Mahulikar - Study of Sunshine, Skyshine, and Earthshine For Aircraft Infrared Detection (2009)

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Study of sunshine, skyshine, and earthshine for aircraft infrared detection

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2009 J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 045703


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J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 (2009) 045703 (10pp) doi:10.1088/1464-4258/11/4/045703

Study of sunshine, skyshine, and

earthshine for aircraft infrared detection
Shripad P Mahulikar1, Santosh K Potnuru and G Arvind Rao2
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, PO IIT Powai,
Mumbai 400076, India


Received 5 June 2008, accepted for publication 5 December 2008

Published 12 January 2009
Online at

Investigations are reported on infrared (IR) signature studies from internal sources of aircraft
and helicopters, e.g. engine heated surfaces and exhaust plume. Due to the increasing
sensitivities of IR sensors, irradiances from external sources are investigated here, namely
sunshine, skyshine, and earthshine. Their role in determining the IR contrast in the 1.9–2.9,
3–5, and 8–12 μm bands is studied. Estimation of earthshine is emphasized because of its
tactical significance in low altitude missions and IR imaging studies. A comparison of IR
radiance from aircraft’s rear fuselage due to internal and external sources shows different roles
in the 3–5 and 8–12 μm bands. The important roles of earthshine and temperature-based
radiance of aircraft surfaces are identified in the 8–12 μm band.

Keywords: earthshine, infrared imaging, infrared signature, low observables, skyshine, sunshine
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

Nomenclature θ zenith angle (deg, rad)

τ transmissivity (—)
A area (m2 ) ω subtended solid angle (Sr)
E irradiance (W m−2 ) Subscripts
eλ1−λ2 black body emission in wavelength ac-de visible aircraft surface (ac) as seen by IR
band λ1 –λ2 (W m−2 ) detector (de) below it
Fi− j radiation view factor of surface i as
seen by surface j av average
h target altitude/height (km) ed-ac earth-disc (ed) as seen by visible aircraft
k extinction coefficient (m−1 ) surface (ac)
L radiance (W m−2 ) eed-ac elemental earth-disc (eed) as seen by
l beam-length (m) visible aircraft surface
N number of discretized elements gr ground
R radius (m) max corresponding to maximum emission
T temperature (◦ C, K) s solar parameter
Greek Scripts sl in slant direction
α semi-cone angle subtended by v in vertical direction
earth-disc at aircraft (deg, rad) 0–h from ground (0) to altitude h
ε emissivity (—) λ spectral
λ wavelength (μm) ω directional (per unit solid angle)
1 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed. A von Humboldt
BRDF Bi-directional reflectance distribution
2 Present address: Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, T U Delft, IR Infrared
The Netherlands. IRSL IR signature level

1464-4258/09/045703+10$30.00 1 © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 (2009) 045703 S P Mahulikar et al

LOWTRAN Low resolution atmospheric transmission

NDVI Normalized difference vegetation index
NIRATAM NATO IR air target model
SAM Surface-to-air missile
SPIRITS Spectral IR imaging of targets and scenes

1. Introduction and review

The military are always on the lookout for new technology

that enables low aircraft observability [1], which necessitates
physics-based signature prediction capabilities. The estimation Figure 1. Classification of aircraft IR signature studies based on
of the infrared signature level (IRSL) of a jet engine aircraft sources.
in operation is crucial for the design of effective IR coun-
termeasures and low observable engines [2]. Experimental
measurement of the IRSL in actual flight conditions is of hot combustion products in the embedded engine (e.g. rear-
prohibitively expensive, especially when several variables are fuselage skin), and (c) airframe skin heated by aerodynamic
involved. Some IRSL prediction models, namely NIRATAM heating especially at high Mach numbers (e.g. forward
(NATO IR air target model) and SPIRITS (spectral IR imaging stagnation region of nose, wing leading edges, and air intakes).
of targets and scenes), incorporate external sources, e.g. solar Amongst the surface emissions, the engine is the major and
reflection and earthshine [3]. persistent source of IR emission because of the large amount
of heat produced by combustion. Though the spectral radiance
1.1. Background and motivation of the rear fuselage is less than that of the tailpipe, IR
emission from the rear fuselage is important especially in the
The IR seekers have exploited techniques to acquire and 8–12 μm band [9]. Also, the solid angle subtended by the rear-
intercept airborne targets, by passively detecting their IR fuselage skin is an order of magnitude larger than that from
energy. Developments in IR detection and tracking have led the tailpipe [10]. The rear-fuselage skin temperature can be
to the increasing effectiveness of IR guided missiles, which expressed as the sum of recovery temperature and temperature
are now portable and easily available [4]. The atmosphere change due to internal heat sources [11]. Mahulikar et al [12]
limits the use of the IR spectrum to specific bands, e.g. 3– developed a model to compute the temperature distribution
5 and 8–12 μm, called atmospheric windows [5]; these are of rear-fuselage skin, considering convection and surface
used for target detection and tracking. Enhanced IR detection radiation interchange in the engine layout. Morris et al [2]
capabilities are enabled by several photon detectors, e.g. cooled conducted experiments to measure the IRSL of a turbofan
tri-metal photon detectors, and advanced manufacturing and engine with a simulated altitude environment in an altitude cell.
charge-coupled device read-out technologies. The rapid From their investigation, it is concluded that the uncertainties
advances in VLSI (very large scale integration) processor in the engine emission are significant, ranging from 5 to
and IR detector array technology led to enhanced sensitivity, 55%. Several methods are reported to model the plume IRSL
low noise, multi-spectral, multi-colour and smart detection that include empirical relations [13] and the Monte Carlo
capabilities [6, 7]. Smart sensors have sensing and signal method [14]. Mahulikar et al [15] concluded that the IRSL
processing capabilities that enhance the target signal-to- from a non-afterburning plume is much less significant than
noise and signal-to-clutter (for positive IR contrast) ratios, that from the tailpipe and rear-fuselage skin, and especially so
respectively [8]. The new generation IR detectors use multi- in the 8–12 μm band.
spectral and multi-colour thermal imaging systems that are
capable of detecting the IRSL in a wide spectrum, and of
1.2. Surface characteristics
locking on to the target from all aspects. These unprecedented
improvements in IR seeker technologies have also necessitated The spectral reflectance and emissivity of the aircraft surface,
detailed investigations on external sources of the IRSL, which are necessary for IRSL estimation, depend on the
for reducing uncertainties in their estimates. Sources of applied coatings/paintings. Mahulikar et al [16] discussed that
uncertainties include the measurement error of the IRSL, the it is desirable to treat different regions of the rear fuselage with
underlying IRSL prediction model, and uncertainties in the coatings of different emissivities. The spectral reflectance of
inputs to the model. Upgrading the model by incorporating the aircraft surfaces and the viewing aspect play vital roles in
additional sources reduces the inherent uncertainty, making the the estimation of reflected sunshine, skyshine, and earthshine,
problem more tractable. as most surfaces are non-Lambertian. The reflectance
The basic principle of IR detection is the discrimination of properties of a surface are described by a function that models
aircraft IR radiance in the detector’s wavelength band with the the interaction of light reflecting from the surface. The bi-
background radiance. The IRSL of an aircraft is due to internal directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) [17] is
and external sources (figure 1); the internal sources include the most general expression of anisotropic reflectance. It is
plume and surface emissions from the following: (a) engine a constant in all exitant directions for perfectly Lambertian
hot parts (e.g. tailpipe), (b) airframe skin heated by the flow diffuse surfaces, and is non-zero in only one exitant direction

J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 (2009) 045703 S P Mahulikar et al

for perfectly specular surfaces. In the NIRATAM model,

Beier [11] assumed the BRDF of the aircraft surface as a linear
combination of a perfectly diffuse and a perfectly specular
reflector, for solar reflection. The SPIRITS signature code uses
a four parametric Sandford–Robertson BRDF model that gives
reasonable agreement with standard aircraft paints [3].
The effect of the non-Lambertian nature of surface
vegetation especially is a limitation to the use of IR
reflectances. Since this effect is similar in the visible and near
infrared parts of the solar spectrum, it is cancelled in obtaining
the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) [18]. The
effect of surface non-Lambertianity on remote sensing of
the NDVI is weak, but the NDVI is directly related to
the photosynthetic capacity, i.e. energy absorption of plant
canopies [19].

1.3. Objective and scope of investigation

This investigation focuses on understanding the basis, role,
and importance of sunshine, skyshine, and earthshine in the
3–5 and 8–12 μm bands. It can be extended to obtain an
aircraft’s total IRSL in operation as outlined in section 2, using
geometric [10] and thermal [12] modelling. The moonshine
is expected to have a moderate influence on the aircraft IRSL (b)
especially during a full moon, which is part of the scope for
future research. This plausible role of moonshine is inferred Figure 2. Estimation of transmissivity for a specific direction and
path-length. (a ) Discretization of atmosphere from sea-level (0) to
from the temperature measurements of the lower thermosphere altitude h . (b) Variation of transmissivity with zenith angle θ .
on moonless and moonshine nights [20].

2. Estimation of IR signature due to reflection of λ1 –λ2 , obeys Beer’s Law (which considers attenuation due to
sunshine/skyshine/earthshine absorption):
τλ1−λ2 = exp(−kλ1−λ2l). (2)
The irradiance due to earthshine, sunshine, and skyshine
reflected from the aircraft surfaces is determined by the For a given density and composition of air, i.e. for a given
BRDF of aircraft surfaces, aircraft dimensions, altitude, altitude, h , and small wavelength band, λ1 –λ2 , the extinction
and attitude. For diffuse and grey aircraft surfaces, the coefficient, kλ1−λ2 , is fixed; hence, for the atmosphere, kλ1−λ2
irradiance received by the IR detector due to reflected is a function of h . τλ1−λ2 is obtained using LOWTRAN-7 for
sunshine/skyshine/earthshine from the aircraft surface is a fixed length (l = 1 km) of a horizontal beam at various
h . kλ1−λ2 = − ln(τλ1−λ2 )/l is now known for different h ;
E ac−de = τac−de (1 − εac )E ac cos θac−de ωac−de /π. (1) and kλ1−λ2(h)-variation is used to estimate the transmissivity
of a vertical beam from ground to altitude h (τv,0−h ). The
In equation (1), E ac , is the irradiance incident on the aircraft vertical beam from 0 to altitude h is discretized into N
surface due to sunshine/skyshine/earthshine. τac−de is the elements of height h = h/N , as illustrated in figure 2(a ).
transmissivity of the intervening atmosphere between the The extinction coefficient of an elemental beam connecting
aircraft and detector, for which the line-of-sight (path-length the i th and (i − 1)th segments is k(i−1) h i h = {k[(i −
and direction) is fixed. It can be obtained using LOWTRAN 1) h] + k(i h)}/2; and from equation (2), τv,(i−1) h i h =
(low resolution atmospheric transmission) code for a particular exp{ k[(i−l) h]+k(i h) h}. Further,
atmosphere, e.g. tropical summer/mid-latitude winter, etc. The
use of LOWTRAN for several cases being computationally τv,0−h = τv,0− h τv, h−2 h · · · τv,(N −2) h−(N −1) h

expensive, an approximate procedure for the rapid estimation k(0) + k(N h)
× τv,(N −1) h−N h = exp + k( h)
of τ for a specific direction and path-length is obtained. 2
+ k(2 h) + · · · + k((N − 1) h) + k(N h) h .
2.1. Rapid procedure for estimation of τ for vertical and slant
IR beams (3)
The density and concentration of IR radiation participating From this equation, τ of a vertical beam from sea-level to any
gases vary along the path for vertical and slant beams of IR altitude h can be obtained; and similarly, τ of a vertical beam
radiation. τ for a beam-length l in a small wavelength band, from one altitude to another can also be obtained.

J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 (2009) 045703 S P Mahulikar et al

τ of a slant beam from altitude 0 to h at zenith angle θ to Figure 3(a ) shows the spectral solar irradiance above
the vertical is given as the earth’s atmosphere and at the earth’s surface for tropical
 summer atmosphere in the visible and near infrared, obtained
k(0) + k(N h)
τsl,0−h = exp + k( h) + k(2 h) + · · · from LOWTRAN-7. For the first generation IR seekers that
  operate in the 1.9–2.9 μm band, solar reflection from the target
+ k((N − 1) h) + k(N h) . (3.1) is an important contributor to the IRSL, as the peak irradiance
cos θ is to the left of 1.9 μm. Figures 3(b ) and (c) give the solar
irradiance at different altitudes in the 3–5 and 8–12 μm bands,
This equation is obtained by increasing the path-length
respectively. The absence of solar irradiance at 4.3 μm is due
in each discretized elemental beam of height h by a factor,
to dominant absorption by the high concentration of CO2 even
1/ cos θ (>1). The value of k is the same for each elemental
at high altitudes [22]. Sunshine is also an important contributor
beam, because the mean density of gases determined by the
to the IRSL for seekers that operate in the 3–5 μm band, but
vertical height for the discretized path-length is unaltered.
the contribution in the 8–12 μm band is only about 2% of
Comparing equations (3) and (3.1), τsl,0−h = (τv,0−h )1/ cos θ ;
that in the 3–5 μm band. Consequently, the background solar
i.e. τ for a slant beam can be obtained from τ for a vertical
radiation clutter is insignificant in the 8–12 μm band, relative
beam and the zenith angle.
to the 3–5 μm and 1.9–2.9 μm bands. Considering the signal-
The variation, τ (θ ), of a beam from ground to different h ,
to-clutter ratio as the sensor’s performance measure, IR sensors
averaged in the 1–20 μm band, is shown in figure 2 (b ). The
operating in the 8–12 μm band are equally effective during the
comparison between the variations obtained from LOWTRAN-
day as at night. But the performance of IR detectors operating
7 code and the expressions given by equations (3) and (3.1) for
in the 3–5 μm and 1.9–2.9 μm bands deteriorates during the
h = 5 km is also shown. The variation given by equations (3)
day, and these detectors are prone to confusing signals/false
and (3.1) is in good agreement with the predictions made by
LOWTRAN for low θ and θ → 90◦ . Therefore, for low θ and
The estimation of reflected sunshine requires information
θ → 90◦ , τ is obtained from equations (3) and (3.1); and for
other θ -values, τ is obtained using LOWTRAN. regarding day, time, and place; and it is further complicated by
additional target parameters like position and geometry. The
solar irradiance on the earth’s surface (which varies due to
3. Sunshine irradiance atmospheric variables) is given as
The amount of solar radiation received on the earth’s day- E = E s cos(θs ). (4)
side surface is determined by the sun angle, state of the
atmosphere, and altitude. The solar radiation outside the E s is the clear day solar irradiance on a plane perpendicular
atmosphere is given by the solar constant, which consists to incoming solar radiation, and θs is the zenith angle of the
of the entire spectrum of solar radiation (including IR). The sun. θs is measured from the zenith directly overhead a place
solar constant is the amount of incoming solar radiation per on earth to the sun’s position in the sky; it depends on latitude
unit area on the outer surface of the earth’s atmosphere, in (
), solar declination angle (δ ), and time of the day/hour angle
a plane perpendicular to the sun-rays. It is measured by ( H ). Using spherical coordinate geometry it is given as [23]
satellite to be approximately 1366 W m−2 , and can also be
estimated from the temperature of the sun and the solid angle θs = cos−1 (sin
sin δ + cos
cos δ cos H ), (4.1)
subtended by the earth at the sun. The spectral distribution
of sunshine reflection from aircraft resembles that of the solar where time ( H ) is the solar time (hour of the day from
blackbody radiation at 6000 K. However, it is modified by midnight). δ is the angle between the earth–sun line and the
the following factors: (i) atmospheric transmission; (ii) the equatorial plane; this changes with date, with a maximum
angle between the sun, the aircraft, and the observer; (iii) (23.45◦ ) on summer and winter solstices, and is 0◦ on the
shape of the reflecting surfaces; and (iv) type of reflection equinoxes. The value of δ for a particular day is given as
(BRDF) and surface reflectivity. The knowledge of solar δ = 23.45◦ sin[(JDV+284)(360/365)]; here, JDV is the Julian
irradiance at different altitudes in the atmosphere is needed day value of the day. The JDV is the number of days from the
to compute the solar heating of the aircraft surface, sunshine, first day of the calendar year; thus, 1 January has JDV = 1,
and earthshine. The temperature increase due to solar heating and 31 December has JDV = 365 (in a common year).
on the sun-side of the aircraft is typically 5 ◦ C [11], which
is not considered in NIRATAM. But SPIRITS incorporates 4. Skyshine irradiance
solar heating in target emissions, in addition to aerodynamic
heating [3]. Solar heating of the upper surface of aircraft can The atmosphere plays a crucial role in the estimation of
reduce the IR-contrast when viewed from the top; for which, the IRSL, and its role includes that of atmospheric trans-
the earth’s surface at higher temperature is the background. mission and background radiance (skyshine) [9]. Atmo-
This investigation uses LOWTRAN-7; this is a low resolution spheric propagation models like LOWTRAN, MODTRAN
propagation model for calculating atmospheric transmittance, (moderate resolution atmospheric transmission), and HITRAN
background radiance, and solar radiance. Details of validation (high resolution atmospheric transmission) codes provide a
of the LOWTRAN-7 model with respect to benchmark cases quantitative estimate of either all or some of these roles.
are provided in Kneizys et al [21]. The atmospheric radiance in versions after LOWTRAN-4 also

J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 (2009) 045703 S P Mahulikar et al

Figure 3. Spectral solar irradiance at different altitudes. (a ) 0.25–3.00 μm band, (b) 3–5 μm band, and (c) 8–12 μm band.

include scattered solar (on the earth’s day-side)/lunar radiance radiance with reasonable accuracy using less computational
and direct solar/lunar radiance. Since the IRSL of an aircraft on time. Berger and Bathiebo [25] and Berger et al [26],
the detector is determined by its contrast with the background respectively, estimated the total emissivity (ε ) of sky from
that it replaces, background IR irradiance at different altitudes the hemispherical spectral emissivity of the sky and total sky
is needed. The LOWTRAN code estimates sky radiation at radiation, at different h . The estimation of directional spectral
different altitudes in a specified wavelength band in a particular emissivity of Berger and Bathiebo [27] can be used to obtain
direction, thereby providing the directional spectral emissivity the total spectral emissivity. They defined an equivalent zenith
ε(λ, θ ). Figure 4(a ) shows the spectral directional radiance per angle (θeq ) for which the emissivity, ε , is the same as that for
unit solid angle of clear sky ( L λω ) obtained using LOWTRAN- the integrated sky vault; θeq was proposed by Elsasser [28]
7 code for different θ , for mid-latitude summer atmosphere. as 53◦ and by Bliss [29] as 56◦ . θeq proposed by Elsasser
The LOWTRAN predictions qualitatively match with the data minimizes the mean error over a large band [27]; hence, it
of Berdahl and Fromberg [24], except in the 16–20 μm band is used in this investigation to obtain the average skyshine
(which is not of interest for IRSL studies). The experimental at different h . Beier [11] used a simple reflection model in
data of Berdahl and Fromberg was obtained with radiometer NIRATAM, with the assumption that the average skyshine of
instrumentation for the same conditions. For estimating the the upper hemisphere is the sky emission at θeq = 45◦ . From
skyshine at a specific altitude, h , the hemispherical spectral figure 4(a ) it is seen that, for θ → 90◦ , the spectral sky
emissivity averaged over the entire hemispherical range is radiance is almost like blackbody radiation at the base altitude
needed. Berger’s empirical-based model [22] estimates the temperature [26]; as explained by Mahulikar et al [4] based on
background/sky/atmospheric radiance (hemispherical spectral the much larger horizontal path-length.
emissivity) on the ground, but not at different h . It uses ground Figure 4(b ) shows the spectral hemispherical irradiance,
and dew point temperatures as inputs, and estimates the sky E λ , of average skyshine at different h using LOWTRAN-7,

J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 (2009) 045703 S P Mahulikar et al

Figure 5. Estimation of earthshine irradiance on aircraft. (a ) Visible

earth-disc from an aircraft at altitude h , (b) discretization of the

from the ground (due to its temperature) and reflection of solar

radiation during the day (of lesser importance in the 8–12 μm
band; see figure 3). The emission from the earth’s surface is
a function of several parameters, e.g. vegetation, temperature,
humidity, type of soil and rock. Other than vegetation, most
Figure 4. Spectral clear sky properties for mid-latitude summer
surfaces characterizing the earth are predominantly diffuse and
atmosphere. (a ) Directional radiance, (b) hemispherical irradiance.
behave as grey bodies with high ε . Most agricultural plants
have ε ∼ 0.95 and soil surface has ε ∼ 0.93 [30]. Because
for mid-latitude summer conditions. For h = 0 km, the E λ night-time mission is considered in this investigation, only
values match with the predictions of Berger’s model [22], in the effect of the earth’s emission is obtained at different h .
quality and quantity. The skyshine is much higher for the Reflection of solar radiation from the earth’s surface for a day-
8–12 μm band as compared to the 3–5 μm band, especially time mission can also be added in the analysis for earthshine,
for low h . From the earth’s surface up to h = 3 km, the using equations (4) and (4.1).
atmosphere itself is responsible for the background IR radiance
in the atmospheric windows. 5.1. Estimation of τed−ac and earthshine irradiance
The IR irradiance on the aircraft is from the atmosphere
Figure 5(a ) shows an exaggerated view of the curved surface
above the target altitude for upper surfaces. For bottom
of the earth that is visible to an aircraft at altitude h . This
surfaces, IR irradiance is due to the atmosphere below the
visible surface subtends a very small angle (90◦ − α ) at
target altitude and earthshine. For high altitudes, the average
the centre of the earth (since h  Re ); hence, it can
skyshine from the atmosphere below the target is added to the
be considered as a flat disc, termed here as an earth-disc
earthshine component. The LOWTRAN-7 code can be used
(ed). Solving simultaneously tan α = (Red / h) and cos α =
to obtain the average skyshine incident on the lower surface
Red /Re , Red and αare obtained in terms of h and Re as
of the target. Beier [11] proposed the skyshine of the lower 
hemisphere to be the average emission corresponding to θeq = follows: Red = ( h 4 + 4h 2 Re2 + 4 − h 2 )/2 and α =

135◦ .
tan [ ( 1 + 4(Re / h)2 + h44 − 1)/2]. The emission from
5. Earthshine irradiance the visible earth-disc (shown by the hatched area ( Aed = π Red
in figure 5(a )) that is received by the aircraft is given as
The role of earthshine is important for low flying aircraft and
helicopters in the 8–12 μm band [16]. It consists of emission E ed−ac = τed−ac Fed−ac εed eλ1−λ2,ed Aed . (5)

J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 (2009) 045703 S P Mahulikar et al

Figure 7. Spectral irradiance due to earthshine at different h .

boundaries of the i th elemental earth-disc. The irradiances

from all N elemental earth-discs are added to obtain the total
irradiance on the aircraft at altitude h , i.e.,

E ed−ac = E eed−ac,i . (6)

From equations (5) and (6), the effective transmissivity

between the earth-disc and the aircraft, τed−ac , is ob-
The effect of discretization ( N ) on the irradiance on
an aircraft ( E ac ) due to earthshine in the 8–12 μm band is
examined in figure 6, which gives the variations of E ac and
( E ac /E ac ) × 100% with N . Because ( E ac /E ac ) < 0.01%
Figure 6. Grid independence study of E ac in the 8–12 μm band. for N > 150 (grid independence) in the altitude range 0–
(a ) Variation of E ac with number of elements, N , for different 2.5 km, N = 150 is selected for the results on spectral
altitude, h . (b) Percentage change in E ac with N , for h = 0.5 km. earthshine irradiance intensity ( E λ ) in figure 7. The grey body
spectrum at the earth’s surface is also shown as reference, for
Tgr = 300 K and εed = 0.85. It is also seen that E λ of
τed−ac is the effective transmissivity between the earth-disc and earthshine in the 8–12 μm band is much larger than in the
the aircraft, considering that the lines of sight connecting the 3–5 μm band, because, for Tgr = 300 K, λmax ≈ 9.61 μm
aircraft and the earth-disc have varying θ (and varying τ (θ )). (Wien’s displacement law).
Fed−ac is the view factor of the aircraft as seen by the earth-disc
(=Aac sin2 α/Aed ), where Aac is infinitesimally small relative
to Aed . 6. Results for sunshine, skyshine, and earthshine
Figure 2(b ) shows that there is a large variation of τ (θ )
for fixed h , within the angular subtense (2α ) of the earth-disc. Figures 8(a ) and (b ) give L λ from an aircraft rear fuselage
Therefore, the earth-disc is discretized into N annular elements due to earthshine, skyshine, and sunshine, at h = 1 km,
(see figure 5(b )), so τ of the beam connecting the aircraft and in the 3–5 and 8–12 μm bands. The temperature-based
a discretized earth-disc element (τeed−ac ) is fixed, as θ is fixed. radiance of the aircraft rear-fuselage skin (assumed Lambertian
Equation (5) applied to the i th annular element of the earth-disc and grey) for typical dry (non-afterburning) rating of the
is given as engine [12] is also shown for comparison. Figure 9 shows
the variation with h of earthshine, skyshine, and sunshine
E eed−ac,i = τeed−ac,i Feed−ac,i εeed,i eλ1−λ2,eed,i Aeed,i . (5.1) irradiance in the 3–5 and 8–12 μm bands. Earthshine and
skyshine irradiance in the 8–12 μm band is much more
In equation (5.1), the view factor of the aircraft as seen by the significant than in the 3–5 μm band, and earthshine is
i th elemental earth-disc is given as dominant relative to skyshine and sunshine in the 8–12 μm
Feed−ac,i = (Aac / Aeed,i )[sin2 (θi ) − sin2 (θi−1 )]. (5.1.1) band. The intensity of earthshine irradiance is higher at
low h , and above a particular h (∼5 km), the change in
In equations (5.1) and (5.1.1), Aeed,i = π(2i − 1)(Red /N)2 , irradiance is insignificant (figure 9). Comparing figures 8(a )
and θi and θi−1 are the zenith angles corresponding to and (b ), it is seen that the irradiance due to sunshine is

J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 (2009) 045703 S P Mahulikar et al

Figure 9. Variation with altitude of sunshine, skyshine, and

earthshine irradiance.

Figure 8. Spectral radiance from an aircraft rear fuselage, h = 1 km:

(a ) 3–5 μm band, (b) 8–12 μm band.

more in the 3–5 μm band than in the 8–12 μm band. It

increases with h , because the maximum irradiance is at the
boundary of the earth’s atmosphere (also see figure 3). These
irradiances should be considered together with the missile type,
e.g. SAM (surface-to-air missile)/AAM (air-to-air missile),
which see more of the bottom/side and top surfaces of aircraft,
respectively. The bottom and top surfaces of aircraft are
primarily responsible for the reflection of earthshine and
sunshine, respectively.
Figures 10(a ) and (b ) illustrate the effect of variation
of earthshine with emissivity of an aircraft’s rear-fuselage
surface and its altitude, respectively. The effect of earthshine
decreases with increase in εac , because of a decrease in surface
reflectivity (figure 10(a )). Atmospheric transmission decreases Figure 10. Aircraft rear fuselage’s irradiance in the 8–12 μm band.
with increasing h ; therefore, earthshine in the 8–12 μm band (a ) Variation with εac , (b) variation with h .
is important especially for low altitude missions. Figure 10(b )
shows the variation of contrast in the 8–12 μm band with h ,
from which it is inferred that the background radiance is also and without earthshine on the SAM’s IR seeker below it,
more important at lower h (also see figure 4(b )). Because for tropical conditions. The effect of background radiance is
most of the sky’s IR radiation is due to atmospheric radiance illustrated by comparing the contrast irradiance and irradiance
below h < 5 km, it is important to estimate the background considering only target radiance. It is inferred that earthshine
radiance for h < 5 km. Figure 11 shows the spectral variation and background radiance are more prominent in the 8–12 μm
of an aircraft rear-fuselage’s (at h = 1 km) irradiance with band than in the 3–5 μm band.

J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 (2009) 045703 S P Mahulikar et al


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