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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate Anisa Branch

Date/Time of Scheduled Visit 11/30/2020
Name/Address of School PS/IS/499
Age/Grade level Kindergarten
Cooperating Teacher Denise Richards Classroom Number 201

Name of Lesson Paper Plate Hens

Content What concepts or developmental skills will this lesson address?
area(s)/developmental Domain 2: Physical Development and Health (PDH)
domain(s) addressed Domain 4c: Communication, language and literacy
Domain 3: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Brief description of the lesson In this lesson, students will explore feelings and perspectives of others by reading The Little Red
Hen. In The Little Red Hen, the Hen deals with the emotions of anger, sadness and
disappointment when she asks for help from her friends multiple times throughout the story.
However, each time she asks her friends they respond with No. This book teaches young
students the importance of helping others and working hard. Additionally, students will use
their fine motor skills to construct their own Hens using paper plates, glue and construction
This lesson is: * A new concept/activity * A continuation of a previous lesson/activity
* A review of a previous * A conclusion of a concept
Why is there a need for this lesson?
There is a need for this lesson because it focuses on physical development and health( fine motor
Rationale skills), communications and social and emotional learning. This lesson is important because
children need to understand other people's perspectives/feelings and the importance of working
hard as well as develop empathy for others around them.
Keep in mind appropriate length of an activity for preschool-aged children is 20 mins at
most, no more than 45 mins for children K-2 grade)
Timeframe 10 mins for reading and questions
5-8 mins of Explicit modeling of craft
20- minutes for independent activity
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Objective(s) of the activity What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience?
Students will demonstrate eye -hand coordination and fine motor skills, as well as recognize the
feelings and perspectives of others.

Connections to standards Which NYS Early Learning, or Common Core Standards are addressed? Are there other
standards used?
K.PDH.5. Demonstrates eye -hand coordination and fine motor skills
K.SEL.4. Recognizes and feeling and perspectives of others
K.AC.4. Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary across all domains

No other standards will be utilized.

Language Objectives What language/vocabulary, communication, or literacy skill(s) do I want my students to
develop in this lesson? How is this activity using the specific academic language demand?

Students will demonstrate ability to retell stories and answer questions regarding the text.

Resources/materials needed: The little Red Hen by Diane Muldrow

(Include any worksheets or Paper Plate
sources of evidence for Construction Paper (Red, orange and Brown)
children’s learning you will use Scissors
during the activity) Glue

Technology inclusion (if A laptop is the only technology needed.

Procedures (step by step) Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation) ​What will you do to get children’s attention, or
to introduce children to this learning activity? Describe the process in getting them
interested and engaged. ​ ​I will engage students before beginning the lesson by playing the
Count on me by Bruno Mars animation. This animation focuses on being able to count on your
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

friends to help you when you are in need. I will then ask students to share a time when they
needed a friend to help them and how it made them feel.
Instruction/Mini Lesson ​(Outline the procedures or sequence activities that will make up
this learning experience; for instance, you might follow a routine wherein you model (I try);
and ask for active involvement (we try) during a whole group session.
1. Have all students gather around in a circle and begin reading “The Little Hen” by Diane
2. Once the reading is complete, begin a discussion about the book asking the following
- How would you describe the cat, the goose and the dog?
- What words can you use to describe the little red hen?( Boys and girls turn and talk
about what clues from the pictures show that the hen is sad.)
- How do you think the little red hen felt doing all the work by herself?
- How do you think the little red hen felt when all the animals wanted to eat the bread
that she had made?
- How do we think her friends felt when she said they couldn’t have any bread?
- What lesson do we think her friends learned?

3. Students will return back to their desks and wait for verbal instructions and a demo.
Independent Practice ​(small group activity, working with partners, or independently)
Before beginning the activity, explain to students that we will create our own little red hens
just like in the book.
1. Students will be given all the materials listed in the material sections.
2. They will start by tracing their hands twice. One hand should be traced with red
construction paper and the other orange construction paper.
3. They will proceed to cut out the two hand prints.
4. Using scissors cut out 5 rectangular strips of construction paper to represent feathers.
5. Proceed to use leftover construction paper to cut out two squares to represent feet.
6. Glue one of the hands cut out to the top of the paper plate.
7. Layer the other hand cut outs on top of the first one.
8. Cut out a small circle and use it as an eye. Place your eye towards the front of the plate.
9. Cut out a triangle to represent a beak. Glue the beak to the front of the plate under the
10. Glue the feet squares to the bottom of the plate.
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)

Have students write their names on the back of the plate. Collect and hang plates on the board. If
time allows, go over some of the lessons learnt from reading the Little Red Hen again with
students .

Method of assessing Pre-assessment Assessment of Student Assessment of Children’s

children’s understanding of Outline the steps you will Learning O ​ utline the steps you Language Learning
lesson/activity/objective(s) take to evaluate the will take to evaluate students’ Outline the steps you will
(Be sure to include any tools, student's prior knowledge. learning. What evidence will I take to evaluate students’
rubrics/checklists and/or Prior to the class I​ will ask the have to assess whether language learning. What
worksheets you will use for following questions and ask students have successfully evidence will I have to
assessment(s) each student to raise their achieved the content assess whether students
hand if they have ever objectives? have successfully achieved
experienced it. To determine that students have the content objectives?
Have you ever asked someone successfully achieved the content I will understand if students
for help? objectives: have successfully achieved
Has someone ever asked you I will take notes during the class language objectives if:
for help? discussion and jolt down If students are able to
How did you feel when students' answers to the answer the discussion
someone helped you? discussion questions. questions after the reading.
I will collect student work Students should be able to
samples( Little Red Hen). retell parts of the story and
identify the main characters.

Plans for differentiated Supporting children with Supporting English Language Learners
instruction/instructional identified delays or What modifications should I make to the activity to ensure all
modifications disabilities students are included and engaged in all steps required to meet
What considerations should I the lesson’s objectives?
keep in mind regarding
cultural relevance, age To modify this activity for english language learners I will :
appropriateness, and ability Include written directions and visuals of the step by step process
levels for all learners? translated in their specific languages.

Cultural Relevance:
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

- This lesson is culturally

Relevant because
students would have
seen farm animals in a
previous lesson.
However, I will provide
visuals and pictures of
different emotions.(
example; sad versus
Age Appropriateness:
This lesson is age appropriate
for this group.
Physical delays: For students in
a wheelchair modify the
anticipatory set, so they are
able to participate from their
Students with fine motor issues
supply pre cut out materials.
Follow up/Extension How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on students’ learning today in
activities class?

In terms of reinforcing students learning in the next lesson, students will be given the chance to
use their fine motor skills again. For example, students will continue the farm unit and will have
an activity that involves building a lego farmhouse. Additionally, students can tell you what they
learned in terms of helping others and describe the feelings they experience when helping
others in their everyday life.
Any additional information
that would be helpful for the It would be helpful for an observer to know that this is a full unit on farming. In this Unit
observer to know students will learn about all aspects of farming from roles on the farm, animals on the farm, jobs
and much more.

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects of the learning
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

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