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Name : Dhava Ananda Syahriandri

Nim : 1175030071
Class : 2 B

Final Exam of Survey of British

A Summary from English Literature from Anglo Saxon Period until Kontemporer period

1. Anglo Saxon Period 5th – 10 th AD

Anglo Saxon period is an era of English literature during 5th century until the norman
conquest in 10th century this era also named by old English period. In this era the works
of literature have characteristics that very diferent in now days such as the works haven’t
written down like now days and the writers are still unknown or anonymous because the
way to speard it easly with oral. These works include genres like epic poetry, chronicles,
riddles, and others but mainly the ways it still like a poem. In all there are about 400
surviving manuscripts from the period, a significant corpus of both popular interest and
specialist research.

Moreover there’s a popular works in this era that we ever talked in the class that is the
poem Beowulf which talking about an epic story that one man become a hero which the
language that used is old English language even the story is from Denmark. Then the title
is the main character in it and the story is bioghraphical the main character. Furthermore
the story has 2.600 lines without any rhyme but there’s alliteration that repeating the
same sound from words in every first line, and there’s respite in the middle line.

The poems in this era are representated about worship and heroic theme to some people
that they respected which called by elegy which has 40 lines , so that’s not really strange
when there’s a ritual before they read the poem and sometimes the poem is sang. The
poem is become a noble because the people believed that the story is real, and become a
doctrine for some people.

2. Middle English Period 10th – 15th AD

Middle English period is a huge transition in the language indeed about the literature,
cultutre and life style. The language transform from old English to middle English which is
combination from old English and old French. Moreover the grammar leaned to French.

The English literature appeared in 13th century because the invention from normendia
until the top in 14th century.
The works in this era has a kinds such as
 Hyme, hyme is a poem that tells about praise but the way to read it must be sing.
 Elegy, elegy is a poem of lement
 And Romance which is talk about epic and love story.
Furthermore there’s a popular epic story in middle Englis era whis is King Arthur who is
the Britania king and believed has power and who defeated the last king in Anglo Saxon, but the
story is a bit complicated because in old era there’s no one who name King Arthur. So there’s no
one who can make it sure.

3. Renaissance periods

Renaissance period was one sense an awakening from the long slumber of the dark ages, which is
the human open their mind in knowledge become a technology in everything. Moreover there’s
found the machines like printing and sewing. This era changed the feuture literature from oral
become written by machine.

This era is really support about literature because all in England was being peace at the moment.
It is because the politic from the Queen Elizabeth who has not enemy and she is the one who take
over the command in everything. Moreover there is a hall for a play which named by her name
that is Elizabeth theatre.

Renaissance era is a period that all writers is really supported, cause the people need something to
entertaint theirselves. Furthermore there are some famous writers like Cristoper Marlowe,
William Shakeepeare, Ben Jhonson and etc. they made a poem, prose, and the scripct of play. For
example some of famous stories like Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Dr Faustus by
Cristhoper Marlowe, and The Alchemist by Ben Jhonson. This era also made the themes from the
story were evolved till found the new themes such as tragedy, happy ending, satire, play within
play and others.

Renaissance era also influenced the poemand. The poem in this era has a lot of types. This is
beacause the advancement in culture and technologhy itself. The types such as :
 Sonnet : a poem with 14 lines which is talking about love.
 Pastoral : a poem and sometimes being a drama which talking about a herdsman talked
wit the others herdsman.
And prose also influenced till appeared the new kind that is Essay Prose which is talking
about a problem with the point of view is from the writer.

4. Common Wealth period

Thjs era is the period of distruction of brotherhood till there’s a war between each other because
the king after Elizabeth’s dominance ended he was doing arbritrary in everything especially with
the finances in the kingdom. Those side are King’s side the Arictrocracy who opposed the side.
So the literature was also influenced by that. Furhermore this made some of writers are
supporting the Empire side and anothers are supporting the Arictrocracy.

Because that cause lot of purpose from the literature works are to satire each other, it just like in
Indonesia that the writers are divided two sides which are Lekra and Manifes Kebu. At the last
one but not at least something like this is make the literature works productive.
The famous writers in this era are Jhon Dhane with his work in Metaphisical Poetry with used the
logicality and reality, the title is “The Undertaking”, Robert Herrick with his work in Cavaloier
Poetry with the ganre shows about the way how to love the world no the religion, ThomasCarrew
with his elegy, and Jhon Milton in his work in Round Head Poetry.

5. Romantic period

Romantic period is an artistic, literary, musical, cultular and intellectual movement originating in
Europe, toward the end of 18th century. It was began at the publishing odf William Wordswoth’s
Lyrical Ballads and ended at the crowning of Queen Victoria.

Literary characteristics of romantic period are emphasized everything with feelings, imagination,
emotions, mycticism and instinc. And he importance of nature. When all relized that the
technologhy made a distruction to the nature and human itself. So the romantic period is a
refresentative that the people and especially the writera are rejecting the development of the
technology and the made a the reflection with the literature that pulls the people to back to nature.

Romantic period also influenced at the poem that in this era are really representated about the
nature, how the nature give us the peace and the benefit. It was pretended from all the symbol in
the poems are taking the animals and nobled the rivers or a mountain an etc.

Novel and prose also influenced by this period that created the new genres. There are dominant
genres in romantic era there are gothic ( a story wich give effects of pleasing terror and horror) ,
romance ( a story which give a hope, strength, and the assurance that happy endings are possible )
and gothic- romance ( blended the gothic and romance ).

Here are some of masterpieces and their writers Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Pride and
Prejudice by Jane Austen and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

6. Victoria period

Victoria period ia a period that named by the Queen who lead the England at the period, then this
period also know as a period that peace, developing, and prosperity among the people is really
happened ( 11 Juny
2018 ). Moreover the people in this period also relized and accepted the development of
knowledge become a technology for helping all of productions in English and about culture
there’s some transition rasionalism

This causes also made the literature more advanced literally about the novel because the condition
in England supported the writer to make a story and being productive. Moreover the condition of
country is a crucial thing in Literature development.

Victoria period has a characteristic in literature works still as a mymethic with what happened in
Victoria period, more Exactly still talking about

7. Modern period
Modern period is period that condition in this era is world war era then also the characteristic of
literature shows about disapointed of developing technology become a huge disaster which was
made world war. Made the people poor and less everything. Moreover colonialism become the
one solution to find the new source to support the army in war and to make the Gold, Glory, and
Gospel on hands.

After those all the new genre in literature also appeared in this era which is because the theory of
phsyco analysis that anounced by Sigmund Freud, the it was also made the phsycology become a
new genre in literature works.

There’s also a new understanding about the value and the truth in modern era that anything on
this world is depended on every singgle eyes that look on the aesthetica, value and the truth. This
one called relatifitivity then anything is subjectivity there’s no one the truly truth no one peace
that truly peaceful and no one freedom that truly freedom.

In modern era especially for literature works such as prose jas a high honour, then there are three
technic to write the prose such as epistolary technique, old eyes, and autobioghrafi technique
m=1. 12 Juny 2014 ).

Poem was not on top again in this era but there’s something new about the style of writing the
poem from the writes, they are who still owe the discipline how to write the poem that following
the past era and some of them who broke the rule and the standarisation of the poem.

Moreover there are popular writers about poem in this era, here they are :
 Alfred Edward Housman he is a poet and he published his masterpiece that A Shorpshire
( 1896 ) which is has sixty three lyrics that talking about a meditation of a young man
 T.S Eliot he is sport from st. Louis with his popular poem is “As Wednesday(1930)”
 And etc.

Novel has a huge advancement from the style of writing until the them of the story but all of
those at the same point from the novel is as the refresentative with what was happening. Such as
the phsycology one as the new ganre in novel in this era or exactly phsyco analysis.

Then these are for the novel :

 Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad
 Mrs. Dalloway, Chapter I; Virginia Woolf
 Araby; by James Joyce
 Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett
 The Dumb Waiter; by Harold Pinter

Then for the drama itu also make the colour of literature become a huge rainbow drama still
the one of literature work that was being favorit among the people and also in modern era that
was became on the screen by the technology and still moving forward untill kontemporer era.
Then for the popular drama in modern era are :

 George Bernard Shaw with his creating Pygmalion (1912) the story it was taken from
Greece which was talking about a carver that made a woman statue the the statue
become alive because the god mights
 Jhon Galsworthy with his works are The Silver Box (1960), Joy (1907), The Pigeon

8. Kontemporer period

Kontemporer period is exactly with what happened today, this period is where we are living in.
Today the literature is not only about later and later. Today literature has more developed than
before. Especially in English, but more crucial in this era literature become a way to find the
benefit in finance. More than it literature still as a mymethic from what was happened.

Furthermore because the high of technology the literature can get lot of purposes, literature can
shows an old style without bored, shows the imagination, and some of theme of futuristic can be
so real. This is shows from a movie and film that has a little bit different. Movie is emphasis to
entertain than film is emphasis to aesthetic.

Literature in this era also shows us the old ganre can be rebuild such as fiction and develop with
the science become science fiction. There’s also horor, detective, adventure and etc. At the point
kontemporer era serves any ganre with a freshe method.
Some of popular creations like :
 Harry Potter by JK Rowling which had seven sequels and one from the fans club.
 Transformers with the robotical theme, fight and war by Michael bay

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