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Business Analytics By: Hasan Sahily

Chapter 7
Set Analysis

Heat Chart (Apply variable expression)

Example: Management wants to analyze the profit percentages of each branch on monthly basis
using a pivot table. Column is the branch and the line header is the month.

Heat Chart analysis:

It is used to analyze the performance in a pivot table form and shows each level of performance
in a different color.
Example: Management wants to analyze the profit percentages of each branch on monthly basis.
Use variable expression of the profit percent
Colors indicators:
• Red: danger
• Orange: warning
• Blue: safe (acceptable)
• Green: success

Apply those colors in the heat chart:

• if profitpercent <3 % show the figure in red color
• if 3%< profitpercent < 6% show the figure in orange color
• if 6%< profitpercent < 9% show the figure in blue color
• if profitpercent > 9% show the figure in green color

Right click → new sheet object → chart → pivot
Dim: branch and month
Exp: $(profit%)

if($(profitpercent)<0.03, red(), if($(profitpercent)<0.06, RGB(255,128,0),

if($(profitpercent)<0.09, blue(), green() )))

visual cues : > = 0.15 green / normal is blue / < = 0.10 red

To get the orange...

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Business Analytics By: Hasan Sahily

To get the orange...

RGB(255,128,0) go to (example) color tab of a bar chart
choose the color
look at the red rectangle in image
use the rgb function rgb(redcolor, greencolor, bluecolor) for background color

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Business Analytics By: Hasan Sahily

What-IF analysis

What will be the effect of profit in case we increase/decrease the cost?

We can change a variable's value using slider that allows interactive change of
variable's value.
The value of variable will change (increase or decrease the cost)
❖ Create a variable
o Setting  variable overview  add, Variable name: V, Definition: 0 
❖ Create a slider based on variable V
o Right click new sheet object  slider  tick checkbox “Variable” and
select “V”  min value=-10, max value=10  static step=2
❖ Create a variable wProfit. Setting  variable overview  add, Variable name: wProfit,
Definition: sum(netsale)-sum(cost+ cost*V/100)  ok
❖ Create a bar chart. Dim: branch, Exp: $(wProfit)

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Business Analytics By: Hasan Sahily

How to add a Bookmark

• Bookmarks add Bookmark (give a name to the bookmark). It will save the selected
criteria in the list box.
• To set the selected criteria as had been selected before and saved in the bookmark, just
click on the bookmark name

Set Analysis
Assume we have two groups, g1 and g2. They contain the following
g1 : samir , ahmad, tony
g2 : ahmad ,abed, rami

g1 + g2 : union (All)
samir , ahmad , tony , abed , rami

g1 * g2 : common / intersection

g1 - g2 : minus, all in g1 but not in g2

samir , tony

g1 / g2 : all except common or intersection

samir , tony , abed , rami

$  (default). Filter according to listbox selection. It is the default

1  All (list selection is not taken into consideration)

1-$  all except selection

Structure of the expression that includes a condition

condition: should be between { }
variable between <var>
value between { }

Q0- find total netsale amount


Q1- find total netsale amount for year = 2016 (default is $)

sum( netsale)
sum({ } netsale)
sum({<Year= > } netsale)
sum({<Year= {2016}> } netsale)

Q2 – compare sales between two selected branches

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Business Analytics By: Hasan Sahily

create g1 based on branch and g2 based on branch (independent)

setting ---> document properties --> general --> alternate state --> press---> add
g1 --> add g2 ok

How to Create a list box based on g1 and a list box based on g2

create list box --> choose branch ---> alternate state -->g1
same for g2

Create a bar chart to compare the net sale between two selected branches
Dim: branch
Exp1: sum({g1 * $} netsale)  common between g1 and selected listbox
Exp2: sum({g2 * $} netsale)  common between g2 and selected listbox

Q5- compare profitLoss between 2 selected branches on monthly basis

steps: create g1 and g2 as an alternate states
create 2 list boxes based on g1 and g2
create a bar chart. Dim: Month, Exp1=sum({g1*$}profitLoss),

Q6- find sum of total netsale for year = 2016

sum({ <Year={2016}>} netsale)

Q7- find total netsale for year = 2016 and branch = hamra
sum({<Year={2016},branch={'hamra'}>} netsale)

Q8- find total netsale for year 2016 and branch= hamra or achrafieh
sum({ } netsale)
sum({< > } netsale)
sum({<Year={2016}, branch={ ‘hamra’ ,‘achrafieh'} > } netsale)

Q9- find total netsale for all branches except hamra

sum({ } netsale)
sum({< > } netsale)
sum({<branch={"*"}-{'hamra'}>} netsale) ////double " when search /// single ' for fixed

Q10--find total net sale for the intersection between selected branches and cola, barbir
sum({ } netsale)
sum({< > } netsale)
sum({<branch *= {'cola','barbir'}> } netsale)

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