Enabling Assessment 1

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What are the challenges faced by the different sectors in our society now?

The pandemic struck like lightning and spread like wildfire around the globe. Not only are the public
health of almost every nation are facing a difficulty, but almost all sectors – primarily the economy and
social welfare. Aside from COVID19, the Filipino community faced several struggles with the
implementation of the quarantine regulations as one of the key actions to prevent the spread of the
virus. With its strict implementation, the country was put into hold, and the sources of income of the
majority are compromised. As a result, many people lost their jobs and some families who barely survive
are not able to provide. The well-being of the children, the elderly and the rest of the community are
also put into risk because of the rising problems that hits not only the health of the people, but the way
of life. The crisis also opened many difficulties in the political sector of the country. Instead of a united
stand, the Filipino community is again, divided not only by location but with the political sides. Upon
observation, instead of addressing the pandemic firsthand, the government continuously diverts its
attention towards other irrelevant and unnecessary issues, which can be solved once the pandemic is
over. Looking at the cultural sector of the country, Filipinos take pride in the variety of festivals
celebrated in almost every corner of the Philippines. However, the implementation of community
quarantine requires strict prohibition of mass gatherings, making festivals as uneventful as it used to be.

What is the essence of communication to development?

Communication is the act of sending and receiving messages or ideas. According to McFarland
communication is, “a process of meaningful interaction among human beings. More specifically, it is the
process by which meanings are perceived and understandings are reached among human beings.” The
concept of development, on the other hand is widely used to refer to a specified state of advancement
or growth.

Development and communication are completely different entities yet is incorporated with one another.
Many articles online states that one of the foundations of development is communication. Moreover,
communication is primary tool in promoting human development. Development strategies and projects
require effective communication to ensure the success of its implementation. Basically, communication
is the livewire of human culture which is portrayed in various human exercises and associations starting
from people to family and to other human associations. In social environment, effective communication
is a sustainable tool for a significant victory in community development efforts. In conclusion,
communication impacts all areas of life and for us to progress as an individual and as a global village,
communication is essential. Effective communication empowers individuals, communities and even the
world as global village through establishment of significant information to be able to address
fundamental development challenges in various aspects.

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