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(PHYS 20034)


Prepared and Submitted by:

Engr. Hannah Ledda B. Ferrer
This is a calculus-based course covering the basic laws and phenomena in mechanics,
electricity and magnetism, oscillation and waves, rotational mechanics and modern Physics. It
expands on selected areas Physics to reinforce and expand student understanding of the
fundamental concepts and their application to solving engineering problems.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

• Understand basic concepts and principles of Physics;

• Develop problem-solving processes involving mathematics, which includes calculus, to
obtain quantitative solution in Physics;
• Demonstrate the ability to think critically in choosing appropriate Physics concepts to
analyze engineering problems.

MODULE 2: Oscillations and Waves

We begin this new unit by studying a special type of motion called periodic motion, the
repeating motion of an object in which it continues to return to a given position after a fixed time
interval. The repetitive movements of such an object are called oscillations. To explain many other
phenomena in nature, we must understand the concepts of oscillations and waves. For instance,
although skyscrapers and bridges appear to be rigid, they actually oscillate, something the
architects and engineers who design and build them must take into account.

After successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
• Analyze the oscillatory motion of a variety of systems;
• Analyze the motion of a mass on a spring and the motion of a simple pendulum;
• Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves;
• Describe mathematically a sinusoidal wave and know the relationships between
wavelength, frequency, and speed; and
• Describe a standing wave
Lesson 1: Simple Harmonic Motion
Course Materials
Simple harmonic motion occurs whenever the restoring force is proportional to the
displacement from equilibrium. It has wide application in the study of oscillations, waves,
electrical circuits, and molecular dynamics. Object moving along the x-axis is said to exhibit
simple harmonic motion if its position as a function of time varies as

For simple harmonic motion, the acceleration a = -ω2x is proportional to the displacement,
but in the opposite direction. Simple harmonic motion is accelerated motion. If an object exhibits
simple harmonic motion, a force must be acting on the object. The force is

It obeys Hooke's law, F = -kx, with k = mω2. The force exerted by a spring obeys Hooke's
law. Assume that an object is attached to a spring, which is stretched or compressed. Then the
spring exerts a force on the object. This force is proportional to the displacement x of the spring
from its equilibrium position and is in a direction opposite to the displacement.
F = -kx
Assume the spring is stretched a distance A from its equilibrium position and then released.
The object attached to the spring accelerates as it moves back towards the equilibrium position.
a = -(k/m)x
It gains speed as it moves towards the equilibrium position because its acceleration is in
the direction of its velocity. When it is at the equilibrium position, the acceleration is zero, but the
object has maximum speed. It overshoots the equilibrium position and starts slowing down,
because the acceleration is now in a direction opposite to the direction of its velocity. Neglecting
friction, it comes to a stop when the spring is compressed by a distance A and then accelerates
back towards the equilibrium position. It again overshoots and comes to a stop at the initial
position when the spring is stretched a distance A. The motion repeats. The object oscillates back
and forth. It executes simple harmonic motion. The angular frequency of the motion is

ω = √(k/m),

The period is T = 2π√(m/k), and the frequency is f = (1/2π)√(k/m).

A particle oscillates with simple harmonic motion, so that its displacement varies according
to the expression x = (5 cm)cos(2t + π/6) where x is in centimeters and t is in seconds. At t = 0
(a) the displacement of the particle,
(b) its velocity, and
(c) its acceleration.
(d) Find the period and amplitude of the motion.


Reading Materials:

• Oscillations and Waves by University of Tennessee, Knoxville, retried from
• Chapter 14 – Oscillations and Waves, Physics For Scientists and Engineers by P.
Tipler and G. Mosca
• Chapter 15 – Oscillatory Motion, Physics For Scientists and Engineers with
Modern Physics by Serway and Jewett

1. Is a bouncing ball an example of simple harmonic motion? Is the daily movement of a
student from home to school and back simple harmonic motion? Why or why not?
2. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of an oscillator of amplitude A and frequency f
when its speed is maximum? When its displacement from equilibrium is maximum?
3. A 20 g particle moves in simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 3 oscillations per
second and an amplitude of 5 cm.
(a) Through what total distance does the particle move during one cycle of its motion?
(b) What is its maximum speed? Where does that occur?
(c) Find the maximum acceleration of the particle. Where in the motion does the maximum
acceleration occur?

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