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©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
COPYRIGHT © Bible Prosperity Plan
All Rights Reserved

This report is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not

sell, giveaway, or otherwise distribute this report in
any manner. No part of this report may be reproduced
or transmitted in any form without the written
permission of the author.


This report is written for informational purposes only.

The author has made every effort to make sure the
information is complete and accurate, up to the
publishing date. This report should be used in the
making of an informed decision only.

The publisher and author shall have neither liability

nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect
to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused
directly or indirectly by this report.
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Table of Contents
Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................................2
Intended Audience.................................................................................................................................6
Specific Purpose of this Book...............................................................................................................6
Chapter 1: Simple Faith.............................................................................................................................7
What it Faith?........................................................................................................................................7
What Can Faith Do?..............................................................................................................................8
When is Faith Not Enough?................................................................................................................10
How Faith Works................................................................................................................................14
Building Faith......................................................................................................................................17
Getting Results....................................................................................................................................17
Chapter 2: God Wants You to Prosper.....................................................................................................18
The Truth About Poverty....................................................................................................................18
Biblical Success Accounts...................................................................................................................19
Chapter 3: Praying for Prosperity............................................................................................................21
The Main Reason For Lack.................................................................................................................22
Proof That We Deserve Abundance....................................................................................................23
The Purpose of Prayer.........................................................................................................................25
Types of Prayer...................................................................................................................................26
The Biblical Formula For Receiving...................................................................................................29
How to Apply The Three Step Prosperity Formula........................................................................30
Chapter 4: Should You Tithe?.................................................................................................................32
What is tithing?...................................................................................................................................32
Why Tithe?..........................................................................................................................................33
The Tithing Debate Settled..................................................................................................................36
Tithing Success Stories...................................................................................................................37
How to Tithe Properly.........................................................................................................................38
Gross or Net?..................................................................................................................................39
Chapter 5: Sowing Money Seeds.............................................................................................................40
Giving Beyond Tithing........................................................................................................................43
How to Seed Money............................................................................................................................44
How Much Do We Need To Sow?.................................................................................................44
Sowing Successfully............................................................................................................................47
The Four Step Sowing Process.......................................................................................................47
Note About Reaping.......................................................................................................................49
Chapter 6: What Do You Want?..............................................................................................................49
Considerate Requesting.......................................................................................................................50
It Takes a Commitment!......................................................................................................................51
Saving Energy.....................................................................................................................................54
Deciding What's Important..................................................................................................................54

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Helping Other People..........................................................................................................................58
Chapter 7: The Bible Prosperity Plan......................................................................................................59
Spiritual Accounting............................................................................................................................62
Request Tracking.................................................................................................................................63
Request Tracking Notebook:..........................................................................................................63
Step One:........................................................................................................................................64
Step Two:........................................................................................................................................65
Step Three:......................................................................................................................................65
Step Four:.......................................................................................................................................66
Step Five:........................................................................................................................................68
Step Six:..........................................................................................................................................70
Congratulations! ............................................................................................................................71
Money Management............................................................................................................................71
Additional Guidelines .........................................................................................................................77
Example Step One:.........................................................................................................................80
Example Step Two:.........................................................................................................................81
Example Step Three:.......................................................................................................................81
Example Step Four:........................................................................................................................82
Example Step Five:.........................................................................................................................85
Example Step Six:..........................................................................................................................88
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Welcome to the “Bible Prosperity Plan.” Congratulations on taking a giant leap

forward towards attaining amazing financial success based on principles contained
in the Bible.

This book is the culmination of over 13 years of

research on prosperity and the Bible. In my
opinion, this is the most comprehensive plan to
build wealth based on biblical teachings.

I have been a student of the bible for virtually my

entire life (“Study to show thyself
approved...” 2 Tim 2:15). I've enjoyed reading
several hundred books on business, finance and
wealth creation.

I have gone from being completely broke, penniless and deeply in debt, to
making over 2 million dollars in 2 years by applying many of the principles found
in this book. At the time I didn't have an exact “plan,” but since then I have
discovered the step by step blueprint found in the Bible for creating wealth, peace
and happiness.

After achieving my first fortune, I stopped following God's prosperity plan for
awhile. I lost almost everything I owned and found myself deeply in debt again.
Since then, I've been building a new fortune on a firm foundation based on
timeless biblical success principles that you have access to in this book.

My sincere prayer for you is to follow what the Bible tells you to do to become
wealthy. I'm not asking you to believe anything that I tell you. Even if you're not
sure if God wants you to become wealthy yet, simply try this plan and see what

Allow the results to speak for themselves.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
This book is based on my exhaustive study of what the Bible instructs us to do in
order to prosper financially. While this book could easily have been 2,000+
pages, I have condensed it down to the most important and relevant information
so you can reap the benefits of a deeper relationship with God and increased
financial prosperity as soon as possible.

Intended Audience

The Bible Prosperity Plan has been created for anyone who is looking to build
financial wealth based on the teachings found in the Bible. This book applies to
people of all denominations including, Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Protestants,
and all people who follow the teachings of the Bible.

The principles in this book are Universal. This means that they will work
for everyone. Even if you are currently skeptical about biblical teachings, you
can still follow the Bible Prosperity Plan and you will still prosper! You will soon
learn the reasons why this is true.

Specific Purpose of this Book

The Bible Prosperity Plan is about creating financial abundance. The Bible is also a
fantastic guide for attaining peace, joy, happiness, and spiritual truth. I
encourage you to use the Bible to enhance other areas of your life as well.

The Bible is meant to be a guide for living a quality life. Christians around the
world use the Bible for divine guidance and spiritual truth. This book is meant to
compliment your spiritual journey at whatever church you go to, or with however
you want to follow the lessons taught in the Bible.

The Bible Prosperity Plan is simple and direct. While multiple Bible verses may
support a particular topic, only the most relevant ones are mentioned. This shows
proof that the Bible covers these topics so you know that the foundation for this
plan is solidly built on God's word.
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I encourage you to lookup these verses in your Bible and explore the meaning
further if you feel inspired to do so.

Chapter 1: Simple Faith

The first step towards cashing in on the promises

in the Bible is to examine what faith is. This
chapter is given first in the book because faith is
the fundamental component to attaining the
treasures the Bible wants to offer you.

The Bible Prosperity Plan outlines a complete

system for you to follow to prosper without limits.
You are going to have an exact step by step
system to follow to create the perfect life for you and your loved ones. But, first
we need to talk about faith...

What is Faith?

Faith is the cornerstone of the Bible. Faith is like the “force” in Star Wars. Faith is
spiritual energy that allows things to happen for us. You can think of faith like
electricity. The higher the voltage the more powerful the light can shine.

Faith is also like a muscle. Imagine that you have to lift a 500 pound weight
above your head.

Would this be easier if you had 11 pounds of muscle on your body, or if you had
78 pounds of solid muscle?

Just as bigger muscles move heavier weights, more faith will produce stronger
and faster results.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
The most simple definition of faith is that it's a belief in something we can't see.
The Bible defines faith the following way:

“faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not
seen.” Hebrews 11:1

Faith isn't simply restricted to spiritual matters. We have faith in all kinds of
things we can't see.

• We don't see the electricity inside the outlets, but we have “faith” that it's
• We don't see the force of gravity, but we have “faith” that something is
holding us on the ground.
• We don't have any guarantee that the sun will rise tomorrow, but we have
“faith” that it will.

We have faith in all kinds of things. Whatever you believe to be true is only true
for you because you have faith that it is true. You either have faith that you can
be wealthy, or you have faith that you don't.

So faith is simply a belief in something to be true. It's not faith if you have
concrete proof of something tangible, faith is “the evidence of things not

What Can Faith Do?

In the New Testament, Jesus says:

“If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this
mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and
nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20

The meaning of this is fairly simple. Jesus was stating that if you have even the
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tiniest belief in the power of God, then you would be able to accomplish anything.
Notice how he says “nothing shall be impossible unto you.” This verse shows
you the true power of faith.

You might ask:

“I have faith that I can become prosperous, why aren't I prospering yet?”

This is an excellent question. It's actually answered for you in the verse above.
Jesus mentioned that with even the tiniest amount of faith (a mustard seed is
really small) you will get what you desire.

So if you're not getting what you want, it means that you have faith in something
else that's causing the apparent lack of what you want. Let me illustrate with an

Let's suppose you want to own your house outright. No mortgage. Just
completely own it. Let's also suppose that you currently have a mortgage. So why
don't you own the house outright yet?

In the verse above, Jesus said that if you have a very small amount of faith you
could move a mountain. A tiny amount of faith can move a HUGE mountain! This
is an absolute truth. But why don't you own the house?

Is it because you don't have any faith?


You have faith. You have at least the faith of a mustard seed. You've probably got
more faith that just the smallest amount.

But what do you have faith in?

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
If you are paying a mortgage but would like to own your house outright, what do
you have faith in? Your faith is in the fact that you need to keep paying your
mortgage for the next 20-30 years to own your house outright.

You may intellectually believe that the house could be paid off sooner. You may
believe that God could do it sooner. But your belief that it's probably going to
take you 15-30 more years to pay off your house is a stronger faith.

So what's the solution?

There is nothing to worry about. Don't think you have to have extreme faith that
your house will be paid off mysteriously by God tomorrow. That isn't practical and
I don't believe it's what Jesus meant. Keep reading this chapter as we build up to
the solution for you.

The important thing for you to remember is the true power of faith. Remember
that “nothing shall be impossible unto you” if you can get a little faith
working for you. But faith isn't all that's required, you need to have another
important component.

When is Faith Not Enough?

A few paragraphs ago I described faith as being like electricity. I also described
faith as being like a muscle. Faith is pure energy. Faith is potential. Faith by itself
isn't totally complete, it needs something else.

There are several verses in the Bible that mention what needs to accompany
faith. Let's look at two of my favorites:

“faith without works is dead” James 2:20

“the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud
doer.” Psalm 31:23

Faith also requires action. You may believe that something will happen (i.e.
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have total faith), but you still need to do something.

Remember when I said faith was like electricity. Faith is more like electricity
stored in a battery. It may have tremendous potential, but if it's not being used it
simply sits there.

You can also think of faith like a muscle. The muscle may have the ability to lift
heavy objects, but if it isn't being used nothing will happen.

The two verses above encourage action. Think about a world where everyone
believed that God would provide for them, but where nobody did anything. If
everyone in the entire world refused to get out of bed, we would all eventually
die. We need to do our part for God to work his divine magic.

What does this mean?

Faith and Action are linked. If you have

faith that something will happen then you
should act like that thing will happen. It's
one thing to say you believe something. It's
another thing to back it up with action.

Think about your romantic partner for a

second. What if you told them you loved
them, but you never showed them you loved them. Do you think they would
believe what you said or what you did?

Parents lose credibility with their children when they tell their kids not to smoke
cigarettes or drink alcohol, but the parents do it themselves.

Isn't God smarter than your children?

It's important to act consistently. By acting through faith we show that we're

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Acting on faith also builds faith. If you have an area where you are struggling
with faith, try acting like you really believed it. Let's look at an illustration to
show how this technique could be useful for you:

Let's stick with paying off a mortgage as an

example. Let's assume you just bought the
house and would like to pay it off. You
currently have a 30 year mortgage. You
want the house paid off as soon as possible
so you don't have the burden of paying the

To do this, you would include paying

off your house in your personal Bible
Prosperity Plan (you'll know how to do
this very soon).

When you start to look at paying off your house, you may look at your level of
faith. Do you believe that your house can be paid off in 1 year? In 5 years? In 10
years? You need to try to convince yourself that God would help you pay your
house off much sooner.

You would probably think about it first. You would re-read the chapter in this
book on faith. You'd find other Bible verses about faith. You'd think about the
infinite power of God. It may take some time, but you'd be able to say “Yes, God
could help me get this house paid off very soon...”

But part of you would probably resist this. You would probably still have doubts.
This is completely normal. Here's what you can do...

Start acting “as if” God will produce the results.

Here's how:

Think about what you could do to demonstrate that you have faith that your
house will be paid off in a very short amount of time. You may not totally believe
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it will happen yet, but you still need to act like you believe it (and of course still
try to intellectually convince yourself too).

Here's a list of things you could do to demonstrate faith that your house would be
paid off soon:

• Keep a prioritized list about what you'll buy as soon as your house is paid
off. Add to this list daily. List the most important purchase first.
• Send extra money with your mortgage this month. Even if it's only $1
extra. Have the intention of sending more next month.
• Investigate the possibility of refinancing your house at a lower interest rate.
• Start looking at vacation houses to buy after your first house is paid off.
• Look for ways to save money so you can pay down your mortgage faster.
• Research starting your own business.

This was just a quick list of things you could do to get started. While you're
building your faith and waiting for God to deliver the result of paying your house
off, you're demonstrating faith that the house will be paid off sooner. When you
learn the Bible Prosperity Plan in it's entirety you'll actually have a more complete
plan of action.

It's important that you give an honest try to contribute to the result, but it's not
important to get too hung up on any one of these tasks making the difference. It
may turn out that everything you do personally doesn't seem to matter much, but
then one day a miracle could happen and the house becomes completely paid off.

When you contribute to the desired result you're not placing your faith in
your actions. Your actions are simply a demonstration of faith. It may
turn out that your actions create the result, but that's still God working
through you.

Giving your best effort is your best demonstration of faith. When you make a
sincere effort you eliminate your disbelief in what you are asking God to do for
you. When you do your best, God does the rest!

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
How Faith Works

Faith can be like a “chicken and the egg concept.” To have faith, you need to
have faith. Where does it start? It starts with simply having a small amount of
faith. If you feel good about it your faith gets stronger. If you don't the faith goes

The Bible talks about faith with this verse:

“faith cometh by hearing, and hearing
by the word or God” Romans 10:17

A popular interpretation of this verse is that

faith comes by reading the Bible. The “word
of God” is generally accepted as the words
of the Bible. The word of God is also the
answer that you get to a prayer to God.

When you ask God if something is true. God will reveal it to you in a way that you
can understand. When the answer comes you'll know it.

For several years I actually struggled with faith. Here's the problem that I had
with faith:

• You need to believe something you can't see

• Many different interpretations exist of what the Bible means
• How do you know the right ideas to have faith in?

I struggled with this myself for many years. I didn't want to just believe what
another person was telling me. I wanted to know for myself what the truth was.
Everyone I asked just told me to trust what I heard, but I wanted to know for

It took me a few years to get a clear answer. I starting praying for an answer on
what to have faith in. God revealed the answer to me directly while I was praying
one day.
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Faith is something that you “try” first. God doesn't expect us to blindly believe
anything we hear, read or think. There needs to be a way to discern truth from

Faith isn't something that we just hold onto for life without any proof. If what we
have faith in is true, our experience will give us proof. When our experience
gives us proof our faith gets stronger.

When we are introduced to a new concept of truth we can give it a little “faith
test.” We don't need to blindly believe anything 100% until we get some real
conformation for ourselves.

Faith is built from our experiences. For people who have prayed and talked to
God, it's a very real experience for them. People who have never spoken to God
think it's impossible to talk to God.

Faith starts with an open mind. The first

step in building faith is to say “I believe this
is possible.” When you open yourself to the
possibility you are allowing yourself to have
a faith strengthening experience.

Believing something is possible is not

wholeheartedly believing that it's true yet.

After you believe it's possible you can then

ask God to show you if it's true or not. We
all have a direct connection to God which
will allow us to know if something is true or
not. But we need to first have an open mind
towards it because God works in ways we
don't always completely understand.

Faith builds the same as muscle building. If you exercise it regularly it will

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
strengthen over time.

So here are the steps to building faith:

1. Accept the possibility that something could be true.
2. Ask God through prayer if it is true.
3. Give it a try – act as if it's true.
4. Go back to step #2 if not convinced yet.
5. Experience proof that it's either true or not.

This process works well for things that you are unsure about. If you're already
completely sure about something being true or not, then you don't need this
process. This process is one that will help you decide.

God will show you what to have faith in.

But you need to try it on and give it a chance so God can show you either positive
or negative proof that it's true.

God will show you in different ways whether or not what you're trying to have
faith in is worthy of faith or not. This will generally be a feeling or insight that you
have that you won't be able to explain to someone else. You may become totally
convinced that you have the answer, but if you explain it to someone else they
may not “get it.”

The bottom line is that if you're uncertain about whether or not to have faith in
something, give it a chance and ask God to show you the way. Here are the ways
that you will know if your faith is correct or not:

• You will feel good/bad about the topic.

• You will have positive/negative experiences.
• God could directly tell you.
• You will know for yourself without being able to explain it.

It's not important for you to explain it or not. God will prove the answer to you
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one way or another. You will receive it the best way you need to. Faith starts with
giving it a chance and being open to letting God direct you forward.

I am not asking you to have “faith” in anything that I tell you. I am simply
sharing a method that I know has worked for me and many other people since
ancient times. People are still prospering according to these principles in modern
current times.

Building Faith

You will only have faith in the Bible Prosperity Plan when it works for you. The
beauty of this plan is that you will know with 100% certainty the results of this
plan because the plan allows you to track your results. It's important for you to
track your results because it will allow you to prove that God's delivering on his

When you see concrete proof in your own life experience, then your faith gets
stronger. All that's required is that you have enough faith in what is taught in the
Bible to implement the plan. The rest will be revealed to you through your
experience. When you see positive results you will know with certainty that it

Getting Results

The beauty of this plan is that it has to

work. The ancient wisdom in the Bible is
100% guaranteed to work. God does not
change. God wants you to prosper and
wants to show you how. After praying about
creating this course for several months,
God gave me the inspiration and permission
to share this plan with you.

Implement the Bible Prosperity Plan (which will be fully outlined within this book)

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
and the results will speak for themselves. The results will be directly attributed to
what it says in the Bible about prosperity. Not only will you enjoy the positive
results, you will also want to achieve greater rewards.

Chapter 2: God Wants You to Prosper

God doesn't want us to be poor. God wants us to thrive! I wrote a special report
called “God Wants You To Be Rich... The Truth About Biblical Prosperity.”

If you haven't read this report yet I highly recommend that you do so it can clear
up any misconceptions you have about what you can achieve by applying correct
Bible principles with attaining wealth. You can download the report here.

If you haven't read the report mentioned above yet, please READ IT NOW
– Before moving forward in this book.

Many people were raised with the idea that God wants you to be poor. Nowhere
in the Bible does it state that you are supposed to be poor. It's simply a
misinterpretation by reading between the lines of how Jesus lived.

It's true that Jesus wasn't concerned with money, he was here with a special
purpose. Jesus also didn't need money because he knew he was here for a short
time period. Jesus was well provided for. He was constantly being invited to nice
dinners and being treated with expensive gifts. He was hardly living a “poor

The Truth About Poverty

Poverty is a man made condition. God created a world that has everything we
need to survive and thrive. The world has an abundance of natural resources that
would easily support every living soul on this planet with plenty of space and

It's people who try to limit what's possible. People and governments try to restrict
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resources and limit what others can have. This was not the way God designed it.

A little known fact is that if you took all of the inhabitable land in North America
alone, every single person in the whole world would have over 1 acre to
themselves! There is plenty of space on the planet for all of us. There are plenty
of resources.

If one resource that we need to survive dries up, we will either discover a hidden
supply of it elsewhere, or we'll invent something else as a substitute. God has
infinite power and spending time worrying about not having enough is a waste of

Remember that we only need the “faith of a mustard seed” to move mountains. If
we believe in the possibility of poverty even slightly, we actually create poverty
on the planet.

People who are raised in poverty tend to stay there because they have complete
“faith” (even beyond the mustard seed) that there are limitations to what we can
have in this life.

It's true that the riches in heaven may far outweigh anything we have on this
earth, but that doesn't mean we have to live without things. We may choose to
have a limited supply of things but that is our choice NOT GOD'S CHOICE!

When we look at the most faithful people in the Bible we can clearly see that they
were not only prosperous, but completely rich.

Biblical Success Accounts

The Bible is full of stories of how people followed God's plan and were financially
blessed. If you look at what many famous Bible characters owned, you'll find
several millionaires (and even a Billionaire).

Abraham, Issac, Joseph, David, Daniel and Jacob were all equivalent to

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
millionaires in modern times. Solomon's possessions would be worth billions of
dollars in today's standards. Job also had a very wealthy estate that would easily
be worth close to a million dollars today. These men of faith were extremely
wealthy because they followed the principles taught in the Bible.

God would not have his most shining examples of faith be financially blessed with
millions of dollars if he didn't want us to prosper. These people are examples for
us to follow. They show us proof that it's possible to live in a blessed state as

The most financially successful people found in the Bible were also experts at
praying. They asked God for help when they needed it. They all made their own
different mistakes. By talking to God they achieved financial wealth based on the
plan you are about to learn in the next few chapters.

Chapter 3: Praying for Prosperity

Prayer is a fundamental ingredient to

prospering according to the Bible.
Prayer is how we ask God for help.
God wants to help us. We also have
the power to make choices.

We can choose to do things by

ourselves and God will allow us to do
so. God is not a dictator. God would
love to help, but God does not force
us in one direction. Forcing someone
to do something is not as rewarding
as if they freely choose to do it. It
delights God when we ask for help.

Why do we lack what we want?

God is not cruel. God is pure love. If we want to have money for a new house,
travel or anything else we're allowed to have that desire. The reason we have a
desire to do things is because we have the potential to do them.
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Some people really want to paint. Others love playing sports. While other people
may love to dance. These desires are in us because God has given us the talent
and ability to do them.

What sense would it make for God to torture us by giving us a desire and ability
to do something, but make it virtually impossible to do because we don't have the
finances for it?

It doesn't make any sense!

That's because God isn't trying to torture us by limiting us. God created
everything in the universe (including us) with enough of everything that is
needed for a perfect existence.

Prayer is how we ask God for help.

The Main Reason For Lack

“ye have not because ye ask not” James 4:2

We don't have what we want because we don't take the time to ask God for it.
Remember that prayer is how we ask God for help. It seems silly but we spend a
lot of time wanting something and not having it because we simply don't take the
time to ask.

You could imagine that God is like your grandmother. Imagine that she has a
giant cookie jar sitting on her counter (my grandmom had several different candy
jars). Now picture yourself as a 6 year old child.

When you go to your grandmother's house she is delighted to see you. She lights
up with a big smile and gives you a hug and a kiss. You are glad to see her too,
but you remember the cookie jar from the last time you were there.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
As soon as you get a free moment you go into the kitchen secretly to see if the
cookies are still there. When you look up on the counter you see there are many
wonderful different kinds of delicious cookies. There is every flavor that your 6
year old mind can think of and more. You look at those cookies and really want

You walk back into the living room and your parents are talking with your
grandmom. You want a cookie but you're afraid to ask. It's not that you're afraid
that your grandmom will say no, you just don't feel comfortable asking. After all,
she gives you cookies every time you go there.

You then whisper in your father's ear and ask “can you ask grandmom if I can
have a cookie?” Your father then says in a quiet voice that your grandmom can
almost hear “why don't you ask her yourself?” You almost drop the subject until
your father makes you ask.

You then finally work up enough courage. Your heart races and you have a little
nervousness in your stomach and you say “grandmom, may I please have a
cookie?” 1.75 seconds go by of silence and your grandmother gives a great big
smile and says:

“Sure! Take as many as you like!!!”

As an adult you now know that it was your grandmother's pure delight to give her
young grandchild a sweet treat. The truth is that she kept the cookie jar stocked
specifically for the times when you and her other grandchildren would visit. If it
wasn't for her grandchildren there wouldn't be a cookie jar!

Under some circumstances your grandmom could tell you to wait until you have
dinner first. On other occasions she may ask you if you wanted a cookie without
you asking first. The majority of the time she's not thinking about you getting a
cookie until you ask.

God operates like a sweet old grandmother. God showers us with love and many
wonderful sweet things in life. We don't always like to ask for things from God for
various reasons. Sometimes we think we can do it ourselves. Sometimes we're
just embarrassed to ask. Other times we don't feel like we deserve it.
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Proof That We Deserve Abundance

Are you ready for proof that we deserve absolute total abundance in our lives?

Many of us fail to ask because we don't feel like we deserve it. If we understand
that we have a divine inheritance that we are entitled to, then we would ask for it

People who are raised in wealthy families feel like they deserve prosperity. They
feel entitled to it because that is how they have grown up. Are rich people any
different physically than poor people? There are rich & poor people of every race,
level of intelligence and geographic location in the world.

The difference between rich & poor people is in what they feel entitled to ask God
to provide for them.

So what makes the rich people more entitled than anyone else?


You deserve to be wealthy as much as any other human being on the planet. God
does not play favorites. People who follow the biblical principles for creating
wealth get wealthier. Those that follow the principles for being poor become

So what is the proof that you deserve to prosper.

Get ready, here it comes...

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Drumroll please.....

You are a living and breathing human being on planet earth.

That's it. You are entitled to being prosperous as much as anyone else. This
world was not created by God for the benefit of a small group of people. God
created enough for everyone. It's only people that create lack and scarcity.

Even though people can create poverty for themselves and others, they can not
overpower God (no matter how hard they try). God is able to provide rich and
plentiful abundance for all who follow the Bible teachings.

It's your divine birthright to be wealthy. Keep reading to learn how to claim your
inheritance immediately.

The Purpose of Prayer

Prayer is our communication channel with

the Divine Creator of the Universe.

Prayer is also one of the basic expressions

of faith in God because you don't try to
communicate with people you don't believe
exist (it would be insane to talk to God if
you didn't believe he existed).

Prayer is how we ask God for things. Prayer

also helps you get clear about what you're
asking for. You may have a sense that you
want more out of life without having a clear
idea about what needs to be improved.

When you start putting your prayers into

the form of words you start getting a clear picture of what you desire. The act of
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praying helps you understand what it is that you want because you put it in the
form of a request to God in words.

It's easier for an exact request to be met by God than a fuzzy one. If you are
less specific with your prayers, the outcome is less certain. You may pray to feel
better but there are at least a hundred different ways to feel better. You'll still be
happy with the result, but praying specifically gets you closer to what you want.

Without prayer we feel like we are victims or circumstance. Through prayer we

become empowered because we enlist the help of unlimited resources through
God's infinite love and power.

Let's examine the types of prayer:

Types of Prayer

A prayer is any request for divine help. Most of us were taught to pray a certain
way, but there is more than one way to pray. You can use any one or all of these
methods. Each prayer method is just as valid as another. Praying works in all of
its forms.

Verbal Prayer – This is when you ask God for help with words. This can be done
silently or verbally (out loud). A basic way to pray is:
1. Address your prayer to God (i.e. “Dear God”)
2. Thank God for everything you already have
3. Ask for help
4. Thank God for helping you

This is a simple recipe for a successful prayer. God will still hear your request if
you don't pray in exactly this format, but this is something that has worked well
for many others. In the upcoming section on “The Biblical Formula For
Receiving” you'll see exactly where prayer fits into the equation for prospering
according to the Bible.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Written Prayer – You can also write your prayers down. You can then either
recite the prayer as a verbal prayer later, or you can keep the written prayer on
paper as a reminder that you have prayed it.

A neat way to pray is to write God a letter. To help with this you can pretend
that you're writing an older friend of yours for help. By adapting the verbal
prayer into written form you are still submitting a request to God.

Written prayers have been used by many Bible believers throughout the ages.
Writing prayers down on paper helps you organize your thoughts better. Another
benefit of the written prayer is that it helps you remember what you prayed for.

If you write down all of your prayers, you'll be able to track which ones
get answered with certainty! This will build your faith and get you more
excited about God. You'll also be able to use this as evidence to other
people that praying really does work!

Whether you choose to say your prayers verbally or write them down, God can
hear them both ways. God is literate and God can read. Try writing your prayers
down and you may just like the results!

Later you'll learn a method for written prayers that will help you track your
prosperity in the Bible Prosperity Plan.

Image Prayers – Another form of prayer is to picture what you're praying for.
This can be independent of words, or can include words. If words are not used
you are communicating with God through feelings and emotions instead of words.

The more emotional your prayer the more power it has. Sometimes crying can
add a lot of power to a prayer because it's a demonstration that we really desire
God's help. You don't have to cry to get God's help, you can also have a
passionate desire for help which will work well too :)

Most people are used to using words, but image prayers work for people with
more visually oriented minds. You may have prayed with images before without
knowing it.
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All forms of prayer work well. We'll use a combination of the different ways to
pray so we can build our faith and feel good about communicating with God. God
doesn't care how we pray. We feel good about doing things proactively and
allowing God to do the rest.


An important component for asking God for help is to show gratitude. Being
grateful for what God has already done for us is important if we want more. If we
aren't grateful with what we already have, chances are that more won't make us
any more grateful.

No matter what circumstances you find yourself in right now, you have many
things to be grateful for. Here are just a few things that everyone can be grateful
1. Our life.
2. Fresh air to breathe.
3. Water to drink.
4. Food to eat.
5. People that we love.
6. People who love us.
7. God's never ending love.
8. The beauty of nature surrounding us.
9. The energy from the sun sustaining the planet.
10. A mind capable of thinking.
11. More opportunities than ever before.
12. Language skills.
13. The ability to laugh.

This list could go on for several hundred or thousand items. If you take the time
to really think, you have so much to be grateful for. Even some of the poorest
people in Africa are grateful for what they have.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Take a moment now and list 30 things you're grateful for. Stop reading and do
this exercise. The list can be anything you like. It shouldn't be hard once you get
started to list 30 things in just a few minutes. Anything that brings you joy is
something you can list.

Have fun and come back after you list your “30 things to be grateful for.”

Did you do the exercise?

I hope you did...

Gratitude is simply appreciating what God is doing for you. Being truly grateful for
what you already have is a shortcut for opening the floodgates for more
wonderful things.

The Biblical Formula For Receiving

The Bible is clear about how we may receive anything we desire. In the New
Testament Jesus clearly instructs us with a three step formula for attracting
financial prosperity. This three step process also works for other things such as
good health, relationships, and all other matters. This process is a surefire way
to build wealth quickly.

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray,
believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24

In the verse Jesus strengthens the statement by saying “therefore I say unto
you.” This means that you really need to pay attention to what comes next
because it's something that's absolutely true.

“What things soever ye desire” - This statement talks about all things that
you desire to have. Notice that there is no limit on what we can desire. It says
“what soever things,” which means anything or everything!
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“When ye pray” - Notice how prayer is a necessary component for

communicating our desires to God. Prayer is how we “ask” God for what we
desire. This verse openly encourages us to “ask” for anything we desire because
God wants us to turn to the Divine Source for help.

“Believe that ye receive them” - Here is where faith is important. It tells us to

believe that our prayers have been answered before we actually see proof in our
physical world. We need faith to do this because we don't yet see the result. This
verse is in present tense, it doesn't tell you to “believe that you will receive
them,” it says “believe that you will receive them [NOW].”

“And ye shall have them” - If you follow the steps above correctly, you will
receive the answer to your prayers. It doesn't place any other conditions on
getting what you asked for. All you need is 1.) to ask [pray] 2.) have faith
[believe] c.) receive it.

To make this easy to remember this

formula is this three step process:

1. Ask
2. Believe
3. Receive

It's really that simple. The Bible tells us to

ask for what we want. A few sections ago it
mentioned that “ye have not because ye
ask not.”

So when we don't ask, we don't get. But when we ask, we receive. As

long as we ask properly, we'll get what we want (or something much

God wants to give us what we want. Everything will be provided by God. God

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
wants to prove this to us. Keep reading to learn how we can see the proof so we
get tangible results that we know with certainty comes from God.

How to Apply The Three Step Prosperity Formula

Although the prosperity formula comes in three easy steps (ask, believe, receive),
the hardest part for most people is probably the “believe part.” It's difficult to
believe that we have something that we don't yet physically posses.

Here is a way that can help you with the “believe” part of the equation. This will
help you “believe that ye receive,” but will also help you actually believe the it's

An easy way to do this is to that when we pray for something we can imagine
that God has held the thing we prayed for aside. The moment we ask, God
creates a space for the answered prayer and we technically own it.

Next, picture a large bin in a warehouse that has your name on it. Now imagine
that God has put whatever you have prayed for inside of that bin. The prayer has
been answered and the item has been reserved for you. It's yours and nobody
else will get it.

Now it's just a matter of time before the delivery service comes and gets your
answered prayer and delivers it to you.

This is how God operates. Your prayer is answered immediately when you make
the request. Since we live in a physical world there are physical laws that we
must live by.

For instance, let's suppose you ask God for a new house. God may select a new
house for you immediately. God knows this is your house and wants to bring it to
you. If the house isn't built yet, it will take some time for people to build it. It
may happen quickly, but it will still take some time.

God designed the universe we live in. The physical world operates according to
physical laws. God can do miraculous things that defy physical reality on occasion
(like in emergencies), but most of the time things happen naturally.
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The strength of our belief is what determines how fast we receive the result.

You may want to lose 65 pounds. There is a physical limit to how fast that can
happen. According to medical science it's only healthy to lose 1-2 pounds a
week. Even if we starved ourselves we can only really lose about ½ to 2/3 of a
pound per day on average (once we get rid of the water weight).

If you use the “ask, believe, receive” formula to lose 65 pounds, it would still take
you a minimum of 3-6 months to do so. That's because God has put natural
boundaries on certain physical processes.

We need to hold our belief during the natural time it takes for the delivery of our
desires to take place. The instant that we pray our desires are answered
spiritually. We need to maintain our faith while it physically comes to us.

The good news is that it doesn't always take a long time. Some times we pray for
something and it's instantly delivered. We may want a new house and we could
have one given to us tomorrow by a generous millionaire. It could happen and
God does allow for that to happen.

There are ways to accelerate the process and get what we want a lot faster. The
Bible Prosperity Plan has been designed to help you build wealth quickly and
steadily over time as well. Once you learn the process, you'll have a lot of fun
receiving new things every few days!

Chapter 4: Should You Tithe?

A lot of people are confused about what the Bible says about tithing. The Bible is
very clear on the subject of tithing and what it can do for you financially. Many
people have mixed ideas about tithing and therefore get mixed results. Tithing
improperly is going to negate the effects of tithing and block the benefits.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
The word tithe is mentioned over 35 times in the Bible. This is fairly important
because it isn't just mentioned once. These 35 verses all support tithing when
read in context as good things are happening to those that tithe and bad things
are happening to those that don't tithe.

What is tithing?

Tithing is a spiritual law given by God to humankind to assist people in finding

abundance, fulfillment and gratitude in their everyday lives. The tithing law is to
give 10% of one’s earnings. When a person tithes, the universe that works under
the spiritual law of tithing says, "If you have that much to give, that means you
are open to receive more."

In the book of Leviticus tithing is defined:

“And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever
passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD.” Leviticus

Clearly this verse states that to tithe we

should reserve 1/10 of what we get to God.
In biblical times there was a form of
currency, but bartering was also common.
Today we buy things with money, so our
tithe is mostly based on money.

To keep money Holy unto the LORD, we use

our tithe to do God's work. God's work is
concerned with helping people become
more spiritually aware. This is why tithes
are generally given to churches that we
believe will do good spiritual work.

Why Tithe?

Tithing is the greatest shortcut to financial freedom known to man. Earlier in this
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book we talked about faith and actions to support our faith. When we tithe we
exercise our faith through our actions. We show God that we believe in the
promises laid out in the Bible and our action of giving the money opens the
channel for abundance to flow. In the next section of this book, you will learn
more about the process of why giving money away (i.e. through tithing) will help
you to become wealthier faster.

Let's look at the key verse in the Bible that supports tithing:

“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in
mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I
will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing,
that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Malachai 3:10

Let's look at the three components of this verse for the meaning to be clear:

“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse” – This verse was talking to
many people. The storehouse was where they stored grain and other items. It
was like a barn. The important part about this phrase was that people
needed to tithe. Without tithing it would be impossible to bring the “tithes” into
the storehouse. Also notice that this is a command. God is not saying “If you
bring...” He says “Bring...” This is not a request it's telling us to do this.

“prove me now herewith” – This is a great part of the verse. It challenges us

to “prove” that God is correct. God is specifically challenging us to prove what he
is saying is true. We are not usually encouraged to test God. In this case God is
telling us that we will have proof that what is being said here is true. In modern
words it would be like God saying “I dare you to try and prove me wrong on this.”
This is fantastic for us because God is being very concrete about what is about to
be promised.

“pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive
it” - After tithing and meeting God's challenge we will receive a blessing larger
than we can hope for. The blessing will be vastly larger than the space required to
hold the tithes. By tithing we open ourselves up to abundant blessings many
times greater than what we are currently experiencing. As someone who is trying

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
to create biblical prosperity in their lives, this is probably the most important
verse in the Bible. We are challenged directly by God to prove this to be true.

Is God serious about tithing?

Malachai 3:10 strongly supports tithing. But was God really that serious? Yes,
God is really serious about tithing. Two verses earlier here is the language that
was used:

“Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have
we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.” Malachai 3:8

What do you think about this verse? The Bible tells us that we're robbing God by
not giving tithes and offerings. That is serious language. This verse is meant to
be a wake up call to let us know that tithing is a serious issue. It's not merely a
choice that we have. We need to tithe or else we're robbing God. It's not a smart
practice to rob God.

But if we do tithe, verse 11 gives us some additional benefits:

“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy
the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the
time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.” Malachai 3:11

If we do tithe we receive additional protection. We not only receive more

blessings than we can imagine (you will not have room enough to receive it), but
we also have protection against calamity.

This means that our money goes further. We may get better gas mileage. We
stumble on to better deals at the store. Our car doesn't break down as often. Our
food lasts longer. Our electric bill mysteriously goes down. Our money goes
further. Everything happens more efficiently in our lives as a result of following
the plan of tithing set out in verse 10.

Here's another verse that commands us to tithe:

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“Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth
forth year by year.” Deuteronmy 14:22

These numerous examples clearly tell us to God. It tells us that we rob God if we
don't tithe. And we are instructed to tithe throughout these 35+ verses that
mention tithing. There are also many other verses in the Bible that talk about
giving that can be applied to tithing as well.

In biblical times, people who tithed often received one hundredfold more
than what they had given. When they received their hundredfold, they
then gave 10 percent of that or more.

But what about the evidence “not to tithe?”

The Tithing Debate Settled

Many people claim that tithing is outdated. They claim that it's not necessary.
Let's look a little closer at this argument.

Even the people who don't believe in tithing accept the fact that in Malachai 3:10
God clearly tells us to tithe and that we are “robbing God” if we don't.

So how did it change from the Old Testament to the New Testament?

It didn't.

God was very clear about tithing in the Old Testament. Jesus never said “Don't
tithe” or “You can forget about tithing now that I'm here.” You won't find
anything against tithing in the New Testament. The Bible clearly tells us to tithe
and never tells us not to. Therefore we should tithe.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
It's really that simple. We are instructed to tithe and are never instructed not to.

End of story.

But in case you are wondering about prosperity in the New Testament, here are
some important verses that support prosperity”

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not
grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2
Corinthians 9:7

“Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he
became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.” 2 Corinthians

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in
health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 1:2

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to

God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

God wants us to prosper. Tithing is clearly linked with prosperity in the Bible. We
can be excited about the fact that we have a tool to use to get wealthy

Tithing Success Stories

Many extremely wealthy people that we know today actively tithe.

Oprah Winfrey is worth over $1 billion and last year she gave away over $300
million dollars.

Andrew Carnegie and John Rockefeller were the two richest men in the early 20th
century and both are famously known for tithing their income. John Rockefeller
tithed from his very first paycheck and required his children to tithe their income
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as well. The Rockefeller family is still one of the wealthiest families in America.

Ted Turner gave away half of his wealth (equaling billions of dollars) and removed
himself from the race for the richest man in the world.

Mark Victor Hansen created the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series. He said
the following about tithing “As a tither you automatically become solution-
oriented rather than problem-oriented.”

How to Tithe Properly

We can help to break the greed pattern by tithing, giving 10 percent of our
personal wealth. When we tithe, two levels are activated—a level here in this
world and, at the same time, a spiritual, invisible level.

The spiritual is a communication saying, "You are abundant and handle

abundance well, so here's some more."

The other level, in this world, is when we look at our abundance and contribute
joyfully through tithing. We are actually cheerful about it. This action sets up a
countenance that is a form of glory in the human being, and that glory attracts
more abundance.

When one person becomes free of materiality, it's like an infection going the other
way. Instead of greed affecting honest people, honest people start affecting the
greedy. You let go and give to God, joyfully and unconditionally.

It's simple to tithe: you just give back 10 % of your material possessions
without feeling of attachment. It's done for the joy of giving. When you lovingly
donate in this way, the abundance starts to come to you in many ways.

It's also important to have an intention that you will receive an increase on the
tithe that you are given. We are instructed to prove God's ability to bless us in
Malachai 3:10.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
How much of an increase can we expect?

If we tithe 1/10 of our income, we should at least expect a return 10 times

greater than our tithe. This will allow us to keep tithing. We are instructed to tithe
because if we are allowing 10% of our income to flow to God's work, God will
allow more money to flow through us so that more of God's work can be

Tithing is a form of money sowing. Sowing money will be explained in more detail
in the next chapter, but when something is sown we get a multiplied return.
When Issac followed God's instruction he reaped a hundredfold:

“Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an
hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him.” Genesis 26:12

There are a few places where a hundredfold is mentioned in the Bible. So when
we tithe, we can expect to get a hundredfold increase. It's important that when
we tithe we expect that God will provide us with a hundredfold return.

The Bible also mentions that we need to give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7). By
expecting a hundredfold return we can maintain a cheerful demeanor and allow
God to prove the ability to bless us bountifully.

Gross or Net?

A big debate about tithing is about giving gross or net. This is a debate because
there was no such thing as gross or net in the Bible. Gross and net are modern

Gross income refers to the amount of money you are technically paid, before
taxes are taken out.

Net income refers to the money you actually get in your hands, after taxes.

It's important to tithe all of the money that comes in to us. Since most of us have
taxes taken out of our paychecks, we should tithe based on the amount of money
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we get.

When asked about paying taxes, Jesus says:

“Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto
God the things that are God's.” Matthew 22:21

We are told to pay our taxes. We are told to give 1/10 of everything that we get
in income. We never see the money paid in taxes. By tithing on our net income,
we are fulfilling God's instruction to tithe the income we receive.

What if you believe tithes should be based on gross?

Some people still believe in tithing their gross pay. Gross income is larger than
net income because it's the pre-tax income. If you tithe based on gross income,
you are giving more. Tithing on gross income will create greater prosperity
because you are giving more money (sowing a greater seed).

It's important that you tithe based on your beliefs. There is no proof one way or
another in the Bible about gross or net income. Just be consistent in tithing what
you think is the right amount and you'll be blessed accordingly.

If you believe in tithing net income, you'll still be blessed. Don't feel that you
must tithe gross income unless you feel that it's the right thing to do.

Chapter 5: Sowing Money Seeds

The Bible talks a lot about sowing and reaping. The Bible mentions sowing and
reaping over 70 times. But what does the “sowing and reaping” analogy mean
for us in modern times?

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
One of the best prosperity verses in the
Bible talks about sowing and reaping:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked:

for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7

Notice how this verse does not give any

exceptions? The verse deliberately says
“whatever a man soweth.” This means
EVERYTHING! This verse can be
paraphrased in our modern way of talking
to mean “You will reap EVERYTHING
you sow because God says so.”

Sowing refers to “planting a seed.” In nature a seed is just a tiny fraction of the
size of the plant that the seed will grow into.

Planting a seed is an excellent analogy for everyone to understand because we

intuitively understand

Here are a few brief facts that you already know about planting a seed:
• You Get What You Plant – An apple seed produces an apple tree. A
tomato seed produces a tomato plant. Grass seed produces grass. You will
never get a rose bush by planting a grapefruit seed.
• You Get A Lot More Than You Plant – If you plant one tiny little seed,
you will get a tree that produces many pieces of fruit, which all have seeds
in them. For example, one apple can have up to 20 seeds. If you plant just
ONE APPLE SEED, you will get a tree that may produce hundreds of apples,
each with many seeds of their own.
• The More You Plant The More You Get – If you plant one seed you will
get one plant. If you plant 100 seeds you will get 100 plants. If you plant
1,000 seeds you will get 1,000 plants. The more seeds you plant the more
fruit you will produce.
• It Takes Time – Every seed has a natural time that it takes to grow. You
need to be patient while the plant grows. An apple seed will take about 4
years to bear fruit. A papaya seed will produce fruit within 12 months.
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Pineapple Guava can take more than 10 years to bear it's fruit.
• Nature Takes Over – After you plant the seed, nature does the rest. Of
course you may strengthen the harvest with fertilizer and water, but nature
is responsible for delivering the result. Once the seed is planted nature does
the bulk of the work.
• Nobody Understands How – The most brilliant scientific minds do not
know why a seed grows into a plant. They know about DNA being a type of
code, but nobody knows why this creates a living plant. The fact that
nobody understands how or why a seed grows into a plant does not stop
people all over the world from successfully planting crops.

The Bible tells us that whatever we sow we shall reap. The language of “be not
deceived, God is not mocked” tells us that this is an absolute truth with ZERO
exceptions. We all reap everything we sow, even if it temporarily appears that
we haven't reaped it all yet.

But How Can We Use This Fact To Create Greater Prosperity?

We need to sow money in order to reap money. The Bible strongly guarantees
that we will reap whatever we sow, so by sowing money we will reap money. God
guarantees this and will be more than happy to prove it to us.

Let's look at our facts about planting seeds as it pertains to money:

• You Get What You Plant – An apple seed produces an apple tree. A
money seed produces a money source. This is an absolute law of nature.
• You Get A Lot More Than You Plant – By sowing money as a seed you
get back a lot more than what you plant. The Bible mentions a tenfold,
thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and a hundredfold increase in various passages when
talking about sowing and reaping (see the section “Is God Serious About
Tithing” for more information about this). The reason for the different
amounts of increase is never explicitly explained, but this variation is
natural just as any plant in nature will have slightly different amounts of
fruit it produces.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
• The More You Plant The More You Get – If you plant one seed you will
get one plant. If you sow $1 you will reap “$1 worth” of wealth. If you sow
$100 you will reap “$100 worth” of wealth. If you sow $1,000 you will reap
“$1,000 worth” of wealth. The more you sow the more you reap.
• It Takes Time – Every seed has a natural time that it takes to grow.
Depending on the circumstances around your money planting, you will have
to wait some length of time. The good news is that money moves a lot
faster than planting actual plants. Money can manifest itself almost
immediately, or it can take several weeks or months.
• Nature Takes Over – After you plant the seed, nature does the rest. When
you sow money the natural laws of money created by God takes over. Of
course you may strengthen the harvest with fertilizer (prayer) and water
(faith), but God is responsible for delivering the result.
• Nobody Understands How – The most brilliant scientific minds do not
know why a seed grows into a plant. Nobody understand how money
spiritually multiplies when you sow it properly. Not knowing “how” or “why”
sowing money multiplies it does not prevent you from reaping the benefits.
Don't let the fact that you don't understand stop you from generating
prosperity. Nobody knows why this works, we simply know that it does.

In the Bible Prosperity Plan, you'll receive a fool-proof way to know with
100% certainty that sowing money produces more money. You'll have
complete proof that it works, but you still won't know why (KEEP

What does sowing have to do with tithing?

Giving Beyond Tithing

Tithing is a form of sowing. God tells us to tithe because we will benefit from the
law of “sowing and reaping” automatically by tithing. Tithing is where we sow
money (by giving it away) and reap more money through divine channels.

Tithing (giving away 10% of your income to God) is the minimum amount of
money we are instructed to sow in the Bible.

But what if we want to reap more?

If you want to reap more, just sow more.
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If you want more financial abundance you need to sow more money. By giving
more money away to God you are planting more “money seeds.” By giving to
different sources (all dedicated to God), you will reap some benefits faster and
some larger than others.

By sowing many different money seeds consistently over time you will start to get
a harvest on an almost daily basis. The flow of money coming in to you will speed
up as you give more.

God wants to use us to do divine work. By allowing money to pass through our
hands and to help other people, more money will flow to us.

It's a great deal! God allows a growing supply of money to flow to us and we get
to keep 50-90% of it!

Seeding money is a guaranteed surefire way to get an amazing return on your

financial seed. With your money going to God you will receive a return on your
investment far greater than any other type of investment.

How to Seed Money

Seeding money is a fairly simple process that comes straight out of the Bible.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
When you sow a money seed, you will use this
important fact from the Bible:

“But other fell into good ground, and

brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold,
some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.”
Matthew 13:8

This verse tells us that the seeds we sow will

produce any where from 30, 60 or even 100
times the amount we sow. The words
hundredfold, sixtyfold, and thirtyfold mean
100 times, 60 times and 30 times

How Much Do We Need To Sow?

How much we sow depends on how much we need.

Since we control how much we sow it's up to us to decide how much we want to

The Bible tells us that we will reap 30, 60 or 100 times the amount we sow. This
means that we can easily calculate how much we need to sow in order to receive

Let's look at a few examples to make this more clear:

Sowing Example 1: Let's suppose you want a new car. Imagine that the car you
want sells for $30,000. How much do we need to sow to get $30,000 for a car?

Sowing Answer 1: Since the Bible tells us that we will receive 30, 60 or 100
times the amount we sow, we need to sow 1/30, 1/60 or 1/100 of the amount we
wish to reap. It's important to note that we don't know if we will reap 30, 60 or
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100 times the amount we sow. Let's do the math:

• $30,000 * 1/30 (reap 30 times) = $1,000

• $30,000 * 1/60 (reap 60 times) = $500
• $30,000 * 1/100 (reap 100 times) = $300

We need to sow between $300 and $1,000 to receive the $30,000 to buy the car.
If we wanted to be cautious, we should sow the full $1,000 because we are
guaranteed at least a thirtyfold return on the money we sow. It's possible that
$300 will be enough, but if $300 reaped only a thirtyfold return then we would
only receive $9,000 (30 * $300 = $9,000).

Sowing Example 2: Let's suppose you want a new house. Imagine that the
house you want costs $210,000. How much do we need to sow to get $210,000
for the house?

Sowing Answer 2: Since the Bible tells us that we will receive 30, 60 or 100
times the amount we sow, we need to sow 1/30, 1/60 or 1/100 of the amount we
wish to reap. It's important to note that we don't know if we will reap 30, 60 or
100 times the amount we sow. Let's do the math:

• $210,000 * 1/30 (reap 30 times) = $7,000

• $210,000 * 1/60 (reap 60 times) = $3,500
• $210,000 * 1/100 (reap 100 times) = $2,100

We need to sow between $2,100 and $7,000 to receive the $210,000 to buy the
house. If we wanted to be cautious, we should sow the full $7,000 because we
are guaranteed at least a thirtyfold return on the money we sow. It's possible
that $2,100 will be enough, but if $2,100 reaped only a thirtyfold return then we
would only receive $63,000 (30 * $2,100 = $63,000).

Sowing Example 3: Let's suppose you want a new computer. Imagine that the
computer you want costs $900. How much do we need to sow to get $900 for
the computer?

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Sowing Answer 3: Since the Bible tells us that we will receive 30, 60 or 100
times the amount we sow, we need to sow 1/30, 1/60 or 1/100 of the amount we
wish to reap. It's important to note that we don't know if we will reap 30, 60 or
100 times the amount we sow. Let's do the math:

• $900 * 1/30 (reap 30 times) = $30

• $900 * 1/60 (reap 60 times) = $15
• $900 * 1/100 (reap 100 times) = $9

We need to sow between $9 and $30 to receive the $900 to buy the computer. If
we wanted to be cautious, we should sow the full $30 because we are guaranteed
at least a thirtyfold return on the money we sow. It's possible that $9 will be
enough, but if $9 reaped only a thirtyfold return then we would only receive $270
(30 * $9 = $270).

The math is easy when it comes to sowing money. The time limit is not known,
but we must remember our verse:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7

Sowing Successfully

There is a formula for successful sowing. Giving away money alone is not sowing
it. The money needs to be set aside for a specific purpose. People spend money
all the time and go broke. Why do they go broke? They are simply spending it,
not sowing it.

The Four Step Sowing Process

The following four steps will help you sow your money so that you reap according
to the Bible's promises. Be sure to follow each step and you're guaranteed to
reap according to what you sow. The following steps are meant to be followed in
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1) Declare a Purpose For the Seed – Giving away money alone does not
guarantee a multiplied return. People give away money all of the time
without getting it back. By declaring to God what the money is being
planted for, you are giving God the opportunity to prove the promises in the
Bible to you. Before you give the money to God, declare the purpose of why
you are giving the money to God and what you expect in return for the
money. This turns the money into a seed. Without a purpose the money
may still do good but the return to you will be unclear. It's a good practice
to write this down, which is why the final chapter of the Bible Prosperity
Plan gives you an exact way to record your planted seeds and track which
ones you have reaped. The final part of declaring the purpose of the seed
is prayer. Prayer allows you to declare the purpose. Asking God to deliver
based on the purpose you've declared for the seed is what sets the
2) Give the Money to God – Since God is not a person you can hand money
to you need to give the money to a person that you believe God wants you
to give it to. The important thing is that you give the money to another
person as a representative of God. Make sure you do this for unselfish
reasons without expecting anything in return from that person. This can be
in the form of any of the following:
a) Your Local Church.
b) A person who you receive spiritual guidance from.
c) A person in need that needs a blessing from God.
d) Whoever you think will do the most good on the planet with the money
you give.
e) A random stranger that happens to come across you at the moment you
have money to give through Divine orchestration.
f) All of the above.
3) Have Faith that the Seed is Growing – Maintaining faith that the seed
you planted is growing and coming back to you multiplied is like adding
fertilizer to the soil. The process accelerates the more faith you have that
your planted seed will become a harvested fruit. Your faith will increase
when you start tracking your progress and having physical written proof
that you have reaped what you have sown.
4) Wait to Reap – Every seed takes time to germinate. The time is different

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
for every seed. We need to have patience and know that God is working on
delivering the harvest in perfect timing. You won't receive the harvest until
everything fits perfectly into God's plans. While you are waiting know that
the Divine Creator of the Universe is bringing together an infinite series of
events to bring your harvest to you.

The four step sowing process is guaranteed to work if you follow it. If you follow
this process it will absolutely work every time. Since we don't know how long it
will take to reap you are encouraged to sow many seeds.

Do you notice how the four step sowing formula also contains the “Ask,
Believe, Receive” formula for getting what you want? It's the same
process applied to sowing and reaping money.

As you see your seeds starts to blossom and you start to harvest more and more
fruit your faith will increase and the sowing process will speed up for you.

Just because you don't know how long it will take to reap doesn't mean that it will
take a long time. God can work miracles instantaneously and if you sow several
times you are likely to experience lightning-fast results on many occasions.

Note About Reaping

Many times we will receive the fruit of what we've sown but we won't notice it.
Often we will receive what we've asked for but we won't recognize it when it
comes to us.

We may sow $1,000 for a new house and we may reap $100,000 over the next
few years. The money won't necessarily come all at once, but we still receive the
extra $100,000. If we don't carefully manage our money we could end up
spending the $100,000 extra we received and never realize that it passed through
our hands.

To deal with this we need to do some “spiritual accounting.” Spiritual Accounting

allows us to be better stewards with the money God has given us. It also allows
us to prove that God has honored the promises in the Bible. By seeing proof that
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God delivers as promised our faith grows and our ability to prosper increases.

Spiritual Accounting will be discussed in more detail in the final chapter of this
book (the actual Bible Prosperity Plan). Spiritual Accounting helps us to actually
get what we're asking for and make sure that we don't do anything stupid to
screw up our blessings.

Chapter 6: What Do You Want?

One of my favorite Bible verses is from Psalms:

“Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of
thine heart.” Psalm 37:4

What's great about this verse is that it is very simple. It tells us to delight
ourselves in the LORD and we'll receive the desires of our heart.

Pretty Cool, huh?

It's actually AWESOME!

So how do we get the good stuff from this verse? All we have to do is delight
ourself in the LORD and we get all the good stuff that we want.

How do we delight ourself in the LORD?

• Do what God wants us to do (follow what we're told to do in the Bible).

• Be thankful and show appreciation for everything God does for us (which
includes everything we have & experience in this world.)
• Enjoy praying to God consistently.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
• Be excited about the fact that God loves us and wants to give us everything
we want.

The language is clear “delight thyself.” This means that we are supposed to
enjoy interacting with God. It's not supposed to be a miserable experience. If
you're experiencing any misery or lack by following God's plan, you're probably
following advice that isn't coming from God.

It shouldn't be hard for us to delight ourselves in the LORD. In the next chapter,
you will see how the Bible Prosperity Plan helps you delight yourself in the LORD
because you will actually see the things God gives you.

When you see proof that God will give you what you want it's very easy to be

Haven't you always been delighted when you got what you wanted?

Considerate Requesting

You're about to learn a step by step system that will allow you to get whatever
you want in harmony with God's divine plan.

Think about this for a minute...

You can get whatever you want...

Imagine that this was true for just a moment...

It baffles the mind to think about having whatever you want.

If you can have whatever you want, the next question that comes to mind is:

“What Do I Want?”
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Getting what you want will not solve any of your problems. The truth is that as
soon as you get what you want you'll want something else. This is human nature.

We like to live our lives thinking that the next accomplishment, possession, or
experience will satisfy us completely. It's only going to be a matter of time
before we want something else.

This does not mean that we can't have what we want. It doesn't mean we
shouldn't strive for things. We're entitled to get what we want. God will gladly
give it to us.

But here's something that we need to be careful of:

It Takes a Commitment!

There's that awful “C Word.” Commitment is something we try to avoid as often

as possible. I personally resist commitment as much as I possibly can (without
sacrificing what I want).

Have no fear, the commitment is fairly easy. It's important to understand that
when we desire something it takes a commitment on our part to receive it.

Yes, God will give it to us.

So What Do We Need To Be Careful Of?

When we ask God for something we are making a commitment with God. There
are 272 times that God made a commitment with people in the Bible. The word
“covenant” is used 272 times. A covenant is another word for commitment.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
God is in the business of making deals with people. God will give us what we ask
for. This is an amazing thing to be grateful for.

But a little wisdom is required.

We don't just want to randomly ask God for things that we don't seriously want.
It's not that God can't or won't provide these things. For us it's a waste of our
energy to ask for things we don't truly want.

When you ask God for something you have a commitment. You need to “prove
God” and see that your request is fulfilled. If you don't honor your commitment,
you may not see that God has delivered what you asked for.

Additionally if you misuse what you receive from God and don't use it for good,
it's a rude thing to do to God.

Imagine being a parent and your kid asks you for a bike for their birthday. You go
out and buy the exact bike they want and have it wrapped with a nice bow when
they wake up on their birthday morning.

Now imagine that they ride the bike twice and then leave it out in the rain so it
gets all rusted and dirty before it finally gets stolen due to the fact that they
didn't protect the bike.

Would this frustrate you?

The next time your kid asks for something, would you want to make sure they
really want it?

Of course you would!

You would forgive your children for not taking care of the bike. You would still
give them other gifts in the future. But you'd probably be more generous and
faster to accommodate your kids if you KNOW that they'll take care of what you
give them.
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The issue is not that God won't give us other things we want in the future. We
should be concerned with managing what we receive properly. When we ask for
something from God we want to do so responsibly so we reap the best benefits.

We should at least be as courteous to God as we would be to another


It's our responsibility to acknowledge that our requests have been delivered. We
do this through having a system that I call “Spiritual Accounting.” The Bible
Prosperity Plan will help you manage all of your requests to God systematically
and help God get the credit for delivering the results.

It's important for our own faith that we see that our prayers are answered. We
often pray for something and then forget we prayed for it. Later we receive what
we prayed for, but we forget that God answered the prayer.

When we ask God for something, we need to honor our commitment by:

• Giving God Credit For Every Success

• Use Our Gifts Responsibly
• Be Grateful For What We Receive
• Have Faith That Unanswered Prayers Are Being Answered Soon

We need to be good stewards of what we're entrusted with. More about

stewardship and “spiritual accounting” will be discussed in the next chapter.

There's a famous saying that you have probably heard “Be careful what you
ask for, you just might get it...” We want to make sure we are asking for
things we truly want so we save ourselves time and energy.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Saving Energy

God will give us what we ask for. We are still spending time and energy in the

• When we ask God for it we are using our energy.

• When we are expecting to receive it from God we are using energy.
• If we take the money God gives us and purchase it we are using time and
energy to do so.

The time and energy we spend on asking, believing and receiving (remember the
three step process that Jesus taught us?) could be used for other things.

If we use our time and energy & God's time and energy on things that aren't
really important to us then we are taking longer to reach our goals.

Deciding What's Important

We get where we want to be a lot faster and be a lot happier if we take the time
to decide what we really want.

Most people want money. They think “If I only had a million dollars...

• then I'd be happy

• then I could do what I want
• then I'd know what I want
• then I could find my purpose

The truth is that money alone won't help you with any of these things. Money is
simply a means to doing what you want. Money is not the only way to get what
you want. Someone could give you what you want. God could provide it in other
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When you really get serious and decide what you would like to do in this world
you will often find that it costs less money than you thought you needed.

Once you know what you really want, money will help you to get it. Asking for
money just to have money is pointless. Money does not do anything by itself.
Knowing what the purpose is for the money you want will help you get what you
want faster.

It's also important that you be open to God delivering what you want in other
ways. You may want to live in Hawaii. If you ask God to live in Hawaii, you may
get an opportunity to be someone's roommate for free. You might not get the
money to go. Someone could buy you a ticket. If your goal is to live in Hawaii it
doesn't matter if you have the money if someone is willing to give it to you for

All that should matter is that God delivers what you ask for.

God will give you money if money is what you ask for. If you don't have a
purpose for the money, then you'll probably just waste it and eventually you
might not have any more money.

Having a purpose for your money and then using the money you receive to fulfill
that purpose is an important concept for you to grasp.

Only YOU know what it is that you really want.

All everyone wants in life is one thing:

To Be Happy!

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Different things make different people happy. Some people love to watch football.
Other people would be very unhappy if they had to watch a single football game
for 3 hours.

God has given us all different desires and tastes. We all need different things to
be happy.

There are a few general things that we all want:

• A stable & safe place to live.

• Plenty of food and water.
• Healthy relationships with friends, relatives and romance.
• To feel loved appreciated by other people.
• To do the things that bring us joy.
• To be around other happy people.

This is not a complete list but it should trigger some ideas. We all have different
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tastes about what types of environments we want to be in, flavors we want to

taste, and people we want to be around. The needs are essentially the same.

You're almost ready to discover the Bible Prosperity Plan to help you achieve your
financial goals based on solid Bible teachings.

Before going further, please take 15-30 minutes to write down all of the things
you want financially before you start following the Bible Prosperity Plan. This plan
will also work for things like “Good Health” , “Loving Relationships” , “Inner
Peace” and all other things you desire.

Be complete when writing down your desires. Do not edit anything because you
think it is impossible. You are about to receive the magic key to unlocking
anything you want in life. Pretend you have 1 Billion dollars to spend when
making your list (you actually have access to God's infinite bank account!)

Did you create your “wish list?”

Few people ever take the time to create a list of everything they want in life. Be
different. Spend a few minutes and write down everything you want before
reading the next chapter.

Your list does not need to be 100% complete. You will be able to add new things
to your list at any time. The Bible Prosperity Plan is completely flexible. As time
goes by you will be able to ask for new things as you experience new desires.

Helping Other People

What happens after you get everything you want for yourself?

What comes next?

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
The goal should be to use the majority of our money to help other people live
abundantly. This doesn't mean we have to sacrifice anything required to make
ourselves happy.

True wealth and abundance allows you to help other people.

Think about prosperity from God's perspective. God wants us all to be happy. God
doesn't favor one person over another. We are all created from the same perfect
plan that God has for the world.

Imagine a parent with many different children. It makes the parent happy to see
all of the children doing well, getting along with each other, and sharing with each

God's viewpoint is similar to a parent with many children. God wants to deliver
the maximum benefit to as many people as possible. When you use what God has
given you to help other people then a channel can open up for more to come your

Many people make the mistake of wanting to give everything they have away to
help other people. We are also responsible for our own well being to a certain
extent. If God provides you with your needs, go ahead and enjoy the blessings
you've received.

The Bible has a built in plan to help other people. The reason why we must tithe
according to the Bible is so we automatically help other people. Our tithes go to
other people so we help people as we move forward in life.

Helping other people is something we do along the way through our tithes and
planting seeds. Our end goal once we have our ideal lifestyle is to help other
people enjoy their lives as well.

Helping other people makes us feel good as well. Since our end goal is to help as
many people as possible, it would be wise to look at our desires and have as
much of our energy as possible devoted to helping other people.

Don't go overboard and neglect your own needs. God is fully capable of providing
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for you and other people at the same time. Helping people is where we make the
most difference in the world.

Another way to help people is to share the facts about prosperity in the Bible with
people you know and love. The false teachings that you are supposed to be poor
and experience lack and limitation is still deeply rooted in the consciousness of
BILLIONS of people in the world.

Having an intention to help other people will help you reach your own personal
goals faster. By participating in God's desire to provide good things for all people
in the world you get to experience accelerated results.

Chapter 7: The Bible Prosperity Plan

Now you're ready for the exact plan to follow to create unlimited prosperity for
yourself and your family. You can use this plan to help as many people as you
like. Whenever you get a desire for something – simply implement the plan.

This plan is simple. When you learn how simple it is, it will seem too simple. The
only hard thing about it is sticking with it. If you stick with it for a little while you
will see amazing results and you'll be encouraged to continue with the plan.

There are just a few more things that you need to understand before it's time for
you to implement the Bible Prosperity Plan.


Using the resources correctly that God gives us is important. The Bible talks
about stewardship in numerous verses.

Stewards in the Bible are people who are in charge of money or a large amount of
possessions. Since stewards were placed in charge of large amounts of wealth,
they needed to be trusted.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Stewards were expected to make wise use of the money they were trusted with.
It's important for us to be wise and faithful stewards of what God gives us.

An important verse that talks about stewardship is found in the book of Luke:

“And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his
lord shall make ruler over his household...” Luke 12:42

The significance of this is that if you are a “wise and faithful steward,” the LORD
will make you a ruler over his household.

If we use what we receive in a wise and faithful way, we will be trusted with more
stuff to manage.

Being a good steward requires:

• Using your resources for the purpose you asked them for
• Doing as much good as possible with what you receive
• Knowing exactly what resources you have and where they come from

The Bible often refers to stewards as people who are in charge of a wealthy
person's household.

Imagine that you are the steward of a rich person's house and possessions.

If you were in charge of someone's money and household, you would have to be
ready to answer any questions they have about their affairs with a moment's
notice. If it was your job to manage someone's material assets you would have
to constantly know:

• How much money they have

• How much money they owe
• Where new money is coming from
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• How much money was spent this week, month or year

• Any expenses that will be coming soon
• Any surprise amounts of excess money coming in
• Everything that needs to be fixed
• Everything that has been replaced

To be a good steward you would have to know the answers to these questions
very quickly. If you couldn't answer these questions, you would lose your job as a
steward and your boss would hire someone else.

While we may not be stewards of another person's money, we are in charge of

our own finances. God won't expand our abundance unless we demonstrate that
we can handle the extra money.

God wants to see the resources given to you go to the appropriate use. If you ask
for money for a new car and then spend the money on beer, then you have
basically dishonored your agreement with God.

To make sure we're good stewards of our money we need a plan to systematically
keep track of the money God gives us. By keeping a simple record of what we ask
for and what we receive we can ensure that we're using the resources that God
gives us for the intended purpose.

To do this we need a form of “spiritual accounting.”

Spiritual Accounting

The Bible talks about giving “an account.” For us to do this, we need a way to
track our account. We need a form of accounting.

Before going any further, let's look at some verses from the Bible that further
explain the necessity for accounting and stewardship:

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
“And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee?
give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer
steward.” Luke 16:2

“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans

“...I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” Phillipians 4:17

In the first two verses mentioned above, it tells us that we are going to have to
give an account of our stewardship to God. If we need to give an account, we
need to have our account straight. God's telling us that it's not good enough to
not know where our account stands.

The third verse explains that God wants fruit to be added to our account. Since
we need to track our account for fruit to be added to it we need a form of

The Bible does not explicitly tell us the exact format for our account. As long as
we know where our account stands at any given time, the format is not
completely important.

The Bible Prosperity Plan includes a form of spiritual accounting for you to know
exactly where your finances are in relation to what you're asking God to do in
your life.

The Bible Prosperity Plan has been created so it's simple & fun to use. The best
part about it is that you will have a written and proven record of all of your
requests to God. You will then see an exact trail from God as new blessings flow
to you.

Spiritual Accounting consists of Request Tracking and Money Management.

The power of using this system is that you are fulfilling what the Bible says about
prosperity in an automatic way. You don't have to think about it, it becomes
completely automatic!!!
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Request Tracking

Jesus gave us the request formula in Mark 11:24 of “Ask, Believe, Receive.”

We also have to be good stewards through “Spiritual Accounting.”

The following process allows us to methodically make our requests to God and to
track our results. God tells us in Malachi to “prove me now herewith.” The
process of Request Tracking allows us to satisfy the biblical requirements
outlined in the Bible and explained in this book.

Request Tracking Notebook:

You will need to get a notebook for Request Tracking. It's important that you
write down your requests so that you can track them. Get a notebook that you
will use exclusively for Request Tracking purposes. This way all of your
requests will be recorded in one place so you can refer to them at any time.

Step One:

The first step in Request Tracking is to create 5 different sections of your


©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
1. Short Term Requests
2. Intermediate Term
3. Long Term Requests
4. Seeds Planted
5. Answered Requests

Separate your notebook into these

five sections. You will use these
sections track your requests.

Step Two:

The second step in Request Tracking is to

determine what you want to ask for. In
chapter 6, you created a list of things that you
desire. Take some time now and add to that
list (or create a list of things you want to ask
God for now).

It's not important that your list is 100%

complete right now. As you think of new
things you want to request, you will add them
as you go.

Step Three:

The next step in Request Tracking is to sort your requests into three
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1. Short Term Requests – Costs less

than 1 month salary
2. Intermediate Term Requests – Costs
between 1 and 6 months salary
3. Long Term Requests– Costs more
than 6 months salary

Go down the list and put a #1 next to any

request that costs less than 1 months salary.
If the item you're requesting costs between 1
month and 6 months salary, put a #2 next to
them item. If the item costs more than 6
months salary, put a #3 next to it.

After categorizing your requests:

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
• Write down all #1's in the
Short Term Request
Section of Your Request
Tracking Notebook
• Write down all #2's in the
Intermediate Term
Request Section of Your
Request Tracking
• Write down all #3's in the
Long Term Request
Section of Your Request
Tracking Notebook

These requests can be anything

you like. Be specific.

Step Four:

Plant a money seed valued between 1/100th and 1/30th of what the item costs.
Chapter 5 explains how to plant money seeds.

Planting a money seed requires four things (see chapter 5 for a full explanation):

• Declare a Purpose For the Seed – When you declare the purpose for the
seed you will write the purpose and the amount of the seed in the Seeds
Planted section of your Request Tracking Notebook. By writing the
request in the book, you are actually making a written prayer to God. You
should also include this prayer to God as a silent prayer as well.
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• Give the Money to God – this is in the form of giving it to your church,
spiritual guide, person in need, someone who will do a lot of good, or a
random stranger.
• Have Faith that the Seed is Growing – You will maintain faith that your
seed is growing and producing the fruit after it is written in your Request
Tracking Notebook. By following the rest of the Bible Prosperity Plan,
you will be maintaining your faith automatically.
• Wait to Reap – During the waiting process you will be making other
requests to God and seeing other seeds be reaped. You will also see money
accumulate towards your reaping in the Money Management section below.

Here are the steps for you to follow when planting your money seed:

1. Pick a Request (short, intermediate or long term).

2. Find the Value of what it would cost to buy it.
3. Set Aside between 1/100th and 1/30th of the value aside.
4. Pray to God for help turning your seed into the purpose that you've
declared for the seed (i.e. ask god to give you what you've given the seed
5. Give the Money to someone according to the money seed planting
6. Write down the amount of money and the purpose of the seed in the
Seeds Planted section of your notebook.
7. Put a * next to the request where it was originally written (in the short,
intermediate or long term request sections).

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Step Five:

When you follow the Money Management System in the next section of this
book, you will start to accumulate money towards the purchase of your short,
intermediate and long term requests.

You may have the requests satisfied without money. Someone could give you
what you've planted the seed for. It may come to you in other ways.

Money will start to accumulate towards your requests. You will have three piles of
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• Short Term Received Requests

• Intermediate Term Received Requests
• Long Term Received Requests

When you have enough money in one of these piles to purchase an item
from that category, you go out and buy it!

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Step Six:

After buying the item from your received request fund (this will be fully explained
in the section on Money Management), your next step is to write down the fact
that you received the answer to your prayer in the Answered Requests section
of your Request Tracking Notebook.

You'll also want to put a big check mark next to the other two times you've
written about the request. Go back and find the requests in the Short Term
Requests, Intermediate Term Requests, Long Term Requests, and Seeds
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Planted categories of your Request Tracking Notebook. Put a BIG FAT

CHECKMARK next to your fulfilled request.


You now have written proof that God delivered on the requests that you've made.
As you go through this process you will see proof of your prayers being answered.
You'll be amazed at how fast some things happen. As you wait for some requests
to come in, you'll have fun seeing other ones be fulfilled.

To channel the money that you receive into fulfilling you're requests, you need to
follow a money management system. The money management system is part of
the Spiritual Accounting process.

Money Management

The second important part of Spiritual Accounting is money management. If we

don't manage our money properly, we waste it. Committing to managing your
money is a covenant that God will honor.

Through faith you honor your commitment to God by continuing to manage your
money. Without proper money management, you seriously block prosperity from
coming to you.

By following proper money management rules you allow more good to flow to
you. You also ensure that the gifts you ask for from God are used appropriately.

The system is important because it takes you out of the equation. The reason
why you don't have the abundance you seek is because you don't stick with your
plan long enough for it to work. If you keep changing your mind, you sabotage
yourself without knowing it.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
The system you are about to learn for managing money comes from what
millionaires do to manage their money. It's a simple system with simple rules.

The rules are simple so you can follow them.

Do not alter of modify these rules. These are rules that you absolutely must
follow, or you won't get the benefits.

Here's the money management system that millionaires use for growing their

Money Management Rule #1: Segregate Your Income Before Spending

DIFFERENT PURPOSES. This means that EVERY time you get ANY money, you
need to separate it into different “piles” for different purposes.

These money “piles” ensure that you get all of your important needs provided for.
The money piles will also ensure that you tithe and seed your money
appropriately (failing to do so blocks your prosperity).

For your basic income (the paycheck you get at your job), follow this money
management system:

Here are the “piles” you need:

• 10% - Tithe – 10% of your income goes to your church, or someone who
has helped you spiritually grow.
• 10% - Emergencies – this is your savings for a rainy day. Feel free to use
this for legitimate emergencies. Only spend it when you really need to.
Spend this account before going into further debt.
• 1% - Long Term Seeding – this money is used to pray for things you
desire as long term requests. You'll actually be spending the money on the
things you pray for as a “long term received request.”
• 1% - Intermediate Term Seeding – this money is used to pray for
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things you desire as intermediate term requests. You'll actually be spending

the money on the things you pray for as a “intermediate term received
• 1% - Short Term Seeding – this money is used to pray for things you
desire as short term requests. You'll actually be spending the money on the
things you pray for as a “short term received request.”
• 5% - Long Term Received Requests – this money can be used to buy
anything that you've prayed for as a long term request.
• 3% - Intermediate Term Received Requests – this money can be used
to buy anything that you've prayed for as an intermediate term request.
• 2% - Short Term Received Requests – this money can be used to buy
anything that you've prayed for as a short term request.
• 67% - Necessities – These are your basic living expenses. You spend this
on food, rent, car insurance, clothing, etc...

For each of these “piles” you need to create an account. This can be a simple
envelope, or it can be an actual bank account.

The important rule is that you segregate your money as soon as you get paid.
You aren't allowed to deposit a check unless you segregate money out for these

Notice that the “seeding” pile is variable. You can choose to seed 1% or more
depending on your needs. I recommend you “seed” a minimum of 1% of your
income because it will produce a 30-100 fold increase. This means that the little
1% will turn into 30%-100% more money for you, which will allow you to plant
more seed money, which will grow your income more, and so on...

As your income grows you may choose to double or triple up on your seeding.
Once your income grows significantly enough to do this, feel free to increase your

Money Management Rule #2: Segregate Miracle Money

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
When you receive your basic income, you will segregate that money according to
Money Management Rule #1.

Miracle Money will be segregated differently because it comes to you differently.

What is miracle money?

Money that comes to you miraculously and unpredictably is called miracle


Miracle Money is for a different purpose. Money that comes to you suddenly is
God answering your requests for the things that you are planting money seeds

What are some sources of miracle money?

• If someone gives you money

• A tax refund
• Someone who owes you money that you forgot about
• If you find money
• If you win a raffle or lottery
• If someone pays you extra money to do a one-time job
• Any money that isn't part of your regular job's salary

All money that you receive as extra that isn't part of your regular salary is
miracle money.

Miracle Money should be segregated into these piles:

• 10% - Tithe – Since this is new money coming in, you still need to tithe it.
• 20% - Emergencies – Since the money came to you unexpectedly, it
could be God's way of helping you with your emergency fund.
• 5% - Long Term Seeding – the amount of money you will reserve for
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long term requests (see the Request Tracking section).

• 3% - Intermediate Term Seeding – the amount of money you will
reserve for intermediate term requests (see the Request Tracking section).
• 2% - Short Term Seeding the amount of money you will reserve for short
term requests (see the Request Tracking section).
• 15% - Long Term Received Requests – Because your praying for
specific purposes, more money contributes to your requests being
• 10% - Intermediate Term Received Requests – Because your praying
for specific purposes, more money contributes to your requests being
• 5% - Short Term Received Requests – Because your praying for specific
purposes, more money contributes to your requests being answered.
• 30% - Necessities – Some miracle money should still go to your basic
necessities. This way your basic life still benefits from extra miracle money.
It's important not to give more than 30% for necessities because miracle
money is not intended for you to just spend on your life frivolously.

The reason for this different breakdown of money is to help you get what you
request more quickly.

You have the option of taking the 30% from necessities and putting it into any of
the other categories. You can choose to give less to necessities and more to
seeding, received requests, or emergencies if you would like to. Don't give
anything less to any of the other categories.

If you add more money to seeding, make sure you add in the same proportions to
short, intermediate and long term as listed above. If you take 10% out of
necessities, then add 5% to long term, 3% to intermediate term, and 2% to short
term. This would give you 10% in long term, 6% in intermediate term, and 4% in
short term seeding.

Money Management Rule #3: Give Away Your Tithe & Seed Money As Fast
As Possible

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
You start reaping benefits from your tithe and seed money as soon as you give it
to God. If your tithe or seed money sits around too long, you may be tempted to
spend it. Since your initial purpose for keeping that money separate is to give it
away, you have to give it away to honor your commitment with God.

You can give away your tithe and seed money quickly by mailing a check to your
church, or person that you would like to give it to. As soon as you have put the
money in the mail, you've released it and God goes to work to bring you the

Since you would like God to provide your requests as quickly as possible, don't
waste any time giving your money to it's intended source. Getting your tithe and
seed money into the intended recipient's hands faster is ideal.

It's acceptable to wait until you go to church or see the person next to give it to
them personally. As long as you're going to do it within the next week, you can
hold onto the money.

As you seed your money for short, intermediate and long term requests you will
be using the Request Tracking Notebook to record everything you have
seeded money for.

Make sure you give the tithe and seed money to their intended source within 1
week of segregating that money for that purpose.

Money Management Rule #4: Never Steal From a Pile

As soon as you put money into a pile, you have made a commitment with God
that you will use that money for that purpose.

Your will build your faith in trusting God to honor the money management plan
you are following. A good steward does not change the rules whenever he/she
feels like doing so. They stick to the plan.

Once you have reserved money into a pile, you have to use it for that intended
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purpose. Never break this rule and watch God send blessing after blessing your

Additional Guidelines

Here are some additional guidelines for you to follow as you follow the Bible
Prosperity Plan through Request Tracking and Money Management:

Guideline #1: Read Your Request Tracking Notebook Daily

Pick a time of day each day to read the requests that you have made, the seeds
you have planted and the requests you have received.

• As you read through the requests that you've made, maintain faith that
your requests have been answered and God is delivering the results to you
in perfect timing.
• As you read through the requests you've received, express sincere
gratitude that God has given you what you've asked for.
• As you look at requests that you haven't yet planted a seed for, look
forward to the day soon when you will be able to plant a seed for that

Guideline #2: Follow the Money Management System

When you get money, it's important to follow the money management system
given above. By following this system you are giving God clear ways of delivering
your desires to you.

The most important aspect of Money Management is that you segregate


©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
This money management system has been used by multi-millionaires throughout
the ages to create wealth for many successful people. By following the money
management system you are exercising wise stewardship as you allocate funds
towards your requests and also allow for a prosperous life.

Guideline #3: Use Your Request Tracking Notebook

Use your Request Tracking Notebook to track every request you make to God
for something. You don't have to only use it for things that cost money, you can
track all prayers.
Recording which prayers you pray and which ones get answered is an important
faith building exercise for you. As your faith grows you will see God do greater
things for you.

As you read & add to your Request Tracking Notebook you will occasionally
notice that a prayer way answered that you forgot you prayed. This can be a lot
of fun and very exciting!

Guideline #4: Keep Your Unanswered Requests Private

Before your requests are answered, do not share the fact that you've requested it
with anyone else. You can tell your spouse if they are also following the Bible
Prosperity Plan and are supportive. With the exception of your spouse, do not tell
anyone about any unanswered requests.

The main reason for this is that if you tell someone that your praying for
something and they don't react positively, it will hurt your faith. They may not
understand what you're doing and why it works.

Another reason is that when you ask God for something and you don't tell ANY
other human beings, you know the prayer was answered by God and nobody
else. Allow God to be the only one that knows about your request and your faith
will grow stronger.

Once you receive your requests, feel free to tell other people that God has
answered your prayers. You can simply say “I prayed for ________ and God has
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supplied me with it!” You can also tell them about this book or even buy them a
copy :)

Guideline #5: Use Money For Longer Term Purposes

There will come times when you have all of your short term desires met. It may
happen that you occasionally have your intermediate term needs met. When this
happens, feel free to seed your short term money for intermediate or long term
desires. You may also use the short term received request money for
intermediate or long term received requests.

While it is ok to use shorter term money for longer term purposes, DO NOT USE

Guideline #6: Don't Save Necessity Money in Necessities Account

67% of your income will go to Necessities under the Bible Prosperity Plan.

What do you do at the end of the month if you haven't spent all of your money on

The money that isn't spent on necessities can be divided between emergencies,
seeding, and received requests. You may decide the proportions. Put at least
some of this surplus money into these accounts as they will help you receive your
desired good more rapidly. Don't try to save money in your necessities account.
At the end of the month you should divide the remaining money into the other

By following this plan on faith, you'll notice that you will have a surplus in your
necessities. Your money goes further and you don't quite need as much as you
though you had. This is another way God can help deliver your good to you.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan

Let's look at a real life example of how to use the Spiritual Accounting System of
the Bible Prosperity Plan to attain your desires from God. This example is a quick
run through of what is explained in this book. Be sure to re-read the sections if
you are not sure why certain steps are taken.

During this example, we will be using both the

Request Tracking and Money
Management processes together. Through
the integration of these two techniques, you
will see how money flows to your prosperity.

Example Step One:

The first step is to list your desires. These are

the things you want. You may have some of
the desires in the picture to the right.

These are just a sample of a few of the things

that you would like to ask God for. These
items can be anything you like.

To keep the illustration simple, this list is relatively short. When you start
following the actual Bible Prosperity Plan your list will grow much larger!
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Example Step Two:

The next step is to prioritize the list of your

desires into short term, intermediate term,
and long term classes.

This is done by numbering your desires:

1 – Short Term – less than 1 months pay

2 – Intermediate Term - 1-6 month pay
3 – Long Term – more than 6 months pay

Depending on how much you make, these

items could be classified differently for you.

Example Step Three:

Now it's time to record the desires into your Request Tracking Notebook.

When doing so, you will obtain the following pages (notice how you've simply
recopied your list according to how you've prioritized them according to your

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Example Step Four:

Now it's time to start planting seeds. The money from this will come from your
normal income. Let's look at how to use money management to segregate your

Let's assume that your take home salary is $3,000 per month. This is your
normal salary. Since you will segregate all money that you are paid, here is how
your money will divide up:

Account % Previous Balance New Income Total

Tithe 10% $300.00 $300.00
Emergencies 10% $300.00 $300.00
Long Term Seeding 1% $30.00 $30.00
Intermediate Term $30.00 $30.00
Short Term $30.00 $30.00
Long Term $150.00 $150.00
Received Requests
Intermediate Term $90.00 $90.00
Received Requests
Short Term $60.00 $60.00
Received Requests
Necessities 67% $2,010.00 $2,010.00
Total $3,000.00 $3,000.00

Notice that we are using the normal percentages for dividing money since this is
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regular income. This is not miracle money, it's your normal salary, so it gets
divided up according to these percentages.

Once the money is segregated, you want to give away your tithe and seeding
monies as quickly as possible. Since the tithe and seed money are all for
different purposes, give them separately to different sources (or you can put all of
them in the collection plate at church).

The combined total of what we want to give away as our tithe and seeds is $390.
This includes $300 tithe, $30 short term seed, $30 intermediate term seed, and a
$30 long term seed.

If we follow the next steps, we will have the following recorded in our Request
Tracking Notebook.
Let's look at how the following numbers were obtained.

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
We have $30 that we'd like to seed for our short term desires. The perfume we
want was $200, so we seeded 1/30th that value as a short term seed of $7. The
TV we want is $700, so we seeded 1/30th of that amount $23. $7 + $23 = $30, so
we can not plant any more seeds with this money. We put a star next to the
items we were able to seed for.

We have $30 that we'd like to seed for our intermediate term desires. The car we
want is $18,000. To seed for the car, we would need to seed between $180 and
$600. We only have $30 to seed for this right now, so we just seed $30 toward
the car. We will seed more money towards the car in the future. We put a star
next to the car since it's been partially seeded.

We have $30 that we'd like to seed for our long term desires. The house we want
is $250,000. To seed for the house, we would need between $2,500 and
$8,333.33. We only have $30 to seed for this right now, so we just seed $30
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toward the house. We will seed more money towards the house in the future. We
put a star next to the house since it's been partially seeded.

Example Step Five:

Since you sent out your tithe and seed money, you are open to receiving
unexpected blessings. Someone you lent money to 5 years ago has now decided
to pay you back. You receive a check for $1,000 in the mail with an apology that
it took so long to repay you. Since you had long thought this money was lost, you
will distribute this money as miracle money!

Since this is miracle money, it gets segregated according to miracle money

percentages. Your accounts now look like:

Account % Previous Balance New Income Total

Tithe 10% $0.00 $100.00 $100.00
Emergencies 20% $300.00 $200.00 $500.00
Long Term Seeding 5% $0.00 $50.00 $50.00
Intermediate Term $0.00 $30.00 $30.00
Short Term $0.00 $20.00 $20.00
Long Term $150.00 $150.00 $300.00
Received Requests
Intermediate Term $90.00 $100.00 $190.00
Received Requests
Short Term $60.00 $50.00 $110.00
Received Requests
Necessities 30% $2,010.00 $300.00 $2,310.00
Total $2,610.00 $1,000.00 $3,610.00

Now there is new money to tithe and seed. Now we plant some more seeds and
record it as follows:

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
For short term, we had $20 to seed. Since we already seeded completely for
Perfume and TV, we decided to seed for our lobster dinner. Since the lobster
dinner for two people at a fancy gourmet restaurant will cost under $300, we only
needed to seed $10 for it (1/30th). Since we had $10 extra to seed for short term,
we decide to start seeding for a bicycle. So we add a bicycle to our list.

For intermediate term, we had $30 to seed. Since there are 4 things on our list,
we chose to plant the entire seed for our Jacuzzi. The Jacuzzi costs around
$7,000 installed. The $30 doesn't complete our seed yet, but it still helps us
participate in seeding for another one of our desires based on faith.

For long term, we had $50 to seed. We chose to split this money by adding $25
to the seed for the house, and $25 for the kid's college seed. We are able to
break up our seed any way we choose, but we like to plant seeds for more than
one of our desires. We still have a way to go to fully seed for the house and
college, but we're happy to contribute based on faith right now.
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When we look at our accounts, we notice that we have $110 in our short term
received requests, $190 in intermediate term requests, and $300 in long term
requests. We don't have enough money to purchase any of our intermediate or
long term requests yet, but we do have enough money to purchase a short term

We originally wanted the perfume for $200. While at the store yesterday, we
noticed that the same perfume was now on sale for $100! Since we now have
enough money to buy the perfume, we go ahead and make the purchase. Since
we make the purchase, we need to record this item in our Answered Requests
section of our notebook. We also check off the request the other two times it was
mentioned in our notebook (so we know that we've received it).

Our notebook now looks like this:

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan
Example Step Six:

You would normally continue managing your money every time you received new
money. To show the longer term impact of following this type of plan, let's look at
what the impact of 6 months would have on your plan:

Over the course of 6 months, you would collect $18,000 ($3,000 per month
salary). Since you've been faithfully tithing, you received a $500 per month raise
for the 3 most recent months. This means that you've collected $19,500 over 6
months. You're money would be separated accordingly:

Account % Previous Balance New Income Total

Tithe 10% $0.00 $1,950.00 $1,950.00
Emergencies 10% $500.00 $1,950.00 $2,450.00
Long Term Seeding 1% $0.00 $195.00 $195.00
Intermediate Term $0.00 $195.00 $195.00
Short Term $0.00 $195.00 $195.00
Long Term $300.00 $975.00 $1,275.00
Received Requests
Intermediate Term $190.00 $585.00 $775.00
Received Requests
Short Term $110.00 $390.00 $500.00
Received Requests
Necessities 67% $2,310.00 $13,065.00 $15,375.00
Total $3,410.00 $19,500.00 $22,910.00

During that same 6 months, you also received $11,400 in miracle money from
unexpected sources. You received a large tax return, sold some stock, and even
found some money. You also received some extra pay from a few side jobs you
did that you weren't planning on. You distributed the miracle money as follows:
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Account % Previous Balance New Income Total

Tithe 10% $1,950.00 $1,140.00 $3,090.00
Emergencies 20% $2,450.00 $2,280.00 $4,730.00
Long Term Seeding 5% $195.00 $570.00 $765.00
Intermediate Term $195.00 $342.00 $537.00
Short Term $195.00 $228.00 $423.00
Long Term $1,275.00 $1,710.00 $2,985.00
Received Requests
Intermediate Term $775.00 $1,140.00 $1,915.00
Received Requests
Short Term $500.00 $570.00 $1,070.00
Received Requests
Necessities 30% $15,375.00 $3,420.00 $18,795.00
Total $22,910.00 $11,400.00 $34,310.00

Since you wouldn't receive all of this money at once, you wouldn't be managing
the money all at once. This is what seeds could have been planted & reaped
during that time period:

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan

illustration shows you how Spiritual Accounting and Money Management

allow for God's good to flow to you. This system is fairly simple to follow. The only
challenge is to do it consistently.
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Wealthy people manage their money this way. By managing your money this
way, you too can become wealthy through Biblical teachings.


Congratulations! You now have a way to systematically grow your prosperity

through the teachings of the Bible with an easy to follow plan. Until you actually
follow the plan for yourself, you won't fully understand it's power. By actually
doing what is taught in this guide, you will find new freedom to quickly and easily
attain your desires.

It is recommended that you study this program until you fully understand it.
Make sure you read this entire book at least twice. Read it more times if you need

Help other people to prosper by charing these concepts with them. By helping
others you gain God's favor and speed up your on prosperity.

I look forward to hearing about your success stories by applying what is taught in
this course! Please share with me what God is doing in your life through the Bible
Prosperity Plan!

©2009 Bible Prosperity Plan

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