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International Geology Review

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Bavenite from Transbaykal

G.N. Komarova , V.A. Moleva , E.S. Rudnitskaya & M.T. Dmitriyeva

To cite this article: G.N. Komarova , V.A. Moleva , E.S. Rudnitskaya & M.T. Dmitriyeva
(1968) Bavenite from Transbaykal, International Geology Review, 10:2, 135-142, DOI:

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Bavenite from Transbaykal

G.N. Komarova, V.A. Moleva, E.S. Rudnitskaya and M.T. Dmitriyeva

ABSTRACT: Accumulations of fine platy crystals of bavenite, colorless or white, often with inclu-
sions of graphite, were discovered in an albitized garnet skarn, in a geological environment in which
the mineral, a relatively high-temperature metasomatic replacer of phenacite and feldspar, is defi-
nitely not an end-stage product of a hydrothermal process. --IGR Staff.
Bavenite, a calcium-beryllium aluminos G. Switzer and L. Reichen (18) established
alumosilicate of calcium and beryllium, is a that pelinite, a mineral from Sileziya, discovered
comparatively rare mineral. It has a complex in 1876 and related in the Shtrunets tables to
history of study, an important aspect of which asbestos-like vesuvium, is a bavenite containing
is its chemical composition. Bavenite was dis- 5. 52% Be0. They suggested the following for-
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covered in 1902 by Artini in 13aveno (Italy). At mula for it, acknowledging the mutual replace-
that time beryllium was not found in it. In 1932 ment of Al and Be in the framework of the min-
bavenite was found in California; chemical analy- eral: (Be, A1)4Ca4(SiO3)9 • x H20. A. A. Beus
sis revealed that it 'contained 2. 67% Be0. In (1) submitted for bavenite the empirical formula
1941 information concerning two analyses (Grill, Ca4(Be, A1)4Si9026- n (OH)2+ n. He proceeded
1941) of this mineral from Baveno was published. from the conversion to calcium as an element
These analyses revealed 3. 12 and 2. 48% Be0. displaying stabler atomic numbers, and pro-
In 1946 bavenite was found in the Soviet Union posed that water irrthis mineral has a hydroxyl
by E. I. Kutukova in the lzumrudnyye Mines nature. The latter was pointed out by D. G. F.
(Ural). In her article (4) two chemical analyses Claringbull (15) even before that. A. A. Bens
are listed, which show 6. 33 and 6. 60% Boa also considered that the replacement of hydrogen
Bavenite was finally discovered in other regions ions in the mineral by hydroxyl ions to compen-
of the Soviet Union, and in other countries — sate for the assumed heterovalent isomorphism
Australia, Czechoslovkia, etc. Bavenite from of aluminum and beryllium was probable.
Australia was first thought to be duplexite, a
new mineral similar in composition to bavenite D. Ksanda and G. Mervin established in 1933
(19). Two chemical analyses indicated that the that bavenite crystallizes in a rhombic system,
Be0 content was 7. 14 and 7. 72%. and were the first to compute parameters of the
elementary nucleus (Â): ap = 9. 69, bp = 11. 55,
Variations in chemical analyses prompted the co = 4. 96. According to D. Claringbull the
assumption of the existence of the bavenite- parameters were: a0 = 19. 34, bp = 23. 06, about

duplexite mineral series in which Be0 content double the values computed by Ksanda and Mer-
varies from 2. 48 to 7. 72%. vin. Parameter values ao, bo, co, similar to
the data of D. Claringbull were obtained by G.
M. Fleischer and G. Switzer (16) in an arti- Tarnovskiy and E. Vasil'ev, E. Belova and
cle entitled "Problems of Bavenite" showed that others. L. Berry (13), on the basis of the cal-

the mineral from Australia, known as duplexite, culation of a powdergram, determined the values
was identical to bavenite. In addition the Be°, for a, b, c, for ''pelinite" which matched the
contents in the early analyses of bavenite from data of Ksanda and Mervin.
Italy and California were erroneous and too lbw.'
In summing up the known and newly obtained data : Bavenite is known in the following types' of
on the chemical composition these authors con- fields:
cluded from reliable analyses that the Be0 con-
tent varies from 5. 4 to 7. 7%. Fleischer and 1. It is found in granite pegmatites, includ-
Switzer also noted that the sum Al203+ Be0 ing rare-metal and so called desiliconized peg-
changes very little in the various chemical anal- matites. In certain cases it occurs as a distinct
yses. Consequently this came to be regarded pseudomorph of beryllium, and in others it is
as one of the evidences of the mutual, replace- found only in cavities and cracks, and is not
ment of aluminum and beryllium in the bavenite found as neogenic beryllium (12).
The most frequent minerals found in asso-
ciation with bavenite are potassium feldspars,
albite, chlorite, in addition to epidote, mica,
quartz, bertrandite, fluorite, lomonite, and
Translated from Bavenit iz Zabaykal'ya, Izvestiya, certain others. Age relations of bavenite are
1967, no 7, p. 57-66.. The authors are with the In-
indicated with only a few of these minerals.
stitute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, min-
eralogy, and Geochemistry, Academy of Sciences, Thus bavenite from Norway (17) is found in
USSR, Moscow. paragenetic association with muscovite. Bavenite
Internat. Geology Rev. v.10, no.2


is found in Baveno "in a pegmatite druse" along to which is related a complex system of skarn,
with more recent mica, epidote, and lomonite. greisen, and other formations. It has been estab-
G. N. Tarnovskiy and E. K. Vasil'ev (11) point lished that during the process of albitization and
out that bavenite forms in fissures of rare- greisenization unusual feldspar and fluorite-
metal pegmatites after potassium feldspar and mica-metasomatites were formed along the
replaces it. According to M. E. Yakovleva, skarns (3).
turbid potassium feldspar crystallizes along with
bavenite in the cavities of pegmatite. E. I. Kutu-
, Bavenite is encountered in the study of drill
kova points out the development of bavenite on holes in feldspar-metasomatic rock occurring
plagioclase in desiliconized pegmatite. along a garnet-pyroxene skarn arid skarned
hornstones. Garnet is a principal mineral of
2: Bavenite has been described in garnet- skarns in which bavenite is found. Pyroxene,
fluorite skarn in cavities of lixiviation along with hornblende, epidote, and certain other minerals
a brown fine flaky mineral (10). Small quantities are found in lesser quantities.
of helvite and beryllate are found in beryllium
minerals in the field. Fluorite and phenakite occur in extremely
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fine-grain metasomatic feldspar rocks along

The authors stare the theory that "the earliest with bavenite. • Inclusions of graphite, confirmed
source of beryllium for bavenite was helvite" by spectroscopy, by X-ray diffraction analysis,
(10). The reference publication "Mineralogiya and by microscopic examination of polished
Redkikh Elemenuov" (1964) states that bavenite microsections, are often found in the feldspar.
is formed on helvite. The feldspar grains have dimensions of fractions
of millimeter. Their twin structure is often ob-
3. M. I. Novikova (7) established the presence served. The index of refraction of the feldspar
of bavenite in the pneumatolytic-hydrothermal grains conforms with albite -oligoclase. The rock
field. It replaces beryllium, and is encountered is practically devoid of calcium feldspar.
in intersecting streaks. It occurs as a cement
in zones of breccia. Sometimes a concretion of Fluorite forms irregular, almost isometric,
bavenite with muscovite and biotite is observed. formations. Phenakite is represented by a con-
In isolated cases bavenite is replaced by car- cretion of prismatic crystals characterized by
bonate and chlorite. spherulitic fading.

4. Bavenite is described by L. I. Simsnova In phenakite-fluorite-feldspar -metasomatite

(9) in fluorite calcite veins which develop after
- bavenite is found in the mass of the same rock
the formation of the stockwork of quartz veins in microcavities, and it is represented by ac-
with beryllate. The following age sequence of cumulations of thin lamellar crystals, some-
minerals is observed: calcite — fluorite — times forming fan-shaped concretions (fig. 1).
quartz — chlorite — zoisite. Beryllate is not There are no spherulitic fibrous formations such
present. as are often observed in bavenite of other fields.
These formations have dimensions which vary
5. Bavenite, of course, is known
(15) in twofields in Switzerland, which
are classified as alpine veins (17).

We know of a great number of dis-

coveries of bavenite frompegmatites.
Bavenite from other genetic types of
fields occurs only in isolated cases:
The formation of bavenite in pegma-
cites is usually related to a later stage
of the hydrothermal processes.

V. V. Mathias (6) suggested that

bavenite is of post-hydrothermal for-
mation, and points out that its occur-
rence in cavities of pegmatite is pos-
sibly supergenic.

The following geological conditions

are characteristic of the bavenite from
Transbaykal, described below. The
section is made up of lower Paleozoic
sedimentary-metamorphic rocks rep-
resented by a dolomite-limestone and FIGURE 1. Lamellar crystals of bavenite (white in. an
an essentially schist suite. They are albitized garnet skarn
pierced by granitoids of different ages, Magnification 7.5

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FIGURE 2. Graphite (black) in bavenite.

Transparent microsection, magnification 90

from fractions of a centimeter up to 1 cm. The phenalcite are often included in the bavenite and,
crystals are colorless or white, transparent, and there is no visible evidence whatsoever of any
have a glassy lusier. Cleavage is observed in changes in the phenalcite crystals (fig. 3), in
two directions. some instances; but in.others, corrosion has
obviously taken place; prismatic crystals of
The mineral is biaxial, positive, negative phenakite, included in bavenite, lose their rec-
elongation. Refraction indices, measured in tilinear shapes and acquire the looks of isolated
immersion fluids to an accuracy of ± 0. 002, irregularly shaped inclusions '(fig. 4).
were as follows: Ng - 1. 587, Np 1. 578,
falling within the limits of those already known; The relation Of baventte to feldspar, fluorite,
thus, according to published data, Ng for have- and phenalcite is alSo - qpite, clearly established
nite varies from 1. 597 to 1. 533, and Np - from in microcavities. 'Zonal crystals of feldspar,
1. 587 to 1. 578 (6); birefringence ranges from "brushes" of crystals of ,phenakite and fluorite,
0. 005 to 0. 010. sometimes overgrowing , the'phenakite / develop
on the walla of microcavities , The remaining
Specific gravity, determined 17 the micro- space of the cavities is„filled"witlrbavenite. If
method of V. S. Amelina, was equal to 2. -7 bavenite and fIuorite'are rotind, in a cavity, the
3 y
according to published data the specific gravit latter is usually idiomorp'hic:,,- Thus bavenite is
of bavenite varies from 2. 71r2. 74. formed after garnet, feldspar, and phenakite,
and replaces feldspar
, and henakit e. The re-
Under the microscope we can Clearly see placement by ,ba.Venite of plagioclase and feldspar
that bavenite is developed metasomatically, re- in pegmatites, as we have shown above, has
placing feldspar. The boundaries of bavenite been pointed out by other investigators. l'he
formations are usually irregular. Quite fre- fact that bavenite and phenakite are located to-
quently it contains spots and larger inclusions gether in pegmatites was observed by M. E. Ya-
of graphite, the quantity of which in some cases kovleva (12), but their relationship was not de-
is so great that bavenite has an almost black scribed.
color (fig. 2) when viewed without the aid of
the microscope. The graphite is apparently Bavenite developed in feldspar metasomatite
relict, remaining during the replacement by is also associated with sericite, in addition to
bavenite of graphite-containing feldspar meta- the other specified minerals. Sericite, a fine
somatite, formed on hornstone. Fluorite is flaky colorless mica similar to muscovite, vig-
closely associated with bavenite. It is frequently orously replaces the feldspar of the rock. Bave-
included in bavenite and is represented by crys- nite is replaced by sericite only to an insig-
tals of octahedral shape, specific for the asso- nificant degree. Apparently the basic mass of
ciation of bavenite in the given case. sericite was formed somewhat earlier than have-
nite, although there are known cases where a
The bavenite sphenakite relationship is as muscovite-sericite aggregate was formed after
follows. Joint growth of prismatic crystals of bavenite.

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FIGURE 3. Spherulitic aggregate of fine-prismatic crystals of

phcnakite in bavenite (light gray).
Transparent microsection, magnification 90

FIGURE 4. Relicts of phenakite (light gray) in bavenite (dark gray).

Transparent microsection in crossed nicols, magnification 290

There is a later, with respect to bavenite compared with the corresponding data for Talas-
and sericite, complex of minerals represented skiy bavenite as reported by L. I. Simonova.
by fluorite, chlorite, and calcite. These min- The differential curve of heating of the material
erals are found in the interstices between la- shows two endothermic effects. One of them
mellar, occasionally broken, crystals of bave- appears at a temperature of about 800, and the
nite. Calcite partially corrodes bavenite. The other at over 900° . At about these temperatures
bavenite described was studied thermally, spec- on the temperature-weight curve (fig. 5) there
trally, chemically, and by X-ray diffraction are two changes in the weight of the mineral.
analysis, as well as by infra-red spectroscopy. In the first case the weight loss of the mineral
is about 1. 6-1. 8%, and in the second — about
The curves of the heating and weight changes 2%. The weight losses of bavenite obtained by
of bavenite are shown in Figure 5, where it is the temperature-heat method are in general


conformity with the calcination losses observed

during chemical analysis. The latter indicates
765 0 945 ° that bavenite contains about 2% dissolved calcium
oxide extracted by hydrochloric acid treatment,
92 and related to an admixture of calcite. In con-
sideration of this the endothermic effect in the
8000 region should be attributed to the admixture
of calcite. This is confirmed by the infra-red
spectrum of bavenite taken at 820 0 (fig. 7). The
— 3,6% band of about 1440-1450 cm -1 , corresponding to
— Z3% carbonate, is missing in it. However it was
- observed in the spectrum of bavenite when heated
?,0 100 „700 500 700 900 /WO"
to only 700 0 .

A comparison of the heating curves contained

FIGURE 5. Curves of heating and weight change in literature with the curve obtained for the
of bavenite
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Transbaykal bavenite shows that this mineral

1 - bavenite from Transbaykal is characterized by an endothermic effect at
2 - bavenite from Talasskiy-Alatau about 900-1000 ° , which is related to the losses
of high-temperature water. It occurs in all
curves, sometimes displaced in the direction
of increased or decreased temperature. On the
heating curves provided by E. Kutukova and K.
Vlasoviy, and also by G. Tarnovskiy and E.
Vasil'ev, an exothermic effect is also observed
at 350-380 ° , which probably is attributed to the
admixture of other minerals.

a The chemical analysis of bavenite is repre-

sented in Table 1.

Traces of gallium and copper, thousandths

of a percent of titanium, hundredths of a percent
05 of antimony, magnesium and strontium, and
tenths of a percent of sodium were determined
by spectral analysis.
0, The conversion of the analysis of the bavenite
T2 — Be under consideration produced the following em-
pirical formula of the mineral: Ca4Be2.5A11.5 -
Si9025.5(OH)2. 5. On the basis of 12 chemical
analyses derived from the literature, variations
FIGURE 6. Projection of 1/6 elementary nucleus
of the content of the principal components of
of bavenite onto plane (ac) bavenite are listed in Table 2. From Table 2

37 35 35 34 17

FIGURE 7 . Infra-red spectra of the absorption of bavenite

1 - original specimen ; 2 - heated for 1 hr at 820 0 ;

3 - heated for 1 hr at 930"


TABLE 1. The chemical composition of bavenite

Atomic Number of
Content, % Molecular
Components Quantity of Atoms of
by Weight Quantity
Oxygen Cations

S10 2 55.60 57.77 9628 1.9256 8.96

Al 2 0 3 7.54 7.83 1534 2301 1,43
Fe2 0 3 0.26 -- -- --
TiO 2 0.10 __ -- -- --
Be° 6.32 6.57 2628 2628 2.44
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CaO 26.36 25.31 4520 4520 4.20

Calcination 4.00 2.52 2800 1400 2.60

Total 400,18 100,00

* 1,57 % consisting of CO2 from calcite occurring as an admixture.

TABLE 2. Variations in the contents of the principal TABLE 3. Interplaner distances (d a ) of

components of bavenite baven i te (FeK a -emission, 2 R - 57.3;
d = 0.6)

% Weight % Wei ht
Components Components (from gto)
(from -to)
Bavenite Ba enfte

1 da I da
CaO 23.l0----25.60 Be0 5.4 -- 7.66
Si0 2 55.25-59.66 Al 2 0 3 +Be0 14.12-16.83
Al 2 0 3 6.46-- 9.88 H 2 0 1.44-- 3.25 2 4.87 1 1.6062
2 4,13 1 1.5843
1 3.83 5 1.5666
we see that the smallest variations in the contents of 9 3,72 1
the principal components are established for CaO, 2 3.55 1 1.5070
which was observed by other investigators, and the 9 3.32
largest - for Si02 which exceeds 4%. There are 8 3.22 4 1.4789
also variations in the Al203 + Be0 and in the water 8 3.08 1 1.4536
content. 10 3.03 1 1.4255
4 2.82 2 1.4179
lp 2.64 3 1.3959
X-ray diffraction data in the determination of in-
5 2.543 7 1.3211
terplaner distances of Transbaykal bavenite computed
2 2.479 7 1.3019
in consideration of corrections, based on NaCl as a
1 2.396 1 1.2819
standard, are listed in Table 3. A series of reflec- 3 2.291 1 1.2583
tions of the X-ray powder diagram display intensities Very weak 2.278 9 1,2517
which differ from the intensities of corresponding Not clear - 2 1,1986
reflections for bavenite studied by G. Tarnovskiy Very weak - 6 1,1807
and E. Vasil'ev, and also for bavenite from the » 6 1.1559
American Card Index (ASTM No. 6 - 0267). A di- » -- ' 2 1.1403
vergence in the intensities of ,several lines was also » .__ 5 1,1110
noticed by N. N. SmoryaninoVa and V. A. Moleva for 5 1.968 6 1.0880
bavenite from skarns of central Kazakhstan. Appar- 5 1.935 7 1.0757
ently it is attributed to variations in the chemical 5 1.9062 4 1.0690
composition of this mineral. The parameters of the 5 1.8411 3 1.0433
elementary nucleus were computed by X-ray photo- 5 1.8198 5 1.0190
graphs of rotation obtained from a monocrystal in 3 1.7543 Not 1.0098
the KRON-2 cell, and r efined by X-ray powder grams. 7 1.7315 clear 1.0001
For this purpose we used the indices listed in an 4 1.6583
3 1,6118
article by G. Tarnovskiy and E. Vasil'ev. The


following parameters of the elementary nucleus bavenite investigated is similar in form and dis-
for the Trans baykal bavenite were determined: tribution (fig. 7, 1) to that obtained by I. I. Plyus-
ao = 19. 32 (A); ho = 23. 21 (A); co = 4. 99 (A). nina (8) who observed that in comparison with
other beryllium-containing silicate spectra,
The number of molecules in the elementary bavenite occupies a somewhat unique position.
nucleus (Z) for the given parameters and a given The position of basic and more clearly displayed
chemical formula is 4. Similar parameters for maximums in the infra-red spectrum around 1440-
bavenite and numbers of molecules in the ele- 1450 cm - I corresponds to an admixture of car-
mentary nucleus were obtained by Claringbull bonates.
(15) and Vasil'ev (11). For the dimensions of
the elementary nucleus, as determined by Ksanda As we may see from Figure 7 and Table 4,
and Mervin, where the values of the parameters the band of molecular water is missing in the
a and v are half of the values of the parameters spectrum of bavenite, and only the bands belong-
which we computed, Z 1. ing to the OH group are present. The presence
of the pyroxene-like chains and rings in the
X-ray density a = 2. 748, e., somewhat bavenite structure determined the infra-red
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 23:03 27 June 2016

greater than the density determined by the mi- spectrum of this mineral, since the position of
cro-method. Being the density of the ideal crys- the basic band corresponds to the boundaries in
tal, the X-ray density is usually somewhat which the basic band of pyroxenes and amphiboles
greater than the density determined by other lie (5). The formation of rings during the com-
methods. bination of chains is reflected in band 747 cm - I
and apparently, bands 650-658 cm -1 (8). Accord-
In a recently published article pertaining to ing to the structure obtained for bavenite and
the interpretation of the structure of bavenite related to the Be04 tetrahedrons, the hydroxyl
(14), the number of molecules in the elementary groups produce two bands, .one of which (3547-
nucleus was also 4, and the values of the param- 3548 cm - 1) should correspond to the OH groups
eters were determined by the values: a = 23. 19, related to the strictly beryllium tetrahedron,
b = 5. 005, c = 19. 39 A, which coincides with and the other of which (3620 cm -1 ) apparently
the values obtained for the bavenite sample corresponds to those hydroxyls related to beryl-
which we studied With consideration to the varia- lium occupying the position of Al in the structure.
tion in the orientation of the crystals.

Bavenite has a shell-like structure, which is TABLE 4. The locations of bands in the spectrum
produced if the tetrahedron of Be04 and A104 of baveni te, cm -1
are included in the system of related tetrahedrons
in addition to the tetrahedrons of SiO4. The basic
feature of the structure are quadruple chains ex- Prism of LiF Prism of NaC1 Prism of Eak
tending along axis b: one of these systems lies
in the plane of axes b and c, is made up of py-
roxene-like chains, and is distributed in the 3620 w 1125 1 650 w
plane of axes a and c. Within each system of 1090J - 605w
chains rings of connected tetrahedrons are
3547 1 av 1000 1 568 w
formed. Both systems of quadruple chains are 3538 J 970 f vs 528
interconnected by a six-member ring lying in 878 av v
510 1 a
the plane of axes a and c and formed by 4 tetra- 815 vs 493
hedrons of silicon, one of beryllium, and one 747 a:NT 445 s
of aluminum (fig. 6). Two of oxygen (one in the
tetrahedron of Be04(08), and the other in the
tetrahedron of SiO4(02)) are free, and at these Note: Brackets indicate that the given band is
points of the shell breaks are formed. One in the form of a doublet or triplet; vw - very
hydrogen atom is connected to oxygen 08 of the weak; w - weak; av - average; s - strong; vs -
beryllium tetrahedron, forming a hydroxyl group. band of very strong intensity
Thus one OH group is always associated with the
beryllium tetrahedron.
The heating of the bavenite sample with the
With the ratio of Be and Al equal to one, they subsequent photographing of the infra-red spec-
occupy independent positions in the structure. trum showed that its spectrum does not change
When this ratio exceeds one, the excess Be may up to about 900 ° C (endothermic effect in the in-
be distributed in the T4 tetrahedrons, occupying terval 700-800 ° corresponds to the decomposi-
the position of Al. In this case Be is also ac- tion of carbonates contained in the original
companied by an atom of hydrogen which appar- specimen) which generally coincides with thermo-
ently is distributed in the space around 02, graphic data. An endothermic effect is observed
where there is sufficient room for this, and at above 900'in the thermogram of bavenite.
forms hydroxyl groups. The infra-red spectrum taken after heating to
930° , shows that the new substance obtained does
The infra-red spectrum of absorption of the not contain hydroxide and differs from the


original (fig. 7, 3). The basic band of the new Geologiya Mestorozhdeniy Redkikh Ele-
substance is similar in location to that which is mentov, Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, no. 9.
produced by cristobalite or tridymite.
8. Plyusnina, I. I., INFRA-RED SPECTRA OF
The bavenite under consideration is somewhat THE REFRACTION OF BERYLLIUM MIN-
similar in the geological conditions of its location ERALS: Geokhimiya, 1963, no. 2.
to the bavenite from the skarns of Kazakhstan
and from Ural plagioclasites. As a whole it 9. Simonova, L. I., BAVENITE FROM CENTRAL
occupies a different geological position. The ASIA: Mineraly SSSR, no. 16, Izd. Nauka,
described bavenite is developed as a metasomatic 1964.
mineral on phenakite-feldspar-metasomatite,
which in turn replaces garnet-pyroxene skarn 10. Smolyaninova, N. N. and V. A. Moleva, THE
and skarn hornstone. It is characterized by a DISCOVERY OF BAVENITE IN SKARNS
lamellar structure, and it is similar to the Ural OF THE BATYSTAU FIELD (CENTRAL
bavenite in chemical composition. KAZAKHSTAN): Materialy po Geologii
Rudnykh Mestorozhdeniy, Petrogr. Min-
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 23:03 27 June 2016

The bavenite which we have been investigating eralogii i Geokhimii, Izd. AN SSSR, 1959.
is a rather high-temperature mineral of no means
the final stage of the hydrothermal process, 11. Tarnovskiy, G. N. and E. K. Vasil'ev,
which testifies to the range of its formation, BAVENITE FROM PEGMATITES OF
found to be much broader than was thought. EASTERN SIBERIA: Zap. Vses. Mineral-
0g. 0-va, Part 93, Series 2, 1964, no. 1.
12. Yakovleva, M.S. , TRANSFORMATION
BERYLLIUM AND GENETICS OF BERYL- eralog. Muzeya, 1961, no. 12.
1960. 13. Berry, L. G., THE COMPOSITION OF BAVE-
NITE: American Miner, 1963, v. 48,
2. Vlasov, K. A., and E. I. Kutukova, EMERALD no. 9-10.
MINES: lzd. AN SSSR, 1960.
14. Canillo, E. and G. Fagnani, THE CRYSTAL
DEPOSITS: Geologiya Rudnykh Mestorozh- 15. Claringbull, G. F., THE OCCURRENCE
del-11y, 1965, v. VII, no. 1. OF BAVENITE IN SWITZERLAND: Miner.
Magaz. , 1949, v. 25, no. 168.
MINES: • Dokl. AN SSSR, nov. ser. , 1946, 16. Fleisher, M. and G. Switzer, THE BAVE-
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