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AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

AP Biology Summer Packet 2020-2021

Please carefully read this cover page in its entirety. You will complete
all parts of this summer assignment to be ​due Friday 08/21 through
google classroom.​ The summer packet assignment is worth 10% of
your grade for the first quarter. You will also take a ​benchmark ​on this
content by the end of the second week. ​Late work will not be
accepted​ because we have two semesters of college Biology to cover in
our short amount of time together. If you develop a pattern of
completing work late you WILL fall behind. If you have questions
about the assignment, please feel free to contact me at ​​. I look forward to working
with you!


​Welcome to AP Biology! Over the next year we will be working closely as a team to conquer a
fast-paced, challenging and highly rewarding classroom experience. AP Biology should NOT be considered
“college prep.” ​This is a COLLEGE course, with college level expectations for behavior, attendance,
participation and effort.​ YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO STUDY INDEPENDENTLY! To be highly successful in
this course you will need to attend after school and Saturday Academy regularly and will want to attend the
test preparation sessions held in the spring.

The A.P. Biology Exam is 50% multiple choice and 50% free response. You will be given ninety minutes
to complete 60 multiple choice questions and another 90 minutes to complete the free response answers.
Your exam score will be rated as a 1(poor) – 5 (best). You can receive recognition by more than 90 percent
of colleges in the United States & colleges in more than 60 other countries, which grant credit, advanced
placement, or both on the basis of AP Exam grades. Check out your potential schools policies online at​. ​The 2021 exam is Friday May 14th​. We
will hold Mock exams to practice exam/study session. It is the student’s responsibility to pay for exam
fees, usually around $90. Some students will be eligible for reduced fees.

1. Complete the introduction email. Details are on the next page.
2. Read the document titled ​“Active Reading and Note-Taking.”​ The
suggestions in this lesson will be essential to your success in the course.
3. Complete the entire packet of guided notes for the course. You will
need to access the textbook online. The .pdf document of the textbook is on
the summer packet page of the school website.
AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Introduction E-mail Assignment:

We are going to spend a lot of time together next year, so I would like to get a head start on learning a bit
about you. Your first digital assignment is to send me an e-mail. When writing your letter please follow
these rules:
• Address it to: Ms. Fuoco at
• Make the Subject: “AP Bio: Introduction to <Insert Your Full Name Here>”
(Do not include the quote marks or the brackets, just the words)
• Use clearly written, full sentences. Do not abbreviate words like you are on texting with a friend. Use spell
check! This is a professional communication like you would have with a college professor, so let’s practice
for your future.
• Begin the e-mail with a formal salutation, like “Mr, Mrs. or “Dear Ms./Mr.,”
• Now introduce yourself (your name) and tell me a little bit about yourself, some possibilities:
• What do you like to do (hobbies, sports, music, interests,)?
• Do you have a job or other significant time commitments outside of academics?
• Was there anything that you liked about your earlier science classes?
• What was the last book you read for fun?
• What are you looking forward to the most in AP Biology?
• What are you most anxious or worried about in AP Biology?
• Finally, please summarize your science fair project from last year. Include your research question,
hypothesis, methods, results and conclusion in a well-developed paragraph.
• End the email with a formal closing: “Cordially”, “Sincerely”, “Warm regards” and add your name as if you
signed a letter

Active Reading and Note-TakingAssignment

Read the document titled ​“Active Reading and Note-Taking.”​ The suggestions in this lesson will be essential
to your success in the course!

Active Reading: Getting The Most Out Of Your Text

Additional Resources to help you with this packet!!!!!

In addition to reading the textbook, you may want to use these additional resources to help you
understanding the topics:
● ​ P® Biology | Science
Khan Academy videos, readings and practice- A
● Bozeman Science Videos- ​AP Biology
● College Board Review videos- ​AP Biology
AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Chapter 2: The Chemical Context of Life Guided Reading

Instructions​: ​Read Chapter 2 of your Campbell Biology textbook. This chapter will be briefly reviewed in
class. If you are struggling with this chapter, please contact me prior to the first day of class for additional

Define the following terms:

● Chemical Bond
● Covalent bond
● Single bond
● Double bond
● Valence
● Electronegativity
● Nonpolar covalent bond
● Polar covalent bond
● Ionic bond
● Isotope

Compare and Contrast the following terms with their pair(s) (you may use examples):

Element Compound

Structural Formula Molecular Formula

Ionic Bonds Covalent Bonds

Hydrogen Bonds Van der Waals Interactions

Atomic Number Atomic Mass Atomic Weight

AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Proton Neutron Electron

What is “special” about radioactive isotopes?

Explain how radioactive tracers are used in science?

Explain how the movement of electrons relate to the concept of potential energy- use the diagram below
to help answer the question.

What determines the interactions between atoms? Why are valence electrons important?

Based on the reading, what is an example, in a living system, of how molecular shape is critical?

Define dynamic chemical equilibrium in terms of quantities of reactants and product. This concept is
AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Chapter 3: Water and Life Guided Reading

Instructions​: ​Read Chapter 3 of your Campbell Biology textbook. This chapter is review from your previous
biology class. These concepts are critical and repeated throughout the year! If you are struggling with this
chapter, please contact me prior to the first day of class for additional help.

Fill in the table below of the properties of water:

Explain how water polar

Define the nature and polar covalent
Property of Water Example in Nature
property bonds contribute to the
special water property



Surface Tension

High Specific Heat

Heat of Vaporization

Evaporative Cooling

What is special about water and density?

Define the following terms:

● Solute
● Solvent
● Aqueous Solution
● Hydrophilic
● Hydrophobic
● Colloid
● Hydration Shell
● Molarity
● Acid
● Base
● Buffer
● Acid Precipitation

Explain dissociation of water molecules using the diagram below.

AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

How does this relate to pH?

Why are “apparently” small changes in pH so important in biology?

Explain the carbonic acid buffer system in human blood.

Why is acid precipitation important to living organisms?

AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Chapter 4: Carbon and the Diversity of Molecular Diversity Guided Reading

Instructions​: ​Read Chapter 4 of your Campbell Biology textbook. We will be reviewing this material very
quickly so please make sure you understand these concepts! If you are struggling with this chapter, please
contact me prior to the first day of class for additional help.

Why is organic chemistry so important in the study of biology?

Why was the Urey-Miller experiment so important?

What is special about carbon that makes it the central atom in the chemistry of life?

Use the diagram below to label and contrast the three types of isomers.

Fill in the table below:

Describe the
Name of Give Examples of Picture of
Functional Group functional
compound each structure


AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Carbonyl Ketone




AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Chapter 5: The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules Guided Reading
Instructions​: ​Read Chapter 5 of your Campbell Biology textbook. We will be reviewing this material very
quickly so please make sure you understand these concepts! If you are struggling with this chapter, please
contact me prior to the first day of class for additional help.

Define the following terms:

● Monomer
● Polymer
● Condensation Reaction
● Hydrolysis
● Monosaccharide
● Disaccharide
● Polysaccharide
● Triacylglycerols
● Phospholipids
● Steroids
● Catalysts
● Polypeptide
● Peptide bond
● Amino Acid
● Denature
● Nucleotides
● Chaperonins
● Double helix
● Antiparallel

Fill in the following table (hint: you will use most of the terms you just defined to fill in this table):

Components Give examples of each

Biological Describe the functions
(What makes up the biological
Macromolecule of each example
structure?) macromolecule




Nucleic Acids
AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

How does this affect protein structure?

Structure Level
Include a picture





How does the characteristics of an amino acid – nonpolar, polar, acidic or basic relate to the issue of
tertiary and quaternary structure?

Why does a denature protein no longer function normally?

Explain how nucleotides link together to form nucleic acids.

Explain why DNA is described as antiparallel.

AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell Guided Reading

Instructions​: ​Read Chapter 6 of your Campbell Biology textbook. We will be reviewing this material very
quickly so please make sure you understand these concepts! If you are struggling with this chapter, please
contact me prior to the first day of class for additional help.

What is resolving power and why is it important in biology?

How does an electron microscope work and what is the difference between a scanning and transmission
electron microscope?

Describe the process and purpose of cell fractionation.

Why is surface are to volume such an important concept as it applies to the size of a cell?

Compare and contrast the following:

Prokaryotic Cell Both Eukaryotic Cell

Fill in the following table:

Describe the structure of each

component (make sure to list Describe the function of
Cell Component
and describe the subunits of component
each component)



Endoplasmic Reticulum

Golgi Apparatus



AP Biology Summer Packet Name:



Extracellular Matrix

Cell Wall

AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Chapter 7: Membrane Structure and Function Guided Reading

Instructions​: ​Read Chapter 7 of your Campbell Biology textbook. We will be reviewing this material very
quickly so please make sure you understand these concepts! If you are struggling with this chapter, please
contact me prior to the first day of class for additional help.

Define the following terms:

● Amphipathic
● Active Transport
● Concentration Gradient
● Diffusion
● Electrochemical Gradient
● Endocytosis
● Exocytosis
● Fluid Mosaic Model
● Gated Channels
● Glycolipid
● Glygoprotein
● Integral Proteins
● Ion Channel
● Ligand
● Membrane Potential
● Osmosis
● Passive transport
● Peripheral Proteins
● Proton Pump
● Selective Permeability
● Sodium Potassium Pump
● Tonicity
● Transport Protein

Contrast the following:

Osmosis Diffusion

Hypertonic Isotonic Hypertonic

AP Biology Summer Packet Name:

Active Transport Passive Transport

Explain the importance of membrane structure in selective permeability.

Watch the following demo: ​Cell Membrane Model Demonstration Using Dialysis Tubing​. Explain the
significance of selective permiability in the context of cellular membrane transport.

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