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3PP SE1 London
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9 0079 7182 0 ISBN
Paper. Own Boy's
to contributions Davey's Gilbert with
began that partnership a continuing
books, radio Davey's Gilbert of
all edited has He Paper. Own Boy's of
editor years many for was and Annual
Own Boy's of editor the is Cox Jack
Own Boy's for radio on writes still
and Paper Own Boy's to correspondent
Radio Amateur the was he Radio;
-Wave Short with Fun and Transistors
with Fun Radio, with Fun series:
this in titles other three of author
the and Electronics, on broadcaster
T.V. and radio a is He explore.
to fascinating and exciting subject
the makes Electronics for enthusiasm
and talent great Davey's Gilbert
70's. the of hobby scientific the
the Electronics, of uses and devices
modern many and instruments musical
electronic recorders, tape players,
record apparatus, stereo and mono
about much discover also will he Hi-Fi;
including loudspeakers, and amplifiers
and receiver, -wave all an with or waves
short on operating radios transistor
and battery of details full here find
will= constructor home The suppliers.
and manufacturers their components,
on advice gives it components;
from up built be can which circuits of
and designs -built ready of both details
with reader the provides It Electronics.
to introduction perfect a is book This
Fun with Electronics

by Gilbert Davey
(Radio Correspondent, Boy's Own Paper and Boy's Own Annual since 1946)

Edited by JACK COX

(Editor of Boy's Own Paper 1946-67 and Editor of Boy's Own Annual since 1959)

Drawings by B. Gerry from Originals supplied by the Author


London. Press, Bishopsgate by Britain Great in offset Printed
printer. the to not and
4NT, EC2M London Street, New 21
Ltd, Ward & Kaye publisher, the to sent be should
title this to relevant requests and inquiries All
9 0079 7182 0 ISBN
book. this in given
guidance and information the of application the from
resulting injury or loss damage, for publishers or editor
author, the by accepted be can responsibility no But
results. pleasing and satisfactory produce will given
information and advice the of application proper that
ensure to author the by made been has effort Every Note:
owner. copyright the
of permission prior the without otherwise, or
recording photocopying, mechanical, electronic,
means, any by or form any in transmitted, or
system, retrieval a in stored reproduced, be may
publication this of part No Reserved. Rights All
Ltd Ward & Kaye 1972 © edition revised
Ltd; (Publishers) Ward Edmund ©
Ltd Ward & Kaye by published first edition Revised
Ltd (Publishers) Ward Edmund by published First

Chapter Page
Foreword 6

1. Introduction to Electronics 8

2. Radio: the Home Constructor's One -Valve Battery Receiver 15

3. Kit Sets and Car Radios 21

4. Short Waves and the Construction of an All -Wave Receiver . 26

5. Amplifiers: A Simple Two -Valve Amplifier 34

6. Amplifiers and Loudspeakers: High -Fidelity and Commercial Designs . 38

7. Amplifiers and Loudspeakers: Home Construction and a Stereophonic

Design 43

8. Records and Record -Players 48

9. Tape Recorders and Their Uses 51

10. Electronic Applications: Suggested Ideas . 54

11. More Electronic Devices and Uses of Electronics 59

Appendix 63
) 11 (Fig. Ltd Audio Armstrong
31) (Fig. Medway Radio BBC
30) (Fig. Ltd (UK) Organ Hammond
25) (Fig. Ltd. BSR
26) & 21 (Figs. Ltd Co. & Leak J. H.
22) (Fig. House Broadcasting BBC,
19) & 18 (Figs. Ltd Wharfedale Rank
10) (Fig. Ltd Radio World
9) (Fig. Co. Radio Codar
8) & 7 (Figs. Ltd Mullard
of: courtesy by Photographs
interests. and hobbies
practical love who boys of generations new delight to continues still and annual and
magazine this in onwards 1946 from correspondent radio amateur my was Davey
Gilbert 1967. in merged was magazine the which in publication annual this edit still
and 1959 in Annual Own Boy's the revived also I 1967; to 1946 from Paper Own Boy's
of Editor was I that explain should I perhaps before work his seen not have you If
Electronics. with Fun of edition revised this with
friends new many make will he sure am I unbiased. and lively keen, approach his kept
has this and radio in living his earned never has He point. this emphasized have radio
practical on series Television BBC His sake. own its for craft a loves who man the
of skill and enthusiasm the all retained has who amateur gifted a is Davey Gilbert
it. about something know to want will designs,
many Davey's Gilbert from them, operated and sets, radio made have who those
particularly and boys, modern all but here; it of fringe the touched just only have
we maybe and electronics of age the in live We engineering. of branch this in field
wide very a covers author the for profit, and pleasure with it read will Transistors
with Fun and Radio Wave Short with Fun Radio, with Fun enjoyed have who all that
sure am I live. we which in times technical the in it from stems that all and Electronics,
with Fun on time this radio, practical on book Davey Gilbert another is This
For the technically minded, and those studying electronics, the following are a selection
of symbols and abbreiations used in this science :

Aerial Earth Radio frequency Air -cored Coil with Iron -cored Fixed
connection transformer coil dust -iron core choke capacitor

Variable Semi variable Electrolytic Fixed Variable Potentiometer
capacitor capacitor OP trimmer capacitor resistor resistor

Single -pole Audio (low) Single Crystal Head- Loud

one-way switch frequency Cell detector or phones speaker
transformer half -wave .\\ \\
Inter valve or output metal rectifier Chassis

Triode Pentode Beam -power Triode - Double Full -wave Battery
valve valve output hexode diode- rectifier valve
tetrode valve valve triode filament
All these are indirectly heated mains types

AC Emitter
Mains Collector Base

N.P.N types

P.N.P types Emitter


Wavelength = metre =m Prefixes for Abbreviations

Frequency = f frequency
Voltage =E unit (c/s) = Hz One million millionth = micromicro = pp
Current =I volt =V usually known as pico = p = ( x 10- 12)
Power =P ampere =A One millionth = micro = p = (x 10 -6)
Inductance = L watt =W One thousandth = milli = m = ( x 10 -3)
Resistance = R henry =H One thousand times = kilo = k = ( x 103)
Impedance = Z ohm = One million times = mega = M = ( x 106)
Capacitance = C farad =F
Examples: megohm = ; microfarad (mfd.) = pF ; milliamp = mA

large of instead units individual small towards is today tendency the Since adequate.
than more are results the but missing probably is bass extreme The loudspeakers.
small quite from quality good provide amplifiers compact modern and with dispensed
been has loudspeakers and amplifiers for cabinets large of idea old The proposition.
commercial expensive, somewhat though popular, a become has this and fields `Hi-Fi'
other in occurred has development itself, amplifier high-fidelity the from Apart
-head. pin a as small as be can manufactured
devices the projects scientific and exploration space For finger! your of joint top
the than larger little are yet fidelity, first-class at output large a give and inexpensive
quite are which amplifiers buy now can You factory. the in machine by piece
one in created are components, associated its of most and itself, transistor the where
circuits' monolithic 'integrated been has development recent most The requirement.
current and voltage smaller much a and compactness is virtue great Their devices.
similar and diodes, transistors, say, to is that circuitry, 'solid-state' called is what with
associated are changes these All interested. more are we which in field domestic the
in place taken has change considerable computers, to relation in particularly 1962,
since industry of fields the in made been has development electronic much while So,
today. it know
we as Britain in broadcasting organized of and BBC the of year anniversary fiftieth
the was 1972 ago! years fifty about was That 'wireless'. of days the in beginnings
early its in was it than branches, more many with complicated, more far become has
industry the and involved and rapid is research and design electronic in development
a years ten
industries, modern basic the of one as established Now time. long is
world electronics the in and 1962 in book this of edition first the since years ten is It
Electronics to Introduction
1 Chapter
radiograms, the products fit comfortably into the small apartments and flats of modern
living. As development of 'stereo' reproduction has also progressed rapidly two
amplifiers and two loudspeakers are required and the smaller units aid in this respect.
The use of Very High Frequencies (VHF) and of Frequency Modulation (FM) has
increased and on the VHF band many BBC local stations are available to serve the
larger cities and urban areas. Some BBC programmes are broadcast in stereo and
these can be received in stereo by means of a special 'decoder' attached to the VHF
FM tuner. If the decoder is not employed they are equally available in 'mono' in the
normal manner.
Valves are now very little used and with new techniques 'home construction' by
means of assembling components in accordance with circuit designs and plans has
declined considerably. Components are difficult to obtain as so many manufacturers
no longer make them for the constructor market and items such as coils are almost
unavailable. However, the interest in the hobby of electronics appears to have increased
but this is no doubt due to the interest now shown in the assembly and operation of
factory ready -built 'modules' and other units. As far as amplifiers are concerned, many
modules are available quite cheaply and these can be assembled together to form the
required design.
In this revised edition of Fun with Electronics, therefore, we shall continue our policy
of providing the reader with details of ready -built designs and of circuits which can be
built up from components. Also modular designs are mentioned and details of how
they can be obtained. May I say, at this stage, what I repeat at the end of the book,
that I shall be glad to help readers with any difficulty they may find with diagrams or
designs which we include in the book. I cannot supply designs, components or books
nor can I correct or criticize circuits made up by amateurs or taken from other books.
Components' suppliers are listed at the end of the book together with manufacturers
so please write to them as necessary and not to me.
All that I have written up to now has been relevant to the second, revised edition of
this book. The Editor and I hope you will enjoy it and will find the information in it
interesting and instructive.
In other books in this series, I have devoted the first chapter to a description of the
subject with which I dealt in the book. This was a simple matter, as they all deal with
one aspect or another of radio. When I approached electronics, however, I found
some difficulty, as I did not know what 'electronics' really was! Suppose you were
invited to take part in your favourite television quiz game and were posed the question
`What is electronics?' What would you say? Perhaps you would reply: 'Electronics is
a new science', or 'Electronics were invented by Marconi', or 'Electronics is something
to do with wireless'. The Encyclopaedia Britannica gave me, as a definition:
Electronics is the branch of engineering concerned with the theory, design and use
of devices utilizing electron emission or absorption, such as electron tubes, cathode-
ray tubes, photo -electric cells, transistors and the circuits in which these components
are used.
I am grateful to the proprietors of The Encyclopaedia Britannica for allowing me to

all. at charge no have neutrons implies, name their as and, charge negative a have
electrons electrically, -charged positively are Protons part. minute a forms atom that
which of element of type the determine atom each in existing these of numbers the and
'neutron', and 'electron', 'proton', called particles, three of composed is itself atom
the but imagine, to impossible is it small how Just element. an of particle possible
smallest the is atom an that knows today everybody that sure am I assistance. of
be might themselves electrons of clarification some feel I as chapter, this of beginning
the at quoted I which electronics of definition the to return to now like would I
pay. you money the for
range, price its within value, good be sure, am I will, buy you which article any and
foothold a secure cannot just products shoddy today faces industry electronics the
which conditions competitive extremely the In them. test to opportunity an had have
or experience by others the of know I because out left only are mentioned not those
Conversely, mentioned. not have I those than better be to them consider I that so, say
specifically I unless mean, not does it products particular these mentioned have I If
assistance. for grateful especially am I whom to ones the are they and mentioned have
I products whose firms of list a you give I book the of end the at Appendix the In
trade. radio the in friends good many so by years
many over me to given freely been has which help the gratitude with acknowledge I
industry. electronics the of feature special a be to seems which interest and help friendly
the shown have and reproduction, for photographs and examination for apparatus
experimenting, for components information, providing by me assisted have who
people many to You' 'Thank say to which at point appropriate an be would This
like. the and recorders tape amplifiers, radio, say, to is that electronics, of side
-reproduction sound the with mainly deals book The shops. the in available is which
apparatus ready-made of and up make to purchase can you which kits of published, are
which designs other of you tell I addition In components. from up build can you which
designs first-class of number a of details full are there and book, this in therefore, him,
disappointed not have I build. can reader keen the which sets radio for designs with
filled are books Those themselves. for out work can they which ideas practical some
expect to come have however, Transistors, with Fun and Radio Wave Short with Fun
Radio, with Fun of Readers today. used are electronics which in ways the of some
subject, vast a become has it because briefly somewhat describe, will I book. this
in do to proposing am I what you telling of point the reached have I last, at So,
another. or form some in
electronics use not does which world modern our in nothing virtually is there until
living modern of aspects all throughout rapidly spread has electronics of technique
this that age our of marvels the of one is It today. life our in application of kind
every in cells, -electricphoto and valves plus these, of both and television, and radio
in transistors television, in tubes cathode-ray use also we Now emission. electron of
source chief the years many so for been have which and valves radio as us to known
better valves, thermionic our for term American an is tubes' 'Electron seeking. are we
details exact the succinctly and clearly so gives it as especially definition, their quote
All these items are not just thrown together anyhow to form the atom. The protons
and neutrons are together in what is called the nucleus, which forms the core of the
atom, while the electrons revolve all the time around the nucleus, rather like planets
going round a sun. There are always an equal number of protons and of electrons,
so that they cancel one another out.
The atom has thus no preference for either a positive or a negative charge. There
are also an equal number of neutrons but they have no charge at all, so do not affect
the issue. The negative electrons, revolving round the nucleus, can sometimes be
attracted away and persuaded to attach themselves to other atoms. Those atoms
which lose electrons become positively -charged, while those atoms gaining electrons
become negatively -charged unless the incoming electrons can displace some of the
existing electrons and take their places. In such an event the displaced electrons have
to find another home, and so it goes on. Electrons, being negatively -charged, are
attracted by positively -charged particles and vice versa.
I did state above that electrons can sometimes be attracted out of their orbit. Three
ways of doing this are by friction, by light, or by heat. It was noticed by Edison that
the glowing filament of an electric lamp gave off electrons which were attracted to a
positively -charged plate. Fleming used this principle in the two -electrode valve, which
could be used as a rectifier similar to the diode -valve or germanium -diode rectifiers
which we use today. The diode valve could not be controlled in any way until it was
discovered that a grid of wire placed between the filament and the positively -charged
plate could, by means of a varying negative potential, be used to control the flow of
electrons which were emitted from the wire filament when it was heated by an electric
current passing through it.
Thus the earliest triode valve was formed, with a filament of tungsten wire, heated
by (usually) a 6 -volt battery to white heat and surrounded by a coil of wire, forming
the grid, and then both of these surrounded by a tube of metal (often nickel) forming
the plate (or anode). Experiment and research found that different effects resulted
from different distances between these three electrodes. Better electron emission came
through improved materials used for filaments, until we now have the indirectly heated
valve, which has a tube of electron -emitting material heated by an independent
filament not itself responsible for the electron emission. More grids and other com-
plications were added so that today the three -electrode valve is rarely used in electronic
work. Instead we have the modern small, highly efficient valves which nevertheless
depend entirely, absolutely entirely, on the flow of electrons from the indirectly heated
Fig. 1 shows an experiment you can try which will illustrate the electron flow in a
valve. The valve represented by the theoretical symbol is a DL 91 battery RF pentode,
which operates from a 1.4 -volt filament battery with up to 90 volts high-tension
voltage on the anode. It has three grids, one of which is connected internally to the
filament and can be disregarded by us. That one is known as grid 3, and the next one,
known as grid 2, we connect externally, by connecting pins 2 and 3 together, to the
anode so that, in effect, within the valve it becomes one with the anode. We thus

potentio- the of means by voltage the vary can you which on and -charged, negatively
is which grid, the through pass first must they But -charged.positively is which anode,
the to instantly attracted are which electrons off gives and cell -volt 1.4 the from it
through passing current the by heated is filament The varied. is grid the on voltage the
as occurs which current in change the indicate to is experiment the of purpose The
steps. -volt14 in grid the on
voltage your vary flex, of piece a on -plugwander a of means by and, potentiometer
the with dispense can you cell, -volt 14 each at tapped battery, -bias grid -volt 13 or 104-
a obtain can you If volts. 12 give would series in -volts6 two or volts, 132 give to
end) each at free minus a and plus a leaving minus, to plus minus, to (plus series in
connected be may batteries torch -volt44 three so now, used little are they for battery
-volt 104 a obtain to unable be will you that likely quite is It valve. the of grid the
to applied be can battery the of voltage negative full the to positive from voltage any
other the to range resistance the of end one from slider the moving of act the By
valve. the of grid the to connected is slider the and resistance -ohms) kilo (5
ohms 5,000 of potentiometer a is which 1 VR connected is this Across one. negative
the thus is short the and pole positive the is line long The cell. -volt 14 one indicating
line short one and long one of unit each volts, 101 of battery a represents diagram
the of left the to lines short and long of arrangement The made. is change voltage a
whenever time to time from across tried simply or minus, LT and grid between and/or
tension high the across permanently connected be either can lines, dotted the by
shown as Voltmeters, milliamps. 20 than higher read not need which and current read
to device a is which milliameter, a placed is battery high-tension the to lead the In
connected). is
3 which to 2 (pin anode and 6) (pin grid internally), connected being 5 and 1
7, and 5 or 7 and 1 (pins filament of consisting valve (triode) -electrode three
a form
Characteristics Valve's a Measuring 1 Fig.
meter or of the taps on the battery. If you obtain a piece of squared paper, you will
be able to draw a graph showing the variations in current in relation to grid voltage.
Should you have an HT battery which is tapped at various voltages, say 30, 45, 60 and
90, you can draw various graphs for the different voltages.
Fig. 2 shows the anode -current grid -volts curves (see overleaf, page 14) for the
Mullard DL 94 valve. I am grateful to Mullard Ltd for allowing me to repro-
duce this diagram, which I have chosen because the DL 94 valve takes a heavier
current than the other valves in this range, and its curves are thus more pronounced.
Most details about a valve can be ascertained from its characteristic curves, but here
we are entering the realm of radio theory and, as this is not a theoretical textbook, I
will refer you to two excellent books: Foundations of Wireless by M. G. Scroggie,
B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. (Iliffe) and Radio Servicing, Theory and Practice by A. Marcus (Geo.
Allen and Unwin).
Transistors are mentioned in this book but I have not given any practical designs
for building transistor radios as these, I feel, are fully covered in Fun with Transistors.
Designs for all types of transistor receivers are frequently published in technical
journals such as Practical Wireless or Radio Constructor and I recommend these
monthly periodicals to you.
Transistors are used in all the commercial designs mentioned (except the short-wave
receivers) and they have superseded the valve in the domestic fields of radio, television
and record reproduction. For this reason I make no excuses for keeping in the book
several designs for radio receivers and amplifiers which use valves. There is a certain
versatility about a valve receiver which appeals to the young experimenter apart
from the fact that a complete knowledge of electronics work requires some experience
with valves.
Designs using valves have been gradually disappearing during the sixties and early
seventies and I think it will help readers to have all available details given here.
Popular types of valves have been used and these should be obtainable without
difficulty at radio dealers or the retail shops of component suppliers. Alternatively,
valves can often be bought quite cheaply by mail order from specialist advertisers in
the periodicals mentioned above. In the next chapter, therefore, we deal with the first
application of electronics, namely radio, and it contains a practical design of a one -
valve receiver which you can make up quite easily.

Chapter 2
Radio: the Home Constructor's
One -Valve Battery Receiver

The one- valve receiver using a pentode valve is a most useful introduction to radio. Excellent reception
can be obtained with a small aerial and the cost in batteries is low. You must earth this set to a water
tap or pipe, and NEVER to a gas pipe, which can be very dangerous indeed.

In the previous chapter I told you something of the way in which a valve works, and
you were shown an experiment to determine the manner in which the control of the
flow of electrons from the filament to the anode is dependent on the negative voltage
on the grid of the valve. Now the signals which are received by an aerial are of an
alternating current which, as you probably know, means that they are neither com-
pletely positive nor completely negative, but alternate between the two, changing
constantly from positive to negative at a rate of so many times per second. The
number of times per second that this occurs is known as the frequency of the current.
The incoming signal is fed into the grid of the valve which, while its grid has a
steady negative voltage on it, will be taking a steady current, and which, as soon as it
receives these varying additions to and subtractions from that steady negative voltage
as a result of the imposition of the incoming AC signal, will produce fluctuations in
the current drawn from the HT battery. We are able to use those variations to make
the valve work for us and it can be made to rectify the signals received and to amplify
The one -valve receiver is a useful introduction to radio because the valve is used
for both these purposes in the one design. How exactly it does this always seems to
be a point of argument among technicians, but the textbook you study will have its
own theory to put forward. The usefulness of the one -valve design is increased by
incorporating reaction, which is a form of controllable `feed -back', as a result of which
the sensitivity and volume are increased many times. Many beginners try to gain
some elementary knowledge of radio and of building receivers by making a crystal
set, as it is called, but I believe that it is much more useful to start with a one -valve set.

timber, -I-inch-square of pieces two and square, inches 41 size suitable), equally is
this although wood, three-ply than cheaper is (it hardboard of piece a obtain you that
suggest I set small this make To control. -back) (feed reaction the
for used is capacity
pF) (300 /IF .0003 of but capacitor similar A capacity. pF) 500 (i.e. 0005µF of
-type compact small a by tuned is and only waves medium
for is used coil The
us. concern not does and
filament the to internally connected is anode the nearest that and charge,
positive low
fairly a has 3 pin to connected one The valve. the from amplification greater obtaining
in assist to purposes stability for added are which of both grids, more two are
Then capacitor. the and coil the by tuning after connected is aerial the from signal
the which to grid control the firstly, is, there anode the and filament the Between
resistor. a and phones the via connected is HT positive the note will you which to
anode the towards fly These emitted. be to electrons causes remember,
will you This,
current. of (mA) milliamperes 50 takes and cell dry -volt 1.5 a by
heated is filament The
anode. the for line the and lines, hatched by designated each grids three 1, and 7 pins
between line -circularsemi a filament the depicted-with them see can You
five has it that meaning word latter the pentode, 91 DF a valve, the symbolizes centre
the in device round The 3. Fig. in shown is receiver the of diagram schematic The
one-valver. the recommend I receiver
experimental simple a for that so expensive, be still can set transistor a but cost,
battery little for results remarkable give which transistors use to able now are we
today that agree I indeed. low very is batteries in cost the and aerial small a only with
obtained be can reception satisfactory extremely result, a As still. times more many
signal the up build can which reaction, of advantage further the is there
addition In
considerable. quite is amplification the valve pentode a uses set -valve one modern a as
detection after it amplifies also but signal the detects receiver -valve one the Now
hear! to left signal no is
there that much so improved being selectivity the in results often this Unfortunately
coil. coupling aerial small a of or capacitor series small a of means by coil tuning the
to aerial the of coupling the loosen to or aerial, the of size the
down cut to is matters
improve to way possible only the So together. stations two from signals loud has often
he and stations, separate to power the is, that selectivity, poor has aerial an such that
discovers quickly he but feet; 100 i.e. law, by allowed length maximum the of
one, erects -user crystal the and possibly
aerial large a of product the are signals Large
detector. diode the through passed signals the of strength
the on therefore, dependent, entirely is sounds those of volume The
sounds. broadcast
the hear to listener the allow and vibrate, to diaphragms their causing headphones,
the activate will which currents into signals those converts it say, to is that aerial: the
from receives it which signals the rectifying of capable only is rectifier
a in sealed all contact, fixed a with That capsule).
germanium of sliver a instead but catswhisker,
and crystal the use longer no (we rectifier diode small a only has
receiver crystal A
satisfactory. more proves
result ultimate the and small quite is so even but greater somewhat is cost
initial The
Fig. 3 One -valve Receiver: Schematic Diagram
Components required:
C.1. 100 pF fixed mica (K = 1,000; M = meg = million)
C.2. 500 pF variable solid dielectric R.1.1 MS2
C.3. 300 pF variable solid dielectric R.2. 10 KS)
C.4. 0.1 µF paper 150 (or more) v. wkg. R.3. 47 K52

1 coil (see text) Two 2 -socket strips, on -off switch

1 Mullard valve, RF pentode, type DF 91 or D F 96 Knobs, wire, solder, 'phones etc.
1 valveholder, type B7G

41 inches long. Lay the hardboard on the two runners so that they are level with two
parallel sides and fix them in position with small panel pins. Somewhere about the
centre of this small platform make a 1 -inch -diameter hole for the valveholder.
Fig. 4 shows how the components are arranged, and the valveholder must be
inserted so that the connections to the socket are on the underside. After you have
made the hole, the valveholder can be fixed into place with two 6 BA nuts and bolts.
A small panel of board, also 41 inches square, is stood on edge at the side of the
platform where the two runners terminate, so that two or three panel pins can be
driven through the panel into these two runner ends, fixing it in position. Three holes
for the two capacitors and the switch have to be drilled in the panel. Unless you have
a drill capable of drilling to the size required, it would perhaps be preferable to make

L.T.- HT.- LI+ HI+ v
\\Et, l PHONES
Cl R
spigot ,
cehtre 7G ,
B 5
C2 V C3 Diagram Wiring
0 0 Receiver: -valve One 4 Fig.
these holes before fixing the panel to the chassis. The advantage of using hardboard
for this work is that, if you have no suitable drill available, a screwdriver can be driven
through the board and the hole can then be made larger with the tang of a file or a
pair of pliers. The edges of the hole are easily cleaned up afterwards with sandpaper.
When all the holes are drilled and the panel fixed, the components can be bolted
into position. The small fixed capacitors and resistors are suspended in the wiring.
Note the two socket strips at the rear of the chassis, one for aerial and earth connections
and the other for phones. Fig. 4 shows the wiring as from the TOP of the set, and those
wires which are led through the baseboard to make connections under it are shown in
hatched lines.
It is essential to be careful to make correct connections to the valveholder sockets
and these are given here. It is a 7 -pin B7G valveholder and, looking at its underside,
the pins are numbered 1 to 7 beginning at the left of the gap and working round
clockwise to the right: pin 1 filament, pin 2 anode, pin 3 grid 2, pin 4 no connection,
pin 5 same as pin 1 (being connected internally), pin 6 grid 1, pin 7 other side of
filament. These 1.4 -volt valves have the most delicate filaments, so that it is essential
to avoid any contact with the high tension as the filaments would quickly 'blow'.
When you have completed the wiring, do not insert the valve but connect up the
phones, the high-tension and low-tension batteries and switch on. Now stick two pieces
of bare wire, each about 2 inches long, in the sockets numbered 1 and 7 of the valve-
holder. Take a 3.5 -volt torch bulb and hold it across these two wires, that is to say,
put the 'pip' of the bulb firmly against one of the wires and touch the other wire
against the outer screw thread. The bulb should light up, but not very strongly as it
is only receiving 1.5 volts, the LT circuit is in order. If it
does not light up, or if it 'blows', you must search for a fault; in the latter case be
particularly careful to find the fault before inserting the valve. When you do find it,
try again with another bulb, for they are cheaper than valves!
By now I assume that you have completed the actual wiring of your receiver and
have fixed a knob on each of the spindles protruding from the capacitors on the front
panel. Aerial and earth can be plugged in and phones and batteries connected up.
Turn both knobs to the left, so that the vanes of the capacitors are fully open, and
switch on. Test for oscillation by swinging the right-hand knob carefully to the right,
when, at one point, a loud rushing noise will begin to build up in the phones until the
set actually bursts into a howl. Immediately turn the capacitor back to stop it, because
that oscillation can be heard in other sets, and it is a breach of licence conditions to
allow any radio set to cause interference in other receivers.
You must try and keep the reaction capacitor at a point just below oscillation, at
the same time turning the other capacitor gently clockwise to tune in the stations. If
the volume is too loud, you may find it necessary to turn reaction right back in order
to listen comfortably, but you will soon get the knack of tuning with one hand and
controlling reaction with the other. In this way you should log quite a few stations.
This design was originally built around the Teletron coil type DR2 which is no
longer in production. Some of the larger component suppliers, such as Home Radio

kits. as or ready-made buy can you which sets useful some describe
to going am I chapter next the in set; -valve one this building enjoy you hope I
extreme. the in dangerous is it for apparatus or pipes gas to earth to attempt Never
somewhere. outside one reach can or room, your in basin a have you if tap water a to
connection a Try first. at earth an without operating try can You suffer. will selectivity
as however, large, too it make not Do loft. the in up one put perhaps, then, can and
require you aerial much how of idea an get soon will You room. upstairs an is it if
better be will It room. the around aerial of feet 20 about with first at out set the Try
however. same the is meaning The diagrams. the all in possible been not has this
but text, the in capacitor to condenser changed now have We 'capacitor'. a call now we
which that describe to 'condenser' word the used book this of edition original The
6. Fig. in given are this for details some coil own your up make to like would you
If 5. Fig. in given are which for connections and coil -range dual a is which DRR2
type coil Repanco the use not, If stock. in some have still may Ltd., (Components)
handy. have
you wire insulated any try or wire d.s.c. 28 Use
baseboard. to screwing and -fit' 'press to wood of
piece small cutting by mounted is Coil end. at and Coil DRR2 to Connections 5 Fig.
winding of beginning at holes small two drilling
by anchored is Wire critical. not are numbers exact
indicated- as turns of numbers on Wind metal).
not (but do would piping plastic diameter; ins. 11
tube) postal a as (such tube cardboard of piece A Black
2 and 4
Coil Home-made A 6 Fig. waves medium for closed
waves; long for open
Switch: Wavechange
0 Blue
turns 30 Yellow
turns 60
turns 25
Chapter 3
Kit Sets and Car Radios

We recommend kits which can be bought at a reputable radio dealer's shop and which we know to
be reliable. A correctly matched aerial makes all the difference to good reception and this is important.
Finally we give details of car -radio kits.

In the early days of amateur radio in the twenties and thirties, the great majority of
listeners made their own receivers, or perhaps had a relative or friend who was kind
enough to make one for them. By 1939 the electronics industry had progressed
enormously, particularly in regard to radio, and it played a great part in all spheres
in the Second World War. As often happens in wartime, development proceeded
much more quickly than is normal in peace time, and after 1945-6 the radio industry
offered so much attractive equipment at reasonable prices that the tendency to make
one's own set declined. Some real enthusiasts still do so. There are others interested
in radio and in amplifying equipment who also buy such equipment, but are neverthe-
less keenly interested in experimenting and in the results to be obtained from it, rather
than being passive listeners.
There are many who like to make things for themselves and are able to save money
by doing so. For them 'kits' are sold. In this chapter I shall tell you something about
this aspect of radio and I am going to mention certain kits which I think might be of
interest to you. I must make it clear that neither the Editor nor myself has any com-
mercial interest in any of the products that I mention, other than the fact that we
know them to be reliable. Some have been on the market and known to us for years.
Others are household names and are well known. Some I have tried out for myself
through the kindness of manufacturers who have made them available to me. If you
are interested in any product I mention, the manufacturer's address is given in the
Appendix, but I am sure a local dealer will help you to buy anything you require
and maybe can even recommend something more suitable for your particular require-
ment than what I suggest.
In Chapter 2 the one -valve set described was for medium waves only, but the BBC
are now transmitting three programmes on very high frequencies and using frequency

£5. than less cost outfit
stereo a for Two (1972). £2.50 for output watts 5 gives which -amp. pre and
monolithic integrated -watt 5 Electronics Sinclair the supply They prices. varying at
designs kit and ready-made of full is this and request on catalogue their send will Ltd.
Radio Lasky's reasonable. very are prices the and market the on amplifiers stereo and
amplifiers hi-fi for kits many are there but kits tuner FM other any recall cannot I
pattern. wood simulated a in covering vinyl 'Contact' Storey's with covered
have I which cabinets plywood simple into them fitted have I (1972). £30 about cost
kit a as amplifier 'mono' and tuner The playing. record stereo for allows amplifier an
of addition further A reproduction. record for used be also can latter The amplifier.
high-fidelity a into feeds which radio FM VHF gives this and designs their of one
built have I amplifier. or receiver complete a up build to constructor home the by
together put be can which modules -assembledfactory supplying by problem the come
over- however, Ltd., Electronics Martin results. good
for important so is alignment
the because difficult rather receivers FM VHF of construction home makes This
manufacturer. the by usually equipment, expensive with satisfactorily out carried
be only can This reception. correct for alignment and adjustment careful most need
receivers FM view, of point constructor's home the from Finally, make. to simple are
They VHF. for aerials of design the on leaflet Department Information Engineering
BBC a obtain can You aerial. proper a with dispense to transmitter FM nearest the
from away far too little a located am I perhaps and area London West North outer
the in is home My reception. good- to difference the all makes aerial matched correctly
a find I but aerial, 'whip' pull-out a or aerial, internal an with
work to supposed are
receivers many So added. channel FM an with obtained be can receivers TV some and
naturally, expense, added an is which FM, and AM both incorporate designs Some
waves. long and medium on work sets radio transistor portable
Most necessary. also is
waves, medium on operating receiver, (AM) -modulated amplitude ordinary the bourg)
Luxem- Radio and Network Forces American the Hilversum, as such stations from
available programmes excellent are there (and stations foreign to listening like you If
often is reception where 'shadow' a in be to possible is it that so signal, the block also
can items Such -holders. gas and
hills as things such by reflection of effects unpleasant
the from also and travel, to able are waves these which distances short the from
suffers it band, that on possible range frequency wide the of advantage the has it
while and, (VHF) frequencies high very on transmitted is it television, like Firstly,
better. much so is obtainable response the as side, radio the for feeder FM
an use you that essential is it equipment,
high-fidelity obtain to going are you If
manner. this in receive can 'decoder' requisite the have sets
whose listeners
those and adopted is 'stereo' broadcast, being is concert special a when programme,
one On range. -frequency higher the in
particularly transmitted, be can frequencies of
range greater a because obtainable is
reception quality better much that and stations,
foreign by or equipment electrical local by caused be it whether eliminated, virtually
is interference that briefly, is, transmissions these of advantage The modulation.
Fig. 7 Mullard
Unilex Modules
and Control Unit

A new departure from Mullard Ltd. is illustrated in Fig. 7. This is 'Do-it-yourself

stereo' using the modules shown in the photograph. Mullard publish a booklet at 25p
which shows how to assemble the modules and how to make cabinets for them, and
also how to construct cabinets to hold the record -playing deck and the loudspeakers.
Several projects are shown for different ideas to suit your own individual taste. The
complete outfit (shown in Fig. 8) costs about £60 (1972) but the heart of it, the Mullard
modules, are only £13.50 (1972) with another £3 for the control unit. So as many
readers will already have playing decks and loudspeakers this system could be installed
quite cheaply. Lasky's Radio Ltd. supply the booklet and parts required.

Fig. 8 Mullard Unilex

System complete
with Loudspeakers

Receiver Communication 70A CR Codar 9 Fig.
it. worth it's
for one, for up Save breakfast! today's at news tomorrow's to listen and Australia
Sydney, receive I regularly Quite world! the receive to added loudspeaker a needs only
it and incorporated are `13.F.O.', as such features, receiver communications usual the
All set. -valveseven a to equivalent is it so valves double are them of two but valves
five with receiver -mains all an is It 9). Fig. (see ranges switched four in mH/z 30
to kH/z 560 range the covering receiver valve a is and (1972) £22.50 costs which
receiver Communication 70A CR Codar the is This receiver. favourite own my about
you telling without subject the leave can I feel not do I waves short of writing In
Appendix. the in address the to details for Write receivers.
the of power and range the increase to components additional are so and them from
available are accessories other and Headphones (1972). £3.30 at model -valve one a have
who Products -Wave Short C. A. H. by supplied kits the recommend would I simpler
something wanting beginner a are you if or expensive so quite something want not
do you if that so build to so or £7 about cost probably will and receiver 'mains' a is It
purpose. this for receiver special a of construction the with deals chapter next the and
waves short of reception the is hobby a as electronics of aspect popular very One
Appendix. the in address the from available is catalogue comprehensive
illustrated well A cost. in saving considerable showing arrangement latter the home,
at up making for form kit in and ready-made supplied are These Ltd. Daystrom
from available designs Heathkit the in available are establishments educational
for particular, in and, professional and amateur the for devices electronic Many
Fig. 10 The Courier
Mini -mate Car Radio
is no larger than
two matchboxes!

In the first edition of this book I wrote about the Philips car radio which was a
hybrid type employing both valves and a transistor. Today, however, Philips and
other prominent manufacturers make car radios which are all transistor -operated
for valves are no longer used. The 12 volts which a car battery gives are very suitable
for transistor working and these sets give fine results. Some even incorporate a record -
playing arrangement and stereo sound as well. One car radio which is marketed by
the well-known car radio manufacturers World Radio Ltd., is the Courier Mini -mate,
shown in Fig. 10. Not much larger than a couple of match boxes it is a fine example
of modern transistor miniaturization and gives a powerful output on many stations,
being extremely sensitive. Instructions are given on how to fit it yourself and, complete
with loudspeaker in a black plastic case, I think it is good value at f17.50 (1972).
While on the subject of VHF radio, the photo shown in Fig. 11 is a receiver on
which you can hear your local radio station (and many others) at the finest quality.
This is the Armstrong Stereo Tuner Amplifier which we shall also discuss in Chapter 6.

Fig. 11 The Armstrong

526 AM-FM Stereo
Tuner Amplifier

Short with Fun book, whole a devoted have I waves, short in interested are you
being gear the in out carried experiments to relating chiefly that, and this about
-chew'rag 'a termed is what have and another one up call can they wherein bands of
number a have who amateurs the are there Then purposes. trade or tourist for selves
them- advertise to wish which countries in stations by out put
propaganda of forms
pleasing rather many as well as latter, the to -broadcasts counter and stations, political
and religious from kinds all of propaganda world; the over all from
broadcasts news
stations; States United from broadcasts similar information; and
entertainment both
for Commonwealth the to broadcasts BBC's the are There sun. the under
every in ether the into another and language
kind one of items pouring stations, of thousands
many lie space considerable this In
megacycles). (30 metres 10 and kilocycles) (2,000
metres 150 about of limits the between lies interest our
instance present the In
be. to intended not
are they where bands on interference cause
indeed, and, distances long quite bounce
to them cause can conditions atmospheric by caused
reflections time to time from
although working, -distance short to restricted are these All radio. -ground -toair and
services telephone mobile other and taxicabs services, fire and police the modulation,
frequency with working stations local television, of those as transmissions such
for used are bands, -frequency -high very the say to is that frequencies, latter These
megacycles. 300 of frequency equivalent the to up or metre, 1 say, to, down
3,000 or metres 100 about from say to is that frequencies, higher the on broadcasts
of network a with covered now is world The did. ones long than
effectively more
distances great covered waves short that realized was it since now years forty over is It
chassis. to earth an use to always try do fraying;
from free and order good in be must flexes and Leads mains. the from working when needed is
care Exceptional reach! your within thus are stations of
Thousands metres. 2,000 to metres 10 from
stations of band complete the coils, plug-in of means by receive, can Set
-Wave All attractive This
Receiver -Wave All an of
Construction the and Waves Short
4 Chapter
Wave Radio, to the subject, but I am going to give you an opportunity to experiment
with them by building the receiver described in this chapter, which I call an 'all -wave'
set because it can receive, by means of plug-in coils, the complete band of stations
from 10 metres up to 2,000 metres. You can thus receive the BBC medium- and long-
wave stations as well as short-wave ones. It is sometimes a good idea first to build
the set as a medium -wave set and then to acquire the other coils from time to time
as you wish; they cost about 30p each (1972).
Before describing the receiver, however, I should like to say two things of impor-
tance. The first concerns transmitting, because I receive so many letters from young
readers asking how to build a transmitter or a 'walkie-talkie' (which is partly a trans-
mitter). I have to reply regularly that no one in Britain may operate a transmitter
without a Postmaster -General's transmitting licence, which is only granted when the
applicant satisfies the Post Office authorities that he has sufficient knowledge to pass
an examination in radio theory and practice in regard to transmitting and reception,
and can send and receive Morse code at 12 words per minute at least. A pass in the
City and Guilds of London Institute radio examination is acceptable instead of the
PMG examination, so you can see from this that the standard set is quite a high one.
In fact, as I usually tell enquirers, if you have the necessary knowledge to pass the
examination there is no need to write to ask me how to set up a transmitter-you will
already know very well!
The second matter I wish to mention relates to using the electricity mains, as we
all do for our radios now, although transistors have restored the use of batteries.
Electricity is so very useful, but if it is misused it can be a real danger. It gives no warning
but strikes suddenly and, unfortunately, it is all too often fatal. Always bear in mind the need for
care when working with the mains and remember it is usually the clever chap who thinks he knows
all about it who comes to grief. Never take a chance-it really isn't worth it. Keep mains leads
and flexes in good order and free from fraying; do try always to use an earth to chassis (except
on receivers, such as TV, which have the chassis connected to mains).
Not only does this help to reduce hum, but it makes for safety if the chassis should
become 'live'. Such earthing of the chassis only refers, of course, to AC mains receivers
employing a double -wound transformer connection to the mains, such as I describe
in all mains apparatus in this book. If you make a Universal or AC/DC design where
one side of the mains goes to chassis, you must not make any direct connection
between chassis and earth. I always tell readers to ensure that some kind of cabinet
is provided for mains sets, as the danger of smaller brothers and sisters, and even
domestic animals, prying into sets connected to the mains is too great to be ignored.
I do not like the idea, either, of connecting headphones to receivers which are mains -operated,
as there can be great danger if the connecting is not done correctly and I will not risk subjecting
my readers to such danger. In my experience, however, the receiver needs a lot of care to
make it hum -free, otherwise the noise in the headphones is most uncomfortable,
particularly, in a simple set with reaction, just at the point where the set is coming to
the threshold of oscillation. The set described in this chapter is mains -operated and is
the result of my observing for some time past that the need for such a design exists.

slow-motion any without capacitor tuning small the using try can You capacitor.
main pF 300 the and it between connected be must wires short and size, in pF 15 only
is it capacitor, additional small the add to panel your on room find should You
vanes. moving the to likewise and one main
the of vanes fixed the to connected are capacitor additional the of vanes fixed the
that means This one. main the with parallel in capacitor tuning small very a adding
means simply It diagram. schematic the on lines dotted in shown is done is this how
and tuning `bandspread' adding by easier tuning make to possible is It pF). (.0001
pF 100 capacity capacitor, reaction the is one other the and pF) (.0003 capacity
pF 300 of is capacitor tuning main The price. reasonable a at drive -type-Service ex an
obtain to possible frequently is it district, your in dealer enterprising an have you If
set. the of handling of ease the to
difference of lot a make but cheap, not are These drive. slow-motion good a require
will capacitor tuning main the waves, short on used be to is set the as and, capacitors
tuning two the carries simply It high. inches 8 or 7 and chassis, the match to long,
inches 8 hardboard of piece a is panel The Radio. Wave Short with Fun in described as
foil, and hardboard wood, from chassis own your up make also could You you. for
holes the out cut would it purchase you where shop the doubt no and 14 Fig. in given
is chassis the of view topside A edge. metal sharp the on flex the chafing avoid to
grommet a with hole this fit to used, is chassis metal a where desirable, is It through.
pass to flex mains the allow to needed is hole a wish) you if rear, (or side the At
rear. the at strips socket speaker and A/E the
on sockets the for holes clearance as well as above, capacitors the to through pass to
wire for coilholder the around required be also will holes Small transformer. mains
-through drop the and valveholders the and coil the for places appropriate in cut holes
have to need will It size. standard a of and metal of is which chassis the of underside
the is This 13. Fig. in appears which diagram wiring the in detail in shown is fact, in
as, below from viewed when valveholder a such on numbers the to relate schematic
the on shown numbers pin the and valveholder Octal an into plugged is coil The
earth. to mains the from hum and noises of kinds all by-pass capacitors such sets
my In earth. and transformer the of winding mains the of connection each between
working) -volt1,000 or (500- capacitor paper mfd. 0.1 a connect to improvement an
sometimes is it but diagrams, the in them shown not have I wavelengths. shorter the
on results the to difference little make to found be may it but desirable, is earth an
chapter, the in earlier mentioned As aerial. the with made be can experiment of lot a
quite and aerial of feet few a only use to preferable often is it work short-wave For
aerial. short a quite on reaction, of use the and sensitivity
the to due results, good give to made is it used, being aerial an large too of event the in
poor be could bands -wave medium on selectivity as but work, short-wave for ideal is
which circuit, tuned one only has It sensitive. very is and output large a of capable is
valves, the both of 'slope' steep the to due but, two-valver a as qualifies therefore, set,
The mains. AC the for rectifier the is which of one valves, three uses it that see will
you which from receiver, the of diagram schematic, or theoretical, the gives 12 Fig.

R6 -vvvv


-HI R9
C8 C D
°IC le
Cl C4 Sw.

Tr. 2

Fig. 12 Mains -operated All -wave Receiver: Schematic Diagram

Components required: RESISTORS: (values in ohms) CAPACITORS:

Coils: Denco Maxi -Q 'Green' R.1. 100 K C.1. 300 pF solid dielectric
ranges as required (see text) R.2. 2M reaction type
Valves: EF 91, EL 84, EZ 80 (Mullard) R.3. 100 K C.2.
Transformers: 300 pF air -spaced
R.4. 10K ceramic short-wave type
Tr. 1, Output, to match R.S. 47 K C.2a. 15 pF air -spaced
EL 84 to loudspeaker R.6. 1K ceramic short-wave type
Tr. 2, Mains, 0/250 v. input, R.7. 500 K C.3. 100 pF mica fixed
250-0-250 v. 60 mA, R.B. 270
6.3 v. 1A, 6.3 v. 2A C.4. 01 pF paper 350 v. wkg.
R.9. 22 K C.S. 16pF electrolytic
Mains on -off switch R.10. 270 350 v. wkg.
Slow-motion dial(s), knobs R.11.125 C.6. as C.4
Valveholders: one B7G, two R.12. 125 C.7. 50 pF electrolytic
B9G, one Octal (for coil),
25 v. wkg.
all nylon or ceramic
C.B. as C.4
Flex, wire, solder, chassis etc.
C.9. 50 pF electrolytic
350 v. wkg.
C.10. as C.9



to C2 to Cl
MG M. to spigo

R10 C9
ci .00DOUBLE

6.3v 0
TRANS- 233
FORMER to suit mains
T R.2
240 voltage

under fixing

aninSPEAKER nnig

Fig. 13 Mains -operated All -wave Receiver: Wiring Diagram

drive, if you have not already bought this, but even the small tuner will be easier to
handle with a slow-motion drive. The method of tuning is to move the large tuning
capacitor, say 10 degrees, then, leaving it there, to explore with the small tuner (to
the full extent of its 180 degrees). Move the larger capacitor (now called the 'band -
spreader', by the way) another 10 degrees and explore again-and so on. If you do
not intend to use the short waves, this bandspreading arrangement will not be
necessary. There are five coils in the range used, and these are made by Denco Ltd.
and are called Maxi -Q plug-in coils, the type description being 'Green'.
Range -band 1 covers 750-2,000 metres
2 194- 580 55

3 51 57- 180
4 20- 60
5 f 10- 28
The coils plug into the Octal holder as required. There is a white spot on the green
body of the coil and this is a marker spot which should coincide with the 'pip' on the
There may be some difficulty in obtaining the Octal -based coils; as we go to press
we hear that Denco no longer make them (1972). If your supplier cannot provide
them you should use the Denco miniature dual-purpose coils, plugging them into a
B9A valveholder instead of the Octal valveholder. The 'Green' series is the one to use
and the range -bands are the same as above; there are 5 coils covering the wavebands
as indicated. Incidentally, these are the same coils used for the H.A.C. receiver
mentioned in the previous chapter so that if you do have difficulty in obtaining them

Fig. 14 Chassis for

All -wave Mains Receiver

CHASSIS SIZE 8'x 6'x 2"

R5. for values different try could you hand on resistors two or one have you If
volts. high-tension the lower to desired is it if size in
increased but valve, the to on HT more allow to smaller made be should it and R5, of
resistance the altering by achieved is voltage HT of Control required. is voltage higher a
inadequate is reaction however, If, necessary. is HT of reduction fierce, too is reaction
if valve; detector the on voltage HT the adjust to necessary be may it this achieve
To 'plop'. loud a with it into over spilling not oscillation, into gently going reaction,
of build-up smooth a on greatly depend nature this of receiver a in results Good
retained. be types tiF 50 the that prefer
should I and cost, in difference little is there but each, pF 16 to value in dropped
be may capacitors the this use do you If R10. of place in choke smoothing a use to
preferable be might it great, too is hum that feel you if and, receiver short-wave a with
necessary very is smoothing Adequate each. pF 50 of C10, and C9 capacitors, large
rather two with conjunction in R10 resistor the of means by out carried is Smoothing
fitted. be to controls potentiometer these
both for switch the alongside chassis the of front the on room ample is There means.
this by adjustable easily is Volume valve. output the of grid the to connected slider
the with earth, and C6 capacitor coupling the between connected is potentiometer
1-megohm A purpose. this for variable made R7 shows also 15 Fig. volume. the
reducing for control reaction the besides means another have to useful is it and station,
elusive an in tuning of point the on is one as just intrudes crash atmospheric loud a
also, Sometimes, useful. is device variable the where is this and slightly top the cutting
by controlled be often can they character, in high-pitched are these of most As
noises. atmospheric various and 'bangs' and whistles of form the in interference
of deal good a is there where waves, short the on useful very is This 'mellow'. deep
to down right tone in alteration suitable a allow will C8, with conjunction in which,
variable R9 make to possible is it how show I 15 Fig. In top. or bass less or more
either give to variation possible no is there shown, as components, fixed With `top'.
excessive the by-pass to earth and valve the of anode the between placed is resistance,
a with series in capacitor a of consisting device, correcting a and notes top the
-accentuateover to tends receiver, this in used 84 EL the as such valve, pentode A
day! one home your
at up turns van -detector interference GPO the if surprised be not do oscillate, to set
your allow do you if So sets). TV (and receivers people's other in interference cause
can oscillating when type this of receiver simple a that remember but it, read to able
be to order in gently oscillating receiver the have to essential is it Morse) (i.e. CW of
reception the For loudspeaker. the in 'chirp' a cause will tune into comes which station
each when gently, oscillate to set the allowing by band that on tuning advocate who
enthusiasts many are there although band, short-wave the on even oscillate to set the
allow to not best is it and 2 Chapter in described method the to similar is Tuning
coil. each with given instructions the with accordance in made are them
.; to Connections stock. in coils these have they that us tell Ltd. (Components) Radio
Home however, writing, of time the At H.A.C. from them get to able be to ought you
Fig. 15 Volume and Tone Controls
for Mains All -wave Receiver

Components required:
R.7.1 megohm potentiometer (preferably log. law);
R.9. 50 KO variable resistor (or potentiometer)
Other items as Fig. 12

The output resistance into which your loudspeaker must match is 5,000 ohms and so,
if your speaker has the usual impedance of 3 ohms, the output transformer ratio will
be 40:1. One final word on the wiring diagram relates to the mains transformer, where
you will see that the 6.3 -volt winding for the receiving valves is only shown as connected
to earth on one side. I have shown it thus to avoid confusing matters by drawing the
heater connections all over the diagram.
The heater wiring is carried out in twisted twin flex and you will note that 3 and 4
on the B7G valveholder are connected to 4 and 5 on the B9A valveholder which
then has a piece of the flex running over to the 6.3 -volt terminals on the transformer.
The rectifier has its own separate 6.3 -volt winding, but should your transformer have
only one such winding it does not matter. All three valves may use one winding, but
two are better. Again the schematic diagram shows the centre tap of the AB 6.3 -volt
winding as being connected to earth, whereas the wiring diagram shows one side as
earthed. This is just to indicate to you that it does not matter if your transformer has
no centre tap on the 6.3 -volt winding, for you simply earth one side of it. Do not
earth both: one side only or the centre -tap.
If there is a separate winding for the rectifier that is not earthed, the rectifier will
have to participate in the earth winding if there is only one 6.3 -volt output. I hope
all this is clear to you. In the next chapter we leave receivers and turn to amplifiers.
These can be used to form part of a radio receiver by the addition of a tuner, such as
was mentioned earlier in relation to FM, but we mainly relate them to the reproduction
of gramophone records in the course of the next few chapters.

whole the transformer of size this with Even windings. -volt 6.3 two plus amps,
milli 60 at volts 250 0 250 giving component full-sized a is there envisaged former
trans- mains the and 16 Fig. in diagram schematic complete the you given have I
has. 82 ECL the as same the exactly heater -volt 6.3 a has which
80, EZ Mullard the amplifier, the of valve second the by rectified is latter The tension.
high and voltages heater the providing for required is which transformer mains the is
outfit the of part bulkiest The transformer. output the of way by loudspeaker the into
them passes and again, yet signals the amplifies This valve. the of section pentode the
into them passing before them amplifies and record, the of grooves the in moves it as
pick-up gramophone the by created impulses minute the with fed is valve triode The
pentode. output an and valve triode a envelope, one in combines, which valve 82 ECL
Mullard the of use by possible made is It outlay. small a quite for results satisfying
most gives which but fidelity' 'high label the for qualify not does which arrangement
simple a quite is this that emphasize would I gramophone. and radio for installation
complete a make to feeder radio a as used be may set crystal A arrangement. playing
record useful most a make will loudspeaker, small a plus two, the of combination
the and ; stores radio reputable most at cheaply quite buy can one which player
record- of type simple the with supplied normally are pick-ups Such variety. crystal
-output high the of one is used pick-up the records; gramophone of amplification the
for amplifier -valve two a is it for popular be should item constructional next My
pick-up. the in required is cartridge `compatible'
specially a 'mono' played be can they while and 'stereo' in now are LPs All r.p.m.
311 at revolve which -players) (long LPs as known size -inch 12 of records larger the
and diameter -inch7 of discs 45-r.p.m.-speed the by superseded rapidly were they but
minute, per revolutions 78 of speed a at revolving discs -inch 10 were records Originally
design. stereophonic a of basis the forms amplifier useful this on Later bench. or table a on
flat standing when components the accommodate to enough deep is chassis the that ensure must
You cheaply. and easily LPs and records 'pop' favourite your play to you enable will amplifier This
Amplifier -Valve Two Simple a Amplifiers:
5 Chapter
amplifier can be built on a chassis which is only 6 inches by 4 inches. It is possible to
obtain a yet smaller transformer, which gives the same high-tension output but has
only one 6.3 -volt winding. This can be used, and both valves run from the one heater
winding. It should be earthed as in the AB winding in the diagram. Such a transformer
will make it possible to build an even smaller amplifier which, with an elliptical
speaker, could be built into a record-player or other small cabinet in a confined space.
In this connection there is one factor to watch, however, which is that both the
valves give off considerable heat and some means must be provided to allow this to
escape. Otherwise the valves themselves will overheat, the adjacent components will
be damaged and trouble will soon arise. Remember that heat rises, and so it is best
to allow for an opening above the amplifier. A covering of a piece of expanded metal
is the best means of protecting the equipment while still allowing the heat to get away.
If some holes can be provided in the lower part of the cabinet, cooler air can be drawn
in when the warmed air passes out at the top.
Smoothing in this amplifier is similar to that in the two -valve receiver of the last
chapter, namely, using a resistor and two 50 ,uF capacitors. The latter can be obtained

Fig. 16 Two -valve Mains Amplifier: Schematic Diagram

Components required:
Valves: one ECL 82 and one EZ 80 (Mullard) RESISTORS: (values in ohms)
Valveholders: two B9A R.1. 250 K variable
Transformers: R.2. 220 K
Output: to match ECL 82 to speaker R.3. 4.7 K
Mains: same as for Fig.12 R.4. 390
Terminal blocks: Input and LS R.5. 15 K
Chassis, wire, flex, mains on -off switch R.6. 220 K
R.7. 1 K
CAPACITORS: (values in microfarads) R.8. 470
C.1. 16-350 v. wkg. R.9. 125
C.2. 25-25 v. wkg. R.10. 125
C.3. as C.2
C.4. 0.1-350 v. wkg.
C.5. 50-350 v. wkg.
C.6. as C.5 R5



Diagram Wiring Amplifier: Mains -valve Two 17 Fig.
trans. ap.
of secondary
240 10 9 511' V.2.
tope wt 2900
mains t .2
to ® 220
63 CI
CY 0
chaSsis above
transformer of outline
chassis under Switch chassis under R1
0 TRANS- 0
Trans> 140/P
will you enough, long not are they If valveholder. the to connected being before flex
like together twisted be should winding 6.3 the from those event, this in and, leads
output the providing wires have will obtain you transformer the that be may It
valveholder. 82 ECL the on 5 and 4
pins and points output 6.3 the between runs this and it, buys one when is normally
it than tightly more little a twisted be should but well very does flex -covered PVC flex.
twisted with out carried are these but -wiring, cross confused much too involve would
it as transformer, the on winding heater -volt 6.3 the with connections the show not
does diagram wiring The choke. bulky a than room less requires smoothing of method
resistor the fact, in and, space of deal good a saves capacitor a Such connection.
negative common a with case one into built are both where capacitor double a as
need to connect a short piece of flex to lengthen them and must then tape the joint
carefully with black insulating tape to avoid short circuits. You must be sure that the
chassis is deep enough to accommodate the components when it is standing flat on a
table or bench. It often happens that you wire up such an amplifier when it is upside-
down, and then, when all appears finished, turn it the right way up for testing. Un-
fortunately the components are badly placed, with the result that, when they are on
the bench, they are pushed up into the amplifier and cause short circuits, and often
damage, as a consequence. So, when wiring the underside of a piece of equipment, it
is a good idea to run a straight edge, such as a ruler, across the bottom of the chassis
from time to time to ensure that all components are tucked well inside.
You will see that the input from the gramophone pick-up is fed into the amplifier
across the volume -control potentiometer, the slider of which is connected to the grid
of the triode portion of the valve for volume adjustment. You will also note that one
side of this volume control is led to earth and the other, if the slider is placed at that
end, goes direct to the grid. It is a good idea to mark with a pencil on the metal chassis
which socket of the input strip goes to G (for grid) and which to E (for earth). The
reason why this is important is that the leads from the pick-up on many record-
players consist of one main wire and a metal mesh surrounding it which acts as the
other connection but which also, when earthed, shields the inner lead and prevents
instability, hum and so on. You will thus already see that the central wire must go
to the G input point whereas the other, the screening covering, must go to the E side.
It has not been possible to include either tone control or negative feed -back in this
amplifier, as both of these reduce the available volume considerably, and it is desirable
to have all the amplification which it will give. Tone control would entail the provision
of a pre -amplifier and in a simple design such as this the cost involved would be
disproportionate. It would be preferable to spend more on a larger and more com-
prehensive outfit.
With regard to negative feed -back, and the favourable improvement which it can
make in an amplifier, the reduction in volume is not too great where a sensitive
pick-up is in use. This amplifier forms the basis of the stereophonic design shown in
Chapter 7; you can try out the addition of NFB as indicated in that design if you wish.
This chapter has been an introduction to amplifiers on a simple scale, and in the
next chapter I am going to tell you something about high-fidelity amplifiers and
loudspeakers which are available as ready-made units. Also there are one or two
books which you should read if you are going to develop an interest in sound repro-

there. and here altering that, and this buying lifetime a spend
can one and deal good a costs reproduction sound -quality high for Equipment
again. different
sounds equipment the and more absorbed are frequencies higher the on, so and
upholstery curtains, carpets, with fitted room larger much a into downstairs equipment
the all take I If considerably. altered reproduction the of tone The disappeared! echo
the and carpet with floor the covered I then But acoustics. room the with resonated
they where accentuated were equipment Hi-Fi the from notes certain that meant
This echo. severe a always was there ; floor the on linoleum had once and small quite
is write I which in room The rooms. different in reproducers same the to listening in
noticed be will effects different very that much so vary rooms individual of acoustics
The used. be to going is it where place the in it hear to vital is it matter, that for else
anywhere indeed, or, home at use for gear Hi-Fi purchase to going are you if Again,
brother! your to sound different quite a fact, in has, you to first-class
sounds what that and differently, hears person each that suggestion medical a read
have I that recently only is It here? from go equipment Hi-Fi on money of lot a spend
to going is who listener the does Where versions more still get you and time, each
amplifier different a Use versions. different four get you and time, each speaker different
a using times four it through music the reproduce then and amplifier one the Take
so. not is it But original. the as same the exactly sound should latter the piece, same the
playing orchestra same the of reproduction a to listens then and playing, orchestra an
to listens one if that view the taken always have I reproduction'. sound `top-quality
giving as described have advertisers or owners the which of all loudspeakers, through
reproduced hears one sounds different the at astonished been have I reproduction,
sound -qualityhigh with years many for experimented Having listener.' the of ear the
in is 'Fidelity add, should we think I beholder.' the of eye the in 'is said, is it `Beauty,'
surely. it,
enjoy to is music to listening of purpose main the because fidelity of business this -stress over not Do
used. be will it which in room the in first, use in it hear to important is it gear Hi-Fi purchasing are
you If
another. to so be not may ear one to 'first-class' is what and differently, hear may person Each
Designs Commercial and -Fidelity High
Loudspeakers: and Amplifiers
6 Chapter
Eventually one is listening to the imperfections in the equipment, wondering whether
there was a slight distortion on a certain note and forgetting entirely the fact that
the purpose of the equipment is to listen to music in order to enjoy it. I have decided
that the real answer is to make up one's mind what it is possible to afford to buy, or
build, then to obtain it, and from then on to enjoy listening to it. Naturally, improve-
ments come along with the passage of time, and one alters equipment to keep up with
Today it is difficult to predict any great alteration in the immediate future because
our equipment has become so good in quality. I do not think anyone would disagree
with me when I say that British sound -reproduction equipment is the finest in the
world. Certainly our amplifiers and loudspeakers are in the forefront, though the Swiss,
with their expert mechanical knowledge, may have progressed just a little more than
we have in the sphere of record -playing equipment. There is no doubt that British
loudspeakers and amplifiers have had a phenomenal success in the United States and
have been acclaimed all over the world. In fact, equipment which you can buy for use
in your home is also installed by the BBC and many other broadcasting authorities
throughout the world for use in their studios and control rooms.
The best idea I can suggest, if you wish to take an intelligent interest in Hi-Fi
sound, is that you read some books on the subject. The ones I like best, because they are
full of common sense, and yet are highly instructional and still entertaining to read, are
those by Mr G. A. Briggs, a director of Rank Wharfedale Ltd, who make the Rank
Wharfedale range of loudspeakers. Mr Briggs has given demonstrations of high-fidelity
reproduction in Britain and the United States. In London his demonstrations packed
even the Royal Festival Hall. His books are published by Rank Wharfedale.
Mr Briggs is mentioned as an authority in another book well worth reading; this is
High Fidelity, written by Charles Fowler and published by McGraw-Hill. The author
is the publisher of an American magazine of the same name. This book covers in a
most practical and sensible manner all aspects of sound reproduction, but it must be
borne in mind that it relates to practice in the United States, which is somewhat
different from ours. For instance, we do not have half a dozen FM channels with
another six TV channels, nor do we have to cope with difficulties caused by tropical
electric storms. The theory is of high standard, however, and simple to understand.
The loudspeaker is still the weakest link in the high-fidelity chain and you cannot
buy a suitable speaker for Hi-Fi use for under £5 (1972). There is no doubt that a good
speaker will effect wonders in improving reproduction of even a cheap amplifier, and
with the loudspeaker is associated the cabinet. Reams have been written about the
design of loudspeakers and arguments often last for hours! Some experts like a horn
design, others a reflex cabinet, but in Britain I think the reflex design is most popular.
Fig. 18 shows the Rank Wharfedale three -speaker system with a 12 -inch speaker
for bass, a 5 -inch for middle, and a 1 -inch 'tweeter' for top. It costs £42.50 (1972) and
gives superb results. The next figure (19) shows the Rank Wharfedale Super 8/RS/DD
chassis which you can purchase for £7.60 (1972). Make your own cabinet and you
have a Hi-Fi speaker for under £10.

and cabinet reflex a in speakers these of one use I speakers. of range Stentorian their
for Ltd Company Radio Electrical Whiteley by sold are screwdriver a of aid the with
assembled be to only require and flat packed are which cabinets -finished Ready
Housing. Record do as studios, recording and
authorities TV and radio by used are which of many cabinets, speaker in specialize
who Harrow of Lockwood as such makers cabinet specialist and company dale
Wharfe- Rank the by ready-made requirements Hi-Fi to purchased be can Cabinets
cabinet. loudspeaker another yet later) more say shall I which (about stereo for
and records, holding for added being one third a possibly with cabinets, of assortment
large a involve can fidelity High own. its of cabinet comprehensive fairly a need will
latter the so equipment, the of rest the as cabinet same the in is speaker the where
assembly an in impossible is Fidelity cabinet. speaker the of or cone speaker the of
whether size, for need the avoid to impossible is it however, fidelity, absolute For
results. excellent give Both 1972). (£4.40, RS/DD Bronze -inch 8 an other the
in and figure) the in shown (as 8/RS/DD Super the used I one in these; of two have I
20. Fig. in details give I size. to wood the cut supplier timber my because construct
to easy was it cabinet; the for design Wharfedale Rank earlier an used have I
houses. small modern in room much so
up take not do they as popularity, present-day their with do to much has this doubt
No size. in small fairly are which and them for made be can which cabinets suitable
of details gives mentioned leaflet The range. Wharfedale Rank the in several are
there and manufacturers, most by made are speakers -inch 8 high-fidelity successful
very manufactured, being now magnets improved the With Appendix. the in given
address the to envelope addressed and stamped foolscap a forward you if available
freely is which 12A Issue sheet -construction cabinet a publish Wharfedale Rank
Chassis Speaker RS/DD 8 III Dovedale the System:
Super Wharfedale Rank The 19 Fig. Speaker Three Wharfedale Rank 18 Fig.
Fig. 20 Totally Enclosed Cabinet for 8" Unit

wo battens Sub -Baffle

9" x 9" Spaced
.4" from Front
1 - -
Panel Open at
Top and Bottom

1" Plywood or Chipboard
2 pieces (front and back) 24" x 11"
2 pieces (top and bottom) 11" x 8"
2 pieces (sides) 23" x 8"

This cabinet has a volume of 1 cu. ft. and gives optimum results with the Rank Wharfedale Super 8 RS/DD
or the 8" Bronze RS/DD. The sub -baffle is spaced I" away from the front panel and the rest of the cabinet
is totally enclosed. This spacing replaces a turned vent. Line the cabinet with 1" absorbent material such as
carpet felt, cellulose wadding, cotton wool or bonded acetate fibre on two sides top and back.

get first-class results. There are a number of models in the Stentorian range. Domestic
applications are not the only uses made of high-fidelity equipment-it is also used in
cinemas, theatres and dance -halls.
You are no doubt familiar with the large bass speakers used by 'pop -groups' and
speakers are also used in the modern electronic organ (see Fig. 30).
Loudspeakers must be driven by some means and for high-fidelity work it was usual
to employ a valve audio amplifier. But today transistors can provide high power and
high fidelity and are used in the designs we feature here.
I invite you to look at Fig. 21 which depicts on the right the famous Leak amplifier.
This is a stereo 'solid state' design which follows the former valve amplifier, the TL/12
Plus, which succeeded the world-renowned TL/12 'Point One' amplifier. The latter
name is of interest and is explained in this way. There are two main sources of distor-
tion which trouble us in sound reproduction, called 'inter -modulation' and 'harmonic',
and how and what they are you must study closely in your radio handbook. Suffice
it to say that 'harmonic' is the most objectionable kind of distortion and, for the
ordinary type of commercial radio set with pentode output of, say, 42 watts, the
harmonic -distortion content will be around 8 per cent.
In 1945 Mr H. J. Leak astounded all fidelity enthusiasts by producing an amplifier
which at 12 watts output had a total harmonic -distortion content of point one per cent
Fig. 21 Leak Stereofetic FM Tuner
and Stereo 30 Plus Amplifier

chapter. next the in this about more you tell I and equipment own one's building by
achieved be can results excellent However, itself. amplifier the as much as almost
cost often will unit -amplifier pre high-fidelity A radio. or microphone recorders,
tape for compensate to input of type correct the for provide also points Switch used.
being record the balance to compensation fixed proper the of made be to selection
a allows control switch a often and -amplifier, pre the in effected is control Volume
top. or bass cutting or boosting for controls has accordingly -amplifierpre The
account. into taken be must which characteristics particular own its has pick-up the
record, the from Apart one. level a not is output frequency the that fact the for pensate
com- to reproduction the in available be to have means then, until but, 'boost' or `cut'
frequency of standard common a to recorded discs all have doubt, no shall, we day One
manufacture. and cutting their in variations technical to due characteristics frequency
differing have records of types and makes different know, probably you As in. built
already -amp pre the have describing been have I Those records. or radio whether
input, the and theM between interposed -amplifierpre a have amplifiers Most
1972. in £104.71 was it cheap: be cannot Hi-Fi good but 1962, of chassis
that from way long a is price The stereo. for amplifiers two plus bands VHF and Long
Medium covering high inches 44 by inches 10/ by inches 17 circuitry, state solid
with possible compactness the of example perfect a is This Amplifier. Tuner Stereo
-FM AM 526 Armstrong the 11 Fig. in illustrate we edition this In sound. fidelity
high- for amplifiers produce Armstrong address. same the at Ltd Audio Armstrong
as known is company the Today 1962. in £22 some cost which chassis radio sturdy
their of one of photo a published we Electronics with Fun of edition first the In
radiogram. or set radio a up make to cabinet
own one's in incorporated and price reasonable very a at purchased be could which
chassis radio a building were Ltd Co. TV and Wireless Armstrong ago years Forty
desire. could you
equipment finest the have you and loudspeaker 'Sandwich' Leak the Add chassis.) the
for £66.50 was price 1972 expensive-the is it (However, first-class. is it that doubt
no is there design Leak a being but unconventional, somewhat circuit the make
which transistors' effect 'field are These E.T.s'. 'F. uses and output stereo a provides it
that fact the from up made probably is name The Tuner. FM Stereofetic the call they
which tuner VHF FM Leak the is photograph the in amplifier the Alongside £56.50.
30 Stereo the of chassis the for and chassis 70 Stereo the for £69 was it 1972 In cost?
the And 70. Stereo the for watts 25 and 30 Stereo the for watts 12 to up levels power
all for cent per 0.1 of content distortion harmonic low fantastically the has Each 70.
Stereo the also is there Plus; 30 Stereo the is 21 Fig. of right the to shown That other.
the than output larger a giving one Amplifier, Leak the of versions two are There
amplifiers. high-fidelity of versions own
their make mentioned, already have I whom apparatus of makers the of Most USA.
the in popularity remarkable very a achieved and world-famous, became amplifier
Leak the of performance high-class This performance. remarkable a was this see can
one output, power with increases distortion harmonic that realizes one When %)! (0-1
Chapter 7
Amplifiers and Loudspeakers:
Home Construction and a Stereophonic Design

Now we are in one of the most fascinating parts of the world of electronics. There is no compromise
about stereophonic sound; you either love it or detest it! The amplifier we recommend has a moderately
good quality performance giving, with the stereo effect, a very satisfactory result. It presents few
difficulties and will give you lots of fun.

If you have studied the question of high-fidelity reproduction closely in the books
recommended earlier, you will by now have acquired a fair knowledge of the subject
and, I hope, a keen interest in it. There is another book which will provide a tremendous
fund of information on the subject, as well as several designs which you can still make
for yourself. This is entitled Circuits for Audio Amplifiers, published by Mullard. It is
now out of print since it has all -valve designs, but your library may have a copy or be
able to get it for you.
There is a 3 -watt amplifier in this book which uses three valves and is relatively
cheap to construct, and gives what the book describes as 'reasonably high quality'.
Comparing its output with that from a cheap design, I know from experience that it
gives superb reproduction, although the technical specification is not as good as that
of the renowned 10 -watt amplifier (also known as the 510 amplifier) which is of Hi-Fi
design and as good as most commercial equipment available. If you are interested in
good reproduction and want to learn more, do your utmost to obtain this book. In it
you will find designs for stereophonic amplifiers as well as for monaural listening.
All the amplifiers so far discussed have been 'monaural' types, although I feel that
the word complementary to stereophonic should be 'monophonic'. Mullard suggest
this latter and it may, in fact, soon become the accepted term. However, in the lazy
way which is prevalent today, the words used are generally 'stereo' and 'mono'. I am
sure that many of my readers already know the difference between the technical
implications involved but I will, nevertheless, briefly set them out here.
We all possess two ears which are set a certain distance apart according to the
width of our heads. Contrary to the old music -hall joke, it is never possible to look
into one ear and out of the other, but the arrangement by Nature at a certain distance

Birmingham Mill, Pebble at Centre Broadcasting BBC studio, orchestra radio Main 22 Fig.
thousandths. three is records r.p.m. 78 for that whereas tip, the at radius (001") inch
an of thousandth one of incidentally, is, It recording. of type that on used normally
gauge fine the of be must stylus the EPs, or LPs for used discs plastic the on produced
only is stereo As recording. stereo the of right, other the left, one called, are they as
channels, different two the carry disc EP or LP an of track narrow extremely the of
sides two the ingenuity, electronic of miracles modern the of one by because, stereo
for pick-up special a need You them. use which players stereo operate to possible
is it and available now records gramophone stereo of selection good a is There
popular. very prove to beginning now is It
first. at quickly very on catch not did it but Exhibition Radio 1959 the at introduced
first was recording of form this reproduction; stereo for tapes recording the into
appropriately fed be can sounds of groups right and left the here From control. central
a to led are these from outputs the and orchestra the about distributed microphones
the all see can You ends. top and lower the at central less or more are brass and
woodwind piano, The left. the on are instruments percussion the while right the on are
notes) higher the playing (mainly instruments string the all that so divided is it how see
can you and orchestras BBC the of one shows 22 Fig. side. other the on disappear and
you of front in across roar side, one on you approach train express an hear will you
time, the all you of front in looking platform, railway a on stand you if Similarly,
position. varying a from coming is singer the by sung being song the that you tell will
ears your because movement, the of conscious be to continue will you eyes, your
close then you If movement. the you show eyes your because stage the across move
singer a see can you instance, for opera, the to go you If us. of side left or right the
from comes sound a whether hear to us allows ears the of spacing the since primarily,
located, be to sounds enables It purpose. definite a has devices listening these of apart
The stylus has to move freely in two ways, firstly as normally, that is from side to
side, for one signal, and also up and down for the other, as each wall of the groove
carries one of the signals and affects the movement of the stylus in this way. The stylus
has to be connected to two generators-crystals, in the usual form of pick-up in
general use in this country-and there will, naturally, be two outputs from the pick-up.
Normally one is 'common' and provides the earthed side, possibly through an
earthed braiding to provide shielding. With the older type of stereo equipment, it was
normal to have to use a special pick-up, which meant having either an interchangeable
pick-up head or a complete change of instrument. The modern type, however, can be
used for both stereo- and normal monophonic recordings without change .of head.
This is called 'compatible' and must be used for playing modern stereo recordings on
mono equipment.
Many enthusiasts dote on stereo, but others detest it! Supporters of stereo say they
would rather have not-so-Hi-Fi stereo than Hi-Fi mono, whereas enthusiasts for the
latter say that stereo is even more noisy than normal monaural Hi-Fi. As I have
indicated before, in high-fidelity sound reproduction one man's beat is another man's
counterpoint, to coin a phrase!
However, thanks to the ingenious two -in -one valve made by Mullard, the ECL 82,
it is possible to make up a unit for stereo quite easily and cheaply and I have designed
one for you in accordance with the schematic diagram in Fig. 23. This is very similar
to the single -valve design shown in Chapter 5; it is, in fact, the same basic outline
with the addition of negative feed -back, and doubled.
The line down the centre of the drawing is the earth line, the common negative, to
which the common earth side of the stereo pick-up will be connected. There are two
other input terminals, one for the left-hand channel from pick-up and the other for
the right. These would have connections to the relative leads from the pick-up. Each
ECL 82 valve has its own amplifier, and deals with the input from its own channel,
passing it through to the output transformer in each case. The latter is Tr.1 in one
case and Tr.11 in the other.
Two loudspeakers are required and are fed by the respective output transformers.
The loudspeakers must be correctly placed as to left or right channel and about 6 feet
apart. For best results, the listener should sit on a line at right angles to the centre
line, between the loudspeakers and about 6 to 10 feet away from them. If you are
only going to play monaural records or radio then the two inputs are connected
together. Between that connection point and earth we feed in the signals from the
pick-up or radio feeder. You then get a spread of sound from the two speakers which
is most effective, but it is monaural and not stereophonic.
You will observe that each channel in the amplifier has its own volume control.
They are arranged in this way to avoid the extra expense that ganged control involves,
as well as to simplify the building on to the small chassis employed. This dual control
means that two volume controls have to be operated together and as well a sound
balance must be maintained between them so that one channel does not come over
louder than the other. I did not find this a difficulty, or inconvenience, but the more


R20 R21
C4 R R10

5i105 A B
C6 A



11 R11 Tr2



RESISTORS: (values in ohms) CAPACITORS: (values in

R. 1, R. 11. 250 K variable microfarads)
R.2, R.12. 4.7 K C.1, C.11. 25-25 v. wkg.
Fig. 23 Stereophonic Amplifier: Schematic Diagram
R.3, R.13. 100 C.2, C.12. 25-25 v. wkg.
R.4, R.14. 220 K C.3, C.13. 0.1-350 v. wkg.
Components required: R.S. 15 K C.4. 16-350 v. wkg.
Two ECL 82 and one EZ 80 (Mullard) valves R.6, R.16. 1K C.S. 50-350 v. wkg.
Two B9A valveholders R.7, R.17. 220 K C.6. 50-350 v. wkg.
Transformers: R.8, R.18. 390 N.B. C.7 to C.10 not used
Mains: as for Fig. 12 R.9, R.19. 2.2 K
Output: two, to match ECL 82 valve to LS R.10. 470
Three terminal blocks: Input and two LS R.20, R.21.125
Chassis, wire, solder, on -off switch, flex, etc. N.B. R.15 not used
expensive stereo amplifiers have ganged volume control, plus a balance control in
each channel's amplifier to compensate for differences in amplification which, sur-
prisingly enough, do arise between them.
The amplifier described here, thanks to negative feed -back, has a moderately good
quality performance which, with the stereo effect, gives very satisfactory results.
Fig. 24 shows the layout for building purposes. There are no special difficulties
involved, the only departure from normal being the screen across the chassis which
separates the two amplifying sections. A small piece of aluminium bent into a flange,
for the purpose of connection to the chassis, is adequate. Do see that RIO is large
enough, otherwise it is liable to overheat and break down.
When you wish to build something a little larger and more comprehensive, refer to
the Mullard book already mentioned, which has two excellent designs, plus a design
for a pre -amplifier. It has not been possible in this design of mine to incorporate any
compensating devices, as they tend to reduce the input to the amplifier. A simple
pre -amplifier would have to be used to provide compensation, and something incor-
porating the ECC 83 double -triode valve could, no doubt, be built by anyone with
the relevant working knowledge. Now we pass from designs that you can make up
yourself to record-players which you can buy, with a special word or two about the
record-player units themselves.


RI Nit

Brackets DOUBLE

\ 1 tl



Fig. 24 Suggested Layout for Stereo -amplifier Shown in Fig. 23

Wire as the schematic diagram (or as Fig. 17 each section, plus feed -back). A, B, C, and D are tag-
boards, mounted vertically, to carry resistors and condensers and to save space. Wire them up before
fixing in position. Output transformers are mounted on top of chassis. Any layout may be used to suit
design required, but the above can be very compact.

the to available made recently only product new a BSR/McDonald, the is it see, can
you As (1972). E15-£20 costing range,
price average the in is which and much very
like I which -changer record excellent an shows 25
Fig. disappointing. be will results
else or it, with go to equipment amplifying good have must
record-player expensive
An get. to likely are you equipment better the pay you more
the and upwards, £12
about from prices of variety a are There cabinet. own your
into build can you which
decks pick-up and turntable motor, complete of variety
wide a you offer doubt no
will dealer your equipment, playing record own your up to
build going are you If
Garrard. and BSR are used often most sort this of units Playing
loud- and amplifier requisite the with case carrying a into speaker.
- them build and changer,
record or single either unit, player commercial
ready-made a of use make players
record- these of Most ear. musical critical a satisfy to
intended performance musical
of type highest the but record any for adequate
perfectly and pleasant most doubt,
without is, give they result The discussed. already have we
more the of some as fidelity high equipment expensive
of field the in performance technical same the give
cannot record-players simpler and cheaper
the that course, of realized, be must It
make. another in product equivalent an than better any be
to mention I which product a believe
can or store large a of necessarily not do I and Show, Audio the visit
department radio the visit you if know must you as products,
excellent out turning manufacturers many are There you.
for interest especial some
is there where or knowledge, personal some
a picked
have I which about items of selection
therefore, have, I products. manufacturers' of catalogue a like sound to
chapter the want not do I but dealer, good any from
buy can you record-players and
records various the about something you tell to wish I dilemma! a
in myself find now I
purchase. or enquiry before checking need may and 1972
in those are quoted prices the All
enclosed. is envelope addressed stamped, a and book this toprevailingare
on Publishers The c/o relevant problems the that condition
him to write they if problems technical on readers advise always will
Gilbert and available, record-players outstanding some Davey
about given is advice expert and Unbiased
-Players Record and Records
8 Chapter
Fig. 25 BSR/McDonald-MP60 Four Speed
Single Play Turntable Unit

home constructor. It is supplied without a pick-up cartridge so that you can plug in
one of your own choice. Naturally you can choose according to the price
you can
afford and it is wise to consider carefully the advice which a good dealer will give you
in this respect.
I can tell you best about this turntable unit by quoting from the BSR/McDonald
leaflet about it:
After making record changers for the popular market so successfully, BSR have
new range called BSR McDonald, specially designed to appeal to the serious audio now produced a brand
enthusiasts who
prefer to build their own installations.
There are four models in the range: the MP60 four speed single play unit and
four speed automatic/manual units. the 610, 510 and 310
Star of the new BSR McDonald range is the MP60 single player, first choice for
music lovers who insist on manual operation. At the end of a record the the select circle of
the arm lock clips on to the arm as the turntable switches off. arm returns automatically, and
The viscuous cueing device (silicone damped for ultra -slow descent) allows the
or set down at any point on the record. pickup arm to be raised
An exclusive new low mass high precision pickup arm has been created specially for
series. Made of lightweight square section aluminium, it is supported the BSR McDonald
on ball race bearings to allow greater
stability, freedom of movement, and tracking at very low stylus pressures. This
new arm is fully counter-
balanced by means of an adjustable weight to produce highly sensitive and accurate tracking. Perfect
balance is achieved by rotating the balance adjusting control, which automatically
moves the decoupled
weight along the arm. The required stylus pressure, depending on the cartridge fitted, is then set
stylus pressure selector, which in turn operates a finely stepped detent for a precise micro -setting.on the
However, being perfectionists like yourselves, BSR were not satisfied even with this.
has an anti -skate force control (bias compensator). Skating is the tendency of the So the MP60
pickup arm to move towards the centre of the record faster than the rotating fully counter balanced
bring it. The inner wall of the groove is then tracked with more force than the groove would normally
resulting in distortion and uneven wear of both stylus and record. The anti outer wall of the groove,
adjusted to a figure corresponding to the stylus pressure applied, neutralises this-skate force control, when
The MP60 also features a large heavy balanced diecast turntable driven by tendency completely.
ally balanced 4 pole motor, a muting switch, a switch 'pop' filter, an induction type dynamic-
a slide -in cartridge carrier, and of course
conveniently grouped and easy to operate precise linear controls.

Turntable Truspeed Leak 26 Fig.
engineering. of piece
fine a Truly for. catered are r.p.m. 45 and 33 of speeds only that also note included;
is equipment changing record no that and turntable massive the Note 26. Fig. in
illustrated is which Leak by made that is available decks playing finest the of One
more. pounds few a costs which plinth a on mounted normally are They range. £70 to
£15 the in are Prices quality. top of still are they and now players their modernized
have Garrard age. its despite new was it when as good as still is deck playing This
(1972). £2.50
about costs and instrument stereo a is which pick-up ceramic turnover Acos an is use
I one The used. type to according extra, is pick-up the of cost the and 1962, in £20
over was price The A. Type Series Laboratory Garrard the is capabilities, changing
automatic has which but quality, -turntable transcription of use also I unit One
(1972)! £45 to £1 from anything be can heads pick-up
of price The best. is crystal the amplifier, of type simpler the with use for output
highest the for but naturally, available, pick-up of types other are There units. fidelity
high- in specialize Acos and type, ceramic Acos an is use I pick-up The way. every
in claims maker's the to up coming as it recommend can and book, this in described
been have which amplifiers the test to while some for changer this used have I
Chapter 9
Tape Recorders and their Uses

The tape recorder is only now in wide use, yet the invention was made by a Danish experimenter in
the late nineteenth century. His discovery required thirty to forty years' work on it before perfection
was realized. Now there is a recorder for every type of work and this chapter enables you to realize
their potential.

When I was stationed in Berlin in 1945 after the end of World War II, two close
friends of mine were the officers in charge of the American Forces Network station
which was set up there in order to broadcast to the United States troops in Germany.
The programmes were mainly recorded and were sent out on huge discs, 18 inches
in diameter, which revolved at 161 revolutions per minute. Only local news items were
`live' and my friends were very proud of a 'captured' German recorder which they
had, and with which they went round Berlin to record items during the day for re-
playing in the evening programme.
This rather cumbersome suitcase affair employed a steel wire on which the recording
was made magnetically and, as I recall, it gave very good results and little trouble.
It was a development of the discovery, made at the end of the nineteenth century by
a Dane named Poulsen, that records could be made magnetically on steel wire. It was
not until the 1930s that his discovery was perfected sufficiently to be of much use. I
recollect a device called a `Blattnerphone', which the BBC used for recording on steel
tape. There were many difficulties, however, in the use of these steel -wire or tape
devices and during World War II a method was perfected by which an iron -oxide
coating was deposited on a thin paper or plastic tape, which could be used instead
of the wire with great advantages. So there came into being the modern tape recorder
with which you are familiar.
I first encountered the tape recorder in an office where the records actually took
the form of discs which revolved under a moving recording, or play -back, head. The
machine was used for the purpose of dictation which was later listened to by a typist
who translated it into letters. This is one excellent use of the tape recorder and a
number of small models are available for business men who wish to take them on

' piece compact more a make to desired is it when one useful a is unit Garrard The
it. to back refer to wish you case in tape the on placed is item an where note
to you enables which deck, the of right the on device counting useful very one has It
(1972). £30 around costs it and recordings -quality better the give which speeds three the
only has deck Brenell The length. any of programme a contain to required be will
spools large and recorder, i-i.p.s.-speed the of that as quickly as times fifteen about
see can You
through run to going is tape the speed; high a such of disadvantage the
cycles. 20,000 to
up of range frequency a with encountered, are second per inches 30 of speeds where
purposes recording professional for enough good not but use, normal for satisfactory
per inches 15 at that
quite is This cycles. 15,000 around is frequency the second
so frequency, the to added are cycles 3,500 about doubled, is speed the time Each
can which frequency
second. per cycles 4,500 around is reproduced satisfactorily be
highest the speed this at and second, per inches namely deck, Brenell the on
lowest the of that half as little as of incorporated speed a have recorders tape Some
frequencies. top to relation in particularly reproduction, the better the speed
runs conversely, and, head
the faster The recording. after reproduction for through
per inches
recording the across passes tape the which at speed the to refer These second.
15 and 71 34, viz. given, are speeds Three quality. good
very of be can equipment
on prices varying at
this and available also are recorders Japanese Many market. the
makes other many are there and Philips the is -recordertape popular very A Garrard.
the and Brenell the are called, are they as -decks, tape popular most the of Two
equipment. professional as known is what
they where studios, in used that as comprehensive as be not will equipment such
Even lines. expensive, and generous, quite on built be to have will layout whole the
a or arrangement
former, the on decide you If unit. portable sized moderately merely
your build to decide you
hi-fi real a make to whether consider to necessary is it own,
can You
if and, ready-made one buy or unit -recorder tape own your build either
many for
-amplifier. pre tape a describes also book The manufacturers.
pattern a as serves which amplifier tape -watt 3 a of description full a has book This
very with
mentioned. already have I which amplifiers audio on book Mullard the in well
go to necessary is it feel not
dealt is and matter technical rather a is it as here, this into
do I concerned, is tape-recording of side technical the as far As time. short within
public general the to sold be to expected is It establishments. educational for able
avail- be first at will which instrument an such announced have Philips this, write
I As movies'. 'home obtain can you as way same the in set, TV
own your through
programmes taped be will ment
play to library, a from borrow or buy, can you which
develop- next the that doubt no is There constantly. tapes use television commercial
and BBC the both now but tape, on programmes television record to how covered
dis- been has it years recent In use. in always is it purposes recording gramophone
and broadcasting for and functions many has recorder tape the spheres musical In
-mail.air by office head a to back posted be can which tape
of reels on instructions or information recording for used be may They travels. their
of equipment. It has a magazine loading, which is a compact one-piece plastic magazine
containing the two reels of tape, which is fitted easily on the deck simply by placing
it in position. These are called 'cassettes' and are becoming increasingly popular. The
Garrard deck offers a good compromise between the length of playing time and
fidelity of reproduction in that it has but one speed, viz. n i.p.s. These decks require
an amplifier embodying the special features needed for recording on tape, and also a
microphone if speech is to be recorded. The only design for such an amplifier which I
know to be available is the Mullard one already mentioned and play -back can be
through the same amplifier or a hi-fi type such as the Mullard 510.
Brenell and Garrard decks are encountered in many ready-made tape recorders
produced by other manufacturers, and pre-recorded tapes can also be obtained from
many record companies for playing on tape recorders in the home. BSR also manu-
facture a popular deck at a reasonable price and this is designed to play cassettes.
I hope this chapter has helped you a little with tape recorders. If you are thinking
of buying one, go and see the selection at the dealer or store of your choice, not
forgetting the stereophonic models. The next chapter brings us back to things you
can make and there are one or two model ideas for you to work out.

use into more and more come have devices electronic versatile astonishingly These
Transistors. with Fun title, companion our in transistors about more much is There
volts. 41- at -operated transistor is it since whatever, shock
any of danger slightest the not is there course, Of it. with up mixed get can he where
gadget the place not do you that care take must you and helpless entirely almost is
cot a in child small A himself. entangle can baby which in around wires any be there
should nor face, baby's the on fall cannot it that position a such in be to wants It
baby. the near microphone the place you how careful Be cause! the not is gramme
pro- television your hope I and infant, disturbed the from sound warning a merely
results, high-fidelity get to trying not are we as required is elaborate Nothing
are you where room other the in loudspeaker the to runs flex twin of length a and
baby sleeping the beside left be can amplifier and microphone the that so own, its
of cabinet or box small a has loudspeaker This loudspeaker. small a into transistor
third the matches which transformer output an is There battery. torch -volt 4I small
a off worked is and transistors three has amplifier The amplifier. transistor the into it
passes and 'yell', baby's the is, that signal, the up picks which cheaply) quite available
are 'insets' (such microphone crystal a of consists and simple very is device The
necessary. when warning a you give to up it rig and you with gadget the
take can you baby, else's someone for caring are you if and, portable and light and
small is it transistors, Using cries. baby whenever alarm the sound to up, make easily
can you which amplifier, transistor a of details give 28 and 27 Figs. upstairs! baby
the to in tuned ear one keep you while TV watching sit to difficult very it found have
you Perhaps friend? a out help to or baby, sister's a for baby-sit you perhaps Or out?
go parents your while 'baby-sit' you whom for sister or brother younger a you Have
fun! is one making and diagrams, with given are details Full like! you if zither,
a even or -banjo, ukulele or guitar electric an is idea good Another you! tell will electronics via yell
piercing up-a wakes baby when exactly know to want who baby-sitters for idea simple a Here's
Ideas Suggested Applications: Electronic
10 Chapter
6 v.


± 6 v.

Fig. 27 Transistor Amplifier Suitable for Baby Alarm: Schematic Diagram

Components required: RESISTORS: (values in ohms) CAPACITORS: (values in

Four LF transistors, OC 71, OC 70, R.1, R.5, R.9, each 150 K microfarads)
red -spot or similar type R.2, R.6, R.10, each 33 K C.1, C.3, C.5, C.7. -50
Transistor output transformer to R.3, R.7, R.11, each 4.7 K C.2, C.4, C.6. -2
match LS R.4, R.8, R.12, each 3.3 K All 12- or 15 -volt working
Crystal microphone insert R.13. 18 K
R.14. 10 K
R.15. 120
sound. as
moves It
hear we which air the in vibrations up sets and latter the with sympathy in
influence. currents' signal the to according magnets the from, repelled or to, attracted
a iron-generally of diaphragm thin a
is stalloy-which as known material special
placed is edge, its round all anchored and them touching not just magnets, the of end
the at model, the In magnet. the in present already magnetism the from, subtract
to, add to tend will and wire of coils these into passed are currents signal The magnet.
horseshoe small a of poles the of end each at one placed are which spools round wound
wire thin of coils large two of consists headphone a that know probably You tone.
full its violin the to giving thus bridge, the by body the tq transmitted are strings the
in up set vibrations the and instrument the of body hollow the on rests this violin
like instrument an in that know will you as lies, difference the where is bridge The
end. other the at tightening for
one at
key of type usual the to fixed and way normal the in bridge a over passed end,
anchored are string) ukulele or guitar of type any be can (they strings Four 29. Fig.
in diagrams the from clearly idea the see can You it. make you way the to according
zither, a even or ukulele, or guitar electric an for is one This exactly. absolutely
design a follow to impossible it make often items other and components obtaining
in difficulties as follow, to you for design hard-and-fast any out set to feasible not
is It out. try to like might you which novelty little another
you show I 29 Fig. In
machines. accounting high-speed as equipment of pieces such in extent
increasing an to use into coming are These diodes. germanium and transistors
such devices crystal the describes which term the is incidentally, `Semiconductors',
world. the of parts
many in million the by produced being now are They electronics. of aspects all in
box. small a in or baseboard a on
busbars negative and positive between out laid stages required) as three, (or four layout: Suggested
Wiring of Method Amplifier: Transistor 28 Fig.
v. +6
stage next C2
3 istor






mom MMMMM .......---!

Fig. 29 A Simple Design for an Electronic Guitar

The converse to all this applies, and if you can vibrate a piece of stalloy before
the magnets of an earpiece, currents will be induced in the surrounding spools of wire
and can be amplified in the same way as current provided by a microphone. You will
see that an earpiece (without the diaphragm) is sunk into the wood, which you have
cut out according to shape required, at the position where the bridge would normally
be. Two long bolts or pieces of studding are screwed into the wood and held firmly
by means of nuts at each side of the earpiece. A piece of stalloy (a small strip from an
old transformer lamination would do, or even a piece of tin) is then soldered round
the edges to a piece of brass. Just a small strip is required, long enough to stretch
across the bolts to which it must be fixed by means of two holes drilled near its ends.
In the diagram the bolts are shown as A and B. The brass strip is indicated and the
stalloy shown fixed beneath it. Above this strip, lightly glue a piece of rounded, thin
wood as a bridge, with four notches to hold the wires. Run two nuts, H and K, on to
bolts A and B, then run on a couple of washers of rubber, D and F (to prevent vibra-
tion; they can be cut from an old piece of india-rubber).

years. recent in up grown have
which field electronics the in developments of something you tell will I chapter next
the In reproduction. sound and radio namely, familiar, are you which with tronics
elec- of branch the in been have now to up with dealt have I items main The device.
the with supplied is plug a in terminating lead A amplifier. an by amplification for
microphone) a (like impulses electrical into them converts and sounds the up picks
and board sound the to bolted is This 65p. at one shows catalogue cheaply-Lasky's
quite device pick-up a obtain can you instrument an such For accordingly. resounds
which instrument the of body the to on bridge the through transmitted is strings
the by created sound the that aware be will you guitar a have you If guitar. a from
sound obtaining of method normal the is know, will you as which, board sounding
resonant a for need the without it to on described device pick-up the mount can and
wood of piece flat a from shape guitar a out cut can you because useful is It difficulty.
much without items required the obtain can who and things constructing likes who
reader the for one good a is idea This way. normal the in speaker the through comes
sound the and amplifier the of input the into lead headphone the from wires The
rattling. unpleasant an be
will there or touch, not must they which magnets the to on down stalloy the pull to tend
will they as taut, quite are strings the when adjustments final make to have will You
be. will instrument the of sensitivity the better the it, get you closer The magnets.
the clears just alloy the that so bolts four the adjust Now nut. and washer rubber
each between washer metal a need probably will You J. and G nuts, more two and
E, and C washers, rubber more two place made, have you diaphragm the on Now,
Chapter 11

More Electronic Devices and

Uses of Electronics

In the first edition of Fun with Electronics we told the reader something about the
uses to which electronics were being put in everyday life. The past decade, however,
has seen much progress in electronics : not only does the reader know that UHF radio
is used for communication with astronauts in space, but he has actually
seen them,
on TV, walking on the moon! Radio in aviation, radar at sea, electronic devices in
computers, office equipment and domestic apparatus and radio -taxis are today
commonplace. I have decided to end the book by telling you about one or two more
items which will be of interest in experiments and in your personal study of electronics.
Firstly, may I draw your attention to the product Veroboard which has been
developed in recent years, and which is a most useful piece of equipment for the home
constructor. It consists of a bakelite panel to which is bonded a series of copper
strips. Holes are located along the centre of the copper strips. Veroboard panels are
more versatile than group boards and are ideal for prototype work or to take the place
of a printed circuit. Available in three lengths, they can also be supplied plain, i.e.
drilled, but without the copper strip. Home Radio list the sizes in their catalogue. One
particular panel has the holes so spaced as to accept the pins of components designed
for printed circuits. Vero Electronics Ltd produce a leaflet entitled Theory into Practice
which has been reprinted from Practical Electronics. This describes a very useful
transistor amplifier and also shows how to use Veroboard in building it. If you are
interested write to the company, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for reply.
As you will know, with the coming of colour television all three programmes are
now being transmitted on UHF; TV sets are now 'single standard' for reception of
the 625 line signals on UHF only. These signals are sometimes difficult to pick up
for they are often interfered with by hills, tall buildings, brick and stone railway
bridges, etc. Indeed, some people find difficulty in obtaining good reception
of BBC 2

Organ Electronic Autochord
Piper Hammond The 30 Fig.
on shopping go I When piano. upright an than home the in room more no up takes
it that see can you and Autochord Piper their shows 30 Fig. organ. Hammond the
is connection this in usually of thinks one which name the but market the on these
of number a are There organ. electronic the is developed), was circuitry state solid
before price the with compared is, that (reasonable, price reasonable fairly a at public
the to available become has industry electronic modern the of product Another
worth is product this motors, electric small by run models other or railways model
in interested are you If type. to according £9.75 to £4.25 from (1971) range prices
ready-made; or construction home for kits as bought be can controllers these and
supplies mains for available are units supply Power speed. highest the to crawl slowest
the from control precision produce to employed are circuitry state solid in niques
tech- latest The control. of method transformer or resistance variable conventional
the -dateout completely they that say Codar and motors D.C. volt 12 for trollers
con- are These System. Control Electronic Codar the is Codar of product excellent
another receiver; communications 70 CR Codar the about wrote I 3 Chapter In
included. battery
on, switch and in plug to ready all box bakelite neat a in complete are boosters the
and same the about all are Prices wavebands. radio other many and VHF FM VHF,
line 405 for others are There (1971). £3 costs and L45 the as known is using, am I
one the and band, UHF line 625 the for type The Electronics. Velco by sold amplifier
pre- transistor a with simply quite case own my in difficulty the overcome have I
receivers. my of one with myself so do I reason. very this for sets standard' 'dual on
Fig. 31 The Control Room at BBC Radio Medway with Colin Slade at the Microphone

Saturday mornings, a shop which deals in Hammond organs usually has one on show
being demonstrated and the crowd which gathers around is quite impressive. So are
all the effects which can be obtained on this organ which Hammond say is easy to
learn to play whatever one's age!
Talking of learning reminds me that Mullard Ltd still provide educational facilities
for schools, colleges and training establishments. Teachers and lecturers have been
using their slides and filmstrips for many years. Many of the services are free, others
are reasonably priced or available on free loan. If you are studying physics or elec-
tronics, it might be a good idea to mention these items to your teacher or tutor and
suggest that he (or she) might like to write for a catalogue of films, filmstrips or slides
to the Mullard Educational Service at the address in the Appendix.
Mullard Ltd have been connected with the electronic industry for as long as I can
remember, and their superb valves have been used throughout the years in our radio
receivers. The Mullard laboratory at Cambridge has carried out valuable research
and made remarkable discoveries in Outer Space by means of their own radio -
telescope. Today Mullard are in the forefront of solid state circuitry and research in
connection with it.

you give we follows
this in you help to manufacturers and suppliers books, of details
which Appendix the In so. do to order in experiment to want and more learn to want
to something, learn to you enabled have we so doing in that hope I and Editor The
can you receiver
fidelity. and compactness of marvel modern this to yourself build
valve one simple a from book this of Edition Revised in progressed thus have We
6. Chapter in discussed also have I which Amplifier Tuner Stereo Armstrong
to which
the is This others). many (and station local your quality finest at hear
on receiver a of is 3) Chapter 25, (page 11 Fig. in shown photo the radio VHF of subject
the on already are we As provides. station the service local the for adequate is it
but lights, cue and turntable gramophone microphones, panel, control of arrangement
simple a is It Medway. Radio of room control the shows 31 Fig. Solent. and Oxford
Medway, Brighton, at stations local the up pick can I London, Radio and stations main
BBC three the to addition in Middlesex, N.W. in home my at However, located. is
serve to only intended
transmitter the which in town the around area immediate the
are and MHz 97 and 88
and power low quite of are They (FM). -modulated frequency
between band VHF the in are They listeners. local to interest of items and reports road
bulletins, news local giving in time broadcasting their of part good spend These
country. the in cities and towns major the of many and London in stations radio
local BBC of establishment the been has broadcasting in development recent A

We are always happy to receive letters especially those offering constructive sug-
gestions, and we will gladly help you if you find difficulty with something which
arises from this book. Many radio queries are answered in our three other titles
which are uniform with this book : Fun with Radio, Fun with Short Wave Radio and
Fun with Transistors, and a forthcoming 1973 title, Fun with Hi-Fi.
If they are technical points almost certainly one of the following books, already
mentioned in the text, will help you. These books are usually available in public
libraries, but it is worth while buying radio books (or hinting for them as birthday
or Christmas presents!) since they are so useful for reference at all times. Any book-
shop or bookstall can obtain them to order.

Foundations of Wireless, M. G. Scroggie B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. (Iliffe and Sons Ltd)

Radio Servicing, Theory and Practice, A. Marcus (George Allen and Unwin Ltd)
Practical Wireless-monthly periodical
Radio Constructor-monthly periodical
A to Z in Audio, G. A. Briggs (Rank Wharfedale Ltd, who also publish other books
by G. A. Briggs)
High Fidelity-A Practical Guide, Charles Fowler (McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Circuits for Audio Amplifiers, Mullard Technical Service Department (Mullard Ltd)

The following is a list of the names and addresses of the manufacturers whose
products I have mentioned in the book. I would again emphasize that the fact that a
product is mentioned is in no way meant to imply that it is specially recommended.
Nor does the absence of any name imply that it is not recommended. I have written
about items which I know and which I think will interest you. There are many others.
If you have trouble with a component or other product, please write not to me but
to the manufacturers, unless you bought it from a dealer, in which case you should

branches). (and 2BN El London, Street, Cavell 3-15 Ltd, Radio Lasky's
2Y9. CR4 Surrey Mitcham, Road, London 187 Ltd, (Components) Radio Home
W2. London, Road, Edgware 303 Ltd, Radio Henry's
etc: receivers of and components of retailers are following The
NW2. London, Road, Circular North 950 Ltd, Radio World
Nottinghamshire. Mansfield, Ltd, Co. Radio Electrical Whiteley
Hampshire. Eastleigh, Ford, Chandler's Estate, Industrial Ltd, Electronics Vero
Lancashire. Bury, Ramsbottom, Street, Bridge 62 Electronics, Velco
EC4. London, Road, Station 112b Ltd, Co. Teletron
Huntingdonshire. Ives, St Road, London Ltd, Radionics Sinclair
N22. London, Road, Brook Housing, Record
Yorkshire. Bradford, Idle, Road, Bradford Ltd, Wharfedale Rank
l. Ed London, -Grand,-le Martin's St GPO, Branch, Radio Licences, PMG
WC2. London, Avenue, Shaftesbury House, Century Ltd, Electrical Philips
above). as (address Services Educational Mullard
WC1. London, Place, Torrington House, Mullard Ltd, Mullard
Middlesex. Brentford, Street, High 154 Ltd, Electronics Martin
Middlesex. Harrow, Ltd, Lockwood
W3. London, Estate, Westway Road, Brunel Ltd, Co. and Leak J. H.
Middlesex. Edgware, Road, Deansbrook Ltd, (U.K.) Organ Hammond
Wl. London, Street, Bond Old 29 Products, -WaveShort H.A.C.
Middlesex. Hayes, The, Ltd, Co. Gramophone
Wiltshire. Swindon, Ltd, Co. Manufacturing and Engineering Garrard
Essex. -Sea, -on Clacton Road, Old 357-9 Ltd, Denco
Gloucester. Ltd, Daystrom
Middlesex. Enfield, Ltd, (Acos) Cosmochord
Sussex. Worthing, East Estate,
Industrial Road Meadow 1, Unit Electronics, Codar and Company Radio Codar
Wl. London, Place, Portland House,
Broadcasting Dept), Information (Engineering Corporation Broadcasting British
Nl. London Road, Liverpool 231 Ltd, Co. Engineering Brenell
Warley, Heath, Cradley Division, McDonald Ltd, Reproducers Sound Birmingham
N7. London, Road, Warlters Ltd, Audio Armstrong
order: alphabetical in given are below
addresses The vary. to tend do they as approximate, considered be always must These
Surrey. Mitcham, Road, London 187 Ltd, Radio Home of catalogue the in or leaflets
manufacturers'. the in listed as can, I where prices given have I welcome. always is
postage return but available, generally are brochures and Catalogues him. to it return
The 'Learning with
Fun' Series
by C. A. Burland
by William C. Cartner
by Mae & Ira Freeman
by Mae & Ira Freeman
by G. C. Payne
by Jan Beaney
by Fanny & Johnnie Cradock
by Tony Hart
by Geoffrey G. Watson
by Gilbert Davey, Edited by Jack Cox
by William C. Cartner
by Mae & Ira Freeman
by Tony Hart
by Mae & Ira Freeman
by Tony Hart
by William C. Gartner
by G. C. Payne
by Tony Hart and Jack Harley
by Dr Ann B. Gilmour
by Gilbert Davey, Edited by Jack Cox
by Mae & Ira Freeman
by Mae & Ira Freeman
by G. C. Payne
by Gilbert Davey, Edited by Jack Cox
by W. Moore & R. Cynar
by Gilbert Davey, Edited by Jack Cox
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Also published by
in the Better Sports series


by John Heaton by Joyce Wheeler


by David James by Gordon Catling

by David C. Cooke
by Tom Mulligan BETTER RIDING
by Lt. -Col. 'Bill' Froud
by Mike Smith
by D. Cyril Joynson
by Peter Roberts
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by Courtenay Castle


by John Mitchell by Tommy Docherty


by John Mitchell by Joseph J. Cook & W. J. Romeika


by the editors of Golf Digest BETTER SWIMMING FOR BOYS
BETTER HOCKEY FOR BOYS by Helen Elkington and Tony Holmyard
by Geoff Poole
by Brenda Read


by Geoff Gleeson by Harry Hopman
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