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International Relations MCQs | Foreign Policy of Selected Countries


Foreign policy of USA is based on……..of Power

(a) Balance
(b) Centralization
(c) Decentralization
(d) Separation
Answer: (a)

President George W. Bush’s decision to invade Iraq without the explicit

authorization of the UN Security Council demonstrates that U.S. foreign policy
under the current administration is best characterized by which approach to
international politics
(a) Political Realism
(b) Political Idealism
(c) Bureaucratic Politics
(d) Complex Interdependence
Answer: (a)

US president George Bush has created ‘millennium challenge Account’ to

(a) Improve national security
(b) Provide aid to Iraq and Afghanistan
(c) Help poor countries pursuing democratic ideals
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

The U.S. policy of containment was a product of the Cold War and was particular to
that era. However, with which of the following current situations could you a draw a
parallel or comparison to containment?
(a) The attempt to curtail the spread of AIDS in Africa.
(b) The construction of the “security fence” or wall between the West Bank and Israel.
(c) The increased restrictions on immigration to the U.S.
(d) The attempt to prevent the emergence of new Islamic fundamentalist regimes.
Answer: (a)

George Washington was the first President of USA. Who is the incumbent Vice
President of America?
(a) George Bush
(b) Gerald Ford
(c) Dick Cheney
(d) None of these.

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International Relations MCQs | Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

Answer: (d)

Who is the US Assistant Secretary of state for South Asian and Central Asian
(a) Riyan C. Crocker
(b) Nancy Powell
(c) Richard A. Boucher
(d) None of these.
Answer: (c)

Zalmay Khalil is the US Ambassador to:

(a) Iraq
(b) Syria
(c) Lebanon
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

General Michael Hayden is the:

(a).President of Chile
(b).Defense Secretary of United States
(c).Commander NATO’s force in Afghanistan
(d).None of these
Answer: (d)

Who gave a new direction to Pakistan’s foreign policy?

(a) Agha Shahi
(b) Sahabzada Yaqub Khan
(c) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

Who is Stanley McChrystal?

(a) Commander US forces in Afghanistan
(b) Head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM)
(c) NATO Commander in Afghanistan
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

Who was the special representative of USA for Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs?
(a) Richard Holbrook

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International Relations MCQs | Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

(b) Joan Alizabeth

(c) Gen. Mc Arthur
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

Who was the founder of Republican Party of United States?

(a) Abraham Lincoln
(b) Theodore Roosevelt
(c) George Washington
(d) None of these
Answer: (d)

In the early years, Pakistan’s foreign policy objectives had revolved its power
relationship with
(a) India
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Russia
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

On Kashmir, Bhutto resisted Indian pressure and refused to accept the ceasefire
line in Kashmir as the
(a) International border
(b) Relict border
(c) Soft border
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

Ayub Khan was strongly pro-American, and on a visit the United States in
(a) 1953 (b) 1954
(c) 1958 (d) None of these
Answer: (b)

Which are the aligned years in Pakistan’s foreign policy:

(a) 1963-1972 (b) 1954-1962
(c) 1947-53 (d) None of these
Answer: (b)

Durand Line, which divides the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan is as long as:
(a) 2252 Km (b) 2262 Km
(c) 2272 Km (d) None of these

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International Relations MCQs | Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

Answer: (a)

The idea of SAARC originated in the mind of:

(a) Gen Zia (b) Zia ur Rehman
(c) Rajiv Gandhi (d) None of these
Answer: (b)

Pakistan left Commonwealth in 1972 and rejoined in:

(a) 1988 (b) 1989
(c) 1985 (d) None of these
Answer: (c)

FBI of America was established in

(a) 1901
(b) 1908
(c) 1903
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)

What position Hu Jintao holds in Chine

(a) General Secretary of Communist Party
(b) President of the Country
(c) Both a & b
(d) Prime Minster of the country
Answer: (c)

China has opened the largest overseas diplomatic mission of China in …

(a) United States
(b) Pakistan
(c) Russia
(d) Japan
Answer: (b)

The US ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens was killed by militants in:

(a) Tripoli, Libya
(b) Misrata, Libya
(c) Benghazi, Libya
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

Pakistan and Russia signed a landmark defense agreement on

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International Relations MCQs | Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

(a) 19 August 2015

(b) 20 August 2015
(c) 23 August 2015
(d) 29 August 2015
Answer: (a)

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project is regarded as the biggest

connectivity project between the two countries with total investments around
(a) 56 billion US dollars.
(b) 46 billion US dollars.
(c) 48 billion US dollars.
(d) 49 billion US dollars.
Answer: (b)

Pakistan has recently been given full status in

(a) Organization of economic development cooperation and development (OECD)
(b) Gulf cooperation council (GCC)
(c) Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO)
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

Who is the current ambassador of Pakistan to USA?

(a) Mahmood Ali Durani
(b) Jahangir Karamat
(c) Madeeha Lodhi
(d) None of above
Answer: (d)

Recently, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was signed between Pakistan and ….
(a) India (b) Turkey
(c) Afghanistan (d) China
Answer: (b)

Name the area which separates Pakistan from Tajikistan?

(b).Khyber Pass
(d).Hindukush mountain range
Answer: (c)

The Border agreement between Pakistan and inda on Runn of Kuchh was signed in

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International Relations MCQs | Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

which year?
Answer: (b)

When Indus Water Treaty was signed between India and Pakistan?
(a) 1960
(b) 1962
(c) 1969
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

Which country assisted Pakistan in building Karachi Nuclear Power Plant?

(a) USA
b) France
(c) China
(d) Canada
Answer :(c)

Pakistan has been elected member of the United Nations Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC) for a three-year term starting ________.
(a) 1st January, 2016
(b) 1stJune, 2015
(c) 1stJanuary, 2015
(d) 1stJuly, 2015
Answer: (c)

Which country opposed Pakistan’s membership of UN?

(a) India.
(d).None of these
Answer (b)

AFPAK policy was announced in:

(a) 2008
(b) 2009
(c) 2007
(d) None of these

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International Relations MCQs | Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

Answer: (b)

From which country Pakistan purchased Gwadar?

(a) Kuwait
(b) Iran
(c) Muscat/Oman
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has recently approved $509
million to finance four projects of which of the following countries?
(a) Azerbaijan, Egypt, Finland and Iceland
(b) India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh
(c) Myanmar, Iran, Philippines and Sri Lanka
(d) Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Tajikistan
Answer: (d)

In which year Pakistan becomes ‘Republic’?

(a) 1947
(b) 1956
(c) 1962
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)

When Indus Water Treaty was signed between India and Pakistan?
(a) 1960
(b) 1962
(c) 1969
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

Who is the newly appointed head of the United Nations Military Observer Group in
India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP)?
(a) Peter Thomson
(b) Major General Per Lodin
(c) N Saibaba
(d) Per Gustaf Lodin
Answer: (a)

Which country is the world’s largest oil consumer, as per the recently released BP
Statistical Review of World Energy?

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International Relations MCQs | Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

(a) China
(b) United States
(c) India
(d) Russia
Answer: (b)

The South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) has not been a success because of
(a) Narrow export base of countries.
(b) Political hurdles.
(c) Lack of bilateral free trade agreements.
(d) Both a & b
Answer: (d)

India cut off the flow of canal waters to West Punjab for first time on
(a) April 1948
(b) May 1948
(c) April 1949
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

Kashmir sold to Maharaja Gulab Singh in

(a) 1845 (b) 1865
(c) 1890 (d).1846
Answer: (d)

Which pass connects Kurram Agency with Afghanistan?

(a) The Peiwar Kotal Pass
(b) Kurram Agency Pass
(c) Gomal Pass
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)

SAARC was established in:

(a) 1993 (b) 1985
(c) 1990 (d) 1998
(e) None of these
Answer: (b)

The author of famous book, “The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia’s New Geopolitics” is:
(a) Andrew Small
(b) Daniel S. Markey

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International Relations MCQs | Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

(c) Anatol Lieven

(d) None of these
Answer: (b)

Pakistan and US navies recently conducted joint exercises in the Arabian Sea by the
name of
(a) Optimum Impact
(b) Divers Move
(c) Inspired Union
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

Pakistan has recently been given observer status in

(a) Organization of economic development cooperation and development (OECD)
(b) Gulf cooperation council (GCC)
(c) Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO)
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

The project to reduce water logging and salinity area in Pakistan has been
financially supported by
(a) World Bank
(b) IMF
(c) Asian Development Bank
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

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