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Sample multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

1-The following is not included in title block of drawing sheet.
a. Sheet No
b. Scale
c. Method of Projection
d. Size of sheet
(Ans: d)

2-Which of the following represent reducing scale?

a. 1:1
b. 1:2
c. 2:1
d. 10:1
(Ans: b)

3-In first angle projection method, object is assumed to be placed in

a. First quadrant
b. Second quadrant
c. Third Quadrant
d. Fourth quadrant
(Ans: a)

4-The following line is used for visible outlines

a. Continuous thick
b. Continuous thin
c. Chain thin line
d. Short zigzag thin
(Ans: a)

5-The following line is used for dimension line

a. Continuous thick
b. Continuous thin
c. Chain thin line
d. Short zigzag thin
(Ans: b)

6-The dotted lines represents

a. Hidden edges
b. Projection line
c. Centre line
d. Hatching line

(Ans: a)

7-Hatching lines are drawn at degree to reference line

a. 30
b. 45
c. 60
d. 90
(Ans: b)

8-In aligned system of dimensioning, the dimensions may be read from

a. Bottom or right hand edges
b. Bottom or left hand edges
c. Only from bottom
d. Only from left side
(Ans: a)

9-The Length: Width in case of an arrow head is

a. 1:1
b. 2:1
c. 3:1
d. 4:1
(Ans: c)

11-The internal angle of regular pentagon is degree.

a. 72
b. 108
c. 120
d. 150
(Ans: a)

12-The internal angle of regular hexagon is degree.

a. 72
b. 108
c. 120
d. 150
(Ans: c)

13-A point ‘P’ is above Horizontal Plane (HP) and in front of Vertical Plane (VP). The point is in
a. First quadrant
b. Second quadrant
c. Third quadrant
d. Fourth quadrant
(Ans: a)

14-The side view of an object is drawn in
a. Vertical plane
b. Horizontal plane
c. Profile plane
d. Any of the above
(Ans: c)

15-Which type of line is part of a dimension?

A) break lines
B) phantom lines
C) extension lines
D) cutting plane lines

16-Which line type is thin and light?

A) visible lines
B) center lines
C) construction lines
D) all of the above

17-Which line type is thick and black?

A) visible lines
B) center lines
C) construction lines
D) all of the above

18-The top, front, and bottom views align in this manner:

A. Horizontally
B. Vertically
C. According to the planar views
D. Parallel to the frontal plane
Ans:- B

19- If a plane is parallel to the plane of projection, it appears:

A. True size
B. As a line or edge
C. Foreshortened
D. As an oblique surface
Ans:- A

20- This line pattern is composed of three dashes, one long dash on each end with a short dash in the middle:
A. Object
B. Hidden
C. Center
D. Phantom
Ans:- C

21- This is the plane upon which the top view is projected:
A. Horizontal
B. Frontal
C. Profile
D. Base
Ans:- A

22 - The primary unit of measurement for engineering drawings and design in the mechanical industries is the:
A. Millimeter
B. Centimeter
C. Meter
D. Kilometer
Ans:- A

23. Which Type of Line is Thick and Black

a. Visible Line
b. Center Line
c. Construction Line

d. All of above
Ans:- a
24. which tool can be used to draw a 90 degree line
a. 30/60 set square
b. protactor
c. drafter
d. All of above
Ans:- d
25. The Height width and depth of an object can be shown with a minimum of how many orthographic projection
a. One
b. two
c. Six
d. Four
Ans:- b

26) Dimension text is generally placed above the ________ line.

(A) Dimension

(B) Extension

(C) Center

(D) Leader

Ans: A

27) In the figure shown below the size of A2 Sheet in mm is

a) 420 x 594 mm
b) 594 x 420 mm
c) 594 x 841 mm
d) 420 x 841 mm
Ans. A

28) Which of the following line represents Cutting Plane





Ans: c

29) Identify the type of Dimensioning System

a) Parallel
b) Chain
c) Combined
d) None of these
Ans. a

1) The line joining the front and top views of a point is called
(a) Reference line (b) Projector (c) Connector (d) Locus

2) A point lying in the HP, has its top view above XY line. Its front view will be
(a) On XY line (b) Above XY line (c) Below XY line (d) Any of these

3) A point whose elevation and plan are above XY, is situated in

(a) First angle (b) Second angle (c) Third angle (d) Fourth angle

4) A point whose elevation is above XY line may be situated in

(a) First angle (b) Second angle (c) Vertical plane (d) Any of these

5) A point is 20 mm below HP and 30 mm behind VP. Its top view will be

(a) 20 mm below XY (b) 30 mm below XY (c) 20 mm above XY (d) 30 mm above XY

6) The front view of a point is 50 mm above xy line and the top view is 20 mm below the front view. the point lies in
(a) First angle (b) Second angle (c) Third angle (d) Fourth angle

7) If both the front and the top views of a point lie on the opposite side of the reference line the point may be situated
in following angles
(a) First or second (b) First or third (c) Second or fourth (d) Third or fourth

8) If both the front and the top views of a point lie on the same side of the reference line the point may be situated in
following angles
(a) First or second (b) First or third (c) Second or fourth (d) Third or fourth

9) If top view of a point is situated 60 mm below the reference line and its front view is 20 mm above the top view,
the point lies in
(a) First angle (b) Second angle (c) Third angle (d) Fourth angle

10) The front view of a point is 40 mm above xy and the top view is 50 mm below xy, the position of point is
(a) 40 mm above HP (b) 40 mm below HP (c) 50 mm above HP (d) 50 mm below HP

11) State the position of a point the front view of which lies on the reference line and the top view is 40 mm above it.
(a) 40 mm above HP and in the VP (b) 40 mm behind VP and in the HP (c) 40 mm below HP and in the VP (d) 40 mm
in front of VP and in the HP

12) State the position of a point the top view of which lies on the reference line and the front view is 30 mm below it.
(a) 30 mm above HP and in the VP (b) 30 mm behind VP and in the HP (c) 30 mm below HP and in the VP (d) 30 mm in
front of VP and in the HP

Answer: (i) b (ii) a (iii) b (iv) d (v) d (vi) b (vii) b (viii) c (ix) d (x) a (xi) b xii)


1) Projection of an object shown by three views is known as

(a) Perspective (b) Isometric (c) Oblique (d) Orthographic

2) Which of the following describes the theory of orthographic projection?

(a) Projectors parallel to each other and perpendicular to the plane of projection (b) Projectors parallel to each other and
parallel to the plane of projection (c) Projectors parallel to each other and oblique to the plane of projection (d) Projectors
perpendicular to each other and parallel to the plane of projection

3) In orthographic projection, the elevation is obtained on a plane called

(a) Horizontal (b) Vertical (c) Profile (d) Auxiliary

4) In multiview projections, the XY line is also known as

(a) Horizontal line (b) Horizontal trace (c) Reference line (d) All of these

5) In first angle projection method, the relative positions of the object, plane and observers are
(a) Object is placed in between (b) Plane is placed in between (c) Observer is placed in between (d) May be placed in any

6) In first angle projection system, the right hand side view of an object is drawn
(a) Above of the elevation (b) Below of the elevation (c) Left of the elevation (d) Right of the elevation

7) If the front view of an object exhibits width and height, then what dimensions of an object are exhibited by a
right side view?

(a) Length and width (b) Length and height (c) Height and width (d) Length and breadth

8) For orthographic projections, B.I.S. recommends the following

(a) First angle projection (b) Third angle projection (c) Second angle projection (d) Fourth angle projection

9) The recommended symbol for indicating the angle of projection shows two views of the frustum of a
(a) Square Pyramid (b) Triangular pyramid (c) Cone (d) Any of these

10) For the object shown in Fig. 7.23 select the correct front view

11) For the object shown in Fig. 7.24 select the correct front view

12) For the object shown in Fig. select the correct top view (Do not consider Dimensions)

a) b) c)

13) Identify the front view of the below isometric view.

a) b) c)

14)_ For the object shown in Fig. select the correct front view (Do not consider Dimensions)

a) b) c)
Answer: (i) d (ii) a (iii) b (iv) c (v) a (vi) c (vii) b (viii) a (ix) c (x) c (xi) b xii) c xiii) a xiv) b


1) If a line is parallel to both HP and VP, its true length will be seen in
(a) Front View (b) Top View (c) Side view (d) Both front and top views

2) If the apparent and the true inclinations of a line with HP are equal, the line is
(a) Parallel to horizontal plane (b) Parallel to vertical plane (c) Parallel to profile plane (d) Inclined to both reference

3) The point at which the line intersects the VP, extended if necessary, is known as
(a) Profile trace (b) Horizontal trace (c) Vertical trace (d) Auxiliary trace

4) If the front view of a line is parallel to the xy line its true length is shown in
(a) Front View (b) Top View (c) Side view (d) Both front and top views

5) If top view of a line is a point, its front view is

(a) Parallel to xy line and of true length (b) Parallel to xy line and of apparent length (c) Perpendicular to xy line and of
true length (d) Perpendicular to xy line and of apparent length

6) Horizontal trace of a line exits when the line is

(a) Parallel to horizontal plane (b) Inclined to horizontal plane (c) Perpendicular to vertical plane (d) Perpendicular to
profile plane

7) If a line is inclined at 45º to the HP and 30º to the VP, its front view is inclined at
(a) 30º to xy (b) 45º to xy (c) Between 30º and 45º (d) Greater than 45º

8) If a line is inclined at 30º to the HP and 60º to the VP, its front and top views are inclined at an angle of
(a) 30º and 60º to xy respectively (b) 60º and 30º to xy respectively (c) Both at 90º to xy (d) Both greater than 30º but less
than 90º

9) For a line situated in the first angle which of the following is not correct
(a) HT and VT may lie below xy (b) HT lies below xy and VT lies above xy (c) HT and VT may lie above xy (d) HT lies
above xy and VT lies below xy

10) A 90 mm long line PQ, inclined at 30º to the HP and 45º to the VP has end P 15 mm above HP and 25 mm in
front of VP. The other end Q will lie in
(a) First angle (b) Third angle (c) Second or fourth angle (d) Any of these

11) If the front and top views of a line are inclined at 30º and 45º to the reference line, the true inclination of the
line with HP will be
(a) 30º (b) 45º (c) Less than 30º (d) Greater than 45º

12) If both the front and top views of a line are perpendicular to the reference line, the true inclination of the line
with HP and VP may be respectively
(a) 15º and 75º (b) 30º and 60º (c) Both 45º (d) Any of these

13) A line AB is on the profile plane inclined such that ends of line are 10, 12 cm away from horizontal plane,
which view from the following gives the actual length of the line AB?
a) Front view b) Top view c) Side view d) Isometric view

14) If a line RS lie on both vertical and horizontal plane then which of the following two views coincides to give a
line again?
a) Front, Top b) Top, Side c) Side, Isometric d) Isometric, Front

15) A line PQ lie in both the vertical plane and profile plane the front and side views of that line coincides at
vertical reference line.
a) True b) False

Answer: (i) d (ii) b (iii) c (iv) b (v) c (vi) b (vii) d (viii) c (ix) d (x) d (xi) c (xii) d (xiii) c (xiv) a (xv) a


1) If a thin set-square is kept perpendicular to both the horizontal and vertical planes, its true shape is seen in
(a) Horizontal plane (b) Vertical plane (c) Auxiliary inclined plane (d) Profile plane

2) Planes which are inclined to both the horizontal and vertical planes are called
(a) Oblique planes (b) Profile planes (c) Auxiliary planes (d) None of these

3) If a thin rectangular plate of 60 mm X 30 mm is inclined at an angle of 60º to HP its top view may be
(a) Square of 60 mm side (b) Square of 30 mm side (c) Rectangle of 60 mm X 45 mm (d) Rectangle of 45 mm X 30 mm

4) In multi-view orthographic projection, the front view of a circular plane may be

(a) A circle (b) An ellipse (c) A straight line (d) Any one of these

5) If both front and top views of a plane are straight lines the true shape will lie on
(a) Profile plane (b) Horizontal plane (c) Vertical plane (d) Any of these

6) If a circular plane is inclined at 30º with the HP and 60º with the VP its side view will be
(a) An ellipse (b) A straight line (c) A circle (d) True shape

7) The front view of an elliptical plane may be

(a) An ellipse (b) A circle (c) A straight line (d) Any of these

8) If the top view of a plane is a rhombus the object may be

(a) A square (b) A rhombus (c) Either (a) or (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)

9) The trace of a hexagonal plane may be

(a) A straight line (b) A point (c) A hexagon (d) An equilateral triangle

10) A 60º set-square has its shortest edge in the VP. The surface is perpendicular to the HP and inclined to the VP.
Its front view may appear as.
(a) An equilateral triangle (b) An isosceles triangle (c) An obtuse angled triangle (d) A acute angled triangle

11) A 60º set-square has its shortest edge in the HP and the surface is perpendicular to the VP. Its top view may
appears as.
(a) An isosceles triangle (b) A right angled triangle (c) A straight line (d) Any of these

12) If both the principle views of a plane object are ellipse of the same size, the side view will be
(a) A horizontal line (b) A vertical line (c) An inclined line (d) An ellipse

13) A hexagon is placed parallel to vertical plane which of the following projection is true?
(a) Front view-line, top view- hexagon (b) Front view- hexagon, top view- line
(c) Front view –line, top view-line (d) Top view- hexagon, side view- line

14) A pentagon is placed parallel to horizontal plane which of the following projection is true?
(a) Front view-line, top view- pentagon (b) Front view- pentagon, top view- line
(c) Front view –line, top view-line (d) Top view- line, side view- line

15) If a plane is parallel to one of the reference plane then the projection onto the other reference planes would be
a line.
(a) True (b) False

Answer: (i) d (ii) a (iii) b (iv) d (v) d (vi) b (vii) d (viii) c (ix) d (x) b (xi) d (xii) b (xiii) b (xiv) a (xv) a


1) The minimum number of orthographic view required to represent a solid on flat surface is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

Ans: b

2) Match The Following

a) 1-i ; 2-ii ; 3-iii ; 4-iv b) 1-ii; 2-iii; 3-iv; 4-i c) 1-ii; 2-iv; 3-i; 4-iii d) 1-iv; 2-iii; 3-ii; 4-i

a Polyhedron Number of faces

1. Triangular Prism i) 6

2. Tetrahedron ii) 5

3. Octahedron iii) 4

4. Cube iv) 8

3) If a right angled triangle is made to revolute about one of its perpendicular sides the solid formed is ________
a) Cube b) triangular prism c) cone d) cylinder

Ans: c

4) When a pyramid or a cone is cut by a plane parallel to its base, thus removing the top portion, the remaining
portion is called ___________
a) Cylinder b) frustum c) prism d) polyhedron

Ans: b

5) If a solid is positioned that its axis is perpendicular to one of the reference plane. Which of the following is false?
a) Axis is parallel to other reference plane
b) Base is parallel to reference plane
c) Projection on that plane gives true shape of its base
d) Base is perpendicular to horizontal plane
Ans: d

6) When the axis of solid is perpendicular to H.P, the ______view should be drawn first and ____ view then projected
from it.
a) front , top b) top, side c) side, front d) top, front

Ans: d

7) When the axis of solid is parallel to H.P &V.P, then ______view should be drawn first and ____ and _______view
then projected from it.
a) front , top, side b) top, side, front c) side, front, top d) top, front, side
Ans: c

8) The front view, side view and top view of a regular square pyramid standing on horizontal plane base on horizontal
a) triangle, triangle and square b) square, triangle and triangle
c) square, triangle and square d) triangle, square and triangle
Ans: a

9) The side view, top view and front view of a regular pentagonal prism placed axis perpendicular to vertical plane.
a) rectangle, rectangle and pentagon b) pentagon, rectangle and rectangle
c) pentagon, rectangle and pentagon d) rectangle, pentagon and rectangle
Ans: a

10) Square pyramid, cylinder, triangular prism, cone are placed one next to other in between the reference planes in
different positions given below match the following.

Position of solids Front View

1. Square pyramid- axis perpendicular to V.P i) Rectangle

2. Cylinder- base parallel to profile plane ii) Circle

3. Triangular prism – axis perpendicular to H.P iii) Square

4. Cone- base parallel to V.P iv) Triangle

a) 1, i; 2, ii; 3, iii; 4, iv b) 1, iv; 2, iii; 3, ii; 4, i c) 1, ii; 2, iv; 3, iii; 4, i d) 1, iii; 2, i; 3, iv; 4, ii

Ans: d

11) A regular pentagon prism first placed in such a way its axis is perpendicular to V.P and one edge is parallel to H.P
and next this is tilted such that its axis is making some acute angle with V.P. The front view for previous and later
one will be ____________________
a) pentagon, pentagon b) rectangle, pentagon
c) pentagon, irregular hexagon d) irregular hexagon, pentagon

Ans: c

12) A triangular pyramid is placed such that its axis is perpendicular to V.P and one of its base’s edges is parallel to
H.P the front view and top view will be _____________

a) Triangle of base, triangle due to slanting side b) Triangle due to slanting side, triangle of base
c) Triangle of base, rhombus d) Rhombus, triangle of base
Ans: a
13) A cylinder first placed in such a way its axis is perpendicular to H.P and next this is tilted such that its axis is
making some acute angle with H.P. The front view for previous and later one will be __________
a) circle, rectangle with circular ends b) rectangle, rectangle
c) rectangle with circular ends, rectangle d) circle, rectangle
Ans: b

14) Pentagonal pyramid, tetrahedron, cuboid and cone are placed one next to other in between the reference planes in
different positions given below match the following.
Position of solids Front View

1. Pentagonal pyramid- axis perpendicular to H.P i. Smallest base

2. Tetrahedron- base parallel to vertical plane ii. Pentagon

3. Cuboid – smallest side parallel to H.P iii. Triangle

4. Cone- base parallel to P.P (profile plane) iv. Pentagon

a) 1, i; 2, ii; 3, iii; 4, iv b) 1, iv; 2, iii; 3, i; 4, ii c) 1, ii; 2, iv; 3, iii; 4, i d) 1, iii; 2, i; 3, iv; 4, ii

Ans: b

15) When a solid is placed such that axis is inclined with the H.P and parallel to the V.P. Its projections are drawn in
__________ stages.
a) 1 b) 4 c) 2 d) 3
Ans: c

Engineering Curves

1) While cutting, if the plane is at an angle and it cuts all the generators, then the conic formed is called as ______
a) Circle
b) Ellipse
c) Parabola
d) Hyperbola
Ans: b

2) If the plane cuts at an angle to the axis but does not cut all the generators then what is the name of the conics
a) Ellipse
b) Hyperbola
c) Circle
d) Parabola
Ans: d

3) The locus of point moving in a plane such that the distance between a fixed point and a fixed straight line is
constant is called as ________
a) Conic
b) Rectangle
c) Square
d) Polygon
Ans: a

4) The ratio of the distance from the focus to the distance from the directrix is called as eccentricity.
a) True
b) False
Ans: a

5) Which of the following has an eccentricity less than one?

a) Circle
b) Parabola
c) Hyperbola
d) Ellipse
Ans: d

6) f the distance from the focus is 10 units and the distance from the directrix is 30 units, then what is the eccentricity?
a) 0.3333
b) 0.8333
c) 1.6667
d) 0.0333
Ans: a

7) If the value of eccentricity is 12, then what is the name of the conic?
a) Ellipse
b) Hyperbola
c) Parabola
d) Circle
Ans: b

8) If the distance from the focus is 2 mm and the distance from the directrix is 0.5 mm then what is the name of the
conic section?
a) Circle
b) Ellipse
c) Parabola
d) Hyperbola
Ans: d

9) Choose the correct option.




Ans: b

10) Match the following.

A. E < 1 i. Rectangular hyperbola
B. E = 1 ii. Hyperbola
C. E > 1 iii. Ellipse
D. E > 1 iv. Parabola

a) A, i; B, ii; C, iii; D, iv
b) A, ii; B, iii; C, iv; D, i
c) A, iii; B, iv; C, ii; D, i
d) A, iv; B, iii; C, ii; D, i
Ans: c

11) The cross-section gives a __________ when the cutting plane is parallel to axis of cone.
a) Parabola
b) Hyperbola
c) Circle
d) Ellipse
Ans: b

12) Rectangular hyperbola is one of the hyperbola but the asymptotes are perpendicular in case of rectangular
a) True
b) False
Ans: a


1) The angle between the isometric axes is __________

a) 180 degrees
b) 60 degrees
c) 90 degrees
d) 120 degrees
Ans: d

2) The value of the ratio of isometric length to true length is ________

a) 0.141
b) 0.372
c) 0.815
d) 0.642
Ans: c

3) The lines parallel to isometric axes are called ________ lines.

a) parallel
b) auxiliary
c) isometric
d) oblique
Ans: c

4) Isometric view of cube is drawn the angle between the edge of cube and horizontal will
a) 15 degrees
b) 120 degrees
c) 45 degrees
d) 30 degrees
Ans: d

5) The objects we see in nature will be in Isometric view.

a) True
b) False
Ans: b

6) Isometric view of cube is drawn and faces of cube are seen as ___________
a) square
b) rectangle
c) rhombus
d) parallelogram
Ans: c

7) If an isometric projection is drawn with true measurements but not with isometric scale then the
drawings are called ____________
a) Isometric projection
b) Isometric view
c) Isometric perception
d) Orthographic view
Ans: b

8) Isometric view of equilateral triangle will be _____________

a) equilateral triangle
b) scalene triangle
c) isosceles triangle
d) right angled triangle
Ans: b

9) Front view of circle is given and isometric view is to be drawn which of the following is correct
procedure in drawing isometric view?
a) turning the circle such that line on diameter is making 30 degrees with horizontal
b) by increasing or decreasing angles between two perpendicular line on diameter at required
c) drawing line in diameter parallel to isometric axes
d) enclosing circle in a square and aligning square to isometric axes and pointing four points on
circle touching the square and joining by smooth curve.
Ans: d
10) Find the Isometric View of the Following Orthographic Views (Do not consider Dimensions)

d) None


Ans: a

11) Find the Isometric View of the Following Orthographic Views (Do not consider Dimensions)

c) Both are Correct d) None of the above
Ans: b

12) Find the Isometric View of the Following Orthographic Views (Do not consider Dimensions)


d) None of the above



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