ƏLİZADƏ ASİMAN SƏFƏR-61190032 AzMIU-2018 - 2019 - Azərbaycan Tarixi 118i, 169i, 209i, 339i, 649i, 749i, 849i

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Try to set a cronological sequence:

1-Battle of Gaugamela
2-Kimmer, Scythian and Sac tribes settled in Manna
3- Manna was included into the state of Media
4-Iranzu’s policy of sentralization
A) 3,4,2,1
B) 2,3,1,4
C) 4,3,2,1
D) 1,3,4,2
E) 4,2,3,1
2. Define the cronological succession:
1- Beyshehir battle
2- Otlukbeli (Tarjan) battle
3-United forces defeated Timurid Omar’s troops on the bank of the Kur
4- Malatya battle
5- Kara Yusif defeated Ibrahim’s I troops on the bank of the Kur
A) 4,5,2,1,3
B) 1,2,5,4,3
C) 2,3,5,1,4
D) 3,5,1,4,2
E) 3,4,1,2,5
3. Fights Teymurids defeated :
1-Ankara ;
2-I Şənbi Qazan;
3- Terek;
4- Sardrud;
6- II Shanbi Qazan;
A) 4,5
B) 1,2
C) 2,3
D) 4,6
E) 2,4
4. Define the cronological succession:
1-At the Praga summit Azerbaijan Republic was accepted a member of the NATO
Parliamentary Assembly
2-Azerbaijan Republic was accepted a member of the Council of Europe
3- “Lider”semi-submersible sea rig was put into operation
4- “Azeri-Chiraq-Guneshli” oil fields’ have begun the production of first oil
5- Athletes of the independent Azerbaijan Republic first time were performed XXVI
Summer Olympic Games
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 2,1,5,4,3
C) 1,5,2,3,4
D) 5,2,1,3,4
E) 4,3,5,2,1
5. Define the compatibility:
1-Uzun Hasan
2- Tahmasp I
3-Shah Abbas I
a- Relased Darband from taxes
b- Defeated Timur’s forces in Chapakchur
c- Created “Kanunnameh” to put tax issues in order
d- Defeated Murad Mirza in the battle of Almagulaghi
e- Canceled tax of tamga
A) 1c,2e,3a
B) 1c,2e,3b
C) 1d,2c,3d
D) 1e,2a,3c
E) 1b,2a,3b
6. Mesolith belonged:
A) 9-6 mil. B.C.
B) 11-7 mil. B.C.
C) 13-10 mil B.C.
D) 10-9 mil. B.C.
E) 12-8 mil. B.C
7. Write the name of the king who was killed by the rebels in the year of
716 B.C. :
A) Aza
B) Ahsheri
C) Ullusunu
D) Iranzu
E) Ualli
8. Define the compatibility:
1-Mirza Jafar Topchubashov
2-Mirza Kazim bay
3-Zeynalabdin Shirvani
a- prominent geographer of XVIII-XIX centuries, during his travel to the East contries
wrote works “Jennet baghi sayahety”(“Paradise of travels”), “Seyahet baghi”
(“Travel garden”)
b- Between-1848-1851 years durinh the restoration of the wall art (“Sheki khan
sarayi”) created the level of imagination about Azerbaijan decorative art
c- prominent orientalists of XIX century, athor of works “Muridism and Shamil” and
d- In 1809 his drawings’ “Kalila and Dimne” paintings are remarkable
e- prominent orientalists of XIX century, athor of works “Iranian crestomatia” and
“The history of the mongolians from ancient times up to the Tamerlane”
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1c,2d,3e
C) 1e,2c,3a
D) 1b,2a,3d
E) 1c,2e,3d
9. Formation of Independence Manna:
A) The end of III century B.C.
B) IV century B.C.
C) The middle of II century B.C.
D) IX century B.C.
E) The end of III – the beginning of II century B.C.
10. To determine the compatibility:
1- Emir Dovlatyar
2-Abdulkadir Maraghai
3-Acemi Abubaker oglu
a- musicologist
b- painter
c- architect
d- historian
e- poet
A) 1c, 2d, 3e
B) 1a, 2c, 3b
C) 1d, 2c, 3e
D) 1a, 2b, 3d
E) 1b, 2a, 3c
11. The February and in August of 1905 tsar government organized slaughter in
which territories of Azerbaijan?
A) In Baku and Guba;
B) In the Shamakhy and Guba;
C) In the Shusha and Baku;
D) In Baku and Ganja;
E) In the Nakhchivan and Erevan;
12. Define the cronological succession:
1-The state of Sasanid collapsed
2- Albania joined the Sasanid state
3- The state of Girdiman established
4- Ardashir Babekan came to the power
5- Atropatena joined the Sasanid state
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 5,2,1,3,4
C) 3,2,5,1,4
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 4,5,2,3,1
13. How was called the governs of mahal in the period of Ottoman rule?
A) Katkhuda
B) Sandikhdar
C) Naib
D) Kalantar
E) Yasavul
14. In Azrebaijan the horses were domesticated for the first time:
A) At the end V millenium BC
B) In the XIV-XII centuries BC
C) Approximately 100 thousand years ago
D) In the second half of the IV millenium BC
E) At the end of the III millenium BC and beginning of the II millenium BC
15. Which economy is Natural economy?
A) Which does not have connection with market, producing from estate in the edge goods
of necessary economy to farm
B) Having connection with market, producing in the estate inside of the definite part of the
goods of necessary need to economy
C) Which does not have connection with market, to economy occured in the exchange in
the result of
D) Having connection with market, producing from estate in the edge goods of necessary
need to economy
E) Which does not have connection with market, producing in the estate inside of the
goods of necessary need to economy
16. USSR and Azerbaijan SSR was adopted III constitution:
A) 1995,1996
B) 1954,1955
C) 1936,1937
D) 1977,1978
E) 1921,1924
17. Define the compatibility:
2-Oruj bek Bayat
3-Antony Jenkinson
a- was leadership in Shirvan against Safavids in 1615-1616
b- he could be able to get free tax trading privilege from Abdulla khan Ustajli
beglerbegi of Shirvan
c- noted that, seven kind of cotton was cultivated in Azerbaijan
d- who lived in Europe using Don Juan as a pen-name, was the author of historical-
goographic works
e- ambassador of Germany came to Tabriz in 1603 and suggested military union in
operations against Ottoman empire
A) 1d,2b,3a
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1e,2d,3b
D) 1c,2d,3e
E) 1b,2e,3d
18. 1883-1900 years included:
1-Opened telegraph office Tbilisi-Irevan-Nakhchivan
2-Opened railway of Tbilisi-Baku
3-Start working railway Beladjari and Mahachkala
4-The garden was established in Nobel
A) 2,3
B) 2,4
C) 1,2
D) 1,4
E) 3,4
19. Factors creating conditions to begin to live in Azerbaijan territory of the
primitive (primary) people are what ?
1- of the sources of sweet water, plant and richness of the animal
2- Sevenfold existing of the stay naturally and fortifications
3- firewood existing in the nature
4- being of the natural caves
5- developing of the tillage and cattle-breeding
A) 4,5
B) 1,4
C) 1,2
D) 2,4
E) 1,5
20. After a few years Turkmenchay Treaty was canceled Albanian Cathalicos?
A) 8
B) 24
C) 21
D) 13
E) 11
21. Define the cronological succession:
1- Germany signed the act of unconditional surrender During World War II
2-n Berlin was organized emigrant Azerbaijani parliament and government During
World War II
3- The military unit arranged Caucasian Muslims in actively particapated in the
capture of an important strategic heights Caucasus – Mozdok, Kazbek and Elbrus
During World War II
4-M.A.Rasulzadeh waz invited to Germany During World War II
5-In Berlin was organized National Azerbaijan comitee During World War II
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 4,3,5,2,1
C) 1,5,2,3,4
D) 2,1,5,4,3
E) 5,2,1,3,4
22. First sultan of Seljuk’s:
A) Toghrul I
B) Alp-Arslan
C) Melikshah I
D) Jahan Pahlavan
E) Melikshah II
23. Belonged to XVII centuries memorial is:
A) Sheki palace
B) Shirvan palace
C) Gulustan fortress
D) Kalakhana monument in Shamakhi
E) Shusha fortress
24. In the result of Almaqulaqı fight in 1503:
A) Qizilbashs won, Khorasan became their terrotories
B) Shirvanshah troops were defeated, Safavids won;
C) Safavids gained a victory on Jalairis;
D) Qiailbashs gained a victory i on Kharaqoyunlus;
E) Safavids won, it was put an end to being the Aggoyunly state;
25. Define the cronological succession:
1-The Movoment “Kharijilar” (“Foreigners”) against the Chaliphate
2-The start of movoment of Khurramids
3-Bazz war
4-Babek was executed
5-Afshin was appointed commander in chief of the army Chaliphate against of
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 1,5,2,4,3
D) 2,5,1,4,3
E) 3,4,5,2,1
26. Define the cronological succession:
1-Silver coins minted on behalf of Alexander the Great in Albania
2- Iranzu - the ruler of Manna created the sistem of successorship in the country
3- Antony, the Roman warlord attaked Fraaspa, one of the central cities of
4-Ahshery - the ruler of Manna pursued an independent foreign polisy
A) 4,3,2,1
B) 1,3,4,2
C) 2,4,1,3
D) 4,2,3,1
E) 3,4,2,1
27. Define the cronological succession:
1- Sardrud battle
2- Shanbi-Gazan battle I
3-Shanbi-Gazan battle II
4-Alashkerd battle
5- Baghdad battle
A) 4,5,2,3,1
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 3,4,2,1,5
E) 5,2,1,3,4
28. Define the cronological succession:
1-Connection the Derbent khanate to Guba khanate
2-Selecting Nadir Shah
3-Battle Gavdushan
4-Sheki khanate had become dependent on Guba khanate
A) 3,1,4,2
B) 2,1,3,4
C) 4,3,1.2
D) 2,3,1,4
E) 3,2,1,4
29. Define the compatibility:
1- Manna
2- Atropatena
3- Albania
a-Capital city was Gabala
b-Capital city was Ekbatana
c-Capital city was Gazaka
d-Capital city was Izirtu
e-Capital city was Persopole
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1e,2d,3b
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1b,2e,3d
E) 1d,2c,3a
30. Define the compatibility:
1- Caterino Zeno
2-Marko Rosso
3-Godek Ahmed
A- row out his father Gushtasp from throne
b- as remarkable figure and poet of XIV century
c- ame to Tabriz – Akkoyunlu palace
d- ussian king Ivan III sent him to Uzun Hasan for broaden traiding
e-became the ruler of Akkoyunlu state in 1497
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1b,2e,3d
C) 1d,2b,3a
D) 1c,2d,3e
E) 1a,2b,3c
31. Define the cronological succession:
1- The Arab army besieged Ctesiphon – the capital of the Sassanid
2- The successor Isfandiyar ibn Farrukhzad was defeated by the arabs in the Ardabil
3-The population of Ardabil rebelled against Arabs
4- The Bizantine emperor Konstantin II and Javanshir met each other the first time
5-The attack of the Arabs to Azerbaijan happened after the Hamadan and Nahavand
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 4,5,2,3,1
D) 2,1,5,4,3
E) 3,4,2,1,5
32. Fataly khan Afshar's result of the bringing troops of 1759 to the Karabakh:
A) Karabakh khan accepted political dependence
B) Fataly khan was defeated and accepted the dependence of the Karabakh khanate
C) Fataly was khan compelled to depart back being defeated
D) Panahali khan defeated Fataly khan and he killed him holding captive
E) It was for both sides unsuccessful
33. "Xırdamalik" was called:
A) Land given to not numerous people in the North Azerbaijan;
B) Areas of land being in the special property of the feudal lords;
C) Land given to order of all kins in the South Azerbaijan;
D) Service instead of lands forgiven to the state;
E) Special land of the less parts of the peasants of South Azerbaijan;
34. First social-democracy party in the World of Muslim 1904th years:
A) Musavat
B) National-democracy
C) Bolshevik
D) Hummat
E) Organization Qeyrat
35. Define the compatibility:
2- 262
3- 337
a-Sanaturk captured the capital city of Valarshapat
b-Dzirav battle took place between the Romans – Sassanid armies
c-Shapur I engraved an inscription on the wall of the Nagshi-Rustam temple
d-Shapur I, the king of Sassanid defeated the Roman army
e-Mazdak was executed
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1e,2d,3b
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1d,2c,3a
E) 1b,2e,3d
36. Define the cronological succession:
1- Khurram’s revolt occured during the period Harun ar-Rashid
2-Babek was born in a poor family Bilalabad near the willage Ardabil
3- The famous commander Afshin was appointed leader in chief of the Arab army
4- Caliph sent the first regular army against Khurram
5- Babek began lead the Khurramites movement
A) 4,5,2,3,1
B) 3,4,2,1,5
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 5,2,1,3,4
E) 1,5,2,3,4
37. There are not by origin Turk dynasties which is:
1- Sasanid's
3- Timurid's
5- Ahamanid's
A) 2,3
B) 3,4
C) 4,5
D) 1,5
E) 1,3
38. The generation living tribes in the Atropatena
5- Mags
A) 2,3,4,5
B) 1,2,4,5
C) 2,4,5,6
D) 1,2,3,5
E) 1,2,3,4
39. They had created semi-independent central Barda Emirate:
A) Mazyads
B) Shaddadids
C) Sajis
D) Kasranids
E) Ravvadids
40. Define the compatibility:
2- J.Unsizade
3- M.F.Akhundzadeh
a- The publisher of the newspaper “Keshkul”
b- The publisher of the newspaper “Ekinchi”(“Plowman”)
c- A prominent artist of the Azerbaijan in XIX century
d- Wrote the comedy “Serguzeshti vezir-khani Lenkeran”
e- The first leader of Azerbaijani branch of Qory Teachers Seminary
A) 1b,2a,3d
B) 1e,2c,3a
C) 1c,2d,3e
D) 1e,2d,3b
E) 1c,2e,3d
41. Factors creating conditions to begin to live in Azerbaijan territory of the
primitive (primary) people are what ?
1- of the sources of sweet water, plant and richness of the animal
2- Sevenfold existing of the stay naturally and fortifications
3- firewood existing in the nature
4- being of the natural caves
5- developing of the tillage and cattle-breeding
A) 1,2
B) 2,4
C) 1,4
D) 4,5
E) 1,5
42. Define the compatibility:
1- Iskender bek Munshi
2-Sultan Muhammad
3- Sadik bek Afshar
a- musicologist of the XV century
b- Was a miniature artist (painter) of the XVI century
c- naturalist painter of the XVI century
d- poet of the XVIII century
e- Was a historian XVI-XVII centuries
A) 1e, 2b, 3 d
B) 1c, 2b, 3a
C) 1d, 2e, 3b
D) 1b, 2c, 3d
E) 1e, 2b, 3c
43. Define the cronological succession:
1-Hulagu state was collapsed
2-Abu Said the king of the Hulagu state was poisoned by his wife and decline of
Ilkhanates commenced
3-Ghazan khan could be able to suppress Tayjuoghly rebellion and strengthen
central state
4-In Ganja upraising raised against Jalaladdin’s severe tax policy with the
leadership of master Bandar
5-Ghazan khan’s order about peasants’ moving one place to another was forbidden
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 4,3,5,2,1
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 5,2,1,3,4
44. Is not belongs Gobustan:
A) Rock descriptions
B) Tools of labour prepared flint
C) Primitive art
D) Siclopic buildings
E) Tools of labour prepared from bone
45. It is about Arattanan religious faith:
1- existing of the Polytheist
2-Temples constructs of zikkurats
3-Idolizing to İnanna and to other God's
4-Leading of Chatil's to temples
5-Existing of the worship to God of Sun-Amona
6-Heading of the priest being called Masmas;
A) 4, 5, 6
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 1, 3, 6
D) 1, 4, 6
E) 2, 3, 4
46. Define the cronological succession:
1- Vine-growing and wine-making appeared
2- The Neolithic Revolution took place
3- Established modern man type – “Homo sapiens”
4- Cyclopian castles were built
5- Matriarchal was replaced by patriarchal
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 5,2,1,3,4
D) 4,3,5,2,1
E) 3,2,5,1,4
47. In Azerbaijan the primitive community structure was collapsed:
A) In the Erly Bronze Age
B) In the Neolithic Period
C) In the Paleolithic Period
D) In the last stage of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age
E) In the Middle Bronze Age
48. Machine tractor stations (MTS) serving in the collective farms were abolished:
A) 1963
B) 1958
C) 1947
D) 1991
E) 1982
49. Mehdi Huseynzadeh was awarded Hero of the Soviet Union:
A) 1945
B) 1957
C) 1943
D) 1944
E) 1947
50. More than 20 countries Azerbaijan’s diplomatic representations also Consulate
of Tabriz was opened:
A) 2004
B) 2000
C) 1996
D) 2011
E) 2017
51. Define the cronological succession:
1-Nakhchivan khanate was captured by the Russian army
2-Lankaran khanate was captured by the Russian army
3-Garababa battle between Russia and Iran
4-Gumru battle between Russia and Ottoman empire
5-Aslanduz battle battle between Russia and Iran
A) 4,3,5,2,1
B) 1,2,5,3,4
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 5,2,1,3,4
52. Please note attributed to the monument in 1465:
A) “Hasht-behisht” in Tabriz
B) Oljaytu Khudabanda mausoleum in Sultaniyya
C) Barda mausoleum
D) The “Blue Mosque” (“Goy masjid”) in Tabriz
E) Shaikh Junayd mausoleum in Hazra willage of Kusar district
53. Khanates were annexed by Russia in 1827:
A) Irevan , Nakhchivan
B) Ganja,Baku
C) Baku, Shamakhi
D) Ganja, Guba
E) Karabakh, Shaki,
54. Who was deputy of shah in wordly and religious issues, was considered the
second person in the empire during first Safavid period?
A) Vekil (lowyer)
B) Amir-ulumara
C) Beglerbegi
D) Kalantar
E) Vizier
55. Huseyngulu khan gave to Zubov who led to the Russian army Baku towers key:
A) In 1793
B) In 1803
C) In 1796
D) In 1722
E) in 1806
56. Nadir Shah’s tax polisy, how the results?
A) The craftsmanship and trade development, taxes reduced
B) Expanded corn fields, hunger disappeared
C) Worsened the living conditions of the majority of the population
D) Improved condition’s life the masses
E) Maljehet and Get the tax was applied
57. Fight way till Berlin past Azerbaijan division in years of The Second World War
from the Caucasian:
A) 402
B) 223
C) 307
D) 77
E) 416
58. Who made Barda the capital city of Albania?
A) Mehran
B) Javanshir
C) Vardan
D) Varaz-Gregor
E) Turdat
59. Azerbaijan’s the first communication satellite was launched into space:
A) 2000
B) 2015
C) 2011
D) 2017
E) 2013
60. In the XVII century there were the followings forms of land ownership in
1- Lands of the khan and his family (inju)
2-State lands (divani)
3- Lands of the king and his family (khalisa)
4- Conventional land areas owned by military and civilian officials (tiyul)
5-Conventional land areas owned by military and civilian officials (igta)
A) 1,2,4
B) 1,3,4
C) 2,3,5
D) 1,2,3
E) 2,3,4
61. Define the compatibility:
1- The Catacomb graves belong
2-The initial version of “Avesta” was destroyed over the arson of the Achaemenids
Palace bu Alexander the Great
3-The population of southern Azerbaijan was familiar with cuneiform
a- III millenium B.C.
b- I millenium B.C.
c- 330 B.C.
d- 223 B.C.
e- I–III centures of A.D.
A) 1b,2a,3d
B) 1c,2e,3d
C) 1c,2d,3e
D) 1a,2b,3c
E) 1e,2c,3a
62. In1795:
A) Agha Mohammad khan Gajar came to power
B) Agha Mohammad khan Gajar entered the Tbilisi
C) Agha Mohammad khan Gajar declared Tehran the capital
D) Agha Mohammad khan Gajar was killed
E) Agha Mohammad khan Gajar entered the Shamakhi
63. Albanian existed :
A) Around of the Urmiya lake
B) In the south Dagestan
C) In the area of Kur-Aras area
D) In the area collision of Kur-Aras
E) Between of Iberia and Caspian sea
64. How many years before have been created the Azerbaijani branch of the
Academy of Sciences in the USSR till was created Academy of Sciences of
A) 15 years
B) 30 years
C) 22 years
D) 10 years
E) 25 years
65. Define the cronological succession:
1- The primitive community structure collapsed
2- Kur-Aras culture period
3- There were traces of fire in Azikh cave
4- The first flocks of people occured in Azerbaijan
5- Mousterian culture period
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 3,2,5,1,4
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 4,3,5,2,1
E) 1,5,2,3,4
66. The holy book of the Zoroastrian is:
A) “Kitabi - Dede Korkud”
B) “Avesta”
C) “Injil”
D) “Koran”
E) “Tovrat”
67. Define the compatibility:
1- Patricks
2- Khostak
3- Kharag
a- conditional land ownership
b- feudal land ownership
c- were consisted of small and medium feudal lords in Albania
d- the land tax
e- larger feudal lords
A) 1e,2b,3d
B) 1e,2a,3d
C) 1c,2e,3b
D) 1a,2b,3c
E) 1c,2d,2e
68. Define the cronological succession:
1- Took place Dandanakan battle
2- After the hard coup to Khorasan’s Oguzes by Mahmud Gaznavi, about 2000 Oguz
family moved to Azerbaijan and Ravaddid ruler’s Vahsudan allowed to lived here
3-Shirvanshah Fariburz I obeyed to the seljuks and Azerbaijan was joined as a
whole the part of the Great Seljuk Empire
4-In Eastern Anatolia Seljuk-Azerbaijan turkish troops destroyed the combined
forces of Byzantine, armenian ahd georgian feodal lords
5-The capital of Seljuks transferred from the city Nishapur to the city Ray
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 5,2,1,3,4
C) 4,5,2,3,1
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 3,4,2,1,5
69. In the 662 Javanshir won:
A) on the Turkies
B) on the khazars
C) on the persian
D) on the Russian
E) on the kuties
70. What are the events, which refers to the state of Eldenizids?
1-Was the first capital sity of Nakhchivan
2-Has been underwent to the I Mongol invasion
3-Qizil Arslan was the last ruler
4-Has been underwent to the II Mongol invasion
5-Collapsed by Jalaluddin Kharezmshah
A) 1,2,3
B) 2,3,5
C) 1,2,5
D) 1,2,4
E) 1,3,5
71. Define the compatibility:
1-Beginning from the VII century
2- The Middle Bronze age
3- The Early Bronze age
a- The population transferred to the sedentary
b- The Arrow and Bow were invented
c- Iron was widely used
d- ardening and horticulture had emerged as new economic areas
e-Male labor skipped forward and matriarcal was replaced by patriarchal
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1d,2c,3a
D) 1c,2d,3e
E) 1b,2e,3d
72. Was founded Tabriz University:
A) In 1943
B) In 1942
C) In 1945
D) In 1941
E) In 1946
73. How many years has continued reign of the Karagoyunlu state?
A) 58
B) 100
C) 33
D) 43
E) 68
74. The lands belonging to mosques was callaed:
A) Jamaat
B) Tiyul
C) Vaqf
D) Mulk
E) Divani
75. In territory of south Azerbaijan in 1946 year happened:
A) Established the University of Tabriz
B) Published newspaper “Azerbaijan” in own language
C) Signed right about election
D) Established ADP
E) Signed right on own language
76. Musical works created in Azerbaijan in 1946-1958:
1-the opera of Leyli and Macnun
2-the ballet of Ildirimli Yollarla;
3-the comedy of Arshin mal alan;
4-the ballet of Qiz Qalasi;
5- the ballet of Mahabbat afsanasi;
6-the opera of Sevil;
A) 2, 3, 4;
B) 4, 5, 6;
C) 2, 5, 6;
D) 2, 4, 6;
E) 1, 3, 5;
77. The first time in the history of Azerbaijan on the basis of scientific sourcrs
A.A.Bakikhanov had wrote in 1841:
A) “Gulustani-Iram”
B) “Karabakhname”
C) “The life of Fatali khan Guba”
D) “History of Sheki khans”
E) “History of Karabakh
78. Define the cronological succession:
1- The return of the tiyul lands of the Kazakh-Shamshadil and Borchali lords
2- A ban on state villagers moving from plase to place in North Azerbaijan
3-The creation of the successorship by the central government
4-The creation of Georgia-Imereti province and the Caspian region
5-The confiscation of the tiyul lands of the Kazakh-Shamshadil and Borchali lords
A) 3,1,2,5,4
B) 4,3,1,5,2
C) 5,1,4,3,2
D) 4,5,3,1,2
E) 3,2,1,5,4
79. How many in years Azerbaijan taking out from Caspian bank provinces of the
Russian troops enteredof general Zubov troops to ?
A) 71
B) 51
C) 61
D) 74
E) 13
80. Define the compatibility:
a- Shaki khan palace was built
b-“Goy masjid”(“Blue mosque”) was built
c- Mirrored salon of the Sardar palace was built in Irevan
d- “Bayat tower” was built in Karabakh khanate
e- “Shusha tower” was built in Karabakh khanate
A) 1a,2b,3c
B) 1b,2a,3d
C) 1c,2d,3e
D) 1c,2e,3d
E) 1e,2c,3a
81. In 1663 years had built Azerbaijan architectural buildings
1-Mosque at the village Nardaran
2-The Palace of Shirvanshahs
3-Fortress of Sanquachal
4-Mahbara at Kalakhana of Shamakhi
A) 1,3
B) 2,3
C) 2,4
D) 3,4
E) 1,4
82. Define the cronological succession:
1-Fashist Germany attacked to USSR
2-Germany attacked to Poland and began the second World War
3-The scond World War is finished
4-“Mikhaylo”- Mehdi Huseynzadeh killed
5- At the Stalingrad front tank regiment of Hazi Aslanov showed great heroism
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 4,3,5,2,1
C) 1,5,2,3,4
D) 2,1,5,4,3
E) 1,2,5,3,4
83. Discovered lower jaw from Azyh cave becoming for his oldest in the world :
A) First
B) Second
C) Third
D) Fourth
E) Fifth
84. How is called contract between the Safavids and the Ottomans, which was
signed in 1555?
A) Herat
B) Marand
C) Yassi-Chaman
D) Amasya
E) Istanbul
85. License – was given to the local feudals of Azerbaijan for conducing their
monors in the Mongolian’s invesion period is called:
A) mutasarrif
B) mutagabbil
C) gabala
D) jarlig
E) khasse
86. Belongs to Istanbul peace treaty in 1590:
1- Western Georgia fell under the rule of Ottomans
2-Azerbaijan was divided between Safavids and Ottomans
3- Eastern districts of Georgia became the lands of Safavids
4- Shirvan, Karabakh, Tabriz, Maragha fell under the rule of Ottomans
5-Khalkhal, Ardabil, Karajadagh and Lankaran remained to Safavids
A) 2,3,4
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,4,5
D) 1,2,5
E) 2,4,5
87. Choose the ones that belong to the north Khanates:
1- Nakhchivan, Irevan
2- Garadagh, Sarab
3- Karabakh, Darband
4- Guba, Shamakhi
5- Maragha,Uremiya
A) 1,3,4
B) 2,3,5
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,2,4
E) 2,3,4
88. Define the cronological succession:
1-A period of domination of the Mehranid’s dynasty stsrted in Albania
2-The Sassanid successors began a long period of domination in Albania
3-Atropatena joined the Sassanid state
4-Albania was included into the membership of the Sassanian Empire
5-Shapur I, The king of Sassanid, defeated the Roman army
A) 3,5,4,2,1
B) 5,2,3,4,1
C) 3,5,2,4,1
D) 2,1,5,3,4
E) 3,2,1,4,5
89. Main reasons of defeated of the Movement Khurramis:
1-The betrayal of the largest nobles
2-The Bizantine Empire’s help to the Arabs
3-The involvement in the war commanders and fighters of Turkis. origin
4-During the longer war decreasing the number of khurramis, but the enemy had
new forces
5- The death of Javidan
A) 1,2,5
B) 1,2,3
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,3,4
E) 2,3,5
90. Begun approximately XI thousand years ago and continues until VIII century BC:
A) The Eneolithic Period
B) The Upper Paleolithic Period
C) The Mesolithic Period
D) The Neolithic Period
E) The Early Iron Age Period
91. Khanates were annexed by Russia in 1805:
A) Ganja,Baku, Karabakh
B) Baku, Shamakhi, Irevan
C) Karabakh, Shaki, Shamakhi
D) Guba, Shaki, Nakhchivan
E) Ganja,Baku, Guba
92. By the order of Peter I “Bayannamah” (“Declaration”) was published in
Azerbaijan language and was sent to Shirvan and the Caspian region:
A) 8 march 1721
B) 15 november 1724
C) 25 august 1723
D) 1 january 1725
E) 15 june 1722
93. Albania has when arisen?
A) in the III century B.C.
B) in the IX century B.C.
C) the end of the IV century, at the begining of the III century B.C.
D) at the begining of the IV century B.C.
E) the end of the V century, at the beginning of the IV century B.C.
94. Define the cronological succession:
1- In Baku under the leadership of Sharifzadeh and Juvarlinski founded “Ittifag”
(“Alliance”) in order to prevent the armenian-russian attacs
2- In Moscow was built purifying copper plant therefore Galakend plant stopped in
3- In Azerbaijan owner peasants released to take obligation
4- M.A.Rasulzadeh published as an official organ of party Musavat “Achig soz”
(“Open word”) newspaper
5- In Russia started bourgeois revolution with the incident of “Bloody Sunday”
A) 4,5,2,3,1
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 3,4,2,1,5
D) 2,1,5,4,3
E) 5,2,1,3,4
95. Define the cronological succession:
1- Azerbaijan was under the rule of Jalayirs
2- Abu Said was poisoned by his wife and decline of Ilkhanates commenced
3-Azerbaijan was included to the content of Jalair state
4- Jalaladdin the son of Kharezmshah Muhammad collapsed Eldanizids state
5- Jalaladdin the son of Kharezmshah Muhammad collapsed Aghsunguri state
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 3,4,2,1,5
D) 5,2,1,3,4
E) 4,5,2,3,1
96. Kuti's during 100 annual authorities in Mesopotomiya:
1- They put an end to state
2- They did substantial change state in system
3-They did not do substantial change in state system
4-They were using to in the governance from belonging local governors of Sumer
and Akkadian
5-Increasing taxes put an end to trade with handicraft
A) 1,5
B) 3,4
C) 4,5
D) 3,5
E) 1,2
97. To determine the compatibility:
1- Atropat
2- Oroys
a- The Roman emperor
b- The first king of Atropatena
c- The last king of Atropatena
d- The king of Albania
e- The king of Manna
A) 1e,2c,3d
B) 1b,2d,3a
C) 1c,2b,3e
D) 1a,2c,3d
E) 1d,2b,3c
98. Define the cronological succession:
1-The first attach of Mongols to Zerbaijan
2-Ganja city was invaded by mongols
3-With the occupation of Darband Azerbaijan entirely invaded by mongols
4-Hulagu state was established
5-Mongol troops attacked to Azerbaijan second time
A) 1,5,2,3,4
B) 2,1,5,4,3
C) 5,2,1,3,4
D) 1,2,5,3,4
E) 4,3,5,2,1
99. Political system of the state according to constitution of the Azerbaijan
A) Democratic, legal, worldly, unitar republic
B) Democratic, legal, worldly confederative republic
C) Theocratic, aristocratic, legal confederative republic
D) Aristocratic, worldly, federative republic
E) Democratic, worldly, federative republic
100. Define the compatibility:
1- Ghazan khan
2- Keykhatu khan
3-Abdulgadir al-Maraghai
a- Azerbaijan philosopher is the author of “Gulshan-i Raz” and “Saadatname”
b- Was the music expert of XIV-XV centuries
c- Mongol warlord who led to the attacks in 1220-1222 which were in prospecting
d- Materialised reform of money, and paper moneys named chao was turnoved
e- Materialised reforms in – land, tax, judical, communication and trade section
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1c,2d,3e
C) 1d,2b,3a
D) 1a,2b,3c
E) 1b,2e,3d
101. How many years has arisen "Hümmət" organization before "Müsavat" party
arising in years?
A) 7
B) 9
C) 5
D) 3
E) 10
102. How called the land belonging to king and khan dinasty in the period of Hulagu
A) Inju
B) Bayrat
C) Khass
D) Iqta
E) Divan
103. Define the cronological succession:
1- One of the biggest marches of Alan tribes to Azerbaijan
2- Adrian – the Roman emperor maintaned close friendship relations with the kings
of Albania
3- The formation of the unified nation began on the entire territory of Azerbaijan
4-The population of Shuandahul and Durducca cities rebelled against Iranzu
A) 4,1,3,2
B) 1,4,2,3
C) 4,3,1,2
D) 2,1,3,4
E) 3,4,1,2
104. Capital cities of Manna, Atropaten and Albania states were cities:
1- Gandza 2- Izirtu 3- Maragha 4- Qazaka 5- Qabala 6- Darband
A) 2, 3, 5
B) 1, 2, 4
C) 2, 4, 5
D) 3, 4, 6
E) 2, 4, 6
105. Take important place in (the) managing of the Hulakids state:
A) Chobanids
B) Abbasids
C) Shirvanshahs
D) Calairids
E) Chığatayrs
106. Define the cronological succession:
1- Was created Caucasian successorship’s
2- Was stopped to the confiscation of lands lords’ and bays’
3-With the decree of tsar had been abolished Georgian-Emereti and Khazar
4-Was established Irevan governorate
5-Nikolai I gave the law about administrative and judical reform in the South
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 5,2,1,3,4
C) 4,3,5,2,1
D) 2,1,5,4,3
E) 1,5,2,3,4
107. In 1500:
A) Aggoyunly army took possession on Tiflis
B) Malatya fight happened
C) Isfahan fight happened
D) Godak Ahmad stand Imperator
E) Aggoyunly state was divided into two parts
108. Azerbaijan was managed in 1239-1256:
A) Hulaki khan and his heirs;
B) By governors of the supreme Mongol khanate;
C) By Jalairi judges;
D) Gizil Orda by governors;
E) Monqol supreme xaqan Chingiz khan;
109. Cyclopean buildings belong to:
A) Epoch of mesolith
B) Copper stone age
C) Epoch of early bronze
D) Epoch of eneolith
E) Average bronze and early epoch
110. Define the cronological succession:
1-The transition to the Latin alphabet from Cyrillic alphabet in Azerbaijan, for the
last time
2-The transition to the Cyrillic alphabet from Latin alphabet in Azerbaijan
3-The transition to the 10-year compulsory education in Azerbaijan SSR
4- Construction of the Kur-Baku water pipeline
5-The transition to the Latin alphabet from Arabic alphabet in Azerbaijan, for the
first time
A) 3,1,2,5,4
B) 5,2,3,4,1
C) 1,5,4,3,2
D) 3,2,1,5,4
E) 4,3,1,5,2
111. Define the cronological succession:
1-Mashal battle (Flame battle)
2-Childir battle
3- Chaldiran battle
4-Marv battle
5-Qochissar battle
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 4,3,5,2,1
C) 1,2,5,3,4
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 2,1,5,4,3
112. In 1359-1410:
A) Was existed Hulagu Empire
B) Was existed Shirvanshahlar state
C) Was existed karakoyunlu state
D) Azerbaijan was under the rule of Jalayirs
E) Was existed Eldenizlar state
113. Karakoyunlus from oghuz tribes, which was called :
A) safavids
B) abbasids
C) amavids
D) baharlids
E) bayandurs
114. Was called “The main city of Arran”, “The largest city in the Caucasus”:
A) Shemakhi
B) Derbent
C) Barda
D) Ganja
E) Baku
115. On 31 May 1906:
A) M.A.Rasulzadeh moved to Iran, from there to Istanbul
B) Started revolution in Iran
C) In Nukha silk industry workers began to strike
D) In Azerbaijan held the first election to the I Duma
E) Sattarkhan did a big heroism. He attacked to the center of Tabriz and cleaned all white
flags from and plugged red flags to the instead of white ones
116. The genocide in Baku was happened:
A) 1992, February
B) 1990, February
C) 1918, March
D) 1990, March
E) 1920, March
117. In 1734 and 1738 was rebellions against Nadir:
A) 2,3
B) 2,5
C) 1,4
D) 1,5
E) 1,2
250-300-cü testlər analoq testlərdir və tələbələrə verilmir
118. In 1887:
1-Azerbaijan vilagers started to pay military tax
2-The first Russian-Azerbaijan school founded in Baku
3- H.Z.Taghiyev started building Muslim girls school
4-In Tabriz opened the first special type of school “Dabestan”
5-The rebellion happened in Zagatala
A) 2,3,5
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,2,4
D) 1,3,4
E) 1,2,3
119. Define the cronological succession:
1- The fall of Urmia khanate
2- “Shiraz feast”
3- “Gizilgaya betrayal”
4-Bayat battle
A) 4,1,3,2
B) 1,4,2,3
C) 2,1,3,4
D) 4,3,1,2
E) 3,4,1,2
120. Define the compatibility:
1- Patricks
2- Khostak
3- Kharag
a- conditional land ownership
b- feudal land ownership
c- were consisted of small and medium feudal lords in Albania
d- the land tax
e- larger feudal lords
A) 1c,2a,3d
B) 1c,2a,3b
C) 1a,2c,3e
D) 1e,2b,3d
E) 1e,2a,3d
121. Occured during the period of Javanshir:
1-The successor Isfandiyar ibn Farrukhzad was defeated by the arabs in the Ardabil
2-Arab army crossed the border of the Sassanid Empire through Iraq
3- Balanjar battles
4-Ardabil uprising against the Arabs
5-Savalan Mountain Battle
A) 2.3.5
B) 1,3,5
C) 1,3,4
D) 1,2,4
E) 2,3,4
122. Define the compatibility:
1- Sanaturk
2- Vache I
3- Urnair
a-Was killed after Avarair battle
b-In foreign policy he maintained alliance with the Sassanid king Shapur II
c-He was founder of the Girdiman State
d-He preffered the union with Rome than obeying to Sassanid
e-In 338 the Roman troops defeated his detacments
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1b,2e,3d
C) 1e,2d,3b
D) 1d,2c,3a
E) 1a,2b,3c
123. Define the compatibility:
1-Arghun agha
2- Hulagu khan
3- Berke khan
a- was the son of Kharezmshah Muhammad who collapsed Eldanizids state in 1225,
Aghsunguri state in 1227
b- was Golden Horde khan sent 30 thousand troops to Shirvan, with the leadership
of warlord Nogai in 1263
c- was chosen ruler of Arran
d- made Azerbaijan obedinet in 1256 and invading Baghdad collapsed Abbasid
e- was defined as viceregent of Great Mongolian Empire and ruled South Caucasus
area in 1231-1239
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1c,2d,3e
D) 1b,2e,3d
E) 1d,2b,3a
124. Define the cronological succession:
1- Shah Suleiman came to power
2-Shah Abbas II came to power
3- Shah Sultan Hossein came to power
4-Shah Tahmasp II came to power
5- Shah Safi came to power
A) 4,5,2,3,1
B) 2,1,5,4,3
C) 5,2,1,3,4
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 3,4,2,1,5
125. Begun approximately 40 thousand years ago and continues until 12 thousand
millennium BC:
A) The Middle Paleolithic Period
B) The Upper Paleolithic Period
C) The Lower Paleolithic Period
D) The Mesolithic Period
E) The Neolithic Period
126. Well-known literary man in the first part of XIX cen. at Azerbaijan
A) Keceri oglu Mehemmed, Alekber, Safar
B) A. Sahet, M.V.Vidadi, A. Bakikhanov, M.SH.Vazeh
C) M.A.Sabir, A. Bakikhanov, M.SH.Vazeh, I.Qutqashenli
D) A. Bakikhanov, M.SH.Vazeh, I.Qutqashenli, Zaker
E) N.Narimanov, A. Bakikhanov, I.Qutqashenli, Vaqif
127. Define the cronological succession:
1-In Azerbaijan Republic by a decree signed was abolished censorship
2-After bloody January H.Aliyev came to Baku and went to Nakchivan
3-At the Karabakh wars Mubariz Ibrahimov after his death was awarded the name of
the national hero
4-In Nakchivan ASSR along the rivers were destroyed Soviet-Iran border facilities
5-Was accepted Republic of Azerbaijan Constitutional act about the state
independence Nakchivan branch
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 4,2,1,5,3
D) 4,3,5,2,1
E) 2,1,5,4,3
128. Where is closed the first joint agreement -“Black oil contrakt” in Azerbaijan in
A) Baku
B) Djar-Balakan
C) Zaquatala
D) Ganja
E) Sheki
129. Define cronological succession:
1-Azerbaijan entered UN
2-Creation of the Azerbaijan National Front
3-Azerbaijan National Front came to power
4- Event of "Qanli januar" 20 of January
5- Khojali tragedy
A) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5
B) 3, 5, 2, 1, 4
C) 1, 3, 2, 5, 4
D) 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
E) 2, 4, 5, 1, 3
130. A modern man tipe is called::
A) “Ability man”
B) “Azikhantrop”
C) “Neanderthan men”
D) “Homo Sapiens”
E) “Moysterian men”
131. Begun approximately XII thousand years ago and continues until VIII thousand
millennium BC:
A) The Eneolithic Period
B) The Upper Paleolithic Period
C) The Early Iron Age Period
D) The Neolithic Period
E) The Mesolithic Period
132. Constitution is specified on court judge according to the Constitution of the
Azerbaijan Republic:
A) By Milli Mejlis on the basis of presentation of the supreme law-court;
B) By supreme law-court on the basis of presentation of the president;
C) President on the basis of presentation of the supreme law-court
D) By Milli Mejlis on the basis of presentation of the president;
E) By president on the basis of presentation of the Milli Mejlis;
133. Choose the monuments of XIII-XIV centuries:
1-Maiden tower in Baku
2-Circular and scuare towers in Mardakan, Nardaran and Ramana
3-Gulistan and Karabakhs mousoleum in Nakhchivan
4-Oljaytu Khudabanda mausoleum in Sultaniyye
5-Shirvanshahlar palace in Icheri shahar
A) 2,3,4
B) 1,2,3
C) 2,3,5
D) 1,2,4
E) 1,3,4
134. 510-629:
A) The reign of the Vachagan III
B) Mazdakids movement
C) Albania remained vithout a ruler to M.Kalankatli
D) Exist Mehranids dynasty
E) A long period of domination of the Sassanid successors in Albania
135. Effort of state revolt has when been in Azerbaijan?
A) 1994 October, 1995 the March;
B) 1993 December, 1994 November;
C) 1994 October, 1995 April;
D) 1994 the March, 1995 October;
E) 1994 July, 1995 the February;
136. Show monuments concerning to the IX-XII centuries:
A) Arak qala, blue Mosque in Tabriz
B) "Hasan padshah camesi"in Tabriz, barrier of Shirvan
C) Alincaqala, Okhlanqala in the Lerik
D) Khudafarin bridge, Shamqazan observatory in Tabriz
E) Girdman qala, Maiden Tower in Baku
137. Define the compatibility:
1-Sadikh bey Afshar
2- Iskender bey Munshi
3-Kamaladdin Behzad
a- Was the eminent songster of the
b- Was the mathematician and astronomer
c- Was a naturalist artist (painter) of Azerbaijan in XVI century
d- Was the historian of Shah Abbas I
e- Was the prominent artist (painter) and Shah Ismail nominated him as a chief to
the palace librery in Tabriz of the XVI century
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1e,2c,3a
C) 1b,2a,3d
D) 1c,2d,3e
E) 1c,2e,3d
138. Show the events that occurred in 1865:
1- Was founded Baku Boulevard
2- In Nukha opened silk factories
3- German company “Siemens brothers and Ko” in Gadabay the first Copper-
smelting plant
4-In Ashaghi Aylis willage opened silk factories
5- German company “Siemens brothers and Ko” in Dashkasan has built the first
Cobalt plant
A) 1,2,4
B) 1,3,5
C) 1,2,3
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,2,5
139. How many years after the coming to power on Ariobarzan, Atropatena
remained under the authority of Parthia?
A) 30
B) 140
C) 40
D) 20
E) 63
140. How many thousand years is the difference between the appearance of Kuti
and Manna states?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 1
D) 3
E) 2
141. Define the compatibility:
1- Uzeyir Hajibayov
2- Ezim Ezimzadeh
3- Bahruz Kangarli
a-was the painting specially trained professional artist
b-played a great role for developing of “Molla Nasreddin” magazine more than 20
c-wrote the textbook by name “Vatan dili” (“Native language”)
d-the founder of the opera (“Leyli and Majnun”) composer of our scene
e-Author the opera “Shah Ismayil”
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1c,2d,3e
C) 1d,2b,3a
D) 1b,2e,3d
E) 1a,2b,3c
142. In Azerbaijan on December 29, 1991:
A) National referendum of "About Azerbaijan Independence" was held;
B) Conference about expanding of the economical connections by CIS countries was held;
C) Concludes a treaty with consortium of the company of the biggest oil in the world;
D) Azerbaijan higher soviet accepted "Independence Decloration";
E) The Azerbaijan Republic was accepted to UN;
143. Define the compatibility:
1-Kochisar battle
2- Shaikh Junayd marched to Shirvan and Dagestan
3- Timur attacked to Azerbaijan the second time
a- 1399
b- 1516
c- 1392
d- 1472
e- 1460
A) 1a,2b,3e
B) 1b,2a,3b
C) 1c,2e,3a
D) 1d,2c,3d
E) 1b,2e,3c
144. Belongs to the XV century:
A) Gulustan tower
B) Khudafarin bridge
C) Maiden Tower
D) Shirvanshah palace complex
E) Yusif ibn-Kuseyr tomb
145. Staged general strike in Azerbaijan 1904th years about improving rights workers
and peasants:
A) Zaquatala
B) Sheki
C) Baku
D) Ganja
E) Djar-Balakan
146. Define the compatibility:
2- tamgha
3- yam
a-unpaid work
b-paper money
c-was paid by migrating stock-breeders and was pasture expence
d-was paid by masters and merchants
e-communication terminals
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1e,2d,3b
D) 1d,2b,3a
E) 1b,2e,3d
147. Define the cronological succession:
1-Shah Ismail nominated painter Kamaladdin Behzad as a chief to the palace library
in Tabriz
2-The capital of Safavid state moved from Qazvin to Isfahan
3-Timur attacked to Azerbaijan the first time
4- All men from 10 to 60 ages enrolled in Azerbaijan by mongols
5-Mongol troops attacked to Azerbaijan second times
A) 4,5,2,1,3
B) 5,4,3,1,2
C) 3,2,5,4,1
D) 5,3,4,1,2
E) 2,1,3,4,5
148. In 1501:
1-Took plase the Jabani battle
2-Took plase conclusive battle in Sharur plain
3-Ismail I invaded Baku
4-Shah Ismail I defeated Murad Mirza in the battle of Almagulaghi
5-Ismail I entered to Tabriz and declared himself a ruler (Shah)
A) 2,3,5
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,3,4
D) 1,2,3
E) 1,2,4
149. Belonged to the top paleolith:
A) Mikrolit labor tools
B) Discovered primitive pebble tools in Azerbaijan
C) Making early bronze tools
D) Trench agriculture
E) Partition of social conditions
150. Gizilbashs were defeated in the place named Shamasi:
A) 1494
B) 1516
C) 1514
D) 1487
E) 1460
151. In 1501:
A) Gizilbash forces entered to Baghdad and invaded Diyarbakir, Hilat, Bitlis, Archish and
Arabian Irak
B) Ottoman sultan Bayazid II recognized Safavid empire
C) The beglerbegi of Shirvan Algas Mirza raised up rebellion against Safawid power
D) Ismail I invaded Baku
E) Took place Alishaban battle
152. In 510:
A) Mazdak was executed
B) The Sasanid Empire collapsed
C) Avarayr battle took place
D) Khalkhal battle took place
E) The Sasanid abolished independent state institutions in the South Caucasus
153. Belongs to 1303th years:
A) Attachment living place of the peasants in the Hulakid state;
B) Occuring of the Elxanids state;
C) Decline of the Hulakid state;
D) Coming to power of the Qazan khan;
E) Be called Chao paper allowing to turnover of the money;
154. The Arab army crossed the border of the Sassanid Empire through Iraq:
A) 730
B) 653
C) 633
D) 819
E) 643
155. First government of East deflected the death penalty:
A) Turkey
B) China
C) Iran
D) Japan
E) Azerbaijan
156. In the South Caucasus region the silk processing industry center of Nukha city
was called:
A) “Siemens brothers and Ko”
B) “Caucasus Lion”
C) “Ettehadiyye society”
D) “Nobel brothers company”
E) “European silk center”
157. Not belong to XV century:
A) Mush fights;
B) Malatiya fights;
C) Qoyluhisar fights;
D) Otluqbeli fights;
E) Dzirav battle
158. 1979 of December:
A) Take place Caribbean crisis
B) Occurred Cold War
C) Signed treaty between USA and Japan about result of II World War
D) Entered Soviet Army into Afghanistan
E) Happened conflict in Caucasia
159. Discovered lower jaw from Azyh cave becoming for his oldest in the world:
A) First
B) Fourth
C) Second
D) Third
E) Fifth
160. The Independent Azerbaijan Democratic Republic collapsed in:
A) in April, 1920
B) in December, 1920
C) in December, 1922
D) in May, 1918
E) in May, 1920
161. “Goy Masjid” (“The Blue Mosque”) constructed in Tabriz upen the order of
Jahanshah the ruler of Karakoyunlu:
A) 1483
B) 1322
C) 1764
D) 1305-1313
E) 1465
162. Victory fights gained by Kharaqoyunlus :
2- Shanby-Qazan
4- Terek
6- II Shanbi-Qazan
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 4, 5, 6
C) 2, 5, 6
D) 2, 3, 6
E) 2, 3, 5
163. 3 countries acknowledging the Independence of the Azerbaijan Republic for the
first time:
A) Turkey, Iran, USA;
B) Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan;
C) Pakistan, Turkey, Poland;
D) Turkey, Romania, Pakistan;
E) Turkey, Pakistan, Iran;
164. Formation of Media Kingdom
A) At the seaside of the Black Sea
B) At the Assyrian area
C) In the centre of Iran
D) At the Babul area
E) At the seaside of the Caspian Sea
165. What are the events, which belongs to the early Bronze Age?
1-The agriculture was seperated from the cattle-breeding
2- Gardening and horticulture had emerged as a new economic areas
3-Men began to head families and tribes
4- Pottery estates and potter’s kilns were found in the Kultepe near Nakihchevan
5- Began farming wooden plough
A) 2,3,5
B) 1,2,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,3,5
E) 1,3,4
166. The necessary conditions for the formation of each nation are:
1- language integrity
2- territorial integrity
3- unity of culture
4-local economical relations
5- religion integrity
A) 1,2,5
B) 1,3,5
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,2,3
E) 2,3,5
167. Choose the tribes which settled in Azerbaijan by the first steam Turkish in the
VII century BC :
2- kimmer
3- skit
A) 2,3,5
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,3,4
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,2,5
168. What are the events related to the Mongol invasion in the 2nd?
1- The occupation of Ganja
2-Victory over Tokhtamish
3-Creating higher Mongol successorship
4-The capture of Baghdad
5-The capture of Derbent
A) 1,3,5
B) 1,3,4
C) 1,2,5
D) 1,2,3
E) 2,3,5
169. How many years after the collapse of Karakoyunlu state, Agkoyunlu put an end
to reign ?
A) 55
B) 42
C) 33
D) 51
E) 35
170. On 30 0ctober, 2017:
A) An agreement was sighned to extene the “Contract of Century” and its agreement was
extended the time of the explatation of the Azeri-Chirag-Gune.li field by 2050
B) In Baku was held the I European Games
C) In Baku was held the IV Islamic Soligarity Games
D) Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway station was laid
E) Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway station was put into operation
171. Took place in 1812:
A) Garababa battle
B) The signing of a peace agreement in Bucharest
C) Russian occupation of Lankaran khanate
D) The signing of a peace agreement in Bucharest
E) Cancellation of the Karabakh khanate
172. What is called the Middle Paleolithic Period culture?
A) Boyali qablar
B) Hellin
C) Bronze
D) Mousterian
E) Kur-Araz
173. Choose the uprising against Nadir:
1- Tebriz revolt
2- Rebellion of hungry willagers of Astara
3- Jar Revolt
4-Chukhursad revolt
5- Revolts the Sam Mirzas I,II,III
A) 1,2,4
B) 2,3,4
C) 2,3,5
D) 1,2,3
E) 1,3,4
174. A presidential decree on the genocide of Azerbaijanis were:
A) 2005, March
B) 2008, March
C) 1992, February
D) 1990, February
E) 1998, March
175. Hulakid ruler of Abu-Said's time what was principal cause of the revolt of the
groups of some feudal lord ?
A) Əbu -Said execute of Emir Shepherd
B) Showing of the opposition to the Gizil Orda
C) Increase of the role of the nomad military aristocrats
D) Emir Choban (Shepherd) received work on his hand and turned to the factual ruler
E) Statement of the new taxes
176. Define the compatibility:
1- Haji Chalabi
2-Nadir shah
3-Fatali khan Quba
a- accepted dependence on Javad khan
b- defeated Russians troops near the Alpan willage
c- founded Shaki khanate
d- moved capital to the Aghsu (new Shamakhi)
e- had held a tax reformation
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1c,2d,3e
C) 1b,2e,3d
D) 1a,2b,3c
E) 1d,2b,3a
177. In 1840:
A) In Shaki started a rebellion against colonialism
B) Commandant system was abolished
C) Russian colonialists created Commandant management system
D) M.Kazimbayov’s “Turkish-tatar languages grammar” was published
E) Germans mowed to Azerbaijan
178. Define the cronological succession:
1- Godak Ahmad entered to Tabriz and came to the Akkoyunlu throne
2-Trapezund was invaded by Ottomans
3- Baysungur was defeated near the Ahar and killed
4-Shaikh Uvais made Shirvan obedient to himself
5- Jalair forces were defeated and Sultan Ahmad was killed by Kara Yusif, Jalairids
power in Azerbaijan was ended
A) 4,5,2,3,1
B) 5,2,1,3,4
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 3,4,2,1,5
179. Show chronological succession:
1-Khurramids movement
2-Mazdakids movement
3-liquidating Albania by Arabs
4- Rising by the headship Musaphir against Arabs
A) 2, 3, 4, 1
B) 2, 3, 1, 4
C) 4, 3, 1, 2
D) 1, 3, 4, 2
E) 1, 3, 2, 4
180. Are belonged the reforms of Ghazan khan:
1-military reform
2-land reform
3-tax reform
4-administrative reform
5- communication reform
A) 2,3,4
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,3,4
D) 2,3,5
E) 1,2,4
181. The religion of Islam spread all over the territory of Azerbaijan:
A) In VII-VIII centuries
B) In V-VI centuries
C) In IV century
D) In I-III centuries
E) In IX century
182. 740 th and 719th years of B.C. Manna has controlled by :
A) Iranzu
B) Ualli
C) Aza
D) Illusu
E) Ahşeri
183. Belonged to the lower bronze age:
A) Formation of second social division of labor
B) Transform to neighborhood society
C) Formation of tribel societies
D) Formation civil centers
The correct answer: A
E) Transform power to the authority
184. Belongs to the Amid battle:
1- The Roman army won
2- Ended with the victory of Sassanid
3-Albania took the Sassanid’s side in this battle
4-Albania returned back the provinces – Nakhichevan, Arsakh, Kaspiana
5-Albania lost the provinces – Uti, Shakashena, Colt,Girdiman
A) 1,2,5
B) 1,2,3
C) 2,3,4
D) 2,3,5
E) 1,3,4
185. In 227:
A) The Sasanid Empire collapsed
B) Albania joined the Sassanid state
C) Kadusiyya battle took place
D) Khalkhal battle took place
E) Atropatena joined the Sassanid state
186. The first general political strike of the workers of Baku was held:
A) In January, 1901;
B) In July, 1903;
C) In December, 1904;
D) In April, 1902;
E) In August, 1905
187. Opened huge library in Tabriz in the XVI century:
A) Shah Abbas I
B) Uzun Hasan
C) Jahanshah
D) Yagub padishah
E) Shah Ismail I
188. Show the events that occurred in 2017:
1- Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway station was put into operation
2- Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway station was laid
3- An agreement was sighned to extene the “Contract of Century” and its agreement
was extended the time of the explatation of the Azeri-Chirag-Gune.li field by 2050
4- In Baku was held the IV Islamic Soligarity Games
5- In Baku was held the I European Games
A) 1,2,4
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,3,5
D) 1,2,5
E) 1,3,4
189. A period of domination of the Mehranids’ dynasty started:
A) 510
B) 498
C) 651
D) 226
E) 630
190. Foundation of primitive cattle-breeding:
A) In epoch of average paleolith
B) In epoch of mesolith
C) In epoch of top paleolith
D) In epoch of eneolith
E) In epoch of neolith
191. In 1065:
A) Sultan Toghrul I captured the sity Tabriz
B) Sultan Toghrul I captured the sity Baghdad
C) In Eastern Anatolia Seljuk-Azerbaijan turkish troops destroyed the combined forces of
Byzantine, armenian ahd georgian feodal lords
D) Took place Dandanakan battle
E) Signed an agreement between Shaddadids and Seljuks
192. To determine the compatibility:
1- Manna
2- Albania
a- the population worshipped the God of the Moon and the Goddes of love,
abundance and fertility
b- the first written information about the tribes was introduced in Shumerian
sagas and cuneiform writings
c- the territory reached river Araz in the north and bordered with the country of
Cassis, Parsua and Midia in the south and south-east
d- Mags and mugis lived on the territory
e- The Roman emperor Neuron was planning a large march in 68.
A) 1e,2,d,3a
B) 1c,2d,3e
C) 1b,2a,3d
D) 1c,2e,3d
E) 1a,2b,3c
193. Formation of Azerbaijan language :
A) periods of Gavanshir
B) periods of Safavids
C) periods of Atabeks
D) periods of Seldjuks
E) periods of Shirvanshakhs
194. South Caucasus was divided into to the law given from the tsar Russia by on
April 10, 1840 according to:
A) To province of Kutaisi and Derbend;
B) To Georgia -İmeratiya province and Caspian province;
C) To province of Djar-Balakan circle and Erevan;
D) To Georgia province and Azerbaijan province;
E) To province of Tiflis and Shamakhy;
195. Javidan killed and the leadership to Khurram passed to the hands of Babek:
A) 808
B) 816
C) 838
D) 819
E) 778
196. In 1459 years was subscription Herat by:
A) Cahan shah and Abu Said
B) Isgandar and Shahrukh
C) Sultan Ahmad and Shahrukh
D) Kara Yusif and Sultan Ahmed
E) Cahan Shah and Shahrukh
197. Has ended connecting in structure of the State of Safavids of all Azerbaijan
land process:
A) 1539
B) 1551
C) 1524
D) 1528
E) 1555
198. In 920:
A) Built Qoshaminare in Nakhchivan
B) Built Maiden Tower in Baku
C) Built central dome of the mosque in the willage Sundu of Shamakhi
D) Ganja collapsed in the earthquake
E) Bbuilt Khudaferin bridge over the Araz river
199. Choose the monuments belonging to the XII century:
1- Qoshaminare in Nakhchivan
2-Maiden Tower in Baku
3- Ganja tower gates
4- Khudafarin bridge
5- Gulustan tower in Baku
A) 1,3,5
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,2,4
D) 1,2,5
E) 2,3,5
200. Define the cronological succession:
1- The creation of the province of Irevan by czarizm
2- The creation of the province of Baku by czarizm
3- The creation of the province of Shemakhi by czarizm
4- The creation of the province of Yelizavetpol by czarizm
5-Cancellation of Derbent province by czarizm
A) 3,2,1,5,4
B) 4,3,1,5,2
C) 1,5,4,3,2
D) 2,4,1,3,5
E) 3,1,2,5,4
201. Define the cronological succession:
1-The first flocks (gangs)of people occured in the territory of Azerbaijan
2-The first people lived in the world
3-The first great social division of labor took place
4-Neolithic Revolution
5-Mousterian culture period
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 1,2,5,3,4
C) 5,2,1,3,4
D) 4,3,5,2,1
E) 1,5,2,3,4
202. Define the cronological succession:
1-Azerbaijan was included to the content of Jalair state
2-Jalaladdin (the son of Kharezmshah Muhammad) collapsed Aghsunguri state
3- Jalaladdin (the son of Kharezmshah Muhammad) collapsed Eldanizids state
4-Shaikh Uveys king of Jalairids invaded Shirvan
5-The third attack of Mongols to Azerbaijan commenced
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 2,1,5,4,3
C) 3,2,5,1,4
D) 4,3,5,2,1
E) 1,5,2,3,4
203. Write the name of the king Albania, which reganed its independence in
A) Vachagan III
B) Vache II
C) Sanaturk
D) Javanshir
E) Urnayr
204. Refers to the Arab-Sassanid wars:
1- Ctesifon war
2- Savalan Nountain Battle
3-Cadusiya war
4- Javanshir defeated the khazars near the river Kur
5- Ballenger war
A) 1,2
B) 1,4
C) 1,3
D) 3,4
E) 2,3
205. In the IX-XI centuries existing peasant layers in Azerbaijan:
A) Ulujs, free peasants;
B) Serf, free peasants;
C) Free peasants, patriks;
D) Free people, kings;
E) Ulujs, patriks;
206. When has begun activities Baku Subway the first station begin activities of the
Azerbaijan TV in years?
A) 8
B) 19
C) 25
D) 11
E) 35
207. Cities published journal of "Mola Nasraddin":
A) Ganja, Shusha, Nakhchivan
B) Tiflis, Nakhchivan, Ganja
C) Tiflis, Tabriz, Baku
D) Tabriz, Ardabil, Baku
E) Baku, Ganja, Shamakhy
208. Show the events that occurred in 1905:
1-In Nizhny Novgorod held Common Russia Muslims the first congress
2-In Baku published the newspaper “Hayat”
3-The 17 October Manifest created the party which was intended
4- In Tabriz built the first theatre
5- In Southeren Azerbaijan opened the first higher school
A) 1,2,3
B) 1,3,5
C) 1,2,5
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,2,4
209. Define the compatibility:
1-Agkoyunlu State was established
2-Safavid State was established
3-Karakoyunlu State was established
a- 1501
b- 1538
c- 1410
d- 1459
e- 1468
A) 1b, 2c, 3d
B) 1d, 2e, 3b
C) 1e, 2b,3 d
D) 1c, 2b, 3a
E) 1e, 2a, 3c
210. In 1791 has built murrored salon and the summer palace in Irevan khanate:
A) Kalbali khan
B) Mir Mehdi khan
C) Haydargulu khan
D) Mohammad khan
E) Huseynali khan
211. Occurred in the 2003 years:
A) Alphabet of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan language became perceptible
B) Adopted Constitution of Azerbaijan
C) Was discussed at the Ashqabat Summit about Caspian Sea
D) Presidential election of Ilham Aliyev
E) Publishing of Azerbaijan Encyclopedia
212. Define the compatibility:
a- Control-managing system in the Sassanid empire
b- Control-managing system in the Russia
c- Control-managing system in the Safavid empire
d- Control-managing system in the Arab Caliphate
e- Control-managing system in the Ahamanids state
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1c,2d,3e
D) 1d,2a,3e
E) 1b,2e,3d
213. Azerbaijan took I plase in :
A) the last Olympic Games in 2016
B) the World Football Championship in 2014
C) the I European Games in 2015
D) the IV Islamic Solidarity Games in 2017
E) the European Football Championship in 2017

214. I century of B.C. was defending by which city Atropaten fighting with Rome?
A) Agnazana
B) Gazaka
C) Fanaspa
D) Maragha
E) Fraaspa
215. Define the compatibility:
1-Shah Ismail I
2-Shah Tahmasp
3-Shah Abbas I
a- He was killed in the battle near the coast of the Samur river
b- He was killed in the battle of Tabasaran
c- He captured Yazd and Kirman, Baghdad, Diyarbakir, Arabian Irak, Khorasan
d- By the his order was knitted “Shaikh Safi carpet”
e- He got back from Ottomans the Tabriz, Ordubad, Nakhichevan, Ordubad cities
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1e,2c,3a
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1e,2d,3b
E) 1c,2e,3d
216. Define the cronological succession:
1-Agha Mohammad khan Gajar attacked to Azerbaijan 2nd time
2-Agha Mohammad khan Gajar was proclaimed khan of Iran
3- Karabakh, Shakinand guba Khanates sent messengers to Istanbul
4-In Georgiyevsk signed a treatise for passing Georgian’s lands into Russian
5-Agha Mohammad khan Gajar attacked to Azerbaijan 1st time
A) 4,3,5,2,1
B) 5,2,1,3,4
C) 1,2,5,3,4
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 2,1,5,4,3
217. Willagers those have not farm and soil called:
A) naib
B) galabeyi
C) kalantar
D) ranjbar
E) elad
218. Hulagu khan admitted the title Ilkhan:
A) In 1263
B) In 1256
C) in 1225
D) In 1295
E) in 1265
219. To determine the compatibility:
1-II Congress of Wold Azerbaijanis
2-Heydar Aliyev on his election as President of the Republic for the first time in
3-Conclusion of “Contract of the Century”
a- September 1994
b- March 2006
c- November 1995
d- October 1993
e- September 2001
A) 1c, 2a, 3d
B) 1e, 2a, 3c
C) 1b, 2d, 3a
D) 1b, 2c, 3b
E) 1a, 2d, 3e
220. Who has introduced to the Europe "Avesta" for the first time?
A) Ancient historian Strabon
B) Commander of the Pope Pompei
C) English scientist Liki
D) German scientist Qomel
E) French scientist Düperron
221. Atropatena became independence
A) 331 B.C.
B) 330 B.C.
C) 321 B.C.
D) 323 B.C.
E) 340 B.C.
222. Try to set a cronological sequence:
1-Baku Soviet of People’s Comissars resigns
2- The emergence of the Baku Soviet of People’s Comissars
3- Establishment of the Araz-Turk Republic
4- Sentral Caspian Dictatorship ( “Sentrokaspi”) was established in Baku
5-Announcement of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
A) 5,1,3,4,2
B) 4,1,2,5,3
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 3.4,2,1,5
E) 2,5,1,4,3
223. Belongs to 371th year:
A) Amid fights
B) Khalkhal fights
C) Maku fights
D) Being divided into to 2 parts of the Albania
E) Dizrav fights
224. Has attacked of the VII century to Albania in 60th:
A) Qıpchaqs
B) Khazars
C) Alans
D) Byzantine
E) Huns
225. The distinct features between feudal relations in Azerbaijan and the feudalism
in European contries:
1-The feudal lords almost did not have personal farms in Azerbaijan
2- The villagers were not personally dependent, i.e. not serf in Azerbaijan
3- The feudal society began from the V century and lasted until XVII century in
4-The villagers were not personally dependent, i.e. not serf in Europe
5- The feudal society began from the III century and lasted until XIX century in
A) 2,3,5
B) 1,2,5
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,3,4
E) 1,2,3
226. Define the cronological succession:
1- Varaz Gregory came to the power
2- Sabir tribes of Turkish origin settled in the province of Girdiman
3- Vachagan III called an Aguen Assembly
4-Mazdak was killed
5-Javanshir came to the power
A) 3,4,2,1,5
B) 2,1,5,4,3
C) 4,5,2,3,1
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 5,2,1,3,4
227. What was the purpose of giving Qanunname Uzun Hasan?
A) to frame taxes
B) Take 2-3 ahcha land-tax from peasants
C) Uzun Hasan make reform on taxation right
D) Landownership of sourqual
E) Taking taxes from peasants not for titular and amount, only for land district
228. Land being in the heritable property of the local feudal lords in the period of
Arabs was called:
A) Mulk
B) Vaqf
C) Community
D) Divan
E) İqta
229. What is called more worshipping the God of ancient Albans?
A) Moon
B) Sun
C) Helios
D) Zevs
E) Amon
230. Took place the battle Alashkerd:
A) in 1421
B) In 1408
C) In 1406
D) in 1410
E) In 1405
231. Azerbaijan have been given like real property by Abbasids:
A) to the Ravvadids
B) to the Salarids
C) to the Sadjids
D) to the Shirvanshahs
E) to the Shaddadids
232. Slavs attacked Caspian bank provinces in 909:
1-They defeated army of Shaddadids
2-Taking possession of island Abaskun, they plundered points along the bank
3- They took possession of Lankaran
4-They were defeated by Shirvanshahs
5-They took possession on Barda
A) 1,3
B) 4,5
C) 2,4
D) 1,2
E) 2,3
233. Occurred in 1804:
A) Gamarly battle
B) Aslanduz battle
C) Bloody Shamkir battle
D) Ganja battle
E) Karababa battle
234. Azerbaijan historians in XIII-XIV centuries :
A) Mahammad Nakhchivani, İskhandar Munshy;
B) Məhəmməd Nakhchivan, Fazlullah Rashidaddin
C) Nasiraddin Tusi, Fazlullah Raşidaddin;
D) Khatib Tabrizi, İzzaddin Hasanoqlu;
E) Davdak, Musa Kalankatlı;
235. In 1175:
A) Alans took possession of Ganja;
B) Revolt happened in the Shirvan;
C) Shamakhy disintegrated from earthquake;
D) Shirvanshahs state was undergone to Seljug attack;
E) Slav attack happened to Shirvanshah territory;
236. What title reseived the monarch of the Azerbaijan Atabaks (Eldanizids) in 1191?
A) Emperor
B) Sultan
C) King of the kings
D) Padishah
E) Pharaoh
237. Was the first businessman who destroyed colonial nature of Azerbaijan’s
A) M.Naghiyev
B) M.Mukhtarov
C) S.Badalbayli
D) A.Ashurov
E) H.Z.Taghiyev
238. Define the compatibility:
1-Azadlar (Freedmen)
3- Dastakert
a- to belong to the peasant class III-VII centuries in Sassanid state
b- feudal land ownership
c- were consisted of small and medium feudal lords in Albania
d- the land tax
e- the life tax
A) 1b,2d,2c
B) 1c,2e,3b
C) 1d,2c,3e
D) 1e,2b,3d
E) 1a,2b,3c
239. Transcaucasia Seym after his resignation declared allow on May 26, 1918:
A) Transcaucasia people joined against interventionists;
B) Azerbaijan declared his independence;
C) Azerbaijan was undergone to attack of the Iran;
D) Azerbaijan was undergone to attack of the Armenia;
E) Condition arose to the intervention of the Russia;
240. Capital city of the Saci State:
1- Tabriz
2- Maragha
3- Ardabil
4- Barda
5- Qabala
A) 1,2
B) 3,4;
C) 1,3;
D) 2,3
E) 3,5;
241. Seljug sultan Mahmud's principal cause of march to the Shirvan in 1123:
A) Rob of regions of Shaki and Khazar lands Alan-Kipchaq parts
B) Encroach to the Shirvan of the Georgians
C) Wanting of to connect to the Georgia by wife of III Manuchohr Tamara the land of
D) III Manuchor's falling out with subordination to the Seljug empire
E) Squeeze to the Shirvan of the Caspians destroy Darband passage
242. Tabriz has been capital of what from states of the Middle Age?
1- Salarids
2- Saci's
3- Shaddadid's
4- Ravvadid's
5- Eldanizd's
A) 2,4
B) 3,4
C) 4,5
D) 1,2
E) 1,5
243. Define XIX Azerbaijan foreign companies which have invested to the oil-
industry in the II half of the century
1-Swiss-"Nobel brothers"
2-Germany- "Simens brothers"
3- France- "Rotsild"
4- United Kingdom- "Visow"
5-USA- "Standart oil"
A) 2, 3, 4
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 1, 3, 5
D) 1, 3, 4
E) 2, 4, 5
244. The Early Bronze Age lasted:
A) From the 100.000 year BC till the 40.000 year BC
B) From the end of the III millenium BC and beginning of the II millenium BC
C) From the II half of the IV millenium BC till the end of the III millenium BC
D) From the 40.000 year BC till the12.000 year BC
E) From the VII millenium BC till the VI millenium BC
245. Azerbaijan gifte land property to nomad and military aristocrats in the
Kharaqoyunlu state:
A) Vaqf
B) Tiul
C) İncu
D) Soyurqal
E) İqta
246. Azerbaijan Atabaks has earned sultan title for the first time:
A) Mahammad Cahan Pahlavan
B) Abu Bakr
C) Gizil Arslan
D) Uzbek
E) Shamsaddin Eldaniz
247. Qoyluhizar fight has happened between which states?
A) Qaraqoyunlu - Ottoman
B) Shirvanshah-Ottoman
C) Agqoyunlu-Qaraqoyunlu
D) Aggoyunly- Ottoman
E) Aggoyunly Shirvanshah
248. Causes of the defeat of the troops of the soldier in the army of Shah Ismail in
the Chıldır fight in 1578:
1-Treachery of the emirs in the fight;
2-Not be of the unity in the administration of the army
3- Being certain to themselves of emirs too much;
4- And rising against Safavids of the Derbend population;
5- Strength superiority concerning to a military class in the army of Ottomans
against Safavids
A) 2, 3, 4
B) 3, 4, 5
C) 1, 3, 4
D) 1, 3, 5
E) 2, 3, 5
249. Define the cronological succession:
1-Fatal khan of Guba khanate attached on Karabakh khanate, but these marches
had been unsuccessful
2-Irakli II under the leadership of Burnashov Russian troops attacked to Ganja
3-Sheykhali khan by unify with kazikumikh near the Alpan willage defeated Russian
4- Agha Mohammad khan Gajar was killed by his close man
5- The beginning of the “cross-march” towards the Karabakh khanate
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 1,2,5,3,4
D) 5,2,1,3,4
E) 4,3,5,2,1
250. According to Abhar treaty in 1500:
1- Kiziluzhen river was the borderline
2-Godak Ahmad gave Kirman district to Abih Sultan
3- South areas from Kur river of Azerbaijan, Karabakh and Armeniyya were taken by
Alvand Mirza
4- Araz river was the borderline
5-Persian and Kirman were taken by Murad Mirza
A) 1,2,4
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,3,5
D) 1,2,5
E) 1,2,3
251. Ottomans what goods were producing in Azerbaijan get big income with selling
to Europeans:
1- silk
2- glasses
3- zay and wax
4- dye matters
5-weaving product
A) 1, 4, 5
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 2, 3, 4
D) 1, 3, 5
E) 2, 3, 5
252. Show chronological succession or dropped to circumstance which dependent
on Azerbaijan land to the Guba khanate:
2- Darband
4- Sheki
A) 1, 5, 4, 3, 2
B) 5, 2, 1, 3, 4
C) 5, 2, 3, 1, 4
D) 5, 1, 2, 4, 3
E) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
253. Comprador bourgeoisie in the South Azerbaijan was called in the XIX century:
A) Capitalist used from the hired labour;
B) Foreigner local bourgeoisie mediated between firms by internal market;
C) Bourgeoisie of trade which have taken possession of many wealths with/by
usuriousness way
D) Nobleman keeping having guarded rules of old feudal lord in economy
E) Rich applied capitalist elements in economy
254. Define the cronological succession:
1-Chaldiran battle
2-Sufiyan battle
3-Koyluhisar battle
4-Herat treaty
5-Abhar treaty
A) 1,5,4,3,2
B) 3,2,1,5,4
C) 2,4,1,3,5
D) 4,3,5,1,2
E) 4,3,1,5,2
255. Define the compatibility:
1- Timur
a- came to the throne in Shirvan in 1382
b- captured Baghdad in 1406
c- attacked to Alinja several times and captured in 1400
d- entered to Shirvan from Darband and reache Tabriz in 1385
e- the last member of the Kasranid branch ruling Shirvan during 1027-1382
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1c,2d,3e
D) 1d,2b,3a
E) 1b,2e,3d
256. How many years Javanshir has been in power?
A) 39
B) 42
C) 49
D) 51
E) 81
257. Babizm movement have been overturned against who?
1- to merchants
2- to feudals
3- to confessor
4-to craftsman
5- to foreign capital
A) 1, 2, 4
B) 2, 3, 4
C) 3, 4, 5
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 2, 3, 5
258. Bow to chronological succession:
1- Dizrav fights
2- Sanaturk's attack to the Armenia
3-Amid fights
4- Albania's falling to situation state dependent on from Sasanids
5- Occupation of Atropatena by Sasanids
A) 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
B) 4, 3, 2,1, 5;
C) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
D) 5, 4, 2, 3, 1
E) 2, 5, 4, 3, 1
259. Belongs to the XIII-XIV centuries:
1- Was built Sultaniyya and Mahmudabad cities by Ghazan khan
2- Goy Masjid (Blue Mosque)
3- Was made figurative bowl, which kept in Victoria and Albert museum of London
and tiyan (preparing meal for army), which kept in the Hermitage museum of Saint-
4- Hasht-Behisht complex
5- Four Absheron towers – circular and square towers in Mardakan, Nardaran and
Ramana towers
A) 1,2,5
B) 1,2,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,3,5
260. Define the cronological succession:
1- Restoration of Shusha tower in Karabakh khanate
2-The built of Bayat tower in Karabakh khanate
3-The built of Shahbulaghi tower in Karabakh khanate
4-Karabakh khanate established
A) 4,3,2,1
B) 2,1,3,4
C) 3,4,1,2
D) 4,2,3,1
E) 1,4,2,3
261. Define the cronological succession:
1- The launch of of the Baku Metro
2- M.J.Bagirov was to bring the leadership of Azerbaijan
3- H.A.Aliyev election as Azerbaijani Prezident
4-I.H. Aliyev election as Azerbaijani Prezident
5- I.D.Mustafayev was to bring the leadership of Azerbaijan
A) 2,5,1,3,4
B) 1,5,4,3,2
C) 2,4,1,3,5
D) 3,2,1,5,4
E) 4,3,1,5,2
262. Define the cronological succession:
1- Cancellation of Ganja khanate
2- Russian occupation of Baku khanate
3- Russian occupation of Irevan khanate
4- Relocation of Armenians from Iran to Azerbaijan
5-Russian occupation of Nakhchivan khanate
A) 5,4,3,1,2
B) 3,1,2,5,4
C) 1,5, 4,3,2
D) 4,3,1,5,2
E) 1,2.5,3,4
263. Grozny-Baku in the result of usage of the oil-pipeline in 1983:
A) Azerbaijan joined to the unique oil-pipeline of the USSR
B) Oil estacades was built on the high seas in the world for the first time
C) Interest to the Azerbaijani oil of the Moscow diminished
D) Azerbaijan was turned to the only oil base of the USSR
E) Azerbaijan restored his economical independence
264. At the first part of the XVI century Azerbaijan was consisted of three
1- Chukhursad which center is Irevan
2- Shirvan which center is Shamakhi
3- Karabakh which center is Ganja
4- The south lands which center is Tabriz
5- The north-west lands which center is Sheki
A) 1,2,3
B) 2,3,5
C) 2,3,4
D) 3,4,5
E) 1,2,4
265. In structure of the SSR from forming of the Nagorny Karabakh Autonomous
Region how many have been years liquidated its status by the Azerbaijan Republic
A) 82
B) 90
C) 65
D) 68
E) 71
266. B.C. VII in the century they attacked to Azerbaijan territory :
A) Hets
B) Kipchaks
C) Alans
D) Bulqars, Ahamanids
E) Kimmer, Scythian and saks
267. It was connected to Shirvanshahs state in 917:
A) Ganja
B) Barda
C) Lahicanshah
D) Derbend
E) Gabala
268. In 2000:
A) “Azeri” the drilling rig was put into operation
B) “Istiglal” the drilling rig was put into operation
C) “Alov” the drilling rig was put into operation
D) “Chirag” the drilling rig was put into operation
E) “Gurtulush” the drilling rig was put into operation
269. Soviet federative socialist republic in the South Caucasus existed:
A) In 1921-1933
B) In 1922-1939
C) In 1922-1936
D) In 1920-1930
E) In 1930-1940
270. Define the compatibility:
1- amyl
Aa- affairs
b- the land tax
c- was engaged in civil matters and charge of collecting taxes
d- the communication center (post) between the provinces and the capital of the
e- the life tax
A) 1c,2a,3d
B) 1c,2a,3b
C) 1a,2c,3e
D) 1e,2b,3d
E) 1d,2a,3c
271. Define the compatibility:
1-Ghazan khan
2-Keykhatu khan
3-Abdulgadir al-Maraghai
a- Was the music expert (musicologist) of XIV-XV centures
b- Applied new taxes – qopchur, tamgha, kalan
c- Materialised reform of money; paper moneys named chao was turnovered, but
this measure remained unproductive
d- As a result his reforms was growth in economy, central state gained strength and
unaviodable collapse of Hlagu state postponed for a while
e- Wrote the works “Zij-i ilkhani” (Ilkhanic Tables), “Akhlagi-Nasiri” (A work of
Ethics), “Tahrir-i Euclid” (Commentary of Euclid)
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1e,2d,3b
C) 1b,2e,3d
D) 1a,2b,3c
E) 1d,2c,3a
272. How many years ago H.Z.Taghiyev's building was built before theatre from
creation in Azerbaijan "national theatre" ?
A) 17
B) 20
C) 15
D) 10
E) 16
273. Define the compatibility:
1-On 8 October 1821
2-On 3 June 1831
3-On 6 June 1836
a- By decree of tsar in South Caucasus began to be implemented preferential trade
b- According to this regulation Europeans could not take goods through a third
country in the South Caucasus
c- By this decree was abolishrd the rahdar sistem
d- Was created Caucasian successorship’s
e- With the decree of tsar had been abolished Georgian-Emereti and Khazar
A) 1e,2c,3a
B) 1c,2e,3d
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1c,2d,3e
E) 1b,2a,3d
274. Haydar Aliyev have been elected Azerbaijan Communist Party like first
secretary of the Central Committee distinguish in years for the second time
President of the Azerbaijan Republic electing
A) 29
B) 18
C) 27
D) 24
E) 28
275. Who was founded Mongol feudal empire in 1206 year?
A) Hulagy khan
B) Gengiz khan
C) Ghazan khan
D) Abaga khan
E) Abu Said
276. Define the cronological succession:
1- Sanaturk captured the capital city of the Armenia
2- Albania joined the Sasanid state
3- The state of Sasanid established
4-Ardashir Babekan came to the power
5-Atropatena joined the Sasanid state
A) 4,3,5,2,1
B) 2,1,5,4,3
C) 1,5,2,3,4
D) 5,2,1,3,4
E) 3,2,5,1,4
277. Magazine of “Molla Nasreddin” has been published:
A) 1910
B) 1906
C) 1920
D) 1875
E) 1902
278. In the VIII century in Albania;
A) It put an end to Arab supremacy;
B) Centralized unique state was built;
C) It put an end to Mehranilər's authority;
D) It was put an end to Sasanid supremacy;
E) Authority of the Caspians was built;
279. Islam religion spread in the which territory of Azerbaijan comparatively
A) Zangazur, Nakhchivan, Mughan,Mil;
B) In the South of Azerbaijan, Caspian shore, Nagorny Karabakh;
C) In the South of Azerbaijan, Caspian shore, Zangazur, the Kur;
D) In the South of Azerbaijan, Mughan, knitting needle, Caspian shore, the Araz and The
Kur, Mil ;
E) The Kur and the Araz, Caspian shore, Nagorny Karabakh, Nakhchivan;
280. In 1406:
A) Shirvanshah Ibrahim I came to Timur’s presence
B) United forces of Shirvanshahs and Timurids defeated Karakoyunlu trups in Tabriz battle
C) Jahanshah was declared king of Karakoyunlu state as a vassal Timurids
D) Shirvanshah Ibrahim I died
E) Shirvanshah Ibrahim I entered to Tabriz
281. Interrupted war between Azerbaijan-Armenia:
A) 1994, 12 May
B) 2000, 31 January
C) 1992, 6 September
D) 1996, 28 May
E) 1994, 10 February
282. Distinguish the results of the fights of Xalxal and Avrayr:
A) Albanians firstly, north tribes conquered secondly;
B) Sasanids were defeated the first, but north kins conquered secondly;
C) Rebel bunches firstly held gain a victory Sasanids, secondly were defeated;
D) Sasanids conquered in the both fight;
E) Rebels conquered in the both fight;
283. How many has passed through years from Amid battle till Dzirav fight?
A) 33
B) 28
C) 32
D) 30
E) 12
284. Yusif Abu Saci in the time of the:
1- They fell dependent on from Arab Chaliphate;
2- Tribute sent to treasury was stopped completely;
3- Territory of Armenia, Tiflis, Kachetiya was taken possession
4- Put an end to the state of Shirvanshahs;
5- Shadaddids drived out from the Ganja;
6- Shirvanshahs fell dependent on Saci's;
A) 1, 2, 3;
B) 2, 3, 6;
C) 2, 3, 4;
D) 4, 5, 6;
E) 1, 4, 6;
285. Define the cronological succession:
1-Sajids stopped sending tribute to the treasury of the Caliphate
2-Shirvanshahs moved the capital from Shirvan to Shamakhi
3-Shirvanshahs annexed the Derbend Emirate
4-Oghuz tribes plased in Ravvadis
5-Sheddadids defeat the Byzantyne-Armenian troops trying to keep Dabil
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 2,1,5,4,3
C) 4,3,5,2,1
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 1,2,3,4,5
286. Define the compatibility:
1-Qasri-Shirin contract
2-Rasht contract
3-Peterburg contract
a- The Caspian regions locating in the south of the Kur were returned to Safavid
state. Safavid pledged not to allow Ottomans enter to these areas. The contract
consisted of favorable conditions for Russians merchants in the Safavids areas
b- Arabian Irak was given to Ottomans, the lands in the east of Zanjir fortress were
given to Safavids. Safavids promised not to attack Van, Kars and Ahalsikh
c- Irevan, Ganja, Shamakhi, Shirvan areas were given to Ottomans and Ottomans
agreed giving back Hamadan, Kirmanshah, Ardabil and Tabriz to Safavids. Araz
river had to be border between the states
d- Uniting Caspian regions – lands from Darband to Gilan was given to Russia.
Instead, Russia pledged Safavid shah to military aid in the war with afghans
e- Ottomans pledged giving back all the lands invaded in the last decade
A) 1e,2c,3a
B) 1c,2d,3e
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1b,2a,3d
E) 1c,2e,3d
287. In 1954:
1- Absheron State District Electricity Staton (SDES) was put into operation
2- Baku-Krasnovodsk the ferry route was put into the ship
3-Mingechevir hydroelectric power station was put into operation
4- In Dashkesen iron ore purification plant was put into operation
5-Baku Metro 6 stations’ were put into operation
A) 1,2,3
B) 1,3,4
C) 2,3,5
D) 1,2,5
E) 2,3,4
288. Belongs to the Manna State:
1- Was existed from IX century until 550 BC
2- The Assyrian cuniform writings show that there were granaries
3- The king of this state Iranzu pursued a policy of centralization
4- Was existed from IX century until 590 BC
5- Establised in the 321 BC
A) 2,3,4
B) 2,3,5
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,3,4
E) 1,2,5
289. The rebels fighting against the policies of the Umayyad in the center of Caliphet
were called:
A) khurramis
B) followers of Mani
C) mazyadys
D) mazdakys
E) “kharijilar”(foreigners)
290. Azerbaijan robbed in the result of Toxtamish attack cities:
A) Barda, Ganja, Beylagan, Marand, Nakhchivan;
B) Gabala, Beylagan, Shirvan, Nakhchivan, Marand;
C) Shirvan, Tabriz, Derbend, Nakhchivan, Baku;
D) Tabriz, Shirvan, Nakhchivan, Maraqa, Mərənd;
E) Derbend, Ganja, Barda, Tabriz, Maraqa;
291. Define the compatibility:
1-Azerbaijan elected a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council
2-In Baku was held the I European Games
3- In Baku was held the IV Islamic Solidarity Games
a- In May 2017
b- In April 1999
c- In June 2015
d- In February 2003
e- In November 2011
A) 1a,2b,3c
B) 1c,2d,3e
C) 1b,2a,3d
D) 1e,2c,3a
E) 1c,2e,3d
292. Choose the names of Azerbaijanis, wich were afarded Heros of the Soviet
Union title:
1-Israfil Mamedov, Gafur Mamedov
2-Hazi Aslanov, Mehdi Huseynzadeh
3-Ziya Bunyadov, Yusif Sadigov
4- Adil Guliyev, Zuleykha Seyidmammadova
5-Ali Babayev, Akbar Aghayev
A) 2,3,5
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,3,4
E) 1,2,5
293. Define the cronological succession:
1-Was passed from Latin alphabet to the Cyrillic alphabet
2-Had happened peasant revolts against collectivisation in Azerbaijan districts
3-Was founded Nakhichevan ASSR inside Azerbaijan SSR
4-Azerbaijan Central Executive Comitee’s by a decision was declared to create
Azerbaijan SSR inside Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast
5-Was started the policy to abolished golchomags (landlords) as a class
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 2,1,5,4,3
C) 1,5,2,3,4
D) 4,3,5,2,1
E) 3,2,5,1,4
294. It belongs to 1412th year:
A) Terek fights;
B) Shahdagh fights;
C) Mush fights;
D) I İbrahim's being defeated;
E) Baghdad fights;
295. Define the compatibility:
1- Abu Musa
2- Musaphir
3- Musa Kalankatli
a- the author of “Albanian history”
b- lead the rebel against Caliphate in 748-752
c- betrayed to Babek and handed over him to the Arabs
d- In the IX century the end 30 and early 40 lead the rebel against Caliphate at the
castle Ktich in Karabakh
e- was headed to defend of the Bazz tower
A) 1d,2b,3a
B) 1c,2d,3e
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1e,2d,3b
E) 1b,2e,3d
296. The first Christian communities have arisen in Albania in the:
A) beginning of the IV century
B) beginning of the third century
C) beginning of the V century
D) end of the first century
E) end of the third century
297. Define the compatibility:
1-Hulagu khan
2-Ghazan khan
3-Arghun agha
a- captured Tabriz and executed Malik Ashraf and Hulagu state was collapsed
b- In his viceregent period most of Azerbaijan feudals were deprived of their manors
c- In his period Azerbaijan was included to the content of Jalair state
d- In his period held reforms in land, tax, court, communication and trade section
e- admitted the title Ilkhan
A) 1e,2c,3a
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1e,2d,3b
D) 1c,2d,3e
E) 1c,2e,3d
298. Treaty declaration was signed with Aggoyunly state against Ottoman in 1472:
A) With Russia;
B) With Sheybanids;
C) With Teymurids;
D) With Byzantine state;
E) With Venice;
299. Which country helped Assyria in 616 B.C. when Assyria became alone in the
battle against Babylon and Media?
A) Urartu
B) Manna
C) Shumer
D) Achaemenids
E) Akkad
300. In 748-752:
A) Khurram movement lasted
B) The battles I and II Hashdadsar
C) Exist Mehranids dynasty
D) Took place the revolt by leadership of butcher Musaphir
E) Took place Mazdakids movement
301. Define the cronological succession:
1-Master of Tabriz Yusif ibn Ahmad made figurative bowl
2-Oljaytu Khudabanda mausoleum in Sultaniyye was built
3-Barda mausoleum was built
4-Abdul Aziz Sharafaddin made tiyan (preparing meal for army)
5-During mongols second invasion, fully destructed Ganja had restoration process
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 4,3,5,2,1
C) 5,2,1,3,4
D) 2,1,5,4,3
E) 1,5,2,3,4
302. The most notable representative of the miniature school of Tabriz:
A) Sultan Muhammad, Ali Feyzi;
B) Ali Feyzi, Kamaladdin Behzad
C) Ramazan Lankarani, Sadıq bey Afshar;
D) Sultan Muhammad, Ramazan Lankarani;
E) Kamaladdin Behzad, sultan Muhammad;
303. Was canceled in 1872 :
A) International hostility
B) Peasant risings
C) Trubobur system
D) Obligation system
E) Drilling methods
304. 1912 agrarian law in the Transcaucasia:
A) prohibited moving out wilfully of the peasants:
B) liberated peasants of carrying duty to gain of the beys;
C) it made official dependence of peasants from beys:
D) it reduced duties carried peasants;
E) removed beys in the village from work of administrative law-court:
305. Show character of national freedom of the movement where has happened in
the South Azerbaijan in 1917-1920:
A) Forming of the national government under S.C.Pishavari's administration;
B) Autonomy give to Azerbaijan in structure of democratic Iran;
C) "Azerbaijan" newspaper publication in the native tongue;
D) Give to Azerbaijan of complete independence;
E) S. C. Pishavari's leqal activities of the Central Committee of Аzerbaijan Democratic
Party led by;
306. Treatments of “Gulustan” and Turkmanchay” signed :
A) 1813,12 October and 1828, 10 February
B) 1813, 12 October and 1828, 12 June
C) 1812, 26 September and 1828 12 June
D) 1813, 26 September and 1829, 12 June
E) 1813, October and 1828, 10 February
307. Define the cronological succession:
1-Childir battle
2- Ismail I troops invaded Karahisar and Malatya
3-Shaik Haydar was killed in the battle of Tabasaran
4- Meshel savash (“Flame battle”)
5- Sarab contract
A) 3,2,1,4,5
B) 5,3,1,2,4
C) 3,4,2,1,5
D) 3,5,1,2,4
E) 3,1,2,4,5
308. Important event in the history of our culture in December, 1919:
A) Creation of the Ministry of Education;
B) Creation of the school of the first girls (daughters);
C) Baku opening of the theatre school;
D) Opening of the "İstiqlal" museum;
E) Publication of the "Azerbaijan" newspaper;
309. Under the leadership of Rasulzadeh established “Musalman Ganjlik Tashkilat”
(“Muslim youth organization”):
A) In 1902
B) In 1911
C) In 1913
D) In 1912
E) In 1904
310. Peace treaties signed between Russia and Safavids:
1- Peterburg
2- Adirne
3- Rasht
5- Baghdad
A) 1,3,4
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,2,4
D) 2,4,5
E) 1,3,5
311. In oil extracting enterprises have been abolised forsed labour:
A) 1872
B) 1887
C) 1864
D) 1883
E) 1861
312. The mosque was built in the willage of Nardaran:
A) In 1606
B) in 1707
C) In 1663
D) In 1670
E) In 1566
313. Belonged to the Middle Bronze Age:
A) Earthenware
B) Using fire-clay
C) Earthenware crockery
D) Making tools from stone
E) Formation first civil centers
314. Formation of Independence Albania:
A) IV century B.C.
B) The end of IV cen. - the beginning of the III cen. B.C.
C) The middle of II cen. B.C.
D) The end of III century B.C.
E) The end of III – the beginning of II cen. B.C.
315. Make contract in 1994, 20th September named “Contract of century” included
area of :
A) Education and science
B) Agrarian industry
C) Reestablished “Ipak yolu”
D) Military
E) Oil industry
316. After the war of Russian-Persia Armenians changed places from Persia to
which land of Azerbaijan ?
A) To the southward of north Azerbaijan
B) To the Mil-Mugan district of north Aerbaijan
C) To the Northwards of north Azerbaijan
D) To the Shirvan district of north Azerbaijan
E) Irevan, Nakhchivan, Karabakh
317. Foundation of primitive cattle-breeding:
A) In epoch of neolith
B) In epoch of neolith
C) In epoch of average paleolith
D) In epoch of top paleolith
E) In epoch of mesolith
318. Define the compatibility:
1-In 1829
2- In 1848
3- In 1852
a- In Gadabay was built a small copper melt plant
b- In North Azerbaijan created Caucasian educational district
c- In Nukha city was occured Khanabad factory, whole fisheries went into the inside
of state and created in Salyan treasure custody
d- In Bibiheybet technical F.Semyonov did in the world the first oil extraction with a
drilling method
e-Had happened from natural tax to the money tax
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1c,2d,3e
C) 1e,2c,3a
D) 1c,2e,3d
E) 1b,2a,3d
319. Define present-day reality of neolith:
A) Living sedentary life people busied themselves with trench agriculture
B) Using bow and arrow
C) People engaged collecting and hunting
D) Making tools from stone and iron
E) Sedentary engaged in fishing, hunting, farming, cattle-breeding
320. When and where discovered Azych cave :
A) 1990, Baku
B) 1990, Karabakh
C) 1990, Ganja
D) 1960, Fizuly district
E) 1960, Goranboy district
321. Define the compatibility:
1-I fight Heshtadser
2-I fight Namadan
3-II fight Heshtadser
a- 830
b- 833
c- 836
d- 837
e- 829
A) 1c,2a,3d
B) 1e,2a,3d
C) 1e,2b,3d
D) 1e,2a,3c
E) 1a,2c,3e
322. Occurred at first:
A) Formation of Manna
B) Independence of Su State
C) Disintegration of Urartu
D) Government of Iranzu
E) I frontal Sargons attack to the Manna
323. Khanates were annexed by Russia in 1806:
A) Ganja,Baku, Karabakh
B) Derbent, Baku, Guba
C) Baku, Shamakhi, Irevan
D) Guba, Shaki, Nakhchivan
E) Karabakh, Shaki, Shamakhi
324. In what century “Kalile and Dimna” has been translated to Azerbaijan-turkish
325. Period of Caliphate not belong to Azerbaijan:
A) Society
B) Tiyul
C) Mulk
D) Vaqf
E) Iqta
326. After the war of Russian-Persia Armenians changed places from Persia to
which land of Azerbaijan
A) To the Shirvan district of north Azerbaijan
B) To the Mil-Mugan district of north Aerbaijan
C) To the south west and west area of north Azerbaijan
D) To the Northwards of north Azerbaijan
E) To the southward of north Azerbaijan
327. Belongs to the III Mongolians march:
1- Hulagu khan made Azerbaijan obedient
2- Happened in the years of 1231-1239
3- Hulagu state was established
4- With the occupation of Darband, Azerbaijan entirely invaded by mongols
5 March was led by Hulagu khan
A) 1,2,5
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,2,4
D) 1,3,5
E) 2,3,5
328. Define the cronological succession:
1-Shaikh Junayd marched to Shirvan and Dagestan
2- Shaikh Haydar marched to Shirvan
3-Ismail’s forces came from Azerbaijan to the coast of Goycha lake
4-In Jabani battle Shirvanshah Farrukh Yassar was killed
5-Took place Ahar-Meshkin battle
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 4,3,5,2,1
D) 5,2,1,3,4
E) 1,2,5,3,4
329. National liberation struggle of hurramits against arabs lasted:
A) 21
B) 46
C) 42
D) 23
E) 41
330. Belong to XII centuries
A) Break-up of Atabeks
B) Seljuks began attacked to Azerbaijan
C) Established Atabek empire
D) Occupation Shirvanshahs under Seljuks
E) Joining Atabeks to the Great Seljuk empire
331. In 1667 years was subscription:
A) Between Russia-Safavid
B) Between Safavid-Europe
C) Between Ottoman-Safavid
D) Between Safavid-Georgian
E) Between Ukrain-Russia
332. Define of business people of south Azerbaijan at the XIX centuries of 30-50 year
A) Beekeeping and viticulture
B) Greengrocery and vegetable-growing
C) Agriculture and cattle breeding
D) Horticultural establishment and handy craft
E) Handy craft and trade
333. How was called the special military groups in Safavid empire?
A) Cherik
B) Vekil
C) Qorchubashi
D) Amir-ul-umara
E) Sadr
334. Czarism took campaign about education at Azerbaijan because of:
A) Azerbaijan situated on the south boundary of Russia
B) Improving society and government
C) Prepare people against Ottoman Empire
D) Nesesery preparing government official
E) Changing non education people to the educational people
335. Define chronology order:
1-Play from music “Derbendi Iran Feteli khan” folklore
2- Construction “Blue mosque” in Tabriz
3-Reconstruction of Sheki Khan Palace
4-Construction “Blue mosque” in Irevan khanate
A) 2,1,3,4
B) 3,1,2,4
C) 2,4,1,3
D) 4,2,1,3
E) 1,2,3,4
336. Who has organized the first of Azerbaijan reading-room in 1894?
A) N.Narimanov
B) M.Rasulzadeh
C) M.F.Akhundov
D) H.B.Zardabi
E) H.B.Aghayev
337. Independence Day of Azerbaijan was declared:
A) Ganja, in Azerbaijan international sitting
B) Ganja, south Kuakas Muslim conference
C) Baku, General Russian Muslim conference
D) Tbilisi, in conference of Musavat Tbilisi
E) Azerbaijan National Soviet conference
338. Under pressure of Soviet Russia given districts of Azerbaijan to Armenia in
A) Goranboy
B) Nakhchevan
C) Qazax
D) Zangazur
E) North Karabakh
339. Azerbaijan Republic take part in organization from 1992, February month:
1- International economic relation
2-Security and Collaboration Council of Europe
3-International Tourism
4- Islamic organization
A) 1,4
B) 2,3
C) 3,5
D) 1,2
E) 4,5
340. Under leadership of S.Dj. Pishavari in 1945, 12 december
A) Set up first newspaper “Azerbaijan” in azerbaijan language by ADP
B) Established local government in Tabriz
C) Confirmed Central Committee of ADP
D) Established National Government
E) Decided agrarian low
341. Nadir khan declared him as shah of Iran in the congress gathered in
Sugovushan and Safavid power put an end:
A) in the september of 1730
B) in the august of 1722
C) in the august of 1732
D) in the march of 1736
E) in the march of 1735
342. In 1982, on election for Soviet administration was elected:
A) Vali Akhundof
B) Kamran Baghirof
C) Imam Mustafaef
D) Mirza Ibrahimof
E) Haydar Aliyef
343. How many years has continued reign of the Safavid state?
A) 235
B) 225
C) 236
D) 336
E) 335
344. First recognized Independence of Azerbaijan countries (1992)
A) Turkey, Romania, Pakistan
B) Poland, Pakistan, France
C) USA, Iran, Turkey
D) England, France, USA
E) China, Afghanistan, Egypt
345. Define the compatibility:
1- “Arshin mal alan” Azerbaijani movie occured
2- “O olmasın, bu olsun” Azerbaijani movie occured
3- “Uzaq sahillerde” Azerbaijani movie occured
a- 1956
b- 1945
c- 1967
e- 1971
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1c,2e,3d
D) 1b,2a,3d
E) 1e,2c,3a
346. Define the compatibility:
2-Cassab Musafir
3- Abu Musa
a- Was led rebellion against the Arabs 30-40th years of the IX century
b- Painter of the XV century
c- Was led bu Khurram movemet in 816-837
d- Was led rebellion against the Arabs in 748-752
e- Ruler of the state of Azerbaijan Atabaks (Eldanizids)
A) 1e,2a,3d
B) 1c,2a,3d
C) 1e,2a,3c
D) 1c,2b,3d
E) 1c,2d,3a
347. Define the compatibility:
1-In 1879
2- In 1883
3- In 1900
a- Baku-Tbilisi telegraph lines were put into operation
b- Sweden businesman Nobel gardashlari (Nobel brothers) founded the “Nobel
brothers company”
c- In Baku the first central telephone station was put into operation
d- Was opened H.Z.Taghiyev’s weaving factory
e-In Galakend melting copper-purification plant -the first plant in the Russian empire
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1d,2b,3a
C) 1b,2e,3d
D) 1a,2b,3c
E) 1e,2d,3b
348. How many years after the collapse of Trabzon empire by the Ottoman, Sultan
Suleyman Kanuni I attacked to Azerbaijan first time ?
A) 65
B) 78
C) 88
D) 62
E) 73
349. In 830:
A) Afshin passed the headquarters to Barzand which is close to the fortification Khurramits
B) Sahl ibn Sumbat betrayed to Babek and handed over him to the Arabs
C) Khurramits won the battle of I Hamadan and took the city of Hamadan
D) The famous commander Afshin was appointed leader in chief of the Arab army
E) Babek was executed the orders of Caliph Motasim at Samira
350. In territory of south Azerbaijan in 1946 year happened:
A) Signed right on own language
B) Published newspaper “Azerbaijan” in own language
C) Established ADP
D) Signed right about election
E) Established the University of Tabriz
351. Define the cronological succession:
1-Peter I occupied Darband, naib of the city Imamkulu bek presented the keys of
fortress to Russian tsar
2-Rebellion of warriors from Gajar and Bayat tribes whose wages were unpaid
within two years took plase in Chukhursad beylerbeyi
3- With the leadership of colonel Shipov Russian scuadron occupied the city of
Rasht by the order of Peter I
4- Russian troops invaded Baku and Salyan by the order of Peter I
5- Russia signed contract with Safavid empire, which this agreement gave the
Russians the right to duty-free trade during the reign of the Safavids
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 4,3,5,2,1
C) 1,5,2,3,4
D) 1,2,5,3,4
E) 5,2,1,3,4
352. First social-democracy party in the World of Muslim 1904th years:
A) Bolshevik
B) Hummat
C) National-democracy
D) Organization Qeyrat
E) Musavat
353. Belonged to the top paleolith :
A) Mikrolit labor tools
B) Matriarchy was established
C) Partition of social conditions
D) Making early bronze tools
E) Trench agriculture
354. How many years lasted Roman-Parthian wars in the I century B.C.?
A) 15
B) 53
C) 13
D) 38
E) 25
355. Belonged to the neolith:
A) There was weaving
B) Using bow and arrow
C) People engaged collecting and hunting
D) Living sedentary life people busied themselves with trench agriculture
E) Making tools from stone and iron
356. Define the compatibility:
1-Kirmanshah contract
2-Ganja contract
3-Baghdad contract
a- The caspian regions locating in the south of the Kur were returned to Safavid
b- Russia owned Javad, Salyan, Sheshpara, Rustov, Kuba and Tenge
c- Irevan, Ganja, Shamakhi, Shirvan areas were given to Ottomans and Ottomans
agreed giving back Hamadan, Kirmanshah, Ardabil and Tabriz to Safavids. Araz
river had to be border between the states
d- Russian troops had to leave the Caspian regions altogether
e- Ottomans pledged giving back all the lands invaded in the last decade
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1e,2c,3a
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1c,2e,3d
E) 1b,2a,3d
357. What are the events, which belongs to the Nakhchivan khanate:
1- Emerged in the mid-eighteenth (XVIII) century
2-İt was annexed by Russia in 1827
3- Situated in the west of the Karabakh khanate
4-Kurekchay agreement signed
5-It was first occupied by Rusia khanate
A) 1,2,3
B) 2,3,5
C) 2,4,5
D) 1,2,5
E) 1,2,3
358. Period of Caliphate not belong to Azerbaijan:
A) Khostak
B) Vaqf
C) Equita
D) Society
E) Mulk
359. How many years after the collapse of Shirvanshahs, Sheki put an end to reign ?
A) 38
B) 14
C) 13
D) 51
E) 23
360. Between Mongols I and II attacks Azerbaijan was exposed tu assault of:
A) Golden Horde khan Janibey
B) Amir Choban
C) Jalaladdin (the son of Korezmshah Muhammad)
D) Keykhatu khan
E) Sultan Ahmad
361. How many years has been existed Hulagu empire?
A) 310
B) 155
C) 101
D) 201
E) 156
362. Belonged to XVI centuries memorial is:
A) Shusha fortress
B) Shaik Juneid monument
C) Sheki palace
D) Shirvan palace
E) Gulustan fortress
363. Belongs to the Eneolithic period:
1- Manufacturing economy appeared
2-People released from dependence on nature
3- People prepared pottery and were engaged in weawing
4- Took place the first great social divisions
5- In Azrebaijan the horses were domesticated for the first time
A) 2,3,4
B) 1,2,5
C) 2,3,5
D) 1,3,4
E) 1,2,3
364. Define chronology order:
1-Play from music “Derbendi Iran Feteli khan” folklore
2- Oljaytu Khudabanda mausoleum in Sultaniyya
3- Reconstruction of Sheki Khan Palace
4- Shaikh Junayd mausoleum in Hazra willage of Kusar district
A) 3,1,2,4
B) 2,4,1,3
C) 1,2,3,4
D) 2,1,3,4
E) 1,2,4,3
365. What are the events, which belongs to the Safavid empire?
1- Territory administratively divided into beglerbegis and beglerbegis were divided
mahals (districts)
2-Mush battle
3- There was peasant revolts with the leadership of Topal Ahmad
4- Different classes of troops were: Gizilbashs (cavalries),Ghulams, Tufangchiyan,
5-Had victory in the battle of Marv
A) 1,2,4
B) 3,4,5
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,3,5
E) 1,4,5
366. Define the compatibility:
1- Devdek
2- “Kitabi – Dede Korkud”
3- Adin
a-Has been transleted into Arabic in the VI century
b-wrote an elegy for the death of Javanshir
c-betrayed to Babek and handed over him to the Arabs
d-Has been transleted into Arabic in the IX century
e-was headed to defend of the Bazz tower
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1b,2e,3d
C) 1e,2d,3b
D) 1d,2c,3a
E) 1a,2b,3c
367. Belongs to the ancient Albania?
1-The population was devided into four classes
2-Tugdamme was the ruler of that kingdom
3-Situated in the south of Urmiya lake
4-The territories of current Azerbaijan Republic, southern regions of Dagestan and
Alazan Valley of present Georgia, present Armenia were included
5- Local glass products were made
A) 1,3,4
B) 1,4,5
C) 1,3,5
D) 1,2,3
E) 2,3,5
368. Who established a single administrative region under the name of Azerbaijan,
combining the former administrative-territorial division Karabakh, Shirvan,
Chukhursad and Tabriz beylerbeyis?
A) Shah Safi
B) Shah Sultan Huseyn
C) Shah Tahmasp II
D) Nadir shah
E) Shah Abbas II
369. Define the cronological succession:
1-Nadir started war against Ottoman empire
2-Under the leadership of Haji Davud, the rebels captured Shamakhi
3- Nadir shah was assasinated
4-Nadir shah marched to India and Central Asia with the huge army
5-The population of the Bilejik willage of Shaki region started revolt against Nadir
A) 4,3,5,2,1
B) 5,2,1,3,4
C) 1,5,2,3,4
D) 2,1,5,4,3
E) 1,2,5,3,4
370. Doesn’t belong to maliks of the Karabakh khanate:
A) Chilabord
B) Khachin
C) Kabala
D) Talish (Gulistan)
E) Dizag
371. Territory of Safavid empire administratively divided into:
A) mahals
B) amirets
C) governors
D) beglerbegis
E) marzibans
372. What are the events related to the Mongol invasion in the first?
1-This attack was in prospecting character
2-Ruler of Tabriz could be able to save city by giving tax
3-Ganja was invaded
4-Mongols plundered Maragha, Beylagan, Shamakhi cities
5-Azerbaijan entirely invaded bu mongols
A) 2,3,4
B) 1,2,5
C) 1,2,4
D) 1,3,4
E) 2,3,5
373. In the middle of the 12th century the most powerful state of the Caucasus:
A) Armenia
B) Georgia
C) Seldjuks
D) Shirvanshahs
E) Aran
374. The first collision of Javanshir with Arabs has occurred in 636 near the city of :
A) Tabriz
B) Urmiya
C) Kadusiye
D) Isfahan
E) Barda
375. Azerbaijan was occupied by the Seljuks:
A) 1054
B) 1055
C) 1239
D) 1066
E) 1038
376. Try to set a cronological sequence:
1- A bloody battle Roman-Albania on the bank of River Kur
2- Battle Roman-Albania on the bank of Ganikh
3-Magnesia war
4- Antiochus III attacked Atropatena and won
5- The Gobustan stone inscription
A) 3,5,1,4,2
B) 4,1,3,2,5
C) 2,1,4,3,5
D) 1,5,4,2,3
E) 4,3,1,2,5
377. To determine the compatibility:
1-The death of Alexander the Great
2-Alexander the Great appointed Atropat as a satrap (governor) of Midia
3-The time of the prophet Zoroaster
a- In 328 BC
b- In 323 BC
c- In the second half of the VII – the beginning of the VI centuries BC
d- In 223 BC
e- In 330 BC
A) 1d,2b,3a
B) 1c,2b,3d
C) 1b,2a,3c
D) 1b,2c,3d
E) 1e,2d,3c
378. What are the events, which belongs to the Lower Paleolithic period?
1 -Azikh cave
2-Tribal community began to establish
3-The great community was formed
4-A belief in the hereafter life was created
5-People prepared rude hand choppers, scraper-carry-combs, gazers
A) 1,3,4
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,3,5
D) 3,4,5
E) 2,3,5
379. Who was appointed the historian of Shah Abbas II?
A) Muhammad Tahir Vahid
B) Iskandar bey Munshi
C) Mirza Murim
D) Ali Reza Tabrizi
E) Seyid Ali Tabrizi
380. According to the Turkmenchay treaty:
1-Eastern Georgia and Dagestan had been given to the Russia
2-In addition to previosly occupied khanates Irevan and Nakhchivan khanates also
were given to the Russia
3-Irevan and Nakhchivan khanates have been canceled. In their territory was
founded false “Arrmenian province”
4-Russian merchants were exampted from payment of customs duties inside Iranian
5-Iran had to pay to the Russia as idemnity 20 million manat silver money
A) 1,2,4
B) 1,2,3
C) 2,3,5
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,3,4
381. How was called the management system in Arab Caliphate?
A) Marzbany
B) Emirate
C) Successorship
D) Governorship
E) Satrapy
382. How many years after the coming to power on Atropat, Atropatena remained
under the authority of Parthia?
A) 311
B) 344
C) 431
D) 341
E) 128
383. What are the events, which belongs to the Eneolithic period?
1-The arrow and bow were invented
2-Was established matriarchy
3-People viewed the metal for the first time and made tools of copper
4-The cultivation of that period is called “Hoe Agriculture”
5-Covered the VI-IV milleniums B.C.
A) 2,3,4
B) 1,2,4
C) 3,4,5
D) 1,3,5
E) 2,3,5
384. Define the compatibility:
1-Sanaturk attacked Armenia and captured the capital city of Valarshapat
2- Dzirav battle
3-Amid battle
a- 387
b- 338
c- 337
d- 371
e- 359
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1d,2c,3e
C) 1c,2e,3b
D) 1e,2b,3d
E) 1a,2b,3c
385. Define the compatibility:
1- Shapur I
2- Sanaturk
3- Valerian
a-the king of Sassanid, defeated the Roman army and engraved an inscription on
the wall of the Nagshi-Rustam temple
b-pursued a polisy of maintaining the independence of Albania
c- the Roman imperior, was captured in 260
d-led to the fall of the Parthian Empire
e-enabled Christian religious beliefs and used Christians’ services
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1d,2c,3a
C) 1b,2e,3d
D) 1e,2d,3b
E) 1a,2b,3c
386. How many years has continued reign of the Saljuk state?
A) 96
B) 211
C) 155
D) 119
E) 112
387. Define the cronological succession:
1-Ebulasvar Shavur made by the order of the gates of Ganja
2- Khudaferin bridge was built in period Fazl ibn Muhammad
3- Built moscue in the village Sundu of Shamakhi in period Abu Tahir
4-Amaras monasticism was built
5-Dabil Emirate was established
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 1,2,5,3,4
C) 1,5,2,3,4
D) 3,4,5,2,1
E) 4,3,5,2,1
388. How many years after the collapse of Sassanid state, Albania put an end to
reign ?
A) 25
B) 51
C) 64
D) 54
E) 81
389. Try to set a cronological sequence:
1-Aguen Assambly
2-Battle of Avarayr
3-Battle of Khalkhal
4-Mazdakys movement started
5-The movement founded by Mani expanded
A) 5,3,2,4,1
B) 4,3,2,1,5
C) 3,2,1,4,5
D) 5,2,3,4,1
E) 2,1,5,3,4
390. In 90th years XX century:
1- Were built Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline
2- Were built Baku-Supsa pipeline
3- In Baku was held the I congress of world Azerbaijanis
4-In Baku was held the II congress of world Azerbaijanis
5-In Baku was held an international conference on the restoration of the Silk Road
A) 2,3,5
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,3,4
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,2,5
391. Define the compatibility:
1- Javanshir met the caliph Muaviyah going to the city Damascus
2- Javanshir began to rule Albania
3- the Albanian ruler Waraz Gregory sent troops under leadership of his son
Javanshir to fight against the arabs
a- 642
b- 638
c- 667
d- 644
e- 634
A) 1c,2a,3e
B) 1e,2b,3d
C) 1c,2a,3d
D) 1c,2a,3b
E) 1a,2c,3e
392. In 1956 in Azerbaijan state begun to operation:
A) radio
B) 6 station og Baku Metro
C) television
D) Academy
E) In the open sea oil field piers
393. How many years has been existed Azerbaijan Atabaks (Eldanizids)?
A) 58
B) 136
C) 225
D) 89
E) 79
394. Who is author painting works “Javan oghlan” (“A young man”), “Oturan qadin”
(“A sitting woman”) and “Abbas Mirza”:
A) M.M.Navvab
B) K.Behzad
C) S.Mahammad
D) C.Karyaghdioglu
E) M.Q.Irevani
395. Define the cronological succession:
1-State of Sajids was established
2-State of Sirvanshahs was established
3-State of Ravvadids was established
4-State of Shaddadids was established
5-State of Salarids was established
A) 1,5,2,3,4
B) 1,2,5,3,4
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 3,4,5,2,1
E) 1,5,2,4,3
396. Who is the ruler of the land reform in 1303?
A) Abaga khan
B) Hulaku khan
C) Keykhatu khan
D) Argun aga
E) Ghazan khan
397. What are the events, which belongs to the Hulagu empire?
1-Golden Horde khan Janibek captured Tabriz and executed Malik Ashraf, then
collapsed Hulagus state
2-In 1231 there was an uprising in Ganja
3-In 1258 Hulagu khan invaded Baghdad and Abbasid Caliphate collapsed
4-In order to reinforsing contacts with local feudals, Ghazan khan coverted to islam
5-Mongols won russian-kipchak troops on the bank of the Kalka river
A) 1,2,3
B) 1,2,5
C) 1,3,4
D) 2,3,5
E) 2,3,4
398. Define the compatibility:
1- Shamsaddin Eldeniz
2- Gizil (Gold) Arslan
3- Abu Bakr
a- composed special Kanunname to follow lords who not subject to the central
b- took the title “Great Atabey”
c- adopted the title “Lord of the East and the West”
d- was defeated in the struggles of Shamkir and Beylagan
e- has declared himself sultan
A) 1b,2e,3d
B) 1d,2b,3a
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1c,2d,3e
E) 1e,2d,3b
399. What are the events related to the Uzun Hasan’s
invasion to Georgia?
1-Uzun Hasan sent representatives to Bagrat VI under the leadership of his mather
Sara khatun
2-In 1468 Agkoyunlu troops defeated Georgians at the battle of Abbasabad
3- Uzun Hasan campaigned to Georgia during 1474-1477
4- According to Uzun Hasan’s peace treatment with Bagrat VI, Eastern Georgia
including Tbilisi fell under the dominion of Agkoyunlu state
5-Tbilisi and Gori were invaded by Agkoyunlu state
A) 1,2,4
B) 1,2,3
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,4,5
E) 3,4,5
400. Show the events, which has happened in 1994:
1-Was created a Constitutional court
2-Republic of Azerbaijan joined NATO’s Partnership for Peace proqram
3- OSCE’s Minsk group and through Russia between Armenia and Azerbaijan
signed ceasefire agreement
4- In the Republic of Azerbaijan was held first the municipal elections
5-Was decreed on liberalization of foreign trade
A) 1,3,4
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 2,3,5
E) 1,2,5
401. On 8 August 1991:
A) Belorusian, Russia and Ukraine leaders signed a contract about on establishment of the
Commonwealth of Independent States
B) As a result of the national army attack Horadis settlement of Fizuli region was released
from enemy
C) In Armenia SSR the last Azerbaijan village of Nuvadi (Mehry) region support of Russian
soldiers were evacuated
D) Armenia SSR the Supreme Council NKAO deputies Soviet’s have agreed to merge with
E) Spontaneous popular movement started in Azerbaijan
402. The Nabur contract was signed between Russia and Safavid empire:
A) 1727
B) 1724
C) 1732
D) 1723
E) 1735
403. Define the compatibility:
1- The first refugees Azerbaijanis have sought refuge in the districts of Gapan and
2- The National Council accepted the state antem of the Republic of Azerbaijan
3-The National Council accepted the state emblem of the Republic of Azerbaijan
a- In January 1988
b- In May 1992
c- In February 1993
d- In February 2003
e- In November 2011
A) 1e,2c,3a
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1c,2d,3e
D) 1b,2a,3d
E) 1c,2e,3d
404. İn 1956:
A) To the constitution has been added a new stanza about Azerbaijan language
announced as a state language
B) Imam Mustafayev was elected the first secretary to the Central Comitte of Communist
Party Azerbaijan
C) Was held currency reform
D) All Armenia’s Cathol;cos Vazgen II visited Baku and suggested giving Nagorno-
Karabakh to Armenia
E) Stalin died
405. Hitler’s plan to attack the Caucasus was called:
A) Velvet
B) Edelweiss
C) Oil
D) Barbarossa
E) Shliffen
406. Define the compatibility:
1-150.000 Azerbaijanis living in Armenia SSR moved from their native lands by force
2-President Heydar Aliyev signed a decree about 1948-1953 years the mass
deportation of the Armenian SSR historical ethnic lands
3- In South Azerbaijan under leadership of Peshavary the National Council founded
the National Government
a- 1956
b- 1949
c- 1948-1953
d- 1997
e- 1945
A) 1c,2d,3e
B) 1e,2c,3a
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1b,2a,3d
E) 1c,2e,3d
407. The process of distribution of our people and our lands between Russia and
Iran had finished:
A) in 1813 with the treaty of Gulistan
B) in 1805 with the treaty of Kurekchay
C) in 1783 with the treaty of Georgiyevsk
D) in 1828 with the treaty of Turkmenchay
E) in 1803 with the treaty of “Andli ohdalik”(“Commitment with oath”)
408. Doesn’t belong to sultanates, which were created in the Northern part of
A) Kazakh
B) Samshaddil
C) Kabala
D) Ilisu
E) Balakan
409. Choose the monuments belonging to the XIII-XIV centuries:
1-Maragha observatory
2- Sham-Ghazan observatory
3-Ganja tower gates
4-Gulustan mausoleum in the Nakhchivan
5-Khudafarin bridge
A) 1,2,4
B) 1,2,5
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,3,5
E) 2,3,4
410. Choose the ones that belong to the south Khanates:
1-Tabriz, Khoy
2- Garadagh, Sarab
3-Shaki, Ganja
4- Guba, Darband
A) 1,2,3
B) 2,3,5
C) 1,2,5
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,3,4
411. Uremiya and Ganja khanates were founded :
A) 1743
B) 1724
C) 1726
D) 1748
E) 1747
412. The first cotton-cleaning plant was built in Nakhichevan:
A) 1873
B) 1882
C) 1863
D) 1886
E) 1883
413. Define the compatibility:
1-Abdurrazag Dunbuli
2-Zeynaladin Shirvani
3-.Mirza Jafar
a- One of the prominent poets XVIII century
b- Khan of the Khoy khanate
c- Was scientist and cultural figure in Azerbaijan in XVIII century
d- Was popular in geography in XVIII century
e- Was the chief architect of Sardar palace in Irevan
A) 1e,2c,3a
B) 1b,2a,3d
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1c,2e,3d
E) 1c,2d,3e
414. Define the cronological succession:
1-Peterburg treatement was signed between Russia and Iran
2-Afghans defeatead Safavid shah’s troop near the Isfahan and Shah Sultan Huseyn
was prisoned
3- Russians started to built towers in the North Caucasus and that is case there was
a clash between Safavid military groups and russians
4-Gasri-Shirin contract was signed
5- Don Cossack Stepan Razin reached to the Caspian Sea
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 2,1,5,4,3
C) 5,2,1,3,4
D) 4,3,5,2,1
E) 1,5,2,3,4
415. Choose the khanates which located in North Azerbaijan:
1- Karabakh
2- Maku
3- Lankaran
A) 1,2,4
B) 1,3,5
C) 1,2,5
D) 1,2,3
E) 2,3,4
416. Define the compatibility:
a- Land tax
b- Was the tax gathered from peasants with product for using land and water
c- Levied by non-muslims christians
d- Obligjed working of peasant for the favor of the state for nothing
e- Was taken from the merchants and craftsmen
A) 1a,2b,3c
B) 1e,2c,3a
C) 1b,2a,3d
D) 1c,2e,3d
E) 1c,2d,3e
417. Define the compatibility:
a- Was the tax gathered from peasants with product for using land and water in the
second half of the XVII century in Safavids
b- Land tax in the second half of the XVII century in Safavids
c- Was the tax for the protextion of trade routes in the second half of the XVII
century in Safavids
d- Was the right to collect taxes in the second half of the XVII century in Safavids
e- Was the nominal monetary unit in the second half of the XVII century in Safavids
A) 1b,2a,3d
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1e,2c,3a
D) 1c,2e,3d
E) 1c,2d,3e
418. Belongs to the Eneolithic period:
1- “Kur-Aras culture”
2- People viewed the metal
3- “Hoe Agriculture”
4-Took place the first great social divisions
5- In Azrebaijan the horses were domesticated for the first time
A) 1,2,3
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,2,5
D) 2,3,5
E) 1,3,4
419. Show the rebellion against the Shah Sultan Huseyn, at the beginning of the XVII
1-Jar-Balakan revolt
2-Tabriz revolt
3-Soujbulaq and Mughan revolts
4- Chukhursad revolt
5-Revolts the Sam Mirzas I,II,III
A) 1,2,4
B) 2,3,4
C) 2,3,5
D) 1,2,3
E) 1,3,4
420. Define the cronological succession:
1-Sheki khanate was occupied bu Russia
2-Karabakh khanate was occupied bu Russia
3-Baku khanate was occupied bu Russia
4- Darband khanate was occupied bu Russia
5-Shamakhi khanate was occupied bu Russia
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 3,4,2,1,5
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 4,5,2,3,1
E) 1,5,2,3,4
421. Define the compatibility:
1-12 April 1803
2-14 May 1805
3-16 May 1812
a- Signed a Bukharest contract between Russia and Ottoman empire
b- In Tehran directed against Russia was signed England-Iranian contract
c- Signed a Kurakchay contract between Russia and khanate of Karabakh
d- In Gulustan willage signed pease agreement between Russia and Iran
e- In Tbilisi signed a document “Andli ohdelik” (“Commitment with oath”) about a
joining Jar-Balakan to the Russia
A) 1b,2a,3d
B) 1a,2b,3c
C) 1c,2e,3d
D) 1e,2c,3a
E) 1c,2d,3e
422. Show the rebellion in Azerbaijan against colonial system of Russia:
1-Zaqatala revolt
2- Sheki revolt
3-Guba revolt
4-Jar-Balakan revolt
5-Astara revolt
A) 1,2,3
B) 2,3,5
C) 1,3,4
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,2,4
423. In 1848-1852 years In Iran happened:
A) Mowement of Babis’
B) Mowement of Mazdakids’
C) Mowement of “Kharijids” (“Foreigners”)
D) Mowement of Khurramids’
E) Mowement of Mani
424. Ganja khanate had been siezed bu Russian troops, Javad khan and his son
Huseyngulu died heroically:
A) on 3 January 1804
B) on 16 June 1804
C) on 14 May 1805
D) on 29 November 1803
E) on 3 October 1806
425. Choose the events that occurred in the first half of the XIX century:
1-The Russian government issued a decree abot move tharigatchit and bidhathis to
the South Caucasus
2-Darband district has been abolished and included the Baku district
3-Germans moved to Azerbaijan
4-In Shusha was opened the first district shool
5-In Qori city organised South Caucasus Teachers Seminary
A) 1,2,3
B) 2,3,5
C) 1,3,4
D) 1,2,4
E) 2,3,4
426. As a result military reforms of Shah Abbas I what classes of troops were
established in Safavid empire?
1- Qizilbashs
2- Ghulams
3- Cheriks
4- Artillery-gunners
A) 2,3,5
B) 1,3,4
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,2,3
E) 1,2,4
427. Define the cronological succession:
1-Obligation system oficially abolished
2-In Balakhani the first oil well drilled and has put into operation
3-In Pirallahi island the pharmacist of Tbilisi the Vitte launched Parafin plant
4-In Surakhani Russian capitalists Kokorev and Qubonin built a large oil processing
5-German company “Siemens brothers and Ko” built in Gadabay the first copper-
smelting plant
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 4,3,5,2,1
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 5,2,1,3,4
428. Define the cronological succession:
1-The shah of Iran issued an ordinance on the sale of lands
2-Tbilisi-Baku railway station were started to work
3- Bilajari-Petrovsk (Mahachkala) railway station were started to work
4-In Tabriz happened Zeynab pasha revolt
5-In Tabriz happened the “Tobacco rebellion”
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 4,3,5,2,1
C) 1,5,2,3,4
D) 2,1,5,4,3
E) 1,2,5,3,4
429. In 1883:
1- In Balakhani the first oil fountain increased interest in oil
2-In Baku has been established the Black city plants region
3-The first had used to steam engines for drilling of wells
4-In Baku organised the first ptivate capitalists’ “Congress of the oil industry”
5-Javad Malikov built the first white oil plant
A) 2,3,5
B) 1,2,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,3,4
430. Define the cronological succession:
1-Shah Abbas I got back Irevan city from Ottoman
2- Georgi Tektander ambassador of Germany came to Tabriz
3-Azerbaijan lands which were obeyed to gizilbash forces were combined in
common Azerbaijan beglerbegi
4- With Istanbul treaty Azerbaijan was devided between Safavids and Ottomans in
the period of Shah Abbas I
5- Shah Abbas I defeated Sheybani khan and added Khorasan to the territory of
Safavids again
A) 2,1,5,4,3
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 1,2,5,3,4
D) 5,2,1,3,4
E) 4,3,5,2,1
431. Choose the name of mausoleum which built in Hazra willage of Kusar district in
A) Momine khatun mausoleum
B) Yusif ibn Kuseyr mausoleum
C) Gulistan mausoleum
D) Shaikh Junayd mausoleum
E) Nizami mausoleum
432. Define the cronological succession:
1-Sarab peace
2- Istanbul peace in the period of Shah Abbas I
3-Marand peace
4- Qasri-Shirin peace
5-Sufiyan battle
A) 1,2,5,3,4
B) 5,2,1,3,4
C) 4,3,5,2,1
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 2,1,5,4,3
433. Define the compatibility:
1-Nasiraddin Tusi
2-Fazlullah Rashidaddin
3-Hindushah Nakhchivani
a- Prominent in linguistics in XIII century
b- Built Mahmudabad city
c- Was prime vizier of Ghazan khan and author of work “Jame at-
tavarikh”(“Compendium of Chronicles”)
d- Historian, gave detailed descriptions of Timur’s attacks on Azerbaijan
e- Observatory in Maragha was built by his leadership
A) 1a,2b,3c
B) 1e,2c,3a
C) 1e,2d,3b
D) 1c,2e,3d
E) 1c,2d,3e
434. Observatory in Maragha was built in:
A) 1259
B) 1322
C) 1305
D) 1319
E) 1399
435. Define the cronological succession:
1-In Nakhichevan ASSR along the Araz rivers were destroyed Soviet-Iran border
2-The first refugees Azerbaijanis have sought refuge in the districts of Capan and
3-The national council accepted the state anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan
4-The national council accepted the emblem of the Republic of Azerbaijan
5-Suggested the “concept of acceleration”and the reconstruction line has been set
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 4,3,5,2,1
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 3,2,5,1,4
436. Define the compatibility:
1- “Edelweiss”
2- “Velvet”
3- “Huge Turkistan”
a- According to this plan population of Azerbaijan if necessary was moved to
forcibly Central Asia and Kazakhstan
b- To achieve the world domination intentions Germany had to draw broken down
USSR. Therefore, was prepared this an extencive attack plan
c- Hitler’s plan to attack the Caucasus
d- According to this plan Soviet troops withdrawn from the Caucasus the conduct of
Stalingrad, planned deployment military forces UK and USA
e- According to this plan Germany, after the victory over Soviet, occupied territories
which living Turkish peoples were going to create this kind of state
A) 1a,2b,3c
B) 1e,2d,3b
C) 1b,2e,3d
D) 1c,2d,3e
E) 1d,2c,3a
437. Define the cronological succession:
1- “Hoe Agriculture” period
2-Mousterian culture period
3- the remains of the oldest types were found for the first time
of people in the world
4- The resudial bone of the lower jaw was found in Azikh cave
5-The first human tipe was created
A) 5,2,1,3,4
B) 3,2,5,1,4
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 1,5,2,3,4
E) 4,3,5,2,1
438. Define the compatibility:
1-The remains of the oldest types of people in the world were found for the first time
2- Lived 350-400 thousand years ago
3- A new type of human being, which established in the Middle Paleolithic Period is
a-“Homo sapiens”- wice man
b-Neanderthal men
c-Iron was widely used
d-Azikh men
e-in 1931 in the East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania)
A) 1e,2d,3b
B) 1d,2c,3a
C) 1a,2b,3c
D) 1b,2e,3d
E) 1c,2d,3e
439. The Discovery of a Arrow and Bow belongs:
A) To the VII-VI millenium BC – (the Neolithic Period)
B) To the VI-IV millenium BC (the Eneolithic Period)
C) To the XII-VIII millenium BC (the Metholithic Period)
D) To the II-I millenium BC (the Iron Period)
E) To the IV-II millenium BC (the Bronze Period)
440. The Albanian king Ahseri was killed in:
A) 716 BC
B) 680 BC
C) 650 BC
D) 719 BC
E) 630 BC
441. Albania joined the Sassanid state:
A) 510
B) 227
C) 630
D) 226
E) 262
442. Define the cronological succession:
1- Cadussiyya battle
2-Javanshir began to rule Albania
3- Caliph sent the first regular army against Khurram
4- The famous commander Afshin was appointed leader in chief of the Arab army
5-Ctesiphon battle
A) 4,5,2,3,1
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 2,1,5,4,3
D) 5,2,1,3,4
E) 3,4,2,1,5
443. Belongs to the Dzirav battle:
1- The Roman army won
2- Albania lost the provinces – Uti, Shakashena, Colt,Girdiman
3- Albania took the Sassanid’s side in this battle
4- Albania lost the provinces – Nakhichevan, Arsakh, Kaspiana
5- Albania took theRoman’s side in this battle
A) 2,3,5
B) 1,2,5
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,3,4
E) 1,2,3
444. Choose the monuments belonging to the XII century:
1- Yusif ibn Kuseyr toomb
2- Ganja tower gates
3-Momine khatun toomb
4- Khudafarin bridge
5-Darulmulk (palace of Eldenizlar)
A) 2,3,5
B) 2,3,5
C) 1,2,5
D) 1,2,3
E) 1,3,5
445. Edenizlar state was existed:
A) In 981-1054
B) In 971-1088
C) In 879-942
D) In 861-1538
E) In 1136-1225
446. Timur died in Samarkand:
A) In 1507
B) in 1405
C) In 1370
D) In 1382
E) in 1408
447. At the end of the XVI century Safavid Empire had three main issues:
1-Defeat Sheybany state and getting back Khorasan for emergensy of north-eastern
borders of empire
2- Return back Azerbaijan lands which invaded in 1578-1590 by Ottomans
3-Defeat Shirvanshah state and getting back Darband for emergensy of north
borders of empire
4- Finish hegemony of Portugal in the Persian gulf and get entrance to the ocean
5- Return back Azerbaijan lands which invaded in 1410-1468 by Karakoyunlu state
A) 1,3,5
B) 1,2,5
C) 1,2,3
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,2,4
448. In 1905 J.Mammadkuluzadeh with O.Faik Nemanzadeh in Tbilisi:
A) wrote “Arshin mal alan”
B) published “Shargi-Russian” newspaper
C) wrote “Er ve arvad”
D) created “Geyrat” typography
E) published “Molla Nasireddin” journal
449. Author of “Gulustan” poem which dedicated contract in 1813 between Russia
and Iran:
A) Huseyn Seyidzadeh
B) Tofik Taghizadeh
C) Gara Garayev
D) Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh
E) Arif Malikov
450. Define the cronological succession:
1-Around Novgorod in the battle for the village of Pustinka a junior lieutenant Israfil
Mammadov demonstrated great bravery and among Azerbaijanis’ the first time was
awarded Herou of the Soviet Union title
2- In Berlin was held National Congress of Azerbaijanians’
3- In the world the first was established in the open sea oil field piers
4- After death Mehdi Huseynzadeh he was awarded the hero of the Soviet Union
5-At the Stalingrad front tank regimen of Hazi Aslanov showed great heroism
A) 4,5,2,3,1
B) 1,5,2,3,4
C) 5,2,1,3,4
D) 3,4,2,1,5
E) 2,1,5,4,3

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