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Names Lisa Maddox and Courtney White Subject Physics
(Leave this (Leave this
Unit Name Unit Name: Momentum
blank for blank for
and Driving Unit Driving Question: What forces are Week of to
Question  acting on the Dragon capsule?
442C) 442C)
Anchoring Phenomenon: 
Forces acting on an object in freefall, the egg. There is more going on in the system
besides gravity, which is different than what we observed earlier. Now, we are looking
to expand our minds and look into other forces that affect objects as they fall to
Students will be exploring how SpaceX had to design their Dragon capsule to come
back to Earth safely. Students will be looking at the forces that are used for
astrophysicists to use in space travel. They will be exploring this phenomenon with a
more common experiment like an egg drop. 

Anchoring Anchoring Activity: 

Phenomeno Students are the new employees of SpaceX and are asked to design a capsule that
n or Design would safely return to Earth. Since the program does not have unlimited money, the
Problem experiment will be done with an egg and a shoe box. Students will be given 10 items in
(with addition to this: 5 pipe cleaners($1,000 each), 10 popsicle sticks($1,000 each), two
Anchoring balloons($5,000 each), 20 paper clips($100 each), a small pack of tissues($5,000 for
Activity for the pack), 20 toothpicks($500 each), 10 rubber bands($1,000 each), roll of tape($100
the unit) for each cm), a foot of string ($500 for each cm), a piece of foam($10,000). There will
be a maximum of $25,000 allowed to create this device. What forces will they need to
take into account when an object falls to Earth? These items simulate what could be
used in a life-size operation of the Dragon capsule coming to Earth, students will be
shown how these home items are related to the realistic experiment. 

Students will later relate their experiment to the Dragon capsule from August by a
video presentation to the class. The video presentation will be worked on in class and
at home, using the equations that have been demonstrated through the entire unit.

HS-PS2-2.  Use mathematical representations to support the claim that the total momentum of
a system of objects is conserved when there is no net force on the system.
Clarification Statement:  Emphasis is on the quantitative conservation of momentum in
interactions and the qualitative meaning of this principle.
Expectation  Assessment Boundary:  Assessment is limited to systems of two macroscopic bodies moving in
one dimension.
Safety:  Students need to be cautious with expensive equipment (laptops, video cameras) that
could easily be damaged during videotaping.
Provide the Standard and Element(s) that
Where in the lesson can this be found?
Students Will be Engaging In
Disciplinary PS2.A: Forces and Motion  The conservation of total momentum
Core Ideas  Momentum is defined for a is demonstrated when the Dragon
particular frame of reference; it is
capsule collides with the ocean
the mass times the velocity of the
surface.  The students will be pressed
object. In any system, total
for an explanation of how
momentum is always conserved.
momentum is conserved during the
 If a system interacts with objects
(DCIs)  The students will explain how the
outside itself, the total momentum
system of the Dragon capsule
of the system can change; however,
interacted with the system of the
any such change is balanced by
ocean surface such that the change in
changes in the momentum of objects
momentum among the two systems
outside the system. (HS-PS2-2), (HS-
was balanced and conserved.
Using Mathematics and Computational  Students will develop a free body
Thinking diagram as a mathematical
Science and  Use mathematical representations of representation of the collision of the
Engineering phenomena to describe explanations Dragon capsule with the ocean
Practices (HS-PS2-2), (HS-PS2-4).  surface. Teachers will assist students
(SEPs) with mathematical equations
associated with the free body
 Analyzing and interpreting data
 Using mathematical and
computational thinking.
Epistemic  Obtaining, evaluating, and
Practice(s) communicating information.
(Bundled SEPs)  Engaging in argumentation from
 Constructing explanations and
designing solutions

 The teacher will discuss what a

Systems and System Models
system is and how this hypothetical
Cross Cutting  When investigating or describing a
system relates to Dragon.  Students
Concepts system, the boundaries and initial
(CCCs) will ask about their system model and
conditions of the system need to be
if they need to make any
defined (HS-PS2-2).

3D Learning 
Students will use a system model based on mathematical representation to argue how
momentum is conserved when the Dragon capsule collides with the surface of the ocean.
Lesson-Level Momentum is conserved when the Dragon capsule collides with the ocean surface.

Connections to CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.11-12.5
other Analyze how the text structures information or ideas into categories or
(CCSS ELA, hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of the information or ideas.
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse
formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to
address a question or solve a problem.
Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments,
simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or
concept, resolving conflicting information when possible.


Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context.


Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and


Interpret complicated expressions by viewing one or more of their parts

as a single entity. For example, interpret P(1+r)n as the product of P and
a factor not depending on P.
Choose and produce an equivalent form of an expression to reveal and
explain properties of the quantity represented by the expression.
Derive the formula for the sum of a finite geometric series (when the
common ratio is not 1), and use the formula to solve problems. For
example, calculate mortgage payments.

Target Vocab
to be Momentum, Impulse, Change in Time, Change in Momentum, Mass, Velocity, Force

The 5E Model

In person, the teacher will organize students The students will come into class and stay
to come and pick up a laptop at the front of organized and on task as they gather their
the room. In an online setting, the teacher laptops or listen to instruction. The students
will begin the explanation of the video will be required to gather all their previous
Lesson Intro
submission. The teacher will explain that the work: the pencil drop FBD, the egg drop
students will create a video that will analyze experimental design and cost, a FBD of how
their knowledge of the entire unit. The Dragon came to Earth, and momentum and
TIME: 10min
teacher should give a rubric of how they will impulse equations that change in the system.
be grading the students and what aspects of Students will be accessing prior knowledge
the video are required: their pencil drop FBD, when putting this submission together. This is
their egg drop experiment and cost, a FBD of the time students can ask any and all
how Dragon came to Earth, and equations
questions if they do not understand the video
showing the momentum and impulse that are
submission assignment. The students will find
changing in the system. The teacher has
their group mate, the one(s) they conducted
already demonstrated the equation for
the egg drop experiment with, and begin
momentum to the class in the previous
brainstorming ideas for their submission.
lesson. The teacher should discuss what a
Students can ask about their system model
system is and how this hypothetical system
and if they need to make any adjustments.
can relate to Dragon.
Students will begin designing their video
submission. Working with their partner(s),
The teacher will mostly be walking around the
they will start to design the video. This can be
classroom to check if students need any
done on any platform the student enjoys
assistance. This is the time students can ask
using: PowerPoint, Animoto, Prezi, etc. Here is
questions on their previous submission, the
a great time for students to ask questions,
teacher should be walking around, providing
either to the teacher walking around or the
feedback, and demonstrating equation use
students in their group. The students’ goal is
when necessary. This means the teacher can
Lesson Body to create a video that includes the forces and
talk to the students about how to perfect the
(Explore, motion of an object falling to the Earth.
pencil drop FBD, ensure the students have
Explain, Through the entire lesson, the class has
Elaborate) the correct cost assessment for their egg drop
discussed many different ways to demonstrate
experiment, make annotations to the FBD of
these concepts. The students need to work on
TIME: 45 min  Dragon, and assist students in manipulating
gathering all the information and assignments
equations. The teacher should be providing
they have previously accomplished and make
assistance to the students because this
edits to these documents to put into the
assessment is how well students understand
video. The presentation should last 10-15
the major concepts. If a student is not
minutes long. Students will have this 45
understanding something, it is the teacher’s
minutes to design the video that will be
job to help the student make those
presented next class. Students should be using
the forces, equations, and concepts we have
been using in class for the entire unit.
The teacher will take the last few minutes to The students should be wrapping up their
get all the students attention. For students presentation. This includes and citations the
that have not finished their assignment, the students would need to include if they are
teacher should warn the students for how using outside sources. If students did not
much time is left in the class. They should finish the assignment, they should schedule a
advise the students to finish up their work time with their group members to come back
and return the computer before class is over. to the classroom to finish the work. If students
Lesson Closure The teacher can offer students to come to the are done early, they can turn in the laptop and
(Evaluate) classroom during lunch or after class to grab a green slip of paper to fill out. The slip of
continue to work on the assignment if they paper asks group members names and
TIME: 5min did not have enough time to finish. The provides a checklist for the items students
teacher can assess the students’ need for the assessment. If the students do
completeness of the project by asking not finish the video in the allotted time, they
students to turn in a red or a green slip that is will grab a red slip, fill out all the group
at the front of the class. The teacher explains members' names, and check off the items they
the students pick green if they are done, and have already completed for the video. The
red if they are not, then the students fill out groups will need to turn either slip of paper in
the information like group members names. to the teacher before they leave for the day. 



Feedback will be
The purpose of the
given to the
entry level
assessment is for
students to be
Either the teacher
exposed to all the
will say the This will start to give the
equations that were This is done in the
student is correct teacher an idea of how
discussed through very beginning of class
and can write the students are doing in the
the unit. Students after the teacher has
equation on the unit. If students are
may have forgotten hands out the laptops
board or a struggling with coming
some of the and explains the video
PowerPoint, or up with equations, the
important equations presentation. The
the student will teacher is aware that the
we use to solve for teacher will be asking
be incorrect and video presentation may
force, momentum, students to remind
the teacher will be a struggle for
Entry Level and impulse. In them of the equations
order to excel in the they have used have to address students. This also means
this. If students the teacher may have to
video presentation, throughout the unit.
are not spend more time during
students should be The teacher will not
registering a few class explaining the
exposed to the specify the equations
equations, the equations to students
equations once they want, but will see
teacher can give and possibly give
more. The video what students
hints and provide examples to make it
presentation will immediately come up
feedback while more clear.
have to include with.
the student is
these equations, so
talking to help
the class discusses
them reach the
the equations so
everyone has
PM Drawing physics This would be the The feedback This will inform the
(Formative) diagrams falls into a drawings of the FBD would be given to teacher on if students
different concept that students have the students in understand how to draw
than understanding been working on the form of a physics related problem
the equations that throughout the unit. grade for the final solving pictures. If
are being used. The These FBDs will be project. This part students still do not have
purpose of the handed in as a packet of the assignment this skill, the teacher will
students handing in to the teacher right will be graded have to revisit this area
a packet of the FBDs before they present separate, but will since drawings will still
and engineer design their video to the also contribute to be a big part of the rest
is to check if class. This packet will the overall grade of the semester. This is a
students have the include a FBD of pencil for the skill students will need to
right forces acting falling to the desk, a assignment. excel in the physics
on the objects. schematic of an egg Students will have classroom. 
Students should be drop experiment with received feedback
able to create clear a cost estimate, and a on previous
drawings that depict FBD for Dragon assignments, so
what forces are coming to Earth. they have the
acting on the object capability to fix
with respect to the mistakes they
medium in which it made when they
falls.  turned in the FBD
the first time.

The purpose of this

summative Feedback will be
assessment is for given in the form This assessment informs
The implementation
the teacher to test if of a formal grade. the teacher in two
of the summative
the students have Students will have different ways. The first
assessment will be
fixed mistakes from received feedback way is for the teacher to
students presenting
previous on each of their check if students are
their videos to the
assignments and assignments listening and taking into
class, this will take
understand the throughout the consideration the
about two days  to get
physics concepts on unit. With this comments made on their
through the whole
a deeper level. feedback, previous work. If
class. Students will
Students should be students should students listen to the
Summative present their slides,
gaining knowledge have been able to previous feedback, their
resources, drawings,
and learn how to fix any mistakes presentation should have
in one document and
better their own they had. the proper physical
take 10-15 minutes to
understanding. This Students will have concepts involved. The
explain all of this to
assignment is a the final feedback second thing the teacher
the class. Students will
check for students of this summative checks for is
discuss each part of
and gives them an assessment in the understanding of the unit
the presentation since
opportunity to form of a video as a whole with forces
all information was
prove they know the presentation to and motion.
concepts that were the class.
discussed in the
DIFFERENTIATI Students with Special Advanced
ON English Learners Striving Readers
Needs Students
English learners may Throughout the Students with special Advanced
struggle with this lesson, striving needs may have students can excel
assignment since readers have had different at this assignment.
students are accommodations accommodations. These students
required to present made for them along Depending on how would be able to
their data and the way. These extreme the disability is, use their creative
presentation to the students have been the student may be ability to present
class. For this given assistance on excused from presenting documentation of
student, the teacher how to analyze any to the class. If the the unit. These
should be looking to written material. For student is able to students can
the class for this assignment, this participate, they will be perfect the look of
assistance in making student will not have graded on the their FBDs. In
the student feel to read external tools, information on the addition, these
welcomed and but will have to design screen and not advanced students
accepted. The the presentation. The necessarily the delivery can create more
teacher should teacher should look to of the information. The in-depth
grade this student grade the student student should be able definitions for the
according to the with this in mind. That to construct drawings to physics technical
information they means the student represent the concepts terms they need
can relate, which may not be able to that have been to include in the
can be the create an amazing discussed in the unit. video. These
PowerPoint slides. presentation, but may The student will be students have
Even if their be able to talk graded on how well they received feedback
presentation is through the concepts understand the physics on previous
assignments and
they can use this
to shape their
weak, due to the
finalized video.
inability to speak
concepts we have Their video should
English, but the
covered based on the be held to the
information is on more effectively.
disability requirements rubric that is
their slides, the
for their plan. created for the
student should
entire class, their
receive full credit. 
grade should
reflect the

Materials needed:
Computers (laptop cart for in-class work/ student access to media for online setting)
FBD from the pencil drop experiment
The drawing and cost analysis of the egg drop experiment
Materials FBD for how Dragon returns to Earth
Needed and
Calculations for Dragon, using the required equations
Links to
Resources Links to Instructional Resources:
Reflection, How we are pressing for explanation: 
Summary, Students will be asked to explain the forces behind a falling object, this is what has been
Rationale, discussed throughout the unit. To press students for further information, they will have a slide
Implementatio or two discussing conservation of momentum and if the experiments conducted had the
conservation of momentum. The students will need to provide evidence for why they believe
an experiment has conservation of momentum or not.

Students do not always understand how forces and motion can be used in a bigger picture. The
idea behind the unit, and this lesson, is to show students a more extreme example of the
problems we are working on in class. Students fall into the, “how is this going to help me in the
future?” mindset. This unit is shaped to show students they can use physics in an intense
setting like designing a spacecraft, or a sports setting like throwing a ball, or a medical setting
like the force used to cause concussions. 

Students will be using all the equations and concepts that have been mentioned through the
unit in one video that would take the student 10-15 minutes to explain. This will include the
pencil drop experiment, the egg drop experiment, engineering design, an explanation of the
Dragon capsule, equations for impulse and momentum, and physics technical terms. Students
should use vocabulary terms from each lesson we did and use our experiments to design their
scientific explanation. 

Students will define the system boundaries and initial conditions as they explain the
conservation of momentum as the Dragon capsule collides with the ocean surface.  Students
will use mathematical representations of the collision phenomenon to describe their
explanation of the Dragon-ocean surface interaction.

Teacher will press students for explanations of how momentum is conserved when the Dragon
capsule collides with the ocean surface.  Students will be pressed to explain specifically how
momentum is conserved using mathematical representations and video verbal explanation.

1. Time constraint for students
2. Little knowledge using the presentation equipment: PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.
3. (Online) If students have spotty internet

1. Offer additional time for students to complete the presentation, like during lunch or
after or before school
2. The teacher can walk around and assist students, their group members might have
more knowledge on the presentation, or the students will have to take extra time to
learn the server
3. Students will be put into groups where it is guaranteed that at least one student has a
strong internet. This way, the team can complete the project even if another group
member would have to only text the other members. 

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