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COVID-19 Decision Matrix for New Hanover County

Schools Operations last updated: 12/9/20

Key Considerations for Metrics Dashboard:

• The dashboard aims to provide a general framework for decision-making and recommendations for
New Hanover County Schools related to in-person as well as movement to virtual learning at the
district and individual school levels.
• The dashboard includes many factors for recommendations but does NOT include all data points or
additional factors that will be considered within making specific decisions as to close or open
schools for learning.
• The numbers and percentages listed in the dashboard are only intended to provide general
guidelines and may vary based on multiple factors, including additional community-level metrics,
the current number of schools at which in-person learning is occurring, the current number of
individuals attending in-person at a specific school, and the results of public health case
investigation and contact tracing processes.
• The dashboard may be updated due to new guidance, current operational status of New Hanover
County Schools (NHCS), community spread of COVID-19 and/or other considerations.
• Metrics are provided for both district wide and individual school decisions.
• Consideration categories may be weighted and not mutually exclusive when determining school
closing or continued in person instruction.
• Leadership meetings to consider the triggers contained throughout this document will be conducted
in addition to the ongoing discussions currently underway will take place.

There are Requirements for Safely Opening or Closing Schools that must be considered:

• Symptom Screening at Home Before Coming to School (for all Staff and Students) - Students (with
the oversight of parents/caregivers) and staff members must conduct self-checks for symptoms
prior to boarding buses or entering school buildings each day. Schools should provide information
to families in their primary language to support them in conducting this check. Any person showing
symptoms must report their symptoms and not be present at school. Schools must provide clear
and accessible directions to parents/caregivers and students for reporting symptoms and absences.
• Physical Distancing and Facilities - Adults must maintain Six (6) feet of distance from others to the
extent possible. Maintaining three (3) feet of distance is acceptable between and among students
when combined with the other measures outlined in this list of safety requirements. Six (6) feet of
physical distancing is required for students while eating breakfast and lunch, as students will be
unable to wear masks at that time. A “medical isolation room” (separate from the nurse’s office)
must be designated for students/staff who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms during the school
day. Adequate ventilation is required for classrooms, with schools having flexibility in
implementation such as using properly working ventilation systems or outdoor air exchange using
fans in open windows or doors. Groups in any one area, room, or classroom must not exceed the
Governor’s gathering size limits.
• Masks/Face Coverings - Adults, including educators and staff, are required to wear a mask/face
covering. Students age five and above are required to wear a mask/face covering that covers their
nose and mouth. Masks are recommended for children ages two (2) to four (4), when
developmentally appropriate. Masks/face coverings must be worn by all students on the bus. Face
shields may be an alternative for those students with documented medical or behavioral challenges
who are unable to wear masks/face coverings. The same applies to staff with medical or other
health reasons for being unable to wear face coverings. Face shields worn in place of a face covering
must extend below the chin and back to the ears. Nothing in this framework’s mask/face covering
requirements should be interpreted as preventing a school from making accommodations on an
individualized basis as required by state or federal disabilities laws.
• Hand Hygiene - All students and staff in a school must receive training in proper hand hygiene. All
students and staff must wash hands or use sanitizing gel upon entering the school, before and after
eating, before and after donning or removing a face mask, after using the restroom, before and
after use of playgrounds and shared equipment, and before and after riding school transportation.
• Personal Protective Equipment - Additional safety precautions are required for school nurses
and/or any staff supporting students in close proximity, when distance is not possible, or when a
student requires physical assistance. These precautions must at a minimum include eye protection
(e.g., face shield or goggles) and a mask/face covering. Classrooms and/or areas that have been
used by an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 must be closed off until thorough cleaning and
sanitization takes place.
• Return to School after Illness - Sick staff members and students must use home isolation until they
meet criteria for returning to school.

Recommended Risk Levels:

Risk categorization as ‘moderate’ suggests that there is a lower risk of

covid-19 spread in schools and the schools may consider in-person
instruction, as long as they are able to implement the required health and
safety measures. It may be a consideration that a hybrid instructional model
be implemented if there is insufficient capacity or other factors
(transportation, staffing, etc.) that may impact health and safety

Risk categorization as ‘elevated’ suggests that there is an increased risk of

COVID-19 spread in schools and schools may consider hybrid instructional
models as a way to reduce the number of people in schools and classrooms
at any one time.

Risk categorization as ‘high’ suggests that there is a higher risk of COVID-

19 spread in schools and that in-person instruction is not advisable.

District Level Case Monitoring
Current number of schools impacted by cases and quarantine at the District Level

Risk Moderate Elevated High

Schools with cases

Schools* with at least one positive < 10 Schools 10 – 35 Schools > 35 Schools
case within the past 14 days

Schools with quarantined

Schools* with at least 25 < 10 Schools 10 – 35 Schools > 35 Schools
individuals in active quarantine
within the past 14 days

All metrics in Moderate Risk: No restrictions on in-person learning in compliance with State’s orders. One or more metrics in
Moderate Risk (and no metrics in High Risk): District will consult with New Hanover County Public Health for recommendations at
the district and school(s)-level. One or more metrics in High Risk: Consider short-term classroom or school closure in collaboration
with New Hanover County Public Health.
* Number of schools are general guidelines and will vary based on the current number of schools at which in-person learning is
occurring in addition to other relevant factors.

School Level Case Monitoring

Current cases in isolation and current persons in quarantine at the school level

Risk Moderate Elevated High

Cases in a School
Number* of students and staff at a
specific school** who have tested 0 –1 2 – 10 > 10
positive within the past 14 days

School Clusters
Clusters** within a school within 0 –1 2 >2
the past 28 days

Individuals in Active
Number* of students and staff at a
specific school who are in active
< 15 15 – 30 > 30
quarantine due to an exposure at
a school within 14 days

All metrics in Moderate Risk: Follow recommendations of New Hanover County Public Health. One or more metrics in Elevated Risk
(and no metrics in High Risk): District will consult with New Hanover County Public Health for recommendations re: short-term
closures at the classroom(s) or school-level. One or more metrics in High Risk: Consider short-term or partial school closure in
collaboration with New Hanover County Public Health.
*Numbers are only general guidelines and will vary based on the size of classes, number of individuals attending in-person at a
school, and the results of case investigation and contact tracing processes, including specifically whether the cases attended while
infectious and whether they are all linked to a specific exposure (e.g. same classroom. Students attending full-remote instruction are
not included in case counts.
**Clusters are defined as 5 or more potentially linked cases within 14 days.
District/School Operations

Risk Moderate Elevated High

Child Nutrition
School cafeterias
adequately staffed and > 90% 80 – 90% < 80%

Bus routes staffed > 90% 80 – 90% < 80%

Schools with adequate
custodial staff to > 90% 80 – 90% < 80%
maintain enhanced
cleanliness standards

Schools with full time
in-person or remote > 90% 80 – 90% < 80%
nurse coverage

Instructional Staff
Schools with adequate
teaching staff to >94% 90-94% <90%
support both in-person
and remote instruction

Infection Control &

PPE supplies
Schools with
required/recommended > 95% 85 – 95% < 85%
quantities of items on
the NC DHHS infection
prevention checklist

All metrics in Moderate Risk: District operating as planned. All metrics in Elevated Risk: District operation plans may need to be
adjusted to begin/continue to limit in-person learning option to specific prioritized student populations. Metrics in High Risk: Consider
maintaining/return to virtual learning.
Additionally, all metrics in Moderate Risk: Schools ready to open/remain open. All metrics in Elevated Risk: Limited school openings
based on readiness and prioritized student population. Metrics in High Risk: Consider maintaining/return to partial or full virtual

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