Prelim Quiz 2

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Prelim Quiz 2:

Instruction: Solve the following problems. Show all necessary solutions clear and
systematic. Minimize erasure. Consider upto 4 decimal places on your solutions then
check for the nearest correct values on the choices provided.
NO SOLUTION NO POINTS. Each number weighs 5 points.
1. An open test tube at 293K is filled at the bottom with 12.1 cm of Hg and 5.6 cm of water is
placed above the Hg. Calculate the pressure at the bottom of the test tube if the
atmospheric pressure is 756 mmHg.
a. 1.175 psia b. 17.0 psia c. 2.3 psia d. 117.5 psia
2. Calculate the pressure in a spherical tank at the bottom of the tank filled with oil having a
diameter of 8.0 ft. The top of the tank is vented to the atmosphere having a pressure of
14.72 psia. Use density of oil to be 0.922 g/cm3.
a. 17.92 psia b. 23.90 psia c. 123.50 psia d. NOTG
3. A vertical cylindrical settler-
separator is to be designed
for separating a mixture
flowing at 20.0 m3/hr and
containing equal volumes of
a light petroleum liquid (875
kg/m3) and a dilute solution
of wash water (1050 kg/m3).
Laboratory experiments
indicate a settling time of 15
min is needed to adequately separate the two phases. For design purposes use a 25-min
settling time and calculate the size of the vessel needed, the liquid levels of the light and
heavy liquids in the vessel, for you to determine the height hA2 of the heavy liquid overflow.
Assume that the ends of the vessels are approximately flat that the vessel diameter equals
its height and the one-third of the volume is vapor space vented to the atmosphere.
a. hA2 = 3.573 m b. hA2 = 2.753 m c. hA2 = 1.537 m d. hA2 = 0.375 m
Linkage Problem for Nos 4 – 6:
A hydrocarbon liquid enters a simple flow system at an average velocity of 1.282 m/s, where A1 =
4.33 x 10 -3 m2 and ρ1 = 902 kg/m3. The liquid is heated in the process and the exit density is 87
kg/m3. The cross-sectional area at point 2 is 5.26 x 10 -3 m2. The process is steady state.
4. Calculate the mass flowrate at the entrance.
a. 3.17 kg/s b. 7.80 kg/s c. 2.10 kg/s d. 5.00 kg/s
5. Calculate the mass flowrate at the exit.
a. 3.17 kg/s b. 7.80 kg/s c. 2.10 kg/s d. 5.00 kg/s
6. Calculate the mass velocity in 1.
a. 1156 kg/s-m2 b. 1111 kg/s-m2 c. 1250 kg/s-m2 d. 980 kg/s-m2
7. A well-stirred vessel contains 10,000 kg of solution of a dilute methanol solution (0.05 mass
fraction alcohol). A constant flow of 500 kg/min of pure water is suddenly introduced into
the tank and a constant rate of withdrawal of 500 kg/min of solution is started. These two
flows are continued and remain constant. Assuming that the densities of the solutions are
the same and that the total contents of the tank remains constant at 10, 000 kg of solution,
calculate the time for the alcohol content to drop to 1.0 wt%.
a. 102 min b. 3 hrs c. 32 min d. 0.8 hr
8. A centrifugal pump is being tested for performance and during the test the pressure
reading in the 0.305 m diameter suction line just adjacent to the pump casing is -20.7 kPa.
In the discharge line with a diameter of 0.254 m at a point 2.53 m above the suction line,
the pressure is 289.6 kPa gage. The flow of water from the pump is measured as 0.1133 m3/s,

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calculate the power input of the pump.
a. 38.11 kW b. 81.31 kW c. 13.81 kW d. 18.31 kW
9. Pure water at 200C is flowing down a vertical wetted-wall column at a rate of 0.124 kg/s-m.
Calculate the film thickness and the average velocity.
a. δ = 3.370 x 10-4 m; ν = 0.9075 m/s c. δ = 3.730 x 10-4 m; ν = 0.9075 m/s
b. δ = 3.730x 10 m; ν = 0.3687 m/s d.
δ = 3.370 x 10-4 m; ν = 0.3687 m/s
10. Nitrogen gas is flowing through a 4-in Sched 40 commercial steel pipe at 298 K. The total
flowrate is 7.40 x 10-2 kg/s and the flow can be assumed as isothermal. The pipe is 3000 m
long and the inlet pressure is 200 kPa. Calculate the outlet pressure.
a. 310.5 kPa b. 188.5 kPa c. 187.1 kPa d. 389.2 kPa
11. Heat flux through a wood slab 50 mm thick, whose inner and outer surfaces are 40OC and
20OC respectively has been determined to be 40W/m2. Determine the thermal conductivity
of the slab.
a. 10 W/m2-K b. 0.1 W/m2 K c. 20 W/m2 K d. 0.2 W/m2 K
12. A large surface at 50 C is exposed to air at 20 C. If the heat transfer coefficient between

the surface and the air is 15 W/m2.K, determine the heat transferred from 5m2 of surface
area in 7 hours.
a. 15.75 kJ b. 1.16 nJ c. 56.7 MJ d. 4.375 J
13. A sphere having 10 cm in diameter is suspended inside a large evacuated chamber whose
wall are kept at 300K. If the surface of the sphere is black, and maintained at 500K, what
would the heat loss from the sphere to the walls of the chamber?
a. 96.85 W b. 30.84 W c. 77.48 W d. 85.24 W
14. The velocity of water flowing through a tube of 22 mm diameter is 2 m/s. The steam
condenses at 150OC on the outside surface of the tube and heats the water from 15OC to
60OC over the entire length of the tube. Ignore the tube and steam side film resistance.
Calculate the length of the tube.
a. 2.43 m b. 3.45 m c. 4.45 m d. 2.22 m
15. Saturated steam at 1.43 bar condenses on a 1.9 cm OD vertical smooth tube which is 20
cm long. The tube wall is at uniform temperature of 109OC. Calculate the heat transfer
coefficient. The mean film properties are: ρ = 951.0 kg/m3, μ= 258.9 x10-6 Pa.s, k = 0.685
W/m.K, ν = 0.2714 x 10-6 m2/s, λ@383K = 2230 kJ/kg.K
a. 13, 666 W/m2-K b. 18, 720 W/m2-K c. 17, 653 W/m2-K d. 19, 451 W/m2-K
16. What is the thickness required for a masonry wall having a thermal conductivity of 0.75
W/m2.K if the heat transfer rate is to 80% of the rate through another wall having a thermal
conductivity of 0.25 W/m2.K and a thickness of 100 mm? Both of the walls are subjected to
the same to the same temperature difference.
a. 678 mm b. 375 mm c. 0.12 in d. 1.78 in
17. Steam in a condenser of a steam power plant is to be condensed at a temperature of
30OC with cooling water from a nearby lake, which enters the tubes of the condenser at
14OC and leaves at 22OC. The surface area of the tubes is 45 m2 and an overall heat
transfer coefficient of 2100 W/m2.K. Calculate the steam condensation rate in the
condenser. λ@303K = 2430.5 kJ/kg.
a. 0.45 kg/s b. 0.012 x 103 kg/s c. 0.67 kg/s d. 0.031 x 103 kg/s
18. A rectangular steel cold box with 4.76 mm (3/16 in.) thick walls has interior dimensions of 1.0
m by 1.25 m by 2.0 m (3.28 ft by 4.10 ft by 6.56 ft). It is insulated on all sides by a 10 cm (3.94
in.) thick layer of rock wool with a thermal conductivity of 0.040 W/m⋅ K (0.023
Btu/h⋅ ft⋅ °F). The interior wall temperature is −20°C (−4°F), and the exterior surface of the
insulation is at 40°C (104°F). Calculate the heat-transfer rate from the surrounding
atmosphere to the interior of the box.
a. 125 W b. 298 W c. 425 W d. 618 W

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Linkage Problem for Nos. 19 – 20:
A furnace is constructed with 0.20 m of firebrick, 0.10 m of
insulating brick, and 0.20 m of building brick. The inside
temperature is 1200 K and the outside temperature is 330 K. If the
thermal conductivities are as shown in the figure, estimate the
heat loss per unit area and the temperature at the junction of the firebrick and the insulating
19. The heat loss per unit area is
a. 961 W/m2 b. 1056 W/m2 c. 1248 W/m2 d. 1567 W/m2
20. The temperature at the junction of the firebrick and the insulating brick is
a. 890 K b. 990 K c. 1063 K d. 1115 K
21. Hot water at 98oC flows a 2-in Sched 40 horizontal steel pipe (k=54 W/m-oC) and is
exposed to atmospheric air at 20 oC. The water velocity is 25 cm/s. Calculate the
overall heat-transfer coefficient based on the outer area of pipe.
a. 0.667 W/m2-oC b. 7.87 W/m2-oC c. 1.278 W/m2-oC d. 9.67 W/m2-oC
22. Water at the rate of 68 kg/min is heated from 35 to 75 C by an oil having a specific

heat of 1.9 kJ/kg-OC. The fluids are used in a counterflow double-pipe heat exchanger,
and the oil enters the exchanger at 110 oC and leaves at 75oC. The overall heat-
transfer coefficient is 320 W/m2-oC. Calculate the heat-exchanger area.
a. 156 ft2 b. 210 ft2 c. 98 ft2 d. 170 ft2
23. Instead of the double pipe heat exchanger of the preceding problem, it is desired to
use a shell-and-tube exchanger with the water making one shell pass and the oil
making two tube passes. Calculate the area required for this exchanger, assuming
that the overall heat-transfer coefficient remains at 320 W/m2-oC.
a. 210 ft2 b. 98 ft2 c. 170 ft2 d. 156 ft2
LINKAGE PROBLEM for Nos. 24 – 26:
Water at the rate of 30,000 lb/h is heated from 100 to 130 oF in a shell-and-tube heat
exchanger. On the shell side one pass is used with water as the heating fluid, 15,000 lb/h,
entering the exchanger at 200 oF. The overall heat-transfer coefficient is 250 BTU/hr-ft2-oF and
the average water velocity in the ¾ in diameter tubes is 1.2 ft/s. Because of space
limitations, the tube length must not be longer than 8ft.
24. Calculate the number of tube passes.
a. 2 b. 3 c. 7 d. 8
25. Determine the number of tubes per pass.
a. 78 b. 36 c. 72 d. 28
26. What would be the length of the tubes?
a. 1.65 m b. 1.77 m c. 1.89 m d. 2.01 m
27. A heat exchanger is used to heat an oil in the tubes (c = 1.9 kJ/kg- C) from 15oC to

85oC. Blowing across the outside of the tubes is steam that enters at 130 oC and leaves
at 110 oC with a mass flow of 5.2 kg/s. The overall heat-transfer coefficient is 275 W/m2-
C and c for steam is 1.86 kJ/kg-oC. Calculate the surface area of the heat exchanger.
a. 49.11 m2 b. 37.13 m2 c. 26.15 m2 d. 10.82 m2
28. Hot oil at 100 oC is used to heat air in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The oil makes
six tube passes and the air makes one shell pass; 2.0 kg/s of air are to be heated from
20 to 80 oC. The specific heat of the oil is 2100 J/kg-oC, and its flowrate is 3.0 kg/s.
Calculate the area required for the heat exchanger for U = 200 W/m2-oC.
a. 27 m2 b. 20 m2 c. 17 m2 d. 10 m2

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29. A shell-and-tube heat exchanger is used as an ammonia condenser with ammonia
vapor entering the shell at 50◦C as a saturated vapor. Water enters the single-pass tube
arrangement at 20◦C and the total heat transfer required is 200 kW. The overall heat-
transfer coefficient is estimated to be 1000 W/m2 · ◦C. Determine the area to achieve a
heat exchanger effectiveness of 60 percent with an exit water temperature of 40◦C.
What percent reduction in heat transfer would result if the water flow is reduced in half
while keeping the heat exchanger area and U the same?
a. 89% b. 94% c. 20% d. 37%
30. An aluminum cube, 5 cm on a side, is heated to a uniform temperature of 500 K and
then suddenly allowed to cool in surrounding air at 1 atm and 300 K. The effective
radiation temperature of the surroundings is also 300 K. How long will it take the cube
to cool to a temperature of 50◦C if the surface is coated with a flat black paint?
a. 67.1 min b. 38.5 min c. 72.0 min d. 31.2 min

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