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Review Activity on Thermodynamics 1 & 2.

1. A car has a mass of 600 kg, fall vertically at a distance of 12 m from rest. What is the
work done by gravity on the car?
a) 70,632J b) 35,316J c) 60,632J d) 60,362J
2. Calculate the entropy change for a process in which 3.00 mol of liquid water at 0oC is
mixed with 1.00 mol of water at 100oC in a perfectly insulated container. Assume that the
molar heat capacity of water is constant at 75.3 J· K·-1mol-1.
a) 0.97 J/K b) 2.90 J/K c) 5.67 J/K d) 8.56 J/K
3. A vessel with a volume of 1 cubic meter contains liquid water and water vapor in
equilibrium at 600 kPa. Liquid water has a mass of 1 kg. Calculate the mass (kg) of the
water vapor.
a) 1.57 b) 1.89 c) 2.54 d) 3.16
4. A Carnot heat engine receives heat from a reservoir at 1700°F at a rate of 700 Btu/min
and rejects the waste heat to the ambient air at 80°F. The entire work output of the heat
engine is used to drive a refrigerator that removes heat from the refrigerated space at 20°F
and transfers it to the same ambient air at 80°F. Determine the total rate of heat (in Btu/min)
rejection to the ambient air.
a) 4200 b) 4900 c) 5200 d) 5900
5. If 1 lbm of steam at 14.7 psia, 63% quality is heated isentropically, at what pressure will it
reach the saturated vapor state?
a) 1852 psia b) 2585 psia c) 56 psia d) 313 psia
6. Helium (Cp = 5.1926 kJ/kg K) gas is throttled steadily from 600 kPa and 80°C. Heat is lost
from the helium in the amount of 5.5 kJ/kg to the surroundings at 25°C and 100 kPa. If the
entropy of the helium increases by 0.25 kJ/kg K in the valve, determine the exit pressure.
a) 227.89 kPa c) 423.65 kPa
b) 356.78 kPa d) 527.97 kPa
7. A simple Brayton cycle uses helium as the working fluid, has a maximum temperature of
1000K and a pressure ratio of 4. At the start of the compression, the helium pressure and
temperature are 50 kPa and 250K. Based upon cold-air standard analysis, the thermal
efficiency of the cycle is
a) 0.13 b) 0.23 c) 0.33 d) 0.43
8. What horsepower is required to isothermally compress 800 ft3 of air per minute from 14.7
psia to 120 psia?
a) 28 hp b) 108 hp c) 256 hp d) 13,900 hp
9. An ideal Rankine cycle with reheat operates the boiler at 3 MPa, the reheater at 1 MPa
and the condenser at 50 kPa. The temperature at the boiler and reheater outlets is 3500C.
The boiler and reheater are fired with a fuel that releases 9000 kJ/kg of heat as it is burned.
What is the mass flow rate of the fuel for such a cycle when sized to produce 50 MW of net
a) 40 Mg/h b) 50 Mg/h c) 60 Mg/h d) 70 Mg/h
10. A refrigeration system produces 150 BTU/lbm of cooling. In order to have a rating of 1
ton of refrigeration, what must be the mass flow rate of the vapor? (1 ton of refrigeration =
12,000 BTU/h, approximately the rate required to freeze 1 ton of ice in a day)

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a) 15 lbm/h b) 80 lbm/h c) 360 lbm/h d) 800 lbm/h
11. A 3 hp refrigerator or heat pump operates between 00F and 1000F. The maximum
theoretical heat that can be transferred from the cold reservoir is nearest to
a) 13000 BTU/h c) 35000 BTU/h
b) 23000 BTU/h d) 43000 BTU/h
12. An adiabatic steady state steam turbine is being designed to serve as an energy
source for a small electrical generator. The inlet to the turbine will be steam at 6000C and
10 bar with a velocity of 100 m/s and a flowrate of 2.5 kg/s. The conditions at the turbine
exit are 4000C, 1 bar and gas velocity of 30 m/s. The rate at which work (kW) can be
obtained from this turbine is
a) –1060.6 b) 1060.6 c) –1047 d) 1422
13. Five moles of water vapor at 1000C and 1 atm pressure are compressed isobarically to
form liquid at 1000C. The process is reversible and ideal gas laws apply. Compute the
initial volume of the vapor.
a) 123L b) 133L c) 143L d) 153L
14. Based from the preceding problem, compute the work in joules that is done on the
a) 6 kJ b) 15 kJ c) 5.7 MJ d) 10.5 MJ
15. Based from the preceding problem, determine the heat of condensation in MJ for the
amount of water given. The heat of vaporization is 2257 kJ/kg.
a) 203.3 b) -203.3 c) 40.66 d) -40.66
16. Air as the working fluid is being utilized in an ideal Diesel cycle. The working fluid has a
cut off ratio and a compression ratio of 2 and 18, respectively. For air, Cp=0.240 Btu/lbm R,
Cv = 0.171 Btu/lbm R. At the beginning of the compression process, the working fluid is at
14.7 psia, 80°F, and 117 in.3. Calculate the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
a) 83.2 % b) 73.2% c) 63.2% d) 53.2%
17. Based from the preceding problem, determine the mean effective pressure.
a) 58 psia b) 110 psia c) 240 psia d) 320 psia
18. Helium as the working fluid in an ideal Ericsson cycle operating between limits of 550
and 3000 R is being utilized. Calculate the thermal efficiency of this cycle.
a) 92% b) 82% c) 72% d) 62%
19. The food compartment of a refrigerator is maintained at 40C by removing heat from it
at a rate of 360 kJ/min. If the required power input to the refrigerator is 2 kW, determine
the performance of the refrigerator.
a) 0.25 b) 0.33 b) 3 c) 4
20. Based from the preceding problem, determine the rate of heat discharge (in kJ/min) to
the room that houses the refrigerator.
a) 160 b) 240 c) 360 d) 480
21. Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 8 MPa and 5000C with a mass flowrate of 5 kg/s
and leaves at 30 kPa. The adiabatic efficiency of the turbine is 0.85. Neglecting the KE
change of the steam, determine the exit temperature in 0C.
a) 41 b) 55 c) 69 d) 77
22. Based from the preceding problem, determine the power output of the turbine in KW.
a) 1447 b) 4805 c) 12,180 d) 16,991

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23. An ideal Rankine cycle with an open-feedwater-heater regenerator operates the boiler
at 3 MPa, the regenerator at 125 kPa and the condenser at 50 kPa. At the boiler outlet, the
temperature is 3500C. What is the thermal efficiency of this cycle?
a) 24.6% b) 28.6% c) 32.6% d) 36.6%
24. An apple loses 4.5 kJ of heat as it cools per °C drop in its temperature. The amount of
heat loss from the apple per °F drop in its temperature is
a) 1.25 kJ b) 2.50 kJ c) 4.1 kJ d) 5.0 kJ
25. How long (in years) could a 2000 hp motor be operated on the heat energy liberated
by 1m3 of ocean water when the temperature of the water is lowered by 1OC and if all
these heat were converted to mechanical energy?
a) 371.56 b) 245.65 c) 210.92 d) 177.42
26. A Rankine steam cycle operates between 600 kPa (boiler) and 10 kPa (condenser).
The turbine inlet temperature is 3000C. What is the quality of the steam after it has
expanded in the turbine?
a) 90.36% b) 92.26% c) 82.26% d) 89.64%
27. An Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 8 and maximum temperature of 6270C. At the
beginning of the compression stroke, the pressure and temperature of the working fluid are
100 kPa and 270C. How much work is produced per cycle completion?
a) 43.7 kJ/kg c) 97.4 kJ/kg
b) 85.6 kJ/kg d) 114.2 kJ/kg
28. A simple Brayton cycle has a pressure ratio of 5 and a maximum temperature of 900K.
Air enters the compressor at 100 kPa, 300K. Based upon cold-air standard analysis
assumptions, the back-work ratio of this cycle is:
a) 0.22 b) 0.36 c) 0.42 d) 0.53
29. Propylene glycol is produced by the hydrolysis of propylene oxide (PO) in the liquid
This exothermic reaction occurs readily at room temperature when catalyzed by sulfuric
acid. The feed is a stream of 24,000 kg/h with a composition of: 10%w propylene oxide,
1 %w sulfuric acid and 89%w water. The heat capacity of the reaction mixture is 4.18
kJ/(kg-K) and heat of reaction is –1,459 kJ/kg PO. If an adiabatic reactor is used to
achieve a fractional conversion of 0.8 for PO with a feed temperature of 200C, the
reactor exit temperature is
a) 265K b) 295K c) 300K d) 320K
30. A pure Diesel cycle operates with a compression ratio of 15, and a cutoff ratio of 2.5.
What is the rate of heat input required for this cycle to produce 300 hp?
a) 227 kJ/s b) 386 kJ/s c) 438 kJ/s d) 556 kJ/s
31. Maximum work that could be secured by expanding the gas over a given pressure
range is the
a) isothermal work c) adiabatic work
b) isentropic work d) none of these
32. Air is compressed from 1 atm and 0 F (H = 210.27 Btu/lb) to 10 atm and 400F (H= 218.87

Btu/lb). The exit velocity of air from the compressor is 200 ft/s. Inlet air velocity is negligible.
If the load is 5 lb/min of air, the horsepower required by the compressor is
a) 1.1 b) 1.3 c) 1.5 d) 2.0

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33. A steam turbine with a rated capacity of 56400 kW operates with steam at inlet
conditions of 8600 kPa and 5000C and discharges into a condenser at a pressure of 10 kPa.
Assuming turbine efficiency of 0.75, what is the quality of steam at the discharge?
a) 0.75 b) 0.80 c) 0.85 d) 0.90
34. Based from the preceding problem, determine the mass flowrate of the steam in kg/s.
a) 20 b) 45 c) 59 d) 78
35. An engine burns a liter of fuel each 12 minutes. The fuel has a specific gravity of 0.8
and a heating value of 45 MJ/kg. The engine has an efficiency of 25%. What is the brake
horsepower of the engine?
a) 12.5 hp b) 16.8 hp c) 20.9 hp d) 50 hp
36. An ideal Rankine cycle with an open-feedwater-heater regenerator operates the boiler
at 3 MPa, the regenerator at 125 kPa and the condenser at 50 kPa. At the boiler outlet, the
temperature is 3500C. What is the thermal efficiency of this cycle?
a) 24.6% b) 28.6% c) 32.6% d) 36.6%
37. An adiabatic steady state steam turbine is being designed to serve as an energy
source for a small electrical generator. The inlet to the turbine will be steam at 6000C and
10 bar with a velocity of 100 m/s and a flowrate of 2.5 kg/s. The conditions at the turbine
exit are 4000C, 1 bar and gas velocity of 30 m/s. The rate at which work (kW) can be
obtained from this turbine is
a) –1060.6 b) –1047 c) -1422 d) 1047
38. A simple Brayton cycle uses helium as the working fluid, has a maximum temperature of
1000K and a pressure ratio of 4. At the start of the compression, the helium pressure and
temperature are 50 kPa and 250K. Based upon cold-air standard analysis assumptions, the
thermal efficiency of the cycle is
a) 0.13 b) 0.23 c) 0.33 d) 0.43
39. An ideal Rankine cycle with reheat operates the boiler at 3 MPa, the reheater at 1 MPa
and the condenser at 50 kPa. The temperature at the boiler and reheater outlets is 3500C.
The boiler and reheater are fired with a fuel that releases 9000 kJ/kg of heat as it is burned.
What is the mass flow rate of the fuel for such a cycle when sized to produce 50 MW of net
a) 40 Mg/h b) 50 Mg/h c) 60 Mg/h d) 70 Mg/h
40. If 1 lbm of steam at 14.7 psia, 63% quality is heated isentropically, at what pressure will it
reach the saturated vapor state?
a) 1852 psia b) 2585 psia c) 56 psia d) 313 psia

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