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J: Hello carolina, how are you?

C: Hi jacobo, i am fine

J: Hey, where did you go this weekeng?

C: I was at the camp

J: Oh good, and who did you go there with?

C: I went with my mom and my sister

J: Great, and tell me, i knew you used to have a job, what did you work?

C: I worked in a restaurant

J: oh, and what did you do there?

C: i was a waitress, attending to customers

J: Really? That’s good, and how old were you when you were working?

C: At that time i was eigteen (18) years old

J:Wow, you were very young

C: Yes, it was, well, i have to go

J: Ok, goodbye, take care

C: Bye bye

C: Hello jacobo, how are you?

J: Hi carolina, i am very well and you?

C: I am fine too, thanks, tell me, where did you study?

J: I was studying at San Inacio School

C: Oh that’s good, and did you have any friends at school?

J: Yes, Susan and Carlos, they were my friends

C: Great, and tell me, how did you do in school?

J: Oh, was doing very well

C: I heard you went on vacation,where did you go?

J: I was in Chillan, it was very beautiful

C: Wow, and what did you do there?

J: Taste your gastronomy, and visit the touristic places

C: How great, well i have to go, goodbye

J: Me too, bye bye

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