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High school Junior shares his wrestling story

Jakson Snyder talks about his wrestling career and how the sport is going

Ever felt as though you wanted to be doing more in high school. Well Junior Jakson Snyder is
working everyday at his school to improve on his strength and agility for wrestling. So that when
the time comes for a tournament or competition he will be ready.
Jakson Snyder works to improve his career everyday at his school, so he can do better in the
sport and his daily life. He’s been working in wrestling ever since he started during freshman
year of high school. He plans to continue improving up until his senior year, still uncertain if he
thinks he should continue in the sport.
A wrestling manager mops mats before each practice, they count statistics from
tournaments, and they clean equipment each week.
“Originally I was going to be the wrestling manager, my dad asked if I would want to try out,
and when I watched it I thought I really like this sport,” Snyder said.
Wrestling helps develop overall strength in the core as well as the shoulders and legs. The
training in wrestling is overall a full body workout for not just the body but the mind.
“Jakson was in a weightlifting class in junior high, I told him when he got into high school he
should do wrestling so he can do weight lifting along with other pre-season workouts,” Darren
Snyder, Jakson's father said.“Then he went to four wrestling camps the summer before his
freshman year, and then he decided to do wrestling full time instead of being a manager.”
Wrestling can build character as well as the importance of being a good teammate, with all of
this being built through hard work and determination.
“Jakson has gotten a lot better in approaching people and has gotten a lot of experience
over the last three years,” Landon Teague said.“I’d say he’s a really good team player even
though it's a one on one sport he’s already at practice ready to get stuff done.”
A high school wrestling season usually runs from October or November to March. While regular
season competition begins late October or early November and ends in February.
“I do not plan on pursuing it in the future, but I do plan on finishing it senior year,”Snyder said.“If
I could change something in wrestling I would make it to where more people knew about
wrestling, some schools have it but I wish more schools had it.”
WWE shows are not actual contests, but entertainment based performances. Though some
matches often include moves that can put performers at risk of injuries, or even death.
“I do not like WWE wrestling, it's more like scripted cause they do crazy stuff but none of it’s
actually legit,”Snyder said.“I like college wrestling cause they actually do moves and are actually
doing stuff.”
This sport can teach people about self control, not violence as it may seem at a first look
at the sport.
“Pretty typical progression as far as they get older, stronger, and better in the sport,”Jaksons
father said.“He’s increased in every area as far as better techniques and better mind set, I say
he’s progressing just fine.”
Jakson Snyder grapples a student to the ground for his tournament. This was
near the beginning of a tournament giving him a strong start. “If you're good at
something you like, don’t give up on it.”

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