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Amer Khalil

CI 100

Mrs. Phan.


1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

What we learned today in class was the overall course. We talked about how the course is going

to be run, and what we should expect and what is expected from us. Professor Phan went over

the syllabus. We also went over when the class was going to be held and the professor also went

over how on zoom we are able to record our lesson for any reason possible. We also went over

how to contact the instructor in case any problems occur. After we went over all the class

material whether that's due dates, assignments details, and adding stuff to our calendar the

professor set up an activity with the class room that was like a get to know each other activity

that had to do with circles. It was really fun to take part in the activity and see others' different

perspective on what they could do with a circle.

2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

I really enjoyed how the professor took the time to try and notice everyone in the class and I feel

like that is something very important in teaching. I am the type of person that believes that if a

teacher and a student establish a bond that learning will be smoother and better in the future.

Another takeaway that I will incorporate in my future classroom is the circle activity that we did.

I really felt it was a really nice ice breaker to the class, and an enjoyable activity to show off

students different thinking ideas.



1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

During the class we talked briefly about the syllabus and to see if any of the class had any

questions in regards to the syllabus. Then after we talked about our TLP project. We broke out

into rooms where we then discussed problems that you’ve identified/experienced/observed in the

community in the COVID-19 context. We then as a group brainstormed some ideas about

problems with covid 19 and the education that students were receiving. As a group we then

posted on a website called padlet what we thought about then shared it to the class. It was pretty

interesting to see what other groups had in mind compared to what our group had come up with.

And for our homework assignment we created as a group a google slide introducing our claim in

poster form.

2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

Some takeaways from this lesson was the brainstorming aspect of it. I really liked how the professor

broke us out into breakout rooms and had us think as a group of some of the problems arising today with

covid 19 and make google slides and show it off to the rest of the class. I just really like the group aspect

of it.


1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

For class today we worked on Human-centered Design in practice. We were taking the problem

that we thought of and enhancing it. So we were instructed to state the ultimate impact we are

trying to have, then we have to think about various solutions to the problem that we thought

about. But at the same time we had to articulate the impact agins that they might have. After we

went over the problems and the possible solutions then it was time to create a project plan. We

needed to know when we were going to meet to work on phase 2 and later phase 3. We needed to

be well aware of the important dates from start to finish and just be aware of the people you have

in your group overall.

2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

Some takeaways for my future teaching careers would be the Human centered design practice. It was

really too cool to experience that with my group members, and I think it was really useful for

brainstorming and providing useful information towards our project. I also liked and will takeaway from

the class session was the secondary research aspect. So the purpose of the secondary research was to find

external knowledge that would help out challenge or claim but also relate it to everyday life which I

thought was really awesome.


1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework was associated

with the secondary research. The external information that we were supposed to find as a group

was really helpful and useful for the claim that we came up with, within our group about

technology really affecting special education's students especially right now during covid 19 and

distant learning. We then went over ISTE Standards for Students and Educators in group work.

As a group we went over different standards and what they meant and how to comprehend them.

So we went out into break out rooms with our group, watched a couple videos then came back to

class and discussed it. Sort of like a show and tell type of thing.

2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

One takeaway that I would like to use for my future teaching career is how the professor introduced this

new feature of the standards to us. I also Liked how she has us explore them with our group and soak up

what we learned about then when we meet back up as a class take turns in groups and tell the class what

we learned from the standards that we went over. I also like how the professor had us write down the 2

roles for Educator Standards and post on our groups roadmap.


1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

Today for class we were working on the introduction to phase 2 Ideation. We received feedback

from our flipgrid 2 and I was really pleased with the feedback that I received. Then we did an

interesting activity for our class period. At first I was sceptical about the activity but when we

got down to the nity and gritty of it. It was actually very fun to take part in it. It was essentially a

walk where we would listen to audio recording instructions from a person that instructed us to go

on a walk and follow the instructions that are given to us. We were instructed to walk around and

observe specific objects very closely and when we did write or draw what we were thinking in

our deep thoughts. What I really liked about this activity was the tool that was used and provided

to us by the professor, which was Nearpod. After the activity we needed to start brainstorming

our survey/questionnaire that we were supposed to give to our audience that we needed to pick.

In our group's case we used the teachers as our audience. I feel like they were the ideal audience

to give us the retrospect of the effect that covid 19 has had on education in today's world.

2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

Some takeaways that I will use in my future teaching careers are the use of nearpod with the activity that

we went over in class. I also will use some sort of activity that we also did during class. I feel like the

nature walk thought was a really cool element that really kept students engaged and entertained. I also

really liked how the professor started off the class by giving us feedback on our flipgrid. That's something

that I will try and incorporate in my fire classrooms to give the students a nice opportunity to get feedback

on their work and fix it at the same time.


1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

For today's class we went over the E-portfolio and were looking at a multitude of samples from

other students' work. The professor gave us the options to use Weebly, Wix, WordPress, Or

Google Sites. Personally I was really attracted to Weebly, just the way that It looked, looked

very nice to me. Everything was displayed nicely and it didn't seem that complicated to use at

least at the time it didn't. When going over some of the other students' examples I really liked

how they utilized Weebly also. After we went over the E portfolios we then had some one on one

time with the professor as a group. We had time to go over our project and get some

advice/feedback from the professor. I can speak for my whole group and say it was really

valuable information and we appreciated it.

2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

Some takeaways that I would like to act on in my future taing career would be taking examples from past

students that were very nicely presented and saving them for others to see as an example. I feel like that is

a great way for students to see and learn how to execute stuff. I also feel like it's a great tool to look back

on if a group is struggling and they can just go back and look at it. Another takeaway would be the one on

one time the teacher provided to us at the end of the class. Even though it was only like 10-15 minutes a

group it was really nice to see the profesor going out of their way to help each group with their project.


1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

In today class went over that phase 2 was on the discussion board and the feedback for the tool

evaluation. I really liked how we got feedback from our tool evaluation, even though not all of

the feedback that we received wasn't the best, it was all good information for our group to

receive good or bad. Our tool presentation was on Nearpod and how we can incorporate it into a

lesson to help all students including specials needs to stay motivated and engaged during a time

where distant learning plays a huge role in our educational system today. After all this discussion

we then dived into the introduction into phase 3. So we were discussing what Phase 3 is about,

How do I plan for what’s next, how do I make my concept real, How do I assess if my solution is

working? We then did this with some breakout rooms where we collaborated with our TLP


2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

Some takeaways that I'm going to be able to use in my future teaching would probably be how the

profesor incorporated the break into our session. I like how she gives us the time to collaborate with our

group members. Then after each group in the class has a little while to talk and brainstorm together the

professor brings the class back up to the main rooms and as a class we have a dialogue on the ideas the

groups came up with. I feel like that's something I see myself using when I'm a teacher as a means of

communication between the group and the class as a whole.


1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

Tonight for class we went over the digital storytelling without a group. The professor showed us

some examples on it and we got the idea that digital storytelling is just a means of a promotion of

our TLP project. We are given the choice to use a multitude of different audio aspects whether

that adobe spark, Powtoon, flipgrid and others that can work as well. We were instructed that the

video should be within 2-5 minute long. It also needs to have relevant images, audio/music track,

and your voice narration, and finally a credit page for images downloaded from the Internet.

2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

Some takeaways that I would like to use in my future teaching career would be digital storytelling. I have

never really heard about anything like this before in the classroom. I really like how it's a means of

promotion. To get our work out there and in a means of a video is a really good idea and that something I

will definitely would like to use in my future classroom if I get the chance to.


1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

Today for class we were continuing on our digital storytelling and also working on our phase 3

which is due by December 1st. We just received feedback from our phase 2 and from what I was

reading I liked what we were doing so far. We got some promising feedback from other groups

in our class and also received other feedback that we will consider in our future work to help

improve as much as possible.During all this the professor was meeting with all the group one on

one to see if anyone needed any help or advice on their phase three. Our group in particular was

having a little trouble planning out what we were going to do time wise because everything was

going to be challenging to complete around the holidays.

2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

Some takeaway for my future teaching career would have to be the group meeting part the professor

provided us with. Taking the time for each group to ask questions and see if anyone needs a little bit more

explanation is something I feel really grateful for. I feel like all teachers should try and incorporate that in

their lesson plan and I know I will definitely try and do that in my future teachings.


1) What I learned from engaging with the content and from doing the homework and assignment(s):

For today's meeting was just a closer day, another day to do work and perfect out phase 3

project. Today was the day that we also signed up for days that we would like our group to

present. Me and my group signed up for the 8th of december which I feel like it's a manageable

date just incase something needs to be tweaked or changed, we'll have the time to do so if

needed. We also as a class reported our group plan to prototype our product and get feedback.

2) The takeaways for my future teaching career:

There isn't that much that I would take out today for my future teaching career because we mostly did

group work and continued working on our phase 3 and our digital storytelling. We also had more

meetings with the professor for any last minute questions that we might have but overall I would take the

group work and incorporate it into my future class.

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