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Discussion 1.

1 Nature of Language and

Communication Processes
I’ve learned about communication process, its definition, models, and types. Like language, it
also has a vital role for interactions. Communication is the process of exchanging thoughts, information
and messages between people or groups of people by verbal and non-verbal cues such as writing,
gesture, and signs. Communication has various models which are Aristotle’s model, Laswell’s model,
Shannon-Weaver’s model, and Berlo’s model. Aristotle demonstrates linear communication process
with 3 basic variables called speaker, speech, and audience. Laswell’s model is similar to Aristotle’s
model which is in linear communication process but it has 5 variables. Variables answer the questions
who, says what, channel, to whom, and with what effect. Shannon-Weaver’s model originally made for
telephonic communication which introduced the existence of noise. Lastly, Berlo’s model is also known
as S-M-R-C-N model where S stands for source, M for message, C for channel, R for receiver, and N for
noise. Communication types are divided by according to mode, context, and purpose and style.
Discussion 1.2 Communication Scenario
Let's test your knowledge through participating in this 2nd discussion.
Share your own reaction/observation about these following video links below. Key in
your responses/observation consisting of 3-5 sentences in text entry.

Link (Links to an external site.)

Link (Links to an external site.)

Link (Links to an external site.)

Link (Links to an external site.)

Effective and ineffective communication

The scenarios show the difference between effective and ineffective communication. To develop
an effective communication, it is important to listen, observe body language, be aware of others
emotions, and think carefully. The characteristics that require a person to gain good communication
skills are clarity, open-mindedness, patience, adaptability, empathy, and active listening. Effective
communication can definitely leads to success.
Discussion 1.3
Identify one or two principles involved in effective communication. In 3-5 sentences, explain how each
principle works in a real-life communication context. Please write your answer into the reply box.

One of the principles of effective oral and written communication is to be concise. Since there are many
words with similar meanings, you must be able to select the best words to make your message short and
straight to the point. Another principle is to be complete with the message you deliver. You must send a
clear message that your receiver can understand and respond. When a message is not properly
encoded, then even if it is clearly received, poor communication may result.
2.2 Discussion: Communication in
Multicultural Setting and language
88 unread replies.88 replies.
Welcome aboard! You can participate in the discussion by answering the following
1. What is the importance of gaining knowledge about the different cultures in relation to
communication in multicultural setting ?
2. Being part of the Outer Circle, would you change the way how Filipinos pronounce
certain words, accent, intonation and other characteristics of English? Why or why not?
Please key in your responses in the reply column consisting  of 3-5 sentences.

1. What is the importance of gaining knowledge about the different cultures in relation to
communication in multicultural setting ?
The awareness of different cultures in relation to communication in multicultural setting will helps us
understand different perspectives. Cultural diversities broaden communication languages from native
language to foreign language. The knowledge about intercultural communication is essential to attain
meaningful interaction in respect to each other’s culture.

2. Being part of the Outer Circle, would you change the way how Filipinos pronounce
certain words, accent, intonation and other characteristics of English? Why or why not?

Being part of the outer circle and using English as my second language is acceptable. As I am taking
speech class, I change the way I pronounce certain words, accent, intonation, and other characteristics
of English but it doesn’t mean that I neglect Filipino language. I value Filipino language as I value myself
and my country.
2.3 Discussion: Communication for Various
If given the chance to create your own blog, what topic and title will you choose? 
Explain your answer. You can key in your responses in the reply column consisting of 3-5
sentences only.

Not more than 3 paragraphs (introductory, body, conclusion), choose any question

1.Why do we celebrate the coming of a new year?

2.Why are plants green?

3.Why is traffic heavy in cities?

4.Why does Swiss cheese have holes?

I actually plan to create my own blog long before. I have a lot of topics in mind but what I most
likely want is about the effects of the pandemic in architecture design. The title would be “New Normal
for Architecture”. The content involves the adaptation of the new normal life caused by the COVID19. I
will share ideas on how it affects the architecture designs from building materials to be used, new space
allocations, and a lot more.

Why is traffic heavy in cities?

In transportation, we all want to avoid rush hours. The reason is that we don’t like wasting time.
Miserably, many cities are exposed to heavy traffics. Majority of commuters are experiencing traffic
congestion. It occurs because of too much cars, lack of discipline, and poor development controls.

Nowadays, car production is increasing as well as the demand. Many people consider owning a
private car even without parking for their convenience or insufficient mass transit. Another reason is
people who are lack of discipline in which they don’t obey traffic regulations such as crossing yellow
lane, beating the red light, not following loading and unloading areas, etc. Traffic heavy is an effect of
poor development controls. Overflowing intersections, dreadful condition of roads, and overall
transport system are results of lack of urban planning.

In conclusion, many cities are suffering in heavy traffics. The reasons are the desire of people on
having a car, disobeying traffic regulations, and lack or urban planning. Clearly, something must be done
to decrease the volume of traffic congestion in many cities.

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