 928 to 950)
10. Giving 21 (from 718 to 738)
11. Offer 20 (from 1226 to 1245)
12. Trust 20 (from 1846 to 1864)
13. Contribution 18 (from 395 to 412)
14. Noble 18 (from 1186 to 1203)
15. Acceptance 16 (from 11 to 26)

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16. Leader 15 (955 to 969)
17. Sharing 14 (1601 to 1614)
18. Truth 14 (from 1865 to 1878)

For other topics of interest please search in alphabetic order

All the 2064 Vaakyas contain deep meanings and messages

and arranged in alphabetic order gives integrated meaning
and message with Best Wishes for rewarding
introspections, interpretations, insights and inspirations.

Love and Light

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Spirit of Attitudes to Zestful Life
1* • – Spirit – at Conscious level ([5.226], 299)**
2 A – Attitudes – at Mind level ([5.223], 296)
3 A – Body-ness of Child ([43.18], 1793)
4 A leader as Guide, Organizer, ([22.33], 966)
Director is GOD
5 A Leader's sign is his own work ([11.57], 663)
6 A person has to develop on his own ([19.88], 883)
7 A place for each one ([10.16], 605)
8 A to Z is absolute zenith ([48.90], 2062)
9 Ability is to transfer it outside ([39.9], 1703)
10 Abnormal is meaningful in chaos ([6.48], 347)

15. Acceptance (16)

11 Accept and experience joy of ([40.32], 1747)
12 Accept and get accepted ([15.4], 706)
13 Accept noble thoughts ([11.11], 617)
14 Accept others, listen to people ([31.104], 1511)
15 Accept people whosoever it is ([8.29], 573)
16 Accept reality whatsoever it is ([8.28], 572)
17 Accept situation as they are ([38.1], 1663)
18 Accept your responsibility ([20.1], 896)
19 Accept, Accommodate, Adjust and ([11.24], 630)
Adapt all
20 Acceptance is a must for love ([34.3], 1614)

* Alphabetic S.No.
** Narayana Sutra S.No.

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21 Acceptance is Oneness ([48.1], 1973)
22 Accepting decisions is Partner- ([45.21], 1881)
Partners relation
23 Accepting excellence – Visionary ([45.25], 1885)
24 Accepting Excellence and vision is ([45.5], 1865)
25 Accepting is harmony ([16.33], 747)
26 Accepting Work Excellence occurs ([45.29], 1889)
at spirit level

27 Accident is chaos ([6.172], 471)

28 Accountability works in clearance ([6.29], 328)
29 Accuracy is Excellence ([48.2], 1974)
30 Achieve excellence of own self, be ([30.10], 1319)
in bliss and fulfil self
31 Achievements create success ([25.10], 1063)
32 Achiever – Youth ([43.35], 1810)
33 Act and transform your potential ([30.30], 1339)
into reality
34 Act for right quantity and right ([30.31], 1340)
quality each time, every time and
all the times
35 Act usefully ([11.3], 609)
36 Action during clearing ([6.121], 420)
37 Action is essential to do work ([28.65], 1213)
38 Actions make a mission success ([36.8], 1639)
39 Actions of service add value ([28.70], 1218)
40 Actions without attachment ([28.87], 1235)
stabilizes concentration
41 Adaptations help in clearance ([6.9], 308)

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42 Add two to two make it twenty two ([24.23], 1039)
43 Adjustments help in chaos ([6.8], 307)
44 Admiring decisions is Mentor- ([45.20], 1880)
Masters relation
45 Admiring is wonder ([33.32], 1608)
46 Adult – Share ([43.24], 1799)
47 Adult Completes ([43.12], 1787)
48 Advance thinking gains time ([36.12], 1643)
49 Aim is for growing to achieve ([5.19], 92)
50 All answers lead to man ([19.66], 861)
51 All are equal ([19.8], 803)
52 "All can" – Elder ([43.57], 1832)
53 All feelings emerge from love ([2.25], 29)
54 All feelings merge in love ([2.27], 31)
55 All feelings surge in love ([2.26], 30)
56 All his doings are offerings to ([28.102], 1250)
humanity and divine
57 All in one, one in all ([19.74], 869)
58 All is whole ([48.3], 1975)
59 All questions lead to God. ([19.65], 860)
60 All-Universe – Me is reality ([14.6], 700)
61 Always ensure that reason is not cut ([37.6], 1660)
62 Always give through a medium, ([30.59], 1368)
'Nimitta' you be
63 Always look how you can help ([36.3], 1634)
64 Anger is fire, it can burn ([22.20], 953)
65 Anticipate and act. Think and ([19.15], 810)
rescue yourself
66 Anticipate and attain ([19.3], 798)
67 Anticipate and be ahead ([13.7], 693)

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68 Anticipation gives more time ([36.13], 1644)
69 Anticipation is for adult like ([5.25], 98)
70 Anticipation is preferable in clearance ([6.37], 336)
71 Anything shared becomes a 'Prasad' ([30.57], 1366)
72 Appreciate good in others ([30.19], 1328)
73 Appreciate others' excellence ([31.102], 1509)
74 Appreciating decisions is Builder- ([45.17], 1877)
Innovators relation
75 Approach book with readiness ([26.6], 1069)
76 Approach master with reverence ([26.5], 1068)
77 Approach self with closeness ([26.8], 1071)
78 Approach team with openness ([26.7], 1070)
79 Approach your teacher ([19.40], 835)
80 Appropriate Management is right ([2.2], 6)
81 Appropriate way is the effective ([36.22], 1653)
82 Appropriateness is being just right ([9.11], 589)
83 Appropriateness is Yoga ([2.1], 5)
84 Appropriateness of work is yoga ([28.89], 1237)
85 Aptitude for endeavour is 'Sadhana' ([5.134], 207)
86 Argument with fools is not useful ([22.29], 962)
87 Argument with friends is not fit ([22.31], 964)
88 Argument with spouse is not safe!! ([22.32], 965)
89 Argument with teacher is not ([22.30], 963)
90 Argument with wise is not necessary ([22.28], 961)
91 As per men use four ways ([36.21], 1652)
92 Ask and receive ([28.14], 1162)

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93 Ask questions, receive answers ([19.32], 827)
94 Ask yourself. Answer yourself ([28.107], 1255)
95 Ask. Share. Give. Avoid taking ([19.61], 856)
96 Assure and be assured ([31.63], 1469)
97 Assure attention to people ([31.76], 1482)
98 At 'Accepting Excellence' level ([45.30], 1890)
people offer their whole
99 At level of par-excellence, ([22.13], 946)
competition becomes collaboration
100 Attack parts in chaos ([6.100], 399)
101 Attain harmony ([11.51], 657)
102 Attain priorities in clearing ([6.101], 400)
103 Attain special skills, be expert ([28.56], 1204)
104 Attainer – Adult ([43.36], 1811)
105 Attempt full in order ([6.98], 397)
106 Attend gaps in complexity ([6.99], 398)
107 Attention dissolves tensions ([30.79], 1388)
108 Attention is order ([6.158], 457)
109 Attitude takes you to altitude ([29.1], 1289)
110 Authority is assigned, ([30.62], 1371)
responsibility is to be assumed
111 Authority is illusion, ([28.105], 1253)
responsibility is illumination
112 Authority works in order ([6.26], 325)
113 Avoid authority, Take ([24.2], 1018)
114 Avoiding defence, defiant be ([38.24], 1686)
115 Avoiding enmity, opponent be ([38.25], 1687)
116 Avoiding fear risk you see ([38.23], 1685)
117 Avoiding wrong, thoughtful be ([38.26], 1688)

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118 Awareness is deep perception of ([21.1], 910)
119 Backing decisions is Investors- ([45.18], 1878)
Entrepreneurs relation
120 Balance in life is effectiveness ([36.20], 1651)
121 Balanced works are meritorious ([33.26], 1602)

1. Be (146)
122 Be a Buddha. Be a Bodhisattva ([19.49], 844)
123 Be a clear person without ego ([31.49], 1455)
124 Be a cloud of compassion, ([42.3], 1769)
consideration, confidence and
125 Be a contributor ([30.53], 1362)
126 Be a model of humbleness and ([31.39], 1445)
127 Be a mother to people ([11.44], 650)
128 Be a mountain, reach the cosmos, ([42.4], 1770)
the source of life
129 Be a responsible centre in ([38.10], 1672)
witnessing way
130 Be a right person by doing right ([19.33], 828)
131 Be a river, grow and flow in life ([42.1], 1767)
132 Be a traveller, when 'That' is ([41.2], 1764)
reached all is light
133 Be a tree, useful and contributive ([41.1], 1763)
134 Be a volunteer by being a valuable ([28.74], 1222)
135 Be active, offer results ([32.20], 1539)

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136 Be active, pre-active, pro-active, ([30.21], 1330)
process-active and post-active
137 Be ahead of time with anticipation ([30.34], 1343)
138 Be alert and feel the things ([30.7], 1316)
139 Be alert in clearing ([6.145], 444)
140 Be alert in the mind world ([32.16], 1535)
141 Be all to your people ([2.48], 52)
142 Be an enricher of environment ([11.56], 662)
143 Be an example with ordinary life ([38.30], 1692)
144 Be an expert, contribute to ([13.6], 692)
145 Be an ocean of oneness and divinity ([42.2], 1768)
146 Be at ease to disconnect disease ([16.48], 762)
147 Be awake and see the things ([30.6], 1315)
148 Be awake in order ([6.142], 441)
149 Be awake in the physical world ([32.15], 1534)
150 Be awake, alert, aware and ([11.17], 623)
151 Be aware and know the things ([30.8], 1317)
152 Be aware in chaos ([6.144], 443)
153 Be aware in the thought world ([32.17], 1536)
154 Be beyond ([46.37], 1932)
155 Be beyond nature and be beyond ([28.94], 1242)
156 Be bold without being blunt ([21.15], 924)
157 Be brief ([9.8], 586)
158 Be calm in chaos ([6.104], 403)
159 Be calm, even if when you disagree ([31.79], 1485)
160 Be clean ([11.21], 627)
161 Be clean, be safe ([10.11], 600)

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162 Be compassionate to those who ([19.20], 815)
harmed you
163 Be connected ([30.64], 1373)
164 Be connecting, offer togetherness ([32.35], 1554)
165 Be conscious and be beyond the ([30.9], 1318)
166 Be conscious in complexity ([6.143], 442)
167 Be conscious in the spiritual world ([32.18], 1537)
168 Be contemplative in complexity ([6.103], 402)
169 Be contributing, offer value ([32.28], 1547)
170 Be cool and gain stability ([32.5], 1524)
171 Be dependable by fulfilling ([30.46], 1355)
172 Be determined to serve living ([31.100], 1507)
173 Be divine; eternal, ego-less, pure, ([41.4], 1766)
harmonious self
174 Be economic, offer value ([32.23], 1542)
175 Be effective, offer self-sufficiency ([32.22], 1541)
176 Be emphatic to those who helped ([19.22], 817)
177 Be enjoying, offer joy ([32.37], 1556)
178 Be enthusiastic ([30.39], 1348)
179 Be enthusiastic in order ([6.102], 401)
180 Be enthusiastic, offer eagerness ([32.26], 1545)
181 Be equanimous ([40.46], 1761)
182 Be expectation-less to those whom ([19.23], 818)
you helped
183 Be exploring, offer open ([32.25], 1544)
184 Be fearless and assure fearlessness ([31.5], 1411)

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185 Be Ganesh. Be Kartik ([19.11], 806)
186 Be gentle ([40.44], 1759)
187 Be gentle, open and decent in all ([28.129], 1277)
your interactions
188 Be giving, offer your best ([32.30], 1549)
189 Be happy and share happiness ([40.9], 1724)
190 Be here and not there ([8.26], 570)
191 Be human; loving, timely, truthful ([41.3], 1765)
and responsible
192 Be humble and seek ([18.10], 783)
193 Be in company with quality men ([22.24], 957)
194 Be in faith, be in bliss ([40.10], 1725)
195 Be in harmony with environment ([11.55], 661)
196 Be in harmony with your own self ([36.23], 1654)
197 Be in harmony, be in bliss ([36.7], 1638)
198 Be in noble thoughts ([11.13], 619)
199 Be in peace – not in pieces ([10.12], 601)
200 Be in present ([8.24], 568)
201 Be in time ([2.38], 42)
202 Be in unity in heart and mind ([40.7], 1722)
203 Be inspired for eternity ([31.71], 1477)
204 Be kind to one and all ([22.49], 982)
205 Be kind to those who did not harm ([19.21], 816)
206 Be knowledgeable, experienced ([30.38], 1347)
and be with communication ability
207 Be learning, offer dedication ([32.24], 1543)
208 Be like a flower, pure, useful and ([29.4], 1292)
209 Be like a river, sweet, useful, cool, ([29.16], 1304)
and flowing

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210 Be like grass in actions, mountain ([31.40], 1446)
in values
211 Be loving, offer your heart ([32.31], 1550)
212 Be loving, useful, thoughtful and ([30.12], 1321)
213 Be low and all will flow ([16.45], 759)
214 Be modest and win hearts of all ([31.107], 1514)
215 Be mother, father, teacher, ([31.111], 1518)
grandfather of all
216 Be moving and stationed you be ([38.18], 1680)
217 Be natural and be own-self ([8.27], 571)
218 Be noble ([11.35], 641)
219 Be no-body and shine ([28.126], 1274)
220 Be now here; otherwise you are ([24.35], 1051)
221 Be on time every time, each time, ([32.12], 1531)
all the time
222 Be open and experience joy of ([40.29], 1744)
223 Be open, be approachable ([28.54], 1202)
224 Be optimal avoiding excess-less ([31.60], 1466)
225 Be optimistic in clearing ([6.105], 404)
226 Be part to be whole ([16.18], 732)
227 Be patient about people's ([31.43], 1449)
228 Be patient and win in life ([29.15], 1303)
229 Be pointed but you pierce not ([38.28], 1690)
230 Be Positive – Active-Timely- ([11.16], 622)
Effective -Leader
231 Be positive, and be happy within ([30.14], 1323)

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232 Be positive, earn goodwill ([36.1], 1632)
233 Be positive, offer happiness ([32.19], 1538)
234 Be prompt ([31.94], 1501)
235 Be prompt, do not procrastinate ([22.15], 948)
236 Be ready to receive all people ([11.30], 636)
237 Be responsible ([2.35], 39)
238 Be responsible to all, now! ([3.10], 62)
239 Be responsible to self, now! ([3.11], 63)
240 Be responsible, experience ([8.9], 553)
241 Be responsible, offer all abilities ([32.33], 1552)
242 Be responsive and enjoy the ([8.21], 565)
243 Be right, be bright ([31.41], 1447)
244 Be sensitive to people's needs ([28.55], 1203)
245 Be sharing, offer partnership ([32.29], 1548)
246 Be simple ([40.43], 1758)
247 Be speaking and silent you be ([38.19], 1681)
248 Be stable in all situations ([11.42], 648)
249 Be stable in practising noble ([31.99], 1506)
250 Be straight, Do right ([33.30], 1606)
251 Be timely, offer efficiency ([32.21], 1540)
252 Be tranquil ([40.47], 1762)
253 Be trusting, offer empowerment ([32.32], 1551)
254 Be trustworthy, win confidence ([13.4], 690)
255 Be truthful and travel on shortest ([11.48], 654)
route to divinity
256 Be truthful, offer right conduct ([32.34], 1553)
257 Be understanding, offer ([32.27], 1546)

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258 Be unending source to serve ([38.7], 1669)
259 Be unifying, offer oneness ([32.36], 1555)
260 Be wise – not other wise ([16.10], 724)
261 Be with harmony and experience ([11.52], 658)
262 Be with universe being alone ([38.22], 1684)
263 Be within limits, unlimited be ([22.23], 956)
264 Be witness ([40.45], 1760)
265 Be working and non-doing you be ([38.20], 1682)
266 Be yourself and experience ([8.23], 567)
universal self
267 Be zero! Be hero!! ([29.21], 1309)

268 Bear all kinds of people ([11.41], 647)

269 Become immortal by complete ([19.73], 868)
270 Become your role, be your role ([28.134], 1281)
271 Becoming one is on way to ([40.12], 1727)
272 Being behind, ahead lead all ([38.2], 1664)
273 Being nobody everybody you be ([38.4], 1666)
274 Being one is already That One ([40.13], 1728)
275 Being positive is accepting the ([30.15], 1324)
joy of self
276 Being positive is being fearless ([31.8], 1414)
277 Being stable and able is perfect ([39.11], 1705)
278 Being together is beginning of love ([34.1], 1612)
279 Being within limits is the secret of ([28.28], 1176)

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280 Beings are in divinity, seeds are ([33.3], 1579)
in tree
281 Beings are in God ([19.57], 852)
282 Belief in honest people ([5.156], 229)
283 Believe – Behave – Become and ([28.113], 1261)
Be is the process of inspiration
284 Believe in yourself ([11.7], 613)
285 Believe, Behave, Become and Be ([18.9], 782)
286 Believing one is on way to salvation ([40.11], 1726)
287 Bending is a sign of respect, ([31.83], 1489)
humbleness and patience
288 Benevolence is showering benefits ([21.2], 911)
to all
289 Best corrector is your own self ([40.22], 1737)
290 Best discipline is self-discipline ([28.21], 1169)
291 Best governing is non-governing ([16.50], 764)
292 Best way is easy. Other way is ([16.37], 751)
293 Best wish is future ([46.48], 1943)
294 Beware of what you are doing ([30.4], 1313)
Right Now
295 Beyond appearance, clear light ([38.8], 1670)
you see
296 Beyond Management is ([5.1], 74)
integration of 4-way aspects
297 Beyond skill and will be tranquil ([15.12], 714)
298 Blessed is that one who is with ([22.40], 973)
299 Body is mirror image of World ([8.2], 546)
300 Body is past ([46.42], 1937)
301 Body is world ([8.10], 554)

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302 Book details ([26.54], 1117)
303 Book is river, follow its flow ([26.62], 1125)
304 Book is the jewel of knowledge ([26.2], 1065)
305 Book knowledge ([26.50], 1113)
306 Book world ([26.46], 1109)
307 Book's intelligence ([26.30], 1093)
308 Book's rules ([26.38], 1101)
309 Breakdown is chaos ([6.168], 467)
310 Brevity is economy of language ([23.1], 990)
311 Briefness is excellence ([28.24], 1172)
312 Brindavan of Child ([43.38], 1813)
313 Buy from Adult ([43.32], 1807)
314 By bhavana eliminate kamanas ([33.10], 1586)
315 By chetana eliminate ahankaram ([33.12], 1588)
316 By chintana eliminate agnanam ([33.11], 1587)
317 By sadhana eliminate vasanas ([33.9], 1585)
318 Calm mind aligned to self leads ([28.19], 1167)
to ultimate peace
319 Capability is the capacity inside ([39.8], 1702)
320 Care and dare, and become a ([29.3], 1291)
responsible leader
321 Care and experience joy of ([40.26], 1741)
322 Care for people and enhance the ([28.30], 1178)
323 Careful building ([5.55], 128)
324 Carry out noble and useful deeds ([28.49], 1197)
325 Cell is cosmos ([48.4], 1976)
326 Centre and distribute ([16.5], 719)
327 Centre view is cosmic view ([48.5], 1977)

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328 Challenge motivates ([30.90], 1399)
329 Change is certainty ([48.7], 1979)
330 Change is unchanging ([48.6], 1978)
331 Changes function in complexity ([6.55], 354)
332 Chaos is 'Para normal' ([6.116], 415)
333 Chaos is dis-arrangement ([6.136], 435)
334 Chaos is no sequence ([6.132], 431)
335 Chaos is odd ([6.128], 427)
336 Chaos is valley ([6.124], 423)
337 Child – Care ([43.22], 1797)
338 Child Starts ([43.10], 1785)
339 Choose the right Mission, Means, ([11.18], 624)
Methods, Manners
340 Churning Youth ([43.15], 1790)
341 Clarity by truth ([2.46], 50)
342 Clarity is clearing ([6.193], 492)
343 Clarity is complete understanding ([9.10], 588)
344 Clarity is purity of language ([23.2], 991)
345 Clean actions, feelings, and ([31.45], 1451)
thoughts are elements of clean
346 Cleanliness ensures healthy future ([9.4], 582)
347 Cleanliness is Godliness ([11.22], 628)
348 Cleanliness should be made a ([23.24], 1013)
way of life
349 Clearance is climbing the hill ([6.125], 424)
350 Clearance is consequence ([6.133], 432)
351 Clearing is 'odd man out' ([6.129], 428)
352 Clearing is new 'Paradigm' ([6.117], 416)
353 Clearing is re-arrangement ([6.137], 436)

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354 Cognition is key in complexity ([6.11], 310)
355 Collaboration is important, make ([22.9], 942)
best of it
356 Collaboration is live and let live ([22.12], 945)
357 Collaborative efforts make ([20.2], 897)
impossible possible
358 Combine 'old gold with better new' ([30.35], 1344)
359 Come to the point. Be precise ([23.27], 1016)
360 Commitment motivates ([30.94], 1403)
361 Committed volunteer requires ([32.42], 1561)
no invitation
362 Common is uncommon ([16.30], 744)
363 Communicate with eyes ([11.15], 621)
364 Communication is the cement ([34.4], 1615)
of love
365 Compassion is super consciousness ([48.8], 1980)
366 Compassion is the greatest duty ([19.71], 866)
367 Compassion is the remedy for ([31.23], 1429)
368 Compassion makes anyone Divine ([19.76], 871)
369 Competition is important, prepare ([22.10], 943)
worst of it
370 Complete trusting ([5.65], 138)
371 Completeness Itself is a success ([9.2], 580)
372 Completion is future ([46.72], 1967)
373 Complexity is 'Paradox' ([6.115], 414)
374 Complexity is down the hill ([6.123], 422)
375 Complexity is mis-arrangement ([6.135], 434)
376 Complexity is uneven ([6.127], 426)
377 Complexity is unsequence ([6.131], 430)

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378 Complication is complexity ([6.191], 490)
379 Concentrate and conquer ([9.9], 587)
380 Concentration consolidates ([28.88], 1236)
381 Conclusion is final ([46.73], 1968)
382 Confidence in sincere people ([5.155], 228)
383 Confusion is chaos ([6.192], 491)
384 Connect for collective splendour ([30.75], 1384)
385 Connection is nectar ([30.63], 1372)
386 Connections create consciousness ([25.5], 1058)
387 Consciousness in all is divinity ([42.6], 1772)
shining everywhere
388 Consciousness is spirit of love and ([21.3], 912)
seva (service)
389 Consciousness is That ultimate! ([27.9], 1141)
390 Consider duty more than life ([22.22], 955)
391 Constant improvement is the ([28.22], 1170)
essence of excellence
392 Contemplation in complexity ([6.139], 438)
393 Continuation is present ([46.71], 1966)
394 Continuous learning is the secret ([19.87], 882)
of teaching

13. Contribute (18)

395 Contribute and experience joy of ([40.34], 1749)
396 Contribute for value addition ([5.88], 161)
397 Contribute full ([5.112], 185)
398 Contribute to complete mission ([5.100], 173)
399 Contribute to create performance ([5.84], 157)

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400 Contribute with Honesty ([5.140], 213)
401 Contribute with power ([5.80], 153)
402 Contribute, love, see and Be ([8.22], 566)
403 Contributing is offering ([5.72], 145)
404 Contributing is sharing ([5.76], 149)
405 Contributing more than what you ([30.52], 1361)
receive is offering
406 Contributing work without selfish ([28.64], 1212)
interest liberates
407 Contribution is adding value ([30.51], 1360)
408 Contribution is enriched by ([5.193], 266)
409 Contribution is offering ([5.28], 101)
410 Contribution is purpose of living ([48.9], 1981)
411 Contribution is the way to ([32.48], 1567)
become an instant volunteer
412 Contribution makes anyone ([19.77], 872)

413 Control food habits ([31.59], 1465)

414 Controlled mind is 'Hanuman' ([24.11], 1027)
415 Controlling desires be winner ([28.40], 1188)
of self
416 Controls control in order ([6.50], 349)
417 Controls ensure order ([6.6], 305)
418 Co-operation is key in order ([6.10], 309)
419 Cooperation makes hurdles nil ([36.5], 1636)
420 Co-ordination is key in clearing ([6.13], 312)
421 Correct ability ([5.123], 196)

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422 Correct capability ([5.122], 195)
423 Correct economy ([5.124], 197)
424 Correct speed ([5.125], 198)
425 Correcting mistakes is correct way ([16.41], 755)
426 Correction is clearing ([6.173], 472)
427 Correctness generates confidence ([9.3], 581)
428 Cosmic source is force ([14.7], 701)
429 Cost in work ([5.91], 164)
430 Courage is best friend in difficulties ([29.2], 1290)
431 Creation is past ([46.70], 1965)
432 Creations are eternity ([46.17], 1912)
433 Creator cares, created dares ([40.15], 1730)
434 Credit is to be given and shared ([19.55], 850)
435 Crisis is a boon to boost the ([28.114], 1262)
436 Cultivate friendship with ([28.112], 1260)
valuable attitudes
437 Dandakarayana of Youth ([43.39], 1814)
438 Dare, share, care and be aware ([21.16], 925)
439 Decision is present ([46.51], 1946)
440 Dedicated 'Shraddha Vaan' ([5.166], 239)
441 Dedicated endeavours ([5.143], 216)
442 Dedicated feelings ([5.150], 223)
443 Dedicated surrender ([5.158], 231)
444 Dedication enhances energy ([28.78], 1226)
445 Dedication gets love ([5.203], 276)
446 Dedication in chaos ([6.140], 439)
447 Dedication is foundation of Self ([30.1], 1310)
448 Dedication is the key for Initiation ([45.32], 1892)
449 Dedication is the offering to God ([35.4], 1624)

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450 Deficiencies define complexity ([6.31], 330)
451 Delegate and give resources ([5.176], 249)
452 Delegate to the 'Youth' ([5.212], 285)
453 Delegate to the sincere ([5.147], 220)
454 Delegating Manager is 'Dhriti Maan' ([5.220], 293)
455 Delegation as per job ([5.180], 253)
456 Delegation authorises ([5.208], 281)
457 Delegation expects results ([5.216], 289)
458 Delegation gets sincerity ([5.200], 273)
459 Delegation improves job holding ([5.196], 269)
460 Delegation in order ([6.154], 453)
461 Delegation streamlines actions ([5.188], 261)
462 Demonstrate simple journey ([38.31], 1693)
of life
463 Desirelessness is fulfilment ([48.10], 1982)
464 Detachment is liberation ([48.12], 1984)
465 Detachment is supreme ([48.11], 1983)
466 Detachment is the key for Review ([45.35], 1895)
467 Deter not from chosen path ([33.24], 1600)
468 Determination is the key during ([45.33], 1893)
469 Develop vision, see unseen ([28.53], 1201)
470 Deviations indicate complexity ([6.7], 306)
471 Devotee is king of kings ([18.12], 785)
472 Devotion during chaos ([6.120], 419)
473 Devotion is greater than deity ([19.75], 870)
474 Devotion leads to happiness ([18.7], 780)

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475 Dexterity in contribution is ([5.136], 209)
476 Differences inform in complexity ([6.15], 314)
477 Differentiate in chaos ([6.96], 395)
478 Difficulties are opportunities only ([28.138], 1285)
479 Direction + Dynamism = ([28.141], 1288)
Harmonious progress
480 Direction and dynamism are ([28.140], 1287)
light and engine in life
481 Direction is lamp in order ([6.42], 341)
482 Direction is the key for Completion ([45.34], 1894)
483 Direction to mission ([5.104], 177)
484 Directness is arrow of language ([23.3], 992)
485 Discerning Elder ([43.17], 1792)
486 Disconnect from This to connect ([16.21], 735)
to That
487 Discrimination and punishment ([7.48], 544)
are like medicines to be given
488 Discuss with team ([26.23], 1086)
489 Divinity is in beings, tree is in ([33.4], 1580)
490 Divinity shines when you smile ([21.4], 913)
491 Do and do not claim ([16.20], 734)
492 Do enjoy the change ([11.9], 615)
493 Do not blame ([31.34], 1440)
494 Do not delay the decisions ([19.16], 811)
495 Do not judge about others ([28.12], 1160)
496 Do not run to future. Now make ([24.17], 1033)
497 Do not run to past or future ([8.25], 569)

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498 Do odd things ([11.8], 614)
499 Do right and be right ([22.6], 939)
500 Do the right thing. Experience right ([19.81], 876)
501 Do what is good for all ([22.42], 975)
502 Do your work, feel your work, ([28.63], 1211)
think your work, 'Be your work'
503 Doing nothing is done everything ([48.13], 1985)
504 Double you for win ([29.20], 1308)
505 Drift and discover ([16.16], 730)
506 Drifting is discovering ([48.14], 1986)
507 Duty is the cause to do excellent ([28.45], 1193)
508 Each is a link in the chain of team ([13.3], 689)
509 Each one in place ([10.17], 606)
510 Earnest endeavour ([5.114], 187)
511 Earning Adult ([43.16], 1791)
512 Economy in endeavour ([5.90], 163)
513 Economy is eliminating waste ([32.43], 1562)
514 Economy is generating value ([32.44], 1563)
515 Education is exhilarating ([48.15], 1987)
516 Effective contribution ([5.116], 189)
517 Effective control ([5.53], 126)
518 Effective work reaps time ([36.15], 1646)
519 Effectiveness minimises chaos ([6.32], 331)
520 Effectiveness plus efficiency is ([30.36], 1345)
521 Effectiveness produces desired ([9.5], 583)

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522 Efficiency from skill. Success ([24.21], 1037)
from will
523 Efficiency optimises order ([6.30], 329)
524 Efficient direction ([5.52], 125)
525 Efficient work ([5.115], 188)
526 Efficient work saves time ([36.14], 1645)
527 Effort regularises clearance ([6.33], 332)
528 Effortlessness is dynamic balance ([48.16], 1988)
529 Efforts are keys for progress of ([22.18], 951)
530 Ego is curtain between self and ye ([40.24], 1739)
531 Ego to introspection to knowledge ([17.5], 772)
to consciousness
532 Egoless contribution liberates ([28.83], 1231)
533 Egoless volunteer is enlightened ([32.40], 1559)
534 Ego-less-ness is self-full-ness ([48.17], 1989)
535 Elder – Aware ([43.25], 1800)
536 Elder Concludes ([43.13], 1788)
537 Elementalise in complexity ([6.95], 394)
538 "Emerge" is past ([46.66], 1961)
539 Emerging Child ([43.2], 1777)
540 Emotion and Harmony are guided ([8.15], 559)
by biological/relational laws
541 Emotion is the result in mind space ([2.13], 17)
542 Empathy is love in language ([23.4], 993)
543 Empathy is oneness ([48.18], 1990)
544 Empathy removes 'other'-ness ([20.3], 898)
and creates oneness
545 Empower and give freedom ([5.177], 250)
546 Empower the 'Adult' ([5.213], 286)

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547 Empower the honest ([5.148], 221)
548 Empowering leader is 'Dhairya ([5.221], 294)
549 Empowerment as per role ([5.181], 254)
550 Empowerment authenticates ([5.209], 282)
551 Empowerment ensures ([5.217], 290)
552 Empowerment gets honesty ([5.201], 274)
553 Empowerment improves 'share' ([5.197], 270)
554 Empowerment in clearing ([6.157], 456)
555 Empowerment motivates ([30.92], 1401)
556 Empowerment streamlines ([5.189], 262)
557 Empowerment transforms dedicated ([30.78], 1387)
learners to responsible achievers
558 Emptying is the way to being full ([16.4], 718)
559 Encourage togetherness of people ([31.31], 1437)
560 Encouraging decisions is ([45.14], 1874)
Encourager-Experimenters relation
561 Encouraging is emotional ([5.30], 103)
562 Endeavour is enriched by love ([5.191], 264)
563 Endeavour to attain aim ([5.98], 171)
564 Endeavour to create capability ([5.82], 155)
565 Endeavour well ([5.110], 183)
566 Endeavour with ability ([5.86], 159)
567 Endeavour with Dedication ([5.139], 212)
568 Endeavour with devotion ([5.106], 179)
569 Endeavour with force ([5.78], 151)
570 Endeavouring is building strengths ([5.70], 143)
571 Endeavouring is learning ([5.74], 147)

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572 Energy spark: Inspiration – ([44.8], 1856)
Super conscious
573 Engine with light : Adult ([43.52], 1827)
574 Engine without light : Youth ([43.51], 1826)
575 Enhance your ability to generate ([28.36], 1184)
576 Enjoy the in-joy ([11.37], 643)
577 Enjoy the liberation of connected ([30.65], 1374)
578 Enquiry is the beginning of ([32.46], 1565)
579 Enrichment in setting standards ([5.93], 166)
580 Ensure continuity, manage change ([36.19], 1650)
581 Ensure the optimality of being ([31.78], 1484)
gentle and strong
582 Ensuring regularises clearing ([6.53], 352)
583 Enthusiasm is divine expression ([28.33], 1181)
in man
584 Enthusiasm is the expression of ([2.34], 38)
inner space
585 Enthusiasm is the spirit of God ([35.3], 1623)
586 Equality is quality ([11.64], 670)
587 Equality is the greatest conduct ([19.72], 867)
588 Equanimity is elegance ([48.19], 1991)
589 Equanimity is total self-fulfilment ([15.11], 713)
590 Eradicate what is not right ([31.7], 1413)
591 Essential in life; continuity, change ([36.18], 1649)
592 Estimation is future ([46.52], 1947)
593 Eternal destinies ([46.25], 1920)
594 Eternal essence is without a name ([38.5], 1667)
595 Eternal opportunities ([46.29], 1924)

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596 Eternal principles ([46.21], 1916)
597 Eternity is reflected in insight. ([46.9], 1904)
598 Eternity is truth ([46.13], 1908)
599 Eternity remains ([46.33], 1928)
600 Evaluation is eternal ([46.53], 1948)
601 Even one defect spoils excellence ([22.21], 954)
602 Every – Body-ness of Adult ([43.20], 1795)
603 Every answer has a question ([19.27], 822)
604 Every best can be bettered ([19.6], 801)
605 Every flower is universe ([19.46], 841)
606 Every letter contains spirit ([42.8], 1774)
607 Every man is universal man ([8.1], 545)
608 Every person contains divinity ([42.9], 1775)
609 Every person has four personalities ([43.1], 1776)
within him
610 Every person is a flower ([19.45], 840)
611 Every person is a special person ([32.1], 1520)
612 Every question has an answer ([19.26], 821)
613 Every trend has end, See end of ([24.31], 1047)
the trend
614 Everybody is temple of God ([35.10], 1630)
615 Evolve new, innovate new, ([33.28], 1604)
attain new
616 Examination in complexity ([6.79], 378)
617 Examination of self ([26.28], 1091)
618 Examine what, where, who, when, ([28.46], 1194)
how, why and proceed
619 Excel in whatever you do ([22.55], 988)
620 Excellence creates value ([25.3], 1056)
621 Excellence is eternal ([46.41], 1936)

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622 Excellence of actions is quality, ([44.1], 1849)
623 Excellence of feelings is purity, ([44.2], 1850)
624 Excellence of self is unity, ([44.4], 1852)
625 Excellence of team ([26.27], 1090)
626 Excellence of thoughts is clarity, ([44.3], 1851)
627 Executives in order ([6.194], 493)
628 Exemplary setting standards ([5.117], 190)
629 Expect not. Give out lot ([24.5], 1021)
630 Expectation is future ([46.40], 1935)
631 Experience and inculcate ([31.88], 1494)
632 Experience in order ([6.78], 377)
633 Experience is past ([46.38], 1933)
634 Experiencing is the key in ([5.37], 110)
path making
635 Experimentation in chaos ([6.80], 379)
636 Experimentation is present ([46.39], 1934)
637 Experimenting is experiencing ([48.20], 1992)
638 Experimenting is the key in ([5.36], 109)
639 Expertise in setting standards is ([5.137], 210)
640 Expertise of master ([26.25], 1088)
641 Exploration of book ([26.26], 1089)
642 Explore and experience ecstasy ([21.23], 932)
643 Exposure in clearing ([6.81], 380)
644 Express your love through deeds ([28.34], 1182)
645 Extend love ([2.37], 41)

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646 External utility + internal purity = ([12.8], 681)
Conscious quality
647 Extol your leader whenever he is ([22.47], 980)
648 Eye-ness is high-ness ([48.21], 1993)
649 Eyes are reflection of your-self ([28.8], 1156)
650 Eyes are windows of God ([35.1], 1621)
651 Facilitating decisions is Facilitator- ([45.16], 1876)
Contributors relation
652 Facts are past ([46.14], 1909)
653 Facts enhance worth of language ([23.5], 994)
654 Faith creates trust ([25.2], 1055)
655 Faith in dedicated people ([5.154], 227)
656 Faith is fountain of love ([34.7], 1618)
657 Faith is fountain of spirituality ([48.22], 1994)
658 Faith is the fountain of bliss ([18.8], 781)
659 Faithful preparing ([5.54], 127)
660 Fare well for welfare ([16.39], 753)
661 Fear is darkness, wisdom is light ([28.51], 1199)
662 Feel what you do. Do what you ([19.79], 874)
663 Find Him in pure Joy ([18.3], 776)
664 Fire in the belly – Results ([47.1], 1969)
665 First identify and improve own ([40.4], 1719)
666 Flourish in good deed ([24.29], 1045)
667 Flowing Youth ([43.7], 1782)
668 Flute is empty fullness ([48.23], 1995)
669 Follow the norms, be an example ([13.8], 694)
670 For coordination essence is time ([36.16], 1647)

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671 For every situation, there is an ([28.132], 1279)
optimal solution
672 For future intend and extend – now! ([3.8], 60)
673 For future predict and plan – now! ([3.9], 61)
674 For future prepare and equip – now! ([3.7], 59)
675 For past forgive and forget – now! ([3.2], 54)
676 For past learn and record – now! ([3.1], 53)
677 For past review and evaluate – now! ([3.3], 55)
678 For present give and get – now! ([3.5], 57)
679 For present think and innovate – now! ([3.6], 58)
680 For present work and contribute – ([3.4], 56)
681 For starting good work, right ([22.27], 960)
time is now!
682 For your rise or fall you are the ([22.14], 947)
683 Force to source is untruth to truth ([48.24], 1996)
684 Foresight in clearing ([6.69], 368)
685 Forgive and be forgiven ([28.7], 1155)
686 Forgiving is continuing support ([31.97], 1504)
by your actions
687 Forgiving is giving respect to ([31.42], 1448)
688 Forgiving is grand giving ([48.25], 1997)
689 Forgiving is removing your ([31.108], 1515)
690 Formation is energy in clearing ([6.61], 360)
691 Fortitude is stability, ([31.98], 1505)
determination and firmness
692 'Four stages' is secret of life ([33.34], 1610)
693 Free hand – Youth ([43.59], 1834)

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694 Freedom regulates chaos ([6.52], 351)
695 Friend for Adult ([43.48], 1823)
696 Friendship is foundation of love ([34.2], 1613)
697 From competition to collaboration ([22.11], 944)
find the way
698 From intention only action come ([36.9], 1640)
699 From point and counterpoint ([22.7], 940)
strategies come
700 Fruits are sweet when work is ([22.17], 950)
in time
701 Fulfil the commitments that you ([19.82], 877)
702 Full backing ([5.64], 137)
703 Future is reflected in intellect ([46.8], 1903)
704 Future is scenario ([46.12], 1907)
705 Future plans ([46.20], 1915)
706 Future possibilities ([46.28], 1923)
707 Future trends ([46.24], 1919)
708 Future will come ([46.32], 1927)
709 Gaseous and open: Intellect – ([44.7], 1855)
710 Generate noble thoughts ([11.12], 618)
711 Generating decisions is ([45.13], 1873)
Developer-Participants relation
712 Gentle is gorgeous ([48.26], 1998)
713 Gentle overcomes the hard ([16.32], 746)
714 Get people to work with you, not ([32.6], 1525)
just for you
715 Getting results – Rajasik Manager ([45.23], 1883)
716 Getting Results and goals is ([45.3], 1863)

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717 Getting Results occurs at mind ([45.27], 1887)

10. Give (21)

718 Give a hand to self ([26.20], 1083)
719 Give and be rich ([11.45], 651)
720 Give and experience joy of being ([40.27], 1742)
721 Give assurance ([31.66], 1472)
722 Give contributions discretely ([28.4], 1152)
723 Give examples by own conduct ([11.26], 632)
724 Give ideas ([31.65], 1471)
725 Give love and be richest ([11.46], 652)
726 Give people time to grow and ([31.44], 1450)
727 Give solutions ([31.64], 1470)
728 Give support ([31.67], 1473)
729 Give your heart and be trusted ([32.53], 1572)
730 Give, give and give ([11.25], 631)
731 Giving a hand – Elder ([43.61], 1836)
732 Giving becomes offering with ([19.83], 878)
pure mind
733 Giving decisions is Chief- ([45.10], 1870)
Implementers relation
734 Giving full attention in service of ([30.80], 1389)
all is meditation
735 Giving is always possible ([19.84], 879)
736 Giving is gaining ([30.58], 1367)
737 Giving is living ([48.27], 1999)

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738 Giving is the best way to get ([22.44], 977)

739 Glowing Adult ([43.8], 1783)

740 Go by book ([26.42], 1105)
741 Goal is for hitting to score ([5.20], 93)
742 Goals guide in order ([6.14], 313)
743 God is in beings ([19.56], 851)
744 God is the healing spirit of ([23.6], 995)
745 Good deeds lead to God ([18.20], 793)
746 Good generates good. God is ([28.18], 1166)
in Good
747 Goodwill is past ([46.46], 1941)
748 Grand-parent is witness with ([21.5], 914)
749 Great are humble ([16.25], 739)
750 Greed to need is darkness to light ([48.28], 2000)
751 Greet!! ([31.62], 1468)
752 Greeting is present ([46.47], 1942)
753 Grievance is chaos ([6.160], 459)
754 Group is the greatest resource ([8.31], 575)
755 Group, Organization, Direction is ([22.2], 935)
756 Grow in height and grow in depth ([11.38], 644)
757 Growing Child ([43.6], 1781)
758 Guide for Child ([43.46], 1821)
759 Guidelines in complexity ([6.75], 374)
760 Guru guides, understands and ([33.35], 1611)

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761 Guru in clearing ([6.197], 496)
762 Guru is the graceful gate to God ([18.1], 774)
763 Guru's words are keys to open ([18.5], 778)
764 Happiness is mental purity ([12.10], 683)
765 Happiness is the nature of God ([30.40], 1349)
766 Harmonious feelings keep mind ([28.25], 1173)
767 Harmoniously relating ([5.59], 132)
768 Harmony is eternal ([46.49], 1944)
769 Harmony is highest happiness ([48.29], 2001)
770 Harmony is music of ([23.18], 1007)
771 Harmony is the flow of language ([23.7], 996)
772 Harmony is the result of love ([34.8], 1619)
773 Harmony is the seat of God ([35.9], 1629)
774 Harmony is universal rhythm ([48.30], 2002)
775 Harmony with love ([2.45], 49)
776 Have a vision and win future ([32.4], 1523)
777 Have noble feelings for every one ([11.29], 635)
778 Have sense of purpose ([11.1], 607)
779 Heal with your language ([23.13], 1002)
780 Health is physical purity ([12.9], 682)
781 Health is wealth ([10.4], 593)
782 Help others to improve next ([12.2], 675)
783 Help the team ([26.59], 1122)
784 Help those who harmed you ([19.19], 814)
785 Helpful facilitating ([5.63], 136)
786 Helpful guiding ([5.56], 129)
787 Helping others is divinity ([8.34], 578)

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788 Helping others is extending the ([30.16], 1325)
light of self
789 Here is everywhere ([48.31], 2003)
790 High and low depend on each ([16.2], 716)
791 History is his-story – what will be ([22.4], 937)
your story?
792 Hold every thing with nothing ([16.49], 763)
793 Hold people's hearts, with love ([38.27], 1689)
794 Hold the hand of master ([26.17], 1080)
795 Holding hand – Child ([43.58], 1833)
796 Honest 'Satya Vaan' ([5.168], 241)
797 Honest concern ([5.160], 233)
798 Honest contribution ([5.144], 217)
799 Honest thoughts ([5.152], 225)
800 Honesty gets empowerment ([5.205], 278)
801 Humane-ness is 'we' and 'us' ([20.4], 899)
802 Humble are great ([16.26], 740)
803 Humbleness is highest-ness ([48.32], 2004)
804 Humility is knowing that all are ([39.6], 1700)
805 Humility is ornament, wear it well ([22.41], 974)
806 Humour is the best medicine ([10.6], 595)
807 Hurting is devility. Helping is ([19.18], 813)
808 "I can" – Youth ([43.55], 1830)
809 Ideas are future ([46.4], 1899)
810 Ideas in chaos ([6.84], 383)
811 Identify each person and treat him ([7.1], 497)
as he deserves

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812 If you are there, there is time ([10.1], 590)
813 If you think It is, it is ([19.97], 892)
814 Illusion to illumination is possible ([18.13], 786)
through devotion
815 Imaginative visualising ([5.62], 135)
816 Imposing decisions is Slave Driver- ([45.6], 1866)
Slaves relation
817 Imposing to Accepting is the ([45.1], 1861)
journey of Decision Process
818 Impossible becomes possible by ([18.22], 795)
His grace
819 Improve yourself first ([12.1], 674)
820 Improvement on past ([46.62], 1957)
821 Improvements lead to enhanced ([15.1], 703)
822 Improvements renovate, ideas ([15.2], 704)
823 Improving is proving ([48.33], 2005)
824 Improving self is improving world ([48.34], 2006)
825 In a seed is, a whole jungle ([48.64], 2036)
826 In chaos to 'dare' ([6.148], 447)
827 In clearance to 'fare' ([6.149], 448)
828 In complexity to 'scare' ([6.147], 446)
829 In doubt proceed, doubts will ([31.3], 1409)
830 In harmony let them enjoy the life ([37.8], 1662)
831 In life's cyclones let character ([28.57], 1205)
832 In optimal solution all are ([28.130], 1278)
winners and there are no losers
833 In order is chaos. In chaos is order ([16.14], 728)

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834 In order to 'share' ([6.146], 445)
835 In right time, right way, you do ([22.5], 938)
836 In union is strength ([30.67], 1376)
837 In union, we grow ([29.19], 1307)
838 Increase your value by your own ([32.7], 1526)
839 'I'ness to 'why'ness to 'eye'ness to ([17.4], 771)
840 Inculcate a peaceful harmonious ([31.19], 1425)
841 Inculcate and retain ([31.89], 1495)
842 Indication is force in chaos ([6.60], 359)
843 Information in complexity ([6.83], 382)
844 Information is power in order ([6.58], 357)
845 Information is present ([46.3], 1898)
846 Informing decisions is Employer- ([45.11], 1871)
Employee relation
847 Initiative and finishiative both are ([22.16], 949)
848 Initiative in clearing ([6.89], 388)
849 Initiative is the signal of self ([40.19], 1734)
850 Initiatives progress in clearing ([6.17], 316)
851 Inner world: Being – Realisation ([44.12], 1860)
852 Innovate, instigate, initiate and ([19.12], 807)
inspire for excellence
853 Innovation is probable in chaos ([6.36], 335)
854 Insight in complexity ([6.67], 366)
855 Insist on quality. Persist on ([24.20], 1036)
856 Inspection is present ([46.55], 1950)

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857 Inspiration – Inlight- Alertness ([40.17], 1732)
to unification
858 Inspiration and joy are with ([8.17], 561)
eternal truths
859 Inspiration in chaos ([6.88], 387)
860 Inspiration in complexity ([6.71], 370)
861 Inspiration is conscious energy ([48.35], 2007)
862 Inspiration is in-spirit-ation ([21.6], 915)
863 Inspiration is touching effect of ([23.8], 997)
864 Inspire self with good cause ([40.20], 1735)
865 Inspired action is the way ([18.18], 791)
866 Inspiring decisions is Pathmaker- ([45.19], 1879)
Leaders relation
867 Inspiring is internal ([5.33], 106)
868 Inspiring is serving others to ([30.73], 1382)
realise their own light
869 Instant is infinity ([48.36], 2008)
870 Instinct in chaos ([6.72], 371)
871 Instinct is the force in physical space ([2.6], 10)
872 Instinct results in physical force ([2.9], 13)
873 Instructing decisions is Boss- ([45.9], 1869)
Assistants relation
874 Insult motivates ([30.93], 1402)
875 Integrate in order ([6.94], 393)
876 Integrity is honesty ([21.17], 926)
877 Integrity is path of truth ([20.5], 900)
878 Intellect – insight – Awareness to ([40.16], 1731)
879 Intellect in order ([6.70], 369)

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880 Intellect is essential to do ([28.66], 1214)
superior work
881 Intellect is future ([46.44], 1939)
882 Intellect is light ([8.12], 556)
883 Intellect is mirror image of Light ([8.4], 548)
884 Intellect is the force in thought space ([2.8], 12)
885 Intellect results in rational force ([2.11], 15)
886 Intelligence is knowing others [16.23], 737)
887 Intelligence is light of reason ([29.6], 1294)
888 In-telling is ingenious messages ([48.37], 2009)
889 Intention-Extension-Attention - ([11.4], 610)
No Tension
890 Intentions is ignition ([48.38], 2010)
891 Interact with master ([26.9], 1072)
892 Interdependence is independence ([48.39], 2011)
893 Interest holders do endeavour ([5.118], 191)
894 Interest in book ([26.10], 1073)
895 Internal power gives inner glow ([38.15], 1677)
896 Interrelate with team ([26.11], 1074)
897 Intimacy is acceptance expressed ([23.19], 1008)
without words
898 Intimacy with self ([26.12], 1075)
899 Introspection is beyond ([46.57], 1952)
900 Intuition in clearing ([6.73], 372)
901 Intuition is inner tuition ([48.40], 2012)
902 Intuition is the force in mind space ([2.7], 11)
903 Intuition results in emotional force ([2.10], 14)
904 Invest in time. Do not spend time ([23.25], 1014)
905 Invited guest is honourable, receive ([22.45], 978)
him well

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906 Irritation is complexity ([6.163], 462)
907 It is useful to be of use ([16.27], 741)
908 Job holders do work ([5.119], 192)
909 Job holders in order ([6.110], 409)
910 Job is what is assigned ([33.18], 1594)
911 Joining hands - Adult ([43.60], 1835)
912 Joint family is garden of joy ([19.67], 862)
913 Journey itself is a joy. Destination ([19.91], 886)
is only one point
914 Joy energises your being ([21.18], 927)
915 Joy is the divinity in language ([23.9], 998)
916 Joy of the people is joy of the ([32.57], 1576)
917 Judgement is past ([46.50], 1945)
918 Jumps occur in chaos ([6.56], 355)
919 Justice is doing right thing right ([29.7], 1295)
920 Keep in hand the book ([26.18], 1081)
921 Keep the book ([26.58], 1121)
922 Keep trust, come to agreement ([19.69], 864)
923 Keep your respect with self- ([28.37], 1185)
924 Keep your speech gentle, clear and ([11.10], 616)
925 Kill ego. Higher you go ([24.3], 1019)
926 Kindness is serving with heart ([20.6], 901)
927 Knock and enter ([28.16], 1164)

9. Know (23)
928 Know and work ([31.52], 1458)

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929 Know how - Youth ([43.67], 1842)
930 Know that you are excellent ([11.6], 612)
931 Know the person and ([38.17], 1679)
impersonally see
932 Know the self, be master of self ([26.69], 1132)
933 Know the subject and objectively ([38.16], 1678)
934 Know what - Child ([43.66], 1841)
935 Know whole - Elder ([43.69], 1844)
936 Know why - Adult ([43.68], 1843)
937 Knowing Elder ([43.9], 1784)
938 Knowing how to yield is strength ([16.36], 750)
939 Knowing self is growing deep ([11.40], 646)
940 Knowledge and skill are sense ([30.71], 1380)
and essence of excellence
941 Knowledge has edge, Use ([24.32], 1048)
knowledge edge
942 Knowledge in order ([6.82], 381)
943 Knowledge is chintana ([33.15], 1591)
944 Knowledge is light ([21.7], 916)
945 Knowledge is past ([46.2], 1897)
946 Knowledge is power of language ([23.10], 999)
947 Knowledge is source, to be in ([24.18], 1034)
948 Knowledge is the gate to God ([35.6], 1626)
949 Knowledge is wealth. Get it and ([28.39], 1187)
950 Knowledgeable concentration ([11.62], 668)
leads to Excellence

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951 Labels are illusion ([10.3], 592)
952 Lack of information is force in ([6.59], 358)
953 Language is the link ([19.4], 799)
954 Large is small and small is large ([16.42], 756)

16. Lead (15)

955 Lead me from D.O.G. to G.O.D. ([8.32], 576)
956 Lead teams ([5.44], 117)
957 Lead teams with sharing ([5.48], 121)
958 Lead through thread of ([5.17], 90)
959 Lead to results ([5.40], 113)
960 Lead with dynamism ([5.108], 181)
961 Leader leads ([5.13], 86)
962 Leaders in chaos ([6.196], 495)
963 Leaders succeed in chaos ([6.64], 363)
964 Leadership is hallmark of ([48.41], 2013)
965 Leadership is taking responsibility ([11.23], 629)
966 Leadership through empowerment ([5.185], 258)
967 Leading encourages contributions ([5.68], 141)
968 Leading is showing responsibility ([5.9], 82)
969 Leading is showing the way to ([5.5], 78)

970 Leap after you look - Adult ([43.64], 1839)

971 Leap before you look - Youth ([43.63], 1838)
972 Leap before you look, Leap after ([24.34], 1050)
you look

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7. Learning (23)
973 Learn and earn capability ([11.20], 626)
974 Learn continuously ([22.50], 983)
975 Learn from books with deep ([26.66], 1129)
976 Learn from elders, parents ([31.55], 1461)
977 Learn from facts ([31.68], 1474)
978 Learn from history and win ([22.3], 936)
979 Learn from master with devotion ([26.65], 1128)
980 Learn from past ([46.34], 1929)
981 Learn from self through ([26.68], 1131)
contribution and motivation
982 Learn from team with ([26.67], 1130)
983 Learn in failure ([10.7], 596)
984 Learn new skills ([29.12], 1300)
985 Learn, learn and learn ([29.8], 1296)
986 Learner - Child ([43.34], 1809)
987 Learning and extending skills is ([11.39], 645)
growing tall
988 Learning Child ([43.14], 1789)
989 Learning from each other is ([19.90], 885)
990 Learning is growing ([11.19], 625)
991 Learning is more crucial than ([32.9], 1528)
992 Learning is the key in nurturing ([5.34], 107)
993 Learning is the way to add value ([29.9], 1297)
994 Learning is unlimited and ([30.37], 1346)

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995 Learning to win - Child ([43.42], 1817)

996 Leaving attachment to fruits is ([28.99], 1247)

997 Leaving ego, love whole world ([31.112], 1519)
998 Leaving self-interest in all works ([28.97], 1245)
is relinquishment
999 Leaving work is not possible ([28.98], 1246)
1000 Leaving works is renunciation ([28.96], 1244)
1001 Lesser you drive, sooner you ([16.35], 749)
1002 Lessons of past ([46.58], 1953)

6. Let (24)
1003 Let come the light ([16.17], 731)
1004 Let enthusiasm be your identity ([32.47], 1566)
1005 Let go and as own master glow ([12.6], 679)
1006 Let one lift self by self ([33.23], 1599)
1007 Let our actions be clean by being ([31.46], 1452)
useful to all
1008 Let our appearance be the same ([31.50], 1456)
as what we are
1009 Let our feelings be harmonious ([31.47], 1453)
without dislike, hate and
1010 Let our thoughts be clean ([31.48], 1454)
without prejudice to anyone
1011 Let patience become dynamic ([31.93], 1500)
1012 Let people be first, second you be ([22.19], 952)

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1013 Let principles and business go ([28.50], 1198)
hand in hand
1014 Let them say "we have done!" ([38.9], 1671)
1015 Let truth be first ([28.44], 1192)
1016 Let your actions speak ([30.47], 1356)
1017 Let your body be healthy and fit ([37.2], 1656)
1018 Let your each trip be a ([31.17], 1423)
1019 Let your excellence speak ([30.49], 1358)
1020 Let your giving be sharing ([31.15], 1421)
1021 Let your ideas be offerings to all ([28.61], 1209)
1022 Let your imagination flower ([29.5], 1293)
1023 Let your looks be pure and ([28.9], 1157)
1024 Let your mind be crisp and tough ([37.3], 1657)
1025 Let your sharing speak ([30.50], 1359)
1026 Let your work speak ([30.48], 1357)

1027 Letter and spirit in complexity ([6.151], 450)

1028 Letter in order ([6.150], 449)
1029 Letter is 'Akshar' Brahma ([48.42], 2014)
1030 Letter is seed of language ([23.11], 1000)
1031 Life is worthy, if you can share ([10.8], 597)
1032 Life partners are teachers to ([23.20], 1009)
each other
1033 Life partners complement each ([23.23], 1012)
1034 Life partnership is place of ([23.22], 1011)

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1035 Life to Lord through Learning, ([20.7], 902)
Love and Light
1036 Lift yourself through dedication, ([32.8], 1527)
sincerity, honesty and nobility
1037 Lifting is relational ([5.32], 105)
1038 Light and love are lyrics of Lord ([21.8], 917)
1039 Light without engine : Elder ([43.53], 1828)
1040 Link the hands with team ([26.19], 1082)
1041 Liquid and flexible: Intuition - ([44.6], 1854)
1042 Listen to Elder ([43.33], 1808)
1043 Listen to the master ([26.21], 1084)
1044 Listen, listen, listen, listen first ([31.32], 1438)
and speak next
1045 Live in present ([46.63], 1958)
1046 Live with inter-dependence ([10.5], 594)
1047 Locate as per use ([10.10], 599)
1048 Longing-less-ness is total ([48.43], 2015)
1049 Look after you leap - Elder ([43.65], 1840)
1050 Look back with book ([26.14], 1077)
1051 Look before you leap - Child ([43.62], 1837)
1052 Look before you leap, Look ([24.33], 1049)
after you leap
1053 Look deep into self ([26.16], 1079)
1054 Look for new things ([29.11], 1299)
1055 Look forward with team ([26.15], 1078)
1056 Look inside and experience ([40.35], 1750)
joy of yourself
1057 Look up to the master ([26.13], 1076)

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3. Love (36)
1058 Love accepts ([5.207], 280)
1059 Love accepts relations ([5.215], 288)
1060 Love and feel the nature ([8.7], 551)
1061 Love and give support ([5.175], 248)
1062 Love as per person ([5.179], 252)
1063 Love gets dedication ([5.199], 272)
1064 Love harmonises feelings and ([30.83], 1392)
1065 Love improves interest holding ([5.195], 268)
1066 Love in chaos ([6.156], 455)
1067 Love is beyond language and ([2.19], 23)
1068 Love is bhavana ([33.14], 1590)
1069 Love is caring and sharing ([2.21], 25)
1070 Love is devotion, devotion is love ([32.51], 1570)
1071 Love is God ([2.41], 45)
1072 Love is great harmonizer ([30.74], 1383)
1073 Love is holding hand, walking ([19.7], 802)
along in difficulties
1074 Love is supreme in mind space ([2.28], 32)
1075 Love is surrendering ([2.20], 24)
1076 Love is the essence of life ([36.6], 1637)
1077 Love is the feeling of healing ([2.18], 22)
1078 Love is the message of God ([35.8], 1628)
1079 Love is the remedy for hate ([31.22], 1428)
1080 Love is the solution for all ([32.13], 1532)
1081 Love is universal beyond species ([30.17], 1326)
1082 Love makes life ([2.24], 28)

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1083 Love motivates ([30.91], 1400)
1084 Love nourishes ([2.22], 26)
1085 Love streamlines feelings ([5.187], 260)
1086 Love supports ([2.23], 27)
1087 Love the 'Child' ([5.211], 284)
1088 Love the creation ([8.18], 562)
1089 Love the dedicated ([5.146], 219)
1090 Love to be beyond ([46.65], 1960)
1091 Loving all is loving self ([16.9], 723)
1092 Loving Nurturer is 'Prema Vaan' ([5.219], 292)
1093 Loving those who love you not ([28.2], 1150)
is extraordinary

1094 M - Mastery - at Thought level ([5.225], 298)

1095 Macro is in micro ([19.58], 853)
1096 Maintaining is complexity ([6.167], 466)
1097 Make it a habit to be inspired ([14.4], 698)
1098 Make path towards harmony ([5.41], 114)
1099 Make paths for all ([5.45], 118)
1100 Make paths with responsibility ([5.49], 122)
1101 Make the path through ([5.18], 91)
1102 Making decisions is Head- ([45.8], 1868)
Followers relation
1103 Man feels in mind space ([2.16], 20)
1104 Man moves in physical space ([2.15], 19)
1105 Man out of doubts is excellent ([12.7], 680)
1106 Man visualises in thought space ([2.17], 21)
1107 Manage materials ([5.39], 112)

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1108 Manage the force of independence ([5.16], 89)
1109 Manage things ([5.43], 116)
1110 Manage things with daring ([5.47], 120)
1111 Management encourages work ([5.67], 140)
1112 Management is Agriculture; ([24.36], 1052)
Leadership is Horticulture
1113 Management is getting thing done ([5.4], 77)
1114 Management through delegation ([5.184], 257)
1115 Manager manages ([5.12], 85)
1116 Managers succeed in order ([6.62], 361)
1117 Managing is delegating the ([5.8], 81)
1118 Master direction ([26.53], 1116)
1119 Master ideas ([26.49], 1112)
1120 Master is learner ([16.3], 717)
1121 Master is ocean, master is the ([26.61], 1124)
1122 Master is the jewel of guide light ([26.1], 1064)
1123 Master minds people ([16.43], 757)
1124 Master reminds people ([16.44], 758)
1125 Master wisdom ([26.45], 1108)
1126 Master's guidelines ([26.37], 1100)
1127 Master's inspiration ([26.29], 1092)
1128 Mastering self is the supreme ([38.21], 1683)
1129 Master-learners is unification ([48.44], 2016)
1130 Masters respect other masters ([19.62], 857)
1131 Meaning is consciousness in ([23.12], 1001)
1132 Measure all with the same yard ([11.36], 642)

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1133 Meditate for enlightenment of all ([33.25], 1601)
1134 Meditation in complexity ([6.87], 386)
1135 Meditation is supreme alignment ([48.45], 2017)
1136 Mentor is compassionate coach ([48.46], 2018)
1137 Mentor is grand gardener ([21.9], 918)
1138 Mentor makes the path ([5.14], 87)
1139 Merge in elements and ([40.33], 1748)
experience joy of nature
1140 "Merge" is final ([46.69], 1964)
1141 Merge with God with complete ([18.14], 787)
1142 Merging Elder ([43.5], 1780)
1143 Method to work ([5.103], 176)
1144 Micro is in macro ([19.59], 854)
1145 Microcosm is macrocosm ([48.47], 2019)
1146 Mind is mirror image of Nature ([8.3], 547)
1147 Mind is nature ([8.11], 555)
1148 Mind is present ([46.43], 1938)
1149 Mind is the mud of material ([27.8], 1140)
1150 Mind minds 'I'. Look with ([24.10], 1026)
intellect's 'eye'
1151 Mind space is the seat of conflict ([2.4], 8)
1152 Mind the mind and be your own ([11.63], 669)
1153 Mind world: Feeling - Relations ([44.10], 1858)
1154 Mind your business ([24.12], 1028)
1155 Mis take not. Mis give not ([16.52], 766)
1156 Mission during order ([6.118], 417)
1157 Mission is for fulfilling to ([5.21], 94)
establish standards

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1158 Modesty is marvellous ([48.48], 2020)
1159 Money has value, honesty has ([22.51], 984)
1160 Monkey is mind. Mind your ([24.9], 1025)
1161 Mother embraces other ([16.6], 720)
1162 Mother nurtures ([5.11], 84)
1163 Mother tongue is mother ([19.5], 800)
1164 Motion and Contribution are ([8.14], 558)
guided by physical laws
1165 Motion is the result in physical ([2.12], 16)
1166 Motivated person is fearless ([30.89], 1398)
1167 Motivation in order ([6.86], 385)
1168 Motivation is external ([5.31], 104)
1169 Move along with people in ([30.22], 1331)
progress path
1170 Move away from pleasures and ([31.37], 1443)
1171 Move for future ([46.64], 1959)
1172 Move from, 'I' to 'you' to 'we' ([31.11], 1417)
to 'all'
1173 Move towards measures and ([31.38], 1444)
1174 Mutually supporting ([5.60], 133)
1175 Nandanvan of Adult ([43.40], 1815)
1176 Nature is mother. Do not abuse ([28.110], 1258)
it. Revere it
1177 Needs are seeds, wants are weeds ([24.7], 1023)
1178 Needs fulfil, Make wants nil ([24.6], 1022)
1179 Negligence is complexity ([6.159], 458)

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1180 New paths in clearing ([6.77], 376)
1181 Nirvaana is self-purity ([12.12], 685)
1182 No - Body-ness of Elder ([43.21], 1796)
1183 No boundaries for human ([19.14], 809)
1184 No engine - No light : Child ([43.50], 1825)
1185 No work is chaos ([6.184], 483)

14. Noble (18)

1186 Nobility gets trust ([5.206], 279)
1187 Nobility is being example ([11.31], 637)
1188 Nobility is doing right ([11.32], 638)
1189 Nobility is feeling love for ([11.33], 639)
every one
1190 Nobility is thinking for well- ([11.34], 640)
being of people
1191 Noble 'Atma Vaan' ([5.169], 242)
1192 Noble actions are deeds of ([40.37], 1752)
1193 Noble consent ([5.161], 234)
1194 Noble determinations are ([40.39], 1754)
pillars of strength
1195 Noble doer does not do ([28.101], 1249)
anything for own interest
1196 Noble examples of setting ([5.145], 218)
1197 Noble peace is the ocean of ([40.41], 1756)
supreme harmony
1198 Noble peace is the source of ([40.42], 1757)
noble thoughts

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1199 Noble relations are network ([40.38], 1753)
of happiness
1200 Noble seer loves and serves all ([28.103], 1251)
1201 Noble soul ([5.153], 226)
1202 Noble thoughts are seeds of ([40.36], 1751)
1203 Noble work without selfish ([28.80], 1228)
interest is non-work

1204 Nobody-ness is everybodyness ([48.49], 2021)

1205 Non-betrayal is nobleness ([31.109], 1516)
1206 Non-governance is best ([48.50], 2022)
1207 Non-reliability is liability ([9.7], 585)
1208 Non-violence is the essence of ([22.48], 981)
right path
1209 Normal is meaningful in order ([6.46], 345)
1210 Norms define order ([6.18], 317)
1211 Not owning anything is ([33.8], 1584)
1212 Nothing is gateway to all things ([16.1], 715)
1213 No-thingness is egolessness ([27.14], 1146)
1214 Nothingness is sure real thing ([38.32], 1694)
1215 Nourish the good deed ([24.28], 1044)
1216 Now is eternity ([48.51], 2023)
1217 Nurture love ([5.38], 111)
1218 Nurture people ([5.42], 115)
1219 Nurture people with caring ([5.46], 119)
1220 Nurture tenderness of ([5.15], 88)

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1221 Nurture with love, recognition, ([21.10], 919)
empowerment and respect
1222 Nurturing encourages endeavour ([5.66], 139)
1223 Nurturing is developing for ([5.3], 76)
1224 Nurturing is protecting the right ([5.7], 80)
to grow
1225 Nurturing through love ([5.183], 256)

11. Offer (20)

1226 Offer and be joyful ([19.1], 796)
1227 Offer Delegation to Sincere ([5.171], 244)
1228 Offer devotion - Receive love ([4.3], 66)
1229 Offer Empowerment to Honest ([5.172], 245)
1230 Offer fearlessness, be blessed ([27.1], 1133)
with fearlessness
1231 Offer knowledge - Receive learning ([4.8], 71)
1232 Offer learning - Receive knowledge ([4.7], 70)
1233 Offer love - Receive devotion ([4.4], 67)
1234 Offer Love to Dedicated ([5.170], 243)
1235 Offer respect and goodwill ([31.14], 1420)
1236 Offer responsibility - Receive trust ([4.9], 72)
1237 Offer trust - Receive responsibility ([4.10], 73)
1238 Offer Trust to Excellent and Noble ([5.173], 246)
1239 Offer value - Receive work ([4.6], 69)
1240 Offer with both hands ([31.56], 1462)
1241 Offer work - Receive value ([4.5], 68)
1242 Offer work results, receive ([28.92], 1240)
worthy respect
1243 Offer yourself to the world ([31.13], 1419)

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1244 Offering good feelings is ([23.17], 1006)
offering flowers
1245 Offering self to create universal ([28.72], 1220)
well-being is supreme offering

1246 Old gold plus better new adds ([19.50], 845)

1247 One internal victory is superior ([12.4], 677)
to thousand external victories
1248 One to many to one ([18.21], 794)
1249 Open and accept ([16.19], 733)
1250 Open mind and be close to the truth ([16.8], 722)
1251 'Operation' is key in Chaos ([6.12], 311)
1252 Operation is order ([6.166], 465)
1253 Opinions are present ([46.15], 1910)
1254 Opponents are opportunities to ([28.108], 1256)
improve you
1255 Opportunities lead in chaos ([6.16], 315)
1256 Opposition melts away in the ([30.45], 1354)
flow of your enthusiasm
1257 Optimal solution is a ([28.131], 1278)
compound of innovations
1258 Optimality is omnipresence ([48.52], 2024)
1259 Optimality is ultimate ([48.53], 2025)
1260 Optimise busy-ness ([24.13], 1029)
1261 Optimists see what is there ([19.29], 824)
1262 Order is 'Paradise' ([6.114], 413)
1263 Order is arrangement ([6.134], 433)
1264 Order is even ([6.126], 425)
1265 Order is pleasure ([6.122], 421)

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1266 Order is sequence ([6.130], 429)
1267 Order-Complexity-Chaos- ([6.1], 300)
Clearance is the complete cycle
1268 Organising is right in order ([6.38], 335)
1269 Original source is great resource ([16.12], 726)
1270 Overall win is all-win ([21.11], 920)
1271 Overcome obstructions, utilise ([19.35], 830)
opportunities with full efforts
1272 Para-hitchintan, Paropkar, ([31.27], 1433)
Promodhav, Pratigya and
Prashanti is the process of joyful
1273 Pardoner is powerful ([48.54], 2026)
1274 Past deeds ([46.18], 1913)
1275 Past facts + present reality + ([15.8], 710)
future possibility + changing
universe = Truth
1276 Past has gone ([46.30], 1925)
1277 Past is history ([46.10], 1905)
1278 Past is reflected in instinct ([46.6], 1901)
1279 Past prejudices ([46.22], 1917)
1280 Past records ([46.26], 1921)
1281 Past, present and future and ([46.1], 1896)
1282 Path into light seems dark ([16.31], 745)
1283 Path makers succeed in clearing ([6.65], 364)
1284 Path making encourages ([5.69], 142)
1285 Path making is empowering ([5.10], 83)
1286 Path making is giving examples of ([5.6], 79)

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1287 Path making is illumination ([6.45], 344)
in clearance
1288 Path making through trust ([5.186], 259)
1289 Path of intellect is path of ([28.62], 1210)
1290 Path to vision ([5.105], 178)
1291 Patience is modesty ([31.80], 1486)
1292 Patience wins ([22.52], 985)
1293 Peace is (not in holding but is) ([33.21], 1597)
in offering
1294 Peace is order ([6.182], 481)
1295 Peace is the womb of creativity ([40.40], 1755)
1296 Peacefulness is pathless path ([48.55], 2027)
1297 Pending is ending ([24.8], 1024)
1298 People in difficulty are more equal ([19.9], 804)
1299 Persuasion and rewards are like ([7.47], 543)
staple food to be given regularly
1300 Pessimists see what is not there ([19.28], 823)
1301 Philosopher for Elder ([43.49], 1824)
1302 Physical space is the seat of work ([2.3], 7)
1303 Physical world: Doing - Results ([44.9], 1857)
1304 Pit falls are chaos ([6.188], 487)
1305 Plan the goals with an intention ([19.34], 829)
to serve
1306 Planning is for youthful action ([5.24], 97)
1307 Planning is possible in order ([6.34], 333)
1308 Pleasant elder is precious elder ([21.12], 921)
1309 Pleasant person is precious ([48.56], 2028)
1310 Pointed-ness is wholesome-ness ([48.57], 2029)
1311 Policies are for order ([6.186], 485)

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1312 Policies are suitable in order ([6.22], 321)
1313 Pollution is chaos ([6.176], 475)
1314 Positive mind + speech + actions = ([12.3], 676)
Holistic person
1315 Positive thoughts keep intellect ([28.26], 1174)
(buddhi) clean
1316 Positive way is a happy way ([32.38], 1557)
1317 Positiveness is happiness ([8.33], 577)
1318 Practice and improve what you ([31.96], 1503)
have learnt
1319 Practice before you preach ([19.96], 891)
1320 Practice is the way to perfection ([14.3], 697)
1321 Practice self-discipline ([26.56], 1119)
1322 Practice silence at least four ([31.29], 1435)
times a day
1323 Practice the noble principles and ([40.6], 1721)
enrich the life
1324 Practiced values appreciate with ([12.5], 678)
1325 Practices are clearing ([6.189], 488)
1326 Practices are useful in clearing ([6.25], 324)
1327 Pray silently ([28.6], 1154)
1328 Prayer brings out inner peace ([31.30], 1436)
1329 Prayer is passport for grace and ([40.8], 1723)
1330 Predictions are future ([46.16], 1911)
1331 Preparation is for child-like ([5.23], 96)
1332 Prepare for future ([46.36], 1931)
1333 Present actions ([46.19], 1914)
1334 Present biases ([46.23], 1918)

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1335 Present is drama ([46.11], 1906)
1336 Present is moving ([46.31], 1926)
1337 Present is reflected in intuition ([46.7], 1902)
1338 Present is the base for better ([19.95], 890)
1339 Present situations ([46.27], 1922)
1340 Pride to humility is mortality to ([48.58], 2030)
1341 Principles are suitable in ([6.23], 322)
1342 Priorities of present ([46.59], 1954)
1343 Private win - Youth ([43.43], 1818)
1344 Problem is chaos ([6.164], 463)
1345 Problem is smaller than what ([31.2], 1408)
it appears
1346 Procedures are complexity ([6.187], 486)
1347 Proceed and progress ([31.4], 1410)
1348 Process is complexity ([6.175], 474)
1349 Production is order ([6.174], 473)
1350 Promptness of contribution ([5.96], 169)
1351 Prospection is future ([46.56], 1951)
1352 Prospects of future ([46.60], 1955)
1353 Protect and be protected ([27.2], 1134)
1354 Protect existing and gain new ([28.29], 1177)
1355 Protect good seed. Remove the ([24.27], 1043)
1356 Protect people from evil forces ([11.27], 633)
within and out
1357 Protect what is right ([31.6], 1412)
1358 Protected virtue protects ([19.70], 865)

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1359 Public win - Adult ([43.44], 1819)
1360 Purified spirit means stable ([33.6], 1582)
1361 Purity will lead to unity with ([27.16], 1148)
1362 Purpose and direction motivates ([33.27], 1603)
1363 Purpose in life gives meaning ([28.31], 1179)
to life
1364 Purpose of all thought-fullness ([2.30], 34)
is truth
1365 Pursue what is good and stop not ([40.1], 1716)
1366 Pustakam hasta bhooshanam ([31.54], 1460)
1367 Quality first. Quantity next ([24.19], 1035)
1368 Quality is a Sure Way to ([9.1], 579)
1369 Quality is complexity ([6.179], 478)
1370 Quality is doing right all the time ([20.8], 903)
1371 Quality is essence of excellence ([48.59], 2031)
1372 Quantity is order ([6.178], 477)
1373 Question is quest for insight ([48.60], 2032)
1374 Rajasik are forceful and ([7.8], 504)
1375 Rajasik directs with bias ([7.16], 512)
1376 Rajasik does and moves ([7.12], 508)
1377 Rajasik grasps more of what is ([7.36], 532)
1378 Rajasik interprets for own benefit ([7.40], 536)
1379 Rajasik is with focus on interested ([7.20], 516)
1380 Rajasik observes 'partially' ([7.24], 520)
1381 Rajasik operates at feeling level ([7.4], 500)

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1382 Rajasik receives at interest level ([7.28], 524)
1383 Rajasik registers high ([7.32], 528)
1384 Rajasik's memory remembers ([7.44], 540)
1385 Reach heights by going to depths ([16.11], 725)
1386 Reach out to people in need ([31.35], 1441)
1387 Reach the self ([26.60], 1123)
1388 Read between lines. Read ([24.24], 1040)
behind the lines
1389 Read the book ([26.22], 1085)
1390 Read, learn, study and educate ([31.95], 1502)
1391 Readiness in chaos ([6.108], 407)
1392 Readiness to do what is required ([30.60], 1369)
to be done, is the essence of love
1393 Ready-ness to give is joy ([48.61], 2033)
1394 Real leader is follower ([16.7], 721)
1395 Real prophets see all the prophets ([19.64], 859)
as themselves
1396 Real teacher punishes with ([19.43], 838)
1397 Realisation comes through by ([28.136], 1283)
serving for betterment of people
1398 Realise the self ([26.36], 1099)
1399 Reap as you sow ([18.15], 788)
1400 Reason is the remedy for ([31.20], 1426)
1401 Reasonability works in complexity ([6.27], 326)
1402 Recall and recharge ([31.91], 1497)
1403 Receive and be thankful ([19.2], 797)
1404 Receive and experience joy of ([40.28], 1743)

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1405 Receive, respond, respect, realise ([19.25], 820)
1406 Receiving contribution - Sattvik ([45.24], 1884)
1407 Receiving contribution and ([45.4], 1864)
Mission is Transformation
1408 Receiving Contributions occurs ([45.28], 1888)
at thought level
1409 Recharge and refresh the patience ([31.92], 1498)
1410 Recognise publicly, counsel ([31.103], 1510)
1411 Recognize strength in you and ([30.20], 1329)
people around you
1412 Re-cycling is clearing ([6.177], 476)
1413 Reflexes work in chaos ([6.4], 303)
1414 Regroup in clearing ([6.93], 392)
1415 Rejection is chaos ([6.180], 479)
1416 Relate with sincere ([5.163], 236)
1417 Relate with the team ([26.35], 1098)
1418 Relation is what is nurtured ([33.20], 1596)
1419 Reliability is an asset ([10.2], 591)
1420 Reliable friends are your wealth ([22.8], 941)
1421 Relinquish addictive habits, ([31.73], 1479)
become pure
1422 Relinquish ego, gain the self ([31.26], 1432)
1423 Relinquish pleasures, become ([31.74], 1480)
1424 Relinquish power, transform it ([31.25], 1431)
into energy
1425 Rely on dedicated ([5.162], 235)
1426 Remember the master ([26.33], 1096)
1427 Remove anger, put it on hanger ([24.4], 1020)

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1428 Renewal is new meaning in old ([23.21], 1010)
1429 Renewals work in clearance ([6.5], 304)
1430 Renunciation is re-union ([48.62], 2034)
1431 Reorganising is right in ([6.41], 340)
1432 Repairing is clearing ([6.169], 468)
1433 Request, surrender and invoke ([19.41], 836)
1434 Research works in complexity ([6.3], 302)
1435 Respect honest ([5.164], 237)
1436 Respect the divinity in all its ([28.41], 1189)
1437 Respect your opponents ([28.109], 1257)
1438 Respond with thoughtfulness ([31.10], 1416)
and reason
1439 Respond. Do not react ([31.9], 1415)
1440 Response with ability is ([30.61], 1370)
1441 Responsibility creates perfect ([19.39], 834)
1442 Responsibility inspires ([31.105], 1512)
timeliness, love and truth
1443 Responsibility is chetana ([33.16], 1592)
1444 Responsibility is consciousness ([20.9], 904)
1445 Responsibility is Dharma ([48.63], 2035)
1446 Responsibility is divinity and ([31.106], 1513)
1447 Responsibility is God ([2.43], 47)
1448 Responsibility is supreme ([5.29], 102)
1449 Responsibility keeps the spirit ([28.27], 1175)

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1450 Responsibility leads to ([32.54], 1573)
1451 Responsibility unifies inspiration ([30.85], 1394)
and realization
1452 Responsibility works in chaos ([6.28], 327)
1453 Responsible leader is self- ([33.5], 1581)
1454 Retain and recall ([31.90], 1496)
1455 Retain the book ([26.34], 1097)
1456 Retrospection is past ([46.54], 1949)
1457 Return in multi-fold of what ([11.43], 649)
you take
1458 Reverence for noble ([5.165], 238)
1459 Reworking is clearing ([6.181], 480)
1460 Rhythm and rhyme are sense ([23.14], 1003)
and essence of language
1461 Right actions give bright success ([36.10], 1641)
1462 Right and just reprimand ([19.38], 833)
1463 Right and just reward energises ([19.37], 832)
1464 Right attitude makes right ([22.1], 934)
1465 Right Cost ([5.128], 201)
1466 Right person is 'me' ([1.4], 4)
1467 Right place is 'here' ([1.2], 2)
1468 Right Quality ([5.127], 200)
1469 Right Quantity ([5.126], 199)
1470 Right situation is 'this' ([1.3], 3)
1471 Right Time ([5.129], 202)
1472 Right time is 'now' ([1.1], 1)
1473 Right way ensures eternal joy ([28.1], 1149)

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1474 Rise from transporting to ([45.31], 1891)
translating to transforming to
1475 'Risks' are fine in chaos ([6.20], 319)
1476 Risk is must. Recklessness worst ([24.15], 1031)
1477 'Role' holders in clearing ([6.113], 412)
1478 Role is what is required ([33.19], 1595)
1479 Roles in chaos ([6.76], 375)
1480 Rules in order ([6.74], 373)
1481 Ruling is death, serving is ([28.106], 1254)
1482 Run along team ([26.43], 1106)
1483 Running is order ([6.170], 469)
1484 Running Youth ([43.27], 1802)
1485 Sacrifice is the essence of love ([34.6], 1617)
1486 Sangharsh - Sankalp - Sahakar - ([11.5], 611)
Samdhyan - Shanti
1487 Sattvik are measured and ([7.9], 505)
1488 Sattvik directs with intelligence ([7.17], 513)
1489 Sattvik grasps appropriately ([7.37], 533)
1490 Sattvik interprets as it is ([7.41], 537)
1491 Sattvik is with clear focus ([7.21], 517)
1492 Sattvik observes well ([7.25], 521)
1493 Sattvik operates at intelligence ([7.5], 501)
1494 Sattvik receives at subtle level ([7.29], 525)
1495 Sattvik registers properly ([7.33], 529)
1496 Sattvik sees and does ([7.13], 509)
1497 Sattvik's memory recalls ([7.45], 541)

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1498 Save money, money shall save ([29.10], 1298)
1499 Save the second you be first ([36.17], 1648)
1500 Say what you do. Do what you ([19.78], 873)
1501 Scientific organisation ([5.51], 124)
1502 Search for Gurus and be ([11.28], 634)
1503 Searching is spark in complexity ([6.43], 342)
1504 Secret contributions are noble ([28.3], 1151)
1505 Secret contributions are spiritual ([28.5], 1153)
1506 See all others in your self, See ([28.10], 1158)
yourself in others
1507 See and think ([31.85], 1491)
1508 See God in Guru ([18.4], 777)
1509 See others in yourself, in others ([40.5], 1720)
see yourself
1510 See pros-cons, take calculated ([36.11], 1643)
1511 See the sea inside you ([19.44], 839)
1512 See truth ([2.36], 40)
1513 Seeing beyond is horizon ([48.65], 2037)
1514 Seeing greatness of others is to ([19.63], 858)
be on the way to divinity
1515 Seek and experience joy of ([40.30], 1745)
1516 Seek and find ([28.15], 1163)
1517 Seek for harmony ([11.49], 655)
1518 Seek new knowledge ([29.13], 1301)

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1519 Seek not power, You will be a ([24.1], 1017)
1520 Seek no-thing and flourish ([28.127], 1275)
1521 Seek right knowledge from ([28.48], 1196)
learned ones
1522 Seek to liberate yourself. ([19.47], 842)
1523 Seek, Surrender and Find ([18.2], 775)
1524 Seer are perfect and useful ([7.10], 506)
1525 Seer directs with consciousness ([7.18], 514)
1526 Seer grasps completely ([7.38], 534)
1527 Seer interprets for benefit of all ([7.42], 538)
1528 Seer is with total focus ([7.22], 518)
1529 Seer observes full ([7.26], 522)
1530 Seer operates at conscious level ([7.6], 502)
1531 Seer receives at deep level ([7.30], 526)
1532 Seer registers usefully ([7.34], 530)
1533 Seer witnesses and visualises ([7.14], 510)
1534 Seer's memory revisualises ([7.46], 542)
1535 Segmentalise in chaos ([6.92], 391)
1536 Segregate and succeed ([10.9], 598)

4. Self (35)
1537 Self confidence results in ([30.2], 1311)
1538 Self is best friend of self; Self is ([24.37], 1053)
worst enemy of self
1539 Self is deep well, drill and drill ([26.64], 1127)
1540 Self is eternal ([46.45], 1940)
1541 Self is God ([8.13], 557)
1542 Self is mirror image of God ([8.5], 549)

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1543 Self is supreme ([48.66], 2038)
1544 Self is supreme shining God ([35.11], 1631)
1545 Self is the jewel of own light ([26.4], 1067)
1546 Self is the root of all Glorious ([17.3], 770)
1547 Self is the ultimate source ([28.116], 1264)
1548 Self win-interpersonal win- ([12.13], 686)
society win-overall win
1549 Self's instinct ([26.32], 1095)
1550 Self's promptings ([26.40], 1103)
1551 Self-confidence is your own ([28.119], 1267)
companion and best friend
1552 Self-control gives you self- ([28.124], 1272)
1553 Self-control is being own ([28.123], 1271)
1554 Self-control is the realisation ([39.7], 1701)
1555 Self-dedication is faith in self ([28.118], 1266)
1556 Self-discipline enhances self ([10.13], 602)
1557 Self-discipline is freedom ([48.67], 2039)
1558 Self-evaluation facilitates self- ([28.120], 1268)
1559 Self-evaluation is own mirror ([28.121], 1269)
1560 Self-motivation is light in chaos ([6.44], 343)
1561 Self-realisation is understanding ([19.17], 812)
what one is not and experiencing
what one is
1562 Self-reliance gives ([30.5], 1314)
1563 Self-reliance is the self-support ([28.122], 1270)

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1564 Self-respect is the highest ([28.125], 1273)
1565 Self-respect motivates ([30.97], 1406)
1566 Self-solution ([26.52], 1115)
1567 Self-start is the signal of self- ([28.117], 1265)
1568 Self-sufficient is sovereign ([48.69], 2041)
1569 Self-winner is world winner ([48.68], 2040)
1570 Self-worth ([26.48], 1111)

1571 Sell to Youth ([43.31], 1806)

1572 Send messages to yourself. ([19.92], 887)
Receive messages from yourself
1573 Sense the sense in nonsense ([16.46], 760)
1574 Sensitive anticipating ([5.58], 131)
1575 Separate in complexity ([6.91], 390)
1576 Separation is the secret of love ([34.5], 1616)
1577 Serve and be pure ([28.86], 1234)
1578 Serve and deserve and serve ([14.8], 702)
1579 Serve and deserve better destiny ([19.36], 831)
1580 Serve others to liberate ([19.48], 843)
1581 Serve the master ([26.57], 1120)
1582 Serve, harmonise, assure and ([31.61], 1467)
1583 Service is divine ([5.27], 100)
1584 Service is offering ([20.10], 905)
1585 Service is sadhana ([33.13], 1589)
1586 Serving humanity is serving ([28.104], 1252)

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1587 Set standards for excellence ([5.89], 162)
1588 Set standards high ([5.113], 186)
1589 Set standards to create ([5.85], 158)
1590 Set standards to fulfil vision ([5.101], 174)
1591 Set standards with daring ([5.109], 182)
1592 Set standards with energy ([5.81], 154)
1593 Set standards with Nobility ([5.141], 214)
1594 Setting standards is enriched ([5.194], 267)
by trust
1595 Setting standards is establishing ([5.73], 146)
1596 Setting standards is shining ([5.77], 150)
1597 Settlement is clearing ([6.161], 460)
1598 Seva (serving) creates divine ([25.8], 1061)
1599 Seva as meditation in action is ([30.86], 1395)
supreme spirit
1600 Seva is spirituality ([48.70], 2042)

17. Sharing (14)

1601 Share and be blessed ([31.57], 1463)
1602 Share and care for people's ([11.66], 672)
1603 Share and experience joy of ([40.25], 1740)
1604 'Share' holders do contribution ([5.120], 193)
1605 Share other's grief and your ([15.7], 709)
1606 Share your shares ([31.58], 1464)

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1607 Shared success with social ([34.9], 1620)
consciousness is sixth sense
1608 Sharing decision is Senior- ([45.12], 1872)
Colleagues relation
1609 Sharing is accepting ([30.55], 1364)
1610 Sharing is caring ([30.56], 1365)
1611 Sharing is conscious caring ([48.71], 2043)
1612 Sharing is empathy in ([31.36], 1442)
1613 Sharing is law of nature ([48.72], 2044)
1614 Sharing is partnership ([30.54], 1363)

1615 Shoonyam is Poornam ([48.74], 2046)

1616 Silence is licence for intuition ([15.9], 711)
1617 Silence is peace ([31.28], 1434)
1618 Silence is source ([48.73], 2045)
1619 Silence is the language of God ([35.7], 1627)
1620 Silence is the remedy for anger ([31.21], 1427)
1621 Silent teacher is the greatest ([38.6], 1668)
1622 Simpleness is beauty ([9.6], 584)
1623 Simple-ness is beauty ([48.75], 2047)
1624 Simpleness is order ([6.190], 489)
1625 Sincere 'Karya Vaan' ([5.167], 240)
1626 Sincere actions ([5.151], 224)
1627 Sincere agreement ([5.159], 232)
1628 Sincere works ([5.142], 215)
1629 Sincerity gets delegation ([5.204], 277)
1630 Situation is station plus 'i' and 'u' ([16.22], 736)

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1631 Situations in life come, stay, ([28.137], 1284)
and go
1632 Skill in order ([6.66], 365)
1633 Skill in work is 'Yoga' ([5.135], 208)
1634 Skills are essential for external ([28.59], 1207)
1635 Slandering is blunder. Admiring ([31.33], 1439)
is wonder
1636 Small is tall ([48.76], 2048)
1637 Smile and contribute to ([32.50], 1569)
1638 Smile in the face - Realities ([47.3], 1971)
1639 Smile is divine shine ([48.77], 2049)
1640 Smile is the signal of God ([35.2], 1622)
1641 Smile with eyes ([11.14], 620)
1642 Smile, support, serve and ([30.44], 1353)
complement opponents
1643 Smoothness is order ([6.162], 461)
1644 Soft prevails, hard breaks ([16.51], 765)
1645 Solid and hard: Instinct - ([44.5], 1853)
1646 Solitude is soulitude ([48.78], 2050)
1647 Solution is clearing ([6.165], 464)
1648 Solutions are beyond ([46.5], 1900)
1649 Solutions create solid future ([25.4], 1057)
1650 Solutions in clearing ([6.85], 384)
1651 Some - Body-ness of Youth ([43.19], 1794)
1652 Spark in the head - Realisation ([47.4], 1972)
1653 Speak pleasantly ([30.41], 1350)
1654 Speak right ([30.42], 1351)

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1655 Speak truth. Do not speak what ([31.18], 1424)
is not truth
1656 Speak with friendship ([30.43], 1352)
1657 Speed creates momentum ([25.7], 1060)
1658 Speed of endeavour ([5.94], 167)
1659 Speeding is complexity ([6.171], 470)
1660 Spirit and letter in clearing ([6.153], 452)
1661 Spirit in chaos ([6.152], 451)
1662 Spirit of all is Totality of ([27.4], 1136)
1663 Spirited work is yogic work ([28.90], 1238)
1664 Spirituality motivates ([30.95], 1404)
1665 Spontaneity is soulful energy ([48.79], 2051)
1666 Stability in order ([6.138], 437)
1667 Stability is direction. Ability ([28.139], 1286)
is process
1668 Stability is unwavering ([39.10], 1704)
consistent state
1669 Stability makes ability strong ([15.10], 712)
1670 Stable intellect is effective one ([30.70], 1379)
1671 Stable mind leads to Able self ([17.2], 769)
1672 Stake holders do set standards ([5.121], 194)
1673 Stakeholders in chaos ([6.112], 411)
1674 Stand under to understand ([15.5], 707)
1675 Start searching when way is lost ([14.1], 695)
1676 Start the good works by yourself ([40.18], 1733)
1677 Stay with self ([26.44], 1107)
1678 Staying Elder ([43.29], 1804)
1679 Steadiness in order ([6.106], 405)
1680 Step back after doing your work ([38.3], 1665)

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1681 Step functions in clearance ([6.57], 356)
1682 Step-out and evil is out ([16.40], 754)
1683 Strategies are suitable in chaos ([6.24], 323)
1684 Streamline in clearing ([6.97], 396)
1685 Striding Adult ([43.28], 1803)
1686 Struggle, strive, stretch, succeed ([21.19], 928)
and shine
1687 Study and be steady ([22.53], 986)
1688 Study on own and study your ([33.29], 1605)
1689 Studyness in complexity ([6.107], 406)
1690 Sturdiness in clearing ([6.109], 408)
1691 Sub-normal is meaningful in ([6.47], 346)
1692 Suitable Enrichment ([5.132], 205)
1693 Suitable Improvement ([5.130], 203)
1694 Suitable Refinement ([5.131], 204)
1695 Suitable Timeliness ([5.133], 206)
1696 Summarise in order ([6.90], 389)
1697 Super normal is meaningful in ([6.49], 348)
1698 Supervision is Super-Vision ([11.65], 671)
1699 Support learners in their ([10.15], 604)
1700 Supporting decisions is Guide- ([45.15], 1875)
Endeavourers relation
1701 Supreme being can be connected ([28.71], 1219)
through work as an offering
1702 "Surge" is present ([46.67], 1962)
1703 Surging Youth ([43.3], 1778)
1704 Surprises describe complexity ([6.19], 318)

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1705 Synchronicity in time ([2.44], 48)
1706 Systematic planning ([5.50], 123)
1707 Systems is symphony ([48.80], 2052)
1708 Systems work in order ([6.2], 301)
1709 Take responsibility for ([31.110], 1517)
wellbeing of all
1710 Take responsibility without ([8.30], 574)
seeking power
1711 Take responsibility, win respect ([13.5], 691)
1712 Taking decisions is Superior- ([45.7], 1867)
Subordinates relation
1713 Taking work - Tamasik Boss ([45.22], 1882)
1714 Taking work and Targets is ([45.2], 1862)
1715 Taking Work occurs at physical ([45.26], 1886)
1716 Talk in friendly, convincing ([31.101], 1508)
1717 Talk with self ([26.24], 1087)
1718 Tamasik are forced and limited ([7.7], 503)
1719 Tamasik directs improperly ([7.15], 511)
1720 Tamasik grasps low ([7.35], 531)
1721 Tamasik interprets for own ([7.39], 535)
1722 Tamasik is out of focus ([7.19], 515)
1723 Tamasik observes less ([7.23], 519)
1724 Tamasik operates at body level ([7.3], 499)
1725 Tamasik receives at gross level ([7.27], 523)
1726 Tamasik registers less ([7.31], 527)
1727 Tamasik sees little and does little ([7.11], 507)
1728 Tamasik's memory forgets ([7.43], 539)

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1729 Tapovan of Elder ([43.41], 1816)
1730 Task forces are right in chaos ([6.40], 339)
1731 Task is a challenge and ([21.20], 929)
1732 Teach by examples of own ([10.14], 603)
1733 Teach pure love by caring ([39.13], 1707)
1734 Teach reality truth by ([39.14], 1708)
1735 Teach timeliness by practice ([39.12], 1706)
1736 Teach ultimate truth being in ([39.15], 1709)
1737 Teacher - Elder ([43.37], 1812)
1738 Teacher for Youth ([43.47], 1822)
1739 Teacher is the source of ([19.42], 837)
information, knowledge and
1740 Teaching is limited. Learning is ([19.13], 808)
1741 Teaching is showing the way by ([30.72], 1381)
own example
1742 Teaching to win - Elder ([43.45], 1820)
1743 Team drill ([26.55], 1118)
1744 Team information ([26.51], 1114)
1745 Team is lake, swim and share ([26.63], 1126)
1746 Team is the jewel of common light ([26.3], 1066)
1747 Team means Tuning, Energy ([30.24], 1333)
Adjustment and Mission
1748 Team work ([26.47], 1110)
1749 Team work is more than ([28.20], 1168)
working together

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1750 Team work multiplies the ([29.17], 1305)
1751 Team's intuition ([26.31], 1094)
1752 Team's norms ([26.39], 1102)
1753 Team-work multiplies results ([30.23], 1332)
and relations
1754 Technology creates flexibility ([25.6], 1059)
1755 Tell the Child ([43.30], 1805)
1756 Tender is powerful. Powerful is ([16.38], 752)
1757 Tension is complexity ([6.183], 482)
1758 Tension is tonic ([48.81], 2053)
1759 That excellence is you! ([27.6], 1138)
1760 That is this ([48.92], 2064)
1761 That truth consciousness bliss ([27.13], 1145)
is me only
1762 That ultimate is me! ([27.11], 1143)
1763 That ultimate is this self! ([27.12], 1144)
1764 That which liberates is divinity ([17.6], 773)
1765 The best technology is ([19.52], 847)
1766 The future is in your hands ([19.93], 888)
1767 The In-light is Supreme light ([27.3], 1135)
1768 The leader should know more ([19.86], 881)
than the member
1769 The missionaries make it possible ([30.77], 1386)
1770 The one divinity is hidden in ([27.7], 1139)
all beings
1771 The real companion and friend is ([30.3], 1312)

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1772 The supreme one is consciousness ([42.5], 1771)
in all
1773 The teacher should know more ([19.85], 880)
than the learner
1774 The team work is strengthened ([28.23], 1171)
by sharing
1775 The visionary conceives ([30.76], 1385)
1776 The whole world and humanity ([32.49], 1568)
is one family
1777 The wise ones see with equality ([33.22], 1598)
1778 Theory + Practice = Perfect ([19.89], 884)
1779 There are possibilities beyond ([19.31], 826)
'yes' and 'no'
1780 There are Seer, Sattvik, Rajasik ([7.2], 498)
and Tamasik
1781 There is great strength in mutual ([36.2], 1633)
1782 There is nothing permanent, all ([28.52], 1200)
will change
1783 There is only one law, all are ([29.14], 1302)
1784 There is place for everyone in ([37.7], 1661)
1785 Think and analysis yourself ([28.13], 1161)
1786 Think and experience joy of ([40.31], 1746)
1787 Think and understand ([31.86], 1492)
1788 Think and visualise the light ([8.8], 552)
1789 Think of roles rather than rules ([28.133], 1280)

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1790 Think of solution at the start of ([28.32], 1180)
1791 Think positive ([11.2], 608)
1792 Think what contribution you ([31.77], 1483)
can offer
1793 Think what you do. Do what ([19.80], 875)
you think
1794 Think with contemplation ([8.20], 564)
1795 Thinkers succeed in complexity ([6.63], 362)
1796 Thinking is preferable in ([6.35], 334)
1797 Think-Tanks are right in ([6.39], 338)
1798 This is that ([48.91], 2063)
1799 This life is like flying the kite ([37.1], 1655)
1800 Thought holders in complexity ([6.111], 410)
1801 Thought space is the seat of ([2.5], 9)
1802 Thought world: Thinking - ([44.11], 1859)
1803 Thoughtfulness is the divinity ([28.42], 1190)
1804 Thoughtfulness is the improver ([40.3], 1718)
of life
1805 Thoughtfulness is the remedy ([31.24], 1430)
for anger
1806 Thoughts are keys to self-control ([33.7], 1583)
1807 Through seeing cross the sea ([24.25], 1041)
1808 Throw and all will come ([16.15], 729)
1809 Time and timeliness both are ([32.11], 1530)
1810 Time is God ([2.40], 44)

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1811 Time is the resource ([32.10], 1529)
1812 Time of work ([5.95], 168)
1813 Time synchronises actions and ([30.82], 1391)
1814 Timeliness of setting standards ([5.97], 170)
1815 To attain the goal play your role ([24.22], 1038)
1816 To be full empty you be ([38.12], 1674)
1817 To be Master, serving you be ([38.14], 1676)
1818 To be receiver, giver you be ([38.13], 1675)
1819 To be whole, the part you be ([38.11], 1673)
1820 To control the mind intellect is ([37.4], 1658)
1821 To enjoy the world outside, ([30.68], 1377)
experience in-joy inside
1822 To err less and less is fine ([28.67], 1215)
1823 To grow is to flow ([18.17], 790)
1824 To know is to glow ([18.16], 789)
1825 To save own energy gentle you ([39.5], 1699)
1826 To serve is to accept, support, ([13.1], 687)
share, give and offer
1827 To work without errors is divine ([28.68], 1216)
1828 Togetherness is oneness ([20.11], 906)
1829 Togetherness is peace ([31.75], 1481)
1830 Togetherness is unity ([32.56], 1575)
1831 Totality of everything is this ([27.5], 1137)
1832 Totally assuring ([5.61], 134)
1833 Training is the key in managing ([5.35], 108)
1834 Transcending the doer-ship is ([28.100], 1248)

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1835 Transform job into a Seva ([11.54], 660)
1836 Transform Small to Smiling - All ([4.2], 65)
1837 Transform work into a Saadhana ([11.53], 659)
1838 Transform yourself from
workhorse to worthy human ([28.95], 1243)
1839 Transformation is moving out ([16.28], 742)
of set formations
1840 Treat others as you aspire ([28.17], 1165)
others to treat you
1841 Treaty is clearance ([6.185], 484)
1842 Trends function in order ([6.54], 353)
1843 True fullness seems empty ([16.34], 748)
1844 Truly powerful is not trying to ([16.29], 732)
be powerful

12. Trust (20)

1845 Trust and Entrust ([16.13], 727)
1846 Trust and give respect ([5.178], 251)
1847 Trust and win hearts ([32.52], 1571)
1848 Trust as per responsibility ([5.182], 255)
1849 Trust assures ([5.210], 283)
1850 Trust assures examples ([5.218], 291)
1851 Trust first. Agreement next ([19.68], 863)
1852 Trust for noble people ([5.157], 230)
1853 Trust gets nobility ([5.202], 275)
1854 Trust improves responsibility ([5.198], 271)
1855 Trust in complexity ([6.155], 454)
1856 Trust is relationship of total ([5.174], 247)

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1857 Trust is the rope to God ([19.53], 848)
1858 Trust is thought purity ([12.11], 684)
1859 Trust people and win hearts ([32.2], 1521)
1860 Trust people. Do not believe ([19.100], 895)
1861 Trust streamlines responsibilities ([5.190], 263)
1862 Trust the 'Elder' ([5.214], 287)
1863 Trust the noble and excellent ([5.149], 222)
1864 Trusting Mentor is 'Vishwaasa ([5.222], 295)

18. Truth (14)

1865 Truth is a magic beyond logic ([19.54], 849)
1866 Truth is easy, untruth is difficult ([11.47], 653)
1867 Truth is eternal and heaven it is ([22.35], 968)
1868 Truth is fact, reality, ultimate is ([22.39], 972)
1869 Truth is foundation, supporting ([22.38], 971)
is truth
1870 Truth is God ([2.42], 46)
1871 Truth is last word ([28.43], 1191)
1872 Truth is penance and best ([22.36], 969)
1873 Truth is road to happiness and ([22.37], 970)
1874 Truth is Supreme in Thought ([2.33], 37)
1875 Truth prevails ([2.29], 33)

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1876 Truth streamlines thoughts and ([30.84], 1393)
1877 Truth was, Truth is and Truth ([2.32], 36)
will ever be
1878 Truthfulness is divinity ([48.82], 2054)

1879 U - Usefulness - at Body level ([5.224], 297)

1880 Uncommon sense, is common ([24.26], 1042)
1881 Uncontrollables appear in ([6.51], 350)
1882 Understand and experience ([31.87], 1493)
1883 Understand reality ([31.69], 1475)
1884 Understand simplicity behind ([15.6], 708)
every complexity
1885 Understand to upgrade ([20.12], 907)
1886 Unexpected guest is divine, ([22.46], 979)
serve him well
1887 Unexpectedly smile and give ([31.12], 1418)
1888 Unholding is right holding ([48.83], 2055)
1889 Unity is oneness ([30.66], 1375)
1890 Unity is strength. Be united ([29.18], 1306)
1891 Unity of people through ([2.47], 51)
consciousness of trust and
1892 Unity will make you universal ([21.21], 930)
1893 Universe is one verse of God ([48.84], 2056)
1894 Use available time to learn, to ([23.26], 1015)
do, to achieve and to excel

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1895 Useful actions + happy ([15.3], 705)
relations = joyful contributions
1896 Value addition is excellence ([48.85], 2057)
1897 Value in contribution ([5.92], 165)
1898 Value realization is ([22.26], 959)
1899 Values are essential for internal ([28.58], 1206)
1900 Values enrich society ([28.115], 1263)
1901 Values for eternity ([46.61], 1956)
1902 Values motivate ([30.96], 1405)
1903 Venture to add value ([20.13], 908)
1904 Ventures are fine in clearing ([6.21], 320)
1905 "Verge" is future ([46.68], 1963)
1906 Verging Adult ([43.4], 1779)
1907 Vision and Clarity guided by ([8.16], 560)
quantum physical laws
1908 Vision creates future ([25.1], 1054)
1909 Vision during complexity ([6.119], 418)
1910 Vision is for elder-like glimpses ([5.26], 99)
of future
1911 Vision is for illuminating to ([5.22], 95)
highlight the opportunities
1912 Vision is seeing beyond ([21.13], 922)
1913 Vision is the key to future ([32.3], 1522)
1914 Vision is the result in thought ([2.14], 18)
1915 Visionaries in complexity ([6.195], 494)
1916 Visionaries see what is possible ([19.30], 825)
1917 Vision-Mission-Aim-Goal matrix ([5.2], 75)
is the full view

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1918 Volunteering work is divine ([32.39], 1558)
1919 Volunteership is worship ([32.45], 1564)
1920 Wait and see ([31.84], 1490)
1921 Waiting is practising patience ([31.82], 1488)
1922 Waiting is the key for modesty ([31.81], 1487)
1923 Walk along master ([26.41], 1104)
1924 Walk with gentleness and ([31.16], 1422)
1925 Walking Child ([43.26], 1801)
1926 Wander not. Wonder lot ([21.22], 931)
1927 Wandering Youth ([43.71], 1846)
1928 Warmth in the heart - Relations ([47.2], 1970)
1929 Watchful ensuring ([5.57], 130)
1930 Water cleans body. Devotion ([18.11], 784)
cleans mind
1931 Way to endeavour ([5.102], 175)
1932 'We' are greater than 'I' ([33.33], 1609)
1933 "We can" - Adult ([43.56], 1831)
1934 We is the winning spirit of ([23.15], 1004)
1935 Wealth is the means to support ([28.47], 1195)
the right
1936 Welfare is when 'we' all are ([21.14], 923)
faring well
1937 What appears, what is felt, ([30.81], 1390)
what is thought and what is, is
complete reality
1938 What you receive give better ([28.60], 1208)

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1939 When any one seeks avoid ([22.43], 976)
saying 'No'
1940 When one thinks he can, he will ([30.87], 1396)
1941 When one thinks he is excellent ([30.88], 1397)
he becomes excellent
1942 When order is re-established ([19.99], 894)
chaos disappears
1943 When solution sparks hold on ([14.2], 696)
a vision
1944 When Truth is seen all is light ([2.31], 35)
1945 When you help, divinity shines ([30.13], 1322)
in and around you
1946 When you run to past, present is ([24.16], 1032)
1947 When you will, sure it will ([24.30], 1046)
1948 When your looks are bright, ([28.11], 1159)
your body is light
1949 Where eight directions meet, ([27.15], 1147)
there divinity shines
1950 Whoever has come to you is ([19.24], 819)
1951 Whoever helps is relative of you ([28.35], 1183)
1952 Whoever is responsible is a ([32.14], 1533)
1953 Will in chaos ([6.68], 367)
1954 Winning Adult ([43.72], 1847)
1955 Winning self is supreme, best ([39.4], 1698)
1956 Winning the mind is really test ([39.2], 1696)
1957 Winning the world is just ([39.1], 1695)
1958 Winning truth in life is a must ([39.3], 1697)
1959 Win-win adds value to all ([30.18], 1327)

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1960 Win-win, you win. Let others win ([22.54], 987)
1961 Wisdom is knowing yourself ([16.24], 738)
1962 Wisdom plus innovation is ([19.51], 846)
1963 Wise Elder ([43.73], 1848)

8. With (23)
1964 With attention there is no ([33.31], 1607)
1965 With communication, attain ([11.60], 666)
1966 With cooperation cross the hill ([36.4], 1635)
1967 With creative ideas let mind fly ([37.5], 1659)
1968 With detachment, desires you ([39.18], 1712)
1969 With devotion, work is worship ([11.67], 673)
1970 With empty hands do not go to ([22.34], 967)
Guru, God
1971 With experience, know the ([11.59], 665)
1972 With friendliness, aggression ([39.17], 1711)
you win
1973 With gentle food, intoxication ([39.16], 1710)
you win
1974 With giving and giving, ([39.20], 1714)
meanness you win
1975 With grace become an ace ([18.6], 779)
1976 With knowledge of your ([39.21], 1715)
ignorance, delusion you win
1977 With knowledge, know the ([11.58], 664)

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1978 With love and compassion, ([39.19], 1713)
anger you win
1979 With non-attachment, works ([28.82], 1230)
are done without doing
1980 With offer and receive, enjoy ([11.61], 667)
1981 With responsibility one is all and ([2.39], 43)
all is one
1982 With self-contentment works are ([28.81], 1229)
done without doing
1983 With small steps, miles you ([38.29], 1691)
1984 With solution there is no problem ([13.2], 688)
1985 With time on hand, world is in ([24.14], 1030)
your hand
1986 With young spirit enjoy old age ([16.53], 767)

1987 Wondering Child ([43.70], 1845)

2. Work (42)
1988 Work alone will lead to ([28.135], 1282)
realisation and peace
1989 Work and know more ([31.53], 1459)
1990 Work and reach the world ([8.6], 550)
1991 Work creates worthiness ([25.9], 1062)
1992 Work effectively and reap the ([30.33], 1342)
1993 Work efficiently and save time ([30.32], 1341)
1994 Work excellence adds worth ([33.17], 1593)
1995 Work for certainty ([31.70], 1476)

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1996 Work for harmony ([11.50], 656)
1997 Work for quality ([5.87], 160)
1998 Work hard. Work smart ([19.10], 805)
1999 Work in clearing ([6.141], 440)
2000 Work in present ([46.35], 1930)
2001 Work is doing, renunciation is ([28.85], 1233)
2002 Work is enriched by delegation ([5.192], 265)
2003 Work is the basic nature of man ([28.69], 1217)
2004 Work is the expression of self ([40.21], 1736)
2005 Work is the medicine ([30.26], 1335)
2006 Work is the solution ([30.27], 1336)
2007 Work is the way ([30.25], 1334)
2008 Work is value ([30.28], 1337)
2009 Work is worship of God ([35.5], 1625)
2010 Work is worth ([30.29], 1338)
2011 Work leads to self-purity ([17.1], 768)
2012 Work realization is self- ([28.73], 1221)
2013 Work smart ([5.111], 184)
2014 Work to create quality ([5.83], 156)
2015 Work to reach the goal ([5.99], 172)
2016 Work to realisation is journey ([48.86], 2058)
of life
2017 Work to realization is the ([28.91], 1239)
journey of life
2018 Work with determination ([5.107], 180)
2019 Work with devotion ([8.19], 563)
2020 Work with effort ([5.79], 152)
2021 Work with Sincerity ([5.138], 211)

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2022 Working for others' success is ([28.76], 1224)
2023 Working for own success is ([28.75], 1223)
2024 Working for the world is ([28.77], 1225)
working for the Lord
2025 Working is doing ([5.75], 148)
2026 Working is giving results ([5.71], 144)
2027 Working without an 'I', eye for ([28.79], 1227)
own returns is non-work
2028 Working without craving is ([31.72], 1478)
2029 Works and knowledge renew ([28.84], 1232)
each other

2030 World dances when devotees ([40.14], 1729)

2031 Worrylessness is worth of the life ([40.2], 1717)
2032 Worship is workshop to become ([18.19], 792)
2033 Writing is meditation ([48.87], 2059)
X-ray of xlence is to be
xperienced in meditation
2034 Yield and win ([16.47], 761)

5. You (24)
2035 You are all ([4.1], 64)
2036 You are Arjuna, yourself is ([28.128], 1276)
2037 You are taller than what you ([31.1], 1407)

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2038 You are That! ([27.10], 1142)
2039 You are the light of lights ([22.56], 989)
2040 You are the SPIRIT! ([30.11], 1320)
2041 You are zenith of this creation ([42.7], 1773)
2042 You become that what you think ([19.98], 893)
2043 You can make or break your ([19.94], 889)
future now!
2044 "You can" - to Child ([43.54], 1829)
2045 You can, We can, All can ([31.51], 1457)
2046 You choose to be happy or ([30.69], 1378)
2047 You have immense powers within ([33.2], 1578)
2048 You is Youniverse ([48.88], 2060)
2049 You must know what to do and ([28.38], 1186)
what not to
2050 You shall receive depending on ([19.60], 855)
how you ask
2051 Younite and younify ([32.55], 1574)
2052 Your deeds will stay even when ([22.25], 958)
you go
2053 Your life is a flow of grow-go- ([33.1], 1577)
know and glow
2054 Your name is Volunteer, your ([32.41], 1560)
surname is Vaishnav
2055 Your nature is your destiny ([28.93], 1241)
2056 Your positive attitude is ([28.111], 1259)
your friend
2057 Your real master is your own ([40.23], 1738)
2058 Your self is light ([14.5], 699)

222 Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras

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2059 Youth - Dare ([43.23], 1798)
2060 Youth Involves ([43.11], 1786)
2061 Zealfull service is zenith ([21.24], 933)
2062 Zen in zenith is silent language ([23.16], 1005)
2063 Zero is Hero ([48.89], 2061)
2064 Zestful life is joyful life ([20.14], 909)

This is That
This (Sutras) is That (Spirit)

Narayana Sutras A to Z — Spirit of Attitudes to Zestful Life 223

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1. To parents Srimati Gattu Seetamma and Sri Gattu

Ramanna for giving this life and giving spiritual,
devotional, ethical and leadership attitudes and values
of responsibility in life.
2. Guruji Sri Vidya Prakashananda Giri Swamiji for journey
towards consciousness and experience of THATness
through great and wonderful “Gita Makarandam”, and
to Guruji Sri Advayananda Bharti Swamiji for inspiring
towards understanding and experiencing of grace of
Sri Lalitha Maha Tripura Sundari.
3. To life partner Smt. Sujana Devi the life enricher and
partner in the spiritual journey for caring, sharing
togetherness and for pointing out towards Mahadevi.
4. To Smt. Padma Jaganmohan, Sri Bhagyeshbhai Jha, Sri
Suresh Pandit, Sri L. Rajagopalan and Acharya Sri K.V.
Krishnamurty Garu for writing insightful forewords.
5. To all the teachers of basic, technical engineering, computer
and information technology, management, leadership,
vedic, upanishadic, yogic, meditational and spiritual
education for enrichment towards enlightenment. To
Sri Yelisettilinganna Tata of Manthani, who told the stories
of Mabhabharata for we children of age of 12 years.
6. To Dr. D.M. Munshi, Professor of Principles of
Management at Ghatkopar Institute of Management in
1970, for giving the exercise on definition of management.
7. To all schools, colleges, institutions, universities, organi-
zations, voluntary organizations, where opportunity
was given for learning, sharing, working, contributing,
and serving for self progress and society progress.

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8. To brothers, sisters, relatives, elders, children, grand
children, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews and close
ones for love, care, support and consideration in life.
9. To Transpek-Silox Industry Private Limited, Vadodara
and Mr. Pareshbhai Saraiya, Managing Director for
helping in many ways.
10. To all classmates, polytechnicmates, collegemates, co-
learners, colleagues, seniors, supporters, and inspirers
for betterment.
11. To apparent opponents and critics, improvers in fact
for giving different views which caused improvement
and enrichment.
12. To all who gave cooperation, help, empowerment,
inspiration, motivation and encouragement with and
without asking from time to time.
13. To President-emeritus, Presidents, office bearers,
members, contributors, participants, supporters and
donors of Sri Sitarama Seva Sadan for being partners in
the spiritual journey of seva.
14. To Excel Industries Limited, Punjab Chemicals and
Pharmaceuticals Limited, Transpek-Silox Industry
Private Limited, La-Opala RG Limited, Yash Papers
Limited, Hyderabad Chemicals Limited, Aryan Papers
Limited, Aryan Packaging Industries, Compucare for
practice of the Sutras.
15. President, Committee Members, Sri Mukeshbhai Patel,
Executive Director Sri K.K. Nair of Ahmedabad
Management Association for continued great support
and cooperation in bringing out, printing and
distributing all spiritual and management writings of
this writer.

Gratitudes 225

Narayana Sutras and Tattva Sutras • Proof 15 • 2019 Dec 19

16. To Sri Ashwinbhai Shroff, Chairman; Excel Industries
Ltd. for keen interest in the research work for this work
and for extending support in many ways.
17. To Sri Sushilbhai Jhunjhunwala, Ajitbhai Jhunjhunwala
of La Opala RG Limited for supporting in many ways.
18. To Sri Pareshbhai Saraiya, Managing Director, Transpek
Silox Industry Pvt. Ltd. for continuous support and help
in many ways and to Mr. Tejas Mehta and Mr. Mukesh
Patil of TSIPL for support in printing many copies of
proofs of computer printouts of “Narayana Sutras and
Narayana Tattva Sutras”.
19. To Sri Prayasvinbhai Patel, Chairman - Elecon
Engineering Co. Ltd. and Mrs. Tarunaben Patel, CEO
MTC Engineering Ltd. for supporting in many ways,
Mr. Prabinbhai Panigrahi and Smt. Niraliben Vyas for
arranging to print many copies of computer proofs of
this book and to Mr. Yogendrabhai Jhala for providing
transport and to Sri Bharatbhai Patel for driving long
distances to Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar several times.
20. To Mr. L Rajagopalan and Smt. Padma Jaganmohan in
editing, value adding and preparing all writing of this
author and specially this work on “Narayana Sutras and
Narayana Tattva Sutras”.
21. To Sri Manoj Kumar, on behalf of AMA, for preparing
the computer script and bringing out this wonderful
book and for organising and streamlining the book.
22. To Sri K.K. Nair, Executive Director and Sri Manojbhai
Rana for preparing wonderful cover page of this book.
23. To M/s. N.K. Printers for printing this important book
in such a beautiful and wonderful manner.

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