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Calculation for 1.4m x 1.5m RCC box culvert :

Size of Culvert = 4 m x 3 m
Span of culvert 13.5 m
Culverts will be designed for Class “A” loading as per IRC standards for road with 10 m width and above.
` = 11.4 t
Super imposed load(assuming 2 tyres) = 5.7 t
Grade of Concrete = M 25
Grade of Steel = Fe 415
SBC at 1.5m depth = 15 t/m2
Density of Soil = 18 kN/m3
Angle of Repose (Ø) = 30 deg
Unit weight of concrete = 25 kN/m3

Assumed thickness of slab as = 350 mm

Weight of top slab (W1) = 8.75 kN/m2

Super imposed load (W2) = 30 kN/m2

Total weight on top slab (W) = 38.75 kN/m2

Weight of two vertical walls (W3) = 55.125 kN/m

Surcharge = 20 KN/m2
Considering one metre run of culvert, Pressure intensity on the base slab

= {[(W * h) + W3] / h}

= 72.15909 kN/m2

Loading diagram

5 3
0 0
0 0
m m
m m


Weight of bottom slab will be directly counteracted by the corresponding ground reaction.
At any depth (h) from top slab, lateral pressure intensity (p)

p = {W1 x [1-sin Ø/1+sin Ø)] + 18000 h{1-sin Ø/1+sin Ø)]}

At level at top slab (h) = 0m

p = 40 kN/m2

At level at bottom (h) = 3.4 m

p = 101.2 kN/m2

Considering one metre run of the culvert and each member as a separate fixed member, Fixed end moments are:

The RCC box culvert will be designed as per the guidance provided in the civil technical specification. Earth pressure for all
under ground water storage structure shall be taken as at rest. In addition to earth pressure the vehicular traffic load as per
the IRC specification of Class "A" shall be taken into account. Manual load calculations are made and analysed using the
software STAAD pro for the loadings, bending moments and shear forces and design/detail shall be made as per the manual
Bending Moments

Considering maximum misspan section of slab for bending moment (M) = 69.459 kNm Maximum Moment from staad
For top slab;
Assuming the depth of slab as 350mm with effective cover of 40mm.,
Depth available = 310 mm
Mu = M x 1.5 = 104.1885 kNm
Mu,lim = b x d^2 x Q =
= 13.2618 kNm < 104.189 kNm Hence depth is OK

Percentage reinforcement (Pt) = Mu/bd^2 1.084168

Percentage tension reinforcement (pt) from SP16

Area of reinforcement required = 983.092

Considering Minimum area of reinforcement 0.12%
Therefore area of reinforcement = (Gross area of slab x 0.12)/100
= (1000 x 350 x 0.12)/100
= 420 mm2
Providing 16mm Ø bars, Spacing = (201 X 1000)/983.092
= 204.457 mm Say 150 mm c/c spacing

Providing dist. bar as 12mm Ø bars, Spacing =(113 X 1000)/180

269.0476 Say 150 mm c/c spacing
For bottom slab and side walls;
Considering maximum midspan section of slab for bending moment (M) = 111.587 kNm Maximum Moment from staad
Assuming the depth of slab as 350mm with effective cover of 40mm.,
Depth available = 310 mm
Mu = M x 1.5 = 167.3805 kNm
Mu,lim = b x d^2 x Q =
= 13.2618 kNm < 167.381 kNm Hence depth is OK

Percentage reinforcement (Pt) = Mu/bd^2 1.741733

Percentage tension reinforcement (pt) from SP16

Area of reinforcement required = 1640.285

Considering Minimum area of reinforcement 0.12%
Therefore area of reinforcement = (Gross area of slab x 0.12)/100
= (1000 x 350 x 0.12)/100
= 420 mm2

Providing 16mm Ø bars, Spacing = (201 X 1000)/1640.29

= 122.5397 mm Say 100 mm c/c spacing

Providing dist. bar as 12mm Ø bars, Spacing =(113 X 1000)/180

269.0476 Say 150 mm c/c spacing

Check for Shear:

Shear force

Shear force (V) = 111.000 kN

Max Vu = 1.5 x V = 166.500 kN
Shear stress (ζv) = Vu/(b x d) = 537.10 kN/m2
ζc, = 460.00 kN/m2

Therfore ζc > ζv , Hence safe under shear

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