Ordered Tree:: Max-Heap: in A Max-Heap The Key Present at The Root Node Must Be Greatest

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Ordered Tree:

An ordered tree is an oriented tree in which the children of a node are somehow
ordered. It is a rooted tree in which an ordering is specified for the children of each
vertex. This is called a “plane tree” because an ordering of the children is equivalent
to an embedding of the tree in the plane, with the root at the top and the children of
each vertex lower than that vertex.

Expression types :

The expression tree is a binary tree in which each internal node corresponds to the
operator and each leaf node corresponds to the operand so for example expression
tree for 3 + ((5+9)*2) would be:


A Heap is a special Tree-based data structure in which the tree is a complete binary
tree. Generally, Heaps can be of two types:
1. Max-Heap: In a Max-Heap the key present at the root node must be greatest
among the keys present at all of it’s children. The same property must be
recursively true for all sub-trees in that Binary Tree.
2. Min-Heap: In a Min-Heap the key present at the root node must be minimum
among the keys present at all of it’s children. The same property must be
recursively true for all sub-trees in that Binary Tree.

Decision tree:

Decision Tree : Decision tree is the most powerful and popular tool for classification
and prediction. A Decision tree is a flowchart like tree structure, where each internal
node denotes a test on an attribute, each branch represents an outcome of the test,
and each leaf node (terminal node) holds a class label. Decision trees classify
instances by sorting them down the tree from the root to some leaf node, which
provides the classification of the instance. An instance is classified by starting at the
root node of the tree,testing the attribute specified by this node,then moving down
the tree branch corresponding to the value of the attribute as shown in the above
figure.This process is then repeated for the subtree rooted at the new node.

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