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Name: Classmate Q&A

Q&A with Sophomore Jacob Martin

1. ​Caleb Wright:Do you do any extracurricular activities?

Jacob Martin​:”I’m in theatre and journalism.”

CW:What do you do in theatre class?

JM:”Due to Covid-19 we haven’t been doing a lot of plays recently, but we’ve
been learning more about the craft and better ways to act.

CW:Would you say that Covid has severely affected your ability to do theatre?
JM:”Definitely, because we did the Laramie Project, a very fun play. We had to
film it and now it's on demand, where it will put a dampener on our ticket sales.

CW:Are you saying there was no in person theatre plays?

A: There is no open audience for theatre.

CW:Is that a bad thing for theatre or a good thing for theatre?
JM:”You would think it would be a good thing, since an audience can make
someone nervous. It's a bad thing because it didn’t give you the rush to do it.

CW:Are you saying you had more time to freely keep trying and trying to make it
JM:”Yeah because even when we were filming it, if someone messed up. We
would stop and redo it, so it wasn’t very serious.

CW:So would you say that made you better at theatre or worse at theatre?
JM:If we didn’t do a play at all, I’d say I got worse. But I did get better since,
acting in general makes you better.

2.​CW:Do you have any sports that you enjoy?

JM:I was in track Freshman year, but I quit to do more theatre.

CW:Did you not enjoy track or did you think it wasn’t the right thing for you to do?
JM:”I still kinda debate with myself if I should’ve stayed, but the people in there
weren’t very friendly. I was pretty good at it, but theatre was more fun.

3.​CW:What’s the most crazy thing you’ve done?

Name: Classmate Q&A

JM:”I’m a pretty boring person. I had a friend that was a senior when I was a
freshman. We would do deliveries, but you’d get a better tip the faster you go. I
guess breaking the speeding laws.”

4.​CW:Have you ever impressed yourself?

JM:”During this most recent play I impressed myself cause I don’t usually do
serious stuff, I’m the funny guy.”

5.​CW:Was there ever anytimes you felt disappointed in yourself?

JM:”Yes, recently cause I got a 40 in Chemistry and a 64 in Spanish, so I had a
good talk with my parents.”

CW:Would you say these grades are normal for you or that is how most of your
class is doing?
JM:”In a way they’re normal cause I’m usually pretty bad in class, and they don’t
get good till the last week. But they are worse than usual because of Covid, I
know it's not good to blame but it definitely did do something.”

6.​CW:Why did you choose to join journalism?

JM:”I joined because I was in sports medicine, but it interrupted theatre. I asked
my friends what was a fun class to do, and my friend said I should do Journalism.

CW:Would you say that decision was a good idea?

JM:”I’d say so because this is a very fun class where I learned a lot.”

7.​CW:Is there any classes you think that should be changed?

JM:”I wish no one was forced to do a second language.”

CW:Do you think that would be helpful for people?

JM:”Learning a second language is helpful but I think just doing two semesters of
a language won't really, well I guess it will give you a base for different
languages. But I don’t really see the point.”

8.​CW:Is there any classes that you think should be added to our school?
JM:”I would say a business class but we already have a business class.”

9.​CW:Do you have any plans for after high school?

Name: Classmate Q&A

JM:”For a little bit now, I’ve wanted to be a nurse. Which is not really a male thing
but I thought it would be fun, because I was a lifeguard and I liked learning about
CPR and it was a lot of fun. My mom said I’m really nice to people and what job
is better for being nice to people then a nurse.

CW:When were you a lifeguard and how was the experience?

JM:”I was a lifeguard last summer which was between my freshman year and my
Sophomore year. It was very fun and stressful, because at any moment someone
could drown, very hard to be in charge of people's lives. It was also my first job,
but overall it was a fun experience and I'm glad I did it.

10.​CW:Who is one person that has impacted you?

JM:”I guess my father, he’s been here for me a lot through Covid and my

CW:How did he impact you?

JM:”He’s very smart and calm under pressure, cause both him and my mom both
talk about how my mom freaks out and my dad stays calm.

11.​CW:Have you ever felt the need to help somebody?

JM:”When I was a lifeguard, one kid had a very bad leg cramp and went under
the water and he couldn’t swim back up. That was a save I did to go in and get

12.​CW:How has this pandemic affected you?

JM:”At the beginning of the pandemic I liked it a lot because I was in pre-ap ELA,
which was really hard. I had a lot of free time to hang out with my friends more,
even though it was looked down upon.”

13.​CW:How would you describe your experience in high school?

JM:”It’s been pretty good, I know a lot of my problems stem from me not paying
attention in class. It would be pretty good if I payed attention more.

14.​CW. Q:Would you say that your high school experience has been better than
your middle school experience?
JM:”My middle school experience would have been fine, but I think in middle
school we all just wanted to fit in. I tried to fit in with the emo kids, so being all
Name: Classmate Q&A

depressed and stuff when I was probably just fine, so I’d say my high school
experience has been better.”

15.​CW:Do you have anything that you can do in high school but couldn’t do in
middle school?
JM:”I’d say friends because in middle school I couldn’t get many friends, and the
theatre in middle school pretty much did their own thing. The theatre in high
school everyone’s a lot nicer.”

16.​CW:How has high school affected your outlook on the world?

JM:”It’s affected my view on the world a lot, I know a lot of people in my theatre
class throw around that they are depressed. I know a lot of people are, a lot
people fake it and they think that there is not a worst time to live. Making me
think that we take stuff for granted.

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