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Grammar Tools

You don't need to be a grammar expert to write effectively. With online tools available,
you can write with more ease! And with good support from Spanning the Gaps, you
can get personalized help on your written work.

Grammarly ​is a great tool to check your writing. You can ​sign up​ to get a free
Grammarly account, or do a quick copy-and-paste of your text in their ​Grammar Check​.

Google Docs​ is a common online writing tool that includes an embedded autocorrect.
Learn more about it ​here​.

Microsoft Word​ is also a common writing tool, which ​Ryerson students can download
for free​. Word can operate without internet and also includes autocorrect. Learn more
about it ​here​.

More personalized writing assistance for Spanning students

● If you're a TFP student,

contact your Academic
Success Facilitator
● If you're a TFP student,
you can also join your
Academic Success
Facilitator in Academic
Drop-ins (which you're
invited to in your
Ryerson's Google Calendar; take a look at an example of how editing works
online in the next image)
● If you're an IUFP student, contact your Academic Support Facilitator
● As a Ryerson Student, you can also book an appointment with ​Student Learning

Reach out to a friend ​when you're in need of another pair of eyes to give you a
different perspective of your writing. It can be anyone you're comfortable asking help
from. It's also a great way to share the hard work you put into writing about your studies!

Read your writing out loud​ also helps a lot! After taking a short break from writing, try
reading your work out loud to see if it flows nicely. It also trains you for more
independent proofreading. There are also e-reader tools that will read your work for you,
one of which is ​NaturalReader​.

by Maria Asuncion

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