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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Wednesday | December 16, 2020

Chipotle to anchor new retail development “At this stage, the city A Georgia-based
Developer: Eatery has signed on as he department will each be developer has
submitted site
recruits two to three more tenants going through the site
plans to see what issues plans to Starkville
BY SLIM SMITH velopment to be anchored officials for a retail
there might be — every- development at the
by the popular casual eat- thing from setbacks (how northwest corner of
ery. far buildings are from the the Jackson Street/
A Georgia developer has “We have a signed lease road), to traffic control to Highway 12 intersec-
submitted site plans for a re- with Chipotle and are stormwater abatement,” tion, which currently
tail center project that would working with (Starkville) Havelin said. “From there, houses Petty’s
bring Chipotle Mexican through the application they’ll apply for building Barbecue. The “Join
Grill and as many as three process,” Bimbrey said permits.” Chipotle” sign hang-
other tenants to Starkville. Tuesday. Havelin said the city’s ing on a building at
Mike Bimbrey, CEO of City Planner Daniel process shortens the time the site indicates
Southbound Development for obtaining permits and the popular Mexican
Havelin said the developer
Group of Atlanta, confirmed casual eatery has
submitted its site plans on getting approval from the signed on to the
plans to convert the site cur- Dec. 1, the first step in the Planning and Zoning Com- anchor the devel-
rently occupied by Petty’s process for developing the mission and board of alder- opment that could
Barbecue at Highway 12 site, which is referred to in men. include two to three
and Jackson Street into a the site plans as Cowbell “The process typically other business.
7,800-square-foot retail de- Square. See CHIPOTLE, 8A Zack Plair/Dispatch Staff

City to OCSO toy drive still growing in 4th year

contract with Citizens, churches
and SOCSD connect
Waste Pro OCSO with families
for recycling in need BY TESS VRBIN
After a Tupelo family’s
Starkville is house burned down last
getting back into year, the mother heard from
the recycling busi- the local Salvation Army that
ness. her children could still get
The board of toys for Christmas, even if
aldermen on Tues- she would have to drive to
day voted unani- Starkville to pick them up.
mously to autho- “She called me and asked
rize City Attorney Beatty if I could help her, and she
Chris Latimer to drove down from Tupelo,”
negotiate a con- Oktibbeha County Sheriff
tract with Waste Steve Gladney said. “She had
Pro USA in Co- two small kids and nothing
lumbus to begin left, and we helped her.” Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff

The Oktibbeha County Sgt. Itce Blair, left, and Sheriff Steve Gladney assess the growing pile of toys in Gladney’s
hauling dropped- office Monday for the ongoing toy drive that the Oktibbeha County Sheriff’s Office coordinates
off waste from a Sheriff’s Office collects toys every December. The number of toys donated and children receiving them increases every year,
central location every December for chil- Gladney said. Families can reach out to OCSO directly to be added to the list of recipients, and
beginning next Spruill dren who might not receive the Starkville-Oktibbeha Consolidated School District also collects names for the drive.
year. anything for Christmas
Part of the mo- otherwise, and Gladney said inside his office. The box Blair, who helps coordinate “Kids go back to school
tion, offered by the drive has received more had started to refill by the the toy drive. Emerson Fami- after Christmas and stand
Ward 2 Alderman donations and recipients afternoon, with toys ranging ly School and Family Cen- around and tell their buddies
every year since it began in from stuffed animals and ac- tered Programs at SOCSD what they got for Christ-
Sandra Sistrunk,
2017. tion figures to board games connect families with OCSO mas, and there are always a
capped startup
The drive started Dec. and a rubber kickball. for the toy drive, SOCSD couple who might not have
costs at $15,000,
1, and deputies will start OCSO receives names of Public Information Officer gotten anything,” he said.
which would in- Sistrunk recipients via some church- Nicole Thomas said. “That breaks my heart, and
distributing toys on Dec. 21.
clude staging and Donors can drop off toys in es, the Starkville-Oktibbeha The ongoing COVID-19 we don’t want that to hap-
fencing the drop-off location for a large box in the sheriff’s Consolidated School District pandemic has increased the pen.”
recyclables at the Sanitation De- office lobby. and families contacting them number of families in the Deputies usually deliver
partment office on North Wash- The box was full when directly, Gladney said. county struggling financially toys in person. Gladney said
ington Street as well as launch- Gladney arrived at the office The drive served about this year, since some parents he has not decided if they
ing a marketing campaign to Monday morning, so he emp- 50 families last year via the have lost their jobs, Gladney will this year, due to the pan-
See WASTE PRO, 3A tied it into a growing pile school district, said Sgt. Itce said. See OCSO, 8A

Yo’ Bar to move to Bluecutt despite outcry from area businesses

Columbus Council, Planning and Zoning Commission pacity, and give the business a Zoning Commission chair Kev-
bigger parking lot, the Isaacs in Stafford, who also serves as
approved ordinance variance in split votes jumped at the opportunity. city engineer. Per city zoning
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN gnon Isaac, public officials and “It’s real frustrating that a ordinances, bars must obtain area business owners, many of business owner … would try to a permitted use variance from
knock another business own- the Planning and Zoning Com-
whom raised concerns about
Columbus sports bar Yo’ Bar er for trying to grow,” Ledrico mission in order to locate in a
the traffic, trash and possible
will move from its Highway 45 Isaac said. C-1 zone, and the city council
crime they feel will follow their must then approve the variance.
location to a larger building on
Bluecutt Road early next year new neighbors to Bluecutt. The Planning and Zoning
thanks to a 4-2 decision by the Ledrico Isaac told The Dis- Isaac Hardy Arguments for Commission met via Zoom on
city council at its regular meet- patch he and Mignon have been reached out to them about leas- and against relocation Monday to discuss the issue,
ing Tuesday. looking for a new location for ing the building to them with an The stretch of Bluecutt and multiple business people
But that decision came after Yo’ Bar for about two months. option to eventually purchase. already home to banks and with offices on Bluecutt were
two public meetings and sever- Lee Stafford, who owns the Since the move would take Yo’ medical offices is zoned a C-1 present to voice their opposition,
al hours of discussion among building that formerly housed Bar from a 99-person capacity commercial-residential district, including Realtor Doris Hardy,
Yo’ Bar owners Ledrico and Mi- The Columbus Boat Gallery, to a more than 160-person ca- according to city Planning and See YO’ BAR, 8A


1 What former FBI director committed to donating his Saturday and MEETINGS
$100,000 guest lecturing pay from Howard University to Dec. 21: Oktibbeha
charity in 2017? Sunday, Dec. 19-20 County Board of
2 According to the title of bestselling author Sue Graf- ■ Christmas at the Supervisors meeting,
ton’s 2017 novel, what is “Y” for? Blues Museum: More 5:30 p.m., Chancery
3 What “cryptic” word is often used to describe Bitcoin, than 18 trees decorated Courthouse
Ripple, Ethereum, and Dash, in the world of money? by businesses, churches Jan. 4: Oktibbeha
Maggie Brown 4 What type of therapy left Michael Phelps with several
circular bruises on his body during the 2016 games in and schools are up at the County Board of
Second grade, Annunciation future Black Prairie Blues Supervisors meeting,

48 Low 28
5 Which state in the Southwest is home to Walter White, Museum in downtown 9 a.m., Chancery
High Jesse Pinkman and Saul Goodman in “Breaking Bad”? West Point, open on days Courthouse
Morning showers listed from 1-4 p.m., Jan. 5: Starkville
Answers, 8B
Full forecast on and upon request on Board of Aldermen
page 3A. weekdays. Take pictures meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
in the Santa Room and City Hall
INSIDE enjoy hot chocolate and
cookies. 662-494-5121
Jan. 12: Starkville-Ok-
tibbeha Consolidated
Classifieds 7,8B Food 5B or email lklutts@wesst- Ellen Synovec, of North School District Board
Comics 4B Obituaries 4A for details or Carolina, flew to Starkville of Trustees meeting,
Crossword 8B Opinions 6A to request a special open- for her son’s graduation and 6 p.m., 401 Greens-
Dear Abby 4B ing. (Masks required.) enjoys eating at Harvey’s. boro St.


2A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump voters accept Biden

election win ‘with reservations’
ams, a retiree and Trump voter liv- wasn’t,” he said.
‘I think it’s pretty ing in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Others were less willing to go
much over. I trust who said he accepts Biden’s victory
— but “with reservations.”
“I don’t trust that result. I think
the Electoral College.’ Adams said he’s heard too much that the election was a fraud. I think
discussion about irregularities in the election was stolen. I don’t know
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the vote count on Fox News Chan- how anybody could not think that.
nel and conservative talk radio to All you have to do is look at the re-
WASHINGTON — Robert Reed trust the election’s outcome and sults,” said Katherine Negrete, 55,
says he will always believe the 2020 doesn’t feel he’ll ever know the true a teacher living in Peoria, Arizona.
election was stolen from President margin of victory. (Biden won the Negrete is among those who
Donald Trump. The retired police Electoral College by a vote of 306 holds out hope that Trump can win
officer-turned-construction work- to 232.) if the Supreme Court intervenes
er believes fraud marred the vote, But Adams doesn’t think the (there is no indication that will hap-
no matter how many courts reject- election was rigged enough to pen) or Congress chooses to accept
ed that claim. Still, a day after the change the outcome, even if he be- an “alternative slate” of Trump elec-
Electoral College made Joe Biden’s lieves it was “rigged enough that it tors from several states. Election
win official, the ardent Trump sup- should be questioned more.” He’d experts have said that scheme has
porter from the suburbs of Lancast- like to see more investigations. no legal pathway and Republican
er, Pennsylvania, was ready to move Republicans across the country Senate leaders have discouraged it.
on. — from local officials to governors Still, Negrete said, “hopefully
“I think it’s pretty much over,” to Attorney General William Barr Congress will do the right thing”
Reed said of Trump’s ongoing quest — have said repeatedly there is no and she expressed frustration with
to overturn the results of the elec- evidence mass voter fraud affected dwindling options.
tion. “I trust the Electoral College.” the outcome. Trump and his allies “I don’t know what we can do
For weeks, Trump has been on a brought a flurry of lawsuits, but about that. If we don’t have the
mission to convince his loyal base nearly all have been dismissed by courts that stand up for us,” she
that his victory was stolen and the judges. The Supreme Court, which said. “If we don’t have an attorney
contest was rigged. With help from includes three Trump-nominated general that will stand up and say,
conservative media, polls show justices, denied requests to hear a ‘This was wrong and we need to in-
he’s had considerable success. But pair of cases aimed at invalidating vestigate it.’ What are we supposed
now that the Electoral College has the outcome of the election in key to do? Do we need to fight brother
formalized Biden’s win and Re- battleground states. against brother? It’s crazy.”
publican officials, including Sen- Still, coming to terms with this Biden has vowed to bring Amer-
ate Leader Mitch McConnell, are pile of evidence has been difficult icans together and work across the
finally acknowledging Biden as for many Trump voters. They ex- aisle. His success on both fronts
president-elect, many Trump voters pressed disbelief that Trump could may depend on how many Republi-
across the country seem to be do- have lost, given the huge crowds he cans hold on to their election griev-
ing the same. drew to his rallies. Some said their ances. A Quinnipiac University poll
Interviews with voters, along suspicions were heightened by the from earlier this month found that
with fresh surveys of Republicans, mainstream media’s reluctance to 38% of registered voters, including
suggest their unfounded doubts air Trump’s baseless claims. And 77% of Republicans, said they be-
about the integrity of the vote re- they repeatedly pointed to the lieve there was widespread fraud in
main. But there is far less consen- slower-than-usual vote count as evi- the presidential election.
sus on what should be done about dence something had gone awry. And a recent Fox News poll found
it and whether to carry that resent- “Something’s not right here,” 36% of voters, including 77% of
ment forward. said Reed, who lives in East Lam- Trump voters, believe the election
For some, like Reed, the Elec- peter Township. was stolen from Trump. However,
toral College vote was the clear end The explanation is well known the same poll also found that about
of a process. Others have vowed — in many states, an influx of mail- 8 in 10 voters overall, and about half
to continue to protest with demon- in ballots, overwhelmingly cast by of Trump voters, said they will at
strations like the one that turned Democrats, were tallied later than least give Biden a chance as presi-
violent in Washington, D.C., over ballots cast in person. Still, Reed dent.
the weekend. And some said they said he thought the courts should Others believe Biden won fair
hoped GOP leaders would press have spent more time investigating. and square. Steve Volkman, a Re-
for more investigations to put the “I’ll always believe that it was publican who works in construction
doubts Trump sowed to rest. stolen from him. I’ll really never be in Mesa, Arizona, said he made
They are people like Scott Ad- able to have peace of mind that it peace with Trump’s loss weeks ago.

Today is Wednesday,
Dec. 16, the 351st day of
2020. There are 15 days
left in the year.
Today’s Highlight
in History:
On Dec. 16, 2000,
President-elect George
W. Bush selected Colin
Powell to become the first
African-American secre-
tary of state.

On this date:
In 1773, the Boston
Tea Party took place
as American colonists
boarded a British ship
and dumped more than
300 chests of tea into
Boston Harbor to protest
tea taxes.
In 1809, the French
Senate granted a divorce
decree to Emperor Napo-
leon I and Empress Jose-
phine (the dissolution was
made final the following
In 1811, the first of
the powerful New Madrid
(MAD’-rihd) earthquakes
struck the central Missis-
sippi Valley with an esti-
mated magnitude of 7.7.
In 1905, the enter-
tainment trade publication
Variety came out with its
first weekly issue.
In 1944, the World
War II Battle of the Bulge
began as German forces
launched a surprise at-
tack against Allied forces
through the Ardennes
Forest in Belgium and
Luxembourg (the Allies
were eventually able to
turn the Germans back).
In 1950, President
Harry S. Truman pro-
claimed a national state
of emergency in order to
fight “world conquest by
Communist imperialism.”
In 1960, 134 people
were killed when a United
Air Lines DC-8 and a
TWA Super Constellation
collided over New York
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 3A

Supes appoint two new members of LCIDA board

timing of the opening on gins have clashed on how
Hairston: Funding dispute with county had ‘no bearing’ on appointments the board was his motiva- LCIDA should be funded.
tion in seeking the posi- Higgins advocates that
BY SLIM SMITH been in operation near the
former Lowndes County ture building primarily tion. the county appropriate
Administrator Ralph Bill- at the Lowndes County Lowndes County Indus- “I retired in early Oc- $750,000 each year while
ingsley. Industrial Park near the trial Park since 2005, said tober, so I have more time some supervisors, includ-
The Lowndes Coun-
Both Graham and Golden Triangle Region- he’s excited to be a part of on my hands than I’ve ing board president Trip
ty Board of Supervisors
McConnell were chosen al Airport. It receives LCIDA’s leadership team. ever had,” said McCon- Hairston, favor funding
made two appointments “I know how import-
unanimously after super- annual funding from the nell, who operated Mc- LCIDA on an “as-needed”
to the Lowndes County ant the (LCIDA) is to
visors voted 3-2 against county just like other de- Connell Brothers Moving basis.
Industrial Development economic development in
the appointment of Bill- partments. The county is and Storage for 40 years. Hairston said that dis-
Authority during Mon- the area,” Graham said. “When someone men- pute had no bearing on
ingsley. LCIDA’s primary funding
day’s regular meeting. “I think my financial and tioned there was going the board’s choices for the
Graham replaces source, and it is also re-
The board chose Go- sponsible for all of LCI- business background will to be an open position on board positions Tuesday.
Frank Lockhart, whose allow me to bring some-
Box president Rob Gra- DA’s debts. the board, it seemed like “I don’t think it even
term expires Dec. 31, thing to the table. I’m
ham as LCIDA’s District LCIDA is governed by a good time to step in. I came up,” Hairston said.
while McConnell replaces pretty familiar with a lot
2 representative while a seven-member board — think my 40 years expe- “I don’t believe our dis-
Greg Rader, whose term of the industries. We do a
retired businessman Kyle a representative of each rience will be something cussions over the funding
expired Nov. 30. Board lot of hauling into and out
McConnell was appointed county district and two at- that will be a benefit to is nearly as big a deal as
members serve four-year of the steel mill and with the board.” some people are making
as an at-large selection. terms. large members. All mem- PACCAR, too, so I’m look- Tuesday’s appointment it out to be. It’s just a dif-
Graham was the only LCIDA is responsible bers are appointed by the ing forward to working comes at a time when the ference in opinion, and I
candidate for the District for land purchases for in- supervisors. with industry on behalf of supervisors and the Gold- think we’ll be able to set-
2 position while the board dustrial expansion, main- Graham, whose waste the county.” en Triangle Development tle this and go on about
chose McConnell over tenance and infrastruc- removal company has McConnell said the LINK CEO Joe Max Hig- our business.”

2 arrested in Starkville attempted murder

about the victim’s inju-
Dec. 7 shooting sent one to hospital ries by press time.
The shooting is still
murder, according to under investigation and
a Starkville Police De- more arrests are likely,
partment press release. the press release states.
Starkville police have Lockett was arrested Lockett and King are
arrested two men in Thursday and King ar- both being held in the
connection with a Dec. 7 rested Monday. Lockett King Jr. Oktibbeha County Jail.
shooting on Reed Ridge The shooting oc- Lockett had not received
Circle that sent one per- curred outside a res- knew each other. a bond for either charge
son to the hospital. idence before 5 a.m., Lovelady said the as of this morning, and
Roderiques Lock- SPD Public Information victim is still receiv- King’s bond amounts
ett, 24, and John King Officer Brandon Love- ing medical treatment. are $500,000 for the at-
Jr., 35, have both been lady told The Dispatch. Medical authorities tempted murder charge
charged with armed He declined to say if the could not be reached for and $250,000 for the
robbery and attempted suspects and the victim additional information armed robbery charge.

Waste Pro
Continued from Page 1A
encourage participation. “If I were budgeting it men who supported the “This is something
“This gives us a for next (fiscal) year, I’d project echoed Beatty’s we do with the goal of re-
chance to see just how say it would cost $20,000 and Sistrunk’s concerns ducing our carbon foot-
much support there is for a whole year,” Beatty about participation. print and paying a little
and see if there is an told The Dispatch. “But Ward 1 Alderman Ben bit of money to do that,”
that’s still a third of what Carver pointed to other Spruill told The Dispatch
opportunity to expand it
we were paying.” cities in Mississippi, spe- after the meeting.
(in the future),” Sistrunk
Beatty had champi- cifically Clinton, which In other business,
said. oned partnering with had booming recycling aldermen unanimous-
Starkville, which once Mississippi State on programs. He said he ly changed the city’s
had curbside recycling, a joint contract with didn’t understand why co-smoking ordinance
had dialed back its recy- Waste Pro for recycling, it never caught on in to allow a cigar lounge to
cling program in recent something he told The Starkville. open at the old Mugshots
years due to high costs Dispatch university ad- “I don’t think recy- Grill location on Main
and low participation, ministration “flat turned cling can sustain itself Street.
eliminating it altogeth- down.” long-term with minimal The amended ordi-
er earlier this year as The casualty of go- participation,” Carver nance adds cigar lounges
a cost-saving measure ing it alone, he said, was said. “... I don’t know as exceptions to the pub-
amid the COVID-19 pan- plastics, which will not what the magic formula lic smoking ban. Other
demic. At that time, offi- be accepted in the new is to get people involved.” exceptions are private
cials said Waste Manage- city program. Beatty, speaking with clubs, designated rooms
ment, the city’s previous “That’s a big deal,” The Dispatch, said he in hotels or motels and
contracted service, was Beatty said. “I’m disap- had spoken with officials stores that sell tobacco
charging up to $60,000 pointed we couldn’t get in other cities that fund or electronic cigarettes
annually to haul recycla- plastics done. If we had their recycling programs and are “not adjoined or
ble materials to Tupelo. included it, though, it with a mandatory month- physically connected to
Meanwhile the service, would have cost us dou- ly fee for all sanitation another business or res-
for which residents paid ble.” customers, regardless idence.”
a $2 per month fee to par- Though there’s no of whether they recycle. Spring Street Cigars
ticipate, generated only revenue stream to offset Those cities get high owner John Higgins of
about $24,000 in reve- the recycling costs, Be- participation, he said, be- Tupelo met with alder-
nue. atty said, high participa- cause “they want to get men earlier this month to
Under the new plan, tion could save the city their money’s worth.” discuss locating a cigar
residents can drop off enough in solid waste “We don’t have the po- lounge at the old Mug- If you don’t read The Dispatch,
cardboard, paper and disposal costs to make it litical will on our board shots and requested the how are you gonna know?
aluminum and steel cans “a wash.” to put that kind of man- ordinance change.
for recycling at the cen- To get that participa- datory fee on residents,”
tral location on weekdays tion, he proposed a ro- Beatty said. “But I would
during the Sanitation De- bust awareness program support one.”
partment’s regular work- that would even pro- Mayor Lynn Spruill
ing hours. Aldermen mote recycling in local also echoed those con-
indicated the program schools. cerns and said restarting
might include Saturday “We need to re-edu- the program would allow
drop-of hours as well, at cate people here about city leaders to gauge the
least once a month. the need for recycling,” program’s effectiveness
he said. before setting the Fiscal
Residents will not be
Several of the alder- Year 2022 budget.
charged a fee to partici-
Beyond the startup
costs, Waste Pro will
haul off dropped off ma-
terials “as-needed” at
a rate of $350 per load,
which Ward 5 Alderman
Hamp Beatty estimat-
ed would cost between
$11,000 and $12,000 for
the remainder of this fis-
cal year.
Beatty estimated the
city could establish the
drop-off and start accept-
ing recycling by Febru-
ary 2021, which would
give it eight months to SOLUNAR TABLE
operate before the end of The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.

this fiscal year. Major

Minor 10:26a 11:17a
Major 3:04p 4:01p
Minor 7:41p 8:43p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

Cheap thrills.
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
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4A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH ed Methodist Church. Shaden, Junior and Knight, Danny Dillard, 2020, at Rush Specialty
OBITUARY POLICY In addition to her Virgil Whitten, Louise Dustin Sandlin, Darlis Hospital of Meridian.
Obituaries with basic informa-
parents, she was pre- Bradshaw and Corrine Metcalfe and Gregg Arrangements are
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided
ceded in death by her Jaynes; stepchildren, Stanford. incomplete and will be
free of charge. Extended obit- brother, Chuck Kirk- Jerry Powell and Ann announced by Carter’s
uaries with a photograph, de- land. Finch; one grandchild; Ellen Simpson Funeral Services of
tailed biographical information She is survived by and one step-grand- COLUMBUS — El- Macon.
and other details families may her husband, Robert child, len Jean Simpson, 82,
wish to include, are available Smith; children, Amy She is survived by
for a fee. Obituaries must be Pilgrim of Union and her daughter, Brenda
died Dec. 14, 2020, at Gordon Howell
submitted through funeral her residence. STARKVILLE — Charlie Upton
Nikki Smith of Cale- Byars; siblings, Ear- Lowndes Funeral
homes unless the deceased’s
donia; siblings, Pat nest Whitten, Bennie Gordon Henderson Incomplete
body has been donated to Home of Columbus is Howell, 55, died Dec. 2nd Ave. N. Location
science. If the deceased’s Vowell, Danny Kirkland Whitten and Blanche in charge of arrange- 6, 2020, in Burlington,
body was donated to science, and Sonny Kirkland; Taylor; four grandchil- ments. North Carolina. Margaret Ross
the family must provide official six grandchildren; and dren; six great-grand- Mrs. Simpson was Visitation:
proof of death. Please submit four great-grandchil- children; and four Graveside ser- Saturday, Dec. 19 • 1-2 PM
born Nov. 26, 1938, in vices will be at 2 p.m. 2nd Ave. N. Location
all obituaries on the form pro- dren. great-great-grandchil-
vided by The Commercial Dis- Greenhill, Alabama, Thursday, in Memorial Graveside Services:
dren. Saturday, Dec. 19 • 2:30 PM
patch. Free notices must be to the late Cora Hazel Garden Park Cemetery,
submitted to the newspaper Mary Powell Memorials may be
Gladney Gray and
Friendship Cemetery
REFORM, Ala. — made to St. Jude Chil- with the Rev. Larry Friendship Cemetery
no later than 3 p.m. the day William Nathan Gray.
prior for publication Tuesday Mary Elizabeth Powell, dren’s Hospital, 501 St. Watson officiating. 2nd Ave. N. Location
She was formerly em-
through Friday; no later than 4 95, died Dec. 12, 2020, Jude Place, Memphis, Welch Funeral Home of
ployed as a switchboard
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday at Hospice of West TN 38105-9959. Starkville is in charge
operator with Baptist
edition; and no later than 7:30
Alabama. of arrangements.
Memorial Hospi-
a.m. for the Monday edition.
Incomplete notices must be re- Funeral services will Dale McLemore tal-Golden Triangle and Mr. Howell was born
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. be at 11 a.m. Saturday, SULLIGENT, Ala. — as a manager with Mini Jan. 17, 1965, to Robert
for the Monday through Friday at Skelton Funeral Dale “Batman” McLem- Mart at Columbus Air Howell. He was a grad-
editions. Paid notices must be Home Chapel, with ore, 72, died Dec. 14, Force Base. uate of Starkville High
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion the Rev. Joey Lucas 2020, at Generations of In addition to her School.
the next day Monday through officiating. Burial will Vernon. parents, she was In addition to his
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
follow in Ethelsville Funeral services are preceded in death by father, he is survived
p.m. for Sunday and Monday
publication. For more informa-
Community Cemetery. at 2 p.m. today, at Otts her husband, Luther by his daughter, Tara
Visitation will be one Funeral Home, with Michelle Pruitt; sib-
tion, call 662-328-2471.
hour prior to services Jeff Chaffin officiating.
D. Simpson; brother, Visit us
lings, Rhonda Carter
at the funeral home. Burial will follow in
Melvin Gray; and one
of Burlington, North on the web at
Betty Smith Skelton Funeral Home Sulligent City Ceme-
Carolina, Eddie Howell
WEST POINT — She is survived by
of Reform is in charge tery. Visitation is one and Clint McCain both
Betty Diane Smith, 64, her children, Pam
of arrangements. hour prior to services of Starkville; and three
died Dec. 13, 2020, at Simpson, Wanda
Mrs. Powell was at the funeral home. grandchildren.
NMMC. born March 19, 1925, Otts Funeral Home of Allred, Charlotte Bull-
No services are in Camden, to the late Sulligent is in charge of ock and David Simp-
planned at this time. Clarence A. Whitten arrangements. son; siblings, Gaynell
Calvert Funeral Home and Alice Elizabeth Mr. McLemore was Sanders, Helen Lentz,
of West Point is in Brownlee Whitten. She born Dec. 21, 1947, in Oma Mae Overton,
charge of arrange- was formerly employed Sulligent, Alabama, to Rosa Davis, Myra Pat-
ments. with Aliceville Cotton the late Luther “Mac” rick, Mary Ann Gray,
Mrs. Smith was Mill and was a member McLemore and Marie Jane Moore, W.N. Gray,
born May 16, 1956, in of Ethelsville Baptist McPherson. He was a Henry Gray, Ray Gray
Pascagoula, to the late Church. graduate of Sulligent and Jimmy Gray; three
James D. Kirkland and In addition to her High School and was grandchildren; and four
Virginia Beckham. She parents, she was formerly employed great-grandchildren.
was formerly employed preceded in death by in construction with
as a support manager husband, J.K. Powell; Hyster. Delois Wells
of Wal-Mart and was a siblings, Carter, Troy, Pallbearers will be MACON — Delois
member of Christ Unit- Calvin, James, Dewitt, Dickie Carter, Brian Wells, 57, died Dec. 15,

World stocks advance items showed the biggest did especially well, a sign Still, the S&P 500 re-
declines. that investors are feeling mains near its record set a
after stimulus talks However, a monthly more optimistic about week ago. Massive efforts
lift Wall St. survey of manufactur- prospects for the econo- by the Federal Reserve
World markets ad- ers showed conditions my. The Russell 2000 in- have provided another
vanced on Wednesday af- improving, with the pur- dex picked up 2.4 percent, huge underpinning, and
ter revived hopes for more chasing managers index to 1,959.76, a record high. the central bank began
aid for the U.S. economy at preliminary reading of Another round of finan- its last policy meeting of
broke a four-day losing 49.7 on a scale up to 100 cial support from Wash- the year on Tuesday. It
streak on Wall Street. where 50 markets the cut ington could help carry will announce its decision
Benchmarks were off for expansion. It was the economy through on Wednesday after al-
higher in most major a 20-month high for the what’s expected to be a ready cutting short-term
markets but unchanged purchasing managers in- bleak winter, before vac- interest rates to nearly
in Shanghai. U.S. futures dex of au Jibun Bank. The cines help things get clos- zero and indicating it

Margaret Ross
also climbed higher. PMI was at 49.0 in Novem- er to normal next year. will keep them there for
Overnight, the S&P ber. “It does feel like we’re a while even if inflation
500 gained 1.3 percent Hong Kong’s Hang getting closer, albeit to a rises above its target of 2
as investors grew hope- Seng surged 1 percent to leaner package that ad- percent. Margaret Hussey Ross
ful that Washington can 26,460.29 and the Kospi dresses the near-term The yield on the 10- entered the greater life to be
surmount its partisan di- in South Korea rose 0.5 threats facing the coun- year Treasury was steady with her Lord and Savior Jesus
vide to deliver more aid to percent to 2,771.79. try. But that’s better than at 0.92 percent. Christ on December 14, 2020,
the struggling economy. Australia’s S&P/ASX the alternative of moving In other trading, at Sanctuary Hospice House
Technology companies 200 advanced 0.7 percent into 2021 without any sup- benchmark U.S. crude in Tupelo MS. She was born
powered much of the ral- to 6,679.20 and the Shang- port measures in place,” oil gained 7 cents to 47.69 in Lee County to Thomas M.
ly, which helped push the hai Composite index was Craig Erlam of Oanda per barrel in electronic and Isolene Evans Hussey
tech-heavy Nasdaq com- virtually unchanged, at said in a commentary. trading on the New York on January 8, 1926. She was
posite to an all-time high. 3,366.98. The number of U.S. Mercantile Exchange. It
An index of small-compa- In the U.S., negotia-
a member of First Baptist
workers applying for un- rose 63 cents on Tuesday Church, Columbus, MS for over 50 years where
ny stocks also set a record tions between Democrats employment benefits is to $47.62. Brent crude,
high. and Republicans on an- she was active in several ministries of her church
back on the rise, as gov- the international stan- for many years. She lived in Columbus 61 years
Optimism over the eco- other round of coronavi- ernments around the dard, picked up 6 cents to
nomic outlook is rising rus relief have been drag- before moving to Tupelo in 2011 to be near her
country and world bring $50.83 per barrel. daughter and her family.
as approval for a second ging on for weeks. Fresh back varying degrees of The U.S. dollar slipped
COVID-19 vaccine may signs of cooperation Tues- Because of Covid-19, there will be a graveside
restrictions on business- to 103.37 Japanese yen service at Friendship Cemetery, Columbus, at
be imminent. day appeared to boost the es. Even without lock- from 103.68 yen late Tues-
Investors also have market’s confidence that 2:30 PM on Saturday, December 19. Visitation
down orders, the fear is day. The euro rose to will be at the 716 2nd Avenue North location
been encouraged by signs Washington can get past
that the rising number of $1.2197 from $1.2155.
that the European Union its partisan divide and of Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home &
deaths will keep custom- SOURCE:
and United Kingdom may hammer out a deal. Crematory from 1:00 to 2:00 PM preceding the
ers away from businesses. The Associated Press
finally broker a trade deal A bipartisan group of service. Rev. Bobby Sanderson will officiate.
following the UK’s depar- lawmakers unveiled a de- Her grandsons and great grandsons will serve as
ture from the bloc. tailed proposal on Tues- pallbearers.
The brightening in day, as meanwhile House She and her family were big into water sports,
sentiment comes even as Speaker Nancy Pelosi and skiing, boating, etc. She married Ben F. Ross,
rising rates of coronavi- Treasury Secretary Ste- Sr. in 1946. They had four children. She and Ben
rus infections lead gov- ven Mnuchin held anoth- owned and operated Ben Ross Boat Yard from
ernments in Europe and er round of talks. 1951 until Ben’s death in 1994. She and her sons
elsewhere to raise their A vaccine candidate continued the business until 2008.
alert levels and tighten developed by Moderna She is survived by her daughter, Cindy Ross
pandemic-fighting re- and the National Insti- Sanders McAuley (Malcolm), Tupelo; son, Ben
strictions. tutes of Health may be on Ross, Jr., Tupelo; sister, Jane Berryhill (Bob),
Britain’s FTSE surged the cusp of regulatory ap- Muskogee, OK; four grandchildren, John
1.3 percent to 6,595.07, proval after the Food and
Sanders, Jr. (Joan), Tupelo, Wendy Hutson
while Germany’s DAX Drug Administration said
(Kirby), Madison, Taylor Sanders (Amanda),
added 1.2 percent to its preliminary analysis
Tupelo and Mericlare Paxton (Lee), Inverness;
13,527.20. In Paris, the confirmed its safety and
CAC 40 surged 0.9 percent effectiveness. It would
and ten great-grandchildren.
to 5,581.40. The future for join the nation’s first vac- She was preceded in death by her husband,
the S&P 500 gained 0.2 cine, which just began Ben Ross, Sr.; two sons, Carl Dudley Ross and
percent and the future for rolling out. Hundreds of Gary Ross; and son-in-law, Dr. John Sanders.
the Dow industrials was hospital and health care In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to:
up 0.2 percent. facilities will get their First Baptist Church P.O. Box 829 Columbus
In Asian trading, Ja- first shipments Tuesday MS 39703 or Sanctuary Hospice House P.O. Box
pan’s Nikkei 225 index of the vaccine developed 2177 Tupelo MS 38803.
gained 0.3 percent to by Pfizer and BioNTech.
26,757.40 despite the re- The S&P 500 rose 47.13
lease of data showing points to 3,694.62. The
exports fell 4 percent in Dow Jones Industrial Av-
November, while imports erage gained 1.1 percent
dropped 11 percent from to 30,199.31. The tech- Sign the online guest book at
a year earlier. Exports of heavy Nasdaq climbed 1.3
vehicles, semiconductors percent, to 12,595.06. 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
and other manufactured Small-company stocks
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 5A

Biden’s challenge: Creating

a COVID-19-free White House
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS campaign went all-virtual not to run a workplace among both White House
in mid-March, clearing during a pandemic. staff and the hundreds of
— Three blocks from out its Philadelphia Despite relying on an government employees
the White House, office headquarters and sending aggressive testing regi- from other federal agen-
space for more than 500 staff back to their families men that is not available cies who support it.
Biden transition staffers in Washington, New York in other workplaces, the Detailed planning is
sits mostly idle. The and beyond. His transition West Wing under Presi- still underway, but some
government is shipping team plotted out his path dent Donald Trump has early considerations are
out laptops so staffers can to power entirely online. been the locus of at least to curtail the number of
work from home. Presi- The closest Biden’s two significant outbreaks staffers who have unfet-
dent-elect Joe Biden, sur- team has come to exper- of COVID-19 since Trump tered access to the West
rounded by just a handful imenting with in-person himself came down with Wing, encourage remote
of aides in Delaware, is work was election night, the virus five weeks be- work where possible and
using Zoom to oversee his when a small selection of fore Election Day. even have staffers use
plans to assume power. masked and socially dis- Besides the first fam- secure teleconferencing
But Biden soon will be tanced aides in Wilming- ily, the dozens in Trump between individual offices
entering a no-Zoom zone ton, Delaware, monitored world who have tested to minimize use of shared
at the White House — just returns in hotel confer- positive include the White spaces.
one sign of the challenges ence rooms, a far cry from House chief of staff, the Biden’s team may get
his new administration running a White House vice president’s chief of a blueprint of sorts for its
will face when it moves to 24/7. staff, the White House use of COVID-19 vaccines
Washington in the midst Even now, the most press secretary and the from the Trump White
of a pandemic. prominent use of the president’s campaign House, which is begin-
After months of 100,000-plus square feet manager. Still more aides ning to roll out inocula-
making a virtue of the (9,290 square meters) of have had to isolate after tions for some critical
cautious approach his office space reserved for potential exposure. The government staffers,
campaign and transition the transition is for Vice full scale of the infections including military aides to
team have taken toward President-elect Kamala is not publicly known. the president, Secret Ser-

Help us
COVID-19, Biden’s pru- Harris to receive the high- The problems vice agents and Situation
dence will be tested by ly classified President’s stemmed in large part Room watch officers.

help them.
technology and tradition Daily Brief. from the Trump White Biden himself appears
when he arrives on Jan. Telework is possible for House flouting its own likely to receive at least a
20. some White House staff, guidelines for COVID-19 first dose of the vaccine
White House comput- and improvements in both safety, including holding before taking office,
ers don’t allow the popular
video conference software
secure and unclassified
videoconferencing have
large events, allowing fre-
quent travel and above all
relying on the advice of
the nation’s top U.S. infec-
The Humane
Zoom or rival systems
like Google Meet and
been made over the last
two decades. But the lack
not requiring face masks.
The Biden team believes
tious-disease expert. Dr.
Anthony Fauci called for Society
Slack. Government-issue
cellphones only gained
of in-person coordination
could pose an additional
that some of the greatest
risk can be mitigated sim-
Biden and Harris to swift-
ly receive the vaccine. 662-327-3107
texting capabilities a few challenge to the new ply by adhering to scien-
years ago. And many government facing a mul- tific advice: holding safer
employees will need to titude of crises. events, requiring face
be present at the White Further complicating coverings and continuing
House to access classified matters, the Biden team regular testing.
information. must devise health and White House veterans
Biden’s team has safety protocols from say the task of making the
limited experience with scratch. The Trump ad- West Wing a safe work-
staffing a physical office ministration was, at best, space is attainable but will
during the pandemic. His a cautionary tale in how require intense discipline,

China prepares for crew, as saying. lunar rocks since the for-
State broadcaster mer Soviet Union’s Luna
return of lunar probe CCTV showed four mili- 24 robot probe in 1976.
with moon samples tary helicopters standing Chang’e 5 blasted off
BEIJING — Chinese by Wednesday morning from a launch base in
ground crews are stand- at a base on the snow-cov- China’s southern island
ing by for the return of ered grasslands. Crews province of Hainan on
a lunar probe bringing in vehicles on the ground Nov. 23 on a mission ex-
back the first fresh sam- will also seek to hone in pected to last 23 days.
ples of rock and debris on signals. While sprawl- It marks China’s third
from the moon in more ing in size, the area is rel- successful lunar landing
than 40 years. atively familiar because
but the only one to lift off
The Chang’e probe of its use as a landing
again from the moon. Its
is expected to land in site for China’s Shenzhou
predecessor, Chang’e 4,
the Siziwang district of crewed spaceships.
the vast Inner Mongolia Chang’e 5 set down became the first probe
region late Wednesday on the moon on Dec. 1 to land on the moon’s
or early Thursday. It and collected about 2 little-explored far side
fired its engines early kilograms (4.4 pounds) and continues to send
Wednesday to put it on of samples by scooping back data on conditions
course before the orbiter them from the surface, that could affect a future
separates from the return and by drilling 2 meters extended stay by humans
vehicle, with all systems (about 6 feet) into the on the moon.
functioning as expected, moon’s crust. The sam- SOURCE: AP
the China National Space ples were deposited in a
Administration said. sealed container that was
Recovery of the return carried back to the return
vehicle will be complicat- module by an ascent
ed by its small size, dark- vehicle.
ness and heavy snow, Flying a Chinese flag,
state media reported. the lander ceased func-
Plans call for it to per- tioning soon after it was
form an initial bounce off used as a launching pad
the Earth’s atmosphere for the ascender, which
to reduce its speed before was ejected from the
passing through and orbiter after transferring
floating down on para- the samples and came
chutes, making it difficult to rest on the moon’s
to precisely calculate surface.
where it will land, the offi- The spacecraft’s
cial Xinhua News Agency return will mark the
quoted Bian Hancheng, first time scientists have
a leader of the recovery obtained fresh samples of
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


In adulthood, Marine appreciates Columbus upbringing

y name is Patrick patch was simply to say hello Karaline (7) and Noah (5). City would never leave. I still wrong, everywhere. All I can
Dean Swartz. My from where I was in the world. The kids are even bi-lingual in find myself saying, “Sir” and say is: try your best to keep
mother’s name is I suppose I’m doing the same, English and German. I’ve even “Ma’am” even when those I’m your glass half-full instead
Deborah J. Swartz and she is now. My life in the Marine got an online blog focused on speaking to beg me to stop. I of half-empty. It’s tough, but
still a loyal resident of Colum- Corps has taken me from the family travel throughout the always hold the door open for we could all use a little more
bus. I grew up in Columbus East Coast, to the West Coast, Alps to enjoy the snow. others and I never miss an op- uplifting, these days. I’m just
for twenty-four years having and back to the East Coast. I There are things about portunity to say “Thank you”. I here to tell you all thank you
gone to, what felt like, every have been sent to Sweden, the Columbus that frustrated me suppose my point is that, even for keeping me polite in my
public school the city had to Middle East, and then to the as a teenager; however, as I’ve living in Germany and being middle-age years. I’ve had my
offer. I grew up enjoying some center of Western Europe here gotten a bit older, there are an Officer in the toughest fight moments ... but I’d like to think
of the world’s best pulled pork, in Germany, where we cur- things about Columbus that club one could imagine, Co- that the deep south manners I
playing against the most com- rently live. I’m definitely not a have stuck with me in a posi- lumbus and Southern manners learned have played an import-
petitive youth baseball teams Lieutenant anymore as I now tive way. While I was complain- always seem to have a place. ant part in becoming who I am,
(I still have nightmares about wear the golden oak leaves of a ing about nothing to do while I know each city certainly today.
New Hope pitchers), and made Major and my knees hurt more I was 15-years old, I didn’t has its issues to deal with ... Bis nächstes mal and Sem-
some of my most long-tenured everyday. However, life has realize that the politeness and and it’s easy, especially during per Fidelis!
friends in Columbus. given myself and my spouse manners I had grown up on our current environment, to fo- Patrick Swartz
My last message to The Dis- Kathryn two great children, and practiced in The Friendly cus so strictly on what is going Stuttgart, Germany


Butler’s impact measured more
in the lived he has touched
In August 1963, Martin Luther
King Jr. stood on the steps of the
Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
to give his iconic “I Have a Dream”
The words of that speech, and
the manner in which King delivered
the message, changed the world and
shaped a new future for this country.
“I look to a day when people will not
be judged by the color of their skin,
but by the content of their character,”
King said in one of the more memora-
ble sections of that speech.
But while there is still plenty of
work left to do on the divisions in our
society — especially when it comes
to race — there is something that has
happened in recent weeks that on the
surface might seem trivial but speaks
Last week, Vicksburg native and
current Tennessee Titan’s player
Malcolm Butler donated thousands
of dollars to three local organizations
to provide gift cards for groceries
to needy families in our community.
This was in addition to the mountain
of contributions and good works
Butler has provided to Vicksburg and
Warren County and in the communi-
ties he has been blessed to call home
and play football.
Earlier this year, at the start of the
COVID-19 pandemic, Butler donated
$10,000 each to the United Way of
Central Mississippi and Meharry
Medical College, which funded per-
sonal protective equipment supplies
and 600 grab-and-go meals for first
Last year he purchased 25 turkeys
for several retirement homes in Vicks-
burg, and each summer since 2015 he MISSISSIPPI VOICES
has hosted a free youth football camp
in his hometown. Those recent contri-
butions, combined with his resume of
other charitable contributions, landed
Special interest legislation will hurt Mississippi
Butler a tremendously prestigious ou would think that The Lumbee Recog- government’s official review process.
honor when he was named the NFL with everything nition Act is just the kind The other thing to consider is
Players Association’s Community going on — a dis- of bill that gets passed that if Congress is allowed to evade
MVP for Week 11 of the 2020 season. puted election, a pandem- when no one is watching. the rulemaking process in this case
The honor was for his recent char- ic, rising unemployment The act is not a new idea. of questionable ancestry, what is to
ity work in Vicksburg, Nashville, and claims and skyrocketing Every other year or so, prevent them from doing so in other
at his college alma mater West Ala- debt — Congress would its supporters have tried cases? Recall that federal recognition
bama. The Community MVPs receive have clear priorities once to get it through. In 1956, also awards “Indian preference” in
a $10,000 donation to their foundation lawmakers returned to Congress passed the hiring and contracts. If we allow such
or charity of choice from the NFLPA. Washington, D.C. Think Lumbee Act, recognizing preferences to be granted by politi-
The union will also set up a crowd- again. Instead of coming to the Lumbee as “Indians,” cal whim, it makes a mockery of the
funding campaign where supporters the table to craft a target- but not extending federal entire preference system, which is
can pledge donations to the player’s ed and responsible COVID Dr. Jameson Taylor benefits to them. In 2010, supposed to be rooted in a desire to
cause based on their on-the-field per- relief package, they passed with the Obama adminis- rectify longstanding social injustices.
formances during the season. a special-interest bill that overrides tration’s support, a Lumbee recogni- Once this preference system becomes
The $10,000 donation and crowd- federal policy regarding Indian Tribe tion bill also passed the U.S. House. It merely transactional, it loses all
funding campaign for Butler will recognition. died in the Senate over concerns that moral authority, akin to purchasing
benefit the United Way of West Cen- Called the “Lumbee Recognition the real issue was about being able to indulgences: very valuable, lucrative
tral Mississippi, with which he has Act,” the bill will cost taxpayers open a casino on Lumbee land. indulgences.
partnered on a number of charitable nearly $1 billion over the next four Mississippi taxpayers will lose The Lumbee have claimed ances-
endeavors in and around Vicksburg. years as it extends federal benefits to if Congress chooses to recognize try to at least four separate, unrelated
Butler has had an amazing career, a group that calls itself the Lumbee the Lumbees without the thorough tribes over the years. Several other
which has now extended to his sev- Indians. It passed on a voice vote, review that’s required. With federal tribes, including the Mississippi
enth NFL season and third with the which means you can’t really see how recognition comes a wealth of health- Choctaw Indians, oppose the Lumbee
Titans. He broke into the league as your Congressman voted. At stake care, education, job training and Recognition Act. With all that’s at
an undrafted free agent with the New are hundreds of millions in federal other benefits. The precedent the bill stake, Mississippi taxpayers should
England Patriots in 2014 and helped aid and a significant degree of tribal sets is also bad. Why have a process oppose it too.
them win two Super Bowls and reach sovereignty — including rights to for determining tribal recognition at Mississippi’s need for COVID relief
a third. potentially operate casinos on tribal all if Congress can override it through isn’t going away. The state’s COVID
His last-minute interception in Su- land. special-interest legislation? infection numbers continue to rise
per Bowl XLIX sealed a 28-24 victory The Lumbee claim they are an But at bottom is the debate over as funding gets thinner and thinner.
over the Seattle Seahawks. But that is American Indian tribe. But the fed- whether biology — in this case, How Congress chooses to spend our
what Butler does and is a means to an eral Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) ancestry — is determined by subjec- money — and its time — isn’t just
end. His play and impact on the field, seems to have its doubts. Likewise, in tive beliefs and political maneuvering politics. It will affect the quality of life
in the end, is irrelevant to the impact 1991 the director of the Office of Trib- or whether an objective, transparent for all Mississippians.
he has had on the lives of others. al Services testified that “the Lumbee review should decide the matter. If In the coming days, our U.S. Sena-
Butler has proven that he is far have not documented their descent there is strong evidence that the Lum- tors Roger Wicker and Cindy Hyde-
more than a football player. He is a from a historic tribe.” bee deserve federal recognition, Con- Smith need to do everything they can
hero not just to our community, but The BIA and other skeptics may gress should hold hearings and revise to root out waste, fraud, and abuse
to many others. In Butler’s case, it is change their minds if the Lumbees go the acknowledgment process to make and ensure that every dollar Con-
important that we change a few of the through the Department of Interior’s it fair for every group seeking formal gress spends addresses the concerns
words in King’s historic speech; we formal review process for determin- status. If there’s a problem with how of our working families and business-
look to a day when people will not be ing which groups receive federal the Office of Federal Acknowledg- es. There’s too much on the line to
judged by what they do or how much recognition and benefits. Instead, ment is doing things, fix the process kowtow to special interests.
money they make, but by the content the group is attempting to avoid this for everyone. However, the process Dr. Jameson Taylor is senior vice
of their character. federally-designated rulemaking should start with the Lumbees president for policy at the Mississippi
Vicksburg Post (Dec. 1) process. cooperating and going through the Center for Public Policy.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 7A

Germany enters harder lockdown

as virus deaths hit new high

BERLIN — Germany reported a

UK still plans to ease restrictions on holiday gatherings
LONDON — Britain’s easing of restrictions for family gatherings
record level of coronavirus deaths over Christmas looks like it’s still on despite a sharp spike in new
as it entered a harder lockdown coronavirus infections that’s raised fears of another wave of cases and
Wednesday, closing shops and
deaths in the new year.
schools to try to bring down stub-
Britain’s communities secretary, Robert Jenrick, said further dis-
bornly high new daily infections.
cussions will take place on Wednesday between leaders from the four
The country recorded 179.8 vi-
nations of the U.K. about the planned relaxation. However, he gave no
rus deaths per 100,000 residents
indication that a change would be announced, beyond urging people to
over the last seven days, a new
high and significantly more than think harder about their holiday plans.
the 149 per 100,000 reported a “It could be counterproductive to produce overly restrictive rules
week ago by the Robert Koch Insti- rather than providing very clear and sober guidance and ask people
tute, the country’s disease control to think carefully and come to their informed judgment,” he told BBC
center. radio.
It also blew past its previous Criticism of the planned five-day easing of restrictions, which would
daily death toll, with Germany’s allow three households to form a holiday bubble, have ratcheted higher
16 states reporting that 952 more in recent days. With new infections rising in many places, concerns are
people had died of the virus, the growing that the relaxation will only escalate infections and deaths and
institute said. That was far greater put too much pressure on the already-stressed National Health Service.
than the previous daily record set Michael Gove, a senior member of Britain’s Conservative govern-
Friday of 598 deaths, although in- ment, which sets public health policy for England, has met with lead-
cluded two days of figures from the ers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the U.K.’s Christ-
hard-hit eastern state of Saxony, mas plans, and the group will meet again Wednesday. They agreed last
which did not report Tuesday. It month to allow a maximum of three households to mix between Dec. 23
brought the country’s overall pan- and Dec. 27, regardless of what local restrictions are in place.
demic death toll to 23,427. On Wednesday, London and nearby areas entered the highest level of
Faced with exponentially in- local restrictions in England — Tier 3 — in which pubs and restaurants
creasing cases in October, Ger- had to close again apart from takeout, and more curbs were placed on
many implemented a “lockdown different households meeting up. Other areas in England, including the
light” at the start of November, cities of Manchester and Birmingham, are finding out later Wednesday
which closed bars and restaurants whether they will be moved down to Tier 2 restrictions.
but left shops open. The measures SOURCE: AP
succeeded in leveling off new dai-
ly infections but didn’t bring them
down, prompting the new stricter showing more than 80 percent of While daily new cases peaked
restrictions. Germans approve of the lockdown in March at about 6,000, they are
In addition to closing shops measures or think they should be now more than four times that lev-
and moving children to remote stricter. el, with 27,728 new cases reported
learning for the few days before “This year, I don’t think Christ- Wednesday by the Robert Koch
the Christmas holidays, private mas is that important, in the face Institute.
gatherings are being limited to of the facts we have in society right German officials have pressed
two households with a maximum now,” said Stella Kretschmer, who the European Union’s regulatory
of five people, among other things. was picking up a prescription in agency hard to speed up its approv-
Grocery stores, pharmacies, the western city of Cologne. al of a coronavirus vaccine, and
gas stations, banks and other busi- The 27-year-old student said the European Medicines Agency
nesses providing services deemed she was in favor of shops being has scheduled a meeting Monday
essential — including Christmas closed down. on that. With vaccinations expect-
tree vendors — can remain open. “For me, consumption is not the ed to start before year’s end, Ger-
In Saxony, where the virus is most important thing,” she said, man officials have urged people to
spreading most rapidly in Germa- adding, however, that she does stay patient and respect the regu-
ny at the moment, hospitals are fill- “feel sorry for the people who ... lations over the holidays.
ing up. The state’s governor said have to fear for their jobs.” Health Minister Jens Spahn
more drastic restrictions might be Germany was widely praised said Germany was ready and could
necessary, calling it “pure poison” for slowing the spread of its out- begin vaccinations within two to
when too many people were still break in the spring, but as peo- four days of the EMA’s approval.
going out and about. ple grew lax with distancing and “By summer, we’ll be able to
The restrictions are expected mask rules over the summer the return to normal, step by step,”
last until at least Jan. 10 but enjoy numbers of cases started to climb he said Wednesday on RTL televi-
wide support, with the latest polls again. sion.
8A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Yo’ Bar
Continued from Page 1A
of CENTU- be a rare occurrence. He could go wrong and claim Legion has a bingo hall in
RY 21 Doris further argued that the that that’s a basis (against the area that is significant-
Hardy and definition of “harmoni- the move) but there’s no ly bigger than Yo’ Bar.
Associates, ous” as used to apply to reasonable facts, no rea- “ I ’ m
and Colum- zoning issues, had mainly sonable showing there hearing ev-
bus attorney to do with architectural will be a traffic problem, erything
Rod Ray, and aesthetic similarities that there will be any that ev-
who repre- between businesses in an harm to anybody across e r y b o d y ’s
sented Lee Ray area. the street.” saying,” he
Enterprises and the Lee But Ray countered that said. “I’m
Foundation, which has
several business offices
the fact that Yo’ Bar need-
ed a variance at all proved
Council reaction h e a r i n g Beard
Ward 3 Councilman concerns
on Bluecutt. Despite their they were not “harmoni- Charlie Box, one of the about the trash. The own-
objections, the committee ous” with other business- councilmen who opposed ers have gave us their
voted 5-2 to grant the vari- es on Bluecutt Road. the variance, said in 12 word. … That’s the only
ance. “Name one other busi- years of serving on the thing we can go off is their
Hardy and Ray argued ness: Bank of Vernon, council he has never op- word, and their word is
at both Monday’s Plan- the nephrology clinic? posed the Planning and that we won’t have an is-
ning and Zoning meet- Do they have guards at Zoning Commission, but sue. … As far as the traffic
ing and at Tuesday’s city night? Do they have peo- he did in
council meeting that the ple directing traffic?” he issues, it brings up many
this case other issues when you
move was fundamental- argued. “No, because because the
ly at odds with the city’s that’s not what goes on in have traffic areas. A law
Bluecutt officer is always present
zoning ordinance, which this area.” location is
states the location of a Ray said he had found when there’s a congested
near resi- amount of traffic, no mat-
bar, tavern or lounge mov- 27 incident reports since dences.
ing into a C-1 district must the beginning of the year ter if it’s a business or if
“This is
be “harmonious” with ex- that listed Yo’ Bar, includ- it’s a wreck in the middle
one time Box
isting businesses in the ing one disorderly con- of 45.”
that I hon-
area. duct/inciting a riot call He moved to approve
estly believe that they
“Is there any part of and one discharge of a the variance. He, Ward 1
have made a mistake,” he
this establishment that is firearm in the city limits. said. “The zoning laws Councilwoman Ethel Tay-
conforming and homoge- Ledrico Isaac told The are to protect neighbor- lor, Ward 2 Councilman
nous with this corridor?” Dispatch the discharge hoods. Mr. Colom and Joseph Mickens and Ward
Hardy asked The Dis- of a firearm actually hap- some of them are saying 5 Councilman Stephen
patch before Tuesday’s pened behind Yo’ Bar’s that it’s harmonious, but Jones all voted to approve
council meeting, pointing current location after the ... they’ve neglected that the ordinance, while Box
out that it would increase bar had already closed harmonious means with and Gavin opposed.
traffic in the area and for the night — it stays the people, not just with Ledrico Isaac said he
possibly result in littering open until 11 p.m. on the businesses.” and Mignon hope to meet
and more police calls. weeknights and 1 a.m. on Ward 6 Councilman with Hardy and other busi-
She said she would Friday and Saturday — Bill Gavin, whose ward in- nesses to work out their
have opposed any restau- while Colom argued the cludes both differences, which Hardy
rant coming to Bluecutt, majority of other incident Yo’ Bar’s indicated she would be
not just Yo’ Bar. reports included business current and open to, though she still
Columbus attorney checks and examples of planned lo- opposes the move.
Wilbur Colom repre- drivers on Highway 45 be- cations, said “Hopefully we can
sented Lee Stafford and ing pulled over for traffic sports bars change her perception
the Isaacs at both Mon- violations and happening like this and change her mind
day’s and to pull into Yo’ Bar’s park- have given about the business that
Tu e s d a y ’ s ing lot. the city con- Gavin we’re doing coming to
meetings, He argued a restau- tinual prob- Bluecutt,” Ledrico Isaac
where he rant/bar moving to the lems.
promised said. “It’s not going to
Bluecutt area is no differ- “I ask the other coun-
the Isaacs ent than Zachary’s or the downgrade (the area). If
cil members, would you anything it’ll upgrade it.
would have Trotter Convention Cen-
want this in your ward?” It’ll make people want to
ample park- ter locating in downtown
ing, a fence Colom Columbus — also an area he said. come here.”
that would with high traffic, nearby He moved to table ap- Disclaimer: The Dis-
prevent most trash from residences and profes- proval of the variance patch has hired Ledrico
getting onto the road, sional businesses like law so that other business Isaac for freelance photog-
as many as 25 security offices nearby. owners in the area could raphy work in the past.
guards on site to monitor “Every business down- weigh in. However, the Conflict disclosure:
safety and a person di- town has to adapt to that,” motion died for want of a Managing Editor Zack
recting traffic on nights he said during Tuesday’s second. Plair took part in editing
when the bar has an ex- council meeting. “ ... They Ward 4 Councilman this article. He is cur-
ceptionally large number can exaggerate every- Pierre Beard, however, rently involved in legal
of customers — the last of thing. You can fathom any voiced support for Yo’ Bar, proceedings with the city of
which Colom said would scenario of anything that pointing out the American Columbus.

Continued from Page 1A
moves pretty fast,” Hav- project, said he’s had in- the tenant’s plans turn aven) and one in Tusca-
elin said. formal talks with other out to be,” he said. loosa.
Bimbrey is hoping the prospective tenants. A Chipotle opened its Starkville Mayor Lynn
city will quickly approve sign at the site also ad- first restaurant in Col- Spruill said the news
the plans. vertises for tenants. orado in 1993. As of has created a buzz in the
“Really, it’s a moving “We are talking to oth- 2019, the chain has 2,622 community.
target right now, but the er interested parties, but restaurants in the U.S. “It’s really taken off on
goal is to deliver (Chipot- it’s very informal at this and Europe. The public- social media, especially,”
le) the space in the sum- point,” Birmbrey said. ly-traded company does Spruill said. “People are
mer so they can open in Most likely, he said, not franchise its restau- excited and we are, too.
the fall of 2021.” Chipotle would be one of rants. We look forward to work-
Bimbrey, who de- three tenants. Chipotle currently has ing with the developer
clined to say how much “It could possibly go to two locations in Missis- to bring Chipotle to our
will be invested in the four, depending on what sippi (Oxford and South- city.”

Continued from Page 1A
demic, but everyone will called 12 Bars of Christ- also key, Gladney said. the kids that truly need
be wearing protective mas, and the price of Citizens regularly call (toys), and try to make
face coverings if so. admission was a new toy. the office to ask what their day a little bit bet-
The types of toys do- Starkville Police Depart- they can do to help with ter and have something
nated vary from year to ment coordinated the
the drive. for them to have on
year, Blair and Gladney drive before 2017, but
“We just try to find Christmas,” he said.
both said, and they sort SPD Public Information
through the donated Office Brandon Lovela-
toys and categorize dy said the department
them by age group be- no longer does a toy
fore delivering them. drive at all.
“(Last year), a lot of The Barnes Crossing
what we had was new- used car dealership on
born stuff,” Blair said. Highway 12 collected
The toy drive came and donated some toys
to OCSO in 2017 when last year, Gladney said.
Hobie Hobart, the owner OCSO has advertised
of Hobie’s on Main, the drive on social me-
coordinated a bar crawl dia, but word of mouth is

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The Dispatch

Columbus High heads into winter break with sweep of West Lowndes
BY THEO DEROSA The senior, who didn’t and-one by Jamarveion enter the game until the Seals.
second quarter after miss- “We jumped out on
Blake Burnett hit the ing practice during the them,” West Lowndes
layups when the Colum- week, made an instant im- coach Michael Huffman
bus High School boys pact when he drove to the said. “We felt like they
basketball team needed a rim for four straight layups were going to take us a lit-
comeback. that tied the contest at 28- tle lightly.”
Willie Young hit the 28 heading into halftime. But the Falcons’ JJ Wil-
3-pointers when the Fal- “We had to get back in liams answered with a nice
cons needed to pull ahead. the game, put ourselves move for a layup, and Bur-
Together, Burnett and in a better situation than nett did the rest with four
Young helped Columbus where we started our- more scores to tie things
(5-3) recover after what selves,” said Burnett, who up.
coach Phillip Morris finished with 14 points for “They taught us a les-
called the Falcons’ worst the Falcons. son, taught us how to win.
half of the year, gain sepa- Columbus struggled No. 1 taught us how to
ration from West Lowndes early, allowing West Lown- win a ballgame,” Huffman
in Tuesday’s home game des to corral a 15-11 lead said, referencing Burnett’s
and hold off the Panthers after the first eight min- jersey number. “He took
Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
in a 65-47 victory. utes and stretch its advan- over. He made the differ- West Lowndes senior Tydajasha Hood (12) drives against Columbus junior Makayla
“It felt good to win to- tage to 26-18 on a 3-pointer ence.” Rieves (11) during the third quarter of Tuesday’s basketball game at Columbus High
night,” Burnett said. by Darrell Brooks and an See PREP, 3B School. The Falcons beat the Panthers 63-28.


Brown get
contract Early Signing Period Primer: Who could
from MSU MSU add to its 2021 class this week?

Mike Leach is locking up
two integral parts to his
A source confirmed
to The Dis-
patch on
Tue s d a y
a f ternoon
that defen-
sive coordi-
nator Zach
A r n e t t
and head Arnett
and con-
ditioning coach Tyson
Brown received exten-
sions from Mississippi
Steve Robertson of
247 Sports first reported
the news.
“I’ve absolutely loved
it here,” Arnett said
last week when queried
on his name arising in

‘It’s just weird’:

uncertainty on
recruiting trail
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Three-star cornerback Jadarrius Perkins is a big target for Mississippi State’s 2021 recruiting class.

The personal touch BY BEN PORTNOY keep an eye on heading into Listed at 6 -foot-4, 280 months and were seen as a fa-
that helps coaches sell the back end of this week: pounds, Boone boasts the vorite before the Hattiesburg
their programs to blue- Three-star OT Canon frame necessary to play tack- native chose Oregon in May.
chip prospects is miss- S TA R K V ILLE — Mike Boone — No. 941 in 247 le at the next level assuming A rangy 6 -foot-2, 185 pound
ing this year. Leach is putting the finish- Sports Composite Rankings he adds some weight once a corner, Perkins has elite speed
Restrictions brought ing touches on his first class part of a college weight pro-
(Dickinson, T X) to compete for playing time al-
about by the pandem- at Mississippi State. gram. Given the prospects
Mississippi State is look- most immediately should he
ic prevent face-to-face With the Early Signing the Bulldogs have missed on
ing for as many as five or head to Starkville. Perkins
communication between Period opening Wednesday up front, he’d be a major coup
six offensive linemen in its and his coaches at MGCCC
players and coaches. and running through Friday, for offensive line coach Ma-
2021 class and Boone fits spoke with The Dispatch ear-
Staffs can’t visit high it ’s expected the bulk of the the bill. The Bulldogs have son Miller and this staff. lier this year regarding his
schools. Plenty of states Bulldogs’ 2021 class will ink
didn’t even play high been heavy on the Lonestar fit at MSU and what he might
their names over the next State native throughout the bring to the college game.
school football.
“It’s just weird,” Geor-
day-plus. Following the de- process and remained so af- Three-star CB Jadarrius “He’s just a bigger body,
commitment of Mississippi
gia coach Kirby Smart
Gulf Coast Community Col-
ter he committed to Virginia
Tech in August.
Perkins — No. 5 JUCO player bigger shoulders,
legs,” MGCCC coach Jack
It all creates uncer- lege linebacker Navonteque It ’s unclear where Boone in 247 Sports Composite Wright said in May. “He’s the
tainty as high school se- Strong on Tuesday after- stands in his commitment Rankings (Hattiesburg, MS; type of corner now that all the
niors finalize their college noon, MSU’s class currently with the Hokies, though the Mississippi Gulf Coast C.C.) big time programs want, be-
selections during the ear- sits at No. 34 nationally and Bulldogs remain a favorite to A one-time Oregon com- cause at some point they’re
ly signing period, which No. 10 in the Southeastern land him when the early sign- mit, Perkins would be a mas- going to try a big athlete out
begins Wednesday. Many Conference. ing period opens. All seven sive haul for Mike Leach and there and try to get you one-
signings will bond a play- With that, here’s a look at Crystal Ball predictions cur- company this late in the re- on-one, man (coverage) and
some names outside MSU’s rently have Boone f lipping cruiting process. MSU has he’s the type with his body
See RECRUITING, 3B 17 high school commits to from Virginia Tech to MSU. been recruiting Perkins for See MSU, 2B
2B WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Giannis Antetokounmpo agrees to extension with Bucks

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS agreed to a five-year ex- real – but it’s all because gustin, Torrey Craig and Miami last season, with ed Antetokounmpo
tension worth $228 mil- of hard work. This is my Bryn Forbes. Antetok- Antetokounmpo missing out of Greece with the
MILWAUKEE — Gi- lion that includes an opt- home and I’m going to ounmpo called those off- most of Game 4 and all of 15th overall pick in the
annis Antetokounmpo out clause in 2025. continue working hard season moves “amazing” Game 5 with a sprained 2013 draft. The 6 -foot-
has agreed to a supermax “This is my home, this and do my best to make without indicating wheth- right ankle. In 2019, the 11 “Greek Freak” has
extension with the Mil- is my city,” Antetokoun- the Bucks, our fans and er he planned to sign the Bucks reached the East- career averages of 20.1
waukee Bucks that takes mpo said in his post on so- the city proud.” extension. ern Conference finals points, 8.9 rebounds and
the two-time reigning cial media. “I’m blessed to His decision means “At the end of the day, and took a 2-0 lead over 4.3 assists per game.
MVP off next summer’s be able to be a part of the the Bucks will hang on the team is going to take eventual NBA champion Last season, he aver-
free-agent market. Milwaukee Bucks for the to their biggest star since care of what they’re going Toronto before dropping aged 29.5 points, 13.6
“I’m blessed to be a next 5 years. Let’s make Hall of Famer Kareem to do,” Antetokounmpo four straight. rebounds and 5.6 assists
part of the Milwaukee these years count. The Abdul-Jabbar, who led said last week. “Off the The Bucks under- while winning his sec-
Bucks for the next 5 show goes on, let’s get it.” Milwaukee to its lone court, they tried to im- stood the importance of ond straight MVP award.
years,” Antetokounmpo Bucks co-owners Marc NBA title in 1971, but de- prove this team as much Antetokounmpo’s deci- He also was named the
posted Tuesday on his so- Lasry, Wes Edens and manded a trade and was as possible. We’ve had the sion to the future of the NBA Defensive Player of
cial media platforms. The Jamie Dinan said in a dealt to the Los Angeles best regular-season team franchise. When Ante- the Year.
Bucks announced later in statement that “Giannis Lakers in 1975. the last two years and that tokounmpo celebrated “His work ethic and
the day that Antetokoun- is a once in a generation The Bucks paid a hefty shows you that the team his birthday on Dec. 6, desire to be the best epit-
mpo had signed an exten- player and we are beyond price to revamp their ros- and the front office cares each of his teammates omize what the Bucks
sion without announcing excited for him to remain ter this offseason in an about improving the team jokingly gave him a pen stand for and what our
the terms or length. with the Bucks.” attempt to persuade Ante- every single year. Me, on as a present in hopes future holds,” the Bucks
The 26-year-old An- “This is a big moment tokounmpo to stay. They the court, I’m going to try he’d use one to sign his co-owners said in their
tetokounmpo had un- for me and my family and dealt away guards Eric to improve individually extension. statement. “We thank
til Monday to sign the I want to thank the Bucks Bledsoe and George Hill, and help my teammates After Antetokounmpo Giannis and his family
Bucks’ supermax exten- organization for believ- first-round draft pick R.J. improve, also.” announced his decision, for their long-term com-
sion offer. If he turned it ing in us,” Antetokoun- Hampton and two more Despite that regu- All-Star forward Khris mitment to Milwaukee
down, Antetokounmpo mpo said in a statement first-round selections as lar-season success, the Middleton tweeted to and we look forward to
could have become a free released by the team. part of a package to ac- A ntetokounmpo -led Bucks teammate Pat many years of success.
agent after the upcoming “You took a chance on us quire Jrue Holiday. Bucks have yet to reach Connaughton: “I hope he This is a momentous day
season. eight years ago and now They also overhauled the NBA Finals. Milwau- uses the pens we all gave for the Bucks, our fans
The Athletic and Sta- putting my signature on their bench by adding kee lost a second-round him!!” and the state of Wiscon-
dium reported that he a contract like this is un- Bobby Portis, D.J. Au- series in five games to Milwaukee select- sin.”

Column: A major success getting in 7 major championships

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Davis could only smile Open this year and would Open at Royal Troon and er would contemplate in played it safe by staying
and shake his head on the be forced to cancel. That Kim at the U.S. Women’s April. home in South Korea and
HOUSTON — Already eve of the Women’s Open freed up September, the Open — had never even Turns out Augusta Na- skipping three majors.
the latest a major cham- when thinking back to USGA made sure the date played a major. tional can’t control every- She was runner-up in the
pionship had ever been the possibilities and the would work with Winged Rory McIlroy was thing. Who knew? U.S. Women’s Open by
played, it was only fitting last-minute phone calls Foot, and so it was. among those who said And yes, the climate one shot.
the U.S. Women’s Open as golf was trying to re- That only one major — he didn’t do a good job from late fall led to some It was nothing like the
had to go an additional configure a schedule that the oldest one — wasn’t adjusting to the lack of mud on golf balls at the NBA bubble in Florida.
day because of rain. worked for everyone. played is remarkable. buzz. For those players Masters and U.S. Wom- The PGA Tour, Cham-
Equally appropriate for September was proba- Between the men and who wondered how Tiger en’s Open, which was pions and LPGA Tour
the conclusion of this sur- bly the latest the British women, golf staged seven Woods dealt with chaos smartly referred to by combined to play 44 do-
real season was the win- Open could be played be- majors in five U.S. states around him, he got a taste Dottie Pepper on the CBS mestic tournaments in
ner, A Lim Kim, wearing cause of weather and day- (two in California sepa- of their world with hardly broadcast at Augusta Na- 24 states. There were no
a mask while she played. light in England. The PGA rated by one month, 500 anyone watching. tional as “organic matter.” stoppages, no last-min-
“I’m OK to get positive Championship was going miles and more than 50 Everyone played in the Dustin Johnson man- ute changes like in foot-
tests for COVID-19, but I from May to August. The degrees in temperature) same environment. The aged fine. He had a clump ball.
don’t want to affect other Masters was going from and Scotland. low score won. That didn’t of mud on the right side USC began this week
people,” Kim said. April to November. Davis No tickets were sold. change. of his ball in the 10th fair- preparing to play Wash-
What a year. said the USGA thought The courses were not The ANA Inspiration way and said he aimed ington in the Pac-12
Mike Davis, the retir- about consecutive weeks devoid of spectators be- in the California desert right of the bunker to- Championship, only for
ing CEO of the USGA, in December to stage a cause of player guests (a moved from early spring ward the bushes and Washington to cancel
couldn’t help but think U.S. Open for women and spouse, a parent); photog- to late summer, and when trusted it would move left because of COVID-19
about what almost was. men. raphers, writers and sup- temperatures climbed (it did). He had mud on and be replaced by Or-
Imagine the USGA He said he called Los port staff for the broad- toward 120 degrees, the the left side of his ball on egon. Imagine turning
leaving the wintry chill of Angeles Country Club, cast; and tournament and LPGA Tour wisely al- No. 11. Aim a little left? “I up at Winged Foot for a
Houston on Monday and site of the 2023 U.S. club officials. The Mas- lowed carts for caddies can’t start this in the wa- day of practice and be-
heading straight to Los Open, but the greens on ters allowed Augusta Na- all week and for players ter,” he said. From right ing told the U.S. Open
Angeles for a U.S. Open the North course were tional members, who only during practice. of the green, he saved par. instead would be played
at Riviera the week before not ready. So he called wore their green jackets Augusta National was Exquisite. at Oakmont.
Christmas. It was one day Riviera Country Club, if they were on a tourna- stunning in autumn col- Through it all, golf was The seven majors
away from happening. which asked for 24 hours ment committee (Peyton ors, and while it looked seamless. were played in a span of
And it’s a reminder to consider, and called Manning apparently isn’t mostly the same on TV, Johnson was the big- 130 days, even with an
that piecing together back to accept. on a committee yet). spells of warm weather gest star to test positive extra day in Houston.
a major championship “We were ready to go,” Observers can only kept the Bermuda grass for the coronavirus, cost- The ANA Inspiration is
schedule among seven Davis said. speculate whether the si- from going entirely dor- ing him two tournaments. 107 days away. No tell-
golf organizations in the Press releases were lence helped or hurt. Six mant, leading to a differ- Sergio Garcia and Joaquin ing what 2021 will bring.
middle of a pandemic was prepared for the surprise of the seven winners had ent variety of shots. The Niemann had to with- But if golf can make
tougher than trying to hit announcement. And then never won a major. Two course was so soft that draw from the Masters. it through this year, it
a mud-splotched ball with the R&A concluded it of them — Sophia Popov players took aim at spots Jin Young Ko, the No. 1 should be ready for any-
a 5-iron. could not host the British in the Women’s British on the greens they nev- player in women’s golf, thing.

‘Bama, ND, Clemson, OSU enter champ weekend in CFP position

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pares to play Florida for the Notre Dame — the current ite to LSU. Georgia (7-2) is tendance, including family Rose Bowl’s appeal to
Southeastern Conference top four likely would be re- eighth and Cincinnati (8-0) members of the players. government officials to
Alabama, Notre Dame, championship. ordered a bit and placed in is ninth after not playing That has become a allow the families of stu-
Clemson and Ohio State The Fighting Irish (10- the semifinals. for two weeks because of point of discussion among dent-athletes to attend
will enter championship 0) are second and Clemson If the Irish beat the Ti- COVID-19 issues. the 10 FBS conference will be permitted, just as
weekend in position to is third going into their gers for the second time The unbeaten Bearcats commissioners who make student-athlete families
make the College Football Atlantic Coast Conference this season, the selection host Tulsa, which is 23rd, up the playoff manage- will be welcomed at the
Playoff with very little dra- championship game. committee’s job becomes a in the American Athletic ment committee. Notre Sugar Bowl, the other
ma. Ohio State (5-0) is little trickier. Conference title game. Dame athletic director New Years’ Six games
In fact, where the semi- fourth going into the Big After Texas A&M (7-1), The semifinals are Jack Swarbrick is also a and the Championship
finals will be played might Ten title game against Iowa State (8-2) is sixth scheduled to be played part of the management game in Miami,” Hancock
be more in doubt than who Northwestern, and Texas heading into the Big 12 Jan. 1 at the Rose Bowl in committee. said in a statement.
will play in them. A&M is on deck at No. 5. title game against No. 10 Pasadena, California, and CFP executive director During a conference
The top five teams were The Aggies play at Ten- Oklahoma. No team with the Sugar Bowl in New Or- Bill Hancock said the Rose call with reporters Tues-
locked into their plac- nessee in their last regu- two losses has ever made leans. Bowl remains the site of day night, Hancock de-
es Tuesday night for the lar-season game Saturday. the playoff. The current COVID-19 the game. clined to say if the game
fourth straight week, with If all the favorites win Florida (8-2) dropped restrictions in California “As we move forward would be moved out of
the Crimson Tide (10-0) — that includes Clemson only one spot to seventh will prohibit the Rose Bowl with our planning, we California if the restric-
leading the way as it pre- (9-1) in the rematch with after losing as a big favor- from having any fans in at- continue to hope that the tion was not lifted.

Continued from Page 1B
type that really can match up with Five Conference schools. Given how thin MSU was on the lowing the dismissal of Will Mus-
that.” While the 247 Sports Composite defensive front this year coupled with champ in Columbia. MSU has already
Since decommitting from Oregon Rankings have him rated as a three- the likely departures of Kobe Jones added one former Gamecock pledge
two weeks ago, Perkins has picked star prospect, 247 Sports’ in-house and Marquiss Spencer, Anderson in three-star receiver Rodarius Thom-
up offers from Arizona State, LSU rankings have him more than 100 would go a long way in addressing an as, and Price would be the second.
and Florida State. A recent offer from slots higher nationally and listed as a immediate need next fall, even if it’s It’s not altogether clear whether
Oklahoma could also factor in. four-star guy. just as a depth piece with high end po- MSU is willing to take as many as six
As of Tuesday, eight of Perkins’ “One of the more imposing pass tential. receivers in the 2021 class, but Price
11 Crystal Ball predictions have him rushers in the Sunshine State this could be the missing running back
heading to MSU. He’s already an- commit the Bulldogs stand to add to
nounced he won’t publicly commit
cycle given explosive first step and
ability to bend,” 247 Sports South-
Three-star WR Simeon Price — No. this year’s group.
anywhere until Christmas Day, but east Recruiting Analyst Andrew Ivins 564 in 247 Sports Composite
don’t be surprised if his signature is wrote. “Launches out of his stance Rankings (Pensacola, FL) Other names to watch:
sent in behind closed doors this week and doesn’t give his target much time MSU hasn’t been shy on adding re- Four-star CB Damarius McGhee —
and revealed then. to escape. Effective with his hands. ceivers in its 2021 class. With the ex- No. 185 247 Sports Composite (Pen-
Hasn’t been asked to cover much, but pected commitment of four-star Kos- sacola, FL)
Three-star WDE Deonte Anderson doubles as a tight end on offense and ciusko pass-catcher Antonio Harmon Four-star WR Antonio Harmon
is athletic enough to get open on a coupled with the potential for fellow — No. 298 in 247 Sports Composite
— No. 386 player in 247 Sports regular basis.” four-star Malik Nabers to fall out of Rankings (Kosciusko, MS)
Composite Rankings MSU currently has just one de- MSU’s contingent should LSU make Three-star RB Jarquez Hunter
(Fort Meade, FL) fensive lineman committed in its a strong push, Price would be a nice — No. 739 in 247 Sports Composite
Anderson has been as big a riser 2021 class in Georgia defensive end insurance add for the Bulldogs if he Rankings (Philadelphia, MS)
as anyone in the 2021 class. Since Tre’von Marshall. The Bulldogs are stays at receiver. Three-star DE Ty Cooper —No.
March, Anderson has picked up 17 of- also in play for in-state defensive end A former South Carolina commit, 1192 in 247 Sports Composite Rank-
fers — 14 of which came from Power Ty Cooper. Price reopened his recruitment fol- ings (Louisville, MS)
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B
Huffman also credited Columbus girls 63, “I practice that shot Bozeman said her team game is Thursday KOSCIUSKO — The
Young, who had 20 points, almost every single day,” needed to improve its de- against Smithville. Starkville High School
including four 3-pointers. West Lowndes 28 Yeates said. “My coach fense and ball handling, girls soccer team beat
His second trey, roughly The Falcons’ girls told me, ‘This is your shot. both of which lapsed Starkville Academy Kosciusko 3-0 in Tues-
three minutes into the sec- team knew what to get This is your sweet spot, so against the Falcons as the 48, Winston Academy 34 day’s road match.
ond quarter, broke a 33-33 coach Yvonne Hairston for I want you to practice it.’” game went on and the defi- STARKVILLE — The Meg Rodgers and
tie; Columbus never gave Christmas: a blowout win. As Yeates found her cit mounted. Tydajasha Starkville Academy girls Skyler Miller had goals
up the lead. After a narrow over- groove, so did the rest of Hood led West Lowndes earned a 48-34 win over for the Yellow Jackets
“That boy played solid time loss to Noxubee the Falcons. Junior Makay- with 16 points, but no one Winston Academy in in the first half. Sara
today,” Burnett said of County last Tuesday and la Rieves had nine points else had more than four. Tuesday’s home game. Pinzon scored in the
Young. “He played a good a road game at Starkville in the second quarter, se- “We knew they were Lillee Alpe had 13 second half.
game. He was able to con- in which the Jackets near- nior DJ Jackson added six, going to come in hard,” points to lead the Vol- Starkville’s next
tribute and help the team ly erased a sizable deficit, and Columbus stretched Hairston said. “I didn’t ex- unteers. Fallon Parker match is Jan. 2 at Saltil-
get a win.” Columbus hoped to coast its lead to as much as 30 in pect to win that big, to be added 11 for Starkville lo.
Young added two in its final game: Tuesday’s taking a 43-14 lead into the honest with you.” Academy.
more 3-balls as Colum- home contest against West break. Still, Columbus will Starkville Academy is Caledonia 1, Moorev-
bus stretched its lead Lowndes. “We’ve been trying certainly take it. The Fal- scheduled to play Satur- ille 0 (OT)
to as big as 65-45 with a The Falcons (5-2) exe- to get into some kind of cons’ next game is Jan. 8 day at the Shan White- CALEDONIA — The
minute and 40 seconds to cuted their plan to perfec- rhythm,” said Hairston, at Grenada to open district side Classic at DeSoto Caledonia girls beat
go. tion in a 63-28 win, jump- whose team rolled to the play, and Hairston said Central High School in Mooreville 1-0 in over-
“I knew that we had ing on top of the Panthers MHSAA Class 5A cham- Tuesday’s contest will help Southaven. time in Tuesday’s home
the game after we went (1-4) early and keeping pionship in March. “I feel them prepare for it. match.
up 20,” Burnett said. the pressure on through- like we’ve been playing not “We wanted to have a Prep Boys Basketball Jane Claire Newman
Columbus contin- out the contest. up to our potential.” win like that so we can Starkville 73, Calhoun had the winning goal for
ued a solid season de- “We came out with that That changed Tues- get in here and clean up City 26 the Cavaliers.
spite three losses to top mentality that we needed day for the Falcons, but some stuff that I didn’t CALHOUN CITY Caledonia will host
teams in MHSA A Class to go up and stay up — once again, the Panthers feel like we did very well — The Starkville High Shannon on Friday.
don’t let them catch up,” struggled. West Lowndes and try to really focus,” School boys improved
4A (Pontotoc), Class 5A
Columbus junior forward went undefeated in the Hairston said. to 8-0 with a 73-26 road Prep Boys Soccer
(Center Hill) and Class
Charity Yeates said. regular season last year win over Calhoun City Starkville 8, Koscius-
6A (Starkville). The Fal-
cons haven’t had a full
Yeates was fundamen- and reached the Class 1A Other scores on Tuesday. ko 0
tal in achieving that goal, semifinals but has won just Prep Girls Basketball Coltie Young led the KOSCIUSKO — The
team at any practice or
scoring the first six Fal- one of its first five games Itawamba Agricultur- Yellow Jackets with 27 Starkville boys put up
game yet, but they hope cons points and 13 of her this winter. Of course, al 66, Caledonia 43 points, and Makhi Myles an 8-0 road win over
to get starters Tre Dis- game-high 19 in the first games against the likes added 13. Kosciusko on Tuesday.
muke and Ethan Conner quarter alone. With 25.4 of Columbus, Starkville Caledonia girls basket- Dominique Bush had
back by the time they seconds to go in the first and Kosciusko presented ball team lost to Itawam- Itawamba Agricultur- four goals for the Yellow
next play, currently set quarter, she corralled a re- a greater challenge, West ba Agricultural 66 -43 on al 56, Caledonia 37 Jackets.
for Dec. 29 in the New bound after multiple miss- Lowndes coach Takeea Tuesday in Fulton. Starkville Academy Ethan Pulliam had
Hope Holiday Classic. es by her teammates and Bozeman said. Tenyzia Lathan had 63, Winston Academy 10 two, and Ashton Staton
“We’ll get everybody sank a midrange jumper “Playing these tough 12 points to lead the and Holloway Wilsey
back together,” Mor- plus the foul to put Colum- teams, they bring out your Cavaliers, and Amaiya Prep Girls Soccer each had one.
ris said. “It should be a bus up 21-9 at the end of weaknesses that you’ve Quinn scored seven. Starkville 3, Koscius- Caledonia 7, Moorev-
good thing for us.” the period. got to work on,” she said. Caledonia’s next ko 0 ille 0

Continued from Page 1B
er and coach who haven’t and how good they are at against Power Five talent. the time the pandemic Schools also could That could force tough
yet spent time in the same the end of the day, as op- Of course, most schools arrived. Those schools face a long-term roster decisions on how many of
room. posed to the beginning of without fall seasons don’t don’t know as much crunch. this year’s high school ju-
“Almost half of our play- the day. All of those things have top-100 recruits on about the juniors without When the NCAA niors to eventually sign,
ers that are going to sign, are just out the window.” campus to give their pros- having evaluated them in granted college athletes extending COVID-19’s
we haven’t met face to face The lack of official vis- pects similar showcases. person. the opportunity for an ex- impact on recruiting long
or shook hands,” Minne- its under pandemic-im- “For the West Coast “The ’22 class, you’re tra year of eligibility due after the pandemic itself
sota coach P.J. Fleck said. posed NCAA restrictions states, I think there’s go- going to have to really to the pandemic, it per- has faded.
There are various opin- also has caused problems. ing to be a lot more kids be careful in your vetting mitted seniors to come “It’s definitely been
ions over the pandemic’s Coaches liked seeing how who may sign in Febru- and what you’re getting back without counting super challenging to say
short-term impact. each recruit interacted ary or post-February be- and not just go off statis- against their team’s 85- the least,” Montinar said.
About 80% of last year’s with prospective team- cause there’s just not go- tics or old film,” Wiscon- man scholarship limit. “But the flip side to it is
Football Bowl Subdivision mates during those visits. ing to be a lot of evidence sin director of player per- That 85-man limit will everyone’s playing by the
recruits signed in Decem- “You get a better feel for them to show they’re sonnel Saeed Khalif said. likely return in 2022. same rules. It is what it is.”
ber rather than waiting un- for kids and their families college-level athletes,”
til February. Mike Farrell, when you’re face to face,” Negro said. “California.
the director of recruiting Florida State recruiting Oregon. Washington.
for Rivals, doesn’t expect coordinator David John- Nevada. Those are some
that percentage to change son said. “It’s a little differ- pretty good football areas
while Barton Simmons, ent on Zoom.” in terms of having kids
the 247Sports director of Those restrictions also who can play at the next
scouting, believes fewer have prevented coaches level who aren’t having
prospects will sign early from touring high schools any kind of experience.”
this time. or attending games. Ohio St. John Bosco defen-
The pandemic didn’t State defensive coordina- sive end Iele Moore fits
necessarily hinder elite tor Kerry Coombs said he that profile.
recruits who already were likes to talk to the janitor The former rugby
being heavily pursued. But and lunch lady to learn player from New Zea-
it caused headaches for more about the player land moved to the United
other prospects looking to away from football. Not States last year. Moore is
raise their stock at camps this year. listed at 6-foot-3 and 265
or high school games that “That’s hard to do, pounds on the 247Sports
never took place. right?” Coombs said. “You database and has Power
“I’ve had several high can’t Zoom the janitor.” Five physical skills.
school coaches here in It has been even tough- But he lacks varsity
Florida call me about er on the prospects them- game experience. Moore,
some 2021 guys that they selves. That’s particularly who says he has an offer
had who are really, really true in the 16 states, in- from Duke, is waiting un-
good players that had FBS cluding California, that til February to sign and
offers,” South Florida re- didn’t have a fall high hoping California’s high
cruiting coordinator Jules school football season. school football season
Montinar said. “And all of Jason Negro coaches starts by then.
a sudden, now they’ve got St. John Bosco, a national “Right now, a lot of the
nothing.” prep power in Bellflower, coaches are just waiting
College staffs feel California. He has been for me to get the pads
hamstrung because they sending out tapes of com- on,” Moore said.
couldn’t evaluate players bine-style workouts show- High school juniors
in the usual manner. ing the height, weights, may get hampered even
“We’ve been really wingspans and speed of more, even if the NCAA
dependent upon camps,” players. ends the recruiting dead
Duke coach David Cut- He also mailed out period April 15 rather
cliffe said. “We’ve signed tapes matching his cor- than extending it once
a lot of people out of nerbacks up with Clem- again.
camps where we can get son-bound wide receiver Many Power Five pro-
our hands on guys, coach and St. John Bosco senior grams already had as-
them and see what their Beaux Collins to show col- sembled much of their
effort levels are and what lege staffs how those de- classes or had narrowed
their character’s about fensive backs would fare down their targets by

Continued from Page 1B
other coaching search- his staff. After pivoting his previous deal was
es. “First of all I get to from an accepted offer $600,000. It’s unclear
work with an absolute- at Syracuse, Arnett has what the terms of the
ly fantastic head coach guided the Bulldogs to extension are at present.
who’s a future Hall of the Southeastern Con- Brown arrived at
Famer, obviously. So for ference’s fourth-best MSU following a six sea-
a young coach to get to defense despite a litany son spell working with
learn from (Leach) and of injuries, COVID-19 Leach at Washington
the other guys on the positive tests and con-
State. Under his guid-
staff who’ve had a lot tact tracing-related ab-
ance, the Bulldogs have
more years experience sences.
and a lot more knowl- A former linebacker revamped their strength
edge — the opportunity at New Mexico, he spent and conditioning pro-
to learn from those guys the past four seasons gram, including adding
is incredibly invaluable.” as an assistant coach at the well documented
Arnett has been a San Diego State before sand pit alongside the
fixture of success amid heading to Starkville. practice fields at the Leo
an up and down first According to USA To- Seal Jr. Football Com-
season for Leach and day, Arnett’s salary on plex.
4B WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Ravens hope win over Browns provides spark for playoff push
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS guys had faith and trust and belief, and “All these games coming up are play- fourth quarter, the last on a four-play
sometimes, that’s what it takes.” off games,” tight end Mark Andrews drive that took just 47 seconds from start
An emotional, uplifting victory on the Baltimore’s defense barely made it to said. to finish.
road against a division rival strongly en- the finish after injuries in the backfield “The offense bailed us out,” corner-
hanced the Baltimore Ravens’ chances of
reaching the playoffs and provided a posi-
forced special teams standout Anthony
Levine to join the fray and cornerback
What’s working back Marlon Humphrey acknowledged.
Baltimore’s strength is its running
tive vibe during a season marred by inju- Marcus Peters to limp onto the huddle
ries, a three-game skid and an outbreak without consulting with team doctors.
game, and that was really the key to Stock up
victory against the Browns in spite of Gus Edwards ran for 49 yards on
of COVID-19. “We had so many guys going down on Jackson’s crisp passing in the waning only seven carries and had his first
Now, with a soft schedule in front of defense, just trying to get 11 guys on the
moments. Jackson accounted for 124 of two-touchdown game. With Edwards
them, the Ravens need to get healthy field was a challenge,” Harbaugh said.
Baltimore’s 231 yards rushing on just and J.K. Dobbins rambling for big yard-
and finish strong. The victory was Baltimore’s second
nine carries, and the Ravens tallied age over the past few games, veteran
Baltimore (8-5) used a brilliant finish straight following a three-game los-
by quarterback Lamar Jackson and a 55- five touchdowns on the ground. Balti- Mark Ingram appears to have been
ing streak perpetuated by a bout with
yard field goal by reliable Justin Tucker more has run for at least 100 yards in 36 phased out. Ingram didn’t get a carry
COVID-19 that depleted the roster and
to squeeze out a 47-42 victory over the straight games, seven short of the NFL against the Browns despite being in the
caused the rescheduling of matchups
Cleveland Browns on Monday night. record. starting lineup.
with Pittsburgh and Dallas.
Jackson missed one series and part Still, the Ravens are not assured a
of another with cramps before emerg- playoff berth, even if they win out against What needs help Stock down
ing from the locker room to lead a pair Jacksonville (1-12), the New York Giants Pity poor defensive coordinator Don Cornerback Davontae Harris was ex-
of scoring drives in the closing minutes (5-8) and Cincinnati (2-10-1). Baltimore Martindale, who was more concerned posed as the weakest link in the back-
after the Ravens’ short-handed defense is chasing several teams for a wild-card with getting healthy bodies on the field field after Jimmy Smith left with a shoul-
blew a 14-point lead. spot, including Miami, also 8-5 but cur- than devising a plan to stop Cleveland’s der injury. Claimed off waivers from
Soon after the epic duel ended, coach rently with the tiebreaking edge be- robust attack. The Browns ran for 138 Denver last month, Harris struggled
John Harbaugh declared, “It’s a game cause of winning percentage within the yards and passed for 355. Worse, Cleve- mightily in coverage before leaving with
that’s going to go down in history. Our conference. land scored three touchdowns in the an injury of his own.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: but I pay more have continually posted photos
Although I than he does. of themselves and the kids
have been He tells me maskless with friends, hugging
divorced from what to eat and each other and acting as if life
who I can talk is normal. My daughter-in-law
my ex for eight to. I can’t have has told me she’s “scared” and
years, we still live company. Yet he does the “wear a mask” thing
together. There wants to know why and shares routine online posts,
is not — nor will I’m not dating. etc., yet she continues having
there ever be I can’t save any people over.
— more than a money so I can get In normal circumstances, it’s
platonic relation- out. I’m stuck, and difficult for me to visit. I want
ship between us, he knows it. What to visit them, but every time I
ZITS and I have made
do I do? — HORRI-
consider it, I see them on social
media with someone else, sans
that abundantly MAINE mask and no social distancing.
clear to him. DEAR HORRI- I’m sure they would say their
It wasn’t always BLE SITUATION: friends are all healthy, but none
a bad situation, Dear Abby You owe this man of us can know for certain who
but now it’s worse nothing. You are their friends have been around.
than I could have being treated like It’s like dominoes, and it’s scary.
ever imagined it would be. He a serf, and it has been going on I don’t know how to explain
drinks heavily on a daily basis far too long. If you have family this to them because I know they
and becomes verbally abusive. or friends you can stay with until will feel I’m being ridiculous.
He has a woman over a lot, and I you save enough for a place of Also, my DIL is super sensitive
can’t sleep when she’s here. your own, start asking now. That and would be hurt and insult-
She’s a drunk, too, and she should enable you to save more ed. I love them. I don’t want to
also abuses her prescription money because you won’t be pay- alienate them. I’m ready to just
medications. At least half the ing for cable, electricity, propane, take my chances, although my
time when she’s here, I have etc. for your ex. other daughter is against it. What
GARFIELD to lift her passed-out body off P.S. When the girlfriend should I do? — CAUTIOUS IN
the floor and drag her off to his passes out, do not lift or drag NEW YORK
bedroom. She steals money, her anywhere. That is your ex’s DEAR CAUTIOUS: Many
cigarettes, food and booze all privilege and not your responsibil- people have grown complacent
the time. ity. With the load you’re already about mask wearing and social
He dismisses me when I carrying, the last thing you need distancing. That’s unfortunate
bring up her behavior. He tells is a strained back. because, as I write this, “mask
me to shut up or get out. I pay DEAR ABBY: I am at high risk fatigue” has led to an increase
for everything except the rent for COVID. My oldest son and in the number of people testing
and homeowner’s insurance. his family live an hour and a half positive for the virus. Your
Cable, electric, oil, propane and away. They have two children at concerns are valid, and I hope
groceries are my responsibility. I home. Their daughter is also at you will stick to your guns. As a
also do all the inside and outside high risk. member of a high-risk group, your
chores. I earn less than he does, During this pandemic, they life could depend on it.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. As soon as you put a word to eryone happier, especially you.
16). There is no consensus how you are feeling, the feeling LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
on what constitutes a lifestyle is subtly changed into some- Knowing that your role in a
upgrade. Your genius will be thing your consciousness can group is essential and that you
in sensing the change that’s process. There are times when are crucial to the outcome of
right for you and then bravely this helps and other times when other people’s goals, you often
opening yourself to a generous wordlessness is divine. make decisions based on what
source and accepting what GEMINI (May 21-June 21). everyone needs but you. Press
comes. Settling into the new Your powers of mind control are pause on that tendency today.
groove will take some creative augmented, and you’ll guide Act in self-interest.
problem-solving. Supportive alli- your own thoughts as an expert VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
ances help, too. Leo and Cancer rider would guide an obedient It can take a long time to learn
adore you. Your lucky numbers horse; the slightest tension on the ropes, or it can take a short
are: 9, 28, 1, 44 and 16. the reins and your thoughts time. Being your own teacher
BABY BLUES ARIES (March 21-April 19). go off in the direction of your is the hard way. You’re better
There are many levels beyond choosing. off looking around, reaching
excellence. You’ll elevate a CANCER (June 22-July 22). out and even paying to avoid
work by fusing the styles you People want what they want. needless confusion.
already know and adding your Don’t wait for someone to LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
own unusual elements. The desire in the same direction or When you don’t know what to
fresh approach will impress and intensity as you. Whatever you do to support another person,
fascinate. can do to release others from just try something. Effort will
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). your expectations will make ev- be admirable, regardless of
how it lands. That you care to
respond at all is, in and of itself,
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Even though “no drama”
is among your proclamations,
BEETLE BAILEY the fact is that without some
degree of tension and conflict,
the story of a relationship would
be mighty boring. Maybe change
your mantra to “some drama.”
21). You’ll be made aware of
how the word “responsibility”
means something different to
everyone. The standard you
hold yourself to is so far from
universal, it may as well come
from a different ZIP code of the
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
MALLARD FILLMORE 19). Charm can be used for be-
nevolent or nefarious purposes.
Distrust it in others today, and
that goes double for yourself.
Question motives. Why is it, do
you think, that this added layer
of social grease is suddenly
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). The need to socialize and
the reliance on other people
for survival will be noticeably
balanced by an individual and
hard-to-explain need for tran-
quility and a connection with
FAMILY CIRCUS something beyond human.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You will get the same mes-
sage that others get, but you’ll
hear something very different
in it. If language is a code, then
you crack it, deciphering the
intent and motive behind each

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Cozy comfort
in a jar
Make this cheeseball for your own
table or to give as a holiday happy.

W the season
e all know the feeling.
The countdown is on for
St. Nick’s worldwide tour,
and we’re still looking for ways to
share a little holiday cheer with
a neighbor, a friend or perhaps a
child’s teacher. Something with a
personal touch is always appreci-
with taste
ated, and something tasty usually

doubly so. While many of us are he holiday season and all its
spending a little (or a lot) more celebrating often means full
time at home, consider putting days of visiting family and
together “happies” of hearty, friends, opening gifts and enjoying
satisfying “soups in a jar.” Measure moments with loved ones, even if
out the dry ingredients, layer them much of that interaction may take
in a mason jar and attach a recipe. place virtually this year. With all
It has the thoughtful homemade the laughter and happiness, you’re
touch and, as a bonus, it’s an bound to get hungry, and feeding
affordable route to take in a season the family throughout the day
when budgets are often strained. means you’ll need recipe ideas
Form an assembly line of jars ready for the occasion.
and fill them with the fixings for Starting the big day with a
a favorite soup or chili recipe. (It bountiful breakfast helps begin
works for most cookie ingredi- the festivities on a high note, while
ents, too, of course.) You can put appetizers help hold everyone over
together enough for everyone on for the main course, which usually
your list in fairly short order. The includes a golden brown turkey.
layers make a pretty present and Visit to find more
the end result will warm up a chilly holiday meal ideas.
night. Finish off the jars with fes-
tive ribbon; perhaps tie a wooden One terrific turkey
spoon or holiday pot holder on, too. Centering your holiday meal
There are plenty of ways to make around a turkey cooked to golden
them special. perfection is the ideal way to serve a feast. Without the right prepara-
More DIY from the kitchen Soups or chilis in a jar lend a homemade touch to holiday expressions of
friendship and appreciation.
tion and execution, however, your
Food and nutrition specialist bird could fall short. To ensure
Julie Garden-Robinson and Exten- your holiday dinner centerpiece
sion Educator Alice Henneman, FRIENDSHIP SOUP MIX Note: To avoid overcooked pasta in
leftovers, add the appropriate amount of lives up to expectations, follow
for North Dakota State University, macaroni to the portion being served. these simple tips, from purchase
To put in jar:
posted additional ideas found at 1/2 cup dry split peas to plate:
food.unl.extension. n Buy the right bird. Finding a
n Create a recipe booklet with
2 tablespoons beef bouillon granules
1/4 cup pearl barley
COUNTRY CHILI MIX turkey that’s just the right size for
favorite holiday recipes. Copy them 1/2 cup dry lentils your expected party is the start
1/4 cup dry, minced onions To put in jar:
onto festive recipe cards, punch 1 pound kidney beans to a successful gathering. One
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
a hole in the corner of the cards 1/2 cup rice 3 tablespoons chili powder common rule of thumb is the buy 1
and tie them together with holiday 1/2 cup macaroni noodles 2 tablespoons dehydrated onions pound of turkey per person — so,
ribbons. Holiday photo albums can 1 tablespoon garlic salt for a 10-person meal, purchase a
To make the soup: 1 teaspoon oregano 10-pound turkey. Don’t forget that
also be used to hold recipes. 1 container Friendship Soup mix 3/4 teaspoon salt
n Fill a holiday mug with pack- 1 pound lean ground beef or turkey 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional) nearly everyone loves leftovers,
ets of flavored tea, hot cocoa or 3 quarts water (To reduce sodium, substitute garlic powder so you may consider buying a few
coffee. Or tie a packet of soup mix 1 (28-ounce) can diced tomatoes for some of the garlic salt.) pounds more than necessary.
to a large wooden spoon. Include a n Be patient. If you opt for a fro-
To make the chili: zen turkey, don’t rush the thawing
bowl and package of biscuit mix. n To put in jar: In a clean, quart-sized 1 container Country Chili Mix
n Repurpose old tins, filling jar, layer all the ingredients except the process. For larger turkeys, it can
macaroni. Place the macaroni in a sand- 10 cups water (for soaking beans)
them with cookies, muffins or 1 (8-ounce) can reduced-sodium tomato take days to defrost properly.
wich bag and place it on top of the other
holiday goodies. ingredients. Cover the jar tightly with a sauce n Timing is everything. Find-
1 (24-ounce) can diced tomatoes ing the right amount of time for
Below are some recipes suited lid, decorate it and attach a copy of the
1 pound ground beef or turkey
to soup in a jar gifts, from food.unl. recipe card. your turkey to spend in the oven is
n Recipe to make soup: Brown meat and 6 cups water (for cooking beans)
extension — a soup, a chili and a crucial but not always the easiest
drain. Place in a large pot and add the
cornbread to complement them. water and tomatoes. Add soup mix except n To put in jar: Pour the kidney beans into thing to do. For an 8-12-pound
These include what to put in the macaroni. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and a clean quart-sized jar. In a small bowl, bird, aim for 2.5-3.5 hours; 12-
simmer for one hour. Add macaroni and mix the remaining ingredients. Pour mix- 16 pounds for 3.5-4 hours; 16-20
jar, and also the rest of the recipe ture into a clear sandwich bag and place
your gift recipient will need to
continue cooking for another 10 to 15
it on top of the beans. Cover the jar tightly
pounds for 4-4.5 hours, and so on.
minutes (until macaroni is done). For best The key is bringing the turkey to a
make the finished product. flavor, use this mix within one year. Makes with a lid, decorate and attach a copy of
Enjoy the tastes of the season. 12 servings. See SOUP, 6B temperature reading of 170 F.
n Let it rest. Instead of pulling
the turkey out of the oven and im-

Turn to tempeh Holiday fun with a seasonal treat

for a plant-based FAMILY FEATURES

estive fun and baking
superfood  holiday treats go hand-
in-hand, and these
FAMILY FEATURES Christmas Tree Cheesecake
Brownies provide a perfect

s a key part of a nutritious way to enjoy a holiday tradi-
eating plan, protein intake tion in the kitchen with loved
can be a healthy step to take ones.
in the new year. One increasing- Decorate your own
ly popular way to add protein to version using green and
your at-home menu is with pro- white frosting, sprinkles and
tein-packed, plant-based foods like candy canes for “stumps” in
tempeh. the tree-shaped sweets.
Tempeh’s roots date back Visit
thousands of years and originate to find more holiday inspira-
in Indonesia. It’s an all-natural tion.
protein source made with simple,
whole-food ingredients – most
often fermented soybeans, water
and rice – and is high in protein, CHEESECAKE BROWNIES
packed with fiber and low in fat, so- Prep time: 10 minutes
dium and calories. Tempeh is also Cook time: 30 minutes
Servings: 16
loaded with vitamins and minerals
like calcium, manganese, phos- Cheescake batter:
phorus and iron, and has all nine 8 ounces low-fat cream cheese,
See TEMPEH, 6B Christmas Tree Cheesecake Brownies are a delicious sweet for the holidays. See BROWNIES, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 5B
the recipe card. n Fill a pot with 6 cups of flavor, use mix within one year. 1/4 cup sugar 1 cup water oven to 425 F. Pour dry mix
n Recipe to make chili: water and add the beans. Makes eight servings. 2 teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoon oil into a large bowl. In a second
Remove bag of seasoning Cook beans until soft, about 1/2 teaspoon baking soda bowl, combine egg, water and
from jar and rinse beans. In one hour; simmer gently with 1/2 cup dry milk powder n To put in jar: In a large oil. Add liquid ingredients to
a stockpot, bring 10 cups of lid tilted. Brown meat; drain HOMEMADE 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons bowl, mix all the ingredients. dry ingredients. Stir well. Pour
water to a boil. Add beans and and add to the beans with cornmeal Place the mixture in a clean into a greased baking pan and
return to a boil; let boil two to tomatoes and sauce. Add in CORNBREAD MIX quart-sized jar. Cover the jar bake for 20 to 25 minutes
three minutes. Cover and set seasonings, stir and simmer, To make the cornbread: tightly with a lid, decorate until the top is golden brown.
aside at room temperature for covered, for one hour. Add a To put in jar: 1 container Homemade Corn- it and attach a copy of the For best flavor, use this mix
one hour. Drain and rinse the little more water if needed 1 cup flour bread Mix recipe card. within nine months. Makes 10
beans. to thin the broth. For best 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg n To make cornbread: Preheat servings.

Continued from Page 5B
essential amino acids. it onto a BLT sandwich Sweet Potatoes, at light- 2 teaspoons soy sauce 1/2 cup pea shoots pierced with knife. Remove
Because it’s fermented, or simply warm a skillet 2 teaspoons toasted sesame to cutting board and cut each
seeds n To make pickled pink on- slice into quarters. Wipe out
the nutrients in tempeh and sear it until golden ions: In small pot, bring white skillet.
are easy for the body to brown.
digest. The possibilities SESAME GINGER Sweet potatoes:
1 tablespoon olive oil
wine vinegar, sugar and salt
to boil. Add onions and toss
n To make tempeh: Cut
tempeh crosswise into eight
The health benefits for tempeh are nearly TEMPEH POWER BOWLS 1 large sweet potato, peeled
and cut into 1/2-inch slices
to coat 15 seconds. Turn off
heat and let sit 20 minutes,
triangles. In nonstick skillet
over medium-low heat, heat
of tempeh, including endless, and it’s also
18 grams of protein per increasingly easy to find. WITH QUINOA stirring occasionally, until on- vegetable oil. Cook tempeh
Tempeh: ions are soft and bright pink. with soy sauce until golden
serving, are one rea- For example, Lightlife, AND SWEET POTATOES 1 package (8 ounces) Lightlife Set aside. brown and warm, 2-3 minutes
son to give it a try, but founded in 1979 as “Tem- Original Tempeh n To make sesame ginger per side. Remove tempeh
another is it’s easy and peh Works,” was among Pickled pink onions: 1 teaspoon vegetable oil vinaigrette: In small bowl, stir from pan and add baby spin-
versatile to cook. It has the first commercial 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 2 tablespoons soy sauce vegetable and sesame oils ach or kale; stir 1-2 minutes
a firm texture, nutty producers of tempeh in 2 teaspoons white sugar 2 cups baby spinach or kale with ginger, rice wine vinegar, just until wilted.
1/4 teaspoon salt soy sauce and sesame seeds. n To assemble bowls: On bot-
taste and can be baked, the United States. Today, 1/2 small red onion, peeled 2 cups cooked tri-color qui- Pour into two small ramekins. toms of two shallow bowls or
fried, steamed or grilled. it offers its Original Tem- and thinly sliced noa, at room temperature Set aside. plates, spread cooked quinoa.
Tempeh also easily ab- peh at more than 18,500 1/2 ripe avocado, cubed n To make sweet potatoes: Top with piles of warm sweet
sorbs marinades, spices retail stores nationwide. Sesame ginger vinaigrette: 1/2 cup canned chickpeas, In large nonstick skillet over potatoes, pickled pink onions,
and sauces. To prepare Find protein-packed 2 tablespoons vegetable oil rinsed and drained medium heat, heat olive oil. sauteed spinach or kale,
2 teaspoons sesame oil 6 red grape cherry tomatoes, Add sweet potato slices and avocado, chickpeas, grape
tempeh, cut it into cubes, meal ideas, like Sesame 2 teaspoons grated fresh halved cook, turning occasionally, 15- tomatoes and pea shoots. Top
strips or crumble it then Ginger Tempeh Power ginger 6 yellow grape cherry toma- 17 minutes, adjusting heat as with tempeh and serve with
toss into a stir-fry, layer Bowls with Quinoa and 2 teaspoons rice wine vinegar toes, halved necessary until tender when sesame ginger vinaigrette.

Continued from Page 5B
mediately carving it, give impress your friends, bles and Worcestershire recipe ideas at buddig. black olives, drained cheese and cheddar cheese
but don’t have the time sauce rolled together com/recipes. 2 tablespoons minced green until creamy.
it a chance to rest for 20- onion n Mix in black olives, green
30 minutes, which allows to spend hours making and chilled for a tasty dip 2 tablespoons minced red bell onion, red bell pepper,
something, consider this served with crackers. For pepper Worcestershire sauce, pepper
the juices to soak into the
easy-to-make, easy-to-eat added flavor, it’s made
CHEESEBALL 1 teaspoon Worcestershire and 2 ounces chopped beef
meat and moisten it up. Total time: 30 minutes sauce until well combined.
cheesy treat. using Buddig Beef, which Servings: 10 1/8 teaspoon pepper n Form into ball. Wrap in
This Cheeseball recipe has been feeding tradi-
An easy cheesy calls for a handful of com- tions for more than 75 1 package (8 ounces) cream
2 packages (4 ounces) Buddig
Beef or Ham, chopped, divided
plastic wrap. Chill at least 2-3
hours to allow flavors to blend.
appetizer mon household ingredi- years with its time-tested
cheese, softened
2 cups (8 ounces) finely shred-
1package assorted crackers n Just before serving, roll in
remaining chopped beef until
If you need a last-min- ents like cream cheese, appetizer. ded cheddar cheese n In large bowl of mixer on completely coated. Serve with
ute appetizer or want to cheddar cheese, vegeta- Find more holiday 1 can (2 1/4 ounces) sliced medium speed, beat cream assorted crackers.

Continued from Page 5B
room temperature 1/4 cup vegetable oil Candy canes creamy. Add sugar and beat until well combined. Add wet brownies are set.
1/3 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup milk well. Add eggs, one at a time, ingredients to dry ingredients n Cool completely in pan on
2 eggs 2 eggs n Preheat oven to 350 F. beating well after each addi- and mix until blended. wire rack before cutting into
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract n Coat 8-inch square baking tion. Add flour and beat mixture n Pour brownie batter evenly triangle pieces.
pan with nonstick cooking until blended. into prepared pan. n Decorate by piping frosting.
Brownie batter: Decorations: spray, set aside. n For brownie batter: In me- n Carefully pour cheesecake Top with sprinkles. Place 3-inch
1 cup all-purpose flour Green frosting n For cheesecake batter: dium bowl, whisk flour, cocoa batter over top, spreading candy cane pieces in bottoms
1/2 cup cocoa powder White frosting Place cream cheese in bowl of powder and salt until com- evenly. Carefully swirl layers of brownies for stumps.
1/2 teaspoon salt Assorted sprinkles stand mixer. Beat at medi- bined. In separate bowl, whisk together using knife tip. (Source: United Dairy Industry
1 cup granulated sugar Star-shaped sprinkles um speed until smooth and sugar, milk, eggs and vanilla n Bake 30 minutes until of Michigan)
tue of the power, duty and au- 24" END SECTION REMOVED are on file in the Office of the TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE,

thority vested and imposed AND RELAID (RCP) Chancery Clerk of Lowndes SKIP YELLOW
NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE upon said Substitute Trustee 2.000 County, the County Engineer's 36,740.000

shall, on January 6, 2021 with-
in the lawful hours of sale
between 11:00AM and 4:00PM
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
office and the Office of the
State Aid Engineer, 412 E.


WHEREAS, default has oc-

at the southeast front door of
Courthouse proceed to sell at
public outcry to the highest and
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
son, Mississippi. This project LEGEND WHITE
shall be constructed in accord- 2,240.000
ance with the latest edition of LF
curred in the performance of best bidder for cash or certi- the Mississippi Standard Spe-
the covenants, terms and con-
ditions of a Deed of Trust
fied funds ONLY, the following
described property situated in
cifications for State Aid Road
and Bridge Construction.
To place ads starting at only $12,
dated November 14, 2003, ex-
ecuted by MINNIE S. ARMOUR,
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
to wit:
call 662-328-2424 or visit
WHITE) (60 mil)
conveying certain real property ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION be secured from Robert L. Cal- MI
therein described to T. FRANK BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHW- SIGNS vert, County Engineer for
COLLINS, as Trustee, for EST CORNER OF SECTION 31, 0.000 LowndesTHECounty,
Mississippi, n WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 n 7B
SISSIPPI 2, INC., Original Bene-17 WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, The Cost is seventy-five dollars (90 mil)
ficiary, to secure the indebted-MISSISSIPPI; THENCE NORTH 6" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC ($75.00) for the plans and sev- 6.958
ness therein described, as 1 DEGREE 20 MINUTES WEST EDGE STRIPE (CONTINUOUS enty-five dollars ($75.00)for MI
Legal Notices
same appears of record in the LegalFEET;
561 NoticesTHENCE NORTH 1 Legal Notices
WHITE) (60 mil) Legalproposal,
the Notices non-refundable. Legal Notices Legal Notices

office of the Chancery Clerk of DEGREE 00 MINUTES WEST A 2.947 4" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC
Lowndes County, Mississippi DISTANCE OF 466 FEET TO MI Certified check or bid bond for TRAFFIC STRIPE (CONTINUOUS OFFICE OF STATE AID ROAD
filed and recorded November THE INITIAL POINT OF BEGIN- five percent (5%) of the total YELLOW) (90 mil) CONSTRUCTION
20, 2003, in Deed Book 2003, NING OF THE PROPERTY 6" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC bid, made payable to Lowndes 19,473.000 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF
Call us: 662-328-2424 Page 46894 ; and HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE
TRAFFIC STRIPE (SKIP YELLOW) County and the State of Missis- LF
(90 mil) sippi must accompany each
Legal Notices terest of said Deed of Trust TANCE OF 298 FEET; THENCE MI (WHITE)(120 mil) SUPERVISORS
was transferred and assigned NORTH 3 DEGREES 26 Bidders are hereby notified that 2,240.000
The following vehicle has been to Wilmington Trust, National MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 6" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC any proposal accompanied by LF SECTION 900
abandoned at Shelton's Tow- Association, not in its individu- 240 FEET; THENCE NORTH 23 TRAFFIC STRIPE (CONTINUOUS letters qualifying in any man-
ing, Inc., 1024 Gardner Blvd., al capacity, but solely as trust- DEGREES 32 MINUTES EAST A YELLOW) (90 mil) ner the condition under which TWO-WAY YELLOW REFLECT- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS:
Columbus, MS 39702. ee of MFRA Trust 2015-1; and DISTANCE OF 132.8 FEET; 4,090.000 the proposal is tendered will be IVE HIGH PERFORMANCE Sealed bids will be received by
THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES LF considered an irregular bid and RAISED MARKERS the Board of Supervisors of
2000 BMW 740 WHEREAS, Rubin Lublin, LLC 4 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE such proposal will not be con- 617.000 Lowndes County, Mississippi at
VIN: WBAGH83491DP23311 has been appointed as Substi- OF 435.3 FEET; THENCE THERMOPLASTIC LEGEND sidered in making the award. EA the Lowndes County Court-
tute Trustee; and SOUTH 3 DEGREES 26 (WHITE) (120 mil) house, Columbus, Mississippi,
This vehicle will be put up for MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE 180.000 Official bid documents can be REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC until 10:00 a.m. On the 15th
sale on the 28th day of Decem- NOW, THEREFORE, the holder OF 200 FEET; THENCE NORTH LF downloaded from Central at WARNING SIGN (ENCAPSU- day of January, 2021 and
ber, 2020 at 10am at of said Deed of Trust, having 87 DEGREES 44 MINUTES Elec- LATED LENS) shortly thereafter publicly
Shelton's Towing, Inc., 1024 requested the undersigned so WEST A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET; TWO-WAY YELLOW REFLECT- tronic bids can be submitted at 73.000 opened for the construction of
Gardner Blvd., Columbus, MS to do, as Substitute Trustee or THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES IVE HIGH PERFORMANCE For EA 7.603 miles of HOT MIX AS-
39702. his duly appointed agent, by vir- 14 MINUTES EAST A DIS- RAISED MARKERS any questions related to the PHALT OVERLAY on ROAD "E"
tue of the power, duty and au- TANCE OF 476 FEET; THENCE 116.000 electronic bidding process, REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC REG- THROUGH "G" being known as
PUBLISH: 12/2, 12/9 & thority vested and imposed NORTH 87 DEGREES 44 EA please call Central Bidding at ULATORY SIGN (ENCAPSU- Project No. SAP-44(12)M in
12/16/2020 upon said Substitute Trustee MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE 225-810-4814. LATED LENS) Lowndes County, Mississippi
shall, on January 6, 2021 with- OF 478 FEET TO THE INITIAL REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC 43.000
in the lawful hours of sale POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE WARNING SIGN (ENCAPSU- Trip Hairston, President EA PRINCIPAL ITEMS OF WORK
The following vehicle has been between 11:00AM and 4:00PM PROPERTY HEREIN DE- LATED LENS) Lowndes County Board of Su- ARE APPROXIMATELY AS FOL-
abandoned at at the southeast front door of SCRIBED AND CONTAINING 3.000 pervisors REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC OB- LOWS:
Courthouse proceed to sell at 7.31 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, EA JECT MARKER (ENCAPSU-
Jim’s Towing and Recovery LLC public outcry to the highest and LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN Publish: December 9, 2020 LATED LENS) (TYPE 3) ITEM
1020 ½ Gardner Blvd best bidder for cash or certi- THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC REG- December 16, 2020 8.000 QUANTITY
Columbus, MS 39702 fied funds ONLY, the following SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 18 ULATORY SIGN (ENCAPSU- EA UNIT
described property situated in SOUTH, RANGE 17 WEST, LATED LENS) OFFICE OF STATE AID ROAD
December 17, 2020, at 10 AM AND
at 1020 ½ Gardner Blvd., QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF THE is believed to be 119 SONIA AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE BASIS OF AWARD
Columbus, MS by Jim’s Towing SUPERVISORS
and Recovery LLC. It will be 1/4) OF SECTION 21, TOWN- 39702. In the event of any dis- TON made to the lowest qualified (FM)
sold for monies owed for the SECTION 900
SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 17 crepancy between this street COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER (13- bidder on the basis of pub- 171.000
tow bill, storage fees, and all WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, address and the legal descrip- 13-13) lished quantities. CY
other expenses incurred to pro- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS:
MISSISSIPPI AND BEING MORE tion of the property, the legal 7.800 Sealed bids will be received by The attention of the BIDDER is
cess the claims. PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS description shall control. TON directed to the State and Fed- GRANULAR MATERIAL (LVM),
the Board of Supervisors of
FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE Lowndes County, Mississippi at eral laws governing selection of (CLASS 3, GROUP "B")
Witnessed this the 7th day of SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE Title to the above described AMMONIUM NITRATE and employment of labor. 2,029.000
December, 2020. the Lowndes County Court-
NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE property is believed to be good, 3.900 house, Columbus, Mississippi, CY
1/4) OF SECTION 21, TOWN- but I will convey only such title TON until 10:00 a.m. On the 15th MINIMUM WAGE RATES for this
Jim’s Towing and Recovery LLC SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 17 as is vested in me as Substi- project have been predeter- CRUSHED STONE
day of January, 2021 and
WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, tute Trustee. SEEDING shortly thereafter publicly mined by the Secretary of the 548.000
Publish: 12/11 & 12/16/2020 MISSISSIPPI, THENCE EAST 15.600 opened for the construction of Department of Labor in accord- TON
ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- AC 7.465 miles of HOT MIX AS- ance with the requirements of
The following vehicle has been SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY PHALT OVERLAY on ROAD "A" Federal regulations governing HOT MIX ASPHALT, (ST)
abandoned at Auto Mart LLC, (NE 1/4) A DISTANCE OF INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL VEGETATIVE MATERIALS FOR THROUGH "D" being known as the expenditure of FEDERAL (12.5mm) (BASE REPAIR)
1009 Gardner Blvd., Colum- 330.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH A BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. MULCH Project No. SAP-44(11)M in AID HIGHWAY FUNDS and are 339.000
bus, MS 39702. DISTANCE OF 25 FEET TO A 31.200 Lowndes County, Mississippi set out in the labor regulations TON
POINT ON THE NORTH BOUND- Rubin Lublin, LLC TON contained in the proposal.
PROPERTY HEREIN DE- Oxford, MS 38655 1,851.000 LOWS: hereby notifies all bidders that 8,656.000
This vehicle will be put up for SCRIBED; THENCE NORTH A SY it will affirmatively insure that TON
sale on the 23rd day of Decem- DISTANCE OF 443.8 FEET TO Tel: (877) 813-0992 ITEM in any contract entered into
ber, 2020 at 10am at Auto THE CENTERLINE OF A SMALL Fax: (470) 508-9401 TEMPORARY GRASSING QUANTITY pursuant to this advertisement, HOT MIX ASPHALT, (ST)
Mart LLC 1009 Gardner Blvd., DITCH, THENCE SOUTHEAST- 3.000 UNIT minority business enterprise (9.5mm) LEVELING
Columbus, MS 39702. ERLY ALONG THE CENTERLINE PUBLISH: 12/09/2020, AC will be afforded full opportunity 195.000
OF SAID DITCH, A DISTANCE 12/16/2020, 12/23/2020, ROADWAY ITEMS: to submit bids in response to TON
Publish: 12/16 & 12/22/2020 OF 209 FEET, MORE OR LESS; 12/30/2020 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE this invitation and will not be
THENCE SOUTH 327.2 FEET TO 8,800.000 MOBILIZATION discriminated against on the COLD MILLING OF BITUMIN-
TRUSTEE’S SALE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID CONSTRUCTION LS tional origin in consideration for 25,256.000
NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF LOWNDES COUNTY BOARD OF 8.000 are on file in the Office of the LUMP SUM
WHEREAS, default has oc- SAID PAVED COUNTY ROAD, A SUPERVISORS LOOSE RIPRAP, 100 LB. CY Chancery Clerk of Lowndes LS
curred in the performance of DISTANCE OF 167.2 FEET TO 40.000 County, the County Engineer's
the covenants, terms and con- THE INITIAL POINT OF THIS DE- SECTION 900 TON GRANULAR MATERIAL (LVM), office and the Office of the ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION
ditions of a Deed of Trust SCRIPTION, AND CONTAINING (CLASS 3, GROUP "B") State Aid Engineer, 412 E. SIGNS
dated February 2, 2001, ex- 1.5 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: LOOSE RIPRAP, 200 LB. 2,372.000 Woodrow Wilson Avenue, Jack- 0.000
ecuted by A J STEVENSON, JR., BEING THE SAME PROPERTY Sealed bids will be received by 690.000 CY son, Mississippi. This project SF
DEBORRAH LYNN STEVENSON, CONVEYED TO DEPOSIT GUAR- the Board of Supervisors of TON shall be constructed in accord-
conveying certain real property ANTY NATIONAL BANK AS Lowndes County, Mississippi at CRUSHED STONE ance with the latest edition of TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE,
therein described to *NONE TRUSTEE FOR THE SINGLE the Lowndes County Court- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: 836.000 the Mississippi Standard Spe- CONTINUOUS YELLOW
STATED*, as Trustee, for FAMILY MORTGAGEPURCHASE house, Columbus, Mississippi, TON cifications for State Aid Road 27,484.000
CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES until 10:00 a.m. On the 15th CONTRACT TIME: 150 Working and Bridge Construction. LF
COMPANY, Original Beneficiary, 1983, OF THE MISSISSIPPI day of January, 2021 and Days HOT MIX ASPHALT,
to secure the indebtedness HOUSING FINANCE CORPORA- shortly thereafter publicly (ST)(12.5mm) (BASE REPAIR) PLANS AND PROPOSALS may TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE,
therein described, as same ap- TION BY TRUSTEE`S DEED FOR opened for the construction of BASIS OF AWARD 16.000 be secured from Robert L. Cal- SKIP YELLOW
pears of record in the office of ROBERT B. PRATHER, SUBSTI- 1.492 miles of WIDENING AND The award, if made, will be TON vert, County Engineer for 43,492.000
the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes TUTE TRUSTEE, RECORDED IN HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING on made to the lowest qualified Lowndes County, Mississippi, LF
County, Mississippi filed and BOOK 740, PAGE 303-307 IN the CHARLEIGH FORD DRIVE bidder on the basis of pub- HOT MIX ASPHALT, (ST) P.0. Drawer 1078, West Point.
recorded February 13, 2001, in THE OFFICE OF THE CHAN- being known as Project No. lished quantities. (9.5mm) The Cost is seventy-five dollars TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE,
Deed Book 1359, Page 152 , CERY CLERK OF LOWNDES APL-0044(36)B in Lowndes 3,576.000 ($75.00) for the plans and sev- LEGEND WHITE
and re-recorded March 27, COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI. County, Mississippi. The attention of the BIDDER is TON enty-five dollars ($75.00)for 1,050.000
2001 in Deed Book 1365, directed to the State and Fed- the proposal, non-refundable. LF
Page 529; and PROPERTY ADDRESS: The PRINCIPAL ITEMS OF WORK eral laws governing selection of HOT MIX ASPHALT, (ST)
street address of the property ARE APPROXIMATELY AS FOL- and employment of labor. (9.5mm) LEVELING Certified check or bid bond for 4" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC
WHEREAS, the beneficial in- is believed to be 1174 MOUNT LOWS: 113.000 five percent (5%) of the total EDGE STRIP (CONTINUOUS
terest of said Deed of Trust VERNON RD, COLUMBUS, MS MINIMUM WAGE RATES for this TON bid, made payable to Lowndes WHITE) (60 mil)
was transferred and assigned 39702. In the event of any dis- ITEM project have been predeter- County and the State of Missis- 15.137
to Towd Point Mortgage Trust crepancy between this street QUANTITY mined by the Secretary of the COLD MILLING OF BITUMIN- sippi must accompany each MI
2018-3, U.S. Bank National As- address and the legal descrip- UNIT Department of Labor in accord- OUS PAVEMENT, ALL DEPTHS proposal.
sociation, as Indenture Trust- tion of the property, the legal ance with the requirements of 1,420.000 4" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC
ee; and description shall control. ROADWAY ITEMS: Federal regulations governing SY Bidders are hereby notified that TRAFFIC STRIPE (SKIP YELLOW)
MOBILIZATION the expenditure of FEDERAL any proposal accompanied by (90 mil)
WHEREAS, Rubin Lublin, LLC Title to the above described LUMP SUM AID HIGHWAY FUNDS and are ULTRA-THIN ASPHALT PAVE- letters qualifying in any man- 6.709
has been appointed as Substi- property is believed to be good, LS set out in the labor regulations MENT ner the condition under which MI
tute Trustee; and but I will convey only such title contained in the proposal. 3,260.000 the proposal is tendered will be
as is vested in me as Substi- CLEARING AND GRUBBING TON considered an irregular bid and 4" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC
NOW, THEREFORE, the holder tute Trustee. LUMP SUM The Board of Supervisors such proposal will not be con- TRAFFIC STRIPE (CONTINUOUS
of said Deed of Trust, having LS hereby notifies all bidders that MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC sidered in making the award. YELLOW) (90 mil)
requested the undersigned so THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- it will affirmatively insure that LUMP SUM 22,623.000
to do, as Substitute Trustee or ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION in any contract entered into LS Official bid documents can be LF
his duly appointed agent, by vir- INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL (FM) pursuant to this advertisement, downloaded from Central at
tue of the power, duty and au- BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 19,512.000 minority business enterprise ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION Elec- THERMOPLASTIC LEGEND
thority vested and imposed CY will be afforded full opportunity SIGNS tronic bids can be submitted at (WHITE) (120 mil)
upon said Substitute Trustee Rubin Lublin, LLC to submit bids in response to 0.000 For 780.000
shall, on January 6, 2021 with- 428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite GRANULAR MATERIAL (LVM), this invitation and will not be SF any questions related to the LF
in the lawful hours of sale 107 (CLASS 3, GROUP "B") discriminated against on the electronic bidding process,
between 11:00AM and 4:00PM Oxford, MS 38655 7,914.000 grounds of race, color, or na- TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE, please call Central Bidding at THERMOPLASTIC LEGEND
at the southeast front door of CY tional origin in consideration for CONTINUOUS YELLOW 225-810-4814. (WHITE)(120 mil)
Courthouse proceed to sell at Tel: (877) 813-0992 an award. 19,473.000 120.000
public outcry to the highest and Fax: (470) 508-9401 CRUSHED STONE LF Trip Hairston, President SF
best bidder for cash or certi- 7,085.000 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Lowndes County Board of Su-
fied funds ONLY, the following PUBLISH: 12/09/2020, TON are on file in the Office of the TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE, pervisors TWO-WAY YELLOW REFLECT-
described property situated in 12/16/2020, 12/23/2020, Chancery Clerk of Lowndes SKIP YELLOW IVE HIGH PERFORMANCE
Lowndes County, Mississippi, 12/30/2020 HOT MIX ASPHALT, (ST) County, the County Engineer's 36,740.000 Publish: December 9, 2020 RAISED MARKERS
to wit: (12.5mm) office and the Office of the LF December 16, 2020 597.000
4,901.000 State Aid Engineer, 412 E. EA
HAVEN SUBDIVISION, AS HOT MIX ASPHALT, (ST) shall be constructed in accord- 2,240.000 WARNING SIGN (ENCAPSU-
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI (19mm) ance with the latest edition of LF LATED LENS)
PLAT BOOK 2 AT PAGE 62 IN 4,362.000 the Mississippi Standard Spe- 38.000
WHEREAS, default has oc- and Bridge Construction. EDGE STRIP (CONTINUOUS
curred in the performance of
the covenants, terms and con-
ditions of a Deed of Trust 2,072.000 be secured from Robert L. Cal- MI emailed to LATED LENS)
dated May 16, 2013, ex- TON vert, County Engineer for 24.000
street address of the property ecuted by PAUL N. STEWART, Lowndes County, Mississippi, 4" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC
classifieds@ EA
is believed to be 86 ELMORE conveying certain real property
therein described to REAL ES- OUS PAVEMENT, ALL DEPTHS The Cost is seventy-five dollars (90 mil) REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC OB-
39702. In the event of any dis- TATE CLOSING SERVICES INC,
crepancy between this street 160.000 ($75.00) for the plans and sev- 6.958 JECT MARKER (ENCAPSU-
as Trustee, for REVERSE SY enty-five dollars ($75.00)for MI LATED LENS) (TYPE 3)
address and the legal descrip- MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS, INC.,
tion of the property, the legal the proposal, non-refundable. 16.000
description shall control. the indebtedness therein de- 2.990 Certified check or bid bond for TRAFFIC STRIPE (CONTINUOUS
scribed, as same appears of

Service Directory
Title to the above described MI five percent (5%) of the total YELLOW) (90 mil) REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC REG-
record in the office of the Chan- bid, made payable to Lowndes 19,473.000 ULATORY SIGN WITH SUPP.
property is believed to be good, cery Clerk of Lowndes County,
but I will convey only such title Mississippi filed and recorded 15" PIPE REMOVED AND RE- County and the State of Missis- LF PLATE (ENCAPSULATED LENS)
as is vested in me as Substi- LAID (CPP) sippi must accompany each 2.000
May 22, 2013, in Deed Book 180.000 proposal. THERMOPLASTIC LEGEND EA
tute Trustee. 2013, Page 14797 ; and LF (WHITE)(120 mil)
THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- Bidders are hereby notified that 2,240.000 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS:
WHEREAS, the beneficial in- 24" PIPE REMOVED AND RE- any proposal accompanied by LF
ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY terest of said Deed of Trust
was transferred and assigned
Promote your small business starting at only $25
letters qualifying in any man-
ner the condition under which TWO-WAY YELLOW REFLECT-
to Reverse Mortgage Solutions, LF the proposal is tendered will be IVE HIGH PERFORMANCE
Inc.; and considered an irregular bid and General Services General Services BASIS
Rubin Lublin, LLC Carpet & Flooring RAISED MARKERS PaintingOF AWARD
& Papering
428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite 24" PIPE REMOVED AND RE- such proposal will not be con- 617.000 The award, if made, will be
WHEREAS, Rubin Lublin, LLC sidered in making the award.
107 has been appointed as Substi-
LAID (RCP CLASS III) EA A & T TREE SERVICES WORK WANTED: Licensed madeSULLIVAN’S to the lowest qualified
on the basis PAINT
Oxford, MS 38655 tute Trustee; and
Official bid documents can be Bucket truck & stump & Bonded. Carpentry, minor bidder lished SERVICE
removal. TRAFFIC
Free est. electrical, minor plumbing,
Tel: (877) 813-0992 downloaded from Central at WARNING SIGN (ENCAPSU- Special Prices.
NOW, THEREFORE, the holder 42" PIPE REMOVED AND RE- Elec- LATED Serving
LENS) Columbus insulation, painting, demo− The attention
Interior of the BIDDER
& Exterior is
Fax: (470) 508-9401 of said Deed of Trust, having LAID (CPP) tronic bids can be submitted at 73.000 since 1987. Senior lition, gutters cleaned, directed to the State and Fed-
requested the undersigned so 80.000 For EAcitizen disc. Call Alvin @ pressure washing, land− eral laws governing selection of
PUBLISH: 12/09/2020, to do, as Substitute Trustee or any questions related to the and employment
12/16/2020, 12/23/2020, his duly appointed agent, by vir-
electronic bidding process,
242−0324/241−4447 scaping, cleanup work. Painting & Papering of labor.
"We’ll go out on a limb for 662−242−3608.
tue of the power, duty and au- 24" END SECTION REMOVED please call Central Bidding at ULATORY SIGN (ENCAPSU- MINIMUM WAGE RATES for this
thority vested and imposed you!"
AND RELAID (RCP) 225-810-4814. LATED LENS) Lawn Care / Landscaping QUALITY
project have beenPAINTING.
NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE upon said Substitute Trustee 2.000 43.000 mined Ext/Int
by the Secretary
Painting.of the
TRUSTEE’S SALE shall, on January 6, 2021 with- EA Trip**HOLIDAY SPECIAL**
Hairston, President EA Department
Sheet Rockof Labor
Hang, in accord-
Finish &
in the lawful hours of sale Lowndes 4 ROOMS − $100
County Board of Su- JESSE & BEVERLY’S ance
Repair.with Pressure
the requirements
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI between 11:00AM and 4:00PM pervisors LAWN SERVICE Federal
COUNTY OF LOWNDES at the southeast front door of
Ask for
I) 2 Room − $70 JECT MARKER (ENCAPSU- Mowing, cleanup, tree thespecials!
expenditure of FEDERAL
Larry Webber,
Courthouse proceed to sell at 12.000 Publish: December
3 Rooms − $90 9, 2020 LATED LENS) (TYPE 3) cutting, landscaping, AID HIGHWAY FUNDS and are
WHEREAS, default has oc- public outcry to the highest and EA December 16, 2020
Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars 8.000 sodding & bush hogging. set out662−242−4932.
in the labor regulations
curred in the performance of best bidder for cash or certi- EA contained in the proposal.
the covenants, terms and con- fied funds ONLY, the following DAVID’S CARPET & 662−356−6525
ditions of a Deed of Trust described property situated in LUMP SUM NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: The Board of Supervisors
dated November 14, 2003, ex- Lowndes County, Mississippi, LS
CLEANING TERRA CARE hereby notifies all bidders that
ecuted by MINNIE S. ARMOUR, to wit: Call for more info! CONTRACT TIME: 75 Working LANDSCAPING L.L.C. it will affirmatively insure that
conveying certain real property ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION 662−722−1758 Days Phone: 662−549−1878 LIST YOUR
in any contract entered into
therein described to T. FRANK BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHW- pursuant to this advertisement,
Landscaping, Property BUSINESS HERE!
minority business enterprise
SF The award, if made, will be Bush Hogging, Ads
will startingfull
be afforded at opportunity
$25 ads.
SISSIPPI 2, INC., Original Bene- 17 WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, made to the lowest qualified to submit bids in response to
ficiary, to secure the indebted- MISSISSIPPI; THENCE NORTH Herbicide Spraying
6" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC Are you a painter? bidder on the basis of pub- this invitation and will not be
ness therein described, as 1 DEGREE 20 MINUTES WEST EDGE STRIPE (CONTINUOUS lished quantities. discriminated against on the
same appears of record in the 561 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1 Advertise here!
WHITE) (60 mil) The attention of the BIDDER is grounds of race, color, or na-
office of the Chancery Clerk of DEGREE 00 MINUTES WEST A 2.947 directed to the State and Fed- tional origin in consideration for
Lowndes County, Mississippi DISTANCE OF 466 FEET TO MI eral laws governing selection of an award.
filed and recorded November THE INITIAL POINT OF BEGIN-
The Dispatch
considered an irregular bid and
such proposal will not be con-
sidered in making the award.
Houses For Sale: Other 16.000
Legal Notices Legal Notices Mobile Homes for Sale
Official bid documents can be
downloaded from Central at Elec- 2019 Clayton Mobile Home
tronic bids can be submitted at For
Brand new, never lived in. ON THE WEB
PLATE (ENCAPSULATED LENS) Fully furnished, perfect for
any questions related to the
electronic bidding process, an older couple or person. Visit
Attached front porch with
for a printable copy of
please call Central Bidding at
225-810-4814. roof. May have to be
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: moved unless lease is
Trip Hairston, President
Lowndes County Board of Su-
approved by land owner. these puzzles.
Days $40,000. 828−674−8659
Publish: December 9, 2020

The award, if made, will be
December 16, 2020
made to the lowest qualified
bidder on the basis of pub-
lished quantities.
Ads starting at $12
The attention of the BIDDER is
directed to the State and Fed-
eral laws governing selection of
Rentals Appliances
and employment of labor.
Ads starting at $25
Appliances! Brand new In
project have been predeter- box Electrolux front load
Apts For Rent: North washer. Kenmore gas
mined by the Secretary of the
Department of Labor in accord- range/oven and front and
ance with the requirements of 2−3BR/1BA DUPLEX, front load Electrolux washer
Federal regulations governing newly renovated with bonus both only 2 years old. Call
the expenditure of FEDERAL room. HUD accepted. for price or to come check
AID HIGHWAY FUNDS and are 662−425−6954. out... 662−435−7232.
set out in the labor regulations
contained in the proposal. FOX RUN APARTMENTS Firewood / Fuel
The Board of Supervisors
1 & 2 BR near hospital.
hereby notifies all bidders that $595−$645 monthly. FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
it will affirmatively insure that Military discount, pet area, Various lengths.
in any contract entered into pet friendly, and furnished 662−295−2274.
pursuant to this advertisement, corporate apts.
minority business enterprise 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL General Merchandise

will be afforded full opportunity
to submit bids in response to
ON SITE MAINTENANCE. Pre moving sale: Table, 4
this invitation and will not be ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
discriminated against on the chairs, china cabinet Oak
grounds of race, color, or na- 24−HOUR CAMERA $650. Twin bed complete Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
tional origin in consideration for SURVEILLANCE. Benji & $50. Night stand $20. placing puzzle based on
an award. Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. Dresser $25. Rocker $25. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 5 1 6 9 8 2 4 7 3
2 bar stools $40. Old trunk ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 7 3 4 5 6 1 8 2 9

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

$40. Cedar wardrobe $30.
are on file in the Office of the Chest of drawers $25. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 2 8 9 4 3 7 1 6 5

Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
County, the County Engineer's Serious inquiries only. grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 1 9 8 7 4 5 6 3 2
office and the Office of the 662−570−1730 given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 6 2 3 1 9 8 5 4 7
Medical / Dental State Aid Engineer, 412 E. object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Woodrow Wilson Avenue, Jack-
numbers 4 5 7 6 2 3 9 1 8
contains the1same to 9 number
Roper Washing Machine,
son, Mississippi. This project
shall be constructed in accord- Apartments & Houses
standard size, good
the empty spaces so 9 4 5 2 7 6 3 8 1
ance with the latest edition of condition, $200. only once. The difficulty 3 7 1 8 5 4 2 9 6
662−312−6617. that each row, each
the Mississippi Standard Spe-
cifications for State Aid Road 1 Bedrooms level increases from
column and each 8 6 2 3 1 9 7 5 4
and Bridge Construction.
2 Bedroooms TABLE SAW & FURNITURE 3x3 Difficulty Level 12/15


3 Bedrooms
Craftsman table saw. 10"
$100. Craftsman the same number only once. The difficulty level
be secured from Robert L. Cal-
compound miter saw. 12" increases from Monday to Sunday.
vert, County Engineer for
Lowndes County, Mississippi, Furnished & Unfurnished $100. "Tell City" 70" table
P.0. Drawer 1078, West Point. w/ extensions rumford
The Cost is seventy-five dollars 1, 2, & 3 Baths finish. Six chairs. $600.
($75.00) for the plans and sev-
enty-five dollars ($75.00)for
Lease, Deposit "Ethan Allen" china cabinet
w/ hutch. 66" cherry finish.
the proposal, non-refundable. & Credit Check $600. "Ethan Allen"
highboy dresser. mahogany
Certified check or bid bond for

five percent (5%) of the total
76" height. $400.
bid, made payable to Lowndes Call 662−368−6779
County and the State of Missis-
sippi must accompany each Apts For Rent: Other Sporting Goods
Bidders are hereby notified that Open for season!
any proposal accompanied by Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
letters qualifying in any man-
ner the condition under which Over 50 years experience!
the proposal is tendered will be Repairs, cleaning, refin−
considered an irregular bid and ishing, scopes mounted &
such proposal will not be con- zeroed, handmade knives.
sidered in making the award. Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
of West Point, turn right on
Official bid documents can be Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
downloaded from Central at left on Darracott Rd, will Elec-
tronic bids can be submitted at
see sign, 2.5mi ahead
General Help Wanted For shop on left.
any questions related to the 662−494−6218.
electronic bidding process,
please call Central Bidding at


Trip Hairston, President

Lowndes County Board of Su-
Ads starting at $12
Publish: December 9, 2020
December 16, 2020 Good Things To Eat
The Military Square
Apartments are now
accepting applicants!
We have 1, 2, and 3
bedroom units available.
All apartments are newly
remodeled, and include:
New Washer/Dryer, New
Refrigerator, New A/C Unit!

We also offer rent

discounts for:
−Active Military
Call us at: 662−205−0005

1 Party leader
9 Kick out
1 BEDROOM 11 Indian coin
Medical / Dental
2 BEDROOMS 12 Tolerate
3 BEDROOMS 13 Wed in haste
14 Cargo unit
© The Dispatch

15 Joined a bee
DEPOSIT 17 Ballooned
AND 19 Place down
CREDIT CHECK 20 Flight part
21 Barracks bed
662-329-2323 22 Friday’s
2411 HWY 45 N creator
24 Crunch
COLUMBUS, MS targets
Houses For Rent: North 26 Not rented DOWN 23 Nervous
out 1 Track trials 24 Goddess of
COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. 29 Had a snack 2 River bends wisdom
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
bath townhouses. $650 to 30 Got wind of 3 Harpsichord’s 25 Paging device
$750. 662−549−9555. 32 Like ready-to- cousin 27 Writer Leon-
Ask for Glenn or text. eat shrimp 4 TV’s Danson ard
Mobile Homes for Rent 34 Ruin 5 Boring 28 Brewing
35 Old photo tint 6 Twin of Artemis vessel
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. 36 Search 7 Do over 29 Useful skill
$650 dep + $650/mo. No
pets, quiet area. Leave full blindly 8 Poor 30 Do in
name & message, 38 Foe 10 Caron of 31 Getup
205−712−6697. 39 Franc replac- “Gigi” 33 Walk un-
ers 11 Woodwind evenly
CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! 40 Diamond part 37 Mai tai base
Utilities & cable included, cover 16 Scent
from $145/wk − $535/mo 41 Citi Field
Columbus & County School 18 Young men
locations. 662−242−7653 team 21 Con quarters
or 601−940−1397.
Five Questions:
Real Estate
Ads starting at $25 1 James
Lots & Acreage Comey
1.75 ACRE LOTS Good/
Bad Credit Options. Good

2 Yesterday
credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land,

Approx. 7 acres located

between Dale Road and
Buck Egger Road. Access 3 Cryptocur-
off either road. $30,000.

4 Cupping
Have a rental property?
List it here for fast results. 5 New Mexico

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