Date: Wed, 9 Sep. 08:01:36 +0100 Subject: RE: Do You Remember Me?

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Date: Wed, 9 Sep.

08:01:36 +0100
From: “Alfredo Ramos" <>
Subject: RE: Do you remember me?
To: “Deysi Ninanya " < >

Dear Deysi,

How wonderful to hear from you. Of course I remember you althoug it's nearly twenty years since
we were students. How did you get my email address? You told me a little about you and your
family, but now I'd like to know more. You ask how I am, so here's some of me news.

First things first - I am married whit Lourdes. I met her at my job in Huaraz, so you are probably
surprised. However, we have some problems, but we are very happy because we have two
childrens very beatiful. He is three year and She is eight months, but, of course They are very
naughty. We live from Huancayo because I want them to grow up in the best town. We live in a
beautiful apartment, in the center of town. We live near to my parents, so we visit them a lot.
However, I work far away because my job is in Cerro de Pasco Althoug I earn very good but I miss a
lot to my family. We have 14 days for enjoy in family, but it is very few.

I can't wait to hear more of your news. Write very soon.

Please come to stay. I'd love to see you again.


Alfredo Ramos

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