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MATH1510G Calculus for Engineers -- Subclass G

MATH1510 Main Website:

All assessment materials and suggested solutions can be downloaded from the main
website. Please refer to this website for announcements.
Username: math1510 Password: calculus
Subclass G Website: please refer to the elearning site in Blackboard in MyCUHK to
download lecture notes. (
Dr. Hiu Ning CHAN
Office: Room 233, Lady Shaw Building
Consultation hours: Tuesday 10:30 - 12:30; 14:30-15:30 or by appointment
Teaching Assistants
Xueling DONG
Monday 16:30-17:15 (LSB LT6); Wednesday 13:30-15:15 (LSK LT3)
Monday 13:30-14:15 (BMSB G18)

1. Transcendental functions (expontential, logarithm, trigonometric functions and their
2. Curves represented by parametric equations.
3. Differentiation in single variable calculus (basic rules of differentiation, implicit
differentiation, rate of change, approximation, L'Hopital Rule, extreme values and
curve sketching).
4. Vector valued functions and their differentiation rules.
5. Integration in single variable calculus (definite and indefinite integrals, techniques
of integration, area and volume of revolution).
6. Series (Taylor expansion, Taylor and Maclaurin series, technique involving power
series and Taylor's Theorem).
Thomas’ Calculus by J. R. Hass, C. E. Heil and M. D. Weir
Calculus, Early Transcendentals by C. H. Edwards and D. E. Penney
Comprehensive notes written by Dr. J. C. F. Wong are posted under teaching materials
in the main course website.
You are strongly advised to work on the supplementary exercises posted under teaching
materials in the main course website.

Homework 12%
Coursework 8%
Quizzes (x2) 20%
Midterm Examination 20%
Final Examination 40%

There will be 6 sets of homework in total. There are two components: hardcopy
homework and WeBWork.
- Your solutions of the hardcopy homework should be submitted in the assignment
box corresponding to your section located on the second floor of the Lady Shaw
Building. Late submission will NOT be graded and will score zero. Electronic
submission of hardcopy homework is NOT accepted. Please note that CUHK places
high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students.
- WeBWork is an online platform. The link of WeBWork is:
There will be 8 sets of coursework in total. Coursework are to be submitted after each
tutorial session. You can consult the teaching assistants during the tutorial. The total
score will be multiplied by 1.3 but ceiling at 8%.

Quiz 1
Date: September 23 (during tutorial)
Remark: There is no makeup quiz 1.
Midterm Examination
Date: October 21 (during tutorial)
Remark: Make-up midterm exam will only be provided when documentation of
hospitalization, major illness, family death or emergency is provided within 5 working
Quiz 2
Date: November 11 (during tutorial)
Remark: There is no makeup quiz 2.
Final Exam: To be arranged.

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