The Champion Legal Ads 12-17-20

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website at https://www.

dekalb- Mandatory DeKalb First LSBE power of taking the said de- Info Meeting: Responders to 050-441725 12/17,12/24,12/31 scribed lands for State-aid pub-
tracting/bids-itb-rfps. Proposals this solicitation must attend one 1/7 lic road purposes, thereby vest-
will be received at the above LSBE Info Meeting held at CITATION ing the title to same in the De-
address until 3:00 p.m. East- 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on IN THE SUPERIOR COURT partment of Transportation;
ern Standard Time on January Wednesday, December 16, OF and, in pursuance of such au-
8, 2021. The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 15
DeKalb First Ordinance: It is
2020 and Wednesday, Decem-
ber 23, 2020 via Zoom video
thority, the Department of
Transportation has deposited
the objective of the Chief Exec- conference. Please visit the fol- DEPARTMENT OF with the Clerk of Superior Court
utive Officer and Board of Com- lowing link for detailed informa- TRANSPORTATION of said County $43,900.00.00


missioners of DeKalb County to 040-441724 12/17,12/24 tion regarding attendance op- VS. as the just compensation for
provide maximum practicable AD FOR BIDS tions/requirements: Certain easement rights; and the said lands described; and
opportunity for all businesses to Request for Proposals: DeKalb https://www.dekalbcountyga.go Michael Gene Hughes; all persons claiming such fund
participate in the performance County Government requests v / p u r c h a s i n g - Penelope Ann Kaiser; and or any interest therein, are
of government contracts, in- qualified individuals and firms contracting/dekalb-first-lsbe- Wells Fargo Bank, NA, individu- hereby required to make known
cluding Local Small Business with experience and certified program. ally. their claims to the Court;

The official legal organ of DeKalb County, GA

Enterprises (LSBE). The cur-
rent DeKalb County List of Cer-
tified Vendors is found on the
expertise to submit proposals
for ++RFP 20-500560 FOR IN-
Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal
Conference: Tuesday, Decem-
ber 29, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. via
Docket No. 20CV6498
In Rem __________
The said named persons and
In accordance with the provi-
sions of the Official Code of
Georgia Annotated, the
County website at Zoom video conference at ht- any and all other persons Plaintiff-Condemnor has prayed
For a complete index of legal notices by page number,
WITH DISABILITIES, AND tps:// known and unknown claiming the Court for Immediate pos-
v/purchasing-contracting/about- THEIR CAREGIVERS (MULTI- 87503820447 any right, title, power, interest, session of said property, and all
upcoming deadlines as well as terms and conditions of legal
purchasing-and-contracting. YEAR CONTRACT)++. Questions: Questions must be ownership, equity, claim or de- persons having any interest in
Mandatory DeKalb First LSBE For a copy of the Request for submitted to the Department of mand in and to the lands here- or claim against such property,
advertising notices, please see the last page of the legal
Info Meeting: Responders to Proposal, please contact: MAIL Purchasing & Contracting FAX via inafter described, HAND and all occu- as above EMAIL
set forth, are re-
this solicitation must attend one DeKalb County Department P.O. of Box e m a1347i l t o r w e b b404-371-1359
@dekalb- pants, 114 tenants,
Newlessees,St. Suite li- E quiredlegalads@
by the Order of the
section. LSBE Info Meeting held at Purchasing & Contracting, 2ndDecatur,,
GA no later than censees andDecatur, all holders,GA own- Judge of said Court to sur-
10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Floor, The Maloof Center, 130030031-1347 close of business on Wednes- ers and users 30030 of ways and render possession of the prop-
December 9, 2020 and Decem- Commerce Drive, Decatur, day, December 30, 2020. easements in, across, over and erty to the Department of
ber 16, 2020 via Zoom video Georgia 30030, or visit our Questions and requests for in- under said land are hereby no- Transportation no later than 30
conference. Please visit the fol- 040-441723 12/17 website at https://www.dekalb- terpretation received by the De- tified, under the provisions of days from filing or the Declara-
Ad For Bid lowing link for detailed informa-
tion regarding attendance op-
DeKalb County, Georgia
tracting/bids-itb-rfps. Proposals
partment of Purchasing
Contracting after this date will
and the Official Code of
Annotated Sections 32-3-4 thru
Georgia tion of Taking.
That in accordance with the Of-
040-441637 12/10,12/17 tions/requirements: Week of DECEMBER 17, will be received at the above not receive a response or be 32-3-19, providing for the exer- ficial Code of Georgia Annot-
AD FOR BID https://www.dekalbcountyga.go 2020 Request for Solicitation address until 3:00 p.m. East- the subject of addenda. cise of the power of eminent ated Section 32-3-13 thru 32-3-
Request for Proposals: DeKalb v / p u r c h a s i n g - No. 20-101306 Refer to the In- ern Standard Time on Friday, Addenda: Request for Propos- domain by the State of Geor- 19, if the owner, or any of the
County Government requests contracting/dekalb-first-lsbe- dex for the page number in January 22, 2021. als and all addendums issued gia, or any of its subdivisions, owners, or any person having a
qualified individuals and firms program. which the Display ad is located DeKalb First Ordinance: It is for this project may be found on or by any county of such State, claim against or interest in said
with experience and certified Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal ++20-101306 Uniforms for Pub- the objective of the Chief Exec- DeKalb County’s website at ht- as follows: property, shall be dissatisfied
expertise to submit proposals Conference: Friday, December lic Safety Personnel 20-101308 utive Officer and Board of Com- tps:// That the above stated case, be- with the compensation, as es-
for ++RFP 20-500559 FOR 18, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom Welding Shop Drainage Im- missioners of DeKalb County to purchasing-contracting/bids-itb- ing a condemnation in rem timated in the Declaration of
HOME-DELIVERED & SHELF- video conference at provement 20-500559 Home- provide maximum practicable rfps. against the property herein- Taking and deposited in Court,
STABLE MEAL SERVICES Delivered & Shelf-Stable Meal opportunity for all businesses to The County reserves the right after described, was filed in such person or persons, or any
FOR SENIORS (MULTIYEAR /j/81589160004 Services for Seniors (Multiyear participate in the performance to reject any and all proposals, said Court on the 11th day of of them, shall have the right, at
CONTRACT)++. Questions: Questions must be Contract) 20-101278 Applica- of government contracts, in- to waive informalities, and to September, 2020 ; That, in ac- any time subsequent to the fil-
For a copy of the Request for submitted to the Department of tion of Herbicides at Polebridge cluding Local Small Business re-advertise. cordance with provisions of the ing of the Declaration and the
Proposal, please contact: Purchasing & Contracting via Wastewater Treatment Plant Enterprises (LSBE). The cur- Randy Webb aforesaid Official Code, a De- deposit of the fund into Court
DeKalb County Department of email to rwebb@dekalb- 20-101313 Sale of Surplus rent DeKalb County List of Cer- Senior Procurement Agent claration of Taking, duly author- but not later than 30 days fol-
Purchasing & Contracting, 2nd, no later than Property @ 338 Ponce De Le- tified Vendors is found on the Department of Purchasing and ized and properly executed as lowing the date of service as
Floor, The Maloof Center, 1300 close of business on Monday, on Place (Tax Parcel 15 245 01 County website at Contracting provided by the Official Code, provided for in the Official Code
Commerce Drive, Decatur, December 21, 2020. Ques- 109) 20-101314 Sale of Sur- https://www.dekalbcountyga.go has been made and filed in of Georgia Annotated Sections
tions and requests for interpret- plus Property @ 503 Warren v/purchasing-contracting/about- said case, declaring the neces- 32-3-8 thru 32-3-10 to file with
Georgia 30030, or visit our
website at https://www.dekalb- ation received by the Depart- Avenue (Tax Parcel 18 046 04 purchasing-and-contracting. Condemnation sity for and exercising the the Court a notice of appeal, ment of Purchasing and Con- 092) 20-101315 Sale of Sur- Mandatory DeKalb First LSBE power of taking the said de- the same to be in writing and
tracting/bids-itb-rfps. Proposals tracting after this date will not plus Property @ 3196 Zion Info Meeting: Responders to 050-441725 12/17,12/24,12/31 scribed lands for State-aid pub- made a part of the record in the
will be received at the above receive a response or be the Street (Tax Parcel 18 046 03 this solicitation must attend one 1/7 lic road purposes, thereby vest- proceedings.
address until 3:00 p.m. East- subject of addenda. 129) 20-101307 Hydrofluosili- LSBE Info Meeting held at CITATION ing the title to same in the De- The said property, as thus af-
ern Standard Time on January Addenda: Request for Propos- cic Acid (Multiyear Contract) 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on IN THE SUPERIOR COURT partment of Transportation; fected, is described as follows:
8, 2021. als and all addendums issued 20-500560 In-Home Services Wednesday, December 16, OF and, in pursuance of such au- Project Number: P.I. 0013971
DeKalb First Ordinance: It is for this project may be found on for Older Adults, Persons with 2020 and Wednesday, Decem- DEKALB COUNTY thority, the Department of DeKalb County
the objective of the Chief Exec- DeKalb County’s website at ht- Disabilities, and Their Care- ber 23, 2020 via Zoom video GEORGIA Transportation has deposited Parcel Number: 23
utive Officer and Board of Com- tps:// givers++ conference. Please visit the fol- DEPARTMENT OF with the Clerk of Superior Court Required: Certain easement
missioners of DeKalb County to purchasing-contracting/bids-itb- lowing link for detailed informa- TRANSPORTATION of said County $43,900.00.00 rights
provide maximum practicable rfps. 040-441724 12/17,12/24 tion regarding attendance op- VS. as the just compensation for Property Owners:
opportunity for all businesses to The County reserves the right AD FOR BIDS tions/requirements: Certain easement rights; and the said lands described; and Michael Gene Hughes;
participate in the performance to reject any and all proposals,
Request for Proposals: DeKalb https://www.dekalbcountyga.go Michael Gene Hughes; all persons claiming such fund Penelope Ann Kaiser; and
of government contracts, in- to waive informalities, and to County Government requests v / p u r c h a s i n g - Penelope Ann Kaiser; and or any interest therein, are Wells Fargo Bank, NA, individu-
cluding Local Small Business re-advertise. qualified individuals and firms contracting/dekalb-first-lsbe- Wells Fargo Bank, NA, individu- hereby required to make known ally
Enterprises (LSBE). The cur- Randy Webb with experience and certified program. ally. their claims to the Court; All that tract or parcel of land ly-
rent DeKalb County List of Cer- Senior Procurement Agent expertise to submit proposals Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Docket No. 20CV6498 In accordance with the provi- ing and being in Land Lot 109
tified Vendors is found on the Department of Purchasing and for ++RFP 20-500560 FOR IN- Conference: Tuesday, Decem- In Rem __________ sions of the Official Code of of the 18th Land District of
County website at Contracting HOME SERVICES FOR ber 29, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. via The said named persons and Georgia Annotated, the Dekalb County, Georgia, being
https://www.dekalbcountyga.go OLDER ADULTS, PERSONS Zoom video conference at ht- any and all other persons Plaintiff-Condemnor has prayed more particularly described as
v/purchasing-contracting/about- WITH DISABILITIES, AND tps:// known and unknown claiming the Court for Immediate pos- follows:
purchasing-and-contracting. THEIR CAREGIVERS (MULTI- 87503820447 any right, title, power, interest, session of said property, and all Permanent Easement
Mandatory DeKalb First LSBE YEAR CONTRACT)++. Questions: Questions must be ownership, equity, claim or de- persons having any interest in BEGINNING at a point 37.77
Info Meeting: Responders to For a copy of the Request for submitted to the Department of mand in and to the lands here- or claim against such property, feet left and opposite of station
this solicitation must attend one Proposal, please contact: Purchasing & Contracting via inafter described, and all occu- as above set forth, are re- 52+05.27 on the property line
LSBE Info Meeting held at DeKalb County Department of email to rwebb@dekalb- pants, tenants, lessees, li- quired by the Order of the of the condemnees on C/L
10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Purchasing & Contracting, 2nd, no later than censees and all holders, own- Judge of said Court to sur- SR236/LaVista Rd on Georgia
December 9, 2020 and Decem- Floor, The Maloof Center, 1300 close of business on Wednes- ers and users of ways and render possession of the prop- Highway Project 0013971; run-
ber 16, 2020 via Zoom video Commerce Drive, Decatur, day, December 30, 2020. easements in, across, over and erty to the Department of ning thence S 55°12'04.1" W a
conference. Please visit the fol- Georgia 30030, or visit our Questions and requests for in- under said land are hereby no- Transportation no later than 30 distance of 150.00 feet to a
lowing link for detailed informa- website at https://www.dekalb- terpretation received by the De- tified, under the provisions of days from filing or the Declara- point 37.67 feet left of and op-
tion regarding attendance op- Contact Us Terms & Conditions
partment of Purchasing and the Official Code of Georgia tion of Taking. Index posite station 50+54.94 on said
tions/requirements: tracting/bids-itb-rfps. Proposals Contracting after this date will Annotated Sections 32-3-4 thru That in accordance with the Of- construction centerline laid out
https://www.dekalbcountyga.go will be received at the above not receive a response or be agree 32-3-19, providing
the first for the exer- ficial Code of Georgia Annot- for SR 236/LaVista Rd; thence
Mailing address: The Champion Newspaper,
address until 3:00 p.m. East-
legal advertising
of addenda.
data submitted in any form tocise
to read
The of the power
of eminent
to verify atedAttorney/Court
Section 32-3-13 thruNotices 32-3- N/A W a distance of
N 34°21'54.1"
v / p u r c h a s i n g -

Attn: Legal Advertising
ern Standard Time on Friday, Addenda:
its accuracyRequest fornotify
and shall Propos- domain of
the newspaper by any
the corrections
State of Geor- 19, Court Calendars
if the owner, or any of the 7.17 feetN/Ato a point 44.84 feet
P.O. Box 1347 January 22, 2021. required
als and all by addendums
3 p.m. on theissued
Friday following the first publication.
gia, or any of its subdivisions, Adoption
owners, Notices
or any person having a left of andN/Aopposite station
program. Advertisements

Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Decatur, Ga., 30031-1347
DeKalb First Ordinance: It is for this
Fax andproject
e-mailmay be found of
acceptance onlegal or by any county
advertising of such State,
is contingent upon claim against or interest infor saidBids 50+54.98
15, 47 construction
on said
the objective of the Chief Exec- DeKalb County’s
acceptance by anywebsite at the
client of ht- following
as follows:
conditions and their use Condemnations
property, shall be dissatisfied centerline 15 laid out for SR

Conference: Friday, December PH: 404-373-7768 of fax and e-mail shall signify acceptance of the conditions: withNotices of Incorporation
the compensation, as es- 236/LaVista16 Rd; thence N
18, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom utive Officer and Board of Com- tps:// That the above stated case, be-
FAX 404-371-1359 purchasing-contracting/bids-itb- ing aforcondemnation Notices
timated in thetoDeclaration
Debtors &of Creditors 17
52°15'17.5" E a distance of
v i d missioners of DeKalb County to
e o c o n f e r e n c e a t E-mail: 1. The Champion will not be responsible any errors that in rem
occur provide maximum practicable rfps.
in transmission, including identification against the property
and notification thatherein-
an Divorces
Taking 19
and deposited in Court, 12.93 feet to a point 45.53 feet
error has occurred.
The County reservesPublication
the right of any transmission
after described,aswas receivedfiled in such person or persons, or any
Foreclosures left of and34 opposite station
/j/81589160004 opportunity for all businesses to fulfills the obligation of our publication to the sending client.
Questions: address:
Questions must be 114 New Street, Suite E in the performance
participate to reject any and all proposals, said Court on the 11th day of of Insurance Statements 50+67.89N/A
them, shall have the right, at on said construction
submitted to the Department of Ga. 30030 of government contracts, in- to The
2. waive informalities,
Champion andbetoheld responsible
shall not September, for 2020any; That,
transmis- in ac- anyJuvenile
time subsequentCourt to the fil- centerline 20 laid out for SR
cluding Local Small Business sion directed to the publication but not
re-advertise. received
cordance withbyprovisions
it. The decision of the ing Legislation
of the Declaration and the 236/LaVista21 Rd; thence N
Purchasing 9 a.m.
Contracting via to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. of the publication shall be final on determining receipt of any
deposit of the fund into Court 43°40'12.9"
email to rwebb@dekalb- Enterprises (LSBE). The cur- Randy
message. Webb aforesaid Official Code, a De- Name Changes 20 E a distance of, no later than rent DeKalb County List of Cer- Senior Procurement Agent claration of Taking, duly author- but Probate
not later than 30 days fol-
Court 33.55 feet 21to a point 52.31 feet
Legal advertising deadline is 12 noon Thursday fortified
subsequent lowing the date of service as left of and27 opposite station
Vendors is found on the 3. The Champion
Department of Purchasing and
has no reasonable wayand
ized to confirm
executed as
close of business on Monday,
Thursday publication. Legal ad requests must specify of a transmission received or whether it was transmitted by an au- Public Hearings
December 21, 2020. Ques- C o udate(s)
n t y w thee b sad
i t eis a t Contracting
thorized agent of a legal client and shall providednot be byheld
the responsible
Official Code, provided for in the Official Code
Public Notices 51+00.75 on said construction
to be published. Holidays
tions and requests for interpret- may alter advertising deadlines. Please check
https://www.dekalbcountyga.go for determining this. has been made and filed in of Georgia Annotated Sections centerline laid out for SR
Public Sales to file with 30 Rd; thence N
ationthereceived the Depart- calendar at
LegalbyAdvertising v/purchasing-contracting/about- said case, declaring the neces- 32-3-8 thru 32-3-10 236/LaVista
of Purchasingprior to major holidays for early deadline
and Con- notices.
4. All clients using fax or e-mail for transmission of legal data
and exercising the the Service
Court a notice by Publication
of appeal, 63°37'24.9"31 E a distance of
the Sheriff
same to Sales N/A
agree to hold this publication harmless of any
tracting after this date will not Mandatory DeKalb First LSBE breach of confidentiality which mightpower occur.of taking the said de- be in writing and 39.25 feet to a point 46.64 feet
Foreclosures, scribed lands for State-aid pub- made Tax Sales
a part of the record in the left of andN/Aopposite station
receive a response or Sheriff’s
be the Sales, Marshal Sales and TaxInfo Sales
Meeting:are held on to
Trade Name Registrations
subject addenda. this solicitation
steps on the first Tuesday of each month. must attend one
5. Facsimile and e-mail cannot replace the submission of ac-
lic road apurposes, therebyway vest- proceedings. 51+39.5832 on said construction
curate source documents, but can provide quicker, easier
Addenda: andfor
Request Tax LSBE weeks
Sales notices publish four consecutive
Propos- Info Meeting
prior held
to at to transmit such data for those who ing wish theto title
use to it. same
We are in glad
the De-
to TheZoning Notices
said property, as thus af- centerline 33 laid out for SR
theallfirst Tuesday of each month. 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on cooperate by implementing fax and partment of Transportation;
e-mail availability after clarify- Marshal
fected, Sales
is described as follows: 236/LaVistaN/A Rd; thence N
als and addendums issued
for this project may be found on Wednesday, December 16, ing user risks as identified currently.and, in pursuance of such au- *N/A
Project = NotP.I.
Number: Applicable
0013971 58°29'07.1" E a distance of
DeKalb County’s website at ht- 2020 and Wednesday, Decem- thority, the Department of DeKalb County 50.34 feet to a point 43.76 feet
tps:// ber 23, 2020 via Zoom video Transportation has deposited Parcel Number: 23 left of and opposite station
purchasing-contracting/bids-itb- conference. Please visit the fol- with the Clerk of Superior Court Required: Certain easement 51+90.12 on said construction
rfps. lowing link for detailed informa- of said County $43,900.00.00 rights centerline laid out for SR
BEGINNING at a point 37.77 thence S 34°21'54.1" E a dis-
feet left and opposite of station tance of 21.66 feet to a point
52+05.27 on the property line 28.57 feet left of and opposite
of the condemnees on C/L station 1+88.14 on said con-
SR236/LaVista Rd on Georgia struction centerline laid out for
Highway Project 0013971; run- Vista Valley Drive; thence S
Page 16
ning thence S 55°12'04.1" W a
distance of 150.00 feet to a
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
54°31'13.4" W a distance of
37.43 feet to a point 66.00 feet
point 37.67 feet left of and op- left of and opposite station 100-441401 12/17,12/24JH 100-441640 12/10,12/17 100-441732 12/17,12/24
posite station 50+54.94 on said
construction centerline laid out
1+88.14 on said construction
centerline laid out for Vista Val-
Dissolution Charter NOTICE OF
for SR 236/LaVista Rd; thence ley Drive; thence N 35°28'46.6" 080-441364 12/10,12/17JH 100-441361 12/10,12/17JH Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that articles of Notice is given that articles of
N 34°21'54.1" W a distance of W a distance of 21.66 feet to a Incorporation that will incorpor- incorporation that will incorpor- incorporation that will incorpor-
7.17 feet to a point 44.84 feet point 66.00 feet left of and op- ate ++Alexander Wolfe, Inc.++ ate ++Revolutionary Gospel ate ++D & T Roadmaster Ser-
left of and opposite station posite station 2+09.79 on said TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE TO INCORPORATE Mission Inc++ have been de- vices Inc++ have been de-
A CORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of have been delivered to the
50+54.98 on said construction construction centerline laid out Secretary of State for filing in livered to the Secretary of State livered to the Secretary of State
centerline laid out for SR for Vista Valley Drive; thence N Notice is given that a Notice of Incorporation that will incorpor- for filing in accordance with the for filing in accordance with the
Intent to Dissolve ++Color My ate ++J & A IMPORT, INC.++ accordance with the Georgia
236/LaVista Rd; thence N 54°31'13.4" E a distance of Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Georgia Business Corporation
Day, Inc.,++, a Georgia corpor- have been delivered to the Business Corporation Code.
52°15'17.5" E a distance of 37.85 feet back to the point of Code. The initial registered of- Code. The initial registered of-
12.93 feet to a point 45.53 feet beginning. Containing 0.019 ation with its registered office at Secretary of State for filing in The initial registered office of fice of the corporation is loc- fice of the corporation is loc-
left of and opposite station acres more or less. Said de- 3931 Cedar Circle, Tucker, GA accordance with the Georgia the corporation is located at ated at 5743 Sawgrass Cir, ated at 2051 North Avenue
50+67.89 on said construction scribed land being a temporary 30084 has been delivered to Business Corporation Code. 4038 Flowers Rd, Ste 300, At- Lithonia, GA, 30038 and its ini- NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30318
centerline laid out for SR easement for the construction the Secretary of State for filing The initial registered office of lanta, GA 30360? and its initial tial registered agent at such ad- and its initial registered agent
236/LaVista Rd; thence N of a driveway and as shown de- in accordance with the Georgia the corporation is located at registered agent at such ad- dress is Akindeji Akintola. at such address is Open Arms
43°40'12.9" E a distance of scribed within on the attached Business Corporation Code. 4695 LAKEWAY PL., ALPHAR- dress is Jackson Kennedy. Developmental Agency Inc.
33.55 feet to a point 52.31 feet plats marked Annex 1-A. 080-441372 12/10,12/17JH ETTA, GA 30005 and its initial 100-441402 12/17,12/24JH 100-441641 12/10,12/17
left of and opposite station A temporary easement is con- NOTICE OF INTENT registered agent at such ad- NOTICE OF INTENT NOTICE OF 100-441733 12/17,12/24
51+00.75 on said construction demned for the right to con- TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE dress is JONG H. HYUN. TO INCORPORATE INCORPORATION NOTICE OF
centerline laid out for SR struct a driveway to connect the Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that articles of INCORPORATION
236/LaVista Rd; thence N newly constructed road and Incorporation that will incorpor- incorporation that will incorpor- Notice is given that articles of
63°37'24.9" E a distance of right of way to the condem- Notice is given that a Notice of
ate ++4 My People USA, ate ++Diamonds Niche, Inc.++ incorporation which will incor-
39.25 feet to a point 46.64 feet nees remaining land for drive- Intent to Dissolve ++Mt. Ver- 100-441362 12/10,12/17H
Inc.,++ a nonprofit entity, have have been delivered to the porate ++HIF Holdings, Inc.++
left of and opposite station way purposes. Said easement non Title Services, Inc.++, a NOTICE OF INTENT Secretary of State for filing in
Georgia corporation with its re- TO INCORPORATE been delivered to the Secret- will be delivered to the Secret-
51+39.58 on said construction will expire upon completion and accordance with the Georgia ary of State for filing in accord-
gistered office at 2317 Lit- Notice is given that Articles of ary of State for filing in accord-
centerline laid out for SR final acceptance of the project Business Corporation Code. ance with the Georgia Busi-
236/LaVista Rd; thence N by the Department of Trans- tlebrooke Lane, Dunwoody, GA Incorporation which incorpor- ance with Georgia Business
The initial registered office of ness Corporation Code. The
58°29'07.1" E a distance of portation, but not later than 30338-3188 will be delivered to ate ++Laurel Ridge Townhome Corporation Code. The initial the corporation is located at
registered office of the non- initial registered office of the
50.34 feet to a point 43.76 feet January 1, 2026 and is de- the Secretary of State for filing Association, Inc.++ have been 2051 North Avenue NW, At- corporation will be located at
left of and opposite station scribed above and shown on in accordance with the Georgia delivered to the Secretary of profit corporation is located at lanta, Georgia 30318 and its 3680 North Peachtree Road,
51+90.12 on said construction the attached plats marked An- Business Corporation Code. State for filing in accordance 3840 Kensingwood Trace, Dec- initial registered agent at such Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30341
centerline laid out for SR nex 1-A. Upon completion of 080-441728 12/17,12/24 with the Georgia Nonprofit Cor- atur, GA 30032 and its initial re- address is Open Arms Devel- (DeKalb County), and its initial
236/LaVista Rd; thence N the project, the driveway will re- NOTICE OF INTENT TO poration Code. The initial re- gistered agent at such address opmental Agency Inc. registered agent at such ad-
32°57'10.4" W a distance of main in place for use by the VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A gistered office of the corpora- is Olivia Gibbs. 100-441642 12/10,12/17 dress is Christine Lochamy.
27.22 feet to a point 43.35 feet condemnees. CORPORATION tion is located at 160 Claire- 100-441403 12/17,12/24JH NOTICE OF
left of and opposite station This 9th day of December, Notice is given that a notice of mont Avenue, Suite 650, Dec- NOTICE OF INTENT INCORPORATION
1+71.13 on said construction 2020. 100-441735 12/17,12/24
intent to dissolve ++Belhaven atur, DeKalb County, Georgia TO INCORPORATE Notice is hereby given that art- NOTICE OF INTENT
centerline laid out for Vista Val- /s/ Clerk of Superior Court Consulting Group, Inc.++ a 30030 and its initial registered Notice is given that Articles of icles of incorporation which in-
ley Drive; thence N 19°04'19.5" DEKALB COUNTY TO INCORPORATE
Georgia corporation with its re- agent at such address is Lisa Incorporation that will incorpor- corporate ++YELLOWBIRD
W a distance of 17.73 feet to a ++Docket No. 20CV6498/P.I. gistered office at 1385 Christ- FINANCIAL, INC.++ have been Notice is given that Articles of
A. Crawford. ate ++Only the TRUTH Matters Incorporation which will incor-
point 38.34 feet left of and op- 0013971 DeKalb County Par- mas Lane, Atlanta, GA 30329 delivered to the Secretary of
Corp.++ have been delivered to porate ++Ellen Terry Travels++
posite station 1+88.14 on said cel Number: 23++ will be delivered to the Secret- State for filing in accordance
construction centerline laid out the Secretary of State for filing have been delivered to the
ary of State for filing in accord- in accordance with the Georgia with the Georgia Business Cor-
for Vista Valley Drive; thence N ance with the Georgia Busi- 100-441363 12/10,12/17JH poration Code. The initial re- Secretary of State for filing in
Business Nonprofit Corpora-
54°31'13.4" E a distance of
9.77 feet to a point 28.57 feet Amendment ness Corporation Code. NOTICE OF INTENT
TO INCORPORATE tion Code. The initial re-
gistered office of the corpora-
tion is located at 1100
accordance with the Georgia
Business Corporation Code.
left of and opposite station 080-441729 12/17,12/24 Notice is given that Articles of gistered office of the corpora-
070-441639 12/10,12/17 NOTICE OF INTENT TO Peachtree Street NE, Suite The initial registered office of
1+88.14 on said construction Incorporation that will incorpor- tion is located at 2594 Stardust 200, Atlanta, GA 30309, and its the corporation is located
centerline laid out for Vista Val- NOTICE OF AMENDMENT VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A Trl., Decatur, GA 30034 and its
CORPORATION ate ++Level Playing Field initial registered agent at such at2214 Silver Hill Rd, Stone
ley Drive; thence S 34°21'54.1" Notice is given that articles of initial registered agent at such
Notice is given that a notice of Foundation Corp.++ have been address is The Theodore Firm, Mountain, GA 30087 and its ini-
E a distance of 50.30 feet back amendment which will change address is Ra Saadi El.
the name of ++Victoria L. Brun- intent to dissolve ++R-Squared delivered to the Secretary of LLC. tial registered agent at such ad-
to the point of beginning. Said State for filing in accordance 100-441404 12/17,12/24JH
ner, P.C. Attorney at Law to Construction, Inc.++ a Georgia dress is Terry Massey.
described land being a perman- with the Georgia Business Non- NOTICE OF INTENT 100-441726 12/17,12/24
ent easement for the construc- Victoria Ivory, Attorney at Law, corporation with its registered
profit Corporation Code. The TO INCORPORATE Notice of Intent to Incorporate 100-441737 12/17,12/24
tion and maintenance of slopes P.C.++ have been delivered to office at 2695 Laurelwood Rd.
initial registered office of the Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that Articles of NOTICE OF INTENT
and as shown on the attached the Secretary of State for filing Atlanta, GA 30360 will be de-
Incorporation that will incorpor- Incorporation, which will incor- TO INCORPORATE
in accordance with the Georgia livered to the Secretary of State corporation is located at 5094
plats marked Annex 1-A. porate ++THE JANE WOOD- Notice is given that Articles of
The title, estate or interest in Business Corporation Code. for filing in accordance with the Panola Mill Drive, Stonecrest, ate ++RegComp Interactive
RUFF FOUNDATION, INC.++, Incorporation which will incor-
the above described lands, re- The registered office of the cor- Georgia Business Corporation GA 30038 and its initial re- Inc.++ have been delivered to
have been delivered to the porate ++Other Fox, Inc.++
quired by condemnor and now poration is located at 1366 Code. gistered agent at such address the Secretary of State for filing
Secretary of State for filing in have been delivered to the
taken by condemnor for public Lakeview East Drive SE, At- is Jeffery Jackson. in accordance with the Georgia Secretary of State for filing in
lanta, GA 30316 accordance with the Georgia
use is as follows: A Permanent Business Nonprofit Corpora- accordance with the Georgia
Non-Profit Corporation Code.
easement is condemned for the 070-441726 12/17,12/24
Notice of Change of Corporate
Merger tion Code. The initial re-
gistered office of the corpora-
The initial registered office of Business Corporation Code.
right to construct and maintain 100-441399 12/17,12/24JH the corporation will be located The initial registered office of
slopes and as described above Name 090-441730 12/17,12/24 NOTICE OF INTENT tion is located at 302 Perimeter at 4004 Summit Blvd., Suite the corporation will be located
and shown on the attached Notice is given that articles of NOTICE OF MERGER TO INCORPORATE Ctr. N., #2504, Atlanta, GA 800, Atlanta, DeKalb County, at 3537 W Hill St Clarkston GA
plats marked Annex 1-A. Said amendment, which will change Notice is given that the articles Notice is given that Articles of 30346 and its initial registered Georgia 30319, and its initial 30021-1204 and the initial re-
easement may also be used the name of ++Allstaff Technic- or a certificate of merger which Incorporation which incorpor- agent at such address is Eliza- registered agent at such ad- gistered agent at such address
temporarily for silt control as al Solutions, Inc. to Allyon, will effect a merger by and ate ++Kennedy Towns Com- beth Northington. dress is Kathie Gottlieb. is Ruby Franklin.
deemed necessary by the De- Inc.++, have been delivered to between Munich American Re- munity Association, Inc.++ 100-441405 12/17,12/24JH 100-441731 12/17,12/24 100-441738 12/17,12/24
partment of Transportation and The Secretary of State for filing assurance Company, Georgia,
in accordance with the Georgia have been delivered to the NOTICE OF INTENT NOTICE OF NOTICE OF
as described above and shown and Munich American Life Re-
Business Corporation Code. Secretary of State for filing in TO INCORPORATE INCORPORATION INCORPORATION
on the plats dated the 15th day insurance Company, Georgia,
The registered office of the cor- accordance with the Georgia Notice is given that Articles of Notice is hereby given that Art- Notice is given that articles of
of November, 2018; Last re- has been delivered to the Sec-
poration is located at 3066 Mer- Nonprofit Corporation Code. Incorporation which will incor- icles of Incorporation which in- incorporation that will incorpor-
vised: Sheet No. 13 on Febru- retary of State for filing in ac-
cer University Drive, Suite 300 The initial registered office of porate ++RACHELE ANN corporate ++Stonecrest Con- ate ++We R One Foundation,
ary 18, 2020 and Sheet No. 14 cordance with the Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia 30341. the corporation is located at CO++ have been delivered to vention and Visitors Bureau, Inc.++ have been delivered to
on November 1, 2019 and at- Business Corporation Code.
160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite the Secretary of State for filing Inc.++ have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing
tached hereto as Annex 1-A. The name of the surviving cor-
650, Decatur, DeKalb County, in accordance with the Georgia the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia
Upon completion of construc- poration in the merger is ++Mu-
070-441727 12/17,12/24 Georgia 30030 and its initial re- Business Nonprofit Corpora- in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code.
tion, nothing in this grant shall nich American Reassurance
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF gistered agent at such address tion Code. The initial re- Non-Profit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of
prevent the placement or re- Company++, a corporation in-
CORPORATE NAME The registered office of the Cor- the corporation is located at 88
placement of parking spaces corporated in the State of Geor- is Rachel E. Conrad. gistered office of the corpora-
Notice is given that articles of poration is located at 3475 Len- North Avondale Road Suite
on the permanent easement gia. The registered office of tion will be located at 3718
amendment which will change ox Road NE, Suite 400, Geor- #451, Avondale Estates, GA,
acquired where the parking such corporation is located at Harts Ct., Atlanta, GA 30341
the name of ++JDP RENOVA- gia 30326 and its registered 30002 and its initial registered
spaces are otherwise in accord 40 Technology Parkway, 100-441400 12/17,12/24JH and the initial registered agent
TION, INC. to AGAINST THE agent at such address is agent at such address is Keith
with all applicable law, rules, South, #300, Norcross, GA, NOTICE OF INTENT at such address is Shervin Za-
GRAIN++ have been delivered Anamaria Hazard. Johnson.
regulations and DOT 30092 and its registered agent TO INCORPORATE eri.
guidelines. to the Secretary of State for fil- at such address is Corporation 100-441739 12/17,12/24
Notice is given that Articles of
Temporary Driveway Easement ing in accordance with the Service Company. NOTICE OF
Georgia Business Corporation Incorporation which incorpor-
feet left and opposite of station Code. The registered office of ate ++Summerwind Com-
munity Association, Inc.++ Notice is given that articles of
2+09.79 on the property line of the corporation is located at incorporation that will incorpor-
the condemnees on C/L Vista 5720 RIVERWOOD DRIVE, have been delivered to the
ate ++Fleming Hunter Founda-
Valley Drive on Georgia High- ATLANTA, GA, 30328 Secretary of State for filing in tion, Inc.++ have been de-
way Project 0013971; running accordance with the Georgia livered to the Secretary of State
thence S 34°21'54.1" E a dis- Nonprofit Corporation Code. for filing in accordance with the
tance of 21.66 feet to a point The initial registered office of Georgia Nonprofit Corporation
28.57 feet left of and opposite the corporation is located at Code. The initial registered of-
station 1+88.14 on said con- 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite fice of the corporation is loc-
struction centerline laid out for 650, Decatur, DeKalb County, ated at 3720 Tarrytown Way,
Vista Valley Drive; thence S Georgia 30030 and its initial re- Decatur, GA, 30034 and its ini-
54°31'13.4" W a distance of gistered agent at such address tial registered agent at such ad-
37.43 feet to a point 66.00 feet is Rachel E. Conrad. dress is Ernestine Day.
left of and opposite station
1+88.14 on said construction
centerline laid out for Vista Val-
ley Drive; thence N 35°28'46.6"
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 17
110-441229 11/26,12/3,12/10 110-441234 11/26,12/3,12/10 110-441238 11/26,12/3,12/10 110-441337 11/26,12/3,12/10 110-441341 11/26,12/3,12/10 110-441365 12/10,12/17,12/24
Debtor & Creditor 12/17
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
110-441225 11/26,12/3,12/10 All creditors of the estate of CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS
12/17 ++MARY LESLIE THACH++ All creditors of the Estate of DEKALB COUNTY All creditors of the Estate of STATE OF GEORGIA All creditors of the Estate of
Notice to Debtors and Creditors late of Dekalb County, de- ++DORYAND J. DRAKE++, IN RE: ESTATE OF ROBERT ++NELLA JEAN WILLIAM- COUNTY OF DEKALB ++Annie Ruth Newton++, late
All creditors of the estate of ceased, are hereby notified to Deceased, Late of DeKalb DOWNEY DEAL ESTATE NO. SON++, late of DeKalb County, All creditors of the Estate of of DeKalb County, Georgia, are
++FRANCES N. HILL++ late of render in their demands to the County, are hereby notified to 2020-1450 deceased, are hereby notified ++James F. Panter, Sr.,++, late hereby notified to render their
Dekalb County, deceased, are undersigned according to law, render in their demands to the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to
to render in their demands to of DeKalb County, Georgia, de- demands to the undersigned
hereby notified to render in and all persons indebted to undersigned according to law, all persons having demands
the undersigned according to ceased, are hereby notified to according to law, and all per-
their demands to the under- said estate are required to and all persons indebted to against ++Robert Downey
make immediate payment. said Estate are required to Deal++, late of said County, law, and all persons indebted to render in their demands to the sons indebted to said Estate
signed according to law, and all said Estate are required to undersigned according to law, are required to make immedi-
persons indebted to said es- This 26th day of November, make immediate payment. Deceased, to present them to
2020 This 16th day of November, me, properly made out within make immediate payment. and all persons indebted to ate payment.
tate are required to make im- This 11th day of NOVEMBER, said Estate are required to This 10th day of December,
mediate payment. Name: EDNA THACH HOOP- 2020. the time prescribed by law, so
ER Shannon M. Pawley, Esq. as to show their character and 2020. make immediate payment. 2020.
This 12th day of November, JENNA LYNN ROGERS This 9th day of November, Carl Victor Newton
2020 Title: EXECUTOR Attorney for Heather Doryand amount; and all persons in-
Address: 4371 ALDERGATE Drake, Administrator The Es- debted to said deceased are Executor of the Estate of 2020. Administrator
Name: Margaret Hill Maloof
DRIVE, DECATUR, GA 30035 tate and Asset Protection Law required to make immediate NELLA JEAN WILLIAMSON, Charles J. Hampton c/o Nancy B. Goodman, Esq.
Title: Administrator
Firm payment to me. Deceased Charles J. Hampton, P. C. Attorney for the Estate of
Address: 4565 BELLMONTE
315 W. Ponce De Leon Aven- This 17th day of November, ROBERT R. SMITH, 750 Hammond Drive Annie Ruth Newton,
ue, #600 Decatur, GA 30030 2020. ATTORNEY Suite 12-100 Deceased
110-441226 11/26,12/3,12/10, 110-441230 11/26,12/3,12/10 404/370-0696 Attorney Atlanta, Georgia 30328
3536 PEPPERMINT COURT 1201 West Peachtree, NW
12/17 12/17 William L. Norse Attorney for Laura P. Ozment
TUCKER, GA 30084 Suite 2340
NOTICE TO DEBTORSA AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 6602 Abercorn St., Suite 205 Executor of the Estate of Atlanta, Georgia 30309
CREDITORS CREDITORS Savannah, GA 31405 James F. Panter, Sr.
All creditors of the Estate of 110-441338 11/26,12/3,12/10
All creditors of the Estate of 110-441235 11/26,12/3,12/10 110-441342 11/26,12/3,12/10
++Ronald E. Herrick++, De- 110-441239 11/26,12/3,12/10
ZIER++, deceased, late of NOTICE TO DEBTORS 12/17JH
ceased, late of DeKalb County, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 12/17 110-441366 12/10,12/17,12/24
Georgia, are hereby notified to NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 12/31JH
are hereby notified to render in render in their demands to the All creditors of the Estate of GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY AND CREDITORS
CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS
their demands to the under- undersigned according to law, ++PAUL JOHNSON DRAKE++, All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the ESTATE
++Ann C. Evans++, late of AND CREDITORS
signed according to law, and all and all persons indebted to Deceased, Late of DeKalb ++JANE B. MARTIN++, late of OF ++ANN WATT MCLAUGH-
DeKalb County, deceased, are All creditors of the Estate of
persons indebted to said Es- said Estate are required to County, are hereby notified to DeKalb County, deceased, are LIN++, late of DeKalb County,
hereby notified to render in ++Alice Maxine Hadaway++,
tate are required to make im- make immediate payment. render in their demands to the hereby notified to render in Georgia, are hereby notified to
mediate payment. undersigned according to law, their demands to the under- late of DeKalb County, Geor-
November 10, 2020 their demands to the under- render their demands to the un-
This 12th day of November, Daniel C. Herrick, Executor and all persons indebted to signed according to law, and all gia, deceased, are hereby noti-
signed according to law, and all dersigned according to law,
2020. c/o William A. Turner, Esq. said Estate are required to persons indebted to said Es- fied to render in their demands
persons indebted to said Es- and all persons indebted to
ILENE BOCK ZIER, Executor Cohen Pollock Merlin Turner, make immediate payment. tate are required to make im- to the undersigned according to
tate are required to make im- said Estate are required to
U/W STEVEN JONATHAN ZI- P.C. This 16th day of November, mediate payment. law, and all persons indebted to
mediate payment. make immediate payment.
ER 3350 Riverwood Parkway, 2020. This 26th day of November, November 10, 2020 said Estate are required to
Dated November 10, 2020
Djuric Spratt P.A. Suite 1600 Shannon M. Pawley, Esq. 2020. Kathryn E. Turner, Executor make immediate payment.
Laurie McLaughlin Roberts
Patricia D. Friedman, Esq. Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Attorney for Heather Doryand MICHAEL E. CONWAY and Nadler Biernath LLC This 30th day of November,
Executor of the Estate of
191 Peachtree Street, N.E., Drake, Administrator The Es- STEVEN LEROY HOUSE, Co- 6801 Governors Lake Parkway 2020.
Suite 4400 Ann Watt McLaughlin
tate and Asset Protection Law Executors Suite 140 Starlette C. Barrett
Atlanta, Georgia 30303 110-441231 11/26,12/3,12/10 Firm C/o Law Office of
C/O Bryson Law Firm, P.C. Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 Administrator
(404) 523-8337 12/17 315 W. Ponce De Leon Aven- Peatsa C. Wallace
4045 Smithtown Rd., Suite K, 770 Swann Road
Notice to Debtors and Creditors ue, #600 Decatur, GA 30030 P.O. Box 2555 110-441343 11/26,12/3,12/10
110-441227 11/26,12/3,12/10 Suwanee, GA 30024 Jefferson, GA 30549
All creditors of the estate of 404/370-0696 Tucker, GA 30085-2555 12/17JH
12/17 110-441336 11/26,12/3,12/10
Notice to Debtors and Creditors ++Thomas B. Talley, Jr.,++ late NOTICE TO DEBTORS
of Dekalb County, deceased, 12/17JH 110-441339 11/26,12/3,12/10 AND CREDITORS
All creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS
are hereby notified to render in 12/17JH All creditors of the Estate of 110-441367 12/10,12/17,12/24
++John William Ethridge, Jr.++,
their demands to the under- 110-441236 11/26,12/3,12/10 AND CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS ++ELIZABETH LORD MOR- 12/31JH
late of Dekalb County, de-
signed according to law, and all 12/17 STATE OF GEORGIA AND CREDITORS RIS++, late of DeKalb County, NOTICE TO DEBTORS
ceased, are hereby notified to
persons indebted to said es- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND COUNTY OF DEKALB GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY deceased, are hereby notified AND CREDITORS
render in their demands to the
tate are required to make im- CREDITORS IN RE: ESTATE OF All creditors of the ESTATE to render in their demands to
undersigned according to law, All creditors of the Estate of
mediate payment. All creditors of the Estate of Margarie Walker Maerz, OF ++DOROTHY EVELYN
and all persons indebted to the undersigned according to ++Luevenia Burson Hunter++,
This 26th day of November, ++KIMBERLY DOREEN DECEASED BOWEN BOLTON++, late of
said estate are required to law, and all persons indebted to deceased, of Decatur, DeKalb
2020 RHODES++, ESTATE NO. All creditors of the Estate of DeKalb County, Georgia, are
make immediate payment. said Estate are required to County, Georgia, are hereby
Name: Gregory Benton Talley 2020-1700, late of DeKalb ++Margarie Walker Maerz++,
This 20th day of November, hereby notified to render their make immediate payment. notified to render in their de-
Title: Executor County, deceased, are hereby deceased, late of DeKalb
2020 demands to the undersigned This 11th day of November, mands to the undersigned ac-
Address: 6000 Bowers Road, notified to render in their de-
Steven F. Ethridge, Executor County, Georgia, are hereby according to law, and all per- 2020. cording to law, and all persons
Stone Mountain, GA 30087 mands to the undersigned ac-
c/o J. Christopher Miller, Esq. notified to render their de- sons indebted to said Estate R. Ann Grier indebted to said Estate are re-
cording to law, and all persons
11800 Amber Park Drive, Suite mands and payments to the are required to make immedi- Executor of the Estate of quired to make immediate pay-
indebted to said Estate are re-
130, Alpharetta, Georgia 30009 Personal Representative of the ate payments. Elizabeth Lord Morris, De-
quired to make immediate pay- ment.
110-441232 11/26,12/3,12/10 ment. estate, according to law, and all Dated November 10, 2020 ceased Jermiko Sims,
110-441228 11/26,12/3,12/10 This 16TH day of November persons indebted to said Es- Barrie Frances Bolton,
12/17 Ann Grier Administrator
12/17 2020 tate are required to make im- Executor of the Estate of
Notice to Debtors and Creditors 303 Peachtree Street N.E. c/o William R. Jenkins
Notice to Debtors and Creditors BRYON BARRON D. mediate payment to the Per-
All creditors of the estate of Dorothy Evelyn Bowen Bolton Atlanta, GA 30308 Post Office Box 87238
All creditors of the estate of RHODES, SR., Executor of the sonal Representative.
++Roy Eugene Worth++ late of C/o Law Office of 110-441344 11/26,12/3,12/10 College Park, Georgia 30337-
++Joan R. Stormont++ late of Estate of KIMBERLY DOREEN
Dekalb County, deceased, are November 6, 2020 Peatsa C. Wallace 12/17JH 0238
Dekalb County, deceased, are RHODES, Deceased
hereby notified to render in Evelyn L. Baerman P.O. Box 2555
hereby notified to render in NOTICE TO DEBTORS
their demands to the under- c/o Gail S. Baylor, Attorney-at- Personal Representatives Tucker, GA 30085-2555
their demands to the under- Law AND CREDITORS
signed according to law, and all of the Estate of
signed according to law, and all P.O. Box 870725, Stone All creditors of the Estate of
persons indebted to said es- Margarie Walker Maerz 110-441340 11/26,12/3,12/10
persons indebted to said es- Mountain, GA 30087 ++BARBARA SMITH HULL++, 110-441368 12/10,12/17,12/24
tate are required to make im- Deceased 12/17JH
tate are required to make im- late of DeKalb County, de- 12/31JH
mediate payment. C/O Barron & Barron, P.C. NOTICE TO DEBTORS
mediate payment. ceased, are hereby notified to NOTICE TO DEBTORS
This 18th day of November, P.O.Box 87107 AND CREDITORS
This 26th day of November, render in their demands to the AND CREDITORS
2020 All creditors of the Estate of
2020 110-441237 11/26,12/3,12/10 College Park, GA 30337 undersigned according to law,
Name: James M. Stormont, Jr., 12/17 ++Carmen Rose Grotsky++, and all persons indebted to
Title: Executor COUNTY OF DEKALB
Personal Representative NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND deceased, late of DeKalb
Address: 9761 Quail Hollow said Estate are required to All creditors of the Estate of
Title: Law Office of Amy CREDITORS County, Georgia, are hereby
Circle, Pensacola, FL 32514 make immediate payment. ++CATHERINE ANN REB-
Yarkoni PC All creditors of the Estate of notified to render in their de-
Address: 2002 Summit Blvd., This 11th day of November, MANN++, deceased, late of
++HELEN JOAN VON WALD- mands to the undersigned ac-
Suite 300, Brookhaven, GA 2020. DeKalb County, Georgia, are
110-441233 11/26,12/3,12/10 NER++, deceased, late of cording to law, and all persons
30319 R. Ann Grier hereby notified to render in
12/17 DeKalb County, are hereby no- indebted to said Estate are re-
tified to render in their de- Executor of the Estate of their demands to the under-
Notice to Debtors and Creditors quired to make immediate pay- Barbara Smith Hull, Deceased
mands to the undersigned ac- signed according to law, and all
All creditors of the estate of ment.
cording to law, and all persons Ann Grier persons indebted to said Es-
++Julia M. Wing++ late of This 9th day of November,
Dekalb County, deceased, are indebted to said Estate are re- 303 Peachtree Street N.E. tate are required to make im-
2020. Atlanta, GA 30308
hereby notified to render in quired to make immediate pay- mediate payment.
Martin Winston Grotsky,
their demands to the under- ment. This 25th day of November,
signed according to law, and all This 26th day of November 2020
2020 4137 Donna Court
persons indebted to said es- Mark A.C. Robinson,
DONNA VON WALDNER RA- Ellenwood, Georgia 30294 as Administrator
tate are required to make im- T. Kyle King, P.C.
mediate payment. POSA, with Will Annexed
Executor of the Estate of Hodges, McEachern & King of the Estate of
This 18th day of November,
Name: Varley Simons NER, Deceased Administrator MARK A.C. ROBINSON, P.C.
Title: Executor c/o KENNETH S. DUNNING 2002 Commerce Drive North One Decatur TownCenter,
Address: 118 E. Maple Street, Attorney At Law Suite 300 Suite 475
Decatur, GA 30030 P.O. Box 1161 Peachtree City, Georgia 30269 150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue
Lawrenceville, GA 30046 (770) 473-0072 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Page 18 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
110-441369 12/10,12/17,12/24 110-441374 12/10,12/17,12/24 110-441540 12/3,12/10,12/17 110-441545 12/3,12/10,12/17 110-441549 12/3,12/10,12/17 110-441562 12/3,12/10,12/17 110-441566 12/3,12/10,12/17
12/31JH 12/31JH 12/24 12/24 12/24 12/24JH 12/24JH
AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS
All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of ++Willistine Tolefree++ late of ++Mary E. Cameron++ late of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of STATE OF GEORGIA
++Betty Allen Philips++, de- ++ODIE MAE DWIGHT++, late Dekalb County, deceased, are Dekalb County, deceased, are ++Susan Bechaud a/k/a Susan ++SHAMPREE NICOLE COUNTY OF DEKALB
ceased, are hereby notified to of DeKalb County, deceased, hereby notified to render in hereby notified to render in Elizabeth Bechaud ++, late of SIMS++, deceased, late of All creditors of the Estate of
render their demands to the un- are hereby notified to render in their demands to the under- their demands to the under- DeKalb County, deceased, are DeKalb County, Georgia are ++Gerard H. Howley,++, late of
signed according to law, and all signed according to law, and all
dersigned, and all persons in- their demands to the under- hereby notified to render in hereby notified to render in DeKalb County, Georgia, de-
persons indebted to said es- persons indebted to said es-
debted to said Estate are re- signed according to law, and all their demands to the under- their names to the undersigned ceased, are hereby notified to
tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im-
quired to make immediate pay- indebted to said Estate are re- mediate payment. mediate payment. signed according to law, and all according to law, and all per- render in their demands to the
ment. quired to make immediate pay- This 18th day of November, This 3rd day of December, persons indebted to said Es- sons indebted to said Estate undersigned according to law,
This 24th day of November, ment. 2020 2020 tate are required to make im- are required to make immedi- and all persons indebted to
2020. This 30th day of November, Name: Nia Tiera Tolefree c/o Name: Shannon Vogt mediate payment. ate payment. said Estate are required to
Maggie P. Attaberry 2020 Broel Law, LLC Title: Attorney This 23th day of November, This 23rd day of November, make immediate payment.
Executor of the Estate of Administrator of the Estate is: Title: Administrator Address: 3060 Mercer Uni- 2020. 2020. This 7th day of October, 2020.
Betty Allen Philips Kelly T. King 110-441541 12/3,12/10,12/17, versity Dr, Ste 200, Regent Jeanne Snider, Executor Lazita Fields Charles J. Hampton
Cynthia E. Call Attorney Tamarra Wilson 12/24 Centre, Atlanta, GA 30341 of the Estate of Administrator of the Estate of Charles J. Hampton, P. C.
Attorney at Law 215 Piedmont Ave, NE IN THE PROBATE COURT OF 110-441546 12/3,12/10,12/17 Susan Bechaud a/k/a Susan Shampree Nicole Sims 750 Hammond Drive
320 E. Clayton Street Suite C4 DeKalb COUNTY 12/24 Elizabeth Bechaud, Deceased 210 E. University Blvd., Apt 5 Suite 12-100
Suite 510 Atlanta, Georgia 30308-3315 STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND c/o Emert Law Firm, LLC Melbourne, FL 32901 Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Athens, Georgia 30601 IN RE: ESTATE OF CREDITORS 6340 Sugarloaf Parkway Attorney for Michael G. Howley
Douglas Reynolds, All creditors of the Estate of Ste. 200 Executor of the Estate of
110-441370 12/10,12/17,12/24 Gerard H. Howley
12/31JH 110-441375 12/10,12/17,12/24 DECEASED ++THOMAS GRAY PEMBER- Dulth, GA 30097
NOTICE TO DEBTORS 12/31JH ESTATE NO. 2020-0739 TON++, Deceased, Late of 110-441563 12/3,12/10,12/17
AND CREDITORS CREDITORS tified to render in their de- 110-441559 12/3,12/10,12/17 NOTICE TO DEBTORS 110-441567 12/3,12/10,12/17
All creditors of the Estate of
All creditors of the Estate of All Creditors of the Estate of mands to the undersigned ac- 12/24jh AND CREDITORS 12/24JH
++Dennis Gene Darling++, de-
++Sarah Moncreiff Edwards++, ++Douglas Reynolds++, late of cording to law, and all persons NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS
ceased, late of DeKalb, Geor- indebted to said Estate are re-
late of DeKalb County, de- DeKalb County, deceased, are AND CREDITORS ++Jean M. Smith++, late of AND CREDITORS
gia are hereby notified to hereby notified to render in quired to make immediate pay-
render in their demands to the ceased, are hereby notified to All creditors of the Estate of DeKalb County, deceased, are STATE OF GEORGIA
render in their demands to the their demands to the under- ment. DEKALB COUNTY
undersigned according to law, ++Donna Jean Peters,++, late hereby notified to render in
undersigned according to law, signed according to law, and all This 23rd day of November, IN RE: ESTATE OF
and all persons indebted to of DeKalb County, Georgia, are their demands to the under-
and all persons indebted to persons indebted to said Es- 2020. ROBERT DOWNEY DEAL
said Estate are required to Shannon M. Pawley, Esq. hereby notified to render in signed according to law, and all
said Estate are required to tate are required to make im- ESTATE NO. 2020-1450
make immediate payment. mediate payment. Attorney for Robert Thomas their demands to the under- persons indebted to said Es-
November 29, 2020 make immediate payment. signed according to law, and all tate are required to make im- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
This 20th day of November, Pemberton
Joy Claire Darling December 4, 2020 The Estate and Asset Protec- persons indebted to said Es- mediate payment. to all persons having demands
Administrator Alistair A.M Edwards, Executor /s/ Todd A. Larsen tion Law Firm tate are required to make im- This 23rd day of November, against ++Robert Downey
3386 Stonecrest Ct Nadler Biernath LLC Todd A. Larsen, Esq. 315 W. Ponce De Leon Aven- mediate payment. 2020. Deal++, late of said County, de-
Atlanta, GA 30341 6801 Governors Lake Parkway Attorney for Executor ue, #600 This 24th day of November, Charles D. Mangum ceased, to present them to me,
Suite 140 914 Church Street Decatur, GA 30030 2020. Executor properly made out within the
110-441371 12/10,12/17,12/24
Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404/370-0696 Ardith Ann Peters Jean M. Smith, Deceased time prescribed by law, so as to
110-441542 12/3,12/10,12/17 110-441547 12/3,12/10,12/17 as Administrator Charles D. Mangum show their character and
12/24 12/24 of the Estate of c/o The Chan Law Firm, LLC amount; and all persons in-
AND CREDITORS 110-441397 12/17,12/24,12/31
Notice to Debtors and Creditors NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Donna Jean Peters 125 Church Street, Suite 315 debted to said deceased are
All creditors of the Estate of 1/7JH
All creditors of the estate of CREDITORS c/o Mary Margaret Oliver Marietta, GA 30060 required to make immediate
++James Franklin Atkinson, NOTICE TO DEBTORS
++PETER MCMAHON++ late All creditors of the Estate of Attorney at Law payment to me.
Sr.++, late of DeKalb County, AND CREDITORS
of Dekalb County, deceased, ++Amy Nicole Sanders++ late 150 E. Ponce de Leon Ave This 17th day of November,
deceased, are hereby notified All creditors of the Estate of of DeKalb County, deceased,
are hereby notified to render in Suite 260 2020.
to render in their demands to ++Sheree Marshall++, de- are hereby notified to render in
their demands to the under- Decatur, GA 30030 110-441564 12/3,12/10,12/17 William L. Norse
the undersigned according to ceased, late of DeKalb County, their demands to the under-
signed according to law, and all 12/24JH 6602 Abercorn St., Suite 205
law, and all persons indebted to Georgia, are hereby notified to persons indebted to said es- signed according to law, and all NOTICE TO DEBTORS Savannah, GA 31405
said Estate are required to render in their demands to the tate are required to make im- persons indebted to said Es- 110-441560 12/3,12/10,12/17 AND CREDITORS
make immediate payment. undersigned according to law, mediate payment. tate are required to make im- 12/24jh All creditors of the Estate of
This 24th day of November, and all persons indebted to This 3rd day of December, mediate payment. NOTICE TO DEBTORS ++Donald Melvin Bogue++, late 110-441643
2020. said Estate are required to 2020 This 24th day of November
AND CREDITORS of DeKalb County, deceased, 12/10,12/17,12/4,12/31
Charles Dwayne Atkinson, Sr. make immediate payment. Name: MARTIN MANNION 2020
All creditors of the Estate of are hereby notified to render in NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
Administrator with This 7th day of December, AND MAUREEN MANNION Clarence S. Sanders
++Christine Johnson their demands to the under- CREDITORS
the Will annexed 2020. Title: EXECUTORS Administrator
Dennis,++, late of DeKalb signed according to law, and all All creditors of the Estate of
of the Estate of Joann Watson, Executor Address: 1556 OAK PARK Amy Nicole Sanders ,Deceased
County, Georgia, are hereby persons indebted to said Es- ++Mr. Hubert Peterson++ late
James Franklin Atkinson, 4492 Palm Springs Drive COVE, DECATUR, GA 30033 974 Chapman Lane
notified to render in their de- tate are required to make im- of DeKalb County, deceased,
Deceased East Point, Georgia 30344 110-441543 12/3,12/10,12/17 Stone Mountain, GA 30088
mands to the undersigned ac- mediate payment. are hereby notified to render in
Hugh R. Powell, Jr. T. Kyle King, P.C. 12/24 their demands to the under-
5555 Triangle Parkway 110-441548 12/3,12/10,12/17 cording to law, and all persons This 23rd day of November,
Hodges, McEachern & King Notice to Debtors and Creditors signed according to law, and all
Waterford Center, Suite 120 12/24 indebted to said Estate are re- 2020.
Attorneys for All creditors of the estate of persons indebted to said Es-
Norcross, Georgia 30092 ++Donald Ray Legg++ late of NOTICE TO DEBTORS quired to make immediate pay- Henry D. Frantz, Jr., P.C.
Administrator tate are required to make im-
Dekalb County, deceased, are AND CREDITORS ment. Attorney of the Estate of
110-441373 12/10,12/17,12/24 2002 Commerce Drive North mediate payment.
hereby notified to render in All creditors of the Estate of This 24th day of November, Donald Melvin Bogue, This 1st day of December,
12/31JH Suite 300
their demands to the under- ++David Melton Wilner++, late 2020. Deceased 2020
NOTICE TO DEBTORS Peachtree City, Georgia 30269
signed according to law, and all of DeKalb County, deceased, Robert Lee Dennis Henry D. Frantz, Jr. Sharon Dione McFarland Ad-
AND CREDITORS (770) 473-0072
persons indebted to said es- are hereby notified to render in as Executor Attorney at Law minister of the Estate of Hubert
All creditors of the Estate of
tate are required to make im- their demands to the under- of the Estate of 437 East Ponce de Leon Aven- Peterson, Deceased
++Charles J. Polvino++, late of
110-441398 12/17,12/24,12/31 mediate payment. signed according to law, and all Christine Johnson Dennis ue Sharon McFarland
DeKalb County, deceased, are
1/7JH This 23rd day of November, persons indebted to said Es- c/o Mary Margaret Oliver Decatur, GA 30030 5289 Salem Springs Pl
hereby notified to render in 2020
NOTICE TO DEBTORS tate are required to make im- Attorney at Law Lithonia, GA 30038
their demands to the under- Name: Kathleen Womack
AND CREDITORS mediate payment. 150 E. Ponce de Leon Ave
signed according to law, and all Title: Attorney for Co-Execut- Suite 260
persons indebted to said Es- STATE OF GEORGIA This 24th day of November,
ors Scott Eric Legg and Larry 2020. Decatur, GA 30030 110-441565 12/3,12/10,12/17
tate are required to make im- COUNTY OF DEKALB Taylor Legg
Brender Melton Wilner, Execut- 12/24JH 110-441644
mediate payment. All creditors of the Estate of Address: 750 Hammond DR
or NOTICE TO DEBTORS 12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31
This 3rd day of December, ++VIRGINIA WILLIAMS Bldg 9 Atlanta GA 30328
of the Estate of 110-441561 12/3,12/10,12/17 AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA
2020. CARLTON++, deceased, late
110-441544 12/3,12/10,12/17 David Melton Wilner, Deceased 12/24JH All creditors of the Estate of COUNTY OF DEKALB
Sean Polvino of DeKalb County, Georgia, are IN RE ESTATE OF PETER
12/24 3194 Wanda Woods Dr. NOTICE TO DEBTORS ++ELLEN NORTON
Executor of the Estate of hereby notified to render in Notice to Debtors and Creditors PAUL JEROEN HOOGBRUIN,
Atlanta, GA 30340-4508 AND CREDITORS YOUNG++, late of DeKalb
Charles J. Polvino their demands to the under- All creditors of the estate of DECEASED
All creditors of the Estate of County, deceased, are hereby
Deceased 11/22/2016 signed according to law, and all ++Virginia Elizabeth Schulze++ NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
++LERON LEE SPRAGIN++, notified to render in their de-
70 Hancock Street persons indebted to said Es- late of Dekalb County, de- CREDITORS
deceased, late of DeKalb mands to the undersigned ac-
Bedford MA 01730 tate are required to make im- ceased, are hereby notified to All creditors of the Estate of
County, Georgia are hereby no- cording to law, and all persons
mediate payment. render in their demands to the ++Peter Paul Jeroen Hoogbru-
tified to render in their names to indebted to said Estate are re-
This 7th day of December, undersigned according to law, in++, deceased, late of DeKalb
the undersigned according to quired to make immediate pay-
2020 and all persons indebted to County, are hereby notified to
law, and all persons indebted to ment. render their demands to the un-
Andrew Doyal Carlton said estate are required to
as Executor make immediate payment. said Estate are required to This 18TH day of NOVEMBER, dersigned according to law,
of the Estate of This 23rd day of November, make immediate payment. 2020. and all persons indebted to
VIRGINIA WILLIAMS 2020 This 23rd day of November, Doris Willingham said estate are required to
CARLTON Name: Vanice E. DeVirgiliis, c/o 2020. for the Estate of make immediate payment
ROBINSON & BLAZER, LLP Kimberly R. Hoipkemier, Esq. Melenese Spragin ELLEN NORTON YOUNG tome.
One Decatur TownCenter, Title: Administrator Administrator of the Estate of Deceased: Alison Lalla Executor of the Es-
Suite 475 Address: 800 Johnson Ferry LeRon Lee Spragin David S. Walker, Attorney tate of Peter Paul Jeroen Hoog-
150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue Road, NE, Suite B, Atlanta, GA 5663 Dillwood Crescent PO Box 871329 bruin 1652 Kings Down Circle
Decatur, Georgia 30030 30342 Lithonia, GA 30058 Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Dunwoody, Georgia 30338
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 19
110-441645 110-441649 12/10,12/17,12/24 110-441743 12/17,12/24,12/31 110-441747 12/17,12/24,12/31 110-441752 12/17,12/24,12/31 120-441345 11/26,12/3,12/10 120-441529 12/3,12/10,12/17
12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31 12/31 1/7 1/7 1/7 12/17JH 12/24
STATE OF GEORGIA All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of ++Kathryn Ann Haj aka Kath- of DeKalb County GEORGIA
COUNTY OF DEKALB ++Marion Jordan Hannah++, ++GINA WILMOTH CAS- ++Jon Walker Russell++ late of ryn Anne Haj++ late of Dekalb State of Georgia QUONTAVIUS DEONTA SIMS,
IN RE: ESTATE OF ANNIE late of DeKalb County, de- URELLA++, late of DeKalb DeKalb County , deceased, are County, deceased, are hereby Civil Action# ++19FM8617++ Plaintiff,
RUTH COUSINS, DECEASED ceased, are hereby notified to County, deceased, are hereby hereby notified to render in notified to render in their de- Michelle Denise Williams VS
All creditors of the Estate of notified to render in their de- their demands to the under- mands to the undersigned ac- TOMMEKA MICHELLE WAL-
render in their demands to the Plaintiff
++Annie Ruth Cousins++, de- mands to the undersigned ac- signed according to law, and all cording to law, and all persons LACE
undersigned according to law, vs.
ceased, late of DeKalb County, cording to law, and all persons persons indebted to said Es- indebted to said estate are re- Defendant.
are hereby notified to render and all persons indebted to indebted to said estate are re- tate are required to make im- quired to make immediate pay- Tommy Lee Williams, Jr. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO.
their demands to the under- said Estate are required to quired to make immediate pay- mediate payment. ment. Defendant, ++20FM5940++
signed according to law, and all make immediate payment. ment. This 17TH day of December, This 17th day of December, To: Tommy L. Williams, Jr. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY
persons indebted to this estate This 1st day of December, This 8th day of December, 2020 2020 6919 Peachtree Dunwoody RD PUBLICATION
are required to make payment 2020. 2020. Steven R. Ashby Tim R. Yoder Executor of the Name: Mark D. Brandenburg Apt 611 By order of the court for Ser-
to me. Loren Collins, Attorney Attorney for Doyle Eugene Estate of Jon Walker Russell, Title: Administrator Atlanta, GA 30328 vice by publication date d
MITCHELL L. COUSINS, Ex- of the Estate of Marion Jordan Wilmoth, Jr., Executor of the Deceased Address: Brandenburg Estate By Order of the Court service 11/16/2020 you are hereby no-
ecutor of the Estate of ANNIE Hannah Estate of GINA WILMOTH 1974 Tuxedo Ave. NE Planning Law, 4609 Wieuca Rd for service by publication dated tified that on the 19th day of
RUTH COUSINS, Deceased P P Box 191022 CASURELLA Atlanta , Georgia 30307-1818 NE, Atlanta, GA 30342 the 3rd day of November, 2020 August 2020 QUONTAVIUS
c/o Mary K. Ware, Esq. Brookhaven, GA 30319 Ashby Family Law Associates, You are hereby notified that on DEONTA SIMS filed sui t
Sanders, Haugen & Sears, P.C. 110-441740 12/17,12/24,12/31 P.C. 4500 Hugh Howell Road 110-441753 12/17,12/24,12/31 the 20th day of August, 2020 against you for divorce. You
11 Perry Street 1/7 600 Heritage Place 1/7 The above-named Plaintiff filed are required to file with the
110-441748 12/17,12/24,12/31
Newnan, Georgia 30263 NOTICE TO DEBTORS Tucker GA 30084 Notice to Debtors and Creditors suit against you for: Complaint clerk of the Superior Court, and
(770) 493-4924 All creditors of the estate of for Divorce without Minor Chil- to serve upon Plaintiff's attor-
AND CREDITORS Notice to Debtors and Creditors
110-441646 ++Wade Heath Hayes, Sr.++ dren. ney Joe Louis Brown Jr. an an-
All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the estate of
12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31 late of Dekalb County, de- You are required to file with swer in writing within sixty day
++Natalie June Heath++, late ++Rosemary Manns Jones++
Notice to Debtors and Creditors 110-441744 12/17,12/24,12/31, ceased, are hereby notified to of the 16th day of November,
of DeKalb County, deceased, late of Dekalb County, de- the Clerk of Superior Court, and
All creditors of the estate of 1/7 render in their demands to the 2020.
are hereby notified to render in ceased, are hereby notified to to serve upon the plaintiff's at-
++Doris Williams++ late of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND undersigned according to law, Witness the Honorable Judge
their demands to the under- render in their demands to the torney whose name and ad-
Dekalb County, deceased, are CREDITORS and all persons indebted to Mark Anthony Scott Judge of
signed according to law, and all undersigned according to law, dress is: Michelle Denise Willi-
hereby notified to render in All creditors of the ESTATE OF said estate are required to DeKalb County Superior Court.
persons indebted to said Es- and all persons indebted to ams, 2916 Clairmont Road NE,
their demands to the under- ++PARAVON DIDO++ late of make immediate payment. This 16th day of November,
tate are required to make im- said estate are required to Apt 3106, Brookhaven, GA
signed according to law, and all DeKalb County, deceased, are This 17th day of December, 2020.
make immediate payment. 30329 Answer in writing within
persons indebted to said es- mediate payment. hereby notified to render in 2020 Debra DeBerry
This 17th day of November, sixty (60) days of the date of
tate are required to make im- This 8th day of December, their demands to the under- Name: Wade Heath Hayes, Jr. Clerk, DeKalb County Georgia
mediate payment. 2020. signed according to law, and all Title: Executor the Order of Publication. 30030
Name: Alicia Kristy Jones
This 1st day of December, Jeffrey Walker, Executor of the persons indebted to said Es- Address: c/o Mark Branden- Witness the Honorable Court-
Title: Executor
2020 Estate of Natalie June Heath, tate are required to make im- burg, 4609 Wieuca Rd NE, At- ney L. Johnson, Judge of the 120-441530 12/3,12/10,12/17
Address: c/o Law Office of Paul
Name: Barbara Bussey Willi- Deceased mediate payment. lanta, GA 30342 DeKalb Superior Court. 12/24
Black, 1 W Crt Sqr, Ste 750,
ams and Jermica C. Tanner 998 Benton Place NW This 20th day of OCTOBER, This the 5th day of November,
Title: Administrators
Address: 320 East Clayton
Atlanta, GA 30327 2020.
Name and address of Executor
Divorce 2020.
Debra DeBerry
In the Superior Court
Street, Suite 418 Athens, GA 110-441741 12/17,12/24,12/31 of DeKalb County
is below. 110-441749 12/17,12/24,12/31 Clerk of Superior Court
30601 1/7 120-441240 11/26,12/3,12/10 State of Georgia
KAYA BEDROS DIDO 1/7 556 N. McDonough Street
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 12/17 Civil Action# ++20FM1355++
110-441647 PO BOX 1184 Notice to Debtors and Creditors G-130 Annex
12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31 TUCKER, GA. 30085 All creditors of the estate of
All creditors of the Estate of In the Superior Court Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Plaintiff
++TODD DOUGLAS of DeKalb County 120-441360 12/10,12/17,12/24 vs.
CREDITORS HOOVER++ late of Dekalb
All creditors of the estate of County, deceased, are hereby State of Georgia
County, deceased, are hereby 110-441745 12/17,12/24,12/31 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION CARSTARPHEN
+ +Judith Rose Schonbak notified to render in their de- Civil Action# ++20FM7435++
notified to render in their de- 1/7 In the Superior Court Defendant
(F/K/A Judith Rose Schonbak mands to the undersigned ac- KAREEMA LAWSON SMITH
mands to the undersigned ac- NOTICE TO DEBTORS & of DeKalb County To:CRYSTAL DIMITREA
Wren)++, late of DeKalb cording to law, and all persons Plaintiff
cording to law, and all persons CREDITORS State of Georgia
County, deceased, are hereby indebted to said estate are re- vs. CARSTARPHEN
indebted to said Estate are re- All creditors of the Estate of
notified to render in their de- quired to make immediate pay- RONALD SMITH Civil Action# ++20FM6214-2++ By Order of the Court, for ser-
quired to make immediate pay- ++Sandra Madison Saturn,
mands to the undersigned ac- ment. Defendant Edian Boza vice by publication dated the
ment. a/k/a Sandra Jane Saturn++,
cording to law, and all persons This 17th day of December, To: RONALD SMITH Plaintiff 30th day of October, 2020 You
This 10th day of December deceased, late of DeKalb
indebted to said estate are re- 2020 Current Address Unknown. vs. are hereby notified that on the
2020 County, Georgia, are hereby
quired to make immediate pay- Name: MALKIA NEWMAN Zuley Hyman 10th day of January, 2020 The
James M. Anderson, III Attor- notified to render their de- By Order of the Court service
ment. Title: ADMINISTRATOR Defendant above-named Plaintiff filed suit
ney of the Estate of TODD mands against the estate to the for service by publication dated
This 1st day of December, Address: 433 HARVEY AVE, To: Zuley Hyman against you for: Divorce.
DOUGLAS ROACH ,Deceased undersigned according to the 11/4/2020. You are hereby noti-
2020. PONTIAC, MI 48341 10368 SW 212th St, Unit 107
Suite 130 law and all persons indebted to fied that on 10/24/2020, the You are required to file with
A. Diane Baker, Esq., 1005 Old Powers Ferry Road Cutler Bay, FL 33189 the Clerk of Superior Court, and
Baker Law Group, LLC, the said estate are required to above-named Plaintiff filed suit
Atlanta, Georgia 30327 make immediate payment to 110-441750 12/17,12/24,12/31 against you for: Complaint for By Order of the Court service to serve upon the plaintiff or
555 Sun Valley Drive for service by publication dated
110-441742 12/17,12/24,12/31 the undersigned. 1/7 Divorce. plaintiff's attorney whose name
Suite N-4,
1/7 This 7th day of December, Notice to Debtors and Creditors You are required to file with the 19th day of November, and address is: Eno S. Eno,
Roswell, GA 30076,
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 2020. All creditors of the estate of the Clerk of Superior Court, and 2020 You are hereby notified Eno Eno & Associates Inc.,
Attorney for Lisa McKenzie
CREDITORS Wendy Jeanne Saturn-Batchel- ++Delma Morris Bowling++ late to serve upon the plaintiff's at- that on the 31st day of August, 2470 Windy Hill Road, Ste.
All creditors of the Estate of or Executor, Estate of Sandra of DeKalb County, deceased, 2020 The above-named 261, Marietta, GA 30067 an
Executor for the Estate of Ju- torney whose name and ad-
++MARTHA PEYTON Madison Saturn, a/k/a Sandra are hereby notified to render in Plaintiff filed suit against you Answer in writing within sixty
dith Rose Schonbak (F/K/A Ju- dress is: Gail S. Baylor, Esq.,
HINES++, Late of DeKalb Jane Saturn their demands to the under- for: Divorce. (60) days of the date of the Or-
dith Rose Schonbak Wren) P.O. Box 870725, 2140 Rock-
County, deceased, are hereby 4986 Gunners Run NE signed according to law, and all You are required to file with der of Publication.
110-441648 notified to render in their de- Roswell, GA 30075 persons indebted to said es- bridge Road, Stone Mountain,
12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31 GA 30087 Answer in writing the Clerk of Superior Court, and Witness the Honorable
mands to the undersigned ac- tate are required to make im- Tangela Barrie, Judge of the
Notice to Debtors and Creditors within sixty (60) days of Order to serve upon the plaintiff's at-
cording to law, and all persons mediate payment. DeKalb Superior Court.
All creditors of the estate of This 3rd day of December, of Publication. torney whose name and ad-
indebted to said estate are re- 110-441746 12/17,12/24,12/31 This the 12th day of November,
++Sandra Elaine Levin++ late 2020 Witness the Honorable Sta- dress is: Edian Boza, 229
quired to make immediate pay- 1/7 2020.
of Dekalb County, deceased, ment. Name: Lisa Jo Harward cey K. Hydrick, Judge of the Wood Terrace Way, GA 30340
are hereby notified to render in NOTICE TO DEBTORS & Answer in writing within sixty Debra DeBerry
This 8th day of December, CREDITORS Title: Personal Representative DeKalb Superior Court.
their demands to the under- 2020. Address: 10475 Medlock This the 19th day ofNovember, (60) days of the date of the Or- Clerk of Superior Court
signed according to law, and all All creditors of the Estate of der of Publication. 556 N. McDonough Street
Shannon M. Pawley, Esq. ++Arthur Cleaborn Turner, Sr., Bridge Road, Suite 215, Johns 2020.
persons indebted to said es- Attorney for Barbara Hines Creek, GA 30097 Debra DeBerry Witness the Honorable Judge G-130 Annex
tate are required to make im- a/k/a Arthur Cleaborn Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
McKitrick, Executor The Estate Clerk of Superior Court Asha F. Jackson, Judge of the
mediate payment. Turner++, deceased, late of
and Asset Protection Law Firm DeKalb County, Georgia, are 556 N. McDonough Street DeKalb Superior Court. 120-441558 12/3,12/10,12/17
This 10th day of December, 315 W. Ponce De Leon Aven- This the 20th day of November,
2020 hereby notified to render their 110-441751 12/17,12/24,12/31 G-130 Annex 12/24JH
ue, #600 Decatur, GA 30030 demands against the estate to 1/7 Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 2020. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
Name: Susan Linkwald and 404/370-0696 Debra DeBerry
Terry Nordin c/o Fox+Mattson, the undersigned according to Notice to Debtors and Creditors In the Superior Court
the law and all persons in- All creditors of the estate of Clerk of Superior Court of DeKalb County
debted to the said estate are ++Donald Frank Hoyt++ late of 556 N. McDonough Street State of Georgia
Title: Co-Executors
Address: 4788 Long Island required to make immediate Dekalb County, deceased, are G-130 Annex Civil Action# ++20FM2852++
Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30342 payment to the undersigned. hereby notified to render in Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Billie Broughton
This 12/7/2020. their demands to the under- Plaintiff
Co-Executor, Estate of Arthur signed according to law, and all vs.
Cleaborn Turner, Sr., a/k/a Ar- persons indebted to said es- Jeffery Broughton
thur Cleaborn Turner, De- tate are required to make im-
ceased Defendant
mediate payment.
Arthur Cleaborn Turner, Jr. To: Jeffery Broughton
This 4th day of December,
4609 Jones Bridge Circle 2020 By Order of the Court for ser-
Peachtree Corners, Georgia Name: Bernice Helen Chmiel vice by publication dated the
30092 Hoyt 19th day of November, 2020
Steven Cornell Turner Title: Executor You are hereby notified that on
117 Derbyshire Road Address: 1285 Citadel Drive, March 2, 2020, The above-
Starkville, Mississippi 39759 Brookhaven, GA 30324 named Plaintiff filed suit against
you for: Divorce.
You are required to file with
the Clerk of Superior Court, and
to serve upon the plaintiff or
this Court by the Georgia De- al or unnamed father of the parents of the above-named any day, Monday through Fri- tionship, including the right to gia Department of Human Ser-
To: Jeffery Broughton partment of Human Services, child is unknown. The Petition day, between the hours 8:30 inheritance, and that the chil- vices, through its agent, with
above-named child, WHOSE
By Order of the Court for ser- through its agent, with the WHEREABOUTS ARE UN- asks the Court to find that the a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- dren be committed to the Geor- the DeKalb County Division of
vice by publication dated the DeKalb County Division of KNOWN: child is dependent as defined tact the Clerk’s office at 678- gia Department of Human Ser- Family and Children Services
19th day of November, 2020 Family and Children Services GREETINGS: Pursuant to an by O.C.G.A. sec. 15-11-2 (22) 409-4252 or email vices with the right to proceed (hereinafter referred to as “the
You are hereby notified that on (hereinafter referred to as “the Order of this Court dated and that it is contrary to child’s piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g for adoption. A free copy of the Division”), whose address is
Page 20
March 2, 2020, The above-
named Plaintiff filed suit against
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
Division”), whose address is
2300 Parklake Drive NE, At-
November 30, 2020 you are best interest to provide reason-
able efforts to reunify the fam-
ov for information regarding
electronic filing and virtual ac-
Petition may be obtained from
the Clerk of the Juvenile Court
2300 Parklake Drive NE, At-
hereby notified that a Depend- lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia
you for: Divorce. lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia ency Petition was filed against ily. A free copy of the petition cess. of DeKalb County, 4309 Me- 30345, alleging the where-
You are required to file with 30345, alleging the where- you in this Court by the Geor- may be obtained from the Clerk You are hereby commanded to morial Drive, Decatur, Georgia abouts of the above mentioned
the Clerk of Superior Court, and abouts of the above mentioned gia Department of Human Re- of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb be and appear at the DeKalb 30030, on any day, Monday parties are unknown. The
to serve upon the plaintiff or partie(s) are unknown. The sources, through its agent, the County, 4309 Memorial Dr., County Juvenile Court, 4309 through Friday, between the above-named child is in the
plaintiff's attorney whose name above-named child is in the DeKalb County Division of Decatur, Georgia 30032, on Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. temporary custody of the Divi-
temporary custody of the Divi- Family and Children Services any day, Monday through Fri- gia 30030 by person or via Please contact the Clerk’s of- sion pursuant to a prior order of
and address is: Billie
sion pursuant to a prior order of (Department), alleging that the day, between the hours of 8:30 Zoom (Zoom ID 581 751 2155) fice at 678-409-4252 for inform- the Court finding the child to be
Broughton, 1131 Peggy McMil-
the Court finding the child to be whereabouts of the biological a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on ation regarding electronic filing dependent. The Petition asks
lan Dr, Lithonia, GA 30058 An- January 6, 2021 at 10:00
dependent. The Order asks the parents of the above-named You are commanded to be and and virtual access. the Court to end reunification
swer in writing within sixty (60) o’clock a.m., before Judge
Court to review and consider child is unknown. The Petition appear at the DeKalb County You are hereby commanded to services and place legal cus-
days of the date of the Order of Temika Murry to show cause
the Division’s recommended asks the Court to find that the Juvenile Court 4309 Memorial be and appear at the DeKalb tody of the above-named child
Publication. permanency plan of concurrent Dr., Decatur, Georgia 30032, why the request of the Division County Juvenile Court, 4309 with Tanesha Pharr until the
child is dependent as defined
Witness the Honorable Judge reunification and adoption sub- by O.C.G.A. sec. 15-11-2 (22) on the 14th of January 2021 at regarding legal custody of the Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- child reaches eighteen (18)
Asha F. Jackson, Judge of the mitted by the Division pursuant and that it is contrary to child’s 9:00 o’clock a.m. to show above-named child should not gia 30030 on January 29, 2021 years old on the ground that
DeKalb Superior Court. to O.C.G.A. 15-11-232(d). A best interest to provide reason- cause why the request of the be granted. Due to the pan- at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to show the child are dependent as that
This the 20th day of November, free copy of the Petition may be able efforts to reunify the fam- Department regarding legal demic caused by COVID-19 cause why the request of the term is identified by OC.G.A.
2020. obtained from the Clerk of the ily. A free copy of the petition custody of the above-named this matter may be held virtu- Division to grant the termina- §15-11-2(22). In addition, the
Debra DeBerry Juvenile Court of DeKalb may be obtained from the Clerk child should not be granted. ally via Zoom. In addition, com- tion should not be granted. You Permanent Guardianship Peti-
Clerk of Superior Court County, 4309 Memorial Drive, of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb Due to the COVID-19 pandem- puter access will be available at may file in the office of the tion asks that the Court ap-
556 N. McDonough Street Decatur, Georgia 30030, on County, 4309 Memorial Dr., ic this matter may be held virtu- the DeKalb County Juvenile Clerk of this Court and serve point permanent guardian(s) for
G-130 Annex any day, Monday through Fri- Decatur, Georgia 30032, on ally via Zoom. Computer ac- Court if needed. upon Plaintiff’s attorney , the child with all the rights and
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 day, between the hours 8:30 any day, Monday through Fri- cess will be available at the You may file in the office of the Eleasah Waller, ESQ, PO Box duties provided under O.C.G.A.
a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- day, between the hours of 8:30 DeKalb County Juvenile Court Clerk of this Court and serve 360275; Decatur, Georgia §§ 29-2-21, 20-2-22 and 29-2-
120-441789 12/17,12/24,12/31 upon Petitioner’s attorney,
1/7 tact the Clerk’s office at 678- a.m. and 5:00 p.m. if needed. The Zoom ID # for 30036, within thirty (30) days of 23, and administer the oath re-
409-4252 or email You are commanded to be and this hearing is 9970-509-5447. Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306; the date of the first publication, quired of a guardian pursuant
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Decatur, Georgia 30031, within
OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g appear at the DeKalb County You may file in the office of the your answer to the Division’s to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-24. A free
ov for information regarding Juvenile Court 4309 Memorial Clerk of this Court and serve sixty (60) days of the date of Petition. copy of the Petition may be ob-
OF GEORGIA the first publication, your an-
MERON T. GEBRETSADIK electronic filing and virtual ac- Dr., Decatur, Georgia 30032, upon Petitioner’s attorney, The Hearing is scheduled to be tained from the Clerk of the Ju-
cess. on the 7th of January 2021 at Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Box swer to the Division’s petition. held virtually. You may access venile Court of DeKalb County,
Petitioner, A party is entitled to counsel in
v. You are hereby commanded to 9:00 o’clock a.m. to show 83480 Conyers, Georgia the DeKalb County Juvenile 4309 Memorial Drive, Decatur,
be and appear at the DeKalb cause why the request of the 30013, within sixty days (60) of these proceedings and the Court website to obtain the Georgia 30030, on any day,
HENOK T. MELKAMU Court will appoint an attorney
Respondent. County Juvenile Court, 4309 Department regarding legal January 14, 2021 your answer Zoom hearing ID. The website Monday through Friday,
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- custody of the above-named to the Division’s Petition. A for you if you are unable, address is www.dekalbjuvenile- between the hours 8:30 a.m.
gia 30030 by person or via child should not be granted. party is entitled to counsel in without undue financial hard- You may also contact until 5:00 p.m. Please contact
++CIVIL ACTION NO.: ship to employ counsel. Notice
20FM8333-4++ Zoom (Zoom ID 963 656 Due to the COVID-19 pandem- these proceedings and the the Clerk’s office at 678-409- the Clerk’s office at 678-409-
85416) on January 4, 2021 at ic this matter may be held virtu- Court will appoint an attorney is hereby given that a provi- 4252 for further information and 4252 or email
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION sional hearing may be conduc-
By Order for Service by Public- 9:00 o’clock a.m., before Judge ally via Zoom. Computer ac- for you if you are unable, assistance accessing the virtu- piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g
Linda B. Haynes to show cause cess will be available at the without undue financial hard- ted on the date listed above by al hearing. ov for information regarding
ation dated 14th day of Decem- the court pursuant to O.C.G.A.
ber, 2020, you are hereby noti- why the request of the Division DeKalb County Juvenile Court ship, to employ counsel. The putative father(s) shall lose electronic filing and virtual ac-
regarding legal custody of the if needed. The Zoom ID # for WITNESS, the Honorable De- § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact all rights to the child and the cess.
fied that on the 10th day of and orders of disposition made
December, 2020, the Petition- above-named child should not this hearing is 9970-509-5447. siree Sutton Peagler Court will enter an Order ter- You are hereby commanded to
be granted. Due to the pan- You may file in the office of the This 24th day of November at the provisional hearing may minating all such parental rights be and appear at the DeKalb
er herein filed suit against you become final at a final hearing
for Divorce. demic caused by COVID-19 Clerk of this Court and serve 2020. unless within thirty (30) days County Juvenile Court, 4309
this matter may be held virtu- upon Petitioner’s attorney, /S/ Manda Butler unless parties served by public- from the receipt of this Petition, Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
You are required to file with the ation appear at the final hear-
Clerk of the Superior Court of ally via Zoom. In addition, com- Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Box Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb he files a petition to legitimate gia 30030 by person or via
puter access will be available at 83480 Conyers, Georgia County Georgia ing. the child and files notice of the Zoom (Zoom ID 963 656
DEKALB County, and to serve WITNESS, the Honorable Vin-
upon the Petitioner’s Attorney, the DeKalb County Juvenile 30013, within sixty days (60) of filing of the petition to legitim- 85416) on January 18, 2021 at
Court if needed. January 7, 2021 your answer to 160-441652 cent C. Crawford, Judge ate with the DeKalb County Ju- 9:00 o’clock a.m., before Judge
Manchilo Guadie of Law Office This the 27th day of November,
of Manchilo Guadie, Inc., 6157 You may file in the office of the the Division’s Petition. A party 12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31 venile Court. Linda B. Haynes to show cause
Clerk of this Court and serve is entitled to counsel in these NOTICE TO APPEAR 2020. A party is entitled to counsel in why the request of the Division
Memorial Drive, Stone Moun- Antoninette L. Brantley,
tain, GA 30083, an answer in upon Petitioner’s attorney, proceedings and the Court will STATE OF GEORGIA these proceedings and the regarding legal custody of the
Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306; appoint an attorney for you if COUNTY OF DEKALB Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb Court will appoint an attorney above-named child should not
writing within sixty (60) days of County
the date of the Order of Public- Decatur, Georgia 30031, within you are unable, without undue IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF for you if you are unable, be granted. Due to the pan-
ation. sixty (60) days of the date of financial hardship, to employ DEKALB COUNTY 160-441653 without undue financial hard- demic caused by COVID-19
Witness the Honorable SHON- the first publication, your an- counsel. In the interest of: ++A.L. Sex: 12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31 ship to employ counsel. Notice this matter may be held virtu-
DEANA C. MORRIS Judge of swer to the Division’s petition. WITNESS, the Honorable De- F, DOB:3/23/07, Age: 13 YRS., NOTICE TO APPEAR is hereby given that prior to a fi- ally via Zoom. In addition, com-
this Court. A party is entitled to counsel in siree Sutton Peagler Case Number 20J01997++ STATE OF GEORGIA nal hearing, a provisional hear- puter access will be available at
This 14th day of December, these proceedings and the This 30th day of November NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY COUNTY OF DEKALB ing may be conducted by the the DeKalb County Juvenile
2020. Court will appoint an attorney 2020. PROCEEDINGS IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF court pursuant to O.C.G.A. 15- Court if needed.
Prepared By: for you if you are unable, /S/ Manda Butler TO: TIFFANY AGNEW, MOTH- DEKALB COUNTY. In the in- 11-29. Findings of Fact and or- You may file in the office of the
/s/Manchilot without undue financial hard- Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb ER, and ALL KNOWN, UN- terest of ++T.R., Sex:F, ders of disposition made at the Clerk of this Court and serve
Law Office of Manchilo Guadie, ship to employ counsel. Notice County Georgia KNOWN, AND UNNAMED PU- Age:12YRS. DOB:01-01-2008, provisional hearing may be- upon Petitioner’s attorney,
Inc. 6157 Memorial Drive is hereby given that a provi- TATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLOGIC- Case Number 19J03477; Z.R., come final at a final hearing un- Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306;
Stone Mountain GA 30083 Tel. sional hearing may be conduc- 160-441651 AL FATHERS of the above- Sex:M, Age:8 YRS. DOB:02- less parties served by publica- Decatur, Georgia 30031, within
202-509-2228 ted on the date listed above by 12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31 named child, WHOSE WHERE- 26-2012, Case Number044- tion appear at the final hearing. sixty (60) days of the date of
Fax. 770-999-0713 the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN. 19J03478++ WITNESS, the Honorable the first publication, your an- 15-11-163. Findings of Fact DEKALB COUNTY GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- TO: BRITTANY RIGGINS, Fatima El-Amin, Judge swer to the Division’s petition.
Clerk of Court and orders of disposition made STATE OF GEORGIA der of this Court, you are Mother and ALL KNOWN/UN- This the 20th day of November, A party is entitled to counsel in
DeKalb County Superior Court at the provisional hearing may IN THE INTEREST OF ++FILE hereby notified that on Novem- KNOWN AND UNNAMED PU- 2020. these proceedings and the
become final at a final hearing NO. 102269 T. T. SEX: M AGE: ber 13, 2020 a Petition of De- TATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLOGIC- Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, Court will appoint an attorney
unless parties served by public- 14 DOB: 7-15-06 pendency was filed in this AL FATHERS CLERK OF COURT for you if you are unable,
Deprived ation appear at the final hear- CASE#20J01890++ Court by the Georgia Depart- GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- 160-441754 12/17,12/24,12/31 without undue financial hard-
ing. Child/Children Under the Age of ment of Human Services, der of this Court, you are 1/7 ship to employ counsel. Notice
160-441241 11/26,12/3,12/10 WITNESS, the Honorable Vin- 18 through its agent, with the hereby notified that on or about NOTICE TO APPEAR is hereby given that a provi-
12/17 cent C. Crawford, Judge NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY DeKalb County Division of October 31, 2019, a Petition STATE OF GEORGIA sional hearing may be conduc-
NOTICE TO APPEAR This the 17th day of November, PROCEEDINGS Family and Children Services For Termination of Parental COUNTY OF DEKALB ted on the date listed above by
STATE OF GEORGIA 2020. TO: Shemeeka Teagle, the bio- (hereinafter referred to as “the Rights was filed in this Court by IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF the court pursuant to O.C.G.A.
COUNTY OF DEKALB Antoinnette L. Brantley, logical mother and the putative Division”), whose address is the Georgia Department of Hu- DEKALB COUNTY. 15-11-163. Findings of Fact
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb Taray Schank and any un- 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- man Services, through its In the interest of: ++M.L., C.R., and orders of disposition made
DEKALB COUNTY. County known, putative, legal, biologic- lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia agent, DeKalb County Division Sex: F, M, DOB: 10/16/18, at the provisional hearing may
In the interest of: ++J.D.,J.D., 160-441650 al or unnamed father of the 30345, alleging the where- of Family and Children Service 8/9/15, Age: 2,5 YRS., Case become final at a final hearing
Sex:F,F,DOB:7/31/19,10/14/14, 12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31 above-named child, WHOSE abouts of the above mentioned (Division or DFCS), whose ad- Number 20J02066, unless parties served by public-
Age:1,6 YRS., IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF WHEREABOUTS ARE UN- partie(s) are unknown. The Pe- dress is 2300 Parklake Drive 20J02067++ ation appear at the final hear-
Case Number 19J02730, DEKALB COUNTY KNOWN: titioner asks the Court to trans- NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30345, al- TO: ELICIA RHODES, MOTH- ing.
19J02731++ STATE OF GEORGIA GREETINGS: Pursuant to an fer temporary legal custody of leging the whereabouts of the ER, EVERETTE LOWE, FATH- WITNESS, the Honorable Vin-
TO: ANTOINETTE DAVIS, IN THE INTEREST OF: ++FILE Order of this Court dated the above-named child to the above-named parties are un- ER and ALL KNOWN, UN- cent C. Crawford, Judge
MOTHER and ALL KNOWN, No.@ 990375008 K. H. SEX: F November 24, 2020 you are Division of Family and Children known. The above-named chil- KNOWN, AND UNNAMED PU- This the 7th day of November,
UNKNOWN, AND UNNAMED DOB: 8/15/08 AGE: 11 hereby notified that a Depend- Services on the grounds that dren are in the temporary cus- TATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLOGIC- 2020.
PUTATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLO- CASE#19J04099++ ency Petition was filed against the child is dependent as that tody of the Division pursuant to AL FATHERS of the above Antoinnette L. Brantley,
GICAL FATHERS of the above Child/Children Under the Age of you in this Court by the Geor- term is defined by O.C.G.A. § a prior order of the Court find- named child, WHEREABOUTS Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb
named child, WHEREABOUTS 18 gia Department of Human Re- 15-11-2(22). ing the children to be depend- UNKNOWN. County
UNKNOWN. NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY sources, through its agent, the A free copy of the Petition may ent. The Petition asks the Court GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or-
GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- PROCEEDINGS DeKalb County Division of be obtained from the Clerk of to terminate parental rights and der of this Court you are hereby
der of this Court you are hereby TO: Catherine Hazel, the biolo- Family and Children Services the Juvenile Court of DeKalb obligations of the parent(s), notified that on November 30,
notified that on May 22, 2020 a gical mother and and any un- (Department), alleging that the County, 4309 Memorial Drive, with respect to the children, 2020 a Permanency Order was
Permanency Order was filed in known, putative, legal, biologic- whereabouts of the biological Decatur, Georgia 30030, on arising out of the parental rela- filed in this Court by the Geor-
this Court by the Georgia De- al or unnamed father of the parents of the above-named any day, Monday through Fri- tionship, including the right to gia Department of Human Ser-
partment of Human Services, above-named child, WHOSE child is unknown. The Petition day, between the hours 8:30 inheritance, and that the chil- vices, through its agent, with
through its agent, with the WHEREABOUTS ARE UN- asks the Court to find that the a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- dren be committed to the Geor- the DeKalb County Division of
DeKalb County Division of KNOWN: child is dependent as defined tact the Clerk’s office at 678- gia Department of Human Ser- Family and Children Services
Family and Children Services GREETINGS: Pursuant to an by O.C.G.A. sec. 15-11-2 (22) 409-4252 or email vices with the right to proceed (hereinafter referred to as “the
(hereinafter referred to as “the Order of this Court dated and that it is contrary to child’s piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g for adoption. A free copy of the Division”), whose address is
Division”), whose address is November 30, 2020 you are best interest to provide reason- ov for information regarding Petition may be obtained from 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At-
2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- hereby notified that a Depend- able efforts to reunify the fam- electronic filing and virtual ac- the Clerk of the Juvenile Court lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia
lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia ency Petition was filed against ily. A free copy of the petition cess. of DeKalb County, 4309 Me- 30345, alleging the where-
30345, alleging the where- you in this Court by the Geor- may be obtained from the Clerk You are hereby commanded to morial Drive, Decatur, Georgia abouts of the above mentioned
abouts of the above mentioned gia Department of Human Re- of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb be and appear at the DeKalb 30030, on any day, Monday parties are unknown. The
partie(s) are unknown. The sources, through its agent, the County, 4309 Memorial Dr., County Juvenile Court, 4309 through Friday, between the above-named child is in the
to your hearing by using a O.C.G.A. § 38-3-61, O.C.G.A. §
Zoom Meeting ID. Please con- 38-3-62, and O.C.G.A. § 38-3-
tact the court for additional in- 63 and is due to the Coronavir-
formation. Court Administration: us/COVID-19. You may sign in-
404-294-2777 and Clerk’s Of- to your hearing by using a
fice: 678-409-4252. A party is Zoom Meeting ID. Please con-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 21
entitled to counsel in these pro- tact the court for additional in-
ceedings and the Court will ap- formation. Court Administration:
point an attorney for you if you 404-294-2777 and Clerk’s Of- 200-441244 11/26,12/3,12/10 200-441396 12/17,12/24,12/31 200-441556 12/3,12/10,12/17 200-441655
Termination are unable, without undue fin-
ancial hardship, to employ
fice: 678-409-4252. A party is
entitled to counsel in these pro-
170-441242 11/26,12/3,12/10 counsel. ceedings and the Court will ap- OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE ADULT NAME CHANGE CHANGE NAME OF ADULT TO CHANGE NAME(S)
12/17 WITNESS the Chief Judge Vin- point an attorney for you if you OF GEORGIA DeKalb County, Georgia IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MINOR CHILD(REN)
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF cent Crawford, Juvenile Court are unable, without undue fin- In re: Name Change of STAN- Superior Court OF DEKALB COUNTY DeKalb County Superior Court
DEKALB COUNTY of DeKalb County Georgia. ancial hardship, to employ LEY OTEAL BENFORD Civil Action# STATE OF GEORGIA State of Georgia
STATE OF GEORGIA ANTONINETTE BRANTLEY, counsel. Petitioner. ++20FM5316-4++ Civil Action# Civil Action Case Number
IN THE INTEREST OF: ++FILE Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb WITNESS the Honorable Pro Civil Action
In re: ++20FM7509++ ++20FM8064++
NO.@990372919 B.S.H.T. County Tem Judge TUNDE AK- File Number ++20FM7868++
NEOMI ONETTA DENT McTIZ- In re: Gimika Latrice Giles filed a
cent Crawford, Juvenile Court CHANGE NAME OF ADULT IC Benjamin Max Spitzberg petition in the DeKalb County
DOB:OCTOBER 06, 2018++ 170-441243 11/26,12/3,12/10 Petitioner. Petitioner. Superior Court on 11/25/2020,
CHILD SUBJECT TO THE 12/17 of DeKalb County Georgia. The above-named Petitioner
ANTONINETTE BRANTLEY, has filed a petition in the Super- Neomi Onetta Dent McTizic Benjamin Max Spitzberg, filed to change the name(s) of the
DEKALB COUNTY Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb ior Court of DeKalb County on filed Petition in the DeKalb a Petition in the DeKalb County following minor child(ren) from:
COURT County Superior Court on July Superior Court on 10/16/2020 Boy Gimika Giles (born 2014)
TO: Sergio Sebastian Hernan- STATE OF GEORGIA County 17th day of November, 2020,
IN THE INTEREST OF: ++FILE for a legal name change from 27th, 2020, to change the to change the name from: Ben- to Jezreel Pace and Boy Gimi-
dez Sanchez, PUTATIVE
NO.@156168,156171 J.M.T. Stanley Oteal Benford to Tea' - name from: Neomi Onetta Dent jamin Max Spitzberg to Ben- ka Giles (born 2015) to Riel
KNOWN/UNNAMED BIOLO- DOB:MAY 30, 2007 SEX:F Local Legislation Bell Elora Love-English. Any in- McTizic to Naomi Onetta Dent jamin Max Wallock. Pace.
GICAL, LEGAL OR PUTATIVE CASE#20J00535 M.J.J.T. terested party has the right to McTizic. Any interested party has the Any interested party has the
FATHER., whereabouts un- DOB:OCTOBER 24, 2009 180-441755 12/17 appear in this case and file ob- Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and
known. SEX:F CASE#20J00536++ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO jections within 30 days after the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days file objections within the time
Greetings: Pursuant to AN Or- Children under 18 years of age INTRODUCE Petition was filed. file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. prescribed in OCGA§§19-12-
der of this Court signed on TO: MARCUS PHILLIPS, PU- LOCAL LEGISLATION This 17th day of November, after the Petition was filed. Dated: 10/16/2020 1(f)(2)and(3).
November 10, 2020, you are TATIVE FATHER AND Any Notice is given that there will be 2020. Dated-7/27/2020 Benjamin Spitzberg Dated: 11/25/2020
hereby notified that a Petition known/unknown, named/un- introduced at the regular 2021 Michelle B. Rapoport Neomi Onetta Dent McTizic Petitioner, Pro se William P. Churchill, III
for Termination of Parental named putative, biological and session of the General As- One Midtown Plaza Petitioner 2805 Northeast Expy N.E. Petitioner's Attorney
Rights has been filed against or legal father, whereabouts sembly of Georgia a bill to 1360 Peachtree St., NE, 160 Clairemont Avenue
Trichelle Simmons #B11
you in this Court by the Geor- unknown. amend an ++Act to incorporate Suite 1010 Suite 200
the City of Stonecrest in Atlanta, GA 30309 Attorney for Petitioner Atlanta, GA 30345
gia Department of Human Ser- Greetings: Pursuant to the Or- P.O. Box 360002 Debra DeBerry Decatur, GA 30030
vices, through its agent, the der of this Court signed on DeKalb County++, approved 200-441387 12/10,12/17,12/24
April 21, 2016 (Ga. L. 2016, p. Decatur, GA 30036 Clerk of Superior Court
DeKalb County Division of September 10, 2020, you are 12/31JH
Family and Children Services, hereby notified that a Petition
for Termination of Parental
3538), as amended; and for
other purposes.
Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court
200-441557 12/3,12/10,12/17
178 Sams Street, Decatur, TO CHANGE NAME(S)
Georgia 30030, alleging that Rights has been filed against 200-441527 12/3,12/10,12/17 NOTICE OF PETITION TO
180-441756 12/17 OF MINOR CHILD(REN) 220-441245 11/26, 12/3, 12/10,
the whereabouts of the parents you in this Court by the Geor- 12/24 CHANGE NAME OF ADULT 12/17
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DeKalb County Superior Court
are unknown. The above- gia Department of Human Ser- NOTICE OF PETITION DeKalb County NOTICE
INTRODUCE LOCAL State of Georgia
named child is in the tempor- vices, through its agent, the TO CHANGE NAME(S) Superior Court ++2020-1752++
LEGISLATION Civil Action Case#
ary custody of the Department DeKalb County Division of OF MINOR CHILD(REN) State of Georgia TO: All Interested Parties and
Pursuant to Art. III, V, ¶ IX of ++20FM8054++
pursuant to a prior order of the Family and Children Services, DeKalb County Superior Court Civil Action Case Number to whom it may concern:
the Constitution of the State of Michael Gillin filed a petition in
Court finding the child to be de- 178 Sams Street, Decatur, State of Georgia ++20FM78888-4++ SHARON DENISE FISHER has
Georgia of 1983, O.C.G.A. the DeKalb County Superior
pendent. The Petition asks the Georgia 30030, alleging that Civil Action Case Number In re: petitioned to be appointed Ad-
§28-1-14, and all other applic- Court on November 2020, to
Court to terminate the parental the whereabouts of the parents ++20FM7793-9++ Desiree N. Dorsey ministrator(s) of the estate of
able statutes, notice is hereby change the name(s) of the fol-
rights and obligations of the are unknown. The above- Mark Fitzgerald filed a peti- Petitioner. ROBERT STANLEY DAVIS de-
given that there will be intro- lowing minor child(ren) from:
parents, with respect to the named children are in the tem- tion in the DeKalb County Su- Desiree N. Dorsey, filed a Pe- ceased, of said County. The
duced at the regular session of Emily Martha Gillin to Dylan
child, and of the child to the porary custody of the Depart- perior Court on 11/12/2020, to tition in the DeKalb County Su- Petitioner(s) has also applied
the 2021 General Assembly of
parent arising out of the parent- ment pursuant to a prior order Marty Lee Gillin. for waiver of bond and/or grant
Georgia a bill to amend an change the name(s) of the fol- perior Court on 9/9/2020 to
al relationship, including the of the Court finding the chil- Any interested party has the of certain powers contained in
++Act providing a supplement lowing minor child(ren) from: change the name from: Desir-
right to inheritance, and that the dren to be dependent. The Pe- right to appear in this case and O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
to the compensation, ex- Audrey Helen Fitzgerald to ee N. Dorsey to Deborah Mary
child be committed to the Geor- tition asks the Court to termin- file objections within the time ested parties are hereby noti-
penses, and allowances of the Rowan Richardson Fitzgerald. Yael Martin Livingston.
gia Department of Human Ser- ate the parental rights and ob- prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 fied to show cause why said
Judges of the Superior Court of Any interested party has the Any interested party has the
vices, with the right to proceed ligations of the parents, with re- (f)(2) and (3). Petition should not be granted.
the Stone Mountain Judicial right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and
for adoption. A free copy of the spect to the children, and of the Dated: 10/31/2020 All objections to the Petition
Circuit++, approved March 21, file objections within the time file objections within 30 days
petition may be obtained from children to the parent arising Michael Gillin must be in writing, setting forth
1974 (Ga. L. 1974, p. 391), as prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 after the Petition was filed.
the Clerk of the Juvenile Court out of the parental relationship, Petitioner, Pro se the grounds of any such objec-
further amended in an act ap-
of DeKalb County, 4309 Me- including the right to inherit- (f)(2) and (3). Dated: 9/9/2020 tions, and must be filed with the
proved April 2, 1998 (Ga. L. 1145 brookgate Way NE
morial Drive, Decatur, Georgia ance, and that the children be Dated:11/23/2020 Desiree N. Dorsey Court on or before 12/21/2020.
1998, p. 4075) as further Brookhaven, GA 30319
30032 on any day, Monday committed to the Georgia De- Mark Fitzgerald Petitioner, Pro se BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
amended in an act approved Debra DeBerry
through Friday, between the partment of Human Services, Petitioner, Pro se 4333 Avonridge Drive pleadings/objections must be
May 6, 2005 (Ga. L. 2005, p. Clerk of Superior Court
hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 with the right to proceed for ad- 2739 Old Norcross Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30083 signed under oath before a not-
3782) as further amended in an 200-441391 12/10,12/17,12/24
p.m. option. A free copy of the peti- Tucker, GA 30084 Debra DeBerry ary public or before a probate
Act approved May 29, 2007 12/31JH
You are commanded to be and tion may be obtained from the Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court court clerk, and filing fees must
(GA. L. 2007, p. 4132) and as
appear at the DeKalb County Clerk of the Juvenile Court of NOTICE OF PETITION TO Clerk of Superior Court be tendered with your plead-
further amended in an Act ap- 200-441654
Juvenile Court, 4309 Memorial DeKalb County, 4309 Memori- CHANGE NAME OF ADULT ings/objections, unless you
proved May 7, 2013 (Ga. L. 200-441555 12/3,12/10,12/17 12/10,12/17,12/24,12/31
Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30032 al Drive, Decatur, Georgia DeKalb County Superior Court qualify to file as an indigent
2013, p. 4437) and for other 12/24JH NOTICE OF PETITION TO
on the 28th day of January 30032 on any day, Monday State of Georgia party. Contact probate court
2021 at 9:30 a.m. to show through Friday, between the Civil Action Case Number personnel at the following ad-
This the 11th day of December, CHANGE NAME OF ADULT DeKalb County Superior Court
cause why the request of the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 ++20FM8020++ dress/telephone number for the
2020 DeKalb County Superior Court State of Georgia
Department to terminate your p.m. Garrett David Malmquist filed required amount of filing fees. If
Cathy W. McCumber State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number
parental rights to the above- You are commanded to be and a petition in the DeKalb County any objections are filed, a hear-
Court Administrator Civil Action Case Number ++20FM8046++
named child should not be appear at the DeKalb County Superior Court on November ing will be scheduled at a later
Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit
granted, and you may file in the Juvenile Court, 4309 Memorial ++20FM7854++ Tariku Mecheso filed a peti- date. If no objections are filed,
24, 2020, to change the name
office of the Clerk of this Court Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30032 DAWN CHARICE SIZEMORE tion in the DeKalb County Su- the petition may be granted
from: Garrett David Malmquist
and serve upon Petitioner’s at-
torney, Glenda Harper, P.O.
on the 15th day of December at
9:30 a.m. to show cause why
Name Change to Gweneth Delilah Malmquist.
filed a petition in the DeKalb
County Superior Court on
perior Court on11/24/2020, to
change the name from: Tariku
without a hearing.
Any interested party has the Bedelia C Hargrove
Box 191, Clarkston, GA 30021, the request of the Department NOVEMBER 16, 2020, to Mecheso to Meslin Mecheso. Judge of the Probate Court
to terminate your parental 200-440504 11/26,12/3,12/10 right to appear in this case and
within sixty (60) days of the 12/17JH change the name from: DAWN Any interested party has the Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the
28th day of January 2021 your rights to the above-named child file objections within 30 days
NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHARICE SIZEMORE to right to appear in this case and Probate Court
answer to the Department’s Pe- should not be granted, and you after the Petition was filed. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT DAWN CHARICE WHITE. file objections within 30 days
tition. Hearings are presently may file in the office of the Dated: November 24, 2020 1100
DeKalb County, Georgia Any interested party has the after the Petition was filed.
convened remotely, via Zoom Clerk of this Court and serve Garrett David Malmquist Decatur, Georgia 30030
Superior Court right to appear in this case and Dated:11/24/2020
video conferencing. The Court upon Petitioner’s attorney, Gl- Petitioner, Pro se 404-371-2601
enda Harper, P.O. Box 191, Civil Action Case# file objections within 30 days Tariku Mecheso
is operating via video conferen- 1133 Commerce Dr. Apt 501
Clarkston, GA 30021, within ++20FM7575-8++ after the Petition was filed. Petitioner, Pro se 220-441246 11/26, 12/3, 12/10,
cing pursuant to the Order De- Decatur, GA 30030
sixty (60) days of the 15th day Re: Di Ann Staphany Anderson Dated: NOVEMBER 16, 2020 1685 Edlinburgh Dr. 12/17
claring a Judicial Emergency. Debra DeBerry Tucker, 30084
of December 2020 your an- Petitioner. LARRY M. MELNICK, ATTOR- NOTICE
Said emergency declaration Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
was made pursuant to swer to the Department’s Peti- Di Ann Staphany Anderson, NEY ++2020-1811++
tion. Hearings are presently filed a Petition in the DeKalb Petitioner, Pro se Clerk of Superior Court TO: All Interested Parties and
O.C.G.A. § 38-3-60(2)(D),
O.C.G.A. § 38-3-61, O.C.G.A. § convened remotely, via Zoom County Superior Court on PO BOX 502548 to whom it may concern:
38-3-62, and O.C.G.A. § 38-3- video conferencing. The Court 9/22/2020 to change the name ATLANTA, GA 31150-2548 ANGELA DENISE STRICK-
63 and is due to the Coronavir- is operating via video conferen- from: Di Ann Staphany Ander- Debra DeBerry LAND has petitioned to be ap-
us/COVID-19. You may sign in- cing pursuant to the Order De- son to Di Ann Staphany Lee. Clerk of Superior Court pointed Administrator(s) of the
to your hearing by using a claring a Judicial Emergency. estate of CLEATER STRICK-
Any interested party has the
Zoom Meeting ID. Please con- Said emergency declaration LAND-SCOTT deceased, of
was made pursuant to right to appear in this case and said County. The Petitioner(s)
tact the court for additional in- file objections within 30 days
formation. Court Administration: O.C.G.A. § 38-3-60(2)(D), has also applied for waiver of
O.C.G.A. § 38-3-61, O.C.G.A. § after the Petition was filed. bond and/or grant of certain
404-294-2777 and Clerk’s Of-
38-3-62, and O.C.G.A. § 38-3- Dated: 9/22/2020. powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
fice: 678-409-4252. A party is
63 and is due to the Coronavir- Di Ann Staphany Anderson 53-12-261. All interested
entitled to counsel in these pro-
ceedings and the Court will ap- us/COVID-19. You may sign in- Petitioner, Pro se parties are hereby notified to
point an attorney for you if you to your hearing by using a 3450 Evans Road, Apt 133B show cause why said Petition
are unable, without undue fin- Zoom Meeting ID. Please con- Atlanta, GA 30341 should not be granted. All ob-
ancial hardship, to employ tact the court for additional in- Debra DeBerry jections to the Petition must be
counsel. formation. Court Administration: Clerk of Superior Court in writing, setting forth the
WITNESS the Chief Judge Vin- 404-294-2777 and Clerk’s Of- grounds of any such objections,
cent Crawford, Juvenile Court fice: 678-409-4252. A party is and must be filed with the Court
of DeKalb County Georgia. entitled to counsel in these pro- on or before 12/21/2020.
ANTONINETTE BRANTLEY, ceedings and the Court will ap- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
bond and/or grant of certain Petition must be in writing, set- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All qualify to file as an indigent
powers contained in O.C.G.A. § ting forth the grounds of any pleadings/objections must be party. Contact probate court
53-12-261. All interested such objections, and must be signed under oath before a not- personnel at the following ad-
parties are hereby notified to filed with the Court on or be- ary public or before a probate dress/telephone number for the
show cause why said Petition fore DECEMBER 21, 2020. court clerk, and filing fees must required amount of filing fees. If
should not be granted. All ob- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be tendered with your plead- any objections are filed, a hear-
Page 22
jections to the Petition must be
in writing, setting forth the
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
pleadings/objections must be
signed under oath before a not-
ings/objections, unless you
qualify to file as an indigent
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
grounds of any such objections, ary public or before a probate party. Contact probate court the petition may be granted 220-441256 11/26, 12/03, 220-441258 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 220-441260 11/26, 12/03,
and must be filed with the Court court clerk, and filing fees must personnel at the following ad- without a hearing. 12/10, 12/17 12/17 12/10, 12/17
on or before 12/21/2020. be tendered with your plead- dress/telephone number for the Bedelia C Hargrove NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All ings/objections, unless you required amount of filing fees. If Judge of the Probate Court ++ 2020-1658++ ++2020-0709++ ++2020-1851++
pleadings/objections must be qualify to file as an indigent any objections are filed, a hear- Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: ALL INTERESTED
signed under oath before a not- party. Contact probate court ing will be scheduled at a later Probate Court to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: PARTIES and to whom it may
ary public or before a probate personnel at the following ad- date. If no objections are filed, 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. DOUGLAS JOHN AUDETTE KIMBERLY HARRIS has peti- concern:
court clerk, and filing fees must dress/telephone number for the the petition may be granted 1100 has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis- BRENT LEMONT HARRIS has
be tendered with your plead- required amount of filing fees. If without a hearing. Decatur, Georgia 30030 Administrator(s) of the estate of trator(s) of the estate of DEC- petitioned to be appointed Ad-
ings/objections, unless you any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove 404-371-2601 CLEO JOSEPH AUDETTE de- TRIC LYNN SEARCY, SR. de- ministrator of the estate of
qualify to file as an indigent ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The CAROLYN ELIZABETH HAR-
party. Contact probate court date. If no objections are filed, Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the 220-441254 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied RIS deceased, of said County.
personnel at the following ad- the petition may be granted Probate Court 12/17 for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant The Petitioner has also applied
dress/telephone number for the without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. NOTICE of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in for waiver of bond and/or grant
required amount of filing fees. If Bedelia C Hargrove 1100 ++2020-1827++ O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- of certain powers contained in
any objections are filed, a hear- Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 TO: John Michael Watts and to ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
ing will be scheduled at a later Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the 404-371-2601 whom it may concern: fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti-
date. If no objections are filed, Probate Court KEITH TERRELL DENNIS has Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said
the petition may be granted 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 220-441252 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, petitioned to be appointed Ad- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted.
without a hearing. 1100 12/17 ministrator(s) of the estate of must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition
Bedelia C Hargrove Decatur, Georgia 30030 NOTICE RUTH DARLENE DENNIS de- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth
Judge of the Probate Court 404-371-2601 ++2020-1824++ ceased, of said County. All in- tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec-
Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the TO: All Interested Parties and terested parties are hereby no- Court on or before 12/21/2020. Court on or before DECEM- tions, and must be filed with the
Probate Court 220-441250 11/26, 12/03, BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BER 21, 2020. Court on or before DECEM-
to whom it may concern: tified to show cause why said
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 12/10, 12/17 pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BER 21, 2020.
NADINE THOMPSON has peti- Petition should not be granted.
1100 NOTICE signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
tioned to be appointed Adminis- All objections to the Petition
Decatur, Georgia 30030 ++2020-1818++ ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be
trator(s) of the estate of HER- must be in writing, setting forth
404-371-2601 TO: ALL INTERESED court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not-
BERT S SYMMERS, JR. de- the grounds of any such objec-
PARTIES and to whom it may be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate
ceased, of said County. The tions, and must be filed with the
220-441248 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, concern: ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- court clerk and filing fees must
Petitioner(s) has also applied Court on or before 12/21/2020.
12/17 HUYNH HOA THI TRAN and qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead-
for waiver of bond and/or grant BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
NOTICE CHINH MANH VO has peti- party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you
of certain powers contained in pleadings/objections must be
++2020-1813++ tioned to be appointed Adminis- personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- signed under oath before a not-
TO: All Interested Parties and trators of the estate of CHINH dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court
ested parties are hereby noti- ary public or before a probate
to whom it may concern: VAN VO deceased, of said required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad-
fied to show cause why said court clerk, and filing fees must
JIA C SMITH has petitioned to County. The Petitioners has any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the
Petition should not be granted. be tendered with your plead-
be appointed Administrator(s) also applied for waiver of bond ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If
All objections to the Petition ings/objections, unless you
of the estate of JAMES OSCAR and/or grant of certain powers date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
must be in writing, setting forth qualify to file as an indigent
SMITH, JR. deceased, of said contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later
the grounds of any such objec- party. Contact probate court
County. The Petitioner(s) has 261. All interested parties are without a hearing. the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed,
tions, and must be filed with the personnel at the following ad-
also applied for waiver of bond hereby notified to show cause Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. the petition may be granted
Court on or before 12/21/2020. dress/telephone number for the
and/or grant of certain powers why said Petition should not be Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All required amount of filing fees. If
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- granted. All objections to the Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
pleadings/objections must be any objections are filed, a hear-
261. All interested parties are Petition must be in writing, set- Probate Court Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court
signed under oath before a not- ing will be scheduled at a later
hereby notified to show cause ting forth the grounds of any 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro-
ary public or before a probate date. If no objections are filed,
why said Petition should not be such objections, and must be 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court
court clerk, and filing fees must the petition may be granted
granted. All objections to the filed with the Court on or be- Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
be tendered with your plead- without a hearing.
Petition must be in writing, set- fore DECEMBER 21, 2020. 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100
ings/objections, unless you Bedelia C Hargrove
ting forth the grounds of any BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
qualify to file as an indigent Judge of the Probate Court 220-441257 11/26, 12/03,
such objections, and must be pleadings/objections must be 404-371-2601
party. Contact probate court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the 12/10, 12/17 220-441259 11/26, 12/3, 12/10,
filed with the Court on or be- signed under oath before a not-
personnel at the following ad- Probate Court NOTICE 12/17 220-441261 11/26, 12/3, 12/10,
fore 12/21/2020. ary public or before a probate
dress/telephone number for the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ++2020-1666++ NOTICE 12/17
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All court clerk and filing fees must
required amount of filing fees. If 1100 TO: unknown heirs and to ++2020-1848++ NOTICE
pleadings/objections must be be tendered with your plead-
any objections are filed, a hear- Decatur, Georgia 30030 whom it may concern: TO: ALL INTERESTED ++ 2020-1853++
signed under oath before a not- ings/objections, unless you
ing will be scheduled at a later 404-371-2601 BERNADETTE LAWAN WAD- PARTIES and to whom it may TO: ALL INTERESTED
ary public or before a probate qualify to file as an indigent
date. If no objections are filed, DELL has petitioned to be ap- concern: PARTIES and to whom it may
court clerk, and filing fees must party. Contact probate court
the petition may be granted 220-441255 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, pointed Administrator(s) of the MAGNELLY GRUBER has peti- concern:
be tendered with your plead- personnel at the following ad-
without a hearing. 12/17 estate of DENNIS FOSTER de- tioned to be appointed Adminis- KIERRA D MARTIN has peti-
ings/objections, unless you dress/telephone number for the
Bedelia C Hargrove NOTICE ceased, of said County.All in- trator of the estate of tioned to be appointed Adminis-
qualify to file as an indigent required amount of filing fees. If
Judge of the Probate Court ++2020-1828++ terested parties are hereby no- FLORINDO E BERDUO- trator of the estate of CAR-
party. Contact probate court any objections are filed, a hear-
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the TO: All Interested Parties and tified to show cause why said PEREZ deceased, of said LETHA MCCURDY-MARTIN
personnel at the following ad- ing will be scheduled at a later
Probate Court to whom it may concern: Petition should not be granted. County. The Petitioner has also deceased, of said County. The
dress/telephone number for the date. If no objections are filed,
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. JANE ELLEN HAMILTON has All objections to the Petition applied for waiver of bond Petitioner has also applied for
required amount of filing fees. If the petition may be granted
1100 petitioned to be appointed Ad- must be in writing, setting forth and/or grant of certain powers waiver of bond and/or grant of
any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing.
Decatur, Georgia 30030 ministrator(s) of the estate of the grounds of any such objec- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- certain powers contained in
ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove
404-371-2601 RALPH HAMILTON deceased, tions, and must be filed with the 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court
the petition may be granted Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- of said County. The Court on or before 12/21/2020. hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti-
without a hearing. bate Court 220-441253 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, Petitioner(s) has also applied BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said
Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 12/17 for waiver of bond and/or grant pleadings/objections must be granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted.
Judge of the Probate Court 1100 NOTICE of certain powers contained in signed under oath before a not- Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition
Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the Decatur, Georgia 30030 ++2020-1825++ O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ary public or before a probate ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth
Probate Court 404-371-2601 TO: All Interested Parties and ested parties are hereby noti- court clerk, and filing fees must such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. to whom it may concern: fied to show cause why said be tendered with your plead- filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the
1100 220-441251 11/26, 12/03, GOPA DAS has petitioned to Petition should not be granted. ings/objections, unless you fore DECEMBER 21, 2020. Court on or before DECEM-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 12/10, 12/17 be appointed Administrator of All objections to the Petition qualify to file as an indigent BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BER 21, 2020.
404-371-2601 NOTICE the estate of JIBAN DAS de- must be in writing, setting forth party. Contact probate court pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
++2020-1823++ ceased, of said County. The the grounds of any such objec- personnel at the following ad- signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be
220-441249 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, TO: All Interested Parties and Petitioner has also applied for tions, and must be filed with the dress/telephone number for the ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not-
12/17 to whom it may concern: waiver of bond and/or grant of Court on or before 12/21/2020. required amount of filing fees. If court clerk and filing fees must ary public or before a probate
NOTICE NAKEISHA NICOLE FAREED certain powers contained in BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All any objections are filed, a hear- be tendered with your plead- court clerk and filing fees must
++2020-0619++ has petitioned to be appointed O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- pleadings/objections must be ing will be scheduled at a later ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead-
TO: All Interested Parties and Administrator(s) of the estate of ested parties are hereby noti- signed under oath before a not- date. If no objections are filed, qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you
to whom it may concern: A NNANISE DUGGER de- fied to show cause why said ary public or before a probate the petition may be granted party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent
BENITA LYNN JONES has pe- ceased, of said County. The Petition should not be granted. court clerk, and filing fees must without a hearing. personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court
titioned to be appointed Admin- Petitioner(s) has also applied All objections to the Petition be tendered with your plead- Bedelia C Hargrove dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad-
istrator(s) of the estate of for waiver of bond and/or grant must be in writing, setting forth ings/objections, unless you Judge of the Probate Court required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the
MARY MAGDALENE LENOIR of certain powers contained in the grounds of any such objec- qualify to file as an indigent Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If
DUNTON deceased, of said O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- tions, and must be filed with the party. Contact probate court Probate Court ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
County. The Petitioner(s) has ested parties are hereby noti- Court on or before 12/21/2020. personnel at the following ad- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later
also applied for waiver of bond fied to show cause why said BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All dress/telephone number for the 1100 the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed,
and/or grant of certain powers Petition should not be granted. pleadings/objections must be required amount of filing fees. If Decatur, Georgia 30030 without a hearing. the petition may be granted
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- All objections to the Petition signed under oath before a not- any objections are filed, a hear- 404-371-2601 Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
261. All interested parties are must be in writing, setting forth ary public or before a probate ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
hereby notified to show cause the grounds of any such objec- court clerk, and filing fees must date. If no objections are filed, Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court
why said Petition should not be tions, and must be filed with the be tendered with your plead- the petition may be granted bate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro-
granted. All objections to the Court on or before 12/21/2020. ings/objections, unless you without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court
Petition must be in writing, set- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All qualify to file as an indigent Bedelia C Hargrove 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
ting forth the grounds of any pleadings/objections must be party. Contact probate court Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100
such objections, and must be signed under oath before a not- personnel at the following ad- Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
filed with the Court on or be- ary public or before a probate dress/telephone number for the Probate Court 404-371-2601
fore DECEMBER 21, 2020. court clerk, and filing fees must required amount of filing fees. If 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be tendered with your plead- any objections are filed, a hear- 1100
pleadings/objections must be ings/objections, unless you ing will be scheduled at a later Decatur, Georgia 30030
signed under oath before a not- qualify to file as an indigent date. If no objections are filed, 404-371-2601
ary public or before a probate party. Contact probate court the petition may be granted
court clerk, and filing fees must personnel at the following ad- without a hearing.
be tendered with your plead- dress/telephone number for the Bedelia C Hargrove
ings/objections, unless you required amount of filing fees. If Judge of the Probate Court
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 23
220-441262 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 220-441511 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 220-441513 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 220-441515 12/03, 12/10, 220-441517 12/03, 12/10, 220-441656 12/10, 12/17, 220-441658 12/10, 12/17,
12/17 12/24 12/24 12/17, 12/24 12/17, 12/24 12/24, 12/31 12/24, 12/31
++2020-1812++ ++2020-1779++ ++2020-1856++ TO: All Interested Parties and ++2020-1865++ ++2020-1877++ ++2020-1901++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: AMY CHERYL CHRISTOPH- to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
tioned to be appointed Adminis- has petitioned to be appointed petitioned to be appointed Ad- ted Administrator(s) of the es- tioned to be appointed Adminis- ER, JR. has petitioned to be tioned to be appointed Adminis-
trator(s) of the estate of AN- Administrator of the estate of ministrator(s) of the estate of tate of DONALD HENRY trator(s) of the estate of DAVID appointed Administrator(s) of trator(s) of the estate of JEAN
ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The MAN deceased, of said County. said County. The Petitioner(s) County. The Petitioner(s) has WALKER deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The
Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner has also applied for The Petitioner(s) has also ap- has also applied for waiver of also applied for waiver of bond County. The Petitioner(s) has Petitioner(s) has also applied
for waiver of bond and/or grant waiver of bond and/or grant of plied for waiver of bond and/or bond and/or grant of certain and/or grant of certain powers also applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant
of certain powers contained in certain powers contained in grant of certain powers con- powers contained in O.C.G.A. § contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- tained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. 53-12-261. All interested 261. All interested parties are contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- All interested parties are parties are hereby notified to hereby notified to show cause 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti-
fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause show cause why said Petition why said Petition should not be hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said
Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be should not be granted. All ob- granted. All objections to the why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted.
All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the jections to the Petition must be Petition must be in writing, set- granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition
must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- in writing, setting forth the ting forth the grounds of any Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth
the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any grounds of any such objections, such objections, and must be ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec-
tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be and must be filed with the Court filed with the Court on or be- such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the
Court on or before 12/21/2020. Court on or before 12/28/2020. filed with the Court on or be- on or before 12/28/2020. fore 12/28/2020. filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 01/04/2021.
pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be
signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not-
ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate
court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must
be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your plead-
ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you
qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent
party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court
personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad-
dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the
required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the
Probate Court Probate Court Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the Probate Court Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
220-441263 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 220-441512 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 404-371-2601 220-441516 12/03, 12/10, 220-441518 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 404-371-2601 220-441659 12/10, 12/17,
12/17 12/24 220-441514 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 12/17, 12/24 12/24 220-441657 12/10, 12/17, 12/24, 12/31
++2020-1852++ ++2020-1855++ NOTICE ++2020-1561++ ++2020-1869++ NOTICE ++2020-1909++
TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: All Interested Parties and ++2020-1860++ TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and ++2020-1896++ TO: All Interested Parties and
PARTIES and to whom it may to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: TO: Marcia Crooks and Sandra to whom it may concern:
concern: LAGENIA RUSH has peti- to whom it may concern: MARTRICE MITCHELL has pe- SAMUEL STEPHENS has peti- Fletcher and to whom it may ABDUL KARIM KHOWAJA has
CHLOE ARNETTE COLBERT tioned to be appointed Adminis- PATRICIA SHEPHARD has pe- titioned to be appointed Admin- tioned to be appointed Adminis- concern: petitioned to be appointed Ad-
has petitioned to be appointed trator(s) of the estate of JIM- titioned to be appointed Admin- istrator(s) of the estate of trator of the estate of DONNA E JOHNSON has peti- ministrator(s) of the estate of
Administrator of the estate of MIE RUSH deceased, of said istrator(s) of the estate of AN- CHRISTOPHER MAURICE FLORENCE CAROLINE tioned to be appointed Adminis- FNU FATIMA deceased, of said
LINDA CARROLL COLBERT County. The Petitioner(s) has NIE LENA JACKSON de- STINSON deceased, of said STEPHENS deceased, of said trator of the estate of BAR- County. The Petitioner(s) has
deceased, of said County. The also applied for waiver of bond ceased, of said County. The County. The Petitioner(s) has County. The Petitioner(s) has BARA DELORES MORGAN also applied for waiver of bond
Petitioner has also applied for and/or grant of certain powers Petitioner(s) has also applied also applied for waiver of bond also applied for waiver of bond deceased, of said County. All and/or grant of certain powers
waiver of bond and/or grant of contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- for waiver of bond and/or grant and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers interested parties are hereby contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
certain powers contained in 261. All interested parties are of certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- notified to show cause why said 261. All interested parties are
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- hereby notified to show cause O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are Petition should not be granted. hereby notified to show cause
ested parties are hereby noti- why said Petition should not be ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause All objections to the Petition why said Petition should not be
fied to show cause why said granted. All objections to the fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be must be in writing, setting forth granted. All objections to the
Petition should not be granted. Petition must be in writing, set- Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the the grounds of any such objec- Petition must be in writing, set-
All objections to the Petition ting forth the grounds of any All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- tions, and must be filed with the ting forth the grounds of any
must be in writing, setting forth such objections, and must be must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any Court on or before JANUARY such objections, and must be
the grounds of any such objec- filed with the Court on or be- the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be such objections, and must be 4, 2021. filed with the Court on or be-
tions, and must be filed with the fore 12/28/2020. tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 01/04/2021.
Court on or before DECEM- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 12/28/2020. fore 12/28/2020. fore DECEMBER 28, 2020 . pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
BER 21, 2020. pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not-
pleadings/objections must be ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate
signed under oath before a not- court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must
ary public or before a probate be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead-
court clerk and filing fees must ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you
be tendered with your plead- qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent
ings/objections, unless you party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court
qualify to file as an indigent personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad-
party. Contact probate court dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the
personnel at the following ad- required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If
dress/telephone number for the any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
required amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later
any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed,
ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. the petition may be granted
date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court
Bedelia C Hargrove Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the
Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court
Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
bate Court 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 1100 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
1100 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
Page 24 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
220-441660 12/10, 12/17, 220-441687 12/17, 12/24, 220-441689 12/17, 12/24, 220-441691 12/17, 12/24, 220-441693 12/17, 12/24, 220-441695 12/17, 12/24, 220-441699 12/17, 12/24,
12/24, 12/31 12/31, 01/07 12/31, 1/7 12/31, 01/07 12/31, 01/07 12/31, 1/7 12/31, 01/07
++2020-1911++ ++2020-1887++ ++2020-1916++ ++2020-1931++ ++2020-1942++ ++2020-1875++ ++2020-1947++
TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
PARTIES and to whom it may to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: PARTIES and to whom it may PARTIES and to whom it may to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
concern: SIMEON JOVAN HOLLIS has JUDYLYNN DYITT has peti- concern: concern: ALYSSA DIANNE WOODS has LUANNE M. BONNIE has peti-
ERNEST C. SPRUILL has peti- petitioned to be appointed Ad- tioned to be appointed Adminis- KENTAUS D CARTER and DI- VERONICA BOLTON has peti- petitioned to be appointed Ad- tioned to be appointed Adminis-
tioned to be appointed Adminis- ministrator(s) of the estate of trator(s) of the estate of BEN- GERGRIO CARTER has peti- tioned to be appointed Adminis- ministrator(s) of the estate of trator(s) of the estate of NELA
trator of the estate of MA- DALE ALLEN HOLLIS de- ITA MALONE TERRELL de- tioned to be appointed Adminis- trator of the estate of ELLIOTT BRENDA HARRELL deceased, MARTINEZ SALAZAR de-
VORA SPRUILL deceased, of ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The trators of the estate of LINDA ROBERT BOLTON deceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The
said County. The Petitioner has Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied CARTER deceased, of said of said County. The Petitioner Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied
also applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant County. The Petitioners has has also applied for waiver of for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant
and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in also applied for waiver of bond bond and/or grant of certain of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- and/or grant of certain powers powers contained in O.C.G.A. § O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- 53-12-261. All interested ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said 261. All interested parties are parties are hereby notified to fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. hereby notified to show cause show cause why said Petition Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition why said Petition should not be should not be granted. All ob- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth granted. All objections to the jections to the Petition must be must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- Petition must be in writing, set- in writing, setting forth the the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the ting forth the grounds of any grounds of any such objections, tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 01/11/2021. Court on or before JANUARY such objections, and must be and must be filed with the Court Court on or before 01/11/2021. Court on or before 01/11/2021.
fore January 04, 2021. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 11, 2021. filed with the Court on or be- on or before JANUARY 11, BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore JANUARY 11, 2021. 2021. pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be
pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not-
signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate
ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must
court clerk and filing fees must be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead-
be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- court clerk and filing fees must court clerk and filing fees must ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you
ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent
qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court
party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad-
personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the
dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If
required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. without a hearing.
without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the
Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Probate Court Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court bate Court 1100 1100
1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 220-441688 12/17, 12/24, 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 220-441698 12/17, 12/24, 220-441700 12/17, 12/24,
220-441686 12/17, 12/24, 12/31 1/7 220-441690 12/17, 12/24, 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 12/31, 01/07 ,12/31, 1/7
12/31, 1/7 NOTICE 12/31, 01/07 220-441692 12/17, 12/24, 220-441694 12/17, 12/24, NOTICE NOTICE
NOTICE ++2020-1888++ NOTICE 12/31, 01/07 12/31, 1/7 ++2020-1946++ ++2020-1958++
++2020-1875++ TO: All Interested Parties and ++2020-1925++ NOTICE NOTICE TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: TO: ALL INTERESTED ++2020-1933++ ++2020-1943++ to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
to whom it may concern: GEORGE RANDALL JONES, PARTIES and to whom it may TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: All Interested Parties and LUANNE M. BONNIE has peti- PHILLIP FREMPONG has peti-
ALYSSA DIANNE WOODS has JR. has petitioned to be ap- concern: PARTIES and to whom it may to whom it may concern: tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis-
petitioned to be appointed Ad- pointed Administrator(s) of the DAVID ANTHONY DUNBAR concern: JOHN ROSARIO has peti- trator(s) of the estate of JUAN trator(s) of the estate of KAR-
ministrator(s) of the estate of estate of REBECCA RUTH has petitioned to be appointed QUINTON BERNARD JONES tioned to be appointed Adminis- RICARDO SALAZAR de- EN MICHELLE STARKS de-
BRENDA HARRELL deceased, JONES deceased, of said Administrator of the estate of has petitioned to be appointed trator of the estate of EDITH ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The
of said County. The County. The Petitioner(s) has LO RA ANN WI L DER de - Administrator of the estate of ELAINE CLARK deceased, of Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied
Petitioner(s) has also applied also applied for waiver of bond ceased, of said County. The JOE LOUIS WILDER de- said County. The Petitioner(s) for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant
for waiver of bond and/or grant and/or grant of certain powers Petitioner has also applied for ceased, of said County. The has also applied for waiver of of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in
of certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- waiver of bond and/or grant of Petitioner has also applied for bond and/or grant of certain O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are certain powers contained in waiver of bond and/or grant of powers contained in O.C.G.A. § ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- certain powers contained in 53-12-261. All interested fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- parties are hereby notified to Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti- show cause why said Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said should not be granted. All ob- must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. jections to the Petition must be the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition in writing, setting forth the tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth grounds of any such objections, Court on or before 01/11/2021. Court on or before 01/11/2021.
Court on or before 01/11/2021. fore 01/11/2021. tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec- and must be filed with the Court BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before JANUARY tions, and must be filed with the on or before JANUARY 11, pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be
pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be 11, 2021. Court on or before JANUARY 2021. signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not-
signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 11, 2021. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate
ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must
court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead-
be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you
ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you court clerk and filing fees must ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent
qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent be tendered with your plead- court clerk and filing fees must be tendered with your plead- party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court
party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad-
personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the
dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If
required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. without a hearing.
without a hearing. without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing. Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tlyn Alexander, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Probate Court Probate Court
Probate Court Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the 1100 1100
1100 1100 bate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 25
220-441701 12/17, 12/24, 240-441703 12/17 250-441705 12/17/2020 250-441707 12/17/2020 250-441709 12/17 250-441711 12/17 260-441712 12/17
NOTICE ++2017-1652++ ++2019-1159++ ++2020-0317++ ++2020-0280++ ++2019-1941++ DEKALB COUNTY
of the estate of CATHY MAE MINISTRATOR with WILL AN- OF DOUGLAS N. DRYDEN, DECEASED TO: All Interested Parties GERTRUDE MULDER [For Discharge from Office and
KEELING deceased, of said NEXED OF THE ESTATE OF DECEASED TO: All Interested Parties This is to notify you to file ob- KINGMA, DECEASED all Liability]
County. The Petitioner(s) has MARY LOUISE BRAGG, DE- TO: All Interested Parties This is to notify you to file ob- jection, if there is any, to the TO: All Interested Parties IN RE: Petition for Discharge of
also applied for waiver of bond CEASED This is to notify you to file ob- jection, if there is any, to the above referenced petition, in This is to notify you to file ob- Personal Representative
and/or grant of certain powers TO: Whom it may concern: jection, if there is any, to the above referenced petition, in this Court on or before jection, if there is any, to the TO: Whom it may Concern
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- This is to notify you to file ob- above referenced petition, in this Court on or before DE C E M B E R 2 8 , 2 0 2 0 . above referenced petition, in This is to notify you to file ob-
261. All interested parties are jection, if there is any, to the this Court on or before 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 2 0 . BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All this Court on or before jection, if there is any, to the
hereby notified to show cause Petition for Discharge of Per- 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 2 0 . BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must DE C E M B E R 2 8 , 2 0 2 0 . above-referenced Petition, in
why said Petition should not be sonal Representative, in this BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All this Court on or before Decem-
granted. All objections to the Court on or before 12/28/2020. objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth grounds of any such objections. objections to the petition must ber 28, 2020.
Petition must be in writing, set- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth grounds of any such objections. All pleadings/objections must be in writing, setting forth BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
ting forth the grounds of any objections to the Petition must grounds of any such objections. All pleadings/objections must be signed before a notary pub- grounds of any such objections. objections to the Petition must
such objections, and must be be in writing, setting forth the All pleadings/objections must be signed before a notary pub- lic or before a probate court All pleadings/objections must be in writing, setting forth the
filed with the Court on or be- grounds of any such objections. be signed before a notary pub- lic or before a probate court clerk and filing fees must be be signed before a notary pub- grounds of any such objections.
fore 01/11/2021. All objections should be sworn lic or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your lic or before a probate court All objections should be sworn
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All to before a notary public or be- clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless clerk, and filing fees must be to before a notary public or be-
pleadings/objections must be fore a Probate Court Clerk, and tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indi- tendered with your fore a Probate Court Clerk, and
signed under oath before a not- filing fees must be tendered pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indi- gent party. Contact probate pleadings/objections, unless filing fees must be tendered
ary public or before a probate with your objections, unless you qualify to file as an indi- gent party. Contact probate court personnel at the follow- you qualify to file as an indi- with your objections, unless
court clerk, and filing fees must you qualify to file as an indi- gent party. Contact probate court personnel at the follow- ing address/telephone number gent party. Contact probate you qualify to file as an indi-
be tendered with your plead- gent party. Contact Probate court personnel at the follow- ing address/telephone number for the required amount of fil- court personnel at the follow- gent party. Contact Probate
ings/objections, unless you Court personnel for the re- ing address/telephone number for the required amount of fil- ing fees. If any objections are ing address/telephone number Court personnel for the re-
qualify to file as an indigent quired amount of filing fees. If for the required amount of fil- ing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be sched- for the required amount of fil- quired amount of filing fees. If
party. Contact probate court any objections are filed, a hear- ing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be sched- uled at a later date. If no objec- ing fees. If any objections are any objections are filed, a hear-
personnel at the following ad- ing will be scheduled at a later filed, a hearing will be sched- uled at a later date. If no objec- tions are filed, the petition may filed, a hearing will be sched- ing will be scheduled at a later
dress/telephone number for the date. If no objections are filed, uled at a later date. If no objec- tions are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. uled at a later date. If no objec- date. If no objections are filed,
required amount of filing fees. If the Petition may be granted tions are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove tions are filed, the petition may the Petition may be granted
any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing. be granted without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court be granted without a hearing. without a hearing.
ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the bate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
the petition may be granted Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the
without a hearing. Probate Court Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 bate Court Probate Court
Bedelia C Hargrove 556 North McDonough Street, 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 North McDonough Street,
Judge of the Probate Court Room 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 1100 Room 1100
Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Decatur Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 250-441710 12/17 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur Georgia 30030
Probate Court 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 250-441708 12/17/2020 NOTICE 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 250-441706 12/17/2020 NOTICE ++2018-0722++ 260-441713 12/17
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Dismiss Executor NOTICE
DEKALB COUNTY Dismiss Guardian
250-441704 12/17 DEKALB COUNTY RE: PETITION of HARVEY E. CLARK and SYLVIA C. COPE- 260-441697 12/17 IN RE: ESTATE OF
Dismiss Administrator ++2018-1342++
Michael G. McAllister,
NOTICE RE: PETITION of ROY LEE MCKINLEY, DECEASED TO: All Interested Parties BENITEZ CORNEJO, [For Discharge from Office and
TO: All Interested Parties
++2019-1564++ HARRIS for DISCHARGE as TO: All Interested Parties This is to notify you to file ob- FORMER MINOR all Liability]
This is to notify you to file ob-
PROBATE COURT OF EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE This is to notify you to file ob- jection, if there is any, to the ESTATE NO. ++2019-1392++ IN RE: Petition for Discharge of
jection, if there is any, to the
DEKALB COUNTY OF HENRY HARRIS, JR., DE- jection, if there is any, to the above referenced petition, in Date of Publication, if any: Personal Representative
above referenced petition, in
RE: PETITION of TALAINA CEASED above referenced petition, in this Court on or before 12/17 TO: Whom it may Concern
this Court on or before
DAVIDA WOODSON for DIS- TO: All Interested Parties this Court on or before 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 2 0 . TO WHOM IT MAY CON- This is to notify you to file ob-
DE C E M B E R 2 8 , 2 0 2 0 .
CHARGE as ADMINISTRAT- This is to notify you to file ob- 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 2 0 . BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All CERN: jection, if there is any, to the
OR OF THE ESTATE OF jection, if there is any, to the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must The conservator of the above above-referenced Petition, in
objections to the petition must
DEETHEL WOODSON, DE- above referenced petition, in objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth estate, has applied for Dis- this Court on or before Decem-
be in writing, setting forth
CEASED this Court on or before Decem- be in writing, setting forth grounds of any such objections. charge from said trust. This is ber 28, 2020.
grounds of any such objections.
TO: All Interested Parties ber 28, 2020. grounds of any such objections. All pleadings/objections must to notify the above interested BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
All pleadings/objections must
This is to notify you to file ob- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All pleadings/objections must be signed before a notary pub- party(ies) to show cause, if any objections to the Petition must
be signed before a notary pub-
jection, if there is any, to the objections to the petition must be signed before a notary pub- lic or before a probate court they can, why said conservator be in writing, setting forth the
lic or before a probate court
above referenced petition, in be in writing, setting forth lic or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be should not be discharged from grounds of any such objections.
clerk and filing fees must be
this Court on or before grounds of any such objections. clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your office and liability. All objec- All objections should be sworn
tendered with your
12 / 2 8 / 2 0 2 0 . All pleadings/objections must tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless tions must be in writing, setting to before a notary public or be-
pleadings/objections, unless
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be signed before a notary pub- pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indi- forth the grounds of any such fore a Probate Court Clerk, and
you qualify to file as an indi-
objections to the petition must lic or before a probate court you qualify to file as an indi- gent party. Contact probate objections, and filed with the filing fees must be tendered
gent party. Contact probate
be in writing, setting forth clerk, and filing fees must be gent party. Contact probate court personnel at the follow- above Probate Court, 556 N. with your objections, unless
court personnel at the follow-
grounds of any such objections. tendered with your court personnel at the follow- ing address/telephone number McDonough Street, Decatur, you qualify to file as an indi-
ing address/telephone number
All pleadings/objections must pleadings/objections, unless ing address/telephone number for the required amount of fil- GA 30030 on or before Janu- gent party. Contact Probate
for the required amount of fil-
be signed before a notary pub- you qualify to file as an indi- for the required amount of fil- ing fees. If any objections are ary 18, 2021, said date being Court personnel for the re-
ing fees. If any objections are
lic or before a probate court gent party. Contact probate ing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be sched- more than 30 days from the quired amount of filing fees. If
filed, a hearing will be sched-
clerk, and filing fees must be court personnel at the follow- filed, a hearing will be sched- uled at a later date. If no objec- date of publication, or if person- any objections are filed, a hear-
uled at a later date. If no objec-
tendered with your ing address/telephone number uled at a later date. If no objec- tions are filed, the petition may ally served, then 10 days from ing will be scheduled at a later
tions are filed, the petition may
pleadings/objections, unless for the required amount of fil- tions are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. the date of such service. All date. If no objections are filed,
be granted without a hearing.
you qualify to file as an indi- ing fees. If any objections are be granted without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove pleadings must be signed be- the Petition may be granted
Bedelia C Hargrove
gent party. Contact probate filed, a hearing will be sched- Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court fore a notary public or probate without a hearing.
Judge of the Probate Court
court personnel at the follow- uled at a later date. If no objec- Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the court clerk, and filing fees must Bedelia C Hargrove
Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro-
ing address/telephone number tions are filed, the petition may Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Probate Court be tendered with your plead- Judge of the Probate Court
bate Court
for the required amount of fil- be granted without a hearing. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ings, unless you qualify to file Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
ing fees. If any objections are Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 as an indigent party. Contact Probate Court
filed, a hearing will be sched- Judge of the Probate Court 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 probate court personnel at the 556 North McDonough Street,
Decatur, Georgia 30030
uled at a later date. If no objec- Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 below address/telephone num- Room 1100
tions are filed, the petition may bate Court 404-371-2601 ber for the required amount of Decatur Georgia 30030
be granted without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. filing fees. 404-371-2601
Bedelia C Hargrove 1100 If any objections are filed, a
Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 hearing will be scheduled for a
Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the 404-371-2601 later date. If no objections are
Probate Court filed, the Petition may be gran-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ted without a hearing.
1100 Bedelia C Hargrove
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Judge of the Probate Court
404-371-2601 By:
Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the
Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030
probate court personnel at the ment of the Petitioner as tem- er as guardian, or if a parent
below address/telephone num- porary guardian, must be in who is not a natural guardian
ber for the required amount of writing, setting forth the files an objection to the Peti-
filing fees. grounds of any such objections, tion, a hearing on the matter
If any objections are filed, a and be filed with this Court no shall be scheduled at a later
hearing will be scheduled for a later than fourteen (14) days date. If no objection is filed, the
Page 26 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
later date. If no objections are
filed, the Petition may be gran-
after this notice is mailed, or Petition may be granted without
a hearing.
ten (10) days after this notice is
260-441714 12/17 260-441716 12/17 ted without a hearing. 270-441663 12/10,12/17 personally served upon you, or BEDELIA C HARGROVE
Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court
Estate No: ++2020-1892++
ten (10) days after the second
publication of this notice if you By:
PROBATE JUDGE Miscellaneous
STATE OF GEORGIA DEKALB COUNTY By: GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY are served by publication. All Kimberly H. Curry 290-441288 11/26,12/3,12/10
IN RE: ESTATE OF RE: ESTATE OF CHEZIBA Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the IN RE: PETITION OF DOMA- objections should be sworn to PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY 12/17
DECEASED MINOR 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. FOR TEMPORARY LETTERS gia probate court clerk and fil- 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm GENE DARLING Estate No.
ESTATE NO. ++2016-2124++ ESTATE NO. ++2007-1235++ 1100 OF GUARDIANSHIP ing fees must be tendered with 1100 ++2020-1794++
NOTICE Date of Publication, if any: Decatur, Georgia 30030 ESTATE OF MALIK MONTEL your objections, unless you Decatur, GA 30030 Petition By Personal Repres-
[For Discharge from Office and 12/17 404-371-2601 DAVIS qualify to file as an indigent 404-371-2663 entative for Waiver of Bond and
all Liability] TO WHOM IT MAY CON- DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: party. Contact Probate Court 270-441666 12/10,12/17 Grant of Certain Powers
IN RE: Petition for Discharge of CERN: NA
Personal Representative The conservator of the above Temp Guardian DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA-
personnel for the required
amount of filing fees.
Estate No: ++2020-1920++
TO: Whom it may Concern estate, has applied for Dis- TION, IF ANY: 12/17 NOTE: If a natural guardian GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY PROBATE COURT
This is to notify you to file ob- charge from said trust. This is 270-441662 12/10,12/17 TO: UNKNOWN, FATHER OF files a timely objection to the IN RE: PETITION OF RITA JOY CLAIRE DARLING has
jection, if there is any, to the to notify the above interested Estate No: ++2020-1891++ MALIK MONTEL DAVIS, creation of the temporary DENISE BYRD FOR TEMPOR- petitioned for waiver of bond
above-referenced Petition, in party(ies) to show cause, if any CITATION (MINOR) guardianship, the Petition will ARY LETTERS OF GUARDI- and for the grant of certain
this Court on or before Decem- they can, why said conservator GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY You are hereby notified that be dismissed. If a natural ANSHIP powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
ber 28, 2020. should not be discharged from IN RE: PETITION OF DOMA- DOMANIQUE DELORES LU- guardian files an objection to ESTATE OF AARIANNA DE- 53-12-261. All interested
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All office and liability. All objec- NIQUE DELORES LUCAS CAS has filed a Petition seek- the appointment of the Petition- SIREE EDWARDS parties are hereby notified to
objections to the Petition must tions must be in writing, setting FOR TEMPORARY LETTERS ing to be appointed temporary er as guardian, or if a parent DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: show cause why said Petition
be in writing, setting forth the forth the grounds of any such OF GUARDIANSHIP guardian of the above-named who is not a natural guardian NA should not be granted. All ob-
grounds of any such objections. objections, and filed with the ESTATE OF MYLES MCKIN- Minor. All objections to the Peti- files an objection to the Peti- DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- jections to the Petition must be
All objections should be sworn above Probate Court, 556 N. LEY DAVIS tion to the appointment of a tion, a hearing on the matter TION, IF ANY: 12/17 in writing, setting forth the
to before a notary public or be- McDonough Street, Decatur, DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: temporary guardian or the ap- shall be scheduled at a later TO: UNKNOWN, MOTHER OF grounds of any such objections,
fore a Probate Court Clerk, and GA 30030 on or before Janu- NA pointment of the Petitioner as date. If no objection is filed, the AARIANNA DESIREE ED- and must be filed with the Court
filing fees must be tendered ary 18, 2021, said date being DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- temporary guardian, must be in Petition may be granted without WARDS, (MINOR) on or before DECEMBER 21,
with your objections, unless more than 30 days from the TION, IF ANY: 12/17 writing, setting forth the a hearing. You are hereby notified that 2020.
you qualify to file as an indi- date of publication, or if person- TO: UNKNOWN, FATHER OF grounds of any such objections, BEDELIA C HARGROVE RITA DENISE BYRD has filed BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
gent party. Contact Probate ally served, then 10 days from MYLES MCKINLEY DAVIS, and be filed with this Court no PROBATE JUDGE a Petition seeking to be appoin- pleadings/objections must be
Court personnel for the re- the date of such service. All (MINOR) later than fourteen (14) days By: ted temporary guardian of the signed under oath before a not-
quired amount of filing fees. If pleadings must be signed be- You are hereby notified that after this notice is mailed, or Kimberly H. Curry above-named Minor. All objec- ary public or before a probate
any objections are filed, a hear- fore a notary public or probate DOMANIQUE DELORES LU- ten (10) days after this notice is PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY tions to the Petition to the ap- court clerk, and filing fees must
ing will be scheduled at a later court clerk, and filing fees must CAS has filed a Petition seek- personally served upon you, or CLERK pointment of a temporary be tendered with your plead-
date. If no objections are filed, be tendered with your plead- ing to be appointed temporary ten (10) days after the second 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm guardian or the appointment of ings/objections, unless you
the Petition may be granted ings, unless you qualify to file guardian of the above-named publication of this notice if you 1100 the Petitioner as temporary qualify to file as an indigent
without a hearing. as an indigent party. Contact Minor. All objections to the Peti- are served by publication. All Decatur, GA 30030 guardian, must be in writing, party. Contact probate court
Bedelia C Hargrove probate court personnel at the tion to the appointment of a objections should be sworn to 404-371-2663 setting forth the grounds of any personnel at the following ad-
Judge of the Probate Court below address/telephone num- temporary guardian or the ap- before a notary public or Geor- such objections, and be filed dress/telephone number for the
Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the ber for the required amount of pointment of the Petitioner as gia probate court clerk and fil- with this Court no later than required amount of filing fees. If
Probate Court filing fees. temporary guardian, must be in ing fees must be tendered with fourteen (14) days after this no- any objections are filed, a hear-
556 North McDonough Street, If any objections are filed, a writing, setting forth the your objections, unless you 270-441665 12/10,12/17 tice is mailed, or ten (10) days ing will be scheduled at a later
Room 1100 hearing will be scheduled for a grounds of any such objections, qualify to file as an indigent Estate No: ++2020-1868++ after this notice is personally date. If no objections are filed,
Decatur Georgia 30030 later date. If no objections are and be filed with this Court no party. Contact Probate Court CITATION served upon you, or ten (10) the petition may be granted
404-371-2601 filed, the Petition may be gran- later than fourteen (14) days personnel for the required GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY days after the second publica- without a hearing.
260-441715 12/17 ted without a hearing. after this notice is mailed, or amount of filing fees. IN RE: PETITION OF RHONDA tion of this notice if you are Bedelia C Hargrove
CITATION Bedelia C Hargrove ten (10) days after this notice is NOTE: If a natural guardian LAURICE JOHNSON AND served by publication. All objec- Judge of the Probate Court
PROBATE COURT OF Judge of the Probate Court personally served upon you, or files a timely objection to the GILDA HENLEY JOHNSON tions should be sworn to be- Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the
DEKALB COUNTY By: ten (10) days after the second creation of the temporary FOR TEMPORARY LETTERS fore a notary public or Georgia Probate Court
RE: ESTATE OF MARY Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the publication of this notice if you guardianship, the Petition will OF GUARDIANSHIP probate court clerk and filing 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
BRAGG, FORMER WARD Probate Court are served by publication. All be dismissed. If a natural ESTATE OF ROZARIA LEIGH fees must be tendered with 1100
ESTATE NO. ++2013-1788++ 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. objections should be sworn to guardian files an objection to JOHNSON your objections, unless you Decatur, Georgia 30030
Date of Publication, if any: 1100 before a notary public or Geor- the appointment of the Petition- DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: qualify to file as an indigent 404-371-2601
12/17 Decatur, Georgia 30030 gia probate court clerk and fil- er as guardian, or if a parent NA party. Contact Probate Court 290-441289 11/26, 12/3, 12/10,
TO WHOM IT MAY CON- 404-371-2601 ing fees must be tendered with who is not a natural guardian DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- personnel for the required 12/17
CERN: your objections, unless you files an objection to the Peti- TION, IF ANY: 12/17
260-441717 12/17 amount of filing fees. RE: BERA FREDEVA BROWN,
The conservator of the above qualify to file as an indigent tion, a hearing on the matter TO: UNKNOWN, FATHER OF
CITATION NOTE: If a natural guardian Deceased
estate, has applied for Dis- party. Contact Probate Court shall be scheduled at a later ROZARIA LEIGH JOHNSON,
PROBATE COURT OF files a timely objection to the Estate Nos. ++2018-2167++
charge from said trust. This is personnel for the required date. If no objection is filed, the (MINOR)
DEKALB COUNTY creation of the temporary NOTICE
to notify the above interested amount of filing fees. Petition may be granted without You are hereby notified that
RE: ESTATE OF LOIS guardianship, the Petition will GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
party(ies) to show cause, if any NOTE: If a natural guardian a hearing. RHONDA LAURICE JOHN-
WEAVER, FORMER WARD be dismissed. If a natural PROBATE COURT
they can, why said conservator files a timely objection to the BEDELIA C HARGROVE SON AND GILDA HENLEY
ESTATE NO. ++2018-0558++ guardian files an objection to To: Known and Any Unknown
should not be discharged from creation of the temporary PROBATE JUDGE JOHNSON has filed a Petition
Date of Publication, if the appointment of the Petition- Heirs
office and liability. All objec- guardianship, the Petition will By: seeking to be appointed tem-
any:12/17 er as guardian, or if a parent LUANNE M BONNIE has peti-
tions must be in writing, setting be dismissed. If a natural Kimberly H. Curry porary guardian of the above-
TO WHOM IT MAY CON- who is not a natural guardian tioned for a Determination of
forth the grounds of any such guardian files an objection to PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY named Minor. All objections to
CERN: files an objection to the Peti- Heirs regarding the Estate of
objections, and filed with the the appointment of the Petition- CLERK the Petition to the appointment
The conservator of the above tion, a hearing on the matter Bera Fredeva Brown. All inter-
above Probate Court, 556 N. er as guardian, or if a parent 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm of a temporary guardian or the
estate, has applied for Dis- shall be scheduled at a later ested parties are hereby noti-
McDonough Street, Decatur, who is not a natural guardian 1100 Decatur, GA 30030 404- appointment of the Petitioner
charge from said trust. This is date. If no objection is filed, the fied to show cause why said
GA 30030 on or before Janu- files an objection to the Peti- 371-2663 as temporary guardian, must
to notify the above interested Petition may be granted without Petition should not be granted.
ary 18, 2021, said date being tion, a hearing on the matter 270-441664 12/10,12/17 be in writing, setting forth the
party(ies) to show cause, if any a hearing. All objections to the Petition
more than 30 days from the shall be scheduled at a later Estate No: ++2020-1867++ grounds of any such objections,
they can, why said conservator BEDELIA C HARGROVE must be in writing, setting forth
date of publication, or if person- date. If no objection is filed, the CITATION and be filed with this Court no
should not be discharged from PROBATE JUDGE the grounds of any such objec-
ally served, then 10 days from Petition may be granted without GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY later than fourteen (14) days
office and liability. All objec- By: tions, and must be filed with the
the date of such service. All a hearing. IN RE: PETITION OF RHONDA after this notice is mailed, or
tions must be in writing, setting Kimberly H. Curry Court on or before December
pleadings must be signed be- BEDELIA C HARGROVE JOHNSON AND GILDA HEN- ten (10) days after this notice is
forth the grounds of any such PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY 21, 2020.
fore a notary public or probate PROBATE JUDGE LEY JOHNSON FOR TEM- personally served upon you, or
objections, and filed with the CLERK BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
court clerk, and filing fees must By: PORARY LETTERS OF ten (10) days after the second
above Probate Court, 556 N. 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm pleadings/objections must be
be tendered with your plead- Kimberly H. Curry GUARDIANSHIP publication of this notice if you
McDonough Street, Decatur, 1100 signed under oath before a not-
ings, unless you qualify to file PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY ESTATE OF XAVIER JOHN- are served by publication. All
GA 30030 on or before Janu- Decatur, GA 30030 ary public or before a probate
as an indigent party. Contact CLERK SON objections should be sworn to
ary 18, 2010, said date being 404-371-2663 court clerk, and filing fees must
probate court personnel at the 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: before a notary public or Geor-
more than 30 days from the be tendered with your plead-
below address/telephone num- 1100 NA gia probate court clerk and fil-
date of publication, or if person- ings/objections, unless you
ber for the required amount of Decatur, GA 30030 DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- ing fees must be tendered with
ally served, then 10 days from qualify to file as an indigent
filing fees. 404-371-2663 TION, IF ANY: 12/17 your objections, unless you
the date of such service. All party. Contact probate court
If any objections are filed, a pleadings must be signed be- TO: UNKNOWN, FATHER OF qualify to file as an indigent
personnel at the following ad-
hearing will be scheduled for a fore a notary public or probate XAVIER JOHNSON, (MINOR) party. Contact Probate Court
dress/telephone number for the
later date. If no objections are court clerk, and filing fees must You are hereby notified that personnel for the required
required amount of filing fees.
filed, the Petition may be gran- be tendered with your plead- RHONDA JOHNSON AND amount of filing fees.
Bedelia C Hargrove
ted without a hearing. ings, unless you qualify to file GILDA HENLEY JOHNSON NOTE: If a natural guardian
Judge of the Probate Court
Bedelia C Hargrove as an indigent party. Contact has filed a Petition seeking to files a timely objection to the
Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the
Judge of the Probate Court probate court personnel at the be appointed temporary guardi- creation of the temporary
Probate Court
By: below address/telephone num- an of the above-named Minor. guardianship, the Petition will
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the ber for the required amount of All objections to the Petition to be dismissed. If a natural
Probate Court filing fees. the appointment of a tempor- guardian files an objection to
Decatur, Georgia 30030
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. If any objections are filed, a ary guardian or the appoint- the appointment of the Petition-
1100 hearing will be scheduled for a ment of the Petitioner as tem- er as guardian, or if a parent
Decatur, Georgia 30030 later date. If no objections are porary guardian, must be in who is not a natural guardian
404-371-2601 filed, the Petition may be gran- writing, setting forth the files an objection to the Peti-
ted without a hearing. grounds of any such objections, tion, a hearing on the matter
Bedelia C Hargrove and be filed with this Court no shall be scheduled at a later
Judge of the Probate Court later than fourteen (14) days date. If no objection is filed, the
By: after this notice is mailed, or Petition may be granted without
Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the ten (10) days after this notice is a hearing.
Probate Court personally served upon you, or BEDELIA C HARGROVE
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ten (10) days after the second PROBATE JUDGE
1100 publication of this notice if you By:
Decatur, Georgia 30030 are served by publication. All Kimberly H. Curry
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 27
290-441718 12/17, 12/24, 310-441526 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 310-441668 12/10, 12/17, 310-441720 12/17, 12/24, 310-441722 12/17, 12/24,
12/31, 1/7
Will Year’s Support 12/24
12/24, 12/31
12/31, 1/7
12/31, 1/7
CARLTON ASKEW, Deceased 300-441247 11/26, 12/03, 310-441524 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, ++2020-1876++ ++2020-1903++ ++2020-1950++ ++2020-1708++
Estate Nos. ++2019-1687++ 12/10 12/17 12/24 TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties
NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE The Petition of JESSICA The Petition of MARY BRAN- The Petition of Steve N. Gilmer, The Petition of ROSE M
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ++2020-1829++ ++2019-1284++ TUCKER LOCKHART, for a NAN HEYWARD-GORDON, for for a year’s support from the WORTHY, for a year’s support
PROBATE COURT RE: PETITION OF CYNTHIA E TO: All Interested Parties year’s support from the estate a year’s support from the es- estate of Evelyn G Weinreich, from the estate of CARL AN-
To: Known and Any Unknown YAO TAM TO PROBATE IN The Petition of ALICIA of CHRISTOPHER LOCK- tate of JAMES ELIJAH GOR- Deceased, for Decedent’s Sur- THONY WORTHY, Deceased,
Heirs SOLEMN FORM THE WILL OF FRAGOMENI, for a year’s sup- HART, Deceased, for De- DON, Deceased, for viving Spouse and/or minor for Decedent’s Surviving
LEE OMMIE DAVIS has peti- DOROTHY TAO LIEN YAO, port from the estate of NATH- cedent’s Surviving Spouse and Decedent’s Surviving Spouse child, having been duly filed, all Spouse and minor child, hav-
tioned for a Determination of DECEASED, UPON WHICH ANIEL L. NICHOLSON, De- minor child, having been duly and minor child, having been interested persons are hereby ing been duly filed, all inter-
Heirs regarding the Estate of AN ORDER OR SERVICE ceased, for Decedent’s Surviv- filed, all interested persons are duly filed, all interested per- notified to show cause, if any ested persons are hereby noti-
Christopher Carlton Askew. All WAS GRANTED BY THIS ing Spouse and minor child, hereby notified to show cause, sons are hereby notified to they have, on or before fied to show cause, if any they
interested parties are hereby COURT. having been duly filed, all inter- if any they have, on or before show cause, if any they have, 01/11/2021, why said Petition have, on or before JANUARY
notified to show cause why said TO: Sin Ing Lo, Danu Setiawan, ested persons are hereby noti- DECEMBER 28, 2020, why on or before JANUARY 4, should not be granted. 11, 2021, why said Petition
Petition should not be granted. Budi Setiawan fied to show cause, if any they said Petition should not be 2021, why said Petition should All objections to the Petition should not be granted.
All objections to the Petition This is to notify you to file ob- have, on or before DECEM- granted. not be granted. must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition
must be in writing, setting forth jection, if there is any, to the BER 28, 2020, why said Peti- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth
the grounds of any such objec- Petition to Probate Will in Sol- tion should not be granted. must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth tions, and must be filed on or the grounds of any such objec-
tions, and must be filed with the emn Form, in this Court on or All objections to the Petition the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- before the time stated in the tions, and must be filed on or
Court on or before January 11, before 12/21/2020. must be in writing, setting forth tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or preceding sentence. All plead- before the time stated in the
2021. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All the grounds of any such objec- before the time stated in the before the time stated in the ings/objections should be preceding sentence. All plead-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the Petition must tions, and must be filed on or preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead- sworn to before a notary public ings/objections should be
pleadings/objections must be be in writing, setting forth the before the time stated in the ings/objections should be ings/objections should be or before a Probate Court sworn to before a notary public
signed under oath before a not- grounds of any such objections. preceding sentence. All plead- sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public Clerk, and filing fees must be or before a Probate Court
ary public or before a probate All objections should be sworn ings/objections should be or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court tendered with your objections, Clerk, and filing fees must be
court clerk, and filing fees must to before a notary public or be- sworn to before a notary public Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be unless you qualify to file as an tendered with your objections,
be tendered with your plead- fore a Probate Court Clerk, and or before a Probate Court tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections, indigent party. Contact Probate unless you qualify to file as an
ings/objections, unless you filing fees must be tendered Clerk, and filing fees must be unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an Court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact Probate
qualify to file as an indigent with your objections, unless tendered with your objections, indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate quired amount of filing fees. If Court personnel for the re-
party. Contact probate court you qualify to file as an indi- unless you qualify to file as an Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If
personnel at the following ad- gent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
dress/telephone number for the Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed ing will be scheduled at a later
required amount of filing fees. quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later the Petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed
Bedelia C Hargrove any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed without a hearing. the Petition may be granted
Judge of the Probate Court ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed without a hearing. without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
Probate Court the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove By: Judge of the Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. without a hearing. without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Ted S. Huggins, Clerk of the By: Morgan Johnson, Clerk of
1100 Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove By: By: Probate Court the Probate Court
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
404-371-2601 Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the By: Morgan Johnson, Clerk of Probate Court Probate Court 1100 1100
290-441719 12/17, 12/24 Probate Court the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
12/31, 01/07 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
IN RE: Estate of JORGEN LEIF 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 310-441721 12/17, 12/24,
WERNER LARSEN Estate 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 12/31, 1/7
Number- ++2020-1899++
Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 310-441667 12/10, 12/17, 310-441669 12/10, 12/17, NOTICE Public Hearing
Petition By Personal Repres- 300-441523 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 310-441525 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 12/24, 12/31 12/24, 12/31 ++2020-1955++
entative for NOTICE NOTICE TO: All Interested Parties 320-441670 12/10,12/17
12/24 12/24
Waiver of Bond and Grant of ++2020-1883++ ++2020-1882++ The Petition of Josefina Cosme NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC
Certain Powers TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties Mermon, for a year’s support YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED
++2020-1841++ ++2020-1850++
NOTICE The Petition of MONICA The Petition of ANNETTE from the estate of Martin Betan- that on December 21, 2020, at
RE: PETITION OF BARBARA TO: All Interested Parties
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY LOUISE YAHR, for a year’s GROOMS, for a year’s support court a/k/a Martin Betancourt 9:00 a.m., the Honorable Judge
PROBATE COURT support from the estate of from the estate of JOHN ADAM Arellano, Deceased, for De- Gregory A. Adams of the Su-
BATE IN SOLEMN FORM THE LEWIS, for a year’s support
SUSANNE KROGH LARSEN BARRY SAUL YAHR, De- GROOMS, Deceased, for De- cedent’s Surviving Spouse and perior Court of DeKalb County
WILL OF JAMES GATSON, from the estate of ENOS FITZ-
BAGBY has petitioned for ceased, for Decedent’s Surviv- cedent’s Surviving Spouse and minor child, having been duly will hear the case of STATE OF
waiver of bond and for the ing Spouse and minor child, minor child, having been duly filed, all interested persons are GEORGIA vs. DOWNTOWN
AN ORDER OR SERVICE for Decedent’s Surviving
grant of certain powers con- having been duly filed, all inter- filed, all interested persons are hereby notified to show cause, DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
WAS GRANTED BY THIS Spouse and minor child, hav-
tained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. ested persons are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, on or before OF THE CITY OF DORAVILLE
COURT. ing been duly filed, all inter-
All interested parties are fied to show cause, if any they if any they have, on or before 01/11/2021, why said Petition and LOTUS GROVE, LLC, Civil
TO: JAIMIE GATSON ested persons are hereby noti-
hereby notified to show cause have, on or before JANUARY JANUARY 4, 2021, why said should not be granted. Action File No. 20CV8165 in
This is to notify you to file ob- fied to show cause, if any they
why said Petition should not be 4, 2021, why said Petition Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition the Superior Court of DeKalb
jection, if there is any, to the have, on or before DECEM-
granted. All objections to the should not be granted. All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth County, as a remote proceed-
Petition to Probate Will in Sol- BER 28, 2020, why said Peti-
Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- ing via video conference, by
emn Form, in this Court on or tion should not be granted.
ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed on or which the Court, parties, coun-
before DECEMBER 28, 2020. All objections to the Petition
such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed on or before the time stated in the sel, and any interested mem-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All must be in writing, setting forth
filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed on or before the time stated in the preceding sentence. All plead- ber of the public who may de-
objections to the Petition must the grounds of any such objec-
fore 1/11/2021. before the time stated in the preceding sentence. All plead- ings/objections should be sire to appear shall participate
be in writing, setting forth the tions, and must be filed on or
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All preceding sentence. All plead- ings/objections should be sworn to before a notary public via the following information:
grounds of any such objections. before the time stated in the
pleadings/objections must be ings/objections should be sworn to before a notary public or before a Probate Court Zoom link: https://dekalb-
All objections should be sworn preceding sentence. All plead-
signed under oath before a not- sworn to before a notary public or before a Probate Court Clerk, and filing fees must be
to before a notary public or be- ings/objections should be
ary public or before a probate or before a Probate Court Clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your objections, 31 []
fore a Probate Court Clerk, and sworn to before a notary public
court clerk, and filing fees must Clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your objections, unless you qualify to file as an Telephone Dial-In Number:
filing fees must be tendered or before a Probate Court
be tendered with your plead- tendered with your objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact Probate (888) 270-9936
with your objections, unless Clerk, and filing fees must be
ings/objections, unless you unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact Probate Court personnel for the re- Conference code: 353964
you qualify to file as an indi- tendered with your objections,
qualify to file as an indigent indigent party. Contact Probate Court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If In the event that the judicial or-
gent party. Contact Probate unless you qualify to file as an
party. Contact probate court Court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- der is continued and extended
Court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact Probate
personnel at the following ad- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later and the Court determines that
quired amount of filing fees. If Court personnel for the re-
dress/telephone number for the any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed an in-person hearing is appro-
any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If
required amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed the Petition may be granted priate, the Court will require ap-
ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed the Petition may be granted without a hearing. pearance of the parties, coun-
date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later
ing will be scheduled at a later the Petition may be granted without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove sel, and any interested mem-
the Petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed
date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court ber of the public before the Su-
without a hearing. the Petition may be granted
the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court By: perior Court of DeKalb County
Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court By: Ted S. Huggins, Clerk of the at the DeKalb County Court-
Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
Bedelia C Hargrove By: Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the Probate Court house. Said hearing being a
Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. proceeding to confirm and val-
bate Court By:
Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 idate a Taxable Revenue Bond
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the
Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 (Lotus Grove, LLC Project),
1100 Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Series 2020 in a maximum prin-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 cipal amount of $120,000,000
404-371-2601 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 (the “Series 2020 Bond”), and a
Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 Taxable Revenue Bond (Lotus
Grove, LLC Project), Series
2020 A, a Taxable Revenue
Bond (Lotus Grove, LLC
Project), Series 2020 B, and a
Taxable Revenue Bond (Lotus
Grove, LLC Project), Series
2020 C to apportion and re-
place in part such Series 2020
Bond (collectively with the
Series 2020 Bond, the
“Bonds”), to be issued by the
Downtown Development Au-
thority of the City of Doraville
(the “Issuer”) pursuant to the
Bond (Lotus Grove, LLC proceeding to confirm and val- Congress'; STATES; U.S.;
Project), Series 2020 B, and a idate a Taxable Revenue Bond Agents; Agencies; Attorney's;
Taxable Revenue Bond (Lotus (Allen Family Investments BAR associations; Exchequers;
Grove, LLC Project), Series L.L.C. Project), Series 2020, in Judges; Persons; Vessels;
2020 C to apportion and re- a maximum principal amount of Counties; Townships; Militaries;
place in part such Series 2020 $50,000,000 (the “Bond”), to be Courts; Courts Martial; Schools;
Page 28
Bond (collectively with the
Series 2020 Bond, the
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
issued by Stonecrest Develop- Universities; the United
ment Authority (the “Issuer”) States/Democracy; United
“Bonds”), to be issued by the pursuant to the terms of a res- 320-441758 12/17 330-441672 12/10,12/17 330-441696 12/17,12/24 330-441769 12/17,12/24 States of America/Republic;
Downtown Development Au- olution adopted by the Issuer, NOTICE OF ABANDONED MOTOR NOTICE: SUPREME COURT federal UNITED STATES;
thority of the City of Doraville in order to promote and ex- PUBLIC HEARING VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT A change of licensee applica- OF GEORGIA UNITED NATIONS; United Na-
(the “Issuer”) pursuant to the pand for the public good and Notice is hereby given that the NOTICE tion is being filed for liquor, Disciplinary Proceedings tions Security Council; Territor-
terms of a resolution adopted welfare, industry, trade, com- Mayor and Council of the City (TOWING OR STORAGE beer, and wine retail dealer li- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION ies in Possession of UNITED
by the Issuer, in order to pro- merce, and employment oppor- of Pine Lake will hold a Public COMPANY) cense for ++Aksharmahant, In the Matter of Joseph Harold STATES; United States Armed
mote the revitalization and re- tunities within the City of Stone- Hearing on the ++2021 Pro- Vehicle make: BMW LLC d/b/a/ Gresham Package Turner, Jr., Respondent Forces, JAG, United States De-
development of the central crest (the “City”). The Bond is posed Budgets on December Year: 2014 Store++ located at 2485 Gre- State Bar Number 719482 fense Dept. US Postal Union,
business district of the City of to be issued to finance a 22, 2020++. Final adoption of Model: 328 I sham Rd SE, Atlanta, GA Supreme Court Docket Nos. United States Department of
Doraville, thereby developing mixed-use commercial develop- the budget is scheduled for the Vehicle ID#: 30316-3715. Sanjaykumar S20Y0947 and S20Y0948 Agriculture; United States De-
and promoting for the public ment and economic develop- regular Council Meeting on WBA3A5G51ENP28734 Bhikhubhai Patel will be the li- ++State Disciplinary Board partment of Commerce; United
good and general welfare ment project under O.C.G.A.§ December 29, 2020. Both Vehicle License: censee. Sanjaykumar Docket Nos. 7358 and 7359++ States d/b/a Department of
trade, commerce, industry, and 36 62 2(6)(N), including land, meetings will begin at 7:00PM GT97 Bhikhubhai Patel is the sole TO: Joseph Harold Turner, Jr., Home Land Security; United
employment opportunities. The one or more buildings and re- and will be held electronically State: CA member of Aksharmahant, LLC 4964-B Lavista Road States Department of Treasury;
Bonds are to be issued for the lated improvements to be con- via Zoom. Log in information for You are hereby notified, in ac- Tucker, GA 30084 Vatican; Indian Tribes; B.I.S.;
purpose of financing the costs structed thereon or therein, and the meetings can be found at: cordance with OCGA 40-11- 330-441734 12/17,12/24,12/31 You are hereby notified that the Associated Bands and
of land, buildings and related building fixtures and building 19(a)(2), that the above-refer- 1/7 above-styled Notices of Discip- Clans…“I” Tracey, Mark, Alex-
improvements, building fixtures equipment (collectively, the ncilMinutes.aspx. The pro- enced vehicle is subject to a li- NOTICE OF LOCATION AND line seeking your disbarment ander, aka Mark Alexander:
and building equipment loc- “Project”), to be leased to Allen posed budget will be available en and a petition may be filed DESIGN APPROVAL from the practice of law in Tracey aka Mark aka Mark Al-
ated or to be located in the Family Investments L.L.C., a for public review on the web- in court to foreclose a lien for ++P. I. 0015071++ Georgia pursuant to Bar Rule exander house of Tracey, a Na-
central business district of the Michigan limited liability com- site beginning December 15, all amounts owed. If the lien is DEKALB COUNTY 4-208.1 were filed in the Su- tional of America, inhabitant of
City, to be leased to Lotus pany authorized to transact 2020. foreclosed, a court shall order Notice is hereby given in com- preme Court of Georgia on the land currently standing at
Grove, LLC, a Georgia limited business in the State of Geor- the sale of the vehicle to satis- pliance with Georgia Code 22- March 4, 2020. Unless the No- Latitude: 40.880430° N/ Longit-
liability company (the “Com- gia (the “Company”). In such fy the debt. 2-109 and 32-3-5 that the tices are rejected as provided ude: -73.881200° W, on Am-
pany”). In such proceeding, the proceeding, the Court will also Public Notice The vehicles are currently loc- Georgia Department of Trans- in Bar Rule 4-208.3, you will aruca / West Alkebulan / Amex-
Court will also (a) hear and de- (a) hear and determine the ated at 344 Kathleen Dr SE, portation has approved the have no right to an evidentiary em / Al Moruc / Amaruca / aka
termine the validity of instru- validity of instruments relating 330-440580 10/29,11/5,11/12 Marietta,Ga.30067 Location and Design of this hearing and will be subject to America (u.S.A.] / The United
ments relating to and providing to and providing security for the 11/19,11/26,12/3,12/10,12/17, Anyone with an ownership in- project. such discipline and further pro- States of America republic, one
security for the Bonds, and (b) Bond, and (b) hear and determ- 12/24,12/31,1/7 terest in this vehicle should The date of location and design ceedings as may be determ- hereby acknowledges my elec-
hear and determine such other ine such other questions of law NOTICE OF LAND SWAP OF contact the following business approval is: December 9, 2020 ined by the Supreme Court. tion and occupancy of the of-
questions of law and fact per- and fact pertaining to the right 40 ACRES AT 2109 immediately : K.O. Towing, 344 The proposed project is to re- SEE Rule fice of General Executor, Ad-
taining to the right of the Issuer of the Issuer to issue the Bond BOULDERCREST ROAD, AT- Dr Se, Marietta, Ga 30067. configure US 278 / SR 10 from 4-208.1 ff, Rules and Regula- ministrative Trustee, General
to issue the Bonds and to and to provide the security LANTA, GA FOR 52.9 ACRES 770-650-1413 a 5-lane section to a 3-lane tions for the Organization and Guardian, Protectorate, Benefi-
provide the security therefor. therefor. The Bond shall be a AT 2058 BOULDERCREST ++BMW 2014 328I section from Sams Crossing to Government of the State Bar of cial Owner, Beneficial Interest
The Bonds shall be special and special and limited obligation of ROAD, ATLANTA, GA /WBA3A5G51ENP28734++ Ashton Place. Project is loc- Georgia. Pursuant to Bar Rule holder and Beneficiary of the
limited obligations of the Issuer, the Issuer, payable from funds The public is hereby notified 330-441673 12/10,12/17 ated in Avondale Estates, 4-208.3, you have 30 days from divine estate “MARK ALEXAN-
payable from funds provided by provided by the Company or its that pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36- ABANDONED MOTOR DeKalb County; Land Lots 247, December 24, 2020, to reject DER TRACEY” a united States
the Company or its successors, successors, shall not be pay- 9-3(a)(3)(A), on October 13, VEHICLE PETITION 248 and 249; Land District 1. each Notice of Discipline. of America person, who has
shall not be payable from taxes able from taxes or other public 2020, the DeKalb County Gov- ADVERTISEMENT This project will provide multi- elected, gifted and granted ME
or other public funds, and NO funds, and NO PERFORM- erning Authority approved its You are hereby notified, in ac- modal travel in each direction, 330-441770 12/17,12/24 by its Divine Creator, State of
PERFORMANCE AUDIT OR ANCE AUDIT OR PERFORM- willingness to enter into a real cordance with O.C.G.A. Sec- widened sidewalks for pedestri- STATE BAR OF GEORGIA NEW YORK, on OCTOBER
PERFORMANCE REVIEW ANCE REVIEW SHALL BE estate exchange of approxim- tion 40-11-19.1, that petitions an travel with ADA accessible STATE DISCIPLINARY 6th, 1978. My election to Ex-
SHALL BE CONDUCTED CONDUCTED WITH RE- ately 40.00 acres of land cur- were filed in the Magistrate ramps, crosswalks at intersec- BOARD ecutor office was held in the
WITH RESPECT TO SUCH SPECT TO SUCH BOND IS- rently owned by DeKalb County Court of Cobb County to fore- tions, landscaping, seating NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION County of Bronx, New York
BOND ISSUE. Any citizen of SUE. Any citizen of the State of in the County’s ++Intrench- close liens against the vehicles areas and pedestrian enhance- Service by Publication state at 3:50 p.m. Therefore, I
the State of Georgia residing in Georgia residing in the City, or ment Creek Park located at listed below for all amounts ments. The project length is ap- TO: Joseph Harold Turner, Jr. affirm and declare as occupant
the City, or any other person any other person wherever 2109 Bouldercrest Road,At- owed. If a lien is foreclosed, the proximately 1.01-miles. Lane Georgia State Bar No. 719482 of the executor office, I will not
wherever residing who has a residing who has a right to ob- lanta, GA for approximately Court shall order the sale of the striping transition for the re- Re: ++Office of General Coun- be responsible for the debts of
right to object, may intervene ject, may intervene and be- 52.9 acres of property located vehicle to satisfy the debt. The duced lanes will begin approx- sel File Nos. 200053, 200095, the United States/
and become a party to these come a party to these proceed- at 2058 Bouldercrest Road,At- present location of the vehicle imately 1,000 ft west of the 200096 and 200104++ UNITED STATES/United
proceedings. ings. lanta, GA,++ currently owned is: 344 Kathleen Dr. Se, Mari- Sams Crossing intersection. Notices of Investigation have States of America and any of
Clerk, Superior Court, DeKalb Clerk, Superior Court, DeKalb by Bouldercrest 70, LLC and etta GA 30067. Drawings or maps or plats of been issued in accordance with its Persons, and neither will I
County, Georgia County, Georgia Blackhall Real Estate Phase II, Anyone with an ownership in- the proposed project, as ap- Bar Rule 4-204.1 based upon pay or be responsible or forced
++DOWNTOWN DEVELOP- ++STATE OF GEORGIA vs. LLC. Please contact Zachary L. terest in a vehicle listed herein proved, are on file and are grievances filed against you. pay for the debts of any U.S.
MENT AUTHORITY OF THE STONECREST DEVELOP- Williams, Executive Assistant may file an answer to the peti- available for public inspection Service of a Notice of Investig- Person, See Senate Document
CITY OF DORAVILLE and LO- MENT AUTHORITY and AL- and Chief Operating Officer for tion on or before: 12/22/2020. at the City of Avondale Estates: ation by publication is author- No.43, 73rd Congress, 1st Ses-
TUS GROVE, LLC, Civil Action LEN FAMILY INVESTMENTS DeKalb County, 1300 Com- Answer forms may be found in Shannon Powell, City of ized by Bar Rule 4-204.2. sion. Should any one chose to
File No.20CV8165++ L.L.C., Civil Action File merce Drive, Decatur, GA the Magistrate Court Clerk's of- Avondale Estates Pursuant to Bar Rule 4- rebut this matter please email
320-441671 12/10,12/17 No.20CV8159++ 30030. fice located at: 32 Waddell St 204.3(a), you are required to the Executor, office AT
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 320-441757 12/17,12/24 SE, Marietta, GA 30090. 21 North Avondale Plaza file with the State Disciplinary MARKALEXANDER-
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED CITY OF BROOKHAVEN Forms may also be obtained Avondale Estates, GA 30002 Board member assigned to in-
that on December 21, 2020, at NOTICE OF 330-441152 11/26,12/3,12/10 online at www.georgiamagis- 404-294-5400 vestigate the grievances filed within 21 days of this Notice.
9:00 a.m., the Honorable Judge PUBLIC HEARING 12/17 Any interested party may ob- against you written responses see: 12 CFR § 5.8/17 U.S.C.
Gregory A. Adams of the Su- Topic: CITY OF Public Notice tain a copy of the drawings or to the Notices of Investigation §§ 101 - 810.All Rights Re-
perior Court of DeKalb County BROOKHAVEN ++GATEWAY Copyright Notice: All rights re- Vehicle make: KIA maps or plats or portions there- within 30 days of December 24, served. ALL RIGHTS RE-
will hear the case of STATE OF SOUTH CHARACTER AREA served. Year: 2015 of by paying a nominal fee and 2020. SERVED.
GEORGIA vs. STONECREST STUDY COMPREHENSIVE Copyright of trade-name/trade- Model: SOUL requesting in writing to: Pursuant to Bar Rule 4- ========================
DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PLAN 2034 SUPPLEMENT++ mark CWANE DERRICK Vehicle I.D# Kimberly W. Nesbitt 204.3(d), your failure to answer Notice from the Office of the
and ALLEN FAMILY INVEST- MITCHELL© TRUST including KNDJP3A56F7750255 Georgia Department of Trans- the Notices of Investigation Executor aka Estate Protector-
MENTS L.L.C., Civil Action File Purpose: PUBLIC HEARINGS any and all derivatives and vari- Vehicle License #: NA portation may result in your suspension ate.
No. 20CV8159 in the Superior RELATING TO REVIEW OF ations in the spelling, i.e NOT State: Office of Program Delivery from the practice of law in ========================
Court of DeKalb County, as a THE GATEWAY SOUTH limited to capitalized names: Magistrate Court Case No.: 600 West Peachtree St NW Georgia until answers are filed. ++ “ M A R K A L E X A N D E R
remote proceeding via video CHARACTER AREA STUDY. CWANE DERRICK MITCHELL 20-L-02933 Atlanta, GA 30308 330-441771 12/17 TRACEY”++
conference, by which the Court, TRUST. MITCHELL©, CDM©, Attn: Shannon Powell, City of PUBLIC NOTICE
parties, counsel, and any inter- Date: PLANNING COMMIS- CWANE MITCHELL©, Vehicle make: BMW Avondale Estates An Application has been 330-441773 12/17
ested member of the public SION PUBLIC HEARING: MITCHELL CWANE CD©, CD Year: 2005 applied for a Liquor, Beer, and COMBINED NOTICE
who may desire to appear shall JANUARY 6, 2021 MITCHELL©, or any derivat- Model: 745 I 21 North Avondale Plaza Wine Retail Dealer License NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO
participate via the following in- MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ives thereof are under Copy- Vehicle I.D# Avondale Estates, GA 30002 for++MSD MANAGEMENT SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND
formation: HEARING: JANUARY 26, 2021 right 2008. WBAGL63505DP76092 404-294-5400 LLC++, 180 W Ponce De Leon NOTICE OF INTENT TO RE-
Zoom link: https://dekalb- Said common-law trade- Vehicle License #: Any written request or commu- Ave, Suite B, Decatur, GA QUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS Time: 7:00 P.M. name/trademark, CWANE RKI2378 nication in reference to this 30030. The owner is MICK PA- Georgia Department of
31 [] DERRICK MITCHELL TRUST State: GA project or notice SHOULD in- TEL, 2403 Lively Trail NE, At- Community Affairs
Telephone Dial-In Number: Location: may neither be used nor repro- Magistrate Court Case No.: 20- clude the Project and P. I. lanta, GA 30345 60 Executive Park South, NE
(888) 270-9936 duced, neither in whole nor in L-02930 Numbers as noted at the top of Atlanta, GA30329-2231;
Conference code: 353964 65159 part, in any manner whatso- ++ KIA 2015 SOUL this notice. 330-441772 12/17,12/24,12/31 (404) 596-2626
In the event that the judicial or- **SUBJECT TO CHANGE. ever, without the prior, express, KNDJP3A56F7750255 /20-L- MY WITWORD. LEGAL NEWS Ryan Fleming
der is continued and extended CHECK CITY WEBSITE FOR written consent and acknow- 02933 /BMW 2005 745 PAPER. These notices shall satisfy two
and the Court determines that UPDATE** ledgement of Trustee/Trust in /WBAGL63505DP76092 /20-L- MARK ALEXANDER TRACEY, separate but related procedur-
an in-person hearing is appro- writing. 02930++ ESTATE al requirements for activities to
priate, the Court will require ap- ++CWANE DERRICK Commercial NOTICE! be undertaken by New Afford-
pearance of the parties, coun- MITCHELL© TRUST++ Commercial. able Housing Partners, LLC
sel, and any interested mem- With all inherent rights given to REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF
ber of the public before the Su- 330-441388 12/10,12/17JH me of Yahweh my Elohyim. FUNDS
perior Court of DeKalb County PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE! To all Municipalities, At least one day after the end
at the DeKalb County Court- An Application has been Corporations; Local, National of the comment period the
house. Said hearing being a applied for a Liquor, Beer, and and International Governments; Georgia Department of Com-
proceeding to confirm and val- Wine Retail Dealer License for Congress'; STATES; U.S.; munity Affairs (DCA) will sub-
idate a Taxable Revenue Bond ++Beverage World Package Agents; Agencies; Attorney's; mit a request to the US Depart-
(Allen Family Investments Store++, 6731 Peachtree In- BAR associations; Exchequers; ment of Housing and Urban
L.L.C. Project), Series 2020, in dustrial Blvd, Atlanta, GA Judges; Persons; Vessels; Development (HUD) for the re-
a maximum principal amount of 30360. The owner is Kam- Counties; Townships; Militaries; lease of HOME Investment
$50,000,000 (the “Bond”), to be leshkumar C. Patel, 6731 Courts; Courts Martial; Schools; Partnerships Program funds
issued by Stonecrest Develop- Peachtree Industrial Blvd, At- Universities; the United (Title II of the Cranston-Gonza-
ment Authority (the “Issuer”) lanta, GA 30360. States/Democracy; United lez National Affordable Hous-
pursuant to the terms of a res- States of America/Republic; ing Act of 1990) for the follow-
olution adopted by the Issuer, federal UNITED STATES; ing project:
in order to promote and ex- UNITED NATIONS; United Na- Columbia Village
pand for the public good and tions Security Council; Territor- James Grauley,
munity Affairs (DCA) will sub- the required procedures (24 20V43633
mit a request to the US Depart- CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) and
ment of Housing and Urban shall be addressed to the At- NISSAN 13 ALTIMA
Development (HUD) for the re- lanta CPD Field Office at 1N4AL3AP7DN533213
lease of HOME Investment CPD_COVID-19OEE- HEH1498 NC 20V43682
Partnerships Program funds . Potential ob-

(Title II of the Cranston-Gonza- The Champion Legal Section,
jectors should contact the At- PONTIAC 05Thursday,
BONNEVILLE DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 29
lez National Affordable Hous- lanta CPD Field Office via email 1G2HY54K724192084
ing Act of 1990) for the follow- to verify the actual last day of 330-441777 12/17,12/24 68573A9 TX 20V43645 330-441779 12/17,12/24 330-441780 12/17,12/24 330-441787 12/17,12/24,12/31
ing project: the objection period. ABANDONED MOTOR ABANDONED MOTOR ABANDONED MOTOR 1/7
Columbia Village ++Columbia Village++ VEHICLE PETITION SATURN 06 VUE VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT VEHICLE PETITION Certificate of Assumed Name
James Grauley, ADVERTISEMENT 5GZCZ53416S899820 NA NA NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT Minnesota Statutes,, Notice that a petition was filed 20V43650 (SOUTH DEKALB TOWING) You are hereby notified, in ac- Chapter 333;
404-419-1432 in the Magistrate Court of You are hereby notified, in ac- cordance with O.C.G.A. Sec- ASSUMED NAME: MYRIAH
Acquisition/Rehab Dekalb County to foreclose a li- TOYOTA 16 COROLLA 5YF- cordance with OCGA 40-11- tion 40-11-19.1, that petitions ALISA MOSBY;
100 Jessica Avenue, Decatur, en for all amounts owed. If the BURHE5GP459333 WWT668 19(a)(2), that each of the fol- were filed in the Magistrate registered at the Office of the
Dekalb, GA 30032 lien is foreclosed, a court shall GA 20V43681 lowing below-referenced Court of Cobb County to fore- Minnesota Secretary of State;
$18,164,623 order the sale of the below lis- vehicles are subject to a lien close liens against the vehicles 119885330024
FINDING OF NO SIGNIFIC- 330-441774 12/17 ted vehicles to satisfy a debt. 330-441778 12/17,12/24 and a petition may be filed in listed below for all amounts Original File#: 1198853300024
ANT IMPACT Major Spill Notice: Your vehicle is presently loc- ABANDONED MOTOR court to foreclose a lien for all owed. If a lien is foreclosed, the Filed: 12/09/2020; 11:59 PM;
The Georgia Department of 3310 Harvester Woods Road, ated at: South Metro Towing VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT amounts owed. If the lien is Court shall order the sale of the Nameholder:
Community Affairs (DCA) re- Decatur, GA 30034 Inc 1920 Moreland Ave SE At- NOTICE foreclosed, a court shall order vehicle to satisfy the debt. The Mosby, Samuel Lee Jr:
ceived an application in Octo- On November 23, 2020, lanta, GA 30316 You are hereby notified, in ac- the sale of the vehicle to satis- present location of the vehicle Active/In Good Standing.
ber 2020 for the award of feder- DeKalb County notified EPD Anyone with an ownership in- cordance with OCGA § 40-11- fy the debt. is: 344 Kathleen Dr. Se, Mari- ++ASSUMED NAME: MYRIAH
al HOME funding for the devel- and the public pursuant to EPD terest in any vehicle listed may 19(a) (2), that each of the be- The vehicles are currently loc- etta GA 30067. ALISA MOSBY++
opment of this project. DCA 391-3-6-.05 of a 27,200-gallon file an answer to this petition on low-referenced vehicles are ated at South Dekalb Towing, Anyone with an ownership in- 330-441788 12/17,12/24,12/31
has determined that the project wastewater spill that occurred or before the 24th day from subject to a lien and a petition 7043 Rogers Lake Rd, Lithonia terest in a vehicle listed herein 1/7
will have no significant impact on November 23, 2020, at when the advertisement first may be filed in court to fore- GA 30058. may file an answer to the peti- NOTICE OF DETOUR
on the human environment. 13:14 hours, at ++3310 Har- runs. Answer forms may be close a lien for all amounts The vehicles subject to liens as tion on or before: 12/29/2020. APPROVAL
Therefore, an Environmental vester Woods Road, Decatur found in the Magistrate Court owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a stated above are identified as: Answer forms may be found in ++P. I. 0013333++
Impact Statement under the into an un-named tributary to Clerk’s office located at: Magis- court shall order the sale of the Year, Make, Model, Vin: the Magistrate Court Clerk's of- DeKalb COUNTY
National Environmental Policy Shoal Creek++. The spill was trate Court Clerk 556 N. Mc- vehicle to satisfy the debt. fice located at: 32 Waddell St Notice is hereby given that the
Act of 1969 (NEPA) is not re- due to a rags debris blockage Donough St # 230 Decatur, GA The vehicles are currently loc- ++2017 CHEVY SILVERADO SE, Marietta, GA 30090. Georgia Department of Trans-
quired. that caused manholes 15-093- 30030. ated at 2481 Old Covington 3GCUKRECXHG176502++ Forms may also be obtained portation has approved the use
Additional project information is s200 and 15-093-s125 to over- Forms may also be obtained Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 77091 online at www.georgiamagis- of and the routing of a detour
contained in the Environmental flow and discharge into the un- online at The vehicles subject to liens as for this project.
Review Record (ERR) pre- named tributary. The problem www.georgiamagistratecouncil. stated above are identified as: 2014 TOYOTA CAMRY The date of detour approval is:
pared by DCA. This ERR is on was corrected on November com. 4T1BF1FXEU361253 Vehicle make: FORD December 7, 2020
file at DCA at 60 Executive 23, 2020 at 16:16 hours when Make Year Model VIN Tag ++2005 Ford Freestyle Black 78415 Year: 2003 The proposed project will
Park South, N.E. Atlanta, GA the responding DeKalb County Number State Case Number TAG# <unknown> V.I.N. # Model: ESCORT ZX2 provide operational improve-
30329 by appointment only and Department of Watershed Man- 1FMDK06145GA32858++ re- 2015 LEXUS IS 250 Vehicle I.D# ments to the existing intersec-
may be examined or copied agement rodded the main 57 ++CHEVY 07 HHR moved from 854 SHEPPARD JTHBF1D28F5051765 3FAFP11343R113450 tions of CS 2776/Maynard Ter-
weekdays from 8:30 A.M. to feet downstream and removed 3GNDA33P27S575946++ NA RD STONE MOUNTAIN GA. 78426 Vehicle License #: race at the I-20 Eastbound Off
5:00 P.M. the debris blockage and re- NA 20V43634 NA State: Ramp and CS 2776/Maynard
PUBLIC COMMENTS stored flow. 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt Silver 2019 FORD MUSTANG Magistrate Court Case No.: Terrace at McPherson Avenue.
Any individual, group, or CHEVY 09 MALIBU TAG# RVF3315 GA V.I.N. # 1FA6P8TH5K5160781 20-L-03022 The project will construct a par-
agency wishing to comment on 330-441776 12/17 1G1ZG57B89F111485 1G1AK55F777387553 re - 78437 tial multi-lane roundabout and
the project or ERR may submit PUBLIC NOTICE – EARLY RHP2877 GA 20V43672 moved from 100 Ashley Creek Vehicle make: AUDI will include curb and gutter as
written comments to Ryan PROCESSING OF ABSENT- Cir, Stone Mountain, Georgia 2001 NISSAN ALTIMA Year: 2008 well as sidewalk along CS
Fleming, from December 17, EE BALLOTS FOR THE JANU- CHEVY 06 IMPALA 3008. 1N4DL01D71C196809 Model: A4 2.0 T 2776/Maynard Terrace and
2020 to January 1, 2021 All ARY 5, 2021 GENERAL/SPE- 2G1WU581369337133 78463 Vehicle I.D# McPherson Avenue. The
comments must be received by CIAL ELECTION RUNOFF 50294878 GA 20V43677 2005 Hyundai XG350 Green WAUAF78E88A133846 project is approximately 0.2
within the fifteen (15) day com- Pursuant to SEB Rule 183-1- (Dk) TAG# RQN3384 GA V.I.N. 2001 INFINITI I30 Vehicle License #: miles in length and within the
ment period. 14-0.0-.15, the DeKalb County CHEVY 10 EQUINOX 2CNAL- # KMHFU45E85A391664 re- JNKCA31A71T017895 RQR1878 city limits of Atlanta in DeKalb
RELEASE OF FUNDS Board of Registration and Elec- BEW4A6236045 CFW9066 GA moved from 3629 Montreal 78478 State: GA County. The I-20 EB Off Ramp
DCA certifies to the HUD that tions hereby gives notice that it 20V43657 Creek Cir, Clarkston, GA Magistrate Court Case No.: will be closed for up to 4 con-
Ryan Fleming in his capacity as will begin ++opening absentee 30021. 2002 HONDA ACCORD 20-L-03021 secutive weekends in one
Director of the Office of Afford- inner envelopes containing ab- CHRYSLER 07 SEBRING 1HGCG56772A056381 ++FORD 2003 ESCORT ZX2 month. The project will require
able Housing consents to ac- sentee ballots++ for the Janu- 1C3LC66K57N549209 NA NA 2010 Hyundai Sonata Gray 78481 / 3FAFP11343R11345/20-L- 1-month of weekend closures
cept the jurisdiction of the Fed- ary 5, 2021 General/Special 20V43641 TAG# RZZ3975 GA V.I.N. # 03022 / AUDI 2008 A4 2.0 T/ on the I-20 Eastbound Off
eral Courts if an action is Election Runoff on Monday, 5NPET4AC0AH630702 re- 2007 BMW 328 WAUAF78E88A133846/20-L- Ramp and a 4-month closure
brought to enforce responsibilit- December 21, 2020 at 10:30 DODGE 02 DURANGO moved from 1310 Wood Bend WBAVA33557KX78138 03021++ on McPherson Avenue at the
ies in relation to the environ- AM and will begin scanning ab- 1B4HR48N62F163250 NA NA Dr Stone Mountain GA 30083. 78483 intersection of McPherson with
mental review process and that sentee ballots cast for the 20V43629 Maynard Terrace. This project
these responsibilities have January 5, 2021 General/Spe- 2005 Ford Focus White TAG# 2013 BMW 328 330-441785 12/17,12/24,12/31 would include an off-site detour
been satisfied. The HUD ap- cial Election Runoff on Monday, DODGE 12 ADVENGER PJF 5461 NC V.I.N. # WBA3A5G56DNP19560 1/7 The I-20 Eastbound Off Ramp
proval of the certification satis- December 28, 2020 at 10:30 1C3CDZCBXCN209230 1FAHP36N05W202060 re- 78484 Certificate of Assumed Name proposed detour would route I-
fies its responsibilities under AM and will conclude such CBD5328 GA 20V43655 moved from 2875 FLAT- Minnesota Statutes, 20 traffic to the SR 260/Glen-
NEPA and related laws and au- scanning when all absentee SHOALS RD, DECATUR GA 1994 HONDA CIVIC Chapter 333; wood Avenue exit from I-20
thorities and allows DCA to use ballots have been counted. FORD 06 FOCUS 30034. 1HGEG8647RL024707 ASSUMED NAME: SAMUEL Eastbound, exit 61B. Traveling
Program funds. This processing, including the 1FAHP31N56W239078 78488 LEE MOSBY JR; public can access Maynard
OBJECTIONS TO RELEASE adjudication of rejected ballots, K985503 IN 20V43652 2004 BMW X3 White TAG# registered at the Office of the Terrace south of the Proposed
OF FUNDS will take place in the DeKalb <unknown> V.I.N. # 2004 HYUNDAI ELANTRA Minnesota Secretary of State; project from SR 260/Glenwood
Following its receipt of DCA’s County Voter Registration and FORD 08 MUSTANG WBXPA73464WC36339 re- KMHDN46D74U804777 Work Item#: 1198818100023 Avenue. The McPherson Aven-
request for release of funds, Elections facility located at 1ZVHT80N185100978 NA NA moved from 2530 S. HAIR- 78493 Original File#:119881800023 ue proposed detour would
HUD will accept objections to 4380 Memorial Drive, Decatur, 20V43686 STON RD. DECATUR GA . Filed: 1280982020; 11:59 PM; route traffic west along McPher-
the release of funds or DCA Georgia. The process for open- 2006 HYUNDAI SONATA Nameholder: son Avenue to Flat Shoals Av-
certification for a period of fif- ing the inner envelopes and HONDA 03 CRV 2003 Dodge RAM 1500 White 5NPEU46C56H092978 Mosby, Samuel Lee Jr: enue. Traveling public can ac-
teen days only if the objections early scanning of absentee bal- SHSRD78853U110894 TAG# RVN6006 GA V.I.N. # 78505 Active/In Good Standing. cess I-20 to the north or SR
are made on one of the follow- lots shall be a confidential pro- RRG7825 GA 20V43653 1D7HA18N23S325155 re- ++ASSUMED NAME: SAMUEL 260/Glenwood Avenue to the
ing bases: cess to maintain the secrecy of moved from 2566 Whites Mill 2001 FORD FOCUS LEE MOSBY JR++ south.
(a) The certification was not ex- all ballots and to protect the HONDA 06 CIVIC Rd, Decatur, GA 30034. 1FAFP33PX1W156082 330-441786 12/17,12/24,12/31, Drawings or maps or plats of
ecuted by the Certifying Officer disclosure of any balloting in- 1HGFA168X6L127714 78507 1/7 the proposed project, as ap-
of DCA; formation before 7:00 PM on HNI3429 MS 20V43663 2008 Nissan Altima White Certificate of Assumed Name proved, are on file and are
(b) DCA has omitted a step or Election Day. All persons con- TAG# RSG 9558 GA V.I.N. # 2001 CHEVY CAVALIER Minnesota Statutes, available for public inspection
failed to make a decision or ducting the scanning of absent- HONDA 10 ACCORD 1N4AL21E98C256073 re- 1G1JC124117380890 Chapter 333; at the Georgia Department of
finding required by HUD regula- ee ballots during the early 5KBCP3F80AB010667 moved from 4607 78514 ASSUMED NAME: SAMUEL Transportation: For information
tions at 24 CFR Part 58; scanning period and on elec- HU95R3 GA 20V43680 PEACHTREE PL PKWY, DUN- MOSBY; or questions regarding the De-
(c) The grant recipient or other tion day and all monitors and WOODY GA 30360. List additional vehicles as ne- registered at the Office of the tour Route, please contact:
participants in the develop- observers shall be se- JEEP 08 CHEROKEE cessary. Minnesota Secretary of State; Shannon Dodd
ment process has committed questered during the early pro- 1J8HR48N98C123153 NA NA 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser Sil- Anyone with an ownership in- Work Item#: 1198833900020 GDOT Project Manager
funds, incurred costs, or under- cessing of absentee ballots. 20V43638 ver TAG# RWA8171 GA V.I.N. terest in any of these vehicles Original File#: 1198833900020 Office of Program Delivery
taken activities not authorized # 3C8FY68B02T209433 re- should contact the following Filed:12/09/2020; 11:59 PM;
by 24 CFR Part 58 before ap- This 10th day of December, LEXUS 02 300 moved from 10 FRIENDLY business immediately. Nameholder: One Georgia Center
proval of a release of funds by 2020 Erica Hamilton JTJGF10U620122481 PD15UD HILLS DR. DECATUR GA. Business Name: South Dekalb Mosby, Samuel Lee Jr: 600 West Peachtree Street,
the HUD; or Registration & Elections Super- GA 20V43631 Towing & Transport, Inc. Active/In Good Standing. Suite 1550
(d) Another Federal agency act- visor DeKalb County Board of 2002 Pontiac Montana Brown Address: 7043 Rogers Lake Rd ++ASSUMED NAME: SAMUEL Atlanta, GA 30308
ing pursuant to 40 CFR Part Registrations & Elections NISSAN 09 ALTIMA (Dk) TAG# <unknown> V.I.N. # Lithonia, GA 30058 MOSBY++ 404-865-3482
1504 has submitted a written 1N4AL21E89N508773 NA NA 1GMDV03E52D223717 re- Telephone#:
finding that the project is unsat- 20V43633 moved from 1000 Montreal Rd, Phone:
isfactory from the standpoint of Clarkston, GA 30021. (404)508-0246
environmental quality. NISSAN 13 ALTIMA Fax: (770)482-3041
Objections must be submitted 1N4AL3AP7DN533213
via email in accordance with HEH1498 NC 20V43682
the required procedures (24
CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) and PONTIAC 05 BONNEVILLE
shall be addressed to the At- 1G2HY54K724192084
lanta CPD Field Office at 68573A9 TX 20V43645
CPD_COVID-19OEE- . Potential ob- SATURN 06 VUE
jectors should contact the At- 5GZCZ53416S899820 NA NA
lanta CPD Field Office via email 20V43650
to verify the actual last day of
the objection period. TOYOTA 16 COROLLA 5YF-
++Columbia Village++ BURHE5GP459333 WWT668
GA 20V43681
boxes and bags the right to reject any bids and 3VWJZ71K49M054962
to withdraw any item from such 20-2866 TITLE
A101 sale. ** We will continue to re-
James Vinson spect the CDC Guidelines by 2006 LINCOLN TOWNCAR
household items wearing masks and practicing KNHM82V76Y648021
social distancing and ask that 20-0814
Page 30
The auction will beThe Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
listed and
advertised on www.stor-
those participating in auction
comply as well. ** 2016 DODGE CHALLENGER Purchases 340-441683 12/10,12/17 340-441685 12/10,12/17 340-441762 12/17,12/24 2C3CDZAG9GH290122
Public Sale must be made with cash only
and paid at the above refer-
A-23 F. Marquez Washer, dry-
er, scaffolding, concrete equip-

enced facility in order to com- that the undersigned intends to In accordance with the GA Self ment SERVICE 2007 CHEVROLET IMPALA
340-441376 12/17,12/24JH D-49 O. Bravo Speakers, bed,
plete the transaction. Extra sell the personal property de- Service Storage Facilities Act SOUTH, INC. 2G1WS55R379379691
PUBLIC SALE mirror, car stereo, video cam-
Space Storage may refuse any scribed below to enforce a lien notice is hereby given that the DECEMBER 26, 2020 19-0239
Dresden Drive Mini-Storage, bid and may rescind any pur- imposed on said property un- undersigned will be sold at pub- era YEAR, MAKE, MODEL,
pursuant to the "Georgia Self chase up until the winning bid- der The Georgia Storage Facil- lic auction to the highest bidder E-30 W. Pagan Ladders, chain- VIN, 1997 CHEVROLET PICKUP
Service Storage Facility Act", der takes possession of the ity Act. The undersigned will in order to satisfy lien of the saws, landscaping equipment TICKET 1GCEK14R9VZ192312
shall conduct a public sale of personal property. sell at public sale by competit- owner. The auction will be held F-03 C. Trejo Residential 20-3086 DER
the contents of the storage ive bidding on ++Tuesday the at with bids HVAC equipment 2015 DODGE CHARGER
spaces listed below at 2002 340-441681 12/10,12/17 29th day of December, 2020 at finalizing on ++December 28, F-40 G. Phillips Artwork, 2C3CDXBG3FH801244 2008 PONTIAC G6
Dresden Drive, Atlanta, Geor- STORAGE TREASURES 9:00 AM++ with bidding to take 2020 at 10:00 am++ for the games, boxes, vacuum 19-0253 1G2ZH57NX84218728
gia, 30341, (phone 404-636- AUCTION place on Said Space Shop Self Storage facil- G-39 E. Sanchez Flooring, tile, 20-0769
9788) on ++January 6, 2021 at Extra Space Storage will hold a property is SecurCare Self ity located at 3751 Buford Hwy tool boxes 2019 DODGE CHALLENGER
11:00 am++ and will be for public auction to sell personal Storage, 4141 Snapfinger NE, Atlanta GA 30329 H-38 J. Garcia lawn mowers, 2C3CDZBT3KH509287 2008 TOYOTA CAMRY
cash to the highest bidder. property described below be- Woods Drive, Decatur, GA, weed eaters, tonneau cover 19-4219 4T1BE46K98U781725
longing to those individuals lis- 30035 DeKalb County Unit: B18 Ms. Malinda Bennett H-39 A. Hernandez Tires, mini 20-2721 TITLE
Dresden Drive Mini-Storage re-
ted below at the location indic- Farris, Joshua 00133 Freezer, Clothes, Shoes, Table, Sofa, fridge, TVs, dryer 2013 DODGE CHALLENGER
serves the right to reject any ated: Dryer, Microwave. Roman, Le- Dog Carrier, Storage Bin, Craft J-06 A. Garcia White Mini Van- 2C3CDYAG2DH663216 2005 CHRYSLER 300
bids to withdraw any item from 2329 Panola RD. Lithonia, GA on 00102 Tables, Mattresses, Items, Art Work, Desk, Wood PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE 19-4542 2C3AA63H25H526062
such sale. 30058 ++12/29/2020 at 11:00 L-24 J. Rivera Rims, tonneau
Stool. Hankerson, Gabbrielle Work 20-2615 DER
AM++ 00235 Dryer, Purse, Mattress. cover, saw 2018 CHEVROLET SUBURB-
Unit# 03- Truck Accessories M-17 A. Woodard Household
WNS T, D & LOGISTICS, The auction will be listed and AN 2010 MAZDA 3
Unit# 54- Truck Accessories 275 Wayne Lovence 00429 Lug- a d v e r t i s e d o n items, furniture 1GNSCHKCXJR145931 JM1BL1SF55A1109346
Unit# 95- Miscellaneous Dale Reece gage, Freezer, Table. Grier, Space N-22 K. Bowles Bike, luggage, 19-0236 19-4457
340-441509 12/10,12/17 Bins, Totes, Clothes, Shoes, Vernell 00306 Bike, Toy Car, Shop Self Storage may refuse household items
STORAGE TREASURES Housewares Furniture. Roberts, Cedric any bid and may rescind any N-34 S. Bellknapp Furniture, 2014 NISSAN VERSA 2000 FORD F150
AUCTION 00322 TV Monitor, Couch, purchase up until the winning globe, coffeetable 3N1CE2CP4EL413068 1FTRX17W1YNA68115
Extra Space Storage will hold a 1006 Chairs. Purchases must be bidder takes possession of the O-06 G. Cribb Household items 20-0738 20-2360 DER
public auction to sell personal Doree Henry paid for at the time of purchase personal property.
property described below be- 3 bedframes, 2 mattress, 2 Box at storage facility by cash only. 2002 HYUNDAI ELANTRA 2008 LINCOLN MKZ
longing to those individuals lis- Springs, Clothes, Pictures All purchased items are sold as 340-441759 12/17,12/24 340-441761 12/17,12/24 KMHDN45D02U402548 3LNHM26T88R646267
ted below at the location indic- is, where is, and must be re- PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE 20-2707 DER 19-4648
ated: 1207 moved within 48 hours of the ******* WILL BE Sold Online at Pursuant to OCGA Section 40-
735 Hambrick Rd Stone Moun- Derrick Finley sale. A refundable $100 cash ******* 11-6, notice is hereby given 2012 NISSAN ALTIMA 1998 MERCURY MYSTIC
tain, Ga 30083404-276-4304, Beds, Couch, Dresser, Night- deposit for each unit won is re- Notice is hereby given that on t h a t t h e f o l l o wi n g m o t o r 1N4AL2AP2CC169433 1MEFM653XWK655377
++December 29, 2020 @ stand, Coffee Table, TV, quired. Sale is subject to can- Auction Date: ++Jan 4, 2021++ vehicle(s) will be sold to the 20-0745 20-0332
1pm++ cellation in the event of settle- U-Haul Company of Northeast highest and best bidder on
1803 ment between owner and oblig- Georgia will Sell under the con- ++DEC 28, 2020 AT 1PM++ at 2015 CHEVROLET MALIBU SAID VEHICLES WILL BE
Lisa Babrow Alister Andrews ated party. tractual landlords lien process the following locations 1.) 5727 1G11B5SL4FF151120 SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION
H02 Mattress, BBQ Grill, Stroller, by Online auction the following COVINGTON HWY DECATUR 20-0590 ON OR ABOUT ++DECEM-
Boxes, Bags, Infant Seat, Patio 340-441684 12/10,12/17
furniture, appliances and grill NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF storage units. The goods to be GA DESCRIPTION OF BER 26, 2020 AT 10:00 A.M.++
Umbrella, Camp Chairs sold are generally described as VEHICLE 2013 KIA SOUL 1998 CHEVROLET BLAZER LOCATION WILL BE 6995
Melba Burston Morningstar Storage 3979 household goods. VIN:KNDJT2A50D7499154, `GNCS13W9W2174313 COVINGTON HWY,
H100 1821 Dekalb County: 2007 TOYOTA RAV VIN:4JT- 20-2747 DER LITHONIA GA 30058(770)322-
Sikander Fulton Buford Hwy, Suite 100, Atlanta,
clothing, boxes and personal GA 30345 will hold a public MZD33V375070013, 2016 9688. ALL WILL BE
items 3 sets of Mattresses, Dresser Clarkston: Sams Rd: CHEROLET MALIBU VIN: 2000 INFINITI I30 SOLD AS IS WITH NO WAR-
and Boxes auction to sell personal prop-
erty described below belonging A14 Sharon Arrington 1G1ZE5ST0GF264297, 2005 JNKCA31A6YT112281 RANTIES EXPRESSED
Earl Harris to those individuals listed be- C58U Kenisha Mcloud HONDA ACCORD 20-0563 OR IMPLIED, CONTENTS IN-
H102 2043 VIN:1HGCM56445A053957, CLUDED.
John Garfield Austin low at the location indicated:
Washer, Dryer, bed and other Location: Clarkston: Northern Ave: 2012 NISSAN ALTIMA VIN: 2006 FORD FUSION PREVIEW 9:00 TO 10:00 A.M.
misc items Tools, Table, Luggage, Shoes, 3014 Hellenia Grubbs 1N4AL2AP5CC138306, 2015 3FAFP06Z96R186289 DAY OF SALE ONLY.
Water Cooler, Totes, Clothes
Sale Date: ++Tuesday Decem- 1024 Omar Smith HYUNDAI EQUUS VIN:KM- 20-0847 CASH ONLY WILL BE ACCEP-
Sammy Jefferson ber 29th 2020 4009 Briana White HGH4JH2FU097900 TED AT TIME OF BID!!!!
H38 The auction will be listed and 2036 Doris Darkins 2.) 5849 B PEACHTREE RD 2004 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX FOR A PREVIEW AND AUC-
advertised on www.stor- Time: 9:00 AM++
sofa, boxes and personal items Purchases must be made with 3036 Quran Anthony ATALNTA GA DESCRIPTION 2G2WP522541229239 TION GUIDELINES GO TO Purchases 2025 Francine Simmons OF VEHICLE 2007 PONTIAC 19-4518 OUR
must be made with cash only cash only and paid at the
The auction will be listed and above referenced facility in or- 2109-30 Gwendolyn Smith T O R R E N T V I N : W E B S I T E A T
advertised on www.stor- and paid at the above refer- 2CKDL63F176253382,2012 2006 BMW 330XI WWW.STATWIDEWRECK-
enced facility in order to com- der to complete the transaction. Purchases Morningstar Storage may re- Memorial Drive: VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT VIN: WBAVD33516KV63412 ERGA.COM
must be made with cash only plete the transaction. Extra 203 Jacquon Williams 1VWCH7A35CC039223, 2005 19-0163
Space Storage may refuse any fuse any bid and may rescind
and paid at the above refer- any purchase up until the win- 614 Jamaal Douglas CHEVROLET CORVETTE VIN:
enced facility in order to com- bid and may rescind any pur- 138 Anesha Hill 1G1YY24U255133754 2011 2008 HONDA ACCORD 340-441763 12/17,12/24
chase up until the winning bid- ning bidder takes possession of
plete the transaction. Extra the personal property. 845 Norman Kenne GMC TERRAIN VIN: JHMCP26408C073991 PUBLIC AUCTION
Space Storage may refuse any der takes possession of the 503 Alfred Sims 2CTALSECXB6250645 20-2828 DER NOTICE OF SALE
bid and may rescind any pur- personal property. 705 Brandon Henry 3.) 1510 ROGER LAKES RD Pleasantdale Self Storage, pur-
Unit D115 Dawn Leak House-
chase up until the winning bid- hold Items 629 Benoit Atadala LITHONIA GA DESCRIPTION 2000 TOYOTA CAMRY suant to the Georgia Self Stor-
der takes possession of the 340-441682 12/10,12/17 Unit EE162 Renee Royal 751 Roy Erwin OF VEHICLE 2015 CHEVRO- 2T1CG22P2YC405390 age Act, 10-4-213, shall con-
personal property. NOTICE OF SALE Household items 828 Akhira Taylor LET EQUIONOX LT VIN:2GN- 20-2629 DER duct a public sale of the follow-
340-441680 12/10,12/17 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Unit GG219 Renee Royal FLFEK0F6110391,2006 NIS- ing units at 3810 Pleasantdale
STORAGE TREASURES that the undersigned intends to Household Items Covington Hwy: S A N M O R E N O 2006 ACURA TSX Road, Atlanta, GA 30340;
AUCTION sell the personal property de- Unit AA047 Agyemang Osei O131 Michaea Bradford VIN:JN8AZ08T46W413168 JH4CL96886C004633 770.492.3333; after 2 p.m. on
ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE scribed below to enforce a lien Misc. Items 1235 Okeshi Amune ,2009 GMC ACADIA 20-0571 ++Friday, January 1, 2020++.
UNITS imposed on said property un- Unit C077 Ortega Mauro Misc. O211 Marcus Malcolm 1GKER23D09J115263 , 2001 All bids will be accepted online
Extra Space Storage will hold a der The Georgia Storage Facil- Items O122 Aaliyah Earle F O R D F - 1 5 0 2009 NISSAN SENTRA through
public auction to sell personal ity Act. The undersigned will Unit I194 Courtney Epperson O114 Paul Rout VIN:1FTRX17W51NA39335,20 3N1AB61E19L621259
property described below be- sell at public sale by competit- Misc. Items O216 Heather Barhill 05 TRNSCAFT TRAILER 19-0536 Pleasantdale Self Storage re-
longing to those individuals lis- ive bidding on ++Tuesday the Unit NN294 Mark Davis Misc. 1251 Paul Rout VIN:1TTE5320051077382, serves the right to withdraw
ted below at the location indic- 29th day of December, 2020 at Items 1135 Emily Burney 1995 GMC WIA VIN:4V1WD- 2013 FORD ESCAPE units from such sale and reject
ated: 9:00 AM++ with bidding to take Unit NN298 Mark Davis Misc. OO24 Justin Allen BRH1SN714701, 2003 NIS- 1FMCU0GX4DUB60039 any bid. Terms of sale are cash
1257 S Hairston Rd Stone place on Said Items S A N A L I T M A 19-3945 or money order only. The fol-
Mountain, GA 30088 on property is SecurCare Self Unit AA007 Marithza Castillo 340-441760 12/17,12/27 VIN;1N4BL11E53C163459 lowing units will be sold:
++December 29, 2020 at 2:30 Storage, 1520 Austin Drive, Misc. Items PUBLIC SALE Leinholder reserves the right to 2008 CHRYSLER T&C • 164 Tobias Silverman: Unit
PM++ Decatur, GA, 30032 Leverette, Unit B060 Fabiola Llanes Misc. Buford Highway Mini-Storage, refuse the final bid. This item 2A8HR44H48R721156 appears to contain clothes,
Nadia A072 Washer Machine , Items pursuant to the “Georgia Self will be sold to the Highest Bid- 19-3866 boxes
J1031 Furniture. Williams, Jodi A128 Unit E137 Letrice Gholson Service Storage Facility Act”, der. • 374 Logan McEntyre: Unit ap-
Patrick Grier Furniture , Boxes , and Chairs . Misc. Items shall conduct a public sale of 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA pears to contain tables, dress-
household items James, Bernard A081 Tool Unit E142 Hanna Bohannon the contents of the 2T1BU4EE8DC102120 er, entertainment center, desk,
Box, Bicycle Bike, and Ladders Household Items storage spaces listed below at 20-3122 TITLE china cabinet, mirror, chairs
K2031 . Barrett, Kimble B226 Washer Unit GG220 Melanie Meredith 4206 Buford Highway, Atlanta,
Donnel Childs Machine, Dryers , and Refriger- Misc. Items GA 30345 (404) 636-6244, on 2002 TOYOTA COROLLA
trailer ators . Purchases must be paid Unit N293 Karena Hunt Misc. ++January 6, 2021 at 11:00 1NXBR12E42Z615610
for at the time of purchase at Items a.m.++ and will be for cash to 20-0585
J1082 storage facility by cash only. All the highest bidder. Buford
Cheryl Jackson purchased items are sold as is, Highway Mini Storage reserves 2009 V.W JETTA
boxes and bags where is, and must be re- the right to reject any bids and 3VWJZ71K49M054962
moved within 48 hours of the to withdraw any item from such 20-2866 TITLE
A101 sale. A refundable $100 cash sale. ** We will continue to re-
James Vinson deposit for each unit won is re- spect the CDC Guidelines by 2006 LINCOLN TOWNCAR
household items quired. Sale is subject to can- wearing masks and practicing KNHM82V76Y648021
cellation in the event of settle- social distancing and ask that 20-0814
The auction will be listed and ment between owner and oblig- those participating in auction
advertised on www.stor- ated party. comply as well. ** 2016 DODGE CHALLENGER Purchases 2C3CDZAG9GH290122
must be made with cash only A-23 F. Marquez Washer, dry- 19-2100
and paid at the above refer- er, scaffolding, concrete equip-
enced facility in order to com- ment 2007 CHEVROLET IMPALA
Respondents. hereby commanded and re- GMAC MORTGAGE, LLC, Subject to any Easements or
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION quired to file with the Clerk of UNITED STATES OF AMER- Restrictions of Record
TO: ALL OTHER UNKNOWN said Court and serve upon ICA (INTERNAL REVENUE will expire and be forever fore-
HEIRS, DEVISEES, LEG- John Coleman, Attorney at SERVICE) closed and barred on and after
ATEES, EXECUTORS, AD- Law, whose address is 675 Respondents the day of January 4, 2021, or
MINISTRATORS, SPOUSES, Seminole Ave., Suite 302, At- thirty days after legal service of
The Champion Legal Section,
AND ASSIGNS & THE UN- CIVIL ACTION:Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 31
lanta, GA 30307 an Answer to this notice, whichever is later.
KNOWN GUARDIANS OF the Complaint within sixty (60) FILE No. 20CV7160 The tax deed to which this no-
340-441764 12/17,12/24 MINOR AND/OR INCOMPET- days of the Order for Publica- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 350-441389 12/10,12/17,12/24 350-441503 12/3,12/10,12/17 tice relates is dated the 5th day
STORAGE TREASURES ENT HEIRS OF DORRETTA tion. TO: 12/31JH 12/24 of November, 2019, and is re-
AUCTION COOPER, DECEASED. WITNESS, the Honorable Mark a. Andre Eves; NOTICE OF PUBLICATION REDEMPTION NOTICE PER corded in the office of the Clerk
ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE By Order for service by publica- Anthony Scott, Judge of said b. Karen Eastman; In the State Court GEORGIA CODE SECTION of the Superior Court of Dekalb
UNITS tion dated October 9, 2020, you Court. c. Beneficial Mortgage Co. of of DeKalb County 48-4-45 County, Georgia, in Deed Book
Extra Space Storage will hold a are hereby notified that on the This the 10th day of November, Georgia; State of Georgia REDEMPTION NOTICE PER 28093 Page 87.
public auction to sell personal 1st day of January, 2020, Eliza- 2020. d. Beneficial Georgia, Inc.; Civil Action Number GEORGIA CODE SECTION The property may be re-
property described below be- beth Blair Weatherly, the Attor- Debra DeBerry e. GMAC Mortgage, LLC. ++20A81338++ 48-4-45: OLA SHITTA-BEY deemed at any time before the
longing to those individuals lis- ney for the Plaintiff, filed suit Clerk of Superior Court, Dekalb You are hereby notified that the take notice that: The right to re- day of January 4, 2021, or thirty
Helen Stockard:
ted below at the location indic- against you, in the above-refer- County above-styled petition to quiet deem the following described days after legal service of this
Marco Stockard,
ated: enced case due to your poten- ++20CV3466/2465 Moreland title to property located at 1133 property, to wit: All that tract or notice, whichever is later, by
5502 Memorial Drive tial interest in excess proceeds Ave, DeKalb County Tax Par- Mainstreet Valley Drive, DeKalb Plaintiff parcel of land lying and being in payment of the redemption
Stone Mountain, GA 30083 resulting from a foreclosure cel 15 080 01 007++ County, Georgia, was filed vs. Land Lot 42 of the 18th District, price as fixed and provided by
++12/29/2020 at 3:00 PM++ sale of real property more com- against you in the Superior Jewel Unga, DeKalb County, Georgia, be- law to the undersigned at the
monly known as 4220 View 350-441314 11/26,12/3,12/10 Court of DeKalb County on Oc- Defendant ing Lot 3, Block C, Unit Two following address: Fletcher Law
F27 Point Trail, Ellenwood, GA 12/17 tober 13, 2020 and that by To: Jewel Unga Flintridge Forest Subdivision, Firm LLC, 2993 Sandy Plains
Janna Collins 30294. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION reason of an order for service 7489 Kimberly Lynn CT as per plat recorded in Plat Rd, Ste 225B Marietta GA
3 bedroom sets, washer and You are required to file with the To: of summons by publication Lithonia, GA 30058 Book 52, Page 4, DeKalb 30066 Please be governed ac-
dryer boxes 3 pc couches Clerk of DeKalb County Superi- RESIDENT/TENANT/ OCCU- entered by the Court on By Order for service by public- County, Georgia Records, cordingly.
or Court and to serve upon PANT LAND HOLDING November 12, 2020, you are ation dated November 24, which said Plat is incorporated Sincerely, BCF-EF LLC
G44 Plaintiff, Phelan Hallinan Dia- GROUP SE LLC AMERICAN hereby commanded and re- and made a part hereof by ref- c/o James R. Fletcher II, Esq.
2020, yOu are hereby notified
Sky Lewis mond & Jones, PLLC, through GENERAL FINANCE INC C/O quired to file with the Clerk of erence, particularly known as ++(File: 2613.0006) 2286 Gl-
THE CORPORATION TRUST that on July 27, 2020, Helen
2 bedroom sets, washing/dyer, their attorney, Elizabeth Blair said Court and serve upon Car- and Marco Stockard filed suit ++4156 Creek Stone Court endale Drive/15-136-03-006++
dinner set, boxes, living room Weatherly, Phelan Hallinan COMPANY TORO PROPER- olina Dallal Bryant, Attorney at Stone Mountain, Georgia
TIES REHAB LLC DEKALB against you for $TBD principal, 350-441505 12/3,12/10,12/17
set Diamond & Jones, PLLC, 2001 Law, whose address is 675 $TBD interest, and $TBD attor- 30083++. The property may be 12/24
NW 64th Street, Fort Lauder- COUNTY, GEORGIA C/O Seminole Ave., Suite 301, At- redeemed at any time before
H6 dale, Florida 33309, an An- lanta, GA 30307 an Answer to You are required to file with the 5th day of January, 2021, OF RIGHT TO REDEEM
Gary Anderson swer in writing within sixty (60) STATE OF GEORGIA C/O the Complaint within thirty (30) by payment of the redemption
GOVERNOR the Clerk of the State Court, PROPERTY
tool box, table, tv, lawn mower days of the date of the Order of days of the fourth and final pub- price as fixed and provided by Take notice that:
Publication. Take Notice That: lication of this notice. and to serve upon plaintiff's at- law to the undersigned at the
The right to redeem the follow- torney, Chloe E Dallaire an An- The right to redeem the follow-
I95 WITNESS, the Honorable, WITNESS, the Honorable following address: Mario D. ing described property, to wit:
Jakeia Alexander Judge Stacey Hydrick of Super- ing described property to wit: Courtney L. Johnson, Judge of swer in writing within sixty (60) Breedlove, The Breedlove Law
All that tract or parcel of land ly- 2387 Cove Rd according to the
Dresser Beds Tvs ior Court of DeKalb County DeKalb County Superior Court. days of the date of the Order Firm, LLC, 1895 Phoenix Blvd.,
ing and being in District 18 and present system of numbering
This the 18th day of November, This the 12th day of November, for Publication. Suite 260 Atlanta, Georgia properties in DeKalb County
K185 2020. Land Lot 162 known as ++3240 2020. Witness the Honorable 30349. The redemption price is
LAVISTA RD and parcel 18 162 Georgia, having Tax Parcel ID
Jamarris Marks Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Johnny Panos, Judge of this the amount paid for the prop- # 16-104-06-017 and being fur-
Personal items, furniture Publication Dates: 02 023++ per records of Clerk of Superior Court State Court. erty at the tax sale, as shown
DeKalb County and plat maps ther described as follows:
++File No. 43181 /Civil Action ++20CV7160/1133 MAIN- This the 1st day of December, by recitals in the tax deed, plus ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
K64 No. 20CV1896++ of the County Tax Assessor's STREET VALLEYDRIVE, any taxes paid on the property
Maurice Sharpe Office, subject to restrictions on GEORGIA/16 002 02 240++ by the purchaser after the sale
record with the Clerk of Superi- R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk BEING IN LAND LOT 104 OF
House hold items, 2 55in Sam- 350-441313 11/26,12/3,12/10 State Court of DeKalb County for taxes, plus any special as- THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
sung tvs, another 50in tv, DJ or Court, DeKalb County, Geor- sessments on the property,
12/17 gia, and excluding rights of way By: Patricia S Harris COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
Equipment IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 350-441316 11/26,12/3,12/10 Deputy Clerk plus a premium of 20 percent of UNIT 2387, BUILDING 4, WEL-
and easements. The property is the amount of the first year or
OF DEKALB COUNTY more particularly described in 12/17 For: State Court LINGTON COVE SUBDIVI-
X18 STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of DeKalb County fraction of a year which has SION, PHASE ONE, AS PER
Krystal Marion the DeKalb County deed re- elapsed between the date of
R & R REALTY GROUP, LLC, cords at Deed Book 24376, OF DEKALB COUNTY DeKalb County Courthouse PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT
Totes Petitioner, STATE OF GEORGIA the sale and the date on which BOOK 82, PAGE 4, DEKALB
Page 221. Plat and deed are a 556 N. McDonough Street the redemption payment is
v. part hereof. SERPENTOR HOLDINGS, LLC Decatur, Georgia 30030 COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
HAROLD J. JOHNSTON OR Petitioner, made and 10 percent for each CORDS, WHICH REFER-
The auction will be listed and will expire and be forever fore- 350-441390 12/10,12/17,12/24 year which has elapsed
ANY UNKNOWN closed and barred on and after v. ENCE IS MADE FOR THE
advertised on www.stor- ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE 12/31JH between the date of the sale PURPOSE OF INCORPORAT-
January 2, 2021. A TRACT OF LAND BEING Purchases OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT NOTICE OF PUBLICATION and the date on which the re- ING SAME AS A PART
The tax deed to which this no- KNOWN AS 641 WARREN AV-
must be made with cash only LAW; DONNA L. JOHNSTON; ENUE, SCOTTDALE, GEOR- In the State Court demption payment is made and HEREIN AND BEING KNOWN
and paid at the above refer- tice relates is dated May 7, of DeKalb County 10 percent for each year or
OCCUPANT OF 2465 MORE- 2019, and is recorded in the of- GIA (TAX PARCEL IDENTIFIC- AS 2387 COVE ROAD AC-
enced facility in order to com- LAND AVE, DEKALB COUNTY ATIONNUMBER 18 046 01 State of Georgia fraction of a year thereafter. If CORDING TO THE PRESENT
plete the transaction. Extra fice of the Clerk of Superior redemption is not made until
TAX PARCEL NUMBER 15 Court of DeKalb County, Geor- 009) AND AS THEIR RE- Civil Action Number SYSTEM OF NUMBERING
Space Storage may refuse any 080 01 007 SPECTIVE INTERESTS MAY ++20A80555++ more than 30 days after this HOUSES IN DEKALB
bid and may rescind any pur- gia in Deed Book 28756 at notice has been given, there
chase up until the winning bid- CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. PANT OF THE SUBJECT Plaintiff shall be added to the redemp- 16-104-06-017
der takes possession of the The property may be re- tion price the sheriff’s cost in
20CV3466 deemed at any time before PROPERTY; UNKNOWN vs. will expire and be forever fore-
personal property. HEIRS AT LAW OF HARRY HAFID A ABDUR-RABBANNI, connection with serving the no- closed and barred on and after
January 2, 2021, by payment of tice and the cost of publication
NOTICE OF SERVICE OF the redemption price as fixed HINTON; HORACE HINTON; Defendant the day of January 5, 2021, or
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION of the notice, if any. thirty days after legal service of
Service By Pub TO:
and provided by law to the un-
dersigned at the following ad-
BANNI this notice, whichever is later.
a. OCCUPANT OF 2465 MO- dress: 350-441504 12/3,12/10,12/17 The tax deed to which this no-
1296 Crescentwood Lane
350-441312 11/26,12/3,12/10 RELAND AVE (2465 Moreland Deed Co, LLC CIVIL ACTION FILE NUMBER: 12/24 tice relates is dated the 6th day
12/17 Ave SE Atlanta GA 30315); Decatur, GA 30032 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE
1266 West Paces Ferry Road 20CV6138 of December, 2011, and is re-
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT b. HAROLD J. JOHNSTON OR By Order for service by public- OF RIGHT TO REDEEM corded in the office of the Clerk
#517 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION ation dated December 01,
OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE ANY UNKNOWN ESTATE Atlanta, GA 30327 TO: PROPERTY of the Superior Court of DeKalb
OF GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVE OR UN- 2020, you are hereby notified Take notice that: County, Georgia, in Deed Book
Please be governed accord- a. Unknown Heirs at Law of
Civil Action No. 20CV1896 KNOWN HEIRS AT LAW (4410 Harry Hinton that on May 29, 2020, OWEN The right to redeem the follow- 22840 Page 574.
ingly. RUNGE filed suit against you
PHELAN HALLINAN DIA- Carriage Trace Drive, Saint You are hereby notified that the ing described property, to wit: The property may be re-
MOND & JONES, PLLC Louis, MO 63128-3150); 350-441315 11/26,12/3,12/10 above-styled petition to quiet for $TBD principal, $TBD in- 2286 Glendale Drive according deemed at any time before the
Petitioner, c. DONNA L. JOHNSTON 12/17 title to property located at 641 terest, and $TBD attorney's to the present system of num- day of January 5, 2021, or thirty
v. (4410 Carriage Trace Drive, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Warren Avenue, DeKalb fees. bering properties in Dekalb days after legal service of this
GARLAND COOPER, AS HEIR Saint Louis, MO, 63128-3150 – OF DEKALB COUNTY County, Georgia, was filed You are required to file with County Georgia, having Tax notice, whichever is later, by
TO DORRETTA COOPER, DE- and - 302 Jamestown Ct, STATE OF GEORGIA against you in the Superior the Clerk of the State Court, Parcel ID # 15-136-03-006 and payment of the redemption
CEASED, and ALL OTHER Collinsville IL 62234); DANYEL NICOLE WHITE, Court of DeKalb County on Au- and to serve upon plaintiff's at- being further described as fol- price as fixed and provided by
UNKNOWN HEIRS, DE- You are hereby notified that the Petitioner gust 27, 2020 and that by reas- torney, Bhrett J Pizza, an An- lows: law to the undersigned at the
VISEES, LEGATEES, EX- above styled action, seeking to v. on of an order for service of swer in writing within sixty (60) All that tract or parcel of land ly- following address: Fletcher Law
ECUTORS, ADMINISTRAT- remove clouds on the Petition- A TRACT OF LAND, BEING summons by publication days of the date of the Order ing and being in Land Lot 136 Firm LLC, 2993 Sandy Plains
ORS, SPOUSES, AND AS- er’s title to certain real property KNOWN AS 1133 MAIN- entered by the Court on for Publication. of the 15 District, DeKalb Rd, Ste 225B Marietta GA
SIGNS & THE UNKNOWN caused by the equities of re- STREET VALLEY DRIVE, November 17, 2020, you are County, Georgia, being Lot 26, 30066 Please be governed ac-
Witness the Honorable
GUARDIANS OF MINOR demption following a tax sale, GEORGIA BEING TAX PAR- hereby commanded and re- Block A, Toney Gardens Subdi- cordingly.
AND/OR INCOMPETENT as specifically provided by CEL NUMBER 16 002 02 240 Johnny N. Panos, Judge of this vision, Unit 5, as per plat recor-
quired to file with the Clerk of Sincerely, Jaik Investments
HEIRS OF DORRETTA O.C.G.A § 23-3-44, related to AND As The Respective In- State Court. ded in Plat Book 26, Page 72, LLC
said Court and serve upon Car- This 3rd day of December,
COOPER, DECEASED, and property located at 2465 More- terests May Be Or Appear: olina Dallal Bryant, Attorney at DeKalb County, Georgia Re- c/o James R. Fletcher II, Esq.
SHERMAN ACQUISITION LIM- land Ave, Dekalb County Tax TENANT, OWNER OR OCCU- 2020. cords, which plat is incorpor- ++(File: 2671.0001) 2387 Cove
Law, whose address is 675
ITED PARTNERSHIP ASSIGN- Parcel 15 080 01 007 was filed PANT OF PROPERTY; AN- Seminole Ave., Suite 301, At- R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk ated herein by reference and Rd/ 16-104-06-017++
EE OF SEARS, and NORTH against you in the Superior DRE EVES; BANK OF AMER- lanta, GA 30307 an Answer to State Court of DeKalb County made a part of this description.
GEORGIA RESTORATION, Court of Dekalb County March ICA, NA; BENEFICIAL MORT- the Complaint within thirty (30) By: Patricia Harris Said property being known as
LLC, and DIVERSIFIED SHEL- 25, 2020, and that by reason of GAGE CO. OF GEORGIA; BE- days of the fourth and final pub- Deputy Clerk 2286 Glendale Drive according
TER GROUP, LTD, and an Order for Service of Sum- NEFICIAL GEORGIA INC.; lication of this notice. For: State Court to the present system of num-
MELODY M. MADDOX, AS mons by Publication entered by MAINSTREET COMMUNITY WITNESS, the Honorable Clar- of DeKalb County bering property in DeKalb
SHERIFF OF DEKALB the Court on the 10th day of SERVICES ASSOCIATION, ence Seeliger, Judge of DeKalb DeKalb County Courthouse County Georgia. Tax ID#: 15-
COUNTY, GEORGIA, November, 2020, you are INC.; KAREN EASTMAN; County Superior Court. 556 N. McDonough Street 136-03-006
Respondents. hereby commanded and re- GMAC MORTGAGE, LLC, This the 19th day of November, Decatur, Georgia 30030 Subject to any Easements or
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION quired to file with the Clerk of UNITED STATES OF AMER- 2020. Restrictions of Record
TO: ALL OTHER UNKNOWN said Court and serve upon ICA (INTERNAL REVENUE Debra DeBerry will expire and be forever fore-
HEIRS, DEVISEES, LEG- John Coleman, Attorney at SERVICE) Clerk of Superior Court closed and barred on and after
ATEES, EXECUTORS, AD- Law, whose address is 675 Respondents ++20CV6138 /641 WARREN the day of January 4, 2021, or
MINISTRATORS, SPOUSES, Seminole Ave., Suite 302, At- AVENUE, SCOTTDALE, thirty days after legal service of
AND ASSIGNS & THE UN- lanta, GA 30307 an Answer to CIVIL ACTION: GEORGIA / 18 046 01 009++ this notice, whichever is later.
KNOWN GUARDIANS OF the Complaint within sixty (60) FILE No. 20CV7160 The tax deed to which this no-
MINOR AND/OR INCOMPET- days of the Order for Publica- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION tice relates is dated the 5th day
ENT HEIRS OF DORRETTA tion. TO: of November, 2019, and is re-
COOPER, DECEASED. WITNESS, the Honorable Mark a. Andre Eves; corded in the office of the Clerk
By Order for service by publica- Anthony Scott, Judge of said b. Karen Eastman; of the Superior Court of Dekalb
Answer in writing within sixty ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ence F Seeliger, Judge of this The property may be re- serve upon the plaintiff or
(60) days of the date of the or- BETTIE B. ADKINS A/KIA B.B. Superior Court. deemed on or before the time plaintiff's attorney, whose name
der for publication. ADKINS and CITIMORTGAGE, This the 13th day of October, and date stated above by pay- and address is Mara Block, At-
Witness the Honorable Kim- INC., 2020. ment of the redemption price as lanta Legal Aid - Dekalb
berly Anderson, Judge of this Interpleader Defendants. Debra DeBerry fixed and provided by law to the County, 246 Sycamore Street
State Court. To: JEFFREY ADKINS AND DEPUTY CLERK, SUPERIOR undersigned at the following #120, Decatur, GA 30033
Page 32 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
This the 23rd day of November, ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF
COURT address:
an Answer in writing within sixty
(60) days of the date of the Or-
350-441506 12/3,12/10,12/17 R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk 350-441675 12/10,12/17,12/24 ADKINS ls/John M Morhart, Jr. c/o John Coleman, Esq. der of Publication.
12/24 State Court of DeKalb County 12/31 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION PETER L. LUBLIN Coleman Law, LLC WITNESS, the Honorable,
NOTICE OF SERVICE BY By: M. Roberts IN THE SUPERIOR COURT By Order for Service by Public- Georgia State Bar No. 460461 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite Courtney L. Johnson, Judge of
PUBLICATION Deputy Clerk OF DEKALB COUNTY ation dated the 12th day of TENISE A. COOK 302 the DeKalb Superior Court.
Superior Court of DeKalb For: State Court STATE OF GEORGIA November 2020, and filed on Georgia State Bar No. 128706 Atlanta, Georgia 30307 This, the 9th day of December,
County of DeKalb County CAVALIER RECOVERY, LLC this Court's docket the 13th day JOHN M. MORHART, JR. 404.974.4537 2020
Case No. 20CV6731 Petitioner of November, 2020, you are Georgia State Bar No. 601715 Please be governed accord- DEBRA DEBERRY,
DeKalb County Courthouse
Charley Charles and Norma v. hereby notified that on the 2nd Rubin Lublin, LLC ingly. CLERK OF SUPERIOR
Charles, 556 N. McDonough Street A TRACT OF LAND, BEING 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite ++3380 IVYS WALK / 18 293 COURT, DEKALB COUNTY,
day of October, 2019, Stem &
Plaintiffs Decatur, Georgia 30030 KNOWN AS 3249 ROBINSON 100 Peachtree Comers, Geor- 13 041++ GA
Eisenberg filed a Petition for In-
v. 350-441610 12/10,12/17,12/24 AVENUE, DEKALB COUNTY, terpleader and on the 2nd day gia 30071 (678) 812-4639 DeKalb County Courthouse
Lindelle Davis 12/31 GEORGIA BEING TAX PAR- of March, 2020, filed an (Telephone) 350-441768 12/17,12/24,12/31 556 NORTH McDONOUGH
Defendant IN THE SUPERIOR COURT CEL NUMBER 18 046 03 172; Amended Petition for Inter- (404) 921-9016 (Facsimile) 1/7 STREET, GROUND FLOOR
To: Lindelle Davis: OF DEKALB COUNTY UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW pleader naming you as a party ATTOR- NOTICE OF SERVICE BY DECATUR, GA 30030
Publication dated 11/17/2020 THE GEHEREN FIRM, P.C., A/K/A MATILDA RANSOM; You are required to file with the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
entered on 11/19/2020, you are Petitioner, UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW Clerk of the Superior Court, and OF DEKALB COUNTY
350-441766 12/17,12/24,12/31
hereby notified that on Septem-
ber 25, 2020 Plaintiff Charley FRED L. BARKSDALE,
to serve upon Petitioner's attor-
neys, Peter L. Lublin and Ten-
Charles and Norma Charles KNOWN AND UNKNOWN JUANITA HINDSMAN; UN- ise A. Cook of Rubin Lublin MISSIONER, IRVIN J. JOHN-
filed a Complaint in the Superi- HEIRS OF ESLEY DUBOSE KNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF SON, Petitioner, 370-441377 12/10,12/17JH
LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, [REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5
Suite 100, Peachtree Comers, et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46]
Georgia 30071, an Answer in TO: CASSIE K. CAMERON
ject matter of the Complaint is VELOPMENT, AS AN OF- OF JAMES CHILDERS; LEOLA spondents, OF TRADE NAME
writing within sixty (60) days of f/k/a CASSIE C. MITCHELL
that Plaintiff brings causes of FICER OF THE UNITED CHILDERS; MARIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. State of Georgia,
the date of the Order for Public- REGIONS BANK as s/b/m
action for: (1) Breach of Medi- STATES; PETERSON; UNKNOWN 19CV11759 County of DeKalb
ated Agreement, (2) Breach of Respondents. HEIRS AT LAW OF JANE To: ANY AND ALL PARTIES The undersigned hereby
WITNESS, the Honorable Mark WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.
Original Agreement, (3) Im- ++CIVIL ACTION FILE GRIFFIN; CURTIS GRIFFIN; CLAIMING INTEREST IN THE certifies that they are conduct-
Anthony Scott, Judge of this IVY’S LANDING CONDOMINI-
plied Contract / Unjust Enrich- NO. 19CV9901++ JOHNNY RENDER; EXCESS PROCEEDS GENER- ing a business in the County of
Superior Court. UM ASSOCIATION, INC.
ment, (4) Constructive Trust, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION CIVIL ACTION: ATED FROM THE NOVEM- DeKalb, at 1136 Franklin Circle
This the 17th day of November TENANT/OWNER/OCCU-
and (5) Attorney’s Fees and Ex- By order for service by publica- FILE No. 20CV7042 BER 6, 2018, TAX SALE FOR NE Atlanta GA 30324, in the
Debra DeBerry PANT OF 3380 IVYS WALK,
pense. This action involves the tion dated November 17, 2020, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION PROPERTY LOCATED AT 598 State of Georgia, under the
Property commonly known as Defendant Fred L. Barksdale, is TO: GIBBONS DRIVE, PARCEL ID name ++Andros Beach Club
4204 Park Place Cir, Ellen- hereby notified that THE GE- a. Unknown Heirs at Law of NUMBER 18-046-01-063 Travel++. Said business has
wood GA 30294 and agree- HEREN FIRM, P.C. filed suit Juanita Hindsman; You are hereby notified that, been registered under Andros
ments regarding it. The claims against him for Complaint for b. Unknown Heirs at Law of pursuant to an Order Directing Diving.
are more particularly described Interpleader on September 26, Geneva Johnson; Service by Publication filed on This affidavit is made in compli-
Georgia State Bar No. 460461 3380 IVYS WALK
in the Complaint which is avail- 2019. c. Unknown Heirs at Law of December 3, 2020 (“Order”) by ance with GA Code Annotated,
able for you to review in the of- Defendant Fred L. Barksdale is James Childers; the Honorable Stacey K. Hy- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
Georgia State Bar No. 128706 EQUITY OF REDEMPTION
fice of the Clerk of the Superior required to file with the Clerk of d. Leola Childers; drick, a Petition for Interplead- 490.
Court of DeKalb County. Superior Court, and serve upon e. Maria Peterson; er (“Petition”) in the above-ref- Leopold, Jonathan
3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46)
You are commanded to file with Plaintiff's Attorney, Daniel P. f. Unknown Heirs at Law of erenced matter was filed by Applicant / Owner
100 Peachtree Comers, Geor- Take notice that:
the Clerk of the Superior Court Moore, an answer in writing Jane Griffin; DeKalb County Tax Commis- Sworn to and subscribed this
gia 30071 (770) 246-3304 The right to redeem the follow-
of DeKalb County, and to serve within thirty (30) days of the g. Curtis Griffin and any Un- sioner, Irvin J. Johnson (“Peti- 7th day of October, 2020.
(Telephone) ing described property, to wit
upon Plaintiff's attorney, James date of the order for publica- known Heirs at Law of Curtis tioner”) on November 25, 2019 Instrument number
(470) 508-9203 (Facsimile) will expire and be forever fore-
R. Fletcher II, Fletcher Law tion. Griffin; in the Superior Court of DeKalb 2020TN00491 ATTOR- closed and barred as of four
Firm LLC, 2993 Sandy Plains WITNESS, the Honorable h. Johnny Render; County. The purpose of the Pe- Filed on 10/7/2020
NEYS FOR PETITIONER o’clock (4 p.m.) on and after
Rd. Ste 225B, Marietta, GA Shondeana C. Morris of this i. Unknown Heirs at Law of tition is to distribute excess Debra DeBerry
January 15, 2021, or within 30
30066, an Answer to the Com- Superior Court. Matilda Childers a/k/a Matilda funds received from a non-judi- Clerk of Superior Court
350-441677 12/10,12/17,12/24 days after legal service of the
plaint in writing within sixty (60) This the 24th day of November, Ransom; cial tax sale of the real prop- In DeKalb County, Georgia
12/31 Notice pursuant to OCGA 48-4-
days of the date of the Order 2020 j. Unknown Heirs at Law of erty known as 598 Gibbons Dr.,
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 45 et seq., whichever date is
Granting Service by Publica- Clerk, Superior Court Beulah Cousin; Parcel Identification #18-046-
tion. Prepared and Presented By: You are hereby notified that the 01-063. You are hereby given 370-441378 12/10,12/17JH
OF GEORGIA That certain Condominium Unit
This 24th day of November, The Geheren Firm, P.C. above styled petition to quiet notice of this action and direc- AFFIDAVIT FOR
++Case No. 19CV5318++ in Land Lot 293 of the 18th Dis-
2020 /s/ John M. Morhart, Jr. title to property located at 3249 ted to O.C.G.A. §9-11-4(f)(1)(C) REGISTRATION
RUBIN LUBLIN, LLC, trict, DeKalb County, Georgia,
WITNESS, the Judge Clarence John M. Morhart, Jr. Robinson Avenue, DeKalb which commands you to file OF TRADE NAME
Petitioner, and being identified and depic-
F. Seeliger, Judge of the Su- Ga Bar No. 601715 County, Georgia, was filed with the Clerk of the Superior State of Georgia,
V. ted as Condominium Unit No.
perior Court of DeKalb County 4828 Ashford Dunwoody Road, against you in the Superior Court of DeKalb County and County of DeKalb
LINDA LAFOREST AYOTTE, 3380 on As-Built Survey for
Signed: 2nd Floor Court of DeKalb County on Oc- serve upon the Petitioner’s at- The undersigned hereby
PAULE JUDITH STEIZINGER, Ivy's Landing Condominium,
Debra DeBerry Atlanta, Georgia 30338 tober 8, 2020 and that by reas- torney, Ethan P. Pham, Nguy- certifies that they are conduct-
MARLANGE CORNELY, prepared by Noel W. Cook,
CLERK, Superior Court of T: (678) 587-9500 on of an order for service of en & Pham, LLC, 5430 Jimmy ing a business in the County of
JUSTE DWIGHT MOISE, dated February 16, 1982, re-
DeKalb County F: (678) 587-9098 summons by publication Carter Blvd Suite 202, Nor- DeKalb, at 2827 Rainbow
PATRICK LAFOREST, and vised March 22, 1982, recor-
++20CV6731/ 4204 Park Place entered by the Court on the 3rd cross, Georgia 30093, an An- Forest Drive Decatur GA
ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ded in Condominium Plat Book
Cir, Ellenwood GA 30294++ day of December, 2020, you swer within sixty (60) days of 30034, in the State of Georgia,
350-441674 12/10,12/17,12/24 THE ESTATE OF RAY- 4, at page 133, DeKalb County,
are hereby commanded and re- the date of the Order refer- under the name ++Real Steel
350-441554 12/3,12/10,12/17 12/31 MONDE LAFOREST, Georgia Records, together with
quired to file with the Clerk of enced above. Setters++. Said business has
12/24jh NOTICE Respondents. its appurtenant percentage of
said Court and serve upon ++19CV11759/598 GIBBONS been registered under Up &
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION TO THE AGENT IS NOTICE undivided interest in the com-
John Ayoub or Carolina Dallal DRIVE, PARCEL ID NUMBER Away Transport LLC.
In the State Court TO THE PRINCIPLE AND NO- To: JUSTE DWIGHT MOISE, mon elements of said Ivy's
Bryant, Attorney at Law, whose 18-046-01-063++ This affidavit is made in compli-
NOTICE TO THE AGENT address is 675 Seminole Ave., ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF provided in that certain Declar- 350-441783 12/17,12/24,12/31 ance with GA Code Annotated,
State of Georgia Suite 301, Atlanta, GA 30307 Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
I WILLIE CARNELL FRINK THE ESTATE OF RAY- ation of Condominium for Ivy's 1/7
Civil Action Number Nunc Pro Tund being of an Answer to the Complaint Landing Condominium dated 490.
++20A79649++ Husia/Ousia Elohim the agent! within sixty (60) days of the February 26, 1982, and recor- Fleming, Derrick
Annie Durden, Fail not your oath, lest you will fourth and final publication of By Order for Service by Public- ded in Deed Book 4599, at OF GEORGIA Applicant / Owner
vs. be called to answer before the this notice. ation dated the 31st day of Au- page 796 , DeKalb County, Jennifer Hayes Sworn to and subscribed this
One Hundred Names, LLC Highest Court of International WITNESS, the Honorable Sta- gust 2020, and filed on this Georgia Records, as now or PLAINTIFF 20th day of October, 2020.
d/b/a One and Only Motors and Law. The terms and Condition cey Hydrick, Judge of DeKalb Court's docket the 7th day of hereafter amended as therein vs Instrument number
Kashif Naviwala, Invidually, of this Instrument/Presentment County Superior Court. October, 2020, you are hereby provided. Christopher Michael Caprino 2020TN00492
To: Kashif Naviwala [ NOTICE] puts Liability with This the 4th day of December, notified that on the 13th day of That property known as 3380 DEFENDANT Filed on 10/20/2020
By Order for service by public- you and those acting in con- 2019. May, 2019, Rubin Lublin LLC, IVYS WALK according to the ++CIVIL ACTION NO. Debra DeBerry
ation dated November 13, cert you, jointly and severally Clerk of Superior Court filed a Complaint for Reforma- present system of numbering 20FM3620++ Clerk of Superior Court
2020, you are hereby notified with the corporation involved ++3249 ROBINSON AVENUE, tion naming you as a party in homes and having tax parcel TO: Chris t op he r M ic ha e l In DeKalb County, Georgia
that on March 12, 2020, Annie with you. ++An unauthorized- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA interest identification number 18 293 13 Ca prin o
Durden filed suit against you for use of the Names Willie Car- / 18 046 03 172; 20CV7042++ You are required to file with the 041. 1747 Stoney Creek Dr. SE
$TBD principal, $TBD interest, nell Frink++ in all Capital Let- 350-441676 12/10,12/17,12/24 Clerk of the Superior Court, and The tax deed to which this no- Atlanta, GA 30316 370-441379 12/10,12/17JH
and $TBD attorney's fees. ters and/or in Upper and Lower 12/31 to serve upon Petitioner's attor- tice relates is dated November NOTICE OF PUBLICATION AFFIDAVIT FOR
You are required to file with Case Lettering will be taken as IN THE SUPERIOR COURT neys, Peter L. Lublin, Tenise A. 5, 2019, and is recorded at By ORDER of the Court, for REGISTRATION
a violation of My Privacy Rights OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE Cook, and John M. Morhart, Jr. Deed Book 28093, Page 94 in service by publication dated the OF TRADE NAME
the Clerk of the State Court,
and/or Common-Law copy- OF GEORGIA of Rubin Lublin LLC, 3145 the Office of the Clerk of the 9th day of December, 2020 State of Georgia,
and to serve upon plaintiff's at-
righted property rights. The ++Civil Action File No. Avalon Ridge Place, Suite 100, Superior Court of DeKalb You are hereby notified that on County of DeKalb
torney, Sarah M Timmers an penalty for said unauthorized- County, Georgia.
19CV10138++ Peachtree Comers, Georgia the day 6 of April, 2020 the The undersigned hereby
Answer in writing within sixty use is set forth as follows: Prin- 30071, an Answer in writing The property may be re - above-named Plaintiff filed suit certifies that they are conduct-
(60) days of the date of the or- cipal Amount set at Interpleader Plaintiff, within sixty (60) days of the deemed on or before the time against you for: Paternity/Child ing a business in the County of
der for publication. $1,000,000.00 per use. V. date of the Order for Publica- and date stated above by pay- Support DeKalb, at 4370 Peachtree
Witness the Honorable Kim- SUI JUR1S JAMES ADKINS JR., ALAN tion ment of the redemption price as You are required to file with the Road NE Atlanta GA 30319, in
berly Anderson, Judge of this ADKINS, JEFFREY ADKINS, WITNESS, the Honorable Clar- fixed and provided by law to the Clerk of Superior Court, and to the State of Georgia, under the
State Court. ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ence F Seeliger, Judge of this undersigned at the following serve upon the plaintiff or name ++Atlantic American++.
This the 23rd day of November, BETTIE B. ADKINS A/KIA B.B. Superior Court. address: plaintiff's attorney, whose name Said business has been re-
2020. ADKINS and CITIMORTGAGE, This the 13th day of October, MS CADS, LLC and address is Mara Block, At- gistered under Bankers Fidelity
R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk INC., 2020. c/o John Coleman, Esq. lanta Legal Aid - Dekalb Life Insurance Company.
State Court of DeKalb County Interpleader Defendants. Debra DeBerry Coleman Law, LLC County, 246 Sycamore Street This affidavit is made in compli-
By: M. Roberts To: JEFFREY ADKINS AND DEPUTY CLERK, SUPERIOR 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite #120, Decatur, GA 30033 ance with GA Code Annotated,
Deputy Clerk ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF COURT 302 an Answer in writing within sixty Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
For: State Court BETTIE B. ADKINS A/KIA B.B. FOR: Atlanta, Georgia 30307 (60) days of the date of the Or- 490.
of DeKalb County ADKINS ls/John M Morhart, Jr. 404.974.4537 der of Publication. King, Kevin L
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION PETER L. LUBLIN Please be governed accord- WITNESS, the Honorable, Applicant / Owner
DeKalb County Courthouse
By Order for Service by Public- Georgia State Bar No. 460461 ingly. Courtney L. Johnson, Judge of Sworn to and subscribed this
556 N. McDonough Street
ation dated the 12th day of TENISE A. COOK ++3380 IVYS WALK / 18 293 the DeKalb Superior Court. 7th day of October, 2020.
name ++Atlantic American++.
Said business has been re-
gistered under Bankers Fidelity
Life Insurance Company.
This affidavit is made in compli-
ance with GA Code Annotated,

Title 10, Chapter 1, Section The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 33
King, Kevin L 370-441383 12/10,12/17JH 370-441386 12/10,12/17JH 370-441394 12/10,12/17JH 370-441410 12/17,12/24JH 370-441413 12/17,12/24JH 370-441416 12/17,12/24JH
Instrument number State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia,
2020TN00494 County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb
Filed on 10/20/2020 The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby
Debra DeBerry certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct-
Clerk of Superior Court ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of
In DeKalb County, Georgia DeKalb, at 4170 Ashford Dun- DeKalb, at DeKalb, at 8010 Mall Pkwy DeKalb, at 7285 WOOD HOL- DeKalb, at 4271 First Avenue DeKalb, at 803 Plumbridge Ct.
woody Rd. NE Suite 485 1553 Diamond Head Circle Stonecrest, GA 30038, in the LOW WAY Stone Mountain, GA Tucker, GA 30084, in the State Lithonia, GA 30058, in the
370-441380 12/10,12/17JH Brookhaven, GA 30319, in the Decatur, GA 30033, in the State of Georgia, under the 30087, in the State of Georgia, of Georgia, under the name State of Georgia, under the
AFFIDAVIT FOR State of Georgia, under the State of Georgia, under the name ++Chapel Beauty++. under the name ++SMALL ++Region 9 Safety Compli- name ++PYP Consulting++.
REGISTRATION name ++DRW Healthcare Staff- name ++Union Up++. Said Said business has been re- BUSINESS WITH INTEGRITY ance++. Said business has Said business has been re-
OF TRADE NAME ing ++. Said business has been business has been registered gistered under Lisa Hair Inc. ASSOCIATION++. Said busi- been registered under McK- gistered.
State of Georgia, registered under under AoMA Advertising LLC. This affidavit is made in compli- ness has been registered un- night NV, Inc. This affidavit is made in compli-
County of DeKalb LLC. This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, der GLAMDEE ENTERPRISE This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated,
The undersigned hereby This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section L.L.C. ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490
certifies that they are conduct- ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section .
ing a business in the County of Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. Park, Nam K ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. Brooks, Sondra
DeKalb, at 2345 Peachwood 490. Walker, Rutland G Applicant / Owner Title 10, Chapter 1, Section McKnight, Troy, Sr. Applicant / Owner
Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30345, in Wang, Christopher Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this 490. Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this
the State of Georgia, under the Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this 12th day of October, 2020. HANDSPIKE, DERRICA A Sworn to and subscribed this 6th day of October, 2020.
name ++Haven on Peach- Sworn to and subscribed this 27th day of October, 2020. Instrument number Applicant / Owner 5th day of October, 2020. Instrument number
wood++. Said business has 22nd day of October, 2020. Instrument number 2020TN00479 Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number 2020TN00472
been registered under 2345 Instrument number 2020TN00501 Filed on 10/12/2020 1st day of October, 2020. 2020TN00469 Filed on October 6, 2020
Peachwood LLC. 2020TN00498 Filed on 10/27/2020 Debra DeBerry Instrument number Filed on 10/5/2020 Debra DeBerry
This affidavit is made in compli- Filed on 10/22/2020 Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court 2020TN00466 Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court
ance with GA Code Annotated, Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia Filed on 10/1/2020 Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia
370-441395 12/10,12/17JH
490. In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
370-441392 12/10,12/17JH AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-441414 12/17,12/24JH
Chamberlain, Daniel R.
Applicant / Owner
370-441384 12/10,12/17JH AFFIDAVIT FOR REGISTRATION In DeKalb County, Georgia AFFIDAVIT FOR Zoning Matters
Sworn to and subscribed this REGISTRATION 380-441784 12/17
21st day of October, 2020. OF TRADE NAME ZONING MATTERS
State of Georgia, County of DeKalb REGISTRATION State of Georgia,
Instrument number State of Georgia, Notice is hereby given that the
County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby OF TRADE NAME County of DeKalb
2020TN00495 County of DeKalb DeKalb County Zoning Board
The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct- State of Georgia, The undersigned hereby
Filed on 10/21/2020 The undersigned hereby of Appeals will hold an online
certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of County of DeKalb certifies that they are conduct-
Debra DeBerry certifies that they are conduct- public hearing for the following
ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 1308 Glenwood The undersigned hereby ing a business in the County of
Clerk of Superior Court ing a business in the County of application(s)on the following
DeKalb, at 3763 Longmire Way Ave. SE Atlanta, GA 30316, in certifies that they are conduct- DeKalb, at 3422 Pierce Drive
In DeKalb County, Georgia DeKalb, at 5459 Mallard Trl date:
Doraville, GA 30340, in the the State of Georgia, under the ing a business in the County of Chamblee, GA 30341, in the
370-441381 12/10,12/17JH Lithonia, GA 30058, in the State of Georgia, under the name ++Hippin Hops Brewery DeKalb, at 1153 Byrnwyck CT State of Georgia, under the ++Zoning Board of Appeals
AFFIDAVIT FOR State of Georgia, under the name ++Planet Insurance++. & Oyster Bar++. Said business NE Brookhaven, GA 30319, in name ++Thrive Fitness Meeting Date – Wednesday,
REGISTRATION name ++GA Rapid Mobile Not- Said business has been re- has been registered under Hip- the State of Georgia, under the Health++. Said business has January 13, 2021 1:00 PM++
OF TRADE NAME ary++. Said business has been gistered under USA Invest- pin Hops Brewery, Inc. name ++HERS++. Said busi- been registered under Thrive This meeting will be held via
State of Georgia, registered under Tylee Art LLC. ment & Financial Group, Inc. This affidavit is made in compli- ness has been registered un- Fitness LLC Zoom
County of DeKalb This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, der Haley Evaluation & Re- This affidavit is made in compli- Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS
The undersigned hereby ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section search Services, LLC. ance with GA Code Annotated, or Android: https://dekalb-
certifies that they are conduct- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
ing a business in the County of 490. 490. Boston, Donnica August ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. 69
DeKalb, at 305 Beechwood Spann, Tyechia Uddin, Jashim Applicant / Owner Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Garden, Howard Lloyd, II. Or Telephone:
Lane Stone Mountain, GA Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this 490. Applicant / Owner Dial (for higher quality, dial a
30087, in the State of Georgia, Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this 13th day of October, 2020. Haley, Lillian Sworn to and subscribed this number based on your current
under the name ++Design High 26th day of October, 2020. 8th day of October, 2020. Instrument number Applicant / Owner 5th day of October, 2020. location):
Performance ++. Said busi- Instrument number Instrument number 2020TN00480 Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number US: USA 8882709936 (US Toll
ness has been registered un- 2020TN00499 2020TN00477 Filed on 10/13/2020 2nd day of October, 2020. 2020TN00470 Free) or 602 333 0032
der Everything Etiquette and Filed on 10/26/2020 Filed on 10/8/2020 Debra DeBerry Instrument number Filed on 10/5/2020 Conference code: 476725
You, LLC Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court 2020TN00467 Debra DeBerry Find local AT&T Numbers:
This affidavit is made in compli- Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia Filed on 10/2/2020 Clerk of Superior Court https://www.teleconference.att.
ance with GA Code Annotated, In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia 370-441409 12/17,12/24JH Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia com/servlet/glbAccess?pro-
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 370-441385 12/10,12/17JH 370-441393 12/10, 12/17JH AFFIDAVIT FOR Clerk of Superior Court 370-441415 12/17,12/24JH cess=1&accessNumber=60233
490. AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR REGISTRATION In DeKalb County, Georgia AFFIDAVIT FOR 30032&accessCode=476725
Applicant / Owner OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia, 370-441412 12/17,12/24JH OF TRADE NAME
Sworn to and subscribed this State of Georgia, State of Georgia, County of DeKalb AFFIDAVIT FOR State of Georgia, /skype/88984767269
24th day of October, 2020. County of DeKalb County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby REGISTRATION County of DeKalb Meeting participant’s or caller’s
Instrument number The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct- OF TRADE NAME The undersigned hereby phone numbers may be dis-
2020TN00496 certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of State of Georgia, certifies that they are conduct- played to the public viewing or
Filed on 10/24/2020 ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 2353 Deer Springs County of DeKalb ing a business in the County of participating in the online meet-
Debra DeBerry DeKalb, at 2825 Northeast Ex- DeKalb, at 561 Stonehedge Dr. Ellenwood, GA 30294, in The undersigned hereby DeKalb, at 1938 Huntington ing.
Clerk of Superior Court pressway Atlanta, GA 30345, in Drive Stone Mountain, GA the State of Georgia, under the certifies that they are conduct- Hall Ct Atlanta, GA 30338, in Citizens may also email docu-
In DeKalb County, Georgia the State of Georgia, under the 30087, in the State of Georgia, name ++Nerd Brain++. Said ing a business in the County of the State of Georgia, under the ments for inclusion into the offi-
name ++Peachtree Medical under the name ++Betta Beats business has been registered DeKalb, at 1922 Northlake name Said cial record by submitting such
370-441382 12/10,12/17JH Research Group ++. Said busi- Entertainment++. Said busi- under Apartment #5, LLC. Parkway Tucker, GA 30084, in business has been registered materials by 11:00 am on the
AFFIDAVIT FOR ness has been registered un- ness has been registered. This affidavit is made in compli- the State of Georgia, under the under INSTAREL, CORP. date of the public hearing.
REGISTRATION der PharmaCommunity Inc. This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, name ++Comfort Inn This affidavit is made in compli- Email the DeKalb County De-
OF TRADE NAME This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Marrero++. Said business has ance with GA Code Annotated, partment of Planning and Sus-
State of Georgia, ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. been registered under Apex Title 10, Chapter 1, Section t a i n a b i l i t y a t
County of DeKalb Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. Davis, Excelsius F Hospitality Group LLC. 490. plansustain@dekalbcountyga.g
The undersigned hereby 490. Hill, Jeremiah Applicant / Owner This affidavit is made in compli- Helfrich, Thomas ov
certifies that they are conduct- Jeter, John Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this ance with GA Code Annotated, Applicant / Owner AGENDA
ing a business in the County of Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this 29th day of September, 2020. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Sworn to and subscribed this DEFFERRED ITEMS:
DeKalb, at 208 N Clarendon Sworn to and subscribed this 8th day of October, 2020. Instrument number 490. 6th day of October, 2020.
Ave Avondale Estates, GA 26th day of October, 2020. Instrument number 2020TN00465 Shariff, Sam Instrument number D1 A-20- 1244329 (Deferred
30002, in the State of Georgia, Instrument number 2020TN00478 Filed on 10/2/2020 Applicant / Owner 2020TN00471 from 12/9/2020 meeting) Com-
under the name ++Loaded Up 2020TN00500 Filed on 10/8/2020 Debra DeBerry Sworn to and subscribed this Filed on 10/6/2020 mission District 04 Super Dis-
Logistics++. Said business has Filed on 10/26/2020 Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court 5th day of October, 2020. Debra DeBerry trict 07
been registered under RGB Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia Instrument number Clerk of Superior Court 18-073-02-005
Technology Training Center Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia 2020TN00468 In DeKalb County, Georgia 811 SHEPPARD ROAD
Corp. In DeKalb County, Georgia Filed on 10/5/2020 STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30083
This affidavit is made in compli- Debra DeBerry Application of Tracy T.
ance with GA Code Annotated, Clerk of Superior Court Swearingen, Sr. to request the
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section In DeKalb County, Georgia following variance from Chapter
490. 27 of the DeKalb County Zon-
Gipson, Renee ing Ordinance to reduce to front
Applicant / Owner yard setback for a proposed
Sworn to and subscribed this two-story detached home. The
25th day of October, 2020. property is located east of
Instrument number Sheppard Road, at 811 Shep-
2020TN00497 pard Road Stone Mountain, GA
Filed on 10/25/2020 30083.
Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court D2 A-20-1244203 (Deferred
In DeKalb County, Georgia from 12/9/2020) Commission
District 04 Super District 06
18 -009--26-016; 18-009-26-
015; 18-009-26-014; 18-009-
26-013; and 18-009-26-012
two-story detached home. The district. The property is located 3157 KELLY STREET, o’clock (4 p.m.) on and after PAGE 101, DEKALB COUNTY 30035 ing and being in Land Lot 34 of
property is located east of east of Henderson Walk, at SCOTTDALE, GA 30079 January 15, 2021, or within 30 RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS Parcel ID: 15-163-03-013 the 15th District DeKalb
Sheppard Road, at 811 Shep- 3225 Henderson Walk, Application of April Ingraham to days after legal service of the HEREBY REFERRED TO AND Said property is known as 4191 County, Georgia, being lot 10,
pard Road Stone Mountain, GA Doraville, GA 30340. request the following variances Notice pursuant to OCGA 48-4- MADE A PART OF THIS DE- Hanes Drive, Decatur, GA Block BBB, Unit IX, Section II,
30083. from Chapter 27 of the DeKalb 45 et seq., whichever date is SCRIPTION; BEING IM- 30035, together with all fix- Phase I, Chapel Hill Subdivi-
N3 A-20- 1244492 Commis- County Zoning Ordinance: (1) later: PROVED PROPERTY KNOWN tures and personal property at- sion, as per plat recorded in
Page 34
D2 A-20-1244203 (Deferred
from 12/9/2020) Commission
sion District 02 Super Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
District to increase the maximum fin-
ished floor elevation threshold,
All that tract or parcel of land ly-
ing and being in Land Lot 193
AS NO. 1637 FREEDOM VAL- tached to and constituting a
part of said property, if any.
Plat Book 85, Page 21, DeKalb
LEY, ACCORDING TO THE County, Georgia Records, said
District 04 Super District 06 18-193-03-017 and (2) reduce the front and of the 15th District of DeKalb PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- Said property will be sold sub- plat is incorporated herein by
18 -009--26-016; 18-009-26- 1941 NORTH AKIN, ATLANTA, side yard setback for a pro- County, Georgia, being Lot 18, BERING HOUSES IN SAID ject to any outstanding ad reference for a more complete
015; 18-009-26-014; 18-009- GA 30345 posed two-story home. The Block B of White Oak Farms, COUNTY, AS MORE PARTIC- valorem taxes (including taxes description.
26-013; and 18-009-26-012 Application of Cynthia Shalls to property is located south of Unit One, as per Plat thereof ULARLY SHOWN ON THAT which are a lien, whether or not Tax ID #: 15 034 01 080
319, 321, 323, 325, & 327 reques t a vari ance from Kelly Street, at 3157 Kelly recorded In Plat Book 74, page CERTAIN PLAT OF SURVEY now due and payable), the right The debt secured by said Se-
OHM AVENUE, SCOTTDALE, Chapter 27 of the DeKalb Street, Scottdale GA 30079. 109, as revised in Plat Book 76, PREPARED BY ESTON of redemption of any taxing au- curity Deed has been and is
GA 30079 County Zoning Ordinance to in- page 27, DeKalb County, Geor- PENDLEY & ASSOC., INC., thority, any matters which might hereby declared due because
Application of Battle Law, P.C. crease the maximum allowed N8 A-20- 1244497 Commis- gia, records, which Plat is incor- DATED OCTOBER 21, 1987. be disclosed by an accurate of, among other possible
to request the following vari- lot coverage for a proposed sion District 02 Super District porated herein and made a part That property known as 1637 survey and inspection of the events of default, failure to pay
ances from Chapter 14 of the swimming pool, relating to R- 06 hereof by reference for a more FREEDOM VLY according to property, any assessments, li- the indebtedness as and when
DeKalb County Land Develop- 100 zoning district. The prop- 18-112-02-003 detailed description; being that the present system of number- ens, encumbrances, zoning or- due and in the manner
ment Ordinance and Chapter erty is located south of North 3033 N. DRUID HILLS ROAD, property known as 4 768 ing homes and having tax par- dinances, restrictions, coven- provided in the Note and Se-
27 of the DeKalb County Zon- Akin, at 3225 Henderson Walk, ATLANTA, GA 30329 WHITE OAK TRAIL according cel identification number 15 ants, and matters of record su- curity Deed. The debt remain-
ing Ordinance to , (1) to re- Doraville, GA 30340. Application of PSC Holding to the present system of num- 188 03 060. perior to the Security Deed first ing in default, this sale will be
duce the front yard setback, Hills LLC c/o Julie Sellers to re- bering homes and having tax The tax deed to which this no- set out above. made for the purpose of pay-
and (2) to reduce the side N4 A-20- 1244493 Commis- quest a variance from Chapter parcel identification number 15 tice relates is dated September The proceeds of said sale will ing the same and all expenses
corner yard setback for a pro- sion District 01 Super District 27 of the DeKalb County Zon- 193 12 015. 2, 2014, and is recorded in the be applied to the payment of of this sale, as provided in Se-
posed single-family home, re- 07 ing Ordinance to reduce the re- The tax deed to which this no- Office of the Clerk of the Super- said indebtedness and all ex- curity Deed and by law, includ-
lating to the Scottdale Overlay 18-285-01-010 quired 50-foot transitional buf- tice relates is dated November ior Court of DeKalb County, penses of said sale as provided ing attorney’s fees (notice of in-
district. The properties are loc- 3730 CHAMBLEE TUCKER fer for a restaurant with drive- 5, 2019, and is recorded at Georgia in Deed Book 24604 in said Deed, and the balance, tent to collect attorney’s fees
ated east of Ohm Avenue, at ROAD, CHAMBLEE, GA 30341 thru, relating to C1 zoning dis- Deed Book 28093, Page 86 in Page 109. if any, will be distributed as having been given).
319, 321, 323, 325, & 327 Ohm Application of Jorge Bazen to trict. The property is located the Office of the Clerk of the The property may be re- provided by law. Your mortgage servicer, Rush-
Avenue, Scottdale, GA 30079. reques t a vari ance from west of N Druid Hills Road, at Superior Court of DeKalb deemed on or before the time The sale will be conducted sub- more Loan Management Ser-
Chapter 27 of the DeKalb 3033 N Druid Hills Road, At- County, Georgia. and date stated above by pay- ject (1) to confirmation that the vices, LLC, as servicer for
D3 A-20- 1244335 (Deferred County Zoning Ordinance to re- lanta GA 30079. The property may be re- ment of the redemption price as sale is not prohibited under the Rushmore Loan Management
from 12/9/2020 meeting) Com- duce the required 50-foot trans- deemed on or before the time fixed and provided by law to the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Services LLC, can be contac-
mission District 02 Super Dis- itional buffer for a proposed ad- N9 A-20- 1244498 Commis- and date stated above by pay- undersigned at the following to final confirmation and audit ted at 888-504-7300 or by writ-
trict 06 dition, relating to OI zoning dis- sion District 02 Super District ment of the redemption price as address: of the status of the loan with ing to 15480 Laguna Canyon
18-162-02-100 trict. The property is located 06 fixed and provided by law to the ALFREDA DOWNIE c/o the secured creditor. Road, Suite 100, Irvine, CA
2832 LAURELGATE DRIVE, north of Chamblee Tucker 18-160-03-043, and 18-160-03- undersigned at the following Carolina D. Bryant, Esq. The property is or may be in 92618, to discuss possible al-
DECATUR, GA 30033 road, at 3730 Chamblee Tuck- 022 address: Ayoub, Mansour & Bryant, LLC the possession of Cordarius M. ternatives to avoid foreclosure.
Application of Gail Mooney to er Road, Chamblee, GA 30341. 1724 KODIAK CIRCLE, AT- MS CADS, LLC 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite Atchison, successor in interest Said property will be sold sub-
request the following variance LANTA, GA 30345; 1719 TIM- c/o John Coleman, Esq. 301 or tenant(s). ject to any outstanding ad
from Chapter 27 of the DeKalb N5 A-20- 1244494 Commis- BERLAND ROAD ATLANTA, Coleman Law, LLC Atlanta, Georgia 30307 Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a valorem taxes (including taxes
County Zoning Ordinance to in- sion District 02 Super District GA 30345 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite 404.892.2599 Mr. Cooper as Attorney-in-Fact which are a lien, but not yet
crease the maximum allowed 06 Application of Cindy Miller to re- 302 Please be governed accord- for Cordarius M. Atchison due and payable), any matters
lot coverage for a proposed 18-196-04-029; 18-196-04- quest a variance from Chapter Atlanta, Georgia 30307 ingly. File no. ++19-075151/ ATCHIS- which might be disclosed by an
swimming pool deck, relating to 040;18-196-04-039;18-196-04- 27 of the DeKalb County Zon- 404.974.4537 ++1637 FREEDOM VLY, DEC- ON++ accurate survey and inspection
the R-85 zoning district. The 037; 18-196-04-035;18-196-04- ing Ordinance to allow live- Please be governed accord- ATUR, GA 30032/15 188 03 SHAPIRO PENDERGAST & of the property, any assess-
property is located west of 034; stock on a lot less than two ingly. 060++ HASTY, LLP* ments, liens, encumbrances,
Laurelgate Drive, at 2832 18-196-04-033; 18-196-04-038; acres. The properties are ++4768 WHITE OAK TRAIL/ 15 Attorneys and Counselors at zoning ordinances, restrictions,
Laurelgate Drive, Decatur GA 18-196-04-038; and 18-196-04- bounded between Kodiak 193 12 015++ 420-441507 12/3,12/10,12/17 Law covenants, and matters of re-
30033. 041 Circle and Timberland Road, at 350-441782 12/17,12/24,12/31 12/24,12/31 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, cord superior to the Security
2814,2810,2806, 2804, 1724 Kodiak Circle and 1719 1/7 STATE OF GEORGIA N.E., Suite 300 Deed first set out above.
D4 A-20- 1244336 (Deferred 2794,2778, 3080, and 3070 Timberland Road, Atlanta, GA NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE COUNTY OF DEKALB Atlanta, GA 30346 To the best knowledge and be-
from 12/9/2020 meeting) Com- CLAIRMONT ROAD, AT- 30345. OF RIGHT TO REDEEM NOTICE OF SALE UNDER (770) 220-2535/CH lief of the undersigned, the
mission District 03 Super Dis- LANTA, GA 30329; 3068 BRI- [REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5 POWER parties in possession of the
trict 06 ARCLIFF ROAD, ATLANTA, N10 A-20- 1244499 Commis- et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46] Because of a default under the *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING property are Leonard Golden
15-140-03-016; and 15-140-03- GA 30329 sion District 02 Super District TO: terms of the Security Deed ex- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. and Sean Golden or tenant(s);
037 Application of Stein Invest- 06 JAMES BERRY ecuted by Cordarius M. Atchis- ANY INFORMATION OB - and said property is more com-
2478 and 2486 FLAT SHOALS ments Co, LLC c/0 Dennis J. 18-105-02-065 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL on to Mortgage Electronic Re- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR monly known as 4254 South-
ROAD, DECATUR, GA 30032 Webb, Jr. (Smith, Gamrell, & 1177 BILTMORE DRIVE, AT- TRUST COMPANY, as Trust- gistration Systems, Inc., as THAT PURPOSE. vale Dr, Decatur, GA 30034.
Application of Smith, Gambrell Russell, LLP) to request the fol- LANTA, GA 30329 ee under Pooling and Servi- grantee, as nominee for 420-441508 12/3,12/10,12/17, The sale will be conducted sub-
& Russell, LLP to request the lowing variances from Chapter Application of Nancy Birnhaum cing Agreement dated as of Au-, LLC, its suc- 12/24,12/31 ject (1) to confirmation that the
following variance from Chapter 27 of the DeKalb County Zon- to request a variance from gust 1, 2004 Morgan Stanley cessors and assigns dated NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE sale is not prohibited under the
27 of the DeKalb County Zon- ing Ordinance: (1) to reduce Chapter 27 of the DeKalb ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2004- June 26, 2018, and recorded in SALE UNDER POWER U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
ing Ordinance to reduce the the minimum unit size, (2) re- County Zoning Ordinance to re- WMC2 Mortgage Pass-Through Deed Book 26994, Page 385, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA to final confirmation and audit
streetscape requirements for a duce the front and side yard duce the side and rear yard Certificates, Series 2004- DeKalb County Records, said THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO of the status of the loan with
proposed multifamily develop- setback, (3) reduce the width of setback for a proposed second WMC2 Security Deed having been last COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- the holder of the security deed.
ment, relating to OI zoning dis- the streetscape and landscape story addition as well as to en- DAVID CURRY, in his Official sold, assigned, transferred and FORMATION OBTAINED WILL Rushmore Loan Management
trict. The property is located strip, (4) reduce the minimum close the existing carport. The Capacity as Commissioner of conveyed to Nationstar Mort- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- Services LLC as Attorney in
north of Flat Shoals Road, at parking requirement, and re- property is located southeast of the GEORGIA DEPARTMENT gage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper, se- POSE. Fact for Leonard Golden
2478 and 2486 Flat Shoals duce the minimum number of Biltmore Drive, at 1177 Bilt- OF REVENUE curing a Note in the original Under and by virtue of the McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC
Road, Decatur GA 30032. loading spaces all for a pro- more Drive Atlanta, GA 30329. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA principal amount of Power of Sale contained in a 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite
posed multi-family housing. OCCUPANT OF 1637 FREE- $117,826.00, the holder there- Security Deed given by Le- 260
NEW ITEMS: The properties are located DOM VLY, DECATUR, GA of pursuant to said Deed and onard Golden to Mortgage Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
northwest of the intersection of 30032 AND ALL PERSONS Note thereby secured has de- Electronic Registration Sys- 404-474-7149
N1 A-20- 1244490 Commis- Clairmont and Briarcliff road, at Foreclosures: Residential KNOWN AND UNKNOWN clared the entire amount of said tems, Inc., as nominee for Uni- MTG File No.:++GA2019-
sion District 04 Super District 2814,2810,2806, 2804, HAVING ANY RIGHT, TITLE indebtedness due and payable on Home Mortgage Corp dated 00521/Leonard Golden++
06 2794,2778, 3080, and 3070 350-441767 12/17,12/24,12/31 INTEREST IN, OR LIEN and, pursuant to the power of November 30, 2017 and recor-
18-009-26-012; 18-009-26-013 Clairmont Road, Atlanta, GA 1/7 UPON, 1637 FREEDOM VLY, sale contained in said Deed, ded on December 5, 2017 in 420-441569 12/10,12/17,12/24
325 & 327 OHM AVENUE, 30329; 3068 Briarcliff Road, At- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE DECATUR, GA 30032, will on the first Tuesday, Janu- Deed Book 26631, Page 441, 12/31
SCOTTDALE, GA 30079 lanta, GA 30329. OF RIGHT TO REDEEM FULTON COUNTY, GEORGIA ary 5, 2021, during the legal DeKalb County, Georgia Re- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
Application of Kathie Gannon to [REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5 RE: FORECLOSURE OF hours of sale, before the Court- cords, and later assigned to POWER
request an appeal of an admin- N6 A-20- 1244495 Commis- et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46] EQUITY OF REDEMPTION house door in said County, sell Rushmore Loan Management DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
istrative decision regarding ap- sion District 04 Super District TO: ADRIAN V. WIMBERLY FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. at public outcry to the highest Services LLC by Assignment of By virtue of the power of sale
proval of an administrative 06 JR. O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) bidder for cash, the property Security Deed recorded on Au- contained in a Deed to Secure
stream buffer variance. The 18-047-05-005 ENDLESS SOLUTIONS, INC. Take notice that: described in said Deed, to-wit: gust 27, 2019 in Deed Book Debt from Hairston Project,
properties are located east of 604 KENTUCKY STREET, TENANT/OWNER/OCCU- The right to redeem the follow- All that tract or parcel of land ly- 27753, Page 581, DeKalb LLC to Tran Real Estate Invest-
Ohm Avenue, at 325, & 327 SCOTTDALE, GA 30079 PANT OF 4768 WHITE OAK ing described property, to wit ing and being in Land Lot 163, County, Georgia Records, con- ment, LLC dated February 1,
Ohm Avenue, Scottdale, GA Application of Kistie Wilder to TRAIL, AND ALL PERSONS will expire and be forever fore- of the 15th District, DeKalb veying the after-described 2019 and recorded on March 4,
30079. request a vari ance from KNOWN AND UNKNOWN closed and barred as of five County, Georgia, being Lot 33, property to secure a Note in the 2019 in Book 27411, Page 89
Chapter 27 of the DeKalb HAVING OF RECORD IN o’clock (5 p.m.) on January 25, Glenhaven Acres, as per plat original principal amount of by the Clerk of Superior Court,
N2 A-20- 1244491 Commis- County Zoning Ordinance to re- DEKALB COUNTY ANY 2021 or 30 days after legal ser- recorded in Plat Book 20, Page One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dekalb County, Georgia, secur-
sion District 01 Super District duce the separation distance RIGHT, TITLE, INTEREST IN, vice of the Notice pursuant to 47, DeKalb County, Georgia Five Hundred Ninety-One And ing a Promissory Note in the
07 from properties zoned for a res- OR LIEN UPON 4768 WHITE OCGA 48-4-45 et seq., Records, which plat is incorpor- 00/100 Dollars ($130,591.00), amount of $66,080.00. On
18-286-16-015 idential use for a proposed an- OAK TRAIL whichever date is later: ated herein by reference for a with interest thereon as set January 5, 2021, there will be
3225 HENDERSON WALK, imal shelter. The property is RE: FORECLOSURE OF ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- more complete description. Be- forth therein, there will be sold sold at public outcry for cash to
DORAVILLE, GA 30340 located west of Kentucky EQUITY OF REDEMPTION CEL OF LAND LYING AND ing the same property de- at public outcry to the highest the highest bidder at the court-
Application of Shona Griffin to Street, at 604 Kentucky Street, FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. BEING IN LAND LOT 188, scribed in Deed Book 25769, bidder for cash before the house door in Dekalb County,
request the following variances Scottdale, GA 30079. O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Page 744 and Deed Book courthouse door of DeKalb Georgia, during the legal hours
from Chapter 27 of the DeKalb Take notice that: COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING 4922, Page 73, re-recorded at County, Georgia, within the leg- of sale on the first Tuesday of
County Zoning Ordinance to re- N7 A-20- 1244496 Commis- The right to redeem the follow- LOT 15, BLOCK "B", VALLEY Deed Book 5465, Page 132, al hours of sale on January 5, the month, the following de-
duce the side and rear yard sion District 04 Super District ing described property, to wit FORGE SUBDIVISION, UNIT aforesaid records. 2021 the following described scribed property:
setback for a proposed addi- 06 will expire and be forever fore- THREE, AS PER PLAT RE- Subject Property Address: property: All that tract or parcel of land ly-
tion, relating to RSM zoning 18-046-03-120 closed and barred as of four CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 67, 4191 Hanes Drive, Decatur, GA All that tract or parcel of land ly- ing and being in Land Lot 1 of
district. The property is located 3157 KELLY STREET, o’clock (4 p.m.) on and after PAGE 101, DEKALB COUNTY 30035 ing and being in Land Lot 34 of the 16th District, Dekalb
east of Henderson Walk, at SCOTTDALE, GA 30079 January 15, 2021, or within 30 RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS Parcel ID: 15-163-03-013 the 15th District DeKalb County, Georgia and being
3225 Henderson Walk, Application of April Ingraham to days after legal service of the HEREBY REFERRED TO AND Said property is known as 4191 County, Georgia, being lot 10, more particularly described as
Doraville, GA 30340. request the following variances Notice pursuant to OCGA 48-4- MADE A PART OF THIS DE- Hanes Drive, Decatur, GA Block BBB, Unit IX, Section II, follows: Beginning at an iron
from Chapter 27 of the DeKalb 45 et seq., whichever date is SCRIPTION; BEING IM- 30035, together with all fix- Phase I, Chapel Hill Subdivi- pin located 2,515.5 feet west
N3 A-20- 1244492 Commis- County Zoning Ordinance: (1) later: PROVED PROPERTY KNOWN tures and personal property at- sion, as per plat recorded in from a point on the east line of
sion District 02 Super District to increase the maximum fin- All that tract or parcel of land ly- AS NO. 1637 FREEDOM VAL- tached to and constituting a Plat Book 85, Page 21, DeKalb said Lot 1, said point on the
07 ished floor elevation threshold, ing and being in Land Lot 193 LEY, ACCORDING TO THE part of said property, if any. County, Georgia Records, said east line of said land lot being
18-193-03-017 and (2) reduce the front and of the 15th District of DeKalb PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- Said property will be sold sub- plat is incorporated herein by located 1,452.0 feet north from
1941 NORTH AKIN, ATLANTA, side yard setback for a pro- County, Georgia, being Lot 18, BERING HOUSES IN SAID ject to any outstanding ad reference for a more complete the southeast corner of said
GA 30345 posed two-story home. The Block B of White Oak Farms, COUNTY, AS MORE PARTIC- valorem taxes (including taxes description. land lot running thence south
Application of Cynthia Shalls to property is located south of Unit One, as per Plat thereof ULARLY SHOWN ON THAT which are a lien, whether or not Tax ID #: 15 034 01 080 89 degrees west 333.6 feet to a
the 16th District, Dekalb ston Project, LLC. paying the same and all ex- August 16, 2005, and Recor- tions, covenants, etc. and is hereby declared due be- property:
County, Georgia and being The person that has full author- penses of this sale, as provided ded on September 15, 2005 as The sale will be conducted sub- cause of, among other pos- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
more particularly described as ity to negotiate, amend, and in the Deed to Secure Debt and Book No. 17894 and Page No. ject to (1) confirmation that the sible events of default, failure to CEL OF LAND LYING AND
follows: Beginning at an iron modify all terms of the above by law, including attorney’s 758, DeKalb County, Georgia sale is not prohibited under the pay the indebtedness as and BEING IN LAND LOT 94 OF
pin located 2,515.5 feet west described Deed to Secure Debt fees (notice of intent to collect records, conveying the after- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) when due and in the manner THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
from a point on the east line of is as follows: Alan G. Paulk, Jr., attorney’s fees having been described property to secure a final confirmation and audit of provided in the Note and Deed COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING

said Lot 1, said point on the The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 35
404-301-1609. The secured given). CITIBANK, N.A., AS Note of even date in the origin- the status of the loan with the to Secure Debt. The debt re- LOT 14, MILAM ESTATES
east line of said land lot being creditor is not required by law TRUSTEE FOR CMLTI AS- al principal amount of holder of the security deed. maining in default, this sale will SUBDIVISION, UNIT III, AS
located 1,452.0 feet north from to negotiate, amend, or modify SET TRUST holds the duly en- $104,000.00, with interest at Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- be made for the purpose of PER PLAT RECORDED IN
the southeast corner of said the terms of the security instru- dorsed Note and is the current the rate specified therein, as 172.1, which allows for certain paying the same and all ex- PLAT BOOK 35, PAGE 124, IN
land lot running thence south ment. assignee of the Security Deed last assigned to The Bank of procedures regarding the res- penses of this sale, as provided THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK
89 degrees west 333.6 feet to a The sale will be conducted sub- to the property. FAY SERVI- New York Mellon, F/K/A The cission of judicial and nonjudi- in Deed to Secure Debt and by OF SUPERIOR COURT OF
point on the east side of Hair- ject 1) to confirmation that the CING LLC, acting on behalf of Bank of New York as trustee for cial sales in th State of Geor- law, including attorney’s fees DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
ston (formerly Oakland School) sale is not prohibited under the and, as necessary, in consulta- registered Holders of CWABS, gia, the Deed Under Power and (notice of intent to collect attor- WHICH RECORDED PLAT IS
Road; running thence south U.S. Bankruptcy Code and 2) tion with CITIBANK, N.A., AS Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, other foreclosure documents ney’s fees having been given). INCORPORATED HEREIN BY
along the east side of' Hairston the final confirmation and audit TRUSTEE FOR CMLTI AS- Series 2005-9 by assignment may not be provided until final Your mortgage servicer can be REFERENCE AND MADE A
Road 125.0 feet to a point of the status of the loan with SET TRUST (the current in- that is or to be recorded in the confirmation and audit of the contacted at 800-603-0836 - PART OF THIS DESCRITION.
which is 217.1 feet north of the the holder of the security deed. vestor on the loan), is the en- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- status of the loan as provided Loss Mitigation Dept., or by The debt secured by said Se-
line of the L.J. Crowe property; Notice has been given of inten- tity with the full authority to ne- cords, there will be sold by the in the preceding paragraph. writing to SN Servicing Corpor- curity Deed has been and is
running thence north 89 de- tion to collect attorney fees in gotiate, amend, and modify all undersigned at public outcry to Funds used at sale shall be in ation (Servicer), 323 Fifth hereby declared due because
grees east 333.5 feet to an iron accordance with the terms of terms of the loan. Pursuant to the highest bidder for cash at certified funds and payable to Street, Eureka, CA 95501, to of, among other possible
pipe; running thence north the note secured by said deed. O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, FAY the DeKalb County Court- “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, discuss possible alternatives to events of default, failure to pay
125.0 feet to the point of begin- Tran Real Estate Investment, SERVICING LLC may be con- house within the legal hours of LLC”. avoid foreclosure. the indebtedness as and when
ning; being improved property LLC Attorney in Fact for tacted at: FAY SERVICING sale on the first Tuesday in The Bank of New York Mellon, Said property will be sold sub- due and in the manner
known as 878 South Hairston ++Hairston Project, LLC++ LLC, 425 S. FI NANCIAL January, 2021, the following F/K/A The Bank of New York as ject to any outstanding ad provided in the Note and Se-
Road, Stone Mountain, Dekalb Autry, Hall, & Cook, LLP PLACE, SUITE 2000, CHICA- described property: trustee for registered Holders of valorem taxes (including taxes curity Deed. The debt remain-
County, Georgia; Alan G. Paulk Jr. GO, IL 60605, 800 495 7166. All that tract or parcel of land ly- CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed which are a lien, but not yet ing in default, this sale will be
Less and except all that tract or 3330 Cumberland Blvd., Please note that, pursuant to ing and being in Land Lot 148 Certificates, Series 2005-9 as due and payable), any matters made for the purpose of pay-
parcel of land lying and being in Suite 325 O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, the se- of the 15th District, DeKalb Attorney in Fact for Claudette which might be disclosed by an ing the same and all expenses
Land Lot 1 of the 16th District, Atlanta, GA 30339 cured creditor is not required to County, Georgia, being Lot 9, Kimble. accurate survey and inspection of this sale, as provided in Se-
Dekalb County, Georgia, being Tel: 404-301-1609 amend or modify the terms of Block C, Huey Acres Subdivi- Any information obtained on of the property, any assess- curity Deed and by law, includ-
more particularly described as THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- the loan. To the best know- sion, Unit II-A, as per plat recor- this matter may be used by the ments, liens, encumbrances, ing attorney’s fees (notice of in-
follows: Beginning at a point 50 ING TO COLLECT A DEBT ledge and belief of the under- ded in Plat Book 25, Page 57, debt collector to collect the zoning ordinances, restrictions, tent to collect attorney’s fees
feel right opposite station AND ANYINFORMATION OB- signed, the party/parties in pos- DeKalb County, Georgia re- debt. Bell Carrington Price & covenants, and matters of re- having been given).
246+20.574 on the construc- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR session of the subject property cords, which recorded plat is in- Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward cord superior to the Deed to Your mortgage servicer can be
tion centerline of South Hair- THAT PURPOSE. known as 4376 RIVERWOOD corporated herein by this de- Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, Secure Debt first set out above. contacted at (800) 931-5626 -
ston Road on Georgia High- Autry, Hall, & Cook, LLP CIR, DECATUR, GEORGIA scription. Said property being SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. To the best knowledge and be- Loss Mitigation Dept., or by
way Project FR-165-1(53): run- Alan G. Paulk Jr. 30035 is/are: RUPERT O WIL- known as 1936 Capri Drive ac- ++File: 20-47238/ KIMBLE++ lief of the undersigned, the writing to Home Loan Credit
ning thence south 89 degrees, 3330 Cumberland Blvd., LIAMS AND CLARICE L WILLI- cording to the present systems party in possession of the prop- Corporation (Servicer), 1440 N.
51 minutes, 39 seconds west Suite 325 AMS or tenant/tenants. Said of numbering houses in DeKalb 420-441573 12/10,12/17,12/24 erty is David W. Johnson or Harbor Blvd., Suite 305A,
along the southern properly line Atlanta, GA 30339 property will be sold subject to County, Georgia. 12/31 tenant(s); and said property is Fullerton, CA 92835, to dis-
of land now or formerly owned Tel: 404-301-1609 (a) any outstanding ad valorem The debt secured by said Se- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE more commonly known as cuss possible alternatives to
by Sade Robinson a distance THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- taxes (including taxes which curity Deed has been and is SALE UNDER POWER 5085 South Woodbridge Trail, avoid foreclosure.
of 19.42 feet to a point; thence ING TO COLLECT A DEBT are a lien, but not yet due and hereby declared due because DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Stone Mountain, GA 30088. Said property will be sold sub-
northerly along the eastern ex- AND ANYINFORMATION OB- payable), (b) any matters which of, among other possible THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO The sale will be conducted sub- ject to any outstanding ad
isting right of way of South TAINED WILL BE USED FOR might be disclosed by an accur- events of default, failure to pay COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- ject (1) to confirmation that the valorem taxes (including taxes
Hairston Road a distance of THAT PURPOSE. ate survey and inspection of the indebtedness as and when FORMATION OBTAINED WILL sale is not prohibited under the which are a lien, but not yet
124.91 feet to a point: thence 420-441570 12/10,12/17,12/24 the property, and (c) all mat- due and in the manner BE USED FOR THAT PUR- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) due and payable), any matters
north 89 degrees 50 minutes 12/31 ters of record superior to the provided in the Note and Se- POSE. to final confirmation and audit which might be disclosed by an
43 seconds east along the Notice of Sale Under Power Deed to Secure Debt first set curity Deed. Because the debt Under and by virtue of the of the status of the loan with accurate survey and inspection
northern property line of such State of Georgia, County of out above, including, but not remains in default, this sale will Power of Sale contained in a the holder of the Deed to Se- of the property, any assess-
land now or formerly owned by DEKALB limited to, assessments, liens, be made for the purpose of Deed to Secure Debt given by cure Debt. ments, liens, encumbrances,
Sade Robinson, a distance of Under and by virtue of the encumbrances, zoning ordin- paying the same and all ex- David W. Johnson to Wachovia U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- zoning ordinances, restrictions,
16.68 feet to a Point; thence 01 Power of Sale contained in a ances, easements, restrictions, penses of this sale, as provided Bank, National Association, ciation, as Trustee of the covenants, and matters of re-
degrees 24 minutes 05 Deed to Secure Debt given by covenants, etc. The sale will be in the Security Deed and by dated September 28, 2006, and Chalet Series IV Trust as Attor- cord superior to the Security
seconds east a distance of RUPERT O WILLIAMS AND conducted subject to (1) con- law, including attorney's fees recorded in Deed Book 19504, ney in Fact for ++David W. Deed first set out above.
124.95 feet back to the point of CLARICE L WILLIAMS to firmation that the sale is not (notice of intent to collect attor- Page 573, Dekalb County, Johnson++. To the best knowledge and be-
beginning; BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. , prohibited under the U.S. Bank- ney's fees having been given). Georgia Records, as last trans- Bowen Quinn, P.A. lief of the undersigned, the
Being that same property con- dated 04/12/2006, and Recor- ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- The Bank of New York Mellon, ferred to U.S. Bank Trust Na- 25400 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 150 party in possession of the prop-
veyed by Sade Robinson to ded on 05/03/2006 as Book No. firmation and audit of the status F/K/A The Bank of New York as tional Association, as Trustee Clearwater, FL 33763 erty is Charles G. Solomon or
David Mason by Quit Claim 18670 and Page No. 513, of the loan with the holder of trustee for registered Holders of of the Chalet Series IV Trust by Phone: (727) 474-9603 tenant(s); and said property is
Deed dated November 11, DEKALB County, Georgia re- the security deed. Pursuant to CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed assignment recorded in Deed more commonly known as
2011, recorded November 16 , cords, as last assigned to CIT- O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, Certificates, Series 2005-9 Book 27748, Page 449 in the By: /s/ Erin M. Rose Quinn 4083 May Apple Court, Dec-
2011, at Deed Book 22732, IBANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE which allows for certain proced- holds the duly endorsed Note Office of the Clerk of Superior Erin M. Rose Quinn, Esq. atur, GA 30082.
Page 796, Dekalb, County, FOR CMLTI ASSET TRUST ures regarding the rescission of and is the current assignee of Court of Dekalb County, Geor- Georgia Bar Number 547833 The sale will be conducted sub-
Georgia records; and, being (the Secured Creditor), by as- judicial and nonjudicial sales in the Security Deed to the prop- gia Records, conveying the ject (1) to confirmation that the
that same property described in signment, conveying the after the State of Georgia, the Deed erty. Carrington Mortgage Ser- after-described property to se- 420-441574 12/10,12/17,12/24 sale is not prohibited under the
that Warranty Deed, dated Oc- described property to secure a Under Power and other fore- vices, LLC is the entity with the cure a Note in the original prin- ,12/31 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
tober 14, 2018, recorded Octo- Note of even date in the origin- closure documents may not be full authority to negotiate, cipal amount of one hundred NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE to final confirmation and audit
ber 22, 2018 at Deed Book al principal amount of provided until final confirmation amend, and modify all terms of three thousand four hundred SALE UNDER POWER of the status of the loan with
27208, Page 652, Dekalb $98,719.72, with interest at the and audit of the status of the the loan. thirty-four and 00/100 DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA the holder of the security deed.
County, Georgia records. rate specified therein, there will loan as provided in the preced- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14- ($103,434.00), with interest THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO Capital M Financial Services,
The indebtedness secured by be sold by the undersigned at ing paragraph. CITIBANK, N.A., 162.2, Carrington Mortgage thereon as set forth therein, COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- Inc. as Attorney in Fact for
said Deed to Secure Debt hav- public outcry to the highest bid- AS TRUSTEE FOR CMLTI AS- Services, LLC may be contac- there will be sold at public out- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL ++Charles G. Solomon++.
ing been declared due and pay- der for cash at the DEKALB SET TRUST as Attorney in ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by cry to the highest bidder for BE USED FOR THAT PUR- Bowen Quinn, P.A.
able because of default in the County Courthouse within the Fact for RUPERT O WILLI- writing to 1600 South Dou- cash before the courthouse POSE. 25400 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 150
payment of the indebtedness legal hours of sale on the first AMS AND CLARICE L WILLI- glass Road, Suite 110 and 200- door of Dekalb County, Geor- Under and by virtue of the Clearwater, FL 33763
secured thereby, this sale will Tuesday in January, 2021, the AMS. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACT- A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951. gia, within the legal hours of Power of Sale contained in a Phone: (727) 474-9603
be made for the purpose of following described property: ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Please note that, pursuant to sale on January 5, 2021, the Security Deed given by Charles
paying the debt and the judg- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- following described property: G. Solomon to Bank of Amer- By: /s/ Erin M. Rose Quinn
ments and all expenses of the CEL OF LAND AND BEING IN DEBT. ANY INFORMATION cured creditor is not required to ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ica, N.A., dated December 5, Erin M. Rose Quinn, Esq.
sale, including attorney fees. LAND LOT 130 OF THE 15TH OBTAINED WILL BE USED amend or modify the terms of CEL OF LAND LYING AND 2001, and recorded in Deed Georgia Bar Number 547833
The property will be sold as the DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, FOR THAT PURPOSE. the loan. BEING IN LAND LOT 18 OF Book 12784, Page 235, Dekalb 420-441575 12/10,12/17,12/24
property of Hairston Project, GEORGIA, BEING LOT2, ++00000008989675/ WILLI- To the best knowledge and be- THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB County, Georgia Records, as 12/31
LLC subject to the following: BLOCK B, RIVERWOOD SUB- AMS++ BARRETT DAFFIN lief of the undersigned, the COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING last transferred to Capital M NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
All prior restrictive covenants, DIVISION, UNIT ONE, AS PER FRAPPIER TURNER & EN- party/parties in possession of LOT 54, BLOCK B, WOOD- Financial Services, Inc. by as- POWER
easements, rights of way, se- PLAT RECORDED AT PLAT GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, the subject property known as BRIDGE SUBDIVISION, UNIT signment recorded in Deed By virtue of Power of Sale con-
curity deeds or encumbrances BOOK 47, PAGE 90, DEKALB Suite 100 Addison, Texas 1936 CAPRI DRIVE, DEC- ONE, AS PER PLAT RECOR- Book 27702, Page 37 in the Of- tained in those Deeds to Se-
of record; all valid zoning ordin- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- 75001 Telephone: (972) 341 ATUR, GA 30032 is/are : DED IN PLAT BOOK 74, PAGE fice of the Clerk of Superior cure Debt (collectively the "Se-
ances; matters which would be CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- 5398. Claudette Kimble or tenant/ten- 163, DEKALB COUNTY RE- Court of Dekalb County, Geor- curity Deeds") from Georgia
disclosed by an accurate sur- CORPORATED HEREIN AND ants. Said property will be sold CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- gia Records, conveying the Wholesale Homes, LLC
vey of the property or by any in- MADE A PART HEREOF BY 420-441572 12/10,12/17,12/24 subject to (a) any outstanding CORPORATED HEREIN AND after-described property to se- ("Grantor") to Lawrence E.
spection of the property; the REFERENCE. The debt se- 12/31 ad valorem taxes (including MADE A PART HEREOF BY cure a Note in the original prin- Bergmann ("Grantee"), dated
right of redemption of any tax- cured by said Deed to Secure Notice of Sale Under Power taxes which are a lien, but not REFERENCE. SAID PROP- cipal amount of twenty-one June 25, 2015, recorded in
ing authority; all outstanding Debt has been and is hereby State of Georgia, yet due and payable), (b) any ERTY IS KNOWN AS 5085 thousand six hundred three and Deed Book 25044, page 91,
taxes, assessments, unpaid declared due because of, County of DeKalb matters which might be dis- SOUTH WOODBRIDGE 50/100 ($21,603.50), with in- DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
bills, charges, and expenses among other possible events of Under and by virtue of the closed by an accurate survey TRAIL, STONE MOUNTAIN, terest thereon as set forth cords, said Security Deed be-
that are a lien against the prop- default, failure to pay the in- Power of Sale contained in a and inspection of the property, GA 30088 ACCORDING TO therein, there will be sold at ing given to secure a note of
erty whether due and payable debtedness as and when due Security Deed given by and (c) all matters of record su- THE CURRENT SYSTEM ON public outcry to the highest bid- even date therewith in the ori-
or not yet due and payable. and in the manner provided in Claudette Kimble to Mortgage perior to the Security Deed first NUMBERING HOUSES IN der for cash before the court- ginal principal amount of Fifty-
To the best of the the Note and Deed to Secure Electronic Registration Sys- set out above, including, but GWINNETT COUNTY. TAX house door of Dekalb County, Seven Thousand Six Hundred
undersigned's knowledge and Debt. Because the debt re- tems, Inc., as nominee for Cit- not limited to, assessments, li- PARCEL ID# 18 018 10 095. Georgia, within the legal hours Eighty and 00/100 Dollars
belief, possession of the sub- mains in default, this sale will izens Fidelity Mortgage Corp. ens, encumbrances, zoning or- The debt secured by said of sale on Tuesday, January 5, ($57,680.00), and in that Deed
ject property is held by Hair- be made for the purpose of (the Secured Creditor), dated dinances, easements, restric- Deed to Secure Debt has been 2020, the following described to Secure Debt from Georgia
ston Project, LLC. paying the same and all ex- August 16, 2005, and Recor- tions, covenants, etc. and is hereby declared due be- property: Wholesale Homes, LLC to
The person that has full author- penses of this sale, as provided ded on September 15, 2005 as The sale will be conducted sub- cause of, among other pos- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Lawrence E. Bergmann, dated
ity to negotiate, amend, and in the Deed to Secure Debt and Book No. 17894 and Page No. ject to (1) confirmation that the sible events of default, failure to CEL OF LAND LYING AND August 1, 2019, recorded in
modify all terms of the above by law, including attorney’s 758, DeKalb County, Georgia sale is not prohibited under the pay the indebtedness as and BEING IN LAND LOT 94 OF Deed Book 27704, page 318,
described Deed to Secure Debt fees (notice of intent to collect records, conveying the after- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) when due and in the manner THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
is as follows: Alan G. Paulk, Jr., attorney’s fees having been described property to secure a final confirmation and audit of provided in the Note and Deed COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING cords, said Security Deed be-
404-301-1609. The secured given). CITIBANK, N.A., AS Note of even date in the origin- the status of the loan with the to Secure Debt. The debt re- LOT 14, MILAM ESTATES ing given to secure a note of
creditor is not required by law TRUSTEE FOR CMLTI AS- al principal amount of holder of the security deed. maining in default, this sale will SUBDIVISION, UNIT III, AS even date therewith in the ori-
to negotiate, amend, or modify SET TRUST holds the duly en- $104,000.00, with interest at Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- be made for the purpose of PER PLAT RECORDED IN ginal principal amount of Sixty-
the terms of the security instru- dorsed Note and is the current the rate specified therein, as 172.1, which allows for certain paying the same and all ex- PLAT BOOK 35, PAGE 124, IN Three Thousand eight Hun-
ment. assignee of the Security Deed last assigned to The Bank of procedures regarding the res- penses of this sale, as provided THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK dred Sixty and 00/100 Dollars
The sale will be conducted sub- to the property. FAY SERVI- New York Mellon, F/K/A The cission of judicial and nonjudi- in Deed to Secure Debt and by OF SUPERIOR COURT OF ($63,860.00) with interest from
Wholesale Homes, LLC to ferred to Coastal Financial, LLC accurate survey and inspection all terms of the loan (although CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- cords, subsequently modified
Lawrence E. Bergmann, dated by assignment recorded on of the property, any assess- not required by law to do so) is: CORPORATED HEREIN BY by a Loan Modification Agree-
August 1, 2019, recorded in May 10, 2016 in Book 25547 ments, liens, encumbrances, Interstate TD Investments, LLC REFERENCE AND MADE A ment recorded July 19, 2010 in
Deed Book 27704, page 318, Page 513 in the Office of the zoning ordinances, restrictions, they can be contacted at 800- PART OF THIS DESCRIP- Book 22051, Page 76 in the
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Clerk of Superior Court of covenants, and matters of re- 875-2964 for Loss Mitigation TION. amount of One Hundred Thirty-
cords, said Security Deed be- Dekalb County, Georgia Re- cord superior to the Security Dept, or by writing to P.O. Box The debt secured by said Se- Six Thousand Six Hundred
Page 36
ing given to secure a note of The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
cords, conveying the after-de-
scribed property to secure a
Deed first set out above.
To the best knowledge and be-
5247, Oxnard, California
93031, to discuss possible al-
curity Deed has been and is
hereby declared due because
Eighty-Six and 39/100
even date therewith in the ori- ($136,686.39) Dekalb County,
ginal principal amount of Sixty- Note in the original principal 420-441577 12/10,12/17,12/24 lief of the undersigned, the ternatives to avoid foreclosure. of, among other possible Georgia Records, as last trans-
Three Thousand eight Hun- amount of Twenty-Five Thou- 12/31 party in possession of the prop- Said property will be sold sub- events of default, failure to pay ferred to Deutsche Bank Na-
dred Sixty and 00/100 Dollars sand and 0/100 dollars NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE erty is Stanley Blackwell and ject to any outstanding ad the indebtedness as and when tional Trust Company, as Trust-
($63,860.00) with interest from ($25,000.00), with interest SALE UNDER POWER Rosa Lee Blackwell or valorem taxes (including taxes due and in the manner ee for Fremont Home Loan
the date thereof at the rate spe- thereon as set forth therein, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA tenant(s); and said property is which are a lien, but not yet provided in the Note and Se- Trust 2005-1, Asset-Backed
cified therein (collectively the there will be sold at public out- Under and by virtue of the more commonly known as due and payable), any matters curity Deed. The debt remain- Certificates, Series 2005-1 by
"Notes"), together with any and cry to the highest bidder for Power of Sale contained in a 1717 MARY LOU LANE, At- which might be disclosed by an ing in default, this sale will be assignment recorded on July
all other indebtedness owing cash before the courthouse Security Deed given by Stan- lanta, GA 30316. accurate survey and inspection made for the purpose of pay- 20, 2009 in Book 21555 Page
the Grantor to Grantee, there door of Dekalb County, Geor- ley Blackwell and Rosa Lee The sale will be conducted sub- of the property, any assess- ing the same and all expenses 561 in the Office of the Clerk of
will be sold by the undersigned gia, within the legal hours of Blackwell to Mortgage Electron- ject to (1) confirmation that the ments, liens, encumbrances, of this sale, as provided in Se- Superior Court of Dekalb
at public outcry to the highest sale on January 5, 2021, the ic Registration Systems, Inc., sale is not prohibited under the zoning ordinances, restrictions, curity Deed and by law, includ- County, Georgia Records, con-
bidder for cash before the following described property: as grantee, as nominee for Ac- U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final covenants, and matters of re- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- veying the after-described
Courthouse door at DeKalb All that tract or parcel of land ly- credited Home Lenders, Inc., confirmation and audit of the cord superior to the Security tent to collect attorney’s fees property to secure a Note in the
County, Georgia, within the leg- ing and being in Land Lot 214 dated October 11, 2005, and status of the loan with the hold- Deed first set out above. having been given). original principal amount of
al hours of sale on the first of the 18th District of DeKalb recorded in Deed Book 18090, er of the security deed and (3) To the best knowledge and be- The entity having full authority One Hundred Thirty-Six Thou-
Tuesday in January, 2021, the County, Georgia, being Lot 10, Page 182, Dekalb County, any right of redemption or oth- lief of the undersigned, the to negotiate, amend or modify sand and 0/100 dollars
following described property: Subdivisions for L.D. Mansfield, Georgia Records, as last trans- er lien not extinguished by fore- party in possession of the prop- all terms of the loan (although ($136,000.00), with interest
All that tract or parcel of land ly- as per plat recorded in Plat ferred to Wilmington Savings closure. erty is Jerry L. Simmons or ten- not required by law to do so) is: thereon as set forth therein,
ing and being in Land Lot 52 of Book 18, Page 69, DeKalb Fund Society, FSB, not in its in- Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- ant(s); and said property is PHH Mortgage Corporation there will be sold at public out-
the 16th District, DeKalb County, Georgia records, which dividual capacity but solely as ety, FSB, not in its individual more commonly known as they can be contacted at 1-800- cry to the highest bidder for
County, Georgia, being Lot 11, plat is incorporated herein and Certificate Trustee of Bosco capacity but solely as Certific- 4001 Chemawa Dr, Stone 750-2518 for Loss Mitigation cash before the courthouse
Block E, Old Salem Woods made a part hereof by refer- Credit II Trust Series 2010-1 by ate Trustee of Bosco Credit II Mountain, GA 30083. Dept, or by writing to One Mort- door of Dekalb County, Geor-
Subdivision, as per plat thereof ence thereto; being improved assignment recorded on Trust Series 2010-1 as Attor- The sale will be conducted sub- gage Way, Mount Laurel, New gia, within the legal hours of
recorded in Plat Book 63, page property known as 4454 November 2, 2020 in Book ney in Fact for Stanley Black- ject to (1) confirmation that the Jersey 08054, to discuss pos- sale on January 5, 2021, the
142, DeKalb County Records, Florence Street, according to 28795 Page 281 in the Office of well and Rosa Lee Blackwell. sale is not prohibited under the sible alternatives to avoid fore- following described property:
said plat being incorporated the present system of number- the Clerk of Superior Court of Brock & Scott, PLLC U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final closure. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
herein by reference thereto. ing houses in DeKalb County, Dekalb County, Georgia Re- 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody confirmation and audit of the Said property will be sold sub- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
3769 Salem Trail Georgia. cords, conveying the after-de- Road status of the loan with the hold- ject to any outstanding ad BEING IN LAND LOT 87 OF
Lithonia, GA 30038 The debt secured by said Se- scribed property to secure a Suite 310 er of the security deed and (3) valorem taxes (including taxes THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
Tax Parcel Nos.: 16 052 05 011 curity Deed has been and is Note in the original principal Atlanta, GA 30341 any right of redemption or oth- which are a lien, but not yet COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
The indebtedness secured by hereby declared due because amount of Thirty-Five Thou- 404-789-2661 er lien not extinguished by fore- due and payable), any matters LOT 86, BLOCK A OF
the Security Deeds has been of, among other possible sand and 0/100 dollars B&S file no.: ++20- closure. which might be disclosed by an CLIFTON MANOR SUBDIVI-
and is hereby declared due be- events of default, failure to pay ($35,000.00), with interest 06547/Blackwell++ Interstate Intrinsic Value Fund accurate survey and inspection SION, UNIT TWO, AS PER
cause of default under the the indebtedness as and when thereon as set forth therein, A, LLC as Attorney in Fact for of the property, any assess- PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT
terms of said Notes and Secur- due and in the manner there will be sold at public out- 420-441578 12/10,12/17,12/24, Jerry L. Simmons and Valerie ments, liens, encumbrances, BOOK 100, PAGE 104,
ity Deeds including but not lim- provided in the Note and Se- cry to the highest bidder for 12/31 Simmons. zoning ordinances, restrictions, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
ited to the nonpayment of prin- curity Deed. The debt remain- cash before the courthouse NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Brock & Scott, PLLC covenants, and matters of re- WHICH RECORDED PLAT IS
cipal and interest when due. ing in default, this sale will be door of Dekalb County, Geor- SALE UNDER POWER 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody cord superior to the Security INCORPORATED HEREIN BY
The indebtedness remaining in made for the purpose of pay- gia, within the legal hours of DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Road Deed first set out above. REFERENCE AND MADE
default, the sale will be made ing the same and all expenses sale on January 5, 2021, the Under and by virtue of the Suite 310 To the best knowledge and be- PART OF THIS DESCRIP-
for the purpose of applying the of this sale, as provided in Se- following described property: Power of Sale contained in a Atlanta, GA 30341 lief of the undersigned, the TION.
proceeds thereof to the pay- curity Deed and by law, includ- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Security Deed given by Jerry L. 404-789-2661 party in possession of the prop- BEING THE SAME PROP-
ment of the indebtedness se- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- CEL OF LAND LYING AND Simmons and Valerie Sim- B&S file no.: ++20-06499/ Sim- erty is Kim Y. Farmer or ERTY CONVEYED TO
cured by the Security Deeds, tent to collect attorney’s fees BEING IN LAND LOT 109 OF mons to GB Home Equity, LLC, mons++ tenant(s); and said property is PAMELA W. SHEALEY AND
accrued interest and expenses having been given). THE 15TH DISTRICT OF dated July 31, 2003, and recor- more commonly known as GWENDOLYN WILBURN BY
for the sale and all other pay- The entity having full authority DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, ded in Deed Book 15024, Page 420-441579 12/10,12/17,12/24 3495 Sweetgum Lane, Decatur, DEED FROM ALFORD DE-
ments provided for under the to negotiate, amend or modify BEING LOT 26, GRESHAM 348, Dekalb County, Georgia 12/31 GA 30032. VELOPMENT COMPANY, INC.
Security Deeds, attorneys' fees all terms of the loan (although PARK SUBDIVISION, UNIT Records, as last transferred to NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE The sale will be conducted sub- RECORDED 06/05/1998 IN
as provided in the Notes and not required by law to do so) is: FIVE, AS PER PLAT RECOR- Interstate Intrinsic Value Fund SALE UNDER POWER ject to (1) confirmation that the DEED BOOK 10040 PAGE 98,
Security Deeds, notice of inten- Mortgage Default Services, DED IN PLAT BOOK 29, PAGE A, LLC by assignment recor- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA sale is not prohibited under the IN THE OFFICE OF THE
tion to collect attorneys' fees LLC they can be contacted at 139, DEKALB COUNTY RE- ded on November 22, 2019 in Under and by virtue of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR
having been given as provided (509) 325-5099 for Loss Mitiga- CORDS, TO WHICH PLAT Book 27943 Page 42 in the Of- Power of Sale contained in a confirmation and audit of the COURT OF DE KALB
by law; and the remainder, if tion Dept, or by writing to 2608 REFERENCE IS HEREBY fice of the Clerk of Superior Security Deed given by Kim Y. status of the loan with the hold- COUNTY, GEORGIA.
any, shall be applied as West Howesdale Road, MADE FOR A MORE COM- Court of Dekalb County, Geor- Farmer to Mortgage Electronic er of the security deed and (3) The debt secured by said Se-
provided by law. Spokane, Washington 99208, PLETE DESCRIPTION. SAID gia Records, conveying the Registration Systems, Inc., as any right of redemption or oth- curity Deed has been and is
Said property will be sold as to discuss possible alternatives PROPERTY BEING KNOWN after-described property to se- grantee, as nominee for First er lien not extinguished by fore- hereby declared due because
the property of Debtor subject to avoid foreclosure. AS 1717 MARY LOU LANE, cure a Note in the original prin- Guaranty Mortgage Corpora- closure. of, among other possible
to all unpaid real estate ad Said property will be sold sub- ACCORDING TO THE cipal amount of Fifty Thousand tion, dated August 15, 2003, Deutsche Bank National Trust events of default, failure to pay
valorem taxes and government- ject to any outstanding ad PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- and 0/100 dollars ($50,000.00), and recorded in Deed Book Company, as Trustee for CDC the indebtedness as and when
al assessments and to all prior valorem taxes (including taxes BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB with interest thereon as set 15112, Page 98, Dekalb Mortgage Capital Trust 2003- due and in the manner
restrictions, rights-of-way, and which are a lien, but not yet COUNTY, GEORGIA. forth therein, there will be sold County, Georgia Records, as HE4, Mortgage Pass-Through provided in the Note and Se-
easements of record, if any, ap- due and payable), any matters The debt secured by said Se- at public outcry to the highest last transferred to Deutsche Certificates, Series 2003-HE4 curity Deed. The debt remain-
pearing of record prior to the which might be disclosed by an curity Deed has been and is bidder for cash before the Bank National Trust Company, as Attorney in Fact for Kim Y. ing in default, this sale will be
date of the first Security Deed accurate survey and inspection hereby declared due because courthouse door of Dekalb as Trustee for CDC Mortgage Farmer. made for the purpose of pay-
and those appearing after the of the property, any assess- of, among other possible County, Georgia, within the leg- Capital Trust 2003-HE4, Mort- Brock & Scott, PLLC ing the same and all expenses
date of the first Security Deed ments, liens, encumbrances, events of default, failure to pay al hours of sale on January 5, gage Pass-Through Certific- 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody of this sale, as provided in Se-
and consented by the Grantee. zoning ordinances, restrictions, the indebtedness as and when 2021, the following described ates, Series 2003-HE4 by as- Road curity Deed and by law, includ-
Lawrence E. Bergmann covenants, and matters of re- due and in the manner property: signment recorded on August Suite 310 ing attorney’s fees (notice of in-
Attorney in Fact for cord superior to the Security provided in the Note and Se- All that tract or parcel of land ly- 20, 2020 in Book 28572 Page Atlanta, GA 30341 tent to collect attorney’s fees
++Georgia Wholesale Homes, Deed first set out above. curity Deed. The debt remain- ing and being in Land Lot 228 473 in the Office of the Clerk of 404-789-2661 having been given).
LLC++ To the best knowledge and be- ing in default, this sale will be of the 15th District, DeKalb Superior Court of Dekalb B&S file no.: ++20-09501 The entity having full authority
WILLIAM E. BRUMBY, II lief of the undersigned, the made for the purpose of pay- County, Georgia, being known County, Georgia Records, con- /Farmer++ to negotiate, amend or modify
4-A Lenox Pointe NE party in possession of the prop- ing the same and all expenses as Lot 19, Block A, Unit III of veying the after-described 420-441580 12/10,12/17,12/24 all terms of the loan (although
Atlanta, GA 30324 erty is Felicia Baugh or of this sale, as provided in Se- Santeenlah Forest Subdivision, property to secure a Note in the 12/31 not required by law to do so) is:
770.933.0096 tenant(s); and said property is curity Deed and by law, includ- as per Plat recorded in Plat original principal amount of NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE PHH Mortgage Corporation more commonly known as ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- Book 56, Page 25, DeKalb Twenty-Two Thousand Five SALE UNDER POWER they can be contacted at 1-800-
THIS FIRM IS ACTING AS A 4454 Florence Street, Tucker, tent to collect attorney’s fees County records. Hundred and 0/100 dollars DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 750-2518 for Loss Mitigation
DEBT COLLECTOR IN THIS GA 30084. having been given). The debt secured by said Se- ($22,500.00), with interest Under and by virtue of the Dept, or by writing to One Mort-
MATTER. ANY INFORMA- The sale will be conducted sub- The entity having full authority curity Deed has been and is thereon as set forth therein, Power of Sale contained in a gage Way, Mount Laurel, New
TION OBTAINED WILL BE ject to (1) confirmation that the to negotiate, amend or modify hereby declared due because there will be sold at public out- Security Deed given by Pamela Jersey 08054, to discuss pos-
USED FOR THE PURPOSED sale is not prohibited under the all terms of the loan (although of, among other possible cry to the highest bidder for W. Shealey to Mortgage Elec- sible alternatives to avoid fore-
OF COLLECTING SAID DEBT. U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final not required by law to do so) is: events of default, failure to pay cash before the courthouse tronic Registration Systems, closure.
confirmation and audit of the Franklin Credit Management the indebtedness as and when door of Dekalb County, Geor- Inc., as grantee, as nominee for Said property will be sold sub-
420-441576 12/10,12/17,12/24 status of the loan with the hold- Corporation they can be con- due and in the manner gia, within the legal hours of Fremont Investment & Loan, ject to any outstanding ad
12/31 er of the security deed and (3) tacted at 201-604-4503 for provided in the Note and Se- sale on January 5, 2021, the dated December 22, 2004, and valorem taxes (including taxes
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE any right of redemption or oth- Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writ- curity Deed. The debt remain- following described property: recorded in Deed Book 16987, which are a lien, but not yet
SALE UNDER POWER er lien not extinguished by fore- ing to 101 Hudson Street, 24th ing in default, this sale will be ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Page 469, Dekalb County, due and payable), any matters
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA closure. Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey made for the purpose of pay- CEL OF LAND LYING AND Georgia Records, sub- which might be disclosed by an
Under and by virtue of the Coastal Financial, LLC as Attor- 07302, to discuss possible al- ing the same and all expenses BEING IN LAND LOT 187 OF sequently modified by a Loan accurate survey and inspection
Power of Sale contained in a ney in Fact for Felicia Baugh. ternatives to avoid foreclosure. of this sale, as provided in Se- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Modification Agreement recor- of the property, any assess-
Security Deed given by Felicia Brock & Scott, PLLC Said property will be sold sub- curity Deed and by law, includ- COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING ded February 26, 2007 in Book ments, liens, encumbrances,
Baugh to National City Bank, 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody ject to any outstanding ad ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- LOT 98, BLOCK A, PEACH- 19698, Page 352 in the amount zoning ordinances, restrictions,
dated March 19, 2004, and re- Road valorem taxes (including taxes tent to collect attorney’s fees CREST TRACE SUBDIVISION, of One Hundred Forty Thou- covenants, and matters of re-
corded in Deed Book 16008, Suite 310 which are a lien, but not yet having been given). AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN sand Nine Hundred Forty-Four cord superior to the Security
Page 711, Dekalb County, Atlanta, GA 30341 due and payable), any matters The entity having full authority PLAT BOOK 94, PAGES 74 & and 50/100 ($140,944.50) Deed first set out above.
Georgia Records, as last trans- 404-789-2661 which might be disclosed by an to negotiate, amend or modify 75, DEKALB COUNTY RE- Dekalb County, Georgia Re- To the best knowledge and be-
ferred to Coastal Financial, LLC B&S file no.: ++15-14023/ accurate survey and inspection all terms of the loan (although CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- cords, subsequently modified lief of the undersigned, the
by assignment recorded on Baugh++ of the property, any assess- not required by law to do so) is: CORPORATED HEREIN BY by a Loan Modification Agree- party in possession of the prop-
May 10, 2016 in Book 25547 ments, liens, encumbrances, Interstate TD Investments, LLC REFERENCE AND MADE A ment recorded July 19, 2010 in erty is Pamela W. Shealey or
Page 513 in the Office of the zoning ordinances, restrictions, they can be contacted at 800- PART OF THIS DESCRIP- Book 22051, Page 76 in the tenant(s); and said property is
Clerk of Superior Court of covenants, and matters of re- 875-2964 for Loss Mitigation TION. amount of One Hundred Thirty- more commonly known as
Dekalb County, Georgia Re- cord superior to the Security Dept, or by writing to P.O. Box The debt secured by said Se- Six Thousand Six Hundred 3446 Clifton Farm Dr, Decatur,
cords, conveying the after-de- Deed first set out above. 5247, Oxnard, California curity Deed has been and is Eighty-Six and 39/100 GA 30034.
scribed property to secure a To the best knowledge and be- 93031, to discuss possible al- hereby declared due because ($136,686.39) Dekalb County, The sale will be conducted sub-
Note in the original principal lief of the undersigned, the ternatives to avoid foreclosure. of, among other possible Georgia Records, as last trans- ject to (1) confirmation that the
amount of Twenty-Five Thou- party in possession of the prop- Said property will be sold sub- events of default, failure to pay ferred to Deutsche Bank Na- sale is not prohibited under the
sand and 0/100 dollars erty is Stanley Blackwell and ject to any outstanding ad the indebtedness as and when tional Trust Company, as Trust- U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final
($25,000.00), with interest Rosa Lee Blackwell or valorem taxes (including taxes due and in the manner ee for Fremont Home Loan confirmation and audit of the
lief of the undersigned, the of, among other possible property described in said se- DeKalb County, Georgia (or garding the rescission of judi- resentation of any kind, and is ity Deed. The debt remaining in
party in possession of the prop- events of default, failure to pay curity deed including but not such other area as designated cial and non-judicial sales in to be sold as is where is. default, this sale will be made
erty is Pamela W. Shealey or the indebtedness as and when limited to the following de- by Order of the Superior Court the State of Georgia, the Deed Upon information and belief,++ for the purpose of paying the
tenant(s); and said property is due and in the manner scribed property: of said county), within the legal under power and other fore- Neet Dreams, LLC++, or its same and all expenses of this
more commonly known as provided in the Note and Se- All that tract or parcel of land ly- hours of sale on the first Tues- closure documents may not be tenants are in possession of sale, as provided in the Secur-
3446 Clifton Farm Dr, Decatur, curity Deed. The debt remain- ing and being in Land Lot 73 of day in January 2021, to wit: provided until final confirmation said property. Lender is the ity Deed and bylaw.
GA 30034. The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 37
ing in default, this sale will be the 18th District of DeKalb January 5, 2021, the following and audit of the status of the holder of the Note and Security Said property will be sold sub-
The sale will be conducted sub- made for the purpose of pay- County, Georgia being known described property: all that tract loan as provided immediately Deed to the property in accord- ject to any outstanding ad
ject to (1) confirmation that the ing the same and all expenses and designated as Lot 74 or parcel of land lying and be- above. CC43, Inc., LLC as ance with O.C.G.A. § 44-14- valorem taxes (including taxes
sale is not prohibited under the of this sale, as provided in Se- Mountain Village Subdivision, ing in land lot 74 of the 16th agent and Attorney in Fact for 162.2. which are a lien, but not yet
U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final curity Deed and by law, includ- Phase 2 DeKalb County, Geor- district, dekalb county, georgia, ++Sharonda Rogers++. The The entity that has full author- due and payable}, any matters
confirmation and audit of the ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- gia records which plat is incor- being building 5, unit 5204 of CD Firm, LLC, P.O. Box 18862, ity to negotiate, amend and which might be disclosed by an
status of the loan with the hold- tent to collect attorney’s fees porated herein and made a part fairington village condominium, Atlanta, GA 31126; (470) 400- modify all terms of the note and accurate survey and inspection
er of the security deed and (3) having been given). hereof by reference, said prop- phase ii, as per plat recorded in 9461. This law firm may be act- security deed with the debtor is: of the property, any assess-
any right of redemption or oth- The entity having full authority erty is recorded in Plat Book plat book 147, pages 46-49, ing as a debt collector attempt- Clark Law Group, LLC, 17 Ex- ments, liens, encumbrances,
er lien not extinguished by fore- to negotiate, amend or modify 75, page 63, DeKalb county, dekalb county, georiga records, ing to collect a debt. Any in- ecutive Park Dr., Suite 480, At- zoning ordinances, restrictions,
closure. all terms of the loan (although Georgia records. subject to that certain declara- formation obtained will be used lanta, Georgia 30329, (678) covenants and any matters of
Deutsche Bank National Trust not required by law to do so) is: Said legal description being tion of condominium for fairing- for that purpose. 999-8045 record superior to the Security
Company, as Trustee for Fre- PHH Mortgage Corporation controlling, however, the Prop- ton village condominium, filed 420-441584 12/10,12/17,12/24 Sanderwala, LLC Deed first set above.
mont Home Loan Trust 2005-1, they can be contacted at 1-800- erty is more commonly known for record july 9, 2004, and re- 12/31 as attorney-in-fact for To the best knowledge and be-
Asset-Backed Certificates, 750-2518 for Loss Mitigation as: 5227 Cindy Way, Stone corded at deed book 16426, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Viren R. Patel lief of the undersigned, the
Series 2005-1 as Attorney in Dept, or by writing to One Mort- Mountain, GA 30083 page 649, amended at deed POWER parties in possession of the
Fact for Pamela W. Shealey. gage Way, Mount Laurel, New Said property will be sold on an book 16559, page 561, dekalb STATE OF GEORGIA, 420-441585 12/10,12/17,12/24 property are the loan makers
Brock & Scott, PLLC Jersey 08054, to discuss pos- “as-is” basis without any rep- county, georgia records, which COUNTY OF DEKALB 12/31 listed above.
4360 Chamblee Dunwoody sible alternatives to avoid fore- resentation, warranty or re- declaration may be amended Pursuant to a power of sale NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Gerald R. Collins, Executor for
Road closure. course against the above- from time to time and which contained in that certain Secur- POWER ++The Estate of Shirley Ann
Suite 310 Said property will be sold sub- named or the undersigned. The terms and conditions are incor- ity Deed dated August 6, 2014, GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Collins++, Attorney in Fact for
Atlanta, GA 30341 ject to any outstanding ad sale will be subject to the fol- porated herein and made a part recorded in Deed Book 24511, Under and by virtue of the Southeastern Housing
404-789-2661 valorem taxes (including taxes lowing items which may affect hereof by reference. The debt Page 1, DeKalb County, Geor- power of sale contained in a Foundation, LLC and Cali Cap-
B&S file no.: ++20-09483 which are a lien, but not yet the title: any outstanding ad secured by said Security Deed gia Records, and conveyed to Security Deed given to SHIR- ital Investments,LLC
/Shealey++ due and payable), any matters valorem taxes (including taxes has been and is hereby de- Sanderwala, LLC (“Lender”) by LEY A. COLLINS by SOUTH- 5315 Old Hundred Lane At-
420-441581 12/10,12/17,12/24 which might be disclosed by an which are a lien but not yet due clared due because of, among Viren R. Patel, conveying the EASTERN HOUSING FOUND- lanta, GA 30327
12/31 accurate survey and inspection and payable); any matters other possible events of de- after-described property secur- ATION, LLC. AND CALI CAP- 404-256-5757
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE of the property, any assess- which might be disclosed by an fault, failure to pay the in- ing an indebtedness evidenced ITAL INVESTMENTS, LLC, cell: 404-545-0833
SALE UNDER POWER ments, liens, encumbrances, accurate survey and inspection debtedness as and when due by a Note in the original said deed dated Feb. 26,
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA zoning ordinances, restrictions, of the property; any assess- and in the manner provided in amount of THIRTY FIV E 2016 and recorded in Deed 420-441586 12/10,12/17,12/24,
Under and by virtue of the covenants, and matters of re- ments, liens, encumbrances, the Note and Security Deed. THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOL- Book 25521, Page 715 in the 12/31
Power of Sale contained in a cord superior to the Security zoning ordinances, restrictions, The debt remaining in default, LARS ($35,000.00), with in- office of the Clerk of the Superi- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
Security Deed given by Gar- Deed first set out above. and all other matters of record this sale will be made for the terest thereon as set forth or Court, DeKalb County, Geor- POWER
field C. Williams to Mortgage To the best knowledge and be- superior to the said Security purpose of paying the same therein, Lender will sell before gia given to secure a Note in DEKALB COUNTY
Electronic Registration Sys- lief of the undersigned, the Deed. The sale will be conduc- and all expenses of this sale, the door of the courthouse in the original amount of Pursuant to the Power of Sale
tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- party in possession of the prop- ted subject (1) to confirmation as provided in the Security said County within the legal $125,000.00 with interest from contained in a Security Deed
inee for Indymac Bank, F.S.B, erty is Lisa Lachman and Clair that the sale is not prohibited Deed and by law, including at- hours of sale, for cash, to the the date stated therein, there given by Anne Lawson a/k/a
dated March 6, 2007, and re- Davidson or tenant(s); and said under the U.S. Bankruptcy torney’s fees (notice of intent to highest bidder on the first Tues- will be sold at public outcry to Anne Lawson Hirst to
corded in Deed Book 19769, property is more commonly Code and (2) to final confirma- collect attorney’s fees having day of January 2021 (January the highest bidder for cash be- Ameriquest Mortgage Com-
Page 480, Dekalb County, known as 2070 Harobi Dr, tion and audit of the status of been given). Said property is 5, 2021), the property known as fore the Courthouse door of pany dated 1/25/2006 and re-
Georgia Records, as last trans- Tucker, GA 30084. the loan with the holder of the commonly known as 5204 Fair- 3176 Sandusky Drive, Decatur, DeKalb County, Georgia within corded in Deed Book 18388
ferred to U.S. Bank National The sale will be conducted sub- Security Deed. First National ington Village Drive, Lithonia, GA 30032 and which is more the legal hours of sale on the Page 254 DeKalb County,
Association, As Trustee For ject to (1) confirmation that the Bank of America is the entity GA 30038 (Parcel ID No. 16- particularly described as fol- first Tuesday in January, 2021 Georgia records; as last trans-
Lehman XS Trust Mortgage sale is not prohibited under the with authority to negotiate, 074-15-024) together with all lows: the following described prop- ferred to or acquired by
Pass-Through Certificates, U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final amend and modify the terms of fixtures and personal property ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- erty: Deutsche Bank National Trust
Series 2007-12N by assign- confirmation and audit of the the Note and Security Deed. attached to and constituting a CEL OF LAND LYING AND ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Company, as Trustee for
ment recorded on October 1, status of the loan with the hold- First National Bank of part of the property, if any. To BEING IN LAND LOT 154 OF CEL OF LAND LYING AND Ameriquest Mortgage Securit-
2014 in Book 24595 Page 128 er of the security deed and (3) America’s address is 241 East the best knowledge and belief THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB BEING IN LAND LOT 98, 15TH ies Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-
in the Office of the Clerk of Su- any right of redemption or oth- Saginaw, East Lansing, MI of the undersigned, the party COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING DISTRICT OF DEKALB Through Certificates, Series
perior Court of Dekalb County, er lien not extinguished by fore- 48826. First National Bank of (or parties) in possession of the KNOWN AS LOT 30, BLOCK B COUNTY GEORGIA, BEING 2006-R2, conveying the after-
Georgia Records, conveying closure. America may be contacted by subject property is (are): Shar- OF EASDALE SUBDIVISION, LOT 7, JOHN THOMPSON described property to secure a
the after-described property to U.S. Bank National Associ- telephone at 800-642-4578. To onda Rogers, or tenant or ten- SECTION ONE, AS PER PLAT PROPERTY, ACCORDING TO Note in the original principal
secure a Note in the original ation, As Trustee For Lehman the best of the undersigned's ants. The entity that has full au- RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK PLAT RECORDED AT PLAT amount of $101,316.00, with in-
principal amount of Four Hun- XS Trust Mortgage Pass- knowledge and belief, the party thority to negotiate, amend and 22, PAGE 23 OF DEKALB BOOK 28, PAGE 9, DEKALB terest at the rate specified
dred Eighty Thousand and Through Certificates, Series in possession of the property is modify all terms of the mort- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- COUNTY GEORGIA RE- therein, there will be sold by the
0/100 dollars ($480,000.00), 2007-12N as Attorney in Fact believed to be ++Vicki Le- gage is: CC43, Inc., LLC, 132 CORDS. SAID PLAT BEING CORDS, AND BEING MORE undersigned at public outcry to
with interest thereon as set for Garfield C. Williams. shunda Harris++, or tenant(s). Crown Chase Drive, Stock- INCORPORATED HEREIN PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED the highest bidder for cash be-
forth therein, there will be sold Brock & Scott, PLLC First National Bank of America, bridge, GA 30281, (770) 289- AND MADE A PART OF THIS AS FOLLOWS: fore the Courthouse door of
at public outcry to the highest 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody as Transferee, Assignee, 2828. Note, however, that such DESCRIPTION. SAID PROP- BEGINNING AT A POINT ON DeKalb County, Georgia (or
bidder for cash before the Road andSecured Creditor entity is not required by law to ERTY IS KNOWN AS 3176 THE EAST SIDE OF PEBBLE such other area as designated
courthouse door of Dekalb Suite 310 As attorney-in-fact for the afore- negotiate, amend or modify the SANDUSKY DRIVE, DEC- DRIVE (F/K/A WILSON DRIVE) by Order of the Superior Court
County, Georgia, within the leg- Atlanta, GA 30341 said Grantor terms of the loan. Said prop- ATUR, GEORGIA ACCORD- 145.5 FEET NORTH FROM of said county), within the legal
al hours of sale on January 5, 404-789-2661 Campbell & Brannon, LLC At- erty will be sold subject to: (a) ING TO THE PRESENT SYS- THE INTERSECTION OF THE hours of sale on January 5,
2021, the following described B&S file no.: ++20-09496/ torneys at Law any outstanding ad valorem TEM OF NUMBERING EASTERLY SIDE OF PEBBLE 2021 (being the first Tuesday of
property: Lachman /Davidson/ Glenridge Highlands II taxes (including taxes which HOUSES IN DEKALB DRIVE AND THE NORTH said month unless said date
All that tract or parcel of land ly- Williams++ 5565 Glenridge Connector, are a lien, but not yet due and COUNTY, GEORGIA. EASTERLY SIDE OF falls on a Federal Holiday, in
ing and being in Land Lot 191 Suite 350 payable), (b) unpaid water or Parcel ID: 15 154 02 031 SNAPFINGER ROAD; RUN- which case being the first Wed-
of the 18th District, Dekalb 420-441582 12/10,12/17,12/24 Atlanta, GA 30342 sewage bills that constitute a li- The debt secured by said Se- NING THENCE NORTH nesday of said month), the fol-
County, Georgia, being more 12/31 (770) 392-0041 en against the property wheth- curity Deed has been acceler- ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF lowing described property:
particularly described as fol- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER 20-6413 er due and payable or not yet ated and is hereby declared PEBBLE DRIVE 229.0 FEET; THE LAND REFERRED TO IN
lows: POWER CONTAINED IN THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE due and payable and which due because of, among other RUNNING THENCE EAST THIS EXHIBIT IS LOCATED IN
Beginning at an iron pin of the SECURITY DEED HELD TO BE ACTING may not be of record, (c) the possible events of default, fail- 395.0 FEET; RUNNING THE COUNTY OF DEKALB
south side of Harobi Street STATE OF GEORGIA, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- right of redemption of any tax- ure to pay the indebtedness as THENCE SOUTH 205.4 FEET; AND THE STATE OF GEOR-
(dirt), formerly known as Phil- COUNTY OF DeKalb DER FEDERAL LAW. ing authority, (d) any matters and when due and in the man- RUNNING THENCE WEST GIA IN DEED BOOK 8642 AT
lips Drive, 200 feet west, as Pursuant to a power of sale IF SO, ANY INFORMATION which might be disclosed by an ner provided in the Note and 36.3 FEET; RUNNING PAGE 435 AND DESCRIBED
measured along the south side contained in a certain security OBTAINED WILL BE USED accurate survey and inspection Security Deed. The debt re- THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY AS FOLLOWS:
of Harobi Street, from the inter- deed executed by Vicki Le- FOR THAT PURPOSE. of the property, and (e) any as- maining in default, this sale will 312.8 FEET TO THE EAST ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
section formed by the south shunda Harris, hereinafter re- sessments, liens, encum- be made for the purpose of SIDE OF PEBBLE DRIVE AND CEL OF LAND LYING AND
side of Harobi Street and the ferred to as Grantor, to Claude 420-441583 12/10,12/17,12/24 brances, zoning ordinances, re- paying the same and all ex- THE POINT OF BEGINNING; BEING IN LAND LOT 288 OF
west side of Harobi Drive (dirt), Whittle and Lily Whittle recor- 12/31 strictions, covenants, and mat- penses of this sale, as provided BEING THE SAME PROP- THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
said last named point being 30 ded in Deed Book 26572, be- Notice of Sale Under Power ters of record superior to the in the Security Deed and by ERTY CONVEYED IN DEED COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE-
feet west of the east line of ginning at page 225, of the DeKalb County, Georgia Security Deed first set out law, including attorneys’ fees RECORD AT DEED BOOK ING ALL OF LOT 2, BLOCK A,
Land Lot 191; then south 181.8 deed records of the Clerk of the Pursuant to the power of sale above. The sale will be conduc- (notice of intent to collect attor- 12954, PAGE 1 TO 4, DEKALB SHADOW WALK SUBDIVI-
feet to a point; thence west, Superior Court of the aforesaid contained in a Security Deed ted subject to (1) confirmation neys’ fees having been given). COUNTY GEORGIA RE- SION, UNIT 1, AS PER PLAT
100 feet to a point; thence state and county, and by virtue given by Sharonda Rogers, to that the sale is not prohibited Said property will be sold sub- CORDS; BEING KNOWN AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK
north 181.5 feet to an iron pin of a default under the terms of CC43, Inc., LLC dated January under the U.S. Bankruptcy ject to any outstanding ad 2862 SNAPFINGER RD. AC- 73, PAGE 83, DEKALB
found on the south side of Har- said security deed, and the re- 15, 2020, and recorded in Deed Code; and (2) final confirma- valorem taxes (including taxes CORDING TO THE PRESENT COUNTY, GEORGIA, RE-
obi Street; thence east along lated note, the undersigned at- Book 28074, Page 43, DeKalb tion and audit of the status of which are a lien, but not yet SYSTEM OF NUMBERING CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS
the south side of Harobi Street, torney-in-fact for the aforesaid County, Georgia records, con- the loan with the holder of the due and payable), any matters HOUSES IN DEKALB HEREBY REFERRED TO AND
100 feet to an iron pin at the Grantor (which attorney-in-fact veying the after-described Security Deed. Pursuant to which might be disclosed by an COUNTY GEORGIA. MADE A PART OF THIS DE-
point of beginning. Being de- is the present holder of said se- property to secure a Note of OCGA § 9-13-172.1, which al- accurate survey and inspection The debt secured by said Se- SCRIPTION.
scribed in accordance with a curity deed and note secured even date in the original lows for certain procedures re- of the property, and assess- curity Deed has been and is The debt secured by said Se-
plat of survey by E.L. Chap- thereby) will sell at the usual amount of $64,300.02, with in- garding the rescission of judi- ments, liens, encumbrances, hereby declared due because curity Deed has been and is
man, Reg. Surveyor No. 687, place of conducting Sheriff's terest at the rate specified cial and non-judicial sales in zoning ordinances, restrictions, of, among other possible hereby declared due because
dated October 12, 1962. sales in said county within the therein, there will be sold by the the State of Georgia, the Deed covenants, and matters of re- events of default, failure to pay of, among other possible
The debt secured by said Se- legal hours of sale, for cash, to undersigned at public outcry to under power and other fore- cord superior to the Security the indebtedness as and when events of default, failure to pay
curity Deed has been and is the highest bidder on the first the highest bidder for cash be- closure documents may not be Deed first set out above. This due and in the manner the indebtedness as and when
hereby declared due because Tuesday in January 2021, all fore the Courthouse door of provided until final confirmation sale is without warranty or rep- provided in the note and Secur- due and in the manner
of, among other possible property described in said se- DeKalb County, Georgia (or and audit of the status of the resentation of any kind, and is ity Deed. The debt remaining in provided in the Note and Se-
events of default, failure to pay curity deed including but not such other area as designated loan as provided immediately to be sold as is where is. default, this sale will be made curity Deed. The debt remain-
the indebtedness as and when limited to the following de- by Order of the Superior Court above. CC43, Inc., LLC as Upon information and belief,++ for the purpose of paying the ing in default, this sale will be
due and in the manner scribed property: of said county), within the legal agent and Attorney in Fact for Neet Dreams, LLC++, or its same and all expenses of this made for the purpose of pay-
provided in the Note and Se- All that tract or parcel of land ly- hours of sale on the first Tues- ++Sharonda Rogers++. The tenants are in possession of sale, as provided in the Secur- ing the same and all expenses
curity Deed. The debt remain- ing and being in Land Lot 73 of day in January 2021, to wit: CD Firm, LLC, P.O. Box 18862, said property. Lender is the ity Deed and bylaw. of this sale, as provided in the
ing in default, this sale will be the 18th District of DeKalb January 5, 2021, the following Atlanta, GA 31126; (470) 400- holder of the Note and Security Said property will be sold sub- Security Deed and by law, in-
made for the purpose of pay- County, Georgia being known described property: all that tract 9461. This law firm may be act- Deed to the property in accord- ject to any outstanding ad cluding attorney’s fees (notice
ing the same and all expenses and designated as Lot 74 or parcel of land lying and be- ing as a debt collector attempt- ance with O.C.G.A. § 44-14- valorem taxes (including taxes of intent to collect attorney’s
of this sale, as provided in Se- Mountain Village Subdivision, ing in land lot 74 of the 16th ing to collect a debt. Any in- 162.2. which are a lien, but not yet fees having been given).
curity Deed and by law, includ- Phase 2 DeKalb County, Geor- district, dekalb county, georgia, formation obtained will be used The entity that has full author- due and payable}, any matters Said property is commonly
ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- gia records which plat is incor- being building 5, unit 5204 of for that purpose. ity to negotiate, amend and which might be disclosed by an known as 3239 Shadow Walk
provided in the Note and Se- cluding attorney’s fees (notice paying the same and all ex- January, 2021, the following and not as tenants in common
curity Deed. The debt remain- of intent to collect attorney’s penses of sale, including attor- described property: from Marcus Flowers by that
ing in default, this sale will be fees having been given). ney’s fees (notice of intent to SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED deed dated 04/21/2005 and re-
made for the purpose of pay- Said property is commonly collect attorney’s fees having HERETO AND MADE A PART corded 05/02/2005 in Deed
ing the same and all expenses known as 4574 Huntsman been given). HEREOF Book 17378, at Page 134 of the
of this sale, as provided in the Bend, Decatur, GA 30034 to- Said property will be sold sub- The debt secured by said Se- DeKalb County, GA Public Re-
Page 38
Security Deed and by law, in-
cluding attorney’s fees (notice
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
gether with all fixtures and per-
sonal property attached to and
ject to the following: (1) any
outstanding ad valorem taxes
curity Deed has been and is
hereby declared due because
The right, if any, of The United
of intent to collect attorney’s 420-441587 12/10,12/17,12/24, constituting a part of said prop- 420-441588 12/10,12/17,12/24 (including taxes which are a li- of, among other possible States of America to redeem
fees having been given). 12/31 erty, if any. To the best know- 12/31 en, whether or not yet due and events of default, failure to pay said land within 120 days from
Said property is commonly NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ledge and belief of the under- STATE OF GEORGIA payable); (2) the right of re- the indebtedness as and when the date of the foreclosure sale
known as 3239 Shadow Walk POWER, signed, the party (or parties) in COUNTY OF DEKALB demption of any taxing author- due and in the manner held on January 5, 2021, as
Lane, Tucker, GA 30084 to- DEKALB COUNTY possession of the subject prop- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ity; (3) any matters which might provided in the Note and Se- provided for by the Federal Tax
gether with all fixtures and per- Pursuant to the Power of Sale erty is (are): Janice Green and POWER be disclosed by an accurate curity Deed. The debt remain- Lien Act of 1966 (Public Law
sonal property attached to and contained in a Security Deed Herbert Green or tenant or ten- Pursuant to the power of sale survey and inspection of the ing in default, this sale will be 89-719).
constituting a part of said prop- given by Janice Green and ants. contained in the Security Deed property; and (4) any assess- made for the purpose of pay- MR/meh 1/5/21
erty, if any. To the best know- Herbert Green to Mortgage PHH Mortgage Corporation is executed by DARON FORE- ments, liens, encumbrances, ing the same and all expenses Our file no. ++5222217 - FT18
ledge and belief of the under- Electronic Registration Sys- the entity or individual desig- MAN to MORTGAGE ELEC- zoning ordinances, restrictions, of this sale, as provided in the /Flowers++
signed, the party (or parties) in tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- nated who shall have full au- TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N covenants, and matters of re- Security Deed and by law, in- 420-441590 12/10,12/17,12/24
possession of the subject prop- inee for First Atlantic Mortgage, thority to negotiate, amend and SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMIN- cord superior to the Security cluding attorney's fees (notice 12/31
erty is (are): Anne Lawson, LLC of Georgia, its successors modify all terms of the mort- EE FOR AVANTI FINANCIAL Deed first set out above. of intent to collect attorney's NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
Trustee of the Anne Lawson and assigns dated 1/16/2006 gage. NETWORK LLC, its suc- Said sale will be conducted fees having been given). POWER
Trust dated September 25, and recorded in Deed Book PHH Mortgage Corporation cessors and assigns, in the ori- subject to the following: (1) Said property will be sold sub- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
2018 and Estate/Heirs of Anne 1 8 3 9 8 Pa g e 3 4 8 De k a l b One Mortgage Way ginal principal amount of confirmation that the sale is not ject to any outstanding ad THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO
Lawson a/k/a Anne Lawson County, Georgia records; as Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 $205,000.00 dated March 20, prohibited under the U.S. Bank- valorem taxes (including taxes COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN-
Hirst or tenant or tenants. last transferred to or acquired (800) 750-2518 2007 and recorded in Deed ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- which are a lien, but not yet FORMATION OBTAINED WILL
PHH Mortgage Corporation is by DEUTSCHE BANK NA- Note, however, that such entity Book 19984, Page 550, DeKalb firmation and audit of the status due and payable), any matters BE USED FOR THAT PUR-
the entity or individual desig- TIONAL TRUST COMPANY, or individual is not required by County records, said Security of the loan with the holder of which might be disclosed by an POSE.
nated who shall have full au- as Trustee for HOME EQUITY law to negotiate, amend or Deed being last transferred to the Security Deed. accurate survey and inspection Under and by virtue of the
thority to negotiate, amend and MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET- modify the terms of the loan. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- The name, address, and tele- of the property, any assess- Power of Sale contained in a
modify all terms of the mort- BACKED TRUST Series IN- Said property will be sold sub- CIATION, NOT IN ITS INDI- phone number of the individual ments, liens, encumbrances, Security Deed given by Edith
gage. ABS 2006-B, HOME EQUITY ject to: (a) any outstanding ad VIDUAL CAPACITY BUT or entity who has full authority zoning ordinances, restrictions, Daniel to Mortgage Electronic
PHH Mortgage Corporation MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET- valorem taxes (including taxes SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR to negotiate, amend, and modi- covenants, and matters of re- Registration Systems, Inc., as
One Mortgage Way BAC KED CE RTI FI CA TES which are a lien, but not yet TOWD POINT MASTER fy all terms of the mortgage is cord superior to the Security grantee, as nominee for First
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 Series INABS 2006-B, convey- due and payable), (b) unpaid FUNDING TRUST REO, as follows: Deed first set out above. Franklin a division of National
(800) 750-2518 ing the after-described prop- water or sewage bills that con- SERIES 2017-PM13, and re- Selene Finance LP Attn: BK Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- City Bank, its successors and
Note, however, that such entity erty to secure a Note in the ori- stitute a lien against the prop- corded in Deed Book 28844, Dept., 9990 Richmond ety, FSB, as Owner Trustee of assigns, dated October 30,
or individual is not required by ginal principal amount of erty whether due and payable Page 472, DeKalb County re- Houston, TX 77042 877-768- the Residential Credit Oppor- 2006, recorded in Deed Book
law to negotiate, amend or $111,200.00, with interest at or not yet due and payable and cords, the undersigned will sell 3759 tunities Trust V-C is VII-A the 19330, Page 475, DeKalb
modify the terms of the loan. the rate specified therein, there which may not be of record, (c) at public outcry to the highest Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. holder of the Security Deed to County, Georgia Records, as
Said property will be sold sub- will be sold by the undersigned the right of redemption of any bidder for cash, before the § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- the property in accordance with last transferred to U.S. Bank
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad at public outcry to the highest taxing authority, (d) any mat- Courthouse door in said vidual or entity is not required OCGA § 44-14-162.2. National Association, as trust-
valorem taxes (including taxes bidder for cash before the ters which might be disclosed County, or at such other place by law to negotiate, amend, or The entity that has full author- ee, in trust for registered hold-
which are a lien, but not yet Courthouse door of Dekalb by an accurate survey and in- as lawfully designated, within modify the terms of the mort- ity to negotiate, amend, and ers of First Franklin Mortgage
due and payable), (b) unpaid County, Georgia (or such other spection of the property, and the legal hours of sale, on gage. modify all terms of the mort- Loan Trust, Mortgage Loan As-
water or sewage bills that con- area as designated by Order of (e) any assessments, liens, en- January 05, 2021, the property THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING gage with the debtor is: FCI set-Backed Certificates, Series
stitute a lien against the prop- the Superior Court of said cumbrances, zoning ordin- in said Security Deed and de- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Lender Services, 8180 East 2006-FF18 by assignment re-
erty whether due and payable county), within the legal hours ances, restrictions, covenants, scribed as follows: TEMPTING TO COLLECT A Kaiser Blvd, Anaheim Hills, CA corded in Deed Book 28245,
or not yet due and payable and of sale on January 5, 2021 (be- and matters of record superior ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION 92808, 800-931-2424. Page 700, DeKalb County,
which may not be of record, (c) ing the first Tuesday of said to the Security Deed first set CEL OF LAND LYING AND OBTAINED MAY BE USED To the best knowledge and be- Georgia Records, conveying
the right of redemption of any month unless said date falls on out above. BEING IN LAND LOT 144 OF FOR THAT PURPOSE. lief of the undersigned, the the after-described property to
taxing authority, (d) any mat- a Federal Holiday, in which The sale will be conducted sub- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- party in possession of the prop- secure a Note in the original
ters which might be disclosed case being the first Wednes- ject to (1) confirmation that the COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING CIATION, NOT IN ITS INDI- erty is or a tenant or tenants principal amount of ONE HUN-
by an accurate survey and in- day of said month), the follow- sale is not prohibited under the MORE PARTICULARLY DE- VIDUAL CAPACITY BUT and said property is more com- DRED ONE THOUSAND AND
spection of the property, and ing described property: U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR monly known as 2826 Parkway 0/100 DOLLARS
(e) any assessments, liens, en- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- final confirmation and audit of CONDOMINIUM UNIT #1282 TOWD POINT MASTER Close, Lithonia, Georgia 30058. ($101,000.00), with interest
cumbrances, zoning ordin- CEL OF LAND LYING AND the status of the loan with the OF EASTLAND VILLAG E FUNDING TRUST REO, The sale will be conducted sub- thereon as set forth therein,
ances, restrictions, covenants, BEING IN LAND LOT 97 OF holder of the Security Deed. CONDOMINIUM, AS MORE SERIES 2017-PM13, as Attor- ject (1) to confirmation that the there will be sold at public out-
and matters of record superior THE 15TH DISTRICT OF Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ney-in-Fact for sale is not prohibited under the cry to the highest bidder for
to the Security Deed first set DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 9-13-172.1, which allows for AND DELINEATED IN THE DARON FOREMAN U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) cash before the courthouse
out above. AND BEING LOT 27, BLOCK D certain procedures regarding DECLARATION OF CON- Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid to final confirmation and audit door of DeKalb County, Geor-
The sale will be conducted sub- OF FOXCHASE SUBDIVI- the rescission of judicial and DOMINIUM FOR EASTLAND & Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s of the status of the loan with gia, or at such place as may be
ject to (1) confirmation that the SION, UNIT TWO, AS PER non-judicial sales in the State VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM, A Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, the holder of the security deed. lawfully designated as an al-
sale is not prohibited under the PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT of Georgia, the Deed Under CONDOMINIUM, RECORDED GA 30097 Phone: Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- ternative, within the legal hours
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) BOOK 56, PAGE 40, DEKALB Power and other foreclosure IN DEED BOOK 18546, PAGE 470.321.7112 ety, FSB, as Owner Trustee of of sale on the first Tuesday in
final confirmation and audit of COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- documents may not be 622, ET SEG., DEKALB Firm File No. ++18-196108 - the Residential Credit Oppor- January, 2021, the following
the status of the loan with the CORDS, WHICH SAID PLAT provided until final confirmation COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- AmE/ FOREMAN++ tunities Trust V-C described property:
holder of the Security Deed. IS INCORPORATED HEREIN and audit of the status of the CORDS, AS THE SAME MAY as VII-A Attorney in Fact for SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section AND MADE A PART HEREOF loan as provided immediately BE AMENDED. 420-441589 12/10,12/17,12/24 Marcus C. Flowers a/k/a Mar- HERETO AND MADE A PART
9-13-172.1, which allows for BY REFERENCE; BEING IM- above. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE 12/31 cus Flowers and Stephanie HEREOF
the rescission of judicial and AS 4574 HUNTSMAN BEND, TRUST COMPANY, as Trust- TION AND ALL MATTERS POWER McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, curity Deed has been and is
non-judicial sales in the State DECATUR, GEORGIA 30034, ee for HOME EQUITY MORT- REFERENCED THEREIN, ALL GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY LLC hereby declared due because
of Georgia, the Deed Under ACCORDING TO THE GAGE LOAN ASSET-BACKED MATTERS SHOWN ON THE THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO 1544 Old Alabama Road of, among other possible
Power and other foreclosure PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- TRUST Series INABS 2006-B, PLAT RECORDED IN CON- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- Roswell, GA 30076 events of default, failure to pay
provided until final confirmation COUNTY, GEORGIA AND BE- LOAN ASSET-BACKED CER- PAGE 50, AFORESAID RE- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- EXHIBIT “A” due and in the manner
and audit of the status of the ING THE SAME PROPERTY TIFICATES Series INABS CORDS, AS THE SAME MAY POSE. All that certain lot or parcel of provided in the Note and Se-
loan as provided immediately CONVEYED TO HERBERT 2006-B as agent and Attorney BE AMENDED, AND THE Under and by virtue of the land situated in the County of curity Deed. The debt remain-
above. GREEN AND JANICE GREEN, in Fact for Janice Green and FLOOR PLANS RECORDED Power of Sale contained in a DeKalb, and State of Georgia, ing in default, this sale will be
Deutsche Bank National Trust AS JOINT TENANTS WITH Herbert Green IN CONDOMINIUM FLOOR Security Deed given by Mar- described as follows, to wit: made for the purpose of pay-
Company, as Trustee for RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- PLANS BOOK 164, PAGE 9, cus C. Flowers a/k/a Marcus All that tract or parcel of land ly- ing the same and all expenses
Ameriquest Mortgage Securit- FROM FLEET FINANCE, INC. mont Center, 3575 Piedmont ET SEQ., DEKALB COUNTY, Flowers and Stephanie Flowers ing and being in Land Lot 121 of this sale, as provided in the
ies Inc., Asset-Backed Pass- OF GEORGIA BY VIRTUE OF Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, GEORGIA, RECORDS, AS to Bank of America, N.A., dated of the 16th District, DeKalb Security Deed and by law, in-
Through Certificates, Series A LIMITED WARRANTY DEED Georgia 30305, (404) 994- THE SAME MAY BE October 12, 2007, recorded in County, Georgia, being Lot cluding attorney's fees (notice
2006-R2 as agent and Attor- DATED APRIL 5, 1994 AND 7637. AMENDED. Deed Book 20402, Page 207, 188, of Stonecrest Heights of intent to collect attorney's
ney in Fact for Anne Lawson RECORDED APRIL 8, 1994 AT 1017-4727A Said property being known as: DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Subdivision, as per plat thereof fees having been given).
a/k/a Anne Lawson Hirst DEED BOOK 8136, PAGE 687, THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- 1282 JANDRAS LN, ATLANTA, cords, conveying the after-de- recorded in Plat Book 141, Said property will be sold sub-
Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR GA 30316 scribed property to secure a Page 42-47, DeKalb County, ject to any outstanding ad
mont Center, 3575 Piedmont RECORDS. ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A To the best of the Note in the original principal Georgia Records, which recor- valorem taxes (including taxes
Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, The debt secured by said Se- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION undersigned’s knowledge, the amount of ONE HUNDRED ded plat is incorporated herein which are a lien, but not yet
Georgia 30305, (404) 994- curity Deed has been and is OBTAINED WILL BE USED party or parties in possession TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND by reference and made a part due and payable), any matters
7637. hereby declared due because FOR THAT PURPOSE. of said property is/are DARON ONE HUNDRED NINETEEN of this description. which might be disclosed by an
1017-4504A of, among other possible ++1017-4727A/ Green++ FOREMAN or tenant(s). AND 23/100 DOLLARS Being that parcel of land con- accurate survey and inspection
THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- events of default, failure to pay The debt secured by said Se- ($126,119.23), with interest veyed to Marcus Flowers and of the property, any assess-
ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR the indebtedness as and when curity Deed has been and is thereon as set forth therein, Stephanie Flowers, as joint ten- ments, liens, encumbrances,
ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A due and in the manner hereby declared due and pay- there will be sold at public out- ants with rights of survivorship zoning ordinances, restrictions,
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION provided in the Note and Se- able because of, among other cry to the highest bidder for and not as tenants in common covenants, and matters of re-
OBTAINED WILL BE USED curity Deed. The debt remain- possible events of default, fail- cash before the courthouse from Marcus Flowers by that cord superior to the Security
FOR THAT PURPOSE. ing in default, this sale will be ure to pay the indebtedness as door of DeKalb County, Geor- deed dated 04/21/2005 and re- Deed first set out above.
++1017-4504A /Lawson made for the purpose of pay- provided for in the Note and gia, or at such place as may be corded 05/02/2005 in Deed U.S. Bank National Associ-
/Hirst++ ing the same and all expenses said Security Deed. The debt lawfully designated as an al- Book 17378, at Page 134 of the ation, as trustee, in trust for re-
of this sale, as provided in the remaining in default, this sale ternative, within the legal hours DeKalb County, GA Public Re- gistered holders of First Frank-
Security Deed and by law, in- will be made for the purpose of of sale on the first Tuesday in gistry. lin Mortgage Loan Trust, Mort-
cluding attorney’s fees (notice paying the same and all ex- January, 2021, the following The right, if any, of The United gage Loan Asset-Backed Certi-
of intent to collect attorney’s penses of sale, including attor- described property: States of America to redeem ficates, Series 2006-FF18 is
fees having been given). ney’s fees (notice of intent to SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED said land within 120 days from the holder of the Security Deed
Said property is commonly collect attorney’s fees having HERETO AND MADE A PART the date of the foreclosure sale to the property in accordance
known as 4574 Huntsman been given). HEREOF held on January 5, 2021, as with OCGA § 44-14-162.2.
Bend, Decatur, GA 30034 to- Said property will be sold sub- The debt secured by said Se- provided for by the Federal Tax The entity that has full author-
gether with all fixtures and per- ject to the following: (1) any curity Deed has been and is Lien Act of 1966 (Public Law ity to negotiate, amend, and
sonal property attached to and outstanding ad valorem taxes hereby declared due because 89-719). modify all terms of the mort-
constituting a part of said prop- (including taxes which are a li- of, among other possible MR/meh 1/5/21 gage with the debtor is: Select
erty, if any. To the best know- en, whether or not yet due and events of default, failure to pay Our file no. ++5222217 - FT18 Portfolio Servicing, 3217 S.
ledge and belief of the under- payable); (2) the right of re- the indebtedness as and when /Flowers++ Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake
signed, the party (or parties) in demption of any taxing author- due and in the manner City, UT 84119, 888-818-6032.
gage Loan Asset-Backed Certi- cry to the highest bidder for LOT 20, BLOCK I OF EAST- the party (or parties) in posses- Through Certificates, Series (e) any assessments, liens, en- curity Deed has been and is
ficates, Series 2006-FF18 is cash before the courthouse DALE SUBDIVISION, SEC- sion of the subject property is 2007-KS3, conveying the after- cumbrances, zoning ordin- hereby declared due because
the holder of the Security Deed door of DeKalb County, Geor- TION 2, AS PER PLAT RE- (are): Bradford K. Clark a/k/a described property to secure a ances, restrictions, covenants, of, among other possible
to the property in accordance gia, or at such place as may be CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23, Bradford Clark and Melanie Note in the original principal and matters of record superior events of default, failure to pay
with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. lawfully designated as an al- PAGE 58, DEKALB COUNTY Clark or tenant or tenants. amount of $94,500.00, with in- to the Security Deed first set the indebtedness as and when
The entity that has full author- ternative, within the legal hours RECORDS, TO WHICH PLAT PHH Mortgage Corporation is terest at the rate specified out above. due and in the manner

ity to negotiate, amend, and The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 39
of sale on the first Tuesday in REFERENCE IS MADE FOR A the entity or individual desig- therein, there will be sold by the The sale will be conducted sub- provided in the Note and Se-
modify all terms of the mort- January, 2021, the following MORE COMPLETE DESCRIP- nated who shall have full au- undersigned at public outcry to ject to (1) confirmation that the curity Deed. The debt remain-
gage with the debtor is: Select described property: TION. BEING IMPROVED thority to negotiate, amend and the highest bidder for cash be- sale is not prohibited under the ing in default, this sale will be
Portfolio Servicing, 3217 S. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2196 modify all terms of the mort- fore the Courthouse door of U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) made for the purpose of pay-
Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake HERETO AND MADE A PART ROSEWOOD ROAD, DEC- gage. Dekalb County, Georgia (or final confirmation and audit of ing the same and all expenses
City, UT 84119, 888-818-6032. HEREOF ATUR, ACCORDING TO THE PHH Mortgage Corporation such other area as designated the status of the loan with the of this sale, as provided in the
To the best knowledge and be- The debt secured by said Se- PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- One Mortgage Way by Order of the Superior Court holder of the Security Deed. Security Deed and by law, in-
lief of the undersigned, the curity Deed has been and is BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 of said county), within the legal Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section cluding attorney’s fees (notice
party in possession of the prop- hereby declared due because COUNTY, GEORGIA. (800) 750-2518 hours of sale on January 5, 9-13-172.1, which allows for of intent to collect attorney’s
erty is Edith Daniel or a tenant of, among other possible MR/cjo 1/5/21 Note, however, that such entity 2021 (being the first Tuesday of certain procedures regarding fees having been given).
or tenants and said property is events of default, failure to pay Our file no. ++5507819 - or individual is not required by said month unless said date the rescission of judicial and Said property is commonly
more commonly known as the indebtedness as and when FT1/Carlton++ law to negotiate, amend or falls on a Federal Holiday, in non-judicial sales in the State known as 1755 Soapstone
3189 Jaynes Valley Dr, Dec- due and in the manner modify the terms of the loan. which case being the first Wed- of Georgia, the Deed Under Court, Decatur, GA 30034 to-
atur, Georgia 30034. provided in the Note and Se- 420-441592 12/10,12/17,12/24 Said property will be sold sub- nesday of said month), the fol- Power and other foreclosure gether with all fixtures and per-
The sale will be conducted sub- curity Deed. The debt remain- 12/31 ject to: (a) any outstanding ad lowing described property: documents may not be sonal property attached to and
ject (1) to confirmation that the ing in default, this sale will be NOTICE OF SALE UNDER valorem taxes (including taxes That certain Condominium Unit, provided until final confirmation constituting a part of said prop-
sale is not prohibited under the made for the purpose of pay- POWER which are a lien, but not yet lying and being in Land Lot 169 and audit of the status of the erty, if any. To the best know-
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ing the same and all expenses DEKALB COUNTY due and payable), (b) unpaid of the 18th District, Dekalb loan as provided immediately ledge and belief of the under-
to final confirmation and audit of this sale, as provided in the Pursuant to the Power of Sale water or sewage bills that con- County, Georgia, being Unit above. signed, the party (or parties) in
of the status of the loan with Security Deed and by law, in- contained in a Security Deed stitute a lien against the prop- Number 4312 of Idlewood Con- U.S. Bank National Associ- possession of the subject prop-
the holder of the security deed. cluding attorney's fees (notice given by Bradford K. Clark a/k/a erty whether due and payable dominiums, as set forth and de- ation, as Trustee for Residen- erty is (are): Ernstine Gordon or
U.S. Bank National Associ- of intent to collect attorney's Bradford Clark and Melanie or not yet due and payable and scribed in amended and re- tial Asset Securities Corpora- tenant or tenants.
ation, as trustee, in trust for re- fees having been given). Clark to FT Mortgage Compan- which may not be of record, (c) stated Declaration of Con- tion, Home Equity Mortgage PHH Mortgage Corporation is
gistered holders of First Frank- Said property will be sold sub- ies d.b.a HomeBanc Mortgage the right of redemption of any dominium for Idlewood Con- Asset-Backed Pass-Through the entity or individual desig-
lin Mortgage Loan Trust, Mort- ject to any outstanding ad Corporation dated 3/26/1998 taxing authority, (d) any mat- dominiums, recorded June 13, Certificates, Series 2007-KS3 nated who shall have full au-
gage Loan Asset-Backed Certi- valorem taxes (including taxes and recorded in Deed Book ters which might be disclosed 1991, in Deed Book 6973, as agent and Attorney in Fact thority to negotiate, amend and
ficates, Series 2006-FF18 which are a lien, but not yet 9927 Page 117 DeKalb County, by an accurate survey and in- Page 119, Dekalb County re- for Elizabeth Fran McFadden modify all terms of the mort-
as Attorney in Fact for due and payable), any matters Georgia records; as last trans- spection of the property, and cords, together with all in- a/k/a Elizabeth McFadden gage.
Edith Daniel which might be disclosed by an ferred to or acquired by (e) any assessments, liens, en- terests and obligations appur- Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- PHH Mortgage Corporation
McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, accurate survey and inspection Deutsche Bank Trust Com- cumbrances, zoning ordin- tenant to said Unit pursuant to mont Center, 3575 Piedmont One Mortgage Way
LLC of the property, any assess- pany Americas, as Trustee for ances, restrictions, covenants, said amended and restated De- Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
1544 Old Alabama Road ments, liens, encumbrances, Residential Asset Mortgage and matters of record superior claration. Georgia 30305, (404) 994- (800) 750-2518
Roswell, GA 30076 zoning ordinances, restrictions, Products, Inc., Mortgage Asset- to the Security Deed first set Subject property, being im- 7637. Note, however, that such entity covenants, and matters of re- Backed Pass Through Certific- out above. proved property, known as 1017-4472A or individual is not required by
EXHIBIT “A” cord superior to the Security ates, Series 2004-SL1, convey- The sale will be conducted sub- 4312 Idlewood Lane, Tucker, THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- law to negotiate, amend or
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Deed first set out above. ing the after-described prop- ject to (1) confirmation that the Georgia, 30084, according to ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR modify the terms of the loan.
CEL OF LAND LYING AND Deutsche Bank National Trust erty to secure a Note in the ori- sale is not prohibited under the the present system of number- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A Said property will be sold sub-
BEING IN LAND LOT 86 OF Company, as Trustee for Mor- ginal principal amount of U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) ing houses in Dekalb County, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ject to: (a) any outstanding ad
THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB gan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. $311,400.00, with interest at final confirmation and audit of Georgia. OBTAINED WILL BE USED valorem taxes (including taxes
COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Trust 2004-NC6, Mortgage the rate specified therein, there the status of the loan with the The debt secured by said Se- FOR THAT PURPOSE. which are a lien, but not yet
LOT 2, BLOCK B, CLIFTON Pass-Through Certificates, will be sold by the undersigned holder of the Security Deed. curity Deed has been and is ++1017-4472A/ McFadden++ due and payable), (b) unpaid
SPRINGS SUBDIVISION, Series 2004-NC6 is the holder at public outcry to the highest Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section hereby declared due because 420-441594 12/10,12/17,12/24 water or sewage bills that con-
SECTION 3, AS PER PLAT of the Security Deed to the bidder for cash before the 9-13-172.1, which allows for of, among other possible 12/31 stitute a lien against the prop-
RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK property in accordance with Courthouse door of DeKalb certain procedures regarding events of default, failure to pay NOTICE OF SALE UNDER erty whether due and payable
3 3 , PAG E 109 , DEKAL B OCGA § 44-14-162.2. County, Georgia (or such other the rescission of judicial and the indebtedness as and when POWER, or not yet due and payable and
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- The entity that has full author- area as designated by Order of non-judicial sales in the State due and in the manner DEKALB COUNTY which may not be of record, (c)
CORDS, WHICH RECORDED ity to negotiate, amend, and the Superior Court of said of Georgia, the Deed Under provided in the Note and Se- Pursuant to the Power of Sale the right of redemption of any
PLAT IS INCORPORATED modify all terms of the mort- county), within the legal hours Power and other foreclosure curity Deed. The debt remain- contained in a Security Deed taxing authority, (d) any mat-
HEREIN BY THIS REFER- gage with the debtor is: Select of sale on January 5, 2021 (be- documents may not be ing in default, this sale will be given by Ernstine Gordon to ters which might be disclosed
ENCE AND MADE A PART OF Portfolio Servicing, 3217 S. ing the first Tuesday of said provided until final confirmation made for the purpose of pay- Wilmington Finance, a Division by an accurate survey and in-
THIS DESCRIPTION, SAID Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake month unless said date falls on and audit of the status of the ing the same and all expenses of AIG Federal Savings Bank spection of the property, and
PROPERTY BEING KNOWN City, UT 84119, 888-818-6032. a Federal Holiday, in which loan as provided immediately of this sale, as provided in the dated 3/10/2005 and recorded (e) any assessments, liens, en-
AS 3189 JAYNES VALLEY To the best knowledge and be- case being the first Wednes- above. Security Deed and by law, in- in Deed Book 17251 Page 40 cumbrances, zoning ordin-
DRIVE ACCORDING TO THE lief of the undersigned, the day of said month), the follow- Deutsche Bank Trust Com- cluding attorney’s fees (notice Dekalb County, Georgia re- ances, restrictions, covenants,
PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- party in possession of the prop- ing described property: pany Americas, as Trustee for of intent to collect attorney’s cords; as last transferred to or and matters of record superior
BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB erty is Estate of Joseph M All that tract or parcel of land ly- Residential Asset Mortgage fees having been given). acquired by The Bank of New to the Security Deed first set
COUNTY, GEORGIA. Calrton, Sr., Joseph M Carlton , ing and being in Land Lot 377 Products, Inc., Mortgage Asset- Said property is commonly York Mellon f/k/a The Bank of out above.
MR/cjo 1/5/21 Sr. and Joseph M. Carlton, Jr. of the 18th District, DeKalb Backed Pass Through Certific- known as 4312 Idlewood Lane, New York as successor trustee The sale will be conducted sub-
Our file no. ++5880420 - FT1/ or a tenant or tenants and said County, Georgia, being Lot 65, ates, Series 2004-SL1 as agent Tucker, GA 30084 together for JPMorgan Chase Bank, ject to (1) confirmation that the
Daniel++ property is more commonly Block B, Redfield Subdivision, and Attorney in Fact for Brad- with all fixtures and personal N.A., as Trustee for the benefit sale is not prohibited under the
known as 2196 Rosewood Unit I, as per plat thereof recor- ford K. Clark a/k/a Bradford property attached to and consti- of the Certificateholders of Pop- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2)
420-441591 12/10,12/17,12/24 Road, Decatur, Georgia 30032. ded in Plat Book 67, Page 103, Clark and Melanie Clark tuting a part of said property, if ular ABS, Inc. Mortgage Pass- final confirmation and audit of
12/31 The sale will be conducted sub- DeKalb County records, said Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- any. To the best knowledge Through Certificates Series the status of the loan with the
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ject (1) to confirmation that the plat being incorporated herein mont Center, 3575 Piedmont and belief of the undersigned, 2005-3, conveying the after-de- holder of the Security Deed.
POWER sale is not prohibited under the by reference thereto. Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, the party (or parties) in posses- scribed property to secure a Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) This sale will be made subject Georgia 30305, (404) 994- sion of the subject property is Note in the original principal 9-13-172.1, which allows for
THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO to final confirmation and audit to any right of the United States 7637. (are): Elizabeth Fran McFad- amount of $106,400.00, with in- certain procedures regarding
COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- of the status of the loan with of America to redeem the here- 1017-4717A den a/k/a Elizabeth McFadden terest at the rate specified the rescission of judicial and
FORMATION OBTAINED WILL the holder of the security deed. inabove described property THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- or tenant or tenants. therein, there will be sold by the non-judicial sales in the State
BE USED FOR THAT PUR- Deutsche Bank National Trust within 120 days from the sale ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR PHH Mortgage Corporation is undersigned at public outcry to of Georgia, the Deed Under
POSE. Company, as Trustee for Mor- date aforesaid, in order to satis- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A the entity or individual desig- the highest bidder for cash be- Power and other foreclosure
Under and by virtue of the gan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. fy certain outstanding federal DEBT. ANY INFORMATION nated who shall have full au- fore the Courthouse door of documents may not be
Power of Sale contained in a Trust 2004-NC6, Mortgage tax liens. OBTAINED WILL BE USED thority to negotiate, amend and Dekalb County, Georgia (or provided until final confirmation
Security Deed given by Ce- Pass-Through Certificates, The debt secured by said Se- FOR THAT PURPOSE. modify all terms of the mort- such other area as designated and audit of the status of the
celia Carlton and Joseph M Series 2004-NC6 curity Deed has been and is ++1017-4717A/ CLARK++ gage. by Order of the Superior Court loan as provided immediately
Carlton , Sr. to New Century as Attorney in Fact for hereby declared due because 420-441593 12/10,12/17,12/24 PHH Mortgage Corporation of said county), within the legal above.
Mortgage Corporation, dated Cecelia Carlton and Joseph M of, among other possible 12/31 One Mortgage Way hours of sale on January 5, The Bank of New York Mellon
April 15, 2004, recorded in Carlton , Sr. events of default, failure to pay NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 2021 (being the first Tuesday of f/k/a The Bank of New York as
Deed Book 16032, Page 354, McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, the indebtedness as and when POWER, (800) 750-2518 said month unless said date successor trustee for JPMor-
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- LLC due and in the manner DEKALB COUNTY Note, however, that such entity falls on a Federal Holiday, in gan Chase Bank, N.A., as
cords, as last transferred to 1544 Old Alabama Road provided in the Note and Se- Pursuant to the Power of Sale or individual is not required by which case being the first Wed- Trustee for the benefit of the
Deutsche Bank National Trust Roswell, GA 30076 curity Deed. The debt remain- contained in a Security Deed law to negotiate, amend or nesday of said month), the fol- Certificateholders of Popular
Company, as Trustee for Mor- ing in default, this sale will be given by Elizabeth Fran McFad- modify the terms of the loan. lowing described property: ABS, Inc. Mortgage Pass-
gan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. EXHIBIT “A” made for the purpose of pay- den a/k/a Elizabeth McFadden Said property will be sold sub- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Through Certificates Series
Trust 2004-NC6, Mortgage ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ing the same and all expenses to Mortgage Electronic Regis- ject to: (a) any outstanding ad CEL OF LAND LYING AND 2005-3 as agent and Attorney
Pass-Through Certificates, CEL OF LAND LYING AND of this sale, as provided in the tration Systems, Inc., as valorem taxes (including taxes BEING IN LAND LOT 41 OF in Fact for Ernstine Gordon
Series 2004-NC6 by assign- BEING IN LAND LOT 154 OF Security Deed and by law, in- grantee, as nominee for Mid-At- which are a lien, but not yet THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied-
ment recorded in Deed Book THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB cluding attorney’s fees (notice lantic Financial Services, Inc., due and payable), (b) unpaid COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING mont Center, 3575 Piedmont
28258, Page 705, DeKalb COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING of intent to collect attorney’s its successors and assigns water or sewage bills that con- UNIT “D” BUILDING NUMBER Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta,
County, Georgia Records, con- LOT 20, BLOCK I OF EAST- fees having been given). dated 1/24/2007 and recorded stitute a lien against the prop- 16, SOAPSTONE RIDGE, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-
veying the after-described DALE SUBDIVISION, SEC- Said property is commonly in Deed Book 19627 Page 195 erty whether due and payable UNIT I AS PER PLAT RECOR- 7637.
property to secure a Note in the TION 2, AS PER PLAT RE- known as 5313 Redfield Road, Dekalb County, Georgia re- or not yet due and payable and DED IN PLAT BOOK 92, PAGE 1017-4640A
original principal amount of CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23, Dunwoody, GA 30338 together cords; as last transferred to or which may not be of record, (c) 42, DEKALB COUNTY THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT-
ONE HUNDRED TWO THOU- PAGE 58, DEKALB COUNTY with all fixtures and personal acquired by U.S. Bank Nation- the right of redemption of any RECORDS SAID PLAT IN IN- ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR
SAND AND 0/100 DOLLARS RECORDS, TO WHICH PLAT property attached to and consti- al Association, as Trustee for taxing authority, (d) any mat- CORPORATED HEREIN AND ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A
($102,000.00), with interest REFERENCE IS MADE FOR A tuting a part of said property, if Residential Asset Securities ters which might be disclosed MADE A PART HEREOF BY DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
thereon as set forth therein, MORE COMPLETE DESCRIP- any. To the best knowledge Corporation, Home Equity Mort- by an accurate survey and in- REFERENCE. OBTAINED WILL BE USED
there will be sold at public out- TION. BEING IMPROVED and belief of the undersigned, gage Asset-Backed Pass- spection of the property, and The debt secured by said Se- FOR THAT PURPOSE.
cry to the highest bidder for PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2196 the party (or parties) in posses- Through Certificates, Series (e) any assessments, liens, en- curity Deed has been and is ++1017-4640A/ Gordon++
cash before the courthouse ROSEWOOD ROAD, DEC- sion of the subject property is 2007-KS3, conveying the after- cumbrances, zoning ordin- hereby declared due because
door of DeKalb County, Geor- ATUR, ACCORDING TO THE (are): Bradford K. Clark a/k/a described property to secure a ances, restrictions, covenants, of, among other possible
gia, or at such place as may be PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- Bradford Clark and Melanie Note in the original principal and matters of record superior events of default, failure to pay
lawfully designated as an al- BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB Clark or tenant or tenants. amount of $94,500.00, with in- to the Security Deed first set the indebtedness as and when
ternative, within the legal hours COUNTY, GEORGIA. PHH Mortgage Corporation is terest at the rate specified out above. due and in the manner
of sale on the first Tuesday in MR/cjo 1/5/21 the entity or individual desig- therein, there will be sold by the The sale will be conducted sub- provided in the Note and Se-
January, 2021, the following Our file no. ++5507819 - nated who shall have full au- undersigned at public outcry to ject to (1) confirmation that the curity Deed. The debt remain-
described property: FT1/Carlton++ thority to negotiate, amend and the highest bidder for cash be- sale is not prohibited under the ing in default, this sale will be
SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED modify all terms of the mort- fore the Courthouse door of U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) made for the purpose of pay-
HERETO AND MADE A PART gage. Dekalb County, Georgia (or final confirmation and audit of ing the same and all expenses
HEREOF PHH Mortgage Corporation such other area as designated the status of the loan with the of this sale, as provided in the
erty is more commonly known due and in the manner Trust and W. Nurse as Trustee public outcry to the highest bid- FEET TO THE WESTERLY
as 4691 Mayer Trce, Ellen- provided in the Note and Se- for Sunflower Street Railroad der for cash before the court- SIDE OF AUSTIN ROAD AND
wood, Georgia 30294. curity Deed. The debt remain- Trust or a tenant or tenants and house door of DeKalb County, THE POINT OF BEGINNING;
The sale will be conducted sub- ing in default, this sale will be said property is more com- Georgia, or at such place as Being improved property known
ject (1) to confirmation that the made for the purpose of pay- monly known as 2811 Horse may be lawfully designated as as 1459-1461 WEST AUSTIN
sale is not prohibited under the ing the same and all expenses Shoe Drive, Atlanta, Georgia an alternative, within the legal ROAD, according to the
Page 40 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
to final confirmation and audit
of this sale, as provided in the
Security Deed and by law, in-
The sale will be conducted sub-
hours of sale on the first Tues-
day in January, 2021, the fol-
present system of numbering
houses in DeKalb County,
420-441595 12/10,12/17,12/24 of the status of the loan with cluding attorney's fees (notice 420-441597 12/10,12/17,12/24 ject (1) to confirmation that the lowing described property: Georgia
12/31 the holder of the security deed. of intent to collect attorney's 12/31 sale is not prohibited under the SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED Parcel ID# 15 197 12 009
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Legacy Mortgage Asset Trust fees having been given). NOTICE OF SALE UNDER U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) HERETO AND MADE A PART Subject to that certain security
POWER 2019-SL3, U.S. Bank Trust Na- Said property will be sold sub- POWER to final confirmation and audit HEREOF deed from Winston E Nurse to
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY tional Association, not in its in- ject to any outstanding ad GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY of the status of the loan with The debt secured by said Se- Mortgage Electronic Registra-
THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO dividual capacity but solely as valorem taxes (including taxes THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO the holder of the security deed. curity Deed has been and is tion Systems, Inc., as nominee
COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- owner trustee which are a lien, but not yet COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- SFR ATL Owner 99, LLC hereby declared due because for First Union Mortgage Cor-
FORMATION OBTAINED WILL as Attorney in Fact for due and payable), any matters FORMATION OBTAINED WILL as Attorney in Fact for of, among other possible poration, its successors and as-
BE USED FOR THAT PUR- Ethel L Munson which might be disclosed by an BE USED FOR THAT PUR- A. Sampson as Trustee for events of default, failure to pay signs, dated March 23, 2001,
POSE. McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, accurate survey and inspection POSE. Sunflower Street Railroad Trust the indebtedness as and when and recorded in Deed Book
Under and by virtue of the LLC of the property, any assess- Under and by virtue of the McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, due and in the manner 11975, Page 456, DeKalb
Power of Sale contained in a 1544 Old Alabama Road ments, liens, encumbrances, Power of Sale contained in a LLC provided in the Note and Se- County, Georgia Records.
Security Deed given by Ethel L Roswell, GA 30076 zoning ordinances, restrictions, Security Deed given by A. 1544 Old Alabama Road curity Deed. The debt remain- MR/ca 1/5/21
Munson to Bank of America, covenants, and matters of re- Sampson as Trustee for Sun- Roswell, GA 30076 ing in default, this sale will be Our file no. ++5916620 - FT17/
N.A., dated July 16, 2007, re- EXHIBIT “A” cord superior to the Security flower Street Railroad Trust to made for the purpose of pay- W. Nurse as Trustee for Cand-
corded in Deed Book 20196, The following property: That Deed first set out above. Esrun Group Funding Trust, EXHIBIT “A” ing the same and all expenses ler Road Community Associ-
Page 347, DeKalb County, tract or parcel of land lying and SFR ATL Owner 99, LLC is the dated August 26, 2008, recor- All that tract or parcel of land ly- of this sale, as provided in the ation Trust++
Georgia Records, as last trans- being in Land Lot(s) 3 of Dis- holder of the Security Deed to ded in Deed Book 21282, Page ing and being in land lot 108 of Security Deed and by law, in- 420-441599 12/10,12/17, 12/24
ferred to Legacy Mortgage As- trict 15, DeKalb County, Geor- the property in accordance with 30, DeKalb County, Georgia the 15th District of Dekalb cluding attorney's fees (notice 12/31
set Trust 2019-SL3, U.S. Bank gia, being Lot(s) 58, Clarks OCGA § 44-14-162.2. Records and as modified by County, Georgia, being Lot 22, of intent to collect attorney's NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
Trust National Association, not Creek Subdivision, as per plat The entity that has full author- that certain Loan Modification Block N, Parker Ranch Exten- fees having been given). POWER
in its individual capacity but recorded in DeKalb County, ity to negotiate, amend, and Agreement recorded in Deed sion, unit III, as per plat recor- Said property will be sold sub- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
solely as owner trustee Georgia records. Being and in- modify all terms of the mort- Book 28277, Page 94, DeKalb ded in plat book 53, page 110, ject to any outstanding ad THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO
by assignment recorded in tending to describe the same gage with the debtor is: Leg- County, Georgia Records, as Dekalb County records, which valorem taxes (including taxes COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN-
Deed Book 28115, Page 595, premises conveyed in a deed acy Universal Lending Part- last transferred to SFR ATL plat is hereby referred to and which are a lien, but not yet FORMATION OBTAINED WILL
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- recorded 01/22/2004, in Book ners Trust, 3620 Piedmont Owner 99, LLC by assignment made part of this description: due and payable), any matters BE USED FOR THAT PUR-
cords, conveying the after-de- 15738, Page 337. Road NE, Suite 5395, Atlanta, to be recorded in the Office of Being improvement property which might be disclosed by an POSE.
scribed property to secure a Known as: 4691 Mayer Trace GA 30305, 404-857-6171. the Clerk of Superior Court of known as No. 2811 Horseshoe accurate survey and inspection Under and by virtue of the
Note in the original principal Parcel: 15-003-01-089 To the best knowledge and be- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Drive, SE, Atlanta, Georgia ac- of the property, any assess- Power of Sale contained in a
amount of SIXTY THOUSAND Subject to that certain security lief of the undersigned, the cords, conveying the after-de- cording to the present system ments, liens, encumbrances, Security Deed given by Kalab
AND 0/100 DOLLARS deed from Ethel L. Munson to party in possession of the prop- scribed property to secure a of numbering houses in Dekalb zoning ordinances, restrictions, M. Habtemichael to Bank of
($60,000.00), with interest Mortgage Electronic Registra- erty is W. Nurse as Trustee for Note in the original principal county Georgia. covenants, and matters of re- America, NA, dated August 13,
thereon as set forth therein, tion Systems, Inc., as nominee Emory University Students Aid amount of EIGHTY-NINE Parcel ID # 15 108 05 005 cord superior to the Security 2008, recorded in Deed Book
there will be sold at public out- for Home Star Mortgage Ser- Trust and A. Sampson, as THOUSAND AND 0/100 DOL- MR/ca 1/5/21 Deed first set out above. 21033, Page 62, DeKalb
cry to the highest bidder for vices, LLC, its successors and Trustee for Emory University LARS ($89,000.00), with in- Our file no. ++20-03371GA - SFR ATL Owner 99, LLC is the County, Georgia Records, as
cash before the courthouse assigns, dated January 6, 2004 Students Aid Trust or a tenant terest thereon as set forth FT17/ A. Sampson as Trustee holder of the Security Deed to last transferred to MEB Loan
door of DeKalb County, Geor- and recorded in Deed Book or tenants and said property is therein, there will be sold at for Sunflower Street Railroad the property in accordance with Trust IV by assignment recor-
gia, or at such place as may be 15738, Page 338, DeKalb more commonly known as public outcry to the highest bid- Trust++ OCGA § 44-14-162.2. ded in Deed Book 28084, Page
lawfully designated as an al- County, Georgia Records. 1645 Columbia Cir, Decatur, der for cash before the court- 420-441598 12/10,12/17,12/24 The entity that has full author- 461, DeKalb County, Georgia
ternative, within the legal hours MR/cjo 1/5/21 Georgia 30032. house door of DeKalb County, 12/31 ity to negotiate, amend, and Records, conveying the after-
of sale on the first Tuesday in Our file no. ++20-03758GA - The sale will be conducted sub- Georgia, or at such place as NOTICE OF SALE UNDER modify all terms of the mort- described property to secure a
January, 2021, the following FT7/MUNSON++ ject (1) to confirmation that the may be lawfully designated as POWER gage with the debtor is: Leg- Note in the original principal
described property: sale is not prohibited under the an alternative, within the legal GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY acy Universal Lending Part- amount of SIXTY THOUSAND
SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED 420-441596 12/10,12/17,12/24, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) hours of sale on the first Tues- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO ners Trust, 3620 Piedmont AND 0/100 DOLLARS
HERETO AND MADE A PART 12/31 to final confirmation and audit day in January, 2021, the fol- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- Road NE, Suite 5395, Atlanta, ($60,000.00), with interest
HEREOF NOTICE OF SALE of the status of the loan with lowing described property: FORMATION OBTAINED WILL GA 30305, 404-857-6171. thereon as set forth therein,
The debt secured by said Se- UNDER POWER the holder of the security deed. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED BE USED FOR THAT PUR- To the best knowledge and be- there will be sold at public out-
curity Deed has been and is GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY SFR ATL Owner 99, LLC HERETO AND MADE A PART POSE. lief of the undersigned, the cry to the highest bidder for
hereby declared due because THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO as Attorney in Fact for HEREOF Under and by virtue of the party in possession of the prop- cash before the courthouse
of, among other possible COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- W. Nurse as Trustee for Emory The debt secured by said Se- Power of Sale contained in a erty is W. Nurse as Trustee for door of DeKalb County, Geor-
events of default, failure to pay FORMATION OBTAINED WILL University Students Aid Trust curity Deed has been and is Security Deed given by W. Candler Road Community As- gia, or at such place as may be
the indebtedness as and when BE USED FOR THAT PUR- McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, hereby declared due because Nurse as Trustee for Candler sociation Trust or a tenant or lawfully designated as an al-
due and in the manner POSE. LLC of, among other possible Road Community Association tenants and said property is ternative, within the legal hours
provided in the Note and Se- Under and by virtue of the 1544 Old Alabama Road events of default, failure to pay Trust to Legacy Universal more commonly known as of sale on the first Tuesday in
curity Deed. The debt remain- Power of Sale contained in a Roswell, GA 30076 the indebtedness as and when Lending Partners Trust, dated 1459/1461 West Austin Road, January, 2021, the following
ing in default, this sale will be Security Deed given by W. due and in the manner August 25, 2009, recorded in Decatur, Georgia 30032. described property:
made for the purpose of pay- Nurse as Trustee for Emory EXHIBIT “A” provided in the Note and Se- Deed Book 21812, Page 144, The sale will be conducted sub- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED
ing the same and all expenses University Students Aid Trust to All that tract or parcel of land ly- curity Deed. The debt remain- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- ject (1) to confirmation that the HERETO AND MADE A PART
of this sale, as provided in the B. Humphreys as Trustee for ing and being in Land Lot 186 ing in default, this sale will be cords and as modified by that sale is not prohibited under the HEREOF
Security Deed and by law, in- Legacy Universal Lending Part- of the 15th land District, DeKalb made for the purpose of pay- certain Loan Modification U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) The debt secured by said Se-
cluding attorney's fees (notice ners Trust, dated January 31, County, Georgia, being lot 9, ing the same and all expenses Agreement recorded in Deed to final confirmation and audit curity Deed has been and is
of intent to collect attorney's 2017, recorded in Deed Book Block B, Columbia Drive Subdi- of this sale, as provided in the Book 28270, Page 762, DeKalb of the status of the loan with hereby declared due because
fees having been given). 28253, Page 178, DeKalb vision No. 2 as per plat recor- Security Deed and by law, in- County, Georgia Records, as the holder of the security deed. of, among other possible
Said property will be sold sub- County, Georgia Records, as ded in Plat Book 18, Page 7, cluding attorney's fees (notice last transferred to SFR ATL SFR ATL Owner 99, LLC events of default, failure to pay
ject to any outstanding ad last transferred to SFR ATL DeKalb County Records, which of intent to collect attorney's Owner 99, LLC by assignment as Attorney in Fact for the indebtedness as and when
valorem taxes (including taxes Owner 99, LLC by assignment plat is incorporated herein by fees having been given). to be recorded in the Office of W. Nurse as Trustee for Cand- due and in the manner
which are a lien, but not yet to be recorded in the Office of reference and being improved Said property will be sold sub- the Clerk of Superior Court of ler Road Community Associ- provided in the Note and Se-
due and payable), any matters the Clerk of Superior Court of property having a house loc- ject to any outstanding ad DeKalb County, Georgia Re- ation Trust curity Deed. The debt remain-
which might be disclosed by an DeKalb County, Georgia Re- ated thereon known as 1645 valorem taxes (including taxes cords, conveying the after-de- McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, ing in default, this sale will be
accurate survey and inspection cords, conveying the after-de- Columbia Circle, according to which are a lien, but not yet scribed property to secure a LLC made for the purpose of pay-
of the property, any assess- scribed property to secure a the present system of number- due and payable), any matters Note in the original principal 1544 Old Alabama Road ing the same and all expenses
ments, liens, encumbrances, Note in the original principal ing houses in DeKalb County, which might be disclosed by an amount of ONE HUNDRED Roswell, GA 30076 of this sale, as provided in the
zoning ordinances, restrictions, amount of ONE HUNDRED Georgia. accurate survey and inspection SIXTY-THREE THOUSAND Security Deed and by law, in-
covenants, and matters of re- THIRTY-NINE THOUSAND Subject to that certain security of the property, any assess- AND 0/100 DOLLARS EXHIBIT “A” cluding attorney's fees (notice
cord superior to the Security AND 0/100 DOLLARS deed from Winston E. Nurse, ments, liens, encumbrances, ($163,000.00), and a Security All that tract or parcel of land ly- of intent to collect attorney's
Deed first set out above. ($139,000.00), with interest as Trustee of the Affordable zoning ordinances, restrictions, Deed given by W. Nurse as ing and being in land lot 197 of fees having been given).
Legacy Mortgage Asset Trust thereon as set forth therein, Homes of Atlanta Land Trust to covenants, and matters of re- Trustee for Candler Road Com- the 15th District of DeKalb Said property will be sold sub-
2019-SL3, U.S. Bank Trust Na- there will be sold at public out- HomeBanc Mortgage Corpora- cord superior to the Security munity Association Trust to County, Georgia, being more ject to any outstanding ad
tional Association, not in its in- cry to the highest bidder for tion, dated December 24, 2003 Deed first set out above. Mortgage Electronic Registra- particularly described as fol- valorem taxes (including taxes
dividual capacity but solely as cash before the courthouse and recorded in Deed Book SFR ATL Owner 99, LLC is the tion Systems, Inc., dated March lows: which are a lien, but not yet
owner trustee is the holder of door of DeKalb County, Geor- 15681, Page 514, DeKalb holder of the Security Deed to 23, 2001, recorded in Deed BEGINNING AT A POINT ON due and payable), any matters
the Security Deed to the prop- gia, or at such place as may be County, Georgia Records. the property in accordance with Book 11975, Page 456, DeKalb THE WESTERLY SIDE OF which might be disclosed by an
erty in accordance with OCGA lawfully designated as an al- MR/ca 1/5/21 OCGA § 44-14-162.2. County, Georgia Records as WEST AUSTIN RD 161.3 accurate survey and inspection
§ 44-14-162.2. ternative, within the legal hours ++Our file no. 5916520 - FT17/ The entity that has full author- last transferred to None by as- FEET SOUTHERLY FROM of the property, any assess-
The entity that has full author- of sale on the first Tuesday in W. Nurse as Trustee for Emory ity to negotiate, amend, and signment to be recorded in the THE INTERSECTION OF THE ments, liens, encumbrances,
ity to negotiate, amend, and January, 2021, the following University Students Aid Trust to modify all terms of the mort- Office of the Clerk of Superior WESTERLY SIDE OF WEST zoning ordinances, restrictions,
modify all terms of the mort- described property: B. Humphreys as Trustee for gage with the debtor is: Leg- Court of DeKalb County, Geor- AUSTIN ROAD WITH THE covenants, and matters of re-
gage with the debtor is: Spe- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED Legacy Universal Lending Part- acy Universal Lending Part- gia Records, conveying the SOUTHERLY SIDE OF ALDEA cord superior to the Security
cialized Loan Servicing, 6200 HERETO AND MADE A PART ners Trust++ ners Trust, 3620 Piedmont after-described property to se- DRIVE; RUNNING THENCE Deed first set out above.
S. Quebec St., Greenwood Vil- HEREOF Road NE, Suite 5395, Atlanta, cure a Note in the original prin- SOUTHERLY 100.58 FEET TO MEB Loan Trust IV, U.S. Bank
lage, CO 80111, 800-306-6059. The debt secured by said Se- GA 30305, 404-857-6171. cipal amount of SEVENTY- A POINT; RUNNING THENCE National Association, not in its
To the best knowledge and be- curity Deed has been and is To the best knowledge and be- EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT WESTERLY 180.95 FEET TO individual capacity but solely as
lief of the undersigned, the hereby declared due because lief of the undersigned, the HUNDRED AND 0/100 DOL- A POINT; RUNNING THENCE trustee is the holder of the Se-
party in possession of the prop- of, among other possible party in possession of the prop- LARS ($78,800.00), with in- NORTHWESTERLY 109.61 curity Deed to the property in
erty is Ethel L Munson or a ten- events of default, failure to pay erty is A. Sampson as Trustee terest thereon as set forth FEET TO A POINT; RUNNING accordance with OCGA § 44-
ant or tenants and said prop- the indebtedness as and when for Sunflower Street Railroad therein, there will be sold at THENCE EASTERLY 189.9 14-162.2.
erty is more commonly known due and in the manner Trust and W. Nurse as Trustee public outcry to the highest bid- FEET TO THE WESTERLY The entity that has full author-
as 4691 Mayer Trce, Ellen- provided in the Note and Se- for Sunflower Street Railroad der for cash before the court- SIDE OF AUSTIN ROAD AND ity to negotiate, amend, and
wood, Georgia 30294. curity Deed. The debt remain- Trust or a tenant or tenants and house door of DeKalb County, THE POINT OF BEGINNING; modify all terms of the mort-
The sale will be conducted sub- ing in default, this sale will be said property is more com- Georgia, or at such place as Being improved property known gage with the debtor is: Spe-
ject (1) to confirmation that the made for the purpose of pay- monly known as 2811 Horse may be lawfully designated as as 1459-1461 WEST AUSTIN cialized Loan Servicing, 6200
sale is not prohibited under the ing the same and all expenses Shoe Drive, Atlanta, Georgia an alternative, within the legal ROAD, according to the S. Quebec St., Greenwood Vil-
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) of this sale, as provided in the 30316. hours of sale on the first Tues- present system of numbering lage, CO 80111, 800-306-6059.
to final confirmation and audit Security Deed and by law, in- The sale will be conducted sub- day in January, 2021, the fol- houses in DeKalb County, To the best knowledge and be-
of the status of the loan with cluding attorney's fees (notice ject (1) to confirmation that the lowing described property: Georgia lief of the undersigned, the
the holder of the security deed. of intent to collect attorney's sale is not prohibited under the SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED Parcel ID# 15 197 12 009 party in possession of the prop-
Legacy Mortgage Asset Trust fees having been given). U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) HERETO AND MADE A PART Subject to that certain security erty is Kalab M. Habtemichael
2019-SL3, U.S. Bank Trust Na- Said property will be sold sub- to final confirmation and audit HEREOF deed from Winston E Nurse to or a tenant or tenants and said
The entity that has full author- IN THAT CERTAIN DECLARA- cord February 16, 2005 in Asset Securities Corporation erty is Timothy B Yehl or a ten- possible events of default, fail-
ity to negotiate, amend, and TION OF CONDOMINIUMS Deed Book 17123, Page 753, 2005-S3 as agent and Attor- ant or tenants and said prop- ure to pay the indebtedness as
modify all terms of the mort- FOR STONE MOUNTAIN DeKalb County, Georgia re- ney in Fact for Manuel Sibert erty is more commonly known provided for in the Note and
gage with the debtor is: Spe- WEST CONDOMINIUM, RE- cords, as assigned to U.S. and Eric Barbour as 434 Sherwood Oaks Road, said Security Deed. The debt
cialized Loan Servicing, 6200 CORDED AT PLAT BOOK 138, Bank National Association, as Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- Stone Mountain, Georgia remaining in default, this sale
S. Quebec St., Greenwood Vil- PAGE 80, DEKALB COUNTY, Trustee, for J.P. Morgan Mort- mont Center, 3575 Piedmont 30087. will be made for the purpose of

lage, CO 80111, 800-306-6059. The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 41
GEORGIA RECORDS, AS gage Acquisition Corp. 2005- Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, The sale will be conducted sub- paying the same and all ex-
To the best knowledge and be- AMENDED, WHICH DECLAR- FLD1, Asset Backed Pass- Georgia 30305, (404) 994- ject (1) to confirmation that the penses of sale, including attor-
lief of the undersigned, the ATION, AND THE PLANS AND 420-441602 12/10,12/17,12/24 Through Certificates, Series 7637. sale is not prohibited under the ney’s fees (notice of intent to
party in possession of the prop- PLATS DESCRIBED 12/31 2005-FLD1 in Deed Book 1017-4521A U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) collect attorney’s fees having
erty is Kalab M. Habtemichael THEREIN, IS HEREBY INCOR- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER 28648, Page 787, DeKalb THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- to final confirmation and audit been given).
or a tenant or tenants and said PORATED BY ELEMENTS POWER County, Georgia records. ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR of the status of the loan with Said property will be sold sub-
property is more commonly AND LIMITED COMMON ELE- DEKALB COUNTY The debt secured by said Se- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A the holder of the security deed. ject to the following: (1) any
known as 532 Riverbirch Trce, MENTS AS DESCRIBED IN Pursuant to the Power of Sale curity Deed has been and is DEBT. ANY INFORMATION iThink Financial Credit Union outstanding ad valorem taxes
Stone Mountain, Georgia SAID DECLARATION. contained in a Security Deed hereby declared due because OBTAINED WILL BE USED f/k/a IBM Southeast Employ- (including taxes which are a li-
30087. BEING IMPROVED PROP- given by Manuel Sibert and of, among other possible FOR THAT PURPOSE. ees Credit Union en, whether or not yet due and
The sale will be conducted sub- ERTY KNOWN AS 1150 Eric Barbour to Mortgage Elec- events of default, failure to pay ++1017-4521A /Siber/ Bar- as Attorney in Fact for payable); (2) the right of re-
ject (1) to confirmation that the RANKIN STREET, APT D-2 tronic Registration Systems, the indebtedness as and when bour++ Timothy B Yehl demption of any taxing author-
sale is not prohibited under the STONE MOUNTAIN, GA Inc., as grantee, as nominee for due and in the manner 420-441603 12/10,12/17,12/24 McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, ity; (3) any matters which might
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) 30083. Fieldstone Mortgage Company, provided in the Note and Se- 12/31 LLC be disclosed by an accurate
to final confirmation and audit TAX ID: 18 126 18 041 its successors and assigns curity Deed. The debt remain- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER 1544 Old Alabama Road survey and inspection of the
of the status of the loan with Said property being known as: dated 2/1/2005 and recorded in ing in default, this sale will be POWER Roswell, GA 30076 property; and (4) any assess-
the holder of the security deed. 1150 RANKIN ST APT D2, Deed Book 17123 Page 777 made for the purpose of pay- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ments, liens, encumbrances,
MEB Loan Trust IV, U.S. Bank STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30083 Dekalb County, Georgia re- ing the same and all expenses THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO EXHIBIT “A” zoning ordinances, restrictions,
National Association, not in its To the best of the cords; as last transferred to or of this sale, as provided in the COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- All that tract or parcel of land ly- covenants, and matters of re-
individual capacity but solely as undersigned’s knowledge, the acquired by U.S. Bank Nation- Security Deed and by law, in- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL ing and being in Land Lot 20 of cord superior to the Security
trustee party or parties in possession al Association as Trustee for cluding attorney’s fees (notice BE USED FOR THAT PUR- the 18th District, DeKalb Deed first set out above.
as Attorney in Fact for of said property is/are ALEX Structured Asset Securities of intent to collect attorney’s POSE. County, Georgia, being Lot 9, Said sale will be conducted
Kalab M. Habtemichael ABIDAKUN or tenant(s). Corporation 2005-S3, convey- fees having been given). Under and by virtue of the Block A, Unit Two of Sherwood subject to the following: (1)
McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, The debt secured by said Se- ing the after-described prop- Said property is commonly Power of Sale contained in a Farms Subdivision, as per plat confirmation that the sale is not
LLC curity Deed has been and is erty to secure a Note in the ori- known as 2164 Dowdell Dr, At- Security Deed given by thereof recorded in Plat Book prohibited under the U.S. Bank-
1544 Old Alabama Road hereby declared due and pay- ginal principal amount of lanta, GA 30341 together with Timothy B Yehl to IBM South- 71, Page 111, as revised in ruptcy Code; and (2) final con-
Roswell, GA 30076 able because of, among other $24,300.00, with interest at the all fixtures and personal prop- east EFCU, dated October 1, Plat Book 83, Page 63, DeKalb firmation and audit of the status possible events of default, fail- rate specified therein, there will erty attached to and constitut- 2010, recorded in Deed Book County, Georgia Records, of the loan with the holder of
EXHIBIT “A” ure to pay the indebtedness as be sold by the undersigned at ing a part of said property, if 22261, Page 166, DeKalb which recorded plat is incorpor- the Security Deed.
THE FOLLOWING PROP- provided for in the Note and public outcry to the highest bid- any. To the best knowledge County, Georgia Records, con- ated herein by reference and The name, address, and tele-
ERTY: said Security Deed. The debt der for cash before the Court- and belief of the undersigned, veying the after-described made a part of this description. phone number of the individual
THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF remaining in default, this sale house door of Dekalb County, the party (or parties) in posses- property to secure a Note in the MR/ca 1/5/21 or entity who has full authority
LAND LYING AND BEING IN will be made for the purpose of Georgia (or such other area as sion of the subject property is original principal amount of Our file no.++ 20-03759GA - to negotiate, amend, and modi-
LAND LOT(S) 25 OF DIS- paying the same and all ex- designated by Order of the Su- (are): Manuel Sibert and Eric NINETY-THREE THOUSAND FT17/ Yehl++ fy all terms of the mortgage is
TRICT 18, DEKALB COUNTY, penses of sale, including attor- perior Court of said county), Barbour or tenant or tenants. FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY AND as follows:
GEORGIA, BEING LOT(S) 147, ney’s fees (notice of intent to within the legal hours of sale on PHH Mortgage Corporation is 0/100 DOLLARS ($93,550.00), 420-441604 12/10,12/17,12/24 Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing
BLOCK A, MOUNTAIN OAKS collect attorney’s fees having January 5, 2021 (being the first the entity or individual desig- with interest thereon as set 12/31 75 Beattie Place, Suite 300
SUBDIVISION, PHASE 1, AS been given). Tuesday of said month unless nated who shall have full au- forth therein, there will be sold STATE OF GEORGIA Greenville , SC 29601 866-825-
PER PLAT RECORDED IN Said property will be sold sub- said date falls on a Federal thority to negotiate, amend and at public outcry to the highest COUNTY OF DEKALB 2174
PLAT BOOK 90, PAGE ject to the following: (1) any Holiday, in which case being modify all terms of the mort- bidder for cash before the NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A.
71,DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- outstanding ad valorem taxes the first Wednesday of said gage. courthouse door of DeKalb POWER § 44-14-162.2, the above indi-
GIA RECORDS. (including taxes which are a li- month), the following de- PHH Mortgage Corporation County, Georgia, or at such Pursuant to the power of sale vidual or entity is not required
BEING AND INTENDING TO en, whether or not yet due and scribed property: One Mortgage Way place as may be lawfully desig- contained in the Security Deed by law to negotiate, amend, or
DESCRIBE THE SAME payable); (2) the right of re- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 nated as an alternative, within executed by TERRY SAUN- modify the terms of the mort-
PREMISES CONVEYED IN A demption of any taxing author- CEL OF LAND LYING AND (800) 750-2518 the legal hours of sale on the DERS to MORTGAGE ELEC- gage.
DEED RECORDED ity; (3) any matters which might BEING IN LAND LOT 299 OF Note, however, that such entity first Tuesday in January, 2021, TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
02/08/2008, IN BOOK 20613, be disclosed by an accurate THE 18th DISTRICT, OF or individual is not required by the following described prop- SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMIN- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
PAGE 185. survey and inspection of the DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, law to negotiate, amend or erty: EE FOR RBMG, INC., its suc- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
KNOWN AS: 532 RIVER- property; and (4) any assess- BEING LOT 8 IN THE SUBDI- modify the terms of the loan. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED cessors and assigns, in the ori- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
BIRCH TRCE ments, liens, encumbrances, VISION OF LOT 59, BLOCK 3, Said property will be sold sub- HERETO AND MADE A PART ginal principal amount of OBTAINED MAY BE USED
PARCEL: 18 025 01 125 zoning ordinances, restrictions, CAMP GORDON SUBDIVI- ject to: (a) any outstanding ad HEREOF $105,730.00 dated September FOR THAT PURPOSE.
MR/cjo 1/5/21 covenants, and matters of re- SION, AND BEING MORE valorem taxes (including taxes The debt secured by said Se- 30, 2002 and recorded in Deed NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL-
Our file no. ++5825920 - FT7/ cord superior to the Security PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED which are a lien, but not yet curity Deed has been and is Book 13728, Page 546, DeKalb POINT MORTGAGE SERVI-
Habtemichael++ Deed first set out above. AS FOLLOWS: due and payable), (b) unpaid hereby declared due because County records, said Security CING, as Attorney-in-Fact for
Said sale will be conducted BEGINNING at an iron pin on water or sewage bills that con- of, among other possible Deed being last transferred to TERRY SAUNDERS
420-441601 12/10,12/17,12/24 subject to the following: (1) the northern side of Dowdell stitute a lien against the prop- events of default, failure to pay NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL- Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid
12/31 confirmation that the sale is not Drive 388 feet easterly from the erty whether due and payable the indebtedness as and when POINT MORTGAGE SERVI- & Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s
STATE OF GEORGIA prohibited under the U.S. Bank- point of intersection of the or not yet due and payable and due and in the manner CING in Deed Book 28787, Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth,
COUNTY OF DEKALB ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- northern side of Dowdell Drive which may not be of record, (c) provided in the Note and Se- Page 103, DeKalb County re- GA 30097 Phone:
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER firmation and audit of the status and the eastern side of Hood the right of redemption of any curity Deed. The debt remain- cords, the undersigned will sell 470.321.7112
POWER of the loan with the holder of Avenue, said point of begin- taxing authority, (d) any mat- ing in default, this sale will be at public outcry to the highest Firm File No. ++20-057336 -
Pursuant to the power of sale the Security Deed. ning also being the southeast ters which might be disclosed made for the purpose of pay- bidder for cash, before the AmE /SAUNDERS++
contained in the Security Deed The name, address, and tele- corner of Lot 7 of said subdivi- by an accurate survey and in- ing the same and all expenses Courthouse door in said 420-441605 12/10,12/17,12/24
executed by ALEX ABIDAKUN phone number of the individual sion; thence running North 0 spection of the property, and of this sale, as provided in the County, or at such other place 12/31
to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC or entity who has full authority degrees 22 minutes West along (e) any assessments, liens, en- Security Deed and by law, in- as lawfully designated, within STATE OF GEORGIA
REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, to negotiate, amend, and modi- the eastern boundary of Lot 7 cumbrances, zoning ordin- cluding attorney's fees (notice the legal hours of sale, on COUNTY OF DEKALB
INC., AS NOMINEE FOR fy all terms of the mortgage is of said subdivision 175 feet to ances, restrictions, covenants, of intent to collect attorney's January 05, 2021, the property NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
COUNTRYWIDE BANK, FSB, as follows: an iron pin; thence running and matters of record superior fees having been given). in said Security Deed and de- POWER
its successors and assigns, in Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing North 89 degrees East a dis- to the Security Deed first set Said property will be sold sub- scribed as follows: Pursuant to the power of sale
the original principal amount of 75 Beattie Place, Suite 300 tance of 55 feet to an iron pin at out above. ject to any outstanding ad ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- contained in the Security Deed
$31,500.00 dated January 28, Greenville , SC 29601 866-825- the northwesterly cornder of Lot The sale will be conducted sub- valorem taxes (including taxes CEL OF LAND LYING AND executed by LAKECIA L. MAY
2008 and recorded in Deed 2174 9 of said subdivision; thence ject to (1) confirmation that the which are a lien, but not yet BEING IN LAND LOT 253 OF to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC
Book 20600, Page 521, DeKalb Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. running South 0 degrees 22 sale is not prohibited under the due and payable), any matters THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,
County records, said Security § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- minutes East along the west- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) which might be disclosed by an COUNTY, GEORGIA BEING INC., AS NOMINEE FOR SUN-
Deed being last transferred to vidual or entity is not required ern line of Lot 9 of said subdivi- final confirmation and audit of accurate survey and inspection LOT 6, BLOCK B, DURHAM TRUST MORTGAGE, INC.
NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL- by law to negotiate, amend, or sion 175 feet to an iron pin on the status of the loan with the of the property, any assess- CROSSING SUBDIVISION, AS D/B/A SUN AMERICA MORT-
POINT MORTGAGE SERVI- modify the terms of the mort- the northern right of way line of holder of the Security Deed. ments, liens, encumbrances, PER PLAT RECORDED IN GAGE A VIRGINIA CORPOR-
CING in Deed Book 28213, gage. Dowdell Drive; thence running Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section zoning ordinances, restrictions, PLAT BOOK 79, PAGE 114 AS ATION, its successors and as-
Page 692, DeKalb County re- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING South 89 degrees West alng 9-13-172.1, which allows for covenants, and matters of re- REVISED AT PLAT BOOK 80, signs, in the original principal
cords, the undersigned will sell AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- the northern right of way line of certain procedures regarding cord superior to the Security PAGE 100, DEKALB COUNTY, amount of $161,000.00 dated
at public outcry to the highest TEMPTING TO COLLECT A Dowdell drive 55 feet to an iron the rescission of judicial and Deed first set out above. GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH March 23, 2007 and recorded
bidder for cash, before the DEBT. ANY INFORMATION pin and the point of beginning; non-judicial sales in the State iThink Financial Credit Union PLAT IS BY REFERENCE IN- in Deed Book 19939, Page
Courthouse door in said OBTAINED MAY BE USED being improved property ac- of Georgia, the Deed Under f/k/a IBM Southeast Employ- CORPORATED HEREIN AND 442, DeKalb County records,
County, or at such other place FOR THAT PURPOSE. cording to that survey for Roy Power and other foreclosure ees Credit Union is the holder MADE A PART HEREOF; BE- said Security Deed being last
as lawfully designated, within NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL- Green, prepared by Lane S. documents may not be of the Security Deed to the ING IMPROVED PROPERTY. transferred to U.S. Bank Na-
the legal hours of sale, on POINT MORTGAGE SERVI- Bishop, Registered Land Sur- provided until final confirmation property in accordance with PARCEL ID: 15 253 07 006 tional Association, not in its in-
January 05, 2021, the property CING, as Attorney-in-Fact for veyor No. 1575, dated Novem- and audit of the status of the OCGA § 44-14-162.2. Said property being known as: dividual capacity, but solely as
in said Security Deed and de- ALEX ABIDAKUN ber 2, 1970. loan as provided immediately The entity that has full author- 786 DURHAM TRL, STONE Owner Trustee for NJCC Fund
scribed as follows: Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid This Foreclosure is subject to above. ity to negotiate, amend, and MOUNTAIN, GA 30083 #5 Trust in Deed Book 27569,
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- & Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s that Security Deed from Manuel U.S. Bank National Associ- modify all terms of the mort- To the best of the Page 589, DeKalb County re-
CEL OF LAND LYING AND Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, Sibert and Eric Barbour, as his ation as Trustee for Structured gage with the debtor is: iTHINK undersigned’s knowledge, the cords, the undersigned will sell
BEING IN LAND LOTS 89 AND GA 30097 Phone: sole and separate property to Asset Securities Corporation Financial Credit Union, 1000 party or parties in possession at public outcry to the highest
126, 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB 470.321.7112 Mortgage Electronic Registra- 2005-S3 as agent and Attor- NW 17th Avenue, Delray of said property is/are TERRY bidder for cash, before the
COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Firm File No. ++18-178120 - tion Systems, Inc. as nominee ney in Fact for Manuel Sibert Beach, FL 33445, 800-873- SAUNDERS or tenant(s). Courthouse door in said
CONDOMINIUM UNIT D-2, AmE/ ABIDAKUN++ for Fieldstone Mortgage Com- and Eric Barbour 5100. The debt secured by said Se- County, or at such other place
STONE MOUNTAIN WEST pany, in the oirginal principal Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- To the best knowledge and be- curity Deed has been and is as lawfully designated, within
CONDOMINIUM, AS MORE amount of $121,500.00, dated mont Center, 3575 Piedmont lief of the undersigned, the hereby declared due and pay- the legal hours of sale, on
PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED February 1, 2005, filed of re- Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, party in possession of the prop- able because of, among other January 05, 2021, the property
IN THAT CERTAIN DECLARA- cord February 16, 2005 in Georgia 30305, (404) 994- erty is Timothy B Yehl or a ten- possible events of default, fail- in said Security Deed and de-
TION OF CONDOMINIUMS Deed Book 17123, Page 753, 7637. ant or tenants and said prop- ure to pay the indebtedness as scribed as follows:
FOR STO NE MO UNTAIN DeKalb County, Georgia re- 1017-4521A erty is more commonly known provided for in the Note and ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
WEST CONDOMINIUM, RE- cords, as assigned to U.S. THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- as 434 Sherwood Oaks Road, said Security Deed. The debt CEL OF LAND LYING AND
CORDED AT PLAT BOOK 138, Bank National Association, as ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Stone Mountain, Georgia remaining in default, this sale BEING IN LAND LOT 73 OF
PAGE 80, DEKALB COUNTY, Trustee, for J.P. Morgan Mort- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A 30087. will be made for the purpose of THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
GEORGIA RECORDS, AS gage Acquisition Corp. 2005- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION The sale will be conducted sub- paying the same and all ex- COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
AMENDED, WHICH DECLAR- FLD1, Asset Backed Pass- OBTAINED WILL BE USED ject (1) to confirmation that the penses of sale, including attor- UNIT 21, POD 1 KEYSTONE
ATION, AND THE PLANS AND Through Certificates, Series FOR THAT PURPOSE. sale is not prohibited under the ney’s fees (notice of intent to GATES CONDOMINIUM, AS
PLATS DESCRIBED 2005-FLD1 in Deed Book ++1017-4521A /Siber/ Bar- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) collect attorney’s fees having PER PLAT RECORDED IN
THEREIN, IS HEREBY INCOR- 28648, Page 787, DeKalb bour++ to final confirmation and audit been given). CONDOMINIUM PLAT BOOK
PORATED BY ELEMENTS County, Georgia records. of the status of the loan with Said property will be sold sub- 177, PAGES 73-78, DEKALB
in said Security Deed and de- The above-described property property attached to and consti- Book 27405, Page 389, ex- relating to the development,
scribed as follows: being shown as Tract B (0.580 tuting a part of said property, if ecuted and delivered by construction or use of the sub-
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Acres) according to the bound- any. To the best knowledge MAPLE, LLC, a Wyoming lim- ject property (collectively, the
CEL OF LAND LYING AND ary survey for NPC Associates and belief of the undersigned, ited liability company (“Borrow- “Property”):
BEING IN LAND LOT 73 OF and Decatur Federal Savings the party (or parties) in posses- er”) to Housemax Funding, To the best knowledge of
THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB and Loan Association, said sur- sion of the subject property is LLC, a Texas limited liability Lender, the Property is in the
Page 42
COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
vey being prepared by Patter-
son & Dewar Engineers, Inc.,
or tenant or tenants.
company, the original lender,
which Security Deed secures
legal possession of Borrower.
The Property will be sold on an
GATES CONDOMINIUM, AS 420-441611 12/10,12/17,12/24 George E. Ingram, RLS No. 420-441612 12/10,12/17,12/24 The individual or entity that has indebtedness evidenced by a “AS IS, WHERE IS” basis
PER PLAT RECORDED IN 12/31 1980, said survey being dated 12/31 full authority to negotiate, Note (the “Note”) dated Febru- without recourse against
CONDOMINIUM PLAT BOOK NOTICE OF SALE UNDER June 26, 1987, and being last STATE OF GEORGIA amend, and modify all terms of ary 15, 2019, in the original Lender, without representation
177, PAGES 73-78, DEKALB POWER revised on May 21, 1990. DEKALB COUNTY the mortgage with the debtor is: maximum principal amount of or warranty of any kind or
COUNTY RECORDS, BEING STATE OF GEORGIA The aforedescribed real prop- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER FCI LENDER SERVICES, INC. $507,225.00. Lender, being the nature whatsoever with re-
MORE PARTICULARLY COUNTY OF DEKALB erty is also known as 1918 POWER PO BOX 27370 ANAHEIM, CA current owner and holder of the spect thereto, without any as-
SHOWN IN THAT DECLARA- By virtue of a Power of Sale Northlake PKWY, Tucker, By virtue of the power of sale 92809 (714-282-2424). Please Security Deed, as reflected by surance afforded to the exact
TION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR contained in that certain Geor- Georgia 30084, according to contained in that certain Deed understand that the secured that certain Assignment of Se- acreage and square footage
KEYSTONE GATES CON- gia Security Deed and Security the present system of number- to Secure Debt from CARO- creditor is not required to nego- curity Instrument dated March contained in the Land descrip-
DOMINIUM RECORDED IN Agreement dated August 23, ing houses in DeKalb County, LYN HIGHTOWER to MORT- tiate, amend, or modify the 26, 2020, and recorded in the tion, and subject to all of the
DEED BOOK 18112, PAGE 2010, from James E. Dopson, Georgia. GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- terms of the mortgage instru- Records on March 27, 2020, in following, without limitation:
193, DEKALB COUNTY RE- MD, to Branch Banking and The debt secured by said Se- TRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS ment. Deed Book 28197, Page 381, all outstanding taxes, assess-
CORDS, AS AMENDED. Trust Company, recorded in curity Deed has been and is NOMINEE FOR COUNTRY- Said property will be sold sub- and Lender acting in its capa- ments, and utility bills which are
PARCEL ID: 16 073 02 021 Deed Book 22106, Page 568, hereby declared due because WIDE HOME LOANS, INC. ject to: (a) any outstanding ad city as attorney-in-fact for Bor- valid liens and encumbrances
Said property being known as: DeKalb County, Georgia Deed of, among other possible dated MAY 12, 2006, filed for valorem taxes (including taxes rower, will sell at public outcry upon any of the Property and
2780 KEYSTONE AVE, Records, and securing a Note events of default, non-payment recorded and recorded MAY which are a lien, but not yet to the highest bidder for cash which are prior in right to the li-
LITHONIA, GA 30058 in the original principal amount of the monthly installments on 18, 2006 at DEED BOOK due and payable), (b) the right before the Courthouse door of en and security interest of
To the best of the of $366,738.90 with interest said loan. The debt remaining 18723, PAGE 782, DEKALB of redemption of any taxing au- DeKalb County, Georgia, with- Lender (including taxes which
undersigned’s knowledge, the thereon, as subsequently modi- in default, this sale will be COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- thority, (c) any matters which in the legal hours of sale on are liens, but not yet payable);
party or parties in possession fied and assigned to Wilfort & made for the purpose of pay- CORDS, as last transferred to might be disclosed by an accur- January 5, 2021, certain real any and all easements, restric-
of said property is/are LAKE- Co Enterprises, LLC by Assign- ing the same and all expenses WEST COAST CAPITAL ate survey and inspection of property (“Land”), legally de- tions, covenants, encum-
CIA L. MAY or tenant(s). ment of Security Instruments of this sale, including attorneys’ GROUP, INC. AND JOHN the property, and (d) any as- scribed as: brances and other matters
The debt secured by said Se- dated July 26, 2017, and recor- fees (notice of intent to collect COONIS, by assignment recor- sessments, liens, encum- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- which would be revealed by an
curity Deed has been and is ded on August 1, 2017 in Deed attorneys’ fees having been ded at DEED BOOK 28648, brances, zoning ordinances, re- CEL OF LAND LYING AND inspection or accurate survey
hereby declared due and pay- Book 26406, Page 55, afore- given). PAGE 608 AFORESAID RE- strictions, covenants, and mat- BEING IN LAND LOT 272 OF of the Land;
able because of, among other said records, will be sold at The individual or entity that has CORDS. , said Deed to Secure ters of record superior to the THE 18TH DISTRICT OF all valid zoning ordinances; and
possible events of default, fail- public outcry to the highest bid- full authority to negotiate, Debt having been given to se- Security Deed first set out DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, any and all easements, limita-
ure to pay the indebtedness as der for cash before the court- amend, and modify all terms of cure a Note dated MAY 12, above. Said property will be BEING PART OF LOT 9, tions, restrictions, reservations,
provided for in the Note and house door of DeKalb County, the loan is Wilfort & Co Enter- 2006 in the original principal sold subject to: (a) any out- BLOCK 25 OF ASHFORD covenants, and encumbrances
said Security Deed. The debt Georgia, or at such place as prises, LLC c/o Williams Teu- sum of Sixteen Thousand Four standing ad valorem taxes (in- PARK SUBDIVISION, AS PER of record to which the Security
remaining in default, this sale has or may be lawfully desig- sink, LLC, The High House, Hundred and 00/100 Dollars cluding taxes which are a lien, PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT Deed is subordinate in terms of
will be made for the purpose of nated as an alternative loca- 309 Sycamore Street, Decatur, (U.S. $16,400.00),, with in- but not yet due and payable), BOOK 28, PAGE 61, DEKALB priority.
paying the same and all ex- tion, within the legal hours of Georgia 30030. The telephone terest from date at the rate (b) unpaid water or sewage bills COUNTY RECORDS AND BE- The proceeds of the sale of the
penses of sale, including attor- sale on the first Tuesday of number is (404) 373-9590. stated in said Note on the un- that constitute a lien against the ING MORE PARTICULARLY Property will be applied in ac-
ney’s fees (notice of intent to January 2021, all property de- Said real property will be sold paid balance until paid, there property whether due and pay- DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: cordance with the Security
collect attorney’s fees having scribed in said Security Deed, on an as-is basis without any will be sold by the undersigned able or not yet due and pay- BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN Deed to the payment of the in-
been given). including but not limited to the representation, warranty or re- at public outcry to the highest able and which may not be of ON THE CORNER FORMED debtedness owed to Lender un-
Said property will be sold sub- following described property: course against the above- bidder for cash before the record, (c) the right of redemp- BY THE INTERSECTION OF der the Security Deed and
ject to the following: (1) any All that tract or parcel of land ly- named or the undersigned. The Courthouse door at DEKALB tion of any taxing authority, (d) THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE Note, and to the payment of all
outstanding ad valorem taxes ing and being in Land Lot 188 sale will also be subject to the County, Georgia, within the leg- any matters which might be dis- OF NORTH THOMPSON expenses of sale to the extent
(including taxes which are a li- of the 18th District of DeKalb following items which may af- al hours of sale on the first closed by an accurate survey ROAD WITH THE WESTERLY provided by Georgia law.
en, whether or not yet due and County, Georgia, and being fect the title: a) zoning ordin- Tuesday in JANUARY, 2021. and inspection of the property, SIDE OF ASHFORD ROAD; Lender reserves the right to
payable); (2) the right of re- more particularly described as ances; b) matters which would (January 5, 2021) the following and (e) any assessments, liens, RUNNING THENCE SOUTH- credit bid at the sale all or a
demption of any taxing author- follows: be disclosed by an accurate described property: encumbrances, zoning ordin- WESTERLY ALONG THE portion of the unpaid indebted-
ity; (3) any matters which might TO FIND THE TRUE POINT survey or by an inspection of All that tract or parcel of land ly- ances, restrictions, covenants, NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF ness owed to Lender under the
be disclosed by an accurate OF BEGINNING begin at the the property; c) any outstand- ing and being in Land Lot 251 and matters of record superior NORTH THOMPSON ROAD, Security Deed and Note.
survey and inspection of the intersection of the southwest- ing ad valorem taxes, including of the 11th District, Dekalb to the Security Deed first set ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX Notice has been given, in writ-
property; and (4) any assess- erly right-of-way line of North- taxes, which constitute liens County, Georgia, being Lot 34, out above. The sale will be con- AND SIX-TENTHS (126.6) ing and by certified mail, return
ments, liens, encumbrances, lake Parkway with the center upon said property whether or Carriage Park Subdivision, as ducted subject to (1) confirma- FEET TO AN IRON PIN; RUN- receipt requested, to Borrower
zoning ordinances, restrictions, line of U.S. Highway 29 (80 foot not now due and payable, d) per plat recorded in Plat Book tion that the sale is not prohib- NING THENCE NORTH 10 DE- of the name, address, and tele-
covenants, and matters of re- right-of-way); run thence along special assessments; e) the 106, Page 8 & 9, Dekalb ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy GREES 39 MINUTES WEST, phone number of the individual
cord superior to the Security the southwesterly right-of-way right of redemption of any tax- County, Georgia Records, Code; and (2) final confirma- NINETY-FIVE (95) FEET TO or entity who shall have full au-
Deed first set out above. line of Northlake Parkway in a ing authority; f) all outstanding which plat is incorporated tion and audit of the status of AN IRON PIN; RUNNING thority to negotiate, amend, and
Said sale will be conducted generally northwesterly direc- bills for public utilities which herein by reference and made the loan with the holder of the THENCE NORTH 27 DE- modify all terms of the Security
subject to the following: (1) tion, a distance of 297.26 feet constitute liens upon said prop- a part of this description. Said Security Deed. Pursuant to GREES 20 MINUTES EAST, Deed and Note thereby se-
confirmation that the sale is not to an iron pin set on the south- erty; g) all restrictive covenants, property being known as 4537 O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, EIGHTY- FOUR AND FIVE- cured in accordance with
prohibited under the U.S. Bank- westerly right-of-way line of easements, rights-of-way and CARRIAGE PARK DRIVE ac- which allows for certain proced- TENTHS (84.5) FEET TO AN O. C. G. A. Se ct io n 44 -14-
ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- Northlake Parkway, which iron any other matters of record su- cording to the present system ures regarding the rescission of IRON PIN; RUNNING THENCE 162.2(a), and such person may
firmation and audit of the status pin set is the TRUE POINT OF perior to said Security Deed. To of numbering property in judicial and non-judicial sales in SOUTH 67 DEGREES 30 be contacted by and through
of the loan with the holder of BEGINNING; running thence the best of the knowledge and Dekalb County Georgia. the State of Georgia, the Deed MINUTES EAST, ONE HUN- his agent, counsel for Lender at
the Security Deed. south 56º12’ 0” west a dis- belief of the undersigned, the Tax ID#: 11-251-01-100 Under Power and other fore- DRED SIX (106) FEET TO AN the name, address and tele-
The name, address, and tele- tance of 234.09 feet to an iron owners and party in posses- Subject to any Easements or closure documents may not be IRON PIN ON THE WEST- phone number below.
phone number of the individual pin set, said iron pin set being sion of the property are ++ Restrictions of Record. provided until final confirmation ERLY SIDE OF ASHFORD THIS PUBLICATION IS AN AT-
or entity who has full authority located on the northwesterly James E. Dopson, and James This is being given subject to and audit of the status of the ROAD AND RUNNING TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT.
to negotiate, amend, and modi- boundary line of property now E. Dopson, M.D., P.C++. Security Deed from Carolyn loan as provided immediately THENCE SOUTHERLY ANY INFORMATION OB -
fy all terms of the mortgage is or being formerly owned by and/or tenant(s). The sale will Hightower to MERS as nomin- above. ALONG THE WESTERLY TAINED IN THIS REGARD
as follows: Narris L. Green, et. al.; thence be conducted subject (1) to ee for Countrywide Home WEST COAST CAPITAL SIDE OF ASHFORD ROAD, WILL BE USED FOR THE
Selene Finance LP Attn: BK running north 33º 48’ 00” west confirmation that the sale is not Loans, Inc., dated 05/12/2006, GROUP, INC. AND JOHN ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN AND PURPOSE OF COLLECTION.
Dept., 9990 Richmond a distance of 102.64 feet to a prohibited under the U.S. Bank- recorded 05/18/2006 in the ori- COONIS., Attorney-in-Fact for FOUR-TENTHS (111.4) FEET Toorak Capital Partners, LLC,
Houston, TX 77042 877-768- nail set; thence running north ruptcy Code, and (2) final con- ginal principal amount of ++CAROLYN HIGHTOWER++ TO THE NORTHWESTERLY as attorney-in-fact for
3759 56º35’ 42” east a distance of firmation and audit as to the $131,200.00, recorded in Deed Cruikshank Ersin, LLC SIDE OF NORTH THOMPSON ++MAPLE, LLC++
Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. 25.18 feet to a nail set; thence status of the loan with the hold- Book 18723, Page 770, afore- Attorneys at Law ROAD AND THE POINT OF Counsel for Lender:
§ 44-14-162.2, the above indi- running north 25º19’ 50” east a er of the Security Deed. said records. 6065 Roswell Road, Ste 680 BEGINNING, BEING IM- Gwendolyn J. Godfrey
vidual or entity is not required distance of 113.8 feet to a Wilfort & Co. Enterprises, LLC The debt secured by said Deed Atlanta, GA 30328 PROVED PROPERTY HAV- Polsinelli PC
by law to negotiate, amend, or point; thence continuing along as Attorney-in-Fact for to Secure Debt has been and is 770-884-8184 ING A ONE STORY BRICK 1201 West Peachtree Street
modify the terms of the mort- the southwesterly right-of-way James E. Dopson, M.D. hereby declared due because Fax 770-884-8114 HOUSE THEREON AND BE- NW, Suite 1100
gage. line of Northlake Parkway south Contact: Williams Teusink, LLC of, among other possible ING MORE PARTICULARLY Atlanta, Georgia 30309
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING 74º 0’ 13” east a distance of The High House events of default, non-payment 420-441613 12/10,12/17,12/24 SHOWN ON SURVEY PRE- 404.253.6029
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- 56.85 feet to a concrete monu- 309 Sycamore Street of the monthly installments on 12/31 PARED BY ROY E. HOUS-
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A ment found on the southwest- Decatur, Georgia 30030 said loan. The debt remaining STATE OF GEORGIA WORTH, JR., DATED APRIL 420-441614 12/10,12/17,12/24
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION erly right-of-way line of North- (404) 373-9590 in default, this sale will be COUNTY OF DeKalb 28, 1964. 12/31
OBTAINED MAY BE USED lake Parkway; thence running THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING made for the purpose of pay- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER PARCEL ID 18 272 02 009 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND
FOR THAT PURPOSE. along the southwesterly right- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND ing the same and all expenses POWER Property commonly known as FORECLOSURE SALE
U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- of-way line of Northlake Park- IS ATTEMPTING TO COL- of this sale, as provided in the Toorak Capital Partners, LLC, a 2864 N Thompson Road NE, STATE OF GEORGIA
CIATION, NOT IN ITS INDI- way and following the curvature LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORM- Note and Security Deed and by Delaware limited liability com- Brookhaven, GA 30319; COUNTY OF DEKALB
VIDUAL CAPACITY, BUT thereof an arc distance of ATION OBTAINED WILL BE law, including attorney’s fees pany (“Lender”), under and by Together with the rents, issues WHEREAS, on June 18, 2003,
SOLELY AS OWNER TRUST- 139.512 feet, said arc having a USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. (notice of intent to collect attor- virtue of the power of sale con- and profits thereof, all plans, a certain Adjustable Rate
EE FOR NJCC FUND #5 radius of 529.96 feet and hav- ney’s fees having been given). tained in that certain Construc- specifications, shop drawings Home Equity Conversion Se-
TRUST, as Attorney-in-Fact for ing a cord bearing of south 66º WEST COAST CAPITAL tion Security Deed, Assign- and other technical descrip- curity Deed was executed by
LAKECIA L. MAY 27’ 35” east and having a cord GROUP, INC. AND JOHN ment of Rents, Security Agree- tions prepared for construction, Elaine Tomkinson as grantor in
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid distance of 139.11 feet, to an COONIS is the current owner of ment and Fixture Filing (the repair or alteration of the sub- favor of Safeway Mortgage,
& Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s iron pin set on the southwest- the loan. Said property is com- “Security Deed”), dated Febru- ject property and any improve- Inc. as grantee and was recor-
Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, erly right-of-way line of North- monly known as 4537 CAR- ary 15, 2019, recorded on Feb- ments thereon, and all amend- ded on July 11, 2003, in Deed
GA 30097 Phone: lake Parkway, said iron pin set RIAGE PARK DRIVE, ruary 27, 2019, in the DeKalb ments and modifications there- Book 14883, Page 627 in the
470.321.7112 being the TRUE POINT OF BE- LITHONIA, GA 30038 together County, Georgia, Land Re- of, and all other construction re- Office of the Clerk of Superior
Firm File No. ++20-077510 - GINNING. with all fixtures and personal cords (the “Records”) in Deed lated agreements in any way Court, Dekalb County, Georgia;
AmE/ MAY++ The above-described property property attached to and consti- Book 27405, Page 389, ex- relating to the development, and
being shown as Tract B (0.580 tuting a part of said property, if ecuted and delivered by construction or use of the sub- WHEREAS, the Adjustable
Acres) according to the bound- any. To the best knowledge MAPLE, LLC, a Wyoming lim- ject property (collectively, the Rate Home Equity Conversion
ary survey for NPC Associates and belief of the undersigned, ited liability company (“Borrow- “Property”): Security Deed was insured by
and Decatur Federal Savings the party (or parties) in posses- er”) to Housemax Funding, To the best knowledge of the United States Secretary of
and Loan Association, said sur- sion of the subject property is LLC, a Texas limited liability Lender, the Property is in the Housing and Urban Develop-
vey being prepared by Patter- (are): CAROLYN HIGHTOWER company, the original lender, legal possession of Borrower. ment (the Secretary) pursuant
son & Dewar Engineers, Inc., or tenant or tenants. which Security Deed secures The Property will be sold on an to the National Housing Act for
George E. Ingram, RLS No. The individual or entity that has indebtedness evidenced by a “AS IS, WHERE IS” basis the purpose of providing single
1980, said survey being dated full authority to negotiate, Note (the “Note”) dated Febru- without recourse against family housing; and;
June 26, 1987, and being last amend, and modify all terms of ary 15, 2019, in the original Lender, without representation WHEREAS, the Adjustable
revised on May 21, 1990. the mortgage with the debtor is: maximum principal amount of or warranty of any kind or Rate Home Equity Conversion
and CLARATION"), TOGETHER pleted pursuant to the Act. January, 2021 the following de- belief, the real property is ject to the following items which 60.0 feet to a point; running
WHEREAS, the Adjustable WITH ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE Therefore, the Foreclosure scribed real property, to wit: presently owned by ++Oracio may affect the title to said prop- thence South 87 degrees 32
Rate Home Equity Conversion AND INTEREST OF GRANT- Commissioner will issue a ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- A. Palumbo and Diana S. erty: all zoning ordinances; minutes 12 seconds East, a
Security Deed was insured by OR IN THE AFORESAID UNIT Deed to the purchaser(s) upon CEL OF LAND LYING AND Palumbo++. matters which would be dis- distance of 100 feet to a hole
the United States Secretary of AND THE APPURTENANCES receipt of the entire purchase BEING IN LAND LOT 236 OF To the best of the closed by an accurate survey drilled in driveway on the West-
Housing and Urban Develop- THERETO AS SET FORTH IN price in accordance with the THE 15TH DISTRCIT, OF undersigned's knowledge and or by inspection of the property; erly side of Magnolia Drive, run-

ment (the Secretary) pursuant The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 43
THE DECLARATION, THE terms of the sale as provided DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, belief, the party in possession any outstanding taxes, includ- ning thence along the Westerly
to the National Housing Act for AFORESAID PLAT AND THE herein. HUD does not guaran- BEING LOT 7, AS SHOWN ON of the real property is Oracio A. ing but not limited to, ad valor- side of Magnolia Drive South
the purpose of providing single AFORESAID FLOOR PLANS tee that the property will be va- SUBDIVISION FOR F.L. Palumbo, and tenants holding em taxes, which constitute li- 02 degrees 00 minutes 00
family housing; and; WHICH ARE BY THIS REFER- cant. WOODRUFF OF THE SARAH under him. ens upon said property; spe- seconds West, a distance of
WHEREAS, the Adjustable ENCE INCORPORATED The scheduled foreclosure sale A. EVANS PROPERTY, PER Georgia United Credit Union, cial assessments; and all out- 60.0 feet to a 1/2 rebar found
Rate Home Equity Conversion HEREIN AND MADE A PART shall be cancelled or ad- PLAT THEREOF RECORDED as Attorney-in-Fact for Oracio standing bills for public utilities and the point of beginning; all
Security Deed is now owned by HEREOF. journed if it is established, by IN DEED BOOK 3-G, PAGE A. Palumbo and Diana S. which constitute liens upon said according to survey prepared
the Secretary, pursuant to an Commonly known as: 1390 documented written application 574, DEKALB COUNTY, Palumbo. property; To the best of the by DeKalb Surveys, dated June
assignment recorded on June Chalmette Drive NE, Apt 2, At- of the mortgagor to the Fore- GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH Christopher S. Cooper knowledge and belief of the un- 6 2004; being improved prop-
19, 2007 and recorded in Deed lanta, Georgia 30306 closure Commissioner not less PLAT IS INCORPORATED Kaplan, Bogue & Cooper, P.C. dersigned, the party in posses- erty know as 442 Magnolia
Book 20054, Page 2, and re- The sale will be held at the than 3 days before the date of HEREIN AND MADE A PART 5909 Peachtree Dunwoody sion of the property is G.C.A Drive, according the present
corded June 30, 2020 in Deed Dekalb County Courthouse. sale, or otherwise, that the de- HEREOF BY REFERENCE Road, Suite 990 INVESTENTS LLC and /or ten- system of numbering in DeKalb
Book 28428 Page 732, in the The Secretary of Housing and fault or defaults upon which the FOR A MORE DETAILED DE- Atlanta, Georgia 30328 ant(s). County, Georgia.
Office of the Clerk of Superior Urban Development will bid foreclosure is based did not ex- SCRIPTION, AND MORE PAR- 678-384-7021 The sale will be conducted sub- The debt secured by said Deed
Court, Dekalb County, Georgia; $193,376.70 plus fees & costs. ist at the time of service of this TICULARLY DESCRIBED AS 420-441617 12/10,12/17,12/24 ject (1) to confirmation that the to Secure Debt has been and is
and There will be no proration of notice of default and foreclos- FOLLOWS: 12/31 sale is not prohibited under the hereby declared due because
WHEREAS, a default has been taxes, rents or other income or ure sale, or all amounts due un- BEGIINING AT A POINT ON This is an attempt to collect a United States Bankruptcy Code of, among other possible
made in the covenants and liabilities, except that the pur- der the mortgage agreement THE EASTERN SIDE OF debt and any information ob- and (2) to final confirmation and events of default, failure to pay
conditions of the Mortgage in chaser will pay, at or before are tendered to the Foreclos- MEAD ROAD AT THE SOUTH tained will be used for that pur- audit of the status of the loan the indebtedness as and when
that the payment, was not closing, his prorated share of ure Commissioner, in the form LINE OF A 15.5 FOOT ALLEY, pose. with the holder of the Security due and in the manner
made and remains wholly un- any real estate taxes that have of a certified or cashier's check SAID POINT BEING 165.5 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Deed. GREEN IMPLEMENTA- provided in the Note and Deed
paid as of the date of this no- been paid by the Secretary to payable to the Secretary of FEET SOUTH, ALONG SAID POWER TION GROUP, and its counsel to Secure Debt. The debt re-
tice, and no payment has been the date of the foreclosure sale. HUD, before public auction of STREET, FROM THE SOUTH- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY are acting as debt collectors. maining in default, this sale will
made sufficient to restore the When making their bids, all bid- the property is completed. EAST CORNER OF MEAD Under and by virtue of Power of Any information obtained will be made for the purpose of
loan to currency; and ders except the Secretary must The amount that must be paid if ROAD AND COLLEGE AVEN- Sale contained in the Security be used for that purpose. paying the same and all ex-
WHEREAS, the entire amount submit a deposit totaling the Mortgage is to be rein- UE ; AND RUNNING THENCE Deed from G.C.A IN- GREEN IMPLEMENTATION penses of this sale, as provided
delinquent as of January 5, $19,337.67 in the form of a cer- stated prior to the scheduled SOUTH ALONG THE EAST- VESTENTS LLC (“Grantor) to GROUP, as Attorney-in-Fact for in the Deed to Secure Debt and
2021 is $193,376.70 plus fees tified check or cashier's check sale is $193,376.70 plus fees ERN SIDE OF MEAD ROAD 50 GREEN IMPLEMENTATION ++G.C.A INVESTENTS LLC++. by law, including attorney’s
and costs; and made out to the Secretary of and costs as of plus all other FEET TO THE NORTHWET GROUP (“Lender”) dated July Contact: Jason Godwin fees (notice of intent to collect
WHEREAS, by virtue of this de- HUD. Each oral bid need not amounts that would be due un- CORNER OF LOT 8, THENCE 9, 2019, filed for record July 18, Godwin Law Group attorney’s fees having been
fault, the Secretary has de- be accompanied by a deposit. der the mortgage agreement if EAST ALONG THE LINE DI- 2019, recorded at Deed Book 3985 Steve Reynolds Blvd, given).
clared the entire amount of the If the successful bid is oral, a payments under the mortgage VIDING LOTS 7 AND 8, A DIS- 27673, page 410, DeKalb Bldg D Said property is commonly
indebtedness secured by the deposit of $19,337.67 must be had not been accelerated, ad- TANCE OF 150 FEET TO AN County, Georgia Records, in Norcross, GA 30093 known as 442 Magnolia Drive,
Adjustable Rate Home Equity presented before the bidding is vertising costs and postage ex- ALLEY; THENCE NORTH the original principal amount of Phone: 470-427-2683 Pine Lake, GA 30072, together
Conversion Security Deed to closed. The deposit is nonre- penses incurred in giving no- ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF $127,000.00 (the “Security Email: jgodwin@godwinlaw- with all fixtures and personal
be immediately due and pay- fundable. The remainder of the tice, mileage by the most reas- SAID ALLEY 50 FEET TO THE Deed”), said Security Deed be- property attached to and consti-
able; purchase price must be de- onable road distance for post- SOUTH SIDE OF THE 15.5 ing given to secure the obliga- 420-441618 12/10,12/17,12/24 tuting a part of said property.
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant livered within 30 days of the ing notices and for the Fore- FOOT ALLEY MENTIONED tions of Grantor to Lender as 12/31 To the best knowledge and be-
to powers vested in me by the sale or at such other time as closure Commissioner's attend- ABOVE; THENCE WEST set forth in a Promissory Note Notice of Sale Under Power lief of the undersigned, the
Single Family Mortgage Fore- the Secretary may determine ance at the sale, reasonable ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF (“Note”) of even date as Georgia, DeKalb County party (or parties) in possession
closure Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C. for good cause shown, time be- and customary costs incurred SAID ALLEY 150 FEET TO amended, modified, or revised Under and by virtue of the of the subject property is (are):
3751 et seq., by 24 CFR Part ing of the essence. This for title and lien record THE POINT OF BEGINNING; from time to time, with interest Power of Sale contained in a William Brooks or tenant or ten-
27, subpart B, and by the Sec- amount, like the bid deposits, searches, the necessary out-of- SAID PROPERTY BEING THE at the rate specified therein, Deed to Secure Debt given by ants.
retary's designation of me as must be delivered in the form of pocket costs incurred by the SAME PROPERTY CON- there will be sold, by the under- William Brooks to Fist Bank, Said property will be sold sub-
Foreclosure Commissioner, re- a certified or cashier's check. If Foreclosure Commissioner for VEYED IN WARRANTY DEED signed at public outcry to the dated July 6, 2004, and recor- ject to (a) any outstanding ad
corded on August 22, 2019 in the Secretary is the high bid- recording documents, a com- RECORDED IN DEED BOOK highest bidder for cash, before ded in Deed Book 16382, Page valorem taxes (including taxes
Book 27747, Page 542, notice der, he need not pay the bid mission for the Foreclosure 12891, PAGE 553, AFORE- the Courthouse Door at 79, DeKalb County, Georgia re- which are a lien, but not yet
is hereby given that on Janu- amount in cash. The success- Commissioner, and all other SAID RECORDS. DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia, cords, modified by that Modific- due and payable), (b) any mat-
ary 5, 2021 between 9:00am ful bidder will pay all conveyan- costs incurred in connection The debt secured by the Secur- within the legal hours of sale on atin to Security Deed and Par- ters which might be disclosed
and 4:00pm local time, all real cing fees, all real estate and with the foreclosure prior to re- ity Deed is evidenced by a the first Tuesday in JANUARY tial Release recorded in Deed by an accurate survey and in-
and personal property at or other taxes that are due on or instatement. Equity Mortgage Loan Agree- 2021, the following described Book 17376, Page 1, DeKalb spection of the property, and
used in connection with the fol- after the delivery of the re- Tender of payment by certified ment and Truth-in-Lending Dis- property: County, Georgia records; as (c) all matters of record superi-
lowing described premises mainder of the payment and all or cashier's check or applica- closures, dated August 30, ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- last transferred to Deutsche or to the Deed to Secure Debt
("Property") will be sold at pub- other costs associated with the tion for cancellation of the fore- 2013, executed by Oracio A. CEL OF LAND LYING AND Bank National Trust Company, first set out above, including,
lic auction to the highest bidder: transfer of title. At the conclu- closure sale shall be submitted Palumbo to State Employees BEING IN LAND LOT 165 OF as Trustee, on behalf of the but not limited to, assessments,
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- sion of the sale, the deposits of to the address of the Foreclos- Credit Union in an amount up THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB certificateholders of IXIS Real liens, encumbrances, zoning
CEL OF LAND LYING AND the unsuccessful bidders will be ure Commissioner provided be- to $62,200.00 (as same may COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Estate Capital Trust 2005-HE1, ordinances, easements, restric-
BEING IN LAND LOT 1 OF returned to them. low. Shelton Law LLC, FORE- have been further modified, re- LOT 18, BLOCK C, UNIT III, Mortgage Pass-Through Certi- tions, covenants, etc.
THE 18TH DISTRICT OF The Secretary may grant an ex- CLOSURE COMMISSIONER newed or amended, the GLENMAR SUBDIVISION, AS ficates, Series 2005-HE1 by The sale will be conducted sub-
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, tension of time within which to 3631 Chamblee Tucker Road, "Note"), plus interest from date PER PLAT RECORDED IN Assignment recorded in Deed ject to (1) confirmation that the
AND BEING NO. 1390-2 OF deliver the remainder of the Suite A-283, Atlanta, GA on the unpaid balance until PLAT BOOK 40, PAGE 89, Book 27915, Page 679, DeKalb sale is not prohibited under the
BRIARCLIFF NORMANDY payment. All extensions will be 30341; 470-737-1179; shelton- paid, and other indebtedness. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA County, Georgia records, con- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2)
CONDOMINIUM AS SHOWN for 15-day increments for a fee; ++File No. Default has occurred and con- RECORDS, WHICH RECOR- veying the after-described O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1;
ON THE FLOOR PLANS of $500.00, paid in advance. 19HUD.00015/ Tomkinson++/ tinues under the terms of the DED PLAT IS INCORPOR- property to secure a Note of and (3) final confirmation and
DATED JULY 23, 1979, The extension fee shall be in *THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO Note and Security Deed by ATED HEREIN BY THIS REF- even date in the original prin- audit of the status of the loan
NUBERED SHEETS 1-36 PRE- the form of a certified or COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- reason of, among other pos- ERENCE AND MADE A PART cipal amount of $147,200.00, with the holder of the security
PARED BY JOHN E. DIDICH- cashiers check made payable FORMATION OBTAINED WILL sible events of default, the non- OF THIS DESCRIPTION. with interest at the rate spe- deed.
ER, GEORGIA REGISTERED to the Secretary of HUD. If the BE USED FOR THAT PUR- payment when due of the in- BEING IMPROVED PROP- cified therein, there will be sold Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
ENGINEER, WHICH FLOOR high bidder closes the sale pri- POSE. Publication Dates: debtedness evidenced by the ERTY KNOWN AS 1915 GLEN by the undersigned at public 9-13-172.1, which allows for
PLANS ARE ON FILE WITH or to the expiration of any ex- December 10, 2020, Decem- Note and secured by the Se- MORA COURT, DECATUR, outcry to the highest bidder for certain procedures regarding
THE CLERK OF THE SUPERI- tension period, the unused por- ber 17, 2020, December 24, curity Deed and the failure to GEORGIA 30032, ACCORD- cash before the Courthouse the rescission of judicial and
OR COURT OF DEKALB tion of the extension fee shall 2020, December 31, 2020 comply with the terms and con- ING TO THE PRESENT SYS- door of DeKalb County, Geor- nonjudicial sales in the State of
COUNTY, IN FLOOR PLAN be applied toward the amount ditions of the Note and Secur- TEM OF NUMBERING gia, within the legal hours of Georgia, the Deed Under
FILE 81, AND WHICH UNIT IS due. 420-441615 12/10,12/17,12/24 ity Deed. By reason of this de- HOUSES IN DEKALB sale on the first Tuesday in Power and other foreclosure
PART OF THAT PROPERTY If the high bidder is unable to 12/31 fault, the Security Deed has COUNTY, GEORGIA. January, 2021, to wit: January documents may not be
SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF close the sale within the re- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER been declared foreclosable ac- Said legal description is con- 5, 2021, the following de- provided until final confirmation
SURVEY PREPARED BY quired period, or within any ex- POWER IN SECURITY DEED cording to its terms. trolling however, the property is scribed property: and audit of the status of the
JOHN E. DIDICHER, GEOR- tensions of time granted by the STATE OF GEORGIA The above-described real prop- commonly known as 1915 All that tract or parcel of land ly- loan as provided in the preced-
GIA REGISTERED ENGIN- Secretary, the high bidder may COUNTY OF DEKALB erty will be sold to the highest GLEN MORA COURT, DEC- ing and being in Land Lot 41 of ing paragraph.
EER, DATED JULY 23, 1979 be required to forfeit the cash Under and by virtue of the and best bidder for cash as the ATUR, GEORGIA 30032. the 18th District, DeKalb Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
AND REOCRDED IN CON- deposit or, at the election of the Power of Sale contained in the property of Oracio A. Palumbo PARCEL # 15 165 01 077 County, being known as Lots 44-14-162.2, the entity that has
DOMINIUM PLAT BOOK 4, foreclosure commissioner after Security Deed from Oracio A. and Diana S. Palumbo, the pro- The indebtedness secured by 571-572 & 573 of Pinelake full authority to negotiate,
PAGE 72, OF DEKALB consultation with the HUD Field Palumbo, Diana S. Palumbo, to ceeds to be applied to the pay- said Security Deed has been Subdivision, Map No. One, and amend and modify all terms of
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- Office representative, will be li- Georgia United Credit Union, ment of said indebtedness, at- and is hereby declared due be- being more particularly de- the mortgage with the debtor is:
CORDS AND AS MORE PAR- able to HUD for any costs in- dated August 30, 2013 and re- torneys' fees, and the lawful ex- cause of default under the scribed as follows: Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc.
TICULARLY DESCRIBED IN curred as a result of such fail- corded in Deed Book 24022, penses of said sale, all as terms of said Security Deed Beginning at a 1/2 rebar found Attention: Loss Mitigation De-
THAT CERTAIN DECLARA- ure. The Commissioner may, at Page 310, in the offices of the provided in the Note and Se- and Note, including, but not lim- on the Westerly side of Magno- partment
TION FOR CONDOMINIUM the direction of the HUD Field Clerk of the Superior Court of curity Deed. The sale shall be ited to, the nonpayment of the lia Drive 260.0 feet Northerly 3217 S. Decker Lake Drive
FOR BRIARCLIFF NOR- Office representative, offer the Dekalb County, Georgia (as subject to the following: all out- indebtedness as and when from the corner formed by the Salt Lake City, Utah 84119
MANDY CONDOMINIUM Property to the second highest same may have been modified standing ad valorem taxes due. The indebtedness remain- intersection of the Westerly 1-888-818-6032
DATED AUGUST 1, 1979 AND bidder for an amount equal to from time to time, collectively and/or assessments, if any; ing in default, this sale will be side of Magnolia Drive with the The foregoing notwithstanding,
RECORDED IN DEED BOOK the highest price offered by that the “Security Deed”); the under- possible redemptive rights of made for the purpose of pay- Northerly side of Poplar Street; nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44-
4139, PAGE 211, DEKALB bidder. signed will sell at public outcry the Internal Revenue Service, if ing the same, all expenses of running thence North 87 de- 14-162.2 shall be construed to
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- There is no right of redemption, to the highest and best bidder any; and all other prior assess- the sale, including attorneys’ grees 32 minutes 12 seconds require the secured creditor to
CORDS AS THE SAME MAY or right of possession based for cash before the door of the ments, easements, restrictions fees and other payments West, a distance of 100 feet to negotiate, amend or modify the
BE AMENDED FROM TIME upon a right of redemption, in Courthouse of Dekalb County, or matters of record. provided for under the terms of a point; running thence North terms of the Deed to Secure
TO TIME (HEREAFTER RE- the mortgage or others sub- Georgia, during the legal hours To the best of the the Security Deed and Note. 02 degrees 00 minutes 00 Debt described herein.
FERRED TO AS THE "DE- sequent to a foreclosure com- of sale, on the first Tuesday in undersigned's knowledge and Said property will be sold sub- seconds East, a distance of This sale is conducted on be-
CLARATION"), TOGETHER pleted pursuant to the Act. January, 2021 the following de- belief, the real property is ject to the following items which 60.0 feet to a point; running half of the secured creditor un-
WITH ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE Therefore, the Foreclosure scribed real property, to wit: presently owned by ++Oracio may affect the title to said prop- thence South 87 degrees 32 der the power of sale granted in
AND INTEREST OF GRANT- Commissioner will issue a ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- A. Palumbo and Diana S. erty: all zoning ordinances; minutes 12 seconds East, a the aforementioned security in-
OR IN THE AFORESAID UNIT Deed to the purchaser(s) upon CEL OF LAND LYING AND Palumbo++. matters which would be dis- distance of 100 feet to a hole strument, specifically being
AND THE APPURTENANCES receipt of the entire purchase BEING IN LAND LOT 236 OF To the best of the closed by an accurate survey drilled in driveway on the West- Deutsche Bank National Trust
THERETO AS SET FORTH IN price in accordance with the THE 15TH DISTRCIT, OF undersigned's knowledge and or by inspection of the property; erly side of Magnolia Drive, run- Company, as Trustee, on be-
THE DECLARATION, THE terms of the sale as provided DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, belief, the party in possession any outstanding taxes, includ- ning thence along the Westerly half of the certificateholders of
AFORESAID PLAT AND THE herein. HUD does not guaran- BEING LOT 7, AS SHOWN ON of the real property is Oracio A. ing but not limited to, ad valor- side of Magnolia Drive South IXIS Real Estate Capital Trust
AFORESAID FLOOR PLANS tee that the property will be va- SUBDIVISION FOR F.L. Palumbo, and tenants holding em taxes, which constitute li- 02 degrees 00 minutes 00 2005-HE1, Mortgage Pass-
WHICH ARE BY THIS REFER- cant. WOODRUFF OF THE SARAH under him. ens upon said property; spe- seconds West, a distance of Through Certificates, Series
ENCE INCORPORATED The scheduled foreclosure sale A. EVANS PROPERTY, PER Georgia United Credit Union, cial assessments; and all out- 60.0 feet to a 1/2 rebar found 2005-HE1
HEREIN AND MADE A PART shall be cancelled or ad- PLAT THEREOF RECORDED as Attorney-in-Fact for Oracio standing bills for public utilities and the point of beginning; all as attorney in fact for
half of the secured creditor un- tures and personal property at- signed to NDF1, LLC by As- right of redemption of any tax- MENTS, PARTY WALLS, EN-
der the power of sale granted in tached to and constituting a signment of Security Deed re- ing authority; f) all outstanding CROACHMENTS OR ANY
the aforementioned security in- part of said property. To the corded on September 17, 2020 bills for public utilities which OTHER MEASURES A CUR-
strument, specifically being best knowledge and belief of in Deed Book 28645, Page constitute liens upon said prop- RENT AND CORRECT SUR-
Deutsche Bank National Trust the undersigned, the party (or 505, DeKalb County, Georgia erty; g) all restrictive covenants, VEY OF THE SUBJECT
Company, as Trustee, on be- parties) in possession of the Records, conveying the after- easements, rights-of-way and PROPERTY WOULD DIS-
Page 44
half of the certificateholders of
IXIS Real Estate Capital Trust
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
subject property is (are): Royce
Jefferson or tenant or tenants.
described property to secure a any other matters of record su-
perior to said Security Deed. To
Note in the original principal
2005-HE1, Mortgage Pass- Said property will be sold sub- amount of Sixteen Thousand 420-441624 12/10,12/17,12/24 the best of the knowledge and Said legal description being 420-441628 12/10,12/17,12/24,
Through Certificates, Series ject to (a) any outstanding ad One Hundred Sixty-Four And 12/31 belief of the undersigned, the controlling, however the prop- 12/31
2005-HE1 valorem taxes (including taxes 01/100 Dollars ($16,164.01), NOTICE OF SALE UNDER owners and party in posses- erty is more commonly known NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
as attorney in fact for which are a lien, but not yet with interest thereon as set POWER sion of the property are Al- as 5493 ORCHARD CT, POWER
William Brooks due and payable), (b) any mat- forth therein, there will be sold STATE OF GEORGIA varez Investment Group LLC STONE MOUNTAIN, GA GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
Richard B. Maner, P.C. ters which might be disclosed at public outcry to the highest COUNTY OF DEKALB and Joanna A Burnley and or 30083. By virtue of a Power of Sale
180 Interstate N Parkway, Suite by an accurate survey and in- bidder for cash before the By virtue of a Power of Sale tenant(s). The sale will be con- The indebtedness secured by contained in that certain Secur-
200 spection of the property, and courthouse door of DeKalb contained in that certain Secur- ducted subject to 1) confirma- said Security Deed has been ity Deed from CREATE A
Atlanta, GA 30339 (c) all matters of record superi- County, Georgia, within the leg- ity Deed from Alvarez Invest- tion that the sale is not prohib- and is hereby declared due be- STEADY HUSTLE LLC to
404.252.6385 or to the Deed to Secure Debt al hours of sale on January 5, ment Group LLC and Joanna A ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy cause of default under the CIVIC FINANCIAL SERVICES,
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING first set out above, including, 2021 the following described Burnley to Capital Funding Fin- code and 2) final confirmation terms of said Security Deed. LLC, dated May 9, 2019, recor-
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- but not limited to, assessments, property: ancial LLC, dated October 07, and audit of the status of the The indebtedness remaining in ded May 15, 2019, in Deed
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A liens, encumbrances, zoning All that tract or parcel of land ly- 2019 and recorded on October loan with the holder of the Se- default, this sale will be made Book 27549, Page 546 ,
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ordinances, easements, restric- ing and being in Land Lot 91 of 19, 2019 in Deed Book 27871, curity Deed. for the purpose of paying the DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
OBTAINED WILL BE USED tions, covenants, etc. the 16th District of DeKalb Page 432, in the Office of the Fidelity & Guaranty Life Mort- same, all expenses of the sale, cords, said Security Deed hav-
FOR THAT PURPOSE. The sale will be conducted sub- County Georgia, and being Clerk of Superior Court of gage Trust 2018-1 c/o U.S. including attorneys’ fees (no- ing been given to secure a
++FC20-177/ Brooks++ ject to (1) confirmation that the shown and designated as Lot Dekalb County, Georgia, said Bank Trust National Associ- tice to collect same having Note of even date in the origin-
sale is not prohibited under the 33, Block C, Section Three, of Security Deed having been giv- ation been given) and all other pay- al principal amount of Four
420-441620 12/10,12/17,12/24 U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) Great Oaks Subdivision, Unit en to secure a Note of even as Attorney-in-Fact for ++Al- ments provided for under the Hundred Eighty Thousand and
12/31 O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; Three, according to plat there- date, in the original principal varez Investment Group LLC terms of the Security Deed. 00/100 dollars ($480,000.00),
Notice of Sale Under Power and (3) final confirmation and of recorded in Plat Book 90, a m o u n t o f O n e Hu n d r e d and Joanna A Burnley++ Said property will be sold on an with interest thereon as
Georgia, DeKalb County audit of the status of the loan Page 85, in the Clerk's Office of Twenty-Four Thousand and Contact: Padgett Law Group: “as-is” basis without any rep- provided for therein, said Se-
Under and by virtue of the with the holder of the security the Superior Court of DeKalb 00/100 dollars ($124,000.00) 6267 Old Water Oak Road, resentation, warranty or re- curity Deed having been last
Power of Sale contained in a deed. County, Georgia, said recor- with interest thereon as Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL course against the above- sold, assigned and transferred
Deed to Secure Debt given by Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section ded plats being incorporated provided therein, as last trans- 32312; (850) 422-2520 named or the undersigned. The to U.S. Bank Trust National As-
Royce Jefferson to Mortgage 9-13-172.1, which allows for herein by reference and more a ferred to PS Funding, Inc., re- Ad Run Dates: 12/10/20; sale will also be subject to the sociation, not in its individual
Electronic Registration Sys- certain procedures regarding part of this description. corded in Deed Book 27871, 12/17/20; 12/24/20; 12/31/20 following items which may af- capacity but solely as Trustee
tems, Inc. ("MERS") as nomin- the rescission of judicial and Being that parcel of land con- Page 447, aforesaid records, fect the title: any outstanding of Fidelity & Guaranty Life Mort-
ee for CitiMortgage, Inc., dated nonjudicial sales in the State of veyed to Deirdre R Herrin from will be sold at public outcry to ad valorem taxes (including gage Trust 2018-1, a Delaware
December 20, 2006, and recor- Georgia, the Deed Under Ranjit Singh and Angela K Levy the highest bidder for cash be- 420-441626 12/10,12/17,12/24 taxes which are a lien, whether Registered Partnership, there
ded in Deed Book 19610, Page Power and other foreclosure Singh by that deed dated fore the courthouse door of 12/31 or not now due and payable); will be sold at public outcry to
458, DeKalb County, Georgia documents may not be 05/29/1998 and recorded Dekalb County, Georgia, or at NOTICE OF SALE UNDER the right of redemption of any the highest bidder for cash at
records, as last transferred to provided until final confirmation 06/04/1998 in Deed Book such place as has or may be POWER taxing authority; matters which the DeKalb County Court-
U.S. Bank National Associ- and audit of the status of the 10036, at Page 315 of the lawfully designated as an al- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY would be disclosed by an ac- house, within the legal hours of
ation, as Indenture Trustee for loan as provided in the preced- DeKalb County, GA Public Re- ternative location, within the By virtue of a Power of Sale curate survey or by an inspec- sale on the first Tuesday in
Towd Point Mortgage Trust ing paragraph. gistry. legal hours of sale on the first contained in that certain Secur- tion of the property; all zoning January, 2021, all property de-
2017-1 by , Assignment recor- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section Tax ID #: 16-091-06-090 Tuesday in January, 2021, all ity Deed from JAMES C ordinances; assessments; li- scribed in said Security Deed
ded in Deed Book 28826, Page 44-14-162.2, the entity that has The debt secured by said Se- property described in said Se- HEATH, GINGER R HEATH ens; encumbrances; restric- including but not limited to the
585, DeKalb County, Georgia full authority to negotiate, curity Deed has been and is curity Deed including but not AKA GINGER HEATH to BE- tions; covenants, and any oth- following described property:
records, conveying the after- amend and modify all terms of hereby declared due because limited to the following de- NEFICIAL MORTGAGE CO. er matters of record superior to ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
described property to secure a the mortgage with the debtor is: of, among other possible scribed property: GEORGIA, dated November said Security Deed. CEL OF LAND LYING AND
Note of even date in the origin- Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. events of default, failure to pay All that tract or parcel of land ly- 13, 2006, recorded November To the best of the knowledge BEING IN LAND LOTS 206
al principal amount of Attention: Loss Mitigation De- the indebtedness as and when ing and being Land lot 225, of 17, 2006, in Deed Book 19381, and belief of the undersigned, AND 207 OF THE 15TH DIS-
$99,900.00, with interest at the partment due and in the manner the 15th District, DeKalb Page 101 , DeKalb County, the owner and party in posses- TRICT OF DEKALB COUNTY,
rate specified therein, there will 3217 S. Decker Lake Drive provided in the Note and Se- County, Georgia, being Lot 2, Georgia Records, said Security sion of the property is JAMES GEORGIA, BEING LOT 19 OF
be sold by the undersigned at Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 curity Deed. The debt remain- Building 1, Pinnacle Heights Deed having been given to se- C HEATH, GINGER R HEATH THE MATTIE B. ALMOND ES-
public outcry to the highest bid- 1-888-818-6032 ing in default, this sale will be Subdivision as per plat recor- cure a Note of even date in the AKA GINGER HEATH, or ten- TATE, ACCORDING TO PLAT
der for cash before the Court- The foregoing notwithstanding, made for the purpose of pay- ded in Plat Book 139, Pages original principal amount of ants(s). BYE. I. HUTT, SURVEYOR,
house door of DeKalb County, nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44- ing the same and all expenses 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- One Hundred Six Thousand Six The sale will be conducted sub- DATED DECEMBER 27, 1949,
Georgia, within the legal hours 14-162.2 shall be construed to of this sale, as provided in Se- gia Records, which plat is incor- Hundred Seventy-Six and ject (1) to confirmation that the AND BEING MORE PARTICU-
of sale on the first Tuesday in require the secured creditor to curity Deed and by law, includ- porated herein by reference for 92/100 dollars ($106,676.92), sale is not prohibited under the LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL-
January, 2021, to wit: January negotiate, amend or modify the ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- a more complete description. with interest thereon as U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) LOWS: BEGINNING AT A
1, 2021, the following de- terms of the Deed to Secure tent to collect attorney’s fees Said property may more com- provided for therein, said Se- to final confirmation and audit POINT ON THE EAST SIDE
scribed property: Debt described herein. having been given). monly be known as 4864 Pin- curity Deed having been last of the status of the loan with OF CLAY STREET 253 FEET
All that tract or parcel of land ly- This sale is conducted on be- Your mortgage servicer, FCI nacle Drive, Stone Mountain, sold, assigned and transferred the holder of the Security Deed. NORTH OF THE NORTH-
ing and being in Land Lot 74 of half of the secured creditor un- Lender Services, Inc., as ser- GA 30088. to U.S. Bank National Associ- Please note that, pursuant to EAST CORNER OF CLAY
the 16th District, DeKalb der the power of sale granted in vicer for NDF1, LLC, can be The debt secured by said Se- ation, as indenture trustee, for O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you STREET AND MEMORIAL
County, Georgia, being Build- the aforementioned security in- contacted at 1-800-931-2424 or curity Deed has been and is the CIM Trust 2016-1, Mort- are not entitled by law to an DRIVE, AT THE NORTHW-
ing 12, Unit 12204, Fairington strument, specifically being by writing to P.O. Box 27370, hereby declared due because gage-Backed Notes, Series amendment or modification of EST CORNER OF LOT 18 OF
Ridge Condominium, as per U.S. Bank National Associ- Anaheim Hills, CA 92809, to of, among other possible 2016-1, there will be sold at the terms of your loan. The en- SAID SUBDIVISION, AND
plat recorded in Plat Book 176, ation, as Indenture Trustee for discuss possible alternatives to events of default, non-payment public outcry to the highest bid- tity having full authority to ne- RUNNING THENCE NORTH
Page 81-84, DeKalb County, Towd Point Mortgage Trust avoid foreclosure. of the monthly installments on der for cash at the DeKalb gotiate, amend or modify all ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF
Georgia records, subject to that 2017-1 Said property will be sold sub- said loan. The debt remaining County Courthouse, within the terms of the loan (although not CLAY STREET 50 FEET TO A
certain Declaration of Con- as attorney in fact for ject to any outstanding ad in default, this sale will be legal hours of sale on the first required by law to do so) is: Se- POINT; THENCE EAST
dominium for Fairington Village Royce Jefferson valorem taxes (including taxes made for the purpose of pay- Tuesday in January, 2021, all lect Portfolio Servicing, Inc., ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF
Condominium, filed for record Richard B. Maner, P.C. which are a lien, but not yet ing the same and all expenses property described in said Se- Loss Mitigation Dept., 3217 S. LOT 20 A DISTANCE OF 165
September 22, 2005, and re- 180 Interstate N Parkway, Suite due and payable), any matters of this sale, including attorney’s curity Deed including but not Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake FEET TO A POINT; THENCE
corded at Deed Book 17926, 200 which might be disclosed by an fees (notice of intent to collect limited to the following de- City, UT 84119, Telephone SOUTH 50 FEET TO A POINT;
Page 309, which declaration Atlanta, GA 30339 accurate survey and inspection attorney’s fees having been scribed property: Number: 888-818-6032. THENCE WEST ALONG THE
may be amended from time to 404.252.6385 of the property, any assess- given). ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- NORTH OF LOT 18 A DIS-
time and which terms and con- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING ments, liens, encumbrances, The individual or entity that has CEL OF LAND LYING AND CIATION, AS INDENTURE TANCE OF 165 FEET TO
ditions are incorporated herein AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- zoning ordinances, restrictions, full authority to negotiate, BEING IN LAND LOT 37, 18TH TRUSTEE, FOR THE CIM CLAY STREET AND THE
and made a part hereof by ref- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A covenants, and matters of re- amend and modify all terms of DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY TRUST 2016-1, MORTGAGE- POINT OF BEGINNING, BE-
erence. DEBT. ANY INFORMATION cord superior to the Security the loan is Fidelity & Guaranty GEORGIA, BEING LOT 33, BACKED NOTES, SERIES ING IMPROVED PROPERTY
The debt secured by said Deed OBTAINED WILL BE USED Deed first set out above. Life Mortgage Trust 2018-1 c/o PEACH FARM, AS PER PLAT 2016-1 KNOWN AS 184 CLAY
to Secure Debt has been and is FOR THAT PURPOSE. To the best knowledge and be- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK as Attorney in Fact for STREET ACCORDING TO
hereby declared due because ++FC20-124/ Jefferson++ lief of the undersigned, the ciation, 55 Beattie Place, Suite 82, PAGE 29, DEKALB JAMES C HEATH, GINGER R THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF
of, among other possible 420-441621 12/10,12/17,12/24, parties in possession of the 100 MS 561, Greenville, SC COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH HEATH AKA GINGER HEATH NUMBERING HOUSES IN
events of default, failure to pay 12/31 property are Deirdre R. Herrin 29601, 1-800-365-7107. PLAT IS HEREBY RE- THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY THE CITY OF ATLANTA, AND
the indebtedness as and when NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE or tenant(s); and said property Said property will be sold on an FERRED TO AND MADE A BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS BEING THE SAME PROP-
due and in the manner SALE UNDER POWER is more commonly known as “as-is” basis without any rep- PART OF THIS DESCRIP- A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- ERTY SHOWN ON SURVEY
provided in the Note and Deed DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 60 8 6 Va l l i e O a k s Pl a c e , resentation, warranty or re- TION, BEING IMPROVED DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, BY A. B. GIOMETTI & ASSOC,
to Secure Debt. The debt re- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO Lithonia, GA 30058. course against the above- PROPERTY KNOWN AS 5493 ANY INFORMATION OB - INC, DATED MARCH 23, 1971.
maining in default, this sale will COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- The sale will be conducted sub- named or the undersigned. The ORCHARD COURT ACCORD- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Said legal description being
be made for the purpose of FORMATION OBTAINED WILL ject (1) to confirmation that the sale will also be subject to the ING TO THE PRESENT SYS- THAT PURPOSE. controlling, however the prop-
paying the same and all ex- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- sale is not prohibited under the following items which may af- TEM OF NUMBERING Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, erty is more commonly known
penses of this sale, as provided POSE. U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) fect the title: a) zoning ordin- HOUSES IN DEKALB LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, as 184 CLAY ST SE, AT-
in the Deed to Secure Debt and Under and by virtue of the to final confirmation and audit ances; b) matters which would COUNTY, GEORGIA. Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, LANTA, GA 30317.
by law, including attorney’s Power of Sale contained in a of the status of the loan with be disclosed by an accurate THIS BEING THE SAME GA 30071 The indebtedness secured by
fees (notice of intent to collect Security Deed given by Deirdre the holder of the security deed. survey or by an inspection of PROPERTY CONVEYED IN Telephone Number: (877) 813- said Security Deed has been
attorney’s fees having been Herrin to CitiFinancial Services, NDF1, LLC as Attorney in Fact the property; c) any outstand- DEED BOOK 8910, PAGE 128, 0992 Case No. ++SPS-18- and is hereby declared due be-
given). Inc. dated October 14, 2003 for Deirdre Herrin ing ad valorem taxes, including DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, 04842-7/ HEATH++ cause of default under the
Said property is commonly and recorded on October 16, McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC taxes, which constitute liens REAL ESTATE RECORDS. Ad Run Dates 12/10/2020, terms of said Security Deed.
known as 12204 Fairington 2003 in Deed Book 15463, 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite upon said property whether or THIS DEED IS GIVEN SUB- 12/17/2020, 12/24/2020, The indebtedness remaining in
Ridge Circle, Lithonia, GA Page 615, DeKalb County, 260 not now due and payable; d) JECT TO ANY STATE OF 12/31/2020 default, this sale will be made
30038, together with all fix- Georgia Records, and later as- Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 special assessments; e) the FACTS CONDITIONS. EASE- for the purpose of paying the
tures and personal property at- signed to NDF1, LLC by As- 404-474-7149 right of redemption of any tax- MENTS, PARTY WALLS, EN- same, all expenses of the sale,
tached to and constituting a signment of Security Deed re- MTG File No.: + +GA2020- ing authority; f) all outstanding CROACHMENTS OR ANY including attorneys’ fees (no-
part of said property. To the corded on September 17, 2020 00909 / Herrin++ bills for public utilities which OTHER MEASURES A CUR- tice to collect same having
best knowledge and belief of in Deed Book 28645, Page constitute liens upon said prop- RENT AND CORRECT SUR- been given) and all other pay-
the undersigned, the party (or 505, DeKalb County, Georgia erty; g) all restrictive covenants, VEY OF THE SUBJECT ments provided for under the
parties) in possession of the Records, conveying the after- easements, rights-of-way and PROPERTY WOULD DIS- terms of the Security Deed.
subject property is (are): Royce described property to secure a any other matters of record su- CLOSE. Said property will be sold on an
Jefferson or tenant or tenants. Note in the original principal perior to said Security Deed. To 18-037-06-046 “as-is” basis without any rep-
Said property will be sold sub- amount of Sixteen Thousand the best of the knowledge and Said legal description being resentation, warranty or re-
ject to (a) any outstanding ad One Hundred Sixty-Four And belief of the undersigned, the controlling, however the prop- course against the above-
valorem taxes (including taxes 01/100 Dollars ($16,164.01), owners and party in posses- erty is more commonly known named or the undersigned. The
which are a lien, but not yet with interest thereon as set sion of the property are Al- as 5493 ORCHARD CT, sale will also be subject to the
same, all expenses of the sale, gage Loan Trust 2005-HE1, se- Stonecrest Mall, LLC, prede- feet and having a radius of degrees 00 minutes 00 East a distance of 30.00 feet to
including attorneys’ fees (no- curing a Note in the original cessor-in-interest to Borrower, 415.87 feet) to a point; along a seconds East a distance of a point; run thence North 69
tice to collect same having principal amount of as lessee (“Tenant”), (ii) that curve to the right an arc dis- 60.00 feet to a point; run degrees 22 minutes 30
been given) and all other pay- $129,200.00, the holder there- certain Memorandum of Lease tance of 94.30 feet (said arc thence South 74 degrees 59 seconds East a distance of
ments provided for under the of pursuant to said Deed and dated February 26, 2001 and being subtended by a chord minutes 59 seconds East a dis- 9.00 feet to a point; run thence
terms of the Security Deed. Note thereby secured has de- recorded on February 27, 2001 bearing South 83 degrees 22 tance of 28.75 feet to a point; South 20 degrees 37 minutes

Said property will be sold on an The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 45
clared the entire amount of said in Deed Book 11897, Page 148 minutes 24 seconds East a run thence North 37 degrees 30 seconds East a distance of
“as-is” basis without any rep- indebtedness due and payable in the DeKalb County Records, chord distance of 85.04 feet 30 minutes 00 seconds East a 30.00 feet to a point; run
resentation, warranty or re- and, pursuant to the power of (iii) that certain Assignment of and having a radius of 60.50 distance of 35.36 feet to a thence South 69 degrees 22
course against the above- sale contained in said Deed, Foreclosures: Commercial Ground Lease dated Septem- feet) to a point; North 55 de- point; run thence South 52 de- minutes 30 seconds West,
named or the undersigned. The will on the first Tuesday, Janu- ber 5, 2003 from Tenant to Bor- grees 54 minutes 57 seconds grees 30 minutes 00 seconds 210.24 feet to a point; run
sale will also be subject to the ary 5, 2021, during the legal 430-441616 12/10,12/17,12/24 rower and recorded on Septem- East, 17.46 feet to THE TRUE East a distance of 102.78 feet thence South 37 degrees 46
following items which may af- hours of sale, before the Court- 12/31 ber 8, 2003 in Deed Book POINT OF BEGINNING; FROM to a point; run thence South 60 minutes 11 seconds East,
fect the title: any outstanding house door in said County, sell STATE OF GEORGIA 14975, Page 380 in the DeKalb THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- degrees 00 minutes 00 69.06 feet to a point; run
ad valorem taxes (including at public outcry to the highest COUNTY OF DEKALB County Records and refiled for NI NG AS THU S ESTAB - seconds West a distance of thence along a curve to the left
taxes which are a lien, whether bidder for cash, the property NOTICE OF SALE UNDER record September 9, 2003 in LISHED, run thence along a 122.22 feet to a point; run an arc distance of 514.99 feet
or not now due and payable); described in said Deed, to-wit: POWER Deed Book 14981, Page 116 in curve to the right an arc dis- thence South 30 degrees 00 (said arc being subtended by a
the right of redemption of any All that tract or parcel of land ly- WHEREAS, ++Stonecrest Mall the DeKalb County Records, tance of 95.36 feet (said arc minutes 00 seconds East a dis- chord bearing South 48 de-
taxing authority; matters which ing and being in Land Lot 61 of SPE, LLC++, a Delaware lim- and (iv) that certain Lessor Es- being subtended by a chord tance of 256.00 feet to a point; grees 07 minutes 36 seconds
would be disclosed by an ac- the 16th District, DeKalb ited liability company (“Borrow- toppel Certificate (“Estoppel bearing North 30 degrees 40 run thence North 60 degrees East a chord distance of 512.19
curate survey or by an inspec- County, Georgia, being Lot 17, er”), executed and delivered to Agreement”) dated June 18, minutes 09 seconds West a 00 minutes 00 seconds East a feet and having a radius of
tion of the property; all zoning Block B of Redan Valley, Unit Mortgage Electronic Registra- 2015 made by Fee Owner and chord distance of 95.31 feet distance of 12.02 feet to a 1424.50 feet) to a point; run
ordinances; assessments; li- Two, as per plat recorded in tion Systems, Inc., a Delaware others for the benefit of Origin- and having a radius of 800.00 point; run thence South 30 de- thence along a curve to the left
ens; encumbrances; restric- Plat Book 95, Page 70, DeKalb stock corporation (“MERS”), as al Lender ((a)(i)-(a)(iv) collect- feet) to a point; run thence grees 00 minutes 00 seconds an arc distance of 281.65 feet
tions; covenants, and any oth- County Records, to which plat nominee for Bank of America, ively referred to herein as the along a curve to the right an arc East a distance of 12.75 feet to (said arc being subtended by a
er matters of record superior to reference is made for a more N.A., a national banking associ- “Land Lease”) and (b)(i) Lease distance of 20.01 feet (said arc a point; run thence North 60 chord bearing South 70 de-
said Security Deed. detailed description. ation (“Original Lender”), that Agreement dated as of Janu- being subtended by a chord degrees 00 minutes 00 grees 43 minutes 14 seconds
To the best of the knowledge The improvements thereon be- certain Deed to Secure Debt ary 1, 2001, by and between bearing North 64 degrees 33 seconds East a distance of East a chord distance of 279.49
and belief of the undersigned, ing known as 1347 Stoneleigh and Security Agreement (the Fee Owner and Tenant, (ii) that minutes 46 seconds East a 111.77 feet to a point; run feet and having a radius of
the owner and party in posses- Way, Stone Mountain, Georgia “Security Deed”), made as of certain Memorandum of Lease chord distance of 20.01 feet thence South 30 degrees 00 656.50 feet) to a point; run
sion of the property is CRE- - 30088. October 1, 2004, filed and re- dated February 26, 2001 and and having a radius of 458.37 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- thence South 06 degrees 59
ATE A STEADY HUSTLE LLC , Said property is known as 1347 corded October 4, 2004 in recorded on February 27, 2001 feet) to a point; run thence tance of 93.30 feet to a point; minutes 21 seconds West a
SAMUEL WHITE, IV, or ten- Stoneleigh Way, Stone Moun- Deed Book 16659, beginning at in Deed Book 11897, Page 601 along a curve to the right an arc run thence South 07 degrees distance of 25.50 feet to a
ants(s). tain, GA 30088, together with Page 37, with the Clerk of Su- in the DeKalb County Records, distance of 200.51 feet (said 55 minutes 20 seconds West a point; run thence along a curve
The sale will be conducted sub- all fixtures and personal prop- perior Court of DeKalb County, (iii) that certain Assignment of arc being subtended by a chord distance of 83.82 feet to a to the right an arc distance of
ject (1) to confirmation that the erty attached to and constitut- Georgia (the “DeKalb County Lease dated September 5, bearing North 19 degrees 56 point; run thence South 07 de- 290.25 feet (said arc being sub-
sale is not prohibited under the ing a part of said property, if Records”), as amended pursu- 2003 from Tenant to Borrower minutes 11 seconds West a grees 30 minutes 00 seconds tended by a chord bearing
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) any. ant to that certain First Amend- and recorded on September 8, chord distance of 199.96 feet East a distance of 42.48 feet to North 70 degrees 49 minutes
to final confirmation and audit Said property will be sold sub- ment to Deed to Secure Debt 2003 in Deed Book 14975, and having a radius of 780.00 a point; run thence North 75 08 seconds West a chord dis-
of the status of the loan with ject to any outstanding ad and Security Agreement, dated Page 518 in the DeKalb County feet) to a point; run thence degrees 00 minutes 00 tance of 288.06 feet and hav-
the holder of the Security Deed. valorem taxes (including taxes as of June 18, 2015, between Records and refiled for record North 69 degrees 22 minutes seconds West a distance of ing a radius of 682.00 feet) to a
Please note that, pursuant to which are a lien, whether or not Borrower and Wells Fargo September 9, 2003 in Deed 30 seconds East a distance of 156.02 feet to a point; run point; run thence along a curve
O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you now due and payable), the right Bank, N.A., as trustee for the Book 14981, Page 129 in the 550.91 feet to a point; run thence South 15 degrees 00 to the right an arc distance of
are not entitled by law to an of redemption of any taxing au- registered holders of Banc of DeKalb County Records, and thence South 69 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West a 526.53 feet (said arc being sub-
amendment or modification of thority, any matters which might America Commercial Mortgage (iv) that certain Lessor Estop- minutes 30 seconds East a dis- distance of 68.00 feet to a tended by a chord bearing
the terms of your loan. The en- be disclosed by an accurate Inc. Commercial Mortgage pel Certificate (Lease Agree- tance of 164.62 feet to a point; point; run thence North 75 de- North 48 degrees 10 minutes
tity having full authority to ne- survey and inspection of the Pass-Through Certificates, ment) dated June 18, 2015 run thence North 20 degrees grees 00 minutes 00 seconds 20 seconds West a chord dis-
gotiate, amend or modify all property, any assessments, li- Series 2005-1 (“Holder”), filed made by Fee Owner and oth- 37 minutes 30 seconds East a West a distance of 34.50 feet to tance of 523.64 feet and hav-
terms of the loan (although not ens, encumbrances, zoning or- and recorded June 24, 2015 in ers for the benefit of Original distance of 37.58 feet to a a point; run thence South 15 ing a radius of 1450.00 feet) to
required by law to do so) is: dinances, restrictions, coven- Deed Book 25011, beginning at Lender ((b)(i)-(b)(iv) collect- point; run thence South 69 de- degrees 00 minutes 00 a point; run thence North 37
Fay Servicing, LLC, Loss Mitig- ants, and matters of record su- Page 728 in the DeKalb County ively referred to herein as the grees 22 minutes 30 seconds seconds West a distance of degrees 46 minutes 11
ation Dept., 425 S. Financial perior to the Security Deed first Records, as bargained, sold, “Building Lease”; the Land East a distance of 105.50 feet 60.00 feet to a point; run seconds West a distance of
Place, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL set out above. given, granted, conveyed, Lease and the Building Lease to a point; run thence North 20 thence South 75 degrees 00 621.53 feet to a point; run
60605, Telephone Number: The proceeds of said sale will transferred, set over and as- as the same may be amended, degrees 37 minutes 30 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- thence along a curve to the
800-495-7166. be applied to the payment of signed by MERS to Holder pur- restated, replaced, supplemen- seconds East a distance of tance of 34.50 feet to a point; right an arc distance of 51.46
U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL said indebtedness and all ex- suant to that certain Assign- ted or otherwise modified from 282.33 feet to a point; run run thence South 15 degrees feet (said arc being subtended
ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS penses of said sale as provided ment of Deed to Secure Debt time to time shall individually thence North 69 degrees 22 00 minutes 00 seconds West a by a chord bearing North 35
INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT in said Deed, and the balance, and Security Agreement, and and collectively, as the context minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 68.00 feet to a degrees 55 minutes 37
SOLELY AS TRUSTEE OF FI- if any, will be distributed as UCC Financing Statement, ef- may require, referred to herein distance of 48.34 feet to a point; run thence South 75 de- seconds West a chord dis-
DELITY & GUARANTY LIFE provided by law. fective as of June 1, 2015, filed as the “Ground Lease”), and point; run thence North 31 de- grees 00 minutes 00 seconds tance of 51.45 feet and having
MORTGAGE TRUST 2018-1, A The sale will be conducted sub- and recorded March 23, 2017 the leasehold estate created grees 06 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 200.59 feet a radius of 800.00 feet) to THE
DELAWARE REGISTERED ject (1) to confirmation that the in Deed Book 26151, begin- thereby in the real property de- West a distance of 344.07 feet to a point; run thence South 15 TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
PARTNERSHIP sale is not prohibited under the ning at Page 429 and re-filed scribed as follows (the “Land”): to a point; run thence South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 as shown on that certain plat of
as Attorney in Fact for U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) and re-recorded April 5, 2017 in ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of survey entitled “ALTA/ACSM
CREATE A STEADY HUSTLE to final confirmation and audit Deed Book 26176, beginning at CEL OF LAND lying and being seconds West a distance of 53.32 feet to a point; run Land Title Survey for Forest
LLC of the status of the loan with Page 241 in the DeKalb County in Land Lots 151 and 170 of the 89.91 feet to a point; run thence South 75 degrees 00 City Enterprises, Bank of Amer-
THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY the secured creditor. Records, and as amended pur- 16th Land District, DeKalb thence North 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- ica, N.A., Chicago Title Insur-
BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS The property is or may be in suant to that certain Second County, Georgia, containing minutes 00 seconds West a tance of 52.61 feet to a point; ance Company”, prepared by
A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- the possession of Andrew Amendment to Deed to Secure 1,257,610 square feet (28.871 distance of 310.81 feet to a run thence South 35 degrees Development Consultants
DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, Stewart; Daphn Keane, suc- Debt and Security Agreement, acres), more or less, and being point; run thence along a curve 37 minutes 30 seconds East a Group, bearing the seal and
ANY INFORMATION OB - cessor in interest or tenant(s). dated as of August 8, 2017, by more particularly described as to the right an arc distance of distance of 501.01 feet to a certification of Donald G. Hol-
TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Wells Fargo Bank, National As- and between Borrower and follows: 213.73 feet (said arc being sub- point; run thence South 52 de- land, Georgia Registered Land
THAT PURPOSE. sociation, not in its individual or Holder, filed and recorded Au- TO FIND THE TRUE POINT tended by a chord bearing grees 08 minutes 05 seconds Surveyor No. 2637, dated Au-
Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, banking capacity, but solely as gust 17, 2017 in Deed Book OF BEGINNING, commence at North 69 degrees 28 minutes East a distance of 73.05 feet to gust 13, 2003, last revised
LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Trustee on behalf of the Lake 26438, beginning at Page 693 an iron pin at the intersection of 24 seconds East a chord dis- a point; run thence along a September 20, 2004, Job No.
Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, Country Mortgage Loan Trust in the DeKalb County Records the northeasterly right of way tance of 212.90 feet and hav- curve to the right an arc dis- 89011;
GA 30071 2005-HE1 as Attorney-in-Fact (said Security Deed, as so as- line of Mall Parkway (100-foot ing a radius of 700.00 feet) to a tance of 232.83 feet (said arc TOGETHER WITH and benefit-
Telephone Number: (877) 813- for Andrew Stewart and signed and amended, being right of way) and the southeast- point; run thence South 30 de- being subtended by a chord ing the subject property the
0992 Case No. ++FAY-20- Daphne Keane hereinafter called the “Security erly terminus of the right of way grees 00 minutes 00 seconds bearing South 47 degrees 45 easement created by that cer-
03683-1/ CREATE A STEADY ++File no. 20-076937/ Stewart Instrument”); and of Stonecrest Trace; run thence East a distance of 572.77 feet minutes 54 seconds West a tain Declaration of Surface and
HUSTLE LLC/ WHITE IV++ /Keane++ WHEREAS, under and pursu- along said easterly right of way to a point; run thence South 60 chord distance of 232.30 feet Storm Water Drainage Ease-
Ad Run Dates 12/10/2020, SHAPIRO PENDERGAST & ant to the Security Instrument, line of Stonecrest Trace the fol- degrees 00 minutes 00 and having a radius of 1000.00 ments by DeKalb Center Asso-
12/17/2020, 12/24/2020, HASTY, LLP* Borrower did thereby irrevoc- lowing courses and distances: seconds West a distance of feet) to a point; run thence ciates, a Georgia limited part-
12/31/2020 Attorneys and Counselors at ably grant, bargain, sell, North 37 degrees 21 minutes 60.00 feet to a point; run North 35 degrees 37 minutes nership, dated May 13, 1986,
Law pledge, assign, warrant, trans- 54 seconds West a distance of thence South 30 degrees 00 30 seconds West a distance of filed for record May 14, 1986 at
420-441631 12/10,12/17,12/24 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, fer, convey and grant a secur- 32.62 feet to a point; North 50 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- 658.52 feet to a point; run 9:33 a.m., recorded in Deed
12/31 N.E., Suite 300 ity interest to Holder (as suc- degrees 44 minutes 17 tance of 63.00 feet to a point; thence North 09 degrees 22 Book 5470, Page 390, Re-
STATE OF GEORGIA Atlanta, GA 30346 cessor and assign of Original seconds West, 149.76 feet to a run thence South 75 degrees minutes 30 seconds East a dis- cords of DeKalb County, Geor-
COUNTY OF DEKALB (770) 220-2535/jw Lender), and its successors point; along a curve to the right 00 minutes 00 seconds East a tance of 24.29 feet to a point; gia; as amended by that cer-
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER and assigns the following prop- an arc distance of 62.81 feet distance of 80.40 feet to a run thence North 80 degrees tain First Amendment to Declar-
POWER *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING erty, rights, interests and es- (said arc being subtended by a point; run thence South 15 de- 37 minutes 30 seconds West a ation of Surface and Storm Wa-
Because of a default under the AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. tates then owned, or thereafter chord bearing North 05 de- grees 00 minutes 00 seconds distance of 387.53 feet to a ter Drainage Easement by and
terms of the Security Deed ex- ANY INFORMATION OB - acquired by Borrower (collect- grees 45 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 55.28 feet to point; run thence South 69 de- between DeKalb Center Asso-
ecuted by Andrew Stewart and TAINED WILL BE USED FOR ively, the “Property”): West a chord distance of 56.55 a point; run thence South 69 grees 22 minutes 30 seconds ciates, a Georgia limited part-
Daphne Keane to Conseco Fin- THAT PURPOSE. (a) Ground Lease. That certain feet and having a radius of degrees 22 minutes 30 West a distance of 47.25 feet to nership and JDN Associates,
ance Servicing Corp. dated (a)(i) ground lease dated as of 40.00 feet) to a point; North 39 seconds East a distance of a point; run thence South 20 Ltd, Turner Hill Road, a Geor-
March 13, 2000, and recorded January 1, 2001, by and degrees 13 minutes 41 21.82 feet to a point; run degrees 37 minutes 30 gia limited partnership, dated
in Deed Book 11277, Page between the Development Au- seconds East, 648.29 feet to a thence South 15 degrees 00 seconds East a distance of May 2, 1986, filed for record
156, DeKalb County Records, thority of DeKalb County, Geor- point; along a curve to the right minutes 00 seconds West a 35.00 feet to a point; run June 4, 1986 at 8:57 a.m., re-
said Security Deed having gia (together with any future an arc distance of 92.51 feet distance of 53.33 feet to a thence South 69 degrees 22 corded in Deed Book 5486,
been last sold, assigned, trans- owner(s) of the lessor’s in- (said arc being subtended by a point; run thence South 74 de- minutes 30 seconds West a Page 511, aforesaid Records;
ferred and conveyed to Wells terest in the Ground Lease, chord bearing North 45 de- grees 59 minutes 59 seconds distance of 326.68 feet to a as further amended by that cer-
Fargo Bank, N.A. AS Trustee “Fee Owner”), as lessor, and grees 36 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 273.86 feet point; run thence South 20 de- tain Second Amendment to De-
on behalf of Lake Country Mort- Stonecrest Mall, LLC, prede- East a chord distance of 92.32 to a point; run thence North 15 grees 37 minutes 30 seconds claration of Surface and Storm
gage Loan Trust 2005-HE1, se- cessor-in-interest to Borrower, feet and having a radius of degrees 00 minutes 00 East a distance of 30.00 feet to Water Drainage Easements by
curing a Note in the original as lessee (“Tenant”), (ii) that 415.87 feet) to a point; along a seconds East a distance of a point; run thence North 69 and between DeKalb Center
principal amount of certain Memorandum of Lease curve to the right an arc dis- 60.00 feet to a point; run degrees 22 minutes 30 Associates, a Georgia limited
$129,200.00, the holder there- dated February 26, 2001 and tance of 94.30 feet (said arc thence South 74 degrees 59 seconds East a distance of partnership and Atlanta East
of pursuant to said Deed and recorded on February 27, 2001 being subtended by a chord minutes 59 seconds East a dis- 9.00 feet to a point; run thence Mall Limited Partnership, a
Note thereby secured has de- in Deed Book 11897, Page 148 bearing South 83 degrees 22 tance of 28.75 feet to a point; South 20 degrees 37 minutes Georgia limited partnership
clared the entire amount of said in the DeKalb County Records, minutes 24 seconds East a run thence North 37 degrees 30 seconds East a distance of dated February 28, 1989, filed
indebtedness due and payable (iii) that certain Assignment of chord distance of 85.04 feet 30 minutes 00 seconds East a 30.00 feet to a point; run for record May 2, 1989 at 10:12
and, pursuant to the power of Ground Lease dated Septem- and having a radius of 60.50 distance of 35.36 feet to a thence South 69 degrees 22 a.m., recorded in Deed Book
sale contained in said Deed, ber 5, 2003 from Tenant to Bor- feet) to a point; North 55 de- point; run thence South 52 de- minutes 30 seconds West, 6421, Page 271, aforesaid Re-
will on the first Tuesday, Janu- rower and recorded on Septem- grees 54 minutes 57 seconds grees 30 minutes 00 seconds 210.24 feet to a point; run cords; as further amended by
ary 5, 2021, during the legal ber 8, 2003 in Deed Book East, 17.46 feet to THE TRUE East a distance of 102.78 feet thence South 37 degrees 46 that certain Third Amendment
Water Drainage Easements by fected by Supplement to De- time to time, by supplemental (whether written or oral) pursu- change of grade, or for any oth- ing under the Note, the Loan June 20, 1940, recorded in
and between DeKalb Center claration of Easements, Coven- deed to secure debt or other- ant to which any Person (as er injury to or decrease in the Agreement, the Security Instru- Deed Book 518, Page 252,
Associates, a Georgia limited ants, Conditions and Restric- wise be expressly made sub- defined in the Loan Agreement) value of the Property; ment and the other Loan Docu- DeKalb County Records;
partnership and Atlanta East tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, ject to the lien of security title is granted a possessory in- (i) Tax Certiorari. All refunds, ments (as defined in the Loan 6. Right of Way Easement from
Mall Limited Partnership, a a Georgia limited liability com- granted pursuant to the Secur- terest in, or right to use or oc- rebates or credits in connec- Agreement), specifically includ- Thos. W. Stewart to Snapping
Georgia limited partnership pany, and Stafford Stonecrest, ity Instrument; cupy all or any portion of, the tion with reduction in real es- ing, without limitation, the fail- Shoals Electric Membership
Page 46
dated February 28, 1989, filed
for record May 2, 1989 at 10:12
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 
LLC, a Georgia limited liability
company, dated October 11,
(c) Improvements. The build-
ings, structures, fixtures, pads,
Land and the Improvements,
and every modification, amend-
tate taxes and assessments
charged against the Property
ure of Borrower to pay to the
Holder the payments due un-
Corporation dated June 14,
1938, filed for record June 27,
a.m., recorded in Deed Book 2001, filed for record March 18, additions, enlargements, exten- ment or other agreement relat- as a result of tax certiorari or der the Note when due and ow- 1940, recorded in Deed Book
6421, Page 271, aforesaid Re- 2002 at 12:10 p.m., recorded in sions, modifications, repairs, re- ing to such leases, subleases, any applications or proceed- ing; and 518, Page 282, DeKalb County
cords; as further amended by Deed Book 13040, Page 347, placements and improvements subsubleases, or other agree- ings for reduction; WHEREAS, by reason of such Records;
that certain Third Amendment aforesaid Records; as affected then or thereafter erected or ments entered into in connec- (i) Rights. The right, in the defaults and Events of De- 7. Declaration of Surface and
to Declaration of Surface and by that certain Supplement to located on the Land (collect- tion with such leases, sub- name and on behalf of Borrow- faults, the Debt is and remains Storm Water Drainage Ease-
Storm Water Drainage Ease- Declaration of Easements, Cov- ively, the “Improvements”); leases, subsubleases, or other er, to appear in and defend any delinquent, due and payable in ments by DeKalb Center Asso-
ments by and between DeKalb enants, Conditions and Restric- (d) Easements. All easements, agreements and every guaran- action or proceeding brought its entirety and the Security In- ciates, dated May 13, 1986,
Center Associates, a Georgia tions from Stonecrest Mall, rights-of-way or use, rights, tee of the performance and ob- with respect to the Property strument has become, is, and filed for record May 14, 1986,
limited partnership, Lewis G. LLC, a Georgia limited liability strips and gores of land, servance of the covenants, and to commence any action or is hereby subject to foreclos- recorded in Deed Book 5470,
Abbott, Betty L. Abbott, Pat Ab- company, to Stonecrest Land streets, ways, alleys, passages, conditions and agreements to proceeding to protect the in- ure as provided by law, the Page 390, DeKalb County Re-
bott, as Executrix of the Estate Investment, LLC, a Georgia sewer rights, water, water be performed and observed by terest of Lender in the Property; Note, the Loan Agreement, and cords; as amended by that cer-
of Robert G. Abbott, and limited liability company, dated courses, water rights and the other party thereto, thereto- (k) Agreements. All rights, title the Security Instrument; and tain First Amendment to Declar-
Joseph Abbott as Executor of November 4, 2002, filed for re- powers, air rights and develop- fore or thereafter entered into, and interest of Borrower in, to WHEREAS, prior to the con- ation of Surface and Storm Wa-
Joseph Ernest Abbott, dated cord November 8, 2002 at ment rights, and all estates, whether before or after the fil- and under all agreements, con- summation of the exercise of ter Drainage Easement by and
November 13, 1989, filed for 10:22 a.m., recorded in Deed rights, titles, interests, priv- ing by or against Borrower of tracts, certificates, instruments, the power of sale contained in between DeKalb Center Asso-
record June 31, 1990 at 8:30 Book 13810, Page 675, afore- ileges, liberties, servitudes, any petition for relief under any franchises, permits, licenses, the Security Instrument and the ciates and JDN Associates,
a.m., recorded in Deed Book said Records; as further af- tenements, hereditaments and Creditors Rights Laws (collect- plans, specifications and other consummation of the foreclos- Ltd, Turner Hill Road dated
6629, Page 189, aforesaid Re- fected by Supplement to De- appurtenances of any nature ively, the “Leases”) and all documents, then or thereafter ure sale of the Property, any May 2, 1986, filed for record
cords; claration of Easements, Coven- whatsoever, in any way then or right, title and interest of Bor- entered into, and all rights and all funds, cash, letters of June 4, 1986, recorded in Deed
ALSO TOGETHER WITH and ants, Conditions and Restric- thereafter belonging, relating or rower, its successors and as- therein and thereto, respecting credit and other sums, if any, Book 5486, Page 511, DeKalb
benefiting the subject property tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, pertaining to the Land and/or signs therein and thereunder, or pertaining to the use, occu- held by Holder for or on behalf County Records; as further
the easements created in that a Georgia limited liability com- the Improvements, including, including, without limitation, pation, construction, manage- of Borrower, in the Reserve Ac- amended by that certain
certain Construction, Opera- pany, and Stonecrest Land In- but not limited to, those arising cash or securities deposited ment or operation of the Land counts, or any other escrow, re- Second Amendment to Declar-
tion and Reciprocal Easement vestment, LLC, a Georgia lim- under and by the virtue of the thereunder to secure the per- and any part thereof and any serve or accounts established ation of Surface and Storm Wa-
Agreement by and between ited liability company, dated as Ground Lease, and the Im- formance by the lessees of Improvements or any business under the Note, the Loan ter Drainage Easements by and
Stonecrest Mall, LLC, a Geor- of June 11, 2003, filed for re- provements and the reversions their obligations thereunder and or activity conducted on the Agreement, the Security Instru- between DeKalb Center Asso-
gia limited liability company, cord June 20, 2003 at 2:24 and remainders, and all land ly- all rents, additional rents, rent Land and any part thereof, in- ment and/or any other Loan ciates and Atlanta East Mall
Development Authority of p.m., recorded in Deed Book ing in the bed of any street, equivalents, moneys payable cluding, without limitation, the Document, for payment of Limited Partnership dated Feb-
DeKalb County, a public body 14654, Page 742, aforesaid road or avenue, opened or pro- as damages or in lieu of rent or right, upon the happening of taxes, assessments and other ruary 28, 1989, filed for record
corporate and politic of the Records, as further affected by posed, in front of or adjoining rent equivalents, royalties (in- any default thereunder, to re- similar charges levied against May 2, 1989, recorded in Deed
State of Georgia, Dillards, Inc., Supplemental Declaration of the Land, to the center line cluding, without limitation, all oil ceive and collect any sums the Property, insurance, capital Book 6421, Page 271, DeKalb
a Delaware corporation, Sears, Covenants, Conditions and Re- thereof and all the estates, and gas or other mineral royal- payable to Borrower thereun- improvements, replacements, County Records; as further
Roebuck and Co., a New York strictions by CFN (I-20), Inc., rights, titles, interests, rights of ties and bonuses), income, re- der; tenant improvements, leasing amended by that certain Third
corporation, J.C. Penney Com- Delaware corporation, dated as dower, rights of curtesy, prop- ceivables, receipts, revenues, (l) Intangibles. All rights, title commissions or otherwise (col- Amendment to Declaration of
pany Inc., a Delaware corpora- of July 14, 2004, filed for re- erty, possession, claim and de- deposits (including, without lim- and interest of Borrower in and lectively, the “Funds”) have Surface and Storm Water
tion, Parisian, Inc., an Alabama cord July 16, 2004 at 11:55 mand whatsoever, both at law itation, security, utility and oth- to all tradenames, trademarks, been or shall be applied by Drainage Easements by and
corporation and Rich’s Depart- a.m., recorded in Deed Book and in equity, of Borrower of, in er deposits), accounts, cash, is- servicemarks, logos, copy- Holder toward payment of the between DeKalb Center Asso-
ment Stores, Inc., an Ohio cor- 16379, Page 414, aforesaid and to the Land and the Im- sues, profits, charges for ser- rights, goodwill, books and re- Debt, to the extent provided in ciates, Lewis G. Abbott, Betty
poration, dated February 26, Records; provements and/or the Im- vices rendered, and other con- cords and all other general in- the Note, the Loan Agreement, L. Abbott, Pat Abbott, as Exec-
2001, filed for record February INCLUDING all assignments, provements, including, but not sideration of whatever form or tangibles relating to or used in the Security Instrument and the utrix of the Estate of Robert G.
27, 2001 at 12:00 p.m., recor- modifications, extensions and limited to, those arising under nature received by or paid to or connection with the operation other Loan Documents. Abbott, and Joseph Abbott as
ded in Deed Book 11897, Page renewals of the Ground Lease and by the virtue of the Ground for the account of or benefit of of the Property; NOW, THEREFORE, under Executor of Joseph Ernest Ab-
186, aforesaid Records; and all credits, deposits, op- Lease, and every part and par- Borrower or its agents or em- (m) Accounts. All reserves, es- and pursuant to the power of bott, dated November 13, 1989,
ALSO TOGETHER WITH and tions, privileges and rights of cel thereof, with the appurten- ployees from any and all crows and deposit accounts sale contained in the Security filed for record June 31, 1990,
benefiting the subject property Borrower as tenant under the ances thereto; sources arising from or attribut- maintained by Borrower with re- Instrument and according to the recorded in Deed Book 6629,
the easements created in that Ground Lease, including, but (e) Fixtures and Personal Prop- able to the Property, including, spect to the Property, including, terms of the Security Instru- Page 189, DeKalb County Re-
certain Declaration of Ease- not limited to, the right, if any, erty. All machinery, equipment, all receivables, customer oblig- without limitation, the Reserve ment and the laws in such cords;
ments, Covenants, Conditions to renew or extend the Ground fixtures (including, but not lim- ations, installment payment ob- Accounts, the Lockbox Ac- cases made and provided, 8. Perpetual drainage ease-
& Restrictions by Development Lease for a succeeding term or ited to, all heating, air condi- ligations and other obligations count, the Cash Management Holder will expose the Property ment as contained in that cer-
Authority of DeKalb County, terms or the right to purchase tioning, plumbing, lighting, com- then existing or thereafter Account (each as defined in the (less and except the Funds) for tain Right of Way Deed and
Georgia, a public body corpor- fee title to the Land, and also munications and elevator fix- arising or created out of the Loan Agreement) and all ac- sale, at public sale to the Easement Agreement by and
ate and politic, DeKalb Center including all the right, title, tures), furniture, software used sale, lease, sublease, license, counts established pursuant to highest bidder, for cash on that between DeKalb Center Asso-
Associates, a Georgia limited claim or demand whatsoever of in or to operate any of the fore- concession or other grant of the Article 10 of the Loan Agree- certain first Tuesday in JANU- ciates whose sole general part-
partnership, and CFN (I-20), Borrower either in law or in going and other property of right of the use and occupancy ment together with all deposits ARY, 2021, being JANUUARY ner is CFI-20E Associates hav-
Inc., a Delaware corporation, equity, in possession or expect- every kind and nature whatso- of property or rendering of ser- or wire transfers made to the 5, 2021, during the legal hours ing as a general partner Ca-
dated February 26, 2001, filed ancy, of, in and to Original ever owned by Borrower, or in vices by Borrower or its agents Lockbox Account and all cash, for sale, before the courthouse dillac Fairview Shopping Cen-
for record February 27, 2001 at Lender’s right, as tenant under which Borrower then had or and proceeds, if any, from busi- checks, drafts, certificates, se- door in DeKalb County, Geor- ter Properties (Georgia) Inc.,
12:00 p.m., recorded in Deed the Ground Lease, to elect un- shall thereafter have an in- ness interruption or other loss curities, investment property, gia. The Property (less and ex- JDN Associates, Ltd., Turner
Book 11897, Page 70, afore- der Section 365(h)(l) of the terest, then or thereafter loc- of income insurance whether financial assets, instruments cept the Funds) will be sold Hill Road whose sole general
said Records; as affected by Bankruptcy Code, Title 11 ated upon the Land and the Im- paid or accruing before or after and other property held therein subject to the following: partner is JDN Equities, Inc.,
Assignment of Declarant’s U.S.C.A. - 101 et seq. (as the provements, or appurtenant the filing by or against Borrow- from time to time and all pro- 1. All outstanding taxes and as- and DeKalb County, a political
Rights and Powers under De- same may be amended from thereto, and usable in connec- er of any petition for relief un- ceeds, products, distributions sessments, and any additional subdivision, dated November
claration of Easements, Coven- time to time, the “Bankruptcy tion with the present or future der any Creditors Rights Laws or dividends or substitutions taxes which result from a reas- 30, 1988, filed for record
ants, Conditions & Restrictions Code”) to terminate or treat the operation and occupancy of the (collectively, the “Rents”) and thereon and thereof; sessment of the Property; December 5, 1988, recorded in
by and between DeKalb Cen- Ground Lease as terminated or Land and the Improvements all proceeds from the sale or (n) Conversion. All proceeds of 2. Rights and obligations of ten- Deed Book 6304, Page 65,
ter Associates, a Georgia lim- to consent to the transfer of the and all building equipment, ma- other disposition of the Leases the conversion, voluntary or in- ants in possession under unre- DeKalb County Records (af-
ited partnership, and Stone- Fee Owner’s interest in the terials and supplies of any and the right to receive and ap- voluntary, of any of the forego- corded leases, if any, as ten- fects only appurtenant rights
crest Mall, LLC, a Georgia lim- Land and the Improvements nature whatsoever owned by ply the Rents to the payment of ing items set forth in subsec- ants only, with no option to pur- under the REA);
ited liability company, dated (as hereinafter defined) free Borrower, or in which Borrower the Debt (as defined in the tions (a) through (m) including, chase or right of first refusal; 9. Limitation of access rights to
February 26, 2001, filed for re- and clear of the Ground Lease then had or thereafter shall Loan Agreement); without limitation, Insurance 3. Slope and Drainage rights as I-20 as contained in that cer-
cord February 27, 2001 at under Section 363 of the Bank- have an interest, then or there- (g) Insurance Proceeds. All In- Proceeds and Awards, into contained in that certain Right tain Department of Transporta-
12:00 p.m., recorded in Deed ruptcy Code in the event (i) of after located upon the Land surance Proceeds (as defined cash or liquidation claims; and of Way Deed from E.V. Reagin tion Right of Way Deed from
Book 11898, Page 29, afore- the bankruptcy, reorganization and the Improvements, or ap- in the Loan Agreement) in re- (o) Other Rights. Any and all to the State Highway Board of DeKalb Center Associates by
said Records; as further af- or insolvency of the Fee Own- purtenant thereto, or usable in spect of the Property under any other rights of Borrower in and Georgia, dated May 1, 1930, CFI-20E Associates with its
fected by Supplemental Declar- er, and (ii) (A) the rejection of connection with the present or Policies (as defined in the Loan to the items set forth in subsec- filed for record May 29, 1930, general partner being Cadillac
ation of Covenants, Conditions the Ground Lease by such Fee future operation and occu- Agreement) covering the Prop- tions (a) through (n) above. recorded in Deed Book 329, Fairview Shopping Center
and Restrictions by CFN (I-20), Owner, as debtor in posses- pancy of the Land and the Im- erty, including, without limita- WHEREAS, the Security Instru- Page 430, DeKalb County Re- Properties (Georgia), Inc. to
Inc., a Delaware corporation, sion, or by a trustee for such provements (collectively, the tion, the right to receive and ap- ment secures, in part, that cer- cords (affects only appurtenant Department of Transportation,
dated February 26, 2001, filed Fee Owner, pursuant to Sec- “Personal Property”), and the ply the proceeds of any insur- tain loan (the “Loan”) to Bor- rights under the Reciprocal dated November 23, 1988, filed
for record March 1, 2001 at tion 365 of the Bankruptcy right, title and interest of Bor- ance, judgments, or settle- rower made by Original Lender, Easement Agreement listed in for record December 19, 1988,
12:03 p.m., recorded in Deed Code or (B) any attempt by rower in and to any of the Per- ments made in lieu thereof, for as evidenced by that certain Item 15 below (“the REA”)); recorded in Deed Book 6318,
Book 11899, Page 311, afore- such Fee Owner, as debtor in sonal Property which may be damage to the Property; Promissory Note (as the same 4. Slope and Drainage rights as Page 49, DeKalb County Re-
said Records; as further af- possession, or by a trustee for subject to any security in- (h) Condemnation Awards. All may have been amended, contained in that certain Ease- cord (affects only appurtenant
fected by Supplement to De- such Fee Owner, to sell or terests, as defined in the Uni- Awards (as defined in the Loan modified or restated, the ment from Mrs. B.F. George to rights under the REA);
claration of Easements, Coven- transfer such Fee Owner’s in- form Commercial Code, as ad- Agreement), including interest “Note”), dated as of October 1, State Highway Board of Geor- 10. DeKalb County Water Main
ants, Conditions and Restric- terest in the Land and the Im- opted and enacted by the state thereon, which may theretofore 2004 in the original principal gia, dated February 19, 1931, Easement from DeKalb Center
tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, provements under Section 363 or states where any of the and thereafter be made with re- amount of $108,500,000.00, filed for record July 8, 1931, re- Associates to DeKalb County,
a Georgia limited liability com- of the Bankruptcy Code; Property is located (the “Uni- spect to the Property by reas- executed by Borrower and pay- corded in Deed Book 353, Georgia, dated March 13,
pany, and Stonecrest Land In- (b) Additional Land. All addi- form Commercial Code”), and on of Condemnation (as able to the order of Original Page 186, DeKalb County Re- 1989, filed for record March 24,
vestment, LLC, a Georgia lim- tional lands, estates and devel- all proceeds and products of defined in the Loan Lender, as such Note was en- cords (affects only appurtenant 1989, recorded in Deed Book
ited liability company, dated opment rights thereafter ac- the above; Agreement), whether from the dorsed and assigned to Holder; rights under the REA); 6392, Page 5, DeKalb County
October 4, 2001, filed for re- quired by Borrower for use in (f) Leases and Rents. All exercise of the right of eminent and 5. Right of Way Easement from Records (affects only appurten-
cord December 20, 2001 at connection with the Land and leases, (including the Ground domain (including, but not lim- WHEREAS, Defaults and A.J. Almand, Estate to Snap- ant rights under the REA);
11:33 a.m., recorded in Deed the development of the Land Lease) subleases, subsub- ited to, any transfer made in Events of Default (each as ping Shoal Electric Member- 11. Easement Relocation
Book 12759, Page 483, afore- and all additional lands and es- leases, lettings, licenses, con- lieu of or in anticipation of the defined in the Loan Agreement) ship Corporation dated Novem- Agreement by and between
said Records; as further af- tates therein which may, from cessions or other agreements exercise of the right), or for a have occurred and are continu- ber 4, 1938, filed for record American Telephone and Tele-
fected by Supplement to De- time to time, by supplemental (whether written or oral) pursu- change of grade, or for any oth- ing under the Note, the Loan June 20, 1940, recorded in graph Company acting by and
claration of Easements, Coven- deed to secure debt or other- ant to which any Person (as er injury to or decrease in the Agreement, the Security Instru- Deed Book 518, Page 252, through its agent AT&T Com-
ants, Conditions and Restric- wise be expressly made sub- defined in the Loan Agreement) value of the Property; ment and the other Loan Docu- DeKalb County Records; munications, Inc. and DeKalb
tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, ject to the lien of security title is granted a possessory in- (i) Tax Certiorari. All refunds, ments (as defined in the Loan 6. Right of Way Easement from Center Associates, dated July
a Georgia limited liability com- granted pursuant to the Secur- terest in, or right to use or oc- rebates or credits in connec- Agreement), specifically includ- Thos. W. Stewart to Snapping 5, 1989, filed for record August
pany, and Stafford Stonecrest, ity Instrument; cupy all or any portion of, the tion with reduction in real es- ing, without limitation, the fail- Shoals Electric Membership 4, 1989, recorded in Deed
LLC, a Georgia limited liability (c) Improvements. The build- Land and the Improvements, tate taxes and assessments ure of Borrower to pay to the Corporation dated June 14, Book 6492, Page 597, DeKalb
company, dated October 11, ings, structures, fixtures, pads, and every modification, amend- charged against the Property Holder the payments due un- 1938, filed for record June 27, County Records (affects only
2001, filed for record March 18, additions, enlargements, exten- ment or other agreement relat- as a result of tax certiorari or der the Note when due and ow- 1940, recorded in Deed Book appurtenant rights under the
2002 at 12:10 p.m., recorded in sions, modifications, repairs, re- ing to such leases, subleases, any applications or proceed- ing; and 518, Page 282, DeKalb County REA);
Deed Book 13040, Page 347, placements and improvements subsubleases, or other agree- ings for reduction; WHEREAS, by reason of such Records; 12. DeKalb County Sewer
aforesaid Records; as affected then or thereafter erected or ments entered into in connec- (i) Rights. The right, in the defaults and Events of De- 7. Declaration of Surface and Easement from DeKalb Center
graph Company acting by and December 11, 2000, recorded crest Mall, LLC and Rich’s De-
through its agent AT&T Com- in Deed Book 11745, Page partment Stores, Inc., dated as
munications, Inc. and DeKalb 728, DeKalb County Records; of February 26, 2001;
Center Associates, dated July 17. Declaration of Easements, 23. All valid zoning ordinances;
5, 1989, filed for record August Covenants, Conditions & Re- and
4, 1989, recorded in Deed strictions by Development Au- 24. All other, if any, easements,

Book 6492, Page 597, DeKalb The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020Page 47
thority of DeKalb County, Geor- limitations, reservations, coven-
County Records (affects only gia, a public body corporate ants, restrictions, deeds to se-
appurtenant rights under the and politic, DeKalb Center As- cure debt, liens and other en- 040-441723 12/17
REA); sociates, and CFN (I-20), Inc., cumbrances and matters of
12. DeKalb County Sewer dated February 26, 2001, filed public records to which the Se- DEKALB COUNTY GOVERNMENT
Easement from DeKalb Center curity Instrument is junior and
Associates to CFN (I-20), Inc.
for record February 27, 2001,
recorded in Deed Book 11897, subordinate in terms of priority
Advertisement for Thursday, December 17, 2020
to DeKalb County, Georgia Page 70, DeKalb County Re- under the laws of the State of Sealed bids will be received in the Department of Purchasing and Contracting, The Maloof Center, 1300 Commerce Drive, 2nd Floor,
dated June 10, 1992, filed for cords; as affected by Assign- Georgia.
record July 2, 1992, recorded in ment of Declarant’s Rights and The Debt remaining in default Decatur, Georgia 30030, for the following until 3:00 P.M. on date(s) designated below:
Deed Book 7319, Page 518, Powers under Declaration of and the aforesaid Defaults and
DeKalb County Records (af- Easements, Covenants, Condi- Events of Default continuing,
fects only appurtenant rights tions & Restrictions by and the sale of the Property (less REQUEST FOR ITEM CLOSING DATE
under the REA); between DeKalb Center Asso- and except the Funds) under SOLICITATION NO.
13. Easement from DeKalb ciates and Stonecrest Mall, and pursuant to the power of
Center Associates to Bell South LLC, dated February 26, 2001, sale contained in the Security
Telecommunications, Inc.,
dated May 11, 1993, filed for
filed for record February 27,
2001, recorded in Deed Book
Instrument will be made for the
purpose of applying the pro-
20-101306 Uniforms for Public Safety Personnel January 6, 2021
record May 25, 1993, recorded 11898, Page 29, DeKalb ceeds thereof, as provided for
in Deed Book 7685, Page 573, County Records; as further af- in the Security Instrument and
DeKalb County Records (af- fected by Supplemental Declar- pursuant to applicable law. 20-101308 Welding Shop Drainage Improvement January 7, 2021
fects only appurtenant rights ation of Covenants, Conditions The Property (less and except
under the REA); and Restrictions by CFN (I-20), the Funds) will be sold on an
14. Those matters as dis- Inc., dated February 26, 2001, “as is, where is” basis without
closed by that certain survey filed for record March 1, 2001, recourse against Holder and 20-500559 Home-Delivered & Shelf-Stable Meal Services January 8, 2021
entitled “ALTA/ACSM Land recorded in Deed Book 11899, without representation or war-
Title Survey for Forest City En- Page 311, DeKalb County Re- ranty of any kind or nature for Seniors (Multiyear Contract)
terprises, Bank of America, cords; as further affected by whatsoever with respect
N.A., Chicago Title Insurance Supplement to Declaration of thereto, with no assurance af-
Company”, prepared by Devel- Easements, Covenants, Condi- forded as to the exact acreage
opment Consultants Group, tions and Restrictions by of the Land. 20-101278 Application of Herbicides at Polebridge Wastewater January 13, 2021
bearing the seal and certifica- Stonecrest Mall, LLC and To the best of Holder’s know-
tion of Donald G. Holland, Stonecrest Land Investment, ledge and belief, the Property Treatment Plant
Georgia Registered Land Sur- LLC, dated October 4, 2001, (less and except the Funds) is
veyor No. 2637, dated August filed for record December 20, presently owned by Borrower,
13, 2003, last revised Septem-
ber 20, 2004, Job No. 89011,
2001, recorded in Deed Book
12759, Page 483, DeKalb
subject to the aforesaid in-
terests of Holder and the mat-
20-101313 Sale of Surplus Property @ 338 Ponce De Leon January 13, 2021
as follows:
(a) Box culvert crossing south-
County Records; as further af-
fected by Supplement to De-
ters set forth herein, and Bor-
rower is the party in posses-
Place (Tax Parcel 15 245 01 109)
westerly portion of the Property; claration of Easements, Coven- sion of the Property (less and
(b) Storm drain easement ants, Conditions and Restric- except the Funds), subject to
crossing southwesterly portion tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC the aforesaid interests. 20-101314 Sale of Surplus Property @ 503 Warren Avenue January 13, 2021
of the Property; and Stafford Stonecrest, LLC, The notice to Borrower, pursu-
(c) 20-foot sanitary sewer ease- dated October 11, 2001, filed ant to O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, (Tax Parcel 18 046 04 092)
ments with sanitary sewer lines for record March 18, 2002, re- has been provided by Holder to
and manholes crossing south- corded in Deed Book 13040, Borrower in accordance with
westerly portion of the Property; Page 347, DeKalb County Re- said O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2.
(d) 8-foot by 7-foot box culvert cords; as affected by that cer- The undersigned may sell the 20-101315 Sale of Surplus Property @ 3196 Zion Street January 13, 2021
crossing westerly portion of the tain Supplement to Declaration Property (less and except the
Property; of Easements, Covenants, Funds) or any part of the Prop- (Tax Parcel 18 046 03 129)
(e) Drainage facilities with catch Conditions and Restrictions erty (less and except the
basins, junction boxes and from Stonecrest Mall, LLC to Funds) in such manner and or-
grate inlets throughout the Stonecrest Land Investment, der as Holder may elect and
Property; LLC, dated November 4, 2002, may sell that portion of the 20-101307 Hydrofluosilicic Acid (Multiyear Contract) January 14, 2021
(f) Water valves throughout the filed for record November 8, Property (less and except the
Property; 2002, recorded in Deed Book Funds), which, under the laws
(g) Electric membership corpor-
ation manhole in southeasterly
13810, Page 675, DeKalb
County Records; as further af-
of the State of Georgia, consti-
tutes an estate or interest in
20-500560 In-Home Services for Older Adults, Persons with January 22, 2021
portion of the Property;
(h) Power manholes in west-
fected by Supplement to De-
claration of Easements, Coven-
real estate separately from that
portion of the Property (less
Disabilities, and Their Caregivers
erly portion of the Property; ants, Conditions and Restric- and except the Funds), which, (Multiyear Contract)
(i) Fire hydrants throughout the tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC under the laws of the State of
Property; and and Stonecrest Land Invest- Georgia, constitutes personalty
(j) Ring Road (a private road) ment, LLC, dated as of June and not an interest in the real
lies across portions of the Prop-
11, 2003, filed for record June
20, 2003, recorded in Deed
estate, in which case separate
bids will be taken therefor, or Specifications and other details wil be available in the Purchasing and Contracting Department, The Maloof Center, 2nd Floor, 1300
15. Construction, Operation Book 14654, Page 742, DeKalb collectively in a single sale or
and Reciprocal Easement
Agreement by and between
County Records; as further af-
fected by Supplemental Declar-
lot, in which case a single bid
will be taken therefor. Notice of
Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. For additional information, please view the DeKalb County Website at:
Stonecrest Mall, LLC, Develop- ation of Covenants, Conditions the undersigned’s intent shall
ment Authority of DeKalb
County, a public body corpor-
and Restrictions by CFN (I-20),
Inc., dated as of July 14, 2004,
be given by announcement
made at the commencement of
ate and politic of the State of
Georgia, Dillards, Inc., Sears,
filed for record July 16, 2004,
recorded in Deed Book 16379,
the public sale.
The recitals set forth herein- DeKalb County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof, to waive any technicalities, and to re- advertise.
Roebuck and Co., J.C. Penney Page 414, DeKalb County Re- above are hereby incorporated
Company Inc., Parisian, Inc.,
and Rich’s Department Stores,
18. Unrecorded Stonecrest Mall
in and made a part of this No-
tice of Sale Under Power.
By: Cathryn G. Horner, Chief Procurement Officer
Inc., with consent by the and
SunTrust Bank, as Bond trust-
Supplemental Agreement by
and among Stonecrest Mall,
DeKalb County, Purchasing and Contracting Department
ee, dated February 26, 2001,
filed for record February 27,
LLC and Dillard’s, Inc., dated
as of February 26, 2001;
2001, recorded in Deed Book 19. Unrecorded Separate MERCIAL MORTGAGE INC.
11897, Page 186, DeKalb Agreement by and between COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE
County Records; as amended Stonecrest Mall, LLC and PASS-THROUGH CERTIFIC-
by that certain First Amend- Sears, Roebuck and Co. dated ATES, SERIES 2005-1, as
ment to Construction, Opera- as of February 26, 2001; agent and attorney-in-fact for
tion and Reciprocal Easement 20. Unrecorded Separate STONECREST MALL SPE,
Agreement, filed for record Au- Agreement by and between LLC, a Delaware limited liabil-
gust 3, 2007 in Deed Book Stonecrest Mall, LLC and ity company
20185, Page 668 and refiled for Parisian, Inc., dated as of Feb- By: Greystone Servicing Com-
record October 23, 2007 in ruary 26, 2001; pany LLC, a Delaware limited li-
Deed Book 20391, Page 690, 21. Unrecorded Separate ability company, in its capacity
DeKalb County Records; Agreement by and between as special servicer pursuant to
16. Sewer Easement from Stonecrest Mall, LLC and J. C. that certain Pooling and Servi-
DeKalb Center Associates and Penney Company, Inc., dated cing Agreement dated April 1,
CFN (I-20) Inc. to DeKalb as of February 26, 2001; 2005
County, Georgia dated Novem- 22. Unrecorded Separate By: its attorney-at-law:
ber 22, 2000, filed for record Agreement between Stone- /S. Bob Stupar/
December 11, 2000, recorded crest Mall, LLC and Rich’s De- S. Bob Stupar, Esq.
in Deed Book 11745, Page partment Stores, Inc., dated as Kilpatrick Townsend & Stock-
728, DeKalb County Records; of February 26, 2001; ton LLP
17. Declaration of Easements, 23. All valid zoning ordinances; 1100 Peachtree Street, Suite
Covenants, Conditions & Re- and 2800
strictions by Development Au- 24. All other, if any, easements, Atlanta, Georgia 30309-4530
thority of DeKalb County, Geor- limitations, reservations, coven- 404-815-6500
gia, a public body corporate ants, restrictions, deeds to se-
and politic, DeKalb Center As- cure debt, liens and other en-
sociates, and CFN (I-20), Inc., cumbrances and matters of
dated February 26, 2001, filed public records to which the Se-
for record February 27, 2001, curity Instrument is junior and
Page 48 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2020 

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