Gittens Multimedia Evaluation Report

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The University of The West Indies

Open Campus

Multimedia Evaluation Report

Althea Gittens 408000882

Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the

MSc. in Instructional Design and Technology

Course Name: Developing Instructional Materials

Course Code: EDID6508
Tutor: Dr. Leroy Hill
Due Date: December 12, 2020
Evaluation Report: Dynamic Designers Multimedia Project
The multimedia project chosen for the group project is a modification of my storyboard,
Developing an eLearning course and course content. The group project focused on
Developing an eLearning course using Google Classroom. I invited three persons to evaluate
the group project and other members of the group received feedback from peers they had
invited to review the multimedia project as well. The table below is the result of feedback
from two of the peers.

Evaluation Area Peer 1 Peer 2

No storyboard No storyboard
Storyboard or planning sheet
included included
Organization of content 3 2
Originality 3 3
Copyright and documentation 2 -
Format and platform transferability 4 4
Subject knowledge 3 4
Graphic Design 3 3
Mechanics 4 4
Screen design 3 2
Use of enhancement 3 4
Total 28/40 26/40

Summary of evaluations report

Based on the reviews, it was felt that the idea developed was a good one and sufficient
content was included to cover the instructional content.
One question asked by one of the reviewers was the target audience. While the target
audience was not stated in the project, we did have discussions in the group about the target
audience. The reviewer did not find any information related to copyright concerns that should
have been noted. The group was commended for good incorporation of screen casting skills.
The reviewers felt that there was a considerable amount of information on Google classroom.
However, it was noted that we should be weary of having too much information on the same
topic. It was also felt that there was good use of space, font colours, size and selection of
Instructional events
It was noted that the group made good use of original content, the instructional content
seemed very relevant and sufficient features of the software was utilised to improve the
instructional content and enhance the lesson. It was also noted that some areas could have
been improved but no suggestions were given on those areas that needed improving. It was
highlighted that the inclusion of the summary video was also a good idea. It was noted that
feedback should be given to correct or incorrect responses, however, the built-in feedback in
the system was used for both correct and incorrect responses. It was also stated that the group
should have considered giving additional chances per question for the quiz. This was
however, not done.

It was noted that the choice of tool was compatible across devices. However, comments from
reviewers suggested that the audio was too low, navigation button not functioning correctly
or advancing too fast. It was also noted that we needed to be mindful of the potential for
audio to overlap by placing content with multiple audio on one screen. This would only occur
if the user clicks on the icons together or click another icon before waiting until the first
audio complete. The suggestion is however noted and will be considered.

Most of the comments from the reviewers focussed on the navigation of the group project. It
was suggested that the group use the built-in navigation system as it was pointed out that
some of the navigation buttons were not functioning properly or advancing to a slide which
the reviewer did not thing it should have advanced to. However, the screen advancement was
correct. It should also be noted that the group tested the project after it was published and all
the links worked, the issues pointed out by peers such as quiz questions jumping, navigation
button cut off were not experienced by the group when the project was tested after it was
published. The only exception was the exit button on the last slide which did not have the
trigger set.
Revisions to Project
One of the main issues noted was navigation. Though this was tested by group members, to
avoid this and to ensure that the project is fully functional, it would be tested by users outside
of the group and on various devices and browsers to eliminate any or all the possible
problems that could be highlighted. It was also pointed out that the group needed to be
mindful of the potential for audio to overlap when there is more than one audio source on the
screen as it could be distraction to learners. To fix this, each slide containing audio would be
placed on a separate screen and audio would be checked to ensure that the volume is audible.
One content issue was noted, and it related to not having too much content for a particular
topic, such as Google Classroom. This would be fixed by using different instructional
strategies to ensure that each topic is sufficiently covered to ensure that learners are well
rounded for each topic. It was also suggested that we use vector graphics instead of clipart to
add to the visual appeal of the course. This suggestion would be implemented. Consistency
with navigation buttons was suggested, However, the same group of navigation buttons was
used throughout the project. What would be done is ensure that buttons are all the same size
or one colour is used for all buttons to ensure uniformity.

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