Exerciții Engleză

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Look at the following mission statements posted on different websites of important private

companies, professional associations and universities around the world. Then answer the
questions matching numbers 1-20 to the letters A-H. There may be more answers to the same

A. Law Association
B. Major Flight Company
C. University
D. Fire Department of City A
E. Law Firm
F. Corporation
G. Fire Department of City B
H. Carrier

Which company mentions in its mission statement:

a. state-of-the-art-equipment ? 1,,,,,,,,,,,,
b. working for free? 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,
c. profitability as a major goal? 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
d. having a responsibility towards citizens? 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,
e. educational programs ? 5,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,
f. governmental institutions? 8,,,,,,,,,,,,9,,,,,,,,
g. having a strategy for future development 10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
h. good working conditions for employees? 11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Which company:

a. organizes conferences? 12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

b. establishes contacts with academic world? 13,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,,,,,,,,
c. seeks to meet customers’ needs? 15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
d. is interested in protecting the environment? 16,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,,,,,,,,,,,
e. is policy oriented? 18,,,,,,,,,,,,,
f. is preoccupied with security issues? 19,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,,,,,,,,,,,,

A. Law Association

Founded in 2000 to meet the complex challenges of law in the 21st century, our
company has 550 members and 30 associate members. These core values are not just an
empty mission statement: they underpin all that we do,
We are independent practitioners with a professional obligation to promote the interests
of our clients, whoever they may be. The practice is committed to the protection of
individuals’ rights as well as the interests of corporate clients and public and
governmental bodies.
Client Care and Quality of Service
Individually and as a practice we are committed to providing a high quality of client care
and legal service.
Practice Diversity
We are committed to respecting the diverse practice aspirations of each member. The
practice is run as an efficient business organization, although the maximization of income
generation is not the principal goal of the practice itself.

B. Major Flight Company

Our Group’s overriding strategic principal is to create ling-term value coupled with
profitable growth, using cash value added (CVA) as the key figure.
Core Values:
Attracting Working Environment
Our staff are integral to our success. We offer them good working conditions,
commensurate incentives for personal development and an energizing, international
corporate culture. That makes us an attractive employer for qualified, motivated and
service-minded personnel.
Social Responsibility
We are committed to keeping the balance between business and social prerogatives.
Environmental protection and sustainable development are prime objectives of corporate
policy. Active engagement in social projects is ingrained in our corporate culture.

C. University

Our mission is to foster scholarly research on issues pertaining to economic policy reform
in developing economies and economies in transition.
Focus on Development
Faculty and staff at our Centre research and distribute significant results on issues
involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of policies that promote economic
growth in developing countries. The objective is to promote economic development and
to enhance the efficiency of the international economic system. Growth and improved
economic performance in low-income and formally centrally planned economics are
essential to raise the living standards of the world’s poor and to enhance global
cooperation and security.
In pursuit of both breadth and depth, the Centre has programs that are topical as well as
programs to study specific areas. It includes scholars who have in-depth knowledge of
China, India, Mexico, Chile, Indonesia and several other nations and regularly convenes
conferences on economic policy reform in China, India and Latin America.
Diseminating Information
We inform the outside world by publishing our research both for the scholarly
community and for general audiences through policy briefs and mass media. And we hold
conferences in which academics, business leaders and government officials meet to
discuss economic policies. We also interact on a small-group basis with our friends and
supporters for less formal exchanges of ideas.

D. Fire Department of City A

As first responders to fires, public safety, medical emergencies and disasters, FD protects
the lives and property of the city residents and visitors.
Service: The department continues its unwavering call to protect and serve.
Bravery: Bravery is the ability to overcome fear through fortitude, instinct, compassion
for others and training.
Safety: We strive to keep our citizens free from danger, especially deliberate, harmful
acts. With the best equipment and training, the department can reduce the risk to the
public and to its members at fires, emergencies and medical incidents.
Honour: The enormous commitment necessary to perform the department’s tasks
requires excellence of character. We inspire each other through pride in our work, which
is a belief that every action reflects on all the members of the unit, both past and present.

E. Law Firm

Members and Associates of our company have a shared commitment to the following
Teamwork and Co-operation;
Teamwork and co-operation are important values. Although members of the practice will
remain individual practitioners, we are committed to working together.
Public Service Ethos
We are committed to a public service ethos. This includes a commitment to publicly
funded work, public interest litigation and, where appropriate, pro bono work. Such work
is held it equal esteem with private client work.
Closer Links between Practicing and Academic Lawyers
Academic lawyers have historically been an under used resource at the bar. We are
committed to enhancing collaboration with academic lawyers.
Promotion of Equality of Opportunity
The practice seeks actively to promote equality of opportunity. It is a long term aspiration
that the practice be comprised of roughly equal proportions of women and men. And that
minorities be properly represented. It is one of the aims of the practice to help facilitate
access to the legal profession to those traditionally excluded.

F. Corporation

At this company, corporate conduct is inseparable from the conduct of individual

employees in the performance of their work.
Every employee is responsible for adhering to business practices that are in accordance
with the letter and spirit of the applicable laws and with ethical principles that reflect the
highest standards of corporate and individual behavior. We are committed to the highest
standards of ethics and integrity.
We are responsible to our customers, to employees and their families, to the
environments we habit and to the societies we live worldwide. In discharging our
responsibilities, we do not take professional or ethical shortcuts. Our interactions with all
segments of society must reflect the high standards we profess.

G. Fire Department of City B

The department advances public safety through its fire prevention, investigation and
education programs. The timely delivery of these services enables the FD to make
significant contributions to the safety of the city and homeland security efforts.
Core Values of the Department:

A commitment to the objectives of our mission is an essential part of our code of
conduct. The faithful observance of duty calls for us to fulfill our obligations
professionally and honestly.

By combining all of the components of our core values, FD will maintain its constant
state of readiness to meet all threats and challenges, traditional and new.

H. Major Carrier
Our company is one of the leading global network carriers. Simultaneously it is a
globally operating aviation group with approximately 400 companies and subsidiaries.
We aim to become the most attractive and most profitable European network carrier with
a global offer.
Strategic Principles
Focus on customer benefits. The customer is central to our business activities. We
address customer requirements and offer products to meet those needs.
Accent on Core Skills
Our core skills determine our activities. Those skills encompass management of flight
networks, nurturing partnerships, operating processes on the ground and in the air as well
as the provision and maintenance of infrastructure and production factors.
System integration sets the pace
We further develop our system integration in order to extend our competitive lead over
other locations, airlines and alliances. we cooperate closely with our major partners,
suppliers and infrastructure providers in order to integrate and optimise our core

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