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1st Grading-Module 5
Title: Socialization

Understanding Culture Society and Politics – Grade 11/12
Quarter 1 – Module 5

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Schools Division Superintendent: Mariano B. De Guzman, CESO VI

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Sueno S. Luzada Jr

Development Team of the Module


(Concepcion Pequeṅa. National High School)


Education Program Supervisor, SDO Naga City


Education Program Supervisor, SDO Naga City


MODULE 1: ___________________________________

Introduction ………………………………….….……. 4
Objectives……………………………………….….… 4 .

Pre-test ………………………………………….….....5
Lesson activity ……………………….................
Activity 1………………………………………….…….6
Activity 2 ……………………………………….………6.
Analysis …………………..…………........................13
Abstraction …………………………………………….15
Application …………………………………………….17
Post- Test ………………………………..…………….20

1st Quarter
Module 5 Socialization


Every person plays a different role in our lives and in the

society. From birth our mind is a blank state or tabularaza as a
person grow that blank slate started to filled up with knowledge
and we gain that knowledge in the process of socialization.
Socialization is the process through which people are taught to
be proficient members of a society. It is how you learned the
society’s culture, norms, ideas, beliefs and law. It is a lifelong
process through which we become prepared for social
environments and social expectations in every stage of our lives.

In this module, you will understand the context, content,

process and consequences of socialization. All you have to do is
to accomplish all activities. Are you ready to start and discover
knowledge? Let’s start!


Explain the context, content, process and consequences of socialization.

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Understand the concept of Socialization.

2. Identify the norms and value in interaction.
3. Describe the roles of families and peer groups in socialization


Read the statement below and choose the best answer.

1. In a layman’s term it is simply means as the process by which a person learns the
social norms and customs of the society.
A. Peer Group
B. Socialization
C. Culture
D. Enculturation

2. It includes culture, language, and social structures such as the class, ethnic, and
gender hierarchies of a society.
A. Socialization
B. Society
C. Social Context
D. Social Process

3. It play an important part in our socialization, during formative years of the child
parents teach the values, culture and practices.

A. Peer group
B. Family
C. Social group
D. School

4. This is another agent of socialization. It primary function is to inform, entertain and


A. Workplace
B. Mass Media
C. School
D. Family

5. This is where we learn the “three Rs”: reading, writing, and arithmetic and start to
interact with their peers.
A. Mass Media
B. School
C. Workplace
D. Family



Read the different social skill listed below, write what does it mean to you and
give an example. Write your answer in your notebook.

Social Skills Means to you Example

Listening actively

Resolving conflict

Helping others

Waiting patiently

Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What it easy for you to write the meaning of each social


Very Good! You are done with the 1st activity. Now
let us move on to the next.

You will watch the video clip about

socialization, just follow the link below or you
can just read the video transcription below.
Please take note of the terms in the video clip.

Agents of Socialization
Video Link:

All right everybody, this week we are going to talk about agents of socialization,
not secret agents but agents. You'll see what I mean, so socialization is something
that is often sort of thrown about as a term. How it is that we are socialized to think in
certain ways. Socialized to do certain things, so here is a bit of a kind of dictionary
definition of socialization. It's basically a process by which you develop your sense of
self and your own identity and you also learn how it is to work with others within a

It is the process by which you as an infant become self-aware, you become a

knowledgeable person about the world and you learn about the culture and ways to
move around the culture and the society that you're living in now. There are two kinds
of socialization and often we when we think of socialization, we think of primary
socialization which is the kind of socialization that occurs in childhood.

We think about the ways, maybe the shows that we watch on TV socialize us
and maybe even the toys we play with things like that we're mostly thinking about this
primary socialization that happens during childhood, however socialization is an active
process and it never stops. It is a lifelong journey so the primary socialization is that
which happens during childhood where you pretty much a big sponge and soaking up
all sorts of messages as to what it is to be a decent cool member of this society.
Secondary socialization is all of the stuff that happens after childhood you're going
through socialization right now in your roles as students you are going through
socialization through engaging with your peers and your parents and journeying on
eventually through college and as workers whatever job it is that you end up in all the
way up until the moment you die. You are being socialized in different aspects of your
life so there are different ways that different social thinkers have thought about this

process of socialization and people's development. First is Sigmund Freud and so
we're thinking more on the kind of psychological side of things. Sigmund Freud was
an important thinker in his day and he thought that personality and sexual development
are very closely linked and that there were certain stages that a child went through
from infancy through early childhood. These are what he called psychosexual stages,
where you have you have an oral stage, an anal stage, a phallic stage, a latency stage
and a genital stage. The oral stage is usually around the time during breastfeeding
anal stage is usually during the point of potty training. Usually same with the phallic
stage when a child discovers that their parts might be different than that other kids’
parts then, after that period there is a period in childhood where you're not necessarily
interested in sort of anything sexual there's no oral stage no anal stage no phallic

There's nothing going on but then once you have puberty then you sort of enter
a genital stage and at any period in time if you do not sort of follow these steps at the
right age then you can develop sort of fixations if you've ever heard of somebody being
anally retentive or somebody that has an oral fixation. Those are the kinds of things
that that they're being described in. Usually somebody with an oral fixation is
somebody that was either not breastfed enough or breastfed too much for example
and therefore they constantly the need to have something in their mouth and they
become smokers or they constantly need to chew gum. Where they're chewing on a
pen or something like they always need to have something in their mouth somebody
who is anally retentive might have been somebody who was either potty trained to
earlier to strictly somebody who was potty trained with the notion that that they're sort
of bodily functions are very dirty which leads to later on in life them being sort of very
focused on being neat now of course while there have been many advances in
psychological thought since Sigmund Freud is definitely important to learn when it
comes to the sort of history of how it is that we've thought of thing over time and
especially when these concepts of things like oral fixation or anal retentiveness have
stuck with us even though perhaps psychological theory has moved on from it another
guy. Erik Erikson thought that that development was a lifelong thing and not just sort
of Sigmund Freud whose kind of focused on things that happen throughout childhood
but, Erik Erikson was one of the first people to identify that socialization and your
development is a lifelong thing and he identifies eight particular stages from birth to

Jean Piaget also notices that the world is sort of made of lifelong processes of
socialization and we're constantly trying to figure out where it is that we fit in this world?
Where it is that we think of ourselves within this world and how it is that we can engage
with others? What does this mean for agents of socialization? Right, so thinking of the
ways when we develop thinking of socialization as a lifelong process. What are the
things that get us to this point of all of us sort of being kind of upstanding social citizens
and students in this classroom? There are all sorts of agents of socialization that are
working to shape you into the person that you are today the first end and usually the
primary one when it comes to primary socialization as your family. You'll learn a lot
from parent’s guardians and important people in your life your peer group so, those
are your friends and people that are of the sort of same generation. School is a very
important aspect of socialization and one can think of the way in which you know from
the age of kindergarten when you are made to line up in certain ways and you're
supposed to make lines and hold hands to cross the streets, line up alphabetically,

line up by age whichever sit in neat little rows. Things like that are made to sort of
teach you order.

The workplace is also a great agent of socialization because depending on

where it is you work not only do you learn you know how it is exactly to do your
particular job, but you learn things like office politics the way things work how it is that
you're supposed to talk to your co-workers, what kinds of relationships you can have
with your bosses and your co-workers. How open you can be about certain things.
What language you use in a workplace how sort of relaxed the workplaces versus
strict right. You learn all sorts of things on how to work within that sort of little mini
society that is your workplace. Religion is an active agent of socialization if you are a
member of a religious group. Your religious groups often times like pretty much all
religions have messages about not only why it is that the world came to be the way it
is but also a guidance on proper behavior and all sorts of rules and morality and all
sorts of fun stuff like that. Government is also a major agent of socialization and sort
of under that umbrella of government is the law and when you look at the law you can
kind of think of things that were important and especially if you look at laws throughout
history the idea that you know there was one point, where you know alcohol was illegal
to imbibe and there we're sort of specific messages as to why alcohol specifically was
illegal. Right we can look at the changes and for example on marijuana laws in different
states around the country, and that sort of teaches us you know the things that are
illegal the things that are legal as well as the different punishments for different crimes
as well as who gets punished and who might not definitely tells us a lot about proper
behavior in society and then of course the mass media and popular culture that is a
huge agent of socialization from what you watch on TV to even the toys you play with.
Here we have an example of a kitchen set and things you might notice about this
kitchen set is one that it is a really cool looking kitchen and my kitchen did not look
that cool. When I had a play kitchen when I was a kid but also the idea that there is
some cross-gender play going on someone might notice that hey you know there's
someone who looks to be a little boy and someone who looks to be a little girl using
the same kitchen, which is which some would consider kind of cool and maybe you
wouldn't necessarily see that in a play kitchen. Right usually kitchens could be seen
as the as a quote unquote girls’ toy perhaps then someone else might point out that.

Perhaps the reason that you have this cross-gender play in this toy kitchen is
because the kitchen is quote unquote gender neutral in color right so a lot of greens
Browns tans and whites, whereas if the kitchen was in sort of reds purples or Pink's
you may not see the little boy a comfortable playing in it or they might not even picture
them being as being together playing with that kitchen for example so, that brings us
to our discussion right toys and play is a really important part of your primary
socialization. It teaches you all sorts of things about expected jobs right. So, when I
was growing up, Barbie was a huge part of my life and it is still a huge part of the lives
of many kids. Barbie has had a huge amount of jobs in her lung over 40 year life and
whatever jobs barbie had those are jobs that could be sort of seen as being acceptable
for particularly young girls to have so it became big deals when you could see Barbie
being an astronaut or Barbie being a doctor and why it is that perhaps some people
think of it may be perhaps going backwards. When you see Barbie being in say being
a flight attendant instead of a pilot and toys definitely teach us a lot about ways in
which we play. When we play house for example and maybe we use dolls to help us
play house who has what role and how are those roles re-enacted. So, for the purpose

of the discussion take a few minutes and think of some toys that you enjoyed playing
with as a kid and in general what message do you think these forms of play send about
what it means to be a part of this society. right so, if you remember like Hot Wheels
being a huge deal for you why do you think cars are so important right why are
construction sets and sort of what might be the difference between saying you know
what is the difference between a doll and an action figure what are the superheroes
that were absolutely vital and cool right? What are the things that you had to have?
Did you have any technological toys or any toys? Where you had to pretend to do
something? What things were you trying to pretend to be and what did it mean to be
able to learn how to pretend to go shopping in a grocery store or pretend to have your
own little workbench with your own little hammers and drills and tools and things right
so, what message do you think these forms of play send about what it means to be a
part of the society what things are important and as a sort of quote-unquote upstanding
of the society as a good citizen of this society as a good boy as a good girl what are
the things that you should and shouldn't do so think about that and I'm looking forward
to seeing your discussions so the mass media is really important I tend to focus on it
because video games for me and in my own research they are a very important part
of socialization that's sort of what I'm researching for my dissertation. How video
games can have an effect on both primary and secondary socialization? But the mass
media is a huge umbrella term, for this sort of means of receiving and transmitting
information and the key sort of takeaway about the mass media is that it can control
and create perceptions of what's important by selecting and stressing particular topics
views interpretations and themes so, think about say a few weeks ago when the major
news story was you know Justin Bieber getting arrested right and how there may have
been all sorts of other things going on in the world but that was something that was
worth reporting by everybody right or how we can interrupt a broadcast to announce
that. You know one of the Kardashians is getting divorced again right. What we count
is news. What we don't count is news what we report on what we don't report, on all
of those things tell a really huge tale about what we think of as important in our society
same thing not only for what it is that we report as news but our commercials right so
if you take a look at say maybe our Superbowl ads that we had this past Superbowl
right what are the kinds of messages that those advertisements send not only
television advertisements but print advertisements that you see online right how it is
that as soon you do a search for anything all of a sudden you're bombarded with all
sorts of ads for very specific things right all of these things give us messages about
what it is that we should consider important we should buy this phone every year we
should be up with technology we should be fashionable we should be thin we should
be white we should be all sorts of different things right so the mass media tells us a
whole bunch about what it is to be a citizen in this particular society so here's kind of
a nice little handy dandy thing for all of our visual learners out there where we see that
this is you kind of in the middle and it kind of shows the ways in which you are kind of
acted upon by these agents of socialization but you also sort of you know it doesn't
necessarily mean that you are kind of stuck with whatever is given you right. You also
have agency to kind of look and step back and be able to accept or reject some of
these messages and during primary socialization and maybe a little harder but during
secondary socialization you definitely see your agency kind of start to flower a little bit
and you can make choices as to whether all of these things kind of make sense so
you are here this as you sort of grow older you have all sorts of different spheres of
kind of influence on you so, at the very start you have your family working on you
directly then we start to see a school and peers starting to act on you as well as the

mass media so even you know not only toys but think of think of the shows used to
watch when you were a kid and what were the morals of those stories that you were
told and the kinds of movies that you saw right we can even think of Disney movies
and how people are now sort of really starting to well not that they didn't before but
now whenever Disney releases a film there is automatic examination of what kinds of
messages at sending boys and girls around the world as - you know what kinds of
things are important and what it means to fall in love and all sorts of fun stuff like that
right and then as you get older and even older all of these things continue to act upon
you but then your work then becomes another major sphere of influence now as we're
being socialized socialize socialization works on us so well that we tend to become
what social theorist Cooley calls the Looking Glass self in the looking-glass is just a
fancy word for a mirror so his theory on the Looking Glass self-states that we imagine
our appearance manners and presentation of self we imagine those as they're being
seen by others basically so in essence as much as we want to think that we don't care
what everybody else thinks about us in fact it's a sociological fact we care what other
people think about us and we see ourselves the way that other people see us so the
first images of what we're supposed to look like and what we're supposed to be they
come from our significant others and now significant others I know it's almost
Valentine's Day but our significant others aren't necessarily just you know boyfriends
girlfriends partners but significant others are important people in our development right
so these are our parents or Guardians strong figures maybe like a grandparents might
be very strong figures in your life and then your primary group is the sight of face-to-
face interaction so it's the people who you primarily address your behavior towards
and all of these people basically tell you they're kind of role models in a sense and
they and they tell you basically how it is that you're supposed to act look and be so
these are very important and from that point of socialization from the primary group
from your significant others you have a tendency to internalize socialization so well
that you are constantly thinking of yourself automatically thinking of yourself in the way
that other people see you so as you know as sort of stated you know a lot of people
have different theories about the ways in which we think of ourselves and are
socialized to think of ourselves as actual sort of individual human beings within this
society so Herbert Mead has his own theory of the self where what is the self the self
is your own distinct identity which is developed through social interaction and how
does this happen first there is a preparatory stage where you are very young and all
you can do is kind of imitate other people right so maybe you imitate words maybe you
imitate the way that maybe your parents say certain things right and basically you're
just sort of repeating you're imitating and not necessarily thinking about what it is that
you that you're saying then there’s the play stage where kids can take another people's
roles so this could be a very simply when you're playing house you decide to take a
role and you say I'm going to be a husband or I'm going to be a wife or you can say
I'm going to be a firefighter and I'm going to pretend that I'm a firefighter right so then
you can take on other people's roles and sort of think about what it is that that person
might do in the game stage on the other hand this would be when you would organize
a play station right you can get even more levels of sophistication so maybe you're not
just pretending that you're a husband right or maybe you're a dad or maybe you're a
mom with a doll you can actually consider all sorts of different roles at the same time
so you can organize a game where you're a mom and maybe the other person is
another parent figure and then the other person plays the kid and maybe the other
person plays the doll and then you know exactly all the different rules and all the
current rolls and all the things that people are supposed to do so it's a lot more

complicated then it graduates to this generalized other where you have common
behavioral expectations of society so rather than sort of taking on roles and kind of
considering what all of these roles mean you sort of think of things in a more
generalized sense like one must always hold the door open for someone one must
always unknown even silly things like light like covering your mouth when you're gonna
sneeze or cough right so these are just common behavioral expectations and you don't
necessarily attribute them to a singular person you just say that if you are sort of a
general upstanding citizen of society these are things that one must do now there is
of course you all you all have all sorts of different roles in any given day and there is
a theory that sort of talks about all of the different people that you orient your behavior
to and the people that you orient your behavior to are your reference groups so when
you are in your role as student you can orient your behavior your reference group
could be your teachers but your reference group could also be your fellow students
your fellow classmates etc.. right and these reference groups include the groups that
you want to be in so it's kind of fabulous that that there is a kind of socialization that
not only goes on within your particular group that you are already in but say for
example that you are a college student and you want to be a member of a fraternity or
a sorority right you're not a member of that group yet but you want to be a part of that
group so you might engage in what is called anticipatory socialization where you try to
figure out what it is that it means to be a part of that group what it means to be a part
of that fraternity or Sorority the kinds of activities that they do maybe they have their
own kind of language maybe they have their own kinds of ways to play and engage
with each other maybe they're a little bookish maybe they're more of a party type group
right and depending on that you sort of socialize yourself in order to think of yourself
as part of that group and sort of try to become a part of that group before you're even
a member of that fraternity or sorority make sense you are actively preparing yourself
actively socializing yourself to be a member of that group so it can be anything from
being a member of that fraternity or sorority or maybe you think of you eventually
becoming a straight up four-year college student and you know maybe being a college
student is different from being a high school student so you need to perform some
anticipatory socialization so that you can prepare for that different life role for example
here's a picture of I just kind of did a google image search for like rich people fancy
party and this came up if you want to sort of be a member of a higher class perhaps
and you want to sort of have more economic cultural and social capital than what you
might do is you might try to figure out what all of these people have in common right
you want to sort of rub shoulders with the upper class in this society so maybe you
figure out what kind of a fancy party this is you might try to figure out where it is that
these people go shopping for their fancy dress clothes and you want to get some fancy
dress clothes maybe you want to figure out the all the different brands that they use
all the TV shows that they watch and you socialize yourself as such so that you can
use that cultural capital and be able to become a member of that particular reference
group people do it all the time now socialization is a really strong process and this is
this is where we'll close out here socialization is a really strong process a very
powerful process and you might ask are there ways in which to undo a lot of the
things that we go through well there is a process of re-socialization where people can
actively instill new beliefs and patterns of behavior in a deliberate and remedial way
however it can only happen in places called total institutions and total institutions are
places where there is absolute and total control over the person's life from waking
hours all the way to sleeping hours everything in between is very deliberately and
specifically controlled and there are very few places that are like that and some

examples are prisons and mental hospitals but some may argue that the military is
also a place where resocialization can occur so what happens in resocialization this is
a picture of Jessica Lange from American Horror Story asylum right, so a place like an
asylum right on a mental institution is a place where frequently re-socialization efforts
occur so what happens old identities are eroded by systems of rewards and
punishment including rituals status degradation and what happens during this
degradation ceremony these would be times where you're not necessarily addressed
by your name anymore you become a prison number right you become a number in
an asylums file at that point in the military as part of your degradation ceremony you
are given a specific. You know you want you have a name but you also have a rank
and a serial number and you are addressed by that rank more than you are addressed
by your name which is a very sort of significant marker of your identity you may go
through some physical changes right so like in the military where you have very sort
of strict dress codes and also codes on physical appearance right so you might need
to cut your hair for example in a prison you are issued standard uniforms as well as
an asylum right and due to having everything completely controlled and sort of having
elements of your old identity sort of stripped away this results in a form of brainwashing
or conversion where once you are sort of a kind of a shell of a person you're almost
turned into a blank slate in that case at that point you are then reconstituted and
rendered compliant and trustworthy right so if you do all the right things as stated by
whatever institution you're in you will be rewarded if you don't do the right thing you
are punished and that way you are sort of socialized to again think about all of the
proper appearing appearances and behaviors and thought processes of whatever
specific citizen they're trying to build right now we will end here but think about think
about the ways in which socialization has affected you in your everyday life I'm looking
forward to definitely seeing the ways that toys have played a major part in your
particular socialization but as we're going to see later just because we're sort of acted
upon by these agents of socialization doesn't necessarily mean that we cannot you
know that we don't have any agency over the kinds of messages that we decide to
accept or reject right so think about the toys and think about the messages that you've
received from early childhood play but then also think about how it is that you may still
hold true to some of those messages or maybe you have outright rejected them right
who knows so looking forward to seeing your discussions and keep getting socialized.


Do you enjoy watching the video/reading the transcript?

It’s time to answer few questions below.

Just for you!
1. From the two activities how will you define Socialization?
2. Where did you learn the process of socialization?
3. What are the agents of Socialization?
4. Why is it important to know the socialization process?

You finished all
the activities!


What is Socialization? In a layman’s term it is simply means as the

process by which a person learns the social norms and customs of the society.
This process helps individuals’ function well in a community and it helps society
to be in order. There are agents in socialization these are the Family, School,
Peer Group, Mass Media and Work place.
Socialization has two stages: Primary socialization takes place from birth to
adolescence period. It is the knowledge, values, beliefs and ideas that our
immediate family and peers influences us, and Secondary socialization is the
continuation from adolescent to adulthood throughout one's life. When we
interact with other people from different region or country, we learn new norms,
values, and behaviors and ideas. As people get older, we go to other places and
learned to adapt its culture, and that is secondary socialization.
We can distinguish three major aspects of socialization:
1. The context in which it occurs
2. The actual content and processes people use to socialize others
3. The results arising from those contexts and processes
Social context includes culture, language, and social structures such as the
class, ethnic, and gender hierarchies of a society. It also includes social and
historical events, power and control in social life, and the people and institutions
with whom individuals come in contact in the course of their socialization.
Content refers specifically to what is passed from older member to new
Processes are those interactions that convey to new members how they are to
speak, behave, think, and even feel.
Result may properly be defined as what happens later, after someone has been
exposed to particular content and processes.

Agent of Socialization
Our family play an important part in our socialization. From the moment of
conception mother starts to socialized with her baby, she hears music, she eat
nutritious food and drink vitamins that will nourished the baby and when the
baby start to move inside the mother’s womb parents enjoys every movement
the baby is doing inside the mother’s womb. Then the baby is born our primary
caregivers are almost always one or both of our parents, brother, sister and
other family relatives. For the formative years of the child parents teach the
values, culture and practices that can have a profound impact throughout our
Schools socialize children in several ways. First, students learn the “three Rs”:
reading, writing, and arithmetic. Second, students interact with their peers, they
ideally strengthen their social interaction skills. Third, they interact with authority
figures, their teachers. To respect authority, adjust to friends and learns formally
through education is an important factor in socialization.

Peer Group
Friends play a very important role in your life. This is especially true during
adolescence, when peers influence your tastes in music, clothes, and so many
other aspects. Peer group influence the norms and values, interest and activity
of every member. But friends are important during other parts of the life course
as well, we rely on them for fun, for emotional comfort and support, and for
companionship. But sometimes peer pressure became a great challenge to
one’s life, then we will go back on how your family teaches and nurture you to
prepare in this situation.
Mass Media
This is another agent of socialization. It primary function is to inform, entertain
and educate. Television shows, movies, popular music, magazines, social
media, and other types of media influence our views politically, emotionally and
socially; our perceptions in culture; our opinions, people, gender and religion
can affect your values, belief and ideals

Employees socialized according to work and role expectations. He learns the
hierarchy and find his place into it. Employees meet other person with different
culture, he learns to adjust and accept others views and values. The interaction
happens in the workplace helps a person to broaden his/her horizons in terms
of social acceptance and tolerance towards the others.


Now that you have read about socialization you are

now ready for the next task.

1. Describe one important value or attitude you have that is

the result of socialization by your parents.
2. What will be the consequence if a person was deprived to
learn socialization?
3. Discuss how your family and peers affects your
socialization process?


Based from the lesson in the module I have learned that


I realized that __________________________________


I will apply ___________________________



Write the influence of the following agent of socialization in your

My socialization Can
Fill-in the box of what is being ask from you


Mass Media

The result of socialization

1. In a layman’s term it is simply means as the process by which a person learns the
social norms and customs of the society.
A. Peer Group
B. Socialization
C. Culture
D. Enculturation

2. It includes culture, language, and social structures such as the class, ethnic, and
gender hierarchies of a society.
A. Socialization
B. Society
C. Social Context
D. Social Process

3. It play an important part in our socialization, during formative years of the child
parents teach the values, culture and practices.

A. Peer group
B. Family
C. Social group
D. School

4. This is another agent of socialization. It primary function is to inform, entertain and


A. Workplace
B. Mass Media
C. School
D. Family

5. This is where we learn the “three Rs”: reading, writing, and arithmetic and start to
interact with their peers.
A. Mass Media
B. School
C. Workplace
D. Family

6. There are agents in socialization these are the Family, School, Peer Group, Mass
Media and ___.

A. Home
B. Hospital

C. Workplace
D. Malls

7. __________ socialization takes place from birth to adolescence period.

A. Secondary
B. Primary
C. Tertiary
D. Collegiate

8. _____ are those interactions that convey to new members how they are to speak,
behave, think, and even feel.

A. Process
B. Context
C. Result
D. Consequence

9. _____ may properly be defined as what happens later, after someone has been
exposed to particular content and processes.

A. Process
B. Result
C. Context
D. Aspect

10. When employees socialized according to work and role expectations. He learns
the hierarchy and fined his place into it is an agent of socialization in___?

A. School
B. Family
C. Workplace
D. Society


Key terms were already mentioned and define in the module

1. B
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. B
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. C

Persell, Caroline Hodges. 1990. “Becoming a Member of Society Through
Socialization.” Pp. 98-107 in Understanding Society: An Introduction to
Sociology. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row, Publishers,
Professor Melendez. Intro to Soc: Agents of Socialization.

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