Lesson Plan A VI A

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School: Sc. Gimnaziala “Viorel Horj” Draganesti

Class: 6th
Date: 18th March 2013
Name: Amalia Julieta Georgeta Florea
Number of students: 12
Title of the lesson: Favourite Foods/ World Class
Time: 50 minutes

 Lesson competences:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- practice new vocabulary ( words related to food); spoken and written
- practice listening for specific information
- practice speaking, expressing likes and dislikes
- ask and answer questions using the new vocabulary items

 Skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening

 Materials:
- Video projector
- CD player
- Worksheets
- Students’ book
- Power Point Presentation
- Flipchart
- Blackboard
- Notebooks
 Types of interaction: - Teacher-whole
-Teacher- Student
- Student- Student
 Class management: - whole class
- individual work
- pair work
 Lesson stages:

 Activity 1: Warm up
Aim: Introducing students in the atmosphere of the English class.
Procedure: Teacher says “Hello!” and “How are you” and Students answer. As a
Warm up, teacher starts a short dialogue about Mother’ s Day. Teacher tells
Students to get ready for the English class. Teacher asks the students to open their
notebooks and read the homework.
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 5’

 Activity 2: Lead- in
Aim: Introducing the new topic
Procedure: Teacher asks students to look at a PowerPoint Presentation and match
the two columns (the traditional dish with the right country).Teacher writes the
matches on the blackboard and students write down in their notebooks. The
PowerPoint contains also some pictures of the traditional dishes.
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 5’

 Activity 3: Acquire new vocabulary

Aim: To consolidate the new items
Procedure: Teacher asks students to open the books on page 63, to look at exercise
A and repeat the new words. Teacher asks students to solve exercise A in their
notebooks (to put the food into six categories: fruit, drink, meat, vegetable, fish,
dessert). Teacher writes the exercise on the blackboard.
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 15’

 Activity 4:Practice
Aim: To practice the vocabulary newly acquired
Procedure: Teacher gives students coloured worksheets. Teacher asks students to
listen to the CD and explains the task they have to fulfill. Students listen again the
dialogue to check their answers. Teacher corrects the students’ pronunciation, if
necessary. The second exercise is to listen to another dialogue and tick the right
answers (what Suzanne likes and dislikes).
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 10’

 Activity 5:Controlled and free practice

Aim: To practice speaking, expressing likes and dislikes
Procedure: Teacher asks students about their own preferences, by making
dialogues. Teacher introduces to students new ways of expressing likes and
dislikes. Students copy the new structures from the flipchart in their notebooks.
Students, in pair, try to make their own dialogues in front of the classroom .
Teacher corrects students’ mistake.
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 10’

 Activity 6: Giving the homework

Aim: Make up sentences
Procedure: Teacher tells the students to do exercise C from their activity book
at home and marks the students that were active. Students write down their
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 5’
Grade 6 th


Match the food with the country:

1 hamburgers a. England

2 spaghetti b. U.S.A

3 chop suey c. Italy

4 paella d. Spain

5 roast beef e. China

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