ARSE Fantasy v1

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A Swords & Sorcery Supplement for

the ARG Roleplaying System
Character Creation 2
Primary Stats 2
Secondary Stats 2
Skills 2
Talents 2
Skills, Spells, Talents & Race 3
Races 3
Warrior Skills 4
Rogue Skills 4
Wizard Skills 4
Talents 5
Magic 6
Level 1 Spells 7
Level 2 Spells 8
Level 3 Spells 9
Level 4 Spells 9
Level 5 Spells 10
Level 6 Spells 11
enchantment 11
Expanded Rules 12
Currency 12
Equipment 12
Magic Items 15
Brewing Potions 16
Scribing Scrolls 16
Enchanted Objects 16
Combat Options 18
Opponents & NPC’s 18
Character Sheet 22

Some Stuff You Might Need To Know

This is a rules supplement for the ARSE roleplaying system. It assumes you are using the base mechanics and
rules as written in the ARG core rulebook. Some of the rules contained herein will override base mechanics. You
are welcome to use your judgement on how much of these expanded rules you include in your game and are
encouraged to modify anything to suit.

This supplement does not provide a full campaign world or strict setting, nor does it provide “fluff ” around any of
the rules. These are strictly basic mechanics and should be flavoured to suit your game.

Many spells and talents don’t have explicit rules for their use, this is intentional and it is left up to the GM and
players to interpret the rules as written in to whatever is fun, fair and works for the game.

Character Creation Race:

Primary Stats: New characters must also choose a race to which they
belong. Your race will usually provide a benefit in the form
Warrior (ALPHA) / Rogue (BETA) / Wizard (GAMMA) of a bonus to two skills and a Talent. Refer to Races for
more information.
The standard statistics ALPHA, BETA and GAMMA are
renamed to Warrior (WAR), Rogue (ROG), Wizard (WIZ). Skills:

These are the three main character archetypes that you The following table is a list of the standard skills available
will find in a fantasy setting (rename Wizard to Scholar for in an ARSE Fantasy game. Feel free to add or remove to
low/no magic campaigns). Putting more points in one of suit. In low-magic or no-magic settings, you may want
these means your character leans closer to that archetype to shift some of the skills around or add new ones for
but they aren’t meant to be strict classes. Think of them as balance. Refer to Skill Descriptions for detailed information
primary colours that you can mix together to create new on each skill and its use in game.
colours. For instance, A Wizard with a splash of Warrior Warrior Rogue Wizard
could make a cleric, warmage or monk type character.
Athletics Acrobatics Diplomacy
Secondary Stats:
Endurance Bluff Heal
Intimidate Dodge Insight
The secondary stats remain the same as in the Core Rules Ride Perception Lore*:
except as noted here: Strength Stealth Dungeon Lore
Weapon Skill*: Thievery Holy Lore
Hit Points (HP) - [WAR*6] or [ROG*5] or [WIZ*4] Heavy Axes Weapon Skill*: Nature Lore
• How much damage you can take. You base this Heavy Blades Heavy Ranged Magic
number off your highest Primary Stat. Heavy Blunt Light Axes Mercantile
• HP can be raised further by spending Skill Points (SP) Polearms Light Blades Weapon Skill*:
at a rate of 1SP:3HP. Unarmed Light Ranged Light Blunt
• You regain [STAT*2] HP per 6 hours of rest. Eating *These are skill categories. Each skill under the category must be
a provision will heal STAT extra HP per rest (one chosen separately.
provision per 6 hour rest). Magic spells and potions
can also heal HP. Talents:
• When you reach 0HP you are incapacitated or
unconscious. At -6HP you are dead. A new layer to character creation is the Talent. At
character creation, new characters may choose 1 Talent
Magic Points (MP) - [WIZ*3] (in addition to the free racial talent). Talents generally
• How many spells you can cast. You only gain this stat if allow you to do something out of the norm, or modify
you have 1 or more ranks in the Magic Skill. skills to make them better or more useful but at a cost to
• MP can be raised further by spending SP at a rate of something else. See Talents for more information.
• You regain [WIZ] MP per 6 hours of rest. Magic
potions can also replenish MP.
• When you reach 0MP you are unable to cast any spells.

Races, Skills & Talents Savage Races:

Races: Savage races are generally primitive, tribal and vicious.

It is unlikely that you will find adventurers among their
Most fantasy RPG’s have a selection of races that a ranks and GM’s should carefully consider their use as
player can choose to be a part of. The following list a playable race in a campaign. These races tend to lean
contains some common fantasy races. Each race will towards Evil or otherwise don’t get along with other
generally have a bonus DL modifier to two skills and races (including the other savage races).
a Racial Talent that you get for free. Racial Talents
generally don’t have a downside, unlike regular Talents. Orc - Brutal, Fierce , Militaristic.
Orcs are large, green, hairy, angry and warlike.
Civilized Races: • +1DL to Intimidate and Heavy Axes checks.
• Talent: ‘Berserker Rage’ - Once per day deal an extra
Civilized races form the bulk of society and are the most 1d6 damage on attack rolls for 1d3 combat rounds.
likely choices for Adventurers.
Lizardman - Xenophobic, Hunters, Primitive.
Human - Flexible, resourceful, expansionist. Lizardmen are a cannibalistic tribal race who generally
Usually the most populous race in a Fantasy setting. dwell in jungles and deserts.
• 2 extra Skill Points at character creation. • +1DL to Polearms and Althetics checks.
• Talent: ‘Human Ingenuity’ - Once per day you can • Talent: ‘Lizardman Appetite’ - Once per day can
substitute one primary stat for another when rolling eat the raw corpse of a medium sized or smaller
a skill check. mammal or humanoid and regain the same amount
of HP as eating provisions +3HP.
Dwarf - Hardy, stoic, dour.
Miners, crafters and traders. The Dwarves live under Ogre - Large, Strong, Stupid.
mountains in great stone cities. They are master Ogres are dim-witted but extremely strong and
craftsmen but are always on the lookout for profit. territorial. They live in the mountains and are generally
• +1DL to Endurance and Dungeon Lore checks. at odds with Dwarves. They are also very spiritual.
• Talent: ‘Dwarven Darkseeing’ - No penalty for low- • +1DL to Strength and Holy Lore
light and can see in the dark as if it were low-light. • Talent: “Ogre Smash!” - Once per day can substitute
the Strength skill for any melee or thrown attack roll
Elf - Lithe, aloof, elegant. and will deal damage one tier above the weapon’s
An extremely long-lived race with ties to nature and normal damage rating.
• +1DL to Perception and Nature Lore checks. Goblin - Small, sneaky, malicious.
• Talent: ‘Elven Precision’ - Once per day can reroll a Thieves and tricksters. Although weak, they can be quite
failed combat skill check. clever and become a threat in large numbers.
• +1DL to Thievery and Stealth checks.
Halfling - Small, clever, inventive. • Talent: ‘Goblin Pockets’ - Raise Carry Weight by 5 to
Halflings make for good diplomats, businessmen and [WAR * 25]kg.
• +1DL to Insight and Diplomacy checks Halfbreeds:
• Talent: ‘Halfling Luck’ - Once per day can reroll a
failed non-combat skill check. If the GM allows, halfbreeds of the above races can be
included in the game. You can create a halfbreed of any
of the above race combinations with GM permission.
When creating a halfbreed you may choose one of the
+1DL skill bonuses from either parent race and 1 racial
talent from either parent race.

Warrior Skills: Perception - Your ability to notice clues, detect secret
doors, spot imminent dangers, find traps, follow tracks,
Athletics - This skill is used for physical activities listen for sounds, or locate hidden objects.
that rely on muscular strength, such as running, jumping,
climbing, swimming, etc. Stealth - Conceal yourself or objects from enemies,
and sneak around without being seen or heard. This
Endurance - This skill allows you to hold your breath, is often used as an opposed check vs an opponent’s
fight off thirst and hunger, swim for long periods of time Perception skill.
as well as resist poisons, disease and harsh environmental
conditions. Thievery - Disabling traps, opening locks, picking
pockets, and sleight of hand. In some cases (such as sleight
Intimidate - You can use this skill to make threats of hand) this might be an opposed check vs an opponent’s
and influence others through hostile means. The DL Perception skill.
for this check is usually based on how hostile the other
person is to your character and their general Weapon Skill - This skill gives a character proficiency with
susceptibility to intimidation. one type of weapon and is used for attack rolls made with
that weapon. Choose one:
Ride - Your ability to control a mount under Heavy Ranged (Composite Bows, Crossbows)
difficult conditions (such as the middle of combat, or on Light Axes (Hatchet, Axe)
loose ground). Some mounts need higher ranks to ride: Light Blades (Dagger, Shortsword)
Rank 1: War Horse Light Ranged (Thrown weapons, Bows)
Rank 3: Exotic Land Mounts
Rank 5: Flying Mounts Wizard Skills:

Strength - A character with this skill may perform Diplomacy - You can influence others with your
great feats of strength involving lifting/throwing heavy tact, subtlety, and social grace. The DL for this check is
objects, bending/breaking strong objects and so forth. The usually based on how friendly the other person is to your
following benefits also apply: character.
Rank 2: +1 damage with melee attacks
Rank 4: +2 damage with melee attacks Heal - You know how to help someone recover
Rank 6: +3 damage with melee attacks from wounds or debilitating conditions, including disease.
You can spend 1 hour to treat another person’s wounds,
Weapon Skill - This skill gives a character proficiency with granting them either HP equal to your [Heal]+[WIZ] or
one type of weapon and is used for attack rolls made with a bonus to their next Endurance check equal to [Heal]. A
that weapon. Choose one: creature can only be healed in this way once per day. The
Heavy Axes (Battleaxe, Greataxe) GM may require you to use special healing equipment
Heavy Blades (Longsword, Two-Handed Sword) (like bandages, medicines, curative herbs, etc) to be able to
Heavy Blunt (Warhammer, Greathammer) perform a heal.
Polearms (Spear, Halberd, Greatspear)
Unarmed (Martial Arts, Brawling) Insight - You can discern intent and decipher body
language during social interactions. Mostly used to gauge
Rogue Skills: moods and detect lies. This is often used in opposition to
someone using the Bluff skill.
Acrobatics - You can perform an acrobatic stunt,
keep your balance while walking on narrow or unstable Lore - You have broad academic knowledge of
surfaces, slip free of a grab or restraints, or take less one of the following subjects:
damage from a fall.
Dungeon - Finding your way through
Bluff - You make a Bluff check to fast-talk a guard, dungeon complexes and caverns, recognizing
con someone, pass off a disguise and otherwise tell lies. dungeon hazards and creatures, and underground
This is usually an opposed skill check vs the Insight of an survival.
Holy - Knowledge about gods, religious traditions
Dodge - Can be used to evade traps and fast and ceremonies, (un)holy effects, (un)holy
moving objects. While wearing light or no armour, you get symbols, theology, demons, the undead and spirits
a bonus to DEF equal to the number of ranks you have in
this skill. Nature - Finding your way through the
wilderness, recognizing natural hazards, plants
4 and animals, survival, and living off the land.
Magic - You can learn and cast spells of a level Familiar -
equal to your rank in this skill. You also gain a new MP • Pro: You own a small pet like a rat, snake or falcon that
stat when you have 1 or more ranks in this skill. Also is loyal to you and can perform simple tricks. It will
covers lore regarding the arcane. always be able to find its way back to you if separated
• Con: If it dies, it is lost forever (unless resurrected).
Mercantile - Haggling for price, appraising the value
of items and matters of money and trade. Can be used for Fast Metabolism -
gambling or games of chance. • Pro: +3 from any source of healing (potion, spell, ra-
tions, rest, etc). Applies to HP and MP.
Weapon Skill - This skill gives a character proficiency with • Con: -2DL to Endurance checks to resist disease and
Light Blunt weapons (Quarterstaff, Clubs, Maces) double damage from poison effects.

Talents: Jack of All Trades -

• Pro: Ignore untrained penalty
Talents are an extra layer of character customisation over • Con: Cannot learn rank 5 or 6 of any skill.
base stats and skills. They allow you to specialize and excel
in certain areas at the cost of other abilities. You may pick Jinxed -
only one talent at character creation. You may also opt to • Pro: Creatures in your vicinity rolling any combination
not pick a talent if you so choose. of doubles (except double 1’s) on a skill check results in
a Critical Failure
Armoured Caster - • Con: Includes you and your allies.
• Pro: Ignore the penalty for casting in Heavy Armour.
• Con: All spells cost [Spell Level * 4]MP to cast while in Kamikaze -
Heavy Armour. • Pro: +2DL to melee attack checks if you moved that
Ambidextrous - • Con: -2 to DEF until your next turn if you moved then
• Pro: Reduce dual wielding penalties to 0/-2. Deal full attacked in the same turn.
damage with off-hand weapon.
• Con: -2 Melee damage while dual wielding. Know-It-All -
• Pro: +2DL to all skill checks used as a source of
Avatar of Nietzsche - knowledge on a subject.
• Pro: Critical successes are 3x as effective. • Con: -2DL to all skill checks used in a social situation.
• Con: Roll twice on all critical failure tables and suffer
both effects. Night Person -
• Pro: +1DL to all skill checks during the night.
Beat With An Ugly Stick - • Con: -1DL to all skill checks during the day.
• Pro: +1 DEF and Intimidate DL due to childhood
beatings and extreme ugliness. Quick Draw -
• Con: -2DL to Diplomacy, and Insight checks as well as • Pro: Can make a thrown or ranged attack as a move
worse overall reactions from NPC’s. action once per combat encounter.
• Con: That attack gets a -2DL penalty on the skill check.
Blood Mage -
• Pro: Allows you to spend HP as well as MP to cast Sex Appeal -
spells (and any combination of the two). • Pro: +1DL to social skill checks with the opposite sex*
• Con: -1DL of all spells cast using HP. as well as better overall reactions.
• Con: -1DL to social skill checks with the same sex as
Bruiser - well as worse overall reactions.
• Pro: +2 damage with two-handed weapons and *Homosexuals of the same sex as you count as the opposite
unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage. sex for this talent.
• Con: -2 DEF for being a lumbering oaf.
Small Frame -
Compulsive Liar - • Pro: +1 SPD and +2DL to acrobatics checks
• Pro: +2 DL to all Bluff checks. • Con: -1 DEF and Carry Weight is reduced by 5 to
• Con: Can only use the Bluff skill for social skill checks. [WAR * 15]kg

Cult of Personality -
• Pro: +2DL on all social skill checks.
• Con: -2DL on all weapon skill checks.
Magic: Spell List:
Level 1 Spells (-1DL) (3MP) (1SP)
• You may learn and cast spells of a level that is equal to
Charm Confuse Detect Holy
or less than your rank in the Magic skill. Detect Magic ESP Find
• At character creation you receive some free spells that Ignite Improved Vision Languages
(in total) are of equal SP value to the amount of SP you Light* Lock* Telekinesis
have spent on the Magic skill. Level 2 Spells (-2DL) (6MP) (2SP)
• After character creation you must purchase spells Bless* Compel Counter-Spell
separately with SP. Energy Bolt Fear Fog
Heal* Illusion Levitate
• A spell has an SP cost equal to its level.
Shield* Silence Sleep
Level 3 Spells (-3DL) (9MP) (3SP)
Casting a Spell: Blind Grow* Hold
• Deduct spell cost from your MP pool. Spells have an Mirror Self Poison* Strength*
MP cost equal to [Spell Level * 3]. MP is deducted Wall Water Breathing
even if the spell check was a failure. Level 4 Spells (-4DL) (12MP) (4SP)
• Make a skill check vs Magic. The DL for the spell is Banish Undead* Crumble* Divine Intervention
Fly Fireball Grand Illusion
-[Spell Level]. So for 1st level spells the DL is -1, 2nd Haste Web
level spells is -2 and so on. Level 5 Spells (-5DL) (15MP) (5SP)
• If a success then apply spell effects. All Heal Chain Lightning Consecrate*
• Spells that have a target will hit automatically upon a Dominate Invisibility Petrify
successful check. Polymorph Switch Body
• Spells with a duration can be cancelled at any time by Level 6 Spells (-6DL) (18MP) (6SP)
Death Enchant Teleport Resurrect
the caster prior to the duration being reached.
* A reverse version of this spell can be cast. See spell description for
• You cannot cast a spell if you do not have enough MP details.
to cover the spell cost.
Spell Descriptions:
Spell check Modifiers: Spells are listed on the following pages with full details on
In addition to the Spell Level affecting the DL of a spell their use.
check, other things may come in to play.
Some spells have a duration of “X rounds or X minutes”. If
Caster wearing Heavy Armour -3 in combat, use rounds. Out of combat use minutes. Spells
Caster is moving -1 with a duration can be sustained longer by recasting the
Caster is drunk -3 spell at the end of the duration with a +2DL to the check,
Caster is adjacent to an opponent -1 but still cost the same amount of MP.
Caster is restrained -2
Every spell has a Target that it can affect. There are 3 types
Critical Spell Successes & Failures: of target:
On a critical success the spell being cast will double in • None - Spell affects only the caster.
effectiveness (double damage, duration, etc). • Touch - Spell affects caster or any target touched by/
adjacent to the caster.
On a critical failure roll 2d6 against the following table to • Sight - Spell can target caster or anything that the
determine the result: caster has line of sight to.
2) Spell is successful. It targets every valid creature in an 11x11m
area centered on the caster (including the caster and allies) and is Many spells also have one or more optional enhancements,
twice as effective. All affected targets have their MP reduced to 0. that will increase the effectiveness of a spell but make it
3) Caster’s MP is drained to 0. harder and more costly to cast. Enhancements are denoted
4) Caster can now only talk and write in incomprehensible by a ‘•’ in the description. Adding an enhancement to a
gibberish for 1d6 days. Cannot cast spells during that time. spell:
5) All of the caster’s carried money turns in to butterflies and
• Increases the MP cost of that spell by 2MP for each
flutters away.
6) Caster’s footwear catches fire (small fire).
7) Spell backfires, dealing 1d6+[Spell Level] damage to the caster. • Modifies the DL by -1 for each enhancement.
8) Spell misfires (random target). • Some enhancements can be stacked multiple times,
9) Spell misfires (hits caster or random ally if harmful, hits enemy modifying the cost and DL as above each time.
if beneficial)
10) A shoal of fish materialises in a 7x7m area above the caster. Arcane vs Holy magic:
11) 3d6 years of the caster’s life drop away permanently. Caster
There is no distinction in the spell list between Arcane or
may now be a very small child.
12) The caster disappears in a puff of fragrant smoke, leaving Holy magic. GM’s and Players can choose which type they
naught behind but a pair of smouldering curly-toed boots. cast based on the caster’s character concept but it does
not limit their spell choices in any way. 6
Level 1 Spells: Improved Vision
Range: Touch Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds
Charm Grants the target either the ability to see in the dark, or
Range: Touch Duration: N/A an eagle’s vision. Eagle’s vision allows the target to see in
Makes the target more friendly towards you. +1 to the next minute detail for up to a distance of 5km, and even further
social skill check made against the target. in less detail.
• To see clearly for each 5km increment.
Confuse • See through objects instead of Dark/Eagle vision.
Range: Touch Duration: 1min/1d3 rounds • Combine any of the visions with another vision.
Will cause the target’s mind to become slightly befuddled,
making them unable to concentrate on anything. -1 to all Languages
skill checks that require concentration to succeed. Range: None Duration: 10 mins/1 encounter
Allows the caster to speak, read and write fluently in one
Detect Holy language.
Range: None Duration: 10 mins/1 encounter • To commune with animals, plants or any other living
Allows the caster to sense the presence of undead, spirits thing without a formal language.
and anything else supernatural in a 11x11m area. Can also • Increase range to Touch
be used to discover the specific properties of any holy,
unholy or otherwise supernatural spell, item or effect. Light
Range: Sight Duration: 10 mins/1 encounter
Detect Magic Creates a magical light on a target or target area with the
Range: None Duration: 10 mins/ 1 encounter same intensity as a torch (2m radius). The reverse of this
Allows the caster to sense the presence of arcane magic spell is Darkness and creates a patch of murky darkness
in a 11x11m area. This spell can also be used to discover (low-light) in the same area.
the specific properties of any arcane magical spell, item or • To increase the intensity of the light produced to that
effect. of full daylight or darkness.
• To spread the light/dark out to an additional 2m.
Range: Sight Duration: 2mins/1d6 rounds Lock
Allows the caster to tune in to another’s thoughts. It Range: Touch Duration: N/A
cannot decipher specific thoughts or ideas but you can Will lock a door, chest or whatever without the use of
gauge a creature’s emotions or frame of mind. Can be used a lock or key. The reverse of this spell is Open, and will
to see if someone is lying. unlock any mundane or magical lock.
• To be able to read actual thoughts • To modify the DL on an Open spell or Thievery skill
• To empathise (share feelings) with the target. While check by another person by -2 to a maximum of -6.
empathizing, either the caster or the target shares the
same emotions of the other. The observer will take Telekinesis
themselves half damage from any source of damage Range: Sight Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds
that the other receives. Can be used to manipulate an object of a light to medium
• To allow the caster to empathise two separate people weight and small size as if with a hand or like a puppet.
together. Objects can be carried through the air with a move action
at half the caster’s SPD. You can attack with an object with
Find a Standard action using the caster’s skill with that weapon
Range: None Duration: N/A for the attack. If the object is struck with an attack (3 DEF)
Used to find any one physical thing. When the spell is cast the object falls to the ground and the spell ends.
and the caster concentrates on the thing desired, they will • For every major increment in size or weight moved.
suddenly know in which direction that thing lies. The spell • To attempt an Unarmed strike from afar (caster’s skill)
will however not give explicit directions to the thing, nor vs an unwilling target. No damage but will shove the
can it be used to find emotions or anything insubstantial. target 1m away.
It can however be used to find some general things (eg. the
“exit to a maze”), but the more specific the better.

Range: Sight Duration: N/A
Will set one readily flammable object alight (Small Flame).
The object cannot be a living creature (except plants).
• To start the fire at Small Fire level.

Level 2 Spells: Illusion
Range: Sight Duration: 5mins/ 2d6 rounds
Bless The caster can create an illusion that will convince a target
Range: Touch Duration: N/A of something that isn’t really there. The illusion will be
Target gets a +1DL bonus to their next skill or combat cancelled the moment something interferes with it (eg.
check. The reverse of this spell is Curse and confers a -1DL stepping on to an illusory bridge will make the bridge
penalty to the target on their next skill or combat check. disappear). Anyone wounded by an imaginary weapon will
• For every +/-1 modifier to the DL. Maximum of +/-4 appear to take damage until the point of unconsciousness,
however when the illusion wears off they will reawaken
Compel and realise it was all in the mind (regaining any lost HP
Range: Touch Duration: N/A from the illusion).
Caster can command the target to perform one specific
task that will not cause them direct physical harm or is not Levitate
something completely against their character. Can be used Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/1d3 rounds
to coerce truth from someone, to make them susceptible Target can float up and down under caster’s control equal
to bribes, gain information, forget they saw something, etc. to the caster’s SPD. When the effect ends, the target can be
The compulsion must be spoken in a soft voice (and heard dropped or will float safely down to the ground (caster’s
by the target) or passed through physical contact. choice). If the caster is attacked while levitating themselves
• Command someone to do something against character or another, they must pass a skill check as if casting the
but not dangerous or suicidal. spell (no MP cost) or will lose concentration, ending the
spell prematurely (target falls).
Range: Sight Duration: N/A Shield
This spell will allow the caster to dispel any other spell by Range: Touch Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds
paying [1 + the target spell’s MP] (including any additional Increases DEF by 1. The reverse of this spell is Pierce and
effect costs), however the DL for the check is equal to [the reduces DEF.
target spell’s DL -1]. Counter-Spell can be used by anyone • For every extra +1/-1 modifier to DEF up to a
who knows this spell instantly against any spell cast maximum of +/-4
directly at them, provided they have the spare MP with
which to counter it. Silence
Range: Sight Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds
Energy Bolt This spell causes the target to be unable to speak or utter
Range: Sight Duration: N/A any sound from their vocal chords. This will also prevent
This spell conjures a bolt of magical energy that travels in spells from being cast.
a straight line towards the target, dealing 1d6 damage on
impact with whatever it hits first. Sleep
• Enhance the bolt with elemental energy (pick one): Range: Touch Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds
- Fire Bolt (sets the target on fire - Small Fire) Target will fall to sleep for the above duration or until
- Ice Bolt (Half SPD for 1d3 rounds) forcefully awoken.
- Force Bolt (target is knocked prone) • Target falls in to deep sleep for 2d6 hours or until dealt
- Lightning Bolt (target skips their next turn) HP damage.
- Holy Bolt (+1d6 damage vs supernatural targets)
• Allow the energy bolt to avoid obstacles in its way. Smoke
Range: Sight Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds
Fear Fills a 3x3m area (centered on target) with dense
Range: Sight Duration: 2mins/1d6 rounds smoke, obscuring vision (-1DL to appropriate checks)
This spell causes the target to have an irrational fear of the and choking anyone caught inside (see: Drowning &
caster. The target will run screaming as far away from the Asphyxiation in ARSE core rules)
caster as possible. • +2x2m area. Maximum of +6x6m
• Cause the target to be afraid of something other than • Upgrade smoke cloud to a Poison Gas (1d6 damage/
the caster. round)

Range: Touch Duration: N/A
Heals a target for 1d6 HP. The reverse of this spell is Drain
Health which will deal 1d3 damage to the target and
transfer that damage dealt in to +HP for the caster.
• For every extra 1d6 HP, up to a maximum of 4d6
• For every extra 1d3 HP damage, maximum of 4d3 8
Level 3 Spells: Strength
Range: Touch Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds
Blind Increases one of the target’s Primary Stats by 1 (Max 6).
Range: Sight Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds The reverse of this spell is Weakness and reduces a stat by
This spell causes a single target to be stricken with -1 (Min 0).
blindness. Blindness makes all skill checks that require • For every +/- 1 to the bonus/penalty.
eyesight -4DL.
Grow Range: Sight Duration: 5 mins/2d6 rounds
Range: Touch Duration: 5 mins/2d6 rounds Creates a semi-transparent wall of magical force around a
This spell causes the target (living or non-living) to grow to target with dimensions of up to 3x3x3m. The wall deflects
the next major size category. On objects used as a weapon, ranged, melee and magic attacks. Someone may attempt
their damage rating will follow the appropriate rating for to pass in to the wall from the outside with a successful
its size. Living creatures will deal +2 melee damage for Strength Check (DL is equal to the spell’s DL). Anyone
each major increment in size. standing inside can leave the wall unhindered.
The reverse of this spell is Shrink and works the same as • Makes the wall opaque, with any appearance the caster
Grow, but in reverse. wishes (stone, wood, patterns, etc)
• For each extra major increment/decrement in size • For each 2x2x2m increase to the area.

Hold Water Breathing

Range: Sight Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/1 encounter
Immobilizes the target. Target can still perform actions Allows the target to breathe underwater for 1 hour.
that don’t require movement of the feet. -3 DEF while held. • Removes the need to breathe at all (can no longer be
drowned, choked or asphyxiated)
Mirror Self
Range: None Duration: 5 mins/2d6 rounds Level 4 Spells:
Caster creates an illusory duplicate of themselves in
an adjacent square and can decide in secret to switch Banish Undead
places with it. Duplicates can be controlled as a second Range: Sight Duration: See Description
character who acts on the same initiative position. They Will remove any magical or spiritual forces that have
can even make attacks and cast spells (from the Caster’s animated a corpse to unlife (includes ghosts), effectively
MP reserve). Duplicate lasts for the above duration or “killing” the undead target. The corpse cannot be raised
until either the caster or duplicate take any damage. GM again after this spell is cast on it. This spell can be
rolls hidden Perception checks vs the spell’s DL to be able preemptively cast on a corpse to stop it from being risen.
to identify the true caster. Failure results in identifying a The reverse of this spell is Raise Dead and will raise a
duplicate as the caster. corpse as a Skeleton (T2 Monster) for 1d6 days or until
• For each extra duplicate. Only one duplicate will killed/banished. Any parts missing from the corpse will
disappear upon receiving damage. Maximum of 3 not grow back when raised.
duplicates. • Raise as an undead of +1 Tier up to a maximum of T4

Poison Crumble
Range: Touch Duration: See Description Range: Touch Duration: N/A
Target will be poisoned and receive 1d6 damage every Allows the caster to make 1 cubic meter of non-living
hour for 1d3 days. This spell can also be cast on a standard matter crumble in to small pieces. Can be used to breach
sized meal or drink of liquid, so that it affects whomever walls/doors or break items. The reverse of this spell is
ingests it within 5 minutes. The reverse of this spell is Repair, and will repair a non-living object of 1 cubic meter
Purify and will cure one poison effect or create an antidote or less back to its original state or to a new form taking
of equal strength out of liquid up the same volume of matter, or with readily available
• For every 1d6 increase to damage. Maximum of 3d6 materials repair partially damaged objects.
• For every 1d3 increase to poison duration. Maximum • For every extra cubic meter of matter.
of 3d3
• Use Purify to make Holy Water out of a liquid Divine Intervention
• Add this enhancement to Purify multiple times to Range: Touch Duration: 5 mins/2d6 rounds
equal the strength of the Poison. This spell will either cause the next melee, ranged or magic
attack against the target to automatically miss, or make
the next melee, ranged or magic attack made by the target
automatically hit. Lasts for the above duration or until an
attack is made against or by the target.
Fly Level 5 Spells:
Range: Sight Duration: 5 mins/2d6 rounds
As Levitate, but the target can move freely in all directions All Heal
under the caster’s control at the Caster’s SPD. Range: Sight Duration: N/A
• Use target’s SPD and give control of flight to the target. Will heal up to [WIZ] amount of targets within 12m of the
caster for [2d6+WIZ] HP.
Fireball • For every extra target
Range: Sight Duration: N/A • Regenerate lost limbs on one target instead of heal.
Hurls an explosive ball of fire towards the target area,
exploding on impact in a 5x5x5m area, dealing 2d6 Chain Lightning
damage to everything caught in the blast and knocking Range: Sight Duration: N/A
prone anyone who fails a Moderate Dodge check. Deals 3d6 damage to target, jumps to the nearest creature
• For every 2x2x2m increase to blast area up to a within 6m of the target and deals 2d6, then to the nearest
maximum of +4x4x4m creature within 6m again (but not the first target) and
• Sets inflammable objects and creatures alight (Small deals 1d6.
Fire) • Will damage only enemies of the caster within range of
each other
Grand Illusion • Increase effective range to within 12m of the target
Range: Sight Duration: 5 mins/2d6 rounds
Works as Illusion but can affect a number of people up Consecrate
to the Caster’s [Magic Skill + WIZ]. The Illusion will Range: None Duration: N/A
remain, even if someone does something that would Will convert a 9x9m area to Holy Ground, causing spirits,
normally reveal it, but the caster can reveal an illusion at demons and undead to take 2d6 damage upon contact
will. Illusory objects or creatures will appear solid to the for every meter of holy ground they tread through and
touch (if that is the desired effect) and for all intents and must pass a Hard Endurance check or flee in terror. The
purposes are “real” until the illusion is ended. spell can also be cast on objects, which will produce
• For every additional 2 people affected the same effect if touched, but only 1d6 damage per
round of contact. Weapons can be Consecrated and will
Haste permanently deal double damage to the appropriate
Range: Touch Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds targets. The reverse of this spell is Desecrate and works the
Out of combat, this spell will allow the target to act twice same as consecrate but will affect holy spirits, angels and
as fast as normal (perform tasks faster, run faster, etc). similar Holy creatures. Either spell can be cast on the other
In combat this spell will give the target 1 extra Standard to counter the effect. This spell takes 1 hour (undisturbed)
Action per round for 1d6 combat rounds. to cast and cannot be cast in combat.
• For every additional Standard Action granted per
round up to a maximum of +3. Dominate
• For every additional x1 speed multipler out of combat Range: Touch Duration: 5 mins/2d6 rounds
to a maximum of x5 as fast. Will give total control of the target’s mind to the caster,
who can mentally order them to perform any task they
Web wish. If ordered to perform an obviously suicidal task, the
Range: Sight Duration: 2 mins/1d6 rounds target can make an Insight check vs the DL of the spell in
Creates a sticky web over a 5x5m area and immobilizes order to break free of the domination.
everyone in it unless they pass a Moderate Strength check • Increase time limit to 1d6 hours
at -2DL. Successful checks allow a character to move at
half speed until they escape the web area. Strength check Invisibility
must be made each round to avoid immobilization. Range: None Duration: 5 mins/2d6 rounds
Anyone attempting to attack or cast spells from within the Will turn the caster invisible for the above duration, or
web take a -2DL penalty to their rolls. until the caster engages is hostile activity.
• For each -1 penalty to the DC of the Strength and
attack checks up to a maximum of -4DL Petrify
Range: Touch Duration: 1d6 days
Turns the target to a stone statue for 1d6 days. The target
can still perceive their surroundings but cannot move or
communicate. The target will not receive HP damage while
in stone, but the stone can be chipped or broken, which
will affect the target accordingly when the spell ends, so
enough “damage” to the statue can still effectively kill the
target. This spell can be cast again on a target by a
different caster to dispel the effect. 10
Polymorph Enchantment:
Range: Sight Duration: 5 mins/2d6 rounds
Turns the target in to a small, harmless (Tier 0) animal for The following is involved in enchanting a magical object:
the above duration or until the target receives HP damage. • You must know the spell you wish to enchant on to
The target retains their intelligence and are still in control an object.
of themselves and can move around at normal speed for • You must know the Enchant spell.
that creature, dealing 1d3 damage with a bite, peck or claw • You must have an object to enchant.
attack. • Purchase ritual ingredients equal to [Spell Level] *
• Target’s intelligence is removed and they act as the 200cp.
creature normally would. • Prepare the object for enchantment by casting the
• +1 Tier animal (max T3) Enchant spell on the item once.
• +2DL if you wish to make the item only useable by
Switch Body people with training in the Magic skill.
Range: Touch Duration: 1d6 days • -2DL and +4MP if you wish to make the
Swaps the consciousness of the caster and target, placing enchantment permanent
them in each other’s body. WAR, ROG, HP and racial • The Enchant ritual takes 3 uninterrupted hours to
talent remain the same for the body in question, but WIZ, cast and uses up all of the ritual ingredients.
MP, Skills and regular Talent will transfer with caster and • Cast the spell to be enchanted on to the item within
target. Spell can be cast again on either body by a different 6 hours after Enchant is cast with a -2 modifier to DL
caster to counter the spell. and +2MP cost.
• Increase spell duration to indefinite, and the Counter- • The MP cost of the spell to be enchanted can be
Spell can only be cast on the Caster’s original body. If reduced by -2 for each reduction in range down to
that body is destroyed before a Counter-Spell can be ‘None’. Minimum of 3MP
cast, then the switch is permanent. • The enchantment lasts for [2d6 + WIZ] uses (based
on the WIZ of the person who cast the Enchant
Level 6 Spells: ritual)
• A failed skill check will result in an unenchanted
Death object and the process must be started from scratch.
Range: Touch Duration: N/A
Will instantly kill the next living creature touched by the Multiple casters can be involved in the process of
caster. The spell takes 1 day to prepare (undisturbed, and enchanting, with one casting Enchant and the other
out of combat), however the caster will also have their casting the spell to be enchanted. A magic item returns
natural lifespan shortened by 2d6 years after the kill. to being a mundane item after all of its uses have been
Range: Touch Duration: See Description There is no MP cost associated with using or activating a
Will allow the caster to imbue the magical properties of magic item, however items can only be activated once per
any other spell they know semi-permanently on to an combat round as a Standard Action.
object of their choice. See Enchantment for more details.
An item can only have one enchantment on it at a time.
Range: Touch Duration: N/A The specifics of how the spell works on/through the item
Allows the caster and anyone in physical contact with are up to the caster and GM to discuss.
them to instantly transport themselves to any location
known by the caster. Caster can transport up to [WIZ] Anyone can activate a magic item unless it was created
individuals (including themselves). Failing the check only to be used by people with training in the Magic skill.
results in the caster and all passengers being deposited in
random places within 30km of the destination. NOTE: Some spells may become overpowered if enchanted
as-is on to an item permanently. In particular the Divine
Resurrect Intervention and Death spells. Think carefully before
Range: Touch Duration: N/A allowing them to be enchanted or severely restrict their use
Returns one corpse to life. Minimum requirement being as an enchantment.
an intact bone. Target will regenerate in good health
(including the regeneration of lost limbs). However,
any other detached pieces of the corpse cannot be used
to resurrect that creature again unless they come from
the newly resurrected body. This spell cannot be cast on
creatures that died of natural causes.
Expanded Rules The weapons listed are the most common to a medieval
fantasy setting. More exotic or specific weapons can be
Currency: created using this list as a basis. In general there are 4
tiers of damage (1d3, 1d6, 1d6+3, 2d6) for melee weapons
The most common denominations of money in ARSE and a weapon can be assigned damage based on relative
Fantasy are the Gold Piece (gp), Silver Piece (sp) and size to other weapons in this list. Weapons also list some
Copper Piece (cp). 100cp is worth 1sp and 10sp is worth additional information:
1gp. The Copper Piece is the most widely used coin and
prices are given in terms of cp. The silver and gold piece • 1-H: Indicates that a weapon is wielded in one hand,
are mostly used by nobility and the banks for storing leaving the other free to hold something else.
and exchanging large sums of money though many • 2-H: Indicates that a weapon must be wielded or
adventurers will carry silver and gold for ease of transport. operated with both hands.
Commoners and some of the lower income merchants • Thrown: Indicates that this weapon can be thrown
may refuse to accept payment in gold coins, as they have accurately within the following ranges in meters
little use for it in their day-to-day transactions and may (short/long).
not be able to exchange it themselves, but silver coins are • Reach: Indicates that this weapon can treat unobscured
almost always accepted and are a sign of wealth to all but targets up to 2m away (2 squares/hexes) as adjacent for
the elite classes. Barter and exchange of goods/services the purposes of making standard melee attacks (but
are also accepted forms of trade, especially in the lower not for moving out of threat range).
classes. • Range: Indicates that this weapon can be accurately
fired up to the following ranges in meters (short/long).
Depending on the type of game being run; coins may or
may not have an appreciable weight which will impact Short range confers no bonus or penalty to the roll. Long
the adventurer as they plunder ancient dungeons for their range applies a -2DL penalty to the roll. Firing further
riches. There are three ways to handle money weight: than long range in combat is considered wildly inaccurate
1) Money has no weight. Characters can carry an (-4DL to the roll) and hitting targets past that range is a
unlimited amount. matter of luck.
2) Money has no weight. Characters can only carry what
the GM deems reasonable. Armour is again basically a shortlist of common types
3) Assume that a coin (any type) weighs 10 grams (0.01kg), of armour found in medieval fantasy settings. When
a belt pouch can fit 50 coins (0.5kg) and a standard creating new armours you should choose wether it is light
adventuring sack can hold 1000 coins (10kg) or heavy (metal tends to be heavy). Light Armours tend
to have a DEF value of 1-3 and Heavy Armour 4-6, with
New characters start with 250cp to their names which they SPD penalties for bulkier armour. Prices and stats are for
can spend on the equipment below. entire suits of armour (chest, leg, arm, hand, head). The
SPD penalties for encumbered/overburdened, armour and
Equipment: heavy shields do not stack. Whichever is the higher of the
penalties is the one that applies.
Every adventurer has an inventory full of weapons,
armour, tools and other objects that help them in their After the armour section is a listing of all the other
journeys. The tables on the following pages list items that miscellaneous things adventurers might wish to spend
are most useful to an adventurer, their cost, weight and their money on, sorted in to broad categories.
other important information. This is by no means an
exhaustive list of every item an adventurer might come Finally, the Magic Items section goes over the creation
across, but gives a good indication of the things you might of potions and scrolls as well as lists the prices for those
find and their costs, which you can then use to guess at things and enchanted items.
other items not listed.

Costs listed are the average amount in a large city.

The further out from the main cities you go, the more
expensive things are likely to get. The smallest and most
remote towns might charge anywhere from 3-5x the
amount listed for goods they don’t produce locally.

Carry Weight in ARSE Fantasy is calculated at

[WAR * 20]kg.

Item Damage Cost Weight Notes
Light Melee
Axe 1d6 50cp 1kg 1-H
Club 1d3 25cp 1kg 1-H
Dagger 1d3 25cp 0.5kg 1-H / Thrown 5/10m
Hatchet 1d3 25cp 0.5kg 1-H / Thrown 5/10m
Mace 1d6 50cp 1kg 1-H
Quarterstaff 1d6 25cp 0.5kg 2-H
Shortsword 1d6 50cp 1kg 1-H
Spear 1d6 25cp 0.5kg 1-H / Thrown 10/20m
Heavy Melee
Battleaxe 1d6+3 150cp 3kg 1-H
Greataxe 2d6 300cp 6kg 2-H
Greathammer 2d6 300cp 6kg 2-H
Greatspear 2d6 350cp 6kg 2-H / Reach: 2m
Halberd 1d6+3 175cp 3kg 2-H / Reach: 2m
Longsword 1d6+3 150cp 3kg 1-H
Two-Handed Sword 2d6 300cp 6kg 2-H
Warhammer 1d6+3 150cp 3kg 1-H
Light Ranged
Shortbow 1d3+2 35cp 1kg 2-H / Range: 30/60
Longbow 1d6 70cp 1.5kg 2-H / Range: 40/80
Heavy Ranged
Composite Bow 1d6+2 140cp 2kg 2-H / Range: 50/100
Crossbow 1d6+4 280cp 4kg 2-H / Range: 25/50

Armour & Clothing

Item DEF Cost Weight Notes
Light Armour
Quilted Tunic +1 100cp 2kg
Leather Hauberk +2 250cp 5kg
Studded Leather Armour +3 400cp 8kg
Heavy Armour
Chainmail +4 800cp 10kg
Scalemail +5 1400cp 15kg -1 SPD
Platemail +6 2000cp 20kg -2 SPD
Light Shield +1 100cp 2kg
Heavy Shield +2 250cp 5kg -1 SPD
Leather Belt - 10cp 0.5kg
Leather Boots (pair) - 40cp 1kg
Cloak (wool) - 30cp 0.5kg
Cloak (silk) - 300cp 1kg
Gloves (leather, pair) - 20cp 0.1kg
Gloves (silk, pair) - 200cp 0.1kg
Hat (common) - 10cp 0.1kg
Hat (fancy) - 40cp 0.1kg
Robe (linen) - 50cp 1kg
Robe (silk) - 500cp 3kg
Tunic (wool) - 45cp 1kg
Pants (linen) - 45cp 1kg

Miscellaneous Goods & Equipment
Item Cost Weight Notes
Adventuring Equipment
Animal Trap (small) 5cp 1kg Traps most small to medium sized creatures. 1d3 damage
Animal Trap (large) 40cp 5kg Traps medium to large sized creatures. 1d6+2 damage
Arrows (each) 1cp 0.01kg
Bedroll 15cp 1kg
Blanket 10cp 1.5kg
Bolt, Crossbow (each) 2cp 0.04kg
Book (50 leaves) 120cp 1kg or Tome (150 leaves, 230cp, 3kg)
Caltrops (bag of 10) 6cp 0.5kg 1sqm coverage. 1d3 damage and -1 SPD for 1d6 rounds.
Candles (each) 2cp 0.2kg Burns for 8 hours, 2m radius of light
Chain (light, per meter) 9cp 4kg Supports 250kg max strain
Chain (heavy, per meter) 15cp 7kg Supports 700kg max strain
Chalk (stick) 1cp 0.02kg Or Charcoal
Clothing Repair Kit 5cp 0.2kg 5x needles, 1.5m spool thread, 10 buttons
Crowbar 10cp 1kg
Flint & Steel 3cp 0.2kg
Grappling Hook 10cp 0.5kg
Hammer 6cp 1kg
Lantern 12cp 1kg Burns for 4 hours, 6m radius of light
Lantern Oil (1 flask) 2cp 0.5kg 4 hours of lantern fuel.
Looking Glass 50cp 1kg
Marbles (glass, bag of 20) 12cp 1kg 2sqm coverage. DC9 acrobatics or fall prone + 1d3 damage
Mirror (hand) 20cp 1kg
Nails (25) 2cp 0.5kg
Net (fishing, per square meter) 6cp 1kg
Parchment (1 sheet) 2cp 0.02kg
Pole, 10-ft (3m) 5cp 1kg
Quill & Ink 10cp 0.5kg 1 Quill and 0.5l of black writing ink
Rope (15m coil, light) 50cp 5.5kg Supports 100kg max strain
Rope (15m coil, reinforced) 100cp 8kg Supports 250kg max strain
Shovel 12cp 1.5kg
Soap (bar) 5cp 0.2kg
Tent 30cp 3.5kg Sleeps 2 people
Torch 1cp 0.5kg Burns for 2hrs, 6m radius of light
Twine (15m ball) 6cp 0.1kg Supports 5kg max strain
Alchemy Kit 200cp 5kg Contains tools necessary for brewing potions
Climber’s Kit 30cp 7kg 1xHammer and 6xPitons
Disguise Kit 50cp 0.5kg Contains makeup and facial props
Fishing Kit 4cp 0.1kg 3m fishing line, 10 fishhooks
Healer’s Kit 35cp 1kg 15m roll of bandages, 0.25l rubbing alcohol, tweezers,
10 cotton swabs, knife.
Lockpick (set) 40cp 0.5kg
Travel Kitchen 30cp 2kg knife, fork, spoon, bowl, cup, skillet, pot, ladle
Backpack 25cp 1kg Holds: 15kg/10l/1000 coins
Case (scroll) 10cp 0.5kg Holds: 4 books/2 tomes/250 sheets/50 scrolls
Chest (small) 15cp 1.5kg Holds: 5kg/3l/250 coins
Chest (large) 60cp 4kg Holds: 30kg/20l/2000 coins
Pouch 5cp 0.2kg Holds: 2kg/0.5l/50 coins
Quiver (Bow) 8cp 0.5kg Holds up to 25 arrows
Quiver (Crossbow) 10cp 0.5kg Holds up to 25 bolts
Sack 10cp 0.5kg Holds: 10kg/10l/1000 coins
Waterskin 6cp 0.2kg Holds 1l of liquid 14
Item Cost Weight Notes
Barding (horse, light) 800cp 4kg +2 to Horse’s DEF
Barding (horse, heavy) 2000cp 10kg +4 to Horse’s DEF / -1 SPD
Barding (exotic, light) 1200cp 4kg +2 to Mount’s DEF
Barding (exotic, heavy) 3400cp 10kg +4 to Mount’s DEF / -1 SPD
Exotic Mount Training -> Already tamed: 1000cp, 6 months. Wild: 2000cp, 1 year.
Harness 25cp 4kg
Horse Feed (sack) 12cp 5kg 7 days worth of horse feed per sack.
Saddle (Riding) 80cp 2kg
Saddle (War) 240cp 4.5kg
Stabling (per day) 1cp 2cp/day for stabling + feed
Saddle (custom, exotic, riding) 160cp 2kg
Saddle (custom, exotic, war) 480cp 4.5kg
Bear (trained) 900cp 600kg Max load of 300kg
Dog (Sled) 30cp 35kg Max load of 18kg
Dog (Work) 18cp 60kg
Dog (War) 25cp 100kg
Donkey (or Mule) 400cp 400kg Max load of 200kg
Falcon 200cp 2kg
Horse (Draft) 1000cp 900kg Max load of 450kg
Horse (Riding) 450cp 500kg Max load of 250kg
Horse (War) 800cp 700kg Max load of 350kg
Pigeon (Carrier) 8cp 1kg Hire is 1cp per day of flight to deliver a message.
Food & Drink & Lodging
Ale (flagon) 1cp 0.5kg 100cp/barrel (65kg)
Meal (hot, tavern) 3cp 1kg
Meal (cold, tavern) 1cp 1kg
Room (shared, p/n) -> Poor: 2cp/pp, Moderate: 4cp/pp, Nice: 8cp/pp
Room (single, p/n) -> Poor: 6cp, Moderate: 12cp, Nice: 24cp
Trail Rations (per day) 2cp 0.5kg
Wine (flagon) 3cp 0.5kg 300cp/barrel (65kg)
Caravan (afoot, per day) 10cp Joining a caravan as a passenger
Caravan (cart, per day) 30cp Joining a caravan with a laden cart but no horse to pull it
Caravan (horse, per day) 20cp Joining a caravan and hiring one of their horses to ride
Caravan (wagon, per day) 60cp Joining a caravan with a laden wagon but no horses to pull
Cart 80cp 150kg Seats up to 6 people or similar volume. 1 Horse minimum
Chartered ship (per day, with meals) 14cp Joining a ship as a passenger
Rowboat (w/2 oars) 180cp 100kg Seats up to 4 people or similar volume. Max weight 400kg
Sled 50cp 20kg Seats 1 person
Wagon 220cp 400kg Seats up to 10 people or similar volume. 2 Horse minimum

Magic Items • Potion : [Spell Level] + [per enhancement] * 100cp

• Scroll: [Spell Level] * + [per enhancement] 50cp
Depending on how prevalent magic is in your game, items • Limited Use Magic Item: [Spell Level] + [per
of a magical nature are generally rare; especially enchanted enhancement] * 500cp + [Base Item Cost]
items, which are usually not for sale in shops and owned • Permanent Magic Item: [Spell Level] + [per
only by powerful wizards or nobles. enhancement] * 1000cp + [Base Item Cost]

The following values can be used to measure magic item

worth. They can be tweaked to suit your game:
Brewing Potions: Scribing Scrolls:

While not strictly magical, The following is involved in The following is involved in scribing a magical scroll:
brewing potions: • You must know the spell you wish to scribe.
• You must have a rank in Nature Lore equivalent to the • You must purchase 1 sheet of parchment and writing
level of the spell you wish to replicate tools to scribe the scroll with.
• You must have an appropriate workspace and an • You must spend [Spell Level] uninterrupted hours
alchemy kit to brew with. preparing the scroll.
• Each potion takes [spell level] days to brew and the • For each spell enhancement, raise the effective spell
brewer must have sufficient time per day to tend to the level of the scroll by 1.
brew. • The spell must then be cast on to the parchment with
• Purchase appropriate ingredients equal to [Spell Level] a DL equal to the spell’s DL -1
* 50cp for each potion. • A failed check destroys the sheet of parchment.
• For each spell enhancement, raise the effective spell
level of the potion by 1. A magical scroll can only be used by someone with a rank
• A Nature Lore skill check must be made with a DL in the Magic skill equal to the base level of the spell on the
equal to the spell’s DL -1. scroll (not counting enhancements), however you don’t
• Up to [WIZ] potions can be brewed at the same time, need to know the spell itself. You cast the spell form the
but separate skill checks must be made for each potion. scroll as you normally would cast a spell but do not expend
• A failed skill check will result in a ruined brew at the any MP. The scroll crumbles to dust after use (successful or
end of the brewing time. not). You get a +2DL bonus to the skill check when casting
from a scroll you have scribed yourself.
It is up to the player and GM to discuss exactly how the
spell works in the terms of a potion and some spells may Enchanted Objects:
not feasibly work as potions at all. Depending on what the
potion does, it could also be considered a poison or oil The following is an example list of some magic items, with
coating for weapons. No matter what the spell is, the range prices and important information. Base potion price from
is always “None”, meaning that the potion must be ingested a vendor is usually at least twice the cost of making one.
by the target, or make contact with the target (whichever • Spell scrolls cost [Spell Level] * 50cp.
makes more sense). Most potion effects have time limits • Magic items have a slightly more complicated costing:
comparable to their spell counterpart. A successful brew [Spell Level] * 300cp + [Number of Uses] * 15cp +
will create one dose of the potion, which must be used in [Base Item Cost]
its entirety for the effects to work. No ranks in Magic or • or, for unlimited use items use [Spell Level] * 600cp +
Nature Lore are needed to use a potion. [Base Item Cost].

For each enhancement on a spell scroll or magic item,

increase the effective spell level by 1. For items usable only
by magic users reduce the effective level by 1 (minimum of
1). For each reduction in range for Magic items, reduce the
effective level by 1 (minimum of 1).
Item Cost Weight Notes
Potions, Poisons & Oils
Antidote 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Purify - Cures Poison
Catseye Elixir 100cp 0.2kg As the spell Improved Vision - Darkvision
Charm Potion 100cp 0.2kg As the spell Charm
Concentrated Antidote 500cp 0.2kg As the spell Purify - Cures Virulent Poison
Elixir of Befuddlement 100cp 0.2kg As the spell Confuse
Elixir of Speed 400cp 0.2kg As the spell Haste
Four-Leaf Clover Potion 200cp 0.2kg As the spell Bless - +1 bonus
Greater Healing Potion 400cp 0.2kg As the spell Heal - 3d6HP healed
Greater Mana Potion 400cp 0.2kg As the spell Heal - 3d6MP recovered
Grow Potion 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Grow
Healing Potion 200cp 0.2kg As the spell Heal
Holy Water 400cp 0.2kg As the spell Purify - Holy Water, Thrown 5/10,
2d6 Damage vs Undead.
Invisibility Potion 500cp 0.2kg As the spell Invisibility
Major Healing Potion 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Heal - 2d6HP healed
Item Cost Weight Notes
Major Mana Potion 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Heal - 2d6MP recovered
Mana Potion 200cp 0.2kg As the spell Heal - 1d6MP recovered
Poison 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Poison - Can be ingested or coated on a blade.
Poison of the Open Mind 200cp 0.2kg As the spell Compel
Poison of the Ultimate Suggestion 500cp 0.2kg As the spell Dominate
Potion of Cunning 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Strength - +1 ROG
Potion of Dullness 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Weakness - -1 ROG
Potion of Enfeeblement 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Weakness - -1 WAR
Potion of Strength 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Strength - +1 WAR
Potion of Stupidity 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Weakness - -1 WIZ
Potion of Water Breathing 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Water Breathing
Potion of Wit 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Strength - +1 WIZ
Sandman’s Tincture 200cp 0.2kg As the spell Sleep
Shrinking Potion 300cp 0.2kg As the spell Shrink
Smoke Bomb 200cp 0.2kg As the spell Smoke - Thrown Weapon 5/10
Strong Antidote 400cp 0.2kg As the spell Purify - Cures Vile Poison
Tanglefoot 400cp 0.2kg As the spell Web - Thrown Weapon 5/10
Universal Antidote 600cp 0.2kg As the spell Purify - Cures Vicious Poison
Vicious Poison 600cp 0.2kg As the spell Poison - 3d6 Damage, 2d3 day duration
Vile Poison 400cp 0.2kg As the spell Poison - 2d6 Damage
Virulent Poison 500cp 0.2kg As the spell Poison - 2d6 Damage, 2d3 day duration
Level 1 Spell 50cp 0.02kg
Level 2 Spell 100cp 0.02kg
Level 3 Spell 150cp 0.02kg
Level 4 Spell 200cp 0.02kg
Level 5 Spell 250cp 0.02kg
Level 6 Spell 300cp 0.02kg
Magic Equipment
Bag of Holding 2410cp 0.5kg Holds 50kg/50l/5000 coins. Contents weigh nothing.
Book of Translation 750cp 1kg As the spell Languages.
Boomerang Axe 625cp 0.5kg Thrown Hatchet returns to sender.
Boots of Speed (6 uses) 1330cp 1kg As the spell Haste.
Cloak of Featherfall 900cp 1kg Floats wearer down, ignoring falling damage. Unlimited use
Deep pouch 1205cp 0.2kg Holds 10kg/10l/1000 coins. Contents weigh nothing.
Everburning Torch 601cp 0.5kg As the spell Light.
Flameblade (Longsword, 6 uses) 1140cp 3kg On Hit: +1d6 damage, sets target on fire (small fire).
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength (6 uses) 1000cp 0.5kg +2 to Strength checks.
Gauntlets of the Titan 2500cp 0.5kg +3 to Strength checks.
Holy Avenger (2-H Sword) 2100cp 6kg On Hit: +1d6 damage vs supernatural targets.
Knockdown Arrow (1 arrow, 1 use) 316cp 0.01kg On Hit: Knocks target prone.
Lifedrinker (Dagger, 6 uses) 715cp 0.5kg On Hit: Heals wielder equal to damage dealt.
Looking-glass of Farseeing 650cp 0.5kg As the spell Improved Vision - Farseeing.
Lucky Charm Amulet (6 uses) 1300cp 0.2kg As the spell Divine Intervention.
Ring of Invisibility (6 uses) 1600cp 0.01kg As the spell Invisibility.
Rod of Location (6 uses) 395cp 0.2kg As the spell Find.
Stormhammer (Warhammer, 6 uses) 1140cp 3kg On Hit: +1d6 damage, target skips next turn.
Sun Spectacles 630cp 0.01kg As the spell Improved Vision - Darkvision.
Winged Boots (6 uses) 1330cp 1kg As the spell Fly.

Combat Options Opponents & NPC’s

The following are some special tricks that players can use It wouldn’t be much of a fantasy adventure without a cast
in combat: of friends and foes for the players to interact and battle
with. The following is a template for generating quick
Disarm monsters, bad guys and NPC’s (Non-Player Character)
A character can make a melee attack at -1DL to disarm an with appropriate skill levels. From here on, everything will
opponent. The dropped weapon will fall at the target’s feet. be referred to as an NPC, be it friend, foe or somewhere in
If the attack is made unarmed, the weapon can be taken between. The following section is meant for GM’s so that
instead of dropped. they can quickly create a library of monsters, opponents,
allies and so forth and contains little of interest to players.
Dual Wielding
A character may wield two 1-H weapons in combat, NPC’s follow a similar ranking system to Difficulty
however the off-hand weapon must be a Light 1-H Level. They are separated in to Tiers, with Tier 0 being of
weapon. When dual wielding, the character may choose to minimal threat (small, harmless creatures), and Tier 6 (or
either: more) being incredibly dangerous (dragons, demons, etc).
• Make an attack with both weapons as a standard A player character fresh out of character creation is about
action. Main hand weapon receives a -1DL penalty to on par with a Tier 2 NPC.
the attack roll. Off-hand receives a -3DL penalty and
deals half damage on a hit. Similar to player character creation, NPC’s are made
• Use the off-hand weapon to defend. -1DL penalty to up of a certain number of points, distributed between a
main hand attack roll and +1 DEF until their next simplified stat block. However, unlike character creation,
turn. the points are spent (with the exception of HP) on a 1:1
basis. The amount of points to distribute is based on Tier:
A Shield Bash or unarmed attack can be made as if
T1: 12 points T2: 24 points T3: 36 points
dual wielding, with the same penalties as a normal dual
T4: 48 points T5: 60 points T6: 72 points
wielding attack (-1/-3).

A character can make an unarmed attack with a free hand You distribute these points between the stats of:
in an attempt to grab an opponent. • Attack (ATK) - An average bonus you add to every
• A successful attack results in the target being unable to attack skill check the NPC makes.
perform actions unless they beat that character in an • Defense (DEF) - Works the same as the DEF stat for
opposed Strength check on their turn to break free. player characters.
• The grabbing character cannot perform any other • Hit Points (HP) - Every point spent in this is equal
actions that require the use of their arms, but can move to 6HP. Or for more random HP, each point is equal to
around at half SPD, dragging the target with them. 1d6HP.
• The grabbing character can let go at any time during • Speed (SPD) - Works the same as the SPD stat for
their turn. player characters and by default starts at 6. Can be
lowered for extra points.
Push/Throw • Social - Pick a dominant social skill from
A character can make an unarmed attack with a free hand the regular skill list to focus in.
to push a target 1m away (no damage). A character can • Perception - Works the same as the Perception
also throw a grappled target 1m away and knock them skill.
prone as a standard action without a skill check. • Insight - Works the same as the Insight skill
• Other - Pick one other (non-weapon) skill
Shield Bash important to the NPC.
When wielding a shield, a character can substitute their
weapon attack for a Shield Bash. The Strength skill is used Each point in a stat works as a total bonus to appropriate
for the attack with a -2DL penalty to the check. On a hit rolls. For instance, with an ATK of 3, that NPC would roll
the target will receive 1d3 (light shield) or 1d6 (heavy 1d6+3 when making any attack. You are not required to
shield) damage and be knocked either prone or backwards put points in to every stat but it is obviously a good idea
by 1m to keep some spare for HP. An NPC with 0 points spent in
HP has 1HP. As a general rule of thumb a stat shouldn’t be
Trip more than 1-3 points above the NPC’s tier as players might
A character can trip their opponent with an unarmed or find the difference in power to be an insurmountable
polearm attack at -2DL to hit. A successful hit deals half challenge. eg. having a DEF higher than anyone can roll
damage and knocks the target prone. without exploding dice but 1 or less in every other stat
makes for an invincible but otherwise pointless enemy. 18
Attacks and Weapons:

Each NPC has a Primary and Secondary weapon that

they use for all of their attacks. They don’t necessarily
have to be a weapon held in the hand. A beast might have
a primary attack of claws and a secondary attack of bite.
Also, one or both of the attacks could be magic spells. For
ranged attacks, you can either assume the npc has infinite
ammo during the combat, or you can roll a number of
d6’s to determine how much ammo they are carrying. For
spellcasters you can either allow them to cast the spell an
infinite amount of times during the combat or limit them
to 1d6 castings before running out of mana (whichever is
more fair).

Damage Per Tier:

When designing an NPC it is probably a good idea to

match their damage to the power level of their tier. Here is
a rough guideline to damage per tier:
T1&2: 1d3 - 1d6 T3&4: 1d6 - 2d6
T5&6: 2d6 - 3d6
If you want an NPC to have an above-average damage for
its tier, you should limit the amount of points in some of
the other stats to compensate

A Note On Balance:

As was stated earlier, a PC is roughly equivalent in power

to a T2 NPC. If you want to create a fully fleshed out NPC
or if you want to match NPC’s to the growing power of
PC’s use the following as a rough guide:
T1 NPC = 10SP PC T2 NPC = 24 SP PC
T3 NPC = 45SP PC T4 NPC = 72SP PC
T5 NPC = 106SP PC T6 NPC = 150SP PC
This assumes that PC’s progress 1 Primary stat, 4 skills
and HP at the same rate in order to max out their rolls
for those skills as early as possible, while maintaining a
reasonable amount of HP.

Name: Tier: Description



/ Skills

Social Perception

Insight Other

Inventory Notes
Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon:

DAM:______ DAM:______
Armour: Treasure:

Treasure: Treasure:

Name: Tier: Description



/ Skills

Social Perception

Insight Other

Inventory Notes
Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon:

DAM:______ DAM:______
Armour: Treasure:

Treasure: Treasure:
ARG Character Sheet
Name: SP: ____________________________________________________(ROGUE)
Skill Rank Stat Score
Primary Stats

Secondary Stats
(Hit Points) (Magic Points) (Defense) (Speed)

/ /
__________________________________________________(Warrior) ___________________________________________________(WIZARD)
Skill Rank Stat Score Skill Rank Stat Score
Gender: Age: Inventory
Item Amount Weight
Race: Class:


Item Slot Weight
Total: Total:

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