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Navigating Ethics PPT for Storyline

1. Navigating Ethics PPT for Storyline

1.1 Navigating Ethics

1.2 Course Overview

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1.3 Course Learning Outcomes

1.4 Overview of Counseling Ethics

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1.5 Boundaries and Dual Relationships

1.6 YouTube Boundary Video

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1.7 Sexual/Romantic Relationships

1.8 Confidentiality

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1.9 YouTube Video Confidentiality

1.10 ACA Code of Ethics Practice

1.11 What are two ethical issues for this situation?

(Multiple Response, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

X Dual Relationships



X Confidentiality


Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Let’s take a moment to refer back to the Code of Ethics
and try again.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.12 What might you do if you were Susan, refer Jack to another
counselor or continue counseling Jack?

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

Refer Jack to another counselor.

X Continue to counsel Jack.

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Please refer back to the ACA Code of Ethics.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.13 Connect Activity

(Text Entry, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Feedback when correct:

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Correct (Slide Layer)

1.14 Quiz Code of Ethics

1.15 1. A counselor may share about their clients with their family?

(True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice


X False

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response, a counselor should not share information about
their client.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Please go back and review the ACA Code of Ethics
section on confidentiality, and try again.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.16 2. A counselor who develops intimate feelings for a client should talk
to their supervisor.

(True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

Correct Choice

X True


Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response, please review the ACA Code of Ethics, on
sexual/romantic relationships.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.17 3. In cases of dual relationships there is always one answer, refer the

(True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

Correct Choice

X False


Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. This can be tricky, sometimes a dual relationship will
not effect the counseling relationship. You should apply the ethical decision making model and
speak to your supervisor to determine the best action to take.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.18 4. A counselor must not cause harm.

(True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

Correct Choice

X True


Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. A counselor may never harm a client. Please review the
ACA Code of Ethics.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.19 5. Counselors should self-reflect about their personal values and


(True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

X True


Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Self-reflection should be a practice throughout a
counselor’s career.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.20 Ethical Decision Making Steps

1.21 When an ethical decision making model is needed

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1.22 Ethical Decision Making Steps

1.23 Practice Activity

1.24 Beth, a counselor, has a new client intake today, the client is her next
door neighbor.

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

X Yes


Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. This requires the ethical decision making model
to determine the outcome. Things to consider are is this a rural community with minimal
counselors?; Are Beth and the potential client friends?

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.25 John, a client, asked his counselor on a date.

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

X No, this does not require the ethical decision making model.

Yes, this requires the ethical decision making model.

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. This does not require the ethical decision
making model, as this is one of the few ACA Code of Ethics firm rules. The counselor must
decline, talk about this with the client to determine if they can continue to work together or if a
referral must be made, and the counselor must bring this to her supervisor’s attention as well as
accurately document the incident.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. A counselor may never engage in a romantic or sexual
relationship with a client, this is clearly stated in the ACA Code of Ethics, thus this does not
require an ethical decision making model.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.26 Billy, age 7 is a client of yours, you noticed a bruise on his arm, and
when you asked about the bruise he said he fell off the monkey bars.

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

No, this does not require the ethical decision making model.

X Yes, the ethical decision making model should be applied.

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. This is a tricky one, surely it is not out of the
norm for a 7 year old child to get a bruise from playing. However a counselor is a mandated
reporter for abuse and neglect, thus the ethical decision making model must be applied.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.27 Jack, a counselor, overheard a fellow counselor talking about her

client with office staff.

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

X Yes, this requires the ethical decision making model.

No, this situation does not require the ethical decision making model.

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response, the ethical decision making model should be
applied for this situation. While counselors must protect client confidentiality and thus not share
private client information with others (except noted by the limits of confidentiality) there could
have been an emergency with the client. Better to be safe than sorry and go through the 7 steps
to determine the best outcome.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.28 Connect Activity

1.29 Your Turn!

1.30 For this quiz you will place each action in the correct order of the ACA
Ethical Decision Making Model

(Sequence Drag-and-Drop, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Order

Should Sue accept Ms. Smith as a client?

ACA Code consider the risks and benefits of accepting as clients those with whom they have had
a previous relationship.

Consider nonmaleficence.

Accept Ms. Smith as a client or refer to another counselor; Discuss this situation with Ms. Smith,
to see what she thinks about staying on as a client or being referred.

Accepting Ms. Smith, pro- no contact in over 20 years, con- knew each other; Referring Ms.
Smith, pro- the other counselor has no relationship with Ms. Smith, con- the referral may not be
necessary due to the length of not seeing each other.

Choice is made to keep Ms. Smith as a client as no harm or other ethical issues would arise.

Ms. Smith will be added to the counselor's case load.

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

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Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response.

Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.31 Boundaries/Dual Relationships

1.32 Narration of boundaries/dual relationships

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1.33 Reflective practice

1.34 Bob is seeing a new counselor Sam, and they both attend the same
church and fitness center.

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

Boundary issue.

Dual relationship.

Boundary issue and Dual Relationship

X All of the above

Additional information needed.

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. If you are thinking that this could be both a
boundary issue as well as a dual relationship, and that you need additional information to make
determination you are correct. Just because they attend the same fitness center and church it is
not clear if they know each other, thus this will have to be explored more.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.35 The counselor’s and client’s daughters are best friends.

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

Boundary issue.

Dual relationship.

More information needed.

X Both Boundary Issue and Dual Relationship

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. Yes, this is a dual relationship that should be
avoided so that there are no boundary issues.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Please refer back to the definition of dual relationships
and try again.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.36 Sam, a client, attempts to “friend” his counselor on social media

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

X Boundary issue.

Dual relationships.

More information needed.

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. Yes, this is a boundary issue for sure! The
counselor needs to address this in session with Sam, explaining why they cannot be social media
friends, reminding Sam about the boundaries established for the therapeutic relationship.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Please refer to the definition of boundary issues and try

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.37 Sam, a counselor has just be assigned a new Samantha, a high school
principal. Sam does not have any children in the high school, however his
girlfriend does.

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

Correct Choice

X Boundary issue.

Dual relationship.

More information needed.

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. You are correct this is a boundary issue that will
need to be explored in session to determine if it is best to make a referral to another counselor.
Although Sam does not have children in high school his girlfriend does and she may talk about
the principal when they are together, and she may even ask Sam for his input.

Feedback when incorrect:

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You did not select the correct response, please try again.

Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.38 Connect Activity

1.39 Quiz Boundaries/Dual Relationships

1.40 Should Sarah write the letter of recommendation for Claudia?

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice


X No

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. Sarah should not write the letter of
recommendation as that will breach

Confidentiality. Sarah should explain to Claudia why this decision was made and then explore
with Claudia teachers and other school staff who could write the recommendation.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Please refer to the ACA Code of Ethics Boundaries and
Dual Relationship section.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.41 Should Sarah attend Claudia’s graduation?

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice



X Unsure more information is needed.

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. The ethical decision making model should be
applied here. Sarah must consider what is in Claudia’s best interest. Sarah could attend the
ceremony sitting away from Claudia’s family and friends, never making contact with her while
being able to celebrate Claudia’s achievements.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Please refer to the ACA Code of Ethics and try again.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.42 Should Sarah attend Claudia’s party?

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice


X No

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response. Sarah should decline the invite to the party,
explaining to Sarah that someone might ask her how she knows Claudia.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.43 Sexual/Romantic Relationships

1.44 Overview of Sexual/Romantic Relationships

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1.45 Practice

1.46 Response case

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1.47 Response case

1.48 Response case

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1.49 Response case

1.50 In the work you currently do, how likely are you to apply the ethical
decision making model for a romantic/sexual relationship concern you
have with a client? What about with a coworker, is the ethical decision
making model applicable?

(Short Answer, 0 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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1.51 Case Vignette- Sexual/Romantic Relationships

1.52 Question 1

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

X Yes


Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response, let’s try again.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.53 Question 2

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice


X No

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Please review the section on sexual/romantic
relationships and try again.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.54 Question 3

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice


X No

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Let’s try again.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.55 Question 4

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice


X No

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Let’s try again, you may want to review the ACA Code of

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.56 What should Julie do now?

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

Document the situation

Speak to her supervisor

Talk to Roger about their counseling relationship

X All of the above

None of the above

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response. Let’s try again.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.57 Confidentiality overview

1.58 Confidentiality narration

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1.59 Confidentiality Practice

1.60 Response

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1.61 Response

1.62 Response

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1.63 Response

1.64 Response

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1.65 Connect Activity

1.66 Case vignette- Confidentiality

1.67 Even though the son is not the POA, can you provide information on
his father’s death to him?

(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice


X No

Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

1.68 Is consent required to release Personal Health Information after


(Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Correct Choice

X Yes


Feedback when correct:

That's right! You selected the correct response.

Feedback when incorrect:

You did not select the correct response.

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Correct (Slide Layer)

Incorrect (Slide Layer)

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1.69 Completion of Course

1.70 Please take a few minutes to complete the course survey, your
feedback helps me to deliver an exceptional learning experience. Thank

(Likert Scale, 0 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

The course met your expectations.

The learning objectives were addressed in the


How likely are you to recommend this course

to other students?

How likely are you to apply what you learned

in your current work?

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1.71 Untitled Slide

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