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University Supervisor/Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form - Cream

CIED 302 – Field Experience II for SIUE Elementary Education Program

Teacher Candidate: Brendan Sulley School: North Date/Time: 12/2/20

Cooperating Teacher: Kristen Saenz Grade: 3

Person Completing This Form: Beth Wiemers

Below are the field Indicators that teacher candidates should attend to while in their year one field placement. Place
a check mark next to the items that you have observed. For clarity regarding each indicator, see the Year One
Elementary Field Performance Indicator document

Beginning Teacher Knowledge and Skills

1. Teacher candidate has begun to engage students in instruction.
A. Involvement in planning, teaching and assessment. x
B. Articulation of directions and explanations. x
C. Use of formative assessments.
D. Use of active listening skills to promote discourse.
2. Teacher candidate has begun to manage the classroom learning environment
A. Use of names and student participation x
B. Use of classroom rules, routines, and procedures.
C. Attitude toward students x
D. Awareness of student behavior and learning needs
E. Use of physical classroom space and resources including technology. x

Observation Context:
 Hybrid Math Lesson-whole class and online
 Recorded lesson for observation

Discussion of selected indicators which includes notes/evidence.

 Nice job using the academic language-math-Factors/product
 Good use of technology
 Nice job connecting with the students-sharing personal interest/likes—I like candy-Who is a dog person
—Who is a cat person? —Make sure you share what you are too.
 Nice job using the students’ names in the physical classroom-make sure you use the online students’
names too. Easier if their names are on their screen
 Good job with guiding questions
 You may need to refocus the students learning online—easy for them to disengage and not be with you
 When a student gives you an incorrect score, can you have him count by 8’s or count with them to self-
 Make sure you keep the online kids involved in the in-class conversation---It is really tough when you are
teaching hybrid. Just repeating what is being said in the physical classroom can help with the disconnect

SIUE Elementary Program, Fall 2019 ©

Additional Thoughts/Comments
 Nice job creating rapport with the students! The mask was awesome too.

SIUE Elementary Program, Fall 2019 ©

University Supervisor/Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form - Cream
CIED 302 – Field Experience II for SIUE Elementary Education Program

Teacher Candidate: Brendan Sulley School: Dorris Intermediate Date/Time: October 1, 2020

Cooperating Teacher: Jason Watts Grade: 5

Person Completing This Form: Danielle L. Hill

Below are the field Indicators that teacher candidates should attend to while in their year one field placement. Place
a check mark next to the items that you have observed. For clarity regarding each indicator, see the Year One
Elementary Field Performance Indicator document

Beginning Teacher Knowledge and Skills

1. Teacher candidate has begun to engage students in instruction.
E. Involvement in planning, teaching and assessment. x
F. Articulation of directions and explanations. x
G. Use of formative assessments. X
H. Use of active listening skills to promote discourse. X
2. Teacher candidate has begun to manage the classroom learning environment
F. Use of names and student participation X
G. Use of classroom rules, routines, and procedures. X
H. Attitude toward students X
I. Awareness of student behavior and learning needs X
J. Use of physical classroom space and resources including technology. X

Observation Context:

Math- Exponents, power of 10…

Discussion of selected indicators which includes notes/evidence.

+TC told students what they were going to learn
+TC introduced students by their names (respect and rapport)
+TC engaged students in a review/preassessment to see what they remembered
+TC gave students manipulatives and individual whiteboards to display individual answers
+TC asked students to explain answers
+TC included hands-on component (manipulatives)
+TC briefly referenced data from previous lesson on multiplication and connected multiplication to addition and
division to subtraction in terms of final answers getting bigger and smaller, respectively.
+TC gave students opportunities to problem solve (write an equations) before walking students through solution
+TC provided students with “cheat sheet” with place value and conversion (metric system) information on it
+TC attempted to clarify students’ misunderstandings and attempted to allow them to briefly reflect on their

Overall, well executed lesson and excellent preparation!

Growth Opportunities:
 Time Management (Try to limit review to 5 minutes or so)
 Model and/or explain new concepts and information to students (i.e. show them how to write/use an equation
to solve a problem).

SIUE Elementary Program, Fall 2019 ©

Additional Thoughts/Comments
 TC is punctual for all meetings and observation documents were ready and submitted on time; no
reported issues in placement regarding attendance and/or punctuality; TC was prepared for observation
lesson; TC’s journal is reflective, relevant and aligned with BTKS indicators; and TC is reflective and
responds well to feedback. There are no Professional Disposition issues at this time. TC may, however
continue to seek opportunities to collaborate with CT on lessons, transitions, and other classroom

SIUE Elementary Program, Fall 2019 ©

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