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1st Grading-Module 2
Title: Culture
Understanding Culture Society and Politics – Grade 11/12
Quarter 1 – Module 2

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Schools Division Superintendent: Mariano B. De Guzman, CESO VI

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Sueno S. Luzada Jr

Development Team of the Module


(Concepcion Pequeṅa. National High School)


Education Program Supervisor, SDO Naga City


Education Program Supervisor, SDO Naga City

1st Quarter
Module 2 Culture

I. Introduction

Welcome to this module about Culture. In this lesson

you will learn the how’s and why’s every time you do things
and somebody will tell you that it is not right according to
belief and practices, it is a taboo and many more? If you ask
them, someone will answer because it is the culture. But what
is culture? We always associate the term to man and its
relationship to his society. What you are is a product of
society’s influence and most of the time it is based from

One key relevance of this module is for you to learn

the different aspect of culture. All you have to do is to
accomplish all the activities. Enjoy and learn to be stress free

II. Learning Competency

Analyze the concept, aspects and changes in/of culture and society.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Understand the concept of culture.

2. Identify the elements of culture from her/his own culture.
3. Write the concepts, aspect causes of Cultural Change.

III. Pretest:

Read the statement below and choose the best answer. Write your answer
in your journal.

1. What is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, laws,
morals, custom and other capabilities and habit acquired by men as a member
of society.
A. Culture
B. Norms
C. Folkways
D. Beliefs

2. It is preserved and accumulated; it is changing.

A. Element of culture
B. Characteristics of culture
C. Types of culture
D. Component of culture

3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of culture?

A. Culture is learned
B. Culture is gratifying
C. Culture is accumulated
D. Culture is specific
4. One of the characteristics of culture is that
A. Culture is transmitted
B. Culture is personal
C. Culture are belief and nothing else
D. Culture are the same

5. Culture includes beliefs, habits, arts, and

A. Customs
B. People
C. Sanctions
D. Society

IV. Lesson Proper

Activity 1: Picture Paint a Thousand Words

Look at the pictures, name and describe the cultural ceremony.


What is the cultural ceremony in the picture?

Explain its purpose

Identify Symbols or tools

When and where does it take place?

Activity #2

Think of symbols, values, ideas and belief that you usually see or practice very
day. Complete the box below and write a short description.

My Country Culture

Symbols Values

Belief Ideas
Activity #3

Look at the pictures and list down the differences that you



The difference that I have notice are:


Activity #4 That Video!

Follow the link for you to watch the video

clip about elements of culture.
If you have difficulty in connecting to the
internet, you may read the transcript of the
video below.

Video Transcript

All right we're going to talk today about the main components or pieces of
culture elements, there are four or five main concepts that I want to cover today.
Then we'll end with a discussion of the sapir-whorf hypothesis which is one of the
most frequently cited and used hypotheses in the discussion of culture from a
sociological point of view. All right so, let's get started. The first element that we're
going to talk about is language and this would be the most important aspect of
culture. It's an abstract system of meanings and symbols that every culture has
which are specific to it. This includes nonverbal language that's a type of
communication such as gestures or facial expressions or other visual images and
anybody who's traveled outside of their homeland to another country knows well that
you have to understand the gestures and facial expressions of that particular culture,
and if you don't sometimes it can get you into trouble so in the world today there are
more than 6,000 different languages and you have to consider what all of the
different constructions of those languages have been and about half of those are in
danger of extinction according to the United Nations and that's due to some cultures
not having a written element to their language and so when those countries have
been overtaken by hostile elements from the outside a lot of their linguistic elements
have been lost so we use language to convey meaning to communicate with other
people and it is probably the most basic and complex element of culture at the same
time the second element we're going to talk about is norms are standards of
behavior every society has norms and they come in two different kinds of ways either
formally or informally now formal norms are written and severe this could be a law for
example we have laws in our society against murder informal norms are not written
down and they're generally not severe they're understood but not really recorded
anywhere these are the types of things for example where when you're out in public
you should behave a certain way we can also break norms down further into what
we call mores and folkways mores are necessary norms or stay hundreds of
behavior for the welfare of society and folkways our norms which govern our
everyday behavior so mores are more serious than folkways are so going back to
our example of murder would be amore we have a rule against murder in our society
it's a formal norm or amore so an example of a folk way might be opening the door
for a person you may see a person coming to the door when you're shopping and
they've got their hands full and you hold the door open for them now likewise
if you don't hold the door open for them there's not really going to be any kind of
serious penalty that person might be muttering under their breath or thinking to
themselves how rude you are but there's really no penalty against your behavior all
right the next element of culture we're going to talk about is sanctions now sanctions
are penalties and rewards for conduct concerning social norms so going back to the
idea of folkways and mores we have sanctions that either help us to encourage
those behaviors or help us to inhibit those behaviors so sanctions can be positive or
negative some examples of positive sanctions pay raises words of gratitude you can
give out a trophy and some examples of negative sanctions would be fines threats or
imprisonment if you do this something bad will happen to you so sanctions are in
effect the actions that accompany the concepts of mores and folkways in a fourth
element that we're going to talk about is values are collective concepts of what is
good what is bad what's desirable or undesirable proper improper etc. and values
influence our behavior we internalize social values and in turn once we've
internalized those values, we then behave according and we also evaluate other
people by those internalized values and so many of us maybe have been out to
restaurants and it's been maybe late in the evening and we're having a nice dinner
with our partner and someone has brought their
very young children to the restaurant at a late hour and those children are maybe
not being very well attended to and we look at the parents with that look on our face
like what the heck are you doing well this is a collective concept of desirable
behavior in our society that there's a certain place in time for children to be in a
restaurant and that it's a parent's job to try and maintain some sort of order at that
table and so if you don't you get sanctioned by the rest of us in that restaurant and
that's because in our society we have certain values about those behaviors which
are proper now values do change over time and I can give you another example
here using restaurants.

There is a recent movement in American society to establish child free

restaurants or child free zones in restaurants or child free times in restaurants say
after 8:00 p.m. no children under the age of nine are allowed and that is the result of
our values changing over time and those values don't change in a vacuum let me
explain to you this we are having less and less and less children in our society and
so as our society grows older our values change in response to our aging and so lots
of people in American society today have decided that they would prefer to dine in
an atmosphere where there aren't young children and the restaurant industry is
changing in response to that value which is changing in our society okay now the last
concept that I want to talk about today this is not necessarily an element of cult but
this is about language and it's the sapir-whorf hypothesis now this hypothesis has
been around for several decades and it's the work of Edward sapir and Benjamin
WhorF. They were anthropologists, linguistic anthropologists not sociologists
necessarily but this is an often-quoted hypothesis when we're talking about language
as an element of culture and it has several premises and here they are language
precedes thought language is not a given language is culturally determined and
language colors how we see the world and I want us to zero in.

On one of those concepts’ language precedes thought. I want to let that settle
with you for a minute. How can you have language before you have thought? Now
philosophically speaking this is the kind of hypothesis that if you think about it for too
long it makes you go crazy, so I don't want you to think about it for too long but I
want you to think about this in terms of can you have language before thought or
can you have thought before language do you have language before thought or do
you have thought before language? And this is in the field of philosophy what we call
a tautology it's a circular thought or a circular argument it's the same type of concept
as the chicken and the egg and that's what makes this a hypothesis we can test it
but we can only test it within the bounds of our technological advances and so we
can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt that one comes before the other and so we
continue in the field of linguistic anthropology, to think about and to theorize whether
language comes first or thought comes first and I don't want you to get too terribly
concerned with that in the scope of a sociology class but to me that is the most
interesting part of the sapir-whorf hypothesis the rest of the hypothesis makes a lot
of sense to me and it's kind of logical language is not a given every single culture
has different elements of its language is culturally determined what I choose to say in
my language may be very different in your language and language does color how
we see the world the meanings that are implied by the words that we use not only
the denotations of those actual words but also the connotations are very important all
right so the our four main elements of culture we talked about language we talked
about norms talked about sanctions and we talked about values and then we spent a
few minutes examining the complex idea of the sapir-whorf hypothesis I hope this
helps take care bye.


Very Good! You are done with the activities. Now

let us move on to the next.

Do you enjoy the different activities? This time

you will answer a few questions below.

1. What is your own ideas about a cultural ceremony?

2. Cite some characteristics of culture based from your
own experience/idea.
3. What are the elements of culture?
4. Discuss the elements of culture that were present in
the video


➢ According to Edward Tylor, Culture is a complex whole which includes

knowledge, belief, arts, laws, morals, custom and other capabilities and habit
acquired by men as a member of society.

➢ Culture is a diverse area that comprises everything that a person learns and
shares as a member of society.

➢ Characteristics of Culture

➢ Culture is learned- different habits, skills, values and knowledge are acquired
by man.

➢ Culture is transmitted through language- the presence of verbal or non-verbal

language that is bestowed upon men makes us capable of learning through
transmission of knowledge.

➢ Culture is adaptive- culture change, it is brought about by inventions or

discoveries and people adopt to it.

➢ Culture is a social product - it is developed by people interacting with one


➢ Culture is gratifying- it provides satisfaction of man’s varied psychological,

social, emotional and spiritual needs.

➢ Culture has sanctions and control- it could be formal or informal. Rewards for
conformity and sanctions for violation of the culture.

➢ Culture is stable yet dynamic- it is preserved and accumulated; it is changing.


Norms- are guide of behavior which tells us what is right or wrong, what is
appropriate and what is not. These set of norms indicate the standards of propriety,
morality, legality and ethics of a society.

Types of Social Norms:

a. Folkways- These are the general customary ways or habitual ways and patterns
of behavior which are followed without much thought. It is accumulated and repetitive
patterns of expected behavior.

b. Mores- these are special folk ways with moral and ethical values which are
strongly held and emphasized. It dictates of reasons that distinguishes human acts

as right or wrong or good and bad. This are society’s code of ethics and standard of

c. Laws-Are formalized norms enacted by people vested with legitimate authority.

2. Ideas, Beliefs and Value

Ideas- embody man conception of his physical, social and cultural world.

Example: Catholic believe in holy Trinity

Beliefs- a person’s convection about certain ideas, it embodies people’s perception

of reality and includes primitive ideas of the universe and the world.

Example: Christians believe that a man should have only one spouse at a time.

Values- refers to man standard of desirability.

Example: Some girls write a love letter to boys, others don’t

3. Material Culture- refers to the concrete and tangible objects produce and used by
man to satisfy his varied needs and wants.

Example: Stone tools used by the primitive people.

4. Symbols- refers to the objects, gesture, sound or design that represent something
other than itself. People in society agree on the meaning of symbol. People who
share a culture often attach a specific meaning to an object, gesture, sound, or

Language both oral and written plays significant role in development and
transmission of culture.

Example: Dove symbolizes Peace

Types of culture.

Material Culture – are the physical objects, the tangible objects produced and used
by man to satisfy his varied need and wants. It ranges from pre-historic stone tools
and weapons to modern weapons and technology.

Kinds of Material Culture:

Artifacts- are simple objects made by man to satisfy his/her needs.


Homes, churches, mosques, temples, clothes, utensils, ornaments, tools, goods and
products, many more. Man-made objects and things that have been evolved over
ages for man’s well-being and comfort are material culture.
Non material Culture- are culture which cannot be touch, feel, taste or hold. It
belongs to the nonphysical ideas that people have about their culture, including
beliefs, values, rules, norms, morals, languages, social roles, ethics, music,
literature, customs, traditions.


Belief in the afterlife

Elements of culture

• Social organization – the family patterns and social classes of a culture

• Customs and traditions – way people act, wear, what they eat, and their laws.

• Language – communication by word of mouth

• Religion – a system of beliefs that answers questions about the meaning of life.

• Art and literature – ways the people entertain themselves. The stories they tell and
how they dance. It’s also the music they listen to and there artwork.

• Forms of government – the people or group(s) that control the people and provide/
enforce the laws.

• Economic systems – the method used by a society to produce and distribute

goods and services

Culture Change

Cultural change is a concept that denotes some internal and external factors
leading to change in the cultural pattern of societies. It can be material as well
as non-material in nature.

Causes of Culture Change

Discovery- refers to the process of finding a new place or an object, artifact or

anything that previously existed. It also refers to the initial awareness it of existing
but formerly unobserved relationship of elements of nature to human life.


Paleolithic people accidentally discovered fire that led to the art of cooking.

Invention- It implies a creative mental process of devising, creating and producing

something new or original. Invention could be social or material.


Invention of stone stove

When the airplane was invented, it led to faster transportation, and space

Diffusion- it refers to the spread of cultural traits or social practices from a society or
group to another belonging to the same society or to another through direct contact
with each other and exposure to new form.


I am a Bicolano and I went to Ilocos Sur during my stay I was able to learn how to
cook bagnet, when I returned home I cook Bagnet and it became part of my favorite

a. Acculturation- Culture borrowing or imitation.

Example: Filipinos dressing in Western clothing.

b. Assimilation- blending or fusion of two distinct cultures through long periods of

interaction. Cultural assimilation happens when two cultures or groups of people
influence one another. Cultural customs, traditions, and religious practices can all be
assimilated between two or more cultures.

c. Amalgamation- biological or hereditary fusion of members of different societies.

Cultural amalgamation is a term that refers to two or more cultures blending together
to create a new, unique culture. This concept is sometimes referred to as the melting
pot theory because the objective is for the individual pieces of each culture to
become indistinguishable once they have blended with the others.

Example: Gene transfer is the flow of genes between different people. Filipino
married an American, their offspring will carry both genes from the parents.

d. Enculturation- deliberate infusion of a new culture to another.

Example: Observing models in magazines, which teaches you to value thinness.

Colonization- refers to the political, social and political policy of establishing a colony
which would be to the rule of governance of the colonizing state.

Rebellion and Revolutionary Movement- these aims to change the whole social order
and replace leadership. They change the existing folkways and mores and propose
new scheme of norms, values and organization.

Now that you have read the kind of things about
culture you may now ready to do the different task
Task 1 just for you.

Fill in what you have learned about Culture



Task 2

Everyone Has a Culture—Everyone Is Different

Directions: Respond to each question, copy and write your answer in your journal.

In your family, what is considered polite and what is considered rude?


What are your daily routine after waking up in the morning? (Think about such things the moment you open
your eyes every morning)

Describe something very important to you, It could be a things or something that you value most.

If you are to make something or adopt a sign that will directly represent you as a student what could it be?
(you can draw/ illustrate your answer)

Task 3

Read the article below, after you read list down the different culture
change mentioned in the article. Identify as to what cause of Culture
Change it directly connects.

Culture Change Cause of Culture Change

There are other factors that affect buying behavior: Cultural (culture, sub-culture,
social class), social (reference groups, roles and status, family), personal (age
and lifecycle, occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, personality and self-
concept) and psychological (motivation, perception, learning, belief and attitudes).

Below is a list of cultural, social, personal and psychological factors observed in

the Philippines that may change the course of your marketing plans in 2018. They
are included in our forthcoming book “Principles and Practices in Marketing,”
which is set for release before the end of 2017.

The absence of parents in a third of homes and the increasing role of schools in
instilling values.
The social disorders associated with the increasing absence of parents in the
lives of their children (drugs, child sex abuse, teen pregnancy, among others).
The change in the boundaries and sequence of love, marriage, sex and family.
The rise in the number of single parents.
The trend towards late marriages and smaller families.
The upgraded role of music as surrogate companion.
The rise of “adultescents” (a play of the words adult and adolescent). They are
also called the Peter Pan generation, or the 30-something adults who are still
single and without kids, mortgages and responsibilities.
The rise of stay-at-home “housebands” looking after children and house needs.
More men becoming purchase decision-makers of grocery products (the
mansumers). The increasing ratio of people 40 years old and above wanting to
take control of their health.

The desire to migrate and the rise of middle class among overseas Filipino workers
The expanding number of call center workers and their odd working hours to
V. toLearning
conform Insights/Reflection
working time abroad. (Reflect)
The vanishing breed known as house helps.
The desire of senior citizens to have second careers.

The increasing role of women in the workforce due to better education and social
The increasing number of millennial women who do not know how to cook nor cook
as well as their moms. Women have become more liberal when it comes to their
sexual and relationship behaviors (including promiscuity).

The emergence of cheap smartphones. People relying more and more on free
texting via apps such as Line and Messenger. The reemergence of voice calls,
thanks to features from apps like Whatsapp and Viber. The continuing shift of
advertising from traditional to digital.
Owning multiple mobile phones. We have become more accepting of foreign
VI. (American music, Korean
Reinforcement pop and television shows, Indian yoga, Chinese
and Enrichment
feng shui, Japanese anime). The swelling number of netizens and their reliance on
online tools to keep in touch. Opinions are shaped not just by watchdogs, but also
Complete the chart with your own culture based from the
by strangers in social media.
characteristics of culture.
The openness to talk to strangers and fellow customers. The emerging
My Personal
consciousness of people to self-organize Culture
and help others in times of natural

The increasing reliance on tech-based solutions to manage personal life and work.
The rise of Omni channel. More online activists are creating noise. The rise of virtual
reality and augmented reality.

The middle and upper class condemning non-environment friendly products and
practices. “Tingi” (small portions), sachets, “lista” (credit) and “four-gives” instalment
style of payment will always be popular. Value brands and private labels are
becoming patronized. These include SM Bonus, National Book Store’s Best Buy,
HBC’s personal care products. The openness to try new brands, including generic
drugs or alternative health remedies. The continued growth of micro financing

Relying more on deliveries (for food, medicine, car batteries, LPG, etc). The
increasing preference for smaller store formats. Convenience stores as go-to for fast
food. The growing popularity of multilevel marketing.

Relying more on deliveries (for food, medicine, car batteries, LPG, etc). The
increasing preference for smaller store formats. Convenience stores as go-to
for fast food. The growing popularity of multilevel marketing.

The demanding lifestyle of the working class leading to stress and lack of
sleep. The growing consciousness for planning discretionary time. The desire
to buy new gadgets and spend on travel. The frequent visit to malls as instant
escape. The increasing dominance of point-of-purchase activities (packaging,
display, sampling, etc.). Expansive food knowledge, instead of owning
expensive cars, as a sign of sophistication. The use of visual communication
like emojis and memes.

Buying preferences
Shifting priorities—from ownership to access (like car sharing Knowing the
importance of skin care, not just owning good cosmetics.

Write your reflection in your notebook.

1. I have learned that__________________.

2. I realized that_______________________.
3. I will apply my learnings through___


As individual create a new norm for society. Decide what the norm is, how it will
be enforced, and what the sanctions will be for following or breaking the norm.
Then describe how you would effectively socialize people into this norm.

Author, Title and Date

New norm Sanctions


VII. Post Test

1. What is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts,

laws, morals, custom and other capabilities and habit acquired by men as
a member of society?
A. Culture
B. Norms
C. Folkways
D. Beliefs

2. It is preserved and accumulated; it is changing.

A. Element of culture
B. Characteristics of culture
C. Types of culture
D. Component of culture
3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of culture?
A. Culture is learned
B. Culture is gratifying
C. Culture is accumulated
D. Culture is specific

4. One of the characteristics of culture is that

A. Culture is transmitted
B. Culture is personal
C. Culture are belief and nothing else
D. Culture are the same

5. Culture includes beliefs, habits, arts, and

A. Customs
B. People
C. Sanctions
D. Society

VIII. Glossary

Key terms were already mentioned and define in the module

XI. Answer Key

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A

X. References

Chiqui Escareal Josiah Go. Cultural trends changing how behave

b changing-filipinos-

Nicole Kaiser template frame

Elements of Culture. culture-

types-of- culture-elements-of-culture-characteristics-of- culture-7b4d65caddc7



Ideas. bulbs-


Cr Teacher. "Designed by macrovector / Freepik"

<a href="">Designed by macrovector / Freepik</a>

Cover. “Design by pch.vector / Freepik" <a href="">Designed

by pch.vector / Freepik</a>


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