Name: Review: "All The President's Men"

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Name: Review: “All the President’s Men”

If you're looking for an old classic mystery movie, then look no further than “All the
President's Men.” This movie is a good example of an amazing movie that’s brought
from real life events, but at the same time it does not hold the movie back. With every
clue found and every person questioned ,you won't want to miss anything to figure out
this conspiracy.
After a burglary at the Watergate apartment complex, which was for the
Democratic Party, two rival reporters at the Washington Post start to unravel a mystery
stirring in the White House that could connect to the burglary. With a clue based on
money the burglars had received, every clue they find just might get them closer to the
truth. As they go, they’ll receive more and more comments to put together this scheme
and the people at the top of it all.
The movie was an example of the golden age of mystery classics that gave an
insightful depiction of the events that occurred. Both of the main characters in the film,
”Woodward,” played by Robert Redford and, ”Bernstein,” played by Dustin Hoffman are
amazing examples of reporters who don’t stop asking questions even after being in
danger. Along with the amazing examples of reporters, they show off good ways of
interviewing people to find out what you need to know.
Like all movies, it does have downsides to it, with some of the movie having some
cliches. Throughout the movie “Woodward” gets clues from someone code
named,”Deep Throat.” The character acts as a mysterious figure hiding in the dark, an it
ends up feeling a bit too cliche for a movie based off true events. The other cliche is
bugging; it was barely in the film but doesn’t feel as though it should have even been
included. The only other thing is you take in so much information you can start to get
lost about what was the mystery happening in the first place and how does it tie into the
Overall, the movie was quite interesting to watch, with it giving you an insight into
the past and giving an interesting mystery to figure out. I recommend you watch this
movie if you enjoy classic mystery or enjoy figuring out mysteries. The movie is
definitely something all people should watch if they are interested in becoming a
journalist or reporter, because of the tips you can learn from watching.

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