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Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment

Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

Brendan Sulley

Lesson Title: Feeding the Greater Gator or Riding the Less Than Van

Cooperating Teacher: Jason Watts

Dorris Intermediate School

Illinois Community Unit School District #10

CIED 312 Mathematics Lesson Plan

Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

Component 1: Learning Context

Teacher Candidate Name: Brendan Sulley Section Number: 001
Cooperating Teacher Name: Mr. Watts
School: Dorris Intermediate School Room: 120
Date: 9/30 Grade level: 5 Time Needed: 15-20 minutes
Mathematical Topic/ General Concept: Compare decimal fractions to the thousandths using like units, and express
comparisons with >, <, =.

Teacher Candidate Role: Lesson Duration:

_X_Taught with cooperating teacher 12:45 p.m.- 1:10 a.m.
observing 25 minutes

___Co-taught with cooperating


___Assisted cooperating teacher


Prior Knowledge Prerequisite(s) for Learning: The students were expected to know how to read numbers with decimals,
fractions, and exponents prior to the class. Students had also just learned about different place values and their meanings
the week before this lesson took place.

Student Misconceptions About the Topic: Students were confused why there were 2 classifications; greater than and less
than. Most of the students agreed that the term “greater than” should be used regardless of which way the symbol is facing.
To try and help clear this confusion I told the students that when they read these problems, they must read it like
everything else, from left to right. I emphasized how we would say the number on the left first and then say the appropriate
response based on the second number.

Class Demographics: The goal of the lesson was to get students to successfully determine which number, of the two, was
bigger and by how much for some questions. The students can take this knowledge and use it in an abundance of scenarios
in the real world. For example, this lesson is a great way to practice price comparing when going to the grocery store.
Everyone wants to get the most bang for their buck and this concept aims in helping understand how to determine that.
This lesson can also be useful in the real world when dealing with measurements, students can better identify how off a
measurement may be and if it is too severe or not a big issue.

Materials Needed For the Students Materials Needed For the Teacher
Comparing Fractions Worksheet Clothes Pins
Comparing Decimals Worksheet Cut outs of alligators and vans
Popsicle Sticks
*The student I interviewed had interest assets in the following areas that are different from mine:
_X_interest in school _X_interest in lesson topic __interest in class colleagues __interest in
*The student I interviewed had knowledge assets in the following areas that are different from mine:
_X_skills mastered _X_knowledge of lesson topic _X_interpersonal skills needed to learn with others
_X_prior life experience
*The student I interviewed had cultural assets in the following areas that are different from mine:
_X_race _X_social class _X_gender __language _X_culture
*The student I interviewed had community assets in the following areas that are different from mine:
_X_school cultural diversity _X_student knowledge diversity __economic class of school neighborhood
__teacher/administrator experience
*At least two characteristics in each category of learning assets must be checked to identify a student participant as
different from the interviewer.

Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

Component 2: Learning Objective with Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Identified
Learning Standard Given By Cooperating Teacher:

CCLS - Math: 5.NBT.3.b

Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record
the results of comparisons.

Learning Objective Given By Cooperating Teacher:

The student can recognize which fraction, decimal, or exponent is the larger value and then use the correct symbol to make
the statement true.

Cooperating Teacher Interview Question

What do we want students to learn when we teach and learn this lesson with them? How does your response to this
question align with the lesson standard and objective you gave me for this lesson?
Initial and Elaborated Response: We wanted the students to learn how to use the symbols to assess which numbers are
bigger or smaller than others. The goal was to let the students visualize how numbers are bigger than others and what
symbol is necessary. It is important to make sure they can continue with the concept and add decimals and fractions to the
thousandths. The lesson helps express their values in word and standard form. Increasing order and decreasing order in
decimals is very confusing for them and they also do not understand what a number line is. When the class compares units,
the students can get a better idea of how they relate to each other and how we can relate that to real world examples that
are applicable. It needs to be an easy enough real world that they have experienced it which is sometimes hard depending
on their background and academic knowledge and socioeconomic world. They may have no frame of reference with it at
all which we try to work with.

Diverse Student Interview Question

What do you want to learn from this math lesson? How do you want me to teach mathematics to you?
Initial and Elaborated Response: I want to learn how to tell which number is bigger than the other. I also want to learn how
to tell which number is bigger because I have a hard time reading numbers. I don’t know the name of each number in a big
number so it makes it really hard for me to work with decimals and percentages. I hope you teach me in a really fun way
because COVID is making school really boring right now. Mr. Watts kind of talks fast and it makes it hard to keep up with
in math so maybe if you talk slow that might help me too. Maybe you could find a way to make the lesson cool where we
can actually do something in class.

Interviewer Reflection Commentary: The two responses help me in determining how I will teach in the future. After
reading over the two responses I realize that it is important to be teaching at a level that they feel they are learning
something basic, so they find it easy while they are actually learning complex ideas. The two responses really emphasize
the diversity that needs to be taken into consideration when trying to teach a class of kids. I must keep every student’s
background in and when trying to relate the class to the real world. Not only do I need to keep students’ backgrounds in
mind but also their different learning levels. Students will exhibit a wide level competency and I can not hold everyone to
the same exact goals. Some students will take longer to understand things or work things out and time needs to be properly
set aside so students like those can get enough time to work. One last key idea I have taken away from this is the
importance of keeping lessons fun for the kids to learn in some interactive way. If I teach my future classroom with all
teacher talk and just make them do worksheets and take tests, it will not be a very enjoyable classroom. For the students to
get something from it and enjoy the class, I must find interesting ways to teach lessons and fun games they can play to
better their understanding.

Component 3: Academic Vocabulary

Given the language function and learning task identified in the standard and objective for this lesson plan listed in part 2,
describe the academic vocabulary inferred from standards and objectives and the academic vocabulary actually used for
this lesson. Differences between inferred and used academic vocabulary suggest concepts students already know, concepts
they may be struggling with, and concepts that may be new to them.
General Academic Vocabulary That Could Be Used to Build Mathematics Vocabulary Specific to Feeding the
Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

the Mathematics Concept of Feeding the Greater Gator or Greater Gator or Riding the Less Than Van
Riding the Less Than Van that Could Be Used to Build the Mathematics
Concept of a Nut Butter Sandwich

place values
Place Value: hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths, and
General Academic Vocabulary That Was Used to Build the Mathematics Vocabulary Specific to the Concept of
Mathematics Concept of Feeding the Greater Gator or Feeding the Greater Gator or Riding the Less Than
Riding the Less Than Van Van That Was Used

Greater Than:
Less Than
Place Value: hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths, Equal To:

Component 4: Assessment Plan

Planned Objective: The students can One or Two Assessment Methods(s) Embedded in the Cooperating Teacher’s
correctly determine which of the two Chosen Assessment Instrument(s). Actual assessment Instrument(s) Are
values are greater Described in the Cell Below:
_XX_Worksheet (see example attached)
Actual Objective: The students can
___Test (see example attached)
correctly determine which of the two ___Observation Checklist (see example attached)
values are greater ___Other (see descriptions below)

Description of assessment method #1 and student work.

Assessment method number one was done using a worksheet that focused on decimals and determining which of the two
values were larger. For some of the problems the students were also instructed to find the difference of the 2 problems to
help develop number sense. In order for the students to represent their answers for each problem they were given a stick
with clips of an alligator and the mystery van to show the answer was either “greater gator” or “less than van”. While
going through this assessment I also made sure to make mental notes of what misconceptions there were when looking at
numbers and how we could clear things up.
Results of this method of assessment: What general patterns of learning did you observe as you evaluated assessment
products with your cooperating teacher? What exceptional patterns of learning did you observe?
When going over this assessment method I was able to observe a few things; one thing is that the students number sense is
not quite developed yet, and the other is that they struggle remembering place values and which one is represented in each
spot. When going over the first worksheet there were a few problems that there were some general inconsistencies. The
first being students having trouble realizing that just because there are more digits in a number does not make it larger.
Another problem the students encountered was recognizing that 2 numbers from different values are in the same place
value to help determine which quantity is larger. To help clear up confusion, I told the students that reading the number
left to right is the best way in determining which value is larger. I went over numerous problems with them, making sure
to line both numbers up so the place values were properly in line. After doing that I would slowly go over the numbers
with the students highlighting each number one at a time until we found a greater value. This seemed to help a lot and the
students showed no problem in finding the difference of two sets of numbers. When sitting down with my cooperating
teacher one thing we really got into was the students lack ability to recognize place values. When going over a number and
pointing to a certain place value, I would ask the students which place value is that number in, and without fail all students
said they did not know. I was not able to think of an easy way to help clear things up, so cheat sheets were given to the
students to help them a bit. I made sure students would tell me what place value has the determining number that makes
Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

that value larger. This helped a bit in getting them to practice and look at their place values a bit more.

Description of assessment method #2 and student work.

Assessment method 2 was done using another worksheet for this given activity. The first one focused more on dealing
with decimals and this worksheet covers fractions more and ordering them from least to greatest. This assessment was
done in the same format the first one was done; the students were given an appropriate amount of time to complete the
worksheet and upon completion the class, as a whole, went over the answers together. In order for the students to represent
their answers for each problem they were given a stick with clips of an alligator and the mystery van to show the answer
was either “greater gator” or “less than van”.
Results of this method of assessment: What general patterns of learning did you observe as you evaluated assessment
products with your cooperating teacher? What exceptional patterns of learning did you observe?
When teaching the assignment a few things I was able to observe was the student’s misconception of numerators and
denominators. Students struggled a lot in trying to determine which of the two fractions were larger because the
denominators were different. Their misconception did not fall in converting the fractions, so they had like denominators,
but in seeing that one denominator was bigger, so students immediately went with that choice. During the review time I
tried to help clear things up by showing the students that they need to covert one of the fractions, so both have the same
denominator. I emphasized that we can not just pick a number because it has a higher denominator because that small
denominator can convert into a large number. Showing the students how to properly convert the fractions to have like
denominators helped a lot in clearing that misconception up but they also struggled in trying to represent the fraction on a
picture. Another objective of the worksheet was to have students correctly color in the right number of boxes in relation to
the bigger fraction. This misconception fell back on the struggle of getting fractions to have like denominators. Showing
the students how to convert and explaining why it is important also helped with this misconception. After sitting down and
discussing with my cooperating teacher we established that the students do not take the time to analyze problems much.
They are given sets of numbers and they must find an answer in relation to those numbers. The students struggle to realize
work must be done to solve problems and they can not be done from just looking at them.

Cooperating Teacher Interview Question

What different ways of did you see your students demonstrate their learning of your objective today? How do you get to
value these different ways of learning through the grades your school asks you to assign to each student? To what extent
do you think your students agree with the way your school values learning differences through its grading system? Why?
Initial and Elaborated Response: They had 3 options to show proficiency; in the book, pull up Zearn and as they work on
it see the work of their progress for an assessment whether its graded or not, and assessments. These forms let the students
have the experience of a standardized testing format where they must prove their proficiency, problems that may not be
understood has to be remediated so it can be put into practice. All lessons are aligned to common core state standards and
all homework is given to provide the right amount of practice necessary to show proficiency on the skill, additional
resources are given to students who struggle, additional learning opportunities are given to students that show mastery
already. Make them practice for a quarter of the year on a certain set of skills, don’t rush and keep building.
Our population has changed in the last 10 years and I don’t know if there is a consensus among the communities other than
there seems to be a lack of acknowledgment that the standard is the standard and you have to work towards it no matter
where you start. All the students have to try and make it to that finish line, it doesn’t have to be at the same time or in the
same way. Kids who decide to try go further than students who are trapped in the excuses of why they can’t. The effort
that the child makes has to matter. The students can only see so far and have certain set goals and none of them can be
valued as unsuccessful

Diverse Student Interview Question

What did I say or do during the lesson that made the most sense to you? Why?
Initial and Elaborated Response: You went really slow which was nice because I was able to hear you and know what you
were saying. Whenever you went over problems and explained why it was that certain answer it made a lot of sense to me,
probably because you talked about the place value names. You should keep teaching like you did today because you did a
good job. It’s normally not fun to learn anything right now so being able to interact with you was super cool. One thing I
really liked that you did was wait for us. You gave us enough time to do our worksheets before you started.

Interviewer Reflection Commentary: After reviewing the responses I was able to gather a bit of information that I am able
to take with me when teaching in the future. The amount of time given for tasks seems to be very important in having a
Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

productive day with the students. There is a certain balance in giving the students a certain time to do something. If you do
not give enough time the students will not have enough time to be productive in getting problems done, and when
reviewing answers the classroom will be silent for most of the review because they needed more time to work on the
problems. I also have to make sure I do not give the students too much time or else I will be being to waste precious time I
could be using later in the day. If they are given too much time and just begin sitting around students will begin to lose
interest fast and begin to wonder off and not pay attention when the class is brought back together. Teaching this lesson
now has made me realize more than ever that time is very important for the teacher and every minute needs to be used
efficiently. School days are shorter and there is barely enough time to squeeze every subject in the day so it is vital to
maintain a certain pace in the classroom while also making sure the class is being productive as well.

Component #5: Teaching and Learning Sequence

Why was this event included? What questions were asked?
Lesson Events
What explanations and examples were given?
Passing out both worksheets This was the baseline to the assessment and what the lesson
Cooperating Teacher Interview Question
worked from.
What lessons have you created in the past that have incorporated collaborative learning and how have you seen it succeed
Giving the students 10 minutes to work on both sheets I wanted to provide enough time for all students to get
with your students?
enough done but didn’t want to give too much time where
Initial and Elaborated Response: An engineering practices and students would
problem be bored
solving waiting.
activity in the fourth quarter. The groups
always to students’
start which
out having image
to tell howtothey
up based on theshould
a solution This
go was
and important
some groups for will
the interactive
immediately portion
start toofwork
the lesson
and build
answer theyoffwrote
other’s ideas. Sometimes it leads to arguments and the
to work. teacher
If the doesdid
students ornot
nothing andimage
which lets them figure
to show it
it out. If they call him over, he will go mediate, but he wants the students
would mess to realize
with not everyone
my analysis of theisclasses
going progression
to get their way
and everyone should get a chance. By the end they all work with different partners and different groups and their
communication and problem solving immensely
Reviewed each question and had students provide their intensify. This was done to get a baseline of which students were
responses with the provided sticks understanding the lesson and which weren’t and also let me
Diverse Student Interview Question
What lessons have you done in the past that you were able to see workwhat concepts
with they were
other students andstruggling with.
problem solve.

Initial and Elaborated Response: One thing one of my teachers had us do that was kind of cool was build a roller coaster out
of Legos. The goal of the project was to have a marble run through a roller coaster track built by us with at least 3 special
pieces that made the ride “fun”. I really liked the project because we were able to play with toys and learn which we
normally don’t get to do in the classroom. The project was also interesting because we built the roller coaster track from
scratch. One thing I didn’t like about the project is some of my ideas weren’t used. We all had a lot of ideas, but I feel mine
were not used. There were some really cool designs that we came up with but not a lot of them worked because the marble
would go to fast and fall off the track. Getting a track that had 3 areas that made the roller coaster fun and the marble to go
all the way was hard but after a lot of building we finally got it.

Interviewer Reflection Commentary: These responses reflect on how I want to teach in the future because they have
inspired me to create several activities that provide the opportunity for collaborative learning. I want students to enjoy
learning over dreading it, I do not want learning to have to feel like a chore for the students but more of an opportunity to do
something fun and learn from it. These collaborative learning lessons can help motivate the student to take an interest in
learning and maybe develop a passion for something. These responses have also taught me to let groups self-mediate. I need
to learn the boundaries when interfering with a group’s discussion. I do not want to prematurely jump in and ruin their
momentum on whatever they are trying to accomplish. I also must begin to strategize in resolving conflict that may arise
with these lesson opportunities. Given that not everyone’s ideas cannot be implemented normally there will be tension and
it is my responsibility as the teacher to make sure I deal with the conflict as soon as possible so it does not get worse. One
last thing I can take away from these responses is the impact these lessons will make on students. Yes, there is extra work
that needs to be put into making these lessons, but the outcome is incredible for the students. They are in a learning rich
environment, they are able to learn from their peers, and actively problem solve.

References: Chapters and page numbers in course texts needed for this field assignment. APA format required.

Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

Simonds, C. J. (2014). Communication for the classroom teacher. Pearson. Pages (129-131), Chapter 7
Simonds, C. J. (2014). Communication for the classroom teacher. Pearson. Pages (80-85), Chapter 5

Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

Brendan Sulley

Lesson Title: Multiplying with 1’ and 0’s

Cooperating Teacher: Kristen Saenz

North Elementary Third Grade

Alton Community Unit School District 11

Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

CIED 312 Mathematics Lesson Plan

Component 1: Learning Context
Teacher Candidate Name: Brendan Sulley Section Number: 001
Cooperating Teacher Name: Kristen Saenz
School: North Elementary Room: 125
Date: 12/3 Grade level: 3rd Time Needed:
Mathematical Topic/ General Concept: Multiplying with 1’s and 0’s

Teacher Candidate Role: Lesson Duration:

_X_Taught with cooperating teacher observing 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm on 12/3
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm on 12/10
___Co-taught with cooperating teacher
*Lesson duration must be at least 15 minutes
___Assisted cooperating teacher instruction

Prior Knowledge Prerequisite(s) for Learning: Students have knowledge on how to multiply numbers by using several
methods such as skip counting, using arrays, and much more. Students are also capable of completing multi-step word
Student Misconceptions About the Topic: Numbers that are being multiplied must be larger than the two factors in the
equation. The numbers that are present in the problem are being added and not multiplied.
Class Demographics: Students were struggling with multiplication a lot so in hopes to help visualize things I allowed the
students to pick objects, animals, or other things to associate with the numbers to help see things. When going through
problems and finding answers I would call on students and ask them what they thought the answer was and how many of
whatever they were thinking did they have.
Materials Needed For the Students Materials Needed For the Teacher
Math book with according pages Math book with according pages

*The student I interviewed had interest assets in the following areas that are different from mine:
_X_interest in school _X_interest in lesson topic _X_interest in class colleagues __interest in teacher
*The student I interviewed had knowledge assets in the following areas that are different from mine:
_X_skills mastered _X_knowledge of lesson topic __interpersonal skills needed to learn with others _X_prior life experience
*The student I interviewed had cultural assets in the following areas that are different from mine:
_X_race __social class _X_gender __language __culture
*The student I interviewed had community assets in the following areas that are different from mine:
_X_school cultural diversity __student knowledge diversity __economic class of school neighborhood _X_teacher/administrator experience
*At least two characteristics in each category of learning assets must be checked to identify a student participant as different from the interviewer.
Component 2: Learning Objective with Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Identified
Learning Standard Given By Cooperating Teacher:

Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.2 Examples: If 6 × 4 = 24 is known, then 4 × 6 = 24 is
also known. (Commutative property of multiplication.) 3 × 5 × 2 can be found by 3 × 5 = 15, then 15 × 2 = 30, or by 5 × 2
= 10, then 3 × 10 = 30. (Associative property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 × 5 = 40 and 8 × 2 = 16, one can find 8 ×
7 as 8 × (5 + 2) = (8 × 5) + (8 × 2) = 40 + 16 = 56. (Distributive property.)
Learning Objective Given By Cooperating Teacher:

Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.
Cooperating Teacher Interview Question
What do we want students to learn when we teach and learn this lesson with them? How does your response to this
question align with the lesson standard and objective you gave me for this lesson?
We want the students to be able to multiply factors with 1 and 0 while also correctly identifying what property is being used. This is going to be a little
Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

difficult for the kids because they are behind from the online learning and still getting the hang of things. I hope you’ll be able to teach them a few tricks
that might help them remember the lesson better. What do you think the biggest struggle will be for this lesson? I think the kids will be able to pick up the
multiplication pretty easily but they might struggle remembering the properties. I am worried that the students might struggle paying attention to you
though and it’s not you but they struggle learning online. How does your response to this question align with the lesson standard and objective you gave
me for this lesson? It aligns with the lesson standard because it focuses on the students multiplying with open factors and 1 or 0.

Diverse Student Interview Question

What do you want to learn from this math lesson? How do you want me to teach mathematics to you?
I want to learn what you plan on teaching me. Do you have an idea of what I’ll be teaching you? I know you’re gonna teach us how to multiply with
different numbers and use 1 and 0 a lot. I don’t know if i’m going to be that good at it though, I keep mixing up the numbers that we use to multiply but
once I find them I think I’ll be pretty good. The best part of this lesson is that one of the factors will always be 1 or 0 so that might help. Okay good
because that would help me a lot. Is this lesson going to take the whole math time and if I answer a lot of questions could I pick the GoNoodle. No it’s
not going to take the whole class time, we’ll have some more time after to work on the review and maybe, it depends on other students too. Also how do
you want me to teach mathematics to you? I hope you teach it in a really fun way, I know you can’t do a lot because I’m at home but maybe you could
make jokes and stuff to make us laugh.

Interviewer Reflection Commentary: How do teacher and student responses above inform how you want to teach in the future? 200 word response here.
Since this lesson is going to be taught online there are a few things that will help me in teaching in the future. I know teaching online is going to be a bit
challenging so I’m hoping to make the lesson as interesting and engaging as possible but that might be hard with the time limit I’m given. I hope to learn
from this experience and get some insight on things I need to watch out for when teaching an online class. I know my CT was worried about the kids
paying attention so I might try and look as much as I can at the students screens to see if I have their attention or not. I am also going to try and
incorporate something called “elephant ears” to make sure the students are with me and looking. Along with this, I will be using a GoNoodle break in the
middle of the lesson to let the students get a break from sitting in front of a screen. Aside from this I don’t know what else to do to make this lesson as
fun as it could be in a normal classroom setting.

Component 3: Academic Vocabulary

Given the language function and learning task identified in the standard and objective for this lesson plan listed in part 2,
describe the academic vocabulary inferred from standards and objectives and the academic vocabulary actually used for
this lesson. Differences between inferred and used academic vocabulary suggest concepts students already know, concepts
they may be struggling with, and concepts that may be new to them.
General Academic Vocabulary That Could Be Used to Mathematics Vocabulary Specific to Multiplying
Multiply with 1’s and 0’s with 1’s and 0’s that Could Be Used to Build the
Mathematics Concept of multiplying
Times, groups, bounces, columns, rows
Identity Property of Multiplication
Zero Property of Multiplication
General Academic Vocabulary That Was Used to Build the Mathematics Vocabulary Specific to the Concept of
Mathematics Concept of multiplying with 1’s and 0’s multiplying with 1’s and 0’s

The class would use arrays to solve problems at times first Factor: Two whole numbers that provide a product.
identifying how many rows need to be drawn and then finding Product: An expression that identifies factors to be
the columns that would line against them. multiplied.
Identity Property of Multiplication: States that the
product of any number and 1 is that number.
Zero Property of Multiplication: States that the product
of zero and any number is zero.

Component 4: Assessment Plan

Planned Objective: Students can One or Two Assessment Methods(s) Embedded in the Cooperating Teacher’s
correctly identify and find the product of Chosen Assessment Instrument(s). Actual assessment Instrument(s) Are
multiplication sentences and equations Described in the Cell Below:

Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

that consist of the Identity or Zero _X_Worksheet (see example attached)

Property of Multiplication _X_Test (see example attached)
Actual Objective: Students can correctly ___Observation Checklist (see example attached)
___Other (see descriptions below)
identify and find the product of
multiplication sentences and equations
that consist of the Identity or Zero
Property of Multiplication

Description of assessment method #1 and student work.

A worksheet was completed with the class as a whole
Results of this method of assessment: What general patterns of learning did you observe as you evaluated assessment
products with your cooperating teacher? What exceptional patterns of learning did you observe?
This method of assessment was successful when going through it with the students, everyone was able to successfully
participate and solve at least one question. None of the problems were too challenging, the problems that required
multiplication sentences rose some confusion but were able to be quickly figured out. It was challenging to observe many
patterns due to the lesson being taught fully online but there were a few things I was able to observe through the responses
that the students provided. One misconception was the mixture of using the Zero and Identity Property when looking at
problems dealing with 1 and 0. Students would quickly analyze problems not recognizing numbers and mistaking that the
Identity Property does not also deal with zero just one. For example, when going over problem 8. 0 X 6, I called on a
student to give me the product and what Property we were using. The student then correctly answered the product was zero
but the Identity Property was being used. To try and clear up confusion I took steps as listed by Simmons and Cooper on
page 100. I completed this by Specifying the Zero Property Rule thinking I was too general describing it earlier telling the
students whenever they see a 0 at all in a multiplication problem, we would be using the Zero Property. To also help them
we went through 2 quick examples where I put the 0 as the product and the students were able to successfully answer the
property and elaborate why.

Description of assessment method #2 and student work.

Students were given review problems to attempt to help practice for the test. The students were also told that for every 3
problems they get correct, they would receive an extra credit point.
Results of this method of assessment: What general patterns of learning did you observe as you evaluated assessment
products with your cooperating teacher? What exceptional patterns of learning did you observe?
This method of assessment was also successful especially in student participation since they were offered extra credit for
correct completion. The review problems were not created to be too challenging but balanced well enough where it would
provide good practice for their upcoming test over all the material covering lesson 3. Some patterns I was able to notice in
student work turned in is the misconception of which number to write in each factor spot when completing a multiplication
sentence. A lot of students consistently forgot to write the number of groups they were dealing with first and then to record
how many were in each group. Plenty of examples of this could be observed in work when students counted or underlined
the numbers, they were going to use but them just writing them in the order they remembered them. To try and clear up
this misunderstanding I emphasized to the students how we have to be detectives and really pay attention to the problem
and make sure we gather clues that are correct. I reinstated that the groups must be listed first or the problem would be
wrong and that they should label what groups the students are using and what is in those groups.
Cooperating Teacher Interview Question
What different ways of did you see your students demonstrate their learning of your objective today? How do you get to
value these different ways of learning through the grades your school asks you to assign to each student? To what extent
do you think your students agree with the way your school values learning differences through its grading system? Why?
Initial and Elaborated Response: 150 word initial and elaborated response (at least 100 words include the active listening efforts of interviewer).

It was hard to see the students demonstrate their learning on the objective besides them answering questions. Things are really different right now with
Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

COVID so I can’t tell you much, but the students who were raising their hands and volunteering seemed to have a good concept of the lesson. The only
thing I noticed was the struggle identifying which property applies to a certain multiplication sentence but that’s okay, those are big words with big
definitions for them to remember while still being in 3rd grade. How do you get to value these different ways of learning through the grades your school
asks you to assign each student? I’m able to see which words work and which don’t when going through a lesson but like I said things are different right
now with COVID so it’s hard to adjust to online learning. I could try 100 different things but they would lead to the same result because it’s impossible to
keep students attention through a screen. To what extent do you think your students agree with the way your school values learning differences through
its grading system? I don’t think the students can truly evaluate learning differences yet especially since they’re still getting in the hang of things.

Diverse Student Interview Question

What did I say or do during the lesson that made the most sense to you? Why?
Initial and Elaborated Response: 150 word initial and elaborated response (at least 100 words include the active listening efforts of interviewer).

Whenever you were explaining the one property that had the 0 as a factor, I think it was the zero property thing, I can't really remember some of the
words. But when you were explaining it, it made a lot of sense when you told us if we see a 0 as a factor or product we already know there is a 0 in the
missing spot. That made it super easy for some of the problems because I was able to just like look at them and know the answer really quick which was
pretty cool. The problems that had the 1 in it was pretty easy to because all we had to do was look at the other factor and then write it down as the answer.
I didn’t like the property things, they were pretty big words and confused me a lot when you read the definition. I think I get both the things but I don’t
know what the meanings mean.

Interviewer Reflection Commentary: How do teacher and student responses above inform how you want to teach in the future? 200 word response here.

Component #5: Teaching and Learning Sequence

Why was this event included? What questions were asked?
Lesson Events
What explanations and examples were given?
Before the lesson had fully began, I showed students how I incorporated this fun little engagement to keep the
Cooperating Teacher Interview Question
to show me “elephant ears” and whenever I did them, they student’s attention when being instructed online. This was a
Did you see any of the four types of listening; informative, appreciative, empathic, or critical when I was teaching the
lesson?to copy. good way to keep track of who was paying attention and
who was not and to make things a little fun.
Initial and Elaborated Response: 150 word initial and elaborated response (atI least
then began with the lesson where I would have a did this as another
100 words includeway to maintain
the active the student’s
listening efforts attention
of interviewer).
different student answer each part of the math worksheet. and encourage them to pay attention if they wanted to get the
I noticed most of the students engaging in informative listening and actually paying attention to you when you were teaching the lesson. Some of the kids
correctat answers.
you just can’t control which isn’t your fault, they have a lot going on where they’re Some
and others just students
choose triedThe
not to listen. to pass which
kids that were was
paying attention did a good job on the work and some of that lesson can be aallowed at some
bit confusing for them points but remembering
especially encouragedthe notnames
to when
of the it
they are using. I could tell that some of the students were really trying though, they were always looking at the screen, writing down answers, and
became common.
answering questions when called on. I wish all the students were good at informative listening like the select few I saw but with everything being online
we cangoing
only dothrough
our best. 2I do
choose a student
with the to thoughI Ichose
elephant ears thoughttothat
dowasthisa great
in the waymiddle
to get theofkids
the attention
lesson to andgive the sure
you made
everyone was doing it.
pick a GoNoodle for the students to watch. students a mental break to get up and move around a bit.
Diverse Student Interview Question This also gets students to wake up a bit and maybe engage
Do you think there was anything I could’ve done better to make withlearning
the lessonthismore.
lesson easier?
After the GoNoodle we continued to finish the rest of the I wanted to make sure to leave enough time at the end of
Initial and
pages as aElaborated
whole and Response: 150 word
look over initial andthey
the review elaborated response (atclass
had for least 100 words include
to review the test the that
listening efforts
would beoftaking
over this
Maybe upcoming test.played a game, that would have made it really fun to learn.
we could have lesson and anything
Is there several else others. ThisI was
you think important
could’ve because
done besides addingthey
a game
to the lesson, that would have been pretty hard with you guys being online. Yeah wereI guess you’rewith
provided right review
but I’m sure there is athey
questions gamecould
we could’ve done.toI
don’t think there’s a lot of ways you could make that lesson fun. Multiplying is really hard and when I get confused, it frustrates me. It’s really not that fun
to learn online either, I bet this lesson could have been really cool if we wereperform better
in person and youonwere theteaching
test. us. I know, it is pretty hard to make learning
fun when there are rules because of COVID, hopefully things will go back to normal soon and Mrs. Saenz can make her lessons fun again. I hope so I
really want to know what the Saenz ball is and ride it.

Interviewer Reflection Commentary: How do teacher and student responses above inform how you want to teach in the future? 200 word response here.

References: Chapters and page numbers in course texts needed for this field assignment. APA format required.
Simonds, C. J. (2014). Communication for the classroom teacher. Pearson. Pg. 47-50

Lesson Participation and Observation Assignment
Language and Communication in Multiple Contexts (CIED 312)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Teaching and Learning

Riley Soat
 Fix Lesson Title Page
 Add Interview responses and reflections
 Reference a text for Component 5
 References at bottom

Alexandra Treise
 I think your assessment method results was well thought out. You went into great detail about what you have found. I like
that you made time in your lesson to give an overall review f One problem I saw was your assessment method documentation
was not able to load.


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