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Proceso por OPUS

 FILE: log0713o.tps OP1607128168887

                              NGS OPUS SOLUTION REPORT


All computed coordinate accuracies are listed as peak-to-peak values.

For additional information:

      USER: alexanderrenatozamoratello@gmail.       DATE: December 05, 2020

RINEX FILE: log0195o.20o                            TIME: 00:30:18 UTC

  SOFTWARE: page5  2008.25 160321      START: 2020/07/13  14:20:00

 EPHEMERIS: igs21141.eph [precise]                  STOP: 2020/07/13  16:26:00
  NAV FILE: brdc1950.20n                        OBS USED:  3999 /  4270   :  94%
  ANT NAME: TPSGR5          NONE             # FIXED AMB:    27 /    32   :  84%
ARP HEIGHT: 1.561                            OVERALL RMS: 0.013(m)

 REF FRAME: ITRF2014 (EPOCH:2020.5318)

         X:      1399120.140(m)   0.153(m)

         Y:     -6078043.530(m)   0.007(m)
         Z:     -1330381.983(m)   0.021(m)
       LAT:  -12  7 11.17686      0.026(m)
     E LON:  282 57 47.66508      0.150(m)
     W LON:   77  2 12.33492      0.150(m)
    EL HGT:          106.856(m)   0.031(m)

                        UTM COORDINATES
                         UTM (Zone 18)
Northing (Y) [meters]     8659374.768
Easting (X)  [meters]      278335.700
Convergence  [degrees]    -0.42780556
Point Scale                1.00020793
Combined Factor            1.00019112

                              BASE STATIONS USED

PID       DESIGNATION                        LATITUDE    LONGITUDE DISTANCE(m)
       RIOP                                                         1170053.5
       QUI3                                                         1332151.3
       SCRZ                                                         1614372.0

This position and the above vector components were computed without any
knowledge by the National Geodetic Survey regarding the equipment or
field operating procedures used.
 FILE: log0713q.tps OP1607129182582

                              NGS OPUS SOLUTION REPORT


All computed coordinate accuracies are listed as peak-to-peak values.

For additional information:

      USER: alexanderrenatozamoratello@gmail.       DATE: December 05, 2020

RINEX FILE: log0195q.20o                            TIME: 00:47:20 UTC

  SOFTWARE: page5  2008.25 160321      START: 2020/07/13 

 EPHEMERIS: igs21141.eph [precise]                  STOP: 2020/07/13  18:54:00
  NAV FILE: brdc1950.20n                        OBS USED:  1721 /  3004   :  57%
  ANT NAME: TPSGR5          NONE             # FIXED AMB:    24 /    31   :  77%
ARP HEIGHT: 1.516                            OVERALL RMS: 0.018(m)

 REF FRAME: ITRF2014 (EPOCH:2020.5321)

         X:      1399100.075(m)   3.211(m)

         Y:     -6078054.730(m)   1.327(m)
         Z:     -1330319.156(m)   0.549(m)

       LAT:  -12  7  9.13408      0.562(m)

     E LON:  282 57 46.93536      3.319(m)
     W LON:   77  2 13.06464      3.319(m)
    EL HGT:           99.936(m)   0.703(m)

                        UTM COORDINATES
                         UTM (Zone 18)
Northing (Y) [meters]     8659437.386
Easting (X)  [meters]      278313.162
Convergence  [degrees]    -0.42782778
Point Scale                1.00020805
Combined Factor            1.00019233

                              BASE STATIONS USED

PID       DESIGNATION                        LATITUDE    LONGITUDE
       SCRZ                                                         1614415.1
       IQQE                                                         1163833.1
       RIOP                                                         1169987.3

This position and the above vector components were computed without any
knowledge by the National Geodetic Survey regarding the equipment or
field operating procedures used.

Project Summary


Linear unit: Meters
Projection: UTMSouth-Zone_18 : 78W to 72W
Adjustment Summary

Adjustment type: Plane + Height, Inner constraint

Confidence level: 95 %
Number of adjusted points: 3
Number of plane control points: 0
Number of used GPS vectors: 2
A posteriori plane UWE: 1 , Bounds: ( 1 , 1 )
Number of height control points: 0
A posteriori height UWE: 1 , Bounds: ( 1 , 1 )

Used GPS Observations

dHt Horz Vert RMS
Name dN (m) dE (m)
(m) RMS (m) (m)
log0713n_2YGW−log0713o_U70Y 1692.943 -2956.886 -4.210 0.002 0.003
log0713n_2YGW−log0713q_U70Y 1755.812 -2981.132 -11.882 0.005 0.015
GPS Observation Residuals
dHt Horz Vert RMS
Name dN (m) dE (m)
(m) RMS (m) (m)
log0713n_2YGW−log0713o_U70Y 1692.943 -2956.886 -4.210 0.002 0.003
log0713n_2YGW−log0713q_U70Y 1755.812 -2981.132 -11.882 0.005 0.015
Control Points
Name Grid Northing (m) Grid Easting (m) Elevation (m) Code
no data met
Adjusted Points
Name Grid Northing (m) Grid Easting (m) Elevation (m) Code
log0713n_2YGW 8657681.718 281295.333 118.569
log0713o_U70Y 8659374.661 278338.447 114.359
log0713q_U70Y 8659437.530 278314.201 106.687

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