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L. A. H A R R I S A N D H. L.

Y A K E L 301

Groups about Be(III), Be(IV), and Be(V) atoms are

the final bits of inter-rod 'glue' encountered along (111 ) References
directions before diverging rods leave large (5.4 ~ dia- ADER, M. & BINGLE,J. (1956). Argonne National Labor-
meter) holes centered at sites such as 0, 0, 0 and 1, 1, 1. atory, Chemical Engineering Div. Quart. Progr. Rep.
Some indication of the manner in which these groups April-Juni, p. 106.
interlock with the rod structure may be seen in Fig. 4. BUSING, W. R., MARTIN, K. O. & LEVY, H. A. (1962). A
Fortran Crystallographic Least-Squares Program. Oak
Hole configuration Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee. ORNL TM-305.
The large inter-rod holes are relatively isolated from BUSING, W. R., MARTIN, K. O. & LEVY, H. A. (1964). A
one another. They are surrounded by the square bases Fortran Crystallographic Function and Error Program.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee. ORNL
of Ca(II)O6 groups in (100) directions, by the prism TM-306.
sides of Ca(I)O8 groups in (110) directions, and by CROMER,D. T. & WABER,J. T. (1964). Los Alamos Scientific
triangular faces of Be(IV)O4 and Be(V)O3 groups in Laboratory, New Mexico. LA-3056.
(111) directions. The shortest path between them is FARRELL, E. F., FANG, J. H. & NEWNHAM,R. E. (1963).
through a Ca(I)O8 group; a more devious path lies Amer. Min. 48, 804.
through a Be(V)O3 group, into a ¼, 3, 4-Ipocket, and into HARRIS, L. A., POTTER,R. A. & YAKEL,H. L. (1962). Acta
an adjoining large hole through another Be(V)O3 group. Cryst. 15, 615.
Structural obstacles along either path would seem to HOWELLS, E. R., PHILLIPS, D. C. & ROGERS, D. (1949).
dictate low interhole diffusion rates for large guest
Research, 2, 338.
HOWELLS,E. R., PHILLIPS,D. C. & ROGERS,D. (1950). Acta
atoms or molecules. This has been tentatively verified Cryst. 3, 210.
by repeated failures in attempts to introduce argon HUGHES, E. W. (1941). J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 63, 1737.
into the holes by treating calcium beryllate in a 2400- International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1962). Vol. -2 argon atmosphere at 500 to 550°C for periods III. Birmingham: Kynoch Press.
up to 18 hr. Diffusion rates may be higher for small MAREZIO, M., PLETTINGER, H. A. & ZACHARIASEN,W. H.
atoms or molecules (He or H2), and the possible en- (1963). Acta Cryst. 16, 390.
trapment of guest atoms during formation of calcium PAULING, L. • SHAPPELL, M. D. (1930). Z. Kristallogr. 75,
beryllate is worth investigation. 128.
PAVLOV, P. V. & BELOV, N. V. (1960). Soviet Phys., Cryst-
The authors are indebted to R.A.Potter of the allography, 4, 300.
Metals and Ceramics Division of the Oak Ridge Nat- POTTER, R. A. & HARRIS,L. A. (1962). J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.
ional Laboratory for his aid in obtaining single crystals 45, 615.
SMITH, D. K., NEWr,,IRK, H. W. & KAHN, J. S. (1964).
of calcium beryllate and to H.A. Levy and R. D. Ellison
J. Eleetrochem. Soe. 111, 78.
of the Chemistry Division for their assistance in pro- SMITH, D. K., CLINE, C. F. & AUSTERMAN, S. B. (1964).
gramming calculations. We also thank G.W. Clark of the U.C.R.L. 7539, Rev. 1.
Metals and Ceramics Division who provided facilities WARREN, B. E. (1930). Z. Kristallogr. 74, 131.
for and participated in the gas-entrapment experiments. WILSON, A. J. C. (1942). Nature, Lond. 150, 152.

Acta Cryst. (1966). 20, 301

The Crystal Structure of Bavenite
Sez. V1 del Centro di Cristallografia del C.N.R., Istituto di Mineralogia dell'Universitgt di Pavia, Italy
lstituto di Mineralogia dell' Universitgt di Milano, Italy
(Received 17 May 1965)
Bavenite, a silicate containing aluminum, beryllium, calcium and hydrogen, is orthorhombic, with
space group Cmcm, Z = 4, a = 23.19, b = 5-005, c = 19.39/~. Its crystal structure has been solved from a
three-dimensional Patterson synthesis. Final bond lengths and angles were determined from coordin-
ates obtained by the least-squares method applied to three-dimensional data (final over-all R value:
6.6 %). Bavenite displays a framework-like structure in which the dominant motif is a fourfold chain of
linked tetrahedra running parallel to b. The diadochy between aluminum, tetrahedrally coordinated,
and beryllium is discussed. The positions of the hydrogen atoms have been determined and an im-
proved chemical formula has been derived, i.e. Ca4(BeOH)2+xA12_xSi9026_x, where 0.10 <x <0.84.
Introduction vironment. After some discussion it has been recog-
Bavenite is a silicate containing aluminum, beryllium nized as orthorhombic. Its probable space group is
and calcium, always found in a tardomagmatic en- reported as Cmcm and slightly varying lattice constants
* G.F. carried out the differential thermal analysis of bav- have been found by different authors who handled
enite, contributing to the arrangement of the chemical formula, different specimens (Berry, 1963). It often occurs in

plates normal to [100], elongated following [010], very radiation and the multiple-film technique. The inte-
narrow in the [001] direction. The cleavages are {001} gration range was adjusted to correct for the spot con-
very good, {100} good. The chemical analyses were traction at the higher levels; this correction did not
discussed by Berry (1963), who suggested cover a few reflexions elongated rather than contracted
on the side of the 'contraction effect' (130, 131, 240,
HxCa4Be2+xA12-xSigO27 • nH20
(0.10<x<0.84; n--1.08) A total of 1162 independent reflexions out of the
as the correct chemical formula. 1361 present in the Cu Kel limiting sphere (85Yo) was
inspected; 66 did not give observable blackening on
Experimental the films.
Chemical formula
One of us (G.F.) carried out a differential thermal Measurement of the intensities
analysis of bavenite. This showed that the latter loses The highest intensities (Iobs>750, on the absolute
water only at 950 ° with decomposition, and the chem- scale) were measured on the integrated films with a
ical formula can therefore perhaps better be written Nonius microdensitometer and the lowest (one fourth
of the whole) were visually estimated by comparison
H2+z,CaaBez+xAlz-xSig028 (0.10 < x < 0.84). of the non-integrated spots with a calibration strip
The reported chemical formula, with this minor var- recorded with a suitable bavenite reflexion. Only an
iation, was assumed to be correct, without making a octant of the Cu Ka limiting sphere was examined.
new analysis; the results of the crystal structure de-
termination were consistent with all the assumptions Correction and scaling of intensities
made. Our specimens from Baveno had an atomic ratio The intensities were corrected for Lorentz-polariz-
A I : B e ~ 1.9:2.1. ation and absorption factors, elongation of some spots,
and incipient but incomplete c q - c~z spot doubling. A
Lattice constants secondary extinction correction and a correction to all
The lattice constants were determined at room tem- the visual readings were applied at an advanced stage
perature by measuring the 20-values of appropriate re- of the refinement (see Refinement).
flexions for each of the constants to be determined, and A modification of Albrecht's method (Smith, 1959)
extrapolating the corresponding interplanar distances, was applied for the absorption correction; the linear
[ cos2 0 cos2 0 ) absorption coefficient of bavenite is/z = 143 cm. -1 for
plotted a g a i n s t ½ \ ~ + 0 _' to 2 0 = 1 8 0 °. Cu Kc~ and the transmission factors varied from 0.32 to
0.57. The elongation of some spots, listed above, was
The measurements were made with a Wooster single- corrected approximately by an estimate of the relative
crystal diffractometer. The values so obtained are as areas of the spots. The correction suggested by Sakurai
follows" (1962) was applied for the a l - e 2 splitting effect, with
a=23.19 + 0.02 ./~ the replacement of Y"for 0 (Buerger's notation) in the
interpolation formula.
b = 5.005 _+0.009
The intensities for the different levels were on ap-
c = 19.39 +_0.02 proximately the same scale owing to the similar expos-
U = 2250.5 A 3 ure times. At first they were separately placed upon an
Space group" Cmcm; Z = 4 . absolute scale by Wilson's method; after each struc-
ture-factor calculation, the scale was improved by the
Recording of intensities criterion SFo=ZFc, applied separately to each level.
An approximate crystal structure was determined
from Weissenberg and precession intensities from two Structure analysis
crystals not very suitable for refinement work; actually
the Patterson and first Fourier maps were accomplished Patterson sections were computed at v=0, v=¼ and
with the use of this first recording. When a better v=~; 0nly the first is reported here (Fig.l); it is
bavenite specimen became available, a new and more equivalent to the section at v=½ with the origin trans-
accurate recording of intensities was made for refine- lated by a/2 along the u axis.
ment purposes. The following discussion is concerned A model of the arrangement of the cations was con-
with this latter recording. structed on the basis of these considerations:
The specimen was a narrow plate elongated in the b (1) Owing to the diadochy between A1 and Be, it is
direction. Its dimensions along a and e were respect- very probable that the A1 atoms resemble the Be and
ively 0.065 mm and 0.049 mm. Si atoms in being tetrahedrally coordinated.
The crystal was mounted about the b axis, and Weis- (2) The ratio between the numbers of tetrahedrally co-
senberg equi-inclination integrating and non-integrat- ordinated atoms (T atoms) and the oxygen atoms is
ing photographs were obtained for reciprocal lattice 13:28, which strongly suggests a three-dimensional
levels from k = 0 to k =4, using nickel-filtered copper framework for bavenite.
E. C A N N I L L O , A. C O D A A N D G. F A G N A N I 303

(3) The Patterson section at v=½ shows a peak at (u, w) respect to (u, w)= (¼, ¼). This is consistent, in this space
= ( ~ , 0) corresponding to a distance of 3/~; this peak, group, with distances between equivalent atoms at y =
labelled P in Fig. 1 (referred to v =½), and the trans- ¼ or y = ¼. The maxima labelled M can be correlated
lation b = 5-005/~ are consistent with the existence of in this way with those labelled M'. The y coordinates
pyroxene-like chains along [010] with T atoms lying of the calcium atoms are therefore probably near to
on the plane (001). ¼ and ¼.
(4) The very short b unit translation forbids super- The construction of the model started from the
impositions of atoms along [010] in one unit cell, and calcium atoms which were arranged in general pos-
greatly limits the possibilities of multiple occupation itions as suggested by (5) and (6), and with four equiv-
of special positions. alent silicon atoms disposed at (c) (International Tables
(5) The Patterson section at v = 0 is a Harker section notation), with symmetry ram, this last requirement be-
(Fig. 1); in particular, since the maximum Ms with co- ing imposed by the fact that the unit cell contains 36
ordinates (u0, w0) related to those of ME (u0, 0) and M3 silicon atoms, while the multiplicities of the general
(0, w0), is very high, it is probably due to Ca-Ca dis- positions are 16 and those of the special positions are
tances, with u0 =2Xca and w0 = ½ - 2 z c a . 8 and 4. These were labelled T(1). In Fig. 3(f) one six-
(6) Many maxima of the above Patterson section can teenth of the unit cell is roughly schematized to show
be arranged in pairs pseudo-centrosymmetrically with the only symmetry elements of interest in this discus-
0 P sion. In accordance with (2), T(2) and T(3) were placed
on mirror planes at (g) and (f) respectively; testing of
the distances Ca-T(1), Ca-T(3) and Ca-T(2) on the
Patterson sections was successful for the first two, but
negative for Ca-T(2), suggesting therefore that T(2)=
Be. Following (4), the positions on the mirror planes
were considered to be fully occupied and those on bin-
ary axes were first tested seeking for distances between
Ca and T atoms on diads; so T(4) and T(5) were found
at y = 0 and y = ½ respectively, or vice versa, developing
a chain'along [010] as stated in (3). Following (4) again,
the remaining sixteen T atoms should lie on a general
position, T(6), whose coordinates are suggested by Fig.
3(f) in view of completing the connection of the T
atoms in a six-membered ring. T(6) is near to the b-
glide plane, so developing a new chain along [010] sim-
ilar to that just described.
0 1 2A The correctness of the model was well verified by an
1 f I

Fig. 1. Patterson section normal to [010]; v--0. Contours are electron density projection along [010] performed with
drawn at equal but arbitrary levels of density. The Patterson the signs given by the cations only; it gave the approx-
section at v=½ is obtained by translating the origin by a/2 imate x and z oxygen coordinates. The approximate
along the u axis. M1, M2, M3: maxima related to the vectors y coordinates of the T atoms were established during
Ca-Ca; Ms', ME', M3"" maxima related to the preceding ones
by a pseudocenter of inversion at (u, w)= (¼, ¼); P: maximum the search for the C a - T vectors on the Patterson sect-
that is related in the section v = ½ to distances between tetra- ions and by spatial considerations. Those of the oxygen
hedrally coordinated cations within chains running parallel atoms were found paying attention to the tetrahedral
to b. coordination of the T atoms and to the connection
1"0 between these tetrahedra and the calcium coordination
polyhedron, which must comply with the third Paul-
ing's rule.
"E 0"5 jj~zJ A structure factor calculation with the above co-
• . * • ,,

• ° e ~ .
Sin* o **
* * ordinates gave an overall R value of 0.30 ( R =
SllFol- lFell/SlFol).
Refinement and assessment of accuracy

The method of least squares was applied in order to

2~)0 1()0
360 460 /c'10 -3 minimize the unweighted differences Fo-Ft. The calc-
Fig.2. Plot of In IJIo against Ic. 10-3 for the 102 most intense ulations were carried out on an Elea 6001 digital com-
reflexions, before correction for the secondary extinction ef- puter with a program that takes into account the full
fect. The inclined straight line was obtained by the least- matrix; the structure factors were derived starting from
squares method applied to the equation In Idlo=elc+e'.
It will be seen that e' is quite low; the number of reflexions the atomic scattering factors obtained from Moore's
taken into considerationistherefore high enough. (1963) constants. At first six cycles were accomplished

assuming an isotropic temperature factor for each consideration, it was explained as a systematic error
atom; the progress of the refinement was indicated by in the scaling between the integrated and the non-
a fall in the R value from 0.300 to 0.099. integrated films, and its reciprocal was applied as a cor-
At this stage the Fo's corresponding to the visual rection to all the visual readings.
readings were separately compared with the Fc's and Moreover a plot of In Ic/Io against Ic for the 102
a n o v e r e s t i m a t i n g factor o f 1-22 was f o u n d ; since this m o s t intense reflexions p o i n t e d o u t a c o n s p i c u o u s sec-
v a l u e a p p e a r e d to be i n d e p e n d e n t o f the level u n d e r o n d a r y e x t i n c t i o n effect (Fig.2). A search for correl-

T a b l e 1. Atomic coordinates and their standard deviations

(fractional standard deviations in parentheses)
Atom x/a y/b z/c a(x) a(y) a(z)
Ca 0.0842(1) 0.2425(4) 0.1524(1) 0.0023 A 0-0020/~ 0.0019 A
T(1) 0.0000 0.7802(5) 0.2500 0.0025
T(2) = Be 0.1252(4) 0.8218(25) 0.2500 0.0093 0.0125
T(3) 0-0000 0.7227(5) 0.1047(1 ) 0-0025 0"0019
T(4) = AI 0.0958(1) 0"5000 0"0000 0"0023
T(5) 0"1704(1) 0"0000 0"0000 0.0023
T(6) 0"2141(1) 0"8539(5) 0-1428(1) 0.0023 0"0025 0.0019
0(1) 0.0000 0"5769(11) 0.1830(2) 0"0055 0"0039
0(2) 0.0000 0"0302(10) 0.1139(2) 0"0050 0"0039
o(3) 0.0572(2) 0.5976(14) 0.0718(2) 0"0046 0.0070 0"0039
0(4) 0.1314(2) 0.2298(13) 0"0361(2) 0"0046 0"0065 0.0039
0(5) 0.2081(2) 0-8636(13) 0"0598(2) 0.0046 0-0065 0-0039
0(6) 0.2337(2) 0"5575(12) 0"1646(2) 0.0046 0.0060 0.0039
0(7) 0.1547(2) 0.9245(12) 0-1799(2) 0.0046 0.0060 0.0039
0(8) 0-1211 (2) 0.4868(13) 0"2500 0.0046 0.0065
o(9) 0.0586(2) 0.9504(12) 0.2500 0-0046 0-0060
, i ,
- • Aa(ll) :--:
,.: Aa (i)i < :.:

: ,<,

---i C

(b) T~'a.~= .&t T(5) (c)
a/2 1
--~ _y=oJ2
i a



(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 3. The crystal structure of bavenite. (a) Projection along b of the whole unit cell and its surroundings. (b) and (c) Projections
along a of cell slabs defined by Aa(II) and Aa(I) respectively; note the lengths of the projection sides. (d) and (e) Projections
along e of cell slabs defined by Ac(I) and Ac(II) respectively; note the lengths of the projection sides. (f) Projection of one
sixteenth of the unit cell and key to the identification of the atoms; the symmetry elements of interest are roughly schematized.
E. C A N N I L L O , A. C O D A AND G. F A G N A N I 305

ation between this effect and the 0 angle or the crystal anisotropic thermal parameters are shown in Table 2.
shape (Hamilton, 1957) did not give significant results. The observed and calculated structure factors are com-
A linear relation between In Ie/lo and Ic was assumed pared in Table 3.
and a least-squares secondary extinction coefficient Discussion
derived. This was applied as a correction to all the
Fo's through the formula (Fo)corr=(Fo)ext. exp (½elc), Interatomic distances and angles are presented in
where e = 2 . 4 7 . 1 0 -6. Table 4, as well as their standard deviations ( A h m e d
The above corrections lowered the R value to 0.074. & Cruickshank, 1953; Darlow, 1960). Reference has
Two anisotropic least-squares cycles followed. At this to be made to Fig. 3(f) in order to identify the labelled
point the refinement was considered complete. The atoms.
final R value for 1162 Fhkt reflexions, including the un-
observed ones, was 0.066. Identification of the tetrahedral cations
The atomic parameters and their standard devi- T(1), T(3), T(5) and T(6) were readily identified as
ations (Cruickshank, 1949) are listed in Table 1. The silicon atoms, on the basis of their average distances
from the surrounding oxygen atoms (1.626, 1.608, 1.613
Table 2. Analys& of an&otropic thermal parameters: and 1.614A respectively) and of their numbers of
root mean square thermal vibrations along the ellipsoid electrons, which were estimated to be approximately
axes (A), magnitudes of the principal axes (]~z) and 12.1, 11.3, 12.2 and 11.8 by integration of the three-
angles (°) between the crystallographic axes and the dimensional Fourier maxima. T(2) has about 1.8 elec-
principal axes of the vibration ellipsoids trons and was therefore identified as beryllium; the
Atom r.m.s. B; c~ fl 7 average T(2)-O distance (1.641 A) is consistent with
Ca 0.12 1.08 0 90 90 this assumption. Finally, the average T(4)-O distance
0.15 1.70 90 7 83
0.11 0.89 90 83 173 (1.729 A) was decisive for recognizing T(4) as alum-
T(1) 0.10 0"75 90 90 0 i n u m ; this atom had 11.2 electrons.
0.12 1"17 90 0 90
0"07 0"43 0 90 90 Distances and coordination polyhedra
T(2)=Be 0.12 1.05 112 22 90
0"16 2.07 22 68 90 The A1-O distances are r e m a r k a b l y short; the A1-Be
0-11 0.90 90 90 0 diadochy can account in part for this feature, as the
T(3) 0-10 0.86 0 90 90 Be:A1 ratio slightly exceeds the theoretical ratio of 1 : 1.
0"13 1.36 90 0 90
0"09 0.60 90 90 0 The T - O distances of the tetrahedra T(2) ( = Be) and
T(4) = AI 0"10 0.86 0 90 90 T(3) ( = Si) are somewhat irregular; attention has to
0.13 1"28 90 2 88 be paid to the fact that both these tetrahedra cor-
0.10 0.75 90 88 178 respond to the only interruptions in the three-dim-
T(5) 0.09 0.64 0 90 90
0.14 1.47 90 3 87 ensional framework of tetrahedra, on 0(8) and 0(2)
0.09 0.60 90 87 177 respectively [Fig. 3(f)]. The distance T(2)-O(8) is quite
T(6) 0.09 0"64 6 84 90 long, while the distance T(3)-O(2) is shorter than any
0.12 1"10 96 6 90 other T - O distance. According to the chemical formula
0"09 0"60 90 90 0
O(1) 0.10 0.85 90 55 145 suggested by Berry, one atom of hydrogen accompanies
0.13 1-29 0 90 90 every atom of beryllium, and it is likely to be linked to
0"08 0.56 90 35 55 O(8), since without the hydrogen, this would point
0(2) 0.13 1"29 0 90 90 towards an empty d o m a i n and would have a lower co-
0"15 1.90 90 0 90
0.11 1.05 90 90 0 ordination n u m b e r than the other oxygen atoms of this
0(3) 0.14 1.56 132 57 121 tetrahedron. It is true that these last features are the
0.16 2.04 57 34 80 same for 0(2) relatively to T(3); however, one atom of
0.10 0"82 121 80 33 hydrogen linked to 0(2) would increase the positive
0(4) 0-12 1.18 137 52 106
0.15 1.71 58 38 71 charge around the latter excessively (Table 5), which
0.11 0.95 65 85 154 is not consistent at all with the noticeable shortness of
0(5) 0"12 1"07 113 70 31 the distances of 0(2) from the positive atoms linked to
0.14 1"60 65 27 99 it, i.e. T(3) and Ca.
0-11 0.94 145 73 119
0(6) 0.11 1.04 120 75 146 C a - O distances are shown in Table 4 in order of
0.15 1.68 93 19 71 increasing length. The six shortest C a - O distances vary
0.10 0"80 30 79 118 between 2.34 and 2.51A; the next longest distance,
0(7) 0.12 1.06 41 87 49 Ca-O(1), differs from the preceding one by nearly
0-13 1.43 110 28 72
0-11 0.96 56 62 133 0.13 A. There is a weak electrostatic interaction between
0(8) 0"13 1.31 107 17 90 Ca and O(1) because O(1) is screened by the other oxy-
0.14 1"50 90 90 0 gen atoms. Therefore the coordination n u m b e r of
0.10 0-82 17 73 90 calcium can be taken as 6, excluding O(1), or as 6 + 1.
0(9) 0.11 0.94 85 4 90
0.12 1-20 90 90 0 Its coordination polyhedron resembles a trigonal prism
0"09 0"64 175 85 90 with bases 0 ( 2 ) 0 ( 3 ) 0 ( 4 ) and O(7)O(8)O(9), but it is
306 T H E C R Y S T A L S T R U C T U R E O F B A V E N I T E

Table 3. Structure factors of bavenite

Reflcxions marked with a dot were unobservably weak; in this case Fobs dcrivcs from 0"5 l,~n.
Some reflexions arc not tabulated here; they are 11 reflcxions cut off at high 0 angles, and 10 rcflexions trapped by thc direct
beam stop. Furthermore the 127 hSl and 51 hOl reflcxions, out o f the equiinclination rangc, are not taken into considcration.
k i I01~O 10?0 k 1 10?0 107C t- 1 IO~0 10?C k I 1070 IOPC I 10~O lOPC k I 10?0 IOFC k I 1OF0 I ~ C k I 10F0 I07 C k 1 I0~O I07C k i 10?0 tOY0

Ok]. 4 9 625 643 0 16 41. 105 2 23 285 314- 6 1045 1039 . . . . . . 8 79-44 314 28 . . . . . . . . . 39- ~ ' ~ 6. . . . . ~ 2 515 489
IO 1239 1167 2 16 1437 1477- 0 24 133 136 7881 .... ~I I~ . . . . . . . ) ........ 8 . . . . 58- 13 477 425~- ~ 65-
O4 ~ 385 360-- 2 10 374 33J 416 82 96 3 71250 1325 I 467 482 4 133 155 2 18 605 330- 16 30" 3 351 313

4 2278
306 172-
2 17303323
417162 203-
7 Ic 1 3 88 705 687_ , 1 8
986 1050- 19326345
21. 3~- o 66
2 692710-
.2 ~19
25 . . . . . . .
3, 19 . . . .
3 4287
6] . 6 -
: , 6,, 56. . . . . 32, 283 o,8 ,, 58 0 454 ]61 3 9 851 848 319283 236- 4 6 7 1 8 703- 155 451416
236216- 012724691 18244 274- 018431954 49t 499 1 20 2 7 9 2 9 2 - 2 720823:1 17 k i 2O k I 3 838754-
:,827 =6- ~ . . . . 99 ,o24- ,,8 2,9 234 110531138 10 1300 1337- , ~ 168 179 o' 87 35. I ~ 271405
29432848 12 75 34- 19 766 713- 11840 ~ 0 9 - 3 10 948 985 650 597- 53 - 01027972- 00498 453 ~ 107 96-
44910880 21312541217 419 63 79 2 994 970 11296 289- 1 2 2 6 2 8 625- 2 8 1 2 4 0 1 3 2 1 - 0 1 4 0 8 1446 2 0 296 334 ; 1290 1226-
, ~ 28, 2,. O4,3 1,0 1,9_ o~ 2,o 238- 691 734 ] 11 108 105- 4 8 118142- 114371405 4 0 333 256- 3 912 801
4 376 327 1415811527- 2 598 554- 1428 1322- 12 1765 1818,- 12 k 1 2 9 1058 1058 11o6oio87- 2 1 47. ~_ , 88 643 6,3
0 634243422 214 273 263 221 147 133 1069 1121-- 3 12 1067 1061- 4 9 3~ 348-- 2 960 886 4 1 102 11 3 94 120-
2 8 367 215 4 1 4 316 291 0 22 411 377- 149244 13 56 67- 0 0 1 8 9 4 1 9 7 5 01020122117- 3 2 9941017 0 2 41- 57 1 9 162 162-
4 t, llll I O % 2 15 t20 319- 2 22 $~8 ~ 9 - 4 1575 16¢5. ) i~ It] l)6- Z 0 , ~ ~ 7 ~ z lO ~9~ 3~3 164 9Z 2 2 70 ~ ~ 9 890 79O
2 7 ,37 , ~
4 7 ~0
79- 0 16
519 ,98 223 32o 316
39" 77- 0 2 4 896 851- ~
14 790 823 4 024922697
3 1 4 1 1 6 9 1240- 2 11192 1311- 2 11 849 852-
410 69 33 3 488 495- 4 2
14011483 2 32442(>0,-
92 98- 1 I0 414 358-
0 8 14¢21562 2 16 857 823 908 876 15 41 • 43- 4 1 400 355 4 11 309 303 377 397- 4 ~ 27. 6 111 588 526
2 8 148 138 4 1 6 418 363- 1325 1357 3 15 671 640 0 2 779 754- 0 1 2 479 477- 629 68*- 0 158 9 I - 3 1 1 206 447-
8 1683 1733 2 17 549 534- 740 752- 16 "~18 774- 2 2 1668 1874 2 1 2 753 772- 5 9701000 2 4 289 308- 1 1 2 28. 82
914451484 4 1 7 485 452- 026912729 10811102 3 1 6 9Z4 866.- 24 ~ 339 297 2412 1 9 0 1 8 8 . - 42- 37 24 4 121 126- 1 1 3 24, 18-
4 9 230 19'/- 0 1 8 41. 116 3 0 215 174 8 460 455- 17 40. 42- 845 883- 13 793 82*- 6 616 602 5 123 135 1 14 865 818
0 10 3124 3350- 2 1 8 518 542- 151194282 615 580 3 17 213 251. 4 3 585 591 4 13 433 386 425 396- 4 56 ]71 3~2- 1 1 5 585 596-
2 lO 26232814 418 286242- 31919936- 254 225- 18 956 924. 0 4 10191049- 0 14 392 333- 223 217 0 1120 I160.
4 1 0 483 458 2 19 260 306 1670 "1767 9 1 2 0 7 1 2 6 8 - 3 1 8 328 351 2 41556 1713 2 14 573 56*- 8 1 4 9 7 1584 6 880 887 24kl
2 11 827 787- 4 19 287 277- 3 863 869 1 1452 1563 19 684 ,47 : ;I,56 12o1. : 1 4 1238 11,5- 731 675 : 505 427-
4 11 627 670 0 20 377 374 3 2128 2217 10 84 97- 3 1 9 102 120- 880 927 15 356 382 9 421 413 7 436 401 0 0 25072648
12 31653223 2 895 820- 3 34 675 641- 11 326 336- 20 458 435-- : 65 605 609- 4 15 97 116-
12 14371376 ~ 62- 0 9 9 1 9 8 8 7 - : 87 57 60.- 2 0 1 5 2 91531-
623 653 1115341709 3 2 0 830 863- 25512614 016 629 635- 1 11681238 410 400- 2 375 389
41212~01204 0222 1191 99 1148- 3 4 1 2 7 4 1 3 0 5 12 781 828 21 687 691 2 6 878 902 2 1 6 206 228 3 1 0 264 285 2 8 475 452- 0 2 110 87-
2 13 915 901- 2 22 504 441
4 13 460 462 23 933 929~__ 3
19992191- 1312
454 433 1315
~ 138-122529
1647 23 560 640
536- 2 4 3 1 2 0 9 1 1 6 0
92 119
18 943 951- 3 1 1 396 346
11 811 816-
42 98 47.
491 4 ~ 632
22 ~ 396 327 563
01410001065 024 24. 6 114 161 313144240
2 1411o 111 3 6 267 247
47 86 81- 3 1 8 2 1 3 2 3 9 - 12 96 115 o4o, 91 89-o :9329o9-
14 224 278- 10 k 1 10741101 19 568 533- ] 12 90 88 1 1119 1097 1102 978
14 402 348- ] k 1 7 930 923 31412211316 2 8 229 2"O- 0 2 0 732 659 13 988 983 2 1 0 517 468.- 2 5 40. 12-
15 48. 66- ~ 645 6o, 15 72 13-00240,2662 : ~ 11061162 22012331247- ~13 27 63 ; , 0 ,24 465 0 ~ 706 66,
15 205 273- 2790 2595- 1597 1723 159921028- 017141934- 907910- 22214390-
16 629 506 14 135 161 11 179 194-- 373 314--
1402 1458 3 8 9881023 16 238 282 : 10 710 779 4 09 69 3 1 4 1 1 4 7 1 0 5 7 0 1 2 38. 45 2 87 37- 82
2 1625402659 1 1157 1125- 9 21242235 3 1 6 107 96- 222 224 01 18141~08 15 k 1 15 426 355 2 1 2 194 209- 0 1183 1106
16 437 436- 974 1056- o' 886 929 17 849 878-- : 1 528 552- 2 1 0 1 5 4 9 1 6 9 7
17 784 812 2402O3- 15 42o 365- 213 119 121 2 98 223 189-
1 lO5 90 17 283 338 2 221 194 4 10 671 709- 1 0 592 558 16 457 439 0 14 892 867- 2 389 354
4 17 431 407- 3 238 251 ] 10 1758 1831 181012 995 2 212051311 2 1 1 541 571 1~ 0 199 192- 13 16 343 302
18 173 168 ; I 786 779 11 1558 1666- 2 14 445 367 0 10 1063 995-
18 445 395 24 2 44 89- 4 11 ~o4 19o- 1 982 918 17 638 637- 2 15 119 144~ 10 1350 1190
18 11031118 240 188 3 1 1 298 270 19 186 169 ~ ,133,181 0 12 2o34 2o76 ~ , 485 452
18 789 804 17 346 478 0 16 1012 905 2 11 688 67,)-
3 413371230- 12473462 3 1 9 567 529 4 494 529 12 447 493- 22 125 122-
19 918 897-- 6 16161624 3 1 2 730 738 18478446 2 16293249. 012264231
20576553- 0416821745- 4128868O5 31. 22- 1 1 9 495 369- 0 1 8 426 380 2 1 2 457 405-
4 19109102- ; ~ 305 263 13284272- ~ 665 856 z 4 1221 1~o6 2 13 728 ?39 1 ~ 263 303 2o 492 5o9 0 14 455 419
: ~ 24862582 1734 1718- 13 491 504- 1122 1143 24 ; 122 . . . . o4 ,3 436 383- 3
929 889- 3 6 693 645- 188 160 21 k 1
14 13111564 ] 2115021570- 465453 14262283- 4 233248- 18 k i 25 /¢ 1
2 2 1 175 139 7 672 776- 3 1 4 492 501- 22 26 93_O4 ~ 3 ....... 99 209 ; ; ,o7 53. . . .
022 191 175- 3 7 71 83- 15 9941032
590 1692
23 223 222- 619 605 241415581508 116116 0015441447 30423409 10 37. 56-
22 1061 990 1297 1273 3 15 528 546- 2 6 58 41 15 353 3 6 * -
23 856 852 3 140142 1610981128 8 k 1 5697726 015211700 1128126- 30215220
0 2 4 438 446- 63 63- ~ 16 405 344
, 6 3 , ,~ O415 ,67 426 I ~ 39. 68 24 o 7 5 6 7 2 2 - I 204 19.- I 1 444 3s*-
27 86 16262342- 31. 13- I 294 344 2 859 821- 3 I 154 154
lkl 3 495 492- 17 684 589- 0 0 651 597 4 87 205 233- 2 1 6 1 2 8 5 1 3 0 4
10 425 403- 1317 608 783 1 .~ 1139 1218. o4 1 423 390- 2 667 621. 1 ~ 719 6,2
: 0234 221- 0 208>~ 2162 2416 . . . . 25- 63762o : 9o ~ ~254316-, 425417
0 588 549- 3 10 1063 1029- 18 256 288 0 683 743 88 60. 17 90 101-
2623 1687 11 838 883 3 1 8 993 978 2 1 647 672- 4 88 4,6 , , 6 2 ,9 ,15 363- ~ 28, 2 ~
532 496 0 1815881616 34. 19 4 2 ]18 291 4 40. 28-- 3 137 117-
2 206 185 3 11 296 269- 1 9 1 3 2 8 1 2 9 7 - 4 1 454 451- 2 99 695 672 2 1 8 517 456
3 302 286- 12416440- 3 1 9 610 572 0 2 1014 1042- 4 9 71 93- 2 3 3 296 352- 3t ~13551300-. 1 4 215 199
369 334- 2 1 9 532 507 31. 26 06 166142- 665712 13 : 508 ' 9 2 -
590 525 3 1 2 578 563- 2o~ 9 1 2 8 6 4 1212 1376- o 1o 596 ~1_ o ~ lO95,075
435 406- 1311851226 ; 3,5 ]o1 : ~ 276 292 10 736 759- 4 451 486 13 5 83 105-- 12111088
10 1197 1269 870 798- 10 594 578 : , 159 172- 614761,69- 13 65 9879~03-
694 640- 1~ 13 414 408- 2111961239 2 ~ 234 240- 2 4 1 0 4 9 1 4 8 3 221478449-
~ 19322078 14 893 867- 3 21 872 920- 04
1067 1059- 3 14 102 119- 22513518 4458
818 887
1110661065:- 0 2 2 324 289-
4 11 157 153
11 513 499-
11 30. 23- 2 5 527 492-
411661073 3 674 577-
7 562 555- 3 6 511 481

239 22O 15 615 62O- 1 2 3 564 574 ~ , 1 4 8 9 1 6 3 3 - ~12 95 19- . . . . . 478- 4 65 378 313 13 7 7,3 698 1 7 592 522-
!~ 555 557- 3 1 5 4 0 3 4 0 6 124 95114 4 64 41- 12822820,-
13 k z 3 12 32. 0 1286 1341- 4"o 38*- 13 7 893 loo4
71872 2030- 1 1 6 628 660- 13 134 133 2 ~ 14731581 13 8 31. 91- 8 19.5204-
2 5 689 693 4 1 2 821 778 0 468 456 13 13 662 633- 4 1072 990- 99 758 713- 1 9 745 722-
1~ 87 20612073 3 1 6 402 351- 6 k 1 ¢ 65257237 13 1135 1196-
7)5 756 1 17 473 528- 0 237 254 14 40. .50- 2 77 51. 2*- 13 220266- 1 1 0 614 5/0
)28 585- 4 13
,~ ~ 3oo 260- 3 17 510 48O 0 01o,51153 o2 ~1384146o 78 76-
014 888 893 13 .1. 1. .2. .8. . . . 87 1 3 154127112 2 5 6206- -. 4 369 338-- lO 2 1 4 2 0 0 - 111847781
1657 1767- 1 1 8 120 99- o 8888 886 13 . . . . . 9. . . . . . . 9- 42
Ioo3 1162 24 1258 1288- 14 173 I~0 2 217217- 1315154156 2 51. 56 11512464
1~ 9 562 573 3 1 8 379 373- 4 0 331 375- 7 434 441- 4 14 128 214-
10496521- 1 1 9 204 158-- 2 1 376 405 2 328 328 16 200 209- 4 98 501 ,72 ~11 284 257- 26k
4 87 47 36- 2 15 763 769 3 174 180. 1316 356 302- 2 10461050 12 704 680-
1~10 893 887 3 19 2 1 7 2 4 6 4 1 143 126 0 613 53 4 1 5 536 482
11 507 604 I 20 135 149- 0 : 6 0 2 6 9 8 3 241 2"o- I? 292 282 4 °9 361 29o` 3 1 2 794 74s.- 0 0 408 414-
2 88623583- 016217247- 4223252 ~ 17446445 0111631205 1310861062 0704661-
31115551617. 3 20 156 169 535 571- : 82 65- 2 1 6 601 624
12 485 528- 21 197 237 3 4 246 254 18 184 168 2 1 0 905 967- ~ 13 103 105 2 1 611 587-
4 2 673 705 9 341 313- 4 16 160 108- 5 899 999 1318 353 370 241014621341 1411241122- 0 214191405-
3 1 2 296 317- I321 308 206- 2 ; 63 . . o' 336 32 . . . . . 397 3?6
13 720 764 22 872 887- 3 651613 1805- 19 144 167- 11 296 305-, 1 1 5 752 716- 2 473 424--
3 13 446 401- 1 2 3 524 520- O4 ,o7 5,8
, 938976
2 1 0 865 90%
. 1 7 503 537.
18 145 175
244273- 1202O5201 411405361 16427374- 243429 ]73'-
14 538 530- 24 383 394 6 653 625- 21 709 787 0 12 526 504 17 301 303- 0 849 806-
2 15081667- 4 1 0 131 104- 2 1 8 232 230
3 1¢ 403 4O8- 24 ; 6 0 1 5 5 4 2 1 1 388 345- 2 1 9 171 197- 3
77 699 733- 2 ~ 2 742 681 22 4 57) ,91-
151442 166.- 4]¢1 14721609 16 k 1 4 1 2 90 84 22 k 1 5 7 5 2 6 6 7
29. 65- 11454469 02018191807 o 6 387 3"~-
012 6~ 643- ~20 798 681_ 3 88 I))
31510361004 644 644 2 1 3 285 287-
365 3 .
16 ,oo2 1,4_ : o 267 298 o' 6'18691990- 12 109 12] 21 233 244
173 0 0 620 600- 0 14 573 539- 0 0 1482 1492 2 28
316 1 118.- 0 417 357 : ~2373 2579 2412 ~87 399. . . . . . . 9o_ 3 ; ?2, 372347
749 . . . .
43 6. . . . .
929 845 200 8 4 6 8 9 ]
4 13621373
2 87 ,~
0 5 5
17 895 9,3 24 o 1342 1617. 12531436- 13 4"~. 80- 2 2 2 613 627
317 46 63 516 520- 2 7? 786 760 10 58 58 2110621108- 201616291617 21690706- 28954949-
4 13 464 399- 3 10 548 559 4 1 132 94- 16 456 354-. 4 I 272 25J- 2 9 594 617-
18 158 133- 04 1 9441111- 4 404 341 0 14 3080 3199- 11 k 1
318 453425 21088 1087- 0 8 161 166- 14 792 770 11 1025 1098 02 2 161 176- 2 17 141 170 ~ 22 125 99 O IO 292 183
19481 493 22 88152- 31112171257- 2 9731094- o 18 24. 9 517 5O8 0 1 2 1 2 5 1 5 4
3 ~9 3:,O 320- 4 ~7~ 54>-
88 228 249- 4 1 4 7 ~ 689- o 30. 41. 12 41. 30- 4 ~ 419 390- 2 18 104 141 4 2 273 250
J31321 2 1 ~) 259 270 0 933 964 312 67 81- 12181260.
160182 2 ) 623644 z ~ 464 449- ~/ ,i¢ ,1
2 ~ 365 349- 4 15 345 310 I 1552 152.- 13 884 931 4 34 380 350 19 k 1 4 458 435
3 392 327- 4 23. 41 4 491 466- 0 16 173 126- 1 265 226- 3 13
21176119. 0 : 36483486- 0 1 0 3 2 5 4 3 4 6 9 30. 13 0 1348 1334 04404370- 10125110
216570514- 2132111 14 41. 38-. 2 4 1 1 7 0 1198- 1 0 1 1 2 4 1 0 9 9 2 4 4 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 532485
3 21 74 26- 2 1470 1504- 10 9361025-. 4 16 161 183 2 29. 63 443- 4 4 386 378- 3 0 558 270- 4 4 419 379- I 2
22 31. 46- 4 ; 261 193- 24 1010521075 217 440 434 ~ 430 384- 3 1145 1 1505 471271-2 ~ 85189 . . . . . 962303 2 ~ 311338 143 .....
65 16-
322 84 118-- 2 428 389 11 8=,o 785- 417 ~ ~ 567 558-. 3 1 5 792
23 2O7 257 65 592 596 4 1 1 106 144 018 4 339 341- 750 4 ,32. 58- 13 1 592 492- 4 18. 48 1 343 312-
24 20. 32- 0 18131845- 0 1 2 11271122- 2 1 8 67" 59 4 852 871- 16 48 . . . . . ~ 3 0 8 8 3 . . . . 736 7 . . . . . 30 579 1 5 1 9 5 1825-
16 ]64 301 2 184 209 3 2 99 97- 2 6 279 270 1 55
2 k Z 2 6 12551281 2 12 208 207 ¢ 18 227 188- ~ 2514 2732 17241251 ~ $ 847 7,5- ~1282 1286 ~ $ 295 .1.]0 , 7 1 1 1 1 ' 9 -
o o 673 801 : 61363 1465-283_ 4 1 2 455 464- 2 1 9 43. 53 1291142% 3 1 7 164 156- 577 6O7- 361 321- 400 412- 1 25. 57-
213 2o9 226 o2o 21Q 216-
04 0 2 3 9 8 1987 4 77 ~:6 9 , 4 - 4 13 158 156 2 2 0 240 223-
124 106
3 1 8 252 267
08 130 89- ] 4 127 149
4 639 6,5_ , 7 259 193- , 9 349 367
523 479 397 336- 0 1 4 2 7 3 5 2 7 5 1 - 221 6O 43- o 8 883 877 1 IO 11. 19-
: ~ 72o 799 ~ 1345 1389- 2 1 4 1 3 3 5 1 4 2 5 7904975- 19207187 28224222- 5 858 852- 2 8 176 187-
0 2 2 148 186-- I 7,6 697 3 , 9 128 11~ , , 376 302 3 5 606 5?2 2 9 ,1 ,6 28k~
632 576 2' ~ ,00 ]34- 4 1 4 6 7 1 6 1 5 - 222203200- 189 190- 20 120 133 72 56 6 4 1 8 4 1 4 0 1 0 1 3 6 1 0 4
463 461- 1214 1282 215 71 97 024193302 8 3~o 353 121 466 461- 4 9 539 602 6392388- 210794717 00 96107
: 12:~ 217~421 00419458390- 168 224
4 15 67 65 910431102. 22 94130 0 10 7 7 4 8 3 7 7 31o 312 2 11 139 17o 2 o 333 330-
0 16 1668 1750 9 k 1 9224242 21013161449-
o , 167 118 ~ lO 16,1 1737. 2 1 6 679 675- 3 ? 130148 012503489 2 1433441
4 860 819 10 53 75- 14 k I 4 tO 4 9 1 4 3 I - 8208217 212 94112- 02 94 87
4 10 9901039 2418 7~ 708 . . . . 79 1157 3 1 0 2 4 1 2 6 3 - 211145155
4 1193 1317- 2 11 413 346- 3 170175-- 213 52 25 22444122
17 69 3 022642561- 1120592218 0037263960 411199194 912791299 0 1 4 344 337- 0 4 634 542-
: ~ 499 ,o6 o' 11 )90 588 4 1 7 3 7 2 3 4 9 - 1113901377 13116.~56t2. 2019982183- 012242266-- ~ 88982~- ~ 14 )82 s12 0 6493 469-
731 72O- 12 670 660- 0 1 8 437 432 3 1 395 403-
0 ~2654 2625- 212 8,9 7. 12254306 40492505- 212 99 76- i v 840 893- 2 15 128 187 0 8 538 553
2 18 67 39- 1 2 989 889 12 357 356- 2 1 834 870 4 12 706 617- 3 10 557 526 0 16 7o6 6o6-
1068 I041- 4 12 322 309- , 1 8 21 71 , 2 199 191 1311061159 41221247- 2 13626578
4 6 303 271 2 131273130.5- 11 985 987-
I9 292 309 ~ ,13 ,57 3 1 3 4 6 0 4 9 0 - 0210461050- 413324270- 311 58 49 23 k 1 29 k 3.
7 374 342- 4 13 101 " 104- 4 19 186 302 3 ~5. 30 14129 88.,. 2 2 637622- 01424722590- 12 39. 49
047 711036112- 0 1 4 5 1 4 5 5 5 - 02o ?37 675- , 420462219_ 3 1 4 44 26- 4 2 5 5 8 5 0 3 - 214802762 312144126 10868761 10282354
1087 14 46. 16 2 2 0 436 388 34 826 876- 1517961844. 23208250 414737743-
2 ! 359363- :141221~ 1290- 2 2 1 13210189- 306275J~- 11963941
92 86- 1 5 932 947- 3 1 5 1 o 1 4 973 4 3 "o 38 2 1 5 26) 283- 3 1 3 4 9 1 4 6 5 - 11 58 69- 1 2 4 7 4 4 5 7
I 872 840 15 8 816 022839 783 ~ 5 906939- 16 2o4 201. 0 ,26542739- o16 516 4,5
90 19- 4 15 64 14 70 117. 3 1 197 1 ~ 1 3 402 387
22 112 85 619131963- 16 219 26o- 2 4 140 93- 2 16 626 508- 14987912- 1 2479444 14 210 278
E. C A N N I L L O , A. C O D A A N D G. F A G N A N I 307

notably twisted and distorted. It shares no edge with Although bavenite is a calcium silicate, it does not
silicon tetrahedra; it shares one edge [O(7)O(9)=2.61 belong to the class of silicates named second 'chapter'
by Belov (1961). In fact the calcium coordination poly-
A] with the beryllium tetrahedron, a second [0(3)0(4) hedron is not an octahedron, and the lengths of its
=2.61 A] with the aluminum tetrahedron, and a third edges vary over a large interval, approximately between
[0(8)0(9) = 3.05 A] with another calcium polyhedron. 2.5 and 4.5 A. Occasionally 'diortho groups' (Si2076-)
Moreover it shares only corners [O(2), O(3), O(4), 0(7) adapt themselves to the larger edges, but in a random
and 0(9)] with five silicon tetrahedra, one [0(8)] with way. Here the flexibility of the silicate chains, claimed
a beryllium tetrahedron and one [0(2)] with a calcium by Belov, is not sufficient to allow calcium to assume
polyhedron. a regular octahedral coordination.

Table 4. Interatomic distances (A), angles (°) and their standard deviations (in brackets)
The distances and angles preceded by an asterisk occur twice

Atoms Bond length Mean Atoms Angle Mean

T(1)O(1) * 1.650(5) O(1)T(1)O(9) ** 109.1(1)
T(1)O(9) * 1.603(5) 1.626 O(1)T(1)O(I') 103.9(5)
O(9) T(1)O(9') 115.8(6) 109.4
T(2)O(7) * 1.606(7) O(7)T(2)O(8) * 110.1(5)
T(2)O(8) 1.679(14) O(7) T(2)O(9) * 105-7(5)
T(2)O(9) 1.673(11) 1.641 O(8) T(2)O(9) 109.4(6)
O(7) T(2)O(7') 115.6(1.4) 109.4
T(3)O(1) 1.684(4) O(1)T(3)O(3) * 100.9(2)
T(3)O(3) 1.599(5) 0(3) T(3)O(Y) 112.1(6)]
T(3)O(2) * 1.549(5) 1.608 O(2)T(3)O(3) * 115.8(3)]
O(1)T(3)O(2) 109.1(3)] 109.1
T(4)O(3) * 1.725(4) O(3)T(4)O(4) * 98.2(2)]
T(4)O(4) * 1.732(6) 1.729 O(4) T(4)O(4') 123-1(5)
0(3) T(4)O(3') 117.5(5)]
O(3) T(4)O(4') * 110.6(3) 109.7
T(5)O(4) * 1.621(5) O(4)T(5)O(4') 112.2(6)
T(5)O(5) * 1.604(4) 1.613 O(5)T(5)O(5') 114.0(5)
O(4) T(5)O(5) * 107.1(2)
O(4) T(5)O(5') * 108.4(2) 109.5
T(6) O(6) 1.608(6) 0(5) T(6)O(6) 108.3(3)
T(6) O(6') 1.638(6) 0(5) T(6)O(6") 107.6(3)
T(6)O(5) 1.616(4) 0(5) T(6)O(7) 111.6(3)
T(6)O(7) 1.593(5) 1.614 O(6) T(6)O(6') 107.3(6)
0(6) T(6)O(7) 109-3(3)
O(6) T(6)O(7') 112.6(3) 109.5
Ca 0(7) 2.343(6)
Ca 0(2) 2.344(3)
Ca 0(8) 2.410(4)
Ca 0(3) 2.448(6)
Ca 0(9) 2.463(4)
Ca 0(4) 2.507(4)
Ca O(1) 2.639(4)
Ca 0(6) 3.816(6)
Ca 0(5) 3.882(6)
T(1)O(1)T(3) 116.3(3)
Ca 0(2) Ca' 112.7(4)
Ca 0(2) T(3) * 105.4(3)
T(3)O(3)T(4) 149.6(3)
Ca O(3) T(4) 100-2(3)
Ca O(3) T(3) 104"0(2)
T(4)O(4) T(5) 130"2(2)
T(4)O(4)Ca 97"8(2)
T(5)O(4)Ca 130"5(3)
T(5)O(5) T(6) 141 "2(4)
T(6)O(6) T(6') 135.6(6)
T(6)O(7) T(2) 132"8(5)
Ca O(7) T(2) 96.5(4)
Ca O(7) T(6) 130.6(3)
Ca O(8)Ca" 103.5(5)
Ca O(8) T(2) * 121.8(2)
Ca O(9)Ca' 100.4(4)
Ca O(9) T(2) * 90.4(3)
Ca O(9)T(1) * 121.3(2)
T(1)O(9) T(2) 125.3(6)

Balance of the electrostatic valences difference Be-O(8) and T(3)-O(2) have opposite dir-
In accordance with the suggestions made above, ections [Fig. 3(f)].
Table 5 shows a balance of electrostatic valences con- Perhaps the main feature of this crystal structure is
structed on the following assumptions: a fourfold chain of tetrahedra developing along the
(i) The coordination number of the calcium ion is six. b axis and built up by four pyroxene-like chains con-
(ii) The hydrogen atom is linked to 0(8). nected circularly between themselves. The projection
of the fourfold chain along b, that surrounds the point
Table 5. Balance of electrostatic valences of coordinates (¼, ½) [Fig.3(a)] displays circularly:
Ca H Si Be AI Total chain I,.chain II, chain I', chain II', where I and II
denote equivalent chains; I and I' are related by a diad
O(1) 2× 1 2
0(2) 2 x ~- 1 2 - ~- axis, II and II' by a b-glide plane. Chain I is built up
0(3) ~ 1 ¼ 2 + ~- from equivalent tetrahedra: . . . . T(6)-O(6)-T(6) . . . . ,
0(4) ~r 1 ¼ 2 + i½- that are repeated by the b-glide plane; it can be seen
0(5) 2x 1 2 clearly in Fig. 3(b) (d) and (e). Chain II is composed of
0(6) 2x 1 2
0(7) ½ 1 ½ 2 - -~- the -A1-O(4)-T(5)- unit that repeats for simple trans-
0(8) 2x ½ 1 ½ 2+ lation along b; it appears in Fig. 3(b), and also in Fig.
0(9) 2 x ~- 1 -~- 2 + -16- 3(d) behind chain I; in this chain the cations are all
Although the balance is hardly satisfactory for O(2), disposed on the diads. Within the fourfold chain a ring
the Si-O and C a - O distances for this atom are found of six silicon atoms arises; it can be seen in Fig.3(a).
to be by far the shortest ones in this structure; so the The unit translation along b, 5.005 A, is related to the
figure quoted in Table 5 for 0(2) should be increased, existence of these chains.
and this results in a satisfactory balance for this atom. Two different fourfold chains are connected along e
Also the Ca-O(7) distance is very short, therefore the through two beryllium tetrahedra as bridges, forming
figure quoted for 0(7) should be increased too. a system S(1) of six-membered rings running zigzag
along b. Moreover two different fourfold chains are
Positions of the hydrogen atoms connected along a through two T(3) tetrahedra as
The hypothesis has been put forward that one hyd- bridges, forming a system of rings S(2) of alternately
roxyl is linked to each beryllium atom, on the basis of four and eight tetrahedra running parallel to b. Each
the chemical formula of bavenite; the oxygen involved one of these systems is cut in the middle by a mirror
is assumed to be 0(8) because it corresponds to a break plane parallel to b; the mirror planes are perpendicular
in the tetrahedral framework. The satisfactory balance and cross in T(1).
of charges around 0(8) is founded on this statement These two systems of rings, S(1) and S(2), are con-
and affords a very important confirmation of the hypo- nected through rings of six non-equivalent tetrahedra,
thesis; otherwise the sum of charges around 0(8) shown in Fig. 3(f); the calcium atoms occupy the chan-
would have been inadmissibly low (1 + ~). nels formed by them along b. Four calcium polyhedra
Some further evidence for this statement can be der- are interconnected, related by the mirror planes cross-
ived from the final three-dimensional difference syn- ing at T(1); no connections exist between calcium
thesis, computed in the structure voids that may be polyhedra along b.
occupied by the hydrogen atoms. This synthesis shows In this crystal structure there are no empty channels
a maximum - the highest - with coordinates (x/a, y/b, and therefore bavenite has no zeolitic character; its
z/c) = (0.100, 0.267, 0.250), corresponding to an O(8)-H density is comparatively high, over 2.71 -3.
distance of about 1.2 A and to an angle Be-O(8)-H of
about 112 °. Cleavage
The {001} cleavage is very good and can readily be
Description of the structure explained from consideration of Fig. 3(a). A plane z/c
Bavenite displays a type of framework unknown till ~_½ [approximately between the z coordinates of 0(7)
now. For descriptive purpose it is convenient to in- and 0(8)] cuts a minimum number of Si-O-Si bonds,
clude A1 and Be in the system of linked tctrahedra; no Ca-O bonds and many Be-O bonds, The good
in this way the crystal structure approaches without {100} cleavage can be explained in a similar way.
reaching the rank of a tetrahedral framework. In fact
the ratio between the number of tetrahedral cations Diadochy between the tetrahedral cations
and that of oxygen anions is 13:28; only two out of The numbers of beryllium and aluminum atoms in
fourteen oxygen atoms interrupt the three-dimensional the chemical formula of the specimen available to us
linking of tetrahedra: they are 0(2) and 0(8) and are nearly integers - with a small excess of beryllium
belong to Be and T(3) respectively (the first of them is and a corresponding defect of aluminum; moreover,
linked to a hydrogen atom). The tetrahedra that break according to this structure analysis, A1 and Be occupy
the framework are disposed in a comparable way in independent positions in the unit cell. Thus a conclus-
the structure; both have the not-linking T-O bond ive discussion of the Be-AI diadochy is not possible
nearly parallel to b and lying on a mirror plane; as a here. The excess of beryllium can enter the position
E. C A N N I L L O , A. C O D A A N D G. F A G N A N I 309

T(4): some evidence arises from the short average questions have been discussed here to point out that a
A1-O distance. The specimens richer in beryllium have comparison of the structure of this bavenite with that
about one half of the aluminum replaced by beryllium; of a beryllium-rich one would be of interest in order
this substitution does not result in a variation of the to understand the details of diadochy between the
electrostatic field around the oxygen atoms involved, tetrahedrally coordinated cations.
0(3) and O(4), only if the hydrogen that accompanies
beryllium distributes itself statistically between them. Chemical formula
There is also much room around 0(2) suitable for The up-to-date more reasonable chemical formula
occupancy by hydrogen, without any need of a stat- of bavenite appears to be:
istical distribution among more than one position; this
could be a likely way because in many respects 0(2) Ca4(BeO H)2 +zA12-zSi9026-z,
and O(8), or T(3) and Be play similar roles in the where 0.10_<x_<0.84.
structure, as pointed out above in this discussion. In
this case the beryllium to aluminum substitution would We wish to thank Professor F. Sgarlata who kindly
result in a clear improvement of the sum of the elec- made available to us his program for three-dimensional
trostatic valences around 0(2) quoted in Table 5, be- refinement by the least-squares method.
cause the hydrogen that accompanies the beryllium
excess would add its contribution to the latter sum.
An increase of the distances T(3)-O(2) and Ca-O(2)
parallel to the increase of the beryllium to aluminum AHMED,F. R. & CRUICKSHANK,D. W. J. (1953). Acta Cryst.
substitution would strengthen this hypothesis, as an 6, 385.
evidence that the shortness of these distances is less BELOV, N. V. (1961). Crystal Chemistry of Large-Cation
and less necessary to obtain the balance of the electro- Silicates (English translation), p. 3. New York: Con-
static valences around 0(2). sultants Bureau (1964). 3.
There is no clear evidence to choose between these BERRY, L. G. (1963). Amer. Min. 48, 1166.
CRUICKSI-rANK, D. W. J. (1949). Acta Cryst. 2, 65, 154.
hypotheses; the diadochy could be even more com-
DARLOW, S. F. (1960). Acta Cryst. 13, 683.
plicated and involve also the silicon atoms: for example, HAMILTON,W. C. (1957). Acta Cryst. 10, 629.
diadochy between T(1) and A1 cannot be excluded to MOORE, F. H. (1963). Acta Cryst. 16, 1169.
a small extent, owing to the long average T(1)-O dis- SAKURAI, T. (1962). Acta Cryst. 15, 443.
tance and to the short A1-O one. However these open SMITH, D. K. (1959). Acta Cryst. 12, 479.

Short Communications
Contributions intended for publication under this heading should be expressly so marked; they should not exceed about 1000
words; they should be forwarded in the usual way to the appropriate Co-editor; they will be published as speedily as
possible. Publication will be quicker if the contributions are without illustrations.

Acta Cryst. (1966). 20, 309

Crystal data for (-)-threo-12,13-dihydroxyoleic acid. By DAVID A. LUTZ and WILLIAM E. SCOTT, Eastern Utiliz-
ation Research and Development Division, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department oJ Agriculture, Philadelphia,
Pa. 19118, U.S.A.
(Received 20 August 1965)
The present study was undertaken to obtain crystal data on as follows: a = 5.05 + 0.01, b = 8.51 + 0-02, c = 44.66 + 0.05/~,
(-)-threo-12,13-dihydroxyoleic acid, C18H3404, which was U= 1920 ~3, z=4, Dz= 1.088, Din= 1"085;
prepared by acetolysis of the seed oil of Vernonia anthelmin- space group, P2x2121.
tica (L.) Willd. (Scott, Krewson & Riemenschneider, 1962). No further work on this compound is contemplated at
The compound was further purified [as evidenced by chem- present.
ical analysis (C 68-5, H 10-8 %) and melting point (63-
63"5°C)] and single crystals were produced by a series of The authors would like to thank Dr Thomas H. Doyne
slow crystallizations from acetone at room temperature. of Villanova University for his assistance.
Cell constants were determined from various oscillation and
Weissenberg photographs, using Cu Ke radiation (2= References
1"5418/~). The density was measured by flotation. The space
group was determined from systematic extinctions (h00, ScoTT, W. E., KREWSON,C. F. & RIEMENSCHNEIDER,R.W.
OkO and 001 absent for h, k or l odd). The crystal data are (1962), Chem. and Ind., 2038.

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