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Medical Hypotheses 117 (2018) 7–15

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Autologous white blood cell infusion for trauma, brain trauma, stroke and T
select immune dysfunction co-morbidities: A promising and timely

Gerald Dieter Griffina, , Dominique Charronb, Reem Al-Daccakb
School of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, University of the Pacific, Stockton, California, 123 Forest Ave, Pacific Grove, CA 93950, USA
University Paris Diterot, Paris 7, Chef de Service, Laboratory of Immunology & Histocompatibility, Hospital Saint-Louis, 1 Avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75475 Paris Cedex
10, France


Keywords: All traumas suppress the immune system, resulting in higher morbidity and mortality. Infections, poor nu-
Trauma tritional status, chronic illness, fatigue, therapies or procedures performed during and after transport also
Brain trauma negatively affect the immune system. Large populations are impacted by trauma worldwide and suffer en-
Stroke ormous costs in both direct and indirect expenditures from physical, psychological and functional losses.
Immune suppression
Most therapies and studies of trauma, brain trauma, stroke, immune suppression and their co-morbidities do
Autologous wbc infusion
not address nor discuss methods that promote immune system resuscitation or efficacy to support its role in
Trauma and infection naïve wbcs
Adoptive immune therapy post-trauma healing and rehabilitation. These omissions present an opportunity for using autologous stored
naïve (unexposed to the current trauma and co-morbidities) white blood cell infusions (autologous white
blood cell infusion) (AWBCI) to supplement treatment of most traumas, trauma-associated infections, other
co-morbidities and immune suppression derived problems in order to improve the global standard of trauma
care. We hypothesize to give the traumatized patients back their own immune system that has been ‘stored’ in
some fashion, either cryogenically or just after or during the trauma event [surgery, etc for example]. We
emphasize that other treatments should not be replaced – rather we suggest AWBCI as concurrent therapy. We
present focused select animal and human studies as proofs of concept to arrive at and support our therapeutic
suggestion and hypotheses, flowing historically from donor white blood cell therapy [DLI] to close cohort
white blood cell therapy to autologous white blood cell infusion [AWBCI]. We integrate the concept of
personalized medicine from an evidence-based framework while maintaining scientific rigor and statistical
proof as a basis of our hypotheses.

Introduction etc, and represent major health care problems and a significant global
health care challenge [1]. It is estimated that many engaged in active
Several recently published studies further enabled our proposal and combat for several months or more in Iraq/Afghanistan or potentially
to invite robust clinical investigation towards validation and im- other conflicts [ie-Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Ukraine, etc] are at risk of
plementation of this promising therapeutic modality. We aim to in- developing disabling disorders resulting from blast waves caused by
crease the standard of care for the populations suffering from a variety improvised explosive devices (IEDs), rockets and mortar attacks in
of traumas and immune suppressions, and to propose a potential addition to open or closed head trauma from shrapnel, artillery,
therapy to ease the suffering of all trauma immune suppressed patients bombs, blunt head trauma, accidents [2,3] or multiple other bodily
globally. It is important to note that we propose new white blood cell injuries. The average ‘dirty’ wound from an IED or bomb explosion
science therapy and not stem cell therapy. requires many surgeries and intensive care. At least ∼30,000+ or
Traumas, traumatic brain injuries and strokes are accompanied by more such surgeries have been performed [4] on western coalition
immune suppression, poor healing, prolonged recovery, infections trauma victims. These surgeries are also immune suppressive while

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G.D. Griffin).
Received 9 March 2018; Accepted 14 May 2018
0306-9877/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
G.D. Griffin et al. Medical Hypotheses 117 (2018) 7–15

potentially limb or life-saving. Data from the forces fighting against immune system as close cohort? As clinicians, we are told “match or
NATO/Coalition and western world forces or internal fighters are not no match”. Where are the genetic ‘break points’ indicating ‘close
available, but we must infer that the same numbers of traumas and cohort’ or ‘match’ for better decision making? In some cases, donor
immune-suppressive sequelae are also present in those soldiers as bone marrow is transplanted, and upon the re-infusion to the donor
well as civilian war and terror attack victims. First responders, health may be considered ‘autologous’. Some genetically engineered, ex-
workers and rescuers, police and athletes around the world add to the perimental models or chemically treated wbcs may also be considered
number of individuals of the trauma induced immune suppressed ‘autologous’ as a special case. These questions seek experimental
populations. The traumatized populations with immune suppressed clarity and study.
derived and co-morbid illnesses point to a profound global issue with Further questions concern the time line of when the wbcs lose
enormous health and cost impacts. The global trauma load and its trauma or infectious naivety when they are epigenetically changed to
induced immune suppression with multiple sequelae is therefore reflect a trauma or infection response. Is there a time period before
ready for further studies and clinical applications such as the pro- this effect is noted in the wbcs, and how rapid or when? If studies
mising white blood cell therapeutic modality we propose. [5]. We reveal a time period before the current trauma or infection ‘naivety’
seek expeditious further studies for each of our presented proofs of is lost or the epigenetic trauma changes become overwhelming, then
concept, hypothesis, notions and questions for further substantiation perhaps the trauma victim’s wbcs can be drawn as soon as possible
leading to expeditious application and clinical use for the globally after the trauma occurs, but before epigenetic changes occur, and re-
affected trauma patient populations. infused when or before the immune system becomes dysfunctional. A
Every post-trauma care plan requires life-saving procedures, re- follow-on question is to ask how long does the ‘naivety’ loss last?
suscitation, surgeries, rehabilitation as well as immune system en- Forever? Or how many series of cell cycles/apoptosis cycles does loss
hancement for appropriate support and care. Current post-traumatic of naivety last assuming the trauma ceases? Can the epigenetic loss of
therapy generally consists of evacuation or transport during which wbc trauma naivety be overcome by multiple serial doses of trauma
many procedures and therapies are performed on the trauma victims naïve wbcs? If the trauma has stopped, will eventually the damaged
en-route to better healthcare. These en-route procedures and therapies wbcs and their effect disappear, aided by dilution, apoptosis etc and
may include blood transfusions and steroids which are also both im- as we believe by a ‘new’ and younger infused immune system? These
mune suppressive [6], narcotic and non-narcotic pain medications, questions seek serious study and resolution. A Graft vs Host reaction
anesthesia and additional medications and other potential immune (GVH or HVG) can be a frequent serious adverse reaction with DLI or
suppressive surgery or procedures. The life and limb-saving actions are stem cell transplants that results in a strong immune rejection re-
necessary despite their potential negative immune system sequelae and sponse and further immune suppression from the medications used to
potential failure. The immediate resuscitative trauma care phase may treat the GVH. Additionally, the graft may end in failure or death.
be followed by potentially many surgeries and procedures lasting for Potential hidden infective agents and genetic mis-matches in grafts
months or years. may also cause problems. Close cohort wbc infusion may be useful for
We make a strong case for instituting rapid immune system recon- trauma after a match from a healthy donor is found. There is no
stitution after most traumas, perhaps during the ‘transport and life/limb GVH/HVG reaction with autologous wbc infusion. These comments
saving - procedure’ events, but certainly as practical as possible in the and questions offer fertile ground for further studies and experi-
emergency room, operating theater or intensive care [ICU] or wards. mentation.
Healing could potentially be enhanced and recovery shortened, while We consider stroke to be a traumatic brain injury (TBI) because
the high costs associated with critical care, nosocomial infections or clinically strokes result in the same potential endpoints as other TBIs
immune suppressive medications and procedures are potentially low- and mTBIs [minimal traumatic brain injury]/concussions] or blast in-
ered. juries: neuronal or other tissue loss, immune suppression, infection, and
Blast trauma injuries are finding their appropriate place in the cognitive or functional losses. This may suggest that the different
overall milieu of brain trauma. Tau type proteins in blast brain injuries trauma induced immune responses/pathways may be along a common
are emerging as potential markers and co-morbid factors in chronic molecular intracellular pathway while etiologies may differ even as
traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) [7–9]. The pathologies caused by blast they direct similar intracellular responses [GDG]. This notion deserves
brain injuries are also accompanied by immune suppression, infections, study and clarification.
poor healing, and long-term psychological, physical and functional The immune system acts as an interface between ‘self’ and the ex-
deficits as with other ‘invisible’ brain injuries [10,11]. Trauma induced ternal insult, be it trauma, infection or neoplasm, and is engaged and
immune suppression is a universal problem for all individuals engaged altered while acting as a first and long-term line of defense. The failure
in battle globally, friend or foe, whether in war, on the athletic field, on to restore or enhance immune system health following trauma is global
unsafe streets or from terrorist attacks. in nature and not time, nation, conflict nor trauma specific. All victims
Historically, Donor Adoptive Immune Therapy or Donor worldwide suffer the same consequences from traumas-immune sup-
Lymphocyte Infusion (DLI) was advocated for cancer in the past by pression, infections and other sequelae. The symptoms of trauma, the
Rosenberg [12], and many cases noted its success. The literature re- physical losses from trauma and the psychological wounds from trauma
flects rare attempts of autologous white blood cell re-infusion for are usually addressed and treated, but the recovery and health of the
some human patients with cancers with no conclusive or positive immune system appears to be globally ignored. We have a duty to
results [13,14]. However, DLI wbcs may require heavy medication medical science, clinical practice and our traumatized patients to im-
use that induces further immune suppression to treat a potential HVG prove this ill addressed need and recognize the critical importance of a
[Host Versus Graft] reaction. We ask at what point can close cohort healthy immune system as a part of the overall treatment plans for all
wbc DLI provide the same results or function as autologous wbc re- trauma patients.
infusion? How close a donor match is visible by the recipient’s This clinical translational and investigative paper is a focused

G.D. Griffin et al. Medical Hypotheses 117 (2018) 7–15

presentation of select literature relevant to immune suppression proteins that play roles in T-cell mediated immune responses may be
and dysfunction secondary to trauma and select co-morbidities. We affected by trauma. These gene expressions are in addition to changes
‘connect the dots’ as a ‘thought experiment’ through investigation in the expression of nearly 5700 genes that are associated with T-cell
of various clinical areas and research studies based on sound sci- functions that have been observed in cases of massive trauma [17].
ence. We hypothesize that the use of autologous trauma and in- The expressions of possibly 2800 genes are affected from trauma in
fection naïve wbcs infused after trauma and immune suppression macrophages, with 338 genes exhibiting a minimum two-fold change
regardless of the cause restore immune function, enhance healing, in expression. Twenty novel protein receptor sites or signaling moi-
potentially save lives and huge health care costs. We welcome study eties were found to cause anergy or apoptosis in T-cells of patients
and further research generated by our proposal which could po- with massive trauma [17]. Are these epi-genetic changes/responses
tentially lead to a promising new important therapeutic modality as along common pathways, or different for each type of trauma? We
a welcomed next step in world-wide trauma and immune suppres- [GDG] posit similar intracellular ‘immune’ pathways from differing
sive care. epigenetic signals, and encourage further studies to clarify this no-
Immune suppression in trauma: The what, how and why of Post-traumatic genetic changes appear to affect T-cells in at least
traumatic immune suppression two ways, and may offer a partial answer to our above notion First,
they induce a marked increase in the expression of the components of
Lennard and Browell described the ‘what’ of immune suppression in regulatory protein pathways that control their functions, and sec-
[surgical] trauma [15]. They observed a post-operative or post-trauma ondly, there is a decrease in the expression of signals that ‘turn off’ the
decrease in the number and functions T-lymphocytes, natural killer appropriate T-cells [17]. This model helps to explain the early shift in
(NK) cells, cytokines and receptors that control immune effector cells, T-helper cell responses (the Th1 to Th2 response shift) and the
leaving the patient’s immune system less functional. They also noted downturn of the initial immune activation. Smrcka confirmed these
that specific post-operative defects in neutrophil chemotaxis, phago- results in studies of war trauma victims and suggested that the im-
cytosis, lysosomal activity and super-oxide production in addition to an balance in the Th1-Th2 interactions resulted from an increase in the
increase in the level of prostaglandin E2, the defective secretion of levels of IL10, IL13, and IL4 levels which weakened the Th1 response
monocyte interleukin (IL-1), and the diminished production of inter- [19].
feron gamma (IFG). The processes that enable immune system function include the ac-
These findings reflect immune suppression and defective immune tivation of naïve cells and their differentiation into effector cells, the
functions after trauma. A ‘dose response effect’ was also suggested: the completion of effector functions, the development of memory cells, and
longer the trauma or surgery, the longer the immune system suppres- the subsequent activation of the memory cells. [20].
sion and more difficult the recovery from the trauma. Flow-cytometric A frequent question related to infections following trauma, closed
studies conducted to compare minimally invasive surgeries to open TBI/mTBI/[minimal traumatic brain injury]concussions/blast brain
surgeries immune status showed significantly fewer lymphocytes, in- injuries, and stroke concerns the source of the infection. The literature
cluding CD3+ and CD4+ cells, along with fewer HLA-DR molecules on provides strong support for bacterial translocation from the gut as a
open-surgery monocytes [15,16]. potential source of bacterial infection and sepsis in immune suppressed
Strong support for a ‘how and why’ was demonstrated in studies by individuals. McFie reviewed a variety of illnesses and conditions that
Laudanski et al. [17], who analyzed cell-specific gene expressions and make the gut barrier porous to bacterial migration in addition to actual
pathways to document alterations in trauma related human T-cell and breakages that can result from ulceration or ischemic damage. [21].
monocyte pathways. They showed that an overwhelming first wave of Cellular pumps or the breakdown of tight junctional sites have also
biochemical and molecular signals originated in the innate immune been blamed. McFie states that a dynamic translocation cycle is a ne-
system’s neutrophils and macrophages when they travel to the site of cessary physiologic event and strongly supports the notion that T-cell
injury to ingest and destroy invading pathogens, and that this includes depleted or athymic mice exhibit bacterial translocation from the gut to
‘toxic’ factors and potentially damaging proteins. This initial response the mesenteric lymph nodes as a result of their immune suppression.
is also damaging to the host’s T-lymphocytes that multiply specifically [21].
in response to foreign invading cells during the secondary adaptive Gatreaux et al. adoptively transferred T-cells to T-cell depleted mice
phase. Activated protective mechanisms that lead to anergy and and showed that this inhibited the translocation of Escherichia coli
apoptosis of the responding T-lymphocytes via caspase or other from the gastrointestinal tract to the mesenteric lymph nodes. [22].
pathways lessened the secondary immune response early on before it Balzan et al. support that notion that bacterial translocations are a
could exert itself [17]. This complex process likely leads to the dom- source of sepsis during hemorrhagic shock, in nosocomial infections in
inance of the Th2 (anti-inflammatory/allergy) response over the Th1 blood cultures, in surgical wounds and ascites [23].
(inflammatory) response as a result of the competitive interactions The trauma of elective surgery without hemorrhaging or tissue da-
between and from the effects of various cytokines and interleukins (IL) mage also causes immune system defects [6]. Immune suppression may
produced by early responding wbcs. We suggest that alterations in the represent a partial explanation for the ineffective treatment of noso-
balance of factors that lead to the Th2 dominant response may po- comial or post-surgical acquired hospital infections (HAI) because im-
tentially be restored and balanced by infusing trauma and infection mune supportive therapies are not offered in the pre- or post-op plan.
naïve autologous wbcs. The opposing roles that glucocorticoids and Similar situations may also occur in chronically ill or debilitated or ICU
catecholamines play during stress and trauma in the Th1 to Th2 patients. Islam et al. present a different but plausible theory of infection
transition also support the need to ‘calm down’ the chaotic trauma in ‘sterile trauma’ from ‘DAMPS and PAMPS’ mentioned later in this
immune response [18]. paper [73].
The expression of as many as 20% of the pool of human genes and Additional experimental evidence that bacterial translocation

G.D. Griffin et al. Medical Hypotheses 117 (2018) 7–15

Table 1 precede infectious complications [19,28,29]. Dziedzik's findings

Immunological Defects in Brain-injured Patients. [29] that the immune factors in an elegant study of brain injured
Defect Examples human victims supportive of previous studies [18,27,28] were cat-
alogued in Table 1.
T Cells Reduced number of total circulating T cells, T-helper cells, T- It is known that peripheral immune cells and central nervous
suppressor cells, Natural Killer cells and IL2 receptor bearing cells.
system (CNS) resident cells may cross-regulate one another via me-
Disproportionate high % of T-cells of the CD4+/CDw29+ (helper/
chanisms that resemble the cross-regulatory interactions between
Reduction in the proliferative response of T-cells to mitogen antigen presenting cells (APCs) and T-cells, and that neurologically
stimulation. associated changes have been detected in the phenotypes of periph-
Decreased IFN gamma and IL2 production. eral circulating wbcs [20,30,31,32]. Immune suppression may also be
Anergy to delayed-type hypersensitivity skin testing.
a direct result of immune cells being chronically exposed to dys-
Depression in lymphokine-activated killer cell cytotoxicity.
B-cells Reduction of IgG and IgM functional neurons for long periods of time. This provides another
Reduction in components of complement system plausible partial answer to the ‘what or why’ question. Clinical stu-
(C1q,C2,properdin). dies of severely brain damaged patients have shown that 65% of these
Neutrophils Decrease in superoxide generation.
patients present with reduced lymphocyte counts on admission, and
Monocytes Increased IL6 and IL10 production.
that this was associated with significantly worse outcomes and in-
(IFN = interferon; IL = interleukin). creased pulmonary infections [27].
Some auto-immune cells are necessary in the CNS for neural
maintenance and repair, possibly because they render the resident
occurs in trauma was provided by a small and virtually ignored murine microglial cells capable of fighting off adverse conditions. It has been
orthopedic study by Oeztuna et al. [24]. Oeztuna et al. connected the suggested that regulatory T-cells may allow some auto-immunity to
dots both separately and collectively between orthopedic trauma, brain exist in healthy individuals without causing auto-immune disease
trauma, bacterial translocation and subsequent infection. They found [33]. The activation of microglia causes them to function as antigen
that traumatically induced long bone fractures increased bacterial presenting cells (APCs) and to express Major Histocompatibility
translocation from the gut to the mesenteric lymph nodes with in- Complex (MHC) class II proteins that are associated with better out-
creased infection rates. Brain trauma alone also increased bacterial comes following CNS injury [34]. Other studies have suggested a role
translocation and infection. The results from this small but important for T-cell based vaccinations in neuro-degenerative disorders and that
study seek expeditious confirmation in human clinical studies. CD4+ mediated neuro-protection was dependent on both resident
microglia and peripherally derived antigen presenting cells [APCs]
Immune suppression in trauma of the brain: stroke, TBI, mTBI and [35]. Perhaps one can consider AWBCI when drawn and stored early
blast brain injury in life as a 'vaccine' against trauma,immune, supression and its se-
quelae when they occur later in life? There appears to be a well-
T-cell function recovery has been observed in some patients around controlled dialogue between the innate and follow-on cellular im-
three (3) months after head injury [26]. This time frame may represent mune systems sthat allow T-cells to provide ‘protective auto-im-
potential infection danger for brain trauma immune suppressed pa- munity’ to motor neurons against CNS injury in immune suppressed
tients. Harms et al. in their PANTHERIS trial showed a remarkable re- brain trauma patients [33,34,35].
duction in post-stroke human patients from an expected 41% infection The ‘other’ brain structures that form a part of the brain/CNS in-
rate to 17% by the use of moxifloxacin 400 mg daily for at least seven frastructure also need a healthy immune system to heal. When a patient
(7) days post-stroke [25]. We suggest that rapid immune system re- suffers axonal/white matter or other brain tissue injury from trauma,
constitution with autologous wbcs may also avoid undesirable sequelae the blood vessels, dermal supportive structures, bony/skull fractures
during this time frame. We present pertinent brain-trauma studies re- must also heal as co-morbid injuries from usually mixed brain trauma
presenting the literally hundreds of brain-trauma-immune system stu- [5].
dies & papers found in the literature. Das et al. [36] provide an excellent summary of some marginally
Mazzeo et al. showed that it was the severe brain injury and not useful therapeutic approaches. They state that “most of these ap-
the use of cyclosporine that depressed activated T-lymphocytes early proaches aim at treating the secondary neuro-degeneration as a single
after injury [27]. Wolach et al. [28] showed that early im- component”. The failed approaches discussed include the use of use of
munological defects in comatose patients after acute brain injury thyrotropin release hormone (TRH), progesterone, heat shock proteins,
were in the cellular arm of the immune system, although phagocytic neurotropic factors, erythropoietin and many other factors. [37]. Anti-
and humoral deficiencies were also detected. Wolach et al. also inflammatory drugs including corticosteroids appear to have also failed
described a decreased number of circulating T-cells, an increased in brain trauma therapy. [38,39]. Brain trauma inflammation appears
proportion of suppressor cells, a depressed mitogen-induced pro- to be a time-dependent event useful for inducing a dual microglial or
liferative response, and a delayed-type hypersensitive reaction. In astroglial response ending in either lessened or increased inflammatory
the phagocytic arm, the mean neutrophil f-MLP- and PMA-induced neuronal damage [40].
superoxide anion release was also lowered, which reduced super- As an example of the complexity of the multiple systems that play
oxide generation, whereas in the humoral arm, a significant reduc- roles and interact during brain trauma supportive of our discussion may
tion in IgG, IgG1, and IgM was reported. Some complement system be appreciated by studying the following schematic diagram that shows
components were also lower, including C1q, C2, AP50 and prop- a possible nechanism for the complex interactions that occur between
erdin, resulting in a lower AP50 to properdin ratio. These immuno- the brain and systemic immunity after traumatic brain injury that may
deficiencies are observed soon after trauma and brain injury and are be overcome by AWBCI:Fig. 1:
most prominent during the first few days after brain injury, and Das et al state that "the disruption of the blood-brain-barrier (BBB)

G.D. Griffin et al. Medical Hypotheses 117 (2018) 7–15

Fig. 1.

allows peripheral immune cells to infiltrate the brain. Interactions be- or closed mTBI/concussion, blast injuries and stroke are huge global
tween brain and peripheral immune organs can cause either hyper-in- problems and a highly significant source of disability that imposes en-
flammation or immune suppression. Anti-inflammatory cytokines may ormous health care costs. In order to evaluate and properly treat these
eventually support neuronal recovery [36]”. Perhaps inflammation can injuries, the wounds must be visible and measurable in order to assess
be likened to homeostasis: enough may be beneficial, too much may be the healing process serially as is done for stroke and other trauma. Open
bad? brain injury and blast injury is a mixed injury with components of all
Colak et al. used animal models to explore gene networks that are types of brain injury. Hence, while fractures, bleeds and brain tissue
partially involved in causing the effects of concussion or mTBI [41], deficits are relatively easily found, the more subtle injuries of mTBI/
while Redell et al. observed changes in the expression of hippocampal concussion and blast brain trauma seek more examination for further
mRNAs in rats that had mTBI/concussions [42]. The results of potential detection and therapy. In depth serial cognitive evaluations are valu-
follow-up studies in humans may be useful in the future to develop gene able and may also show continuing brain injury after symptoms resolve.
therapies for human mTBI/concussion patients. Hippocampal neuronal Closed head brain trauma, mTBI/concussion and blast brain trauma are
loss was previously documented with increased levels glucocorticoids special cases, requiring a higher index of suspicion and the use of some
following brain trauma [43] along with long-term cognitive losses ‘newer’ methods of objective evaluation currently available.
[18].Newer potential models of therapy may involve the use of auto- The neuro-behavioral sequelae from brain injury may present dif-
immune system activated innate microglia, astroglia or dendritic cells ferently in each trauma victim, may not be apparent, or may never
[33–35].These therapies could be supported by re-infusing autologous appear. It is difficult to separate the overlapping symptoms caused by
trauma and infection naïve wbcs in the period following trauma when PTS(D) and mTBI/concussion/blast injury with current psychological
the blood brain barrier (BBB) is open as a result of the brain trauma to or cognitive evaluation, again pointing to a need for a newer and higher
other migrating cells and larger protein molecules. Recent studies standard of care and evaluation.
support that different types of microglial and astroglial cells perform A special magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study using ‘diffusion
varying functions in the brain, including acting as antigen presenting tensor imaging (DTI) showed that chronic mTBI was associated with
cells and performing as the brain’s immune system [44,45]. structural (axonal and white brain matter) changes in the brain at six
(6) months after injury in still symptomatic patients. These changes
Making invisible injuries ‘visible’ were correlated with cognitive or intellectual deficit and behavioral
changes [46]. Lipton et al. used DTI to show that acute brain damage is
Trauma and traumatic brain injury (TBI), including severe and open caused at the moment of concussion/brain injury and correlated these

G.D. Griffin et al. Medical Hypotheses 117 (2018) 7–15

acute changes with cognitive and behavioral changes [47]. Excellent Of mice and men: Proofs of concept
reviews by Shenton [48], Niogi and Mukherjee [49] lend strong and
elegant support for the use of DTI in mTBI/concussion. Proving that The questions of ‘what, why and how’ of immune system response to
actual injury to the white matter or axonal tracts of the brain is present trauma and brain trauma discussed above lead us to further elegant
and/or resolving as symptoms resolve is basic to any standard of studies as proofs of concept. The proof of concept for immune system
medical care along with serial immune system component studies. By response and co-morbid problems of brain trauma/stroke was found by
using DTI to show presence or absence of concussive damage to axonal the elegant close cohort murine studies by the Prass et al. group [55].
tracts and other brain areas one can conceivably separate the post- The middle cerebral artery [MCA] induced ‘stroke immune-deficiency
concussive symptoms from PTS(D) and select appropriate treatment. syndrome’ was accompanied by bacterial infection, sepsis and the long
Hayes et al. discuss the physics and theory of DTI [50], while also lasting rapid inhibition of cell-mediated immunity [55]. Prass et al.
noting that difficulty in data interpretation must be overcome. They found that the stroke-induced extensive loss of lymphocytes via apop-
suggest that DTI should be the procedure of choice for war/combat tosis also caused a shift in production from Th1 to Th2 anti-in-
veterans suffering from mTBI/concussion or head trauma. Hayes et al. flammatory cytokines, supporting the results by Laudanski et al. [17].
and Militana [51] approach axonal injury from a ‘connectivity disrup- The adoptive transfer of close cohort infection and brain trauma naïve T
tion’ perspective to make the mTBI/concussed brain injury more and NK cells in the Prass murine model greatly decreased the total
visible. The science and physics described by Hayes is based on the septic bacterial burden often observed after stroke and indicates that it
orientation of water molecules along normal, injured or inflamed ax- is important to support and restore immune system functions in brain
onal tracts. DTI could be used in separating the symptoms of PTS(D) trauma/stroke with infection or sepsis. A neuro-endocrine and geneti-
from the overlapping symptoms of mTBI as noted above, and enhance cally mediated systemic immune-suppression at the beta 2 receptor site
therapy for both once the true cause of symptoms is established by appears to be the mechanism in the development of a bacterial infection
serial DTI studies [50]. Militana et al. [51] also reported the use of fMRI and sepsis after trauma, brain trauma and stroke. Prass et al. also re-
(functional MRI) to measure increases in cerebrovascular activity ported that beta blockers ameliorated post-stroke pneumonia by finding
within one (1) week after a college athletic concussion. The hundreds of that interactions between catecholamines, interleukin 10 (IL10) and
DTI supportive papers in the literature seem ignored. interferon gamma (IFN G) were central to allowing post-stroke infec-
A stunning paper in 2O15 by Trivedi [52] may have shown the next tions to occur. A paper among many that pointed towards the Prass
step forward in the objective diagnosis of concussion/mTBI by moving et al. study was offered by Meisel in 2005 [56], as ‘central nervous
DTI science forward as has often been suggested by increased use and system injury induced immune deficiency syndrome’ accompanied by
showing the need and pressure for progress [5,64]. Trivedi describes infection. A post-stroke infection model in which a dramatic reduction
the use of 257 molecules of water in DTI instead of the usual 6 or so in infections was achieved in human stroke patients taking and re-
molecules used. This increase on water molecules showed spectacular maining on beta blockers while in the ICU was published by Dziedzic
‘tractography’, and one can clearly see the various tracts as they course et al. [57]. Chamorro et al. [58] showed that post-stroke infections are
from one area of the brain to another, as well as damaged individual enhanced by immune suppression with aspiration the likely direct co-
axonal tracts. The work carried out by Schneider and Okonkwo based morbid cause of infection.
on the findings by Yeh is leading the way to eventual potential FDA A work using autologous monocytes from bone marrow was re-
approval of this advanced DTI technology, called high fiber definition ported in severe brain injured children by Liao [59]. He reported that
tracking [HFDT] [52]. HFDT overcomes the DTI inability to ‘see’ the the neuro-inflammatory induced intra-cranial pressure in pediatric pa-
‘connectivity’ and axonal ‘mixing’ problems [50,51] with ‘normal’ DTI tients with brain edema following severe brain trauma was reduced
studies. after autologous monocyte infusion was shown by the lessened in-
Other important steps forward in our ability to diagnose newly tracranial (ICP) pressure and shortened intensive care stays required by
concussed athletes were recently reported by Kawata [53] and Lee and these patients. The infused autologous wbcs (bone marrow sourced
Galetta [54], who found that sub-concussive repetitive head traumas monocytes) may or may not have been ‘trauma and infection naïve’,
were associated with difficulties in near-point occult point of visual and Liao’s success speaks to our questioning of the timeline of the
convergence (NPC). These newer diagnostic procedures seek re- trauma induced epigenetic effect on the trauma patient’s wbcs. The
producible efficacy by serial application until symptoms are gone, and patients’ wbcs may still have been trauma and infection naïve if drawn
not simply to look for acute injury as a single evaluation. For example, immediately or soon after the brain trauma. This question seeks more
each of the newer mTBI procedures can be serially applied from the study and resolution. Liao’s study showed welcome health and cost-
moment of injury to and after symptom resolution, accompanied by saving benefits by shortening ICU stays and offers clinical proof of
parallel immune system component studies to test the validity of the concept seeking expeditious confirmation.
newer methods as the immune system changes with time towards Neuro-inflammation was described by Das et al. as one of the most
symptom resolution and eventual brain healing. DTI or HFDT could be detrimental co-morbidities of mTBI/concussion [36]. Savitz et al. in-
used as comparison parallel standards to test the efficacy of the other fused autologous bone marrow monocytes into 10 (ten) patients up to a
newer mTBI/concussion injury tests along with immune system com- maximum dose of 10 (ten) million cells/kg between 24 and 72 h after
ponents serially. Once symptoms resolve, the utility of some of the tests ischemic stroke. They reported no adverse reactions to the infusion, and
may fall off, but the continued serial and comparative study using DTI at 6 (six) months after ischemic stroke 7 (seven) of 10 (ten) patients
or HFDT and immune system component levels may show the brain were doing well [60]. Villinger et al. adoptively transferred SIV-naïve
healing process as axonal/white matter, hypothalamic and other da- autologous CD4+ cells and induced a long-term non-SIV progressive
mage resolves. This comparative emergent serial method would bring status in macaques [61].
needed focus on the state of the white matter and axonal tract injuries A recent study by Nino et al. validated that antigen-specific T-cells
as a part of an emerging improving standard of care and could be a fully preserve their anti-tumor functions following cryo-preservation
measure of our proposed therapy along with serial immune factors. and ex-vivo expansion [62]. Nino et al. showed full conservation of
Comparative and serial parallel studies mentioned above have not been differential potential of effector T-cells: the full preservation of cyto-
done. An acceptable standard of care should include objective proof of toxic functions, secretion of inflammatory cytokines and maintenance
brain healing and immune system reconstitution. The technology to do of T-cell motility and their ability to infiltrate and kill tumors.
so now is available, reported in many positive papers, but remains ig- Das et al. showed that the activation of reactive microglia and as-
nored. troglia, the opening of the blood brain barrier (BBB) by brain trauma,
the creation of reactive oxygen species, anergy, apoptosis and many

G.D. Griffin et al. Medical Hypotheses 117 (2018) 7–15

other detrimental events caused neuro-degeneration and axonal tract changed, and this will strongly support the patient’s immune system.
damage [36] (see above Fig. 1). The homeostasis of naïve and memory T-cells [66,67,68] may be en-
These select and focused studies support the concept that re-infusing hanced by re-infused autologous wbcs. The homeostatic energy re-
autologous cryo-preserved or fresh wbcs and T-cells can indeed be a quirements of T-cells during proliferation are described by O’Sullivan
plausible viable form of therapy not only for viral/SIV/AIDS infections and Pearce [69] and Okoye et al [70]. in ‘thought experiments’. We
and immune suppression resuscitation therapy, but also for trauma await expeditious dosing and time-line studies.
induced immune suppression, co-morbid infections and other sequelae. The success of DLI (wbcs) in successful anti-leukemic therapies [12]
We urge expeditious clinical studies for further validation. allowed extrapolation towards potential AWBCI utility: from donor
wbcs infused to close cohort wbs infused to autologous wbcs infused
Autologous re-infusion of pre-trauma, pre-infection cryogenically presents a logical progression of this therapy. Thus, uncompromised
or otherwise stored naïve, undamaged or unprogrammed immune autologous or possibly close cohort T-cells may represent ‘bio-resources
cells: A novel therapeutic approach or potential vaccines’ that could function against future immune sup-
pression from infections [63] and trauma. It is highly plausible that
The long history of DLI successes and early AWBCI inconclusive use trauma cases around the world could enjoy a faster and more complete
in cancer treatments and infections [12,13,14,55,50,60] led to the return to prior good health with the use of this visionary protective
proposal that cancer and infection naïve cryogenically stored auto- therapeutic modality. Fundamental to the idea of treating an immune
logous white blood cells could be infused to promote a ‘younger’ and system that is senescent, suppressed or dysfunctional is the question of
more effective immune system which might be a better basis for whether the autologous or close cohort re-infusion of immune system
fighting cancers and infections [63]. Perhaps obtaining these ‘younger’ components that were previously collected and stored before re-infu-
naïve immune cells could and should become one goal of a global im- sion can indeed restore immediate and robust immune functions and
munization and wbc storage effort and program? We suggest adding promote a more rapid return to prior health. Steps supportive of the
‘trauma’ as a third component to earlier cancer and infection potential logical progression of our ‘thought experiment’ have been provided by
therapeutic models. This visionary therapeutic program could be im- Prass [55], Savitz et al. [60], Villinger [61], Liao [53],Oeztuna [24],
plemented at any point from birth to just before the circulating wbcs Islam et al. [75], and Nino [62] with elegant and solid scientific rigor,
lose their trauma and infection naivety to become a part of a global and have enabled us to suggest this potential therapeutic modality in
comprehensive health care or vaccination program. answer to the above question. We suggest expeditious and robust efforts
A common thread in trauma, stroke and TBI is the Th1 to Th2 im- to study and investigate these notions.
mune system shift. Various complex interactions and cell signals are Very early proofs of concept and successes include use of adoptive
structured around the Th1 to Th2 ‘switch’, and the functions they direct immune therapy and bone marrow transplants for victims of nuclear
in T-cells and the resultant signals are dictated by trauma activated disasters, radiation accidents and cytotoxic drug use some fifty (50) or
genes [17]. This speaks to a multiple external cellular cause but more years ago [71,72,73,74]. As mentioned, the recent superb paper
common intracellular immune pathways but seeks further investiga- by Islam et al. [75] explores the causative action of Damage Associated
tion. Studies have reported the presence of ‘signal proteins’ that inhibit Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) and Pathogen Associated Molecular Pat-
the immune system [54] and gene/nuclear effects that impact tran- terns (PAMPs) and potential partial reversal by of immune suppressive
scription [17,37], or form cortisol complexes that mediate intra-nuclear mechanisms re-infusing anti-coagulated whole blood after orthopedic
actions and effects. Cellular immune responses are likely further ne- surgery via ‘pathogen encoded sialidase enzymes’ [74] but seeks more
gatively impacted by a decrease in the oxygenation of damaged tissues confirmation. The PAMP and DAMP explanation by Islam et al. [75] has
and a switch to anaerobic cellular respiration. been advanced to replace the older SIRS and CARS explanation of
The immune system is like the traumatized patients it protects, sterile infection and inflammation and awaits further resolution. The
linked by an interdependent tumultuous and ever-changing relation- above excellent paper and review by Islam et al. [75] supports the
ship. The infusion of previously preserved and trauma and infection works of Liao [59] and Savitz [60] since Islam’s re-infusion of anti-
naïve autologous wbcs may promote a faster return to good health and coagulated whole blood from ongoing orthopedic surgery was likely
recovery for trauma/TBI/mTBI/blast injuries and stroke patients. The trauma naïve and also contains monocytes [59,60] and neutrophils
microglia and astroglia in the brain could also potentially be supported [77]. As said, this speaks strongly to more needed studies on the time-
by the re-infusion of an intact and healthy immune system necessary for line mentioned earlier in this paper for further exploration of the onset
maintenance or healing of traumatized neural tissues. The opening of of epi-genetic effects time lines and loss of trauma naivety. A recent
the BBB after brain trauma offers the opportunity for infused or other sepsis immune-suppressive paper offers refreshing answers and ther-
migrating wbcs to enhance microglial and astroglial efficacy [44]. apeutic pathways for sepsis as well [76]. As a more recent proof of
Significant health care expenditures could potentially be saved by re- concept, we offer a study that shows neutrophils help to heal the brain
infusing a healthier, younger and intact immune system. We now know after hemorrhagic stroke by enhancing the role of Interleukin-27 (IL-
that autologous or close cohort wbcs that were collected earlier and 27) in healing the hemorrhaged brain with better recovery and po-
stored can later be infused and are efficacious [55,60,62]. They there- tentially a smaller infarcted area [77]. This elegant study explores the
fore represent a ‘bio-resource’ that could potentially overcome pro- role of neutrophils and relationships with microglia, IL-27 and lacto-
blems in patients with a senescent, suppressed or traumatized and in- ferrin with RBCs and the overall lessening of hemorrhage, cerebral
fection challenged immune system including frequent impaired vaccine edema and faster resolution of the hemorrhagic stroke while also
responses [63,64,65]. When autologous trauma and infection naïve seeking more confirmatory studies by asking pertinent unanswered
stored wbcs are collected from younger and healthier patients they questions.
contain and keep all of the necessary factors to mount a robust response There are several critical reasons to choose a trauma patient’s own
to pathogens, to neoplasms and to immune suppression from trauma previously drawn and stored immune cells. They have not been exposed
[60,62]. With AWBCI, patients do not experience the allergic reaction to the intrinsic metabolic and or degradation associated with trauma,
from DLI membrane proteins or HLA systems as well as avoiding the infection and related disease states or events, depending on time-line
Graft vs Host reactions and rejection. The ratio of naïve re-infused studies and are therefore intrinsically healthier. Earlier stored wbcs
autologous wbcs to trauma and infection tainted wbcs is positively have also escaped the effects of substrate absence and shifts in oxidative

G.D. Griffin et al. Medical Hypotheses 117 (2018) 7–15

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